Adenoids in a child. Homeopathic treatment of boils, carbuncles, abscesses Dosage and dilutions

For the treatment of this pathology, the following drugs are most often used:

Acidum picrinicum Anthracinum Apis Arnica Arsenicum album Belladonna Bufo rana Echinacea Calcarea carbonicaCalcium picrinicum Calcium sulfuricum Carbo animalis Carbo vegetabilis Causticum Crotalus Cubeba Echinacea GraphitesHepar sulfur Ipecacuanha Lachesis Mercurius solubilis Myrristica Petroleum Phosphorus Psorinum PyrogeniumRhus toxicodendron Silicea Staphylococcinum Sulfur Sulfur iodatum Tarentula cubensisAcidum picrinicum(Acidum picrinicum)

Köhler: Furuncles in the ear canal. Increased itching at night.

Anthracinum (Anthracinum)

Köhler: Full development of the carbuncle. Nosode of anthrax carbuncle secretion. Fever, severe general condition, sometimes septic. Offensive secretion: pus mixed with blood, irritating the surrounding skin. Blue-violet color in the area of \u200b\u200binflammation with a hard, dense border. Regional lymph nodes are enlarged, painful.

Apis (Apis)

Simeonova: Boils with severe inflammation, edema, burning and stabbing.

Yuz: C3 and Belladonna alternately after 0.5 hours. If after opening the abscess the edges are red, inflamed and swollen, then in addition to Arsenicum album, Belladonna and Apis should be given alternately after 2 hours.


Nezh: A multitude of boils, small, painful, appearing one after another - their extraordinary soreness.

Rose: Lots of boils all over my body. Soreness before abscess formation.

Simeonova: Boils begin with pain and turn into suppuration. With profuse rash of boils and abscesses, ripening only partially when the pus is absorbed back. As a means of preventing sepsis. Promotes the release of pus on the surface of the ulcer.

Arsenicum album(Arsenicum album)

Köhler: Full development of the carbuncle. Burning pain, worse at night (0-3 hours), better from heat treatments. The focus of inflammation is black, gangrenous, with purulent discharge. General condition: fear, anxiety, followed by weakness.

Rose: Carbuncles causing cutting, burning pains. Worse, after midnight; heat relieves pain.

Simeonova: The skin burns, the burning sensation of the skin is reduced by applying hot. With a carbuncle sitting deep in the tissue and with small holes, like in a pepper shaker. The pains are cutting and stitching, worse after midnight.

Yuz: Carbuncle or malignant boil, usually accompanied by fever, severe pain and threatening gangrene, C6 and Hepar sulfur alternately every 0.5 hours.

Belladonna (Belladonna)

Köhler: Before the development of suppuration, when the typical signs of inflammation are in the focus of the furuncle formation: an increase in local temperature, redness, edema, throbbing pain. Carbuncles at the initial stage. The skin is hot, red, throbbing pain.

Rose: Rapid redness and throbbing pains.

Yuz: C3 every 2 hours. C3 and Apis alternately after 0.5 hours. If the disease continues, Belladonna III and Mercurius solubilis. If, after opening the abscess, its edges are red, inflamed and swollen, then in addition to Arsenicum album it is necessary to give Belladonna and Apis alternately after 2 hours.

Bufo rana (Bufo wound)

Kohler: If the focus of suppuration spreads or metastasizes, that is, there is a threat of a septic condition. Complication with lymphangitis. The furuncle has a bluish tint, large in size, sometimes ichorous pus is released. Suppuration at the slightest wound.

Echinacea (Echinacea)

Rose: Boils and carbuncles appear over and over again.

Calcarea carbonica(Calcarea carbonica)

Calcium picrinicum(Calcium picrinicum)

Köhler: Furuncles in the ear canal. Can be used with an appropriate diagnosis and localization. Also indicated for boils in places with thin skin (coccyx, tibia).

Calcium sulfuricum(Calcium sulfuricum)

Köhler: Slow healing boil. It is worth considering this remedy if, despite the outflow from the focus of suppuration, it does not stop. Thick mucous pus is discharged, there is a tendency to form crusts (inflammation of the middle ear, peritonsillar abscess, paraproctitis with fistulas).

Carbo animalis (Carbo animalis)

Köhler: Furuncles in the anal area. Burning pain, skin in the area of \u200b\u200bthe boil is bluish, soft, porous. Carbo veg. (Carbo Vegetabilis)

Simeonova: Malignant boils and carbuncles, with burning pain and acrid sacral pus.


Köhler: Boils in the anal area Burning pain, itching, when the boil breaks out, pus flows out with an admixture of blood and serum.

Crotalus (Crotalus)

Köhler: Full development of the carbuncle. Serious general condition, septic fever. Pain as if wounded. Tendency to tissue decay, gangrenous focus with the release of dark liquid blood. The area of \u200b\u200bthe carbuncle is swollen, edematous. Cubeba (Kubeba)

Nezh: When the affected tissue is bluish in color and there is severe burning pain.

Echinacea (Echinacea)

Kohler: If the effect of constitutional remedies is insufficient, it can be stimulated with a nosode obtained from a bacteriolysate, alternating with Echinacea and Staphylococcinum. A similar effect is provided by injections of one's own blood with an ampouled Echinacea preparation.

Graphites (Graphites)

Köhler: Constitutional remedy for furunculosis.

Hepar sulfur (Hepar sulfur)

Köhler: The beginning of suppuration. Stitching pain, great sensitivity to touch, \u003ccold. First, cumulatively С30, С200, С1000, 1 grain every hour for 12 hours (the method is borrowed from Indian colleagues). This is achieved by the reverse development of suppuration and inflammation subsiding. With an almost ripe C6 boil, 1 grain 3 times a day. This contributes to the fastest ripening and opening of the boil, followed by recovery. Constitutional remedy for furunculosis. Early carbuncles (stitching pain ameliorated by warm, moist compress).

Rose: Throbbing tingling pains. The content of the abscess flows out easily. Chilling.

Simeonova: With increased sensitivity of the skin to touch and poor healing.

Yuz: C3 every 2 hours. Carbuncle or malignant boil, usually accompanied by fever, violent pains and threatening gangrene, C6 and Arsenicum album or Lachesis alternately every 0.5 hours.

Ipecacuanha (Ipecacuanha)

Yuz: In case of malignant abscesses (abscesses), they are lubricated with ointment from Ipecacuanha 1, 30 drops per 2 tablespoons of spermaceti ointment.

Lachesis (Lachesis)

Köhler: If the focus of suppuration spreads or metastasizes, that is, there is a threat of a septic condition. Cyanotic, purplish - red skin tone, fever over the site of inflammation, hot sweat, sometimes septic. Around the boil there are purulent metastatic foci. Fetid pus mixed with blood, sharp soreness on palpation, refusal to dress. Full development of the carbuncle. A picture similar to that of Crotalus, however, the skin appears more blue than black. Severe sensitivity to palpation, intolerance to bandages. Heat treatments increase pain.

Rose: The affected area hurts a lot. Slowly developing abscesses - crimson skin - thin, dark pus.

Simeonova: If a malignant, deeply penetrated abscess looks like a bluish fireball. Alternating with Mercurius and Hepar sulfur (recommendation of old authors).

Yuz: With excessive sensitivity and gray-lead color of the abscess. Carbuncle or malignant boil, usually accompanied by fever, severe pain, and threatening gangrene, C6 and Hepar sulfur, alternately after 0.5 hours.

Mercurius solubilis Mmercurius solubilis)

Köhler: Furuncles in the ear canal. Stitching pain, often worse at night. Bloody fetid pus is discharged from the boil. Sharp swelling of the ear canal.

Rose: Severely reddened, shiny skin - throbbing and burning pains. Abscesses in the lymph nodes.

Hughes: If Apis and Belladonna don't help.

Myrristica (Myrrisma)

Köhler: "Homeopathic Knife". Thanks to this tool, a mature boil is quickly opened and emptied. D6 every 2 hours.

Petroleum (Petroleum)

Simeonova: The development of a whole swarm of pimples on the face or body with itching and burning, they often further develop into eczema. Phosphorus (Phosphorus)

Köhler: Constitutional remedy for furunculosis. Psorinum (Psorinum)

Köhler: Constitutional remedy for furunculosis.


Kohler: If the focus of suppuration spreads or metastasizes, that is, there is a threat of a septic condition. Indicated for septic flow. The pulse rate does not match the body temperature (pulse and temperature crossover): when the temperature drops, the pulse remains fast or the temperature rises, and the pulse becomes weak, incomplete and slow. The skin turns blue, turns pale, cold sweat appears. The patient is restless, has a feeling of fear, the bed seems hard to him. Purulent discharge and sweat have an unpleasant odor.

Simeonova: Malignant skin lesions.

Rhus toxicodendron (Rus toxicodendron)

Rose: Pus, intense pain and swelling of a dark red color.

Simeonova: It is shown at the beginning, when the pain is strong, the affected parts are dark red. If Rus is given early, the disease can be interrupted, otherwise Arsenicum album or Carbo veg. Must be used.

Silicea (Silicea)

Köhler: Torpid flow in chilly patients. Suppuration does not stop, pus is liquid, with an unpleasant odor. The edges of the opened boil are undermined and hard. Constitutional remedy for furunculosis. Full development of the carbuncle. It is used in chilly, cold-sensitive patients in cases where suppuration does not stop, and an irritating liquid purulent secretion is released from the fistulous passages.

