Sumamed is effective, but dangerous. Sumamed - instructions for use Urogenital chlamydia, urogenital trichomoniasis

  • ornidazole 1.5 g orally once;
  • An increase in the number of segmented neutrophils in Trichomonas infection occurs due to damage to the epithelium. Damage to the epithelium leads to the release of inflammatory mediators (serotonin, histamine). Due to these substances, the links of the immune system are launched, aimed at fighting the infection.

    2. nitrofuran derivatives;

    There is no consensus on the duration of the incubation period for trichomoniasis. In the literature available to us, different data are given: from 3 days to 3-4 weeks and even 55 days.

    4. Examining your partner can help you get the right diagnosis.

    The most widely used, but not sensitive enough method in the laboratory diagnosis of trichomoniasis is the microscopic examination of native or stained preparations. When examining a native preparation, the pathological material is placed in a drop of warm isotonic sodium chloride solution on a glass slide, thoroughly mixed, covered with a cover slip and immediately examined in a microscope with a 40 objective. The best results are obtained by viewing the native preparation in a microscope with a dark-field condenser, since In this case, single and weakly mobile individuals are found in clusters of cellular elements due to the clearly visible movement of the flagella. In the native preparation, Trichomonas are characterized by an oval or round shape, the presence of flagella and jerky movements of the protozoa.

  • Desquamated epithelial cells;
  • Fresh trichomoniasis in women is determined by the nature of the smear from the vagina. If the result shows a large number of bacteria, an acute form of the disease can be traced. With a small number of bacteria, a chronic course, latent carriage can be traced. Along with urogenital trichomonas, other components can be traced:

    Fresh forms of trichomoniasis should include cases with a disease duration of up to 2 months with severe and moderately severe inflammatory processes in the human urogenital area. Chronic forms of trichomoniasis include sluggish cases of the disease (more than 2 months or if the timing of the onset of the disease is unknown). Trichomonas carriage should include cases when there are no inflammatory reactions in the body, but during sexual intimacy, urogenital Trichomonas are transmitted to healthy individuals, causing them to have a typical clinical picture of the disease.

    The first dosage regimen. on the 1st day, 2 tablets (0.5 g) three times a day with an interval of 8 hours. Then the daily dose is reduced daily by 1 tablet with the same interval. The total dose per course is 3.75 g for 6 days.


    Urogenital trichomoniasis is a widespread infectious inflammatory disease, sexually transmitted, caused by the protozoan Trichomonas vaginalis .

  • Partner infection control;
  • Nitroimidazole derivatives are synthetic antimicrobials that are used to fight infections caused by anaerobic bacteria and protozoa. The first drug in this group was metronidazole, which has been used since 1960.

    Metronidazole (trichopolum, flagyl, klion). It has a pronounced effect on urogenital Trichomonas. An important feature of this tool is its activity when taken orally; the drug is rapidly absorbed and accumulates in the blood at concentrations that are detrimental to Trichomonas. Metronidazole is widely used to treat acute and chronic trichomoniasis in men and women. The drug is available in tablets of 0.25 and 0.5 g and in the form of vaginal suppositories and tablets of 0.5 g.

    The clinical picture of diseases of the genitourinary organs caused by chlamydia differs from gonococcal infection mainly by the lower severity of the inflammatory process, the high frequency of complications and resistance to therapy. For women, chlamydia is the most dangerous, because it causes not only a serious pathology of the lower genitourinary system, but is often accompanied by the development of an ascending disseminated infection, the occurrence of pelvic inflammatory diseases, the development of infertility, infection of newborns. Most often and first of all, the cervix is ​​​​infected with chlamydia, from where, as from a reservoir, the process spreads to the urethra, uterus and fallopian tubes, to the internal organs. The incubation period for chlamydia varies between 15-30 days.

    Trichomoniasis - what is it

  • Direct isolation from the tissues of the patient (bacteriological method). Bacteriological studies involve the detection of chlamydia in the affected cells (clinical material).
  • Principles of treatment of trichomonas carriers

    Metronidazole- vaginal balls (tablets) of 0.5 g are prescribed intravaginally once a day for 6 days.

  • Leukocytosis;
  • Fresh trichomoniasis: a) acute; b) subacute; c) torpid;
  • Some doctors in practice have developed a step-by-step treatment of mixed infections. Initially, therapy is aimed at the eradication of Trichomonas. At the second stage, antibiotics are prescribed against the accompanying flora. This approach is not justified. Antibacterial agents are toxic to the body. With the wrong dosage, chronic infection occurs. True, the course of nosology depends on the state of the patient's immunity. In one person, under the influence of medications, immunoglobulins, antiseptics, complete sterility is observed. In others, several types of bacteria develop resistance to antibiotics, and the disease becomes chronic.

    Treatment of trichomoniasis: basic principles


    The main lesions in urogenital trichomoniasis are the urethra in men, the vagina and urethra in women. In women, large vestibular and paraurethral glands, the cervix may be involved in the inflammatory process. Trichomonas are found in the uterine cavity, in saktosalpinks, ovarian cysts. There are reports of a connection between urogenital trichomoniasis and pregnancy complications (premature birth, early rupture of the membranes, etc.). The clinical picture of uncomplicated urogenital trichomoniasis in women is characterized by the presence of an inflammatory process in the vagina and the vaginal part of the cervix. In the future, vestibulitis, paraurethritis, endocervicitis, endometritis, etc. may join, which is considered as a complicated course of the disease.

    Methods for the serological diagnosis of chlamydia are based on the determination of specific antibodies in the blood serum, as well as in the secrets of persons with or with a history of chlamydia. Interpretation of the results of a serological examination should be carried out in conjunction with an analysis of clinical and epidemiological data, as well as taking into account the characteristics of the serological test used.

    2. Is it possible to have a false positive smear result when examining men.

  • Antioxidants;
  • Treatment of urogenital chlamydia

  • Staphylococcus.
  • Main drugs for the treatment of trichomoniasis are:

  • Torpid (duration more than 2 months).
  • With fresh, uncomplicated trichomonas lesions, there is no need for local treatment, since general treatment is sufficient to eliminate inflammation. With torpid flowing fresh inflammatory processes and chronic forms of trichomoniasis, local treatment is prescribed. Topical drugs are used simultaneously with general protistocidal drugs.

  • Immunomodulators;
  • coccal flora.
  • Klion D (metronidazole)

    These agents act on microorganisms by disrupting their tissue respiration, as well as protein synthesis and replication of genetic material. All this allows them to have a bactericidal effect, that is, directly cause the death of bacteria and protozoa.

  • ornidazole 500 mg orally 2 times a day for at least 10 days;
  • Exclusion of alcohol;
  • Clacid (clarithromycin). In uncomplicated forms of chlamydia, 250 mg is prescribed twice a day for 7 days, in chronic forms, 400 mg once a day for 12-14 days.

  • Streptococcus;
  • There are several morphological varieties of the microbe. During the life cycle, the pathogen has the following types:

    After the basic course, maintenance therapy is prescribed with the following means:

    3. nitrothiazole derivatives;

    Sumamed is not effective against Trichomonas.

    Atrican (tenonitrozole)

    What and how to treat trichomoniasis

  • Gonococcus;
  • Immunostimulants.
  • Tetracycline drugs, macrolide antibiotics, rifampicin, josamycin, and fluoroquinolones have an etiotropic effect in relation to chlamydial infection. For etiotropic therapy, courses of treatment lasting from 7 to 14 days are used. Uncomplicated infection in men and women should be treated with an antibiotic. With sluggish torpid forms of infection, treatment, as a rule, should be comprehensive. In the treatment of such patients in a hospital, the appointment of an antibiotic should be preceded by immunotherapy and local treatment. On an outpatient basis, in order to prevent the spread of infection, an antibiotic is prescribed simultaneously with immunotherapy (polyoxidonium or cycloferon), followed by local treatment. In the treatment of pregnant women, erythromycin is prescribed 0.5 g orally after meals every 6 hours for 7 days.

    When carrier sulfonamides do not have a pronounced therapeutic effect. The most popular remedy is metronidazole (trichopolum). Anaerobic cocci are resistant to this drug, which is often a concomitant flora with Trichomonas infection.

    MedCollegia answers:

    Pefloxacin (Abactal). With fresh uncomplicated chlamydia, 600 mg is administered orally once a day for 7 days. In chronic - within 10-12 days.

  • Foamy discharge;
  • Laboratory diagnostics

  • Etiological drugs (imidazoles);
  • Both partners get sick even if microorganisms are not found in one of them;
  • 2. Gardnerellosis and candidiasis are inherently vaginal dysbiosis. However, they often change each other. For more details, see the articles Candidiasis and Gardnerellosis

    Klion D (metronidazole)- vaginal tablets of 0.1 for 5 days.

    With successful treatment with antibacterial agents, therapy is continued with antioxidant drugs.

    Drugs prescribed for basic treatment:

    Nitrofurans are synthetic antimicrobial agents that are used to treat uncomplicated urinary tract infections, intestinal infections, and infections caused by protozoa, including Trichomonas.

