Cowboy party scenario for Tamada. Cowboy Party

Scenario of a stylized party

"Wild West"

Leninsky Natalia Alexandrovna

english teacher

Isilkul, 2017.

The target audience : Students of senior grades of secondary school.

Props: Watman, paints, posters "Wanted.», « Saloon."," Room for cowboys "," Room for girls Cowboys ", invitation advertisement, 2 x flowers tape, tape, colored paper, woolen threads, rope, red wide ribbon,CD Discs, minor prizes, "Peace Tube", "Catcher of Dreams", Cowboy Hats, Vests, Boots, Tighters, Costumes Indians, Onions and Arrows, Toy Pistols, Two Horse Heads, Large Lantern, Drawn Cacti, Cowboy Figure in Human Height ( For photo of the day), musical slicing, recording of votes.


Cowboys, Girls Cowboys, Cowboy Joe, Indian from the Team's Tribe, Leader of the Tribe Tribe, Indian Temple Eye, Kenyti (Daughter of the Leader), Vikimek (Girlfriend Joe, performs the song), Santari (Girlfriend Joe, spends a quiz), fortune teller, helpers from visual Hall.

Event flow

Scene 1.

Texas. Evening. Saloon. Merry music sounds, cowboys are resting after a hard day, jokes and laughter. Suddenly the door opens, everyone calms down in bewilderment, on the threshold of Indian from the Team's tribe.

Cowboy: What do you need here? Are you immortal or two centuries identified yourself?

Indian : Let the one who kidnapped the daughter of the leader Akila from the command of the Team !!! I have a message for him !!

Joe: Well, I!! What do you need to lead?

Indian: Akil asked to convey to you, about the pale, that if his beautiful Kenyti will not return to dawn, the tribe will declare you war, and remove the scalp from each of you! Kenty must marry a dressed eye.

Joe: That's how! And what options no more? Maybe I can win in honest battle the opportunity to take a beautiful Keny's wife?

Indian: Wait, oh, palenitsy! I will contact the leader! (pulls out a mobile phone, recording a conversation with a tribe leader).

Indian: Higho, Sky!

Translator: Greetings you, about the leader !!

Leader: Narvi Kaya!

Translator: Greetings you, brother!

Indian: Joe Pohato Kaya Kato Kiya in Aki Ek Kinti.

Translator : Joe asks if he is in an honest fight to win the hand and the heart of beautiful Kenyty!?

Leader: Khan Iso Wang to Bakut Kiki.

Translator: Yes. He has such an opportunity. Let at midnight comes to a century cactus. I will wait for him.

Indian: Tack of mouth Didenka.

Translator: Ok I'll pass it on.

Indian: Genhable Akil gives you a chance, at midnight we are waiting for you near the centenary cactus !!

Cowboys soothe Joe: We will not leave you alone!

Indian: Wait! I will clarify the leader! (calls the leader, he gives permission to the command competition)

Indian: Higho, Sky!

Translator: Greetings you, oh, leader!

Leader: Nervi Kaya!

Translator: Greetings you, brother!

Indian: Joe Pooch NATO Ani Tim Kaki Sakak.

Translator: Joe asks if he can call his friends to help?

Leader: Bins ... .. Hot Ham Ethat's mouth Evdors end do.

Translator: Nuuuu .... Haroshro, let his friends bring his friends.

Indian: Outgand, Dalatar.

Translator: Well, give.

The whole conversation of the Indian and the leader sounds in recording

Indian says goodbye and leaves. Silence. Cowboys are encouraged by Joe. One recommends coming down and ask the Council at the fortune tapping.

Scene 2.

Daily and Joe

Gadalka : Why did it come?

Joe: I have a hard fight, I came to ask your advice.

Gadlock: Girl stolen? Didn't the school say that steal is not good?!

Joe : But, we love each other!

Gadlock: Oh, love, love !! You are driving a crazy head crazy! Wait, look at the "Fire Share".

Do not worry, show exposure and patience! And also all its theatrical abilities, the leader is not as simple as it seems, he came up with many different tasks for you, if you are not confused, then beautiful Kenyti will become your wife. And your friends will help you.

Scene 3.

Joe returns to Salon. Friends surround him, asked, the music sounds, the cowboys dance dance, in the background they change the scenery.

Music "Country" sounds, cowboys dance dance

Scene 4.

Forkown at a century cactus. Team tribe is waiting for kidnappers.

Leader, dormant eye and sisters Kenyti.

Leader: I watch not aged, then we will conduct competitions. What's your name?

Joe: Joe!

Leader: Where are your helpers? Temple eyes, call their own.

Joe whistling calls friends.

The scene appears fortune teller.

Temple eyes: Who else who?

Gadlock: I am a faithful assistant couple in love. And you, what, frightened?

Temple eyes: Not. Look how many helpers I have! (shows on the auditorium)

Leader: Here is my first test!

"MAKE LASSO". For this contest, you will need as much ropes as participants. The task of participants is that they need a lasso for themselves from the rope. The one who will faster will make Lasso, it must be delayed.

Joe and cowboys are one team, a temper eye invites those who want from the hall. Merry music sounds, teams are manufactured by Lasso.

Next is the competition
"Catching beast." For this contest will need Lasso, made in the previous competition. Before each participant, a chair is set at a distance of three or five meters. This chair will be a beast that the cowboys should drop. That is, the task of the participants of the competition is that they should throw their lasso on the chair and catch the chair. Ideally, if participants are able to pull the chair to themselves with the help of Lasso. One who is faster than the rest will drag the beast.

Leader: Well done !!! And cowboys and the Indians !! Go to the next contest! Give me purebred horses! Your next contest:

"Wild jumps." The game involves the "horse" and a rider girl. A couple that is faster than everyone "shotklock" before the finish line can get candy!

Sum up the results of the competition.

Leader: "EXACTLY" . Target and darts.

Sum up the results of the competition.

Leader: "Wild Dances" .

Participants are divided into pairs and prepare to dance. Although, to do it will be very difficult! After all, musical compositions must change one different in non-stop mode, and the participating couples must also react with the change of music by changing the partner. Moreover, there is one essential condition: partners of the initially formed pair until the end of the sound of the musical collage should not meet again in the dance pas.

