Does constipation of a nursing mother affect the child. Constipation while breastfeeding

Constipation in nursing mothers is a common problem. The main reason is the change in diet. The woman suffers from painful defecation, and the stool may be in three or four days. At the same time, there are other unpleasant manifestations this intestinal disorder.

Constipation in women after childbirth can be accompanied by many unpleasant symptoms:

During constipation, a woman's breast milk becomes less of the enzymes that the baby needs to digest food.

As a result, similar problems may arise in the baby, so when breastfeeding it is important to avoid constipation.

Why do breastfeeding women get constipated?

The first weeks after the birth of a child are characterized by the healing of wounds that were received during childbirth. Perhaps there were tears or artificial incisions in the perineum.

Women are afraid to eat fruits and vegetables, which can cause a violation of the stool, allergic reactions and other unpleasant symptoms in a child.

Constipation in a nursing mother is a temporary phenomenon, so you should be a little patient and help alleviate the symptoms.

Treatment of constipation in nursing mothers

First, you can try to cope with the problem without the use of drugs. Constipation in a nursing mother is sometimes easily eliminated by making adjustments to the lifestyle.

If the stool does not improve, constipation can be treated with medication. During breastfeeding, drugs containing lactulose (for example, duphalac) are allowed. Lactulose is not absorbed by the stomach and intestines, softens the feces and forms beneficial bacteria that contribute to its natural release.

Glycerin suppositories can cope well with constipation. They soften the feces, make the intestinal motility work. If used correctly, they are not addictive to the body. They are safe for breastfeeding. Their action is aimed solely at removing feces from the intestines. It has no effect on other organs.

Candles should not be placed if there are cracks and wounds in the anus.

When breastfeeding, do not abuse medication and harmful products. So you can eliminate a number of problems with the chair. It is necessary to treat constipation only under the supervision of doctors and follow their recommendations.

Folk remedies for constipation in nursing mothers

When breastfeeding, constipation can be treated without drugs.

  1. From prunes you can make infusions and decoctions. Several prunes are poured with boiled water, let it brew for some time. The resulting infusion should be taken before meals. You can also eat some berries raw.
  2. Figs are great for fighting constipation. Pour about 50 g of figs with boiled water. The resulting infusion is taken three times a day. Water can be replaced with milk.
  3. Dill water helps a lot. Dill seeds (10 g) should be poured with boiling water. Let it brew, then strain. After that, the decoction is used before meals, several times a day.
  4. If there are gooseberries, you can make a decoction from them. Pour a few berries with water and boil for several minutes. Then the broth must be filtered and cooled.

So that the unpleasant symptoms associated with constipation do not overshadow the joy of motherhood, nutrition should be adjusted before the baby is born.

Breastfeeding mothers should not use many laxatives. To forget about constipation, women are advised to drink a lot, relax, and eat foods with a laxative effect.

Due to trauma to the rectum during childbirth, malnutrition, a passive lifestyle, hormonal disorders, constipation occurs in a nursing mother. Constipation (stool retention) is possible already during the period of bearing a baby. Constipation during pregnancy is physiological, a variant of the norm. But during lactation, a woman should take care of her health, the condition of the intestines and everything digestive tract. Prolonged stool retention is fraught with intoxication of the body and can harm a young mother and child. That is why constipation in a nursing mother must be treated.

Constipation causes psychological and physical discomfort. It is more difficult for a woman to cope with household chores, walk with a baby because of constant pain in the rectal area, in the lower abdomen.

Constipation in a young mother is always accompanied by unpleasant symptoms.

A woman is haunted by headaches, heaviness in the stomach, bloating, flatulence. Therapists note: many women simultaneously complain of insomnia, overwork, nervousness, loss of appetite and tearfulness. The health of the mother affects the baby. He, like a mirror, shields emotional condition, becomes more capricious, inactive.

Prolonged constipation leads to the accumulation of feces in the intestines. Against this background, the process of intoxication begins. Poisoning the body of a nursing mother with toxins also affects the baby.

Ways to solve the problem

Therapists and pediatricians do not advise the young mother to immediately take medications in the fight against stool retention. Constipation during breastfeeding can be eliminated naturally. To do this, you need to adjust nutrition, monitor physical activity.

The diet of a nursing mother with constipation

To eliminate constipation, the mother needs to follow the rules of nutrition during lactation. This helps to restore bowel function, facilitate the process of defecation.

A young mother should remember:

  • vegetables and fruits are best consumed boiled or baked;
  • the daily diet should include cereals (on the water);
  • exclude spicy, fried, salty, smoked dishes from the diet;
  • completely abandon carbonated drinks;
  • sour-milk products are obligatory in the menu;
  • dishes are best seasoned with linseed or olive oil;
  • meat dishes - only well stewed or baked.

