HSE, second higher education. National Research University "Higher School of Economics" Additional Education Higher School of Economics

The full name of the educational institution is National Research University Higher School of Economics, abbreviated as NRU HSE. The unofficial name - the result of student folk art - "Tower".

This university is in the top 5 best universities in the country and is rightly considered the most progressive and prestigious among the capital's institutions.

General information about the Higher School of Economics

The university operates on a budgetary and commercial basis: the institution receives state subsidies, income from its own scientific projects, contract students and from third-party sponsors and organizations. Such multi-channel injections into the university budget enable the institution's management to constantly improve the material and technical base of the HSE and the very quality of education.

There are 128 research centers, 36 scientific and design laboratories, 32 international laboratories under the guidance of foreign researchers on the basis of the Higher School of Economics. The HSE conducts the most intensive international activity among metropolitan universities, cooperates with 298 foreign partners, has 41 double degree programs with foreign universities.

It is noteworthy that from the very day of its foundation, the institution has been headed by a permanent rector - Ya. I. Kuzminov.

“We study not for school, but for life” is the motto of the Higher School of Economics.

History of University

The Higher School of Economics cannot boast of a turbulent history. The first brick of this European-oriented university was not laid by Peter I himself, and its corridors were not trampled by Lomonosov or Nietzsche.

This is a relatively young, but very intensively developing, progressive university. If educational institutions were identified with cities, then HSE would be Singapore or Hong Kong.

So, the school was opened for students with November 17, 1992. Already in 2009, this university received the title of National Research University on a competitive basis.

Faculty of Law. We can safely say that this faculty trains the best lawyers of Russian modernity. This is not unreasonable, because the university itself was created not without the participation of the administrative and ruling elite. It is important to note that students are taught material with a huge emphasis on practice. They invite specialists from government agencies, practicing lawyers, etc.

Faculty of Humanities. This faculty cannot be called a specialized one for the HSE, experts also note that humanities students are trained here with the understanding that their specialization is a priori inferior to computer scientists or economists. But the faculty has the strongest school of foreign languages. Also, most of the lectures are public and optional for students of other specialties. Every student who wants to expand their horizons can come to cultural studies, philosophy and additional courses of foreign languages.

Faculty of Communications, Media and Design. This faculty is the patrimony of female students, there are even fewer males here than in the Pedagogical Institute. Apparently, the laurels of Anna Wintour or Carrie Bradshaw haunt the fair sex more. But seriously, the faculty trains not only journalists, but rather full-fledged specialists for media communications with an emphasis on working in the Internet environment, PR companies, and design institutions.

Faculty of Economic Sciences- the most specialized and largest faculty. Student reviews about economics and statistics at the HSE as a field of study sound rather ambiguous. Allegedly, the academic load among students is on the verge of unbearable. But the cooperation with the world's transnational corporations and universities, which is available at this faculty, gives students access to unique knowledge and the possibility of unlimited development and successful employment anywhere in the world. The future Henry Fords and Adam Smiths are produced here. Let's lower our eyes to the fact that the notorious S. Mavrodi successfully unlearned here.

International Institute of Economics and Finance (ICEF)

This faculty should definitely be discussed separately. This is a diamond among pearls. A unique educational institution in the CIS. To create it back in 1997, the Higher School of Economics and the London School of Economics (one of the three leaders in economic education in the world) joined forces. And it turned out such a grandiose brainchild. Graduates of the institute receive both candy and ice cream - a diploma from the Higher School of Economics and a diploma from the London School of Economics.

The competition is merciless, and the load on the faculty is impressive. From the very first day of school, all training is conducted in English. Budget places only for the winners of the All-Russian Olympiad. Enthusiastic reviews about international relations from the HSE only fuel the interest of the public in this university. Students spend a third of the course in London, absorbing all the practical knowledge that the experience of such an education can give. The excitement around admission to this faculty is huge, even the tuition fee of 600 thousand rubles a year does not stop applicants.

