Lublin Ulya and its consequences. Lublin's causes and consequences of the signing of Lublin Ulya


The process of combining two states lasted in centuries. Lublin Sania should finally finally complete him and become a final chord in the consolidation of previous items, and there was a lot of: Krevskaya, Vilensk-Radomskaya, Gorodelskaya and others. On the one hand, it was necessary to strengthen the positions of states. Especially in the union, Lithuania was needed, which was necessary to repel the Russian kingdom. On the other hand, it was the Lithuanian aristocrats that tried to resist this union. They feared that in the new state their position will be less durable than those of Polish gentry.

However, the claims were also from representatives of Poland. They did not want to unite on equal terms. In their opinion, the Kingdom of Polish should have become a "first violin" in alliance with Lithuania. Mutual understanding of the Lithuanians and Poles finally reached the 1560s, when they began to jointly think about military campaigns.

Lublin Sejm.

In 1569, it began to consider the question of the estimated unia. In connection with all the mentioned reasons, it lasted for quite a long time: the Polish-Lithuanian Sejm began work on January 10, and the point in the discussion was delivered only on August 12. Despite the fact that the ACT was signed on June 28, representatives of both countries have long discussed the distribution of posts.

Coat of arms of speech plugged

What ultimately managed to agree to the Poles and Lithuanians? They decided that the association of states - as if we were now told, the rights of the subjects of the Federation - should entail the creation of a single monetary system. Sejm also had to become common. It was also decided that the state was headed by the king, whom representatives of Poland and Lithuania would be cooled. However, the latter still went for concessions and transferred to the ownership of the Kingdom of Polish some lands, for example, Volyn, Podolia and Polesie. Livonia was declared joint ownership. In addition, it is important to note that from now on the kingdom of the Polish and Grand District Lithuanian should have solved foreign policy issues as a single state.

As for culture and religion, Poland unfolded here in all: the creation of Catholicism began, and the Polish language soon received the status of the main one.

It has led to the formation of the third largest European state. It was superior to only the Russian kingdom and the Ottoman Empire, which, however, was mostly in Asian territories.

Pyramid Stanislav Orekhovsky

The unification of the two states is devoted to the polemical work, written in five years before the conclusion of an act of Ulya. The author of the writing, called the "Pyramid", became the Polish publicist Stanislav Orekhovsky. He was convinced that the Grand Principality of Lithuanian should be part of the Kingdom of Polish. At the same time, Orekhovsky stressed that Lithuania must agree to the entry into the composition of Poland on any conditions.

Stanislav Orekhovsky

In his opinion, the Lithuanians lived in the "born captivity", and the exit from this situation was only as follows: "And Lithuania will want from that inborn captivity to go out, let him thoroughly come about the Union with the Polish kingdom, he persistently asks for this the Grand Prince, his hereditary Mr. , and the Polish king. "

Moreover, Orekhovsky noted that Lithuania should take Polish orders and establish a similar form of government. "The wind is well combined with water, so both wet, but water does not combine with fire, as they do not have a common: water - wet and wet, fire is dry and warm. Therefore, and can not be together. For this reason, non-free Lithuania cannot be connected to free Poland, when it will not be the same with her form of government. "

True, before the formation of Orekhovsky was not destined to live: he died in 1566.

Sigismund II, in the interests of the speedy decision of this issue, convened the "thread" (urgent or extraordinary) Sejm in Lublin (1569): he was the completion of the political plan, which has been performed so many centuries. And on this seam there was a stubborn struggle of supporters and opponents of Ulya. Each side exhibited the arguments known to us: some referred to the Melnitskaya treatise 1501, others on the old vaccine and past states. Polish ambassadors did not want to be considered any moral and political considerations of Lithuanians. In the end, the Lithuanians left, in the hope that without them the work of Ulya would not be solved. But at the time of their absence, the Poles joined the Poland and Volyn to Poland, and, of course, this joining was an act of violence against Lithuania: the ex-in the Sejm podlyashan was forced to swear under threat of deprivation of estates. Only the headman Eustafius Volovich, devoid of powers received for various state merit, did not swear. Then, at the request of the king, they began to come to the Sejm who left the podlyasha and Volyn to take the oath. After joining the Poles of two regions, the Lithuanians arrived again on the Sejm, but their protest about the incorporation did not have a practical value. The attachment of two areas and the visible impossibility for the part of Lithuania is actively counteracting to counteract the Polesum Poles: they joined the Kiev region in the same way.

