Why and how often do you need to get your vision checked. Driver's license and vision What to look for for parents

Eyesight should be checked periodically, even if there is no serious cause for concern. The fact is that most people often experience symptoms of visual impairment, but do not attach much importance to them, attributing them to general fatigue or eye fatigue after long work at the computer. And sometimes the decrease in vision is not so obvious and manifests itself in the form of increased eye fatigue and headaches, so a person may not even suspect that they should consult a doctor. Early treatment or correction can help maintain visual acuity and preserve eye health.

Why you need to check your eyesight regularly

Even if you do not feel any vision problems, it is worth being examined by an ophthalmologist. This is necessary in order to determine in a timely manner whether there is a decrease in visual acuity and whether its correction is necessary. Also, regular checks will allow you to monitor if there are any diseases and irregularities in the eyes. If they occur, it will be possible to start treatment at an early stage, which means that the consequences and risks to eye health can be reduced.

For those who already have reduced visual acuity, periodic checks will allow monitoring the relevance of the prescribed vision correction and reduce its further drop and eye strain due to incorrect correction.

In the presence of any eye disease or complication, regular ophthalmologic examination is required to treat and maintain eye health.

How often should eyes be checked if there are no problems with it?

It is imperative to examine children immediately after birth, at six months, at 3 years old and before entering school. Schoolchildren are required to have an eye exam every year. Many eye diseases, visual impairments and decreased visual acuity occur in childhood, and with timely and correct treatment, they can be completely corrected.

Adults from 18 to 64 years old who do not have vision problems should visit an ophthalmologist every 2 years for a routine examination. And older people, after 65 years old, need to have their eyesight checked once a year.

How often to check eyesight for eyeglass and contact lens wearers

If there is already a decrease in visual acuity, then it is necessary to undergo an ophthalmological examination once a yearto assess the condition of the organs of vision. It is important to determine if the disease is progressing and vision continues to decline. In addition, annual checks ensure that the correct correction is always used. Correction means must necessarily correspond in terms of optical power, since incorrectly selected glasses or contact lenses can lead to even greater deterioration of vision. In addition, with a decrease in visual acuity, it is important to regularly check the operation of the entire visual apparatus, since myopia or farsightedness may be associated with any diseases.

Also, patients should consult an ophthalmologist if any unpleasant symptoms and visual discomfort occur.

Who should pay special attention to regular eye exams?

Pay particular attention to regular eye exams if:

    you have had any eye injuries or diseases, or if you have had eye surgery;

    your relatives have had glaucoma or cataracts;

    you are planning a pregnancy;

    you are undergoing a long course of treatment with hormonal drugs;

    you have diseases of the nervous or vascular system;

    you have low blood pressure.

You can have your vision checked by a professional ophthalmologist. He will assess your visual acuity and, if necessary, write a prescription for glasses or contact lenses. The salon specialist will tell you about the benefits of different brands and types of contact lenses, as well as help you choose the right frame for your glasses.

I wonder how often you need to go to the optometrist to check your eyesight, given that we communicate with a computer every day. You need to visit an ophthalmologist regularly. An ancient proverb says that "our eyes are the mirror of the soul." By the state of the organ of vision, you can find out about the health of the body as a whole. The first signs of diabetes mellitus, diseases of the cardiovascular system often appear in the eyes long before the classic symptoms appear. The list of somatic diseases, the manifestations of which can be diagnosed by the condition of the eyes, is very extensive.

Who needs a comprehensive vision examination?

All children.

In children, the visual analyzer develops and forms, therefore, a visual examination is required on a regular basis in order to timely detect and correct the arising anomalies in the development of the child's eyes. It is necessary to check the child's eyesight at the following age:

    Shortly after birth;

    about 6 months;

    at 3 years old;

    in front of school and at school every year.

People with good eyesight.

If everything is in order with vision, it is enough for adults and children to undergo a complete diagnosis of vision in order to prevent Once a year... If problems are found, the doctor, after the first consultation, will tell you how often you will need to be checked later.

Anyone who has lost their eyesight.

In this case, it is not enough to specify the number of diopters. for the selection of glasses, since there are diseases, the symptoms of which are similar to myopia and hyperopia. It is necessary to find out what exactly is the reason for the drop in vision. This can only be shown by a comprehensive survey.

