Adapted educational program dow expected results. Consultation for teachers "what is an adapted program. Methodological recommendations for compiling an adapted program for a child with disabilities or a child with a disability"

CONSULTATION for teachers

What is an adapted program.

adapted program for the child

with disabilities or a disabled child.

In accordance with Part 1 of Art. 79 of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" dated December 29, 2012 No. 273 (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation") establishes: "... the content of education and the conditions for organizing the training and education of students with disabilities (hereinafter - HIA) determined by the adapted educational program, and for the disabled, also in accordance with the individual program for the rehabilitation of the disabled.”

An adapted educational program (hereinafter AEP) is an educational program adapted for teaching people with disabilities (persons with hearing, vision,musculoskeletal system, with speech and intelligence disorders, autism spectrum disorders), children with disabilities taking into account the peculiarities of their psychophysical development, individual capabilities and, if necessary, providing correction of developmental disorders and social adaptation of these persons.

AEP is aimed at overcoming the discrepancy between the process of teaching disabled children with severe visual impairment, musculoskeletal system, as well as somatic diseases (provided that the intellectual sphere is preserved) in educational programs of a certain level of education and the child's real capabilities, based on the structure of his disease, cognitive needs and interests.

In this regard, in order to receive general education for children with disabilities in general educational organizations, appropriate adapted basic general educational programs (in separate documents) should be developed, taking into account the peculiarities of their psychophysical development, individual capabilities.

On an individual approach in the preparation of an adapted program

If the group has a combined orientation, that is, along with ordinary children, there are also children with disabilities, it is necessary, of course, to consider each child individually,for each to write an adapted educational program.

We must not forget aboutdisabled children. It's a must for them

drawn up individual educational program. There are no discrepancies here.

Main Document, which contains hygienic requirements for the organization of this work - these are the new "Sanitary and epidemiological rules, standards and requirements for the device, content and organization of the working hours of preschool educational organizations, approved. Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated May 15, 2013 No. 26 (hereinafter - SanPiN; the beginning of the document is July 30, 2013). Which says: “An educational organization must create conditions for children with disabilities, children with disabilities if they stay in an institution ...”. Norms SanPiN apply to all preschool institutions, regardless of their type, organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership.

An adapted program is one of the most pressing issues, since for the system of preschool education so farthere are no federal guidelines for its compilation, as long as they exist only in the context of primary general education. Therefore, the compilation of an adapted program is difficult. A possible way out is the use of methodological materials on the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard in primary general education. For example, on The Russian Ministry of Education and Science has posted drafts of adapted basic educational programs for children with various developmental disabilities. In addition, there is the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, which spells out both the structure of the main educational program of preschool education and the recommended content of the sections. It is worth relying on these documents when drawing up adapted programs; there are no other recommendations today.

How not to confuse the concepts of "adapted educational program" and "adapted basic educational program"?

There are two concepts:"adapted educational program" and "adapted basic educational program". It is important to understand the following:

If in a group one child with a disability (or with any one health limitation), then the kindergarten works according to main educational program, and for this child it is writtenadapted educational program.

If the kindergarten hasgroup with similar disorders (for example, this is a compensatory group for children with speech, vision or musculoskeletal disorders, etc.), then for a whole group of children it is writtenadapted BASIC educational program.

So these are two different programs. Managers need to determine the contingent of children and develop programs in accordance with the characteristics of the contingent.At the moment, our institution is visited by 3 disabled children (Lev Volosatov, Kristina Bogdanova, Sava Stafeev). Children do not have visible disorders and deviations in development, their intellectual sphere is preserved, which freely allows them to be brought up and trained together in groups with children who do not have developmental disorders.

From the moment children with disabilities enter the institution, close work should be carried out with their families on the developed and current"Algorithm actions with children with disabilities and children with disabilities attending a preschool educational institution”

    At the initial stage an initial meeting with the family is held in order to get acquainted and collect information about the development of the child, to clarify the educational request from the parents.

The work with children of this category includes employees of the educational institution, the administration and specialists of the preschool educational institution: head, deputy head for AHR, deputy. head for VMR, a health worker, educators, a psychologist, speech therapists, a physical education instructor, music directors who contribute to the creation of conditions and a favorable microclimate in a preschool educational institution to facilitate the adaptation of children with disabilities and children with disabilities, their successful socialization.

carry outindividual approach to children in the organization of the educational process.Educators and specialists conduct conversations with parents, consult, give recommendations, advice for the optimal development and adaptation of children in society, as well as providing assistance to all members of families raising these children.