Reforms 1564-1565 Closed the socio-political system on to Polish. According to Y. Bardaha, these transformations were due to the thoughtful reception of Polish samples and therefore they differed in large rationalism and sequence. The Act of Lublin ENIA of July 1, 1569 outlined the basic designs of the socio-political system of the Commonwealth and the estate rights of the gentry. The prelates, secular and spiritual pans, Rada, Princes, Public Oven, Zemstvo Ambulance, and Poland, announced that, in fulfillment of previous agreements, they conclude a new agreement on the resumption and correction "partially disturbed Ulya and the Connection itself." The Polish kingdom and inclination were proclaraged by the "unified inhabitual and dodous body", the general speech of the compulcient, which felt "in one people two states and people." The crown, largely at the request of the local gentry, entered the lands of Volyn and Kiev Voivodeship.

Sigismund-August convened in Lublin the common seam, in which representatives of Poland and representatives of the Grand Principality of Lithuanian were to participate. Of course, the magnates, the gentry and the highest clergy, for the wide popular masses in this era have not been asked anywhere and did not participate in their fate.

Representatives of Poland offered their project of Ulya, which, in the main thing, was as follows:

  • - Poland and the Grand District Lithuanian are one inhalation state - "Commonwealth".
  • - They have one king, which is chosen together and crowded in Poland.
  • - Sejors should continue to be general, not separate Poland and Lithuania, as it was before.
  • - Shared coin and financial policy.
  • - freedom of settlement of Poles in Lithuania, and Lithuanians in Poland.
  • - Return from the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and accession directly to Poland of all "Russians" (Ukrainian) lands of the Grand Duchy of the Lithuanian and South of Belarus.
  • - preservation of the autonomy of the Grand District of Lithuania, with a separate army and domestic financial management (Lithuanian treasury).

The project caused the indignation of representatives of Lithuania, who left the Sejm and left Lublin. But not all. Many Orthodox (Russian magnates and the gentry of the Grand Principality of Lithuanian) remained and signed by Lublin Ulya.

When, on the basis of this, Sigismund issued a manifesto on rejection from Lithuania of Russian lands, representatives of Lithuania returned to Lublin and on June 1, 1569 signed this historical document fraught with consequences. In the ownership of Lithuania, only the territory inhabited by Lithuanians and most of Belarus remained.

All Ukraine - Rus, whose boundaries stretched in the south - along Kamenets-Podolsk - Uman - Dnipro (from West to the East); In the east - Novgorod-Seversky, Starodub, Glukhov, Gadyach, Poltava (somewhat east), in the north - somewhat south of Pripyat, and in the West - in the Carpathians - everything went to Poland.

More than a two hundred year-year period of coexistence of Ukraine, Rus with Lithuanians and began the period of direct submission to Poland

The act of UII provided for the refusal of the previously adopted procedure of separate election and the construction of the Grand Prince Lithuanian to the throne - "so that there was no trace and nothing like the former ceremonies." The general monarch was supposed to be elected together and crowded in Krakow. The absence of one of the parties should not be an obstacle to the election of the monarch. Since, however, the state title and a separate administration of ON (URZEDY) remained, the proclamation of the elected King of the Grand Duke Lithuanian, Russian, Prussist, Mazovsky, Zhmudsky, Kiev, Volynsky, Polyasky and Infangandsky should be carried out at the same time.

The union entered the overall (free) corona selection for "both peoples under the king of Polish", the general representation of "Panov Polish and Lithuanian" in the Senate, as well as ambassadors in the "Embassive Vest". The possibility of discussing their problems in the Seimas seeds and beyond them, in Poland itself and in incl, Mutual assistance in all possible "adversities" mentioned. Customs duties were eliminated (except for merchant), a uniform coin was established. In relations with other states, RP advocated a single power, the implementation of a single policy in the "cases of important for both peoples", the joint organization of embassies and the signing of contracts were assumed. The compolutence itself was built on a federal principle: the crown and inclusively maintain their territory, administration, skarb, army, judicial and legal system. The recognition of specific features and interests on shortly after the Lublin Ulya was also recorded by the so-called Lithuanian constitutions. Since 1581, often complemented general decisions ("Cars") of the seams.

Other key articles negotiated socio-legal problems: the new monarch was obliged already during his coronation to publicly confirm in one act of law, the privileges and liberation of both peoples and states. These obligations specified in particular articles: the preservation of existing laws, charters, court decisions relating to all classes and primarily "the Princely Mill and Shan Thymallies". It was confirmed by the ownership of movable and immovable property, awards and income related to the highest positions, the ownership of land and land-based and ordinary law.

Magnates inclusions made the inclusion in the article of the article, which prohibited the process of execution implemented in the middle of the XVI century. In Poland, inspection and revision of high-rise suggestions, attachments issued to different peoples, lands, tags, orders, specific persons and gentle gods, various deals with possessions, etc. They are subsequently from the property of the princes, gentry, nobles. These estates king could complain to the crown's gentry and incl to ensure the Zemstvo military service. The gentry of both peoples was the opportunity to acquire lands both in Poland and on the territory of incl.

