Diseases in the world of Skyrim: lycanthropy and vampirism. Skyrim stone gout treatment Skyrim how to cure diseases

Simple diseases

Symptoms of the disease appear until it is cured with potions or blessings. Unlike Oblivion, Skyrim does not have a special spell to cure disease. All ordinary diseases can be cured in temples or at statues, having received the blessing of a deity, or with the help of a healing potion.
The diseases present in the game and the effects caused by them in the character are shown in the table.

Note: Resistance to diseases works only from carriers, from traps it does not help. Note: Forest elves and Argonians have 50% disease resistance by default.

In addition to extremely harmful diseases, there are two special diseases in Skyrim, although they are somewhat harmful, but bring some benefit to the character.

Special diseases

Cannibalism - not quite a disease, but rather an ability. After killing the victim, you can eat it, thereby restoring your health, as well as increasing its maximum value.
Vampirism - a disease that has existed over the last three parts of TES, the principle of which has remained the same. Infection occurs during a battle with a vampire or as a result of some task. You can become a vampire 72 hours after infection. The less blood a vampire drinks (in sleeping people), the stronger his vampirism is. Within the same 72 hours after infection, a cure by the usual method is possible, however, after the character turns into a vampire, statues and potions will no longer help. You can be cured by following the instructions of Falion in Morphale or turning into a werewolf.
Lycanthropy - a disease that comes from Daggerfall allows a sick person (transformed) to become a werewolf once a day. The werewolf is very strong, develops tremendous speed, uses a roar that scares away enemies, throws enemies to the sides and devours corpses to restore health. In another way, health is not restored. It was possible to run in the werewolf's skin a little more than a game hour, however, each corpse eaten prolongs the mode by 30 seconds.

Important: You can be either a werewolf or a vampire. At the same time - no way. So if you want to “change” your particular illness, first go through the treatment for the current one.

Note: Vampirism and lycanthropy give 100% resistance to all diseases.


If your character is sick, others will say phrases related to the disease. For example, if you are a vampire, those around you will allude to a white skin tone, if a cannibal - to stink from your mouth, and if a werewolf - the guards can say that the player stinks like a wet dog, that they don’t like the bestial grin or that they heard a howl werewolf, as well as the fact that the player sticks out of the fur from the ears.
For more “harmless" diseases, residents say the following phrases to the character:

Do not be offended, but you look lousy. Not sick?
- How are you, okay? It looks like it’s not very.
“You look foul.” Look, do not infect me.
“You look worse than I feel.”
- Something you look bad. Are you okay?
“You better lie down.” You look unhealthy.
- In my opinion this is ataxia. I just have a remedy for her.
Arcadia from Whiterun speaks such phrases, even if the main character is healthy.


This mod improves the gameplay and realism of the game so that it adds vital human needs to the game. Now you have to drink from time to time, eat 2-3 times a day, and also sleep at least 7 hours a day. In this regard, it becomes necessary to constantly have a stock of food and drinks in the inventory. But do not forget that food spoils over time. Consuming raw meat and fish can catch some kind of disease. Water can be extracted independently from various reservoirs, as well as stored for future use, gaining in wineskins.


You get a small positive effect while maintaining the needs in good condition. And you get one of three types of fines if you ignore the needs. But you will not die from this (unless the "Death" option is enabled). There are also no penalties from excessive consumption of food, water and sleep.

During the battle, the growth rate of needs will increase (primarily fatigue).

Drinking alcohol more than 3 times in a short time will lead you into a state of intoxication, which will affect your condition, cause a visual effect of visual impairment and may cause you to stumble. Eating skum will also worsen your performance and affect your eyesight.

All non-transforming diseases will now be much more difficult to cure. The disease goes through 4 stages at random intervals. If you are subject to a state of "fatigue", you get an additional debuff. Altars are no longer cured. Instead, you must pay the priest, use the cure for the disease, or eat a product that has "cure the disease" as one of its effects. After the cure, the diseases do not disappear immediately, but regress for some time. The first stage of the disease or "Easy" has a chance of cure without your participation.