If you don’t have the courage and finances to study at ICEF, you can get a bachelor’s degree at another faculty, and enter the master’s program under a double degree program. HSE has 40 such programs.

Features of studying at the HSE

There are a large number of educational features at the Higher School of Economics. Student reviews note that studying at this university is completely different from standard education in our country. But this is easy to explain - the university eagerly absorbs the experience of successful world educational institutions. And if you pay attention to the success of HSE graduates, then other national universities would also do well to expand their views on teaching and not turn away from successful world experience.

The Higher School of Economics became one of the first national universities that switched to the 4+2 study program (bachelor's, master's). The academic year is divided not into semesters, but into modules, there are four of them, at the end of each student there is an assessment. The sum of the module grades determines the annual grade.

The grading system is ten-point, in the European manner.

The orientation towards success is visible in the tactics of building the educational process. Students are immediately prepared to be confident, competitive and highly motivated. The university has a rating system. HSE students' comments about these very ratings are full of devilish emoticons, but even dissatisfied, tired students admit that nothing motivates as much as this very rating risk.

So what's the deal? Yes, everything is simple. Contractors with a high rating receive discounts or are transferred to the budget. State employees with a high rating keep their scholarships, those with an average rating lose their scholarships, and those with a low rating are transferred to a contract. This encourages students to be active, learn non-stop, get used to the conditions of a highly competitive environment.

There is no such subject as "Physical Education" at the university. There is a gym, various sections, courses, etc. Please develop yourself, take care of your health and physical condition. But this is a matter of choice.

Positive feedback from students about HSE

Only the opinion of children can be more subjective than the opinions of students. Often, HSE student reviews are based on personal success or failure in the learning process. But quite a few young people dare to state their opinion about HSE objectively and rationally.

A huge plus for the university - for this circumstance alone, it needs to erect a monument in the form of a happy student - there is practically no corruption at the HSE. This is noted by most students. Either the reason is the intensive financing of the activities of the university by sponsors, or loyalty to the principles of "European transparency", but students agree that getting a diploma only with knowledge is very real here.

The quality of knowledge, lectures and teacher training varies across faculties. If we analyze the reviews about the HSE in Moscow, then students agree that the quality of teaching in the humanities and political science is a little behind.

Not a single review describes the quality of education as eloquently as the employment statistics for the profile after graduation from this university: 94% of graduates found a suitable job. This is despite the fact that 48% warmed up a warm corporate place even before receiving a diploma. Leading companies send their recruits to prestigious universities to look for valuable talent while they are still on the student bench.

What are the negative aspects of studying at the HSE most often indicated by students in their reviews?

Most of all, students complain about the workload and the need to gain knowledge in a permanently competitive environment. It is endless to talk about whether it is possible to push students who were children yesterday with their foreheads together. But the leadership of the HSE has made a choice and is not going to cancel the rating system.

Also, students are indignant about the Anti-Plagiarism system. There is a university program that checks every work. In the text, only 20% of quoting with an exact indication of the source is allowed. Everything else is the author's personal judgments, conclusions, etc. Naturally, this greatly increases the time for preparing essays and term papers for students.

Dormitories of the Higher School of Economics

The HSE buildings are scattered around the city, as are the dormitories. Today, the Higher School of Economics has 9 dormitories. Reviews about HSE dormitories are mostly positive, but utterly ironic. All the humor lies in the fact that they are located in the Moscow region, and the road from the place of residence to the educational building is an inexhaustible ground for student jokes. If we discard this inconvenience, then the rest of the HSE dormitories are made “for people”. They are apartment type, they have all the amenities. In Moscow, it is cheaper and closer, but it is only suitable for residents who are unpretentious in terms of comfort.

All dormitories have free wireless Internet access at any time of the day.

The atmosphere in the hostel is upbeat, productive and motivating. The HSE did an elementary and ingenious thing, they paid tribute to the desire of every person for everyday comfort. They made modern classrooms and hostels for students, and they do not care how to accumulate water in basins, wash their hair over the sink, etc. But they care about acquiring knowledge and self-development.

