How to establish a cycle using the “time factor.” Instructions for the drug time factor and its description Is it possible to lose weight with vitamin time factor

Before conception, many begin to take vitamin complexes to support the body. But choosing the right drug can be difficult. The “time factor” is increasingly prescribed when planning pregnancy. Reviews indicate that this is an effective drug. But how does it work, is it shown to everyone?

Planning a pregnancy is a responsible process. Both parents should check their health to make sure there are no diseases. The expectant mother is more concerned with health issues. In addition to being examined by a gynecologist, it is highly advisable to undergo general tests and visit a dentist. In case of hormonal disorders, the necessary recommendations will be given by an endocrinologist.
You should get rid of bad habits in advance and stop drinking alcohol.

During this period, reduce the consumption of caffeinated products, and also avoid hot baths and saunas. You should avoid stress and take care of your emotional health.

What does Time Factor consist of?

During pregnancy planning, they take vitamin complexes and various supplements that saturate the body with essential vitamins and elements, and also promote a speedy conception.

The drug "Time Factor" is able to regulate the female cycle and eliminate the painful symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. It contains components designed to improve the functioning of a woman’s body.

The package with the drug includes 4 plates with different compositions. Each of them has its own purpose of use, each should be used within a certain period.

Does Time Factor help, how does it work? Its effect consists of its active ingredients.

The first plate contains capsules that a woman should take directly during her period. They contain folic acid, glutamic acid, iron, rutin, and ginger extract. Thanks to this capsule, you can replenish iron deficiency in the body, as well as restore the health of the nervous and endocrine systems. Thanks to rutin, the condition of blood vessels improves, and ginger has an anti-inflammatory effect. As a result, it is possible to reduce pain during uterine tone and improve overall well-being during menstruation.

Capsules from the second plate are designed to regulate proliferative processes during menstruation. The nicotinamide they contain regulates the balance of hormones and eliminates anxiety and mental agitation. Broccoli extract helps reduce the aggressive effect of estrogen on the body, which is characteristic of this period.

Capsules from the third blister are designed to normalize progesterone production, relieve muscle spasms and soreness. The vitamin C they contain promotes the production of steroid hormones. Vitamin E protects progesterone from destruction.

The fourth blister contains capsules with extract of Vitex sacred. It reduces the level of prolactin production and improves well-being during premenstrual syndrome. Thanks to Ginkgo extract, normal blood circulation is restored and inflammation is reduced. Magnesium has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system. It helps cope with stress and neuroses. Zinc reduces sweating and prevents inflammatory skin rashes associated with menstruation.

"Time factor" - instructions for use (click to enlarge)

Does it help you get pregnant?

When there is a shortage of important substances, all systems go into “saving mode”: the body “thinks” that difficult times have come and it is necessary to conserve resources for survival. And when you have to survive, a child becomes an unaffordable luxury. Therefore, with hypovitaminosis, conception becomes problematic. "Time factor" solves this problem. A large number of reviews about Time Factor when planning pregnancy confirms that its use promotes pregnancy. It saturates the body with essential substances, which cannot always be obtained from food.

Those who were helped by the drug noticed that it “sharpened” the menstrual cycle. But it is the correct functioning of hormones throughout the entire cycle that is the key to successful fertilization. By normalizing the menstrual cycle, the likelihood of conception increases. The woman’s body begins to work correctly, it is ready for ovulation, and therefore pregnancy.

The advantage is that the product contains only natural ingredients and antioxidants. All components act effectively, they contribute to the normalization of each phase of the cycle, improvement of well-being and normalization of hormonal levels in the body.

In addition, the components contained in Time Factor protect eggs from stress. And the presence of folic acid helps reduce the risk of developing pathologies in the fetus during conception.

This is only a dietary supplement

But it is important to understand that Time Factor is not a medicine, but a dietary supplement. If you have difficulties conceiving, you need to undergo an examination. Perhaps one of the spouses has diseases that make it difficult to get pregnant. And diseases need to be treated with medications, not dietary supplements.

The “time factor” can only slightly “push” the reproductive system of a healthy woman. And the key word here is “healthy”. Those whom Time Factor helped to get pregnant did not have serious problems with reproductive health. Therefore, do not expect miracles from the drug. This is not a cure for infertility. It's just a dietary supplement.

