What days do shape-shifters dream. When prophetic dreams are dreamed

It turns out that remembering and solving a dream is not the most important thing. The huge work on the analysis of images and their intricacies may turn out to be completely in vain. In order not to rack your brains in vain, you need to start with information about which days the dream comes true. The fact is that the nights differ from each other in the "quality" of visions. Days can be classified according to various parameters. Some are based on the days of the week, others on the calendar, and the third on the lunar day. Let's figure out when to decipher night images, and when to give up on them.

Digression one: about sensations

It happens that it does not matter at all what days the dream comes true. This should be known first of all in order not to miss serious information from the subconscious or Higher Forces (as you like). If a dream is engraved in the memory with vivid, “grabbing for a living” images, it doesn't matter which of the nights it came. This happens when there is no other opportunity to give a hint to a person, or he simply does not perceive it. Then the Higher Forces literally "shout" to him with incredibly clear images, firmly cutting into the brain.

People sometimes remember such dreams for years. And it doesn't matter that you were answered when the dream comes true. This case is an exception. The dream must be deciphered and used when making decisions. From the context you will understand what it is about (it's an individual matter).

Days of the week

You've probably heard that Tuesday's dream comes true. The question immediately arises, why are they talking about these days? It turns out that when figuring out which days a dream comes true, you need to pay attention to when it was seen. Every day brings certain energies with them. The meaning of the vision, its truthfulness is connected with them. For example, on Monday, a dream is considered empty, Tuesday has already been said. Wednesday is a tough day. He can cheat or give important advice. What dream comes true on Wednesday, they look at the content. It is believed that he is correct only if it concerns purely physical issues. For example, seeing yourself as sick is a real illness.

On Thursday, prophetic images come, this is the night of regular communication with the Higher Forces. Many sources recommend that you must unravel what you saw at this time. When figuring out which days a dream comes true, pay attention to the likelihood of what you see. So, the prophetic image that came on Friday takes a long time to realize. Until three years have to wait for what he saw. A Sunday dream comes true quickly. It is believed that the predicted events will already occur before noon. This classification is based on the day you fall asleep. If you went to bed on Monday, then the whole night belongs to that day, although you slept on Tuesday too.

The moon is an indicator of prophetic dreams

Many sources believe that the solution to night images is possible only with the assistance of an Earth satellite. That is, to understand the question of which days a dream comes true, it is necessary to start from the position of the moon. This is quite reasonable. The satellite has a huge impact not only on the planet, but also on every person. It is known that all water reacts to its movements, forming the ebb and flow. A man consists of more than eighty percent liquid. Therefore, it will be reasonable to look into the lunar calendar if you are wondering when a dream comes true. It is important here whether the month increases or decreases, that is, what is the phase of the satellite. The one who made up this order believes that the Moon can neutralize frightening visions and enhance happy ones. Only its influence directly depends on the state. Now more about each phase.

When the moon is waning

During this period, you can not be afraid of unpleasant images. The fact is that the waning of the Moon introduces into our life tendencies of separation, refusal. The satellite itself is decreasing, and it tells us that it is time to reduce its influence on events. Therefore, when you dream of something unkind, terrible, you do not need to be upset. Most likely, something bad leaves our life, goes away with the waning moon. Fears will dispel, doubts will subside, experiences will dissolve.

If you are interested in what kind of dream comes true with the waning moon, then analyze the subtle sensations. Feelings are important during this period. Their intensity and focus will tell you exactly what the time has come to part with. But favorable visions at this time are in vain. They just leave a pleasant feeling. For real life events, they are empty. It is also important to know that people who appear in your dreams during this period are likely to leave your life. This information can be unpleasant, even painful. It is recommended to take such predictions calmly. Firstly, it is not a fact, but only the probability of an event. Secondly, a person may have already fulfilled his role in your destiny and must give way to another who will become more expensive and more important.

The waxing moon foreshadows

During this period, dreams speak of receiving, filling. Almost any image denotes that part of life in which changes will soon follow. When figuring out which day a dream comes true with a growing moon, pay attention to their realism. The fact is that at this time, visions can be both everyday and worldview. Each of them needs to be disassembled on the shelves. The analysis should be built on the basis of the need for filling with novelty. For example, if you are dreaming of a house, it means that changes in your home or environment are coming. The image pushes you to initiate positive change. And fantastic dreams speak of the need for new impressions or worldview ideas. In any case, these images are prophetic, sometimes ambiguous, requiring deep and comprehensive assessment. People in a dream during this period can suggest in which direction to move.

Sometimes visions resemble a whole detective story or a "novel with a sequel," this is advice to you, take a closer look at these personalities. In the near future they will begin to play an important role in your destiny (albeit a fleeting one). Don't miss the chance to make the necessary changes in the routine.

