My passionate autumn is golden. Alexander Blok

Current page: 4 (total book has 4 pages)

"Still pale dawns in the sky..."

The unrealizable is dreaming again.

Still pale dawns in the sky,
A rooster crows in the distance.
In the fields in ripening bread
The worm lit up and went out.

Alder branches darkened
Behind the river, a light flickered.
Through the mist enchanting and rare
An invisible herd galloped.

I ride sad fields
I repeat the sad chant.
Impossible dreams behind
Disappear, taking possession of the soul.

I whisper and compose consonances -
Unprecedented in my thoughts.
And the gray branches sway
Like hands and faces.


There - in the blue - was a star.
I went to the tower - to wait for the luminary.
And into the blue darkness, in the fires of shame,
The girl entered the tower.
White cities below
And the valley of the sighing Nile.

And the night flowed - wetter than dreams,
All whitened with happiness.
We burned for the glory of purity,
For the glory of immaculate passion
Bonfires of starry beauty
And chaste passions.

And I, motionless pale-faced,
When the dawn barely faded,
Carried away in the covers of purple
Her intact body.
And the ancient Nile, the servant of the queens,
He did a mysterious job.

“I put on colorful feathers…”

I put on colorful feathers
Tempered my wings - and I'm waiting.
Above me, below me - mistrust,
Twilight breaks - I'm waiting.

Here they sit, plunging into a slumber,
Birds, companions of former years.
They forgot everything, they do not believe the flight
And they don't see what I'm up to.

These poor, sleepy birds -
They will not take off in a flock in the morning,
They will not notice the flickering of the daylight,
They will not understand the exclamation: "It's time!"

But my white wings will sparkle,
And they will close, they will shrink,
Dejected by dreams of impotence,
Falling asleep for long days.


He whispered to me yesterday
He whispered terrible, terrible things to me.
He left on a sad path
And I forgot yesterday
forgot yesterday.

It was yesterday, how long ago?
Why is he so silent?
I didn't find my lilies in the field
I was not looking for a weeping willow -
weeping willow.

Ah, how long ago! With me, with me
They talked - and kissed me ...
And I don’t remember, I don’t remember - I’ll hide it,
What the shores whispered about -
the shores whispered.

I saw in every blade of grass
His dear face is terrible ...
He went down the same path
Where did yesterday go?
gone yesterday...

I alone sheltered in the field,
And there was no more sadness.
It was yesterday, how long ago?
They spoke to me and kissed me
they kissed me.

“We woke up in complete oblivion…”

We woke up in complete oblivion -
in complete oblivion.
Didn't hear anything. Didn't see anyone.
There was no more hearing and sight -
hearing and vision...

Waved, swayed beautiful -
got married beautiful
Over the swell of Your Day ...
We were passionate and impassive -
passionate and impassive.

We saw in the distance unrelated -
in the distance untold
Relight of Your Beam.
We were told. And indicated in the distance.
Everything has been said. Everything has been told.

“I, exhausted and wise…”

I, exhausted and wise,
Rising from a painful sleep,
Before You, Golden-haired,
I bow down the banners.

The end of omniscient pride. -
The past dusk fell out of love,
Forever devoted to the Holy
I will obey you in everything.

Winter will pass - in a melodious blizzard
Already ringing from afar.
The royal arcs closed,
The soul is blessed. You are close.

“My passionate autumn is golden…”

Golden my passionate autumn
Your thoughts and your curls.
You are alone among the pensive pines
And sing about evening love.

Plunging into the thoughts of the forest,
You taught me how to kiss.
These caresses and songs of the night -
Only at night - they will light up again.

I'll be more passionate and stay longer
In your intoxicated arms
And the dawn of the radiant miracle
I will light up on the tops of the forest.

You are in a dream. my hugs
I do not give you in the night.
I am the queen of the stars,
Not for you - my rays.

You are deceived by the unknown:
For sacred dreams
Impossible incorporeal
Reveal your traits.

Go even deeper
Into the darkness of your spirit:
You will understand that I am more beautiful
Your ghosts.

"I will keep my torch..."

I will keep my torch
At the entrance to the stuffy garden.
You will color and weave a leaf
High along the fences.