For contact lens wearers.

The lens is a foreign body for our eye, it can cause changes that are hardly noticeable at first. Improper handling and storage, exceeding the wearing period, sleeping in contact lenses that are not intended for this can lead to serious consequences (for example, ingrowth of blood vessels into the cornea).
Diagnosis of vision is also important so that the doctor can be sure that you can wear contact lenses. Few people know that there are contraindications for wearing lenses for patients with pathological changes in the cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eye, inflammatory eye processes, allergic intolerance to drugs that are part of the storage solution, etc.

All women planning pregnancy.

Particular attention should be paid to your vision for those who have myopia or retinal problems, and regularly undergo examinations before and during pregnancy. The ophthalmologist will determine whether it is necessary to carry out preventive strengthening of the retina using barrier laser coagulation. This procedure significantly reduces the risk of vision problems.

Every person after 40-50 years old who does not even complain of vision

At this age, the risk of age-related eye diseases (cataracts, glaucoma, etc.) increases significantly. To prevent or detect these and other diseases in the early stages, it is necessary to pay special attention to the state of vision. AND for diseases such as diabetes mellitus and hypertension, regular vision diagnostics are essential.

Also, the examination is important ...

· If among relatives (including distant ones) someone had glaucoma or cataracts;

· People with nervous and cardiovascular diseases;

· People with low (relative to age norm) blood pressure;

· People who have suffered eye injuries, inflammatory diseases (uveitis, iridocyclitis, etc.) of the eyes, eye surgery;

· People with a high degree of myopia, hyperopia;

· Undergoing a long course of treatment with hormonal drugs.

Unfortunately, many do not follow the recommendations of ophthalmologists to undergo regular examination of the visual system, while most eye diseases in the early stages of development are practically asymptomatic, and without timely detection can lead to a very serious deterioration in vision, and often to blindness.

That is why every patient of the Ocomedson Medical Center has the opportunity to undergo visual system diagnostics, as a result of which the peculiarities of vision are revealed and the reasons for visual impairment are determined.

On January 6, 2015, the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2014 No. 1604 "On the lists of medical contraindications, medical indications and medical restrictions for driving a vehicle" came into force. From that moment on, there was a legislative division into vehicle drivers (candidates for vehicle drivers) and persons employed at work as a vehicle driver.

In the first case, when passing honey. Commission, the list of medical contraindications specified in Decree No. 1604, dated December 29, 2014, should be used. In the second case, for persons employed as a driver of a vehicle, the list of contraindications is contained in Appendix 2 to the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of No. 302n.

An official clarification from the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation is available here.

Below are excerpts from both documents directly related to the organ of vision. Full texts of documents are available on the website of the Garant system.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2014 N 1604 "On the lists of medical contraindications, medical indications and medical restrictions for driving a vehicle"

Name of the disease:

9. Achromatopsia - ICD-10 code - Н53.51 10. Blindness of both eyes - ICD-10 code - Н54.0

III. Medical indications for driving a vehicle equipped with an acoustic parking system 15. Blindness of one eye.

IV. Medical indications for driving with the use of medical devices for vision correction by the driver of the vehicle 16. Anomaly of refraction, reducing visual acuity below the permitted level, provided that the visual acuity in glasses or contact lenses is increased to the permitted level.

I. Medical restrictions for driving a vehicle of category "A" or "M", subcategory "A1" or "B1" with a motorcycle seat or a motorcycle-type steering wheel 1. Visual acuity is less than 0.6 in the best eye and less than 0.2 in the worst the eye with a tolerable correction with 2 eyes open, regardless of the type of correction (spectacle, contact, surgical), the degree and type of ametropia or the length of the eye. 2. Blindness of one eye with visual acuity below 0.8 with tolerable correction in the sighted eye, regardless of the type of correction (spectacle, contact, surgical), the degree and type of ametropia or the length of the eye. 3. Condition after refractive surgery on the cornea or after other refractive surgery for one month in the absence of complications, regardless of the degree and type of initial ametropia or eye length. 4. Chronic disease of the membranes of the eye, accompanied by a significant dysfunction of vision, persistent changes in the eyelids, including their mucous membranes, paresis of the eyelid muscles, which impedes vision or restricts the movement of the eyeball. 5. Persistent diplopia due to strabismus of any etiology. 6. Spontaneous nystagmus when the pupils deviate 70 degrees from the mean position. 7. Limiting the field of view to more than 20 degrees in any of the meridians.

