Summer rest. Features of the working hours of teachers during the vacation period and when classes are canceled What is the vacation period

How should a teacher work during the holidays? On the eve of the summer holidays, many teachers are concerned about the mode of work at school during this period. It often seems to students and parents that the holidays are the teacher's rest time. In practice, things are different. Teachers know that vacations are their working time, and often just as stressful as school time.

During the holidays, teachers are busy filling out the necessary documentation, some teachers organize excursions, prepare for pedagogical councils and methodological associations, are involved in organizing and conducting state final certification in grades 9 and 11, etc.

What regulations regulate the working time of a teacher?

  1. Labor Code of the Russian Federation No. 197-FZ of December 30, 2001 (hereinafter referred to as the Labor Code).
  2. Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" No. 273-FZ dated December 29, 2012
  3. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation "On the peculiarities of the regime of working hours and rest time of pedagogical and other employees of educational institutions" No. 69 dated March 27, 2006 (hereinafter - the Order).
  4. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 1601 dated December 22, 2014 “On the duration of working hours for pedagogical workers and on the procedure for determining the teaching load of pedagogical workers stipulated in an employment contract” (hereinafter referred to as the Order “On working hours”).

Labor Code:

  • determines the circle of persons who cannot be admitted to pedagogical activity;
  • establishes a reduced working time for the teacher (no more than 36 hours per week);
  • establishes the right to an annual extended leave for a period of 42-56 calendar days, due to the increased intensity and intensity of the teacher's work;
  • grants the right to leave for a period of 1 year after continuous 10 years of teaching work.

The special status of the teacher is also enshrined in the Law "On Education in the Russian Federation". According to paragraph 7 of Article 47 of the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, the working hours and rest time of a teacher are determined by a collective agreement, internal labor regulations and local acts of an educational organization (employment contract, work schedules, class schedule, etc.).

Thus, the Labor Code and the Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" determine the general provisions and features of the work of pedagogical workers.

For different categories of pedagogical workers, their own working hours are established (Order "On working hours"). For example, senior teachers of preschool institutions, psychologists, social pedagogues, organizing teachers, senior counselors, etc. are assigned 36 hours of working time per week (clause 2.1 of the Order "On the length of working hours"). A teacher-defectologist, a speech therapist works 20 hours a week for a wage rate (clause 2.3 of the Order "On working hours").

Is there a document that regulates the work schedule of the teacher during the holidays?

The order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation “On the peculiarities of the working hours and rest time of pedagogical and other employees of educational institutions” No. 69 dated March 27, 2006 (hereinafter referred to as the Order) . Chapter IV defines the periods of autumn, winter, spring and summer holidays as working time for teachers.

Can teachers work during the holidays with reduced hours?

During the vacation period, teachers carry out pedagogical, methodological, organizational work related to the implementation of the educational program within the established volume of the teaching load, determined before the start of the holidays (clause 4.2 of the Order).

Teachers who provide individual education for children at home for medical reasons are involved in the holidays, taking into account the established number of hours determined before the start of the holidays (clause 4.2 of the Order).

The working hours of all employees during the vacation period are determined by local acts of the educational institution and schedules indicating work. (clause 4.6 of the Order).

The specified paragraphs of the Order secure the right of the teacher to work during the holidays, taking into account his teaching load. If a teacher has a teaching load of not 36 hours a week, but 25, then, accordingly, during the holidays he works no more than 25 hours a week. During the holidays, the administration of the educational institution draws up a work schedule for employees. When drawing up this schedule, with the consent of the employee, the volume of the established weekly training load may be scheduled for a smaller number of days per week or month compared to the previously established schedule.

Often there are cases when the heads of educational institutions draw up a work schedule for the holidays, taking into account not only the teaching load of the teacher, but also the non-standardized part of the teacher's work (checking notebooks, class management, working with documentation, etc.). Motivating this by the fact that the teacher receives additional payments for such activities. Such work of the teacher is not specified by the number of hours. A feature of the work of a teacher at school is that his work is difficult to clearly standardize by the hour and depends on many different circumstances. The nature of the teacher's work often involves employment on holidays, weekends, during vacations.

The issue of accounting for irregular working time of a teacher at the legislative level has not been clearly resolved. In this regard, the heads of educational institutions independently develop a system for recording the working time of a pedagogical worker.

The procedure for determining the teaching load

  • The volume of the teaching load of the teacher is determined annually before the start of the academic year and is established by the internal acts of the educational institution (clause 1.3 of the Order "On working hours").
  • The volume of the teaching load of the teacher is stipulated in the employment contract of the employee and the educational institution (clause 1.4 of the Order "On working hours").
  • An increase or decrease in the volume of the study load is allowed by agreement of the parties to the employment contract (clause 1.7 of the Order "On working hours").
  • The employer is obliged to notify the teaching staff in writing about the change in the volume of the teaching load no later than two months before the changes are made. (clause 1.8 of the Order "On working hours").

An increase in the working time of a teacher during the vacation period for the performance of work is possible only in those cases when, in accordance with the schedules and plans, the relevant activities or types of work are declared for this period (clause 2.3 of the Order). If such works and events are not planned, then the involvement of employees during this period is limited to the normalized part of their working time. That is, the number of hours of study load before the start of the holidays.

It can be concluded that holidays are full-time working time for teachers, unless the director of the educational organization indicated otherwise in the work schedule for the holidays.

Summer time . Students are dismissed at the parliamentary conference.

Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949-1992 .


