Blumpy Olusha (lat. Sula Nebouxii)

Bluegooga Olusha is a sea bird belonging to the family of Alsushev, which includes ten species of long-old representatives of Ornithofauna. On a large scale, poultry data was first studied by Charles Darwin during his trip to the Galapagos Islands.

Bluebeat's Bluebeats dwell solely on the expanses of warm tropical seas among the continental coasts eastern Pacific. They are common from the Californian bay down to the west coast of South and Central America, right up to the Northern Peru, where they nest the whole colonies on dry islands. They can be found in the western part of Mexico, on the islands lying near Ecuador, and in the north of Peru, but the greatest concentration is observed in the Galapagos Islands. Of the total number of all those inhabiting the globe of the Bluebeat, which has about 40 thousand couples, approximately half the Pacific, where this type of birds is protected by law.

The name "Olusha" (eng. Booby) comes from the Spanish word "Bobo", which is translated as "stupid", "clown", "fool". Awarded birds with such a name because their behavior, like other seabirds, when maneuvering on land, is characterized by commissism and some clumsy. In addition, they are very trusting, they are not afraid of people and easily go with them to contact that it does not always have a favorable outcome.

The body length of the Bluebeat Olush is 75-85 cm, the wingspan can reach 1.5 m. The weight of birds is relatively small - approximately 1.5-3.5 kg, and the female, as a rule, is massive and larger male representatives. Their long wings have a pointed shape and brown plumage, a black tail can be described as neat and small sizes. The head, decorated with a large gray-green beak, and a massive neck painted in light brown color with white streaks. The belly and lower part of the body is characteristic of a pure white plumage. The eyes, located on both sides of the beak and ahead, are characterized by excellent binocular vision and have yellow. The males around the pupils there is a dark pigment ring, which visually increases the size of the eyes. Since the Bluegoge Olusha often in search of mining dives with head into the water, its nostrils are constantly closed, which forces to breathe through the corners of the mouth.

Of course, the most bright and, perhaps, the main distinguishing feature of this species is an extraordinary color of the legs, which varies from light turquoise to deep aquamarine. In males and young birds, they are bright, and females are distinguished by more muted shades of the limbs. Boyless feet plays a key role in the process of sexual selection and reproduction: in the marriage, male representatives demonstrate their bluish legs to attract the attention of females.

Recent studies show that such a peculiar color of the swimming pool on the legs of the male depends on its nutrition, namely from the presence of carotenoid pigments that enter the body together with fresh fish. The shada of the limbs of the Bluegooga Olushi indicates the current state of its immune system and health as a whole. This explains the fact that females give preference to males with a rich blue of the legs, because then the offspring will be inherited by the gene of a strong and healthy man. With age, the brightness of the legs decreases, which also affects the sexual selection. Female individuals, as a rule, mate with young males who have a higher birth rate and are able to provide adequate decens, unlike older birds.

Olushi - strictly maritime inhabitants, as they say the purest pages connected by the membrane, which are an excellent sailing device. Almost all his time they spend in water, sushi them is needed only to build nests and breeding offspring.

The nesting period from Bluebeat Olush continues all year round. They can use and protect two or three nesting places, which are usually a deepening deepening in the ground and fledged. They can also construct their nests on trees and rocks. Between the nesting places most often lies quite a long distance.
During the marriage period, which lasts from June to August, in the habitats of Bluewide Olus, a truly interesting sight is opened. To attract the female, the Sinonga males begin to demonstrate their limbs in a wide variety of angles, while performing a complex marriage dance.

A surveillance process is emerging with the pretext of a small stone or twig. Next, the cavalier begins to chat diligently with his paws, raises the tail, the beaks and the tips of the wings towards the sky, funny pulls the neck and makes a whistle, trying to attract the attention of the female with all their might. When the elect takes care, they are greatly bowed to each other relating to the beaks, and then begin to slowly drive a kind of dance, demonstrating beautiful blue legs. The joint dance of the loving pair can last for several hours.

The Blueboy Olushi belongs to the monogamous birds, although the option of mating with several partners is not excluded. Masonry female makes every 8-9 months. Usually, during the week, it lays 2-3 eggs, which both parents take turns for about 45 days. Such a small amount of emergence of eggs is due to the difficult way to maintain heat in the nests. During the period of reaching due to an increase in the flow of blood, the membrane on their limbs swell and become warm, which allows you to warm the eggs with the body, as other birds do, and directly the paws, heating them up to 39 degrees.

