Asparkam injections instructions for use. Asparkam is a source of potassium and magnesium to support your heart

on the use of a medicinal product for medical use

Registration number:



Grouping name:

potassium and magnesium asparaginate.

Dosage form.

Solution for intravenous administration.


1 ml of solution contains anhydrous magnesium asparaginate - 40 mg (3.37 mg magnesium), anhydrous potassium aspartate - 45.2 mg (10.33 mg potassium), aspartic acid - 74 mg, heavy magnesium oxide in terms of 100% substance - 5.59 mg, potassium hydroxide in terms of 100% substance - 14.82 mg;
excipients: sorbitol - 50 mg, water for injection up to 1 ml.

Description... Transparent colorless or slightly yellowish liquid.

Pharmacotherapeutic group.

Potassium and magnesium drug.

ATX code: А12СХ.

Pharmacological properties.

Asparkam-Farmak eliminates electrolyte imbalance in the body, promoting the penetration of potassium and magnesium ions into the intracellular space. The drug has moderate antiarrhythmic properties, reducing myocardial excitability, somewhat inhibits myocardial conductivity; reduces hypersensitivity to cardiac glycosides and reduces the manifestations of their toxicity.

Absorption is high. It is excreted by the kidneys.

Indications for use.

To eliminate the deficiency (absolute or relative) of potassium and magnesium in various manifestations of coronary heart disease, including acute myocardial infarction; chronic circulatory failure; heart rhythm disorders caused by the use of cardiac glycosides; massive diuretic therapy, vomiting, diarrhea, etc.


Hypersensitivity to the drug (including sorbitol and fructose), acute and chronic renal failure, hyperkalemia, atrioventicular block I-III degree, severe myasthenia gravis, acute metabolic acidosis, hypermagnesemia, amino acid metabolism disorders, arterial hypotension, dehydration (exsicosis) , hemolysis, Addison's disease, deficiency of fructose-1,6-diphosphatase, methanol poisoning.


Use with caution:
during pregnancy (especially the first trimester) and during lactation;
cardiogenic shock (systolic blood pressure less than 90 mm Hg), hypophosphatemia, severe hepatic failure, metabolic acidosis, the risk of edema, chronic renal failure (if regular monitoring of the concentration of Mg2 + in the blood serum is impossible - the risk of accumulation).

Application during pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

Use with caution during pregnancy (especially the first trimester) and during lactation.

Method of administration and dosage.

It is administered by intravenous drip or by means of the "Infuzomat" dosing device or intravenously by jet (slowly).
Intravenous administration of 10-20 ml once or twice a day for 5 days. Before use, the contents of 1-2 ampoules of 10 ml each or 2-4 ampoules of 5 ml each are diluted in 100-200 ml of 5% dextrose (glucose) solution or sterile 0.9% sodium chloride solution and injected drip at a rate of 20-25 drops into minute, or dilute the contents of 1 ampoule of 10 ml or 2 ampoules of 5 ml in 20 ml of 5% dextrose (glucose) solution or sterile 0.9% sodium chloride solution and inject into a vein in a stream at a rate of no more than 5 ml per minute.

Side effect.

Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dry mouth, discomfort or burning in the epigastric region (in patients with anacid gastritis or cholecystitis), abdominal pain, ulceration of the gastrointestinal mucosa, bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract, flatulence, dry mouth ; bradycardia, atrioventricular block, decreased blood pressure, paradoxical reaction (increased number of extrasystoles), dyspnea, pruritus, hyperkalemia (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, paresthesia), hypermagnesemia (facial flushing, thirst, decreased blood pressure, hyporeflexia, depression convulsions).
With injection, nausea and dizziness are occasionally possible, which usually disappear with a decrease in the dose of the drug. Development of phlebitis, thrombosis is possible. With rapid intravenous administration - hyperkalemia, hypermagnesemia.
If any of the side effects indicated in the instructions are aggravated, or you notice any other side effects not indicated in the instructions, tell your doctor about it.


With a rapid jet injection or with the introduction of the drug in doses that significantly exceed the therapeutic ones, hyperkalemia develops (muscle hypotonia, paresthesia of the extremities, slowing of atrioventricular conduction, arrhythmias, cardiac arrest), hypermagnesemia, which is manifested by facial flushing, thirst, a pronounced decrease in blood pressure, impaired neuromuscular transmission, depression of the respiratory center, arrhythmia, convulsions.
Treatment: calcium gluconate or calcium chloride 10% 10-40 ml is injected (depending on the severity of the overdose), measures are taken to maintain respiratory function, hemodynamics. Symptomatic therapy. Perhaps hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis.