Lublin Sania, as we see, was concluded on the principles of the legal equality of Poland and incl, but the real political situation has changed significantly. Among the 140 senators on the wedroom seats were only 27 were Lithuanians. Such a disproportion remained in the future, although the number of members of the Higher Chamber has somewhat increased after inflating joining in 1598, the conquest of Chernihiv Earth and recreation of Smolensky Voivodeship in the 1930s of the XVII century. In the Embassy of 114 ambassadors, Lithuanians were 48.

These differences were caused by a greater number of relevant officials and spiritual persons in Poland (governor, kashetelins, ministers, Catholic biscupps), especially since the incorporation of the poles and Ukrainian lands. It is clear that together with the Monarch Catholic, this gave certain advantages to Polish representatives in the Sejm when considering cases by all the semicons (king, senators and ambassadors of Poland and incl).

From Lublin Ulya and won, and lost all parties. Poland received significant territorial increments in the form of lands that were previously part of inclination, the prospect of the gentle colonization of huge spaces and restless between the Great Principality of Moscow. The souther-Eastern boom promised her new clashes with the Crimean Khanate and his powerful protector - the Ottoman port. Relations with Cossack Volnitz, thank God, were still misty. In addition, Voltens-Nolence, in the acts of Ulya, the mutual commitment of the parties to support each other in the event of broad hostilities and other major political complications. (Poland This was more expensive: the black hole of the corona expenditures for the Quarter army, the registry of the Cossacks, and for a greater harassment of the rush.)

On as a result of the signing of real Ulya, Ukrainian lands lost, but extended existence for several centuries, almost completely lost from the constant threat of large raids of Crimeans and a large-scale war with Turkey. The Sania gave the opportunity to achieve a fracture in the Livonian War, consolidate the rights to inflexia in conjunction with Poland (7).

At the beginning of the XVII century. The possibilities of the Commonwealth seemed so significant that an attempt was made to the redistribution of Eastern Europe. The illusions generated by large-scale "Moscow expeditions" and complaints about the Moscow kingdom were dissipated only after unsuccessful campaigns of the new King and Grand Duke Lithuanian Vladislav IV in the 1930s of the XVII century.

With the strengthening of Polish influence and cultural and confessional polonization of the Maltery and a significant part of the gentry and urban supports, the participation of the Claus inclined the crown and the whole speech by compolutely, increased ties with Polish and Western culture. The ruling elite of ON sought to actually preserve state sovereignty in the countries that unia were stipulated, or even expanding him, feared the excessive increase in the Polish influence, the redistribution of property, drawing into dangerous foreign policy events that did not meet the principal interests of the principality. The statute of inclination of 1588, which completed the intensive process of codification of nationwide law, was not submitted to the cleanser and was put into effect due to the personal connections of the lione Sapps and the instigature of Sigismund III. Nothing flared up the two powers for several centuries, as different legal systems. Not very hurried by the gentry to assist Poland and in its wars with port, Sweden, Crimea, in the suppression of rebels and uprisings on the Ukrainian lands; Vigilantly followed the observance of the statute of the Statute on the provision of state posts only by the nebulnye gentry incl ("Tubiltsy").

Upon completion of the Livonian war, the acute problems of the conclusion of a long-lasting world with Moscow remained. Part of the Moscow Boyar, emigrated to the ON, supported the game of war based on returning to their identity. I mentioned in 1586 about one of these attempts by a runling boyars son, kN. Mikolai Krattoof Radziwill wrote with great irritation about the "marriages of this chole", incited by the continuation of the Livonian war. "Yes, and what can she give Lithuania? At least the king took possession of everything up to the golden woman that Lithuania since that? What is the rights of Lithuania to the Russian lands? Is that wolf ... and we will conquer us again in an old ... better to lie down again than killed. "It is necessary to consider all the many-valued consequences of the Alliance with Poland, it is worth noting only that for the gentry, the formation of RP meant an important stage of its political and social emancipation.

Personal significance between incl and Poland in 15 V. Wore an unstable character. She repeatedly watched and recreate their action again.

Causes of Lublin Unce: The desire of the Belarusian, Ukrainian, Lithuanian gentry to have equal privileges with Polish and limit the arbitrariness of the magnates, as well as the desire to facilitate their military service, which she left in the form of a "compulculated rush", whereas the hired army prevailed in Poland. The Lithuanian-Belarusian magnates, who did not want to limit their rights, privileges and land possessions, were opposed to. However, their opposition was not strong enough to prevent the implementation of it.

In addition to domestic political, there were also foreign policy factors that were forced by the Polish-Lithuanian ruling circles to the state about "unity. Due to the long confrontation with the Moscow kingdom, devastating raids of the Tatars, the struggle for the grand-bed table The Grand Duchy Lithuanian turned out to be on the verge of disaster.

The situation was aggravated in the middle of the 16th century, when the war between Muscovy and the Livonian Order began. In that war was drawn and Lithuania, who fought on the side of the Livonians.