Rose: Multiple boils. Furuncles heal slowly, but liquid, watery contents continue to ooze from them for a long time.

Simeonova: Carbuncles between the shoulders and the back of the head. The skin is painful and does not heal well. Boils mature slowly and often recur. Separating pus of poor quality - liquid watery, often with a smelly odor, less often thick. After abscesses, indurations remain. Silicea is more effective than any other remedy for softening and dissolving these seals, accelerating maturation, and ultimately curing all kinds of abscesses. If resorption of such seals is unsuccessful, then insert doses of Sulfur are needed.

Hughes: If the boil becomes very large and becomes more and more painful - C6 and warm poultices.


Kohler: If the effect of constitutional remedies is insufficient, it can be stimulated with a nosode obtained from a bacteriolysate, alternating with Echinacea and Staphylococcinum. Application of Staphylococcinum: D30 in solution once a day with its own nosode, obtained from furuncle pus by the Korsakov method in centesimal potency.

Sulfur (Sulfur)

Köhler: Furunculosis. Attention should be paid to the pathogenesis of the drug: the skin is red, rough, dry, unclean - there are burning and itching, unpleasant body odor, which cannot be removed by washing. Venous congestion (varicose veins, hemorrhoids). Redness around the openings of the body (lips, ears, edges of the eyelids, anus) is striking. Full development of the carbuncle. The intermediate appointment of the drug to strong, full-blooded patients with a tendency to recurrence of purulent inflammation.

Rose: Chronic abscess with profuse discharge. The patient is weakened.

Yuz: With frequent returns of boils - C3 2 times a day, take 2 months.

Sulfur iodatum(Sulfur iodatum)

Köhler: Furunculosis. The remedy is indicated for young people with tuberculinic burden - the tonsils are enlarged - good appetite without weight gain. The course is not more than 3 weeks. The repeated course is carried out after a 14-day break, sometimes in a higher potency. Bier especially recommends the D6 potency.

Simeonova: Frequent occurrence of boils anywhere in the body, heal extremely slowly. The face, arms and forearm are abundantly covered with freckles.

Tarentula cubensis(Tarentulya kubenzis)

Köhler: Full development of the carbuncle. Burning pain, dark red or bluish skin. The edges are very dense (as in Anthracinum). General condition, sometimes septic, with marked motor excitement. Despite the weakness, he has to constantly move (like from a tarantula bite).

Nezh: When the affected tissue is bluish and there is severe burning pain.

Rose: The man looks sick. The carbuncle is very painful, and a necrotic core quickly appears in it.

Yuz: When the pains are burning, stabbing, almost unbearable - C12 in 2 hours.

- If in your city there is a homeopathic doctor working on the principles of Hahnemann (prescription of 1 drug) - it is better to contact

to him to solve his health problem. In any case, the preparation selected by the homeopathic physician for

a holistic organism, and not on some problem, is always better, especially for solving a chronic disease.

- After you select a drug for yourself, I strongly recommend that you read the description (pathogenesis) of this drug

on the Materia Medica page to see how similar it is to you in general.

Try to choose a drug so that it is similar not only to your particular problem.

- Read the descriptions of each remedy and choose the one that best suits your sensations and pains.

Take the 30th centesimal dilution: dilute 1 grain in half a glass of water, take 1 teaspoon

1 time per day 0.5 hours before meals or 0.5 hours after meals. With severe pain, you can take a sip every 0.5 hours - 1 hour.

Schussler's salt

Calcarea Sulfurica (Schussler's salt)

Pathology: Accelerates suppuration. Shingles on the head. Shrunken mammary glands. Furuncles. In later editions of Schussler's books, Natrium phosphoricum and Silicea were replaced by this remedy - This is gypsum.

Physiological and chemical data.
According to Bang, it is found only in bile, but even here it is found inconsistently. Calcarea sulfurica is found in bile coming from the liver, where it performed the function of decomposing spent red blood cells and their removal from the body.
With a deficit of Calc.s. the destruction of old cells slows down in the liver, so the blood contains too many useless cells. Under normal conditions, all unnecessary blood cells are decomposed by means of Calc.c. in the liver. Decay products are removed through the bile from the circulation by the shortest route
But if some of these unnecessary cells are to be destroyed by oxidation in the bloodstream, their secretion slows down.
These decay products are not removed from the circulation by the liver, are not secreted by the lymphatic system, reach the mucous membranes and skin, causing inflammation and rashes

General biochemical action
Calcarea Sulfurica (Calcarea phosphorica) has a close affinity for suppuration. It cures purulent discharge from mucous membranes and purulent exudation from serous cavities, as well as tuberculous ulcers or intestinal abscesses, corneal ulcers, etc. It has a healing effect at the stage when the substance is released or continues to ooze after purulent contents have been released from the infiltration sites. All diseases, when the process of secretion of the discharge lasts too long and suppuration affects the epithelial tissues. Acts on connective tissues. If there is a deficiency of it in any even small part of its sphere of action, the result will be suppuration
A common indication is the presence of outflow pus.

Leading symptoms and specific indications r ghbvtytyb. Calcarea Sulfurica (Calcarea phosphorica)

Mental symptoms
Changing mood
Sudden loss of memory, consciousness
Absent-mindedness and irritability
Anxiety, Better Outdoors
Dissatisfaction, full of fears

Head and scalp

Eczema of the head in children, if there is purulent discharge or yellow purulent crusts
Suppuration, etc. on the scalp
Headache with nausea and a feeling of sunken eyes
Headache comes on from freezing, but is better from cold air.
Pain all over the head, but worse in the forehead
Dry head
Vertigo with very severe nausea, on turning head quickly.
Profuse dandruff
Hair loss

Deep corneal abscess
Inflammation of the eyes with thick, yellow discharge.
Absorbs the discharge of pus from the eye, after Silicea
Deep corneal ulcers
Ophthalmia, pus thick and yellow
Cloudy cornea, pus in the anterior chamber, foreign body sensation, must be blindfolded. After an eye injury with a splinter
Flictenary conjunctivitis and keratitis, accompanied by swelling of the cervical lymph nodes
Twitching eyelids
Inflammation of the corners of the palpebral fissure

Deafness with discharge of pus from the middle ear, sometimes mixed with blood, after Silits.
Hard pimples behind the ear with a tendency to suppuration

Cold in the nasopharynx with thick, yellowish, purulent secretions, often mixed with blood.
Nose bleed
Discharge from one nostril
The edges of the nostrils are irritated
Yellowish compartment from posterior sinuses
Dry nose, crusting, itching and congestion

Swelling of the cheek if suppuration occurs
Painful pimples under the beard
Herpetic eruptions on the face
Acne and pustules on the face

The inner surface of the lips is irritated
Wounds from sores on the lips
Dry and hot mouth
Suppuration of the gums


Tongue flabby, resembles a layer of dried clay
Sour, soapy, acrid taste
Yellow coating on the tongue
Inflammation of the tongue with suppuration.
Plaque resembles clay

Rheumatic toothache
Toothache with swelling and soreness of the gums from the inside
Gums bleed when brushing teeth
Suppuration of gums, tooth decay

Sore throat with suppuration.
Late-stage sore throat, with an expression, with discharge of yellow pus.
Tonsillitis in the stage of suppuration, when pus leaves the abscess
Diphtheria of the soft palate, severe swelling of the mucous membranes
Purulent tonsillitis with discharge of pus
Choking (Gepar)

Stomach symptoms
Desire for fruits, tea, dry red wine, and unripe sour vegetables
Intense thirst and appetite
Nausea with dizziness
Pain in the sky while eating
Burning pain in the stomach
The need for stimulants to overcome severe weakness with tremors

Abdomen and stools
Purulent diarrhea mixed with blood
Dysentery, stools purulent, with ichor
Intestinal ulcers with typhoid
Painless abscess in the anus with cases of fistula
Pain in the liver, on the right side of the pelvis, followed by weakness, nausea, and stomach pain
Diarrhea after maple syrup and changes in weather, in children worse after eating, painless, involuntary
Itching in the rectum, discharge from the anus
Anus prolapse
Constipation with hectic fever and shortness of breath
Pus-like mucous discharge from the intestines

Genitourinary system
Red urine with hectic temperature
Cystitis, chronic condition, formation of pus
To act on suppuration in cases of bubo alternate with Silicea.
Gonorrhea with purulent, bloody discharge.
Prostate abscess
Chronic stage of syphilis with suppuration
Ulceration of glands, etc.
Menses late, long lasting, with headache, twitching, and severe weakness
The release of pus into the pelvic organs, unobstructed from any membrane producing pus
Itching after menstruation, in the vagina, swelling of the labia

Respiratory system
Cough with purulent and bloody expectoration and hectic fever.
Asthma with hectic temperature
Empyema, formation of pus in the lungs or pleural cavities
Purulent, bloody sputum
Pain throughout the chest
Pneumonia, third stage
Habitual hoarseness
Third stage of bronchitis
Empyema after thoracocentesis
Constriction and soreness in the chest
Burning and weakness in the chest
Purulent sputum
Catarrh with thick, lumpy, white-yellow, or pus-like expectoration
Qatar after Kali muriatika
In children, a severe cough with diseases of the chest organs, green stools and herpetic eruptions

Mastitis, when pus comes out, after Silicea.