By the way, many obstetrician-gynecologists fundamentally do not recommend that their patients take dietary supplements. After all, official medications are tested for safety and effectiveness. And dietary supplements are only for safety, and not to the same extent as medications. Therefore, in case of illness, the doctor does not prescribe dietary supplements, but only medications.

Application nuances

Time Factor capsules must be taken in a certain sequence. They are drunk daily for 28 days. Do not skip taking capsules.
If the individual cycle length is more than 28 days and the woman has already taken all the capsules from the fourth plate, it is necessary to pause until the next menstruation. If the number of days in the cycle is less and the woman did not have time to take all the pills, she should still move on to the first blister.

The duration of treatment should be determined by the gynecologist, but, as a rule, is at least 3 months.

The drug should not be taken during pregnancy and breastfeeding. But if you became pregnant on this drug and took it in the early stages, without knowing about your situation, absolutely nothing bad will happen. "Time Factor" does not contain teratogenic components (that is, those that can negatively affect the development of the baby).

Another contraindication is individual intolerance. By the way, allergies to artificial vitamins are quite common.

How to take Time Factor

The product is drunk from the first day of the menstrual cycle, that is, from the day of the onset of menstruation. The “time factor” when planning pregnancy is taken as follows:

  • Capsules from the first plate are taken for 5 days, 2 pieces each.
  • Capsules from the second plate - for 9 days, 1 piece.
  • Capsules from the third plate - for 9 days, 1 piece.
  • Capsules from the fourth plate - for 5 days, 1 pc.
  • The capsule is swallowed whole, without chewing, and washed down with water during meals. The recommended course duration is 3 months, but if necessary it can be increased.

The price of the drug is from 450 rubles. per package (38 capsules), depending on the region and the specific pharmacy.

The drug Time Factor belongs to the category of biologically active food additives (BAA). Description of the drug Time Factor contains information that cyclic administration of the drug, similar to the regimen for taking hormonal contraceptives or some other medications, appeals to patients and increases adherence to treatment. The dietary supplement contains vitamins, microelements and other components that have a mild effect on hormonal metabolism in women.

The active substances in the drug are distributed in 2 capsule versions, taking into account the needs of the female body in different phases of the menstrual cycle.

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    Release form, composition and manufacturer

    Time Factor is available in the form of 2 capsules (beige 530 mg and pink 500 mg) with different active ingredients. The instructions included in the package contain exact data on the number of compounds included in the capsules.

    The beige capsule (under No. 1) contains:

    • vitamin E;
    • folic acid;
    • rutin (rutoside, vitamin P);
    • iron;
    • glutamic acid;
    • plant extract (ginger root).

    The pink capsule (No. 2) contains:

    • vitamin C (ascorbic acid);
    • zinc;
    • magnesium;
    • indole-3-carbinol;
    • plant extracts (angelica root, chasteberry fruits).

    Until 2015, the dietary supplement was produced by the pharmaceutical company Ekomir under the name Estrovel Time Factor and included 4 types of capsules, a total of 38 pieces per package. Then, due to the change of manufacturer to Valeant LLC, the release form was changed: now the drug is called Time Factor and contains 2 types of capsules per package, 30 pieces of each type. The transition to a smaller number of different forms greatly simplifies the treatment regimen and makes it more understandable for patients. In new packages, the instructions include a description of the new drug Time Factor and its features.

    Indications for the use of dietary supplements

    The main conditions for which taking the Time Factor dietary supplement is recommended are:

    • menstrual irregularities (including excessively painful, excessively heavy monthly bleeding, irregular cycles);
    • severe premenstrual syndrome, or PMS (including swelling, mood swings, breast engorgement and tenderness);
    • pregnancy planning.