See what "holiday" is in other dictionaries:

    VACATION, vacation, vacation. adj. to vacation. Vacation time. || Occurring during the holidays. Vacation vacation. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    Vacation Dictionary of Russian synonyms. holiday adj., number of synonyms: 1 vacation (2) ASIS Synonym Dictionary. V.N. Trishin ... Synonym dictionary

    vacation- oh, oh. caniculaire adj. Very hot in summer. Soon the September showers will begin, and the vegetation, suspended for a while by the heat of the holidays, will again gain strength and cover the fields ... with flowers. Fabr 1 112. That evening the weather was the most ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    App. 1. ratio with noun. holidays I associated with it 2. Peculiar to holidays [vacation I], characteristic of them. 3. Falling on the holidays I. Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova

    Vacation, vacation, vacation, vacation, vacation, vacation, vacation, vacation, vacation, vacation, vacation, vacation, vacation, vacation, vacation, vacation, vacation, ... ... Forms of words

    vacation- holidays are bright ... Russian spelling dictionary

    vacation - … Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language

    vacation- see holidays; oh, oh. By the time. What mood... Dictionary of many expressions

    vacation- holidays / yarn / th ... Morphemic spelling dictionary

    This article or section describes the situation in relation to only one region. You can help Wikipedia by adding information for other countries and regions. Holidays a period free from study or main activity (school holidays ... Wikipedia


  • Frau Shram, Afanasy Mammadov. "Frau Schram" is a vacation romance, a love story written by a man. A student of the Moscow Literary Institute, Ilya Novogrudsky, goes on vacation to the capital of independent Azerbaijan. ...
  • Frau Shram, Mamedov Afanasy. "Frau Schram" is a vacation novel, a love story written by a man. A student of the Moscow Literary Institute, Ilya Novogrudsky, goes on vacation to the capital of independent Azerbaijan. ...
Details Views: 1398

And yet, in the world, it was not invented in vain. What open the doors to the children of the camp!

Summer is a wonderful time when the world becomes brighter, more colorful and a little happier! This is how it should be for our children - kind, bright, interesting and safe! The summer big break is given to schoolchildren to improve their health, physical training, and the health-improving sports camp is the real conditions for maintaining and strengthening the physical and mental health of children, forming their healthy lifestyle.

On June 4, 2018, the Sports and Health Children's and Youth Sports School friendly camp opened its doors with a day stay for children. The first day of the camp began with a solemn line. In each sports group (cross-country skiing, basketball, volleyball), students were instructed on safety and rules of conduct in the camp. Camp "Sport and Health"a lot of interesting things await the guys: relay races, sports games, quizzes, competitions, quests, excursions and, of course, training.

We hope that the rest for the guys will be fun and useful.All the best, sports holidays.

The plan of the main activities during the winter holidays of the 2017-2018 academic year


1. Mass events

event title




Time spending

Tea party "Christmas gatherings"




Christmas family sports festival "Winter fun"


Christmas sports competitions "Cross-country skiing"


Christmas Championship of the MKU DO Youth in volleyball among girls

MKU Chkalovskaya secondary school No. 5

Christmas Championship MKU DO Youth basketball among boys

MKU Chkalovskaya secondary school No. 5

Ski competition "Christmas race" Dzerzhinsk


Mini-football competition "Christmas Tournament" among boys 2006-2007


Meeting with chief specialist of KDNiZP Bazhenov M . YU


Application information

for recreation and health improvement of children in 2018.

The Department of Education and Youth Policy of the Administration of the Urban District of the city of Chkalovsk reports that from September 1 to October 1, 2017 year, applications are accepted from citizens and organizations for the rest of children in country camps and sanatorium and health centers of the Nizhny Novgorod region in 2018. Since the process of budgeting for the next financial year begins in the fall, and the number of applications for vouchers submitted determines the financing of the next year's summer health campaign.

An organization or citizen can apply for:
1. Free ticket to the sanatorium and health center of the Nizhny Novgorod region.

Vouchers are provided to citizens with children in need of sanatorium treatment for medical reasons, aged 6 years 6 months to 15 years inclusive, belonging to the following categories: single mothers (fathers); combat veterans, citizens who are disabled; citizens studying in state and municipal educational institutions; citizens with children who have achieved success in their studies, social activities, who are winners and prize-winners of the regional and regional stages of the All-Russian Olympiads, competitions, reviews, participants in regional sports competitions; conscripted citizens. Free vouchers to year-round sanatorium and health centers (camps) located on the territory of the Nizhny Novgorod region are also provided to orphans and children left without parental care, children from large families, children, both parents of which are employees of state and municipal budgetary institutions.

2. Reimbursement or compensation of part of the expenses for purchasing a ticket to a sanatorium, sanatorium and health center located on the territory of the Russian Federation - once a year.

Compensation is provided to citizens who have children who need sanatorium and resort treatment for medical reasons.

3. A ticket to a country camp in the Nizhny Novgorod region or reimbursement of part of the costs of its acquisition.

Vouchers are provided to public sector employees, unemployed citizens, non-working pensioners, pensioners-guardians and foster parents. Also, parents (legal representatives) can purchase vouchers to any camp in the Nizhny Novgorod region on their own and have the right to receive reimbursement of part of the costs of acquiring a voucher to country health camps.

Applications accepted before October 1, 2017 in office No. 10 of the Department of Education and Youth Policy (Lomonosov St., 59, 3rd floor).

More information can be obtained

By phone - 41446 (ext. number -21), Krestyaninova Anna Konstantinovna;

In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation during the vacation period on the basis of MKU DO DYUSSHrecreation and employment of children is organized.

Recreational activities during the summer holidays are one of the most important stages in the improvement of children throughout the year, the purpose of which is to restore and expand the adaptive capabilities of the child's body. During the summer holidays, not every parent can provide their child with a full-fledged, properly organized vacation, during which you can improve your health, relieve stress, and develop your abilities. Therefore, the organization of recreation, recreation and employment of children and youth remains one of the priority areas of work in the social sphere. The education system remains the main organizer of employment, recreation and health improvement of children.

When should I apply for a ticket to a summer health camp?

During the summer vacation period, on the basis of the MKU DO DYuSSh, a summer sports day camp for children "Sport and Health" operates.

A voucher to the sports camp "Sport and Health" is provided free of charge. Students of secondary schools of the city district of Chkalovsk have the right to receive a voucher.

In order for a child to receive a ticket to the sports camp "Sport and Health", parents (legal representatives) must contact the MKU DO CYSS, submit an application of the established form and attach a certificate from a general education institution. Applications to the sports camp "Sport and Health" for children's day stay are accepted from April 10, 2018.

