Economic development of Romania after World War II. Modern Romania

Introduction 2.

1. Economy. four

2. Socio - economic development of Romania. five

Conclusion. ten

List of references. eleven


Romania is located in the south-east of Europe, in the Basin of the Lower Danube. This is a relatively young European country, which appeared on the political map of the world in the second floor. Hih in.

A wide variety of natural landscapes are focused on the territory of the country - from alpine meadows and forest arrays to dry steppes with salt marshes and sand dunes

The Carpathian mining system is highlighted by its mineral wealth, large water supply reserves, extensive forest arrays. The greatest value for the economy of the country is deposits of mineral sedimentary origin: natural gas, oil, bituminous shale, table salt, stone and brown coal, limestone, as well as bauxite, gypsum, manganese ore. Most of these deposits are concentrated in the foothill and hilly areas adjacent to the Carpathian mountains both with the inner (Transylvanian plateau) and from the outside. The second mining team is related to past volcanic activities and is represented by numerous deposits of lead-zinc, copper, gold - silver and iron ore. In the outdates of the ancient crystalline breeds - granite and Andesitis contain valuable nonmetallic fossils (graphite, mica, talc, barite).

The climate of Romania as a whole is moderately continental. Mountain ridges The Carpathians cause significant differences in the distribution of temperatures and precipitation between the individual parts of Romania, and first of all between the plains and the Carpathian mining system. On the plains, the winter is short, minor and relatively warm, however, the northeast and northern winds sometimes bring frosty air and temperatures are sharply reduced. Spring begins early and accompanied by abundant rains; Summer roast, dry, and long autumn is usually warm, clear and windless. The climatic conditions of the plains are favorable for the cultivation of most cultivated plants of a moderate belt, as well as more thermal-loving (grapes, corn, soy). In the mountains of winter long and cold.

The population of the country is 22.4 million. Romanians make up 88.1% (19 million years.). From national minorities, the most numerous Hungarians (1.7 million people), Germans (0.4 million) and Roma (0.2 million); For several tens of thousands of people, there are Ukrainians, Russians, Serbs, Jews. Turks, Tatars, Bulgarians, Slovaks, Czechs, Poles and Greeks live here. Among the believers are dominated by Orthodox (90%). There are Catholics (mainly Hungarians) and Protestants (Germans).

1. Economy.

Modern Romania refers to industrial-agrarian countries with economies. In the Romanian industry, engineering and chemical industry occupy the leading place. They produce equipment for oilmiths, power plants, cement factories, chemical industries, as well as cargo wagons, cars, tractors, diesel and electric motors, metalworking machines and electrical products. In recent years, special attention is paid to the development of electronics, accurate mechanics and complex machine-tooling. The material base of mechanical engineering is black and non-ferrous metallurgy.

Another important industry industry is the chemical industry, which has a sufficient raw material base in the form of reserves of oil, natural gas, stone salt, sulfur-containing raw materials, wood. The leading role in the development of this industry belongs to petrochemistry, where the production of polymers (plastics, synthetic rubber and fibers, detergents and various intermediates) is concentrated on large combines. The production of mineral fertilizers, especially nitrogen, in the manufacture of which natural gas, and inorganic chemicals, chloro-soda products are widely used. Romania exports nitrogen fertilizers to other countries, synthetic rubber, rubber products, soda, varnishes, paints and other products.

Woodworking, in the past producing mainly sawn timber, now releases Faneru, parquet, wood plates, furniture, prefabricated houses, sports accessories and musical instruments that are in demand in world markets. Leple gives export sewing products, shoes, knitwear, carpets and other consumer goods; Food - canned food, grape wines, salt, vegetable oil, cheeses and meat products.

Housing occupies 3/5 of the territory of the country (15 million g.), Arable land prevail. The leading branch of crop production is a grain farm. The main grains: wheat is the most important food culture (it takes mainly more fertile black earth soils on lowlands) and corn - the main fodder culture (distributed in agricultural areas everywhere).

From other grains in significant sizes sow barley and in small quantities, in mountainous regions, - oats and rye. New culture - rice cultivated in the south in the floodplains of rivers. Sunflower is distinguished from industrial crops, in terms of collecting Romania ranks third in the world and sugar beets.

Among the diverse minerals, the reserves of natural gas are allocated - methane, which occurs in the depths of the Transylvanian plateau. Here are the major deposits of the stone salt. In the spurs of the mountains there are many non-ferrous metals deposits.

2. Socio - economic development of Romania.

After the events of 1989 And the overthrow of the regime Nicolae Causecu in Romania came to power came the reformers united in the party - the front of the national salvation headed by Idiasca. The new leadership of the country with the coming to power the first thing has canceled a number of unpopular decrees of the former regime. The duration of the working day is reduced, the restrictions on the consumption of electricity and gas with population and enterprises are removed, the presses restrictions are canceled. A number of reforms in the agrarian sector added the popularity of the FTS in rural areas and allowed its representatives with a big advantage to win parliamentary elections in May 1990. Candidate from FTS, as a representative of the moderate party, I. Iliescu won the presidential election with a big advantage. In 1992 In the election, in the second round, I. Iliescu was again elected president of the country

This was followed by years of economic recession and political instability in the country; The teams of the governments of the Liberals and the Centerrs changed each other almost every year and in the end were forced to recognize their inconsistency in conducting economic reforms. In 2000 In the presidential election, I. Iliescu is elected for the third time the President of the country and the government of Social Democrats, headed by Prime Minister A.Nestas, comes to power. The beginning of some economic growth in the country after 2000, in the conditions of relative political and economic stability, many in Romania are associated with the coming to power of the Social Democrats, which this year widely noted the biennium of their reign.

Until complete socio-economic stability and sustainable economic growth, according to European experts, Romania is still far from today in many economic parameters, it is largely reminded by Russia until 1998. It was not by chance that its consideration of its entry into the EU was postponed until 2007. Romania problems remain more complicated than in other Eastern Europe.

Indicators of the socio-economic development of Romania for 16 years (1990-2006)

1990 1993 1996 2000 2006
Real GDP growth,% -4,8 -1,2 1,8 5,3 4,7
Budget deficit,% to GDP -4,4 -2,1 -3,8 -3,5 -3
Balance,% of GDP -7,1 -4,2 -3,7 -1,3 -1,2
- in million euros -2637 -1382 -1477 -959 -945
External debt,% to export 84,2 86,8 58,6 51,9 60,5
- in million euros 7346 8315 8960 7059 7158
Direct Ino Ininvestment,% of GDP 4,9 3 2,8 3 3,5
- million euros 1804 980 1114 1194 1392
Unemployment 3 6,8 11 10,6 8
Mid annual inflation 59,1 45,8 45,7 46,2 27,4

According to official statistics, the overall economic growth amounted to 4.7% (GDP growth). The level of consumption in the domestic market increased by 3.8%. At the official level, it is often emphasized that such growth rates were almost the highest among European countries, often forgetting that in the last years of economic stagnation accumulated 18% of the backlog in GDP growth. The share of industry, construction and services in the creation of GDP remained almost unchanged - about 80%.

According to the analysis by the experts of the European Commission, in the last three years, Romanian GDP decreased by 18% and the growth occurred only since 2000.

According to Nazinstitute statistics, GDP increase in 2002. amounted to 4.9% compared with 2001. The share of GDP per capita, calculated on European standards of purchasing power (SPA) remains one of the lowest among Eastern European countries and from 1998. It did not rise above 25% of the Middle Eastern level.

During the year, industrial production increased by 6%. The growth was provided at the expense of the processing industry, the volume of which increased by 7.2% with a simultaneous decrease in the production volume in the mining, production of electrical and thermal energy, gas production by 2.6% and 1.3%. At 12%, the production of long-term goods and 9.2% of customers increased. The main energy resources in terms of crude oil amounted to 31.166 thousand tons, incl. 20.528 thousand tons. own production.

