A classic recipe for fish soup from the head of a bream. Ear from a bream Ear from a bream

Bream fish soup is a favorite dish of fishermen, which is usually cooked in a pot on a fire. But recently, this nutritious fragrant dish has migrated to our city kitchens. The soup recipe is very useful, because. fish contains a lot of protein, phosphorus, calcium and potassium. Usually, the ear is prepared from heads and other trimmings, and then the carcass itself is added. Fish soup is very light, but at the same time nutritious, so you can safely include it in the menu for proper nutrition. Classic fish soup can always be supplemented with any cereal: rice, millet or pearl barley.

Although the dish is simple, it has a few secrets that will simplify cooking:

  • it is best to cook the fish soup at home from a large fish over 2 kg, then you can pre-cook the fish broth by cutting off the tail, fins and head;
  • if the ear turns out to be watery, at the very end of cooking, you can start it with an egg, after beating it;
  • no less tasty fish soup will be obtained from a small bream, but in this case you need to be careful during the meal, because. This fish is full of small bones.

  • Servings: 4-5.

    Time: 30 minutes.

    Calories per 100 grams: 46 kcal.


  • 600 g soup set (head, tail, spine);
  • 3 potatoes;
  • 70 g leek;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 700 g of bream;
  • 100 g of millet;
  • 50 celery and parsley (roots);
  • 1 lavrushka;
  • 15 g fresh dill;
  • 40 ml vegetable oil;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • some black pepper and salt.
  • Cooking process:

    First you need to prepare fish broth from the head and other trimmings. We wash everything thoroughly, put it in a saucepan. Pour two liters of cold water, cook fish broth over low heat.
    In the meantime, cut the gutted fish into portioned pieces. Peel the potatoes, cut into large pieces.

    The head soup recipe will turn out tastier if you make a vegetable fry. To do this, cut the white part of the leek into thin rings. We clean the carrots and the rest of the roots. We cut the carrots into thin circles, and the roots into small cubes. We spread the roots along with the leek in a pan with vegetable oil, let it simmer over medium heat for 10 minutes.

    In the first dish with strained broth, lay potatoes and roasted vegetables. As soon as the contents boil, we supplement the contents with washed millet. Cook for about a quarter of an hour until the roots are almost soft.
    The recipe for fish soup at home is seasoned with lavrushka and spices. We put pieces of fish in a saucepan, cook with low heat for about a quarter of an hour.

    When the ear at home is almost ready, we flavor the dish with chopped herbs. According to the same step-by-step recipe with a photo, an ear is prepared from a scavenger.

    Servings: 6-8.

    Time: 45 minutes.

    Calories per 100 grams: 32.9 kcal.


  • 0.5 kg of fresh bream;
  • 3 potatoes;
  • 1-2 carrots;
  • 1-2 bell peppers;
  • 1-2 heads of onions;
  • 2-3 tomatoes;
  • 1 bunch of greenfinch;
  • 3 liters of water;
  • 0.5 tsp black pepper and salt.
  • Cooking process:

    Such a fish soup will require a minimum of time and products. For gas cooking, bring water to a boil.
    In the meantime, wash and clean vegetables. We cut the potatoes into medium cubes, lower them into boiling water. Next, put the whole peeled onion (you can cut into cubes). We rub the carrots, then the recipe at home turned out to be golden in color.

    Wash the carcass, gut it, cut it into pieces, carefully lower it into the pan.

    Rinse the tomatoes, cut into 4-6 parts, add to the dish. Cook on low heat until potatoes are soft.

    When the soup is almost ready, add chopped herbs to it.

    The bream recipe is cooked according to the same principle, only it is better to supplement it with millet, barley or an egg.

    Bon appetit everyone!

    For lunch, in many families it is customary to eat soup, and which one to choose is up to the hostess in the kitchen. Today I will share with you my dish and tell you our family classic recipe for fish soup from the head of a bream. My kids and husband just love it.

    Hearty and tasty fish soup is a real find for an economical housewife.

    Let me give you an example: imagine you bought a huge 1-2 kg bream or a few fish. Cleaned, gutted, but now it needs to be cut into small pieces to fry for dinner. Cut off the head, use a sharp knife to do all the other cutting procedures. Everything is ready, but what to do with a huge head? It’s a pity to throw away such a piece of fresh fish, it’s good if there are pets who will eat it with pleasure. But the best option is to cook a delicious dinner in the form of a classic fish soup from the head and tail. In other words, cook a delicious, simple and at the same time lean fish soup. If you will not cook it immediately or the next day, then prepare it in the right way, put it in a bag and send it to the freezer, when there is a desire and opportunity, prepare a wonderful soup.

    How to prepare a fish head and tail for further cooking in the ear

    After you cut off the head and tail from the main part of the fish, you need to wash them thoroughly, then pull out the gills and remove the eyes, rinse again with clean water. Everything is ready.