Municipal budget institution

"Secondary school No. 48, Nizhneudinsk"


pedagogical council

MBU secondary school No. 48, Nizhneudinsk

Protocol No. __ dated 25.08.2014


Order No. ___ dated August 25, 2014

MBU secondary school No. 48, Nizhneudinsk


"Hooray! Holidays!!!"


“Organization of vacation time for schoolchildren as a means

socialization of children and adolescents"

Developed by:

Maksimenko T.S.,

Deputy Director of the school for water resources management, history teacher

highest qualification category

Nizhneudinsk - 2014

Section 1


1.The theme of experience:"Organization of vacation time for schoolchildren as a means of socialization of children and adolescents".

2. Work experience is presented by the following materials:

    Comprehensive program "Hooray! Holidays!"

    Game algorithm of the program;

    Program of the "Summer Health Campaign";

    The program of training and participation of 10th grade boys in the military

gatherings of high school students on the basis of a military camp;

    Program for the organization of environmental activities of the school during the holidays;

    Program for the organization of sports activities of the school during the holidays;

    Organization of the work of the summer labor group of schoolchildren, created on the basis of the city "Employment Center";

    Scenarios of events for the children's health camp "Joy";

    Social project "School yard";

    Materials posted in the media;

3. The degree of novelty of experience:

This work experience is aimed at improving the content of activities for organizing holidays for children and adolescents and the use of new pedagogical technologies.

4. How to get a new one:

The novelty of the presented experience is revealed through the improvement of certain aspects of pedagogical work, a combination of elements of modern methods, heuristics.

5. Content-target orientation of experience:

The experience is aimed at finding new ways to develop the systems of education, upbringing, health improvement, leisure activities of the MOU "Temp" in organizing vacation holidays for children and adolescents, is associated with the content of education, pedagogical technologies, and methodological work.

6. Duration of experience: 4 years

Section II


1. Relevance of experience

In one of the circulars of the Ministry of Education of pre-revolutionary Russia, published more than a century ago, there is an amazing line: "Holidays - there is a time for the rest of the child."

Holidays are the brightest emotionally rich time for schoolchildren. Children just need a change of activity and impressions.

The concept of "vacation" comes from the name of one of the stars in the constellation Canis Major. At the end of the 19th century, it was associated with hot summer time and meant an idle time in educational institutions. Following the definition of V.I. In the 20th century, the word "vacation" began to be used in a different sense, retaining the main characteristic: this is the time when children do not have classes in educational institutions of general secondary or vocational education.

But schools during the holidays, as a rule, continue their activities. MBU secondary school No. 48 has a positive experience in organizing vacation time for children and adolescents. The school has accumulated sufficient experience in organizing and conducting recreational, educational, cultural and leisure activities during the holidays. Work in this direction is carried out year-round, ensuring the inclusion of vacation time in a single educational process.

The main task of organizing work with children during the holidays is to improve children's health and create conditions for the development of the child's personality during the holidays.

The complex socio-economic and political changes taking place in the country dictate the need to find new ways to develop the systems of education, upbringing, health improvement, and leisure activities.

Objective school staff during vacation time - the creation of an integral system of vacation rest, ensuring the physical and mental health of children, activating their creative potential and involving them in socially significant activities.


    create the necessary conditions for the full-fledged employment of vacation time, the improvement of children and adolescents;

    to improve psychological and pedagogical support and software and methodological support on the organization of vacation rest;

    organize monitoring of school activities during the holidays.

Expected results:

    expanding opportunities for the development and self-development of the child's personality, the realization of his interests; the formation of the experience of social interaction

    comprehension by children and parents of leisure as a personal and social value; determination of the degree and forms of their participation in it;

    implementation of new pedagogical technologies and projects in the field of organizing leisure activities for children and adolescents;

    prevention of neglect and delinquency among minors;

    integration of the activities of educational and social institutions;

    development and strengthening of the material base of the institution.

2. Means for the implementation of urgent tasks and their pedagogical expediency

Analyzing the practice of our institution of additional education for children, we single out in the structure of the content of the vacation period the main types of activities that have their own specific and specific content. Among them:






The following conditions allow the full implementation of these types of activities in MOU "Temp":

    Location (school number 3, park area, city recreation center, district library, city museum of local lore);

    Favorable ecological environment;

    highly professional staff;

    Sufficient material base (rooms for the activities of teams, game rooms, an assembly hall, offices for the work of creative associations, sports equipment).

The success of the institution during the holidays is facilitated by:

    constant search for improving the forms and content of recreational activities, health improvement and employment of children;

    modernization of software and methodological support on an interactive basis;

    formation and development of the information space and information resources for children's recreation and health improvement, ensuring the interaction between the participants in the health-improving and educational process and all departments;

    creation of an integral system for assessing the quality of rest and health improvement of children and adolescents during the holidays.

The activities of the institution during the holidays are based on principles:

    The principle of recognizing the right of the child to free self-determination and self-realization, to the freedom to choose directions and forms of creative activity.

    The principle of unity and integrity of the upbringing and educational space (training, education, development).

    The principle of development of the individuality of each child in the practice of the educational process.

    The principle of creative cooperation.

3. Pedagogical technology

The organization of children's vacations is one of the important aspects of the educational activities of MBU Secondary School No. 48.

The possibilities of the school are able to satisfy the most diverse needs of children and their parents:

Additional studies on personal initiative;

social activities;

In-depth acquaintance with cultural values;

Technical creativity;

Employment at will and paid work;

applied labor;

Artistic amateur creativity;

Sports and physical culture;

Communication with nature and environmental activities;

Communication by interests, amateur activities, games.

Using many years of experience in organizing vacation holidays for children, we organize and conduct activities in the following areas:

Regulatory - legal and information support;

Software and methodological support of vacation rest;


Logistics and financial support;

Organization of control.

