Orthodox prayer of thanksgiving to the Lord. Prayer of gratitude to our Creator - the Most High God

Performing various daily activities and taking care of their daily bread, many periodically cease to remember the most significant. In this regard, the correct attitude to reality, to one's neighbor and to oneself, may also be lost.

It is prayer that is that wonderful tool that allows you to turn to the Almighty, maintain continuous communication and relationships with him. Such relationships are more than significant for a believer. If we are talking about the Orthodox faith, then each person needs to be able to pray, and not only ask for something from the Higher powers, but also read thanksgiving prayers to the Lord and other saints.

How and when to thank?

As a rule, people turn to only in difficult times, when they want to ask for something or get something.... Of course, the Lord is merciful and gives everyone according to faith and is able to support in difficult times. Nevertheless, this attitude looks like a consumerist, and is it wise to leave yourself without the opportunity to pray more often?

The ideal is unceasing prayer, which allows you to receive indescribable spiritual benefits, but this can only be achieved by great ascetics who show incredible efforts and efforts. Worldly people should at least simply not forget about the Almighty and pray periodically. Particularly valuable are prayers of thanks, which do not ask or ask for anything, but simply offer your thanks.

Prayers of thanksgiving should be offered as daily as possible and best of all sincerely with a clear sense of value. For example, you can offer a prayer of thanksgiving in the morning for the opportunity to wake up again, to see a bright day again, and the like.

Many people perceive the awakening as a completely natural and deserved event, but they forget about the possibility of falling asleep sometime and not waking up. Such people do not even realize how much they do not control such opportunities and how happy each new day is. Before you take your morning prayer rule, you should think about it in detail and understand why you are expressing gratitude.

When you clearly realize the presence of the Supreme in all your affairs and in every second of your existence, you feel this gratitude. You understand the relevance of giving thanks after a completed task or after a completed day. It doesn't matter how good or bad this day seemed to you, you honor the Lord's providence and thank you for the opportunity to receive these joys or trials.

Certainly, the hardest thing to thank for the hardships and difficulties... There is not always enough reason and faith in order to show patience and humility, to accept some tests as a lesson. Nevertheless, it is precisely such prayers that are sincere and with understanding that are especially valuable and, by the way, it is they that help to overcome various difficulties.

So that you can pray in different situations, the following are different prayer options. These words appeal to the Lord and the Mother of God.

On every day

The most common prayer is the Our Father, which every Christian should know. This prayer can also be considered a thanksgiving prayer and can be used daily.

  • By awakening.
  • Front going to bed.
  • Front start of business(getting started).
  • By completion of the case.
  • Front eating.
  • Before making decisions, in hard situations.
  • When happy in my soul after receiving anything.

Next prayer to the Lord refers to gratitude for helping in various matters... After all, the Lord helps in all matters and you need to give thanks with the understanding of this fact:

“We thank Thee, O Lord our God, for all Thy good deeds, from the first age to the present, in us, unworthy of Thy servants (names), who were, theirs and we never know, about the manifest and unrevealed, who were also by deed and by the word: He loved us as Thy only begotten Son, you deign to give about us, make us worthy to be Thy love.

Grant with Thy word wisdom and with Thy fear breathe strength from Thy strength, and if you sin, even though or unwillingly, forgive and not impute, and keep our soul holy, and present it to Thy Throne, I have a clear conscience, and the end is worthy of Thy humanity; and remember, O Lord, all who call on your name in truth; remember all who are good or who resist us who want us: for all men I am, and in vain every man; so much the same we pray to you, Lord, grant us your goodness great mercy. Amen."

From the prayers to the Theotokos, one should recall the prayer rule, which many Orthodox read daily:

“Virgin Mary, rejoice, blessed Mary, the Lord is with you; blessed are you in women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, as you gave birth to our souls. "

In addition, we note the following prayer of thanks (most often read after communion):

“Most Holy Lady Theotokos, the light of my darkened soul, hope, cover, refuge, consolation, my joy! I thank You that You have vouchsafed me, an unworthy one, to become a partaker of the most pure Body and precious Blood of Your Son. But, Who gave birth to the true Light, enlighten the spiritual eyes of my heart. Who gave birth to the source of immortality, revive me, who was killed by sin. Merciful God, loving mercy Mother, have mercy on me and give me tenderness and contrition in my heart, and humility in my thoughts, and a call to good thoughts, when my mind is captive. And honor me to my last breath not to condemn to accept the sanctuary of the Most Pure Sacraments for the healing of soul and body. And give me tears of repentance and thanksgiving, so that I may sing and praise You all the days of my life, for You are blessed and glorified forever. Amen."