Interaction with other medicinal products.

With simultaneous use with potassium-sparing diuretics, ACE inhibitors, beta-blockers, cyclosporine, heparin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, the risk of hyperkalemia increases (monitoring of serum potassium levels is necessary).
Asparkam-Farmak reduces sensitivity to cardiac glycosides.
Strengthens the negative dromo- and batmotropic effect of antiarrhythmic drugs.
Eliminates hypokalemia caused by glucocorticosteroids and diuretics.
General anesthetics increase the inhibitory effect on the central nervous system; with simultaneous use with atracuronium, decamethonium, succinyl chloride and suxamethonium, an increase in neuromuscular blockade is possible.

Special instructions.

Attention! With rapid intravenous administration, hyperkalemia and hypermagnesemia may develop, with the occurrence of life-threatening arrhythmias, therefore, rapid intravenous administration of the drug is contraindicated!
If necessary, it is possible to use the drug during pregnancy and lactation.
If necessary, treatment with Asparkam-Farmak can be combined with the use of strophanthin and cardiac glycosides. If necessary, solutions of cardiac glycosides can be added to the drug solution.
The injection solution is used in stationary and outpatient conditions.
During treatment with the drug, it is necessary to refrain from driving vehicles or working with complex mechanisms.

Release form.

Release form:

Solution for intravenous administration, 5 ml, 10 ml or 20 ml in glass ampoules with a break ring or a break point.
10 ampoules, together with instructions for medical use, are placed in a carton box with corrugated inserts.
Or 5 ampoules are put into a blister made of polymer film. 2 blisters with ampoules, together with instructions for medical use, are placed in a pack of cardboard.

Storage conditions.

In a dark place at a temperature of 15 ° C to 25 ° C. Keep out of the reach of children.

Shelf life.

2 years.
Do not use after the expiration date printed on the package.

Vacation conditions:

dispensed by prescription.

Legal entity in whose name the registration certificate was issued

PJSC "Farmak", Ukraine, 04080, Kiev, st. Frunze, 63.

PJSC "Farmak", Ukraine, 04080, Kiev, st. Frunze, 74.

Consumer Complaints Organization
Representative office of the Public Joint Stock Company "Farmak" (Ukraine).
Russia, 121357, Moscow, st. Vereiskaya, 29, 154, office. 44.

Asparkam is a combined metabolic agent designed to compensate for the deficiency of potassium and magnesium in the body and is used in the complex treatment of a number of cardiovascular diseases (heart failure, coronary heart disease and some arrhythmias). Among all the main intracellular ions that regulate the course of biochemical processes in the body, potassium and magnesium stand apart. Potassium takes part in the regulation of nerve impulses, muscle fiber contraction, myocardial function and many other vital functions. Magnesium, in turn, is an inducer for more than 300 enzymes in the body. In addition, as a physiological calcium antagonist, it inhibits the spontaneous contractions of smooth and skeletal muscles. Both potassium and magnesium are also involved in the polarization of cell membranes. The development of deficiency states associated with the lack of these ions is due to their increased elimination from the body, which can occur in diseases of the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, the use of diuretics and cardiac glycosides, and the abuse of alcohol. Another, much more banal reason for potassium-magnesium deficiency is insufficient intake of these ions into the body along with food. The result of the lack of potassium and magnesium ions in the body is malfunctioning of the cardiovascular system, heart rhythm disturbances. Arrhythmias, as well as infarction and postinfarction conditions are "reinforced concrete" grounds for the appointment of injectable asparkam. This drug will help to timely and efficiently deliver potassium and magnesium ions to the intracellular matrix.