Circulatory organs
Pericarditis, stage of suppuration
Palpitations at night

Back and limbs
Back and tailbone pain
Finger stiffness
Carbuncles on the back
The last stage of suppuration of the finger, when the suppuration continues and remains only superficial
Calf cramps
Acute and chronic rheumatism
Disease of the hip joint if there is a discharge of pus. This tool is simultaneously with Ferr.phos. and complete rest will cure this disease
Suppuration of wounds
Burning, itching in the feet

Nervous system symptoms
Weakness and fatigue
Neuralgia in the elderly
The need for stimulants to overcome excessive fatigue

Sleepiness during the day, wakes up at night
She dreams that she has seizures after fright
Insomnia from thoughts

Febrile symptoms
Chronic intermittent temperature with evening chills. Chills begin in the legs
Evening temperature with chilliness
Typhus when diarrhea started
Hectic temperature caused by burning pus in the tops

Herpetic eruptions all over the place
Furuncles. Reduces and heals suppuration
Cuts, abrasions, bruises, etc., lack of normal healing, pus formation. They don't heal easily with pus.
Frostbite stage of suppuration
Milk crusts
Yellow purulent crusts or discharge
Purulent exudation in or on the skin
Suppuration, boils, pimples, pustules, scales
Skin lesions with yellow crusts
Smallpox pustules from which discharge comes out
Suppurating wounds
Lower limb ulcers
Many small pimples under the hair without content, bleeding when combing

Connective tissue diseases
Abscesses to speed up the suppurative process and reduce the formation of pus
If given after Silicea, will induce healing of an abscess
Swelling of the serous membranes
Complaints from overexertion of muscles and tendons, back aches
A constitution tainted by drunkenness
Tumors in the form of cysts
Stage III inflammation, with lumpy or bloody discharge
Mucous discharge when coughing, leucorrhea, gonorrhea, etc. Yellow thick, lumps
Discharge of pus or pus with blood from their skin or mucous membranes
Outflow of pus when it has formed
Lymph glands that secrete pus
Lymph node ulceration
Suppuration, joints or elsewhere
Excessive granulation, painless, etc.
Malignant granulation after suppuration

Worse or recurrence of symptoms after working or washing in water, after walking, walking fast, overheating, from heat

This remedy is also useful for external use for lesions such as felon, ulcer, abscess
The most common oral potencies are 6x and 12x.
Low potencies are most useful in purulent eye diseases.

Homeopathic relationships
Calc.f. resembles Gepar S., but works more deeply and more intensely, and is often useful after Gepar has stopped working
It is also useful when Potassium MUR has stopped working
Apocinum contains Calc sulf
Compare with Calendula for suppuration. With Kali mur for milk crusts and other skin lesions, cheek edema, croup and dysentery. With sodium sulfate in post-scarlet edema. With Silicea in case of dense or suppurating lymph glands, corneal ulcers, tonsillitis, mastitis, frostbite. Pyrogen also tends to form abscesses
With neuralgia, it occupies the area between the very sharp pains of Magn phos and the paralyzing pains of Kali fos (more suitable for the elderly if the nervous tissue lacks regenerative energy)
In the third stage of inflammation (resolution) after Kali MUR, if the discharge is lumpy and bloody, but if it is yellow or slimy, then it is Kali sulf, if it looks like pus or if it is blood with pus, then it is Silicea.
With carbuncles, Anthracin is better
Calc Sulfur is often useful after Kali MUR, when it gives only partial relief, also after Bellad and other acute remedies.
When well-chosen remedies work for too short a time, Kalk Sulf is just as important as Sulf, Tuberk, and Psor.

Mucous membranes.
Bones. Leather.
From drafts, from a breath of air.
From the touch.
By cold.
From dampness.
In a hot room.
From bathing.
On open air.
From food.
From (local) heat.
Opening up.
Cutting pains; in the (right) ovary. Propensity to suppuration.
The pus is thick, yellow, lumpy, bloody. Qatar. ABSCESS, with discharge of pus; ears; teeth; recurrent (Pyrog.) Ulcers: malignant; cornea; deep. Fistulas. Weak body reaction. […] Hasty, in a hurry. Dark sulfur flows from the ears. The edges of the eyelids are red, itchy. In infants, bloody discharge from a runny nose, from diarrhea or eczema. The chair is covered with a white coating.
Pyelitis (Berb.). Thick, white leucorrhoea. Choking, choking. Croup. Cold, smelly sweat on the feet. The skin does not heal well. Aversion to sheltering when cold. Dry heat at night. Sweats easily, especially when coughing. Suddenly wakes up abruptly, as if he lacks air.
diff. diagnosis. Hep.

This drug was proposed many years ago by Schuessler and has been widely used. Many cases of Calc-s cure can be attributed to a homeopathic effect. On the basis of these cases, it is possible to identify various symptoms of Calc-s, which were previously not considered important, but now may form the basis for further research on the drug. I used both the 12th, 30th and 200th dilutions of Calc-s, as well as higher dilutions. Through the use of high dilutions, many other valuable Calc-s symptoms have been identified. A good description of this remedy can be found in the Materia Medica, edited by Boericke & Dewey.

The tendency to form abscesses in various parts of the body is inherent in Calc-s and resembles Pyrogen. Calc-s is indicated in cases where the abscess has opened, heals slowly and is accompanied by a constant discharge of yellow pus. Desire for fresh air; sensitivity to drafts; easily overcooled. Calc-s is very effective in treating malignant neoplasms after ulceration has developed. Calc-s is a deep-acting constitutional antipsychotic drug that, if given early enough, can prevent malignant growth. Calc-s is often used for bone lesions, bone destruction. The patient is cold, but he wants to open up. For example, with croup and headache, the patient is very hot, but the pain is relieved by heat. Sensitive to cold and heat.

Complaints arise after hypothermia. Tendency to hypothermia in drafts, illness from slight cooling. Sensitive to cold, damp weather. Calc-s eliminates the natural basis for epilepsy, epileptiform and hysterical seizures. Aggravated by exertion. The muscles are flabby; predisposition to bleeding. Calc-s should be considered in cases where even well-chosen remedies are short-lived; Calc-s is often used in conjunction with Sulph, Psorinum and Tuberculinum. Complaints from muscle tension and tendons, from heavy lifting, etc. Back aches due to the above reasons.

Violent congestion of blood, hot flashes and throbbing in chest and head, sometimes extending to limbs. Pain in bones day and night. Pulsation throughout the body. In a standing position, all symptoms worsen, especially joint damage. Swelling and induration of lymph nodes and glands. Twitching of muscles throughout the body. Many symptoms are worse on waking. Many symptoms are aggravated by walking, especially fast and overheating. Worse, overheating. Desire to open up. Worse, warmth of bed. Worse, warm room. Worse, warm wrapping. Great weakness throughout the body. Thick yellow discharge from mucous membranes. Thick bloody discharge. Putrid exudate in serous cavities. Bloody pus is secreted from abscesses, ulcers, and mucous membranes. Prolonged suppuration. Striving for peace.

These general symptoms in many cases prevail over private ones and permeate the entire patient's condition.
Absent-mindedness; irritability; anger. Weakness after anger and irritation. Unwillingness to answer questions. Easily anxious, especially in the evening in bed, at night and when lying down. Anxiety and fear during fever. Anxiety about the future. Anxiety about your own heart and health. Anxiety is relieved by fresh air. Anxiety about the possibility of soul salvation. Anxiety in the morning on waking. Mood change and moodiness. Disgust for society. Confusion of thoughts in the morning on waking and in the evening is also relieved by the fresh air. Confusion of thoughts from mental stress. Inconsistency and desire to contradict. Many illusions, whims and strange fantasies. Frightening images at night when trying to sleep. Visions. Intense despair during the heat of the impossibility of recovery; Desire for stimulants to overcome considerable weakness. Constant dissatisfaction. Lethargic mind. In a state of foreboding all the time. Fear of death. Fear that something evil is pursuing. Fear of insanity, unhappiness, especially at night. Forgetfulness. Hate people who disagree with him. Constant haste. Hysteria. Impatience. Dementia, even to the point of imbecility. Indifference to one's own environment. Indecision. Great irritability in the evening. Irritability after intercourse. Cries because she does not feel proper recognition. Disgust for life. Malice. Calc-s is very effective in constitutions shaken by alcoholism. Weakness of mind, memory and the whole organism. Some mental states are aggravated in the morning with a feeling of sadness upon waking, becomes cheerful in the evening, up to stormy fun. When talking, he stumbles and confuses words. Mood change. Gloom. Stubbornness. Sensitivity. Mental exhaustion. Dispute propensity. Anxiety. Mental depression in the morning, with fun in the evening. Sadness when sweating. Dullness of the senses. Sits and reflects on imaginary misfortunes. Doesn't want to be spoken to. Shivers easily. Numbness. Suspicion. Reluctance to talk. Painful, constant thoughts. From deep reflection, painful thoughts disappear. Shyness, indecision and foreboding, talking is tiring. Sobbing with perspiration. Aversion to mental and physical work. Laziness.