The hatched crumbs are small chicks with black beaks covered with a layer of soft white fluff, which until monthly age is not able to independently adjust the body temperature.

The nutrition of the kids should be regular, so males are constantly in the sea, getting food. As a meal, they serve as an adult fish in adult birds. If the food is not enough for all family, parents give it the largest chick to increase the likelihood of its survival and sufficient training for independent life.

After ten weeks after birth, the descendants safely leave their nests and rush to the water, although they still do not know how to dive and fly. It is difficult for them to make the immersion, since under the skin of these birds there are air bags that exclude the opportunity to go under water in sufficient weight. Full adult plumage Young individuals are obtained only after 2-3 years, and at the age of 3-4 years they reach puberty. The Bluebeat Olushi belongs to two types of their family, which raise more than one chick to the breeding cycle.

The average life expectancy of representatives of this species is 15-20 years.
The Bluebean Olushi is carnivorous seabirds, the diet of which is fully made of fish produced in the sea. They feed on such representatives of the water fauna as a flying fish, mackerel, sardine, anchovies, mackerel, as well as other shallow fish living in the surrounding shallow water. Occasionally, squid and ingested large fish in Panama are chosen as a meal.

Like other Olushi, Blue-hahle, representatives of the type at night are not like in their nests, and in anticipating time or at dawn, they begin directly to the fish hunt. They rise into the air above the surface of the sea and carefully look out for the potential prey through the water surface, constantly holding the beak pointing down. Sometimes feathered hunters are departed far away into the sea, without ceasing at the same time closely monitor the shallow fish.

When appropriate production falls in their field of view, they use maximum physical capabilities that make their wonderful divers. Having folded his long wings along the body, at a speed of about 97 km per hour of birds rapidly dive to a depth of more than 25 meters into the water. The height with which they, as if torpedoes, rushed down, can reach 10-30.5 meters. Olushi is easily plunged into the water and swim there in pursuit of their prey.

With a successful outcome, they are identified with their catches a few meters from the dive point. Interestingly, this type of birds is engaged in fishing not during the earlyness, but already when picked up on the surface of the water. The thing is that the spin fish is usually dark, and the belly has a light silver pattern, which immediately rushes into the eyes of the birds hunting. Sometimes they do not even have to dive, because they love to be touched by volatile fish that are carelessly planning over the water surface. They eat fish also in the arms of their element.

Olushi can hunt in any composition: alone, couples or small groups (10-12 birds), which is most often. They travel to the reservoirs, where the largest amount of small fish is concentrated. When the leading flock bird is discovered in shallow water, it instantly gives the signal of the rest of the group, and they are immersed in the water, like arrows.

It is amazing that single instead of joint meal with a group prefer to eat secluded in the afternoon or early in the morning. The process of hunting females and males has some differences. As you know, the males are inferior in the weight to representatives of the opposite sex, and also have a larger tail, which makes some difficulties when fishing at a depth, but allows you to hunt extraction in the gorges and shallow water. The females also be able to catch a greater number of fish. Usually, the breadwinner often brings food to the nest than its companion, but in smaller quantities. However, in case of a shortage of food, she is ready to go on her search.

Take care of the Bluebeat Olushi making hoarse or multiple moans, screams and thin whistling sounds. Some birds of this species can recognize each other in sound. The researchers conducted a number of experiments, which showed that the voices of representatives of different floors differ from each other. It was also found that both females and males are able to distinguish their comrades from the rest.

Amazing birds are inhabit the Galapagos Islands - the Bluewood Olushi. They are the only in the world who have paws of such an unusual color. In addition to unusual paws, Olushi have a number of original features that cause the constant interest of travelers and researchers.

Glubbishaya Olusi (lat. Sula Nebouxii) is a rather large bird whose sizes reach 80 cm. The life of the oleshi is inextricably linked with the sea: there they find themselves food, hunting on fish. Olushi climbs over the surface of the water and, prevailing, dive down. They dive to a depth of 20-25 meters, and the prey is enough when they dance to the surface. Interestingly, females are usually larger than males and heavier, which allows them to dive deeper and catch larger fish.

Blue-harees live not only in the Galapagos Islands, but also on the Pacific Coast of America: in Peru, Mexico and Ecuador. But on the islands they are most numerous. In general, the number of these birds is quite large, so scientists are not worried about the well-being populations.