In order not to suffer with bowel movements, to normalize its work, to prevent the development of hemorrhoids, to get rid of flatulence, it is necessary to include fiber in the daily diet. It can be bought in its pure form in the pharmacy chain or in the supermarket. Apply the product daily with a tendency to constipation.

Allowed foods and drinks for constipation

In the table below, you can find a list of products that are not prohibited and useful for breastfeeding during constipation. They must be evenly included in the mother's weekly diet.

The diet for breastfeeding and constipation should contain low-fat foods with fiber, which have laxative properties. Prune puree gives a laxative effect. During lactation, it helps to get rid of signs of constipation for mom and baby.

Drinking regime

Drinking water is very important for constipation. If a young mother has a defecation disorder, the drinking regimen should become the basis of the diet. But you need to drink water properly. Many women are mistaken that drinking a few cups of tea, compote per day will solve the problem of constipation.

Nutritionists advise moms to take at least 2 liters of fluid per day during constipation.

It can be teas on a natural basis, compotes, herbal decoctions, kefir, drinking yogurt. The main rule is that pure boiled water or distilled water should make up 50% of all liquid consumed.

Medicines for constipation

A prerequisite before taking any medication prescribed by a doctor is to try alternative methods of therapy. If following a diet, eating laxative foods, and other remedies do not help with constipation, you can seek help from a therapist. The doctor will prescribe a medicine suitable for a nursing mother.

It is impossible to take laxatives on your own during lactation. Please note: the drug should not penetrate into breast milk, cause unpleasant consequences in the baby.

Permitted drugs for constipation during lactation

Medicines that have a laxative effect for lactating women can be divided into several groups according to the release forms. A young mother can choose a more suitable remedy. Help relieve constipation:

  • rectal suppositories (candles for constipation);
  • powders for preparation of suspensions;
  • syrups.

Cannot be applied herbal preparation based on senna. It acts too strongly on the intestines, is able to penetrate into breast milk. Grass can cause cramps, stomach pain, diarrhea in a child.

If it is more convenient for a woman to use suppositories in violation of defecation, you can stop the choice on such drugs:

  • sea ​​buckthorn candles;
  • glycerin suppositories;
  • Evacue.

Of these funds, glycerin suppositories are popular. They have an excellent laxative effect. The effect is achieved by swelling and softening of the contents of the intestine, so the feces are brought out painlessly.

Minus suppositories - a list of contraindications. Almost all candles can not be used for hemorrhoids, wounds, anal fissures.

The problem of hemorrhoids is typical for many young mothers after childbirth.

If there are cracks in the anus, inflammation hemorrhoids, experts recommend opting for sea buckthorn candles. They have a good anti-inflammatory effect and a slight laxative effect.

In the form of a syrup, lactulose-based products are suitable:

  • Duphalac;
  • Lactulose;
  • Normase (according to the doctor's testimony, with severe constipation).

Lactulose-based drugs also have contraindications. Carefully have to take syrup if there is a tendency to flatulence. In the first days of use, it may increase. The manufacturer claims that the symptom will go away for 2-3 days. At the same time, a laxative effect will come.

Unlike rectal suppositories, lactulose syrups have a cumulative effect. The intestines are not always emptied during the day.

If constipation occurs in the mother and in the baby at the same time (for example, due to improper nutrition of the mother), special Microlax microlysis will help. They are used in a child from birth, they are also suitable for nursing mothers. Plus the drug in a safe composition, ease of use. The tool has a minimum of contraindications.

At cost, the most expensive will be the use of Microlax microclysters - 400-450 rubles. Rectal suppositories are in the range of 100-200 rubles. Syrups based on lactulose at a price vary from 150 to 350 rubles.


Herbs help with stool retention during lactation. Dr. Komarovsky advises products based on fennel and anise. These plants are used in pediatrics to improve bowel function in a baby, relieve bloating and colic. You can also use herbs for a young mother.

anise and fennel

To get the effect of taking anise and fennel, you need to drink decoctions of these plants for 3-5 days (2 tablespoons per 200 ml), 3 times a day. The decoction helps to improve intestinal motility, eliminate flatulence.

Phytotherapy is also useful for the baby. In the baby, colic will decrease, the digestion process will improve against the background of taking fennel and anise by the mother. Substances contained in plants pass into milk, but they are harmless to babies.


It’s good if a young mother has the opportunity to get a tricolor violet. A decoction of the plant perfectly helps to cope with constipation and improve lactation.

Preparing an infusion is easy.

  1. Prepare enamelware.
  2. It will take 10 g of the plant, 200 ml of boiling water.
  3. Mix all the ingredients, put on fire for 15 minutes.
  4. When boiling, remove from the stove and leave to languish in a water bath for an hour.
  5. After cool and strain.

Take the remedy 1 tablespoon 3 times a day after meals.