Asparkam is indicated for arrhythmias caused by hypokalemia, abuse of cardiac glycosides, with ventricular extrasystole, and also with circulatory failure. It is advisable to use the drug to compensate for hypokalemia in the treatment of loop diuretics. Other conditions when taking asparkam can be extremely useful: angina pectoris (in complex treatment), with surgical interventions on the heart. On the Russian pharmaceutical market, there are enough foreign brands similar in composition to asparkam, for example Panangin from the Hungarian pharmaceutical company Gedeon Richter or potassium-magnesium asparaginate from the German Berlin Chemie. Nevertheless, due to its low cost, domestic asparks are quite competitive even among these "monsters". As shown by clinical studies of the drug, against the background of its administration in patients who have had myocardial infarction, the concentration of potassium and magnesium in the blood is quickly restored and maintained at a stable normal level. Asparkam improves the general condition of heart patients and increases their resistance to physical stress. It significantly reduces the severity and frequency of angina attacks, arrhythmias, which leads to an increase in the quality of life of patients. The drug has a favorable safety profile. With the course of treatment in therapeutic doses, Asparkam is well tolerated by patients.

Asparkam is available in two dosage forms: tablets and solution for intravenous administration. A single dose of the drug is 1-2 tablets taken 3 times a day after meals or 500 mg of a solution administered 1-2 times a day.

Asparkam is a drug that belongs to drugs that help regulate metabolic processes. With its help, the patient can restore electrolyte balance and regulate cardiac activity.

Before buying and starting taking it, read the instructions for it and consult with your doctor, since taking Asparkam just for prevention is dangerous. Before starting treatment, you need to make sure that there is a lack of potassium in the body.

It is a highly absorbable drug... Asparkam is excreted from the body by the kidneys. Overdose is possible both with too rapid administration of the drug, and with a significant increase in the recommended dose.

This medication is able to regulate electrolyte balance by improving the penetration of potassium and magnesium ions into the spaces between cells.

Its action reduces the conductivity and excitability of the myocardium, therefore, Asparkam can be attributed to antiarrhythmic drugs.

It also reduces the sensitivity when taking glycosides.

The drug Asparkam: indications for use and contraindications

In case of disturbances in the work of the heart and hypokalemia, the doctor may prescribe Asparkam.

Indications for the use of this drug, which are indicated in the instructions:

  • Insufficient blood supply to organs in heart failure.
  • Atherosclerosis and ischemic heart disease, which have developed with insufficient oxygen supply to the heart.
  • Heart rhythm disorders of various etiology.
  • Postponed myocardial infarction.
  • Complications of glycoside overdose.

Asparkam is available as a solution in glass ampoules. Their volume can be different: 5 ml, 10 ml, 20 ml. They are packed in a dense cardboard box, laid with corrugated paper. An instruction is attached to the drug, which provides information on the indications and contraindications for taking the drug.

You can also find Asparkam tablets in the pharmacy. The indications for the use of this form of medication are similar, but it is not suitable for people with gastrointestinal problems.

Asparkam is prescribed if the patient is diagnosed with a deficiency of potassium and magnesium, as well as for heart disease. It is used if the patient has had a heart attack and ischemic heart disease, as well as rhythm disturbances. It will be useful for chronic circulatory failure, and after conditions that lead to a lack of potassium and magnesium in the body.

The use of this drug can improve metabolic processes. It is used in the complex treatment of edema and seizures together with diuretics.

The effect of the drug on the body is due to its constituent potassium and magnesium, which have the ability to penetrate into the intercellular spaces.

Application for various purposes not indicated in the instructions is permissible if you know the principle of the drug and the characteristics of your body.

Asparkam can be used both in sports and for weight loss alone or in combination with other medicines:

  • Asparkam and Riboxin. Asparkam is a drug that helps to quickly restore electrolyte balance. In addition to therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, it is used in bodybuilding. It can reduce fatigue, which can help you gain muscle more quickly. It contains magnesium, which is involved in protein metabolism and is a supplier of energy for muscle building. Athletes with the help of Asparkam have the opportunity to eliminate the lack of magnesium and potassium salts, the loss of which occurs during forced drying and weight loss. To increase endurance in bodybuilding, Asparkam is often used in combination with Riboxin. This complex of drugs allows you to increase the efficiency of training, protects and increases the productivity of the heart muscle. They are also used to prevent cardiac arrest from overload and myocardial diseases.
  • Asparkam can be useful for losing weight. In order to free the body of toxins, it is recommended to drink a lot of liquid, which washes away not only harmful substances, but also useful ones. With the help of Asparkam, you can replenish this supply and regulate the metabolism. Of course, before using the drug, it is better to consult a doctor, since it is not a dietary supplement.
  • Asparkam can be used for a hangover, especially if alcohol abuse is persistent.