Always living in the Galapagos Islands are very naive: they are absolutely not afraid of people and with pleasure posing on the camera.

A rich blue color of their paws is explained by the presence of coloring pigment - carotenoid. This substance is produced in the body of the almus from lipids, which birds get, feeding by the sea fish. Bright saturated color is characteristic of young and healthy birds. Interestingly, if Oulu is deprived of her usual nutrition - marine fish, then in just a couple of days, her paws will become pale gray.

The color of the paw is of great importance in the life of birds. It is focused when choosing a partner. The brighter and richer than the paws of the male, the more chances he has to attract the attention of the opposite sex. The marriage courtship of oleshi is very interesting. The male performs a special dance, high raising his paws, because it is his main dignity. If he managed to impress, and the female takes his courtship, then in the future they perform a joint dance.

After a short courting, the pair is equipping the nest. It does not differ in difficulty and sizes, as a rule, it is a small deepening among the stones or right on Earth. Living on the Galapagos Islands near the Equator of Olushi do not feel the change of seasons of the year, so they breed at any time of the year. The pair can take one, less often two chicks, which is associated with presence of predatory birds and limited food resources. The main enemies of the blue-headed olheshes are seagulls and frigates. It is noteworthy that if the laying of eggs or chicks were lost as a result of the attack of predators, then Olushi lay new eggs, but they care about them more responsibly.

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Blue Handheld (Silepay) Olusha

Blue-shaped (Silapay) Olusha (Sula Nebouxii) - a bird from the family of Olushev, lives along the Pacific coast of North and South America, a large number of nesting birds is found in the Galapagos Islands.

The very name of the Olushi originated from the Spanish Bobo (which means "stupid" or "fool" or "clown"), due to the fact that the Blueboy Olushi, like other seabirds, clumsy on land. Nevertheless, in the air, cinema flares are strong and dexterous pilots, and in search of food can dive into water from a high height.

Bluebeat's Bluebery is large and pretty comical in appearance of sea birds, instantly recognizable in brightly blocked paws. The combination of white and brown feathers on most of the head and neck create a kind of "spiny" appearance. Olushi wings are evenly painted in dark - brown color, while on the back this chocolate shade is diluted with white feathers. Beak all dark, greenish blue or gray, merging with dark skin face.

The females of these birds look like males, but you can still distinguish them: males have a more yellow eye, females are a little larger than their partners, and they have a short tail. The voice of the male looks like a plaintive whistle, and the female makes sounds similar to the duck chambling.

During the cavity of the Bluewall, the halter haltering flashes flashes its blue paws before the partner, trying to impress. During the dance, he spreads his wings, lifts up the tail and keeps his legs on the ground. To consolidate the effect, it raises the branches from the ground for the future nest. Most birds are monoga, but there are also bigamous unions.

Although bluenellie and are considered social, as they are often going to groups of up to 200 birds for joint hunting, and nest with colonies up to several hundred, sometimes you can see and separate nesting pairs. Typically, the female of the Golubea Olushi lays two or three eggs. These birds do not have a naked skin area at the bottom of the abdomen, which ordinary birds warm the eggs, and Olushi use their feet to maintain the desired temperature. Eggs are postponed with an interval of five days from each other. The incubation period is 41-45 days.

Sinelypes are one of the only two types of Olush, which raise more than one chick, but if there is no sufficient food for all chicks, then parents will only feed the largest chicken, ensuring that at least one, but will survive. They nest on bare soil, in small recesses. The female turns away to the Sun during the day, so the nest is surrounded by the selection.

After the first chicken appears on the light, the female remains in the nest, the heating chick, and the burden of the feeding of the feeding is put on the shoulders of the male. As soon as the offspring is growing, and the demand for food will be higher, a female is connected to the search for food.

Since the eggs are postponed with a difference of five days, the first chicken receives a two-day head at birth compared to his younger brother. Such an asynchronous appearance of offspring serves two main goals. It helps parents to pay more attention to too weak newborn chick, and also reduces the chance of complete loss of brood due to predators.