After you have thanked our Lord Jesus Christ. You should also turn to your To the keeper and offer the following prayer of thanksgiving:

Whoever thanked and praised his Lord, the One Orthodox God of Jesus Christ for His benevolence, I appeal to you, holy angel of Christ, Divine warrior. I call out with a prayer of thanksgiving, I thank you for your mercy to me and for your intercession for me before the face of the Lord. Be glorious in the Lord, angel!

How to pray to all the saints?

Not always in your home there are icons of all the saints whom you want to thank, but now the image of this or that saint can be available to you on your computer screen. If you pray to this or that saint, then most often you give thanks for some area in which, let's say, this saint is in charge.

When you have sincere motivation and a reasonable understanding, there is no need to follow canonical texts or read secret prayers at all. The canon was created in order to tune you in the right way, to take you away from unnecessary thoughts and moods.

Nevertheless, if you yourself understand who should be thanked and have the necessary motivation, then you can pray in your own words.

Having called the name of the saint, you can silently, in a whisper or out loud to express your gratitude... If you want, you can end the prayer with three times Amen.

If we are talking about prayers of thanksgiving, then, of course, all thanks should be offered to the Lord. According to tradition, if we turn to the saints, then we ask them to pray for us, that is, to turn to the Almighty for some of our well-being. At the same time, there are also grateful appeals within the canon and outside the canon to the saints.

However, here one should understand the essence of such appeals. When we ask for something holy then we ask simply because of his greater closeness to the Lord... The ascetic spent his entire earthly journey in order to get closer to him and was constantly strengthened by prayer.

When a saint helps us, the Lord himself helps, but in some way and thanks to this saint... Therefore, when we thank a saint, we first of all thank the Almighty, but we also thank the saint, without whom our faith might not be enough to ask for help.

Panteleimon the healer

A prayer of thanks for a healer is usually read after release from the disease:

“Holy great martyr, healer and miracle worker Panteleimone, an all-splendid servitor of God and a prayer-book inherent in Orthodox Christians!

You are worthyly called Panteleimon, the hedgehog is all-merciful, as if, having received the grace from God to pray for us and heal diseases, you richly give everyone who comes to you, various healings and all that is needed for a temporary life and for salvation: for this sake we are unworthy, vouchsafed Thy mercies, packs in front of your holy icon we run to you, and glorifying you, like a sincere saint of God, our faithful prayer book and healer, we sincerely thank you and the giver of all the blessings of our Lord our God for the great benefits that were you from Him.

Accept our mercifully small prayer thanksgiving, but not the imams, otherwise repay you according to our wealth, and during the rest of our life, do not deprive us, the weak and sinful, of your help and prayerful intercession from the Lord our God, all glory, thanksgiving and worship befits Him. , Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen."

Nicholas the Wonderworker

Thanksgiving prayer for Wonderworker:

“Nikolay Ugodniche! I address you as a teacher and shepherd with faith and respect, with love and admiration. I send you words of gratitude, I pray for a prosperous life. I say thank you very much, I hope for mercy and forgiveness. For sins, for thoughts, but for thoughts. As you have mercy on all sinners, so have mercy on me. From frightful trials and from death in vain. Amen."

Archangel Michael

Thanksgiving prayer Archangel Michael:

“Chosen of the Heavenly Powers, the voivode and the human race intercessor, this to you, like you, we deliver from the sorrowful, we bring grateful singing: you, as if stand before the Throne of the King of Glory, free us from all troubles, but with faith and love we call you in praise: Rejoice, Michael, the great Archangel, with all the Heavenly powers. "

After meal

Almost every religion, to one degree or another, affects the theme of eating food. Of course, food is essential as support for the existence of a mortal body, but equally food sometimes becomes a stimulus to unbridledness.

Many traditions strive to honor fasting in every possible way, condemn gluttony and instruct people to eat food only to maintain the body, but not for their own pleasure and enjoyment of taste. Including Christianity, which spiritualizes the process of eating with various prayers. The most common is considered to be one that read after eating, reads like this:

“We thank Thee, Christ our God, for thou hast filled us with Thy earthly blessings; Do not deprive us of Thy Heavenly Kingdom, but as among Thy disciples you came, Savior, give them peace, come to us and save us.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, both now and forever and forever and ever. Amen. Lord have mercy. (Three times) Bless. "

After reading, you should wait a little at the table. but do not take any food after prayer... You have to wait until your next meal.