II. Medical restrictions on driving a vehicle of category "B" or "BE", subcategory "B1" (except for a vehicle with a motorcycle landing or steering wheel of a motorcycle type) 12. Visual acuity is below 0.6 in the best eye and below 0.2 in the worst eye with tolerable correction with 2 eyes open, regardless of the type of correction (spectacle, contact, surgical), the degree and type of ametropia or the length of the eye. 13. Condition after refractive surgery on the cornea or after other refractive surgery for one month in the absence of complications, regardless of the degree and type of initial ametropia or eye length. 14. Chronic disease of the membranes of the eye, accompanied by significant impairment of vision, persistent changes in the eyelids, including their mucous membranes, paresis of the eyelid muscles, which impedes vision or restricts the movement of the eyeball. 15. Persistent diplopia due to strabismus of any etiology. 16. Spontaneous nystagmus when the pupils deviate 70 degrees from the middle position. 17. Restriction of the field of vision by more than 20 degrees in any of the meridians.

III. Medical restrictions for driving a vehicle of category "C" *, "CE", "D", "DE", "Tm" or "Tb", subcategories "C1" *, "D1", "C1E" or "DIE" 21 Visual acuity below 0.8 in the best eye and below 0.4 in the worst eye with tolerable correction with 2 eyes open is not more than 8 diopters in super-equivalent on the better seeing eye, regardless of the type of ametropia or type of correction (spectacle, contact). 22. Blindness of one eye, regardless of the visual acuity of the sighted eye. 23. Condition after refractive surgery on the cornea or after other refractive surgery for one month in the absence of complications, regardless of the degree and type of initial ametropia or eye length. 24. Chronic disease of the membranes of the eye, accompanied by a significant dysfunction of vision, persistent changes in the eyelids, including their mucous membranes, paresis of the eyelid muscles that impedes vision or restricts the movement of the eyeball. 25. Persistent diplopia due to strabismus of any etiology. 26. Spontaneous nystagmus when the pupils deviate 70 degrees from the mean position. 27. Restriction of the field of vision by more than 20 degrees in any of the meridians.

The list of medical contraindications in which a citizen of the Russian Federation employed as a driver is prohibited from driving is contained in Appendix 2 to the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of N 302n.

Category B. 1) Medical contraindications set forth in clauses 3-25 of this column, subclause 28.1. 2) Decrease in visual acuity below 0.5 in the best eye and below 0.2 in the worst eye (with correction). 3) Lack of vision in one eye with visual acuity below 0.8 (without correction) in the other. 4) For taxi drivers and drivers of vehicles of operational services (ambulance, fire service, police, emergency rescue service, military automobile inspection), - visual acuity with correction below 0.8 in one eye, below 0.4 - for friend. Permissible correction for myopia and hyperopia 8.0 D, including contact lenses, astigmatism - 3.0 D (the sum of the sphere and the cylinder should not exceed 8.0 D). The difference in lens strength between the two eyes should not exceed 3.0 D.

Clause 1, which contains an indication of sub-clause 28.1, needs to be explained. This subclause does not exist in the document itself. The Ministry of Health and Social Development did not issue any official explanations. For this reason, a legal vacuum has emerged. The list of contraindications for category B is less than for category A.

Doctors, in their practice, when conducting medical commissions, proceed from the fact that there is a typo in the document and read "subparagraph 28.1" as subparagraph 27.1 (list for category A). From a legal point of view, this is not correct. However, this is exactly what is done everywhere. Below is a list of the limitations of Subclause 27.1.