Helps with constipation decoction of gooseberries. It is necessary to prepare 1 tablespoon of berries. Ingredients pour 200 ml of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Drink a decoction 3 times a day, ¼ cup.

Folk laxatives

Treating constipation with folk methods has a beneficial effect on the condition of the intestines and is not dangerous for the baby, if you follow the basic rules for choosing a recipe. Only products based on products or plants that are not contraindicated in breastfeeding are suitable.

Doctors advise trying prunes on an empty stomach.

Before breakfast, you need to drink a glass of purified water, eat dried fruit puree. As a rule, with short-term constipation, the effect of eating prunes occurs within 3 hours.

Well helps figs, steamed in milk. To prepare a delicious medicine, you need dried fruit in the amount of 2 tablespoons (chopped), 200 ml of boiled hot milk. It is necessary to pour the figs with liquid, insist it to room temperature.

Take the remedy up to 4 times a day, before meals. The maximum dose is 2 tablespoons of fig milk. Figs help a young mother recover faster after childbirth, improve digestion in infants, increase immunity, saturating the body with vitamins.

Herbal decoctions

Herbal treatment is best done on the advice of a doctor. If the doctor does not prohibit the selected prescription, you can use it as an alternative drug therapy. Any herbal treatment can Negative influence on mother and child, since plants have a list of contraindications.

Mint, strawberry leaves, dried nettle leaves, chamomile flowers, valerian roots help to eliminate constipation during breastfeeding. The ingredients are combined in ground dried form, take 500 ml of boiled water, 2 tablespoons of a mixture of plants. Herbs are poured into a thermos with boiling water and left for 10 hours. Apply 1 tablespoon before meals.

If the child begins to act up, his condition changes for the worse, it is worth abandoning the chosen recipe. Some ingredients may cause allergic reaction at the breast.

A simple decoction of chamomile helps with constipation associated with wrong work GIT.

The diet of a breastfeeding woman may contain a decoction of chamomile. It is taken 1 tablespoon up to 4 times a day before meals. Chamomile normalizes the processes of digestion, eliminates inflammatory processes in the intestines, has a mild laxative effect. Chamomile is an ingredient in many teas used to improve lactation.

Young nettles are also useful. Its leaves are brewed and taken 1 tablespoon 3 times a day, before meals. A decoction of the plant has a beneficial effect on female body after childbirth, normalizes stools, prevents anemia, increases milk production.

Physical exercise for constipation

A few useful and simple exercises will help activate the work of the intestines, increase the peristalsis of the organ, and improve the digestion process.


To perform the exercise, you need to sit on the floor, straighten your legs, combine your heels together. Alternately pull the right leg as far forward as possible, then the left leg, hands are on the body. Simultaneously with the movement of the legs, it is necessary to move forward with the whole body.

The main task of the exercise is to move forward only with the help of the legs, without turning the torso. So you can crawl to one side of the room and in the opposite direction.


Lying on your back, you need to pull your legs to your stomach, helping as much as possible with your hands. Take a deep breath to inflate your stomach, wait 30 seconds, exhale sharply with your mouth, lower your legs down. Repeat the exercise 10 times. It is suitable for use after childbirth.


A simple and understandable exercise for everyone, familiar from childhood. Lie on your back, bend your knees, start rotational movements, simulating a bike ride. Main condition correct execution- make the circle with your feet as big as possible.

Perform 10-15 rotations, slowing down and increasing the pace. Exercise helps fight problematic bowel movements, stimulates bowel function.

Leg tilts

An easy exercise to do. Starting position - on the back, arms extended above the head or gathered into a castle, supporting the head. Bend your knees while inhaling, pull them to your stomach. Tilt the legs, closed together, first to the right side, then to the left, so that the knees touch the floor.


So that constipation after childbirth during breastfeeding does not cause problems, you need to follow simple rules prevention. They come down to observing the diet, uniform and smooth introduction of physical activity, and timely consultation with a doctor. To prevent constipation, a young mother should:

  • include in the daily menu products with a laxative effect;
  • after childbirth, go swimming, yoga, Pilates, feasible loads;
  • more walks in the fresh air with the baby;
  • monitor the daily routine, prevent late waste to sleep, rest more when the baby is sleeping;
  • be less nervous.

During lactation, it is important for a newly-made mother to monitor her diet, and if constipation is tormented, the diet should be made even more carefully. A doctor can help solve such a delicate problem for a woman. Do not be shy and ignore constipation!

Constipation after childbirth during breastfeeding is a fairly common pathology that many new mothers are ashamed of. They hope that the problem will be solved by itself, which, unfortunately, is far from being the case. You need to be as attentive as possible to your health, especially during this difficult period of recovery after childbirth.

Today we invite you to discuss this delicate issue in as much detail as possible. Let's start with the fact that constipation can be of several types, have many causes. Today we will deal with the issues of manifestation, treatment and prevention.