You can assign hot keys to automatically consume food and drinks. You can configure automatic food consumption even without the participation of a player, the main thing is to maintain an inventory filled with products.

Saturation occurs the faster, the heavier the food. Water and alcohol quench your thirst. Water can be stocked with the help of wineskins, which can be made on a tanning machine, purchased from innkeepers or haberdashery dealers, and also found on the bodies of dead NPCs.

Wineskins can be replenished in the following ways:
- purchase from innkeepers or travelers with wineskins.
- restock your friends (for which you, for example, completed any quests).
- using any open container (bucket, kettle) in the rain.
- from barrels and barrels of water or with the help of any tub from the wells. Barrels and tubs can be made in forges or purchased from merchants. They do not disappear anywhere if they are not dismantled.
- get water from collected snow, from reservoirs or from waterfalls using the “Drink” hot key / click on an empty wineskin.


Widget: Three icons that display the degree of hunger, thirst and fatigue. They can be chosen from two different styles and can be placed anywhere on the screen. Requires SkyUI and SKSE.
Sound: Grunts in your stomach, coughing and yawning will sound more often the more you are hungry, thirsty or tired. If you hear a male voice instead of a female one, just save and restart Skyrim.
Text: Messages will appear in the upper left corner of the screen displaying the current status. You will not receive fines until you are slightly hungry or tired.

To configure the mod using the MSM menu, installed and Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE) .

In the mod’s settings there is reference information on all the features provided.

P. S. With each new start of the game, the values \u200b\u200bof hunger, thirst and fatigue are chosen randomly to finish the sensations at the start.


  • Modification does not change the original game resources, with the exception of several locations with reservoirs. This mod should be compatible with almost everything, without the need for corrections.
  • If you are using the Perkus Maximus mod and the Dangerous Diseases add-on, go to Skyrim \\ Data \\ SkyProcPatchers \\ T3nd0_PatchusMaximus \\ Files \\ blocklist.txt and add "iNeed - Dangerous Diseases.esp" to the list
  • When using the "iHUD" mod and the "Link ALL SkyUI Widgets" option is enabled, the display of icons can be switched with the same hot key that turns on the compass display. If you want the icons to be displayed constantly, then disable the above option in the iHUD settings.
  • Supported Extras and Modifications: Dawnguard, Hearthfire, Dragonborn, Wyrmstooth, Falskaar, Cooking Expanded, Hunterborn, Babettes Feast (patched versions), Improved Fish, Herbal Tea, Be a Milk Drinker, Drinking Fountains of Skyrim, Realistic Wildlife Loot and Recipes, skyBirds , Phitts Alchemy and Food Overhaul, Nernies City and Village Expansion, Expanded Towns and Cities, Harvest Overhaul, More plants and recipes, Osare Foods, 527 Food, A Real Explorer's Guide to Skyrim, Ambrosia from Valhalla, Bon Appetit, Drinks for the Thirsty, Highland Milk Farm, Real Wildlife - Skyrim, Skyrim Immersive Creatures, Farm Animals, Gromits Cooking Recipes, Zinni's Food Overhaul, Special Flora of Tamriel, Nordic Cooking, Coffee and Water, DovahCook, Yet Another Recipe Mod
  • Cooking Ingredients and Requiem do not require additional plugins.


Required: Skyrim
Optionally: 3.0+
Required for widgets to work, as well as to configure the mod using MCM.
Optionally: SKSE 1.6.5+
SKSE is needed only for widgets, modification and configuration of products via SkyUI's MCM. Version 1.7.2+ is required to collect water from lakes, rivers and ponds.
Optionally: iNeed - Dangerous Diseases
Introduces a new, more complex system of diseases. Present in the main archive.
Optional: 1.40+
In the cold, food spoils more slowly and you can get water from travelers.