Production of basic types of products in Romania

Unit. 2000 2001 2002 02/01, %
Coal m00 T. 29,3 33,3 30,3 91
Oil m00 T. 6 6,02 5,84 97
Natural gas billion 13,5 14,2 12,7 89,3
Vegetable oil thousand tons 251,1 293,4 218,2 74,5
Meat in slaughter weight thousand tons 257 231,4 219,9 95%
Meat products thousand tons 123,1 135,7 123,6 91,1
Milk mULS 0,89 0,96 1,05 109,2
Butter thousand tons 6 6,1 5,8 95,9
Fabrics (all kinds) million m. 203,6 193,1 15.jul 102,4
Knitwear million hp. 35,7 35,9 33,3 92,8
Footwear million par. 33 35 37,2 106,3
Timber million m. 1,3 0,96 1,04 108,5
Metallurgical coke m00 T. 1,5 1,4 1,8 128,4
Petrol m00 T. 3,13 3,41 4,47 131,1
Diesel fuel m00 T. 3,36 3,89 4,37 112,3
Mazut. m00 T. 1,5 1,8 2,04 113,3
Chemical fertilizers thousand tons 1040 932,8 916,2 98,2
Cement m00 T. 8,2 8,6 5,7 66
Steel, smelting m00 T. 4,7 4,9 5,5 112,1
Metal rover g / k m00 T. 3,7 3,6 4,6 129,1
Steel sheet, strip x / k thousand tons 429,8 415 724,6 174,7
Aluminum, incl. Rental thousand tons 203,1 205,4 212,1 103,2
Bearings million hp. 85,5 90,4 73,7 81,5
Tractors thousands 5,4 5,3 5,5 103,9
Cargo cars pC. 1212 1589 1429 89,9
Electricity billion kvtch. 51,5 53,5 54,74 102,3

An important economic event of the year can be called an agricultural census in the country of 5-20 dec. 2002 According to the results of the census, Romania has 2.7 million individual farms, or 54.6% of all farms in rural areas. For support of agriculture in 2002. 300 million dollars were allocated. According to the trade register, there are 941,700 private enterprises in Romania, one enterprise accounts for every 23 inhabitant of the country.

The mass of unprofitable enterprises in the country is a consequence of the practice of "restraining" non-competitive industries. Without the restructuring of production, as recent years have shown, the state is not able to achieve a significant reduction in the budget deficit and the inflation pressure on the economy can only increase.


In the early 1990s Romanian authorities adopted a strategy of gradual reforms. On a trip 1990-1992. GDP decreased for one fourth, and the height of inflation in 1993 increased more than 200%. In 1993-1996 For economic recovery, the value of WFP (by 4%), the only one turned out to be short. The restructuring of severe industrialism was delayed and, the only result, the import of raw materials and energy was the only and in advance remained large. The balance of payments of the country's flow account was worsened and the Romanian currency was all depreciated on a trip of ten years (the exchange rate was agreed from 22 lei for the dollar in 1990 to the barely 22,000 lei for the dollar in 2000). The official height of unemployment increased from 3% in 1991 to over 6.8% in 1993 and remained high for all 90s. In 1999, the height of unemployment was over 11%. These years are characterized by STOP-GO policies (stand - go). After the same gradually reached the height of the 1990s, the bosses in 1997 conducted a shock therapy policy, which led to a negative economic growth for 4% for 1997-1999. In 2000, GDP grew for 2%, and the height of inflation remained high (46%). In 1999, Romania was also invited to negotiate entry into the European Union. For 2008, predictions are pretty positive: Reaen GDP will reach 4.5%, the height of inflation will decrease before 25%, the only height of the unemployment is enough to be high - 10.9%.

List of references.

1. Russia and the countries of the world (official publication). - M.: Goskomstat, 2000. Countries and peoples of the world. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 1998.

2. World countries today. - M.: ITAR-TASS, 2002.

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4. McConnell K.R., Blind S.L. Economics. Principles, problems and politics. Tom I: ECONC study guide. specialist. Universities. - M.: Infra-M, 2001.

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9. Guesthouse M. Prospects for the development of the economy of Romania // Bulletin of foreign commercial information. - 2002. - №91.

10. Gyrbia K. Romania: The beginning of the stabilization of the economy // Economics and Life. - 2004. - №24.

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Labor is presented in the relevant section of this Financial Plan) and streamlining the staff of management personnel in all structural divisions of the plant. 3 Technical and economic characteristics of GP factory "Electrotyazhmash" Description of the production process, technology and equipment. The company includes a number of specialized industries: the production of turbogenerators and ...

In Romania under the conditions of immigration in compliance with the established rules. In all other cases, treatment will have to pay. 2. Features of the development of international tourism in Romania 2.1 Modern trends in the development of tourist business in Romania Romania are a new opening of the modern tourist market. Being a country of former socialist camp and overcoming as a result ...

In industry and construction employs 43.8%, in rural and forestry - 29.8%, in transport and in connection - 6.9%, in trade - 6%. The number, type of reproduction, the level of urbanization capital of Romania - Bucharest. Population - 22.8 million people. Annual natural population growth is 0.76%, which refers to the first type of reproduction. The demographic policy of the state is directed to ...

11. Expand the essence of the shop building of the feudal craft. 12. What is the economic significance of great geographical discoveries? 13. Name the methods of the initial accumulation of capital. 2. The history of the economic development of the most developed countries of the world in the Epoch of Domonopolistic Capitalism 2.1. The development of capitalism in agriculture, "Prussian" and "American" ways of material ...

Romania is considered an agrarian-industrial country, which is different (compared to other members of the European Commonwealth) lower levels of economy. However, compared to many countries of the former Socialist camp, Romania went far from their poor economic past period of Ceausescu.

At the moment, Romania's economy is considered to be 11 countries in the size of the gross domestic product per capita in the EU countries, while Romania's GDP level does not reach up to half of the Middle European and fluctuates at 46%.

But such indicators testify to the Romanian breakthrough, if we recall what a poor power was this country at sunset of the Socialism era in 1989. In the seventies of the last century, Romania significantly exhausted oil reserves on its territory and began to occupy finances from the Western powers. Oil in Romania was previously the main sources of income, so the external debt rapidly grew up, and here, Ceausescu, in the early 80s of the twentieth century, orders to stop loans and start debugs at any cost.

The country plunged into the hard savings mode, there was almost no electricity, there was a food crisis, even the cards for food appeared, while the personal border of the ruler itself was only increasing and fluffed. All this led not only to the outflow of Hungarians and the Germans, who lived in Romania in Transylvania, but also to the socio-political explosion, which ended with the 1989 revolution. By the way, for each German who traveled abroad, Ceausescu demanded 5 thousand francs from Germany, many compared it from the slave trade. Ceausescu gave a huge external debt, but the people could no longer live beyond poverty. The revolution that happened, though the velvet was named, but during the days the coup was 1040 people died, and the dictator himself was executed.

So, Romania began to build a new power, while the construction went and is not always easy, according to experts, up to a quarter of the population of Romania so far on the verge of Nishchensky existence, but gradually well-being improved, despite the general economic crisis in the world. At the same time, the standard of living Romanian changes, depending on the belonging to various regions. The highest level of GDP is observed in Bucharest, which is quite explained, as in the capital and passes the cycle of the greatest amount of money Romania.

Industry, enterprises Romania, banks

The industry of Romania is closely related to the oil and gas industries. Gasoline in Romania is quite democratic for the price, if you compare with neighboring countries that do not have oil, and the cost of liters does not exceed fifty cents. The deposits of natural gas are located at the footage of the Carpathians, as well as on the Transylvanian plateau. Boxites, coal, manganese ore are mined in Romania.

The processing industry is closely related to the processing, so in the cities of Brasov, the plants and others are oil refineries, and shipbuilding plants are located near the Danube delta. On the Danube and the Black Sea are also the main ports of Romania (Sulin, Constanta).

Most of the inner gross product accounted for the scope of services, but about 20.5% of GDP occupy a business sphere (banks of Romania). The tourist industry continues to develop, so on hotels, restaurants, transportation accounts for about 18% of GDP. But this figure is not final and constantly modified towards the increase. Other spheres, including enterprises, closely related to folk crafts occupy about 21.7%. Exports of Romania are products of textile industry, mechanical engineering, metallurgy products.

Romania's monetary unit continues to remain stable, it supports the European Commonwealth in many ways. Romania's currency is a fairly interesting monetary mark, made on special technology, with a high degree of protection, which allows it not to reveal, practically not to rush and remain in prior one for a long time. It was changed to a modern view in 2005 as a result of reform, which made it possible to denounce the bloated monetary unit of the country 10 thousand times.

The Dacia car in Romania enjoys fame, the automobile production of the same name since 1998 became part of Renault. In 2005, the model range and auto Dacia (giving) was updated in Romania to enjoy increased demand. Many of the soul these modern sedans are quite a deocratic price.

There is a high level of unemployment in the country - 47%, which indicates the insufficient use of domestic reserves for the development of the country's economy.

Agriculture Romania

Arable land is 70% busy with wheat and corn crops, which are the main cereal crops of the country. Also Romanians everywhere fell potatoes, sunflower, sugar beet. Transylvania and the Carpathians are famous for their amorrant vineyards, and the fruit garden generously spread at the foot of the Carpathians. Pears, apple trees, delicious plums grow on joy to local residents. Popular in Romania cattle breeding, in particular sheep breeding is more developed in the south-east, and growing pigs - in southern Romania.

Romania continues to hold a clear balance, while remaining a country where industry and agriculture has a good. This allows you to provide yourself with good and inexpensive food, as well as use the benefits of industrial enterprises. Membership in the European Union also gives many bonuses with which the country is beneficial.