Sum up the results of the competition.

Leader: Joe, you are really well done! A clever, bold, excellent rider, maybe you still can sing?

Joe: No, about the Great Akil, but my friend of childhood Vikimek will gladly fulfill the song for you.

Vikimek performs a song " Sweet. Dreams. " in English.

Leader: Okay. And there are no questions! But what can you tell me about our people?

Joe: And again, my school friend Santari will come to the revenue!

Santari holds a quiz with the hall, asks questions about the Indians, which correctly answered, a sweet prize is awarded.

Leader: Well, the last test, we will conduct a dance battle between the cowboys and the Indians.

It takes a pre-prepared battle between the cowboys and the Indians.

Battle summarize.

Leader: Well done, Joe. I allow me to take my favorite daughter Kenyti. Bring it here and I will give my blessing.

Joe leads Kinty, the leader blesses them. Kenty.performedsong "One Republic: Apologize"

Final incendiary pair dance "Country".

On issues of selected musical accompaniment panylenitskaya.@ mail. ru

The endless prairies, hardy horses, revolvers, lasso, chase on the Indians, sandy storms, gold fever ... The life of the cowboys is full of adventures and dangers that are so sitting down any man over 6 years old. Active and cheerful ladies will also be happy to take part in a cowboy party, demonstrating not only beautiful outfits, but also the accuracy of shooting. The main thing is to stock up a good mood and a sense of humor.

Decorating the room

Arrange a cowboy party in the country house. However, a bar or a private apartment is also suitable if there is enough space for active games and dances. To create the atmosphere of the Wild West, you will need:

  • Cacti. They can be both real and made of balloons.
  • Tedic horses and cows, pictures with their image, glued on the backs of chairs. Children can give sticks with a horses attached.
  • Lasso, toy weapons, walked around the room and on the hangers.
  • Wanted posters ("wanted") with photos of guests treated with the "Photoshop" program.
  • Adults will probably enjoy the bar counter with strong alcohol. At the doorway with the help of the Scotch glue the characteristic gate-shutters.
  • Cook the music in the style of country, as well as a rock-n-roll.


The most difficult task for the modern cowboy is to find the right hat. In extreme cases, it can be made of cardboard. The remaining attributes are borrowed from the casual wardrobe. Brazier Rangers wear jeans, checkered shirts, sturdy boots, our shawls. The outfit can be supplemented with a dark vest, sheriff icon or a toy weapon icon.

Ladies in the wild west do not lag behind the cavaliers. At the same time, they can emphasize their femininity, put on another bright female image - a cabaret dancer. To create it, you need a catchy dress, a flirting hat, stockings into a large grid, spectacular makeup.


Table serving for a cowboy party is characterized by its simplicity. Lay the checkered tablecloth. With empty beer bottles, remove the labels. Use them as vases for wildflowers or candlesticks. The dishes can take a disposable, especially if the holiday passes in nature.

The main dish will become meat. You can bake a chicken, make chops, prepare a kebab. Various sauces, vegetables baked on the grill are attached to meat. For salads, use cucumbers, tomatoes, corn and beans. You can either taos. Chips, french fries and hamburgers are suitable for lovers of American cuisine. For dessert, feed ice cream, apple pie. Children's party is unthinkable without a cake.

Cowboys are confidently chosen by tequila, whiskey, beer. Like them and a variety of cocktails. Young Texans offer fruit juices, as well as tea with ice and real berries.

Choose a script

Transfer to hot prairies directly from the threshold will help the cowboy, meeting guests. It can give them cardboard characters of the sheriffs, on which their new names mean: Tag Joe, Big Ben, Charming Laura. After a short initiation, offer to arrange a photo session using cowboy attributes, weapons. Children take the manufacture of amulets from beads, feathers and pasta coated with acrylic paints.

When everyone gather, you can start an entertainment program. For children, a carefully thought out scenario of the cowboy party is needed. Otherwise, everything will end uncontrollable running and pistoles. The scene may form:

  • The competition between the teams of cowboys and the Indians, which will end with the smoking of the "tube of the world" (soap bubbles will be successfully replaced).
  • Finding the missing cows whom wild cootions have scared.
  • Dangerous journey into a red canyon, where the old Bill burned the gold found them (chocolate coins).

An adult company can look for fiery water stolen from saloon in the form of whiskey. To get to the target, guests have to cope with many tests.

Games for all

Guests of various ages can be gathered at the party. The following entertainment will help bring the following entertainment to bring large and small rangers:

  • "Goldmine". In the room hide chocolate coins. Throughout the holiday, guests will find them in the most unexpected places. As a result, the richest cowboy will win.
  • "Wild jumps." Arrange the relay. Guests must slip the distance, sedated the air ball.
  • "The most damage." In the apartment you can play darts or throw coins to the Iron Bank. On the street, arrange a tire from plastic bottles and shoot them from water pistols. Another option is to stew hot candles.
  • "Lasso". Learn to tie it up and arrange a contest for dragging chairs or sand bottles.
  • "Shoot, where the buffaloes!" Those present get into the circle, dancing to the music of the country. Hearing the word "shoot", they exhibit forward the index fingers on both hands. The team "Skump" means that you need to imitate riding a horse and the Cocanier hoofs. With the word "buffalo", everyone puts the fingers to the forehead, depicting the horns. First, the teams are rarely served, and then increasingly and more often, forcing the players to make mistakes.

Competitions for children

The cowboy party for boys and girls may include the following games:

  • "Treasures". In the sand zarrow coins and "precious" stones. Invite the guys to find them.
  • "Stamp". A lot of balloons are spread over the floor. Teams need to put on them with a stylist or seal. Two times marked the same ball forbidden. The team wins, leaving more conditional signs.
  • "Crossing over the precipice." One rope is placed on the floor, other adults stretch at the height of the shoulders. Children walk along the bottom rope, holding their hands behind the top. Adults shake her, imitating wind gusts. Completed falls into the abyss.
  • "Little rider". The contestants are awarded a horse on a stick (it can be built from the mop). It is necessary to slip the distance without hitting a single bow, and pierce the ball.