As mentioned earlier, breastfeeding is quite common. Do not hope to solve the problem by means of diet or physical activity- this is not always effective. Now we will try to deal with the varieties of this disease.

In order to start treating constipation, it is necessary to understand the types and causes. In total, nursing mothers have two large groups Read more about them in the table.



a brief description of

Atonic constipation is associated precisely with intestinal atony. Bowel activity is markedly reduced in women who have recently given birth. This problem is especially true for postpartum women who have undergone surgery. caesarean section. What is it connected with? The operation itself has a very negative effect on the intestines. After the problem is resolved, the feces are usually very large and quite dense.

The whole problem in this case is connected precisely with the stress that the woman endured during childbirth. There is a spasm of the intestinal walls. Unlike atonic constipation, spastic constipation has frequent urges, but the feces are dry and scanty. During a trip to the toilet, there may be slight pain.


Constipation after childbirth during breastfeeding should be treated immediately, because this problem negatively affects both mother and baby. The chosen method should not interfere with breastfeeding.

To begin with, it is worth paying attention to the fact that a nursing mother should eat only fresh and healthy foods. Many have to completely abandon their usual diet. It is necessary to eat vegetables and fruits daily, which are necessary for the proper functioning of the intestines. If you completely abandon fresh vegetables, this will lead to a number of problems with the intestines and stomach.

The first week after giving birth is quite difficult for almost all mothers. This is due to the fact that progesterone has a negative effect on the muscles of the intestine. After a while, the production of the hormone normalizes, and the problems with going to the toilet will end. Full recovery bowel is usually observed a month after the birth of the baby.

Now we will highlight a number of reasons that can lead to constipation. Among those:

  • side effect of drugs;
  • containment of urges;
  • lack of physical activity;
  • the body does not have enough fluid;
  • mom uses a large number of fiber;
  • metabolic disease;
  • the presence of growths or other pathologies.


Constipation in a nursing mother can manifest itself in many ways. They can be either single or form a whole complex. Now we list the most common symptoms:

  • appetite is constantly absent;
  • there is a lot of gas in the intestines;
  • possible cramping pain in the abdomen;
  • bloating;
  • heaviness;
  • there are some difficulties in the toilet;
  • if we examine the feces in more detail, we can notice tuberosity and high density;
  • constant stay of the patient in a bad mood;
  • performance decreases;
  • sleep patterns are disturbed;
  • muscle pain may be observed;
  • the patient may be haunted by headaches;
  • unpleasant taste in the mouth.

If you were able to identify at least a small part of the symptoms presented, then you can safely diagnose constipation after childbirth while breastfeeding. It is necessary to consult a specialist and the correct selection of therapeutic agents.


Let's start this section with the fact that the problem is easier to prevent than to get rid of it. Prevention of constipation during pregnancy and after childbirth is a very important point, all expectant mothers are required to study this issue.

Prevention intestinal disorders lies in proper nutrition and daily routine. It is very important to remember that products that have a "strengthening" effect are extremely contraindicated for new mothers. This list includes crackers, chips, rice, strong tea and so on. Pay more attention to fermented milk products, it is especially useful to use live yoghurts. Be sure to include fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet.


Now let's discuss proper nutrition if you are facing this issue? It is best to consult a doctor to prescribe treatment. In addition to medication, you must follow a diet. Now let's get acquainted with its main rules and norms:

  1. Drink plenty of fluids: at least two liters a day. Please note that at least one liter must be provided with cold clean water (preferably boiled).
  2. Incorporate fresh vegetables and fruits into your daily diet. However, it is worth excluding legumes that can cause the opposite effect.
  3. If you do not like fresh vegetables and fruits, then you can bake them, because with this type of heat treatment, all beneficial features.
  4. Eat natural laxative foods (prunes, beets, carrots, figs, and so on) in moderation.
  5. It is necessary to improve the intestinal microflora and at the same time not harm the child. Dairy products will help us in this matter.
  6. Vegetable oils also have a laxative effect. To achieve the desired result, drink one teaspoon of olive or flaxseed oil in the morning on an empty stomach.
  7. Another important rule- do not overeat. Eat more often, but in small portions - this will lead to a rapid recovery of the intestines.
  8. The last point should be noted and the fact that it is necessary to contact a specialist. The diet is made for each person individually.


Now we'll talk about one more thing. effective method dealing with constipation after childbirth. What to do? Of course, move more, but do not overwork. Walking in the fresh air is useful for absolutely everyone, and if it is not contraindicated light gymnastics, then take ten minutes a day to complete it. From physical exercises, not only problems with the intestines will pass, but also health will improve, muscles will strengthen.