During the implementation of these areas, the following activities were carried out:

    the pedagogical council of the institution on the organization of holidays for children;

    participation in the regional seminar of the organizers of summer holidays for children;

    participation in a regional seminar on the organization of summer recreation;

    development and approval of the program of activities of labor teams organized on the basis of the city "Employment Center";

    selection of personnel from among teachers and students;

    briefing on compliance with safety regulations and protection of life and health of children;

    development of health improvement measures;

    conclusion of agreements on ensuring the life of the school during the vacation period, on the rehabilitation of children from low-income families, on the organization of jobs for minors from the Central Health Center of Nizhneudinsk;

    involvement of children in summer ecological formations.

The work of the teaching staff is aimed at solving the following tasks:

    to create a system of interesting, varied, active and educational recreation for children, introducing them to the development of the riches of spiritual culture, being an area of ​​informal communication and participation in all types of practical creative activities;

    to strengthen the physical and mental health of children, using a variety of forms of health improvement organization.

During school holidays, MBU secondary school No. 48 works in a busy mode in order to maximize the employment of children and adolescents with leisure, sports, recreation, cultural, educational, and excursion activities. The institution has developed and operates a cyclogram of the vacation period.

Cyclogram of the program "Holidays"


    Organization of research activities in various areas of science, preparation for NIK.

    New Year's game, sports programs.

    Participation of school students in the Olympiads of the regional stage of the VOSh.



School conference "First steps into science".

School conference "To the world of search, to the world, to the world of science!"

School conference "Researcher of nature".

Implementation of the career guidance program “Open Doors».



Sports competitions between classes in basketball and tennis for grades 7-11.

"The whole family to the start" - a sports holiday for students in grades 1 - 4 and their parents.

"Funny Starts" - competitions for grades 5-7.

Preparing school students for the municipal stage of VOSh.

Implementation of the program of tourism, local history and environmental activities


    School health camp day stay



Olkhon on Baikal.

"Erudites of the planet".

The organization of vacation rest for children and adolescents is based on a variable-program approach.

A variable program approach is to provide children and adolescents with the opportunity to choose the sphere of activity and communication, associations, organizations, groups of children in which the necessary conditions for the socialization of the child are created. It presupposes the existence of a complex of programs that differ from each other in the content of children's activities and in adequate forms and methods of work. These programs implement an age-appropriate approach and take into account a wide range of interests and needs of children.

So teachers and teachers of additional education working in the summer health camp "Joy" implement educational programs of various directions, in which children get acquainted with the basics of a particular activity. In the conditions of the summer recreational period, the child can realize his interests and needs even under several programs.

The variety of programs is a confirmation of the professionalism of the teaching staff, as it indicates the possibility of satisfying a wide range of interests of children and adolescents, implemented in the activities of teams, creative associations. The content of each program is determined by the specifics of the activity and the opportunities for the child to acquire knowledge, skills and abilities that allow him to be successful in his activity and authoritative among peers and adults.

Many institutions of the social complex are also included in the sphere of organization of activities during the holidays: educational institutions, a library, a museum of local lore, a cinema, etc. More than 500 people (children from various social groups and adults) become participants in the Hurray! Holidays!".

There are 4 stages in the organization of vacation rest for children and teenagers:

Stage I - autumn holidays

The traditional form of work during the autumn holidays has become: mass sports events for high school students, middle school students, and younger students. Activities to prepare students for the municipal stage of the VOS and the implementation of the program of tourism, local history and environmental activities

II stage - winter holidays

During the winter holidays, the School opens its doors, in which high school students become participants. In the course of classes at the school, the tasks of educating responsible parenthood, shaping responsible behavior and promoting a healthy lifestyle are solved.

The School of Future Parents program highlights four stages in the life of a young person, which are called: “I am growing up”, “I am falling in love”, “I am getting married” and “You will have a child”.

Various forms of organization in the workshops of the school: interactive games, trainings, master classes, talk shows, brainstorming sessions make it possible to make every day bright and memorable. In the work of the School "Psychology of family relations" teachers of MBU secondary school No. 48 and specialists in various fields of activity take part: lawyers, doctors,

hairdressers, cosmetologist, photographer, stylist, hairdresser, psychologists of the center for psychological diagnostics and correction, specialist of the center for social support for families and children.

At school "Psychology of family relations" teenagers not only study, but also communicate with their peers, have a great time in their free time, since one of the objectives of these events is to improve the leisure activities of teenagers during the holidays. On the last day of the School, each participant receives a certificate.

During the winter holidays have become traditional:

Competition of joint activities of children and parents of all classes of the school;

New Year holidays for students of all classes;

- "Christmas gatherings";

New Year's performances of the theater group of the school;

Participation of children in the school competition for the best New Year's toy, in 2013 - 2014 the competition "Christmas tree with their own hands" was held

The design of the school, decorations - all this is the result of the work of class teams.

Stage III - spring break

During the spring break, the work of the teaching staff continues to involve school students in research activities. During the month of March, the school hosts conferences for high school students "To the world of search, to the world, to the world of science!", Explorer of nature, for younger students "First steps into science." Winners of school conferences become participants in municipal conferences. They participate in the regional subject Olympiads "Geographical Olympus", "Best Biologist", held by ISU and BSUEP. They take part in competitions organized for students within the framework of the regional forum "Education of the Angara Region". And also the career guidance program "Open Doors" is being implemented. There are meetings of high school students with teachers and students of PL - 7, SPTU - 48, "Prospects". Departure of high school students to the city of Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk to the fair of educational institutions of the region and the territory is organized.

Stage IV - summer holidays

Summer holidays occupy the most important place in the structure of the vacation time of MBU secondary school No. 48 both in terms of duration and health-improving and educational potential.

Forms of organizing work with children in the summer:

    School Day Camp


    The work of the labor groups "School of Kindness", created on the basis of the State Central Church Hall.

    Participation of schoolchildren in city mass events

for the beautification and landscaping of the city.

    Implementation of the social project "School Yard".

    Implementation of the program of environmental education of students


    Military training for students - boys.