Competitions for adults

The cowboy party on which there are over 18 years old, may include gambling cards, the execution of an incendiary cannon and reaping hookah.

The following contests are also entertained:

  • "The most sober cowboy." Participants handate the newspaper on which they will dance to the music of Country. When the melody stops, the sheet needs to be collapsed in half. Who can balance the longest on a tiny piece of paper - the most sober.
  • "Waterfall noise." The sounds of falling water are stunned, so the cowboy must pass the following messages with gestures with gestures: "I found the golden vein", "there are many vigvamov, and there are no Indians," "I hunted the hares," do not go there, they shoot there. "
  • "Loche Riding". It is necessary to ride the horse on a stick and depict a cowboy, which carries around the wild horse, barks before his beloved woman, returns home after drunk.

The cowboy party involves insane adventures, shooting on targets, trigger dances and the excellent mood of all those present. A little effort - and now you have already turned into the heroes of steep western. Impressions from such a holiday will be unforgettable.

Would you like to be on horseback, feel the burdens and the recklessness of real cowboy adventures, charge the energy of the Wild West, learn the mystery of the ancient inscripts and dance the most romantic dance to the country style? Then this scenario of the cowboy wedding is for you!

Wedding invitation

The wedding invitation in the cowboy style may be in the form of a postcard, with a cowboy couple depicted on it, in the form of a cardboard silhouette of a cowboy hat, in the form of a toy colt with a cord-tied cardboard hat-card. The text of the invitation to the cowboy wedding style in the style of Western.

All names can be changed to the individual, suitable a concrete couple of newlyweds. Detailed description of the dress code or illustration of the costumes of the cowboy era - on the back of the invitation.

Dear friends! We're getting married!

In honor of this event, we got from the planet Harakum from a certain mysterious professor a wedding gift - one time and space jump. We decided to solve the mystery of the ancient Incas. We invite you with us with us (the date of the wedding) after the solemn registration (address of the registry office, time) to go in the 19th century on the Wild West and visit the ancient town (name of the cafe or restaurant) in Prairies, on the border with Indian reservation (address). To be on horseback and fully armed in our journey, do not forget to wear the outfit of the present Cowboy and his ladies, and you can submit the law in the face of the sheriff or enter into the ranks of brave Indians.

The journey is better to make a link, so bring your wishes and congratulations in envelopes! And the passage in time in time will be alaty rose.

And remember, behind each turn on this day surprises and unknowns are waiting for you!

Dress code

The indispensable attributes of the cowboy are considered: a cowboy hat, a shirt in a cage, a red cervical scarf, a huge metal buckle on the belt, jeans, boots with hound up the noses, lasso and necessarily Colt. Cowboy girlfriend in a stente dress or denim clothing, corset. The cowboy theme can be attributed to such characters as the Indians, sheriff, noble lady in the dresses of the 19th century and the dancer of the core land.

The bride and groom during the official part can be in the outfits in the style of the 19th century, and for the cowboy party change clothes: the groom is a brave cowboy (the name of the groom) from the genus (surname of the groom), and the bride performs the role of a beautiful spring flower (birthday and the name of the bride ) From the Indian tribe (surname of the bride).

On a stylized cowboy wedding party, you can use songs from k / f "Man from Capuchin Boulevard" and, of course, Country style music. The main musical instruments of this style - guitar, banjo, violin that will effectively sound in a lively execution.

Wedding Day Plan for Cowboy

Morning. The romantic meeting of the newlyweds in a beautiful place where their wedding photo session will be held. Official registration in the registry office.

Day. Jump in time and space. Picnic on a ranch or horseback riding on the canyon, Rodeo and other cowboy competitions.

Evening. Cowboy party in Salun.

Picnic on the ranch or horse row along the canyon

Guests are offered to change clothes to cowboy outfits, move to a good couple of hundred years ago, take part in competitions and taste a steak with blood in the spirit of this Western. The symbol of moving in time and space can be music and hourglass. The process of transferring time is better to spend before entering the ranch. Each guest dresses some accessory of the era and acknowledged a canvas bag where gold coins mined in competitions can be folded. Coins can always be exchanged for more valuable trophies from just married a cowboy couple. Everywhere to expose the ads on the city of Golden Fever and about the upcoming auction. At the end of the evening, Bartender Joe and Joe will hold a auction on which the cowboys will be able to take possession of valuable trophies: an exclusive Country music disk and autographs in love with a lot of luck, a piece of wild caothing skins in the form of fur slippers, a unique cocktail card from Cowboy Salun. Riders' competition and real genus can take place with the participation of the guests themselves or as a demonstration performance.

A dexterity and strength compete passes between guests: two participants get up on a long flat board, get a bag with straw and try to knock them down the opponent from the board.

You can organize a competition in knocking into a whip of cans, podfora throwing and in archery (toy).

The older generation can be cozy to stay in the chairs, under the plaid, watching contests. A sharp sauce, meat on fire, lemonade and whiskey are welcome! You can prepare an unusual cowboy dish in the boiler - Chile Kon Karna.

By 6 servings:

2 canned beans;

900 g of tomatoes peeled from the peel;

900 g beef;

4 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;

2 bulbs, finely cut;

1/2 - 1 tsp. acute chili powder;

1 tbsp. l. paprika;

2 tbsp. l. Sahara;

3 cloves of garlic crushed;

600 ml of chicken or beef broth;

sour cream, coriander.

The secret of cooking dishes is to thoroughly fry onions.

Cut tomatoes, meat on 1-2 cm cubes, season with salt and pepper. Heat half the oil in a large pan with a thick bottom and rolling. Fry half of meat for 10 minutes. to brown crust, get noise and fry the second half. Connect with bow, chili, paprika, sugar and fry 8-10 minutes. until golden color. Mix with garlic, tomatoes, broth and beans. Bring to a boil, stew, without covering the lid, on the smallest heat for 1 - 1.5 hours, until the meat becomes gentle. Serve with sour cream and coriander.

Everyone takes off the Masters of Sinematograph!