Administration, in turn, it concludes agreements on the relationship between the preschool educational institution and parents (legal representatives), and further contributes to the creation of special conditions that involve the formation of an adapted educational environment.

paramedic monitors the adaptation of children with disabilities and disabled children to the conditions of the preschool educational institution, monitors their state of health, well-being during the day, the timeliness of taking medications, according to the conclusion and recommendations of the attending physicians during the stay of these children in the preschool educational institution. Advises educators and parents (legal representatives), gives recommendations on the implementation of an individual approach to children in accordance with the diagnosis in the organization of nutrition, the organization of routine processes in kindergarten and at home.

    The next step isin-depth psychological and pedagogical examination all spheres of activity of children of this category, emotional-volitional sphere, higher mental functions, speech development, intellectual development. The results of this survey are submitted to the PMPK of the institution in order to determine the further educational route.

    Further, organizational work is carried out on the design, development and approvaleducational program for a child with disabilities or a child with a disability . Taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the child, medical indicators, recommendations of the PMPK DOE, parents' expectations, the goals and objectives of the individual educational program are clearly formulated (the need to supplement or change the educational schedule is discussed, forms of education are determined, the mode of attending classes, both subgroup and individual , additional types of psychological and pedagogical support, determination of intermediate and final results, etc.).

    Further, teachers and specialists of preschool educational institutions developindividual educational routes on the basis of the developed educational program for a particular child with disabilities or a disabled child, taking into account the general educational program of the preschool educational institution. These individual educational routes include the content of the main sections of the basic program, as well as correctional directions for a particular child, recommended by the institution's specialists.

Since the optimal option for the development and implementation of an individual educational program for a student is one year, its content is adjusted based on the results of an interim diagnostic conducted in December of the current academic year. Based on the analysis of intermediate diagnostics, changes and adjustments are made to the individual educational program for a particular child with disabilities or a disabled child.

    At the end of the academic year, based on the results of the implementation of an individual educational program, within the framework of the psychological, medical and pedagogical consultation (PMPC), aanalysis of the final diagnosis of various areas of child development , corrections are justified, recommendations are formulated to ensure continuity in the process of individual support of a child with disabilities or a child with a disability by specialists at the next stage of his upbringing and education. Also heldclosing meeting with parents (legal representatives) to determine further forms of work with the child, teachers and specialists of preschool educational institutions are given recommendations, advice, consultations, memos.

As mentioned earlier, at the moment, our preschool is attended by 3 disabled children. According to the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" part 11 of Art. 79"The educational organization must create conditions for children with disabilities, children with disabilities in case of their stay in the institution." The administration of the institution should create special conditions at the expense of the budget allocations of the federal budget, which involve the formation of an adapted educational system.barrier-free environment, there are funds for training and education, as well as for the timely correction of violations in the development of children, taking into account the structure of their violations:

Equipment for the development of general mobility;

Equipment and toys for the development of: manual skills; tactile, visual and auditory perception; thinking, speech and language;

Toys to support social-emotional development;

Equipment for games with water and bulk materials;

Materials for fine arts;

Music library, musical toys;

Fiction for children and parents.

The procedure for the development and adjustment of individual educational programs for children with disabilities or children with disabilities takes place within the framework of the PMPK of the institution.

What to rely on when compiling an adapted program?

Unfortunately, now there are no programs developed, for example, for children with visual impairments or for children with mental retardation, that meet the Federal State Educational Standards and modern requirements. All of them are written according to the canons that were in force before the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard. An exception may beprogram N.V. Nishcheva, which is located in the navigator of educational programs for preschool education on the FIRO website.

However, this does not mean that teachers cannot rely on proven programs that have been tested in the system of preschool education. They can use any program, but adjusting it, taking what corresponds to the Federal State Educational Standard. That is, in fact, this is the creation of your own program, but with a possible reliance on an existing one. What specific adjustments to make depends on the contingent of children.

Therefore, to give a general recommendationtake this program and work on it " impossible. Probably, we need to look at the work of educational organizations that already have some experience in this. For example, you can seeprogram for children with OHP T.B. Filicheva and G.V. Chirkina, for children with visual impairments -program L.I. Plaksina. I would not say that this is a recommendation, I am simply naming programs for children with various disabilities known in the preschool education system.The educational program is developed by the administration, teachers and specialists of the preschool educational institution and approved by the head. An individual educational program for a child with disabilities or a child with a disability in an institution has the following structure:

1. Title page , which includes the name of the institution, the purpose of the program, the implementation period, the targeting of the program (last name, first name of the pupil, year of study), approval stamp by the head, coordination with parents. If necessary, the program must be agreed with the chairman of the psychological, medical and pedagogical council. On the title page, you can indicate the specialist or teachers who are responsible for the implementation of the individual program.