Version 1.602

  • Disabled message about the use of drinks near the sources of water.
Version 1.601
  • Bonuses and fines of this mod are now temporarily disabled during a fight.
  • Minor fix to prevent "no gold" spam when companions buy food.
Version 1.60
  • A new kind of wineskins: high-poly models and high textures made by volvaga0 specifically for iNeed.
  • Visible Wineskins: Wineskins will be displayed on characters, provided that they have a wineskin in their inventory and slot 49 is not occupied.
  • Dangerous diseases: The healing potion of diseases is replaced with various potions for each disease. Finding the right potion becomes a daunting task. Priests are now of great value, as they are able to heal all diseases in one place. Dragonborn Disease Potions can only be found on Solstheim. For compatibility, the Perkus Maximus mod with the “Dangerous Diseases” add-on can be easily added to blocklist.txt.
  • Sit down hotkey: Press the key to crouch anywhere. Hold the key to make companions sit down. Click Jump to exit this animation.
  • Being in this position for 2 hours will reduce your fatigue. However, like a walk in a wagon, it is not as effective as a dream.
  • Companion needs are now divided into two options: Regular consumption: Companions will actually consume products and receive the corresponding effects (for example, health regeneration). The sound effects of food and drink will be played. Simulation: Instead of actual consumption, products will simply be removed from the companions inventory. Companions do not receive effects from food, sound effects are not played.
  • The way vampires feed themselves is divided into three options: Mortal: Normal foods and blood reduce hunger and thirst. Sleep and blood reduce fatigue. Mixed: Thirst and hunger have no effect. Fatigue slowly builds up. Sleep and blood reduce fatigue. Pure: Only blood reduces hunger, thirst and fatigue. Vampire companions will only consume regular food if Mortal is selected.
  • Water Barrels: Can be manufactured or purchased. They function like water barrels, but smaller.
  • Alcoholic dehydration: Drinking alcohol temporarily reduces thirst, but then causes it to grow faster over the next two hours. Disabled by default.
  • Paid harvest: The function can be switched through dialogue with the farmer. If you decide to own the part of the crop, place a barrel of water near the farm. The crop will be marked as yours.
  • Hot key: When held, the priority of the food consumed will be switched (From fresher to less fresher and vice versa).
  • Drink hotkey: Press this key to automatically drink from your inventory. Hold this key to fill a wineskin from a pond or waterfall. If there are no containers to fill, you will drink from a reservoir. Holding this key near small snowdrifts will allow you to collect "Snow".
  • Needs check hotkey: Holding down the key will show the status of the inventory as text.
  • Soups are placed in their own category and provide easy quenching of thirst.
  • Barrels, barrels and tubs can now be additionally moved for a more accurate location, using the menu after installation.
  • Companions buying food now includes filling the wineskins.
  • Alcohol intoxication now adds stumbling.
  • Added additional options for customizing spoilage of products.
  • The effects of treating diseases from other mods now also affect diseases from iNeed.
  • Empty wineskins are now correctly displayed if EFF is installed.
  • Fixed some problems with werewolves and raw food.
Version 1.51
  • The option "Without harvest" is replaced by "Paid harvest". Now vegetables (cabbage, leeks, potatoes, pumpkin, wheat, ashy sweet potato) and suspended meat (pheasant, rabbit, salmon, horker) can not be freely collected. Instead, you are offered two options: 1. “Steal” - the item in the inventory will be marked as stolen. 2. “Buy” - gold will be spent. The opportunity to buy products will be only from 8 am to 8 pm.
  • Checking companion inventory using the hotkey is now more accurate.
  • The level of hunger and thirst does not increase in vampires when the option "Needs in battle" is enabled
  • Werewolves and vampires can no longer be infected by Stomach Rot. Gastric Rot no longer removes other diseases.
  • Reorganization of the selection menu when activating buckets, barrels, etc.
Version 1.50
  • Added the ability to independently determine the properties of food and drinks by eating them (if they have the keyword VendorItemFood).
  • Added the function "Food Removal" which dynamically removes part of the products from the world of Skyrim. Now in less affluent settlements it will become more difficult to find food. Disabled items are randomly selected for each new game. This function replaces most of the functionality of the ‘You Hunger’ modification, but it can be additionally used to further reduce products in the game world.
  • Added option to disable the collection of vegetables (potatoes, leeks, cabbage, ashy yam)
  • Added the ability to disable the collection of meat carcasses (salmon, rabbits, pheasants, horkers).
  • Meals with companions: the option of the actual consumption of food is added, when sharing food in addition to the automatic intake of food / drinks when they need to.
  • Increased requirements during battle: reduced the default level. Now you yourself can adjust the speed with which this happens.
  • Checking the status using the hot key: your status and the status of your satellite’s inventory are displayed as a string.
  • Customizable text notifications.
  • Turning into a werewolf now disables the Harmful Raw Food feature.
  • Change the weight of food using the function "Increase food mass."
  • Some bugs fixed.