Cowboy Wedding Party

When the sun begins to sit over the edge of wild prairies, everyone is invited to relax in the saloon on a real cowboy party in honor of the wedding of the famous wild West couple. But not just fun and relaxing is waiting for guests. It was possible to attack the trail of the mysterious tribe, which is by the legend of the keeper of the secrets of the ancients of the ancient Inca, the owners of which the prophecy of infinite happiness promises. It is necessary to find this tribe and solve the mystery.

Wedding party decoration in Western style

Tree, leather, cacti, horses and whiskey - the main topic that can be used to create the atmosphere of the Wild West. You can put everything into the move: sign indicators on wooden planks, horseshoes, wheels from carts, horsepower breaks, cacti on the tables instead of ordinary colors. On the wall, it is possible to stretch the skin, which will be told by the leading individual legend - who will touch this skin of the wild Coyot, that all his life will pursue luck. As souvenirs, it is possible to produce fur slippers, stitched in the Indian tribe of fortunate from a piece of this magic skins of wild caothing.

Do not forget to open the synatographer for Cowboys and show a silent movie, for example, the story of the acquaintance of newlyweds.

In Salun, it is necessary to serve a whiskey with a wedding registered label and intricate cowboy drinks based on milk, lemonade and juice under unusual names: calves joy, calfed, cowboy soul, fire of Indian prairies, etc. In addition to the menu in a cowboy style, on the walls of the saloon, you can post rigorous jokes and jokes about cowboys.

Appeals to the bride and the bride exclusively in the spirit of the Wild West: The groom is a brave cowboy (the name of the groom), the Wild West's thunderstorm from the genus (surname of the groom), the bride - the beautiful flower of spring (the birthday of the bride and the name of the bride) the daughter of the Republic of Indian tribe (the name of the bride ). Newlyweds - the famous wild West couple in love. Newlywed parents can be identified and imagined as a sheriff and leader of the Indian tribe. The presenter calls for guests to use cowboy words and wishes in Western style: swing the bloodthirsty coyote, the main hat would be a must, it's time to dampen the throat, we wish you extensive prairies and fat bison, full of golden wallets, rich trophies, robust mustangs, rich ranch, fertile land, Green pastures, tubes of the world with everyone.

Parents meet newlyweds by a bean pie - a symbol of the house, fertility and a rich life. Newlyweds treat all the guests and invite them to dampen the throat.

Having been on a cowboy ranch, everyone plunged into a real cowboy life, but in order not to embarrass in our travel time in time, it is worth remembering some subtleties of the Western and Country world. Quiz on cowboy topics.

Pouring game

Why is Cowboy boot sharp noses and high heel?

The cowboys were parted by wild horses, and therefore was needed a boot with a sharp nose, which easily slipped into the stirrup, and high heel to keep well there.

What is chaps?

Leather jeans covers.

Why the cowboy leather covers on their feet?

Leather covers on trousers were invented that the spiny shrub and sharp branches did not tear up clothes when the cowboy was chased behind the bull in the thickets.

What color most often were cervices cowboy?

The neck scrolls were almost always red.

How did the cervoca cowboat used?

Typically, the cervical headscarf closed the face to protect against dust, especially when the cowboy was driving behind the distilted herd or herd. They also tied to wounds, hung up a broken arm, filtered through it water for drinking, defended her neck from the sun.

What is stehatson?

The first good hats for Cowboys began to do Sttson, and soon his name became synonymous for the word "wide-grade cowboy hat."

What is a backer?

Texas cowboy.

What is Styre Wheeling?

View of a single rodeo when the cowboy should fill up a young bull on the ground.

What is saloon?

Who is Rangler? Word is used for the name of the famous jeans brand.

Rangler is a cowboy, mastering the craft that looks at the spare horses.

Before starting cowboy competitions - games and competitions - you can read the message from the last descendant of the Siou tribe. Message in the form of various objects collected on the thread, bones, ponyras, twigs, etc. The test, the brave itself and the pure heart will be indicated to the secret of the ancient Inca. All guests are invited to help solve the mystery of the ancient Incas and proceed to the tests.

Hound the tail of the bull

The wall attacks 3 posters with the bull shown, but without a tail. Three cowboy participants are offered to attach tails with tied eyes. Before proceeding with the task, the participants unfold several times to confuse.

Throwing Tomahawkov

Competition with playing darts. The targets in the sectors are distributed ranks: the most damage, the most drunk, novice shooter, the thunderstorm of the wild west, etc.

Competition for eloquence and the best toast with fiery water

Congratulations to friends and relatives leader announces throughout the evening, as a competition for the best toast with fiery water in a cowboy style. Example: spacious prairies and fat bison to you!

Ostroagous Billy

Called 2-3 cowboys. Each of them has a tube for "spit" paper and pelvis. The most attendance of Billy will be recognized by one who will hit the paper in the basin more than a paper. You can complicate the task and link your eyes. You can use cardboard tubes and plastic balls from children's games for this contest.

Wild Mustang fishing. Lasso dropping

Cowboys are in one line. Plastic bottles are exhibited in front of them, which are planted with wild mustra. Cowboys are thrown in Lasso. Whoever caresses bottles with Lasso is the most deft cowboy.

Competition for the most passionate heart. Recognition in Love in Texas

Only married couples are called to participate. You can use the mannocks: who marked the Sitcene Anniversary - 1 year from the day of the wedding, who celebrated the paper anniversary - 2 years, who celebrated the leather wedding - 3 years, etc. If you pre-collect information about a guest, it will be more interesting and more actively pass the competition. Married couple harm to prepare recognition in the love of Thashsky to their spouses and use the words written on the leaves. Words: Mustang, Arrows, Colt, Rodeo, Salon, Cinematographer, Wild Coyote.

Competition for the best memory and the funniest legend of prairies

A drinking game between the teams - who will remember the anecdotes about Cowboys, Indians, horses. Special prize for the most funny of them.