Full moon

Information about what day the dream comes true would be incomplete without a description of this celestial event. The most extraordinary images come on the full moon. Their importance is not only in pictures. These days it is worth listening and "looking closely" to the sensations. The full moon is a time when emotions are overflowing. They seethe, arriving, filling the soul. Dreams of this period demonstrate to a person his emotional mistakes, that is, they emphasize where he goes too far with a too violent reaction to events. Sleep advice: be patient in the area indicated by the images, sometimes step back and observe from the side. For example, if you saw a wedding ring, then reduce emotionality in relation to your spouse (real, perceived, future). If an image related to work burst into a dream, you should stop worrying about a career, and so on. A full moon dream comes true directly if real people are present in it. Then events can develop exactly as you envisioned.

New moon

The point of monthly birth of a night star gives important recommendations to a person. These tips affect the areas of thought, volitional activity, planning. Solving them is not easy. The fact is that most of the images are associated with processes occurring in the depths of the subconscious. For example, a simple dream about receiving money can speak of both a person's laziness (he is recommended to pay more attention to the material sphere), and the need to engage in self-improvement.

On the new moon, the morning dream comes true directly. That is, we should expect those events that have dreamed up, and soon.

Check with the lunar calendar

Certain days have their own tendencies that affect night visions. So, on the second, ninth and thirteenth days, you should not attach importance to them. This is the time of empty dreams, rest of the soul. But from the fourteenth to the sixteenth day, you should remember what you saw in the night. Prophetic images at this time are highly probable. The 24th and 28th days are the same. The rest, besides the above, are mysterious nights. The likelihood of prophetic dreams at this time exists, but small, "half-hearted", as astrologers say. It is recommended to be guided by a different classification of prophetic dreams, if the image is already very engraved in memory. Also pay attention to night visions dreamed a couple of days before the full moon. These are “plans” or “recommendations” of a long-term nature. Their implementation can sometimes be expected for several years, or even a lifetime. After the full moon, "quick" dreams are seen. Most often, they talk about fleeting things that they will soon want to forget about.

Second retreat: when will it come true

If there is enough information about when the prophetic dream had occurred, then it is quite definitely difficult to say when to expect the predicted events. The point is not that this is some kind of secret, but in the personality of the dreamer. It is very important how exactly his psyche is arranged, how he himself thinks, with what speed he lives. If you want to understand how long a dream comes true, then determine how long you are able to plan. Some people live in the present moment without looking into the future. With them, the subconscious mind will not talk about distant events, except in rare cases. So sleep fulfillment can be expected quickly.

Individuals inclined to grandiose projects spanning years and decades can receive the same “long-term” prophetic images. But there are also general rules. For example, a Monday dream comes true within a month. On Sunday - the same day.

What do they say about daytime sleep?

It happens that some people visit bright pictures during their afternoon rest. Almost everyone has experienced the charm of the fiesta. For some it is a tradition, for others it is a luxury that you can only afford on vacation. Daytime dreams are not common. Basically, they are considered empty, the brain goes through experiences, analyzes events. Sometimes such images can portend specific (seen) events. Daytime sleep comes true either on the same day or within a week. It is important to know what exactly what you see will happen. If you dreamed about a person, then you will meet with him. When you see an event, you can't get out of participation in it. Fantastic images mean nothing. This is just a "rest of the brain". It is recommended that you pay attention to daytime nightmares. They tell the dreamer about the emergence of a serious disease in his body. Specifically, you can find out about him by images (or from a doctor).

Digression three: special dreams

Coverage of the question of when night visions come true will be incomplete, if you do not tell about the hidden ones. There is a whole science that sleep can be ordered. Some even argue that it can be modeled. This phenomenon is called "lucid dream", it is achieved through long practices and training. We won't talk about difficult things, but orders that can be sent to your subconscious mind can be discussed. If you are worried about some problem, you cannot decide what to do for yourself, then it is recommended to turn to your Higher Self. To do this, you need to think over all the details of the task, create in your mind vivid saturated images that characterize it, at this time ask the Lord for advice. Now go to bed. The answer should come (if it exists) at night. For example, a girl is not confident in her boyfriend. It couldn't be easier. Think about it before bed. Provide in detail your meetings, conversations, views. Ask the Higher Forces to tell you whether to trust him. The answer will come in the dream. It only needs to be deciphered correctly.

This practice is very interesting. It is said that dreaming people make far fewer mistakes. They also develop intuition. There is a hypothesis that during a night's rest, a person can significantly strengthen the connection with his subconscious, learn to receive direct answers from him. And here it is not far from clairvoyance. After all, this is just the ability to receive information from the subtle world. The subconscious mind owns it. If you establish a constant dialogue with him, then she will be at your fingertips!