Diseases in the Skyrim World: Lycanthropy and Vampirism | Game features werewolf and vampire

How to become a werewolf or a vampire in The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim? What are the benefits of lycanthropy and vampirism? And how to recover from these terrible diseases? I will try to give detailed answers to these and other questions.

Attention! This article contains spoilers!

Lycanthropy: The Werewolf Way in Skyrim

Do you want new unusual sensations? Game creators The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim have found an elegant solution! If in the previous parts of the game you had to spend weeks looking for meetings with the werewolf, then rewrite them a hundred times in the hope of catching lycanthropy, then in Skyrim the transformation into a werewolf is framed in the form of a quest for the faction.


In principle, lycanthropy does not give any special minuses. You will turn into a werewolf only of your own free will, the animal will carry all the clothes with it (although it is not clear where he puts them at the same time). To stay a werewolf longer, you need to devour the corpses of the people you killed. Which, incidentally, at the same time makes up for life. If there are no people, you will soon turn back into a person. In addition, lycanthropy provides 100% protection against any disease. Including, from infection with vampirism. So if you became a werewolf and would like to turn into a vampire, you will have to recover from lycanthropy.

Of the minuses - you will not be able to receive a bonus of rest after sleep (which gives an accelerated leveling of skills). The game in the guise of a werewolf takes place from a third party, which many may not like. In close combat, the werewolf has no special advantages over, say, a well-pumped warrior in heavy armor. Those. the werewolf, of course, is strong, but in such a way that everyone is brutally torn to pieces - this is not the case in Skyrim.

To become a werewolf, go to Whiterun and join the Companion faction. One of the quests for them will be turning into a werewolf. Here, with Companions, over time it will be possible to get the appropriate quest and go in search of a cure for lycanthropy. Which is very convenient.

In principle, quests for Companions can pass safely. Joining the Companions faction is especially recommended. Lycanthropy has no special disadvantages, although, in my opinion, it does not give special advantages (100% disease resistance can hardly be called a significant plus). Which overall lubricates the werewolf experience. But at least once being a werewolf I still advise. To feel all the delights of the game werewolf on their own wolf skin.

Vampirism: The Way of the Vampire in Skyrim

Unlike lycanthropy, vampirism can only be infected by “contact” with the vampire. Those. infection occurs by accident, no quests such as "join such a faction and be sure to become a vampire" in the game The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim not. To get infected with vampirism, hugging and kissing with a vampire is completely optional. It will be quite enough if the vampire applies the Suck Vampire spell on you. At the same time, there is a relatively small chance of contracting Sanguinare Vampiris disease.

Sanguinar Vampiris Disease in Active Effects

From the moment you become infected with the disease, you will have three days to drink a bottle of the Cure for the disease potion or to touch the altar of one of the nine gods. Otherwise, in three days you will turn into a vampire.

Vampirism gives both bonuses and maluses:

  • 100% resistance to diseases and poisons
  • a vampire is 25% harder to detect when he sneaks
  • 25% Illusion Bonus
  • the talent to see in the dark (similar to the talent of the Khajiit race, you can activate / deactivate at any time as many times as you like)

Also, vampires have such a parameter as hunger. Starvation, on the one hand, reveals new spells to the vampire (which, after drinking the blood, disappear without a trace) and increases resistance to frost. On the other hand, it increases vulnerability to Fire and Fear of Light (during the day, health, magic and power reserve decrease on the surface, the power reserve is not restored).

