Power Eye Energy: Myths and Facts. Blue eyes Beautiful pictures on avu for girls blue-eyed

The eyes are what attracts in a person first. It is believed that they are a mirror of the soul, a kind of reflection of the inner world of a person. And it is true.

It's not just that you can read the true emotions of a person, but also in the fact that in one color of them we can say a lot about the character. For example, let's look at blue eyes - one of the rarest colors in people.

general characteristics

Blue-eyed people appeared in our world relatively recently - only about ten thousand years ago, what studies say. It was a very rare change in the human genome, which allowed in the future such a variety of shades. First time all people were carboylase.

It is believed that people with this color eye are very cold people. And, indeed, they can be cruel and emotional. But this applies only to specific situations. Actually, blue eye eye talks about dreaminess and romance. In childhood, guys and girls, with such eyes, read in stories about the wonders and excellent accomplishments. However, these hobbies are preserved until the oldest.

Blue eye holders are distinguished by inconstancy of emotions. It seems that they just have fun at the festival, and at the next second they are already looking at others with longing and sadness, thinking about something sad.

Impulsiveness is generally the main characteristic of such people. They always act unexpectedly, as if on their own. And, quite often it brings them success. In the same cases, when they connect logic and calculation, their achievements become truly phenomenal, as they can take an unexpected, but the only correct solution in difficult situations.

It is all the above makes out of people with blue eyes of creators. The whole world is their cloth for creativity, on which they write their unusual fate. It is them, most often, the unusual ideas are captured, which they embody with enviable persistence.

Their perseverance occurs from the fact that they rarely accompany the blind luck, such people just achieve themselves, through stubborn labor. They should not count on winnings in the lottery, on an unexpected gift of fate. However, this is not an occasion to be upset - they are able to achieve on their own, about what the dambier of fate is able to only dream of.

The attitude of others is played in this not the latter role. G. olubye eyes look cold, emotional, although not as gray. Because of this, people often see blue-eyed dry, cruel people and those unwillingly, begin to behave this way.

In girls

A woman with blue eyes is always in the center of attention. She loves and knows how to flirt, although it can forget that their flirting is wounded. However, even the awareness of this fact changes little - flirting for a girl with blue eyes is natural and can even be unconscious.

Such girls are very dreamed and from childhood waiting for a miracle, a prince on a white horse. However, than they are older, the more guided by logic in choosing a potential satellite of life. And, with their stubbornness and unusual decisions, they find an ideal partner who, to surprise others, turns into the most prince.

Do not forget that the girls are, softer guys. And even girls with thy color and are completely distinguished by excessive virtue. Unfortunately, the surrounding feel their good and responsiveness than and use. However, if a woman with blue eyes feel that it is used, then the consequences will be very terrible.

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In guys

Men who have blue eyes, very easy and naive all their lives. In fact, we can say that these are children who never grow up. In this, they differ little from blue-eyed girls. However, if the woman is still saying goodness for the impermanence of mood and whim, then men do not come together with men. Such representatives of strong sex are considered non-permanent, unreliable.

Despite such a characteristic, the blue-eyed man is very faithful if he meets the very, the only woman. They are always alielomba and no windiness, although it is difficult to find a guy with such eyes.

Like all owners of blue eyes, they are very stubborn and responsible, which makes them excellent workers. They successfully build a career, even if their path to the top is a crimson and a thorny. But, always achieve success, occupying high positions and soaring on laurels in old age.

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It is believed that blue eyes are associated with sky or water. And, like these elements, owners of blue eye bending and changeable. They are easily adjusted for new circumstances, leaving behind the rest. However, as characteristic of both heavens and oceans - calm can easily change the storm.

The hot temper among the owners of blue eyes is the usual trait. The situation complicates that all his anger they direct on a particular person who can not be very short from such a violent pressure. However, the girl and the guy with blue eyes quickly depart. Although, they do not forget the betrayal and the insult will never.