Flower - a star in tears of dew
Run to me from the heights.
I will be the guardian of his beauty -
Silent Stargazer.

But in the hour of passion the wall is low,
We love the forbidden color.
On the trail of the first flower
You open the way for others.

The flowery stream will flow -
And there are no stars.
And I will forget the strict account
Attractive flowers.

“We are everywhere. We are nowhere. Let's go…”

We are everywhere. We are nowhere. Let's go
And the winter wind towards us
In churches and at dusk and during the day
Sings and blows out the candles.

And often it seems - far away,
At the dark walls, at the turn,
Where we sang and passed
Someone else sings and walks.

I look at the winter wind:
I'm afraid to understand and go deeper.
I turn pale. I'm waiting. But I won't say
Who needs to move.

I know everything. But we are both.
Now it's out of the question
That we are not alone here,
Someone is blowing out the candles.

“I looked at the blind human structure…”

Andrey Bely

I looked at the blind human structure,
Under the roof, a window slowly lit up.
Someone from above heard the approach
And I thought about what was a long time ago.

The curtains moved and fell.
Raised by an invisible hand.
There were shadows on the stairs.
And cautious calls began.

No one has entered the stairs yet
And we heard the score of the step.
And everywhere woke up, screaming, waiting
And the gray heads leaned into the shadows.

They thought the day would come after the morning.

Above all screaming and disheveled
Under the roof, a window slowly lit up.
There's someone on the gilded abacus
Considered that no one was given.

And I realized that it would be dark.

"Curiosity stared in vain ..."

Curiosity stared in vain
From the crevices of depraved brothels.
The window above darkened -
No sighs or groans are heard.

Dissatisfied, fed up people
Envy the upper happiness!
You below are powerless judges,
No desires, no tears, no passion.

We've gone through wishes and tears
Our passions have revealed secrets.
And we are from above, like thunderstorms,
They burned you too - by accident ...

"The queen watched screensavers ..."

The queen watched screensavers -
Red gilded letters.
Lit red lamps
Prayed to the Mother of God meek.

Flowed over the book of the Deep
Blue Nights of the Queen.
And to the Princess from the dove tower
White birds have flown.

The princess scattered the grain,
And white feathers fluttered.
Doves cooed obediently
In the terem - under the patterned door.

The princess of the queen's blush -
A queen looking for meaning.
In a book on every page
Golden and red numbers.

The cloud opened high
And the Pigeon Book fell.
And to the Princess from the azure eye
A cooing bird has flown.

The princess is so languid and sweet -
The Princess Bride is like a lamp.
The queen has blue riddles -
Gold and red screensavers.

Bow down, queen. princess,
Princess golden-haired:
From your ancient depth -
Pigeon meekness wise.

You are strong, queen, with depth,
The pages of your book are gilded
And the Bride with one innocence
Your numbers will pray, queen.

"Here she is - in the flowing wave ..."

Here she is - in the flowing wave
Sprayed with the last revenge,
In the reeds ran at the bottom
Burning red news.

But the alluring outfit is in vain;
Admire the light armor:
They stand motionless at the stern
Breastfeeding towards the sunset.

You do not see calm strongholds,
We are not afraid of your bad weather
Throw a burning torch
In serene, blue waters.

“Everyone was shouting at the round tables…”

Everyone screamed around the round tables
Restlessly changing place.
It was dim from wine fumes.
Suddenly someone entered - and through the roar of voices
Said, "Here's my bride."

Nobody heard anything.
Everyone squealed furiously like animals.
And one, without knowing why,
Swinging and laughing, pointing at him
And on the girl who entered the door.

She dropped her handkerchief
And all of them, in spiteful effort,
As if taking an ominous hint,
Tore apart with a squeal every piece
And stained with blood and dust.

When everyone came back to the table,
Shut up and sit down
He pointed them to a girl in the corner
And he said loudly, penetrating the darkness:
“Gentlemen! Here is my bride."

And suddenly the one who swayed and laughed,
Pointlessly stretching out your hands
Pressed against the table, trembled, -
And those who used to scream madly,
We heard crying sounds.

“The steps turned red and go out ...”