Master's at HSE: student reviews, master's programs

Documents are accepted electronically. After the approval of the electronic application, the originals can be brought to the selection committee or sent by mail.

All applicants pass a competition in the form of entrance exams (most often economics + English + mathematics, but disciplines vary depending on the faculty).

The order for enrollment is issued somewhere in the middle of August, two weeks before the start of lectures.

Master's programs at HSE look very attractive. Almost all of them are bilateral and provide an opportunity for students to obtain double degrees and get a unique learning experience at the HSE. Today, the HSE cooperates with the Humboldt Universities in Berlin, the Pantheon-Sorbonne in Paris, Mason in New York, with 10 universities in Britain, including the London School of Political Science, and also higher institutions in Canada, USA, Luxembourg, Finland, etc.

On May 24-26, an intensive field trip was held - the advanced training program “Data Science for Managers”. The seminar was devoted to the basics of machine learning, artificial intelligence and the tasks that these technologies solve. We asked the participants of the program about how the trip went and what the students of the continuing education center learned.

On May 24-26, the Voronovo training center hosted the fourth field seminar on machine learning, which is traditionally organized by the Department of Big Data and Information Retrieval of the Faculty of Computer Science. The purpose of such trips is to gather and introduce all teachers and students who are interested in machine learning. Often such communication results in joint research and projects.

Since the fall of 2018, the Center for Continuing Education of the Faculty of Computer Science has been conducting training programs for teachers, researchers and students from other universities. So, in November last year, the center’s teachers held an intensive “Introduction to machine learning” for students of the Auvergne University of Clermont-Ferrand (France), and at the end of January, an intensive on machine learning for employees of Vyatka State University.

In early December, the first defense of diplomas of the professional retraining program "Modern data analysis, deep learning and applications" took place. In a year, students have gone from studying mathematics and programming to working with neural networks, computer vision and text analysis. We asked program graduates why they decided to study this field, what they learned during their studies, what final projects they chose and what they plan to do in the future.

There are many opportunities at HSE for students of various educational programs to learn about modern technologies, learn how to work with data, and learn how to program. This is a system of minors, and the Data Culture project, and advanced training programs. HSE students attending advanced training programs at the Center for Continuing Education spoke about why they decided to get an additional qualification while still studying at the university, and also how they plan to apply the acquired knowledge.

In 2011, HSE alumnus Irina Demina and her partners launched the Life Button startup, a round-the-clock help call service for the elderly and people with disabilities. Over the past 2 years, Irina has completed three programs at the Center for Continuing Education at the Faculty of Computer Science at HSE and is going to study further. She told the HSE News Service about the business results that new knowledge helped achieve.

On April 23-26, a pilot course on the use of modern digital intelligent data processing technologies in the oil and gas sector was held at the Gazprom Neft STC in St. Petersburg. The developers and teachers of the program were experts from the Center for Continuing Education of the Faculty of Computer Science.

The Higher School of Economics is a university that trains economists, sociologists, managers and lawyers and conducts active international research activities. Here they teach philosophy, mathematics, literary history, journalism, psychology, sociology and even design. Under the roof of this modern authoritative university, the leaders of Russian scientific schools, brilliant teachers, who teach interesting and promising, have gathered.

Features of the educational process:

During the undergraduate studies, you can study more than 30 different disciplines. Their set depends on the content of a particular educational program and the choice of the student himself. Curricula are drawn up in such a way that the student studies no more than five disciplines at the same time (excluding foreign languages ​​and physical education). In the first and second year, the classroom load and independent work make up approximately equal shares. In the third and fourth year, the student is offered more independent work.

The academic year is not divided into semesters, but into modules. There are 4 modules in a year - thus, the duration of the module approximately corresponds to a school quarter. After each module, there is a session week, during which, depending on the working curriculum, there may be tests and exams, or there may be nothing - in the latter case, this week turns into an informal vacation.

HSE is more than 100 student organizations, thousands of events and its own student government. The student life of the university is almost indescribable: too dynamic, diverse and different for everyone. The only way to know it is to become a part of it.