Dream traditions

Serial or repetitive images

Dreams, which visit a person many times in a row, deserve a separate conversation. It happens that the same image comes. And it happens that a person looks at his nocturnal thoughts, like a serial epic. This phenomenon is clearly important to the dreamer. These visions cannot be non-prophetic. Most likely, the subconscious is persistently trying to tell a person what he does not pay attention to. Sometimes this happens with people who have learned to "conduct a dialogue" with the Higher "I". A signaling system is installed between them. The Higher "I" sees that a person understands it correctly and uses "signals" that are understandable to both sides of the personality.

As you figure out which visions to believe and which not, do not forget that everything you read (and much more) is just a recommendation. Your conversation with the Higher "I", which is ongoing, and reaches consciousness in a dream, this is a personal matter. Do you want to understand the meaning of this dialogue? Rely not on dates and lunar phases, but on your innermost feelings. They won't let you down. And intuition will develop, guaranteeing the correctness of decisions, the inevitability of successful steps and actions. And it will no longer matter when the dream comes true and when not!

What days and when dreams come true according to the lunar calendar.

The mysterious world of dreams, into which we plunge at night, is fraught with many secrets and mysteries. Dreams excite us, hurt our curiosity and our soul, make us think about our life. But can every dream be trusted, and how can we unravel the dream we had? The Moon will again help us to answer these questions. Its secret magical power, which excites our feelings and emotions, controls our subconsciousness, is able to help us foresee and predict the future.

The lunar dream calendar was compiled on the basis of thousands of years of observations and recommendations of astrologers. However, it is worth noting that the interpretation of dreams according to the lunar calendar, like any other interpretation, is a creative and ambiguous process. The calendar of dreams can only indicate the right path for understanding the secret meaning of a dream and tell how true it is, but what exactly this or that dream means, you must decide for yourself by analyzing your life.
When interpreting a dream, first of all, pay attention to the position of the Moon in the sky at the time when you saw the dream. The fulfillment of dreams according to the lunar calendar is determined by the phase in which the moon is and on which lunar day you had a dream.

Dream fulfillment calendar

Dream of the waning moon

With a waning moon, we get rid of everything unnecessary. Consequently, the dreams that we dreamed with the waning moon symbolize what will soon leave our life, become unnecessary, uninteresting. We would very much like fears and troubles to disappear from our lives, so if on the night of the waning moon you had a bad dream, then, oddly enough, it is for the best. All this will soon disappear from your life. That is why dreams of the waning moon are called cleansing. But the good dreams that dreamed at this time are not destined to come true in real life.

The dream of the growing moon

The time of the waxing moon is a time of new plans and hopes. Our consciousness works on a problem during the day, offering us a solution to certain issues, and the subconscious presents us with its point of view on the problem at night, in a dream. We see in what areas changes are required, what and how best to change. Such dreams are called fulfilling. They may soon come true, no matter how fantastic their plot was.

Full moon dream

On a full moon, nature is filled to the brim with energy, it boils and seethes and overflows. We are overwhelmed with emotions and feelings that we cannot control. Everything that was dormant in our subconscious wakes up, acquires a bright color, unusual shapes. Often, dreams that were dreamed at this time indicate that in which we show excessive emotionality, for which we spend too much mental strength. Think about it, maybe you should behave more calmly, not waste your nerves and energy on what is impossible to change.

New Moon Dream

The time of the birth of the new moon is the time of change and rebirth. At this time, we dream about things that we think too much about. On a full moon, we are overwhelmed with emotions, and on a new moon, thoughts. Dreams show us the deepest processes of our consciousness. They push us into thoughts, which can then take on real forms.

Dreams by days of the lunar calendar

Astrologers claim that dreams come true according to the lunar calendar, are "prophetic", on the 14th, 15th, 16th, 24th, 28th lunar days.

"Empty" dreams are often dreamed on the 2nd, 9th, 13th lunar days.

All other lunar days are considered "half-empty", i.e. you shouldn't rely on them too much.

If you had a "prophetic" dream one day after the full moon (usually the full moon occurs on the 16th lunar day), then such a dream will be long-term, but if before the full moon, then short-term. It is impossible to specify the exact time of the dream, it is individual for each person.

Dreams and lunar days (when dreams come true according to the lunar calendar)
To find out what lunar day is today, see the calendar at the bottom of the page!