With the owners of large, blue eyes are associated with many interesting things. And, it's not only about their life here, but in general about the world. Here are just some of them:

  • Almost all people are born with blue eyesmi. Color saturation can be varied - someone can be as pale that are considered gray. At the other, the color of the color may be such that the eyes will seem black. However, at the age of three or four years, the eye color changes.
  • The colder shade, the hard man. As already mentioned, it is almost always connected with the attitude of others. Everyone suffers from such a relationship, who has a light shade of eyes, but especially men.
  • Blue eye color - deviation from the norm. Basically, the blue shade disappears from the eyes to four years. But if he remains, it gives great chances to the development of daltonism.
  • It used to be believed that the owners of blue eye are associated with magic and witchcraft, along with green-ventures. However, people who are fond of esoteric, now they argue that such people almost there are no ability to control thin matters.
  • Statistically, in men and women with blue eyes, the level of intelligence is slightly higher than that of the rest. So, the statement that the blue color means nonsense - incorrectly. This is true and in terms of hair color - blue-eyed blonde, no more than a myth.


Summing up, you can draw up the following description:

The character of blue-eyed people is complex. This can be said about guys and about girls. A man with such eyes is dreaming, but at the same time he is stubborn. This means that they can achieve their goals, even the most exotic.

If we talk about loyalty, then they are always monochrome. But, this characteristic is valid if they found their chosen or chosen.

Although, of course, you should not give the color of the eye very important. Eyes can really say a lot. But, you should not look into men's eyes and look for there cruelty, relying only on articles, like "everything about eyes" and "What the shades of the eyes mean." Everything is purely individually and depends on quite ordinary causes, and not from mysticism. All of the above really takes place to be, but these are only statistics that there are general trends among people.

Beautiful female eyes are always relevant. But their combination with a woman's hair color is an unsurpassed topic. Red, blondes, brunettes with the same color eye will look completely different. And from this interest in such a rating, like girls with beautiful eyes, only increases. We tried to provide our readers a list of the most beautiful women's eyes in the world!

Girls with beautiful eyes: 10 most beautiful blondes

Of course, girls with beautiful eyes are the absolute matter of taste. After all, it is impossible to unambiguously attribute someone to this category, and someone boldly cross out. Different people consider different types of eyes beautiful. Someone may like a person with Asian eyes, but at the same time another person highlights big and round eyes. A large subjectivity is connected with this, which is obviously impossible to overcome.

Elisha Cathebert - relatively low actress and model from Canada at 159 cm with bottomless blue eyes. She has a very languid look, which turns out and excites. He exploded the screens to a seductive role in the movie "Neighbor" and in the horror movie "House of wax figures", as well as "24 hours".

Jackie Ivanko. Charming American singer with beautiful blue eyes. It is their innocence and purity that conquered many fans. She has already released a platinum, a gold album and three Billboard 200. Her eyes complement the angels themselves, what makes the girl even more cute.

Cute Jackie

Twiggy or Leslie Lawson. Her eyes are absolutely stunning. She has a dark blue color of the eyes, long eyelashes and big round eyes. These big eyes can hypnotize. Twiggy eye makeup was, there will be very popular among girls. She is from London, and was the most popular face of the magazine Vogue.

Just incredible TViggy's eyes

Jenna Jameson. American web model with sexy look. Her blue eyes are perfectly suitable for her playful character. Jenna former porn actress film, which was named the most famous adult entertainment in the world - "Queen Porn". Even only her view turns and causes desire.

Jennifer Lawrence. She has a languid look that manits to himself. Blonde blue-eyed girl conquers male hearts. Known on the film "People X" and "Hungry Games". Oscar owner and many other awards.

Kristen Bella- American actress, singer and even producer. Bell played many roles and voiced not one cartoon. One picture from its projects is Veronika Mars, also in the TV series "Gossip", we heard her the voice of the Gossip itself. She is a little space-eyed, but this is what charmingly and unique in it.

Cameron Diaz. Speaking of beautiful eyes, Cameron Diaz is perhaps the most distinct eyes. They sparkle with heavenly blue, so they are difficult not to notice. They are too perfect to be real, and it seems that they are carefully drawn. Paintings with her participation that the viewers were captured not only by the beauty of the eyes, but also acting skills, just not to read. But it is worth highlighting "very bad teacher" and "Once in Vegas".

Miley Ray Hemsworth known as Miley Cyrus - American singer, songwriter and actress. Her beautiful eyes were remembered by many teenagers. She became a kumir of adolescents after the lead role as a character of Miley Stewart in the TV series "Hanna Montana" in 2006. After that, Miley had many world hits, such as the "Party in the United States", "we cannot stop", "ball ram".