The first five-year plan for the development of the national economy of Romania as a whole was fulfilled. Romania began to turn from agrarian to an industrial-agricultural country. However, the forcing of industrialization inevitably created structural disproportions, in the national economy of Romania and strengthened social tensions.

Large transformations were carried out in agriculture. In the autumn of 1949, the first collective agricultural farms were created in Romania, and by the end of the first five-year plan, they had already united about 390 thousand peasant families. The proportion of the collectivized sector in the farmable area has grown from 12% in 1950 to 26.4% by the end of the first five-year plan.

Socio-economic and political transformations conducted in the country were recorded in the new Constitution of the Republic of Romanian People's Republic, adopted in September 1952

In the country, it was mainly the elimination of illiteracy, a mandatory primary education was introduced. In comparison with pre-war time, the number of primary and secondary schools has grown, the network of higher education has been expanded.

The implementation of the first socio-economic development plans of Romania was accompanied by the expansion and deepening of cooperation with the Soviet Union, with other countries that proclaimed the course for the construction of socialism.

In the framework of the Council of Economic Communications, Romania's cooperation with GDR, Hungary, Czechoslovakia and other countries expanded. The position of Romania in the international arena has been reproached. In 1955, she was adopted by the UN.

However, in the internal political life of Romania at the end of the 40s - the first half of the 50s, negative trends have clearly affected. The command-administrative system formed in the country continued to force the development of heavy industry and collectivization of agriculture. In the political life of the country, authoritarian leadership methods have become increasingly strengthened. By the beginning of the 50s, the Romanian working party remained the only political party in the country, all other parties were eliminated or were forced to declare their samorem. The party-state leadership of Romania led by G. Georgiu-Dejeme, focusing in his hands all the levers of power, joined the path of violation of legality and repression. For falsified charges were convicted and executed former general secretaries of the CRC H. Forish and L. Patrashkan, as well as some other prominent party and state-owned countries of the country.

XX Congress CPSU contributed to some democratization of the internal political life of Romania. In March 1956, the plenum of the Central Committee of RRP accepted a number of decisions in which it was stated on the need to respect for democratic norms of party and public life. However, in fact, these solutions mostly remained only declarations and authoritarian methods of leadership by society continued to dominate.

Romania is an industrial-agrarian country, which differs in comparison with other members of the European Union with a lower level of economy. The Romanian economy is the 11th GDP among the EU countries, but the GDP level is approximately 46% of the Middle Eastern.

The natural conditions of Romania are more diverse than neighboring Hungary and the southern parts of Ukraine lying on the same latitude. The main mining system of Romania is located in the central part of the country, and not on the periphery, as, for example, in neighboring Serbia. It follows a number of features characteristic of Romania in the placement of mineral, hydropower and soil and plant resources that have a great influence on the geography of the population and economy.

The share of industry in Romania GDP is about 35%. In industry, the country specializes in the extraction of coal, oil, natural and associated gas. Electricity production is carried out mainly on TPP. The main deposits of mineral and hydropoweroresours, forests and meadows are concentrated in the central, mountainous part of Romania, and the main arrays of comfortable for processing the most valuable soil are located in the equible peripheral parts of the country.

The share of agriculture in RUMFNII GDP is about 10%. Agriculture prevails crop grain direction. The main grain crops grown in the country - corn and wheat.

55% of GDP accounts for the scope of services. The financial and business sphere accounts for 20.5%; Hotels, restaurants and transport - 18%, other spheres - 21.7%. The country's largest resort region is the Black Sea coast of Romania.

The cylinders of the Romanian economy varies from the region to the region. Bucharest and the largest city in the south and west have GDP per capita, with values \u200b\u200bof about two times than on average in the country. These are considerable economic differences between urban and rural areas.

The gross domestic product of Romania in 2010 decreased by 1.2% to 122 billion euros. As reported at the National Institute of Statistics Romania, while in the fourth quarter of 2010, Romania's GDP increased compared with the previous quarter by 0.1%, but decreased in comparison with the IV quarter of 2009. 0.5%.

Industrial production in Romania in 2010, in comparison with 2009, increased by 5.5%. As reported at the National Institute of Statistics Romania, the growth was due to the increase in the production and supply of thermal and electric energy, gas, hot water by 8.2%, as well as in the processing industry - by 6%. At the same time, the extractive industry recorded a decline by 6.9%.

Romania plans to get out of recession in 2011 and achieve economic growth at least at the level of 1.5-2%. To achieve these goals, the Romanian government will take a maximum effort.

The Prime Minister of the country Emil Sok noted that the latest data of the National Institute of Statistics Romania testify to a small economic growth in the country in the fourth quarter of 2010 and inspire optimism that after the first quarter of 2011, Romania will come out of the recession.

The head of the Romanian government said that, according to the latest statistical data, the economic situation in Romania has already stabilized, the unemployment rate is reduced and below the average for EU countries.

It should be noted that the economy of Romania has seriously suffered from the global economic crisis. According to January 2010, the country ranked second among the EU countries in the number of population living on the edge of poverty.

Statistical indicators Romania
(as of 2012)

In May 2009, even to financial crises in Greece and Ireland, Romania agreed with the IMF, the World Bank and the EU about the loan in the amount of 20 billion euros. However, in November 2010, the allocation of funds was suspended due to the political crisis in Romania. The situation has undergone changes only in January of this year, and funding was resumed. President of Romania Traian Basescu stated that the country's economy stabilized, all necessary measures were taken to exit the crisis. The International Monetary Fund and the European Union promised Romania to open a new credit line in the amount of 5 billion euros for two years. If the Romanian government has a need, $ 3.6 billion will provide an IMF, and 1.4 billion dollars will allocate the EU.

History of the economy Romania

In the pre-war years on the economic potential of Romania lasted from Western European countries for almost 100-150 years. Only oil production, forest development and some other industries that were interested in foreign capital were achieved. According to 1938, the share of foreign capital in the oil industry amounted to almost 92%, in the production of electricity and gas - 95%, in metallurgy - 74%, in the chemical industry - 72%, in woodworking - 70%. Many industries used imported raw materials. Petroleum monopolies that dominated in the economy of Romania collaborated with Hitler's Germany.

After the Second World War there was a restructuring of the economy of Romania to the socialist way. Industry was nationalized, land reform was carried out and a state monopoly on foreign trade was introduced. Subsequently, Romania consisted of CMEA. Since 1949, the economy of Romania has developed in five-year plans, in these plans, the priority was given to industrialization.

Since 1989, the market restructuring of the economy began, the result of which was the long-term decline in production and the fall in the standard of living. In particular, about half of the population of Romania is currently on the verge of poverty. The state structures of Romania are taken to accelerate the structural reform, the completion of the privatization and the creation of a fully functional competitive market economy.

The socio-economic policy of the state is based on the principles of the so-called Washington consensus, the memorandum of accession to which Romania has signed in 1993. Based on the signed agreement, a special place in socio-economic reforms is given to private property, the free market, the government of the state from the economy with a rigid budget policy, provides for openness of the national economy of the world market. In 2002, more than 62% of GDP were created in the private sector, the share of private entrepreneurship accounted for 90% of retailers and more than 50% of foreign trade. In 2003, the privatization process was completed: only the most important objects in mechanical engineering, defense complex, nuclear power plant, a network of pipelines remained in the hands of the state.

The problem of the budget reservation is largely related to increasing collections and elimination of taxes. In 2002, tax legislation was modernized in Romania in accordance with EU standards.

Industry Romania

Mining industry. Oil, natural gas, gold, silver, salt, bauxite, manganese ore, coal are produced in Romania. Natural gas is mined at the Transylvanian plateau and at the foot of the Carpathian Mountains, about the Carpathians are also maintained by the main oil production. Neighborhood of brown coal is carried out near Kraiov and Ploiesti in the South-central part of Romania. Stone coal is mined in a comkenist in the northeast and near Clusu in the North-West.

The share of the extractive industry is 7% of gross products. In the 1990s. At the insistence of the IMF during the restructuring of the coal industry, a large number of low-cost mines was closed; Coal mining fell from 66 million to 34 million tons in 2002.

One of the largest sectors of the economy - oil production, a significant market share is occupied by the Rompetrol Control Package owned by the Kazakh State Oil Company Casmunaygas, but oil reserves are insignificant and its production is constantly decreasing. One of the largest producers of oil and gas equipment is instruction - May 1st in (Ploid). In 2008, the plant was 100 years since the foundation. The plant produces 80% of the total oil and gas equipment.

From the mid-2000s, the consumption of oil Romania is about twice as much as its own production, this ratio concerns and import-exports of oil.

In Romania, there are reserves and produced natural gas, but in recent years the country has to import gas in order to satisfy its needs.