On January 10, 1569, a meeting of the United Sey is opened, on which disputes between opponents and supporters of Ulya immediately lit up.

Nevertheless, in June 1569, deputies of the Grand Duchy of Lithuanian swore at the loyalty of state union and signed the act of her. So the state was formed by the Commonwealth with the elective king, a common seimer, a monetary unit, a single foreign policy, but in each state, independent authorities were maintained, their own treasury, armed forces and legislation.

After Lublin Union, the discrimination against the Belarusian population increased. Belarusians were subjected to all sorts of harassment: limited their living area, did not allow to engage in handicrafts, prohibited trade, etc. The culture, language, education, a Catholic religion, which was particularly persistently injected by the Order of Jesuits, were significantly enhanced. In addition, the jolarized Belarusian to know the high social status and the possibility of quick promotion in the public service in the speech.

Known persistently introduced foil cooking farms, the barbecues. In the Lithuanian Statute of 1588, the peasants were fixed, a 20-year-old search term of the peasant fugitive was established.

Lublin Sania has become an event of a huge political weight.

For the fate of Berarisi, she had enough contradictory consequences: on the one hand, it contributed to the strengthening of Polish expansion into Belarusian land, the destructive onset of Catholicism, the growth of social tension, the pioneering of the then Belarusian elite.

On the other hand, an important outcome of the UNI was the exit of Belarusian lands into the orbit of Western European culture, a powerful outbreak of cultural and educational movement, which for the first time "united representatives of all classes and marked the origin of the Belarusian people as a conscious community.

28) Brest Church
In 1054, the final split of the Christian Church on the Western - Catholicism and Eastern - Orthodoxy was occurred. The Grand Duch of Geopolitically was on the border of two religions, so both denominations were widely represented in the state. This gave the grounds of Orthodox Moscow and the Catholic West for interference in the internal affairs of the Principality. To protect the independence of incl, it was necessary to have something else - not Catholicism and not Orthodoxy.
By the XVI century. The features of the Orthodoxy crisis clearly fired. Constantinople was captured by Turks, the dioceses of the principality could not create an independent education system, to prepare qualified personnel of the ordinary clergy, was observed a crisis of preaching. Orthodoxy lost intellectual support - the then intelligentsia. Jesuit Peter Skarga Admoching the state of Orthodoxy in inclusion - "Pope scales, science fell." Before, in the conditions of the Livonian war with Russia, the orientation of Moscow (the Center for Orthodoxy, from 1589 - in Moscow Patriarchate) looked like a betrayal. At that time, the spiritual ascent was observed in the West, National Churches were created. The need to reform the church understood Belarusian Orthodox hierarchs. The coincidence of these factors (the cultural degradation of Orthodoxy, the elevation of the Orthodox Moscow, the desire of state managers to strengthen the independence and aspiration of the Vatican to turn the principality) contributed to the rapid holding of church reform - the introduction of the uniate.
In the first half of the 1590s. At numerous meetings with representatives of the Vatican, Orthodox hierarchs developed the conditions for combining churches in incl. Episcopes Brest and Vladimisci Cyril and Bishop of Lutsk Cyril Tarletsky performed initiators. They were supported by Metropolitan Mikhail Rogozu, King and Prince Sigismund III Vase and Chancellor ON Lion Sapga. At the church cathedral in the spring of 1595, all Orthodox bishops, except Lviv, agreed with the intention. "33 articles" were developed - the conditions for association, in accordance with them:
All church holidays were respected according to the Orthodox calendar;
Only Russian people are appointed to church positions;
Monasteries and churches do not turn into a church;
It is forbidden to lunch into the Catholicism of UNIATI;
Pope is the head of the Church in matters of faith;
Uniats take some dogmas catholic church (symbol of faith, etc.) ..
After adopting UI, there was no breakdown of customs and traditions - nothing has changed. It was very hoping by the initiators of the union of churches. On December 23, 1595 I.paca and K.Tartetski met in Rome with Clemet VIII, who agreed with all the conditions and signed a papal Bulla about Ulya. On October 6 - 9, 1596 in Berestye at the Church Cathedral, where supporters of Ulya came across, the uniate was finally executed as a religious direction. At the same time, in Brest, supporters of preserving the purity of Orthodoxy were gathered to his cathedral, their leader was Bishop Lviv. Having imposed mutual curses, hierarchs went on dioceses, seed seeds of hostility and tensions in society. On October 15, 1596, the Royal Universal Act UII was approved at the state level. Officially, the Orthodox Church has ceased to exist, the Greco Uniate Church was created.
Society perceived the introduction of Ulya in different ways. Part of the population resolutely supported it especially in the dioceses, which was headed by supporters of Ulya, part of the population resolutely abandoned the reform. The tradition of Orthodoxy did not allow any changes - this could not be preserved the purity of the "arrogant" Christianity. The introduction of Ulya was taken as a personal tragedy. Other Orthodox figures performed not against Ulya, but against the submission to the dad, against the regional nature of Ulya. Such strong resistance was unforeseen, the confrontation was only increased. There were skirmishes, the struggle for temples and bishop departments, some took terrible forms. The hard activity of the Uniate Archbishop Iosafat Kuntsevich in Polotsk and Vitebsk caused the explosion of national anger - Kuntsevich was killed and thrown into Dvina. Such uprisings were brutally suppressed by the authorities who first supported the new church.
Uniate through the support of the state and cultural and educational activities gradually expanded among the rural population and citizens, shallow gentry. By the beginning of the XVIII century. It became the most mass religion in the principality, helped to preserve the national characteristics of the Belarusian people, kept the pioneering of Belarusian lands. This means that those hopes that they laid on the uniate in Vatican and Krakow did not come true. More successfully, the Vatican and Krakow acted in an environment of medium and large feudal plates on. During the counterfeit, they almost all moved to Catholicism, which contributed to their frosting, merging with the Poland's feudal estate into a single feudal estate of the compulculation. Belarusian feudals lost contact with the historical tradition of the state incl, with their people.
Supporters of Orthodoxy did not disappear from the historical scene. In 1620, they secretly devoted a new hierarchy in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra (controlled by Orthodox). So finally there was a split of the former Orthodox Principality into two churches. In the eastern regions of the principalities of Orthodox enjoyed considerable support, especially in large cities. Therefore, great princes over time were forced to officially recognize the revival of Orthodoxy in the Principality. In 1632 and 1633. Vladislav IV Vaz recognized the existence of Orthodox churches and gave them some privileges, in 1650 these privileges confirmed Yang Casimir.