Dizziness. In the morning when getting up, in the evening; ameliorated by fresh air. Vertigo with nausea. Vertigo with tendency to fall. Epileptic vertigo. Vertigo when moving head quickly, bending over or walking fast. Coldness of the head, especially the crown. Congestive hyperemia of the brain, worse in the evening and at night. Worse, stimulants; especially when coughing; during menstruation; when menses are suppressed, in a warm room. Better, fresh air. A feeling of constriction in the head, especially in the forehead and occiput. Profuse dandruff. Eruptions on scalp with yellow, hard crusts. Eczema, abscesses. Coldness of the head, especially the frontal region. Goose bumps on the scalp. Hair loss. Heat in head morning and evening. Hot flashes. Heat in forehead and vertex. Heaviness in forehead and occiput. Itching, burning in the scalp. Long-term, chronic and recurrent headaches. Headache in the morning on waking. Headache during the day, continues in the evening and at night, better in the open air. Catarrhal headache. Headache when coughing, after eating, or upset stomach. Headache from overheating, worse from concussion. The headache forces the stove. Worse looking up. Headache before and during menses. The headache is aggravated by mental exertion, by movement of the head, by motion, by noise. Periodic migraine with nausea and vomiting. Relief from pressure. Pulsation for any headache. X ^ same from reading. Getting up from a prone position causes throbbing and increases pain. Worse, shaking head. Wakes up with headache. The headache is worse from alcoholic beverages, from standing, from bending forward, from the heat of the sun, from talking, from walking, from washing. Worse, cold weather. The headache comes on from hypothermia, but is relieved by cold air. Often a headache in the forehead in the morning on waking or in the evening after lunch. This headache is aggravated by bending forward and walking. Severe pain over eyes. Back pain; pain in the crown and sides of the head. Pressing headache, aggravated by mental exertion. Stitching pain when coughing. Stitching pain in forehead and temples. Bursting pain throughout the head. Tearing pain around head, better lying down. Pulsation in the head and temples. Feeling as if wearing a hat at 4 pm.

Many eye symptoms, catarrhal and indicative of psora. Sticking eyelids in the morning. Calc-s is often used to treat cataracts. Doubling before the eyes. Chronic inflammation of the eyes, with thick yellow pus. Ulceration of the cornea. Itching and burning, worse in the morning. Pressing pain in the eyes in the evening. Soreness to touch. Photophobia. Redness of eyes, raw meat appearance. Redness in the corners of the eyes. Cracks in the corners of the eyes. Twitching of the eyelids. Vision weakened, as if through a haze. Sparks before the eyes.

Discharge from the ears, putrid and offensive. Symptoms due to scarlet fever, with thick and bloody pus, tenderness and enlargement of the right parotid gland. Rash behind the ear. Itching of the ear and behind the ear. Buzzing, humming, ringing, roaring and cracking in the ears. Dull pain in the ear. Stitching, throbbing sensation, ear congestion. Calc-s is very effective in catarrhal eustachitis, if the symptoms agree. Swelling of the parotid gland and swelling behind the ear.
Long-standing catarrhal inflammation of the nose. Coryza with discharge, better in open air. Dry coryza. Nasal discharge bloody, irritating, foul-smelling, putrid, thick, yellow and yellow-green. Calc-s heals better unilateral lesions. Crusty nose. Crusts near the edges of the nose. Sensation of severe dryness in the nose. Epistaxis in the morning. Bad smell from the nose. Itching in the nose, tip of the nose. Nasal congestion, impossibility of nasal breathing. Keeps mouth open. Destruction of the nasal bones. Loss of smell. Sneezing, better in open air. Swelling of the nose.

Cracked lips and hot flashes on the face. Paleness, painful expression. Rashes on the face, blisters, eczema, herpes; itching; pustules; acne; flaky rashes; bubbles. Itching of the face. Pain in the face from cold. Cutting pain. Cold sweat on the face. Swelling of lymph nodes and glands. Swelling of the submandibular salivary gland.
Dry mouth and tongue. Heat in the mouth. Inflammation of the oral mucosa. Inflammation of the tongue, with swelling. Much mucus in the mouth in the morning. Bad breath. Sore and burning inside lips. Burning tongue. Salivation. Speech is difficult due to stiffness and swelling of the tongue. Swelling of the oral mucosa. Swelling of the gums. The taste in the mouth is unpleasant, bitter, metallic, sour, sweetish. Ulceration of the mouth, tongue and pharynx. Blisters in the mouth. Thick yellow coating on the base of the tongue.
Choking is common in Calc-s, as in Nerag. Redness and swelling of the pharynx. Dryness and inflammation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx and tonsils. Sensation of a plug in the throat. Mucus in the throat. Mucus in the nasopharynx, thick and yellow. Pain in the throat when swallowing. Pressing pain. Sore throat. Sore throat. Stitching pain in the throat. A scratching sensation in the throat. Swallowing is difficult. Swelling of tonsils, with suppuration. Ulcers in the throat. Swelling of the outer part of the pharynx; lymph nodes are enlarged and painful.
Increased appetite. Excessive appetite. Loss of appetite. Aversion to coffee, meat and milk. Craving for fruits, cold drinks, sour foods, salty; sweet. Great thirst. Bloating after eating.

Feeling of emptiness in the stomach. Shock after eating. Otrzhka by air. Otzhka sour, bitter, putrid. Spitting on food eaten. Heartburn. Feeling of fullness in the stomach after eating. Heaviness in the stomach, as if a load were. Digestive disorders for any reason. Nausea in the evening. Nausea with headache and dizziness. Pain in the stomach in the evening. Pain in the stomach after eating. Burning pain, cramping, cutting, gnawing, pressing after eating. Sensitive to pressure, stitching pain. Pulsation in the stomach. Feeling of a stone in the stomach. Vomiting at night after eating, with headache. Vomiting of bile, bitterness, blood, eaten food, mucus, sour.

Great coldness in the abdomen, with bloating, after eating. Feeling full after eating. Severity. Stomach pains like colic and comes on at night Burning pain. Cramping, cutting, aching, pulling pain. Soreness. Stitching pain. Pain in the liver, pressing, stitching, soreness. Throbbing, rumbling and bloating.
Prolonged constipation. Difficulty defecating. Defecation without relief. Fistula of the anus. Painless abscesses of the anus. Like Sulph, Calc-s is very effective in morning diarrhea, as well as in evening diarrhea, in children. Worse, after eating. Painless diarrhea. Intense itching and creeping in the rectum. Bleeding from the rectum and anus. External hemorrhoids. Lethargy of the rectum. Involuntary defecation. Moisture near anus, with burning and itching. Pain during and after stool. Burning during stool. Pressing, stitching pain and soreness in the anus. Tenesmus. Rectal prolapse. Infertile urge to defecate. The stupa is bloody, dry, dense, knotty, in large portions; undigested, soft, white, yellow and putrid.

Calc-s is very effective in catarrhal inflammation of the bladder, with profuse yellow pus. Chronic pyelonephritis. Discharge from the urethra is yellow, bloody, sometimes thin and transparent. Burning in urethra when urinating. Impotence, if symptoms agree. Calc-s is often used in women who have had multiple abortions when symptoms are consistent. Irritation of the labia. Inflammation of the labia, with suppuration. Itching of genitals from leucorrhoea. Thick, yellow, bloody leucorrhoea. Itching of the labia during menses. Itching after menses. Itching deep in the vagina. Leucorrhoea irritating, bloody, burning, copious, thick and yellow. Leucorrhoea before and after menses. Amenorrhea. Menses profuse, dark, frequent or delayed. Irregular. Sometimes dull, prolonged, scanty, suppressed. Delayed menarche. Uterine bleeding. Pain in the uterus during menses. Pulling down sensation in pelvis during menses, as if uterus prolapsed. Burning in the genitals. Prolapse of the uterus. Swelling of the labia. Fibrous tumors of the uterus. Ulceration of genitals and uterine pharynx.

Catarrhal laryngitis and tracheitis. Dryness and inflammation. Profuse mucous expectoration, yellow and sometimes bloody. Rawness and soreness. Threat of tuberculosis. Scratching in the larynx. Persistent hoarseness of voice. Calc-s is very effective for croup. A croupy cough, with marked choking - one might think of Nerag, but in Nerag, removing the blanket increases the suffocation and cough, the patient is very sensitive to drafts and air. Erection amelioration is inherent in Calc-s. The Calc-s patient throws back the covers, wants fresh air, and breathes better. It may seem strange that such a difference exists between calcium sulfide and calcium sulfate.

Difficulty breathing in the evening and at night; worse from lifting, lying and walking. Breathing is noisy, short. Choking, even sniffing. Calc-s is very effective in asthma when the symptoms are consistent.

The cough is worse in the evening and at night. Decreased by cold air, unlike Nerag. Asthmatic cough, croupy in the morning on waking and after naps. Dry cough at night. Harsh cough. Cough with hoarseness. Moist, noisy cough. The cough shakes the whole body. Short dry cough. Spasmodic cough and paroxysmal cough. Profuse expectoration in the morning. The phlegm is bloody, green, putrid, thick, viscous and yellow.

Axillary abscess. Feeling of anxiety in the region of the heart. Catarrhal tracheitis and bronchitis. Pulmonary bleeding. Inadequate treatment of pneumonia or its complications. Hepatic lungs. Feeling of tightness in the chest. Soreness in chest. Soreness in chest on coughing, on inhalation Burning pain in chest. Cutting pain in the chest. Palpitations at night; anxiety; worse from going up, in the early stages of tuberculosis. Suppuration in chest. Weakness in the chest. Itching, burning of the skin of the chest. Feeling of coldness in the back. Calc-s is often used to treat a curvature of the lumbar spine when it is difficult to sit up straight.