On the second day after childbirth, you can perform the following exercise: lie on your back, bend your knees. Take a deep breath and inflate your stomach, hold for a short while, exhale sharply through your mouth and pull your stomach in. Repeat at least five times.

On the third day, you can add the following to this exercise:

  • The position is the same. As you inhale, tighten your pelvic muscles and hold your breath. Exhale sharply through your mouth and relax your muscles.
  • Get out of bed, feet shoulder-width apart, arms extended forward. Inhale and smoothly turn to the right, the right hand goes as far as possible in the direction of rotation. While exhaling, take the starting position. Repeat the exercise with the other hand.

Fourth day:

  • Standing: clasp your hands in front lock. Rotate the body, pulling the lock as far back as possible.
  • Lying on your back: arms along the body, legs bent at the knees. Inhale - raise the pelvis, linger, exhale - take the starting position.

Fourteenth day:

  • Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on shoulders, elbows forward. Connect alternately the right elbow and the left knee, the left elbow and the right knee.
  • Lie on your back and alternately pull your knees towards your body.

In addition to these exercises, you can use the following method:

  • Atonic constipation - in the morning (lying in bed) for five minutes, intensively massage the umbilical region with your palms, gradually moving towards the groin area.
  • Spasmodic constipation - soft strokes clockwise.


Now briefly about the laxatives allowed by "Duphalac" - this is the most common remedy. We will talk about it in more detail in the next section. In addition to the drug "Duphalac", breastfeeding is prescribed:

  • "Fortrans";
  • Forlax;
  • "Tranziner" and so on.

Do not self-medicate, be sure to consult a specialist.

"Duphalac": instructions for use, price

As mentioned in the previous section, this tool is the most popular. This is due to the high value of the price-quality ratio. The drug can be purchased for a not very large amount (from 300 to 500 rubles). As you can see, compared to other drugs, this is a very small price. Instructions for use "Duphalac" says that the drug can not harm the fetus during pregnancy and does not penetrate into breast milk.

The syrup can be drunk neat or diluted with water. It is worth taking it once at the same time. The initial dose is 15-45 ml. To maintain the result, appoint from 15 to 30 ml. The effect will be noticeable after 2-3 days of admission.

Folk methods

There is one very effective folk remedy for constipation based on gooseberries. To prepare the medicine, you need to steam one spoonful of berries with a glass of boiling water. This mixture should be boiled for another ten minutes and strain well. Use the product 4 times a day for ¼ cup. Do not forget to drink more pure boiled water.


Now let's talk about another effective tool. How to make an enema to yourself and with what? Let's start with a description of the process. It is necessary to insert the tip of a special pear into the anus a few centimeters and press - so you fill the intestines with liquid. Lie down on your side for a while and empty your bowels. The tip is pre-lubricated with cream, oil or petroleum jelly.

What to do with an enema? You can use both ordinary warm water and flax seed tincture. A tablespoon of raw materials should be poured with a glass of boiling water. Leave for at least three hours. Use three times a day, one serving should not exceed 50 ml.

Can I continue to feed my baby?

As you know, between mother and baby a psycho-emotional connection has been established, so if the mother suffers, the baby also suffers. In addition, when a mother's breast milk loses some of its beneficial properties, which can lead to problems with the baby's stool. You need to continue to breastfeed the baby, but follow all the recommendations of the attending physician.

After the birth of a child, it seems that all the suffering is over. But quite often there is constipation after childbirth during breastfeeding. This situation is very unpleasant, especially when a newborn constantly needs a mother. At this point, prolonged sitting on the toilet is simply unacceptable.

There are two types of constipation during breastfeeding:

  1. Anatomical, that is, natural. It occurs due to changes in the body of a woman in physiological characteristics and hormonal levels.
  2. Spastic, which is based on psychological problems.

Treatment in both cases is about the same. But with psychological problems, you may need the help of a specialist (psychologist).

Constipation is called stool retention for 2-3 days, while the feces are hard, dry. If for you it used to be a common thing, now it is very dangerous not only for the health of the mother, but also for the child. Since the residues that have not come out begin to decompose in the body, releasing toxins and thereby poisoning it. Harmful substances penetrate the mother's blood and milk. The child thus receives a dose of toxins, which can lead to a deterioration in well-being and an increase in bilirubin.


For proper treatment, it is worth understanding the reasons for this problem.

  1. The most common reason is psychological factor. Often a woman after childbirth is simply afraid to push. This happens due to difficult childbirth, stitches in the perineum or after a caesarean section.
  2. Nutrition also plays a very important role. In the first days after childbirth, especially if they went through the surgical method, it is recommended to eat more liquid foods (broths, liquid cereals, etc.). This will make going to the toilet easier. You should not subsequently consume prohibited foods and, in addition, a large number of starchy, floury and fatty foods.
  3. If you move a little, then this also leads to stagnation of feces.
  4. The use of various drugs (in particular, iron-containing ones) can lead to stool retention.
  5. Due to stress and depression, constipation is possible during breastfeeding.
  6. Physiological changes in the body - this is a uterus growing and pressing on the intestines, a change in its position, then the formation of loops in place - all these are the reasons. Do not forget that after childbirth, the uterus is in an enlarged state.
  7. Various diseases accompanied by this trouble. In particular, diabetes, diseases digestive system etc.