Remove the cinema for the synemologist: reviving the anecdotes about the cowboys and the Indians. The lead or selected from the guests directed by shooting and chooses actors. Selected from the guests the costumes dress up actors. The operator shoots to amateur chamber. Suffler tells replicas. During the music pause, the film is mounted and the display is performed on the screen. All guests are issued memorable posters of the most famous Western, who gathered millions of dollars at the box office. For posters, the workpiece is used, where the names of the participants are inserted.

Competition is the most valid shooter

The task is to show yourself to the real shooter and the fastest cowboy. It is necessary to snatch from the Cobura Colt, twist it on the finger and neutralize the enemy. It is necessary to do this immediately after the signal and faster than your opponent. But to start it is worth it to practice well and aim. Cowboys issue toy colts with the help of a training, then present weapons - water pistols. As an alternative - to shoot not in each other, but by burning candles - who will sweep faster.

Miss Wild West Competition and Mr. Wild West

Costume competition. Who is dressed as a true resident of the Wild West. The prize for the most original costume. The jury is chosen from those present guests. Each participant in the competition comes up with a name in the spirit of Western and demonstrates his costume to the music of Country. The jury assesses contestants with applause.

The most active participants of all competitions are called by a friendly cowboy dance duel. The winner will open the way to the secret of the ancient Inca.

Cowboys compete in the ability to dance with a hat. Prize for the most original dance. For dance, you can cook a horse that is transmitted as a relay to the dancing. The horse is the head of a toy horse on a stick.

This scenario is a birthday in the "cowboy style" is designed for children from 6 to 8 years. "Cowboy" themes rather suitable for the birthday of a son than daughters, but some girls scenario with "shooting" and "Indians" will also have to do. According to the scenario, the holiday is held at home (in the apartment), but it can be adapted to hold in any other room or even on the street.

Birthday preparation

We invite guests

After reaching a list of guests who will be invited to the celebration, you can proceed to the manufacture of invitations that should be given to each of them in advance.


We offer print on the printer found on the Internet and edited using the WANTED Graphic editor ("Wanted"), which are often shown in American Westerns. It is desirable that instead of the photo of the criminal on each sheet, a portrait of a guest or a birthday girl in a cowboy hat was depicted. Under the image, you can write such a phrase: "... (name) is wanted to participate in the celebration of the birthday of the cowboy!".

On the other side of the sheet, you can write a few more suggestions, for example: "Quick (strong, dirty, white, etc.) ... (guest name)! 12/15/2013 (date of the celebration) You must come on the ranch of the heat (family surname) at the address: ... (address). Do not be late and do not forget to capture your gun and a hat with you! It is planned to celebrate the birthday of a dressed eye ("nickname" of the birthday party). "

However, you can come up with other original invitations for guests, for example:

  • The invitation text can be written on postcards, in shape resembling cactus, horseshoe, gun or hat.
  • To any postcard or leaflet, you can attach decorative elements associated with the "cowboy" topics, for example: toy sheriff taper (star from plastic), cartridge (plastic, but reminding real), feather (removed from the "killed Indian"), etc.
  • Invitation can resemble an ancient scroll, which can be associated with a beep and consolidate the toy sheriff icon.

Festive room decor and props for a cowboy holiday

The organizers of the birthday necessarily need to decorate the room in which the holiday will be held, because the "Cowboy Party" will not work without scenery.

Several advice on the creation of the atmosphere of "Wild West":

  • If the party is held at home, the signs with inscriptions ("Salun", "Bank", "Ranch's eye", "Sheriff", "Prairie") should be hung in the hallway. Read more about signposts below.
  • Horse - Here is the best friend of any cowboy! Therefore, the walls, shelves can be decorated with toy, painted, elbow, purchased and hang-maid horses, the floors of the rooms. Horses in the apartment should be as much as possible to make every child to choose at least one picture with a horse or one toy horse.
  • According to the scenario, eight toy bulls will be needed (read more details below).
  • To decorate the room in which there will be a celebration, almost any items are suitable, which are somehow connected with the "cowboy" subject: cacti (from balloons, real or toy), cowboy hats, horseshoes (toy), posters with image cowboys, horses, indians, prairies, canyons, etc.
  • Country music disc or ethnic native songs.
  • Cacti images that are drawn or printed on thick paper or cardboard. In addition to the cactus in the pictures, animals should be drawn, but not completely, but only partially (the impression should be created that this animal hid behind a cactus, so only his back, ears, tail, hooves, paws should be visible, but in no case No muzzle).
  • Polyethylene packets of brown or black (one package per guest).
  • Scissors.
  • Plastic bucket, pelvis or any other large capacitance in which you can pour water (for example, an inflatable pool for children).
  • Chocolate "Gold Coins".
  • Eye bandage from opaque material.
  • Colander.
  • Cowboy hats and neck scarves (pair per person).
  • Six bags of opaque material. On each bag is written one of the letters that together make up the word "cowboy". In each bag you need to put a "surprise", for example: in the bag on which the letter "K" is written, you need to put the subject, the name of which begins with this letter (for example: pencil, brush, candy, etc., you need to do other bags like other bags) .
  • Rope or Lasso.
  • The homemade "horse", which can be made from the chair, stools or buckets: for this, the "head" of a horse made from color cardboard, mane and tail from a pacular or artificial hair is attached to one of the above items. If the organizers of the holiday have a large toy horse (in the withers reaching the shoulder of an eight-year-old child), then she, of course, will suit the celebration much more than a chair with "mane".
  • Toy pistols (one per guest).
  • "Horsep Tail" - a piece of pacle, tied to the dart for darts.
  • The original "portrait" of a horse drawn on Watman: on a sheet you need to portray "Rear view", but without a tail.

Meeting guests and preparation for the party

Children in turn meets the lead (adult) and distributes them cowboy hats and scarves. Shows how to wear these things and tells why the cowboy needs scarves: "Friends, I'll tell you now, why the right campfock needs a cervice. The fact is that the cowboys will very quickly jump on their horses on prairies and canyons and hot sand lifts them in the face. The neck scarves cover the cowboys from the sand. "

After all the children put hats and scarves, they can distribute packages and offer from them to make cowboy vests with a bug. Before the children begin to manufacture, the presenter should show the guys how can be made from a vest package.