    Time factor does not apply to medications and should be used as part of complex therapy.

    pharmachologic effect

    Beige capsule (No. 1) contains the following components:

    1. 1. Vitamin E is known as an element that protects progesterone from destruction. Can improve the condition of mucous membranes, skin and its appendages (nails, hair).
    2. 2. Folic acid (or vitamin B9) actively takes part in metabolic processes, is indispensable for hematopoiesis, and normalizes the hormonal balance in the ovaries. It has a positive effect on the possibility of conception and successful bearing of a child, and prevents problems during the formation of the neural tube of the embryo.
    3. 3. Iron is a microelement that forms the basis of the proteins hemoglobin and myoglobin, necessary to ensure adequate tissue respiration. In women, especially those suffering from heavy menstruation, iron deficiency is common and requires additional intake of this element.
    4. 4. Rutin is a biologically active element that has a strengthening effect on the walls of blood vessels and prevents bleeding.
    5. 5. Glutamic acid improves blood circulation and redox processes in the body. It has a beneficial effect on the hormonal balance and nervous system, which helps normalize the disrupted cycle.
    6. 6. Ginger root extract - contains a standardized amount of gingerols, which have antispasmodic, mild anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects.

    Pink capsule (No. 2) contains the following components:

    1. 1. Vitamin C strengthens cell membranes, participates in the formation of sex hormones, and also improves the susceptibility of the uterine mucosa to gestagens.
    2. 2. Magnesium is important for the normal functioning of the nervous system. It has a calming effect, suppresses spasms, which helps reduce discomfort during menstruation.
    3. 3. Zinc normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, reducing the amount of acne and inflammation on the skin. Supports the functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems.
    4. 4. Indole-3-carbinol stops pathological tissue growth (including endometrial hyperplasia, tumor growth of fibroids, growth of endometrioid cysts). Helps with hormonal imbalance.
    5. 5. Chasteberry extract contains a standardized amount of aucubin, which can reduce elevated prolactin levels, which helps restore the normal duration of the luteal phase.
    6. 6. Angelica root extract contains organic acids that have a mild antispasmodic effect and normalize the secretion of progesterone.

    Method and regimens for taking the supplement

    Taking Time Factor begins with the onset of new menstrual bleeding (day 1 of the cycle). Capsules should be swallowed completely without chewing and washed down with cool water (hot liquid may partially dissolve the capsules, resulting in an unpleasant taste in the mouth). The recommended course of treatment by the manufacturer is 3 months; if necessary, the issue of prescribing a repeat course is decided.

    Dosage regimen for a regular monthly cycle of 28 days:

    • from the 15th to the 28th day of the cycle - 2 pink capsules No. 2 daily once.

    Dosage regimen for a regular monthly cycle less than 28 days long:

    • from the 1st to the 14th day of the cycle - 2 beige capsules No. 1 once daily;
    • from the 15th day of the cycle until the start of a new menstruation - 2 tablets No. 2 once daily.

    Dosage regimen for a regular monthly cycle longer than 28 days:

    • from the 1st to the 15th day of the cycle - 2 beige capsules No. 1 once daily;
    • from the 16th to the 31st day of the cycle - 2 pink capsules No. 2 once daily.

    Dosage regimen for irregular menstrual cycles:

    • from the 1st to the 14th day of the cycle - 2 beige capsules No. 1 once daily;
    • Unfortunately, this is far from a rare occurrence. Its causes can be either a hormonal imbalance in the body, or a modern unstable rhythm, poor ecology and frequent stress in everyday women’s lives. Vitamin and mineral complexes such as Time Factor will help restore a normal pace of life, and, accordingly, the processes of hormonal activity in the female body.

      Description and release form

      A biologically active complex designed for two-phase administration - “Time Factor” - was developed to eliminate disturbances in the normal course of “these days” in the female body.

      Important! The duration of the cycle is counted from the first day of the previous one to the first day of the next one. On average, this stage lasts from 21 to 33 days. If this turnover is systematically repeated without any significant deviations (28 days), then the middle of the cycle (ovulation - release of the egg) occurs on the 14th day. A delay of 2 weeks is either a sign of an onset or a serious gynecological abnormality.

      "Time Factor" is a combination of vitamins and minerals, Available in dosage form of two types of capsules: beige (or cream) and pink. The package is often sorted into 30 pieces of the first type, 530 mg each, and 30 pieces of the second type, 500 mg each. In addition, they are usually called: capsule No. 1 and capsule No. 2.

      Composition of the drug

      As we have already found out, the Time Factor vitamin complex is sold in the form of two capsules: No. 1 and No. 2, designed for two stages of the menstrual cycle. The first capsule is beige, and the second is pink. Accordingly, the composition of these products is different, therefore it is used taking into account the indications, as well as based on a certain stage of the menstrual cycle.