1 lunar day A dream, as a rule, does not come true if something unpleasant is dreaming. Good dreams can come true.
2 lunar day Dreams are empty, not serious, meaningless.
3 lunar day Dreams are special, they come true quickly.
4 lunar day The dream is significant, it carries warnings.
5 lunar day Dreams of this day often show the state of health. A good sign, if you cry in a dream, this indicates cleansing and recovery.
6 lunar day Dreams come true, but only if on this day you were calm and balanced, did not lose your temper, did not get irritated and did not swear. In this case, dreams will provide important information.
7 lunar day Be attentive, the dreams of this day are prophetic, important and prophetic. Come true very soon. Most often, they are favorable. But you can't tell anyone about them.
8 lunar day Prophetic dreams. Often associated with a cherished desire, or indicate a true purpose, so be attentive to such dreams.
9 lunar day Dreams that portend success come true. But often there are heavy dreams, nightmares, you should not believe them, the bad will not come true.
10 lunar day The complete opposite of the previous day. Negative dreams come true, but positive dreams do not.
11 lunar day Dreams do not come true.
12 lunar day Dreams with a high degree of probability come true or indicate a way to solve the problem. Take advantage of this dream.
13 lunar day Dreams are significant. Can show important new information about long-standing problems.
14 lunar day Dreams are heavy, but most often they do not come true.
15 lunar day Prophetic dreams, indicating something positive. They talk about what needs to be addressed first. You need to be able to solve them.
16 lunar day Dreams are often healing, bringing relief from stress. Often irrelevant.
17 lunar day Significant dream. Shows the current state of affairs. If good - everything is fine, no - will show our dissatisfaction, lack of inner freedom.
18 lunar day Dreams often show a problem that worries us and how it can be solved.
19 lunar day Dreams are frightening, but they often do not have much meaning.
20 lunar day Dreams are special. You can see a dream by order. Before falling asleep, ask a question and tune in to see the answer in a dream. If the question is serious, it is highly likely that the answer will come to you in a dream. The dreams of this day come true quickly.
21 lunar day Dreams are often pleasant, but have little relationship to reality, as a rule, they do not come true.
22 lunar day This is the day of wisdom, intuition, tips. Dreams come true. In dreams, you can see the future or insights.
23 lunar day Confused, chaotic dreams come true on the contrary.
24 lunar day Dreams are often pleasant, joyful and prophetic. Show how realized we are. If we have a bad dream, it means that we are not happy with our achievements and, especially, with the implementation.
25 lunar day Dreams do not come true, although it is possible that in the near future they will try to deceive you.
26 lunar day Dreams tell us who we really are, or rather, how we see ourselves. Therefore, it is worth listening to them and drawing conclusions. Dreams on this day are unusual. They often improve mood.
27 lunar day Dreams come true. They are often confused and confused. But they carry within themselves intuitive insights, reveal the true essence of people and situations.
28 lunar day Prophetic dreams and hints. They portend obstacles, difficulties in business. It is believed that they can be “canceled” by losing money, thus making a sacrifice as compensation.
29 lunar day Dreams do not come true, they are heavy, joyless, frightening.
30 lunar day Prophetic dreams. Fantastic but inherently truthful, they make sense.


On March 18, the world celebrates the Day of Prophetic Dreams. Prophetic dream - is this the final verdict or one of the many options for fate, do you need to unconditionally believe the prediction received, or can you still manage your life contrary to any predictions?

Knowledgeable people say: if you apply the appropriate rituals, conspiracies and fortune-telling rules, then you can look into the future, see a dream that will surely come true.

Dreams can promise favorable events (good luck, an influx of money, marriage and the birth of a child) or trouble, illness and death.

When do prophetic dreams come true?

In a dream, the soul leaves its body and wanders, connected with it by an invisible thread. If the soul flies away to the other world, a prophetic dream may occur.

Duration of prophetic dreams- up to ten years or more.

A dream-vision will inevitably come true, so it is important to understand it correctly. In such dreams, a person can see Jesus Christ, the Mother of God, saints, dead or alive, but far away, close, unclean. It happens that the dreamer himself visits the dead.

Vision dreams are always filled with special meaning. For these dreams, the time and day when they were dreamed are not relevant, they are true. An unpleasant dream can be drained into the water or other measures can be taken so that it does not come true. Everything is meaningless: the prophecy will be fulfilled. Vision dreams are both false and true.

Fortune-telling dreams always come true if you make a guess before going to bed using special words and rituals.

Dream-omens do not literally come true.To understand these dreams, you need to know the language of dreams, which consists of traditional puns and symbols.

Empty (bodily) dreams never come true. They reflect the daily reality of the dreamer, his memories, experiences, and so on. Nightmares are related to bodily dreams. Do not expect blows from fate if you saw a nightmare in a dream, drop your anxious thoughts, drink water and go to bed further.

Babies up to a year have prophetic dreams that show their entire future life. It is believed that angels amuse a kid laughing in a dream.

When do we have prophetic dreams?

Prophetic dreams are rarely seen and on certain days (except for visions), which should be taken into account so as not to rack your brains over guessing symbols that are not destined to come true.

Prophetic dreams are most likely during the Christmas week, starting from January 7 (Christmas) and until January 19 (Epiphany): the departed who came in a dream tell us our future destiny.