Manufacturing industry. In the cities of Ploiesti, George Georgiu-Dezh, Darmeneshti, Brasov and Ramnicul-Sarat are the largest oil refining factories. Metallurgy is concentrated in the West (in the area between Hundoar and Timisoar) and in the south-east (Galatz-Breile). In Breile and Galace, the Danube delta are shipbuilding plants.

Mechanical engineering occupies a leading place in the Romanian Industry. This industry has been taking about half of the entire industrial products of the country. Machine-building factories, which, before the Second World War, were mainly engaged in the repair of foreign equipment and the production of simple machines, now satisfy the internal needs of the country in a wide variety of cars.

The country produces equipment for petroleum industries, power plants, cement plants, chemical industries, as well as cargo wagons, cars, tractors, diesel and electric motors, metalworking machines and electrical products. Special attention in Romania is paid to the development of electronics, accurate mechanics and complex machine-tooling. Some products of Romanian mechanical engineering are in demand abroad. According to the export of drilling equipment, Romania occupies one of the first places in the world. Machines make up more than 23% of all Romanian exports (in charge).

The material base of mechanical engineering is created after the Second World War, in the years of industrialization, black and non-ferrous metallurgy. Romania is approaching stalking to the top ten most developed countries in this regard, approximately 17-18 million tons. Thus, ferrous metallurgy is one of the most important sectors of the economy in the country's specialization. It provides both the further development of metal machinery industries and the export of steel pipes, various types of rolled products.

Colored metallurgy of Romania is, first of all, the production of aluminum, based on the cheap electricity of hydrostations and partly on domestic raw materials. Part of the aluminum and products from it is exported. Production of non-ferrous metallurgy is widely used in electrical engineering and electronics. The production of lead, zinc and copper, focused mainly in the north of the country, is designed for internal consumption.

The chemical industry is one of the most promising industries - has a solid raw material base in the form of oil, natural gas, stone salt, sulfur-containing raw materials, wood. The leading role in the development of this industry belongs to petrochemistry, where the production of polymers (plastics, synthetic rubber and fibers, detergents and various intermediates) is concentrated on large combines. The growth of the chemical industry amounted to 33%.

In Romania, special attention is paid to the development of mineral fertilizers. The production of nitrogen fertilizers implies the widespread use of natural gas and inorganic chemicals, primarily chloro-soda products. Romania exports nitrogen fertilizers to other countries, synthetic rubber, rubber products, soda, varnishes, paints and other products.

Industrial regions of Romania

In modern Romania, several industrial regions were formed in the formation process. Among them, the scale of production and a variety of industries is distinguished by the industrial area of \u200b\u200bthe central mintation, which occupies priority positions in mechanical engineering and oil refining and leading place in the rubber, paper, textile industry. His role is great in the production of electricity, chemical and food products. With this area, the main centers of which are Bucharest and Ploiesti, the industrial center of Brasov is connected. They account for about 40% of the country's industrial products. Bucharest-flush area is the main industrial zone where oil, chemical, construction industry and heavy engineering are placed. Metallurgy is concentrated in the west (between Hunedoar and Timisoar) and in the south-east (Galatz-Breile).

Big shipbuilding plants are located in Breile and Galace near the Danube Delta. There is a joint working industrial complex in Giurgju (Romania) and Ruse (Bulgaria), which are against each other on opposite shores of the Danube. This complex was built for the production of devices and equipment for mining, metallurgical, chemical and petrochemical industries.

Gas, chemical and glass industry is concentrated in central transylvania. In recent years, special attention in the area is paid to its role in the production of electricity. Hunedoaro-decisive industrial area oriented on a coal and metallurgical specialization.

In recent years, another three promising industrial areas are formed in the previously developed fields. West Moldavian, covering industrial centers of the Baku region in the valley of the river Siest and its tributaries and eustomin the basis of the development of the industry of this area - oil and gas chemistry and a complex of industries related to forest processing, including the pulp and paper industry.

Olten Industrial Area (with the main centers in Kraiov and Targu-Liu). This area specializes in oil production, energy coal, and at the same time in the production of electricity and chemical products at the same time as the development of energy and chemistry, the Olten region deepens its specialization in electrical engineering and woodworking.

Lower - Danube Industrial Area (with the main centers of Galatz and Brail). This area in the future turns into the main base of ferrous metallurgy of the country with a developing machine-building industry (primarily shipbuilding). In it, on the basis of plant resources, Balts, and especially the Danube delta, also gains development of cellulosic and chemical industries.

Energy Romania

By 1996, electricity production in Romania amounted to 19400 megawatt. Its most important source was the thermal power plant, they followed hydroelectric power plants and nuclear power plants.

The special attention of the energy industry of the industry is given in several regions of Romania: central transylvania, central mintation, Olten Industrial area (with the main centers in Craiov and Tarhu-Liu). In these areas, gas, oil-producing, coal mining industry is concentrated, and therefore they specialize in the production of electricity.

Almost all rivers of the country originate in the Carpathian mountains. In mining and hilly areas, they have significant energy resources. However, due to the uneven fallout of precipitation and the comparative minority of the rivers, the use of hydroresources requires the construction of complex hydraulic structures. In recent years, the regulation of the river flow regulation, along with the possibility of receiving cheap electricity, protects flooding land from the threat of flooding during floods, ensures water supply of the population and industry adjacent areas and creates favorable conditions for the development of irrigation in the lower reaches of these rivers.

One of the main rivers playing an important role in the country's economy is the Danube. This river serves as an important transport highway and connects Romania - with the seven other countries located on its shores. The danube, almost the only shipping river, accounts for most of the country's hydropower potential. Here, in Romania, the most powerful hydroelectric power plants in Europe, built together with Yugoslavia, are built.

Agriculture Romania

The leading industry of agriculture is crop production, grain farming. Developed viticulture. In animal husbandry - breeding sheep and cattle. About 70% of the arable land occupy wheat crops (3.04 thousand tons) and corn (3.85 thousand tons). Other important crops are potatoes (3.71 thousand tons), sugar beets and sunflower.

Vineyards are located mainly on the Transylvanian plateau, in the foothills of Karpat and Dobrudge. Fruit gardens are mainly in the southern foothills of the Carpathians, at the Dobrudja Plateau and in Danube Delta. Mainly plums and apples are grown (0.47 thousand tons). Also grown pears, cherry and apricots.

About 1/5 of the country's territory is pasture. The main districts of animal husbandry are the southern foothills of the Carpathians, the southwestern part of the Transylvanian plateau and the northern part of the Carpathian mountains. Sheepadercy is developed in the south-east, and pig breeding - in the south (from a banat to Bucharest).

Fisheries (sea and river) is well developed in Romania, which is based on the Danube and the Black Sea. It gives the state significant income.

Forest arrays are concentrated by about 27% (about 3.7 million hectares) of Romania. Forests are located mainly in areas above 200 m above sea level. For industrial use, coniferous forests of the Carpathian Mountains (1800-1900 m above sea level) are the greatest economic value. In the woodworking industry, deciduous rocks are also used (beech, housing, oak). In stocks and harvesting wood, Romania occupies a prominent place in Europe.

Since the mid-1950s, forest restoration program has become carried out in Romania in order to fill wood reserves, highly exhausted during World War II.

Transport Romania

Romania is at the intersection of large European highways. In the country, all types of ground, water and air transport are developed. Through the territory of Romania on Iron and road roads, transit cargoes from Hungary and the Czech Republic to the Black Sea are held; Transit highways, Russia and Bulgaria have great importance. In external connections, the International Danube Water Road and the country's exit to the Black Sea coast is played.

In Romania, the transport network is well developed: the length of railways is over 11 thousand km, 1075 km of the transport network passes through the Danube, the importance of Romanian ports increases with the creation of the Trans-European Rhine highway - Danube.

Transportation of goods is mainly carried out by cargo vehicles and by rail. In 1994, there were 11,365 km of iron and 88,117 km of highways. The proportion of highways of national significance is no more than 20%. Car transport accounts for up to 60% of passenger traffic and up to 80% - freight.

The main part of the agricultural and industrial cargoes within the country is transported by rail and road transport, therefore the basis of the transport system of Romania is automobile and railway transport. The bulk of cargo and passengers is transported within the country by railway.

The road network has a radial configuration with the center in Bucharest. The largest transport node of the country is Bucharest, through which the most important national roads and 8 railway lines are held, including those who connect Romania with the capitals of a number of European states. To this end, new railways were built, which connected the capital with Western and Eastern districts, railway exit from the Petrozhansky coal pool south was laid. The network of roads, including trunk, laid through mountain passes expanded. The sharply increased volume of transportation of goods, as a result of the rapid development of the industry and the growth of agricultural production, caused the need to replace steam thrust with diesel locomotives and electric locomotives: the second paths were built on the most shipped lines, part of the railways was electrified, a lot of car park increased.