      Capsule 1

      Beige capsule 1 contains the following substances:

      • glutamic acid, which plays a critical role in protein metabolism;
      • (tocopherol), which has an antioxidant effect on the body, and also takes part in the biosynthesis of blood and proteins;
      • , used in folk medicine to treat any gynecological problems;
      • vitamin P (rutin), which improves capillary permeability and also prevents their fragility;
      • (the main regulator of hemoglobin);
      • vitamin B9 (), which has a positive effect on the development and normal functionality of the human circulatory and immune systems.

      Capsule 2

      Pink capsule 2 is a unique combination of the following biologically active substances:

      • Angelica officinalis root, which stimulates the production of;
      • vitamin C (), which strengthens the walls of blood vessels, strengthens the functioning of the body as a whole and its protection;
      • , helping to reduce stress and, accordingly, normalize the menstrual cycle, the disruption of which arose due to a nervous background;
      • indole-3 carbinol is a healing particle that normalizes the hormonal levels of women;
      • zinc, the lack of which can cause disruptions in the normal process of the menstrual cycle;
      • chaste essence (vitex sacred), which plays almost the main role in the production of female sex hormones.
      All features of taking Time Factor vitamins, taking into account the dosage and color of the capsules, are indicated in the instructions for use.

      Indications for use

      The main prerequisites for using the Time Factor vitamin complex are:

      • disruptions in the normal duration and regularity of the menstrual cycle;
      • hormonal imbalance with PMS (premenstrual syndrome).
      The drug normalizes rhythm and cyclicity, improves mood, alleviates the symptoms inherent in tension before menstruation, and removes the unpleasant feeling during menstruation.

      Did you know? Female representatives who live together (sisters, girlfriends, roommates, mothers and daughters) tend to have synchronized menstrual cycles.

      Thanks to the natural components considered below in the capsules, a brilliant result is achieved in normalizing the menstrual cycle:

      • glutamic acid is a long-established and self-justifying component of “cyclic vitamin therapy” used for menstrual disorders: by normalizing the general functionality of the endocrine glands, as well as nerve cells, the acid helps improve blood circulation;
      • (root extract) reduces pain during contractions of muscle tissue;
      • Angelica officinalis root (in the form of essence) restores the production process, removes muscle spasms during menstruation;
      • chaste chaste fruit extract (chaste vitex) promotes low production of prolactin (a hormone that has a negative effect on the menstrual cycle);
      • from the elements P, E, B9, C stabilizes the tightness of blood vessels, alleviates and eliminates the symptoms inherent in various abnormalities (for example, vaginal dryness), and also prevents the destruction of female;
      • (magnesium, zinc) have a relaxing effect on the muscle tissue of the genital organs, reduce excessive sweating, skin rashes during PMS, reduce irritability, psychosomatic disorders, and iron is an indispensable participant in the process of hemoglobin synthesis.

      Did you know? A high level in the blood is observed in representatives of the fair half of humanity with light hair color. This is probably why men love blondes so much, because an increased amount of female sex hormones means a large number of pheromones emanating from the girl.

      Instructions and method of use

      According to the doctor's prescriptions and instructions for use, the duration of taking Time Factor as a dietary supplement is a three-month course, starting from the first day of menstruation of the first cycle.

      Basic principles of taking the product:

      • dosage - two pieces per day;
      • beige capsules are taken initially, pink capsules are taken secondarily;
      • Take with food as a dietary supplement;
      • Do not chew, swallow whole with plenty of water.
      As for the normal course of the menstrual cycle (twenty-eight days), taking Time Factor is divided into two stages:
      • in the initial part (from the first to the fourteenth day) of the cycle, beige capsules No. 1 should be taken;
      • from the fifteenth to the twenty-eighth day - the same amount, following the same rules of administration, but capsules No. 2 are pink.

      If there are any deviations, other methods of taking the drug are used, taking into account individual characteristics. For those whose menstrual cycle regularly exceeds twenty-eight days:
      • for the first fifteen days (starting from the first day of menstruation), it is recommended to use beige capsules No. 1;
      • the remaining fifteen days - pink capsules No. 2, taking into account the same rules of administration;
      • You can start taking capsules No. 1 from the first day of the next cycle (the first day of the next bleeding).