Grace Kelly was an American actress. But he retired for love, or rather - for the sake of Prince Monaco Rainier III of April 1956. She had beautiful big and gullible eyes. Grace Kelly is beautiful. And it was considered a cult actress of his time, leaving the trail and in all cinematographic history.

Charlize Theron. Only one look into her eyes, and you understand that they lost forever. Shape, color of pupils and attractive appearance - everything is perfect! Charlize Theron is known not only with bright roles in the cinema, but also with their refined eyes. Her beautiful green eyes are perhaps the most seductive eyes in the world. They were always the subject of admiration and criticism.

Charlize Theron

Girls with beautiful eyes: 10 most beautiful brunettes

Of course, dark-haired girls with beautiful eyes occupy a mandatory honorary place of our rating.

Mila Kunis. Incredibly beautiful, talented and charismatic American actress, originally from Ukraine. It has large bottomless eyes, in which you can drown. But beauty is not always hidden behind the screen of ideality. The uniqueness of Cunis is in her eyes - she has heterochromium since childhood. That is, the rainbow shells have different colors - its left eye is light brown, and the right eye is green. She also suffered from chronic Irita, which caused her blindness in one eye. Nevertheless, her eyes can make any guy fall on her knees.

Ann Hataway. From the princess and girlfriends of the bride to seductive beauty from the latest films "8 friends of Osuhen" and "Sea of \u200b\u200bSladen". The beauty of Ann Hathaway, one of the brightest Persons of Hollywood, over the years is only revealed. And recently, it collects many questions of interest - because it has not changed practically for decades. Only its brown eyes remain unchanged, in combination with contrastingly pale skin than and allocate it among other actresses.


Rihanna or Robin Rihanna Fenty - American pop singer of Barbados origin, born in St. Michael and grew up in Bridgetown. Incredibly beautiful black girl with amazingly beautiful green eyes. It is with such a combination of nothing and no one can compare!

W. Megan Fox Charming pair of blue eyes. Efficiency increases its appearance and dark hair itself, making eyes more expressive. The seductive American actress that broke into the world of Hollywood from the films "Turtles-Ninja" and "Transformers". Since then, the title of sexuality and style does not leave it!

Penelope Cruz. In this goddess there is nothing not perfect in the true sense of the word. It defines the beauty like no one else. Her eyes are dreaming, romantic, spiritualized and tell stories about passion. Her eyes are light brown and processed by God to perfection. Cruise remains the embodiment of beauty with her perfect brown eyes.

W. Keira Knightley Incredibly beautiful dark brown eyes, especially, in combination with the features of her cute face. Her eye makeup is mostly neutral and natural. But her view is always mounted and calling towards him. She is a very bright and languid girl, which is really justified by the title of his sexuality!

Keira Knightley

Audrey Hepburn. She is one of the greatest personalities in the history of American cinema. And she belongs to such wonderful films as "Breakfast in Tiffany" and "Roman Vacation". And it is also known for its beauty and grace. What is there, she is the original title of beauty and femininity, and the Makeup in the style of Audrey even now remains popular.


Elizabeth Tyllor. Elizabeth is a great actress with a stunning look and a dazzling rare purple color. Beautiful Eyes Elizabeth with pretty thick sexy eyelashes were attractive and unique, so they recognizable even now. Perhaps she is no longer with us, but her heritage, like Cleopatra, continues to live with us! These eyes could hypnotize anyone.

Aishvaria Paradise Bachchan It is the owner of the most attractive face with beautiful blue eyes. Aishvaria's eyes are great and they just fascinate the audience. She won the Miss World Contest in 1994 and is often referred to as the most beautiful woman in the world. Aishwaria Paradise is known for his exquisite eyes that reveal her beauty fully. Her eyes adore to such an extent that Ajan Coom is a British musician, wrote a song dedicated to her eyes and how much he is in love with.

Angelina Jolie. Angelina is great, and also has sexy eyes with a thin line. Angelion - American beauty icon and the most beautiful actress in the world. She represents everything that is beautiful and sexy at the same time. Everyone wants a piece of Angelina Jolie - someone wants her lips, someone her shoulders, someone her chin, and someone her eyes. Her eyes seem all perplex and full vitality.