Greetings to HSE applicants:

The Higher School of Economics is a research university that carries out its mission through scientific, educational, design, expert-analytical and socio-cultural activities based on international scientific and organizational standards. We recognize ourselves as part of the global academic community, we consider international partnerships, involvement in global university interaction as key elements of our progress. As a Russian university, we work for the benefit of Russia and its citizens.

The basis of our activity is theoretical and empirical research and dissemination of knowledge. Without compromising the quality of research and not limited to teaching fundamental scientific knowledge, we strive to provide a practical contribution to the construction of a new Russia.

Our university is a team of scientists, staff, graduate students and students who are distinguished by an internal commitment to maintaining high academic standards of their activities. We strive to provide the most favorable conditions for the development of each member of our team.

We, who sometimes take different positions on various problems of the present and the past, are united by common values:

  • striving for truth;
  • cooperation and interest in each other;
  • honesty and openness;
  • academic freedom and political neutrality;
  • professionalism, exactingness to oneself and responsibility;
  • active social position.

The Higher School of Economics was established by the Decree of the Government of Russia on November 27, 1992, initially as a center for the training of masters.

The starting period was marked by intensive “training of teachers”: R. Entov taught the entire team of teachers, mostly former employees of academic institutions and Moscow State University, a course on the key problems of economic theory, and G. Kantorovich updated their knowledge of mathematics. Since 1993, HSE lecturers have been regularly trained at leading European universities.

The principle of the School from the first day of its existence is a combination of rigorous, even cruel training with a discussion and solution of the burning problems of the Russian economy. Leading economists who worked in the Government, E. Yasin, A. Shokhin, S. Vasiliev, Y. Urinson, V. Kossov, E. Gavrilenkov, M. Kopeikin, V. Baranov, became professors at the HSE.

Since 1995, the HSE has been turning into a university where, along with economists, sociologists, managers, and lawyers are trained. Around O. Shkaratan, L. Ionin, S. Filonovich and other leading teachers who came to the School, effective scientific and pedagogical teams began to form.

At the same time, a system of HSE research centers was being created, focused on applied research on orders from the Ministry of Economy, the Central Bank, the Ministry of Education and Science, commercial enterprises and banks.

In 2015, the Higher School of Economics entered the 51-100 group of the QS ranking in the direction of development studies (social development studies). In this ranking category, the Higher School of Economics became the only Russian university. The HSE was also the only Russian university to be ranked in such subject groups as "economics and econometrics" and "sociology" (group 151-200). Philosophy (group 151-200) became the fourth area of ​​the ranking, which included the Higher School of Economics.

Learn more Collapse https://www.hse.ru

High competition in the labor market forces modern specialists to constantly improve their skills and acquire knowledge and skills in related professional fields. Both yesterday's graduates of universities who are just starting their careers, and specialists with "experience" are striving to get a second higher education in Moscow today.

Currently, among the many areas of study, management, economics and law are still the most popular. In accordance with the high demand in the market of educational services, there are quite a large number of proposals. An applicant can choose from several dozen educational institutions. Depending on the prestige of the university, the cost of education sometimes differs several times.

As you know, the second higher education is provided on a paid basis, in this regard, it is easiest to assess the possible conditions for training on the basis of paid admission statistics. The tables below show the results of the 2011 admission campaign. These data are the result of monitoring carried out by RIA Novosti and the National Research University Higher School of Economics.


The opportunity to get a second higher education in this area is offered by more than 40 Moscow universities. The table below lists the 10 most expensive and 5 most economical training options.

university cost, rubles per year
(NRU HSE) 121 345 000
(MGIMO) 92 314 667
(MSU) 180 296 667
(Financial University) 82 242 000
(WAVT) 49 220 000
(RGGU) 23 220 000
(REU) 240 193 333
(RUDN University) 14 185 000
(GUU) 255 165 000
Russian State University of Oil and Gas THEM. Gubkin (RSU) 110 147 130
(MGUP) 8 55 000
National Research University "MIET" 64 49 000
(MIIT) 306 47 750
Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry (MGMSU) 11 45 000
Russian State University of Innovative Technologies and Entrepreneurship (RGUITP) 56 37 500