Limb involvement resembles gout. Gouty joint changes. Deformation of the fingers. Coldness in limbs, hands, legs and feet. Calf muscle cramps. Rashes, acne and blisters. Heat in the hands. The severity of the lower limbs. Calc-s is very effective for hip problems. Itching of the skin of the limbs. Itching and burning. Burning of hands and feet; burning palms and calves. Numbness of hands, legs and feet. Pain in the limbs during chills; rheumatic pains. Joint pains like gout and rheumatism. Pain in upper limbs at night. Pain in the shoulder joint, elbow, wrist, and fingers. Pain in the lower extremities; sciatica; rheumatic pains. Pain in the hip joint, hip and knee. Burning pain in the feet. Pain in the lower extremities; pulling, stabbing and tearing. Paralysis of the limbs, upper and lower. Perspiration of hands and feet. Cold sweat with unpleasant odor on the feet. Stiffness of the shoulder joints. The pain is aggravated by stretching the lower limbs. Rheumatic swelling of the knees and legs. Swelling and swelling of feet and legs. Tingling in fingers, as if in a dream. Trembling of hands and lower extremities. Ulcers on the legs Burning, itching and scaling. Phlebeurysm. Weakness of the upper limbs. Weakness of the lower limbs, knees, legs and elbows.

Restless sleep. Dreams are restless and frightening. Sleepiness in the evening. Insomnia before midnight and after 3 o'clock. Insomnia from an influx of thoughts. Calc-s is very effective for chronic intermittent fever with evening chills. The chill begins in the feet. Shaking chill. Fever in the evening and at night. Evening fever intertwined with chills followed by fever, but after fever there is no perspiration, pain in lower limbs relieved by walking. Hot flashes. Hectic fever. Cold night sweats. Sweating from light exertion. Sweat profuse and sour.

Many cutaneous symptoms to be expected from Sulph and Calc-c. Burning and itching. Sloughing of the skin. Cracks in the skin. Cracks on the skin after washing in winter, especially on the hands. Hepatic spots; pale skin and yellow skin, sometimes up to jaundice. Dry skin. Rashes - blisters, weeping with burning or dry eczema, herpetic pustules, blisters with peeling. Itching, burning eruptions. Calc-s is very effective in psoriasis if the symptoms are consistent. Red spots. Eruptions with suppuration. Hillocks. Hives. Combing and diaper rash. Goose bumps. Itching in bed; itching, burning; itching, crawling creeps. Itching is relieved by scratching. Hypersensitivity of the skin. Ulceration of the skin. Slow wound healing. Unhealthy skin. The ulcers are deep, bleeding, with burning, scaling, crusting.

Ulcers with discharge of bloody, thick, yellow pus, offensive. Ulcers with fistulas. Sluggish putrefactive ulcers. Ulcers with induration. Pulsation in ulcers. Painful ulcers. Warts and warts.

Calcium sulfate. Gypsum. CaS04. Trituration.
Abscesses. Perianal abscesses. Furuncles. Buboes. Burns. Carbuncles. Frostbite. Ulceration of the cornea. Cough. Milk crust. Cysts. Swelling. Dysentery. Eczema. Fistula. Swollen lymph nodes. Gonorrhea. Bleeding. The consequences of trauma. Pneumonia. Polyps. Scarlet fever. Spermatorrhoea. Syphilis. Angina. Tumors. Ulcers.
A close analogue of Calc-s. is Hep. - a drug that includes calcium polysulfides with impurities and has a broader and deeper effect on suppurative processes. Calc-s. - “connective tissue salt” by Schussler; most of her testimony is from the clinic. In the last edition of Biochemical Therapy, Schussler excluded this salt, since it is not a constituent of the tissues proper, and its properties were divided between Siiicea and Nat. phos. It seems to me that those homeopaths who do not share the biochemical theory can safely continue to use this medicine, especially since it has already been tested by Hering and others. Calc-s. can be indicated in any case of suppuration when the pus has found its way out. Nash has cured with it a case of suppuration of the kidneys. Calc-s. different from Hep. sensitivity to fresh air: whereas for Hep. the slightest breath of breeze, to patient Calc-s. better in the open air; when walking on the street; he strives for air. Both remedies are aggravated by change of weather. Calc-s. not as sensitive to touch as Hep. Hansen recommends Calc-s. with dry eczema in children. The drug is also effective for cystic tumors, fibromas and polyps.
Compare: Calen., Hep., Kali-m., Nat-s. (swelling after scarlet fever); Sil. (hard or suppurating lymph nodes, corneal ulcers, tonsillitis, mastitis, frostbite).
Calc-s. follows well: Kali-m., Nat-s., Sil.
2. Head - Feels like a hat is on the head. Painful acne; hard lumps at the edge of the hairy part, bleeding when scratching. Milk crust. Dorsal tabes.
3. Eyes - Sees only half of the object. Ophthalmia with purulent discharge. Ulceration of the cornea. Exophthalmos.

5. Nose. Coryza, with thick, yellow, lumpy, purulent discharge. Influenza with sneezing and relief in open air; discharge from the right nostril after bathing. Better outdoors. Soreness and irritation along the edge of the nostrils.
6. Face.─Puffiness of cheek, with toothache. Herpetic rash; acne; pustules. Extremely pale, painful face (in workers in contact with plaster cast). Blistering fever on lower lip.
7. Teeth. Rheumatic toothache; gums swollen, painful, bleeding easily.
8. Mouth- Soapy taste in the mouth. The base of the tongue is covered with a yellow coating. Glossitis.
9. Throat. Diphtheria of the soft palate; scarlet sore throat. Quinsy.

13. Stool and anus - Diarrhea with discharge of pus or bloody pus. Dysentery with discharge of pus-like mucus. Painful abscesses around the anus with an anal fistula. Constipation with hectic fever and difficulty in breathing.
14. Urinary organs - Chronic nephritis. Red urine with hectic fever.
15. Male reproductive organs. Spermatorrhea with impotence. Gonorrhea in the suppuration phase. Chronic syphilis.
17. Respiratory Organs - Croup. Catarrh with thick, lumpy, white-yellow, or pus-like discharge. Asthma or cough with hectic fever. Pain in the chest and head. The third stage of pneumonia. Emphysema.
22. Upper limbs - Panaritium; the beginning of suppuration.
23. Lower Limbs. Itching and gout. Bruised knee pain. Stitching pain in knees. The legs are painful to touch, the feet are a little swollen. Burning and itching in soles.
25. Skin. Suppuration after frostbite. Suppuration after burn. Scarlet, scarlet rash. Skin lesions with greenish, brownish or yellowish crusts. Greyish-leaden skin honey. (Dry eczema in children.)


Sulfate calcium . CaSO 4

1847. Excerpts from the Trials of C. Hg., Withy, and the Young Lady.

1873. Excerpts from trials with 30 and 200 potencies by C. M. Conant (Trans.Am. Inst. of Hom.).

Treatment symptoms C. Hg., Koeck and Knerr.

Symptomfwhile Schuessler and the authors of the Old School are noted!

t. - affixed to toxicological symptoms.

1 Psyche

Loss of consciousness; t.

Suddenly loses memory and power of thought after breakfast.

Sometimes he wants to go, shows attention to something; as soon as she intends to do this, the desire goes away.

Rises screaming.

Severe depression at times.

Liveliness and good spirits give way to sadness and melancholy, afternoon and evening.

2 Sensitivity

When walking, dizziness, and weakness, and oppression from the head and through the stomach.

Vertigo with deadly nausea.

3 Head, inside

Pain in the left side of the forehead and head.

Severe frontal headache, worse afternoon and evening.

Pain across forehead and vertex.

Pain around head, several times before going to bed.

Tearing all over the head, with nausea, on rising after lying down, better on lying down.

Headache: from concussion; with a feeling of sinking eyes; during menstruation; with pain in the chest.

4 Head, outside

Sensation around head as if wearing a hat at 4 pm.

There are two red pimples in the region of the fontanelle, and a burning pain in a dollar-sized area.

Painful pimples on the scalp leave yellow crusts.

Hard, tender lumps in the scalp along the edge of hair growth, bleeding after brushing.

! Milk crust, or “scalded head” in children.

! Craniotabes.

5 Vision and Eyes

Sees only half of the object.

When looking at a piece of paper, pain in the right eye.

Occasionally blindness, with convulsions of the eyelids.

! Deep corneal ulcers.

! Ophthalmia, pus thick and yellow.

Smoky cornea, pus in the anterior chamber, sensation as of a foreign body; must bandage the eye; after eye damage by a splinter.

Continuous dull pain over the right eye; in the evening.

Sharp twitching of the muscles above the supraorbital foramen, near the outer corner of the left eye.

Pressing pain in the left eyeball; cuts in left eye, with soreness in the evening, as if eyes had sunk into the head, with headache.

Ophthalmic eyes; t.

Inflammation of the eyes, evening and night, with slow fever; sensation of heat, eyes red.

Yellow conjunctiva.

! Eyes blurred, red; with colic.