On Christmas Day, people are trapped by evil spirits. According to the healer Maria Semyonovna, at this time she has freedom: Jesus was already born, but not yet baptized. Therefore, evil spirits take an active part in fortune-telling on Christmastide: they speak the truth, but they will take their payment for this, since they do nothing for free.

On any church holiday, a prophetic dream may occur, but it must be fulfilled before noon (lunch) of this day. In the old days, they said: "Festive sleep - before dinner".

3rd of every month also expect prophetic dreams, and on the night of the twenty-fifth, the dream will be empty.

Dreams from Thursday to Friday always predict fate. Friday is considered a special day: on Good Friday, Jesus Christ was crucified. It is believed that important things should not be started on Friday so that they do not turn into failure.

Dreams that were dreamed on "temporary Fridays" are filled with special meaning and accuracy of prediction, they are also called Great or named.

Great (named) Fridays:

  • 1st - first week of Great Lent.
  • 2nd - 7th April. Before the Annunciation.
  • 3rd - on the eve of Palm week.
  • 4th - on the eve of Ascension.
  • 5th - on the eve of Trinity.
  • 6th - 7th June, on the eve of the Nativity of John the Baptist.
  • 7th - 2 August, in front of Elijah the Prophet.
  • 8th - 28th August, on the eve of the Assumption.
  • 9th - on the eve of the Day of Archangel Michael, September 19.
  • 10th - 14th November, before the Day of Saints Kuzma and Demyan.
  • 11th - 7th January, on the eve of the Nativity of Christ.
  • 12th - 19th January, before Epiphany.

Other days of the week:

  • On the night from Sunday to Monday, you can make a dream. Expect both prophetic and empty dreams.
  • From Monday to Tuesday - dreams are empty (bodily).
  • From Tuesday to Wednesday - dreams can come true.
  • From Wednesday to Thursday - empty (bodily) dreams.
  • From Thursday to Friday - dreams come true (up to three years).
  • From Friday to Saturday - bodily dreams.
  • From Saturday to Sunday - a dream can come true before lunchtime.

Vision dreams do not depend on the day of the week, they are always true. If the symbols are repeated in a dream, then these dreams are prophetic.

You cannot unconditionally take on faith the interpretation of sleep proposed in dream books. When trying to solve a dream, keep in mind that its meaning depends both on the signs deciphered by dream books and on the dreamer's personality, his life experience, and state of mind.

Compare the plots of dreams with real events that take place in your life or are planned. The same symbol foreshadows different events for a married woman and a girl, a man and a woman, an adult and a child.

Whatever the prophetic dream, it is just a prediction, a warning, one of the options for your destiny, which you have the right to create yourself: to embody a good dream in reality, to erase a bad dream from your consciousness.

Dreams not only reflect the events experienced during the day, but can also prophesy the future, warn a person about danger, and answer difficult questions. In order to find out the meaning of dreams, you need to pay attention to what day of the month and week he dreamed about. It is important to remember that the interpretation will be complete in the event that the day of the week according to the lunar calendar is taken into account.

IT'S IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortune teller Baba Nina: "There will always be plenty of money if you put it under the pillow ..." Read more \u003e\u003e

Among all dreams, prophetic dreams should be noted. They can be seen on the eve of major church holidays, every month on the third day, and also from Thursday to Friday.

By days of the month

The feasibility of visions can be determined by dates. On one day of the month, they mean nothing. On other days, dreams are prophetic and can warn of dangers. There are dreams on the dates of the month that suggest that the meaning can be literal, but negative. The interpretation depends on the exact date when the vision was seen:



On the night of 1 day, only positive stories come true, and negative ones call to take a closer look at the situation in the family

Visions do not carry any semantic meaning. If you dreamed of an unpleasant plot, then it does not portend any negative in the dreamer's life

On this night, prophetic dreams may occur. They are executed either very quickly, or you will have to wait a long time waiting for their execution.

Visions warn of dangers and future troubles

Night dreams are important and come true quickly.

If you dreamed of a pleasant plot, then it will come true pretty quickly. Negative dreams come true for a long time. During this time, a person can correct events

Dreams do not bode well, the likelihood that bad stories will come true is very low

A pleasant dream foreshadows joyful events. A bad dream suggests that it's time to tackle old problems.

Only colorful visions matter. The interpretation should be related to the dreamer's career. Come true pretty quickly

The vision warns of unforeseen obstacles in business that will appear within 10-14 days

A dream can only come true for three days.

Visions do not come true and do not portend anything significant

Dreams of love and long journeys that will bring only pleasant memories. Come true with great accuracy

Visions with a positive storyline come true pretty well. If you dreamed of something bad, then this can be a clue to making the right decision in any area of \u200b\u200blife, except for romantic relationships.