    Organization of departure of school students to the ecological camp

Olkhon on Baikal.

    Participation of students of school No. 48 in the work of the municipal

work and rest camp "Pchelka" SUN.

    Participation of school students in the international competition

"Erudites of the planet".

    Participation of students of the school in the All-Russian camp "Eureka" of the Small Academy of Sciences of Obninsk.

Summer game algorithm

Playing activities in the organization of work with children in the summer is not by chance the leading one. Among other activities, the game is the most attractive for most children, because for them it is a nature-like, natural activity, initially motivated. A child's play is a holiday.

Speaking about the importance of the game algorithm in the organization of children's activities in the summer, it should be noted that the most significant is only the activity that is most attractive to most children.

Moreover, it is very important that the chosen activity be organically inherent in the nature of a particular institution, and not rented “from outside” just because it is good for others.

The choice of game models is justified by the fact that our center has all the conditions for the implementation of the multi-activity of the game:

    a creative team of teachers of various profiles;

    availability of material and technical base;

    sufficient methodological support of the game process.

We managed to create such game models that allowed children to fully realize themselves.

Game algorithm "Constellation of the game" is a long-term complex game, consisting of a number of diverse creative activities, activities, game programs and holidays.

The purpose of the algorithm: rallying the children's team in joint creative activities.

At the beginning of the shift, the guys are invited to find the treasure, but for successful searches, they need to know the clues, the coordinates of finding the "treasures". These clues children get during the whole shift.

Play is important in a child's development. The game situation allows the sometimes still unrealized abilities and inclinations of the individual to reveal themselves, “to find oneself in society, oneself in humanity, oneself in the Universe” (J. Korchak)

So the game algorithm of the program "By the way of goodness" aims to foster responsiveness, compassion, the need to help others and to create conditions for the formation of new friendships and relationships among children.

The purpose of this algorithm is to create favorable conditions for meaningful recreation, health improvement of children through various types of work, for the formation of positive life attitudes in children and adolescents.

Game project of the program "Joy of TV" is aimed at creating a creative atmosphere, educating the need to help each other, creating conditions for the formation of new friendships and relationships among children.

The purpose of this long-term game is to help the child to reveal his creative potential through events taking place in the form of well-known television programs, to create a situation of success for him and to give him a "Minute of Fame".

For the duration of the project, an assembly hall or a summer concert venue are turning in "television studio" Events become "television programmes".

But the most important, the brightest event in all the “television seasons” is the “Minute of Glory”, where a child can show what he can do better than others, or what he learned on Tempo TV.

Game algorithm "I live in Nizhneudinsk" was developed and implemented in the year of the celebration of the 365th anniversary of their native city and allowed children to live a summer vacation full of joy, creativity and success, helped to feel like a real resident of their city, an active citizen of their country.

Traditional city events:

Holiday dedicated to International Children's Day;

Holiday dedicated to the "Day of Russia"

Interesting experience in education on the traditions of folk culture. These are folklore - game programs:

    "Autumn gatherings";

    "Miss - Spring";

    "Red hill";

Wellness work in the summer

One of the main tasks of the vacation period is the improvement of children. Sports competitions contributed to the restoration of the physical health of children after the school year and are one of the points for the implementation of the Health program.

The rehabilitation program is being implemented in full, which is confirmed by the high percentage of children's rehabilitation (over 80%). Morning exercises in the fresh air, outdoor games, air and sunbaths, hiking, balanced quality nutrition are an incomplete list of health-improving procedures during the summer. The children ate a nutritious and varied diet.

4. Conditions that ensure the greatest efficiency of activity

Taking into account the priority areas for the development of Russian education, the teaching staff of MBU Secondary School No. 48 sees as part of the implementation of the program “Hurrah! Holidays!" the following guidelines:

    full-fledged living by each child of vacation time as an intrinsically valuable stage of life;

    the use of vacations for the positive socialization of children and adolescents, their physical, intellectual and moral development;

    cooperation and co-creation of participants in joint productive activities aimed at developing the creative qualities of children, adolescents and teachers.

The greatest efficiency of activity on the organization of vacation rest of children and teenagers is provided by:

1. Material and technical conditions:
a) financing from the Social Insurance Fund, local budget funds, parental fees, sponsorship;
b) availability of gyms, assembly and gyms, playgrounds and sports grounds, sports and gaming equipment.
2. Personnel conditions.
The following are involved in the implementation of the program:
- head of the camp - ensures the functioning of the camp;

Deputy head of the camp - responsible for the work of teachers -

- educators - organize the work of the teams;
- detachment counselors, from among high school students - assistant educators;
- sports instructor - organizes sports and recreation activities;
- music worker - organizes musical and leisure activities;
- teachers of additional education - conduct circle work.
3. Pedagogical conditions:
- compliance of the direction and formation of work with the goals and objectives,

Creation of conditions for the individual development of the child's personality through participation in common activities;
- selection of pedagogical techniques and means, taking into account the age characteristics of children;
- ensuring the unity and interconnection of management and self-government;
- the unity of pedagogical requirements in relationships with children.

4. Methodological conditions:
- availability of necessary documentation, program, plan;
- Conducting instructive and methodological meetings.

5. The effectiveness of the experience

The performance of MBU secondary school No. 48 in organizing vacation holidays for children and adolescents is systematically monitored through the collection of information and diagnostics.

The main performance indicator is the personal growth of children and adolescents, which is expressed in:

Acquisition of new knowledge and skills (71%);

Development of personal qualities and abilities (69%);

Development of value relations to the world around, people, to oneself (-61%);

Positive attitude towards socially significant activities (76%).

Based on the results of the organization of vacation time for children and adolescents, the following results can be distinguished:

2012 - 2013 academic year

    the school is a laureate of the regional competition "The Best Summer Health Campaign", a competition for organizing summer holidays, health improvement and employment of children and adolescents;

According to the data of medical monitoring of the activities of the summer recreation camp "Joy": the percentage of children's recovery over the past 3 years remains consistently high - over 80%, which indicates optimal conditions and high-quality implementation of the "Health" program.