      Did you know? The ideal duration of the menstrual cycle, laid down in the rules of nature, is 28 days. This cycle is called “lunar”, because in the lunar calendar a month consists of exactly that number of days.

      For those who have a systematic menstrual cycle shorter than twenty-eight days, the following schedule for taking the drug is established:

      • the first two weeks, starting from the first day of the cycle - two pieces of beige capsule No. 1 per day during meals;
      • two capsules No. 2 pink - from the middle of the menstrual cycle (from the fifteenth day) until the start of a new one.

      As in the first case, you need to start taking beige capsules No. 1 no later than the first day of the next menstrual cycle (despite the fact that there are capsules No. 2 left in the package).

      And the last way to help you figure out how to take Time Factor if you haven’t had your period for a long time, that is, if your menstrual cycle is generally irregular. In such circumstances, slightly different rules should be followed:

      • the first two weeks, starting from the first day of the cycle, take beige capsules as usual;
      • the next fourteen days are pink;
      • at the end of the second half of the dose, you can immediately, without interruption, begin to use the first capsules in the same quantity, observing the same rules of administration.

      Important! Indole-3 carbinol is known for its ability to restore hormonal balance in the female body and prevent the development of tumors. It is naturally found in different types of cabbage (white cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli).

      Contraindications and side effects

      You cannot use the Time Factor dietary supplement during pregnancy, lactation, or if you have an individual intolerance to certain components. Side effects of the latter contraindications may include:
      So, despite the fact that this is a natural herbal preparation, in any case (with or without contraindications), it is best to consult a doctor before using it.

      Moreover, since very often the female body significantly needs additional vitamin and mineral complexes before conception, many doctors even recommend the use of Time Factor when planning pregnancy.

      Thanks to the organic acids included in the composition, there is a reduction in the risk of development, as well as an increase in the expectant mother’s ability to bear a healthy and strong baby.

      Storage rules

      "Time Factor" must be protected from direct sunlight, and also ensure that the drug does not enter the digestive system. A dry place with an average air temperature of 25°C will ensure the safety of the product for 2 years from the date of manufacture indicated on the packaging.

      Thus, we were able to find out the composition of this miraculous biological supplement, all its advantages and contraindications for use, as well as the treatment plan and principle of action.
      In any case, before using the Time Factor dietary supplement, it is best to consult with your doctor, who will study the general clinical picture and the reasons for the hormonal imbalance or irregular menstruation frequency. Otherwise, the prerequisites for visiting a doctor may be problems more serious than ordinary stress.

      The biologically active complex of vitamins "Time Factor" will completely help you restore the course of the menstrual cycle, as well as alleviate PMS - of course, if the cause of the failure is not inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs.

      What is PMS and how to live with it? As well as other useful properties of the Time Factor.

      Let's start with the fact that PMS manifests itself in many girls/women. Those who don't have this happen, I just envy them :)

      What is PMS? This is premenstrual syndrome, during which nervousness and irritability increase. Some of the girls become overly sentimental and whiny. And someone is visited by zhor. The topic is quite sensitive, but I still decided to speak out. Maybe someone will find my advice useful.

      PMS is primarily a hormonal imbalance in the body. I’ve never encountered such a problem before. But after my second birth, I discovered that on certain days I felt like I was eating up some wild animals. I try to control myself, but every time it becomes more and more difficult.
      Of course, during such a period it is better to simply not touch me, but it doesn’t work that way - the family needs attention.

      My trip to the gynecologist resulted in me being prescribed vitamin therapy. A small piece of paper on which vitamins and other necessary medications were listed by phase of the cycle, which had to be taken for 3 months. I have already published this list on the wall, I can duplicate it in the comments if anyone is interested.

      In general, I began to selflessly take all these drugs. To be honest, it helped. But I was constantly confused about what to take when or simply forgot.
      With grief, I still drank everything that was prescribed and took a break for 3 months. Then it will be repeated again, but after a week I gave up on this matter. It’s annoying to have such a variety that you have to take at different times, and you don’t just have to drink something, you have to dissolve it.