    Classic fish soup on the stove

    Preparing is very simple, eaten quickly enough. A step-by-step recipe with a photo will help you remember the process


      • Bream head and tail - 1 pc. (200 gr);
      • Carrots - 1 pc;
      • Onion - 1 pc;
      • Potatoes - 3-5 pcs;
      • Salt - 1 teaspoon;
      • Vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp. lodges;
      • Bay leaf - 1 pc;
      • Water - 2 liters.

    How to cook

    Pour the required amount of water into the pan, put on fire and bring to a boil. In the meantime, peel the carrots and grate them.

    Finely chop the onion, send these two ingredients to boiling water.

    Peel the potatoes, cut into cubes and send to the soup-ear. Salt add bay foxes and cook until the potatoes are ready.

    10 minutes before the end of cooking, send the head and tail to the ear. Beforehand, it is worth washing well again, the gills and eyes should be removed.

    You should not defrost the head of the fish before cooking the classic fish soup.

    We send it to the pan and after boiling, cook for 10 minutes, add chopped greens. Remove from stove and serve.

    As you can see, there is nothing complicated in preparing a classic fish soup on the stove, everything is quite simple, and most importantly, quickly and the products do not disappear.

    Many may argue how a classic ear should look like, which recipe is better. Each housewife has her own recipe, there is not and cannot be a single dish for this, many people add rice, millet or some other cereal to her. It is uniquely delicious. Experiment, cook in an original way.

    How to replace bream in the ear

    This soup can be prepared not only from the head of a bream, for this recipe you can use a whole small fish, or a piece of a large one, as well as various types of fish such as (red, pike, salmon, pike perch, trout, pink salmon and others).

    It turns out that the classic recipe for fish soup from the head of a bream is quite simple, and it can be cooked not only on a fire, but also on a stove.

    Remember, as in the classic: “Here is a bream, offal, here is a piece of sterlet ...” But this is the royal version of the dish. But an ear from a bream is more democratic. In addition, today, in order to cook it, it is not necessary to go fishing. This fish can be bought in supermarkets. Therefore, if you love fish soup from bream so much, then you can cook it at any time of the year - there would be a desire!

    Ear for lunch

    According to the majority of avid fishermen, this dish is prepared in a pot: on a fire, in nature - exclusively and irrevocably! But what to do if you want fish soup from bream at home, so to speak, realities? When you cook this recipe in your kitchen, be sure to call some fisherman you know. Let him try and express his personal opinion. The feedback will most likely be positive. So let's get started.


    To prepare fish soup from bream, we need the most uncomplicated ingredients. The main one is a fresh bream weighing up to one and a half kilograms (based on a three-liter pan). It is also necessary to prepare 3-4 medium-sized potatoes, onions and carrots (2 each) and a handful of millet. From spices you will need dried dill, laurel and, of course, salt.

    A simple recipe for fish soup from bream

    First you need to clean the bream. Of course, it would be more practical to ask the seller about this, but this is not always possible. For example, if you buy fish in a supermarket. It is important to try so that the scales do not fly in all directions. For this, experienced housewives use a large plastic bag. But it's better to gut yourself. If there is caviar or milk, then they can also be put in the soup, after washing thoroughly.

    After the "water procedures" we will deal with cutting. We put the carcass with the back away from us, cut open the abdomen with a sharp knife, without plunging it deep. So all the insides will remain intact. We take out the contents carefully, trying not to damage the gallbladder. Otherwise, the fish will acquire unwanted bitterness. We remove the gills, cut off the caudal and dorsal fins. Wash the fish again.

    We put a pot of water on the stove, putting peeled carrots and onions there. When it boils, we also put millet to make the ear more satisfying.

    Cut the potatoes into arbitrary pieces, after peeling and washing it.

    We cut the bream into large pieces. If caviar and liver are caught in the insides, all this can also be used to make the dish more rich.

    We throw potatoes into the pan, then prepared pieces of fish with giblets. Cook over low heat until vegetables are cooked. Shortly before the end, we introduce lavrushka and dill (in a small amount) and salt.

    A good solution would be to pour a glass of good vodka. This, according to fishing traditions, adds a special relish to the bream soup. But even if you do without such a spicy additive, the first one will still turn out delicious.

    Turn off the heat, let it brew under the lid for 15-30 minutes. Serve topped with fresh herbs!

    Fish is the main ingredient in the ear. Therefore, you should not clog the natural authentic taste with a huge amount of spices. A bunch of dill and bay leaf will be quite enough.

    Although the bream has a large number of bones, like many river fish species, it contains many useful substances: potassium, phosphorus, etc.

    How to check the readiness of the soup? The flesh should be slightly behind the bones. It is also important not to overcook the dish, as it will turn out tasteless.