Tears from the left eye, with left-sided rhinitis.

Sharp twitching of the eyelids.

Sharp, burning pain in the inner corner of the eye.

Severe inflammation in the corner of the eye.

Furuncle above the left eye.

6 Hearing and Ears

Singing in the ears.

Otitis media after a blow to the ear.

Dark brown earwax from right ear; in the morning.

Pimple at the top of the right ear.

Soreness of the right parotid gland; better from walking in the open air.

7 Smell and Nose

Small tremors at the root of the nose, extending to the cheek.

! Nose bleed.

! Rhinitis, with thick, yellow, lumpy, purulent discharge.

Yellowish mucus from left nostril and tear from left eye.

During the day, watery mucus from the right nostril, the left dry; vice versa at night.

Yellowish green expectoration from posterior nasal passages.

Scanty phlegm, more from the posterior nasal passages, morning and evening.

The posterior nasal passages are blocked, the front is watery rhinitis.

Flu and sneezing, better outdoors; rhinitis of the right side after a bath, better outside.

Mucus streaked with blood from left nostril after bath.

Excoriating coryza in the open air, better indoors and after washing with cold water.

The edges of the nostrils are slightly painful, sagging.

8 Face

! Swollen cheek with toothache; if suppuration threatens.

Small swelling on the left of the lower jaw, near the lower and middle part of the buccal muscle.

A swollen hard pimple on the left cheek.

Stinging, piercing pains in the right side of the face.

Pain in the right upper jaw.

Hot flashes.

Extremely pale face, sickly appearance (working with plaster cast).

Herpetic eruptions on the face.

Acne and pustules on the face.

9 Lower face

Blistering eruptions on the right lower lip, ulceration, bloody discharge, and spreading to the right corner of the chin.

Very sensitive pimples under the beard, produce blood, or an oily transparent substance.

A painful abrasion that forms a crust on the outside of the lower lip.

10 Teeth and Gums

! Rheumatic toothache.

Pain in the right upper jaw, with swelling and tenderness of the gums near the destroyed molar.

Toothache:! with a swollen cheek; after dark time, and in a dream; cold water is worse at first, then better.

The right lower molar is destroyed; gentle and sensitive to cold air, water, etc.

! Inside the gums are swollen and sore.

Gums bleed when brushing teeth.

11 Taste and Language

Taste:! soft; soapy; sour, acrid; bitter.

There is a slight wrinkling sensation at the root of the tongue.

Tongue overlaid with yellow at the root;! resembles layers of semi-dried clay.

The tongue is furrowed with a dark red line.

Glossitis;! when suppuration begins.

12 Oral cavity

There is a wound inside the upper lip.

Dry mouth; t.

13 Throat

Soreness, left side of roof, as if burnt while eating.

The throat is red and sore, the tonsils are affected.

! Diphtheria of the soft palate; the throat is very swollen; also with scarlet fever.

! Tonsillitis, if pus is expected.

14 Appetite, Thirst. Desires, Disgust.

Excessive appetite and thirst.

No appetite for meat.

Great desire for tea, red wine, green sour vegetables and fruits.

15 Food and Drink

When eating: hard palate hurts.

After sugar, diarrhea.

After eating: better; breakfast, loses memory; lunch, headache.

16 Hiccups, Belching, Nausea and Vomiting

Nausea: with dizziness; with headache; with pain in the pelvis.

17 Stomach

! Stomachache; movement and burning; the pain extends to the liver.

18 Hypochondrium

Severe pain in the liver area.

19 Stomach

Feeling of weakness through stomach, as if from head.

Colic: with loud rumbling; with diarrhea; with fog in his eyes.

Feeling in the lower part of the abdomen, as if the skin was too tight, with pain.

Pain in the right side of the pelvis, with weakness, nausea, and pain in the stomach.

! Intestinal ulcers, with typhoid.

! Buboes: prevents suppuration.

20 Rectum and Stool

Diarrhea, with pain in the abdomen, from change of weather, or after sweets.

! Diarrhea: with pus, or bloody pus; with typhoid.

! Dysentery if the stool consists of purulent mucus.

Painful abscesses near the anus, in case of fistula.

! Anus prolapse.

! Constipation; with hectic fever; with shortness of breath.

21 urinary system

Chronic nephritis.

! Glomerulonephritis, if symptoms are appropriate.

! Red urine, with hectic fever.

22 Male genital organs

! Spermatorrhea with impotence.

! Gonorrhea; in a purulent stage.

! Chronic syphilis.

23 Female genital organs

Menses comes later and lasts a long time; the usual symptoms, headache, twitching, severe weakness, etc., get worse.

24 Pregnancy. Childbirth. Lactation.

! Mastitis, when pus begins to form or prevents suppuration.

25 Voice and Larynx. Trachea and Bronchi.

! Croup.

Catarrh, with thick, lumpy, white, yellow, or purulent secretions.

26 Breath

Shallow breathing, with constipation and cachexia (Parisian workers with plaster).

! Asthma, with hectic fever.

After severe dryness of the mouth, asthma attacks with bulging eyes, loss of consciousness, and death; t.

27 Cough

! Cough, with hectic fever.

Chronic cough of tuberculosis patients.

28 Chest and Lungs

Sternum pain becomes so severe that it folds in half.

At times pain through the chest.

! Chest pain, and headache.

! Pneumonia, stage three.

! Empyema; after thoracocentesis.

29 Heart, Pulse and Circulation

Pain in front of the heart to the lower thigh.

31 Neck and Back

Pain across the back and neck.

Pain in the lower back.

Chronic coccyx pain is greatly increased.

32 Upper limbs

The third phalanx of the index finger is bruised; the surface has an irregular shape, suppuration, filled with granulations, the bone was exposed, it hurts very much.

Fingers are stiff in sleep; stiffness and painful rigidity, swelling and stiffness, more right arm, in the morning.

Swelling of the phalanges of the fingers.

Inflammation and swelling of the little finger.

! Panaritium when suppuration begins.

33 Lower limbs

! Inflammation of the hip joint; in the purulent stage of diseases of the thigh.

! Sciatica and gout.

Pain from the heart to the lower thigh.

Painful rigidity of the legs, in the morning, especially on the right; later, upper part worse in evening; Worst condition in the early evening.

Weakness in the legs.

Tired knees after walking.

! Knee pain from impact.

! Stitching injections in the knee.

Paralysis in the inside of the left knee, when in the bath, in the morning, when bending over, or walking fast, later in the back.

The shins are sensitive to touch; the legs are slightly swollen and tender.

Intense burning and itching of the soles.

! Burning in soles, with hectic fever.

The base of the fourth left toe suddenly becomes tender when walking.

34 Limbs in general

! Joint pain.

35 Rest, Position, Movement

Better on lying down: headache.

Slope: worse eye lameness.

Should fold in half for better stomach pain.

On getting up after lying down: headache.

Better from walking in the open air; relieves soreness in the parotid gland; desire to walk.

When walking: dizziness; sensitivity of the toes.

After walking: tired knees; brisk walking, knee paralysis.

36 Nerves

Sharp twitching during menses.

Great desire to lie down and stretch.

Weakness and oppression from head to stomach.

Weakness during menses.

Great exhaustion after sleep.

Great fatigue, from 2 pm to evening.

Weak, lethargic, no courage; intolerable tiredness after noon rest.

Tired after pelvic pain.

37 Sleep

! Sleepy during the day, awake at night.

Before going to bed, headache.

She dreams that she has convulsions from fright, raises screams, is very exhausted.

Internal fatigue after midday rest.

38 Time

In the morning: paralysis of the knee, in the bath.

2 p.m. to evening: tiredness.

Noon and evening: liveliness gives way to melancholy.

4 pm: external headache.

Evening: toothache; pain in the legs.

Late evening: half vision.

About 10 pm: pain in the eye.

Before going to bed: headache.

At night: toothache.

39 Temperature and Weather

! Burns and scalds; when suppuration begins.

! Suppuration of frostbite.

Open air: better when walking through it; desire is on it.

Suffers unusually from cold when taking a regular bath in the morning.

Knee hurts in the bath.

Sensitive to water, worse at first then better, toothache.

Change of weather: diarrhea.

After washing with cold water: rhinitis.

40 Fever

! Daily or three-day fever.

! Intermittent fever; tongue with a coating like dry clay.

! Typhus: when diarrhea sets in; intestinal ulcers.

! Hectic fever: with constipation and red urine; with asthma, cough and burning in the soles.

42 Localization and Direction

Right: dull pain above the eye; in the eye, pain; soreness of the parotid gland; earwax is dark; pimple on the top of the ear; watery mucus from the nostrils; pain in the upper jaw; abrasion on the lip; toothache; pain in the pelvis; fingers are hard; rigid shins.

Left: pain in the forehead; a sharp twitching of the muscles near the eye; pressing pain in the eyeball; aching eyes; tears from the eye; a furuncle above the eye; rhinitis; swelling in the lower jaw; pimple on the cheek; soreness of the hard palate; crippled knee; sensitive toe.

Transverse direction of pain: in the head, stomach, liver, chest and neck.

From top to bottom: heart to feet.

43 Feel

Hats on the head; as if eyes were sunken; from a foreign body in the eye; as if the skin was too tight in the lower abdomen.

Resi: in the eye.

Stinging piercing: in the right side of the face.