1) Vampirism of the first stage is characterized by:

  • slight photophobia (decrease in health, magic and power reserve by 15 units)
  • vulnerability to Fire 25%, and Cold resistance 25%.
  • vampire Suction spell takes 2 life
  • vampire Servant's talent allows you to revive a weak dead man for 60 seconds once a day

2) Vampirism of the second stage is characterized by:

  • increased photophobia (30 units)
  • vulnerability to Fire and Cold resistance increases to 50%
  • vampire Suction spell takes 3 life
  • vampire Servant's talent allows you to revive a more powerful dead man for 60 seconds once a day
  • appears

3) Vampirism of the third stage is characterized by:

  • strong photophobia (by 45 units)
  • vulnerability to Fire and Cold resistance increases to 75%
  • vampire Suction spell takes 4 life
  • vampire Servant's talent allows you to revive a powerful dead man for 60 seconds once a day
  • talent The seduction of a vampire, when using which creatures and people up to and including level 10 do not fight for 30 seconds

4) Vampirism of the last 4 stages is characterized by:

  • very strong photophobia (60 units)
  • vulnerability to Fire and Cold resistance increases to 100%
  • the Vampire Suction spell takes 5 life.
  • vampire Servant's talent allows you to revive a very powerful dead man for 60 seconds once a day
  • talent The seduction of a vampire, when using which creatures and people up to and including level 10 do not fight for 30 seconds
  • a new talent appears - Embrace the shadows, in which the vampire can become invisible for 180 seconds (this automatically activates night vision)

Thanks to progressive hunger and a whole set of bonuses and maluses, the life of a vampire in Skyrim is much more diverse and eventful than the life of a werewolf. The disease affects the appearance of the vampire himself - a hungry look and pale skin raise questions among civilians. If the vampire is really hungry, he already looks so unpresentable that everyone he begins to rush at him. So it’s better not to bring the matter to the fourth stage.

What to do to the hungry vampire? Of course, eat the blood of innocent victims! To do this, sneak up on a sleeping character and drink his blood. On the "victims" of the vampire, his nightly adventures in no way affect. Alas, vampirism in the game is completely vanilla, neither you can infect the jar with vampirism, nor can you drink a gape sentry in any dungeon. For which the creators of The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim I declare a severe reprimand!

Today's menu is Jarl Solitude!

Now let's talk about treatment. Recovering from vampirism is not easy, but very simple! It is enough to go to any tavern and ask the bartender to tell you the latest rumors. He will mention a certain magician from Morphal, who devoted his life to the study of vampires, dragurs, and other undead. It is from him that he will be able to get a quest to cure vampirism. The questica itself is simple; I see no reason to describe it here.

In general, the passage of the game as a vampire diversifies it noticeably. Vampirism is especially to the face (because of the bonus to stealth and the ability to see in the dark) and (which do not give a damn about restoring stamina during the day on the surface).


Lycanthropy itself gives mostly small, but bonuses, so when you go through the quests of the Companions faction, you can safely become a werewolf. Of the minuses - the lack of a bonus to the speed of pumping all the skills after sleep.

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Most of the sources of infection are various animals, but you can get infected through traps located in the dungeons. You can catch several diseases at once, the negative effects of which will come together.
All common diseases can be cured with the help of a medicinal drug or the healing spell of the school of Restoration.

In total, six diseases are common in Skyrim:

Common diseases

Disease name

Description of symptoms


A common disease that affects the strength and dexterity of the patient. Symptoms: general pain, muscle tension, pallor.
Carrier: malevole, frosty spider.


A magical disease that adversely affects a magical gift. Symptoms: distraction, memory lapses, constant fatigue, drowsiness. Spell Failure. You can get infected from a mess.