2. explanatory note, which sets out information about the child: age, group, social environment, interests; parental expectations; diagnosis; psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the child with a list of skills and abilities formed and those that are not properly developed. Based on the data of independent psychological and pedagogical diagnostics, the goal and objectives of accompanying the child for a certain period of time are formulated. The explanatory note indicates the main general educational programs on the basis of which the individual educational program was developed, and also justifies the variation if there is a redistribution of the number of hours devoted to the study of certain sections and topics, a change in the sequence of studying topics, etc.

3. Individual curriculum . It is possible to vary within the content of an individual program by strengthening individual topics, sections. Variation at the level of content of an individual educational program is carried out by rescheduling the number of hours in the structural units of the program; changes in the sequence of studying individual sections of the program, some topics; increasing the volume of integrated classes within the individual program.

4. Program content.

Includes three main components or blocks:

Educational component , which discloses the content of education in a particular year of study (intermediate planned results) with the inclusion of calendar and thematic planning, criteria for assessing achievements in educational areas, etc.The educational component is mandatory if an individual curriculum is included in the individual program .

Corrective component , within the framework of which the directions of correctional work with pupils, techniques, methods and forms are outlined. The correctional block includes sections of preschool educational institution specialists: a speech therapist teacher, a psychologist, a physical education instructor, a music director, an educator who has the opportunity to implement the techniques and methods of corrective work with the pupil during direct educational activities and in free activities.

educational component contains the conditions for the interaction of educators and specialists with a child with disabilities or a disabled child, as well as with parents in the process of psychological and pedagogical support

Conclusion and recommendations. This section formulates the justification for making adjustments based on the results of intermediate diagnostics and the conclusion on the implementation of the individual program as a whole when discussing this issue as part of the final psychological, medical and pedagogical consultation at the end of the academic year. Recommendations are formulated in order to ensure continuity in the process of individual support of a child with disabilities and a child with a disability by specialists at the next stage of his education.

In preparing this material, references were used to:

The article discusses the concept of an adapted educational program for children with disabilities in a preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard, principles, stages, conditions for its development and implementation. The section describing the structure of AOP will help you write the document correctly.


The adapted educational program (AEP) in the preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard allows for the education and upbringing of children with disabilities, taking into account their development, characteristics, individual capabilities, and also correct, if necessary, violations of the development and social adaptation of these children.

Are you a kindergarten teacher? We invite you to take distance learning at the School of Education Manager under the program “Creating special educational conditions for children with disabilities within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard”. Based on the results of the training, we will issue a certificate of advanced training of the established sample.

Taking into account the individual needs of persons with disabilities, the educational organization independently develops AEP based on the main general education program, as well as the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education by levels of education and / or the Federal State Educational Standard for the education of children with disabilities.

Stages and principles of implementing an adapted program for a child with disabilities in preschool

One of the most important steps in confirming the status of a child with disabilities is obtaining the conclusion of the PMPK. If this document is not available, then the child cannot be considered as a student with disabilities, even if the shortcomings in his physical or psychological development are obvious.

In their recommendations, PMPK employees reflect the conditions necessary for teaching a child with disabilities in a preschool educational institution according to an adapted program: basic or individual. Often, the PMPK offers parents to send a child with disabilities to a compensatory group or to a group of combined orientation with inclusive education. This contributes to socialization, the development of communication skills in children with disabilities. Employees of an educational institution create an accessible environment for children, use methods of interaction with such pupils.

The issue of building basic educational programs, the basis for which is the Federal State Educational Standard, remains relevant. It should be remembered that the law "On Education" requires that the main educational program be developed taking into account the exemplary one.

The organization of correctional work is carried out in several stages throughout the academic year. Targeting and the sequence of stages are prerequisites for neutralizing disorganizing factors. Let's take a closer look at each of the steps:

  1. Information and analytical activity - is reduced to the collection and analysis of information. Implementation lasts from September to October. Result: assessment of students in order to take into account the peculiarities of their development, determine specific educational needs, assess the educational environment for compliance with the requirements in the field of material and technical, software and methodological support, as well as the personnel base.
  2. Organizational and executive activities during October-December. As a result, an educational process of a correctional and developmental orientation is organized, as well as the process of psychological and pedagogical support for children with disabilities under the created conditions for the upbringing, education, development and socialization of these children.
  3. Control and diagnostic activities (January, May). Result: verification of the compliance of educational and correctional development programs, as well as the created conditions with the needs of the child.
  4. Regulatory and corrective activity (February-April). At this stage, changes are made to the process of education and support of children with disabilities to improve the quality and effectiveness of interaction with them.