Constipation during lactation after childbirth is a temporary phenomenon. But this is with proper treatment and not starting the process to a critical state. By doing this, you will harm both yourself and the baby.

Treatment Methods

There are two treatments this disease:

  1. Traditional, that is, medicinal.
  2. Folk ways.

Both methods are acceptable, but do not forget that during breastfeeding, part of what the mother consumes passes through the milk to the baby. Therefore, choosing drugs or unconventional ways, it is necessary to take this factor into account. Because at the moment there is nothing more important than to save GW.

Of course, it would be ideal to see a doctor. He will prescribe proper treatment, will send for tests and examination. But it takes quite a lot of time, and with a newborn, a woman practically does not have it. You can consult with a lactation consultant about which drugs or other treatments are compatible with lactation.

Medical treatment

It happens that there is no way to contact either a doctor or a consultant. Then you can consider the following medicines, which are allowed in case of constipation while breastfeeding.

The most common in use is Duphalac. It gently affects intestinal motility, helping to cope with difficult stools. Of the contraindications, he has only individual intolerance to the components, so you should carefully study its composition. But this should be done in the case of the acquisition of any drug. And also do not exceed the daily allowable dose. To normalize the stool, the medicine must be taken in a course for a week. Otherwise, the problems may return.

Microclysters "Mikrolaks" are also popular. They are very fast acting. In addition, they have no contraindications and side effects too. But using them often is only a relief of the condition, as such it is not a treatment. They are best used in addition to any other drug.

"Regulax" is also suitable for the treatment of constipation during breastfeeding. It's just as fast. But with him you need to be careful, carefully calculate the dose of the drug. Otherwise, there is a risk of diarrhea and flatulence, dehydration and low blood pressure. And this is not the best condition when caring for a baby.

You can try glycerin suppositories. They're filming discomfort and quickly help to cope with constipation. But they are also not a cure, but only a laxative.

No matter how safe the drugs are, use them long time not worth it. If after 10-14 days the problem has not been resolved, you should still consult a doctor.


IN traditional medicine To get rid of constipation, various herbs and handy remedies are used. Most of the time, you will find everything you need at home.

Senna grass helps with stool retention. She is good cholagogue. But it is also a diuretic. Therefore, it removes not only all harmful substances, but also washes out the beneficial intestinal microflora. Yes, it helps to lose weight, but do not flatter yourself, because at the moment it is not the most necessary thing.

Therefore, it is better to turn to herbs such as fennel, anise and cumin. Mixing them in equal parts, brew herbal tea, it not only helps in the removal of feces, but also has a good effect on lactation. By consuming tea from these herbs constantly, you can cope with the problem without harm to health.

Nettle, mint, chamomile, valerian have the same effects. The latter is good if constipation is associated with any psychological disorders. It will calm and weaken the intestinal motility.

Many vegetable and fruit juices have a laxative effect. These are potatoes, apple, prunes, beets. But they can also cause an allergic reaction in the baby. And they should not be consumed in their pure form, but it is better to dilute with water in a ratio of 1: 1.

Dried fruit compote will help to cope with constipation. But in the first month after childbirth, it is undesirable to use it. Therefore, it is better to replace it with infusion. To do this, pour dried fruits (dried apricots, prunes) with boiling water for 2 hours, then strain and drink warm.

In order not to have to treat constipation, you must remember:

  1. You need to drink as much water as possible. This will help in prevention and treatment, as medications most often remove not only harmful substances, but also water. Therefore, it is necessary to fill water balance.
  2. Nutrition should be correct and balanced. Prohibited foods should be completely excluded from your diet. Limit yourself to flour and sweets.
  3. Be sure to include vegetables and fruits. In the first weeks, they are best eaten only after heat treatment. It can also be consumed raw.
  4. Move as much as possible. It doesn't have to be some physical exercise. Walking with a stroller for 2-3 hours a day will be enough. At the same time, you will begin to bring your figure back to normal.
  5. Sour-milk products with a low fat content help well. But forget about fat-free options, as there are almost the same calories as regular ones, but there is no benefit due to processing with various chemicals.
  6. Avoid various kinds stressful situations. When manifested postpartum depression you need to see a psychologist. For mothers who have given birth, this is a fairly common situation.

Constipation foods:

  • pasta;
  • yeast baking;
  • bananas;
  • cottage cheese;
  • fast food;
  • fatty, fried foods;
  • persimmon;
  • pomegranate juice;
  • potato;
  • strong tea, coffee;
  • eggs;
  • chocolate.