Stone gout

A common disease that adversely affects the patient’s joints, resulting in a loss of dexterity. Symptoms include painful swelling and stiffness of all joints. Carrier: wolf, malevole.

Bone crust fever

A disease that affects the patient's stamina. Symptoms: loss of strength, weakness, fever.
Carrier: bear.

Brain liquefaction

An acute disease that affects the brain of the patient. All thought processes and ability to magic are deteriorating. Symptoms include migraine, disorientation, and loss of consciousness.
Carrier: saber-toothed.


The disease is similar to a common cold. Symptoms: fever, sore throat, runny nose, weakness, constant fatigue. Carrier: Corus.

In addition to common diseases, there are two special diseases Vampirism and Lycanthropy.


Sanguianare Vampiris is one of the worst diseases in Tamriel. As a rule, infection occurs with a bite of a vampire or with other contacts with it. The incubation period lasts about 72 hours (3 days). At this time, the disease practically does not manifest itself, and it can be cured with medications for ordinary diseases or with the spells of the school of Restoration.

All converted vampires sharpen and lengthen their upper fangs, they become much stronger than ordinary people. All vampires are immune to all diseases, even lycanthropy. The main food of the vampire is blood. Also, some vampires may cast the School of Destruction Vampirism spell to restore their health. But still full saturation is possible only with physical contact.

Vampires are outlawed and prosecuted almost everywhere; in some places, special guilds are created to combat them, such as the Stendarra Sentinels and the Dawn Guard.

There are also many rumors and legends about high vampires in Tamriel. They say that from time immemorial they have spread the infection of Sanguianare Vampiris, turning living beings into servants of the night. But only a few deserve to become true vampires, inherit the gift of Molag Bal and join the clan. In almost every region of Tamriel, there is a clan of vampires, if not several. On the territory of Skyrim, only one is known - the Volkihar clan.


Lycanthropy is a disease or curse transmitted with the blood of a werewolf (for this you need to drink blood or enough of it to get into an open wound). You can also become one by drinking the blood of another werewolf. Some consider this a gift that descended on them from Hirsin himself. Others consider Lycanthropy a terrible curse and try to recover from it, so that after death they can get to Sovngard, and not to the hunting grounds of Hirsin.

Outwardly, werewolves are huge wolves, with thick, hard hair and an elongated muzzle. A powerful jaw, clicks and sharp long claws make them very dangerous opponents. Werewolf attacks are knocked down and thrown to the side of any enemy except giants, mammoths and dragons. Werewolves eat their enemies to replenish their health. Also, all werewolves are immune to common diseases and vampirism.

Werewolf transformations are uncontrollable and depend on the position of stars and moons. But they say that somewhere in Skyrim there were werewolves that can turn into a beast at any time of the day or night. *
* - Only Companions can control the transformation.

Hunting werewolves is carried out by the Silver Hand group, whose members hunt robbery and robbery.

Do not crunch!

joint and spine treatment

  • Diseases
    • Arotrosis
    • Arthritis
    • Ankylosing spondylitis
    • Bursitis
    • Dysplasia
    • Sciatica
    • Myositis
    • Osteomyelitis
    • Osteoporosis
    • Fracture
    • Flat feet
    • Gout
    • Radiculitis
    • Rheumatism
    • Heel spur
    • Scoliosis
  • Joints
    • Knee
    • Brachial
    • Hip
    • Other joints
  • Spine
    • Spine
    • Osteochondrosis
    • Cervical
    • Thoracic department
    • Lumbar
    • Hernias
  • Treatment
    • Exercises
    • Operations
    • From pain
  • Other
    • Muscle
    • Ligaments

Skyrim Stone Gout

Skyrim: Disease - Tiarum

Special diseases

​����� ���� ��� ����� ��������� ���������​ Buy an healing potion from an alchemist / potion seller. Or find any altar. In Whiterun there is such a templeMr * Fried malting skin​​

How to find out about the disease

  • The treatment of these diseases can be found on separate pages of this disease.
  • "It stinks of you like a wet dog and I don’t like your bestial grin."