  • Species Ch.trachomatis combines microorganisms that cause diseases mainly in humans (anthroponous chlamydia). Pathogenic for humans Ch.trachomatis are divided into three biovars: causative agents of venereal lymphogranuloma; causative agents of hyperendemic trachoma; pathogens of sporadic eye diseases (paratrachoma, conjunctivitis with inclusions in newborns and adults) and urogenital chlamydia (urethritis, cervicitis, salpingitis, proctitis, prostatitis, epididymitis, neonatal pneumonia)
  • The commonly used method of serodiagnosis is the reaction of indirect immunofluorescence for the detection of antibodies (NIF). When conducting NIF, fixed purified chlamydia antigens are used, applied in the form of dots on glass. The applied serum of patients reacts with antigens of various serotypes, after which it is treated with anti-species luminescent serum. The test is sensitive, in many cases it provides information about the chlamydia serotype; it is advisable to use it in epidemiological studies.

  • Serological tests that detect antibodies.
  • Nitrofurans are used for the treatment of chronic trichomonas infection, as well as for the ineffectiveness of therapeutic regimens using drugs from the group of nitroimidazole derivatives.

    Tinidazole (fasigin, triconidazole, etc.). It is similar in structure and action to metronidazole. Assign inside in tablets of 0.5 g. Tinidazole regimen: 1) once at a dose of 2 g (4 tablets); 2) 0.5 g every 15 minutes for 1 hour. Contraindications are the same as for metronidazole: the 1st trimester of pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding, hematopoiesis, active diseases of the central nervous system. During treatment, you can not take alcoholic beverages. Blood tests should be done before and during treatment.

  • metronidazole 500 mg 3 times a day for 12 days;
  • An ascending infection of the urinary tract and kidneys (cystitis, pyelitis, pyelonephritis) may develop. Complications in trichomonas urethritis in men are more common than in gonorrhea. The clinical picture of trichomonas prostatitis, vesiculitis, epididymitis differs from that of gonorrheal etiology, which usually proceeds more rapidly. With a prolonged course, the formation of single or multiple strictures of the urethra is possible. In girls, urogenital trichomoniasis occurs with damage to the vulva and vagina.

    The result of treatment should be assessed by control laboratory tests, and not by the disappearance or reduction of symptoms.

    Mixed trichomonas infection is treated for a long time due to the increased resistance of microorganisms to the influence of pharmaceuticals.

    Urogenital Trichomonas come in three forms: pear-shaped, amoeboid and budding; the latter is less common than the others. The pear-shaped form is considered the main one, and the rest are intermediate stages of the life cycle of Trichomonas, which are unstable outside the human body. A prerequisite for their viability is the presence of moisture; when dried, they quickly die. These protozoa are also unstable to many other environmental factors: an increase in temperature over 40 ° C, direct sunlight, changes in osmotic pressure, exposure to antiseptics, etc.

  • nimorazole 500 mg orally 2 times a day for 12 days;
  • Yellow, frothy vaginal discharge. The nature of the secret depends on the severity of the pathological process. A small amount of mucus appears in the chronic course of nosology;
  • Acetate.
  • Nitroimidazoles can cause a number of side effects such as bad taste in the mouth and nausea. diarrhea. headache. allergic reactions, etc. It should be noted that during the use of drugs of this group ( except for ornidazole) The consumption of alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibited. This is due to the fact that these drugs block the enzyme acetaldehyde dehydrogenase, which leads to a violation of the breakdown of alcohol and causes the accumulation of acetaldehyde, which is toxic and can cause a number of side effects.

  • Decreased intracellular glycogen.
  • Nifuratel. Nifuratel in the treatment of a fresh infection should be taken at a dose of 200 mg 3 times a day for 2 weeks. In chronic infections, the dose is increased to 400 mg. Nifuratel is the first-line drug from this group, as it has the fewest side effects.
  • Ornidazole has the unique feature that it can be used in patients who cannot stop drinking alcohol. The drug does not affect the metabolism of ethyl alcohol.

    Trichomoniasis should also be classified according to the localization of inflammation.

  • torpid;
  • Solkotrykhovak- 0.5 ml intramuscularly, three injections with an interval of 2 weeks, then a year later 0.5 ml once. If there are indications, it is recommended to prescribe pathogenetic and local therapy. To establish the criteria for the cure of urogenital trichomoniasis, they begin 7-10 days after the completion of treatment using microscopic and cultural methods of examination.

    Learn more on this topic:
  • Direct visualization of the agent in clinical samples when stained (bacterioscopic method). Bacterioscopic studies involve the identification of the morphological structures of chlamydia in the affected cells (clinical material).
  • Total questions on the topic - 55

    Fresh trichomoniasis downstream is classified into torpid, subacute, acute. In chronic course, several forms are distinguished depending on the frequency of exacerbations:

  • Chlamydia are separated into a separate order Chlamydiales, including one family Chlamydiaceae, containing one genus Chlamydia, consisting of four species: Ch.trachomatis, Ch.psittaci, Ch.pneumoniae, Ch.pecorum
  • What to do if trichomoniasis therapy is ineffective:

  • Trichomonas carrier.
  • Desquamation of cells;
  • In women, the incubation period of the disease is 10 days. In men, it lasts more than a month. Symptoms of urogenital urethritis in the representatives of the strong half rarely occur acutely.

    Important principles of therapy for trichomonas infection;

  • All pills adversely affect the fetus;
  • lactate;
  • tinidazole 2.0 g orally once.

    Methods for laboratory diagnosis of urogenital chlamydia

    The bacterium is large - up to 10 microns long, up to 7 microns wide. The pathogen is able to change shape according to the state of the external environment. Under unfavorable conditions, the bacterium becomes oval. The usual form is amoeboid.

    Urogenital Trichomonas, caught on the mucous membrane of the urethra during intercourse, are kept in the first 12-24 hours on the surface of the navicular fossa lined with squamous epithelium. Reproducing, they spread like ivy over the surface, but do not penetrate into the cracks of the squamous epithelium. In response to the invading infection, active hyperemia appears, which is expressed in swelling and redness of the lips of the external opening of the urethra, and subjectively the patient feels itching and slight tickling. As urogenital Trichomonas multiply and spread along the mucous membrane of the urethra, they reach places lined with columnar epithelium in about 24-36 hours. With the involvement of the columnar epithelium in the inflammatory process, serous fluid seeps through the vessel walls, which loosens the connection between epithelial cells and connective tissue . The normal state of the vascular walls is disturbed, an abundant migration of leukocytes begins with their infiltration of the upper layers of the subepithelial tissue.

    The main drugs for the treatment of trichomoniasis are:

    Targeted antibacterial agents are prescribed after sowing a vaginal secretion (in women) or scraping from the urethra (in men). Until the bacterium is detected, broad-spectrum antibacterial agents (imidazoles) are prescribed.

    With prolonged trichomonas infection, other diseases occur:

    local treatment. With fresh, uncomplicated trichomonas lesions, there is no need for local treatment, since general treatment is sufficient to eliminate inflammation. With torpid flowing fresh inflammatory processes and chronic forms of trichomoniasis, local treatment is prescribed.

    With fresh trichomoniasis, the following schemes are used:

    A feature of the clinical course of the inflammatory process in chlamydia of the genitourinary organs is an asymptomatic and oligosymptomatic course, multifocality: urethritis, epididymitis, oophoritis, prostatitis, vulvovaginitis, proctitis, colpitis, cervicitis, endocervicitis, salpingitis, parametritis, septic conditions. The acute form of chlamydia with profuse discharge, severe hyperemia of the mucous membranes, with dysuric disorders and severe pain is rare even in men, and in women only in exceptional cases. Subacute and torpid forms are much more common. In men with chlamydia, examination reveals moderate hyperemia and swelling of the sponges of the urethra, sometimes the foreskin of the penis, mucopurulent discharge. In women, chlamydia is manifested by increased pain, pain in the lower abdomen and in the sacrum during and after intercourse, pain during urination. The disease often proceeds without subjective sensations and with minimal clinical manifestations or without them.

    Question: What antibiotics should be taken for trichomoniasis?

  • Itching of the genital organs during urination;
  • Josamycin (Vilprafen). In uncomplicated chlamydia, 500 mg every 12 hours are administered orally for 7 days; for a course of 7.0 g.

    Of great practical importance is the question of the classification of trichomoniasis. In order to prescribe the correct treatment, the classification, as in gonorrhea, is based on the intensity of the body's reaction to the introduction of urogenital Trichomonas, which is reflected in the clinical manifestation of the disease. From this point of view, it is advisable to distinguish the following forms of trichomoniasis.

    The first choice drugs are azithromycin and doxycycline. The high efficacy of doxycycline in chlamydial infection and its low cost retains its priority in the treatment of urogenital chlamydia.

    Urogenital chlamydia is one of the serious medical and social problems. This infection has become widespread in various countries of the world, and the number of infected is constantly growing.

    3. If I understand correctly, the leukocytes in the second smear are inflammation, again from where?

    For local treatment, instillations of the urethra with a 0.25-0.5% solution of silver nitrate are also used every other day with a 2% solution of protargol or a 1% solution of collargol.