Products with a laxative effect:

  • dried fruits;
  • vegetables fruits;
  • dairy products;
  • buckwheat, barley groats, hercules;
  • legumes.

What to do for prevention is described above. But still, even with all these recommendations, constipation may occur. If suddenly you have such a nuisance, then you should not delay the treatment. If none of the remedies help, you should consult a doctor. After all, the life and health of your baby is at stake. And yours too. Don't forget about it.

Quite often, a woman after childbirth is faced with such a problem as frequent constipation. At first, this may be due to hormonal changes in the body, rectal injuries received during childbirth, or psychological problems. But gradually, if no action is taken, the situation worsens. Especially often severe constipation occurs with HB. Moreover, they are not associated with the process of lactation itself, but with the wrong diet and lifestyle of a woman.

How do they manifest

Constipation is a pathology that manifests itself in a delay in the process of defecation for 2 or more days. It may also appear severe discomfort or difficulty emptying the bowels. Constipation in a nursing mother is common and not only causes suffering to the woman herself, but can also affect the child. After all, her psychological state and bad feeling can affect the quality of breast milk, in addition, a violation of digestion leads to a deterioration in its composition.

Constipation may appear immediately after childbirth or later. Sometimes a nursing mother does not immediately pay attention to a decrease in the frequency of bowel movements, only the discomfort that has appeared makes her take certain measures. In addition to rare, once every 2-3 days or even less often, bowel movements, constipation is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • bloating, heaviness, flatulence;
  • intestinal colic;
  • the need to strain during bowel movements;
  • feeling of incomplete bowel movement;
  • decrease in the amount of feces, it is hard and dry;
  • deterioration in appetite and general well-being of a woman.

In addition, some symptoms depend on the type of pathology. There are two types of constipation during breastfeeding: atonic and spastic. Atonic constipation occurs due to a decrease in intestinal tone. This happens after a caesarean section due to muscle weakness. In atonic constipation, there are aching pain lower abdomen, loss of appetite, increased gas formation, nausea and flatulence. Defecation is rare, and when it appears, there are a lot of feces, but they come out painfully, causing tears of the mucous membrane.

Spastic constipation in a nursing mother most often appears on psychological reasons. Because of the fear of pain, the woman is restrained, and the tone of the rectum increases. In this case, there are colicky pains, nausea, flatulence. The urge to defecate may be frequent, but the intestines are not completely emptied, and the feces come out in small portions, in the form of dry, hard lumps.

Constipation in a nursing mother can be caused by overwork or psychological reasons.


Constipation in a nursing mother can be caused by various reasons. Often they occur due to hormonal changes in the body of a woman and changes in her diet. They can also be caused by a weakening of the muscles of the abdominal girdle, ruptures and stretching of the perineum, a change in the position of the intestine after childbirth. In addition, a common cause is a psychological factor. Indeed, in the process of childbirth, damage to the perineum often occurs, stitches are applied, and hemorrhoids occur. After that, the woman is simply afraid to strain, so as not to cause the return of pain.

In addition, when breastfeeding, a woman often changes her lifestyle. Caring for a child takes a lot of time and effort, often they are not left for themselves. Sometimes a woman does not even have the opportunity to go to the toilet on time, which forces her to restrain the urge to defecate.

Moms move less after childbirth, which leads to a decrease in intestinal tone. Many people drink little water, while the lack of fluid is replenished from the feces. And because of the fear of an allergic reaction in the baby, many mothers stop eating certain foods. Moreover, they do not always harm the child, but their absence in the diet can lead to constipation. Some women also, in an effort to lose weight faster, begin to diet, despite the fact that they are breastfeeding.

Disrupt the process of bowel movement can also be various inflammatory diseases, anomalies in the structure of the intestine, disorders metabolic processes. Some medications, such as anemia medications, also often cause constipation.

Please note: there are many reasons for constipation in nursing mothers, but the main one is malnutrition, poor in fiber, dietary fiber and liquid.

Such a problem cannot be ignored, since the condition of the mother is directly related to the health of the child.


If constipation occurs, this problem should not be ignored. Without treatment and elimination of their causes, the pathology will only progress. Moreover, because of this, discomfort will appear not only in the mother, but also in the baby. After all, the wrong diet, the negative psychological state of a woman, indigestion, any drugs taken - all this is reflected in the composition and quality of breast milk. Therefore, it is not recommended to take laxatives or painkillers on your own. Only a doctor can determine how to treat constipation in a nursing woman correctly.

In doing so, it is necessary to apply complex therapy, after all strong medicines at this time, it is contraindicated to take. Particular attention should be paid to lifestyle changes and right choice diet.