Master class: "Cowboy vest from the package"

  1. In the bottom of the package you need to make a slot for the head (centered).
  2. On the sides of the package (on the side "seams") you need to do two holes for hands.
  3. Next Action: Deciding, which side is the front of the vest, and with what a back, you need to make a vertical section to the neck in front of the two halves.
  4. The vest is practically ready and you can already even try it, but the bottom of the vest looks not attractive (especially if the package has handles) and it should be smoothly cut. Then the bottom can be decorated with fringe (making a lot of vertical cuts with scissors).

Council: The vest can also be made from the paper package. Children will like to paint such vests with markers, pencils or decorating stickers. Also, children will like the idea to decorate the hands and legs with temporary color tattoos.

Then already "ready-made" for the holiday, the guys leads in the living room or others. The room in which the table is covered. This room, children can easily find themselves and themselves, if they go to the other side, in which the pointer "Ranch's dusty eye" is directed. At the table, children can sit on the chairs "riding".

Scenario of a children's party in the "cowboy" style

During the feast, the presenter appeals to children with such words: "Dear guests! Welcome to the ranch ... (Name of the birthday party), which is also called a malicious eye! Today, this brave cowboy and our good friend turned 8 years old! Congratulations! Yes, by the way, I have a mystery to you! This morning Zorka is the eye of a dirty dirty cowboy Gave eight bulls! Someone can guess why he presented the bulls to the Zorka eye, and not elephants, for example? "

Ultimately (or thanks to the prompts of the lead), children realize that "Cow" (from English) is a "cow", and "Boy" (also from the English) - "Boy". If you combine two words together it turns out "Cowboy" - cowboy.

Leading: "Well done, I'm glad you still guessed! Unfortunately, all bulls fled and we can't find them, but I hope that the brave cowboys and the best friends of the roarful eyes will help you find them and return to the ranch! Seat horses! Just come up with the names to your horses (it offers to choose each guest one of the toy or drawn horses, which the apartment is decorated). "

Game: "Smelted Horse"

The presenter puts in the middle of the chairs (each participant, except for one, in a chair) and invites children to participate in an interesting game.

Rules of the game: Game by rule to all known ". The guys should drive the dance around the chairs until the music turns off. As soon as it happens, all participants must quickly sit on the chairs "riding". The player who did not have time to take one of the chairs - dropped out. After that, the lead removes one chair and includes music, and the children begin to drive away the dance until the next "musical pause". The second "round" and all subsequent are also held as the first, as long as one participant will remain, sitting "riding" on the same stool. This player becomes the winner.

Congratulating the winner, the presenter puts out and gives the children of one toy bull.

Leading: "Guys! Well done! Now thanks to you, we have one bull, and I know where the next one is. Indian named Sly Fox stole him and we must return the bull back. To do this, we also need to become tricky and learn to say one thing, and to do another: so we are confusing the Indian, and he will return to us a bull! ".

Game: "Confusion"

Leading: "Play this game is quite simple: I say what to do, and each of you does the opposite. Become one row and start. "

Lead teams:

  1. Hands to lower down (children should raise hands up).
  2. Hands raise up (lower down).
  3. Sing down (jump up).
  4. Bounce up (sit down).
  5. Pull the right foot forward (pull back the left foot).
  6. Pull the left foot forward (stretch back the right leg).
  7. Dilute your arms to the sides (cross hands on the chest).
  8. Cross hands on the chest (dilute to the sides).
  9. Press your head to the chest (back on your head back).
  10. Throw back your head back (press to chest).
  11. Pour the fingers to the "fan" (squeeze the cams).
  12. Turn to the left (turn right).
  13. Turn to the right (turn left).

First, the host reads the teams and tells children what movements need to be performed. He can perform these movements himself, and maybe just say the team out loud. Showing all 13 movements, it forms a circle from participants (as in the dance) and includes music. He offers to children to dance, periodically executing the teams that he will be pronounced out loud. Those players who do not cope with the task and do not perform the movements - reach out. Wins a child who will not make any error.

After the game, the host turns off the music and says: "Cowboys, how well dancing! I learned that cunning fox hid a bull on the ranch! Imagine what pinch?! Help find it! ".

The guys find a bull in the room.

Game: "Gold Hands"

Leading: "Cowboy! Now we need to return the third bull back, who stole the gold killer: he could not get gold and decided to steal the bull. We can get gold themselves and exchange it on the bull. Now we will try to learn how to mine gold. "

The presenter puts in the middle of the room with water with water (or bucket), and chocolate candies in the form of "gold coins" throws into it. Then he builds children in Shan and in turn, each of them tie his eyes and gives a colander, which they should try to catch as much coins from water tanks. At the end of the game, the presenter calculates the number of coins that each player got and determines the winner: they become the one who caught the most "coins". The winner receives several dozen "coins" as a prize, and the rest of the candy leads the leader and at the same time says to children: "Well done, everyone managed to get at least a little gold. Now I can exchange these gold coins on the bull. "

Game: "Animal near Cactus"

The presenter returns to children with the third bull and tells them: "The gold detector gave a bull! Hooray! Now our path lies through a wild prairie, where cacti grow and terrible predators live. Real cowboys should be aware that there is a predator nearby, in advance, otherwise the hungry beast can eat him or his horse. Now I will show the cards on which Cacti will be drawn. The task of each participant of this game, which is called the "Animal near the Cactus" - to see the beast, which hid behind a cactus, determine whether he is a predator or herbivore, and also guess how it is called. "

The presenter takes the card with drawn cacti and shows the guys on one of them. It can count (and record) the correct answers of each participant and, thus, to define the winner, which will give the greatest number of correct answers. At the end of the game, you can give the winner some prize.

What animals can hide behind cacti:

  1. Elephant.
  2. Hare.
  3. Giraffe.
  4. Deer.
  5. Crocodile.
  6. Cow.
  7. Tiger.

Leading: "Hooray! Congratulations! All coped with the task and now they can cross the prairie without a threat to life. But the fourth bull, which I also found at the cactus (shows the guys toy)! ".