    The diagnosis of urogenital trichomoniasis is established with mandatory detection T.vaginalis through laboratory testing. For laboratory diagnosis of trichomoniasis, scopic methods and cultural studies are used. Due to the common ways of infection, urogenital trichomoniasis is often combined with other sexually transmitted diseases, and therefore patients should be subjected to appropriate examination. In the case of concomitant urogenital infections (associations), their treatment is carried out simultaneously.


    3. We must look for a reason

    Penetrating into the urogenital tract, bacteria provoke the development of the inflammatory process. In practice, specialists encounter inflammatory changes in the vagina, an increase in the number of polymorphonuclear neutrophils.

  • Check sexual partner;
  • Furazolidone. Furazolidone is taken at a dose of 100 mg 4 times a day for a week with a fresh infection, and for two weeks with a chronic one. When using it, avoid the use of antidepressants ( from the group of MAO inhibitors), as well as alcohol, as this can cause a number of unpleasant side effects.
  • Candidate of Medical Sciences

    Doxycycline is prescribed 300 mg at the first dose, and then 100 mg every 6 hours. The total dose in the treatment of uncomplicated trichomoniasis should be 500 mg, and 1 gram in the treatment of complicated.

    In patients with urogenital chlamydia, especially with its prolonged, recurrent course, repeated or irrational use of antimicrobials, violations of the intestinal microbiocenosis are detected, which in turn negatively affects the course of physiological processes and the reactivity of the body.

    4. tetracyclines.

    Trichomoniasis is a multifocal infection. List of organs that are affected by Trichomonas:

    Symptoms of urogenital trichomoniasis occur due to the multifocal lesions of the paraurethral passages, cervix, vagina. Cases of trichomonas salpingitis, urethritis are accompanied by bacterial infection of internal organs.

    According to the second scheme appoint 0.25 g twice a day with an interval of 12 hours; this scheme provides for the additional administration of 1 vaginal suppository or tablet containing 0.5 g of metronidazole. The drug is used for 10 days inside and topically. If necessary, the course of treatment is repeated in a month.

    With light microscopy, granules are visualized inside the cytoplasm.

    The main symptoms of trichomonas infection in women:

  • 5-nitroimidazoles.
  • The symptomatology of chlamydial diseases in children is more pronounced and, depending on the duration of the inflammatory process, manifests itself in the form of vulvovaginitis, urethritis, cervicitis. Girls get sick more often, especially at an older age, when infection occurs sexually. Along with diffuse hyperemia of the vulva and adjacent areas of the skin, there is swelling of the external genital organs, their maceration as a result of abundant, liquid gray-green discharge. When the urethra is affected, the lips are hyperemic, edematous, covered with gray discharge, possibly frequent and painful urination.

    The "fresh" form has varieties:

    Trichomonas vaginalis is the most common causative agent of trichomoniasis. The bacterium is transmitted sexually. Severe clinical symptoms in infection are rare. Pathology is diagnosed by chance - during a gynecological preventive examination of a woman. It is difficult to identify trichomoniasis in men due to the rare visit to the urologist, therefore, among the representatives of the strong half, carriage is common.

    In men, trichomonas carriers are common. The latent course of infection leads to the development of resistance of microorganisms against antibacterial agents.

    Nitrofuran derivatives.

    Inflammation is accompanied by subfebrile temperature. An increase in segmented leukocytes occurs due to the destruction of the epithelium of the genital tract. The microorganism secretes hyaluronidase, an enzyme that destroys connective tissue fibers, cartilage tissue. The action of the substance contributes to the friability of the vagina, cervix.

    In men, trichomonas can cause damage to the prostate gland, seminal vesicles, epididymis, cooper glands.

    Genitourinary trichomoniasis is a multifocal disease in which urogenital Trichomonas can be localized in all urinary organs.

  • vestibulitis;
  • Treatment of pregnant women. Treatment is with metronidazole (excluding the 1st trimester of pregnancy) at a dose of 2.0 g orally once.

    Metacycline (Rondomycin). In acute and uncomplicated forms, it is administered orally after meals at a dose of 600 mg (first dose), then 300 mg every 8 hours for 7 days, for a course of treatment of 6.6 g. In other forms, the course of treatment is extended to 10 days.

  • proteolytic enzymes;
  • Flagella carrier;
  • Nitrothiazoles are synthetic antimicrobials. The representative of this group - aminitrozole has a pronounced activity against protozoa.

    Consider the principles of the phased therapy of Trichomonas infection. Preparations used at the preparatory stage:

    A month ago I was diagnosed with gardnerellosis. The smear results: vaginal leukocytes - 0-0.1, cervix 10-15, no trichomonas, fungi, gonococci, aerobic microbes (bacilli + cocci) - very abundant, anaerobic microbes Gardnerellae vaginalis - cytogram of bacterial vaginosis. Treatment: Trichopolum (1 tablet 3 times a day for 7 days) and betadine. A smear after treatment: vaginal leukocytes - 5-10, cervix 40-50, Trichomonas, gonococci, Gardnerellae vaginalis no, aerobic microbes (bacilli) - abundantly and Candida fungus appeared. There are no complaints (itching, discharge). The doctor suspects trichomoniasis, they took blood for antibodies to trichomonads and chlamydia and a smear for bacterial culture. They also said that the partner must be examined (blood for antibodies, a smear and sperm for a bak.sow) and if they find an infection in one of us, they will treat both. Basically the questions are:

    The most effective against Trichomonas vaginalis are the following drugs:

  • Carbon dioxide;
  • Tetracyclines.

    In pregnant women with chlamydia, complications are more often observed: urgent delivery, premature birth, non-developing pregnancy, spontaneous miscarriage. It is generally accepted that a newborn in 40-50% of cases acquires a chlamydial infection during childbirth due to infection with pathological material when passing through the birth canal of a mother with chlamydia (chlamydia was isolated from newborns from the conjunctiva, nasopharynx, middle ear, trachea, lungs, rectum and vagina), but it is also possible for the infection to enter the amniotic fluid and intrauterine infection of the fetus.

    The cultural method for diagnosing trichomoniasis is more reliable and sensitive than microscopic examination. To a greater extent, its effectiveness depends on the quality of the nutrient media used. The proposed media with high growth properties include meat-peptone broth (MPB), liver preparations, mineral salts, sugars, human or animal blood serum, hydrochloric acid cysteine ​​and other ingredients.

    Trichomoniasis is provoked by the following types of microorganisms of the flagellate family:

  • Tinidazole.
  • When taken orally, nitrofurans are well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. They are excreted from the body quickly and therefore are not able to create high concentrations in the tissues.

  • Increasing the body's resistance;
  • Trichomonas tenax (elongata);
  • In order to detect Trichomonas vaginalis in stained preparations, numerous staining methods are used, in particular, methylene blue, gentian violet, according to the methods of Gram, Romanovsky-Giemsa, Leishman-Romanovsky, etc. The widespread use of methylene blue is due to the fact that it is also used for staining smears on gonococcus. The study of stained smears allows you to determine the morphology of the pathogen, smears do not require immediate examination, which is especially important during a mass examination for trichomoniasis. However, diagnostic errors are possible, since epithelial cells can be mistaken for Trichomonas.

    1. 5-nitroimidazole derivatives;


    When taking nitroimidazoles with alcohol, you may experience:

    Symptoms of trichomoniasis in men and women

    The cavities of the glands and excretory ducts are filled with leukocytes and multiplying urogenital Trichomonas.

    Solkotrykhovak- 0.5 ml intramuscularly, three injections with an interval of 2 weeks, then a year later 0.5 ml once.

    1. The doctor has a suspicion that an increased number of white blood cells in the cervix may be due to trichomoniasis. In my opinion, you are unlikely to have trichomoniasis, since you received treatment for trichomoniasis during the treatment of gardnerellosis.

  • Trichomonas hominis (abdominalis).
  • metronidazole 2.0 g orally once;
  • With trichomonas carriers, clinical symptoms rarely occur. Rare exacerbations are eliminated according to the following principles:

  • Be sure to comply with the diet, dose of drugs;
  • Salpingitis.
  • Microorganisms belong to the family Trichomonadidae, genus Trichomonas, kingdom Protozoa.

  • Hepatoprotectors.
  • Urethritis;
  • To establish the criteria for the cure of urogenital trichomoniasis, they begin 7-10 days after the completion of treatment using microscopic and cultural methods of examination.

  • Local dosage forms do not lead to getting rid of the disease.
  • Tetracyclines are antibiotics. which are widely used in medical practice. However, due to the emergence of a large number of resistant bacteria, their use is somewhat limited.

    The basic principles for diagnosing chlamydial infection are the same as for other bacterial pathologies. Test procedures include the following:

    Urogenital chlamydia, urogenital trichomoniasis

    Tissue loosening is provided by a cellular uncoupling factor. Subendothelial penetration is carried out by the enzymatic apparatus. The urogenital form of the pathogen is able to withstand the influence of immune components.