When taking the drug in order to replenish the ions of salts washed out from the body during training, poisoning and losing weight, it is better to take the medicine in tablets. Droppers and injections of the drug Asparkam, indications for the use of the drug are more related to the treatment of diseases and arrhythmias.

Prices for Asparkam, unlike Panangin, are much lower. It is analogous to this medicine and there are many positive reviews from people who have used it. The forum of Dr. Komarovsky also mentions the use of potassium and magnesium asparaginate in pediatrics for infants with cysts and cerebral edema.

Asparkam medicine in medicine: how to take Asparkam for adults and children

One of the inexpensive and effective drugs in the pharmacy network that can help maintain normal heart muscle and regulate metabolic processes in the body is the drug Asparkam.

How to take Asparkam, so that the course of treatment will bring maximum benefit, will be prescribed by the doctor, having carefully studied the test results.

After all, this is not a dietary supplement and it is dangerous to take it without prescription, as this can lead to an excess of potassium in the body.

Asparkam medicine, as prescribed by a doctor, can be taken as part of complex therapy, including to neutralize an excess of cardiac glucosides.

Asparkam tablets are convenient enough for patients to take at home, since not everyone has the opportunity to organize intravenous administration of the drug.

How to take Asparkam for adults? The drug is prescribed 1 or 2 tablets 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 21-31 days. If necessary, you can go through it again.

A single oral dose for adults is not more than 500 mg. During this procedure, you need to be careful and make sure that the medicine enters the body slowly. There can be a single or double dose of the drug per day, depending on the doctor's prescription. Intravenous fluids are given for treatment and, in rare cases, for prophylaxis. It is imperative to ensure that the injected fluid is clean and transparent. If under any conditions it becomes cloudy, then it should not be used under any circumstances.

Asparks child and baby

Taking the drug for infants can only be prescribed based on the results of tests by a doctor. First of all, with a potassium deficiency in the baby's body. For children, Asparkam is prescribed in the form of tablets, the drug is administered intravenously only in exceptional cases, in particular when life is threatened.

It's important to watch your baby, because hypokalemia can be detected by symptoms such as weakness, drowsiness, low blood pressure, rhythm disturbances and palpitations. Dry skin and regurgitation may also appear.

For babies, the medicine Asparkam is prescribed if there is a need to take diuretics and glucocorticoids. It prevents the development of hypokalemia, a very dangerous condition for a baby.

Application during pregnancy and lactation

Unfortunately, expectant mothers and lactating women are not immune from health problems.

During pregnancy and lactation, it is important to know how to take Asparkam. This should be done very carefully and under medical supervision.

It is prescribed for obvious violations or as part of complex therapy.

Just for prevention, taking this medication is not permissible. In some cases, it is prescribed for pregnant women to improve the functioning of the heart and with coronary artery disease, as well as to prevent potassium deficiency, if there was a severe disorder.

The combination of the drug with diuretics is prescribed if you need to use strong diuretics, as well as in the complex therapy of hypertension and edema, including the brain. Diacarb and Furasemide are diuretics that help remove excess fluid from the body. Asparkam's task is to restore potassium and magnesium in the blood, which are washed out during this.

The combination of drugs for a newborn is Diacarb and Asparkam. These two drugs are prescribed to newborns if there is severe brain dysfunction, brain cysts are present, and increased intracranial pressure is observed.

Also, these medications will help remove excess fluid from the ventricles of the brain. Diacarb is a means that removes excess fluid from the child's body, while Asparkam replenishes the level of potassium in the body in order to avoid serious complications, including cardiac arrest.

Asparkam: side effects and contraindications

If there are disturbances in metabolic processes or a deficiency of potassium and magnesium supplied with food, the doctor may prescribe Asparkam. Side effects are extremely rare, but the patient should be aware of them. Depending on whether it is injected intravenously or taken orally, there are slight differences in tracking negative reactions from the body.

If you plan to take Asparkam, contraindications should be studied very carefully, in order to avoid causing harm to the body.

It is good to take Asparkam with saluretics and corticosteroids in order to avoid a decrease in the level of potassium in the body. It reduces the toxic effects of glucosides.

Asparkam should be used with caution with potassium-sparing diuretics and antidepolarizing muscle relaxants.

If anesthesia is planned, and the patient is taking Asparkam. Side effects from their simultaneous use can be expressed in depression of the central nervous system and increased neuromuscular blockade.