When solving the problem of constipation in a nursing mother, the most important thing is a properly selected diet. It is advisable to consult a doctor or a breastfeeding specialist on how to properly formulate a diet. After all, he should not only maintain normal digestion in a woman, but also provide the child with all the necessary nutrients without causing allergies.

To normalize the processes of digestion, it is very important for a nursing mother to monitor her diet.

Moreover, the reaction of each person is individual, so you often have to try different products, watching the reaction of the baby, choosing for a long time proper diet. But there is also general rules about which a doctor should tell a woman. Some foods are more likely to cause constipation, especially when breastfeeding. They slow down digestion and worsen intestinal motility, so they should be excluded from the diet. Rice, white bread, legumes, fatty meats, strong tea and coffee have a particularly negative effect on digestion. It is undesirable to use eggplant, semolina, blueberries, pears, quince, persimmons, wheat bran, chocolate, nuts and whole milk.

But there are also foods that are recommended to eat as much as possible. They are not only useful for the baby, but facilitate the process of defecation. These are buckwheat and oatmeal, black bread, muesli, vegetable oil, apples, melon, apricot, kiwi, zucchini, beets, broccoli, dried fruit compotes, fermented milk products. You can add oat bran to your daily diet.

Sometimes eliminating constipation during lactation is obtained by simply increasing the amount of fluid. A breastfeeding woman should drink at least 2 liters of water. It is recommended to drink a glass half an hour before each meal, be sure to drink a glass after sleep. To improve bowel function, water can be replaced with a decoction of raisins, prunes, rose hips, gooseberries or cherries. Sometimes it is recommended to add lemon juice, apple slices to it.


To completely cure constipation, and not just relieve their unpleasant symptoms, it is necessary A complex approach. Often, even proper nutrition does not help if the mother does not move much. Only movement helps maintain intestinal tone, ensures the restoration of the functionality of the abdominal muscles and normal blood circulation. Therefore, to prevent constipation, a woman needs to walk as much as possible.

In addition, it is recommended to do gymnastics daily. Even a few exercises that take 10-15 minutes a day will help maintain weight and improve bowel function. Particularly useful exercises are "bicycle", "scissors", raising the knees to the chest from a supine position. Swimming and yoga are recommended.

In order not to harm the child, it is best to use glycerin suppositories for constipation.


In advanced cases, when it is not possible to get rid of constipation by changing the diet and lifestyle, you need to resort to help. medicines. But their choice must be approached carefully. In addition to the fact that most drugs are contraindicated when breastfeeding, long-term use laxatives can lead to addiction and further deterioration of bowel function. Therefore, any medication should be prescribed by the attending physician, self-medication is unacceptable.

Attention! it is contraindicated for a nursing woman to take such popular laxatives as Gutalax, Bisacodyl, Regulax, Dr. Tice. And drugs based on sena, for example, Senadexin or Glaxenna, can cause diarrhea and intestinal colic in a child.

Therefore, lactulose-based drugs are more often prescribed for lactating women with constipation. The most popular and safe medicine given even to babies is Duphalac. But other drugs have a similar effect: Goodluck, Normaze, Portalak. It is safe for a nursing mother to take them, as they do not pass into breast milk. Lactulose in an unchanged form reaches the rectum, where it stimulates the production of lactobacilli, softens the feces and facilitates their movement. Phytomucil, Forlax and Fortrans are also considered safe.

Helps with constipation drug Eubicor. It contains bran that stimulates intestinal peristalsis. It is recommended to take it half an hour before meals 3 times a day. In addition, glycerin or sea buckthorn suppositories are also prescribed to nursing women to facilitate defecation. They soften the contents of the rectum and facilitate its emptying. This method is absolutely safe for both mother and baby, it can not be used only in the presence of hemorrhoids or cracks in the anus.

There are effective and safe drugs from constipation, but they should be used after consulting a doctor

Folk methods

Help with constipation in breastfeeding mothers folk remedies. Although not all of them can be used, there are some among them that normalize bowel function well, but do not harm the baby.

  • Mix equal parts anise, cumin and fennel seeds. Take 2 teaspoons of the collection, brew a glass of boiling water. The resulting broth should be divided into 3 times and taken warm before meals.
  • Popular and effective remedy from constipation - this is a regular intake of a decoction of raisins, prunes or figs.
  • Can be used instead of tea herbal preparations. Oregano, fennel, chamomile, nettle, anise, valerian root, mint, strawberry leaves are useful for them. What herbs and in what proportions to take, it is better to consult a doctor.

There are many ways to treat constipation. But it is impossible to determine whether the medicine recommended by the doctor will help, whether the proposed diet is suitable for the woman. Therefore, sometimes it happens that a woman tries different means for several months, changes drugs, but constipation still torments her. Therefore, it is better to avoid the causes of their occurrence in advance and prevent this problem.

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