In this direction, more than 30 universities in Moscow offer paid education. In this selection - 10 most expensive and 4 most "democratic" options.

university people enrolled in paid education cost, rubles per year
National Research University Higher School of Economics (NRU HSE) 334 348 750
(MGIMO) 149 296 000
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Financial University) 393 274 714
Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University 149 272 667
All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade (VAVT) 105 220 000
Russian State University for the Humanities (RGGU) 18 220 000
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (PFUR) 57 217 500
Russian Economic University. G.V. Plekhanov (PRUE) 328 204 286
State University of Management (GUU) 114 180 000
Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (MESI) 214 168 233
Moscow State University of Design and Technology (MGUDT) 22 65 000
Moscow State Agroengineering University (MSAU) 62 65 000
Moscow State University of Communications (MIIT) 481 58 500
Moscow State University of Environmental Engineering (MGUP) 99 55 000


Applicants can choose from 30 universities in Moscow. The table shows the 10 most expensive and 4 most economical options.

university people enrolled in paid education cost, rubles per year
118 296 000
National Research University Higher School of Economics (NRU HSE) 42 275 000
Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University 160 268 000
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (PFUR) 38 250 000
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Financial University) 31 242 000
All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade (VAVT) 73 230 000
Russian Economic University. G.V. Plekhanov (PRUE) 32 230 000
Russian State University for the Humanities (RGGU) 34 220 000
  • International relationships. 10 universities. The cost is from 55,000 (Moscow State University of Design and Technology) to 360,000 rubles (NRU HSE). The leader in the number of students enrolled is Moscow State University (196 people).
  • Advertising and public relations. 15 universities. The cost is from 38,000 (Russian State University of Innovative Technologies and Entrepreneurship - RGUITP) to 296,000 rubles (MGIMO).
  • The least popular areas of study include the following: ecology, biology, mathematics, history, cultural studies, social work, libraries and archives, as well as many areas related to industrial production and agriculture.

    Alexander Mitin

    For people who already have a university degree, NRU HSE offers not only retraining or advanced training programs, but also bachelor's programs that provide a full-fledged second higher education. We talk about how the "accelerated bachelor's degree" attracts top managers of banks, start-up entrepreneurs, promising IT specialists and even doctors.

    What is an "accelerated bachelor's degree"

    These are bachelor's programs for students who have already graduated from a university, which involve obtaining another diploma of higher education. Education in such a bachelor's degree is called accelerated, since it takes not four, but three years, which, however, does not affect the quality of training. Time savings are achieved by recalculating a certain number of hours in general disciplines (history, philosophy, etc.) that the student has already studied as part of the first higher education.

    Accelerated bachelor's programs are being implemented at the Higher School of Economics by five divisions, in particular, which has been operating in the second higher education market for more than twenty years.

    Who and why receives a second higher education

    The difference between an accelerated bachelor's degree and a regular one lies in the duration and fundamental nature of the training. “You need to understand that a professional retraining program means a very short time, and a person must have a serious basic level in this area, otherwise he will not be able to immediately get involved in special subjects and master them. But the bachelor's degree smoothly leads to the opportunity to master and acquire competencies based on serious theory, ”says Tatyana Grigorieva, director of IPPS.

    There are three main groups of people who come for a second higher education.

    Firstly, these are those who want to change the scope of their activities. These may be people whose life circumstances have changed radically (for example, military personnel who have been transferred to the reserve, who have a military specialty, but they need to adapt to civilian life). And someone just changes professional interests, and they want to do something new. “These are the most unusual examples, but a priest studied with us, a ballerina studied with us, who retired at a little over thirty and who, by the way, defended herself best in financial matters,” recalls Tatyana Grigorieva.

    Secondly, these are those who already have serious skills and practical experience, but do not have a diploma in this field, and would like to systematize knowledge and master new technologies, for example, in managing the company's finances. “Insurance companies and banks have strict requirements for having a higher economic education if you work in the relevant departments,” explains Tatyana Grigorieva.