"Some strange eyes, some hunger in them." If your character is sick, others will say phrases related to the disease - for example:- a disease that comes from Daggerfall allows a sick person (transformed) to become a Werewolf once a day. The Werewolf mode lasts a little more than a game hour (initially - 2 minutes, each corpse eaten prolongs the beast mode for 30 seconds). Vampirism​����� ���������​ Ghost rainGo to the monastery * Mud crab claw​​After the cure, only one Arcadia from Whiterun will continue to speak phrases about the disease, even if the character is absolutely healthy.Or

Treatment of specific diseases


  • If you are a vampire, you might say:

stone gout skyrim. how to cure?

- A disease that resembles that which was in the last three parts of TES, but with a different name for the "virus." The principle is the same as before. Infection can pass by falling under the influence of the vampire spell Life Drain (10% chance) A vampire can become 72 hours after infection.
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In any city there is a doctor. Do not bite yourself with malefactors.
* Hawk feathers
Explanations of the method No. 2.
"We heard the werewolf howl and your fur is sticking out of your ears"
What did you eat? It stinks from your mouth like a garbage can. "

"Your skin is white as snow, are you afraid of the sun?"

- not quite a disease, but rather an ability, after killing a victim, you can eat it, thereby restoring your health, as well as increase its maximum value.

He picked up stone gout in skyrim. How to treat and where to buy medicine? how to treat and where to buy medicine.

Or buy a potion of healing from diseases, for example, in Whitran in the Dragon Land there is an alchemist, and there is a store in the city

Ingredients with the option “Healing Diseases”:

1 way. Go to any temple and pray to God.

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. if a werewolf, the guards can say:

With a disease, a character opens up new life options.

Everything doubles, the effect of the disease?

# 1 helgisbox

After the next game day of passing, I discovered that the whole picture was blurred all the time. Made a couple of pictures. The effect is as if doubling. At first I thought that something was wrong with the graphics settings, enb or mods. In the game itself, the old saves are loaded and everything is displayed normally. Rearranged a clean skyrim from scratch - the effect is again manifested on the same save game. According to statistics, it is clear that he caught some kind of disease.

1. Is the effect a consequence of the external manifestation of the “illness” of the character?

2. How can I find out what kind of sore character is and how to treat it ?!

3. What else could be associated with such an effect of "double" pictures (enb, all add-ons removed) ?!

  • Log in to reply to the topic

# 2 ferretcha

Try to start a NEW game without mods - maybe it's not in the game at all, but in your graphics card

# 3 Sam Bjørn

What side is there vidyuha something?

In the game itself old saves are loading and all about appears normal .

# 4 gkalian

To begin with, the list of mods that you have installed would not hurt. As for conservation, you can try to clean it, just make a copy.

# 5 helgisbox

SaveTool-RM cleaned everything, the game is reinstalled in the standard version without ENB, etc.

In the list of effects I found the disease “stone gout” with the source “deadly stone gout”. I tried to eliminate it with potions - it is not removed from the list of effects. I tried in the temple kynaret to be treated by a local monk. It didn’t work either.

By the way, regardless of the installation of the game, I tried to oversleep three days after the appearance of this disease - everywhere this blur effect appears. Obviously a bonus pack from "stone gout" on the third day. If you boot from the previous option, where there is no disease, then you can wait at least 10 days and there is no effect.

How to get rid of this “stone gout" from it?

Stone Gout (Skyrim)

Stone gout
ID: 000B8782 | 0010B24F

Description Edit

Stone gout - A common disease that adversely affects the patient’s joints, resulting in a loss of dexterity. Symptoms include painful swelling and stiffness of all joints. As a result: the use of melee weapons is greatly hindered.

Effect Edit

The description reads: « You are 25% less effective at handling melee weapons". This means that the patient can use both one-handed and two-handed weapons much less effectively in battle.

Sources Edit

The carriers of this disease are wolves (including snow) and foxes (including snow). In addition, there is a chance to catch this disease even from ghostly animals, for example, from a pet or wolf spirits, with whom one who wants to get rid of lycanthropy himself or help a friend to heal has to fight.