Chapter III


Vacation rest is a socio-pedagogical phenomenon, the effectiveness of which is due to the variety of possible forms of upbringing and educational activities, the intensity of communication between children and adults during this period.

The work experience is summarized in the municipal educational institution MBU secondary school No. 48 and IPKROIO. This experience can be used by educational institutions in their work with children and adolescents in full or in fragments.

Positive results in the organization of holidays for children and adolescents are possible with the joint work of educational institutions, specialists from various fields, and the use of city infrastructures.

The main idea of ​​the experience is the creation of a single educational and sociocultural space that ensures the physical and mental health of a growing personality, the activation of its creative potential and self-expression in creative activity.

Work experience was presented at methodological events


Methodological measures

2012 - 2014

Participation in the seminar of the organizers of vacation recreation for children of the municipal district

Preparation and presentation of the work on the organization

vacation rest of children at school at the August conference of teachers of the district;

Speeches of teachers from the experience of organizing vacation holidays for children and adolescents;

Participation in the methodological exhibition "This is what our summer is like!" within the framework of the pedagogical conference;

Photo exhibition about the summer holidays of school students.

Participation in the regional competition "The Best Summer Health Campaign", a competition for the organization of summer holidays, recreation and employment of children and adolescents;

Thus, the current system of work fits well into the educational and educational process, since it is built in accordance with modern approaches to teaching and raising children, is aimed at creating the necessary conditions for the full-fledged employment of vacation time, improving the health of children and adolescents, the formation of vacation time infrastructure as a continuation educational process in the institution.


Holidays make up a significant part of the annual free time of schoolchildren. During the holidays, there is a discharge of the tension accumulated during the study, the restoration of expended strength, health, and the development of creative potential.

The system of organizing holidays for children and adolescents of MBU secondary school No. 48 meets the realities of today and highlights the priorities: the development of children, the socialization of the individual, morality, physical and spiritual health, creativity, openness, freedom of choice for each child.

The value of the system of organizing vacation recreation for children and adolescents of MBU secondary school No. 48 is that conditions have been created for pedagogically expedient, emotionally attractive leisure for children, restoring their physical and mental health, satisfying the need for novelty of impressions, creative self-realization, communication and amateur performance in various forms including labor, knowledge, art, culture, play and other areas of possible self-determination. The variety of activities of the teaching staff allows you to organize an interesting and multifaceted vacation for children during the vacation period.

We are called upon to organize the interaction of the child with the world, to include him in communication, in a variety of meaningful activities for him based on the choice and understanding of what is happening.

A good confirmation of this is the words of Sh.A. Amonoshvili: “You need to see yourself in children in order to help them become adults; one must accept them as a repetition of one's childhood in order to improve oneself; Finally, one must live the life of children in order to be a humane teacher.”

Our pedagogical prose is tireless care for the child in that part of the year when classes are not held at school and when children, by law, should have a long-awaited time for “rest”.


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    Bulletin of program and methodological materials for institutions of additional education. No. 2, 2008.

    Voitenko T.P. Game as a Method of Teaching and Personal Development: A Methodological Guide for Primary and Secondary School Teachers. - Kaluga: Adele, 1997.

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    Kolechenko A.K. Psychology and technologies of education. SP/b: Karo, 2006.

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    Metik N.V., Konstantinova T.V. From shift design to life modeling // Additional education and upbringing, 2004, No. 1.

    General psychology./ Under the editorship of Bogoslovsky V.V. – M.: Enlightenment, 1991.

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    Sventsitsky A.L. Social Psychology. M.: Prospekt, 2004.

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    School Games and Contests. Supplement to the newspaper "Pedsovet". M.: State Unitary Enterprise IPK Moskovskaya Pravda, 2007.

    Shmakov S.A. Vacation ideology: meaning and meaning.
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Studying with the teaching staff of normative documents "on the organization of children's leisure during holidays and summer holidays."



At a meeting with the director, to consider the issue of organizing vacation time, summer holidays and work for children from various families.

during a year

Issue orders

"Organization of children's leisure during the holidays",

"Organization of work and rest of children in the summer".



Ensure the implementation of the educational work plan for the sections “Family”, “Teenager”, “Health.”

during a year

Deputy director for educational work

Draw up a schedule for the fifth labor quarter, including the organization of the work of teams:

    school renovation;

    furniture repair;

    for the improvement of the school grounds.

Deputy director for educational work

Make lists containing data on the rest of children in the summer.

social teacher

Class teachers should compile lists containing information on planning summer holidays for students in classes, including those from single-parent families.


Promotion of the correct, healthy organization of students' free time during the autumn, winter, spring holidays and summer holidays.

during a year


Organization of the work of the summer recreation camp "Joy".


Deputy director for educational work

Organization of recreation for orphans, children from dysfunctional, incomplete, low-income families, foster children in the school recreation camp "Joy" and country camps on preferential vouchers.

social teacher

Organize conversations and meetings with the traffic police inspector in order to prevent DDTP during the holidays:

    holding a month of "Beware, children!" (September);

    ensuring the implementation of the action plan for traffic rules (November, March, June);

    ensure control over the timely and high-quality conduct of classes on traffic rules.

during a year

Deputy director for educational work

Organize the work of the parent lecture hall with consideration of the following issues:

    active recreation of children during the holidays;

    analysis of statistical data on road accidents in the city, region during the holidays;

    healthy lifestyle (school statistics on children's addiction to smoking);

    study of the Convention on the Rights of the Adolescent;

    “Law and Children” (about delinquency among teenagers);

    organization of summer holidays in the family.

during a year

Deputy director for educational work

Organize the work of the "Round Table" for parents of children from single-parent families and disadvantaged, where to consider the issue of employment of children for the summer period.

social teacher

Organization and participation of school teams of scholars in competitions, olympiads, shifts at various levels during the holidays:

Ecological camp "Olkhon";

International Tournament "Erudites of the Planet";

All-Russian shift "Eureka" of the Small Academy of Sciences of the city of Obninsk;

Summer labor and recreation camp "Pchelka" of the municipal station of young naturalists.