Category A 1) Visual acuity with correction below 0.6 for the best eye, below 0.2 for the worst. Permissible correction for myopia and hyperopia is 8.0 D, including contact lenses, astigmatism - 3.0 D (the sum of the sphere and the cylinder should not exceed 8.0 D). The difference in the strength of the lenses of the two eyes should not exceed 3.0 D. 2) Lack of vision in one eye with visual acuity below 0.8 (without correction) in the other. 3) Central scotoma, absolute or relative (with a scotoma and the presence of changes in visual function not lower than the values \u200b\u200bspecified in clause 1 of this column of the subclause - admission without restrictions). 4) Condition after refractive surgery on the cornea (keratotomy, keratomileusis, keratocoagulation, refractive keratoplasty). Allowed to drive a person 3 months after surgery with visual acuity with correction of at least 0.6 in the best eye, not lower than 0.2 - at the worst. 5) Permissible correction for myopia and hyperopia is 8.0 D, including contact lenses, astigmatism - 3.0 D (the sum of the sphere and the cylinder should not exceed 8.0 D). The difference in the strength of the lenses of the two eyes should not exceed 3.0 D, in the absence of complications and the initial (preoperative) refraction - from +8.0 to -8.0 D. eyes from 21.5 to 27.0 mm. 6) Artificial lens, at least in one eye. Trained drivers are allowed with visual acuity with correction of at least 0.6 for the best eye, not less than 0.2 for the worst. Permissible correction for myopia and hyperopia is 8.0 D, including contact lenses, astigmatism - 3.0 D (the sum of the sphere and the cylinder should not exceed 8.0 D). The difference in the strength of the lenses of the two eyes should not exceed 3.0 D, normal field of view and no complications within six months after surgery. 7) Chronic diseases of the membranes of the eye, accompanied by a significant dysfunction of vision, persistent changes in the eyelids, including their mucous membranes, paresis of the eyelid muscles that impede vision or restrict the movement of the eyeball (after surgical treatment with a positive result, admission is carried out individually). 8) Chronic, not amenable to conservative treatment, inflammation of the lacrimal sac, as well as persistent, refractory lacrimation. 9) Paralytic strabismus and other disorders of friendly eye movement. 10) Persistent diplopia due to strabismus of any etiology. 11) Spontaneous nystagmus with a deviation of the pupils by 70 from the mean position. 12) Limiting the field of vision by more than 200 in any of the meridians. 13) Violation of color perception. 14) Diseases of the retina and optic nerve (retinitis pigmentosa, optic nerve atrophy, retinal detachment, etc.). 15) Glaucoma

In the section on medical commissions and vision of our forum, you can ask your questions to ophthalmologists on the topic of vision and passing a medical examination for driving.

How to get a driver's medical examination with poor eyesight

Is it possible to buy a medical certificate for the traffic police and do I need to "hide" contact lenses?

Surely, you would not want to be inadmissible by the driver's (chauffeur's) commission to drive a car because of vision (here is visual acuity and color perception, etc.). Without an appropriate medical certificate in the traffic police, you can not only get a driver's license, but even go to courses even with the best glasses or contact lenses. Permission to drive vehicles is regulated by a special decree. Here, as a doctor working in the medical driving commission and the contact lens office, I will try to explain it and, if possible, translate this order from the bureaucratic language into Russian.

1. Decrease in visual acuity (including in glasses or contact lenses) below the acceptable limit. Visual acuity both without correction and with glasses or contact lenses is usually determined according to the well-known table starting with W B, which can be viewed in the section

"Self-examination tests".

If you, for example, read 8 lines from this table from a distance of 5 meters, then the visual acuity will be 0.8. Especially for those who are trying to deceive the medical board by learning this table, there is another one with broken rings or displaced lines. Visual acuity is taken into account with correction, i.e. wearing glasses or contact lenses. It does not matter what the visual acuity is without correction with contact lenses. For drivers of category "B" the visual acuity of the best eye without glasses or with glasses or contact lenses worn must be at least 0.6, the visual acuity of the worst with glasses or contact lenses worn - 0.2. For category "C" the best eye must see without glasses or with glasses or contact lenses on 0.8, the worst without correction or with glasses or contact lenses on - 0.4. The medical driver's commission makes special requirements for bus and truck crane drivers. It does not matter which eye is the best (right or left), and besides, the medical driver's commission does not take into account, as many mistakenly believe, the amount of visual acuity of both eyes with glasses or contact lenses on.