The implementation of adapted educational programs for children with disabilities in preschool educational institutions should be based on the following principles:

  1. The principle of humanism, according to which relationships with a child are built on the basis of faith in his strength and capabilities, the search for positive resources to overcome difficulties with maximum benefit.
  2. The principle of a systematic approach involves considering a person as a single system. For the development and correction of disorders in children with disabilities, a comprehensive approach is used with the involvement of diversified specialists, as well as the involvement of all its participants in the educational process.
  3. The principle of continuity is the provision of assurance that assistance in solving a problem or determining an approach to solving it will be continuous.
  4. The principle of reality, according to which correctional and developmental work is based on a deep study of the personality and capabilities of the child.
  5. The principle of the activity approach provides that correctional and developmental work is based on the type of activity characteristic of the age, as well as its purposeful formation.
  6. The principle of an individually differentiated approach: depending on the individual characteristics of the child, changes are made to the forms and methods of correctional and developmental work, even if the work is carried out in groups.
  7. The principle of the advisory nature of assistance guarantees the observance of the right of parents to independently choose educational organizations, forms of education for children with disabilities.

Requirements for the implementation conditions and the planned results of the AOP in the preschool educational institution

For the successful implementation of an adapted preschool education program for children with disabilities, it is necessary to comply with certain conditions that cover all areas of the educational organization. First of all, such conditions include psychological and pedagogical support, which implies:

  1. Creation of conditions, according to the recommendations of the PMPK:
    1. the use of special techniques, methods, teaching aids, correctional and educational programs that are focused on the needs and capabilities of children;
    2. the use of individualized teaching methods that take into account the specifics of disorders in the development of the child;
    3. an integrated approach when working with a pupil in individual and group classes.
  2. Creation of proper psychological and pedagogical conditions:
    1. correctional direction of the educational process;
    2. construction of work taking into account the individual characteristics of the child;
    3. creation of a comfortable psychological atmosphere;
    4. application of modern pedagogical technologies.
  3. Ensuring health-saving conditions:
    1. carrying out activities aimed at strengthening physical and mental health;
    2. introduction of a health regimen;
    3. prevention of overload of pupils;
    4. monitoring compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards.
  4. Attracting children with disabilities to participate in leisure activities on an equal footing with their peers.

In addition, the successful implementation of an adapted program for a child with disabilities in a preschool educational institution provides for the organization of:

  1. software and methodological support, which includes:
    1. correctional and developmental programs;
    2. use of correctional-developing and diagnostic tools;
    3. application of special programs, teaching aids, as well as educational resources.
  2. staffing, that is, attracting specialized specialists to work with the child;
  3. logistics of offices, gym, medical room;
  4. information support.

Intermediate and final results of the implementation of the correctional program for children with disabilities in preschool educational institutions require an assessment of their mastery of the general education program. The dynamics of the development of pupils is manifested as they master the individual educational route. Planned results are evaluated through a specially organized monitoring system.

If it is impossible for a pupil to master the general education program due to violations confirmed by the PMPK, then the focus of correctional work is shifted to his socialization and the development of practical skills. As a result of corrective work, a child with disabilities achieves the planned results and overcomes developmental disorders.

The structure of the adapted educational program in kindergarten

The adaptation program for children with disabilities in the preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard includes:

  1. Title page.
  2. Explanatory note.
  3. Conditions for the implementation of corrective work.
  4. Description of the content of the program.
  5. Developed individual curriculum.
  6. Planned results.
  7. Conclusion, as well as recommendations of experts.

When making the title page, you should indicate the name of the educational organization, the purpose, targeting and duration of the program. It should have a stamp of approval by the head of the institution and information on agreement with the parents.

The explanatory note contains a brief psychological and pedagogical description of the child, a description of his psychophysical development, goals and objectives of training in each subject. The explanatory note indicates exemplary adapted educational programs for children with disabilities in preschool educational institutions, on the basis of which the AEP was prepared, and also justifies the redistribution of hours, changing the sequence of studying sections, and so on, if necessary.

The individual curriculum includes information on strengthening individual sections and topics, rescheduling study hours, the sequence of topics, changing the volume of integrated classes.

  • Educational - describes the content of education by year, expected results and forms of assessment of subject achievements.
  • Correctional - gives information about the directions of correctional work, its methods, techniques, forms. It describes the planned work of a speech therapist, defectologist, psychologist.
  • Educational - indicates the methods of form and methods of work.

The planned results include information on the dynamics of the achievements of a child with disabilities, an assessment of the creation of conditions for his education, an increase in the proportion of teachers who have received special training and have the necessary qualifications, and other indicators.