Often, Asparkam is prescribed together with the intake of diuretics, including Furasemide. This is justified by the fact that their exposure can lead to the leaching of potassium and magnesium from the body. Their stocks must be replenished.

There are the following contraindications, in the presence of which the drug is prohibited:

  • Individual sensitivity and intolerance to its components.
  • Renal failure and other disorders of their work.
  • Addison's disease or chronic adrenal cortex insufficiency.
  • Elevated levels of potassium and magnesium in the blood, as an excess of these trace elements is no better than a lack of them.
  • If the patient is in a state of cardiogenic shock or atrioventricular block.
  • Severe forms of myasthenia gravis.

Taking a course of drug treatment, you need to take care of organizing control over the content of trace elements in the blood, so as not to harm your body.

Asparkam is a powerful medicine. It cannot be taken without a doctor's prescription. It does not affect the patient's alertness or ability to drive or perform activities requiring increased concentration.

Side effects of the drug are rare, but if you find the following reactions from the body, you need to stop taking the medicine and consult a doctor:

  • Nausea, dry mouth and vomiting.
  • Discomfort in the abdomen.
  • Gastrointestinal bleeding.
  • Hypotension.
  • Violation of myocardial conduction.
  • Paresthesia symptoms such as numbness and tingling sensation.
  • Convulsions and decreased reflexes.
  • The emergence of an allergy of uncertain etiology.
  • Respiratory depression.

These side effects can occur if the drug is taken in case of oversaturation of the body with magnesium and potassium. To stop them, you need to cancel it and consult a doctor for advice on prescribing therapy to neutralize unpleasant manifestations from the body.

An overdose of the drug is possible both with a significant increase in the recommended dose, and with too rapid intravenous administration. In this case, hyperkalemia and hypermagnesemia develops, which can be expressed in very unpleasant, and even life-threatening symptoms. When they appear, you need to stop taking Asparkam. Contraindications can play a decisive role, you should not ignore them. Hyperkalemia can be successfully treated with Resonium A.

An excess of potassium leads to an increase in muscle tone, arrhythmias up to cardiac arrest. There may also be paresthesia of the limbs.

An excess of magnesium can reduce pressure, including intracranial pressure, with depression of the respiratory center, which can be accompanied by convulsions and arrhythmias.

For the treatment of such a condition, calcium gluconate or calcium chloride is administered, the dose of which is determined depending on the severity of the patient's condition. Also, in parallel with this, the maintenance of the respiratory function is carried out, if necessary. In exceptional cases, hemodialysis is prescribed in order to correct the patient's condition and bring his body back to normal faster.

The drug Asparkam and its analogues

There is a wide selection of medicines in the pharmaceutical network. Many drugs have dozens of analogues. If you decide to replace one medicine with another, it is advisable to consult with your doctor in order to avoid misunderstandings. Since you may not know some of their features, which are not written in the instructions.

The drug Asparkam is a domestic analogue of Panangin. They contain salts of potassium and magnesium in a balanced combination. Panangin is used to treat angina pectoris, heart failure, arrhythmias, and to replace potassium deficiency. As a prophylactic agent, it is prescribed to strengthen and nourish the heart muscle.

Panangin is produced in the form of pills, covered with a protective membrane, which protects the mucous membrane from the effects of the active active substance. There is also an analogue of Asparkam, which can be purchased at the pharmacy, if necessary.

The drug Asparkam is a generic of imported Panangin. It is believed that the degree of purification of raw materials is lower, therefore it is cheaper. It is available in tablets, which imposes some restrictions on the intake of the drug for people with gastrointestinal problems.

Both drugs are recommended to be taken after meals. They have almost identical contraindications. To assimilate the magnesium that is part of their composition, vitamin B6 is additionally prescribed. Asparkam is produced by different pharmaceutical companies, which is reflected in the name of the drug.

Also, with hypokalemia, the doctor may prescribe the modern drug Kalinor.

Among the relative analogues of the drug Asparkam, Pamaton and Panangin can be distinguished. Although they also contain magnesium and potassium, it is present in a different dosage than in Asparkam. Therefore, carefully consider the doctor's prescription, as an excess of potassium is just as harmful as a lack of it. An analogue of Asparkam can be purchased, but it may be more expensive.

Depending on which pharmaceutical company produces the drug, prices for it may differ. The drug Asparkam of domestic production is not expensive and is available to almost any citizen who needs it. Some manufacturers can release the drug only in a certain form, since the production technology has only been developed for it.