In Romania, with its convenient access to the sea, historically did not have any significant traditions in the field of marine and river transport. In modern Romania, the role of water and especially road transport is gradually increasing. In foreign trade transportation, along with rail transport, river and sea transport play an important role. Marine and river transport are small used in domestic transportation, as the main waterways take place in the outskirts of the country. However, in external transport, they own a leading place.

River shipping is mainly in the Danube. Sea vessels with a sedimentary more than 7 m can reach upside down the river up to the city of Breile. Other important ports on the Danube - the city of Galatz and Gurjju. Sea fleet 568 dry-cargo displacements 165-170 thousand tons. The largest seaport is the city of Constanta, through which up to 60% of the country's foreign trade turnover.

The main ports on the Danube - Turnu-Severin, Giurgju, Breile, Galatz. Especially important for shipping ports of Galats and Braille with a cargo turnover for several million tons each. Both of these ports are available for small maritime ships. The most important port on the Black Sea - Constanta. Through it takes 80% of marine cargo transportation of the country and 65% of foreign trade goods. In 1984, a shipping channel was opened, connecting the Constant to the port on the Chernavoden Danube. In 1996, Romania's cargo fleet consisted of 234 ships and had a total carrying capacity of all vessels at 2,445,810 reg. T. From other ports, Giurgju is allocated - Avantport of Bucharest, through which many petroleum products are exported. The entire fleet was established in the last decade (total tonnage about 1.5 million tons).

There are 17 airports in the country. The most important center of aviation communications - Bucharest (airport of degeneration), connected by airways with the most remote cities of the country and the capitals of other states.

Due to foreign loans, there is an intensive modernization of the railway, highway network, airports in Brasov, Galatz, Alba-Julia, expansion of the power of Constanta-South, the aircraft park is updated.

The specific trait of transport of Romania, distinguishing it from most other European countries, wider development of pipeline transport. A pretty thick network of gas pipelines has been created connecting gas production places with all major cities. The main oil pipelines pump oil from areas of mining to refinery in the cities of Ploiesti, Pitesti, George Georgiu-Dezh, etc. Part of the liquid fuel is served from there by pipelines to the Black Sea ports for exporting abroad.

Romania Monetary System

Monetary unit in Romania - Lei. There are banknotes in 50, 100,000, 500,000, 1000, 5000, 10000, 50,000, 100,000 and 500000 lei, and banknotes up to 1000 lei are gradually derived from circulation due to inflation, and coins 100, 200, 500 and 1000 lei.

At the present stage, the monetary policy of Romania is aimed at suppressing inflation. The deficit of government financial resources led to an increase in external debt from $ 170 million in 1989 to $ 15.5 billion in 2002 (34% of GDP). State average and long-term borrowing amounted to 2/3 of foreign debt, private companies under state guarantees - 1/3 of foreign loans. In 2002, 19% of exports were sent to serving foreign debt. The amount of domestic debt of the state increased to 15% of GDP.

This determines the compression of the money supply, consumer demand and leads to significant payables and receivables. Since 1991, a partial convertibility of the national currency has been introduced in Romania, floating, partially regulated ley rate with respect to the US dollar. From 1998 liberalized operations of non-residents under current payments, since 2002 - on the transfer of loans received by foreign borrowers from Romanian legal entities and individuals.

The issuing authority in Romania is the central bank. The main accumulations of the population (up to 2/3) are focused on a savings bank, the main shareholder of which the state remains. The stock market of the country passes the stage of formation. Capitalization of the Bucharest Stock Exchange in 2002 did not exceed $ 3 billion. About 40 commercial banks with private and public capital were formed. Non-resident banks have equal rights with national institutions. Foreign portfolio investors account for 1/3 of operations with shares of enterprises. In 2002, non-residents were granted the right to acquire government securities. In 2002, almost 40% of banking capital was in possession of non-residents. The country opened branches of France, USA, Holland, Greece, Italy, and others.

The volume of non-payment in 2001-02 was 40% of GDP. The lack of credit resources largely reflects the incompleteness of the establishment of the banking system. In recent years, there has been a tendency to accelerate the development of the Romanian industry. Internal consumption growth is traced, financial stability, structural transformations continue, the activation of foreign trade relations, an increase in the inflow of foreign investment.

Foreign trade Romania

Foreign trade Romania continues to develop a rapid pace, but the imbalances peculiar to it increase. In 2004, Romanian exports rose by 23.5%, reaching a volume of 18.9 billion euros, while imports - by 35.2%, reaching 26.3 billion euros. The deficit of the foreign trade balance increased rapidly, reaching the con. 2004 7.4 billion euros, compared with 5.6 billion euros at the end of 2003.

In the 1990s. The nature of the country's foreign economic relations has changed significantly under the influence of the openness of the national economy, the liberalization of the mechanism of exchange of the global market. After 1990, imports exceeded exports, which led to the deficit of foreign trade. To date, we can talk about expanding the export of products of the chemical industry (calcined and caustic soda, gas soot, pharmaceutical goods, etc.), petroleum products - (about 6 million tons), mainly gasoline and diesel fuel, - and products of the forest industry (About 1/4 of the lumber produced in the country (2/3 of coniferous and 1/3 of hardwood), a lot of plywood, furniture) are also exported. The level of industrial processing of exported oil and forest products increases. In large quantities of Romania, it began to export cement and window glass (about 1/3 of their production). Also, the main articles of Romanian exports are textiles (22% of general exports), engineering products (37.6) and metallurgical industries (15.2%).

In imports, engineering products are dominated (23.4%), raw materials, including oil and gas (13.3), textiles and products from it (13.1%).

In 2002, exports were $ 13.7 billion, imports - 16.4 billion dollars. The EU countries accounted for more than 67% of the export, including Italy 25%, to Germany 15.8%, 8% to France. In exports, 5 commercial groups give 70% of supplies: textiles, knitwear and sewing products, leather-shoe products, machinery and electric equipment, metal products, mineral raw materials.

The main import of Romania is also coming from the EU countries, including from Italy (25%), from Germany (15%), from France (6%), from Hungary (4%). In the commodity structure of imports, the leading place is occupied by machines and equipment, fabrics, sewing products, mineral raw materials, chemical products, metallurgical products.

The main changes in the import structure consist in an increase in the share of industrial raw materials and semi-finished products (primarily iron ore, coke, apatite concentrate, cotton) and in reducing the share of finished industrial products. Moreover, among the imported finished industrial products, the proportion of machinery and complete equipment for plants increased and the share of goods having a secondary value decreased.

Among the foreign trade partners of Romania, the leader is the European Union (73% of exports and 66% of imports), and among its members - Italy (21% of exports. 17% of imports), Germany (15% of exports, 15% of imports) and France (8.5% exports. 7.2% of import). Significant EU partners are Turkey (7% of exports, 4% of imports), China (3% of imports), USA (3% import).

Source -

The official name is Romania. Located in the south-east of Europe. Area 238.4 thousand km2, Population of 22.4 million people. (2002). State language - Romanian. Capital - Bucharest (2.1 million people). State holiday - National Day Romania on December 1. Monetary unit.

UN member (from 1955), IAEA (since 1957), FAO (since 1961), IMF (from 1972), WTO (from 1995), Associate Member of the EU (from 1995), Member Cess (since 1997).

Attractions Romania

Geography Romania

It is located between 20 ° 15 'and 29 ° 41' East longitude and 43 ° 37 'and 48 ° 15' of northern latitude. Southeast is washed by the Black Sea; In the north and east, it borders with Ukraine (169 km), Moldova (450 km), in the North-West with Hungary (433 km), in the south-west with Serbia (476 km), in the south with Bulgaria (608 km).

Approximately 1/3 of the territory is engaged in carpathian mountains, which are divided into the eastern, southern Carpathians and Western Romanian mountains. The most sublime part of the Carpathian arc, coming from the north to the center to the West of the country, is the Southern Carpathians, where the vertices of Moldova (2544 m) are located, Neuleu (2535 m), Pair Mare (2519 m). From the inner and outer side, the Carpathians stretches the chain of subcarpathic hills and plateau (the average height of 400-700 m). In the West of the country there is a middleunay lowland, in the south - Nizhnyudunayskaya plain, a length of 600 km from Calafat to Galatz. The country's rivers belong to the Danube pool, which proceeds from the west to the east along the border with Bulgaria at a distance of 1075 km. The main tributaries of Prut (716 km), Cyret (598 km), Argers (344 km), Olt (736 km), Timish (383 km), Mures (760 km) and others. There are more than 2 thousand lakes; The largest is the Limana of the Black Sea (spool 415 km2, blue 171 km2). All types of zonal soils are presented: the lowlands are steppe, forest-steppe, in hilly areas - brown forests; Starting from a height of 1400 m - mining. Almost 2/3 of the land used in agriculture have fertile soils (black windows, chernozem, brown forests). Forests occupy 27% of the country's territory. Romania is rich in minerals, among them oil (industrial reserves of 200-300 million tons), natural gas (500-600 billion m3), coal, shale (4.5-5 billion tons of balancing reserves), non-ferrous, rare and noble metals . Climate transition from moderate-ocean, Western Europe, to continental, Eastern Europe. The average annual temperatures fluctuate from + 8 ° C in the north to + 11 ° C in the south of the country. The average annual precipitation is 637 mm (in the northwest - 800-1000 mm, in the south-east - 300-400 mm).