    Thirdly, these are those who are interested in starting their own business, but for this they need basic management and financial training, and not just advanced training. For example, doctors who would like to open their own clinic or run a blood transfusion station.

    Of course, there are other categories of listeners. Thus, Elena Koval, director of additional professional education at the National Research University Higher School of Economics, notes the influx of graduates who want to get in a field that is either closely related or complementary to their main activity. For example, lawyers come to study. At the same time, the list of areas of study for the second higher education on the Moscow campus is quite wide: management, economics, business informatics and law.

    Why choose HSE

    First of all, because of the quality of education and focus on results, on the increment of knowledge and skills that allow you to move to a new stage of professional development. But the HSE diploma itself is recognized and welcomed by employers and then actively helps in life.

    “There was a case when a top manager came to us for a second diploma in the status of financial director of one large corporation,” says Elena Koval. - We offered him to enroll in a program that, in terms of level and status, seemed to be more in line with him. But he admitted that, although he had studied a lot and achieved a lot on his own, he was uncomfortable with presenting the diploma of higher education that he had.

    And surveys of alumni conducted by the IPPS show that they name the teaching staff as the main competitive advantage of HSE programs. “About a third of the teachers are practicing teachers, they teach classes with us, and they themselves manage companies or work in consulting,” says Elena Koval. “And this is very important for our students - they get good academic knowledge and first-hand experience.”

    How is the training

    “In our institute, we have been forming a team of teachers for the past twenty years,” says Tatyana Grigorieva. - We test teachers, we always support feedback from students. We look not just at whether the teacher likes it or not, but we find out what exactly the problem may be - teaching methods, inappropriate material, just psychological incompatibility.

    HSE lecturers can “hold” an adult audience. On the one hand, they are able to methodically build theoretical material, on the other hand, they bring ready-made cases and analyze “live” problems. In the same way, on the basis of specific material, including the cases of companies, of which they themselves are employees, the project work of students is organized.

    Training takes place in the evenings, usually four times a week - and you need to study for real. “If someone decides that, having entered, he will receive a diploma without much effort in three years, then he is mistaken,” warns Tatyana Grigorieva. - It will be necessary to hand over projects, take exams - and be ready for this. The expulsion conditions are the same as in the regular one, and there are dropouts in our programs.

    But in an accelerated bachelor's degree, you can not only interrupt your studies, but also recover. “We understand that there are a lot of objective reasons, both vital and professional, that can prevent an adult from studying continuously for three years,” says Elena Koval. - He can be sent on a long business trip, he has an emergency at work, he can get sick, face financial difficulties, and so on. Students have the opportunity to leave the program, then recover and complete their studies.”

    What Accelerated Bachelor's Graduates Achieve

    “A huge number of our graduates hold high positions in credit and financial institutions, and then return to us with cases and conduct trainings for existing students,” says Tatiana Grigorieva.

    Graduates of the programs of the second higher education work in government structures and head large corporations

    “Many listeners come to us for knowledge, and they also get wonderful networking,” adds Elena Koval. - Colleagues who are successful in business come and begin to implement joint projects. Someone finds a job with their own fellow practitioners, and after some time organizes their own business.

    How to enter the second higher education program

    All details can be found in the admission rules on the website of a particular program. There is also a list of entrance examinations and documents required for admission. After submitting an application, the applicant signs up for testing or an interview (there are different options for entrance tests). For example, in IPPS testing is organized in an electronic format, without a teacher. Those who have scored a sufficient number of points (they are also indicated in the admission rules) are enrolled in the program.

    You can learn more about the accelerated bachelor's program and other HSE continuing education programs on May 18 at a special open day. Managers of the Institute for Professional Retraining of Specialists, the Graduate School of Business Informatics, and will be happy to tell you in detail about the programs and conditions for admission. The open day will also feature a series of lectures where leading lecturers from HSE institutes and centers will talk about topical issues in business and management.

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