If you eat food in a public space, or at a party, then you may well limit yourself to reading to yourself. Equally, at home in the company of other people, such a ritual should not always be observed, especially in front of people whom you can significantly embarrass, although if such a tradition has taken root in your home, you may well follow this tradition without interfering with anyone.

Also thanksgiving prayers can be listened to, this allows you to get the desired sincere and prayerful mood and rebuild in the right way.

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Faith in God is the basis for the salvation of the soul for every Orthodox believer. Sincere prayer can work miracles, but the most important thing is that it helps a person to embark on the righteous and true path that will lead him to the Kingdom of God, it can inspire a person for goodness and open his heart. The Church believes that gratitude is one of the most important Christian feelings. Thanksgiving prayers directed to the Lord God are very important for every believer. It should be understood that it is imperative to thank the Almighty for help in business.

Gratitude expressed to the Lord God in prayer is a ray of light that will help drive out resentment and anger, hatred and disgust from the soul. Thanks to the Almighty, man claims that he has learned the lessons sent down and made the right conclusions. In any prayer of thanks

What is a prayer of gratitude

The Prayer of Gratitude is a special prayer that should arise in the heart of a person. It should be remembered that if it is pronounced correctly, it can radically change the life of the believer. After all, in this way you can make it clear to the Lord that you humbly accept everything that he gives in real life. You are grateful to him not only for the joys, but also for the trials that he sends you. The Church offers a special way of raising thanksgiving - this is a thanksgiving prayer to the Savior. Each believer can order it in any church, but it should be remembered that it is imperative to be present at such a service.

Each person can in his own way offer a prayer of thanksgiving to God or his Holy Helpers. There are no hard and fast rules on this. But due to the different characters of people, some believers do it easily, others experience certain difficulties during prayer.

Difficulties with a prayer of thanksgiving for a believer arise when serious difficulties and obstacles arise on the path of life. But we must remember that it is impossible to grumble against God in any situation, because trials from above are not sent to us in vain. All obstacles on the path of life arise when the Almighty wants to show a person that he is leading a way of life that is not pleasing to God's plan. And this, above all, can be disastrous for the person himself. Therefore, if it seems to you that everything in your life is not going as you would like, just pray and offer your thanksgiving in a prayer appeal to God.

To the lord god

For a believer, one should get into the habit of thanking God for everything that happens to him in the real world, namely:

  • In general, for the opportunity to live and feel;
  • For moving forward and being able to make decisions in any situation;
  • For victories and awards for labor;
  • For life lessons and trials that allow you to gain invaluable experience;
  • For everything valuable for life: family, children, parents, friends, shelter, work and even beloved pets.

You can thank the Lord at any time with these simple prayer words:

“Lord, I, the Slave (s) of God (s) (own name), thank You for my wonderful life filled with light, for the wonderful and happy feelings that are present in my soul, for the fact that I can be merciful to others, for giving me the fire of illumination and mercy.
I, the Slave (s) of God (s) (my own name), praise You and thank You, the Almighty, for the fact that your instructions help me to realize all my inner accumulations. I am grateful to You for the fruitful life path you sent down and for the opportunity to fulfill my destiny.
I, the Slave (s) of God (s) (my own name), praise You and thank You, the Most High, for the prosperity and peace in my house. I am grateful to you for the atmosphere of kindness and understanding between the household, for the loyalty of wonderful friends who always come to my house with an open soul.
I, the Servant (s) of God (s) (my own name), praise You and thank You, the Most High, for the good that You have sent down for all people. I rejoice and accept everything around me with bright thoughts and an open soul.
I, the Slave (s) of God (s) (my own name), praise You and thank You, the Almighty, for the fact that everything around is filled every minute with streams of Your wisdom and love. Your strength helps to choose the right path and hope for the Eternal Salvation of the Soul. Amen".

Holy Mother of God

The Virgin Mary, who gave birth to the Merciful and Just Savior Jesus Christ, enjoys special respect and veneration among the Orthodox believers. The Most Holy Theotokos is considered the Comforter and Helper of the entire human race and always hears those who ask and those who suffer. Therefore, thanksgiving prayers are very often offered to her. People thank her for her compassion and understanding. It is recommended to read such prayers before making a request to the Most Holy Theotokos. As a rule, women most often turn to the Virgin Mary with such a prayer.