    Symptoms of trichomoniasis are not expressed. Infection does not lead to the development of permanent immunity. Secretory, serum antibodies are a sign of a previous infection. They form a weak immune system. They remain in the blood for a year after the disease.

  • Redness of the uterus ("strawberry neck");
    1. Treat any form;
    2. Carrying.
    3. Lomefloxacin (Maxaquin). With a fresh uncomplicated form of chlamydia, 600 mg is recommended once a day for 7 days, with chronic - for 10-11 days.

      In the study of native drugs, one should be aware of the possibility of finding flagellated protozoa of the bodonid family in the urine. Unlike Trichomonas, they are smaller and have only two flagella, which leads to their rapid forward movement in a straight line. The presence of leukocytes in the preparation in combination with a large number of well-moving rods attached to them can also lead to errors in the recognition of Trichomonas.

    4. salpingitis;
    5. Ornidazole;
    6. Under the influence of urogenital Trichomonas, the epithelium of the urethra is injured, degenerates; the mutual connection between the cells and their nutrition are disrupted, the epithelium is exfoliated up to the formation of erosions and ulcers. The latter arise due to the action of proteolytic enzymes of protozoa on epithelial cells and subepithelial tissue. The mucous membrane of the urethra swells, thickens, loses its elasticity, bleeds easily.

      Metronidazole appoint children aged 1 to 5 years orally 1/3 tablet containing 250 mg, two to three times a day; 6-10 years - 0.125 g twice a day; 11-15 years - 0.25 g twice a day for 7 days.

    7. The use of alcoholic beverages during treatment is prohibited;
    8. Local treatment of trichomoniasis

      Treatment trichomoniasis. according to the latest recommendations of the world health organization, should be carried out with drugs from the group of 5-nitroimidazoles ( metronidazole. tinidazole etc.), as they are most effective against the causative agents of this infection. However, other antimicrobials may also be used in some cases.

      In complicated and chronic trichomoniasis, the following schemes are used:

    9. subacute;
    10. 4. Is it necessary to examine a partner if he has recently taken smears and no infections were found in him?

    11. coli;
    12. vitamins;
    13. Urethra.
    14. L. A. Bokalova

    15. tinidazole 2.0 g per day every other day in a total dose of 6.0 grams.
    16. Therapy of diseases of the genitourinary tract caused by chlamydia is based on the use of drugs that are active against this microorganism. At the same time, the biological characteristics of chlamydia should also be taken into account. They not only have a high tropism for the epithelial cells of lesions, but also persist in special membrane-limited areas of the epithelium, which is a prerequisite for pathogens to survive the period of drug therapy. This may be associated with failures in treatment, as well as the possibility of the transition of the disease to an asymptomatic and latent state. Therefore, in the course of treatment, not only etiotropic, but also pathogenetic agents are used. All persons who have chlamydia, regardless of the severity of the clinical picture, are subject to treatment, it is also advisable to treat their sexual partners. In all cases, the therapy of this infection, regardless of the technique used, involves the prevention of the development of candidiasis, including the use of nystatin and levorin at a daily dose of 2 million units or nizoral 0.2 g twice a day or pimafucin for 0.2 g twice a day.

      Currently, domestic experts have not come to a consensus on the classification of chlamydia. Some of them use a classification similar to that adopted for gonorrhea, others are arbitrary, in accordance with the localization of lesions or the nature of the infection. It is advisable to use the term "urogenital chlamydia" when making a diagnosis, which makes it possible to identify chlamydia among sexually transmitted diseases.

    • Chronic;
    • Trichomoniasis can be treated medicinally with the following drugs:

    • Repeated analyzes a week after the start of therapy.
    • Topical drugs are used simultaneously with general protistocidal drugs.

    • Cervix;
    • Classification of trichomoniasis by the course:

      1. Why trichomoniasis, if there is no trichomonas in one or the other smear?

      DNA diagnostic methods are based on the complementary interaction of nucleic acids, which makes it possible to identify the nucleotide sequence in the genes of the desired microorganism with high accuracy. Of the numerous modifications of this method, the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and the ligase chain reaction should be singled out as the most widely used.

    • Ternidazole;
    • Clindamycin

      For serodiagnosis, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA for the presence of antibodies) is currently most often used. The general principle of ELISA diagnostics is as follows: the antigen is fixed on a solid surface, treated with the test serum, and then with anti-species immunoglobulin associated with the enzyme, which is visualized after the addition of the substrate. The advantage of the method is the ability to automatically record the results and identify classes of antibodies - IgG, IgA, IgM. Given the low immunogenicity of "urogenital strains" of chlamydia and the possibility of the presence of antibodies after a previous chlamydial infection, it is necessary to examine several serum samples in the course of the disease with an interval of 2-3 weeks.

    • Dystrophy;
    • Doxycycline (Vibramycin, Unidox Solutab). For patients with uncomplicated forms of chlamydia, the drug is administered orally: the first dose is 0.2 g, then every 12 hours, 0.1 g. The course of treatment is 7-14 days, in total for the course 1.5-3.0 g. monohydrate) and dosage form (solutab) makes Unidox Solutab the safest drug, and treatment with it has the highest compliance among all known doxycyclines.

      The nucleus of Trichomonas vaginalis is located in front of the cell. The rear part of the microbe is sharp due to the axostyle - a thin thread of hyaline.

    • lactic acid bacteria;
    • Fresh;
    • Some scientific studies have shown that Trichomonas are a source of co-infection with other bacteria:

      Clinic of urogenital chlamydia

    • Pain syndrome in the lower abdomen.
    • Treatment is carried out metronidazole(excluding the 1st trimester of pregnancy) at a dose of 2.0 g orally once.

      During treatment, in order to prevent re-infection, sexual intercourse should be avoided. If this is not possible, condoms must be used. which are able to provide 70% protection against trichomoniasis.

    • You can not treat the infection without a doctor's prescription;
    • Local pathological changes in organs with trichomoniasis:

      The diagnosis of intestinal dysbacteriosis is based on the results of bacteriological studies of feces in conjunction with clinical manifestations, after which drug correction of dysbacteriosis is carried out.

      Treatment, therapy and antibiotics for trichomoniasis

      Atrican (tenonitrozole)- 250 mg twice a day for 4 days.

    • Endocervicitis;
    • 2. Where did the fungus come from, if nothing has changed, is the partner the same?

      The following antimicrobial agents can be used to treat trichomoniasis:

      02/26/2004, Lana, Belarus

      The scheme of treatment of trichomoniasis. Drugs for trichomoniasis

    • with multiple cores.
    • Determination of specific chlamydial antigens in clinical specimens. Bacterioscopic studies involve the detection of chlamydia antigens in the affected cells (clinical material). In routine laboratory practice, both direct (PIF) and indirect immunofluorescence (NIF) methods can be used. The first method involves the treatment of the drug directly with specific mono- or polyclonal antibodies labeled with fluorescein. When using the second method, the drug is treated first with a serum containing unlabeled anti-Chlamydial antibodies, and then with an anti-species fluorescent serum.
    • Acute.
    • 1. The determination of antibodies to Trichomonas is not reliable in the diagnosis of trichomoniasis (neither positive nor negative).

      Treatment of pregnant women is carried out starting from the second trimester of pregnancy.

      Mixed infection develops due to the ability of Trichomonas to carry microorganisms to the vaginal neck, incomplete lysosomal fermentation.

      Clindamycin- 2% vaginal cream applied daily for 4 consecutive days.

      When analyzing what trichomoniasis is, one should specify the ability of the microbe to metabolize chemicals:

    • Hormone replacement agents;
    • Phased therapy for trichomonas infection

      Urogenital trichomoniasis ranks first among all sexually transmitted infections. The prevalence of the disease in 2001 was about 300 people per 100 thousand of the country's population.

    • Discomfort, pain in the perineum during intercourse;
    • Complete the next course
    • Proliferation of stratified epithelium;
    • Derivatives of 5-nitroimidazole.

    • local forms;
    • Medicines to improve digestion;
    • Vulvitis;
    • Nucleic acid amplification methods


      The first scheme of taking the drug: on the 1st day, 2 tablets (0.5 g) three times a day with an interval of 8 hours. Then the daily dose is reduced daily by 1 tablet with the same interval. The total dose per course is 3.75 g for 6 days. According to the second scheme, 0.25 g is prescribed twice a day with an interval of 12 hours; this scheme provides for the additional administration of 1 vaginal suppository or tablet containing 0.5 g of metronidazole. The drug is used for 10 days inside and topically. If necessary, the course of treatment is repeated in a month.

      Treatment of children is carried out with the same drugs, taking into account contraindications, in doses determined in accordance with age; local procedures are more often used: sitz baths from infusion of chamomile or sage flowers (one tablespoon per one glass of boiling water), or a solution of potassium permanganate twice a day, or douching with the same infusions and solutions, as well as general strengthening treatment.

      Some authors believe that tetracyclines have activity against protozoa, including Trichomonas vaginalis. Of particular interest is the semi-synthetic drug doxycycline. since it is able to penetrate better than others inside the Trichomonas cells.