The steps are reddened and go out.
You said yourself: "I'll come."
At the entrance to the dusk of prayers
I opened my heart. - I'm waiting.

What I'm going to tell you, I don't know.
Maybe I'll die of happiness.
But burning with evening fire,
I will draw you to the fire.

A red flame blooms.
Suddenly, the dreams came true.
You are walking. Above the temple, above us
Sunsetless depth and height.

“I hurried to the funeral rite ...”

I hurried to the funeral rite,
Accelerating the mysterious run.
It was not the sad wind that knocked me off the road -
Pink snow twisted me.

I hid in a quiet valley -
The frosty mist parted.
Here the church is visible on the plain -
Its domes are golden…

I will never stop praying
I will never tire of wishing
Only to come back to the lovely years
And see the baby dream!

December 1902

"I was looking for the blue road..."

I was looking for the blue road
And shouted, stunned by people,
Approaching the golden threshold
Silenced before Your doors.

You passed into distant halls,
Majestic, quiet and strict.
I wore a veil for you
And looked at Your pearls.

December 1902

“We moved away - and lifted heavily ...”

We moved away - and heavily lifted
Cheerful flag in the night skies
While downstairs they fought and screamed
Discordant human voices.

And now - the dawn of the last consciousness, -
They scream in unheard of struggle,
The tested building staggers,
But about me - an air dream in You.

December 1902

“She waited and fought in mortal agony…”

She waited and fought in mortal agony.
Already enticing, like a call from afar,
Misty hands stretched out
And the wrong hand was drawn to them.

And suddenly the sleepy spring wind blew,
I blew out the candle, there was silence,
And an important voice, a supportive voice
He sang at the top like a thin string.

December 1902

"Singing dream, blooming color..."

Singing dream, blooming color,
Disappearing day, fading light.

Opening the window, I saw a lilac.
It was in the spring - on a departing day.

Flowers burst forth - and on the dark cornice
The shadows of the jubilant robes moved.

Anguish was suffocating, the soul was engaged,
I opened the window, trembling and trembling.

And I don’t remember where I breathed in my face,
Singing, the old one went up to the porch.

"Greetings, desert corner,
A haven of peace, work and inspiration."
Now I am very, very far away from you.
But still sometimes I write poems!

"I sit silently under the window of the dungeon;
I can see the blue sky from here."
Beautiful birds flap their wings.
I can't fly with them. So embarrassing.

"I have only one fun:
Fingers in the mouth - and a cheerful whistle.
Oh, if Lyubava were with me!
We would dance a twist with her.

"Golden my passionate autumn
Your thoughts and your curls."
So let's ask her
To be forever close to you.

Lines from poetry: A.S. Pushkin's "The Village", M.Yu. Lermontov's "The Captured Knight", S. Yesenin's "I have only one fun left", A.A. Blok's "My passionate autumn gilds".


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Golden my passionate autumn
Your thoughts and your curls.
You are alone among the pensive pines -
And sing about evening love.
Plunging into the thoughts of the forest,
You taught me how to kiss.
These caresses and songs of the night -
Only at night they will light up again.
I'm more passionate... and I'll stay longer
In your intoxicated arms
And the dawn of the radiant miracle
I will light up on the tops of the forest.
Date of writing: 1902

  1. If I look into the night at the blizzard, I will light up - and go out unbearable. What is in your eyes, red maiden, The blue night whispered to me. I whispered a fairy tale...
  2. As the sun gilds the surface of quiet waters, And in the depths, meanwhile, the waves are enveloped in darkness, - A smile so lit up the face at times, Although sadness is oppressive in the soul ...
  3. To Boris Sadovsky A red-hot, golden ball Will send a huge ray into space, And a long cone of dark shadow Will throw another ball into space. This is our beginningless world. This...
  4. I am silent and gloomily look At the distant shore. It seems to my heart that, as soon as I free my thought, - It will be enslaved again ... The window will open again, And the night again smells of coolness ......
  5. 1 Everyone remembers the oar sighing My blissful shoulder... Under this glance running away I could not remember anything... Your movements are timid, Wrong turn...
  6. In the black boughs of naked trees Yellow winter sunset outside the window. (The condemned will be led to the scaffold for execution at such a sunset). Red damask of faded sofas, Dusted tassels...
  7. Goodbye. For the last time cruelly I deceived your dreams... My repentance is deep Then that you forgave me... When would you, as before, About torments...
  8. L. Semenov I'm waiting for death near the morning sun. You have come from afar. Here fulfill the duty of the queen In the pale light of the night lamp. I'm ready. My shroud is thick. Mortal whisk...
  9. The sky is glowing. Dead night is dead. A mass of forest trees crowds around me, But the rumor of a distant, unknown city is clearly heard. You will distinguish a heavy row of houses, And ...
  10. To SM Solovyov Through a thin vapor of doubt I look into a bluish dream. In your words are the decrees And the commandment of holy times. When the ringing Reflections of the three-crowned ones fade away ...