In addition to animals, the source of the spread of the disease can be almost all types of traps.

Healing Edit

Like other common diseases, stone gout can be easily cured by drinking a healing potion or eating an ingredient in which this effect comes first. You can also just pray at the altars of one of the Nine Deities or ask for the healing of the oncoming Stendarr Watchers.

stone gout skyrim. how to cure?

1 way. Go to any temple and pray to God.
2 way. If you have not been ill for too long, then the potion is a cure for the disease. You can buy, you can cook, there is no difference.
3 way, radical. Become a Werewolf on the Companions quests. An absolute way to treat all diseases, including vampirism.

Explanations of the method No. 2.
Ingredients with the option “Healing Diseases”:
* Fried malting skin
* Mud crab claw
* Hawk feathers
* Vampire's ashes

This disease like stone gout, and many others not previously seen in vanilla skyrim, cannot be cured by these methods.
“1 way. Go to any temple and pray to God.
2 way. If you have not been ill for too long, then the potion is a cure for the disease. You can buy, you can cook, there is no difference.
3 way, radical. Become a Werewolf on the Companions quests. An absolute way to treat all diseases, including vampirism.

Explanations of the method No. 2.
Ingredients with the option “Healing Diseases”: “

To heal these diseases, you need to go to any potion shop and buy potions such as “Healing Potions from Stone Gout” or “Healing Potions from Sangvik Vampiris” after you drink it within a few hours you will be completely healed. I have not found one other effective way. The potion has a price of around 245 gold, without any trading bonuses. I’ll emphasize right away that traders do not always have potion data in their inventory. Rewind time forward and wait for our potion to drop.

where and how to get sick in skyrim? just interesting list of diseases and their treatment)) and got the best answer

Reply from Add! [Master]
where and how to get sick in skyrim? just interesting list of diseases and their treatment)))
just interested in the list of diseases and their treatment))

Answer from Слuslan Sandakov[guru]
You can catch the disease after being bitten by a crab or rat. Healing in temples

Answer from Arthur Khasanov[active]
Of course, one of the most important in Skyrim is vampirism. I myself don’t know for sure, but they say in TB you can become infected with vampirism.
And so if, as in Oblivion: from zombies, rats and other creatures.

Answer from Nuclear_engineer[guru]
A captured illness weakens the specific skills and characteristics of your character. The effect of the disease will continue until you are healed with a potion, spell, or sanctuary in the cities. One of the most noticeable and unique diseases is Sanguinare Vampiris, which turns your character into a vampire after the incubation period of the virus. If your hero has several diseases, their effects add up. If you are sick, this will give the NPC a reason to note your pale appearance, they will advise you to lie down to rest, although Arcadia in Whiterun will tell you similar even if your character is healthy.
You can catch most diseases through traps in dungeons. For the diseases presented in the table below, the first identifier corresponds to diseases obtained from creatures, the second from traps. Although both diseases affect your body in the same way, the descriptions may vary slightly. Go to any city sanctuary for healing. For example: when you reach Whiterun, go to the Hall of the Dead and find the shrine. Activate the sanctuary and you will be healed.
An identification number
Carrier of infection

Hacking locks and pickpocketing is 25% more difficult.
Stone Gout (Bone Break Fever)
Consumes 25 points from Stamina
Consumes 25 Stamina
Brain Rotation
Consumes 25 Mana
Consumes 25 Mana
Death Rattle (Rattle)
Stamina recovers 2.5 slower.
Stamina recovers 2.5% slower.
Tissue Damage (Rockjoint)

25% less effective use of melee weapons
Sanguinare vampiris
Decreases health by 25. Progresses into vampirism.
Dementia (Witbane)
Mana recovers 0.5 slower.
Saber-toothed tiger
Mana recovers 0.5% slower.

Answer from Dfds dsfsd[newbie]
you forgot lycanthropy

Answer from 3 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: where and how to get sick in skyrim? just interested in the list of diseases and their treatment))

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