Asparks can be bought freely in the network of pharmacies, but despite this, everyone should know that its uncontrolled use for the purpose of prevention is unacceptable. After studying the information on the Internet, numerous reviews of people who used the drug in the presence of serious diseases and to improve metabolism, conclusions can be drawn about the effectiveness of the drug.

It works great for cramps and puffiness. Also relieves the condition of people with certain heart diseases, for which it is indicated for use. When used for weight loss, it not only replenishes the balance of trace elements in the body, but also reduces cravings for sweets. There are also mentions that the medicine helped four-legged pets, in particular cats, which have had heart problems.

Latin onrank:
Pharmacological groups:
oni'm a toad]. I20.0 Unstable ononononi am failure unspecified ononon
pharmachologic effect


Restrictions on use:oni am failure.

Side effects: on


Overdose:It appears on

Method of administration and dosage:

  • Asparcam-UBF

Latin onrank:
Pharmacological groups:Antiarrhythmic drugs. Macro- and microelements
Nosological classification (ICD-10):E61.2 Deficiency of magnesium. E61.8 Deficiency of other specified batteries. E87.6 Hypokalemia I20 Angina [chest oni'm a toad]. I20.0 Unstable oni have angina. I21 Acute myocardial infarction. I25.2 Past myocardial infarction. I42 Cardiomyopathy. I48 Atrial fibrillation and flutter. I49.3 Premature oni depolarization of the ventricles. I49.9 Unspecified cardiac arrhythmia I50 Heart oni am a failure. I50.9 Heart oni am failure unspecified oni. R07.2 Pain in the region of the heart. T38.0Glucocorticoids and their synthetic a onlogs. T46.0 Poisoning with cardiac glycosides and drugs a onlogical action. T50.1 Loop diuretics
pharmachologic effect

Active ingredient (INN) Potassium and magnesium asparagus ont (Potassium aspartate and magnesium aspartate)
Application:Arrhythmias: caused by hypokalemia, with intoxication with cardiac glycosides, ventricular extrasystole; circulatory failure, correction of hypokalemia with the use of loop diuretics.

Restrictions on use:Hyperkalemia, hypermagnesemia, acute and chronic renal oni am failure.

Side effects:Nausea, dizziness, diarrhea, oncollapse of intraventricular conduction, facial redness, thirst, lowering blood pressure, hyporeflexia, respiratory depression, convulsions.

Interaction:Reduces the effect of cardiac glycosides.

Overdose:It appears oncollapse of conductivity, especially with a previous pathology of the conducting system.

Method of administration and dosage:Inside (after eating) and / in. Adults - 1-2 tables. 3 times a day for 3-4 weeks or longer. IV - 10-20 ml 1-2 times a day. The dose is determined individually, depending on the degree of hypokalemia.

  • Asparcam

Latin onrank:
Pharmacological groups:Antiarrhythmic drugs. Macro- and microelements
Nosological classification (ICD-10):E61.2 Deficiency of magnesium. E61.8 Deficiency of other specified batteries. E87.6 Hypokalemia I20 Angina [chest oni'm a toad]. I20.0 Unstable oni have angina. I21 Acute myocardial infarction. I25.2 Past myocardial infarction. I42 Cardiomyopathy. I48 Atrial fibrillation and flutter. I49.3 Premature oni depolarization of the ventricles. I49.9 Unspecified cardiac arrhythmia I50 Heart oni am a failure. I50.9 Heart oni am failure unspecified oni. R07.2 Pain in the region of the heart. T38.0Glucocorticoids and their synthetic a onlogs. T46.0 Poisoning with cardiac glycosides and drugs a onlogical action. T50.1 Loop diuretics
pharmachologic effect

Active ingredient (INN) Potassium and magnesium asparagus ont (Potassium aspartate and magnesium aspartate)
Application:Arrhythmias: caused by hypokalemia, with intoxication with cardiac glycosides, ventricular extrasystole; circulatory failure, correction of hypokalemia with the use of loop diuretics.

Restrictions on use:Hyperkalemia, hypermagnesemia, acute and chronic renal oni am failure.

Side effects:Nausea, dizziness, diarrhea, oncollapse of intraventricular conduction, facial redness, thirst, lowering blood pressure, hyporeflexia, respiratory depression, convulsions.