The vegetable and animal world of Romania is diverse. Forest arrays are concentrated mainly in areas above 200 m above sea level. Coniferous forests of the Carpathian Mountains (1800-1900 m above sea level) are the greatest economic value. In the woodworking industry, deciduous rocks are also used (beech, housing, oak). In stocks and harvesting wood, Romania occupies a prominent place in Europe. The fauna of the country is originally. Mountain areas meet bears, wolves, roebles; An animal world of Danube Delta (swamp and waterfowl, fish of valuable fishing breeds) are unique.

Population of Romania

Since 1989, the population has decreased by 750 thousand people, or 4%. The proportion of women is 51.1%, men - 48.9%. The urban population is 54%, rural - 46%. Official language Romanian. The fertility fell from 16 in the early 1990s. Up to 9.8 ‰ in 2001, mortality increased from 10.7 to 11.6, a child mortality of 20.2 people. on 1000 newborns. The average life expectancy is 69.7 years, incl. Women are 73.7 years old, men - 66 years old. There is a process of aging of the population; The share of the ages of 60 years and older rose from 15.5% in 1990 to 17.3% in 2001.

The age of the retirement of women is 57 years old, men - 62 years; The law 2002 provides for a phased increase of age respectively to 60 and 65 years. Romanians (89%) predominate in ethnically, and Hungarians (7%), Roma, Ukrainians, Turks, Greeks, Russians, Armenians are also prevailed. With con. 1980s. There was an intense outflow in mainly Hungarians and Germans. Outside the boundaries of the country there are several million Romanians.

Leading denominations - Orthodoxy (83% of the population), Catholicism (7%), incl. Greco Catholic, so-called. Uniate, Church (Romanian Romanians), Roman Catholic (Hungarians, Germans in Transylvania and Banat). Protestants, Lutherans, Calvinists (6%). Muslims, Jews, Staroviers are represented (Russian population in Danube Delta).

History Romania

In 18-8 centuries. BC. The territory of Romania was part of the habitat of Thracian tribes - geta, which were moored mainly along the Nizhny Danube, and Ducks (Transylvania, East Valahia). The first military-political associations of the Heto-Dakian tribes arose in the beginning. BC. led by the king burst; in con. 1 in. AD Head with Dezebeal, with the center in the city of Sarmi Web (Transylvania). In 2-3 centuries. AD Under the Emperor, the Romans won the lands of Heto Dakov. The Roman province of Dakia (region of Transylvania, Banat, Ottenia), Mezia, where Dobrudzha, Moldova, Munts were created. Roman colonization had a huge impact on the language and culture of the local population. In 4-6 centuries. Through the territory of the country passed the great resettlement of peoples. In 6 c. On the left bank, the Danube was settled by the Slavs, who came to Moldova and the Mintation. In 10-13 centuries. Political associations of local novels and Slavic tribes ("Warrows", "Knezati") began to be formed, which became the basis of the creation of 14 V. Valash and Moldavian principalities. Christianity was distributed in them, in the old Slavonic language up to 17 centuries. Public and church documents were written.

Transylvania in 10-16 centuries. He was part of the Hungarian kingdom. In 12-13 centuries. In the territory of Transylvania, people from Saxony were settled ("Saksa") and the ethnic group of Hungarians - Sale, who carried the border guard service (the valley of the River Troop, Tyrnava). In the 16th century Valash and Moldovan principalitys fell into a vassal dependence on the Ottoman Empire. Transylvania with con. 18 V. 1919 was under the rule of the Habsburg Empire. The struggle against a foreign yoke was famous for the rulers ("Lord") Mircea Old, Mihai Brave, Moldova - Stefan Great, Transylvania - Yanke Hunyadi.

The routine of the Ottoman domination in the Danube Principles and Moldova was facilitated by Russian-Turkish wars. After the war of 1828-29, the fortresses on the left bank of the Danube were returned to the Adrianopol peace treaty Romania, the mandatory deliveries of agricultural products and forests in Turkey were abolished. The administrator of the Romanian principalities became General P.D. Kiselev, in which the organic regulation was adopted in 1831-32, the first constitutional act in the history of Valahia and Moldova, which determined their state, administrative and legal status.

Revolution 1848, which covered the countries of Europe, has found a wide response in Romania. Nikolae Balcheskov, Mikhail Kogelnichan, Simon Bernuzzi, Avram Janka made the requirements of bourgeois-democratic reforms. There were revolutionary speeches of the people.

After the Crimean War, 1853-56, the movement for the unification of the Danube Principles, ended on January 24, 1859, the election of the Moldovan sovereign of Alexander Kuza is a single ruler of Moldova and Valahii, creating the state of Romania with the capital in Bucharest. The new state in 1861 was recognized by Turkey, which preserved, however, its sovereignty over Romanian lands. As a result of the conspiracy of the policemanship and major bourgeoisie (so-called monstrous coalition), Alexander Kuza, who began to conduct large-scale reforms, was removed from power in 1866. One of the representatives of the Prussian Royal House Karl Gogyenzollerne-Zigmaringen, who founded the dynasty in Romania, was invited to the princely throne.

The independence of Romania was recognized in 1878 for the San Stefan Treaty after the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-78, in which Romania took part. Romania received North Dobrojju with the port of Constanta, but returned the Southern Bessarabia of Russia, as part of which this province was from 1812 in accordance with the Bucharest Peace Treaty. Transylvania and Banat remained in Austria-Hungary. In March, 1881 Romania was proclaimed by the kingdom.

After the 1st World War, Romania, speaking on the side of the Entente since August 1916, was able to join Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina after the collapse of Tsarist Russia, from Bulgaria - South Dobrud, lost in 1913 after the 2nd Balkan War, as well as an oriental Banat and Transylvania After the 100-thousand People's Assembly on December 1, 1918 in Alba-Julia demanded reunification with Romania Saint-Germamesky (1919), Trianon (1920) peace treaties officially recognized the change in Romanian borders, which increased its territory and the population almost 2 times.

Since the beginning of the 2nd World War I, in 1940, North Bukovina and Bessarabia moved to the USSR, to Bulgaria - South Dobrudja, to Hungary - the north-western part of Transylvania. In September 1940, after the renunciation of Charles II, in favor of the Son, Michael Power in the country actually moved to Marshal Ion Antonescu, who had established allied relations with Hitler's Germany. From June 1941 to August 1944, Romania participated in the war on the side of the fascist Germany, occupied the territory of the USSR between the Dniester and the Bug (so-called transnted). After the defeat of August 20, 1944, the Soviet Army of the German-Romanian Yaskovo-Chisanese grouping in Bucharest on August 23, there was an armed performance of the people against the Antonymka regime. By order of King Micah, he was arrested. Romania declared war in Germany and Hortiet Hungary, began to participate in battles for the liberation of Transylvania, Hungary, Czechoslovakia. In the Parisian peace treaty, 1947, the north-western part of Transylvania again entered Romania.

March 6, 1945 Power went to the Democratic Government headed by Peter Thunderstorm. On December 30, 1947, the King Mihai, fading from the throne and Romania, was proclaimed by the People's Republic (RNR).

In March 1948, elections were held in the Great People's Assembly (VNS), the highest authority of the PNP state power, the first constitution was adopted in April, to proclaim the establishment of the power of the people. The radical restructuring of the system of state power began, the nationalization of fixed assets of production, co-extraction of agriculture. The 1952 Constitution secured the leadership of the Romanian Workers Party (from 1965 Romanian Communist Party) in all spheres of society. The Secretary-General of the RRP G. Georgiu-Dezh was chosen by the Presidium of VNS Presidium. In March 1965, the RKP headed Nicolae Causecu, who became the President of the country in 1974. The 1965 Constitution, which operated up to 1989, approved the new name of the country - the Socialist Republic of Romania.

In December 1989, the mass performances of the population under anti-communist slogans were completed by the fall of N. Ceausescu. At the head of the FNS, Ion Ion or the former in 1950-70s. A prominent leader of the RCP. The government headed Peter Roman. In published on December 31, decree-law proclaimed democratic rights and freedoms, political pluralism. Already in the beginning. 1990 More than 60 parties were registered in the country, incl. The most influential in the pre-war Romania is so-called. Historical Party - National Cereter Christian-Democratic and National Liberal. Two ethnic parties emerged - the Democratic Union of Hungarians and the Romanian National Unity Party. In May 1990, presidential and parliamentary elections were held, which won or candidates from the FTS. In December 1991, a constitution was adopted on the referendum, which announced Romania by a democratic legal state with the republican form of government.