      Treatment of pregnant women

    • Hidden;
    • Trichomoniasis is an infectious disease caused by microorganisms of the flagellate family: intestinal (Tr.intestinalis), oral (Tr.tenax), urogenital (Tr.vaginalis) species of Trichomonas.

    • antibiotics;
    • The combination of dosage forms is determined by the doctor. An independent decision regarding therapy can only be made if it is clearly understood what trichomoniasis is, what pathogenesis and biochemical changes occur with urogenital damage.

      Ciprofloxacin (cyprobay, siflox). In uncomplicated and complicated forms of chlamydia, it is prescribed orally for 10 days, the first dose is 500 mg, followed by 250 mg after 12 hours; for a course of 5.0 g.

    • Physiotherapy;
    • Determination of specific chlamydial genes in clinical specimens.
    • Venereologist consultation / Trichomoniasis

      It is used orally and in the form of local medicines ( among women). Inside prescribe tablets at a dose of 100 mg, which must be taken 3 times a day for two weeks. Candles, aerosols, suspensions are applied locally.

      These drugs are taken orally. At the same time, they are well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, and more than 80% of the dose taken enters the bloodstream. These drugs are excreted in the urine, to a small extent - in the feces, after metabolization in the liver. If drugs are taken for some time, there may be a cumulation effect, that is, accumulation in the plasma and tissues of the body.

      Clindamycin- 300 mg orally twice a day.

      Azithromycin (Sumamed). In uncomplicated chlamydia, 1.0 g of the drug is prescribed once. With a sluggish course, the following scheme for taking sumamed is recommended: 1st day 1.0 g once, 2-3 days 0.5 g each, 4-7 days 0.25 g each, total 3.0 g.

    • Secnidazole;
    • What is trichomoniasis - types of pathogens

      Genitourinary trichomoniasis often occurs as a mixed protozoal-bacterial disease with involvement in the inflammatory process of many organs of the urinary tract. In view of this, in the treatment of this disease, it is advisable to use complex therapy. In addition to protistocidal drugs, antibiotics, immunotherapy, vitamin therapy, biogenic stimulants, etc. are also widely used. Local treatment is also widely used: washing and instillations of the urethra, baths and wiping the vagina in women, etc. less than two menstrual cycles. If the source of trichomoniasis disease is unknown, dynamic medical observation of persons with urogenital trichomoniasis is performed within 6 months with monthly blood tests for classic serological reactions. This period is necessary for the prevention and timely detection of syphilis due to the fact that the drugs used in the treatment of trichomoniasis also have a treponemocidal effect.

      Ginalgin- 1 tablet intravaginally for 10 days.

    • Nimorazole;
    • Nitrothiazole derivatives.

      In the absence of treatment, after 3-4 weeks, the inflammation begins to subside, the discharge stops or is observed only in the morning, after heavy drinking or sexual intercourse. Metaplasia of the epithelial cover of the urethral mucosa occurs: instead of a degenerated squamous cylindrical epithelium, a stratified squamous epithelium is formed.

      Treatment of children

      In women, against the background of pathology, ovarian compaction occurs. In men, on palpation of the prostate gland, a purulent secret is secreted from the urethra. The acute course of the disease provokes damage to the kidneys, bladder. In some elderly patients, trichomonas pyelonephritis is observed.

    • Glycerol;
    • I have such a question: the medicine “Sumamed” is suitable for the treatment of trichomoniasis, there it is written in the indications for treatment that it is for Infection of the urogenital tract (gonorrheal and non-gonorrheal urethritis / or cervicitis)

    • Strong immunity helps to eradicate microorganisms, increases the effectiveness of antibiotics;
    • 02/21/2004, Anna, Rostov region

      Metronidazole (trichopolum, flagyl, klion). It has a pronounced effect on urogenital Trichomonas. An important feature of this tool is its activity when taken orally; the drug is rapidly absorbed and accumulates in the blood at concentrations that are detrimental to Trichomonas. Metronidazole is widely used to treat acute and chronic trichomoniasis in men and women. The drug is available in tablets of 0.25 and 0.5 g and in the form of vaginal suppositories and tablets of 0.5 g.

      27.02.2004, Oksana, Ukraine

    • Vagina;
    • Bartholinitis;
    • It is important to note that the treatment of trichomoniasis with any of the listed antimicrobials should be carried out in both sexual partners at the same time. This is due to epidemiological statistics, according to which the detection of trichomoniasis in one of the partners indicates infection in the other. At the same time, clinical manifestations may be absent, since an asymptomatic course is extremely characteristic of this disease.

    • Latent;
    • The clinical course of trichomoniasis does not differ from that in inflammatory diseases of the urogenital organs of another etiology and often resembles gonorrhea.

      Treatment of children. Metronidazole is prescribed to children aged 1 to 5 years orally, 1/3 tablet containing 250 mg, two to three times a day; 6-10 years - 0.125 g twice a day; 11-15 years - 0.25 g twice a day for 7 days.

      Ornidazole- vaginal tablets of 0.5 g are inserted into the vagina once for 3-6 days.

      Tinidazole (Fazigin, Triconidazole, etc.). It is similar in structure and action to metronidazole. Assign inside in tablets of 0.5 g. Tinidazole regimen: 1) once at a dose of 2 g (4 tablets); 2) 0.5 g every 15 minutes for 1 hour. Contraindications are the same as for metronidazole: the 1st trimester of pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding, hematopoiesis, active diseases of the central nervous system. During treatment, you can not take alcoholic beverages. Blood tests should be done before and during treatment.

      1. In your opinion, what is the reliability of a blood test for antibodies in the diagnosis of trichomoniasis with a negative result.

      The mechanism of action of these drugs is based on their ability to be included in the respiratory chain of microorganisms and disrupt the process of cellular respiration. They also block the synthesis of nucleic acids - the basis of the genetic material of living organisms. At high concentrations, they have a bactericidal effect, at low - bacteriostatic ( inhibit the growth and reproduction of sensitive bacteria).

      Recently, more and more data have appeared on the possibility of the existence of latent or persistent forms of chlamydia both in in vitro modeling and in the patient's body in vivo.

    • Add vaccine "SolkoTrichovak".
    • The use of tetracyclines is justified in case of ineffectiveness of other antimicrobial drugs, as well as in the event of a combined infection of the genitourinary tract, in which microorganisms are found that are sensitive to the action of these antibiotics.

    • Paraurethral passages;
    • Trichomonas vaginalis - vaginal (urogenital) Trichomonas;
      • According to the statistics of our medicine, women aged 30-50 are more likely to suffer from mastopathy, although recently this disease has also been observed in 14-year-old girls. Cysts are usually formed in women 40-55 years old, and fibroadenoma is most common in young women 15-30 years old. If it is found at an older age, it is considered that the […]
      • In the present work, for the treatment of papillomatosis, fosprenil, an immunomodulator with antiviral activity, was used, the effectiveness of which has been proven in many viral infections of small domestic animals (2,3). The causative agent of papillomatosis belongs to the group of DNA-containing viruses included in the Papillomaviridae family. These are the smallest of […]
      • For local treatment, instillations of the urethra with a 0.25-0.5% solution of silver nitrate are also used every other day with a 2% solution of protargol or a 1% solution of collargol. Yellow-green discharge from the genital tract of a frothy (12%) character. There are the following forms of the disease, depending on the severity of inflammation and […]

    It must be remembered that antibiotics for urethritis are the main method of treatment. Do not try to treat diseases only with traditional medicine. Full recovery cannot be achieved in this way, and time will be wasted. The disease itself will worsen and become chronic. This article discusses effective and common types of antibiotics. It is worth noting that when the first signs of the disease appear, it is recommended to contact a specialist. The doctor will diagnose and prescribe tests, the results of which will determine effective antibiotics. The factor that provoked the appearance of the disease directly determines the appropriate type of antibiotic.

    The main types of antibacterial agents used

    In the modern pharmaceutical world, a huge selection of antibiotics is offered, and each of them is endowed with specific properties. Some types of bacteria are sensitive exclusively to a particular drug, while other types are susceptible to several. Choosing the right antibiotic is essential. Taking antibiotic pills unsuitable for the treatment of a particular case, there is a risk not only not to be cured, but even to aggravate the situation. Broad-spectrum drugs are offered, the so-called universal remedies, but it is also important to be extremely careful with them, you need to know the dosage and duration of the course of treatment. The following broad-spectrum antibiotics are commonly prescribed to treat urethritis:

    • "Doxycycline" with urethritis is often prescribed. The peculiarity of the medication is that, regardless of the stage of the disease, it effectively affects the bacteria. It is proved that the course of treatment with "Doxycycline" is one of the most effective.
    • "Azithromycin" for urethritis is used because of its ability to stop the growth of the number of bacteria as soon as possible, and kill existing ones.
    • "Sumamed" with urethritis acts like the same "Azithromycin". It is often prescribed, as it is considered not only effective, but also safe for the human body.

    female urethritis

    The simplest complication of female urethritis is cystitis.