Stitching injections: in the knee.

Burning: feeling of a wound over the region of the large fontanelle; in the stomach; soles.

Rheumatic pain: in teeth.

Pressing pain: in the left eyeball.

Tearing: around the head.

Sharp burning pain: in the inner corner of the eye.

Soreness: right parotid salivary gland; hard palate; inside the upper lip.

Long, aching soreness: across the forehead; at the crown.

Dull pain: over the right eye.

Vague pain: on the left side of the forehead and head; on the right in the upper jaw; in the stomach; in the area of \u200b\u200bthe liver; in the lower abdomen; in the right half of the pelvis; in the anal abscess; across the chest; in the chest; from heart to thigh; across the back of the neck; in the lower back; in the joints; in the sternum.

Feeling of folding: at the root of the tongue.

Weakness: Through the stomach.

Paralysis: in the knee.

Itching: soles.

Dryness of the mouth.

44 Fabrics

! Scope of action in connective tissue; inflammation with suppuration.

! Stops bleeding and blennorrhea.

! Connective tissue abscesses if they result from drainage stasis.

! Serous swelling, post-scarlet dropsy, in rare cases.

! Hard or suppurating glands.

! In the third stage of inflammation; lumpy, or bloody discharge.

! Acute and chronic rheumatism.

! Discharge from cough, leucorrhoea, gonorrhea, etc., yellow, thick and lumpy, sometimes bloody.

After mechanical damage, when in advanced cases of the disease suppuration occurs.

! Greenish, brownish, yellow crusts.

! Cystic tumors; fibroma; fibrous polyps.

45 Touch, Passive Movement, Damage

The shins are sensitive to touch; the toe is sensitive when walking.

From shock or concussion: headache; knee pain.

After a blow to the ear: otitis media.

After bruising: suppuration of the finger.

After shrapnel injury: eye wound.

Cuts and wounds, restrains suppuration; thick, yellow material.

Burns and scalding if suppurating.

46 Leather

Itching of soles.

! Scarlet rash; scarlet fever, with marked swelling of the soft palate.

! Pustules and nodules.

! Skin lesions with greenish, brownish, or yellowish crusts.

Yellow crust followed by pimples on the scalp.

! Abscesses and boils.

! Abscesses and carbuncles, inhibits the formation of pus. *

* Anthraci. much better.C. Hg .

! Lichen.

Lots of small pimples under the hair without content, bleeding when scratched.

! Ulcers with thick, yellow discharge.

Grayish, lead-colored leather (working with plaster).

! Frostbite when suppurating.

48 Relationship

Compatibility: afterKali-m., Nat-s., Sil.

Similarity:Calen ., with suppuration;Hep. , with purulent processes, but has a wider scope and acts more intensively;Kali-m. , with milk crust and other skin lesions, swollen cheeks, croup, dysentery;Nat-s ., with post-scarlet dropsy;Sil. , with hardening, or suppuration of glands, corneal ulcers, tonsillitis, mastitis, frostbite.

Calcarea sulphurica (Fatak)

General. This is Dr. Schussler's CONNECTIVE TISSUE. Calcarea Sulfurica affects the glands, mucous membranes, bones and skin. Sluggish, torpid processes, accompanied by swelling of the glands. Cystic tumors. Fibroids. Propensity to suppuration: when the pus finds a way out, it is the turn of this remedy. The pus is thick, yellow, in the form of lumps, bloody. Discharge from mucous membranes: yellow, thick and lumpy. Abscess recurrent or with outflow of pus.
Ulcers: malignant, deep, corneal ulcers. Fistula. Cutting pains. Reduced body reactivity. Infants have coryza with bloody discharge; diarrhea or eczema. Burns by flame and fluid, after suppuration begins. The emergence of malignant tumors at the sites of ulceration.
Worse. From drafts. From the touch. From the cold, from the damp cold. In a hot room.
It's better. On open air. From bathing. From food. From local application of heat. Open up, undress.
Psyche. Hurried. He despises those who disagree with him. Grumbles, complains that others do not appreciate him. Sits and reflects on imaginary misfortune.
Head. Scabs (scab) in children; with yellow purulent discharge.
Eyes. Conjunctivitis, accompanied by thick, purulent, yellow discharge. Redness and itching around the edges of the eyelids.
Ears. Dark, liquid earwax. Pimples (papules) around the ear. Otitis media after a blow to the ear.
Nose. Bloody nasal discharge from coryza, including in infants. Sneezing decreases in the open air.
Face. Papules and pustules on the face.
Mouth. The tongue is flabby. A soapy taste in the mouth.
Stomach. Diarrhea, including in children, is accompanied by the discharge of pure pus or mixed with blood. Stool with a white coating. Painful abscess near the anus with a fistula. Diarrhea after eating maple sugar.
Urinary system. Pyelitis. Chronic nephritis.
Female genital organs. Leucorrhoea thick, white. Cutting pain in the ovary
(right). Menses are late, prolonged.
Respiratory organs. Suffocative croup. Empyema of the pleura.
Extremities. The sweat on the feet is cold, offensive. Burning, itching in the soles.
Leather. Unhealthy skin: cuts, wounds, etc. do not heal. Dry eczema; worse in young children.
Sleep. Suddenly wakes up, jumps up at night, as if he lacks air.
Fever. Hectic fever caused by the production of pus. Refuses to take cover when it's cold.
Dry heat at night. Sweats easily, especially when coughing.
Dif. diagnosis. Hep., Sil.

Calcarea Sulfurica
Accelerates suppuration
Shingles on the head
Shrunken breasts

In later editions of Schussler's books Natr.f. and Silits are replaced by this remedy
This is plaster

Physiological and chemical data
According to Bang, it is found only in bile, but even here it is found inconsistently.
Calc.sul. contained in bile coming from the liver, where it has performed the function of decomposing spent red blood cells and their removal from the body
With a deficit of Calc.s. the destruction of old cells slows down in the liver, so the blood contains too many useless cells. Under normal conditions, all unnecessary blood cells are decomposed by Calc.c. in the liver. Decay products are removed from the circulation through the bile by the shortest route
But if some of these unnecessary cells are to be destroyed by oxidation in the bloodstream, their secretion slows down.
These decay products are not removed from the circulation by the liver, are not secreted by the lymphatic system, reach the mucous membranes and skin, causing inflammation and rashes

General biochemical action
Calc.s. has a close affinity for suppuration.
It cures purulent discharge from mucous membranes and purulent exudation from serous cavities, as well as tuberculous ulcers or intestinal abscesses, corneal ulcers, etc.
It has a healing effect at the stage when the substance is released or continues to ooze after purulent contents have been released from the places of infiltration.
All diseases when the process of excretion of discharge lasts too long and suppuration affects the epithelial tissues
Acts on connective tissue
If there is a deficiency of it in any even small part of the sphere of its action, the result will be suppuration
A common indication would be the presence of outflow pus

Leading symptoms and specific indications
Mental symptoms
Changing mood
Sudden loss of memory, consciousness
Absent-mindedness and irritability
Anxiety, Better Outdoors
Dissatisfaction, full of fears

Head and scalp
Eczema of the head in children, if there is purulent discharge or yellow purulent crusts
Suppuration, etc. on the scalp
Headache with nausea and a feeling of sunken eyes
Headache comes on from freezing, but is better from cold air.
Pain all over the head, but worse in the forehead
Dry head
Vertigo with very severe nausea, on turning head quickly.
Profuse dandruff
Hair loss

Deep corneal abscess
Inflammation of the eyes with thick, yellow discharge.
Absorbs the discharge of pus from the eye, after Silicea
Deep corneal ulcers
Ophthalmia, pus thick and yellow
Cloudy cornea, pus in the anterior chamber, foreign body sensation, must be blindfolded. After an eye injury with a splinter
Flictenary conjunctivitis and keratitis, accompanied by swelling of the cervical lymph nodes
Twitching eyelids
Inflammation of the corners of the palpebral fissure

Deafness with discharge of pus from the middle ear, sometimes mixed with blood, after Silits.
Hard pimples behind the ear with a tendency to suppuration

Cold in the nasopharynx with thick, yellowish, purulent secretions, often mixed with blood.
Nose bleed
Discharge from one nostril
The edges of the nostrils are irritated
Yellowish compartment from posterior sinuses
Dry nose, crusting, itching and congestion

Swelling of the cheek if suppuration occurs
Painful pimples under the beard
Herpetic eruptions on the face
Acne and pustules on the face

The inner surface of the lips is irritated
Wounds from sores on the lips
Dry and hot mouth
Suppuration of the gums

Tongue flabby, resembles a layer of dried clay
Sour, soapy, acrid taste
Yellow coating on the tongue
Inflammation of the tongue with suppuration.
Plaque resembles clay

Rheumatic toothache
Toothache with swelling and soreness of the gums from the inside
Gums bleed when brushing teeth
Suppuration of gums, tooth decay

Sore throat with suppuration.
Late-stage sore throat, with an expression, with discharge of yellow pus.
Tonsillitis in the stage of suppuration, when pus leaves the abscess
Diphtheria of the soft palate, severe swelling of the mucous membranes
Purulent tonsillitis with discharge of pus
Choking (Gepar)

Stomach symptoms
Desire for fruits, tea, dry red wine, and unripe sour vegetables
Intense thirst and appetite
Nausea with dizziness
Pain in the sky while eating
Burning pain in the stomach
The need for stimulants to overcome severe weakness with tremors