Interaction:Reduces the effect of cardiac glycosides.

Overdose:It appears oncollapse of conductivity, especially with a previous pathology of the conducting system.

Method of administration and dosage:Inside (after eating) and / in. Adults - 1-2 tables. 3 times a day for 3-4 weeks or longer. IV - 10-20 ml 1-2 times a day. The dose is determined individually, depending on the degree of hypokalemia.

  • Asparcam-Ferein

Latin onrank:
Pharmacological groups:Antiarrhythmic drugs. Macro- and microelements
Nosological classification (ICD-10):E61.2 Deficiency of magnesium. E61.8 Deficiency of other specified batteries. E87.6 Hypokalemia I20 Angina [chest oni'm a toad]. I20.0 Unstable oni have angina. I21 Acute myocardial infarction. I25.2 Past myocardial infarction. I42 Cardiomyopathy. I48 Atrial fibrillation and flutter. I49.3 Premature oni depolarization of the ventricles. I49.9 Unspecified cardiac arrhythmia I50 Heart oni am a failure. I50.9 Heart oni am failure unspecified oni. R07.2 Pain in the region of the heart. T38.0Glucocorticoids and their synthetic a onlogs. T46.0 Poisoning with cardiac glycosides and drugs a onlogical action. T50.1 Loop diuretics
pharmachologic effect

Active ingredient (INN) Potassium and magnesium asparagus ont (Potassium aspartate and magnesium aspartate)
Application:Arrhythmias: caused by hypokalemia, with intoxication with cardiac glycosides, ventricular extrasystole; circulatory failure, correction of hypokalemia with the use of loop diuretics.

Restrictions on use:Hyperkalemia, hypermagnesemia, acute and chronic renal oni am failure.

Side effects:Nausea, dizziness, diarrhea, oncollapse of intraventricular conduction, facial redness, thirst, lowering blood pressure, hyporeflexia, respiratory depression, convulsions.

Interaction:Reduces the effect of cardiac glycosides.

Overdose:It appears oncollapse of conductivity, especially with a previous pathology of the conducting system.

Method of administration and dosage:Inside (after eating) and / in. Adults - 1-2 tables. 3 times a day for 3-4 weeks or longer. IV - 10-20 ml 1-2 times a day. The dose is determined individually, depending on the degree of hypokalemia.

  • Asparcam-Farmak

Asparkam tabletch oni am mass
Latin onrank:
Massa tabulettarum "Asparcam"
Pharmacological groups:Antiarrhythmic drugs. Macro- and microelements
Nosological classification (ICD-10):E61.2 Deficiency of magnesium. E61.8 Deficiency of other specified batteries. E87.6 Hypokalemia I20 Angina [chest oni'm a toad]. I20.0 Unstable oni have angina. I21 Acute myocardial infarction. I25.2 Past myocardial infarction. I42 Cardiomyopathy. I48 Atrial fibrillation and flutter. I49.3 Premature oni depolarization of the ventricles. I49.9 Unspecified cardiac arrhythmia I50 Heart oni am a failure. I50.9 Heart oni am failure unspecified oni. R07.2 Pain in the region of the heart. T38.0Glucocorticoids and their synthetic a onlogs. T46.0 Poisoning with cardiac glycosides and drugs a onlogical action. T50.1 Loop diuretics
pharmachologic effect

Active ingredient (INN) Potassium and magnesium asparagus ont (Potassium aspartate and magnesium aspartate)
Application:Arrhythmias: caused by hypokalemia, with intoxication with cardiac glycosides, ventricular extrasystole; circulatory failure, correction of hypokalemia with the use of loop diuretics.

Restrictions on use:Hyperkalemia, hypermagnesemia, acute and chronic renal oni am failure.

Side effects:Nausea, dizziness, diarrhea, oncollapse of intraventricular conduction, facial redness, thirst, lowering blood pressure, hyporeflexia, respiratory depression, convulsions.

Interaction:Reduces the effect of cardiac glycosides.

Overdose:It appears oncollapse of conductivity, especially with a previous pathology of the conducting system.

Method of administration and dosage:Inside (after eating) and / in. Adults - 1-2 tables. 3 times a day for 3-4 weeks or longer. IV - 10-20 ml 1-2 times a day. The dose is determined individually, depending on the degree of hypokalemia.