29)Analyze national certificates (privileges).

Depending on the action of regulatory acts in space and in the circle of individuals, you are certificates (instances), which operated throughout the state and belonged to the entire population, it is customary to call common. During the existence of the state, a significant amount of these acts was adopted. Some of them are of the most significant for the further development of the legal field of activity.

First of all, the overall diplomas secured the rights of the shine class, which began to develop in the state in the 14th century. One of the first such letters were three letters of Yagaylo.

The second second privilege argued that 47 feudalists on the coat of coat of arms.

3 (on behalf of Yagailo and Vitovt) argued that inclues joins Poland. But at the same time it was fixed that after the death of Yagili, the kings will be selected with the consent of the King of Polish.

By the middle of the XVI century. The nature of the Polish kingdom and the Grand Duch of Lithuanian remained personal. Both states united in essence only by the personality of a joint monarch. Greater-containing ambitions of the Polish gentry, who achieved closer union with incl, was formed as an ideological challenge of Russia. Demagogically argued that Kiev should belong to the crown, since he is a sentigious tower as if eternal of Polish lands - Volyn and Podialia.

Poland, which turned through a profitable foreign trade conjuncture in the largest exporter of agricultural raw materials into the European market, was experiencing an economic rise. With the help of real unium with incl. Polish gentry hoped to colize new lands suitable for agricultural production. These plans were ideally answered Central Ukraine.

At the same time, polonophile moods among the Ukrainian gentry were gaining strength. From the middle of the XVI century. In international trade, the important artery of which Vistula was more actively pulled by Volyn. Therefore, the interests of the crown in everything that the Baltic trade concerned was close and understood by the Volyn feudal feud. In addition, the population of Volyn and Podlyasya (1) hoped that the complete significance would put an end to the permanent border conflict.

The harassment of Polish faeodals was becoming increasingly real as the inner crisis deepened in the Lithuanian-Russian state. Lithuanian, Belarusian and Ukrainian gentry with envy looked at the transformation of Poland into the Shankhetsky Republic with the elective king, dreamed of delivering from the "Nazyov" of the magnates, the spread of such "shy equivals" on themselves and therefore were potential supporters of the real union of two states. If the gentry inclues had to pay for the maintenance of troops and serve military service in the communal militia ("Commonwealth"), then in Poland, the hired ("Quarter") army prevailed, the content of which paid the king at the expense of a quarter ("quarts") of revenues from royal estates.

The positions of supporters of the association with Poland intensified as a result of a number of failures in the Livonian War (1558-1583). With the beginning of the Livonian war, the inner weakness of V.L., his inability to fight even for his own existence. Reforms 1564-1566 In the interests of the Lithuanian-Russian gentry, nothing could have changed. In the Moscow state at this time, the despotic power of Ivan IV of Grozny and Belarusian-Lithuanian was established "between the hammer and anvil". Accession to Moscow threatened her loss of political influence, while the incorporation of Poland is a loss of religious and national identity. The compromise in such a situation did not exist, because Poland, and Moscow provided a serious pressure on VK.L. In February 1563, Moscow troops took Polotsk, and the Polish king of Sigismund II August (2) insisted on Union with Poland. The protest of the authorities of the Lithuanian-Russian state, Poland responded to the threat to leave them one on one with the Terrible King.