State Device and Political System Romania

Romania is a legal, democratic, social, uniform, indivisible state with the republican form of government. The 1991 Constitution operates, which caused a number of changes in 2003. In administratively, the country is divided by 41 counties. The capital is highlighted in an independent administrative unit. In 2001, the largest cities: Bucharest, Constanta (348.3 thousand people), Iasi (344.3 thousand people), Timisoara (334.0 thousand people), Cluj-Napoca (328 thousand people. ), Brasov and Galats (324 thousand people), Kraiova (303 thousand).

The public administration system is based on the equilibrium principle of legislative, executive and judicial power, political pluralism, compliance with civil rights and freedoms. The highest legislative body is a parliament consisting of the upper chamber of the Senate (143 member) and the lower chamber of deputies (340 seats). The highest executive body is the government led by the Prime Minister, whose candidacy is offered by the president and is approved by Parliament. The head of state is the president, which at the time of the execution of his mandate can not consist in any party. The president can be elected for two times.

The highest and local governments are formed on the basis of the 1992 election law. Elections occur every four years by universal (from 18 years), direct and secret ballot. The formation of parliament goes on party lists in one tour. A 5% barrier is installed for parties and political associations, 8% - for electoral blocks. Presidential elections can take place in two rounds if none of the candidates will gain more than 50% of the votes. The first president of post-communist Romania was Ion Iria. Repeatedly elected in November 2000, the process of democratization of public life, market transformation of the national economy was taken to the accelerated integration of Romania in the EU and NATO. From 1991, Iliescu was headed by a batch of social democracy, which, after a merger with the Socialist Party, in 2001 began to be called the Social Democratic Party (SDP), whose chairman from 2000 became Adrian Nestas. SDP - a member of the International Socialist International.

The public administration of administrative-territorial units is valid on the principles of autonomy and decentralization of management. In cities and rural communes, tips and heads of lower units are chosen - primari. At the county level - tips; Heads of counties - prefects are appointed by the government. The prefect is a government representative at the local level, responsible for activities in the counties of ministries and other central authorities, has the right to suspend or cancel the decisions of the county council and local authorities.

The Constitution considers political pluralism as a condition and guarantee of democracy. In November 2000, 43 parties participated in the parliamentary elections, of which the electoral barrier overcame only five, incl. SDP, "Great Romania", National Liberal, Democratic, Democratic Union of Hungarians.

Among the organizations of business community, the confederation of patronage industry of Romania, the National Council of Patronets with private capital, the Union of Chambers of Commerce and Industry created by Romania with individual foreign countries, exporters and importers associations, agricultural producers, etc. A significant place in public life was occupied by professional associations of workers (confederation of independent trade unions "FRECE", the cartel of independent trade unions "Alpha", the National Union Union, the Federation of Independent Trade Unions "Solidarity-90").

Domestic policy is based on the constitutional principles of equal rights and freedoms of citizens, regardless of their nationality, religion, political affiliation. The Constitution guarantees national minorities to preserve and develop their ethnic, cultural, linguistic and religious features.

In the foreign policy, Romania proclaimed the commitment to the principles of good neighborliness, compliance with the norms of international law. In January 1995, an agreement on association of Romania with the EU was entered into force, integration with which is scheduled for 2007.

In con. 2002 Negotiations began to join Romania in NATO, which demanded the reorganization of the armed forces, modernizing the technical equipment of the army. Set the task of transition to a professional army capable of integrating into NATO. By 2001, Romania has already reduced the number of armed forces compared to 1989 by almost 2/3. Military allocations were increased by 2 times, reaching 2,4% of GDP in 2002. In 2002, the rates of military reform were accelerated.

Economy Romania

In 1990 liberal market reforms began in the country. GDP in 2002 was 46 billion dollars (82% by 1990). In terms of GDP per capita (approx. 2 thousand dollars) of Romania almost 5 times inferior to the average indicator in the EU. The number of employed population is 8.5 million people. (78% by 1990); Unemployment in 1990-2002 8-10%. Inflation during these years is one of the highest in the region (1600 times).

The leading place in the structure of GDP occupies the service sector, whose share has risen from 26.5% in 1990 to 46.5% in 2001, the share of industry decreased from 51 to 28%, agriculture - from 22 to 14%. The loss of traditional sales markets in the countries of the former economic mutual assistance, import competition, the compression of domestic demand led to a decrease in industrial production in 2002 compared with 1990 almost 2 times. In the privatization process, the demonopolization of production was created approx. 40 thousand firms and companies, 95% of which have less than 250 employees. The dominant position is occupied by 600-700 medium and large enterprises giving 80% of products. In the structure of gross products 4/5 falls on the manufacturing industries (food, metallurgical, oil refining, chemical, sewing, textile). The light industry works, as a rule, on Davalic raw materials. Production in investment sectors (heavy engineering, machine-tooling, electrical engineering), which uses 10-15% of existing capacities. The share of the extractive industry is 7% of gross products. In the 1990s. At the insistence of the IMF during the restructuring of the coal industry, a large number of low-cost mines was closed; Coal mining fell from 66 million to 34 million tons in 2002. Low-calorie lignites and brown corners are dominated, on which 2/5 of electricity is produced. Oil production, which allows to obtain a high percentage of the exit of light oil products and mineral oils, decreased during this period from 9 to 7 million tons, natural gas - from 33 to 14.5 billion m3.

In the development of industry Romania, foreign capital plays an increasing role. Of 8.94 billion dollars. Direct foreign investment 45% are directed to industry (2002). International concerns took a leading place in the automotive industry: "DEU", "General Motors", "Renault". Control packets of shares of metallurgical plants in the city of Galatz, Hundoara, Targovishte, the decrees moved into the hands of foreign investors. The steel smelting decreased from 14.4 million tons in 1989 to 6.6 million tons in 2002. More than 650 joint mining enterprises in Romania have been created.

Agricultural reform, launched in 1990, transferred 86% of agricultural land in private property. The leading type of land use has become individual, small-wing farms. In 2002 they had 4.2 million, the average put on one farm - 2.6 hectares. Instead of liquidated cooperative farms, mutual cooperatives arose, family associations. State boring transformed into joint-stock companies.

Agricultural area - 14.8 million hectares, incl. 65% is occupied by arable land, 32% - natural pastures and hayfields, 3% - vineyards and gardens. In agriculture, almost 40% of the economically active population (1990 - 28%) are concentrated. A variety of soil and climatic conditions contributed to the formation of a multi-sectoral complex. The leading role is played by grain farm (winter wheat, corn, barley); Under the grain crops allocated to 2/3 of arable land. Significant seeding of industrial crops (10%), among them sunflower, sugar bumps. In suburban areas and floods of rivers are common industrial vegetable growing. In the foothill and hilly areas from ancient times, gardening and viticulture are developed. The products of "Podgorii", the wine-making areas of Moldova (Katnar, Iasi, Hush), Doborji (Murfatlar, Nikuliot), Oltezi (Sadova, Segali), Transylvanian Plateau (Mures, Tyrnava) enjoyed wide fame. Due to the reduction in the level of intensification of the production, agricultural fees fluctuate. In 2001-02, grain production was approx. 14 million tons, grapes - 800 thousand tons, fruit - approx. 1 million tons. Livestock livestock in the 1990s. It has shrunk almost twice. In 2002, cattle numbered 3.2 million heads, sheep - 10 million, pigs - 8 million heads. In the 1990s. In the food supply of the country grew the proportion of imports (up to 50-60%).

Romania is at the intersection of large European highways. All types of ground, water and air transport are developed. The length of the railways is approx. 12 thousand km (2000), roads - 80 thousand km, the proportion of highways of national significance is no more than 20%. Car transport accounts for up to 60% of passenger traffic and up to 80% - freight. The largest transport hub of the country is Bucharest, through which the most important national roads and 8 railway lines are held, incl. Connecting Romania with the capitals of a number of European states. River shipping is mainly in the Danube. Sea ships with a sedimentary more than 7 m can reach upside down the river up to the city of Breile. Other important ports on the Danube - Galatz and Giurgu. Sea fleet 568 dry cargo products with displacement of 165-170 thousand tons. The largest seaport - the city of Constanta, through which up to 60% of the country's foreign trade turnover takes place. There are 17 airports. Due to foreign loans, there is an intensive modernization of the railway, highway network, airports in Brasov, Galatz, Alba-Julia, expansion of the power of Constanta-South, the aircraft park is updated.