You can use the following version of a prayer of thanksgiving:

“Theotokos, Mother of God, Ever-Virgin Mary. I, the Servant of God (my own name), send my thanksgiving prayer words to you. I praise and thank the Most Holy Theotokos for all her deeds aimed at protecting and supporting the human race. You are the Queen of Heaven, all Angels and Archangels worship and serve you. I will praise Thy majesty and Thy womb. You, the Most Holy Theotokos, have given the whole world a Savior. You gave us hope to live Eternal Life. You are our Caller and Helper, you take all women and mothers under your protection. You give us the strength to resist any evil and go through life with our heads held high. I, the Servant of God (my own name), thank you for my life, for your help and unlimited support. I praise Your name and continue to trust in Your mercy. For everything I have in life, I say thank you, for every day I give you a song of thanksgiving. I bow low to you. I ask for mercy and forgiveness of my sins. Amen".

It is better to read the words of a prayer of thanks to the Most Holy Theotokos in the morning all alone in front of the icon. It is recommended to repeat the prayer text three times.

Guardian angel

Often used are prayers of thanks directed to the Guardian Angel. These disembodied and immortal creatures are appointed by God at the birth of a person. The Guardian Angel always walks through life next to a person, protecting him and warning him against wrong actions and decisions. Very often he saves a person or provides assistance in the most hopeless situation. Gratitude expressed in prayer always helps to establish closer contact with your Guardian Angel.

“I, the Servant (s) of God (s) (my own name), praise and thank the Almighty, for his mercy, which he shows to all living. I, the Slave (s) of God (s) (my own name), turn to my protector, my Guardian Angel. I offer him my gratitude and worship for the fact that every moment he intercedes before the Lord for my sins, both known and unknown. For his presence next to me, for participating in all my deeds and my help every day. My gratitude is limitless, she does not know the edge. Amen".

Very often, thanksgiving prayers are read on a specific occasion. It is allowed to address them to any Saint who is related to a particular sphere of life.

Upon receipt of the requested

People very often turn to Saint Nicholas the Pleasant for help. Moreover, the sphere of influence of this Saint is vast, he helps to heal and improve health, find happiness in his personal life and improve family relationships, find a common language with colleagues and get a good job. He works miracles and resolves his own situations. Therefore, Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker must be thanked for his good deeds. It is important to read such a prayer of thanks when everything is going well in life and life is filled with calmness and warmth. This will help to avoid life trials and losses in the next life period.

The prayer text below should be read 12 times in front of the icon of St. Nicholas:

Great Wonderworker, Saint Nicholas! I, the Slave (s) of God (s) (my own name), at this hour do not turn to you for help, but with great gratitude. You are the Defender of the human race and you atone for the sins of everyone who asks before God, a low bow to You for this. I thank You for this and I ask for mercy for all people. Pray for us, for our peaceful life and family happiness in peace and grace. I, the Slave (s) of God (s) (own name), your holy name, I praise and I send you a prayer of thanksgiving. Amen".

On healing from illness

When a person is seriously ill, then he turns with prayers for healing to God. Therefore, after recovery, you should definitely read the prayer of thanks. There is a special prayer appeal from St. John of Kronstadt to God, which is recommended to be read after healing.

The text of the prayer is as follows:

“I will praise You, Lord Almighty and Merciful, the Only Begotten Son of the Originless Father, Jesus Christ. You alone, by your will, heal all kinds of ailments and all kinds of human ailments. I thank you for having mercy and forgiving me, for saving me from my serious illness and for saving me, a sinner, from the hopelessness that could kill me. I pray, Lord Almighty Heavenly, from now on to grant me the strength of the inner righteous path to walk and do Your will for the salvation of my soul. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen".

By deliverance from temptation and enmity

There is another very important prayer for every believer from St. John of Kronstadt, which is read after getting rid of temptations and enmity.

Its text reads as follows:

“Glory to Thee, Omnipotent Heavenly King. I thank You that You did not leave me in the devil's darkness. You sent down a ray of light to me and showed the righteous path. My Lord, Almighty and All-Merciful Lord Jesus Christ! My Advocate is quick, I thank you for your mercy to me. When in the darkness I called to you, you responded quickly and mercifully delivered me from my enemies. My soul was filled with light and lightness. I praise your Master's grace for delivering me from dishonor, not letting me despair and getting into the accursed world. I will always glorify Your name for You are a Humanitarian. Amen".

By holy communion

Communion is a very important ceremony in the Orthodox Church. Through this sacrament, the believer is reunited with the Lord. After, in accordance with all church rules, the rite of communion is carried out, a prayer of thanks is necessarily read.

You can use various prayer texts, one of them sounds like this:

“I thank You, my Lord, the All-Merciful and Almighty for not rejecting me, a sinner (sinner), a Servant (s) of God (s) (my own name), but for allowing me to partake of Your Shrines. I thank Thee Almighty, that I am unworthy (unworthy) honored to partake of Your most pure and heavenly Gifts.