Experiments have shown that the asynchronous hatching of chicks can also reduce rivalry between chickens. Scientists conducted a number of experiments, and found out that with the simultaneous appearance of chicks, they become more aggressive, while asynchronous hatching, chickens were less cruel, since a clear hierarchy in the brood was more easily installed. Although the phased appearance of offspring is not vital for the formation of a tribal hierarchy, it helps in reducing brood when there is not enough food. Subordinate chicks in asynchronous broods died faster, thus released, thus parents from the burden of feeding offspring, when resources are not enough.

Chickens of Tolapa Olushi in practice Optional Siblicide, which often leads to the death of the younger chicken based on environmental conditions. The chick hatched first, often called A-chicken, kill the younger, b-chick, if there is a shortage of food. A-chicks grow faster than B-chickens, and this initial size inequality is preserved for at least the first two months of life. In difficult times, A-chicken can attack B-chicken on the hierarchy, or can simply drag his younger brother behind the neck and drive it out of the nest.

A-chicks always get food to b-chicks. This is not due to the lack of attempts by the B-chick, since the subordinate chicks ask as much as the dominant. However, the dominant chickens are able to distract the attention of parents to themselves, as they are larger.

Nevertheless, another experiment showed that mines of chicks do not live exclusively by the residual principle when the younger chicks feed only after the elder is fully satisfied. The researchers found that there is a certain degree of tolerance of the elder brother during short-term food deficit periods. Sometimes the eldest chicken is slightly, but reduces food intake, smoothly so that the younger brother does not die with hunger. But this behavior can be found only in a short scale shortage of food, if the nutritional period is delayed, A-chicken kills B-chicken.

Parents themselves are the passive spectators of this conflict. They do not interfere in the struggle of their offspring, even if the fratricide begins. Adult birds, apparently, even contribute to the death of the younger brother by creating and maintaining inequality between the two chicks. They enhance the hierarchy in the brood by the priority feeding of the older chick.

However, the ratio of parents to younger offspring is not so indifferent as it seems.

Analysis of the mass of eggs shows that at the beginning of the breeding season, the second egg in the nest was an average of 1.5% heavier than the first. Of the heavier eggs, heavier chickens are hatched, having a big body, respectively, this indicates that parents may have tried to align the chances of offspring from the very beginning, and give the second chick to survival. Thus, these experiments show that something that may seem at first glance, parental cooperation with the senior chicken can actually be a disguised genetic conflict of a child-descendant.

The diet of the Bolapio Olushi consists mainly of fish, they feed on the main fish, sardines, anchovies, mackerel. Sometimes they also grab batterfish in the air, if they are moving above the water. During hunting, birds dive into the ocean, sometimes from a high height, and float under water, pursuing their prey. It can be hunting as one by one and large groups.

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This funny bird, with blue legs, wears the name of the Bluegooga Olusha. It nests on the small islands of the California Gulf, in the west of Mexico and on islands located near Ecuador and Peru. In total, there are about 40 thousand pairs of these birds in the world.

The legs of this bird are not simple. Not only are they saturated bright blue, and this, you see, in itself unusual, so also warm very! And so warm that allow the bird to warm the eggs, maintaining the temperature in them in as many as 39 degrees. This is what's interesting: all other species of birds warm the masonry with their own body, and the Bluegoogai Olusha legs, the blood circulation in which it becomes especially intense. Who would have thought that blue legs could be hot.

Blue-eyed Bird Bird from Olushev family, inhabited in the tropical seas. In total, there are nine types of olheshes on Earth. These birds have the scope of the wings to two meters, but they weigh relatively little from one and a half to three and a half kilograms, and the males are smoother. Blue-eyed flashes with a length of 80 cm. Females are usually larger and heavier than males. Feet birds have bright blue swimming membranes. Distinctive feature of this species. Tail and wings are usually long and pointed. The plumage is brown-white, the beak is gray-green. The males around the pupils there is a dark pigment ring that visually increases their eyes. In the nesting places, their behavior in relation to people bold.

Glubbishaya Olusha nests on dry islands in the California Gulf, on the west coast of Mexico, on the islands near Ecuador and Northern Peru, but mainly in the Galapagos Islands. Of the 40,000 pairs, approximately half live in the Galapagos Islands, where the Bluebeat Olushi is protected by law.

The body length is about eighty centimeters, when weighing a half kilogram, and the females are a bit larger than males. They have long wings with sharp ends and a small neat tail. Also there are a strong massive neck. The eyes of these birds are located on the sides of the beak and look forward. They have excellent vision, and the eye color is yellow. Note that the males have a rainbow shell much brighter. Interestingly, Alush nostrils are always closed for diving, but they breathe through the corners of the mouth. The color of their paws varies from turquoise to light blue. What is interesting, in males and small chicks they are the paler.