In the opposition to real union with Poland, Lithuanian-Russian magnates were located. Most of them had a princely dignity, and Polish legislation, starting from Cositsky, 1374 (3), prohibited to distribute to the persons of the princely origin of the city and the castles not only in property, but also in temporary possession. There were some other features of Polish state law, unacceptable for Lithuanian-Russians, in particular Ukrainian, magnates. The Seimas Organization of the Grand Duchy of Lithuanian gave them a double right of participation in the Seimas: first, through the Zemstvo ambassadors, which they chose together with the tank of tank savings; Secondly, on the basis of registered invitations to the Sejm from the Grand Duke. The union with Poland could deprive their personal participation in the Seimas, since the Polish Sejm included only elected diseases ambassadors. Finally, the union with Poland destroyed the political role of magnates as advisers of the Grand Duke, since the Polish Senate developed only from those who occupied official positions. Thus, the magnates of ON opposed the real ENIA with Poland so far, since they were afraid of restrictions on their rights, privileges and land possessions.

However, their opposition was not so powerful to prevent the implementation of it. A number of joint Polish-Lithuanian Seyama 60s. The XVI century, convened to discuss the form of a new Jean ended to no avail. Finally, in January 1569, the Seyme in Lublin opened. Magnates inclusive with the position of Polish ambassadors began to sabotage negotiations, and soon and in general, secretly left Lublin in the hope of gathering a gentle militia to combat supporters of Ulya. However, such the largest Western Wessengers, such as Prince Ostrog, supported the Ulya. She did not show solidarity with their princes and Lithuanian-Russian gentry.

In March 1569, Sigismund II August was published a universal about accession directly to the Crown of Podlyas and Volyn, and in May - Kyiv region and Shtanthischin. For a very long time, senators and deputies of Volyn were not on the Seimas. Then the king of Sigismund II, Augustus, began confiscated by the estates of opponents of accession, and this measure "entered" representatives of Volyn. To drag these lands with the gentry of these lands, some privileges were given: the local law (the second editorial office of the Lithuanian Statute) continued (the second editorial office of the Lithuanian Statute), the local language was preserved in office work (developed by the office practicing practice VK.L. Makaronus-Ukrainian-Polish mixture). The "Greek Faith" gentry, provided the same rights with Catholics, given a promise to appoint Orthodox to all positions.

It is characteristic that in the Seimas Debates, Volyni's geeks supported the inclusion in Poland not only its own land, but also the Kyiv region, not wanting, apparently, to break eternal ties. Under these conditions, the frightened Ukrainian magnates were forced to return to the Sejm. Kiev Voivode Prince Vasily-Konstantin Ostrogsky, Volyn Voivoda Prince Alexander Chartersky, Vinnitsa Old Town Bogush Koretsky swatched on loyalty to the crown, but in a special statement stated the loyalty of the royal power to the preservation of their rights, land ownership and protection of the Orthodox Church.

On July 1, 1569, Lublin Sania was signed, which legally secured the emergence of one of the largest European powers - a compulcular speech - with one elective ruler, which was crowned in Krakow as the Polish king and Grand Duke Lithuanian. Unified for the newly formed state were the Seimas and Finance. It was envisaged that contracts with other countries should be on behalf of the Commonwealth. Polish and Lithuanian gentry got the opportunity to own lands in any part of the state.

After the Lublin Union, the crown was most of the Ukrainian lands. They formed Russian (centered in Lviv), Volynskoe (centered in Lutsk), Podolsk (centered in Kamenets-Podolsky), Bratzlava and Kiev Voivodeship. Earth for the average BUGU and the upper pripyat, who made Brest Voivodeship, remained in the composition of V.K.L. (Ukrainian Polesie). Part of the Ukrainian lands were part of the Belz Voivodeship. Outside the borders of the Commonwealth, Transcarpathian Ukraine remained: in Hungary, North Bukovina - Under the rule of Moldova, Chernigovo-Severnishche - as part of Russia. The latter, nevertheless, the corona government also considered the original Polish. Later, in 1618, the Chernigovo-Severskaya Earth moved to the commitory speech.

Positive and negative results of the Lublin Unce can not be considered absolute. At first, elements of creation and destruction were combined in them. The positive point was the reunion of most of the Ukrainian lands. The positive result of the ENIA was the exit of Ukraine into the orbit of Western European culture, in particular, in the field of enlightenment. The model of a practical compromise between the Latin school and Greek-Slavic educational canons was the Ostrog Board, founded in 1576. It was here for the first time in the educational practice of the Ukrainian school that seven free arts were introduced (grammar, rhetoric, dialectics, arithmetic, geometry, music, astronomy).