2. As mentioned above, the medical driver's commission takes into account visual acuity with correction, i.e. wearing glasses or contact lenses. But not all glasses or contact lenses are acceptable to achieve high visual acuity from the point of view of the driving commission. The strength of glasses or contact lenses should not exceed plus eight or minus eight diopters, the difference between glasses or contact lenses for the right and left eyes should not be more than three diopters, and if glasses or contact lenses are astigmatic and - the sum of the sphere and the cylinder of glasses or contact lenses should not exceed 8, and the cylinder itself is 3 diopters. There are, however, cases when the healthy eye in the correct glasses or or contact lenses does not hold up the required number of lines. This condition is called amblyopia. which in translation from ancient languages \u200b\u200bmeans "lazy eye". Treatment of this condition is more effective in children, but in adults, correction with glasses or contact lenses and stimulation with amblyostimulants may help.

The driver's medical commission checks color perception most often according to special tables by E. B. Rabkin, (a link to the full version of tables with the correct answers is on the main page of our site) in which people with normal color perception see some figures or signs, deuteronopes - others, and protanopes - still others. The more tables are read incorrectly, the more severe the violation of color perception is considered. In difficult cases, the medical driving commission will use special equipment, although the main thing for the medical driving commission is to distinguish the colors of the traffic light. For drivers of category "B" and "C", type A color anomaly (slight degree) is allowed, provided that the real colors of the traffic light are distinguished. In controversial cases, additional research is carried out on special equipment. It should be noted that color vision disorders are not treated or corrected with glasses or contact lenses. Wearing colored contact lenses has practically no effect on color perception, however, it can worsen visual acuity and tolerance of contact lenses

4. Narrowing of the field of vision is quite rare and accompanies severe eye diseases. For drivers of category "B" and "C", the narrowing of the field of view is allowed no more than 20 °. Visual field disturbances are also not corrected by glasses or contact lenses.

5. Certain serious eye diseases make it difficult to obtain a certificate for the traffic police regardless of the acuity and field of vision, as well as wearing glasses or contact lenses. These include, for example, retinal detachment or glaucoma

What to do before undergoing a medical examination if you are not quite sure of your vision (it does not matter - visual acuity, color perception or field of vision) and want to get a medical certificate from the traffic police?

First, check your eyesight with a qualified ophthalmologist (better, one with experience in the selection of contact lenses. I have faced more than once a refusal to issue a certificate for the traffic police due to the fact that glasses or contact lenses were incorrectly selected (or not at all) In this case, be sure to inform the optometrist that you are going to undergo a driver's medical examination, as this will affect the way glasses or contact lenses are selected for vision correction.For example: if a patient has a visual acuity of 1.0 with glasses of -9.0 diopters, he will be deemed unfit for driving, but if he is fitted with -7.5 diopter glasses, in which the visual acuity is 0.7, then he will be suitable for driving a car. He, most likely, can put a contact lens -7.5 diopters, in which his visual acuity will also be 1.0. Doctors should be specially trained in the selection of glasses and contact lenses in such difficult cases. It is only important that you inform that you are going to drive a car in contact lenses. In such cases, a special certificate is issued for active lenses. Read more about where you can buy contact lenses here.

Secondly, as I have already mentioned, you may be missing just a couple of lines, in this case, of course, after consulting an ophthalmologist, it is useful to conduct a course of vision stimulation using the AIST-01 apparatus or another amblyostimulator

Thirdly, since visual acuity is not an absolutely stable indicator and may vary depending on your condition, try to avoid on the day of the commission and even on the eve of heavy physical and psychological stress, drunkenness, etc. Do not worry. Excitement can also reduce visual acuity. But if you do not pass the commission the first time, nothing bad will happen, in the end, you can appeal the decision of the commission.

Some try to deceive the medical driver's commission during the examination by learning the table of vision with letters and rings and color perception (Rabkin) and also to hide the presence of diseases and the fact of wearing contact lenses. So it is unlikely that you will be able to slip through the commission. Seeing contact lenses worn on your eyes is easy. try to buy a certificate from the traffic police. Since in my practice I have repeatedly encountered criminal proceedings for an accident, I strongly advise you not to resort to various forgeries and to wear glasses or contact lenses assigned to you while driving.

Those who actually use contact lenses while driving a car have a question - which brands of contact lenses are most suitable for this. To make the right choice, take into account the following circumstances You need good vision - firstly, get lenses with full correction and astigmatic design, (for astigmatism, toric), and secondly, the air in the car is dry, so choose the brand of lenses that is more resistant to dehydration ( drying) and, thirdly, the oxygen content in the car is also lower than on the street, so the lens must transmit oxygen as much as possible. An example of a contact lens that meets all these requirements is, for example, Pure Vision. On long journeys, however, there is also a problem with lens care, in this case it is better to prefer disposable lenses that are resistant to loss of fluid, for example 1-Day Acuvue moist

1 A.F. Kharchenko, doctor of the highest category

Without a medical certificate from the traffic police, which determines your visual acuity, you cannot get a driver's license (license). What visual acuity is acceptable for drivers?