      Having visited the female doctor once again, I asked if there was something simpler - some kind of alternative to such vitamin therapy. And, of course, she complained that I was getting confused and forgetting to take vitamins and so on on time.

      And she advised me to try taking Time Factor.
      The principle of reception is the same - according to the phases of the cycle. You just need to take one capsule a day, not a handful of tablets. All blisters are signed (1,2,3 and 4), so it’s harder to make a mistake. I listed the composition of this product in the description of the review topic, so if anyone is interested, read it; I won’t duplicate it here. Here I’ll just mention that the composition contains not only vitamins, but also herbal extracts.

      I will only say one thing that it is much easier and simpler when you get up in the morning, have breakfast and take one capsule and forget about it for the whole day. And the effect of taking it pleased me. I became more self-possessed again, stopped getting nervous over trifles, and began to relate to certain things more easily (constantly spilled tea on the children’s floor, endless crumbs, scattered toys...).

      This remedy also affects the improvement of general well-being (of course, all the necessary vitamins are collected there and everything is distributed in blisters according to the days of the cycle). So I began to feel more cheerful and cheerful.

      As a result, it turns out that Time Factor helped me normalize hormonal levels in my body, healed my nerves and improved my overall well-being.
      You need to take the full course - 3 months, then take a break and, if necessary, repeat the course again.


      Girls in the modern world experience heavy stress at home and at work, so their health is exposed to additional risk factors that lead to the failure of some systems. Time factor - capsules for women that contain vitamins and nutrients to normalize and maintain the menstrual cycle. The product acts as a prophylactic medication to prevent gynecological diseases. The drug will help the body prepare for this period and get through it easier.

      What is Time Factor

      This is a bioactive complex that helps alleviate PMS symptoms and normalize the cycle. Time factor vitamins are created from different compositions of biologically active substances that naturally normalize different phases of a woman’s cycle. It is important that the patient takes the pills from the very beginning of her period; she must drink them for 28 days. Saturating the body with useful microelements and vitamins helps alleviate the symptoms of this period.


      When purchasing the medicine, you will find capsules of two different colors inside. Each blister contains a certain set of vitamins and useful elements. There are certain rules of administration, which are determined by the composition of each pill. Some of them are beige, the other is pink. The first ones have the following composition:

      • iron;
      • vitamin E;
      • ginger root extract;
      • routine;
      • folic acid (vitamin B9);
      • glutamic acid.

      Pink capsules contain the following components:

      • zinc;
      • vitamin C;
      • vitex extract;
      • magnesium;
      • indole-4-carbinol;
      • Angelica root extract.

      pharmachologic effect

      This dietary supplement (BAA) consists of natural components that have a mild effect on the body. The composition of each type of pill has an effect on hormonal balance; a competent combination of the properties of the components in the drug provides the necessary result. The components of the beige capsules of the medication have the following pharmacological effects:

      1. Folic acid. It has a positive effect on metabolic processes, hematopoiesis, and helps normalize the hormonal balance in the ovaries. An indispensable element during pregnancy and the desire to conceive a child, it prevents pathologies during the formation of the neural tube of the embryo.
      2. Vitamin E is known for helping protect progesterone from being destroyed. The element improves the condition of skin cells, mucous membranes, hair, and nails.
      3. Rutin. This element has a strengthening effect on the walls of blood vessels and prevents bleeding.
      4. Iron. This component is a component of the proteins myoglobin and hemoglobin, which ensure adequate tissue respiration. Women who suffer from heavy menstruation often experience iron deficiency, which creates the need for additional intake of this component.
      5. Glutamic acid helps improve redox processes and blood circulation in the body. It has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system, hormonal balance, and participates in the normalization of the disrupted cycle.
      6. Ginger root extract. The composition contains a standardized amount of gingerols, which have mild anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, and immunomodulatory effects.