June August

Deputy director for educational work

Organization of research activities of students during vacation time:

Preparation of materials for research work,

Participation of students in the work of student research conferences "Researcher of Nature", "First Steps into Science", "Step into the Future", etc.

October, January, March, June - August


Organization of preventive conversations with a narcologist and medical specialists.

during a year

social teacher

Make a list of measures to prevent and prevent delinquency among school students during the holidays.

social teacher

Organize the work of studios, creative associations and sports sections at the school during the holidays.

during a year

Deputy director for educational work

Provide employment during the holidays for students of the "risk" group.

during a year

social teacher

Make lists of students containing information about planning summer holidays for children at risk.

social teacher

Provide civil, environmental, local history, artistic and aesthetic, patriotic education of students during the holidays.

during a year

Deputy director for educational work

To ensure the employment of students during extracurricular and vacation time in UDO, to promote the achievements of these students in sports, artistic and technical creativity.

during a year

To direct the work of the School Council along the way of organizing and diversifying children's leisure time during the holidays and the summer period.

during a year

director, chairman of the school board

Ensure the development and strengthening of the school's ties with the social and pedagogical complexes of the municipal district: the Doverie Center, the Youth Sports School, the Boxing School, the Trud and Lokomotiv stadiums

during a year

deputy director for educational work,

Organization and conduct of raids:

    “day routine” during holidays and summer time;

    examination of the living conditions of children from disadvantaged families, foster children, orphans, children from large families, single-parent families, students of the “risk” group.

during a year

school administration

Creation of the social passport of the school.

Ensure it is constantly updated and updated.

during a year

social teacher

Organize outreach work.

Ensure the solution of issues of continuing education and employment of adolescents aged 16-17, as well as employment of students for the summer period.

during a year

Deputy director for educational work

At the federal level, the features of the working hours of teachers are reflected in many regulations, but despite this, teachers have questions related to the features of the working hours during the vacation period and the period of cancellation of classes (for example, during quarantine measures, weather conditions and etc.) does not decrease. Recently, more and more often one can hear from pedagogical workers that during the vacation period they are forced to be present at the workplace at astronomical hours for much more time than on ordinary working days. Is it legal and what does it have to do with it? We will justify the answer within the framework of the current legislation!

Let's start with the fact that the vacation period is a period of time in the study schedule, provided for the rest of students, but not employees of educational organizations. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated May 11, 2016 No. 536 “On approval of the features of the working hours and rest time of pedagogical and other employees of organizations engaged in educational activities” (hereinafter referred to as the Order) (clause 4.1) establishes that “periods of vacation time established for students of an organization and not coinciding for teachers and other employees with the annual basic extended and annual additional paid holidays, annual basic and annual additional paid holidays (hereinafter, vacation time and vacation, respectively) established by him, are working hours for them with pay in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation”.

During the vacation time, which does not coincide with the vacation of teaching staff, the mode of their working time is specified. Pedagogical workers during vacation time perform pedagogical (including methodological and organizational) work related to the implementation of the educational program, within the normalized part of their pedagogical work (the established volume of educational (training) load (pedagogical work), determined by them before the start of vacation time, as well as the time required to perform the work provided for in paragraph 2.3 of the Order (provided that such work is planned during vacation time). work, determined taking into account the job responsibilities provided for by the qualification characteristics for positions occupied by employees conducting teaching work, as well as additional types of work directly related to educational activities, performed with their written consent for additional payment is regulated as follows:

  • independently - preparation for the implementation of educational activities and the fulfillment of duties for the education, upbringing of students and (or) organization of educational activities, participation in the development of work programs for subjects, courses, disciplines (modules) (in accordance with the requirements of federal state educational standards and with the right to use as standard and author's work programs), the study of individual abilities, interests and inclinations of students;
  • in the manner established by the internal labor regulations - keeping a journal and diaries of students in electronic (or paper) form;
  • internal labor regulations - organizing and conducting methodological, diagnostic and advisory assistance to parents (legal representatives) of students;
  • plans and schedules of the organization, approved by the local regulations of the organization in the manner prescribed by labor legislation - fulfillment of duties related to participation in the work of pedagogical councils, methodological councils (associations), work on holding parent meetings;
  • schedules, plans, schedules approved by the organization's local regulations, the collective agreement - the performance of additional individual and (or) group work with students, participation in recreational, educational and other events held in order to implement educational programs in the organization, including participation in a concert activities, competitions, competitions, sports competitions, training camps, excursions, other forms of educational activities (indicating in the local regulatory act, the collective agreement the procedure and conditions for the performance of work);
  • employment contract (supplementary agreement to the employment contract) - performance, with written consent, of additional types of work directly related to educational activities, on the terms of additional payment (classroom guidance; verification of written work; management of classrooms, laboratories, workshops, educational and experimental sites; management methodological associations; other additional types of work with an indication in the employment contract of their content, deadline and amount of payment);
  • local regulations of the organization - periodic short-term duty in the organization during the educational process, which, if necessary, are organized in order to prepare for the classes, monitor the implementation of the daily routine by students, ensure order and discipline during the study time, including during breaks between classes, established for the rest of students of varying degrees of activity, their eating.

When drawing up the duty schedule in the organization of employees conducting teaching work, during the period of classes, before they begin and after the end of classes, the organization’s work shifts, the working hours of each employee conducting teaching work are taken into account in accordance with the class schedule, the general plan of events, as well as other features of the work, in order to prevent cases of long-term duty of employees conducting teaching work, and duty on days when the training (training) load is absent or insignificant. On working days, employees conducting teaching work are called on duty in the organization no earlier than 20 minutes before the start of classes and no later than 20 minutes after the end of their last lesson.