Girls with beautiful eyes: 10 most beautiful red girls

Of course, red-haired girls with beautiful eyes are symbolic representatives of passion and love, so they are obliged to be in our ranking!

Amy Adams.- American actress and singer. This redhead beauty is very attractive. It is a laureate of two Golden Globe awards and received five nominations at the Oscar Award Ceremony and the BAFTA Prize.

Cute Amy

Michelle Mercier. The famous Angelica, which captured all the audience, regardless of the sexuality. She was and always remains a sexy symbol for many. And her eyes still allow them to dissolve.

Samira Said - Beautiful and talented Arab singer, famous for its attractive and magnificent eyes. Samira has one of the cunning views, which adds an emphasis on the eyes.

Beauty of the East

Linda Evangelist- Canadian model. The brightest image of the Linda is precisely with red hair, which so well emphasize her cat eyes. She is known to many, and her sexy look leaves men indifferent. Linda is considered one of the most advanced and influential models of all times and was presented on more than 700 magazine covers.

By the way, something of the campaign on Mila Yovovich

Bella Thorne. Annabella Avery "Bella" Thorn - American actress, writer, model and singer, released EP "Jersey" in 2014. Removed in the films "Mixed", "Dance Fever", "Cook". She has a very beautiful look, a little causing and honeying to himself.

Kristen Stewart. The actress from the vampire saga is simply stunning eyes. She has a calm and thoughtful look. In such eyes you can get lost. Fame to her came after the release of the series "Twilight". With her smoky and emotional eyes, she manites more and more fans.

Merry priest. Turkish actress and model known for their participation in the series "Magnificent Century". It is considered to be a cult beauty. And her beautiful and hypnotizing big blue eyes make her appearance even more dramatic. She has many fans worldwide.

Nicole Kidman - One of the most successful actresses in the world. The movie star decades blinds the red carpet path. She is over 50 years old, but it looks better than ever. Nicole is famous for its fire-haired hair, always combed to perfection, and beautiful eyes. It prefers shining, natural skin, mascara and a little eyeliner, ending with a tint of a brush and allowing his piercing crystal blue eyes to speak.

Emma Stone. Her acting skills may have brought her an Oscar Prize, Baftu and Golden Globe. But her most beautiful eyes attracted millions of hearts to her. Deep green eyes will not leave anyone indifferent and certainly will not be ignored!

Sophia Loren. Although at present she is more than eighty years old, her beauty remains untouched. Some say that her beauty is only in her eyes. Sofia has big round eyes, but it uses makeup so that they look like cat and almond-like. Her sharp eyes and an insightful look fascinated men from the fifties. Walnut shade in her eyes even more adds attractiveness. And her beauty complements acting talents.

Unrivaled Sophia

A view of a wild cat or a soft gentle look will always attract male views. Each person has its own preferences. Surely, you can highlight more beautiful eyes than those listed here. But these girls with beautiful eyes deserve big attention!

Video: Girls with the most beautiful eyes

Each color of the eyes has its own unique characteristics. It depends on it, intelligence, presence of extrasensory abilities and much more. Eyes - not only the mirror of the soul, but also the window into the inner world.

The energy of blue eyes is unique, and also straightened from the energy of other colors. You probably noticed that with such people it is often very pleasant to be nearby. It seems that they cannot deceive and cannot wish to people evil. Blue eyes are a reference to beauty in many countries of the modern world, which is not surprising, for they are really quite beautiful, and not only in women, but also in men.

Myths and facts about blue-eyed people

Blue eyes have always been and will be the object of conversations of girls who dream about changing the color of the eyes. Now, in the modern world, contact lenses can be changed to any of us, but they will not be able to change the essence of a person, his inner world.