In the final part, a justification is made for making adjustments based on the results of intermediate diagnostics.

Thus, the adapted program of preschool education for children with disabilities is designed to implement all the principles of the Federal State Educational Standard and provide ample opportunities for special children in the field of education at all levels. AEP helps to organize the work of the teacher, his interaction with the child's family and specialized specialists to achieve the planned educational results.

Download an example of an adapted program for a child with disabilities (autism spectrum disorder) at the preschool educational institution
Free download in .pdf

Download an adapted basic educational program for children with severe speech disorders (general speech underdevelopment) from 3 to 7 years old
Free download in .pdf

Download the correctional program for children with disabilities (ZPR type VII) in the preschool educational institution
Free download in .pdf


The entry into force of the new law "On Education in the Russian Federation" requires the introduction of a new direction into the activities of an educational institution - the development of an adapted educational program. An adapted educational program (hereinafter referred to as AEP) is an educational program adapted for training persons with disabilities, taking into account the peculiarities of their psychophysical development, individual capabilities and, if necessary, providing correction of developmental disorders and social adaptation of these persons.

An adapted educational program is developed by an Independent Educational Organization, taking into account federal state educational standards for general education by levels of education and (or) federal state educational standards for the education of children with disabilities on the basis of the main general education program and in accordance with the special educational needs of persons with disabilities. Federal State Educational Standard Approximate adapted basic general education program Adapted basic general education program OO Individual program for supporting a pupil

CONDITIONS FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE ADAPTED EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM 1. The implementation of the AEP should provide for the creation of special conditions in an educational organization that should be applicable to a specific category of persons with disabilities. 2. When implementing AOP, it is necessary to create conditions: taking into account the characteristics of the child, an individual pedagogical approach, manifested in a special organization of the correctional and pedagogical process, in the use of special methods and means of training, compensation and correction of developmental disorders (informational, methodological, technical); implementation of the correctional and pedagogical process by teachers and educational psychologists of the appropriate qualification, its psychological support by special psychologists; provision of medical, psychological, pedagogical and social assistance to a student with disabilities; involvement of parents in the correctional and pedagogical process. 3. Tutors, teachers-defectologists, teachers-speech therapists, teachers-psychologists should be involved in the implementation of AOP in an educational organization.

Title page Name of the educational institution Program approval stamp (indicating the date and number of the minutes of the meeting of the pedagogical council) Approval stamp of the program by the director of the educational institution (indicating the date and number of the order) Name of the adapted educational program without indicating the category of persons with disabilities. Full name of the teacher (s) who developed (their) and implements (their) program (possible indication of work experience, category) Expert (by decision of the teacher or the management of the educational institution) Year of the program

The target section includes: an explanatory note, including a psychological and pedagogical description of the features of the psychophysiological development of a child with disabilities; goals, objectives, taking into account the peculiarities of development; the planned results of the development of the AOOP by students (targets for preschool education in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education: 1. Explanatory note 1.1. Goals and objectives of the educational institution in the implementation of the adapted basic educational program of preschool education Principles and approaches to the formation of the Program 1.3. Age and individual characteristics of the contingent of children 2. The planned results of the children's mastering the adapted basic educational program of preschool education 2.1 Targets of possible achievements by the child at the stage of completion of the level of preschool education Corrective work

Content section The content of educational work in five educational areas: social and communicative development; cognitive development; speech development; artistic and aesthetic development; physical development, which depends on the age of children. the content of the work on the correction of developmental disorders in children; description of forms, methods, means of implementing the program. 1. Educational activities 1.1. Directions for the development of the child in the development of five educational areas 1.2. Program and methodological support of the educational process 2. Variable forms, methods, methods and means of implementing the Program, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of pupils 2.1. Designing the educational process 2.2. Features of educational activities of different types and cultural practices 2.3. Ways and directions of support for children's initiative 3. Educational activities for the professional correction of developmental disorders in children 3.1. Software and methodological support of correctional work with children 3.2. The system of psychological assistance preschool educational institution 3.3. The system of work of a speech therapist (teacher-defectologist) 4. Interaction with the families of pupils

Organizational section Conditions for the implementation of the AOOP: the presence in the educational institution of a psychological and pedagogical support service; creation of special conditions: psychological and pedagogical (comprehensive medical, psychological and pedagogical support of pupils by specialists, material and technical (special equipment), organizational (creation of a special subject-developing environment, a special regime at certain periods of time, for example: organizing a silence regime for stutterers) and etc.). 1. Logistics 1.1. Conditions for the implementation of the educational program of a preschool educational institution 1.2. Personnel support for the implementation of the educational program 1.3. Methodical materials and means of training and education 2. Organization of the regime of stay of children in an educational institution 2.1. Description of the daily organization of the life and activities of children 3. Features of the organization of the developing object-spatial environment