Abdomen and stools
Purulent diarrhea mixed with blood
Dysentery, stools purulent, with ichor
Intestinal ulcers with typhoid
Painless abscess in the anus with cases of fistula
Pain in the liver, on the right side of the pelvis, followed by weakness, nausea, and stomach pain
Diarrhea after maple syrup and changes in weather, in children worse after eating, painless, involuntary
Itching in the rectum, discharge from the anus
Anus prolapse
Constipation with hectic fever and shortness of breath
Pus-like mucous discharge from the intestines

Genitourinary system
Red urine with hectic temperature
Cystitis, chronic condition, formation of pus
To act on suppuration in cases of bubo alternate with Silicea.
Gonorrhea with purulent, bloody discharge.
Prostate abscess
Chronic stage of syphilis with suppuration
Ulceration of glands, etc.
Menses late, long lasting, with headache, twitching, and severe weakness
The release of pus into the pelvic organs, unobstructed from any membrane that produces pus
Itching after menstruation, in the vagina, swelling of the labia

Respiratory system
Cough with purulent and bloody expectoration and hectic fever.
Asthma with hectic temperature
Empyema, formation of pus in the lungs or pleural cavities
Purulent, bloody sputum
Pain throughout the chest
Pneumonia, third stage
Habitual hoarseness
Third stage of bronchitis
Empyema after thoracocentesis
Constriction and soreness in the chest
Burning and weakness in the chest
Purulent sputum
Catarrh with thick, lumpy, white-yellow, or pus-like expectoration
Qatar after Kali muriatika
In children, a severe cough with diseases of the chest organs, green stools and herpetic eruptions

Mastitis when pus comes out after Silicea.

Circulatory organs
Pericarditis, stage of suppuration
Palpitations at night

Back and limbs
Back and tailbone pain
Finger stiffness
Carbuncles on the back
The last stage of suppuration of the finger, when the suppuration continues and remains only superficial
Calf cramps
Acute and chronic rheumatism
Disease of the hip joint if there is a discharge of pus. This agent is simultaneously with Ferr.phos. and complete rest will cure this disease
Suppuration of wounds
Burning, itching in the feet

Nervous system symptoms
Weakness and fatigue
Neuralgia in the elderly
The need for stimulants to overcome excessive fatigue

Sleepiness during the day, wakes up at night
She dreams that she has seizures after fright
Insomnia from thoughts

Febrile symptoms
Chronic intermittent fever with evening chills. The chills begin in the legs
Evening temperature with chilliness
Typhus when diarrhea started
Hectic temperature caused by burning pus in the tops

Herpetic eruptions all over the place
Furuncles. Reduces and heals suppuration
Cuts, scrapes, bruises, etc., lack of normal healing, pus formation. They don't heal easily with pus.
Frostbite stage of suppuration
Milk crusts
Yellow purulent crusts or discharge
Purulent exudation in or on the skin
Suppuration, boils, pimples, pustules, scales
Skin lesions with yellow crusts
Smallpox pustules from which discharge comes out
Suppurating wounds
Lower limb ulcers
Many small pimples under the hair without content, bleeding when combing

Connective tissue diseases
Abscesses to speed up the suppurative process and reduce the formation of pus
If given after Silicea, will induce healing of an abscess
Swelling of the serous membranes
Complaints from overexertion of muscles and tendons, back aches
A constitution tainted by drunkenness
Tumors in the form of cysts
Third stage of inflammation, with lumpy or bloody discharge
Mucous discharge when coughing, leucorrhea, gonorrhea, etc. Yellow thick, lumps
Discharge of pus or pus with blood from their skin or mucous membranes
Outflow of pus when it has formed
Lymph glands that secrete pus
Lymph node ulceration
Suppuration, joints or elsewhere
Excessive granulation, painless, etc.
Malignant granulation after suppuration

Worse or recurrence of symptoms after working or washing in water, after walking, walking fast, overheating, from heat

This remedy is also useful for external use for lesions such as felon, ulcer, abscess
The most common oral potencies are 6x and 12x.
Low potencies are most useful in purulent eye diseases.

Homeopathic relationships
Calc.f. resembles Gepar S., but works more deeply and more intensely, and is often useful after Gepar has stopped working
It is also useful when Potassium MUR has stopped working
Apocinum contains Calc sulf
Compare with Calendula for suppuration. With Kali mur for milk crusts and other skin lesions, cheek edema, croup and dysentery. With sodium sulfate in post-scarlet edema. With Silicea in case of dense or suppurating lymph glands, corneal ulcers, tonsillitis, mastitis, frostbite. Pyrogen also tends to form abscesses
With neuralgia, it occupies the area between the very acute pains of Magn phos and the paralyzing pains of Kali fos (more suitable for the elderly if the nervous tissue has a lack of regenerative energy)
In the third stage of inflammation (resolution) after Kali MUR, if the discharge is lumpy and bloody, but if it is yellow or slimy, then it is Kali sulf, if it looks like pus or if it is blood with pus, then it is Silicea.
With carbuncles, Anthracin is better
Calc Sulfur is often useful after Kali MUR, when it gives only partial relief, also after Bellad and other acute remedies.
When well-chosen remedies work for too short a time, Kalk Sulf is just as important as Sulf, Tuberk, and Psor.

The founder of salt therapy, Dr. Schussler, called his twelfth element Calcium Sulfuricum (Calcarea Sulfuricum) salt to cleanse inflammatory foci. He determined that a mineral imbalance in cells creates a lack of oxygen and destroys both the emotional and physical spheres. This is manifested by purulent inflammatory processes. In nature, Calcium Sulfuricum occurs in the form of gypsum mineral, which is poorly soluble in water. Homeopathic sulphate lime is used to treat any, even prolonged purulent processes.

Characteristics of the type and psyche of the patient

Calcium type sulfuricum is cheerful in childhood, but its mood is often changeable. He, as a rule, is a big debater, in communication he shows a bright personality. The change of mood is manifested very clearly: morning depression in the evening gives way to a frantic rush of delight. This is a stubborn, intolerant, unbalanced, often angry person. After bouts of anger weakens.

As a child, the Calcium sulfuricum patient is afraid of the dark, birds, loss of parents, disease. He lacks recognition, encouragement. Often offended, afraid of the future. Source: flickr (JustTella).

The child loves to sleep, but, being afraid to see a bad dream, he keeps his mother close to him until falling asleep. Strongly worried, jealous of parents for sisters and brothers. As an adult, he transfers this feeling to his soul mate in love.

Physically, he is usually obese, has a square face with pronounced age spots and porcelain pallor. The tongue is usually sore and flabby, as if covered with glue, and has a yellowish coating at the root. The mouth often tastes soapy and sour. The patient may not tolerate milk, but he is pathologically drawn to eating chalk, tooth powder, enjoying the smell of lime.

Indications for use and symptoms

One of the indications for the use of the homeopathic preparation Calcium sulfuricum is lipodystrophy, namely, changes in the subcutaneous fat layer, leading to impaired microcirculation and lymphatic outflow. Source: flickr (life styles).

The use of cell salt is necessary when:

  • constantly, overstrained ligaments;
  • there are purulent;
  • any purulent infections of the nose, skin, eyes, throat, bladder, kidneys, rectum take a long time;
  • the skin is affected by a fungus, for example, dandruff, dry baby;
  • non-healing wounds get wet;
  • osteomyelitis is diagnosed, bones are affected.

For epithelial tissues, Calcarea sulphurica is the basis of the chemical structure, ensuring its integrity, like plaster in building construction. Calcium Sulfuricum systemically cleanses and removes overgrown tumor areas, erecting the protection of the cellular environment.

Elimination of inflammation of the skin, mucous membranes, toxins in the blood, liver, gallbladder - this is an incomplete list of effects on the body.

In fact, it is a tool that corrects the vibrations emitted by the patient. When the multilevel blocking mechanisms are removed, a person feels awareness, becomes strong and self-realized.

Dosage and dilutions

Dilution D6 is the usual potency for symptoms of physical illness, for emotional ailment better than D12.

Children - 1 tsp. water on the tablet. Solution with water: per hundred ml - 1 t., Intake per day - 1 tbsp. l. - 1, 2 or 3 times.

Adults - in acute form - up to 6 times a day - 14 days, in chronic - up to 3 times a day - for a year or more.

It works well with Natrium sulphuricum and Silicea.

There is a remedy similar to Calcarea sulfuricum - (Hepar sulfur), obtained from oysters.

Note! Universal antidotes - coffee, menthol, camphor - have no effect on the effectiveness of treatment.

The use of the drug under the guidance of a homeopath gives the most positive effect.

Contraindication - allergy to wheat and lactose - excipients contained in granules.

Instructions for medical use


Calcium SulfuricumD6 Dr. Schussler's salt No. 12


Calcium sulfuricum D6 salt of Dr. Schussler No. 12

International non-proprietary name

Dosage form



One tablet contains

active substance:Calcium sulfuricum trit. D6 - 250 mg;

excipients: wheat starch, magnesium stearate.


The tablets are white or almost white, flat-cylindrical, chamfered and marked "12" on one side and "DHU" on the other.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Other therapeutic products.

ATX code V03A

Pharmacological properties

































































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