Tourism plays a prominent role in the economy of Romania. The wealth of natural landscapes, cultural monuments opens up ample opportunities for recreation, treatment and travel. There are almost 1700 mineral springs and lakes having a therapeutic value. The carpathians created a network of resorts on the thermal waters (Baile Felix, Băile Herkulana, Joadja), mud lakes (Sovata, Vatra Dorny). Mineral sources of Board, Buziash, Covasna, Lipov are popular. At an altitude of 800-1400 m above sea level, famous ski resorts operate (Sinai, betrayed, Brysovuluy, Paltinish). A unique nature reserve arose in the Danube Delta. International recognition received resorts on the Black Sea coast (Mamaya, Neptune, Epherya).

Socio-economic policy is based on the principles of the so-called. Washington consensus, a memorandum of joining to which Romania has signed in 1993. Priority of private property, free market, state departure from the economy, hard budget policy, openness of the national economy world market. In 2002, more than 62% of GDP was created in the private sector, the share of private entrepreneurship accounted for 90% of retailers and more than 50% of foreign trade. In 2003, the privatization process is completed: only the most important objects in mechanical engineering, defense complex, nuclear power plants will remain in the hands of the state in the hands of the state.

The priorities of macroeconomic policies are largely generated under the influence of the process of adaptation to the criteria and EU standards, the requirements of the IMF, the World Bank providing Romania significant loans. The budget of the country in the 1990s. It was reduced to a deficit that was in 2002 3% of GDP. External borrowings play a major role in the deficit. In 2001, at the expense of attracting funds from the global financial market, 78% was covered, in 2002 - 60% of missing resources.

The problem of the budget is largely related to increasing collection and elimination of taxes. The level of fiscality in Romania is relatively moderate (32% of GDP), however, the total number of direct and indirect taxes, various payments and fees in extrabudgetary funds is quite significant. In 2002, the tax legislation was modernized in Romania in accordance with EU standards.

Credit and monetary policy is aimed at suppressing inflation, which leads to compression of the money supply, consumer demand, the emergence of significant payables and receivables. The volume of non-payment in 2001-02 was 40% of GDP. The lack of credit resources largely reflects the incompleteness of the establishment of the banking system. The issuing authority is the central bank. The main accumulations of the population (up to 2/3) are concentrated in a savings bank, the chief shareholder of which the state remains. Created 40 commercial banks with private and public capital. Non-resident banks have equal rights with national institutions. In 2002 to 40% of banking capital belonged to non-residents. Branches of Foreign Banks of France, USA, Holland, Greece, Italy, etc. are open.

Since 1991, a partial convertibility of the national currency is introduced in Romania, floating, partially regulated lei course with respect to the US dollar. From 1998 liberalized operations of non-residents under current payments, from 2002 - on the transfer of loans received by foreign borrowers from Romanian legal entities and individuals.

The deficit of state financial resources led to an increase in external debt from $ 170 million in 1989 to 15.5 billion dollars. In 2002 (34% of GDP). State average and long-term borrowing amounted to 2/3 of foreign debt, private companies under state guarantees - 1/3 of foreign loans. 19% of exports were sent to the service of external debt in 2002. The amount of domestic debt of the state increased to 15% of GDP. The stock market of the country passes the stage of formation. The capitalization of the Bucharest Stock Exchange in 2002 did not exceed $ 3 billion. The share of foreign portfolio investors accounts for 1/3 of operations with enterprise shares. In 2002, non-residents are granted the right to acquire government securities.

According to the UN, Romania on the main indicators of the level and quality of life was 79th place among 175 states (1998). In 2002, salary was $ 120 / month. According to official data, almost 40% of the population (approx. 10 million people) have income at the level and below the subsistence minimum, among pensioners - 90%. The proportion of the poor and the poorest population (income of $ 2 per day and less) rose from 4% in 1989 to 34%. There is a process of differentiation of income, social bundle. Categories of the population with income below average include the peasantry, pensioners, unemployed.

In the 1990s. The nature of the country's foreign economic relations has changed significantly under the influence of the openness of the national economy, the liberalization of the mechanism of exchange of the global market. After 1990, imports exceeded exports, which led to the deficiency of foreign trade. In 2002, exports were $ 13.7 billion, imports - 16.4 billion dollars. The EU countries accounted for more than 67% of the export, incl. Italy 25%, in Germany 15.8%, 8% to France. In exports, 5 commercial groups give 70% of supplies: textiles, knitwear and sewing products, leather-shoe products, machinery and electric equipment, metal products, mineral raw materials. The main import of Romania also comes from EU countries, incl. From Italy (25%), from Germany (15%), from France (6%), from Hungary (4%). In the commodity structure of imports, the leading place is occupied by machines and equipment, fabrics, sewing products, mineral raw materials, chemical products, metallurgical products.

Romania, which signed in 1995, the European Agreement on Association with the EU, in 1999 included in the number of countries recommended to start negotiations on joining the EU. Special Ministry of European Integration, other national authorities, the main task of which is the adaptation of Romania's legislative acts in the economic and other spheres of public life to EU regulations. The most difficult process of coordination of positions is on issues of free movement of goods, services, capital, people, creating a competitive environment in the agrarian sphere. To con. 2003 It is envisaged to adapt to European standards 245 laws. Romania entry into the EU is scheduled for 2007.

Romania's trade with the Russian Federation in 2002 was 1.33 billion dollars; Russian exports - 1.3 billion dollars, Romanian exports - $ 40 million. The basis of the supply of the Russian Federation to Romania was oil and gas.

In 2002, the "Association of Foreign Trade Romania-Russia" was created in Bucharest, the purpose of which is to facilitate the conditions for establishing direct links between entrepreneurs, to promote the creation of mixed enterprises, eliminate administrative and customs barriers to the economic cooperation of the two states. In October 2002, at a meeting of the Intergovernmental Russian-Romanian Commission on Economic and Scientific and Technical Cooperation, it was decided on the further development of interaction in the gas, oil, metallurgical industry, electric power industry.

Science and culture of Romania

The Romanian Academy was created in 1879, has 14 branches and 3 regional centers in Cluj-pate, Issa, Timisoare. A network of research institutes, scientific societies has been created. Scientific schools in the field of geology, biology, chemistry, medicine, agronomy are developed.

The secondary education system consists of preschool (3-7 years), the average (1st stage is 9 years of study, 2nd, giving the right to enter higher education institutions - 10-12 years and 10-13 years old). There is a system of vocational training institutions (2-4 years), craft schools (1-3 years) who are preparing qualified specialists for various sectors of the economy. Along with state educational institutions, private, created at the cooperative basis are functioning. In 2002, Romania had 49 state and 6 private universities: major centers of university education are Bucharest, Iasi, Cluj-Napoca, Kraiova, Galatz, Timisoara.

The formation of a national culture was under the strong impact of the complex historical process of creating the Romanian state, the peculiarities of the culture of people living in the territory of Romania. In the monasteries in the north of Moldova (Voronets, Moldovitz, etc.), the Byzantine frescoes (16th century) were preserved. In Issa in 17 century. The Slavic-Greco-Latin Academy was created; In Valahia in 17-18 centuries. Under the Lord Konstantin, Brynkovoyan had a special architectural style ("Brynkovaresque"), which combined the impact of the Italian Renaissance, Baroque and East. Painting schools open in the 2nd floor. 19th century In Issa and Bucharest, there were close ties with the French school in Barbizon. Artists Nikolay Grigoreski received wide fame (1838-1907), Andreesque (1850-82), Theodore Aman (1831-91). In the interwar period, Stefan Lukian created their works, Alexander Chukurenka, Cornelio Baba, the famous sculptor Konstantin Brynkushi.

The creativity of the largest poet of the country is Michaya Eming (1850-89). Revolutionary and romantic motifs sounded in the poems and drama Vasile Alexandri (1821-90). The social topic was based on many works by Mica Sadovyanu (1880-1961), Libya Rryan (1895-1944), Camila Petrescu (1894-1957).

The works of Ion Kdition (1837-80) are closely connected with folk art. A large dramatic and journalistic legacy left the largest playwright of the country of Jon Luke Karadage (1852-1912). In the 2nd floor. 20 V. Prozaiki Marinee was worked out (1922-81), Augusta Buzura (1938), poets - Nikita Stanchi (1933-83), Ana Blandian, Nina Kasian.

Professional dramatic theaters began to be created in the 19th century, among them - the National Theater. I.L. Karadage in Bucharest. The ones of the theater were the rays of Sturdza Bilandra, George Vidka, Grigor Vasiliu Byrlik, Silvia Popovich, Rada Beligan, Victor Kochuk, and others.

In Romania, a musical culture presented by folk ensembles, professional opera and philharmonic teams is developed. World fame received violinist, composer, conductor George Enesca (1881-1955). There was a strong school of vocalists (Elena Cherney, Nicolae Herlya, Dan Jordacescu, Mariana Nikolesko, Angela Georgiu, etc.).

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