    There is an opinion that urethritis, due to the anatomical features of the urethra, is an exclusively male disease, but this is not so. Unfortunately, women are also susceptible to this disease, the only difference is that their symptoms are less pronounced. Female urethra and lower genital tract infections are rarely isolated. You can get infected sexually or descending, that is, if there is a focus of infection in the body. There is also a unique way of infection, characteristic only of women - the ascending way, that is, the infection can enter the body after a non-sterile gynecological examination.

    The most effective antibiotics for the treatment of urethritis in women

    • "Cephalosporin";
    • "Spectinomycin" and "Cefaclor";
    • "Metronidazole", "Benzydamine", "Iodovidone" (candles);
    • "Levorin" and "Nystatin";
    • "Tetracycline" (tablets);
    • "Acyclovir".

    male urethritis

    Men feel the signs of the disease very intensely.

    The male half of humanity, as mentioned above, is more prone to urethritis due to the physiology of the body. This ailment in men is accompanied by the same symptoms as in women, but in a more vivid form. The urethra is affected by the same pathogens of the inflammatory process. The reasons can be both unprotected sexual intercourse, infectious diseases, and the abuse of spicy food, hypothermia. Men should not be delayed with treatment, it is necessary to contact a urologist in time, who will diagnose and prescribe antibiotics.

    The inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the urethra is called urethritis. Symptoms of the disease depend on the form of inflammation, as well as gender. There is inflammation of the urethra, accompanied by pain during the outflow of urine. Many believe that the disease urethritis is a "privilege" of the strong half of humanity. Nevertheless, this is an erroneous opinion, since both men and beautiful ladies are susceptible to the development of the inflammatory process.

    If you are faced with the question of how to cure urethritis, which doctor you need to contact for help, then this information is for you.

    1. Ways of infection with urethritis
    2. The main symptoms of urethritis

    With the appearance of any discomfort during urination, you should seek medical help. If you do not know which doctor treats urethritis, then you can go to a therapist who will prescribe an examination, and then send you for a consultation with a urologist. He can prescribe additional procedures to make a diagnosis, as well as identify the causes of urethritis.

    It should be noted that the symptoms of urethritis in patients of different sexes manifest themselves in different ways.

    Urethritis in women often goes from acute to chronic because the symptoms in women are mild. Being a carrier of the infection, she may not know about it, presenting a risk of infection to sexual partners.

    The reason for this is the individual characteristics of the female body. The urinary canal is only a couple of centimeters long. It also differs in the diameter of the lumen. Even with significant swelling, there are no obstructions to the outflow of urine.

    Signs of urethritis in the male population are more pronounced, it is possible to diagnose the pathological process in the early stages. This is a great advantage, since it is possible to start treatment immediately after inflammation is detected. It should also be emphasized that the symptoms and treatment of the disease are interrelated, in each case they are individual.

    Ways of infection with urethritis

    Inflammation of the urethra occurs when pathogens enter the body: bacteria, fungus or virus.

    To date, doctors have identified two ways of infection through which the infection can enter the body: sexual contact, household or hematogenous.

    What does it mean:

    1. During sexual contact, urethritis is transmitted from a man to a woman due to unprotected intercourse, that is, without the use of condoms. Oral contraceptives are powerless against a sexually transmitted infection, since their main task is to prevent conception.
    2. The hematogenous route involves the introduction of the virus through the bloodstream or lymph. Infection can occur if there are injuries or microcracks in the skin and mucous surfaces. Also, with urethritis, carious teeth, ulcerative lesions of the oral cavity, tonsillitis or chronic sinusitis, diseases of the upper respiratory or digestive system are considered as a cause.
    3. It can be identified as a way of infection by sharing personal hygiene items: towels, washcloths.

    Before treating urethritis, it is necessary to identify the cause of the development of the disease, the severity and make appropriate appointments. A little further, the forms of the disease will be considered, their signs depending on the type of pathogen. It should be noted that some types of the disease are transmitted only sexually.

    What causes activation? What are the characteristics of this microorganism?

    Let's look at each of them separately:

    1. On the basis of the pathogen, the pathology is divided into infectious, non-infectious urethritis in men or women. Also, the infectious form of pathology differs: specific and nonspecific. Specific urethritis develops against the background of damage by viruses, bacteria. The nonspecific form is characterized by purulent etiology. It may be a consequence of the defeat of streptococci, staphylococci, Escherichia coli. A competent treatment regimen for urethritis involves identifying the exact type of infectious agent, which is necessary for choosing a method of therapy.
    2. Also, the phenomenon of an infectious process of viral genesis is observed when the genitourinary system is affected by herpes viruses of the 2nd type (genital) or genital warts. Primary infection has pronounced symptoms of urethritis, after which the virus goes into a latent state. Re-exacerbation is observed in 75 cases out of 100.
    3. With frequent changes of sexual partners, especially if intimate meetings are classified as unsafe, the infection can be transmitted between partners.
    4. Failure to follow the basic rules of personal hygiene also contribute to the penetration of the virus. Here you can note the sharing of personal hygiene items.
    5. Diseases of the pelvic organs. This can be observed against the background of general hypothermia of the body or as a result of a decrease in immunity.

    The cause of the development of the inflammatory process can be factors that have nothing to do with various types of viruses and bacteria.

    Of the main causative agents of the disease can be identified:

    1. Mechanical damage. Often with urolithiasis, small calculi exit the body through the urethra. Given that their edges can be pointed, damage to the mucous membrane of the genitourinary organ is often observed. This can lead to the development of an inflammatory process. Before treating urethritis, you need to inform your doctor about the presence of urolithiasis.
    2. Neoplasms in the urethra of malignant etiology are also the cause of inflammation.
    3. Traumatic urethritis is activated when a catheter is installed, after a cystoscopy procedure, and also if mechanical damage was intentionally caused.
    4. Allergic reactions.
    5. Stagnation of blood in the vessels of the small pelvis.
    6. First experience of intimacy.
    7. Hormonal failure, the cause of which may be: pregnancy or its interruption, the abolition of oral contraceptives, the menopause period.
    8. Violation of metabolic processes.
    9. The cause of inflammation of the urinary tract may be the features of the diet. With frequent use of salty, spicy, smoked foods, irritation of the walls of the organ occurs.
    10. A significant role in the development of the disease is played by the use of a large amount of alcoholic products of not always good quality. Treatment of urethritis involves the rejection of alcohol, given the incompatibility of many drugs with strong drinks.

    The main symptoms of urethritis

    In some forms of urethritis, the symptoms of the disease can go unnoticed, without causing any discomfort.

    There are three stages of the disease:

    1. Acute urethritis. For inflammation of the anterior section is characterized by abundant discharge from the urethra, redness of the flesh, swelling. There is pain on palpation. There is an increase in urination, accompanied by pain and burning. The first portion of urine is cloudy, the sediment quickly settles to the bottom of the vessel.

    The defeat of the posterior canal is characterized by the frequency of diuresis, a decrease in the volume of secretions. Blood streaks may appear. The cuts are noted at the end of the process.

    In the acute form of urethritis, treatment involves the appointment of painkillers.

    1. Torpid. There is itching, redness. There is no purulent discharge, there may be a feeling of adhesion of the foreskin of the urinary canal. Feeling of discomfort. There are small filaments in the urine.
    2. Chronic. There are no pronounced signs. Only with an exacerbation of the pathological process can characteristic symptoms appear.

    The incubation period from the moment of infection appears after 5 days to several months. Individual cases are known when this period was reduced to several hours.

    Also, pathology itself can be one of the symptoms of a disease. This may be caused by a violation of metabolic processes or the development of a chronic form. When the disease is neglected, complications of urethritis are observed.

    Summing up, the main symptoms of the disease can be distinguished:

    1. Acute urethritis. Accompanied by painful sensations, pain during urination, a feeling of itching, burning.
    2. There is a feeling of gluing the outer edge of the urinary canal. There is also reddening of the flesh.
    3. There are discharges of purulent etiology of a yellow or greenish hue.
    4. The discharge has an unpleasant odor.
    5. Painful sensations are transmitted to the genital area: in women it is the labia, and in men it is the head of the penis.
    6. Frequent urination.
    7. Laboratory analysis of urine shows an increase in leukocytes in the biomaterial.
    8. Impossibility of sexual intercourse due to pronounced pain.
    9. Urethritis in women is accompanied by pulling pains in the lower abdomen.
    10. Often viral urethritis is accompanied by the simultaneous development of cystitis, which may indicate intoxication of the body.

    As already noted, a group of infectious inflammations of specific and non-specific genesis is distinguished separately. The type of pathogen, characteristic symptoms are given in a separate table. The diagnosis carried out with urethritis will identify the cause of the pathology, based on the patient's complaints, as well as on the characteristic symptoms of the manifestation of the disease.

    Urethritis group The causative agents of the inflammatory process Characteristic symptoms
    specific Urogenital tuberculosis General weakness.

    Subfebrile temperature for a long time.

    Increased perspiration.

    Gonorrhea The incubation period ranges from 3 days to a couple of weeks.

    The acute stage is accompanied by pain and cuts during urination.