Blue-like Olusha - a bird from the detachment of Pelican-like and family of Alsushev.

Exterior of the Blumpy Olushi

The body's length of the Blue Hoodie Olushi is 80 cm, and a mass of about 1.5 - 3.5 kg. The scope of the wings to 1.5 m. This species of the Birds of the male is usually smaller than the sizes.

Swimming meters and her legs themselves have a blue color, for which this bird received its name. Wings and tail are relatively long and pointed at the ends. White-brown plumage color. The beak is painted in a green gray color.

The eyes of males look much larger than the females. This is explained by the presence of a dark ring around the eye of the individual of the male floor. This pigment ring makes the bird's eye visually larger than it is in fact.

Habborish Habborish Olushi Area

The nesting of this bird is located along the western coast of Mexico, on the islands near Northern Peru and Ecuador (mainly in the Galapagos Islands), as well as at the California Gulf. Half of the entire population of Blue Olushi (about 40,000 conditional pairs) dwells in the Galapagos Islands.

Such a large number of this species on these islands is explained by the fact that the bird population is under strict observation and is protected by law.

The feet of birds have a distinctive sign, giving the name - bright blue swimming metering.

Lifestyle and Power Blue Olushi

Blindowy Olusha - Sea Bird. It is well adapted for life under these conditions. At the expense of his refigble legs, it floats wonderful. Almost the entire life cycle of this bird passes on the water. It is chosen only to arrange the nest and subsequent reproduction. At the hunt, this bird comes out at sunset or in the morning, with the first rays of the sun.

Olushi diet almost completely consists of fish, such as sardine, anchovies, mackerel, and others. Fish, as it is easy to guess, this bird gets in the open sea or the ocean. In search of the production of Olusha flies over the surface of the water with the beak lowered vertically down. As soon as the bird notices the sacrifice, she immediately folds the wings and, like a falling stone, rushes down.

Falling from the height, the bird dives to the depth of up to 25m. It is noteworthy that the hunt itself occurs not during the immersion of the birds to the depth, and when it is flooded. When hunting on bat, Oloshi do not even have to dive, she simply grabs it when she is in flight above the water surface.

The reproduction of Olush

The nesting period in the Golubean Olushi lasts throughout the year. One pair of birds can be up to three nests. The nest of these birds are equipped either on Earth, pulling down in it and exciting it by branches, or on trees or rocks. Neces, as a rule, are at a decent distance from each other.

The marriage season at Olush begins in July and lasts until the end of August. During this period, you can observe the fairly interesting and funny behavior of these birds. The males in order to draw attention to themselves and attract the female perficing intricate dances, exposing their own blue legs in various angles.

Then the male presents a symbolic gift in the form of a small twig or pebble. After that, the male raises the tail, intensely sucks the paws and raises the beak and the wings up. At the same time, a peculiar whistle comes from the male's goiter. All these exercises are called upon to attract the attention of the females like. If the female approved such courtship, the birds bow to each other, drove to the beaks and go together in a circle. This dance sometimes can be delayed for several hours.

Although sometimes the Blueboy Olushi falls with several features of the opposite sex, as a rule, they are monoga. The female makes masonry with a frequency of 8 - 9 months. One masonry lasts about 7 days, during which the female postpones 2 - 3 eggs. The incubation period lasts about one and a half months, during which both parents take part in the extension of eggs. The Bluebean Olushi, unlike many other species of birds, warmed the masonry not with the warmth of his body, and the warmth of his refigble feet, to which blood rushes.

Only hatched chicks are covered with white, and have a black beak. Within a month after the birth of chicks are unable to maintain body temperature at the required level. Meals during this period should be intense and regular, so that males are almost all the time in search of food for their offspring. Halbor's chronicles feed on fish, which their parents are pre-chew for them. In the event of a shortage of food, it gets the biggest chick. This increases the chances of continuing the kind.

Two and a half months after birth, young birds leave the nests and move to the water, despite the fact that they still do not really know how to swim, dive and fly. The young man is completely fascinated by only 2 - 3 years of life, and the sexual maturity of birds occurs in 3 - 4 years. The average life expectancy of Olush in natural conditions is 15-20 years.

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