    To the ear of bream, you can cook a lot of dishes that complement the table. For example, fish pies. A good option would be crackers made from oven-dried bread. A nice plus for a wide table will be sandwiches with caviar or fish salmon, pastries. In general, there is a field for the manifestation of one's own culinary imagination.

    Once, two huge fish fell into my hands, two bream weighing up to a kilogram, or maybe a little more. I, as it should, cleaned them from the husk and released the intestines. What to do with the main part of the fish, this is understandable, we will fry. And what to do with the head?

    Yes, that's right, cook fish soup from bream heads. And how to make it easy and simple, and most importantly delicious at home on the stove, I will tell you in detail.


    Bream heads - 2 pcs;
    Potatoes - 300-400 gr;
    Millet - 100 gr;
    Bay leaf - 1-2 pieces;
    Carrots - 1 pc;
    Onion - 1 pc;
    Salo - 100 gr;
    Salt - to taste;
    Ground black pepper - to taste.
    Water - 3 liters.

    We cook soup from 2 heads of bream

    Pour water into a saucepan and put on fire. While the water is boiling, you need to peel and wash the potatoes, cut them into small cubes and send them to boiling water.

    Carrots need to be peeled and grated, and finely chopped onion. Send the vegetables to the pan, also add the bay leaf to the pan to the vegetables. At this stage, you can salt the soup, remember that it is better to undersalt a little, because at the end of cooking you can try and correct the situation, and you can’t fix the oversalting.

    Rinse the millet with warm water and send it to the soup. Boil the soup until vegetables and cereals are ready.

    When the vegetables in the soup are ready, we send coarsely chopped pieces of lard into it, you can use salted lard, fresh or frozen. Let boil for 5 minutes.

    At the very end, when the soup is ready, add the main ingredient - fish heads, in our case, these are bream heads. The gills must be removed, and the eyes must also be removed. The heads are thoroughly washed under running water. Send to the soup and cook for 5-10 minutes.

    Then the heads are removed from the soup, and the soup is served at the table.

    For soup, it is better to take the heads of fresh fish, but if the catch is large, then the heads can be frozen for future use, after removing the eyes and gills. And when you want fish soup, just take it out, defrost, rinse, and the rest is all according to the recipe. Just remember that fish should be frozen only once, after re-freezing it loses its taste.

    This original and tasty fish soup is prepared from two types of fish - raw and smoked. Thanks to this combination, an interesting taste with a slight smoky aroma is obtained.

    Of course, nothing can replace fish soup prepared on a real fire from a freshly caught fish. But this recipe for fish soup from fresh bream and hot smoked herring will also give you unforgettable taste sensations.

    Our recipe uses bream. There are few small bones in its meat, the ear comes out of it quite rich and has a rich taste. Although other river fish are quite suitable for fish soup - carp, silver carp, pike, perch. Instead of Baltic herring, you can also choose a different type of fish - the main thing is that it be hot smoked, since cold smoked fish can be too salty, and, in addition, give the ear unnecessary bitterness.

    Products for 6 servings

    • fresh bream - 400 g;
    • hot smoked herring - 150 g;
    • potatoes - 400 g;
    • in ode - 1.7 l;
    • onion - 1 pc;
    • medium carrot - 1 pc.;
    • dill (or parsley);
    • Bay leaf ;
    • allspice peas;
    • salt.


    one . Pieces of fresh bream pour 1.7 liters of water. As soon as the water boils, immediately remove all the foam and reduce the heat to a minimum. The ear needs to be boiled at a low boil, only then the broth will turn out transparent, and the ear will have attractive view .

    2. After half an hour, add a whole peeled onion to the ear and cook for another 30 minutes. After that, put the pieces of bream on a separate plate and set them aside. In total, large pieces of bream are boiled for about an hour - this is necessary for the richness of the broth. Then it is better to take them out so that they do not fall apart, and there are no small bones in the ear.

    3 . While the fish is cooking , cut the potatoes into large pieces .

    4 . Chop carrots.

    5 . Add potatoes, carrots, peppers, bay leaves to the ear and continue to cook for 10 minutes. It is very good to put a sprig of old dry dill or some of its seeds into the broth. You don't need to salt the broth yet.

    6. Remove the heads from the herring, very carefully clean the insides (you can even rinse), remove the ridges and tails. The fillet must be very well cleaned. Since hot-smoked herring is added solely for smell, you should not put it more than necessary (150 g unpeeled), as too much of it can give the ear extra bitterness.

    7. After the potatoes and carrots have been boiled for 10 minutes, put the herring fillet and boil the fish soup for another 7 minutes (during this time, the herring will give salt to the broth). Now add salt to the ear to taste, put the pieces of bream again and boil everything together over low heat for another 5 minutes.

    8. Remove the finished fish soup from the fire, let it brew for another 10 minutes and you can serve it to the table. Add greens to each serving.

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