    If there is a delay in diuresis, then pain inside the urethra, discomfort are felt. The discharge is profuse, purulent, yellow-gray.

    Inflammation of the posterior section is accompanied by an increase in temperature up to 39 °.

    Intoxication of the body is noted.

    In the chronic stage, the characteristic signs are poorly expressed.

    Allocations persist in the morning, rather meager.

    There is a difficulty in the outflow of urine, which provokes blockage of the ducts.

    May cause abscess development.

    Trichomonas Symptoms appear 1-2 weeks after infection. No specific signs.

    Mild itching and burning of the genital area are noted.

    Pale frothy discharge is observed.

    In chronic forms, there are no obvious signs of pathology.

    Gonococcal The first symptoms may appear within a few hours after infection.

    Purulent discharge of a yellow or greenish tint is noted.

    Acute urethritis is accompanied by swelling, itching, burning.

    Urination is frequent.

    Increase in body temperature.

    Nonspecific Bacterial Mycoplasma It begins subacutely, although it has no pronounced symptoms.

    There is slight itching and discomfort with diuresis.

    The detection of a certain amount of mycoplasma is considered to be the norm.

    Ureaplasma The duration of the incubation period can last up to 2 months.

    Symptoms are mild. May accompany other types of urethritis.

    Gardnerella The incubation period lasts 1-5 weeks. There are no characteristic symptoms.

    Itching and burning are often observed, as well as a scanty discharge of gray color with a characteristic “smell of fish”.

    A mixed form of infection with the presence of yeast-like fungi is more common.

    Viral Condylomatosis of the urethra Characterized by papillomatous formations on the head of the penis in men or in the vagina in women.
    Chlamydial Chlamydia The first 20 days there are no symptoms of the disease.

    Subsequently, mild itching, slight pain during urination are noted.

    Allocations of purulent etiology.

    Some cases are marked by articular lesions, as well as inflammation of the conjunctiva.

    Mycotic Candida Most often, this type of ailment is noted as a complication after long-term antibiotic treatment.

    Soreness and discomfort appear within 3 weeks from the moment of infection.

    Mild cramps or burning during urination may be noted.

    Allocations are scarce. They have a sticky texture. Usually a pale pink color.

    mixed infection Trichomonas Discharge of white or green color, followed by the formation of a crust at the end of the penis. Most often seen in the morning.

    Itching, burning when urinating.

    Transient short-term Spread of urogenital infection from the urethra to the prostate gland There is an upward spread of the infection towards the prostate gland.

    Symptoms are characteristic of all forms of the pathological process.

    Diagnosis of urethritis is carried out using various research methods. Treatment of urethritis involves an integrated approach to solving the problem.

    The modern pharmaceutical industry offers a wide selection of a wide variety of drugs designed to quickly and successfully get rid of urethritis of varying severity. Before forming a treatment regimen, the doctor conducts a comprehensive examination of the patient and, based on the obtained laboratory findings, as well as the results of the diagnosis, forms a treatment regimen for the patient, which includes the most effective medicines belonging to different groups according to their pharmacological properties. In this article, we will consider in detail which drugs for urethritis are best for both female and male organisms, and we will also study the characteristics of the most popular antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal drugs that eliminate the inflammatory process in the urethra.

    Instructions for the use of drugs and antibiotics for urethritis

    The order of taking each medication, which is intended to suppress the pathogenic activity of a bacterial infection, depends on the dosage, properties and type of chemicals that are part of the tablets, intravenous or intramuscular injections. In most cases, if an antibiotic for the treatment of urethritis was prescribed to be taken in tablet form, then on average it is enough to drink 1-2 tablets 3 times a day for 10-12 days. Intramuscular injections can be administered to the patient's body 1-2 times a day for a shorter course of treatment lasting 5-7 days.

    Much still depends on the severity of the ongoing inflammation inside the urinary canal, therefore, there is no generalized instruction for all drugs of the antibacterial group and cannot be a priori, because each drug has its own unique chemical or biochemical (if it is made entirely from natural ingredients) formula.


    Most antibiotics for effective treatment of urethritis, occurring in acute or chronic form, are available in the form of coated tablets. In practice, the following types of medicines have proven their usefulness in the fight against infectious microorganisms that provoke inflammation of the urethra.


    It is a semi-synthetic broad-spectrum antibacterial agent. It is effective against microbial urethritis, when microorganisms such as Staphylococcus aureus, streptococcal infection, Pseudomonas aeruginosa caused inflammation in the urinary canal. It is taken 2 tablets a day in the morning and evening for 10-14 days. Contraindicated in pregnancy and a tendency to various kinds of allergic reactions. The average cost of packing these tablets in the amount of 10 pieces is 90-110 rubles.


    Belongs to the category of analogues of Azithromycin. It is used to treat complicated forms of urethritis, when weaker antibiotics do not bring the desired result. It is taken by the patient daily, 1 tablet 3 times a day. The approximate duration of therapy is 10-15 days, and then it is necessary to undergo a second course of treatment to eliminate the risk of relapse. The price of a package of Amoxil will cost the buyer 120 rubles.


    Contains semi-synthetic penicillin. Amoxicillin tablets were developed to fight bacteria that are naturally immune to traditional penicillin. In most cases, Amoxicillin is used to eliminate foci of inflammation in the urethra, which are caused by Proteus, hospital strains of staphylococcus aureus and other severe forms of infections. It is not prescribed for children under 6 years of age, pregnant women and allergy sufferers. It is taken as prescribed by a doctor, depending on the severity of the disease. The price in the pharmacy is 100 rubles per pack.


    A universal tablet remedy that destroys most of the bacterial pathogens of urethritis known to science. The positive characteristics of the drug are that it is potent and in a short period of time suppresses most of the microbes, removing the inflammatory swelling of the urethral mucosa. The main disadvantages of drugs are the extermination of beneficial bacteria living in the intestines, which contribute to the absorption of food.


    A powerful antibiotic included by the World Health Organization in the composition of life-saving medicines. Belongs to the group of macrolides. It acts on the inflamed urinary canal pointwise, does not cause a large number of side effects. It is taken no longer than for 10 days, and then you need to take a break so that there is no addiction. The cost of one pack of Volprafen is 580-600 rubles.



    A natural medicinal product made on the basis of extracts from the leaves and rhizomes of medicinal herbs. Available in the form of liquid tincture tablets.

    It is taken 2 times a day 10 minutes before meals, 1 tablet. It has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties on all organs of the genitourinary system.



    One of the few remedies that helps men and women to completely recover from trichomonas urethritis. This antibacterial medication droops into the cell fluid of the epithelium structure and destroys the Trichomonas pathogen. One course of treatment is 10-15 days. The drug is taken 1-2 tablets 3 times a day. During the period of therapy, it is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol, as there will be no positive result. A pack of Metronidazole costs 55 rubles.



    One of the most ancient antibiotics, as it was invented and produced since the late 60s. It is not addictive and can be taken by patients for a long period of time. Relieves inflammation of the mucous membrane of the urethra and kidney tissue, facilitates the outflow of urine and reduces pain. It is taken by patients 2-3 tablets 4 times a day. The cost of the drug is 45 rubles per pack.


    It is intended for the treatment of urethritis caused by streptococcal infection. It is considered a potent antibiotic, so the dosage is selected individually by the attending physician. Approximate terms of therapy - 10-12 days. One pack of Nolicin, consisting of 10 tablets, will cost the buyer 211 rubles.


    These are tablets, produced in the form of yellow capsules, which are prescribed to patients suffering from urethritis, in the analyzes of which aerobic bacteria are found that develop inside the cells of the epithelial tissues of the urethra. They relieve the patient of trichomonas and chlamydia, which allows you to quickly remove inflammation and alleviate the suffering of the infected. It is effective both in the treatment of women and is indicated for use in relation to men. The cost of packaging the drug will cost a person 150 rubles.


    Indicated for use in the systemic treatment of chronic and acute urethritis. It is prescribed to patients 1 tablet 3 times a day for 12 days. This is one course of therapy. If the disease is not completely eliminated, then after a 5-day break, it is indicated to undergo a second treatment regimen of a similar duration. In retail pharmacy chains, Palin costs from 160 to 170 rubles per pack.


    Semi-synthetic tetracycline antibiotic. It is used to treat bacterial urethritis and inflammation of the urinary tract caused by a fungal infection. The drug is considered quite potent, so it is enough to take it for 10 days so that the symptoms of the disease gradually subside, and then completely disappear. The cost of the drug is 450 rubles per pack.


    The composition of this antibacterial agent is the active substance - azithromycin. The medicine is intended to successfully fight against streptococci and all types of staphylococci, which in one way or another penetrated the urethral canal, provoking its inflammation. Approximate terms of therapy are from 10 to 15 days. The drug is taken 1 tablet 3 times a day. In a pharmacy it is sold at a price of 180 rubles for a cassette of 10 tablets.


    Yellow coated tablets. The drug is indicated for use in the treatment of patients with urethritis who have infected their genitourinary system with a staphylococcal infection, as well as a microorganism called klibsella. It is prescribed 1-2 tablets 3 times a day. The duration of therapy is determined individually by the attending physician, since the drug is not addictive and can be used longer than most drugs. The price of the medicine is within 180 rubles.