  • Asparcam tablet mass (Massa tabulettarum "Asparcam")

Trade name of the drug:


INN or grouping name:

potassium and magnesium asparaginate

Dosage form:



one tablet
active substances: magnesium asparaginate tetrahydrate - 175 mg, potassium aspartate hemihydrate - 175 mg.
Excipients: potato starch - 88 mg, stearic acid - 5 mg, macrogol-4000 - 7 mg, colloidal silicon dioxide - 50 mg.

Tablets are white, flat-cylindrical with a score and a chamfer.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:

potassium and magnesium drug.

ATX code: A12CX

Pharmacological properties


ASPARCAM AVEXIMA is a source of potassium and magnesium ions, regulates metabolic processes. The mechanism of action is presumably related to the role of asparaginate as a carrier of magnesium and potassium ions into the intracellular space and the participation of aspartate in metabolic processes. Thus, ASPARCAM AVEXIMA eliminates electrolyte imbalance, reduces myocardial excitability and conductivity (moderate antiarrhythmic effect).


It is easily absorbed when taken orally and excreted relatively quickly by the kidneys.

Indications for use

ASPARCAM AVEXIMA is used in the complex therapy of chronic heart failure, coronary heart disease, hypokalemia, cardiac arrhythmias (including myocardial infarction, overdose of cardiac glycosides).


Hypersensitivity to the drug, metabolic disorders of amino acids, acute and chronic renal failure, hyperkalemia, hypermagnesemia, insufficiency of the adrenal cortex, impaired atrioventricular conduction (AV block I-III), severe myasthenia gravis, hemolysis, arterial hypotension (systolic blood pressure less than 90 mm Hg .st.), age up to 18 years.

Pregnancy, lactation period.

Method of administration and dosage

Assign inside after meals. Adults 1-2 tablets 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 3-4 weeks. If necessary, repeat the course.

Side effect

Possible nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, discomfort or burning sensation in the pancreas (in patients with anacid gastritis or cholecystitis), atrioventricular block, paradoxical reaction (an increase in the number of extrasystoles), hyperkalemia (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, parasthesia) (redness of the face) , feeling of thirst, lowering blood pressure, muscle weakness, increased fatigue, paresis, coma, areflexia, respiratory depression, convulsions).


Symptoms: hyperkalemia, hypermagnesemia.
Treatment: IV calcium chloride, if necessary - hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis.

Interaction with other medicinal products Pharmacodynamic: combined use with potassium-sparing diuretics (triamterene, spironolactone), beta-blockers, cyclosporine, heparin, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs increases the risk of hyperkalemia up to the development of arrhythmia and asystole.
The overloading of potassium preparations together with glucocorticosteroids eliminates the hypokalemia caused by the latter. Due to the content of potassium ions, the undesirable effects of cardiac glycosides are reduced. Due to the content of magnesium ions, it reduces the effect of neomycin, polymyxin B, tetracycline and streptomycin. It can enhance neuromuscular blockade caused by depolarizing muscle relaxants (atracuria besylate, decametonium bromide, suxamethonium (chloride, bromide, iodide). Calcitriol increases the concentration of magnesium ions in the blood plasma, calcium preparations reduce the effect of magnesium. in the gastrointestinal tract (you must observe the 3-hour interval between taking them).

special instructions

It is necessary to control the content of potassium ions in the blood plasma.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and work that requires increased concentration
Clinical studies to assess the effect of the drug on the ability to drive vehicles and mechanisms have not been conducted.

Release form

8, 10 or 12 tablets in a blister strip packaging.
10 tablets in a contoured cell-free package.
50 tablets in a jar made of polymeric materials.
6 or 7 blister packs of 8 tablets each, 5 blister packs of 10 tablets each, 4 or 5 blister packs of 12 tablets each or 1 can of polymeric materials, together with instructions for medical use, are placed in a cardboard box. Contoured non-cell packages with an equal number of instructions for medical use or packs of cardboard are placed in a group package.

Storage conditions

In a dry place, at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C.
Keep out of the reach of children.

Shelf life

3 years. Do not use the drug after the expiration date.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

Without recipe.

Manufacturer / organization accepting claims
OJSC "Irbitskiy Khimfarmzavod"
623856, Russia, Sverdlovsk region, Irbit, st. Kirov, 172,
Manufacturer's address:
Sverdlovsk region, Irbit, st. Karl Marx, 124-a; Sverdlovsk region, Irbit, st. Zavodskaya, 2.

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