  • Blue eyes were always a myth. In fact, blue eyes, according to scientists, appeared about 10,000 years ago. A person was born with a special mutation leading to the same eyes become blue. Before that, there were only carbohylase people, but the era of "multicolor" came exactly then. All blue-eyed people in the world have the very gene that distinguishes them from all others.
  • Blue-eyed people are demanding - this is true. They are always waiting for help and take it as proper, not thanks to friends and close people properly.
  • Blue eyes most often found in people living in the north - this is also true. The fact is that the light sensitivity of the blue-eyed people is an order of magnitude higher than in green-eyed or carareg. Thus, nature did so that most people with blue eyes are born in northern latitudes.
  • People with blue eyes are deprived of extrasensory abilities - this is partly the truth. The best magicians and psychics are carbonous. Green-eyed people wise and have a well-developed sixth sense, and blue-eyed almost deprived of special abilities.
  • Blue-eyed people stupid are complete nonsense. Intellect does not depend on the color of the eyes.
  • Blue-eyed people often fall in love - this is true. In addition to the fact that they love someone very easily, it is worth noting the fact that they often change their partners without seeing no of their guilt. But still remember that statistics often leave in front of real life.

Power engineering and character of blue eyes

The human energy in the color of the eye is determined very easily. If you have a blue-eyed man or blue-eyed woman, then you know that in the energy plan they are very contrasting. Their strength is not high, but they are all guided by concrete people in specific moments. So you always recognize that this man or woman is upset, depressive, cheerful or are in a state of rage, fear and so on.

In its nature, these people are absolutely unpredictable. In communicating with them, it may first seem that everything is fine, and then, in five minutes, they can break into the room with shouts that they hate everyone. The mood is changing very often, which can be a real test for people calm and moderate.

Sometimes the owners of blue eyes are absolutely heartless. They are inconsistent, windy and hate routine. Dullness of everyday life just takes them out of themselves. Therefore, they better choose work with non-standard schedule. These are wolves in sheep skins, for such people are very romantic and dream of love. Alone is very bad.

If you decide to unleash the war with them, do not hope to surrender them. They will not stop attempts to destroy you until it stops breathing. In this regard, they are very constant. They rarely unfortunately forgive others, but they do not notice their own.

Blue-eyed people quickly adapt to the new setting, so in the new team they immediately recognize as their own. They are hardly experiencing trouble, but also bother with them too quickly. They know how to be distracted by something else and forget about failures.

Best zodiac signs for blue-eyed people, according to astrologers, this is: Gemini, Aquarius, Sagittarius, Scales.

Gemini are very smart and have a simple look at the world - what is needed for blue-eyed. Aquarius is very smart and multitasked. It can easily abstract from problems. Sagittarius is always dynamic and does not survive for the consequences of his decisions, so the blue eyes are always suitable for him. Scales are balanced, so the impulsivity of blue eyes is often muffled. The remaining signs will have some emotional disorders with themselves.

Read our article about the energy of green eyes to know what the main differences between blue-eyed people from green-eyed. It may be useful in love, business and just in everyday life for analyzing the possible character of a person. Good luck to you and do not forget to press buttons and

10.10.2016 07:12

The eyes are the mirror of the soul, but that in fact we can tell the color of the eyes. Rely exclusively on coloring ...

The eyes of a person give all his experiences and feelings. No matter how much it wanted to be imperturbed in unpleasant situations, but still eyes will give out everything that rages deep in the soul.

Eyes can throw lightning in anger, root, even if their owner is silent, grief, even if the man is calm, and smile or even sparkling with a laugh when a person externally remains serious. The truth is said: the eyes - the soul mirror.

And all this is happening because the whole organism is subject to man. Both Mimica and gestures, but only eyes are not amenable to anyone. They seem to live by themselves.

What is he, a man with blue eyes?

All who have blue eyes, people with a clean and sincere soul. They are big romance and constantly vita in the clouds. Their fantasies can be envied. In addition, they themselves come up with feelings and live them. These feelings they have the most sharp and therefore most of all they are experiencing frustration.

The only person who is impossible to understand even in the eyes is a blue-eyed man. His eyes are so deep and chicted, so attract attention to its depth, which the man is experiencing, no one notices.

The view of the blue-eyed man is so naive and penetrated that everyone with whom he has to communicate, believes him unconditionally. And the only emotion that such a person shows is a resentment. And at such a moment he wants to protect and ask for forgiveness to raise the mood to the interlocutor.

Blue eyes can be both hot and sparkling and cold as ice.

And if such a person already looks at you with a cold look, then you need to really try to deserve its location. Human offense, taped by a man with blue eyes, is lighted for a long time and is not forgotten for a long time.