The implementation of the minimum narrow-cell requirements of the Ukrainian gentry at the Lublinsky Sejm actually exhausted its political potential. As the new Polish regime penetrated deep into Ukrainian lands, the destructive onset of the Catholic Church intensified, tangible national and religious changes took place. The highest layers of society were rapidly collected. At the same time, the social, national, religious and cultural oppression of the masses was intensified. According to V.O. Klyuchevsky "From that moment on these areas, the Polish administration began to be placed in the place of the Native Russian, acting in the Lithuanian princes. Polish gentry began to acquire land in southwestern Russia in the polish destroyer here. The nobility of the South-Western Russia, following the example of Polish landowners, enslaving the Russian peasant population of their lands, gradually alienated from their people and froired, approaching with the Polish gentry and, together with its privileges, absorbing her temples, tongue and faith. "

The joining of the Volyn, Bratzlala and Kiev Voivodes to Poland eliminated the customs foundations on the entire borderline line, which still separated these territories. In agriculture, a three-field system was approved. The newly attached lands began to spread a foil-boring system for the economy. The simultaneous increase in demand for commodity raw materials led to the predatory exploitation of natural wealth. Even earlier, the forests were largely destroyed in Galicia and Volyn. Now the gentry gathered to the forestry of the Dnieper.

The Lublin act eliminated the ban on the receipt by residents of the Crown Poland lands in Central Ukraine. This caused a colonization wave of an active peasant element, as well as a small Polish and "overseas" to this Galician gentry. The fertile, but small-populated lands of Kreivakhs and Shtanthischin, besides, provided by free seizure ("Timansky"), who completely ignored the state-owned government, put the crown power before the need for their distribution of magnam, with sufficient means to organize the defense and revive the farm. In Kiev, the Voivodeship was justified primarily by the Volyn Princes, which penetrated here and to Ulya - Ostrog, Zbarazhsky, Koretsky, Charters. So, Princes Vishnevetsky, for example, forced the heirs of the princes of Glinsky to sell them their rights to the Earth by r. Sulu, scored from the king confirmation to the "desert", which stretched from the Moscow border to the Dnieper. Polish magnates Potocks, sandpoly, etc. have rushed to the Bratzlava Voivodeship, and others. From the beginning of the XVII century. Magnans Kalinovsky became the owners of "Desert Uman".

Thus, fluid peasants, farmers, free owners of the apiary, fish and animal care suddenly appeared on the Lord's land. True, the magnates, capturing new lands, did not seek to immediately begin the attack on the rights of the local population. On the contrary, it was originally in order to attract the potential labor force to their ownership, they proceeded to the organization of Slobod - settlements, - the inhabitants of which were dismissed for decades.

The transformation of a dynastic connection laid down by the Krevsky act of 1385, in the real federation was of great importance for the Fates of Polish, Lithuanian, Belarusian and Ukrainian peoples. With the conclusion of Lublin Ulya, 1569 ended the Lithuanian-Russian era in the history of Ukraine.

After the Lublin Unce of 1569, the Polish feudal feudal began to seek the revision of the Lithuanian Statute of 1566 to coordinate it with Polish legislation. But the commission headed by Lv's Sapegoy prepared a new edition of the Statute in spite of the Lublin Union. Thus, it was made by articles that committed the Grand Prince not to violate the territorial unity on and to re-attach cut off the Earth. Therefore, the new edition of the Statute was not considered by the Unified Polish-Lithuanian Seimas, and was approved in 1588 by the Polish king of Sigismund III, which thus sought to secure support for the feudal of incl. The statute of 1588 was published in the printing house of Maumonic in Russian (Starobalorussky). This act has become a valid right not only on the lands of the Grand Principality of Lithuania, but also in the Ukrainian provinces who have departed to Poland. He, in particular, guaranteed the Ukrainian people the opportunity to sue the usual law in the wrist courts, demanded that the judges believed to Russian letters.

In 1956, a new state appeared on the map of Europe - Commonwealth. The two independent neighboring countries - the Kingdom of the Polish and Grand District of Lithuanian - they walked almost two centuries. July 1, 1569 Akt was signed Lublin Uania.

In a number of reasons for ENIA 1569. One of the most significant - intraosloral contradictions in the camp of the ruling class of the Grand Duchy: the middle and small gentry wanted to receive the same gentle liberations and the same influence on the management of the state, which had a Polish gentry. Polish orders were rampant for the dominant class. Nevertheless, the main cause of the conclusion of the Lublin Union was the serious foreign policy situation of the Belarusian-Lithuanian state. First of all, this is the struggle of incl and the Moscow principality for the union of Eastern European land under its authority. The climax of this struggle was the Livonian war, which began in 1558 at the beginning of the 60s. Martial steps spread over the territory of the principality. The state forces were at the limit, an ally was urgently needed. Hope was to help Poland, because The principality had a significant experience of the sin with her. In addition, the western neighbor himself sought to the Ulya. There were several reasons for that. First, the numerous Polish gentry became closely in the kingdom and she looked at the lands of the principality, which could give new wealth, and with them posts and rewards. Secondly, Poland was the strongest Catholic bastion in Eastern Europe, and therefore it was the master of her the master's role in the expansion of Catholicism to sunrise.