Game: "Hats with prizes"

Leading: "Now I will need six volunteers. Guys (addresses to volunteers), fold your hats, please, here (the presenter shows hand to the floor). Imagine that while we jump on horseback by prairies, these hats fought with a strong wind. "

Rules of the game: The presenter tells children that in hats lie bags on which letters from the word "Cowboy" are written. Children in turns must guess what "surprises" can be hidden in them. If one of them guess that, for example, there are glasses in the bag with the letter "O", then he gets these glasses as a gift, and the hat holder takes her hat and puts it on again. Ultimately, all "surprises" go to the most intelligent guys, and the "cowboys" who remained without hats, again wear them.

Leading: "I am glad that such clever cowboys came to the party. I learned that the fifth bull hid on the balcony! Therefore, we should go to the balcony and search it there. "

Children with the leader find the fifth bull and return "on the ranch."

Game: "Arkan"

Leading: "Friends, tell me, are you able to use such a long rope that all real cowboys are worn with them? They guessed what I mean? Yes, of course, I'm talking about Lasso, which the cowboys could once be immobilized by the enemy or catch the runaway cattle. "

After that, the host shows the children, as the Arkan can be made from the rope (or shows them the finished lasso) and gives a task to children: they should try to try to drain the chair to which the head of the "horse" is attached from the cardboard, mane and tail from the packle (or toy Horse, if there is). Each participant of this game has three attempts. Win those who have all three attempts were successful.

After the game, the presenter gives the guests of another bull (sixth) with the words: "Guys, I am glad that everyone was able to practice the arcane horses today. And while you exercises here, I found the sixth bull: he, it turns out, stood here near and eating grass. "

Game: "Cowboy Reaction"

Leading: "We must return to the last bull ranch - the seventh. And I know who he has - at Sheriff, who counts on the fact that the brave cowboys will always come to his aid, because there lives a lot of defenseless civilians in the district. Today I showed how to use Lasso, I also think that all those present are able to quickly run and shoot apt. But how does the current youth react to the threat of life, and how fast will it be able to take the necessary measures in a dangerous situation? Now we will find out. Guys, we will play in the "cowboy reaction". "

The presenter leads children to another room, which shows the pointer with the inscription "Sheriff". There, he puts on a cowboy hat and attaches to the chest a sheriff icon (toy plastic star). After that, he says to children: "How everyone has already guessed: I have a sheriff. Become a circle, and I'll take this ball here (takes the ball and shows it to children) and I will become in the center of the circle. Rules of the game "Cowboy reaction": I throw any of you the ball and call some word. If the word is associated with something dangerous, then this ball is not worth catching, and if the word sounded is not connected with anything dangerous, then it needs to be caught. That cowboy who could not catch the ball or caught the ball when he did not need to catch - dropping out of the game. In the end, there will be only one cowboy with the fastest response. He wins. Let's start! ".

Sheriff can pronounce such words, for example: coyote, tribe, fire, fire, gun, explosion, grasshopper, horse, bison, cat, virus, gangster, tank, train, wolf, plague, ax, feather, eagle, frying pan.

After the game, the presenter awards a small prize of the winner and gives the toy bull to children.

Leading.: "What are all the same wonderful cowboys came to a party to you on the ranch today, a temper eye (addresses the birthday girl)! And now let's go and eat, because we need to return the eighth bull, we need to gain strength! ".

Game: "Disassembly at noon"

After the festive feast, the lead offers children to play in one game to return the last toy to the birthday.

Rules of the game:

The presenter forms two teams from the participants with an equal number of players and builds them in two ranks along two parallel walls of the room walls. Then the participants of both teams turn back to the rival rival ranks. Each child in his hands is holding a toy gun.

According to the signal of the lead (at the expense of "five"), participants of both teams turn around and suggest the pool of toy pistols on children standing in the opposite, in relation to them, Shero. Those children on whom did not have a blow - drop out of the game. That team wins, whose participants (or participant) remained the last.


Players are entitled until the host considers up to five, to change places in the rank of their team.

After the game, the presenter gives children the eighth bull.

Game: "Horse Tail"

The presenter hangs onto the wall or on the door of Watman with a horse "portrait" ("Rear view"). After that, he explains the guests of the game: Participants in turn, blindfolded, should take a dart dart to Darts tied to him ("tail" horse), and try to attach this "tail" so that the drawn horse finally I got a real tail. Wins the one who will attack the "tail" where necessary.

If these competitions are not enough - additional thematic games and contests can be found in the script ""

Such fun holidays are rejoiced and adults, and children, the scenario of parties is not at all difficult. And at the same time you can spend one thematic party for kids and their parents. Just the contests and menus will be a bit different.

If the holiday is planned to be held in a private or country house, great opportunities are opened. You can make it good to joke, pay, fry meat on the bore, which you will not do in the apartment. The perfect option for any company is a cowboy party! The main thing is to prepare thoroughly.

Decorating Rancho

If you have a big desire to make an unforgettable party, a little fantasy - everything will work better. Cousings of cowboys and sheriffs can be constructed independently. The rest of the scenery is also easy to perform with cardboard and paints! Make a stencil in the form of large cacti and transfer it to cardboard, then beautifully color gouache. Be sure to be a barnyard and large poultry. For coarse livestock, the boxes from the refrigerator or washing machine are suitable. Position animals behind a wicker fence, you can make it easily from the rod. For cool photos, you need to draw a poster with imitation of the bar counter and hot drinks. One of the guests are adjusted by Bartender. The scenario of the party needs to think in detail and write down to avoid embarrassing moments and chandeliers!

Western saloon

If the party takes place in the apartment, then there will be no problems with scenery either. Print posters with brutal cowboys, types of ranch and wild west nature. Arrange guests a real fascinating Western. Merry contests and a variety of drinks in a bar in a company with freshly prepared meat - exactly what you need this evening. Before entering the apartment, attach the area on which the photo of the invited with the Wanted header is hung.

Complimentary ticket

We now turn to invitations. It is easiest to print ready templates on the printer and enter names. But you can and independently make beautiful postcards. It will take a rough paper and slices of the skin or substitute. Paper can be slightly solved with strong tea, after drying it will be yellowish and uneven, make a fringe from the skin and attach to each invitation along the edge. Write time and place where the cowboy party will be held, can be coal. You need to deliver such a cherished ticket too unusual. For example, surrounding the cowboy costume, perform the role of the postman and give personally into the hands of each guest. Or use the services of the real post office and send by registered mail.