      Pink capsules have the following beneficial effects due to their composition:

      1. Magnesium is necessary for the correct functioning of the nervous system. The component suppresses spasms, has a calming effect, and reduces pain during the menstrual cycle.
      2. Vitamin C. Takes part in the formation of sex hormones, strengthens cell membranes, increases susceptibility to gestagens from the uterine mucosa.
      3. Zinc. Reduces the amount of acne and inflammation, normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Supports the functioning of the endocrine and nervous system.
      4. Sacred vitex extract. This component contains a standardized amount of aucubin, which reduces elevated prolactin levels. This fact helps restore the normal duration of the luteal phase.
      5. Indole-3-carbinol. Prevents pathological tissue growth, prevents endometrioid cysts, fibroids, endometrial hyperplasia. It has a positive effect on a woman’s body when there is a hormonal imbalance.
      6. Angelica root extract. The component ensures the supply of organic acid, normalizes the secretion of progesterone, and has a mild antispasmodic effect.

      Release form

      You can buy time factor tablets in an online store or pharmacy; the drug is available only in this pharmacological form. The package contains two 2 capsules - beige and pink. The first are available in 530 mg, the second - 500 mg. Inside you can find 6 blisters of 10 tablets each, capsules of 5 pieces each. in two rows, the middle is divided by perforation.

      Indications for use

      The medication is not included in the group of drugs and always acts as an adjuvant in the treatment of pathology using complex methods. The reasons for using the drug, as a rule, are the following indications:

      • pregnancy planning;
      • with increased prolactin;
      • pronounced and vivid premenstrual syndrome, PMS, including breast tenderness, engorgement, mood swings, swelling;
      • menstrual irregularities: irregular periods, heavy bleeding, excessive pain.

      When planning a pregnancy

      If you want to get pregnant, you can use the medication as an additional vitamin therapy. The components supplied with food are not always enough for the full operation of all systems. The medication contains only natural micronutrients and antioxidants, which helps to normalize the phases of the cycle, adjust hormonal levels, and relieve a woman of pain.

      For successful conception, it is recommended to take at least 3 courses of the drug (3 packages) in compliance with all instructions and recommendations for use. You need to take capsules every day without breaks. You should start taking pills from the first day of your cycle from the first blister with beige capsules. These pills are taken in 2 pcs. per day (5 days). Pink tablets should be taken 1 pc. (9 days), the third blister is used in the same way as the 2nd. The last plate is also taken 2 capsules for 5 days.

      Instructions for use Time Factor

      The medication begins on the first day of the cycle. The tablets are swallowed whole, do not need to be chewed, and should be washed down with cool water (warm water can partially dissolve the capsule, which will leave an unpleasant taste in the mouth). The course of treatment recommended by the manufacturer is 3 months. The decision to re-prescribe is made by the attending physician. How to take time factor with a regular 28 day cycle:

      • 2 beige tablets No. 1 at a time daily for the first 14 days;
      • 2 pcs. per day once pink color from 15 to 28 days.

      For a cycle of less than 28 days, the drug dosage regimen is as follows:

      • Days 1-14 – beige capsules No. 1 2 pcs. once;
      • from the 15th day - pink once, 2 pcs.

      Dose for a cycle longer than 28 days:

      • for the first 15 days, take 2 beige tablets once;
      • then 2 pink capsules once every day.

      During pregnancy and breastfeeding

      The maximum therapeutic effect is achieved when using the drug without interruption. However, the time factor during pregnancy is categorically contraindicated; it cannot be used during breastfeeding. The healing properties of the drug are not stated, but angelica root can cause miscarriage and heavy bleeding. In addition, there is no need to normalize the cycle during pregnancy, and other medications can be a source of vitamins.

      Side effects

      Dietary supplement time factor time factor belongs to the group of biological additives and is not regarded as a full-fledged medicine. It is sold in a package with an annotation, but you do not need to write out a prescription for it. The main provoking factors for side effects are personal intolerance to the components of the drug or an increased (allergic) reaction. At the first sign of side effects, you should stop taking the medication.


      • lactation;
      • pregnancy;
      • diabetes;
      • alcohol consumption;
      • intolerance to components.


      At the moment, there is no complete substitute for Time Factor. The drug has a unique composition and effect on the woman’s body. There are some developments that are similar in effect, but do not repeat the action of Time Factor. Among the analogues, the following medications can be distinguished:

      • Grandaxin;
      • Artemis;
      • Ipronal;
      • Bravinton;
      • Mylife;
      • Cliogest;
      • Gingerol;
      • Nervochel;
      • Vinpocetine;
      • Estrovel;
      • Ovestin;
      • Estrofem;
      • Relanium.
      • Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make recommendations for treatment based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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