Are people naive with blue eyes?

There is an erroneous opinion that the blue-eyed people are very naive and trusting. There is even a lot of jokes about this. But in fact, these are very clever people who only seem like this.

These people go ahead of these people ahead. But it is also impossible to call them as defined. Everyone happens in moderation.

If you combine all their abilities in one, then you will get an unpredictable person. Moderately calculating, moderately naive. Also in moderation is cold and moderately friendly. The emotions of this person are so unpredictable that his partner will never be bored. Because it is always not easy to solve this mystery.

History of blue eyes

Blue-eyed people cornea eyes are very sensitive and has weak light filters. For this reason, people who live closer to the north, blond eyes. And those who live closer to the south, possess dark corneals. Since Southerners are more influenced by sunlight.

Blue-eyed people big romance, dreamers and fantasies. Live constantly illusions. They look at the world through rose glasses. Blue-eyed women demand from surrounding constant attention to their person. They cannot live without flirting and caressing.

Such people feel deeply and worried offenses. If they are upset, then they remember this for a long time and practically do not forgive such a relationship.

Depression in blue-eyed people is very frequent and familiar to which they fall without visible reasons. Such people are like the weather in March, because their mood is changing so often that those who are not always surrounding have time to follow this.

But regardless of such inconstancy in the character, these people will never show their real feelings. Therefore, all their emotions look like a theatrical game. If a cold appeared in blue eyes, then this is a sign of what the soul is not much warmer. And at such moments from a person you can expect unexpected, even cruel actions.

But all these feelings are displayed only to those who are not sympathetic to people with blue eyes. Although of course they have no constancy with anyone. Today they love a person, tomorrow - hate.

By nature, people with blue eyes are very generous and honest. They are quickly adapted in any situation. In most cases, this color of the eyes is characterized by those who preferred art. These are artists, Actors Aesthet. They have their charm, they are characterized by charm and charm, and also, they are very sentimental. Such people are not only passionate in love, but also cruel in hatred.

If they love, then will give a lot of attention to a loved one and warmth, but if anyone they hated, then such enemies should be feared.

Shades of blue eye

To determine your color and shade of the eyes, you need to look good for the mirror. If the gray color is also notched to the blue color, then such eyes can be called gray-blue and such a person characterized by both colors of the eyes.

The influence of the blue-eyed person is added an admixture of love for freedom of art. Such people do not like implants. They need not only simple freedom, but also freedom of action.

But people with gray-blue eyes are too gullible and sometimes fall into unpleasant situations. And, despite the fact that they are repeatedly burned, they still continue to believe people, even those who were deceived.

The value of blue eyes

Blue color refers to cold shades. And so the girl's blue eyes, meaning - considered cold, and such people are heartless. But these definitions are not always true. Of course, blue-eyed people are distinguished by their cruelty and variability of character, but, nevertheless, they are also responsive and kind.

Blue-eyed people are not permanent in their attitude to others. Here they can be fun and cheerful, and at the same moment they change and become sullen and irritable. They are impulsive, but at the same time they can and logically think and make sure solutions.

People with blue eyes love to constantly change everything and everywhere. They quickly bother constantly. These are creators and thinkers, they are very talented. But meanwhile their activity depends on their mood. But in addition to all these people, in all of their lives reach themselves.

Girls with blue eyes

Blue-eyed girls love attention and flirt. They are always in the men's attention. They themselves tie dating, they begin flirting and flirting, and they are indifferent to them that someone can suffer from this or they hurt other people. These girls are characterized by egoism.

From the young years, blue-eyed beauties dream of a fabulous prince, but every year they become pragmatic and already when choosing their satellite of life, rely on logic and intuition. They differ in both kindness, which often leads to the fact that they are simply used.

But if only they found a betrayal or deception, then more such people they will not let themselves. Girls with blue eyes never forgive betrayal.

Men with blue eyes

But the blue-eyed beauties remain the children forever. Such men surrounding are not perceived seriously and consider them unreliable people. But meanwhile, these guys are very faithful husbands. If they love, for life. Although of course there are those who are constantly looking for adventures.

Blue-eyed guys are very fortunate in career growth, but they seek heights, "walking on the heads" of loved ones and friends.

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