Start the notification of relatives about the party for one or two weeks, because they will need to prepare costumes! The invitation to the party should look intrigue, so that your friends wanted to quickly plunge into the life of the Wild West. Perform it in the shape of a cactus, a cowboy hat or a bottle of whiskey from Salou. Print invitation tickets to the printer, color acrylic colors and stick to cardboard. If all this is performed a little inaccurate and rudely - not trouble. Cowboys style party implies a little carelessness.

Music has tied us

Cowboys love good music. Therefore, musical instruments will be by the way. Light harmonica, grandfather, mandolin, guitar will complement the interior and give coloring the atmosphere. Cardboard ensemble in the style of Country will delight guests, but if there is no such possibility, cut out musicians from cardboard and place them on the scene. It turns out a great background for a photo photo. But what will sound for the evening, the taste of the owner and guests is already. You can turn on several cowboy motifs in the playlist, but it is not necessary to get involved in this genre. Choose the incendiary, dance tracks so that no guest is bored! After all, a cowboy party is the restless fun, laughter and mobile contests.

Costumes and attributes

All part-in accessories can be made on their own. But it is better to specify in the invitation card, which form of clothing should be each coming. Flawed old jeans, shirts in a cage, shawls and hats, leather jackets and high boots - at least something can be found in any wardrobe. Maybe someone from the guests has a wide belt with a huge blossom. Girls can create a more elegant image: shorts made of denim, skirts with a fringe to the belt, a shirt tied with a knot on the belt. When entering the house, provide each guest a bright gang or hat, you can cook each sheriff icon. Be sure to come up with guests new cowboy names, it will still be more interesting to plunge into this world full of adventures and dangers!

The presenter of the holiday should have a real cowboy suit. For him, you can buy a finished outfit. It can be Indian, sheriff, and even the faithful horse of the cowboy! The comic one will be the outfit leading, the better. After all, he will always be the center of attention and ask the tone of the party. Do not forget about small presents to guests who will begin to actively participate in contests.


For guests not to borrow from eating meat and hot drinks, arrange a good shake. Contests for a party must be thought out in advance and prepare an attribute.

Check, who from guests have every chance to become an oligarch. To do this, recruit water in a large pelvis and throw a lot of gold foils in a lump in a lump. Now, anyone will be able to feel like a goldfinder. With closed eyes, the participant must with the help of a sieve to catch as many nuggets as possible! After counting the winner, hand the chocolate gold medal.

Dexterity and endurance

The cowboy party is not a place where they are sitting calmly and lead secular conversations. Here begin the real adventures, in which you can show your skills and strength.

Arrange guests race horses. On two huge pumped balls, make the mane and the face of the horse - it will be the faithful hillocks of the cowboys! The best gymnastic balls with a handle or ears are suitable, where you can easily move. Now divide guests into two teams and those who will finish the relay, the first will receive a prize!


Well, what cowboy does not know how to contact Lasso? It must be checked as far as the valid and deft your urban representatives. Tie a dense rope and make a ring. You can drag everything that you like: a lush beauty, a cow and even a chair. With each stage, the target is moving further, reveal the most famous winner!

Particular competitions need to pick up both movable and calm so that guests can relax a little. Quiz with trusted issues will also be no extra.

Try checking the reaction from all invited. The lead says the word and shows what movement should be done, everyone repeats after it. With each word, he is trying to confuse participants. With the word "sheriff", you need to grab a pistol from the holster, the word "storm" - close the face with a handkerchief. Come up with some interesting movements and repeat them alternately, inattentive participants are confused and quickly come out of the game. The most careful of guests will remain!

Bull for horns

Parties for adults are usually held very fun and moving. Arrange friends true Rodeo. To do this, you will need to make an angry bull. Log or a thick board to laid on the chairs on the edges. In the middle bed plaid in the form of a seat. Share players for two teams. The first sits on a log and keeps behind it with all parts of the body as hard as possible. But the second team begins to rock the log, trying to throw the opponents! It will be very funny competition, but such actions are better carried out in the fresh air. Then the teams change places, and the fun begins again.

Water treatments

If a cowboy party takes place on the street in the hot season, you can arrange water fights. Purchase several water toy pistols and prepare pure large containers. Dial buckets or tanks with clean water and you can start the shelling. Players will be divided into two teams and remember childhood, having fun shaking out in the fresh air. Wins the thinnest team.

If there is no losing to guests, you can shoot from water weapons to banks. Make scenery for a real cowboy tire, you can stick a photo of criminals on banks, and the shooting will be a formidable sheriff.

Like it or not

At the party where close friends are present, you can spend an interesting competition - "Like - I don't like it." The lead asks for the circle of each guest, which he likes in his neighbor on the table. When everyone expressed their views, the presenter proposes to kiss the place that the neighbor likes. And then on the contrary, bite what's not like! It turns out very fun, but it is better to carry out such an action for the very end of the feast, when the guests disappeared all embarrassment and the team rods.

Merry Doika

Cowboys are noble cattle breeders. Invite them to make a cow, let them show their abilities in handles with horned girlfriends. Take three rubber gloves and pour holes in each finger. Pour into the glove of water and distribute to the participants. The one who is over the most water is the winner. You can hand it as a present of a liter of milk! The more participants, the more interesting to watch them. Especially if the male workers are men. For a comedan, they give them bright jams and put on the aprons. Such a contest can be held both in the house and on the street.

Have fun from the soul! And to the party it turned out to be memorable and bright, just attach a little effort. Pick up the costumes and attributes in advance, send invitations to friends. Prepare presents to the winners, even if the budget does not allow you to buy something worthwhile, lollipops are suitable for chopsticks and chocolate medals! Competitions, quizzes, tasty meat on the fire and sea of \u200b\u200bpositive - this is the motto of the cowboy party! Rejoice in holidays, like children, and create a perky atmosphere at your celebration.

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