VARIATIVE PART Model of organization of the educational space 2. Comprehensive and thematic planning of the educational process 2.1. Lexical topics 3. Pedagogical diagnostics and monitoring of the dynamics of children's development 4. Interaction with the school and society 4.1. Continuity in the work of kindergarten and school 4.2. Interaction of the kindergarten with the society 5. Organization of the work of the advisory point
The structure of an individual educational route for the development of a child with disabilities: An agreement for parents to organize individual educational support for a child by specialists of a preschool educational institution etc.), implementing an individual educational route for the development of a child with disabilities Individual program for the rehabilitation of a child with a disability, issued by federal state institutions of medical and social expertise (a copy is requested from parents); Social passport of the family; Individual development route for a preschool child with disabilities Prospective plans for individual work with a child by specialists working with this child; Journal of registration of correctional and developmental work with a child (fixes the individual educational activities of child development specialists: psychological, speech therapy, physical and musical, aesthetic);

FROM BIRTH TO SCHOOL. Approximate general educational program of preschool education / Ed. N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. "The program of education and training of preschool children with intellectual disabilities" L. B. Baryaeva, O. P. Gavrilushkina, A. P. Zarina, N. D. Sokolova; "The program of speech therapy work to overcome phonetic and phonemic underdevelopment in children" T. B. Filicheva, G. V. Chirkina, "The program of speech therapy work to overcome the general underdevelopment of speech in children" T. B. Filicheva, G. V. Chirkina, T V. Tumanova, Yakovleva Natalya Nikolaevna, Head of the Department of Special (Correctional) Pedagogy of the St. Petersburg Academy of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education "The specifics of the development of adapted programs for the education of children with disabilities." The concept of federal state educational standards for students with disabilities

Recently, Olga Vladimirovna Berezhnova, Head of the Department of Education Development, Head of the Laboratory for the Development of Preschool Education in the Region of the Institute for the Development of Education, held a webinar "Implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education: Actual Problems of a Modern Preschool Educational Organization." After the webinar, the editors received many questions about the development of an adapted program within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard. Olga Vladimirovna answered topical questions.

An adapted program is one of the most pressing issues, since for the system of preschool education there are still no federal methodological recommendations for its preparation, while they exist only in the context of primary general education. Therefore, the compilation of an adapted program is difficult. A possible way out is the use of methodological materials on the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard in primary general education. For example, the website of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia contains drafts of adapted basic educational programs for children with various developmental disabilities. In addition, there is the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, which spells out both the structure of the main educational program of preschool education and the recommended content of the sections. It is worth relying on these documents when drawing up adapted programs; there are no other recommendations today.

How not to confuse the concepts of "adapted educational program" and "adapted basic educational program"?

There are two concepts: "adapted educational program" and "adapted basic educational program". It is important to understand the following:

If there is one child with disabilities in the group (or with any one disability), then the kindergarten works according to the main educational program, and an adapted educational program is written for this child.

If there is a group with similar disorders in a kindergarten (for example, this is a compensatory group for children with speech, vision or musculoskeletal disorders, etc.), then an adapted BASIC educational program is written for a whole group of children.

So these are two different programs. Managers need to determine the contingent of children and develop programs in accordance with the characteristics of the contingent.

What to rely on when compiling an adapted program?

Unfortunately, now there are no programs developed, for example, for children with visual impairments or for children with mental retardation, that meet the Federal State Educational Standards and modern requirements. All of them are written according to the canons that were in force before the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard. An exception may be the program of N.V. Nishcheva, which is located in the navigator of educational programs for preschool education on the FIRO website.

However, this does not mean that teachers cannot rely on proven programs that have been tested in the system of preschool education. They can use any program, but adjusting it, taking what corresponds to the Federal State Educational Standard. That is, in fact, this is the creation of your own program, but with a possible reliance on an existing one. What specific adjustments to make depends on the contingent of children.

Therefore, it is impossible to give a general recommendation “take this program and work on it”. Probably, we need to look at the work of educational organizations that already have some experience in this. For example, you can watch a program for children with ASD T.B. Filicheva and G.V. Chirkina, for children with visual impairments - the program of L.I. Plaksina. I would not say that this is a recommendation, I am simply naming programs for children with various disabilities known in the preschool education system. But none of them are currently included in the navigator.

On an individual approach in the preparation of an adapted program

If the group has a combined orientation, that is, along with ordinary children, there are also children with disabilities, it is necessary, of course, to consider each child individually, to write an adapted educational program for each.