Night dreams are empty

Visions relate to the dreamer's health and well-being. Execute fairly quickly

One can see prophetic night dreams about success in professional activity or social life. Executed within 20 days

Dreams have a pleasant plot and relate to the material well-being of a person, his property

Visions warn of possible troubles in the family. They are performed for a rather long time, so the dreamer has time to change the current situation

The dream will come true provided that the person does not tell anyone his plot.

From 20 to 21, dreams come true to achieve the goals

From 21 to 22, you should pay attention only to good symbols for a dreamer's career

Visions warn of impending problems and troubles

Good dreams come true within two weeks

The vision warns of deception, however, it will not be easy to determine where it will occur.

Dreams of small joys in life will come true

Visions do not bode well

Dreams speak of the dreamer's feelings and emotions

Empty night dreams

Only dreams of achievements come true. Other visions mean nothing

Night dreams provide tips for improving your financial well-being

By days of the week

It is important to pay attention to the distribution of dreams by day of the week:

Day of week



On Monday night, visions speak of the emotional and psychological state of the dreamer. The hectic daytime life creates strange and confusing night dreams. Don't pay attention to these visions. Even if they come true, then only certain small details

Visions reflect a person's creativity and thinking. They dream of vivid visions that need to be carefully analyzed. If the plot was pleasant, then this suggests that the time has come to bring your most daring ideas to life. All the dreamer's endeavors will be quite successful. A bad dream suggests that you should postpone new projects. Seeing yourself as a winner - winning in reality within 10 days

On this night, all night dreams are very confused. Do not expect their execution. Even if they come true, then only some small details from the dream

On Thursday night, significant images and stories are dreamed. At this time, you can get an answer to important questions regarding material well-being, the dreamer's career, as well as relationships with a loved one.

There is a high probability that a dream from Thursday to Friday will come true. Visions on this night are addressed to those for whom personal experiences are much more valuable than career and money.

Only visions with positive stories are fulfilled. Dreams are important not only for the dreamer himself, but also for the people who surround him


Only good dreams come true on this night. Come true in a very short time

Lunar calendar

For the correct interpretation of dreams, it is important to pay not only to months and numbers, but also to the lunar day. The moon affects the physical and emotional state of a person. There are certain cycles when, according to the lunar calendar in a dream, you can find the answer to an important question:

  • Decreasing Moon. During this period of the month, you can see what will soon become unnecessary. If you have a bad dream, then this should be taken as a good sign. It means that all negativity will go away once and for all. All insults, problems and troubles will remain in the past. Don't expect good dreams to come true.
  • Waxing Crescent. This period is associated with the strengthening of strength and energy. Dreams on the growing moon speak of changes in the dreamer's life that will happen very soon. Dreams are often prophetic. They tell a person what awaits him in the near future, what steps should be taken to achieve success and what should be abandoned. The dream book claims that you need to interpret dreams in integrity, and not separately every detail.
  • Full moon. Dreams at this time become colorful, vivid, emotionally colored. You need to remember everything that was dreamed during this period, analyze your feelings and emotions. Dreams will give a hint that a person can use in extraordinary situations.
  • New moon. Visions on the new moon remind of something forgotten, but soon necessary. Visions can help you get out of a difficult situation. During this period, a person may have a dream about what needs to be done for happiness and prosperity in the future.

Interpretation of dreams on lunar days

It is important to pay attention not only to the phase of the moon, but also to the lunar day, when the dream was dreamed:

Lunar day


A vision will come true if you tell a loved one about it

On this day, dreams are often prophetic and quickly come true.

Dreams don't come true. Do not be afraid of the dreamed nightmare

Dreams are not bad. Come true, but not soon

This is a period of doubt and uncertainty. Dreams do not carry a special meaning

Visions are coming true. To be successful, you should not tell anyone about the dream plot.

Pleasant visions come true

A dream about troubles will come true. You should remember the plot to avoid them. Good dreams are good luck

Visions come true

On these days, prophetic dreams are dreamed. You should be vigilant

The most successful time for prophetic dreams. The interpretation of vision is straightforward

It is necessary to remember the plot of the dream in order to avoid problems and troubles in the future.

Only short and clear dreams are performed

Only vivid dreams come true

Dreams on this day are prophetic. You can't tell anyone the plot of a dream

Only vivid dreams come true. Vague and confused plots are not performed

Visions are sure to come true

Dreams come true. Pay attention to the smallest things in real life to avoid trouble

Visions come true, but not soon. The plot of the dream should be recorded

If you had a nightmare on this day, then it will help you find the answer to an important question.

Visions are empty

Prophetic visions come true in a short period

Doubtful stories, visions don't come true

Only positive stories come true

Dreams are fulfilled that have a clear and understandable plot

Dreaming prophetic dreams

Visions don't always come true

Visions that are dreamed before awakening are fulfilled

For a vision to come true, you need to tell a loved one about it

Only positive visions are fulfilled

When can prophetic visions be seen?