Right now, there are four main reasons why visual acuity and other eye problems can cause a refusal to issue a medical certificate to obtain a driver's license. In this article we will talk about contraindications for visual acuity.

A decrease in visual acuity below the permissible limit may result in a refusal to issue a certificate. For drivers of category B, the visual acuity of the best eye without correction or with correction (glasses, lenses) can be up to 0.6. and the visual acuity of the worst eye with glasses or lenses is allowed up to 0.2.

To get a certificate for a driver's license of category C. the best eye must see with or without correction - 0.8. and the worst is 0.4.

If you get a license as a bus or truck crane driver, then the requirements for visual acuity are more stringent. It should be noted that the driver's medical commission does not take into account the total visual acuity of both eyes with glasses or contact lenses on.

Recall that visual acuity when obtaining a medical certificate for a driver's license is taken into account with correction - wearing glasses or contact lenses.

Also note that the strength of glasses or contact lenses cannot be greater than +8 or -8 diopters. and the difference between glasses for different eyes should not be more than 3 diopters.

With astigmatic glasses, the sum of the sphere and the cylinder of the glasses cannot be more than 8, and the cylinder itself is 3 diopters.

Before going through the commission for obtaining a driver's license, we recommend that you visit an ophthalmologist.

Are there any restrictions on vision (vision -11) when passing a medical examination for a driver's license?

There are four different reasons. on which the driver's medical commission may refuse to issue a medical certificate for the traffic police for vision:

1. Decrease in visual acuity (including in glasses or contact lenses) below the acceptable limit. Visual acuity, both without correction and with glasses or contact lenses, is usually determined according to the well-known table starting with SH B.

For drivers of category "B" the visual acuity of the best eye without glasses or with glasses or contact lenses worn must be at least 0.6, the visual acuity of the worst with glasses or contact lenses worn - 0.2. For category "C" the best eye must see without glasses or with glasses or contact lenses put on 0.8, the worst without correction or with glasses or contact lenses worn - 0.4. It does not matter which eye is the best (right or left), and besides, the medical driver's commission does not take into account, as many mistakenly believe, the amount of visual acuity of both eyes with glasses or contact lenses worn.

2.The medical driver's commission takes into account visual acuity with correction i.e. wearing glasses or contact lenses. But not all glasses or contact lenses are acceptable for achieving high visual acuity from the point of view of the driving commission. The strength of glasses or contact lenses should not exceed + 8 or - 8 diopters, the difference between glasses or contact lenses for the right and left eyes should not be more than 3 diopters, and if glasses or contact lenses are astigmatic and - the sum of the sphere and the cylinder of glasses or contact lenses should not exceed 8, and the cylinder itself is 3 diopters.

3. In issuing a certificate for the traffic police, color perception is also relevant - it is important for recognizing the colors of traffic lights. More often, there is a deterioration or complete loss of color perception in green and red colors, very rarely, in blue.

The driver's medical commission checks color perception most often according to special tables by E. B. Rabkin, in which people with normal color perception see some figures or signs, deuteronopes - others, and protanopes - still others. The more tables are read incorrectly, the more severe the violation of color perception is considered. In difficult cases, the medical driving commission will use special equipment, although the main thing for the medical driving commission is to distinguish the colors of the traffic light. For drivers of category "B" and "C", type A color anomaly (slight degree) is allowed, provided that the real colors of the traffic light are distinguished. In controversial cases, additional research is carried out on special equipment. It should be noted that color vision disorders are not treated or corrected with glasses or contact lenses. Wearing colored contact lenses has practically no effect on color perception, however, it can worsen visual acuity and tolerance of contact lenses

First meeting with an optometrist

The first acquaintance with an ophthalmologist in a baby begins immediately after his birth. But this is not at all the "eye test" that a person will meet in the future. This is just a check for the absence of pathology. Indeed, for example, with regard to visual acuity, most of the newborns have farsightedness, which, with the normal development of the child, passes over time.