We must not forget about children with disabilities. For them, an individual educational program is necessarily drawn up. There are no discrepancies here.

Introduction of the GEF of primary general education for children with disabilities

From September 1, 2016, it is planned to introduce the federal state educational standard of primary general education for children with disabilities.

Thus, the standard has already been released and exists as a document. Today, each region has a "road map" for its introduction. But there are no documents and standards for preschool education that would be worth discussing. So for now, focus on primary education.

The same was the case with the state program "Accessible Environment". At first, it was implemented in general educational institutions, and then it reached the level of preschool education. So there's more to come.

Marina Lukomskaya
Project of an adapted educational program for a visually impaired child

Development experience adapted educational program

in preschool educational institution is represented

Methodist of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology IPK and PPRO OGPU

Kolisnichenko T. N.

Essence of experience

The most important condition for inclusion child with special educational needs needs in the preschool environment educational institutions of a general developmental type are specialized psychological and pedagogical support for inclusive practice. Parents child have the right to choose educational strategies for your child and definition of preschool educational institution, in which child will receive optimal socialization and the highest possible quality of development, is being implemented, but in the absence of psychological and pedagogical support for the family by correctional specialists education usually does not lead to a correct solution. Strategic directions in child's education preschool age with special educational needs are developed by PMPK specialists.

Tactical tasks of psychological and pedagogical support (specification of the sequence of connecting specialists, conditions for preschool educational institutions, selection of corrective programs, tactics, support technologies adequate to the features child and situations of his inclusion in the environment of ordinary peers) are developed and solved by specialists of preschool educational institution(M. M. Semago). Particular attention is paid to the development of individual support programs for a child with special educational needs attending preschool educational educational institution.

Escort organization child with disabilities actualizes the task of psychological and pedagogical support for all other children of the group in which he is included, since the rights of other children to receive education must not be violated. Innovative Inclusion Practice child with disabilities to a preschool peer group educational institutions of a general developmental type are effectively implemented in the presence of certain external (a system for supporting the development of an inclusive education in the district) and internal (inclusive practice in preschool educational institution) conditions.

Organizational and content aspects of preschool activities educational institutions are determined by a set of goals, objectives and specific tactics for the activities of specialists (coordinator for inclusion (senior educator, teacher-psychologist, defectologist, educators, social pedagogue, nurse). The activities of each specialist are integrated into a single picture of an individual educational route of the child in an inclusive educational vertical preschool educational institution, drawing up an individual adapted program is an important part of it.

“... a true understanding of the value, organizational and content aspects of an inclusive education, its principles, tasks, the logic of developing and corrective work, a clear coordination of actions of all specialists according to the principle "at the right time, in the right place" (M. M. Semago).


For creating adapted educational program for the child preschool age with disabilities vision and general underdevelopment of speech, a universal algorithm was used.


Social, cognitive and creative activity child with disabilities in the conditions of stay in preschool educational general development institution.

I. Structure adapted educational program is presented:

1. Explanatory note:

1) target section (brief psychological and pedagogical characteristics child(output on the justification of the structure, the structure of the AOP, the goal programs, tasks programs);

2) schedule of classes (including classes of correctional-pedagogical and psychological orientation (individual, subgroup and group);

1) educational component(content educational areas(changes);

2) correction component ( programs correctional-pedagogical and psychological orientation (individual program speech therapy work program individual work of a teacher-psychologist, program individual work of a defectologist teacher, oligophrenopedagogue, deaf teacher, typhlopedagogue, etc., recommendations of specialists to teachers, parents);

3. Monitoring of achievements (concrete results of the implementation programs at the level of dynamics of indicators of development of a preschooler)

4. Conclusions and recommendations (justification for making adjustments based on the results of intermediate diagnostics and a conclusion on the implementation of AOP as a whole when discussing this issue as part of the final psychological and pedagogical consultation at the end of the year and dynamic examination child at PMPK).

I. Target section programs


Adapted educational program(Further Program) developed in connection with the need to implement educational needs and general underdevelopment of speech. Preservation view of Maria M. is 0.15%, the child's medical diagnosis is high degree congenital myopia, high degree refractive amblyopia in both eyes. Medical recommendations: guard mode vision, constant wearing glasses, multivitamins. Based on this diagnosis and medical recommendations, the psychological and pedagogical council decided to create adapted educational program for Maria M. (5 years).

The girl is brought up in a complete large family, Masha is the second child. The family is socially prosperous. Parents socially adapted to modern conditions and own the culture of education. The family lives in their own private house. The nature of relationships in the family is friendly, parents and children treat each other with respect. All children in the family are disabled vision, since the pathology is congenital, transmitted through the paternal line. Masha in the family took the role "slave", as her older sister has pronounced leadership qualities.