Poland by the time of the association was in a better position than the principality, which allowed the crown to carry out a great-maintaining policy. However, the preserved political power of inclination and the lack of strong centralized power in Poland did not allow the latter to incorporate the Belarusian-Lithuanian state in its composition. The Lublin Act was a certain compromise between the aspirations of the two sides who were walking on the Ulya. Commonwealth was formed as a confederative state with a single king, a common pit, one rado, a common monetary system. But in operation, the previous administrative apparatus was fully preserved, the legislation and the ship organization, title and printing, as well as the troops. The most powerful burst of state independence on was the adoption Statute 1588which abolished many of the provisions of Lublin Ulya. This legislative act about Lublin Ulya is not even mentioned.

But over time, incl starts to lose its independence. Gradually passes the beolation of the gentry incl. Old Belorussian language loses its position.

So, the monarchist-Republican state-political system formed in Poland was not able to combine the land of the Commonwealth.

11. Interfaith attitude in incl: Orthodoxy, Catholicism, Protestantism.

On the territory of which 3 Christian denominations existed: Orthodoxy, Catholicism, Protestantism; 1 Islamic.

The most ancient Christian church was Orthodox. Orthodoxy came B. 988 - Baptism of Kievan Rus. In the days of the Cyrus, the main areas of activity of the Christian Church were determined, major church vessels arose, her structure was formed. For leadership, the activities of the Church in large cities began to be created by the dioceses: 992 - The first Orthodox diocese in Polotsk, 1005 - Turovskaya diocese. The department stood Kiev Metropolitan, which was subordinate to the Constantinople Patriarchate. In n. XVI in. The king and the Grand Duke have the right to appoint to Orthodox departments, therefore, in the Orthodox Church there are many random people, it discredits it. AT 1054 The Christian church split into Orthodox and Catholic. AT 1204 Crusaders defeated Constantinople.

Unlike Orthodoxy, the spread of Catholicism on the territory of Belarus, as in all of the incl, it began later and passed 2 separate stages: from the middle of the XIII century. until the end of the XIV century. And from the end of the XIV century. Until the second half of the XVI century.

Since the conclusion of incl from Poland Krevskaya Ulya (1385) Starting began. AT 1387 Yagailo takes Catholicism and the Polish Crown. This period is considered to be the time of changing the political and legal status of Belarusian lands in incl. AT 1413 was published Gorodelsky VillageAccording to which Orthodox in ON lost civil rights.

In the XV - XVI centuries. Transitions of Orthodox knew to Moscow with their lands increased. As a result of the long struggle, the Orthodox feudal feudalists achieved in 1447 the equations of their rights with feudal Catholics, but discrimination during the appointment of public posts was maintained. At the beginning of the XVI century. Prince Mikhail Glinsky organized a major uprising of the Orthodox feudalists. The entire grip policy of Muscovy took place under the ideological cover of the protection of Orthodoxy.

AT 1534 Orthodox were equalized in Rights with Catholics. The situation of Orthodox in ON always depended on who was in power.

Protestantism appeared as a result of the reformation of the XV - XVII centuries. Calvinists, antitriNitane (50-70 Gg. XVI century) were obtained on the territory of incl. Dozens of reform communities are organized, and with them - churches, schools, shelters, typography. AntitriNiten demanded social transformations in society, which led to a conflict with Calvinists. Protestants in ON supported magnates in the hope that retain independence both from Moscow and from Poland. With all the humanistic aspirations of the Protestant intelligentsia, Protestantism in ON and RP there was no future. Protestantism remained only an episode in the cultural history of Belarus.

After the split of Christianity attempts to return the former unity was undertaken repeatedly. The new direction of Christianity - Uniate - was issued by the Brest Cathedral in 1596 The idea of \u200b\u200bUlya - the Union of 2 Christian churches held a strong place in the political and intellectual life of Europe in the XV - XVI centuries. The initiators of the creation of the Uniate Church in the RP was the Catholic Order of Jesuits, who wanted to achieve full increasing the Orthodox population through the church Ulya. The idea of \u200b\u200bUnce was supported by some of the Orthodox priests, who sought the Orthodox Church from the crisis through the Ulya. It can be valid if it is sought by all the patriarchs. The Orthodox Church in the RP was officially prohibited, but the rights and property moved to unitam. Uniatskaya church retained Orthodox rituals. AT 1620 Jerusalem Patriarch restored the Orthodox Church.

In 1720, the Zamo Cathedral finally laminizes the Uniate Church. The defense of Orthodoxy stood up laity and priests. Union did not bring the world on. Its result will be the Cossack war of 1648-53.

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