I ask, Vladyka the Human Lover, who died for the sake of us who live, and who later rose again, who gave us these terrible, but also life-giving Sacraments of God for the purpose of beneficence and the sanctification of the souls and bodies of people, do so that they help me heal my soul and body. So that they give spiritual strength to repel the attack of any enemy, so that enlightenment comes in my heart, and I see with my eyes the righteous path.

So that they strengthen my faith in the Lord Almighty, so that they fill my life with wisdom and unhypocritical love. So that the sacraments of the saints give me the opportunity to endlessly glorify your grace and your kingdom. So that I am the Servant of God (my own name) will be forever preserved by them and remember your unlimited mercy and live not only for myself, but for the Most High Master and Benefactor.

When the hour comes to leave real life in the hope of eternal life, so that I will reach the place of eternal rest in Heaven next to You. For I admit, You are the true goal of my life aspiration and of all people on earth. I sing and thank You, Lord. Amen".

We praise you, Mother of God; Ty, Mary, we confess the Virgin Mary; Thee, the eternal Father Daughter, the whole earth dignifies. All Angels and Archangels and all Beginnings humbly serve You; All Power, Thrones, Dominions and all exceeding of the Power of heaven obey You. Cherubims and Seraphims rejoicingly stand before you and cry out in a ceaseless voice: Holy Mother of God Mother, the heavens and the land of the majesty of the glory of the fruit of Thy womb are full of them. The Mother praises you the glorious apostolic face of her Creator; For you many martyrs magnify the Theotokos; The temple of God calls you the glorious confessors of the assembly of God the Word; The polls of virginity are preaching to you the dominion; All the heavenly armies praise you the Queen of Heaven. The Holy Church glorifies you throughout the whole universe, revere the Mother of God; Thee of the true King of heaven exalts the Young Woman. Thou art the Angel, Lady, Thou art the door of heaven, Thou the ladder of the Kingdom of Heaven, Thou art the King of glory, Thou art the ark of piety and grace, Thou art the abyss of bounty, Thou art the refuge of sinners. You are Mother of the Savior, You have perceived freedom for the sake of a captive man, you have perceived God in your womb. You have trampled down the enemy; You have opened the doors of the Kingdom of Heaven to the faithful. You stand at the right hand of God; You pray to God for us, Virgin Mary, He will judge the living and the dead. We ask thee, Intercessor before Thy Son and God, Redeem us with Thy blood, so that we will receive a bribe in eternal glory. Save Thy people, Mother of God, and bless Thy heritage, as we may be partakers of Thy inheritance; God forbid and observe us even for ever. For every day, O Most Holy One, we wish to praise and bless Thee with our heart and lips. Grant, Merciful Mother, now and always from sin for us to be saved; have mercy on us, Intercessor, have mercy on us. May Thy mercy be on us, as on Thy hope for ever. Amen.

Thanksgiving for every good deed of God

Troparion, voice 4

Thank Thy servant unworthy creature, O Lord, for Thy great blessings that were upon us, glorifying Thee, praise, bless, thank, sing and magnify Thy goodness, and slavishly with love cry Ty: Our Savior, our Benefactor, glory to Thee.

Kontakion, voice 3

Your blessings and gifts to the tuna, as a servant of indecency, become worthy, Vladyka, diligently flowing to You, we bring thanksgiving in strength, and as a Benefactor and Creator to You, glorifying, crying: glory to Thee, O All-Blessed God. Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, both now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Mother of God

The Mother of God, the Christian Helper, Thy intercession has acquired Thy servant, I am grateful to Thee by crying: Rejoice, Most Pure Theotokos Virgin, and always save us from all troubles with Thy prayers, One who is soon present.

Prayer 1st

We thank Thee, O Lord our God, for all Thy good deeds, from the first age to the present, in us, unworthy servants of Thy and Thy only begotten Son, you deign to give about us, make us worthy to be Thy love. Grant with Thy word wisdom and with Thy fear breathe strength from Thy strength, and if you sin, even though or unwillingly, forgive and not impute, and keep our soul holy, and present it to Thy Throne, I have a clear conscience, and the end is worthy of Thy humanity; and remember, O Lord, all who call on your name in truth; remember all who are good or who resist us who want us: for all men I am, and in vain every man; so much the same we pray to you, Lord, grant us your goodness great mercy.