In kindergarten, Maria does not feel uncomfortable communicating with peers, but she is a little shy with adults, takes an active part in joint activities with peers and adults. Trying to lead in pictorial and play activity, however, has difficulty in orienting in space, which leads to the transfer of a leading position (usually to kid assisting in organizing a game or other activity) and taking on a position "slave"; the girl is non-confrontational, willingly makes contact.

V educational activity participates in the process of updating knowledge, activity is associated with the level of assimilation of knowledge and experience in using it in practical activities. Masha willingly follows the instructions of the teacher, but often requires its clarification or repetition in order to complete the task qualitatively; does not lose interest in cognitive research activities, even if the features of its visual perception are not taken into account. Voluntary attention prevails.

Maria has difficulty in determining the position of an object in space and in visual perception (she sees only three lines, so it is necessary to add tactile and sound analyzers to visual analyzers.

Masha understands the essence of spatial relationships (left, right, etc., carries out the simplest classifications, compares objects, selects generalizing words. She knows how to establish cause-and-effect relationships, highlights the main thing in the perceived information. Temporal representations are formed, within program material able to establish the sequence of natural phenomena. However, there are some difficulties in determining the sequence of days of the week and months of the year.

The girl has developed the skills of drawing, modeling, designing within educational program. Knows all the colors of the spectrum, has an idea about the shape of objects, but finds it difficult to name some geometric shapes.

Phonemic hearing and the structure of speech are not sufficiently formed, phonological defects are observed (replacement of sounds l, p - sound n). Mostly in speech he uses simple, uncommon sentences. Answers questions in one word. Retells works and composes stories with the help of an adult. He enters into a dialogue with peers willingly, when communicating with an adult there is embarrassment.

Mastering motor activity is slightly difficult. Performing exercises such as jumping and jumping, coordination and flexibility exercises are not recommended. The coordination of movements is not disturbed, the possibilities in physical development are average. To the necessary restrictions in the physical plane, he is calm, follows the recommendations of the teacher, does not violate his requirements. Masha understands that these are features vision and recommendations for exercise relate to its safety and health. Shows interest and need in running and climbing, in ball games, but avoids the element of competition.

In the absence of a specialist psychologist in the staffing of a kindergarten, psychological support is provided by a specialist "Center for Social Services of the Population" in consultation with the child's parents.

Speech therapy support for Maria is organized in a preschool institution, since a speech therapist is on the staff list of the institution. As a result of the examination, it was revealed that the phonetic structure of speech is not sufficiently formed, phonological defects are observed (replacement of the sounds l, p with the sound n, phonemic hearing is not sufficiently developed.

Based on the above individual features of development child structure defined programs based on GEF and educational program of a preschool educational institution. Content section Programs are represented by educational areas: speech development and cognitive development, which contains the following Components:

1. Educational component - its purpose is to prepare child to frontal classes for active participation in the collective educational activities. Moreover, child's educational activity organized in subgroups (with children showing interest in activities visually impaired child, taking into account the change in the means of implementing the content educational field.

2. Correctional and pedagogical component - determines the work of a speech therapist with a disabled child and the implementation of the recommendations of a speech therapist teacher for working in a group and at home.

3. Educational component - education of independence and self-worth in a team of children; tolerant attitude of the children of the group to child with special educational needs, acceptance into gaming activities according to interests. Guidelines for parents of preschoolers.

aim The program is: the formation of a holistic personality child senior preschool age in an inclusive education.

To achieve the above goal, conditions are necessary to ensure the satisfaction of special educational needs of a child with disabilities, providing assistance to kid in mastering the content Programs.


1) Development of visual perception child in a specially organized educational environment, taking into account age and individual characteristics of development visually impaired child and in accordance with medical recommendations;

2) development and correction of speech in a specially organized communicative-saturated environment in accordance with the recommendations of the speech therapist of our kindergarten;

3) formation of representations child about the surrounding world and oneself in conditions of impaired visual perception;

4) education child conscious attitude to the peculiarities of their own health and the formation of skills of caring attitude and taking into account their capabilities.

Expected Result:

1) a stable skill of consistently studying the shape of an object, its size, color, proportions of parts; the ability to describe an object from a point vision specified parameters;

2) active use in speech of synonyms, antonyms, definitions, variety of verb forms. Building complex sentences in everyday communication with peers and adults;

3) a steady interest in objects and phenomena of nature and the man-made world, social relations;

4) the skills of caring for one's health, understanding one's own characteristics and capabilities are formed.

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