The kid is growing up

So, for example, if up to 1 month old a child saw everything around him rather vaguely, now he can fix his gaze on the cute faces of his parents who love him for up to half a minute, a cheerful bright rattle or a chandelier, playfully sending a cheerful hello to the baby. And by the age of 10-11 months, dramatic changes occur again, bringing with them a significant expansion of the baby's visual field.

We went ... and came to the optometrist

On the threshold of school

If all is well with the child's eyesight, then the next "control" vision test is usually done at the age of 6 years, before the child goes to school.

We check every time we step through the class

School time brings not only new knowledge, but also a high load on the child's eyes. Therefore, regular eye examinations during school years are essential. Experts recommend doing it every two years.

So that the eyes are in order in the third ten

Between the ages of 20-30 (assuming no problems), it is sufficient to have your vision checked just once. But, if suddenly a person notices the appearance of unusual sensations, for example, fog or flies in the eyes, then it is extremely reckless to ignore the visit to the ophthalmologist or put it on the back burner.

And how many times to go to the doctor for those who are after thirty?

After thirty years, you should begin to take special care of your eyesight. Between the ages of 30 and 40, people with even good eyesight are advised to visit an optometrist at least twice. This will help prevent many problems from occurring in the future.

After forty - vigilance is especially high

After forty, it is useful to resume school traditions, and a visit to the optometrist once every two years should become mandatory. If there are problems with blood pressure, then the frequency of visits to the doctor should be even higher.

For persons of venerable age

For the elderly, an annual visit to the optometrist is recommended. This is due to serious age-related changes: there is a weakening of the circular muscle of the eye, which is responsible for the elasticity of the lens of the eye, the conjunctiva and sclera of the eye are significantly transformed. And it is the regularity of visiting a doctor that is able to meet these changes "fully armed".

The main thing is that at any age it is important to remember that the frequency of visiting an ophthalmologist should in no way be scary. After all, it is much more important to keep your eyes healthy, and your vision sharp-sighted!

In order to maintain eye health and good vision over the years, it is very important to see a specialist regularly. Almost all modern optical salons are equipped with an optometrist's office, so it is very easy to carry out a systematic check.

The frequency of eye examinations depends on a number of factors: the patient's profession, working conditions and, of course, age. Another significant factor is the general condition of the body, since all processes in it are interconnected. So, diseases of the cardiovascular system affect the blood supply, including the organs of vision.

Eye examination for children

Each child, on average, up to the age of sixteen, has an organism formation, and the organs of vision are no exception. That is why children belong to a separate category of patients. However, most eye diseases in childhood are much easier to cure than in adults.

A child's visual acuity check depends on their actual age. Ophthalmologists recommend the following frequency of eye examinations in children:

  • from birth to three years - once a year;
  • from four to six years - two to three times a year (this is a very important period in the formation of the baby's vision, the child begins to put a load on the visual system, as he learns to read and often watches TV or is at the computer);
  • from seven to sixteen years - once or twice a year (in the presence of high activity and chronic diseases, it is possible three times a year).

How often should an adult's vision be checked?

Every adult should have their eyesight checked at least once a year, even if the health of the eyes and the body as a whole is ideal. However, there are some peculiarities.

If a person's work is associated with regular use of a computer, it is necessary to make an appointment with an ophthalmologist once a year.

For example, students and teachers who spend a lot of time reading textbooks, notes and research projects should monitor their eyes even more closely. Constant use of gadgets can lead to chronic spasm of the ciliary muscle, which is responsible for focusing vision. Subsequently, this can lead to a deterioration in distance vision.

Drivers, especially long-distance drivers, also run the risk of getting the above-described disease. Because for a long time he concentrates on the road, especially in bad weather conditions, the visual system is overstrained.

Experts strongly recommend that people of such professions as builders or welders be examined once every six months, this is due to the fact that they work in difficult conditions (sharp flashes, bright light, dustiness).

Remember that good eyesight is something that a happy and healthy person cannot do without. If, nevertheless, you have found violations, choose only high-quality means for its correction: glasses or. A good ophthalmologist will select the best treatment option for you and write the required prescription. Frequent testing is also necessary in order to identify the actual parameters of vision, since they can change both for the better and for the worse.

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