Prayer 2

The Cathedral of Saints Angel and Archangel, with all the heavenly powers sings Thee, and says: Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of hosts, fill heaven and earth with Thy glory. Hosanna in the highest, blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, hosanna in the highest. Save me, Who art in the highest, the King, save me and sanctify me, the Source of sanctification; from Thee, for the whole creation is strengthened, They sing to Thee the countless song of the Trisagion. To you and I am unworthy, to those who sit in the unapproachable light, all things are terrified of him, I pray: enlighten my mind, cleanse my heart, and open my mouth, as if I may be worthy to pet You: Holy, Holy, Holy Thou Lord, always, now, and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Song of praise to St. Ambrose Mediolansky

We praise God to Thee, we confess The Lord, the whole earth magnifies Thee eternal Father. All the angels to Thee, the heavens and all the powers to Thee, the ceaseless voices of the cherubs and seraphims cry out to Thee: Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of hosts, the essence of heaven and the land of Thy glory majesty are full. You are the glorious apostolic face, You are a prophetic, laudatory number, You are praised by the glorious martyr army, You are confessed throughout the universe by the Holy Church, the Father of incomprehensible majesty, Your true and Only Begotten Son, and the Holy Comforter Spirit. Thou, the King of Christ glory, Thou art the ever-present Son of the Father: Thou, for the deliverance of man, thou art not abhorred of the Virgin's womb. Having overcome the sting of death, you opened the Kingdom of Heaven to the believers. Sit at the right hand of God in the glory of the Fathers, Judge to come with faith. We ask you for help: help your servant, you have redeemed them with the same honest blood. Grant me reign with Thy saints in Thy eternal glory. Save Thy people, O Lord, and bless Thy inheritance, I correct and exalt them forever: for all days we will bless Thee, and we praise Thy name for ever and ever. Grant, Lord, to us to be saved without sin on this day. Have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy on us: wake Thy mercy, O Lord, on us, as with hope in You: on You, Lord, with hope, so we will not be ashamed forever. Amen.

Thanksgiving for the love of God and prayer for the increase of love for God

Merciful, gracious, benevolent and good God! I thank You, Human-loving man, from the depths of my heart for Your great, inexpressible, paternal love, with which You, loving God and Father, have always loved me. You worry about me, you hear my prayer, you count my tears, you see sighing, you know all my sorrow. You gave me Thy beloved Son through His incarnation, through the holy Gospel you taught and comforted me, through His example you showed me the way and rule of holy life, through His suffering and death you redeemed me from eternal death, through His ascension to heaven you opened heaven for me and prepared a place in heaven. You have enlightened me with Your Holy Spirit, sanctified, comforted, strengthened, taught me and gave me comfort, and through Him you confirmed me as a child of God and an eternal inheritance. You not only showed me great benefits, but you also gave me Yourself with Your beloved Son and the Holy Spirit. How can I thank You enough for this great love? Grant me such a heart that I never forget about Your love. Do not let her ever fade away in my heart. Ignite my heart, enlighten my mind, sanctify my will, rejoice my memory and unite me with You forever!

Thanksgiving for God's help in dangers and keeping from harm

My God, I thank Thee that Thou hast established my steps in Thy paths, so that my steps are not strayed. Thou hast shown me Thy wondrous mercy, Thou hast preserved me like the apple of an eye, in the shadow of Thy wings you sheltered me from the enemies of my soul who surround me. What will I repay the Lord for all the good deeds to me? Blessed be, O Lord, my God, who works miracles is one, and blessed be Thy holy name forever, and Thy glory may the whole earth be filled! Amen.

Prayer of thanksgiving is one of the ways to express gratitude and appreciation to God for help. People often use such a prayer in churches to heal from diseases, as well as when things are completed successfully. This kind of prayer is important for life in general - as the key to happiness. It is recited in the morning - in the prayer rule, in the evening - after finishing all the affairs, or during the day - when it is convenient. Such a ritual, firmly established in everyday life, will not only teach a feeling of gratitude, but will also help in any business.

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      When are thanksgiving prayers needed?

      Thanksgiving prayers are read in the following situations:

      • when a person received help through prayer from God, Jesus Christ, the Mother of God or the saints;
      • after successful completion of business;
      • on healing from illness;
      • at the end of the day (as a thank you for everything that was given);
      • by holy communion;
      • when the saints or God gave help to the relatives or neighbors of the praying person;
      • when you need to fill your life with prosperity and happiness;
      • when you just want to thank God for everything.
      • Thanksgiving prayers can be a good start to the work day: they set you in a positive mood and a wave of energy of well-being.