Pedagogical workers of educational organizations who, by decision of authorized executive authorities, participate in the conduct of the unified state exam during working hours and are released from their main work for the period of the unified state exam (hereinafter referred to as the USE), are provided with guarantees and compensations established by labor legislation and other acts containing labor law standards. Teachers participating in the USE are paid compensation for their work in preparing and conducting the unified state exam. The amount and procedure for payment of the specified compensation are established by the constituent entity of the Russian Federation at the expense of budgetary appropriations from the budget of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation allocated for the conduct of the Unified State Examination.


The working hours of teachers who educate children at home in accordance with a medical report during vacation time are determined taking into account the number of hours of the specified training for such children, established by them before the start of the holidays.

Vacation time, which does not coincide with the vacation of teaching staff, is also used for their additional professional education in the manner prescribed by labor legislation.

Thus, during the vacation period in an educational organization, a special work schedule for teaching staff should be established, taking into account the work plan of the organization itself. Let's consider a specific situation. Ivanova M.I. works as a teacher of physics at school No. 00. with a teaching load of 20 hours. During the vacation period, taking into account the work plan of the organization, Ivanova M.I. must be present at the workplace (with a 5-day working week) daily for 4 astronomical hours. When scheduling work for the holidays, it must be taken into account that it is impossible to deliberately set breaks in the work schedule (for example, in the morning the pedagogical council, and in the evening - parent meetings, thereby forcing the teacher to stay at the workplace all day). Nevertheless, the head of the organization must provide for the possibility of rational use of the working time of his subordinates, and not force employees to perform labor duties by physically “sitting” at the workplace.

Engagement to work during vacation time, as well as during periods of cancellation of the implementation of educational programs that do not coincide with vacation, is carried out on the basis of the relevant administrative acts of educational organizations, which simultaneously determine the duties performed by employees and the work schedule. When drawing up a work schedule, the volume of the established weekly study load (pedagogical work) during these periods can be completed with the consent of the employee for a smaller number of days per week or month compared to the previously established study schedule, but with a longer daily working time, i.e. e. a summarized accounting of working hours was introduced in the manner prescribed by Art. 104 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The possibility of using summarized working time should be reflected in the collective agreement (if any) and internal labor regulations. The use of summarized accounting of working time makes it possible to rationally approach the organization of work during the vacation period. Let's consider a specific example. Our Ivanova M.I. (physics teacher of school No. 00) has a workload of 20 hours a week, which during the vacation period she must be present at the workplace. In most cases, these 20 hours will be broken down into 4 astronomical hours per day. In practice, no one forbids the manager (with the written consent of the employees) to establish a summarized accounting of working hours and offer Ivanova M.I. work them out, for example, 8 8 4 = 20 hours / 3 days (or another suggestion). Thus, by setting such a schedule, the head of the organization can achieve the maximum effect:

- ensure the presence of teaching staff in the organization in order to organize vacation employment for students throughout the day;

– employees will have the opportunity to relax and solve their personal problems that they cannot physically solve during the training period;

- the freed days can be provided for medical examinations, etc. No financial control services can make claims against the manager according to the established work schedule during the vacation period, which allows for the summarized accounting of working time. The main thing is to document everything!

The regulation of the working hours of pedagogical and other employees of educational institutions during the autumn, winter, spring and summer holidays established for students is carried out in accordance with Section IV of the Order, according to which the working hours of pedagogical workers are not subject to change. For example, the heads of educational organizations, on the basis of which health camps (labor and recreation camps) are created, are not entitled to set teachers during vacation time that does not coincide with their vacation, the length of working time provided for educators.

At the same time, since the nature of the work of pedagogical workers objectively changes during these periods, the list of work (duties) performed by them needs to be clarified.

The grounds for clarifying the list of work on the positions of education workers during the vacation period, which does not coincide with the vacation of employees, are:

- section "General provisions" of qualification characteristics;

- section IV of the Order (types of work are listed above).

In accordance with paragraph 5 of the section "General Provisions" of the qualification characteristics, it was established that when developing job descriptions, it is allowed to clarify the list of works that are characteristic of the corresponding position in specific organizational and pedagogical conditions (for example, a vacation period that does not coincide with the vacation of employees; cancellation for students, pupils of training sessions, changing the mode of the educational process for sanitary-epidemiological, climatic and other reasons, etc.), as well as establishing requirements for the necessary special training of workers.


When clarifying the list of work characteristic of a particular position in specific organizational and pedagogical conditions, it is necessary to proceed from the fact that during the specified periods, teachers, lecturers (with the exception of teachers of organizations implementing educational programs of secondary vocational education) during vacation time perform pedagogical (including including methodological and organizational) work related to the implementation of the educational program, within the normalized part of their pedagogical work (the established volume of the educational (training) load (pedagogical work) determined by them before the start of vacation time.

Periods of canceling the implementation of the educational program, which are clearly independent of the employees and the educational organization itself (quarantine measures, cancellation of classes due to weather conditions, holding state events in the building of the organization (elections, state final certification), are working hours for employees and cannot be considered as simple, as sometimes unreasonably they try to qualify these periods.During the period of work during the periods of cancellation of the implementation of the educational program, as well as during the periods of autumn, winter, spring and summer holidays of students that do not coincide with the vacation of employees, remuneration of teachers and other pedagogical workers is made from calculation of wages established in the tariffing preceding these periods.

Where does the erroneous idea about the rationing of teachers' work during the vacation period come from? If the school principal pursues the goal of forcing the teacher to stay within the walls of the school building for the maximum amount of time (and this also occurs), then during the vacation period, the teacher begins to explain the following incorrect arithmetic of his teaching load. The director talks about some mythical 36 astronomical hours for the salary rate (while he is well aware that the teacher's workload is calculated according to his academic hours). Thus, if a teacher has 1 rate, which is equal to 18 hours, then during the vacation period it suddenly turns into 36 hours! And if a poor teacher has more than 18 hours, then he is also entitled to an “addition” to these 36 hours. So it turns out that during the holidays, some educational organizations begin to establish their own "small-town" rules for calculating the working time of teachers. Such calculations have no legal basis!

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