Prophetic dreams can be seen in the period of seven days between the Nativity of Christ and the Baptism of the Lord. These days are called Christmastide.

For Christmas dreams tell you how to achieve the desired goal and avoid failures in life. Most often, the visions are fulfilled within 7 days. However, they can be fulfilled in 5 years.

IN Christmastide dreams are fulfilled within 6 months. They characterize the actions of a person and are related to the daily affairs of a person. Particular attention should be paid to the dreams of the following nights:


What a dream can tell

The dream speaks of the plans of insidious enemies and envious people

No question asked this night

Dreams answer women's questions about the family, the fate of loved ones

Visions tell about material well-being and career

If a man is interested in issues related to business development and material well-being, then you need to pay attention to dreams from January 11 to 12

A vision will answer any tormenting question

The vision will tell the tactics of behavior with the opponent

On this night they don't think anything

Dreams will tell of problems and adversities over the next year

The vision will give information about a romantic relationship with a beloved man, family and children.

When fortune-telling about Christmas dreams, one must not forget to repent, since the church considers fortune-telling as one of their sinful pursuits.

For Baptism visions are related to the whole life of a person, his destiny, and they can be fulfilled within 20 years.

On any church holiday a prophetic vision may be dreamed, but it must be fulfilled before noon (lunch) of this day.

Every month on the third prophetic dreams should be expected. Visions on the 25th are empty.

They are almost always truthful. You should especially pay attention to the Fridays on the eve of some church holidays.

The story of one of our readers Alina R .:

Money has always been my main concern. Because of this, I had a bunch of complexes. I considered myself a failure, problems at work and in my personal life haunted me. However, I decided that I still need personal help. Sometimes it seems that the point is in yourself, all failures are just a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye, or some other bad force.

But who will help in a difficult life situation, when it seems that your whole life is going downhill and passes you by. It is difficult to be happy working as a cashier for 26 thousand rubles, when you had to pay 11 for renting an apartment. What was my surprise when my whole life suddenly changed for the better overnight. I could not even imagine that you can make so much money that some trinket at first glance could have such an impact.

It all started when I ordered a personal ...

Dreams and days of the week

Monday. It will be fulfilled exactly if you were born on this day. For the rest - a high degree of what will come true.

Tuesday. Comes true within 10 days. If it has not been fulfilled on the tenth day, it will never happen.

Wednesday. If a dream is recorded before the beginning of a new day, it will come true, in the period from the beginning of a new day to awakening, it will be partially fulfilled.

Thursday. Almost any dream comes true!

Friday. Love dreams come true exactly.

Saturday. Morning dreams come true completely.

Sunday. Dreams related to rest, entertainment, positive actions are fulfilled, the rest are partially fulfilled.

Connection of dreams with lunar days

Of course, giving the characteristics of lunar days and talking about how they are related to dreams, we outline only general trends, that is, we offer rather approximate information, a kind of average statistical data. The lunar energy disposes precisely to such dreams on every lunar day, but in each case, depending on the individual characteristics of a person, everything can be completely different! Therefore, referring to this information, nevertheless, first of all, trust yourself and your intuition. If the dream seemed interesting, vivid to you, if it was remembered and made a strong impression, pay attention to this dream, even if it is written that it is empty. What if this is not the case in your case? There are no rules without exceptions!

What else, besides the characteristics of the lunar day, you need to know in order to determine whether you had a prophetic dream or a little meaningful one. There are some more regularities that allow us to answer this question.

It must be borne in mind that prophetic and other significant dreams we often dream on the growing moon and the closer to the full moon, the more likely it is to see just such a dream. Also, pay attention to what time of night you had the dream. As a rule, the closer to morning, the more important sleep is. In addition, keep in mind: the more vivid, the more memorable the dream you had, the more chances that it will turn out to be prophetic. Such dreams, dreamed after 3 am, come true very quickly, usually during the day. Dreams, dreamed from 0 to 3 hours, come true on average within three months, and dreams, dreamed before midnight, either do not come true at all, or come true after a very long time. If you have a habit of sleeping during the day, remember that daytime dreams usually mean nothing at all.

So, get creative with this information, don't take it as dogma, that is, too literal. After all, the interpretation of dreams is a creative business, akin to art!

Dreams and lunar days (when dreams come true according to the lunar calendar)

1st lunar day: a dream, as a rule, does not come true if something unpleasant is dreaming. Good dreams can come true.

2nd lunar day: dreams are empty, not serious, meaning nothing.

3rd lunar day: Dreams are special, they come true quickly.

4 lunar day: The dream is significant, it carries warnings. Often deals with karmic questions - about cause and effect in our life.

5th lunar day: dreams of this day often show a state of health. A good sign, if you cry in a dream, this indicates cleansing and recovery.

6th lunar day: dreams come true, but only if on this day you were calm and balanced, did not lose your temper, did not get irritated and did not swear. In this case, dreams will provide important information.