Here they sit, plunging into a slumber,

Birds, companions of former years.

They forgot everything, they do not believe the flight

And they don't see what I'm up to.

These poor, sleepy birds -

They will not take off in a flock in the morning,

They will not notice the flickering of the daylight,

They will not understand the exclamation: "It's time!"

But my white wings will sparkle,

And they will close, they will shrink,

Dejected by dreams of impotence,

Falling asleep for long days.


He whispered to me yesterday

He whispered terrible, terrible things to me.

He left on a sad path

And I forgot yesterday

forgot yesterday.

It was yesterday, how long ago?

Why is he so silent?

I didn't find my lilies in the field

I was not looking for a weeping willow -

weeping willow.

Ah, how long ago! With me, with me

They talked - and kissed me ...

And I don’t remember, I don’t remember - I’ll hide it,

What the shores whispered about -

the shores whispered.

I saw in every blade of grass

His dear face is terrible ...

He went down the same path

Where did yesterday go?

gone yesterday...

I alone sheltered in the field,

And there was no more sadness.

It was yesterday, how long ago?

They spoke to me and kissed me

they kissed me.

“We woke up in complete oblivion…”

We woke up in complete oblivion -

in complete oblivion.

Didn't hear anything. Didn't see anyone.

There was no more hearing and sight -

hearing and vision...

Waved, swayed beautiful -

got married beautiful

Over the swell of Your Day ...

We were passionate and impassive -

passionate and impassive.

We saw in the distance unrelated -

in the distance untold

Relight of Your Beam.

We were told. And indicated in the distance.

Everything has been said. Everything has been told.

“I, exhausted and wise…”

I, exhausted and wise,

Rising from a painful sleep,

Before You, Golden-haired,

I bow down the banners.

The end of omniscient pride. -

The past dusk fell out of love,

Forever devoted to the Holy

I will obey you in everything.

Winter will pass - in a melodious blizzard

Already ringing from afar.

The royal arcs closed,

The soul is blessed. You are close.

“My passionate autumn is golden…”

Golden my passionate autumn

Your thoughts and your curls.

You are alone among the pensive pines

And sing about evening love.

Plunging into the thoughts of the forest,

You taught me how to kiss.

These caresses and songs of the night -

Only at night - they will light up again.

I'll be more passionate and stay longer

In your intoxicated arms

And the dawn of the radiant miracle

I will light up on the tops of the forest.

November 1902

Hot winter mists -

The vault of heaven is covered in blood

I go to other countries

Secret love.

You are in a dream. my hugs

I do not give you in the night.

I am the queen of the stars,

Not for you - my rays.

You are deceived by the unknown:

For sacred dreams

Impossible incorporeal

Reveal your traits.

Go even deeper

Into the darkness of your spirit:

You will understand that I am more beautiful

Your ghosts.

"I will keep my torch..."

I will keep my torch

At the entrance to the stuffy garden.

You will color and weave a leaf

High along the fences.

Flower - star in tears of dew

Run to me from the heights.

I will be the guardian of his beauty -

Silent Stargazer.

But in the hour of passion the wall is low,

We love the forbidden color.

On the trail of the first flower

You open the way for others.

The flowery stream will flow -

And there are no stars.

And I will forget the strict account

Attractive flowers.

“We are everywhere. We are nowhere. Let's go…”

We are everywhere. We are nowhere.

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