        To the lord god

        As the clergy say, you need to thank the Almighty for everything: both good and bad: sometimes what seems like failure or grief can be a valuable lesson for the soul. Gratitude is needed for the most part not to God, but to the one who is praying. By developing and strengthening a sense of gratitude, a person becomes stronger, kinder and happier.

        When someone lifts up a prayer of thanksgiving to God, the Lord fully repays him. After a while, a person becomes a magnet for happiness.

        The text of thanksgiving prayers to the Lord God for help:

        You can also use the usual verbal expression of gratitude in Russian - this is not prohibited. The only thing that needs to be taken into account is that Orthodox prayers in the church language are always much stronger, since they are composed according to special rules.

        The most powerful way of expressing gratitude to God for everything will be reading the grateful akathist "Glory to God for everything" (its text can be easily found on the Internet). He is read at the icon of the Lord Almighty, standing on his feet or knees. This akathist is one of the best tools for helping a person in negative states, when there are complaints about everyone around him, or strength is simply needed.

        One can also express gratitude to God by offering alms to those in need or tithing to the temple.

        To different saints

        They turn with gratitude to those saints from whom help has been received in some matter. For each of the Orthodox saints, their thanksgiving prayers are written (you can find them in the Orthodox prayer book). But especially popular are appeals to Nicholas the Wonderworker, who is very revered among believers:

        Prayers from corruption, evil eye and witchcraft to Cyprian and Ustinya - short and full version

        To the guardian angel

        Angelic prayers of thanksgiving are as important as prayers to God and the saints. A guardian angel is a helper and protector for a person, therefore it is important that people know how to keep in touch with him and express gratitude for the support provided to him. A prayer of thanks is a kind of bridge of love between a living person and her guardian angel. The bridge grows stronger with each day of the practice of such a prayer. It can be added to both evening and morning prayer rules.

        The text of thanksgiving prayers to the guardian angel for every day:

        Before reading, you need to concentrate mentally on the feeling of gratitude and love, directed to the guardian angel. After expressed gratitude, mood and life in general begin to improve. The feeling of warmth or just comfort that appears after a prayer ritual is a sign that a person is being heard.

        To the Mother of God

        In the Orthodox Church, there has always been a special attitude towards Mother Theotokos. She gladly helps all those who pray to her: relieves of diseases, directs on the true path, protects from enemies, etc.

        But a prayer of thanks is read to her not only for this, but also for the fact that she brought the Savior into the world with her vow. A special prayer will help to thank the saint and establish a connection with the source of the feminine energy of love:

        To jesus christ

        To Jesus Christ, as to the savior and redeemer of the world, the prayer of thanksgiving is read after deliverance from sickness, anxiety, disasters, when life is getting better and a person finds his or her bright path. In a broader sense, a grateful appeal to Jesus Christ will help to forge and strengthen the connection with the source of masculine creative energy.

        How to read thanksgiving prayers correctly?

        It is best to read words of gratitude in a temple or holy place. In such places, the effect of prayers is intensified, because of which the words reach God much faster. The order of actions for the correct reading of the prayer-thanks:

    1. 1. Buy a candle.
    2. 2. Place it near the icon.
    3. 3. Make a prayer appeal to the Mother of God, Jesus Christ or another saint from whom help was received.
    4. 4. At the end, bow down.

    At home, for better immersion in prayer, before reading, they light a lamp or a candle, light incense. TV, radio, cell phones and other sources of noise are turned off or removed from the room. In such an atmosphere, it is easier to tune in to the prayer service and clear thoughts of mental debris. During a solitary prayer service, the inner gaze is directed to the heart, and with the senses they tune in to the warmth of love. After graduation, you need to try to maintain a state of gratitude until the end of the day.

    When reading letters of thanks, remember that sincerity and honesty are important. Words will be heard coming from the heart, with love and awareness. If gratitude is difficult to feel before starting conversion, then you should simply read the prayers regularly: then they will tune the person to this feeling. In the future, the feeling of gratitude will become vivid and natural.

    Church ministers who are ordained are advised to give thanks to God and holy forces every morning and every evening. It is not necessary to do this with long prayers, you can simply say from the heart and soul: "Thank you, Lord, that there is bread on the table! Thank you for shelter, clothes and loving relatives." You can also mentally thank everyone around you. Just a few minutes of gratitude can fill your life with meaning and well-being.

Almost every person believes in God: some come to the holy abode only in need, in the spirit of fashion or on great holidays, others confirm their faith by deeds, confess, receive communion. Prayer to the Lord Jesus Christ passes through the human heart and opens the way to all virtues in it. Without prayer, the soul will not be pious.