7th lunar day: be careful, the dreams of this day are prophetic, important and prophetic. Come true very soon. Most often, they are favorable. But you can't tell anyone about them.

8th lunar day: prophetic dreams. Often associated with a cherished desire, or indicate a true purpose, so be attentive to such dreams.

9th lunar day: dreams come true that portend success. But often there are heavy dreams, nightmares, you should not believe them, the bad will not come true.

10th lunar day: the exact opposite of the previous day. Negative dreams come true, but positive dreams do not.

11th lunar day: dreams do not come true.

12th lunar day: important - dreams - most likely come true and offer help. Take advantage of this dream.

13th lunar day: significant dreams. Can show important new information about long-standing problems.

14th lunar day: dreams are heavy, all sorts of misfortunes occur in them. But most often they do not come true, so do not get upset.

15th lunar day: prophetic dreams, especially on the growing and fast moon and indicating something positive. They talk about what needs to be addressed first. You need to be able to solve them.

16th lunar day: dreams are often healing, bringing relief from tension. Often irrelevant.

17th lunar day: meaningful sleep. Shows the current state of affairs. If good - everything is fine, no - will show our dissatisfaction, lack of inner freedom.

18th lunar day: Dreams often show a problem that worries us and how to solve it, or be cured if there is a disease.

19th lunar day: dreams are frightening, but they have little meaning. Don't pay too much attention to them.

20th lunar day: special dreams. You can see a dream by order. Before falling asleep, ask a question and tune in to see the answer in a dream. If the question is serious, it is highly likely that the answer will come to you in a dream. The dreams of this day come true quickly.

21st lunar day: dreams are often pleasant, but they have little to do with reality, as a rule, they do not come true.

22nd lunar day: dreams come true. The 22nd lunar day is a day of wisdom, intuition, tips. In dreams, you can see the future or insights. Very useful information can be dreamed of.

23rd lunar day: confused dreams, chaotic, come true on the contrary.

24th lunar day: dreams are often pleasant, joyful and prophetic. Show how realized we are. If we have a bad dream, it means that we are not happy with our achievements and, especially, with our sexual realization.

25th lunar day: dreams do not come true, although it is possible that in the near future they will try to deceive you. If you had a bad dream, pray in the morning and say 3 times: "Where is the night, there is a dream." Before noon, turn on the tap with cold water, tell her your dream and imagine how he goes with the water into the drain, the water will carry him away.

26th lunar day: Dreams tell us who we really are, or rather, how we see ourselves. Therefore, it is worth listening to them and drawing conclusions. Dreams on this day are unusual. They often improve mood.

27th lunar day: dreams come true. They are often confused and confused. But they carry within themselves intuitive insights, reveal the true essence of people and situations.

28th lunar day: prophetic dreams and clues. They portend obstacles, difficulties in business. It is believed that they can be “canceled” by losing money, thus making a sacrifice as compensation.

29th lunar day: dreams do not come true, they are heavy, joyless, frightening.

30th lunar day: dreams of the 30th lunar prophetic. Fantastic, but inherently truthful, they have a rational meaning.

If on lunar days, promising a high fulfillment of dreams, the Moon will be in the signs of the water element (Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces), the likelihood of a prophetic dream will increase even more.

Dream fulfillment by date of the month

1. Performed with absolute precision.

2. Empty and meaningless dreams, but if this is a hint, a warning dream, it will come true.

3. Rapidly executed dreams (within three days).

4. Will come true within seven months.

5. Self-fulfilling dreams of positive meaning.

6. The second half of the dream will come true.

7. This dream is never told to anyone, then it will come true; if you tell, you will bring trouble on yourself.

8. If it is not a warning dream, a hint dream, a prophetic dream - it will not come true!

9. Only the middle part of the dream will come true.

10. Come true within 12 days.

11. Only the beginning of a dream comes true.

12. As a rule, happy dreams come true in accordance with the "Dream Interpretation".

13. One, the most unpleasant episode will come true.

14. It will come true in accordance with this "Dream Interpretation".

15. Only the happy meanings of the dream come true.

16. Come true in accordance with this "Dream Interpretation".

17. Come true within 20 days.

18. Only good things will come true.

19. It will be accomplished in accordance with this "Dream Interpretation".

20. Fast execution of the plot seen.

21. Fulfilled if the dream is in the first half of the night.

22. It will come true if a dream is dreamed before the beginning of a new day.

23. Events will soon come true, especially if the dream is seen in the morning.

24. Only joyful stories will come true.

25. Will come true in strict accordance with this "Dream Interpretation".

26. Dream in hand - everything will come true.

27. If the dream is not prophetic, it will not come true.

28. Executed within a month.

29. Never fulfilled.

30. Come true one hundred percent if the day before you had an intimate date.

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