    It is considered one of the oldest and time-tested drugs invented to fight infections of the genitourinary system. It is recommended to use in the early stages of the development of the disease, when urethritis only manifests its clinical symptoms. The patient should drink 1 tablet daily 3 times a day 10 minutes before meals.

    The course of treatment is 12 days, but can be extended at the insistence of the doctor. The cost of the product is 90 rubles per pack.


    These are capsules, inside of which there is a free-flowing powder with a complex antibacterial effect. Furamag tablets allow you to eliminate a bacterial infection in the urethra in a short period of time, and the active components of the drug practically do not cause concomitant side effects. Contraindicated in people suffering from chronic liver disease. The price of the drug is within 190 rubles per pack.


    third generation antibiotic. It is intended for the treatment of patients who suffer from an acute form of bacterial urethritis, but at the same time are prone to the manifestation of negative allergic reactions to most antibacterial drugs. It is prescribed to receive 1-2 tablets 3 times a day for 7-10 days. In the event of signs of a disorder of the digestive system, it is recommended to stop treatment. The cost of this medicine is 350 rubles.


    Antimicrobial substance from the category of fluoroquinolones. It is prescribed in case of detection in a patient of such pathogenic microorganisms as Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, staphylococcal infection. It is not used for systemic breastfeeding and is also contraindicated in children under 12 years of age. The approximate duration of one therapeutic course is 14 days. During this period of time, the patient takes 1 tablet of the drug 2-3 times a day. The price of the drug is 220 rubles.


    A broad-spectrum antibacterial agent, which has the form of small white round tablets. Effective against almost all types of bacteria. Not used for and fungal urethritis. It is prescribed 1-2 tablets 3-4 times a day 1 hour before or after meals. You can not combine taking Erythromycin and drinking alcohol, otherwise the effect of the drug will be just the opposite. Using this antibiotic, you can completely get rid of urethritis in 10-15 days.

    All the described types of tableted antibiotics are actively used in practical medicine by urologists, gynecologists, dermatologists and venereologists to save the patient from signs of bacterial inflammation of the walls of the mucous membrane of the urinary canal.


    This type of medication is intended for the treatment of urethritis in the female half of the population, since the physiology of the structure of the male genitourinary system does not allow the pharmacological properties of suppositories to be fully realized. This is due to the fact that it is longer and divided into 4 sections, of which only one, located in the region of the prostate and anus, can be treated with antiseptic suppositories. If the inflammation is localized in the anterior part of the urinary canal, then the suppositories will not be effective. For men, suppositories are inserted into the rectum, and for women, into the vaginal cavity. To achieve the maximum therapeutic effect in a short period of time, the following types of suppositories are used.


    These suppositories contain Horhexidine, which is considered a universal antiseptic. There are no contraindications, so the drug is used to treat patients with various complications and regardless of the form of urethritis. The best therapeutic effect of the drug is noted in the early stages of the development of the disease. Works against microorganisms of the fungal nature of origin. Approved for use in the treatment of pregnant women who have signs of inflammation of the urinary canal. Candles are administered 1-2 times a day for 5 days.


    The composition of this drug is the active substance Niforatel and Nystatin. It does not have a toxic effect on the body of a patient with urethritis, which is very important in inflammatory processes in the organs of the genitourinary system, since the kidneys become very weakened in such pathologies. The principle of the use of drugs is such that the patient is administered 1 suppository per day for 10 days. If the therapeutic effect came earlier, then the course of treatment is still brought to an end in order to avoid a possible relapse of the disease.


    Used to treat urethritis in both men and women. Helps to get rid of the inflammation of the urinary canal caused by the penetration of candida microorganisms into its walls. It is forbidden to use women who are in the first trimester of pregnancy, as well as breastfeeding.


    Strong suppositories that are inserted exclusively into the rectal opening, regardless of the patient's gender. They destroy most of the bacteria known to science, the presence of which can cause the development of urethritis. Against the background of high efficiency, it has a large list of side properties, so these suppositories should not be administered to people suffering from kidney and heart failure, stomach ulcers, allergic intolerance to aspirin.

    Vaginal and rectal suppositories are rather specific types of medicines, so the independent use of this medication is not recommended. Before starting treatment, it is imperative to consult a doctor.


    Ointment-based antibacterial drugs are also included in the course of therapy, but much less frequently from tablets and anti-inflammatory suppositories. Nevertheless, for the fastest possible cure for urethritis, it is recommended to use the following ointments.


    The drug is applied to the surface of the epithelium of the head in men and the labia minora in women. The tissue located in the circumference of the entrance to the urethra is also treated with ointment. The drug itself has antibacterial and antiviral properties, stimulates the cells of the local immune system to increased resistance to inflammatory disease. Approved for use in the treatment of pregnant women.


    It is applied to the surface of the male and female genital organs according to the same principle as Cycloferon ointment. However, this medicine has a number of disadvantages. This type of ointment really successfully destroys the pathogenic microflora in the urethra, but at the same time it negatively affects the state of other organs of the human body. Levomekol should not be used by people suffering from chronic diseases of the liver and kidneys. For children and pregnant women, as well as breastfeeding a newborn, Levomekol ointment is categorically contraindicated. In addition, the drug has the ability to cause allergic reactions of varying severity, but at the same time, no other antibacterial ointment can be compared with it in terms of its effectiveness.


    This type of ointment-based antibiotic is an analogue of a tablet. The only difference is that in this case, Erythromycin acts as a local drug to act on the focus of infectious inflammation directly at the site of its manifestation. The drug is effective only if the disease develops in the anterior urethra. The ointment will not penetrate into more distant parts of the urinary canal and it is impossible to deliver the medicine there from a physiological point of view. In general, the drug is in demand in those clinical situations when the infection goes beyond the urinary canal and begins to spread to the surface of the genital organs, expressed in a characteristic red rash, itching and the appearance of ulcerative formations.

    In general, ointment antibacterial drugs in the treatment of urethritis are used very rarely and in fact only in extreme cases in severe forms of the disease, in order to use all possible means in the fight against the disease.

    Inflammation of the urethra occurs due to the development of pathogenic microflora in the affected area, so an antibiotic for urethritis is a necessary component of treatment. Since the disease is often the result of infection with sexually transmitted diseases after unprotected sexual contact, antiviral and antibacterial drugs are prescribed to both partners.

    Antibiotics are additionally used to eliminate the pathogenic flora in the genitourinary system with urethritis.

    What types of antibiotics to use for urethritis?

    In the treatment of urinary tract infections, one should be aware that there is no such thing as a strong and universal antibiotic, for the appointment of which patients turn to a specialist. Each drug of this pharmacological group affects only some types of microbes.

    Before prescribing treatment, the doctor must send smears for a laboratory test to determine the cause of the disease and determine the sensitivity of a pathogenic bacterium or virus to certain drugs.

    After receiving the results, the most effective means are selected. There are antibiotics that are presented in the table and are indicated in the treatment of urethritis:

    Groups of drugs for the treatment of urethritis
    Antibiotic groupEtiology of the diseaseMedications
    FluoroquinolonesEffective against Gram-negative bacteria
    CephalosporinsWith gonococcal inflammation of the urethra"Ceftriaxone"
    Broad spectrum drugsFor non-gonococcal infections"Levofloxacin"
    Antiprotozoal agentsWith trichomoniasis"Metronidazole"

    Indications for use and effectiveness

    The use of antibiotics for urethritis is appropriate during exacerbations and in order to avoid the transition of the disease into a chronic form.

    To prevent the occurrence of complications and the transition of the disease to a chronic form, it is recommended to consult a doctor immediately after the first symptoms appear. When the urethra is inflamed, there is discomfort when urinating, severe itching, local hyperemia and swelling, which are the main signs of a urinary tract infection and an indication for taking antibacterial agents. If the drug is selected after a study on the sensitivity of pathogenic microflora to its components, this guarantees the maximum effectiveness of treatment and a short recovery time. With the intervention of a doctor in the early stages of the disease, improvement occurs in the first days after taking antibiotics. When prescribing drugs, the presence of concomitant diseases and resistance to antibacterial agents should be taken into account.

    The most effective drugs for women

    Based on the anatomical features of a woman, urethritis in the early stages passes without obvious clinical signs. This leads to complications and the development of inflammatory processes in nearby organs. In women, the urethra becomes inflamed due to such infectious factors:

    • specific (chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, trichomoniasis);
    • nonspecific (purulent inflammation against the background of streptococcal infection);
    • viral (herpes).

    Each etiological factor requires specific treatment. Effective drugs used to treat the disease in women belong to different groups. It is more often recommended to take funds whose action is concentrated on the tissues of the organs of the genitourinary system - Fosfomycin. "Ofloxacin" and "Doxycycline" for urethritis are used to combat several groups of microorganisms at once. "Metronidazole", as an antibacterial and antiprotozoal drug, showed good results in the fight against trichomonas infection.

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