Why Thank God

The main duty of a pious Christian is prayerful gratitude to the Almighty for everything that happens in our life. Grief and joy are all providential.

We come to life naked and poor, we need absolutely everything. All benefits, spiritual and physical, we receive from God. Food and clothing, the beauty of nature and an abundance of crops, loving parents, the benefits of civilization - all this is given to us from above. Therefore, the words of gratitude to the prayer, uttered at the behest of the heart, are that miserable amount from us to the Savior for what He sends to us.

In the liturgical practice of the Orthodox Church, there are many examples of thanksgiving to the Most High: prayers for Holy Communion, prayer prayers, thanksgiving for every good deed, after listening to the Divine Liturgy, and others.

Thanksgiving prayer of St. John Chrysostom:

We thank for all Your good deeds, shown to us unworthy from the first day of our life to the present - we thank for everything that we know and what we don’t know, for everything explicit and implicit, revealed by deed and word, accomplished according to the will and against our will, for everything the past is unworthy with us, for sorrow and weakening of sorrow, for Gehenna, for torment, for the Kingdom of Heaven

At the end of the Divine Liturgy, the Holy Church performs a thanksgiving service to Jesus Christ with a prayer:

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Thank you for your daily bread and the grace sent down from above. Thank you for your patience and long-suffering sorrow. Thank you, God, for day and night, for good and faithful friends. Thank you for your mercy and faith, for the guardian angel and holy love. Amen.

How to order a prayer service in the temple

The Holy Gospel says about the healing of a dozen people with leprosy by Christ. One of them, having become healthy, returned and thanked the Savior, for which he was justified, while the Lord condemned others. In order not to stand in a row with the condemned, the Church advises to follow the pious example of a recovered person and to give thanks for every good deed of God.

More on thanksgiving prayers:

To order a thanksgiving service to the Heavenly Father, you must:

  • come to the temple, write a note with the name of the prayer service and the names of the benefactors;
  • they should be written in a column, in the genitive case (that is, from whom: Irina, Svetlana, Vasily) and in no case from Volodya, Mashenka, Seryozha;
  • the names of people baptized in Orthodoxy are indicated;
  • it is allowed to ascribe to the names "statuses": ailing, adolescent, infant, not idle, warrior;
  • give the completed form to the candlewoman and make the recommended donation;
  • the reason for gratitude does not need to be indicated;
  • it is advisable to purchase a candle and put it before the prayer service in a candlestick set in front of the face of Christ.

Spiritual rules

The Heavenly Father loves all people - both the righteous and the sinners. He seeks to save everyone, his love for us is the path to eternal life. This great gift awaits each of us in heaven.

Words of thanks are praised not only for generosity, health and well-being, but also for God's wrath and punishment. Life's sorrows are a test for us, a path to salvation.

About prayers in sorrow and temptation:

To be heard by God, it is necessary to adhere to spiritual rules when performing a prayer service.

Personal presence at the prayer service is required. In the event that a person is bedridden by illness, you can ask someone to be present on his behalf.

You cannot be late for prayer service. Molebens are often served at the end of the Liturgy, in the morning hours, so you should know in advance the time of the beginning of the prayer.

Prayer books should be taken seriously and consciously.

Listen and ponder the words of the prayer, say them to yourself after the priest. Do not be indifferent - after all, this is an appeal to God personally by each person who ordered the prayer service.

Services in churches are performed in the Church Slavonic language. It is not understandable to everyone, so it is worth working hard and sorting out the text of the prayer in advance. It will be useful to study the course of the service. It is not necessary to buy special service books or prayer books, now almost everything can be found on the Internet.

Often, thanksgiving prayers are read together with other requirements: supplication, water blessings, about unbelievers, about healing, and others. In most parishes, a general prayer service is served, which unites all the prayers ordered on that day. Do not worry, the "quality" of the prayer will not be affected by this.

The foundation for the salvation of the soul of an Orthodox Christian is faith in God's providence. Everything that happens in our life, joy and sorrow, is sent by the Almighty for our good.

As long as everything is fine and there is shelter, delicious food, health, prosperity in the family - we are sure that the Lord loves us. But as soon as difficulties, ailments and sorrows occur, we begin to grumble and believe that Christ has turned away, forgot about us. This is not so, believers are obliged to reverently endure the tests sent to them and not groan at the same time. In such cases, the people say: "So the Lord has visited."

It is necessary to praise the Lord Jesus Christ with words of thanksgiving prayer. After all, He thus directs the atoning cross for the sins we have committed.

Prayer of gratitude to Christ

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