The name Abdul for a boy: meaning, origin, character, fate, name day, compatibility. Declension of the name abdullah Morphological analysis of the verb

A man named Abdul has a natural disposition for an active and mobile life. He is capable of performing a truly heroic deed, because in him lies the desire for sacrifice. He will not feel hesitant if he is given the opportunity to help another person. Abdul is endowed with a sincere ability to empathize, empathize and show empathy. In childhood, little Abdul easily shares his toys with other children, and in adulthood, unconsciously and constantly looking for a person who would need his help. Without self-sacrifice, the meaning of life for such a person is lost.

It is important for the bearer of the name Abdul to emphasize and maintain their status. For the sake of achieving high results in the profession, he is ready for hard and long work, which requires considerable endurance. At the same time, the owner of this name does not care in what ways he will achieve what he wants, the main thing is to get what he needs.

A difficult character trait of Abdula is his intolerance to the opinions of other people. He is piously convinced of the correctness of his principles and beliefs, and if he meets opposite judgments, he is ready to prove his case in a fierce dispute. This quality pushes Abdulu to impose his views on others, thereby limiting their freedom and predetermining their choice.

A kind and compassionate person by nature, Abdul is capable of stubbornness, ruthlessness and the manifestation of his domineering nature. In a family, such a person becomes its head, and he does not tolerate contradictions and disagreements with his opinion. He strictly adheres to discipline and regime both at work and at home, applying his rules to everyone without exception. In these matters, individuals of such a warehouse as Abdul are very demanding and strict, and not only towards themselves.

For a man named Abdul, marriage is the natural end of the stage of a romantic relationship. After the wedding, he becomes a very reliable spouse, whom his loved ones can always rely on. He does not tolerate understatement, uncertainty and deception. A man with that name will always try to protect his family, no matter what it costs him. With any difficulties, Abdul will remain faithful to his relatives and will not betray his beloved.

Abdul does not attach much importance to his appearance. He definitely cannot be called a fashionable man - he is not interested in understanding styles, styles and other subtleties of fashion. He wears clothing that maintains a unified image and gives the impression of being a business person. At the same time, Abdul cannot be called gaudy - his appearance inspires confidence and leaves favorable memories for those around him.

  • I. p. Abdula
  • R. p. Abdul
  • D. p. Abdul
  • V. p. Abdulu
  • Etc. Abduloi
  • P. p. Abdul

Abdula is a male name, Arabic in origin.
Variant of spelling of the name in transliteration (Latin): Abdula

Meaning of the name

Servant of Allah, servant of God.

Numerology name

Soul number: 7.
Holders of the name number 7 show talents in the field of philosophy, science, arts or religion. "Sevens" perfectly understand other people, which leads to a large number of leaders among them. Likewise, "sevens" are often excellent teachers. Their guiding lines in life are restraint, dignity and seriousness. "Sevens" are always restrained, do not like to show their emotions, are alien to foolishness, but they have a good sense of humor and are famous for their irony. In business, G7s rarely show themselves positively. Monetary affairs are not their strong point, they are generally not interested in money in the first place, “sevens” find the meaning of life in the non-material area.

Hidden Spirit Number: 5
Body number: 2


Planet: Mercury.
Element: Air, cold-dry.
Zodiac: Gemini, Virgo.
Color: variegated, changeable, mixed.
Day: Wednesday.
Metal: mercury, bismuth, semiconductors.
Mineral: emerald, agate, porphyry, topaz, glass, rock crystal, sardonyx.
Plants: Basil, Parsley, Walnut, Celery, Valerian.
Animals: fox, monkey, weasel, stork, parrot, nightingale, thrush, lark, ibis, flying fish.

The main task is not to cause spontaneous antipathy in anyone. Therefore, you should pay special attention to the unity of style, softness of lines and, last but not least, overall external neatness. An inappropriate detail in clothing produces the same unpleasant impression as worn, staleness of any part of the suit. Try to learn to understand the styles. Otherwise, striving for a certain average type can lead to the fact that you will look like a "gray mouse".

Abdul name compatibility, manifestation of love

Abdul, the logical conclusion of a romantic relationship for you is marriage, starting a family. Therefore, you and people like you have been and remain the target of the matrimonial aspirations of at least half of the adult representatives of the opposite sex. You are serious, reliable and honest, for you reticence, uncertainty, precariousness of the situation are unacceptable. You are determined to take care of your loved one regardless of the circumstances. And although your sensual manifestations are often devoid of sentimentality, external brilliance and ostentatious "beauty", there is always someone who will appreciate them.


The basis of your spiritual aspirations is the desire to maintain a stable position, your existing status. And use any opportunity to strengthen your position in life. If you have to work hard for this - well, you are ready for it.

The "ideal" arrangement of the world appears to you in the form of a heavily armed fortress capable of withstanding any siege due to the fact that the storerooms are full and the arsenal is kept in exemplary order. All "military actions" are calculated in advance to the smallest detail, and you are ready to defend yourself and your family from any external encroachments.

But what is for you an "unshakable stronghold" can become a prison for others. By imposing your views on life on your loved ones, you limit their freedom of choice, offering to use your own ready-made solution.

Beware! Many impregnable fortresses fell due to the fact that someone inside wanted to go outside and opened the gates. You should always remember that your choice must be consistent with those for whom it is, in essence, made.

hello. how to write the initials of the name Makhmutov Mehman Abdulla Ogly - Makhmutov M.A.O.

Correct: Makhmutov M.A.

Thank you, "", for the lightning-fast answer about "oglu" and "kyzy" in the initials. Is it correct that Ismail Yusuf-oglu Hajiyev will be I. Yu-oglu Hajiyev?

Russian language help desk response

Preferably: I. Yusuf-oglu Hajiyev.

Question No. 284915

Hello, "". Once again, I am addressing a VERY IMPORTANT question, how to shorten the names with "oglu", "kyzy" and other similar parts to initials. Are they preserved in their initial form or, as a way of forming a patronymic, are they reduced?

Russian language help desk response

Parts of a name oglu, kyzy and similar should not be cut.

Question No. 279583
Can you please tell me how patronymics are inclined with an addition like Kyzy, Ogly? For example, Akhmetov Said Abdulla Kyzy or Akhmetov Abdul Said Ogly. Thank you.

Russian language help desk response

In the genitive case: Akhmetov Said Abdulla Kyzy; Akhmetova Abdul Said Ogly.

Question number 273794
Good afternoon, are the initials of Shabanov Arif Abdulla oglu inclined?

Russian language help desk response

Where are the initials?

INITIAL, -ov; pl. (initial unit l, -a; m). [from lat. initialis - initial]
The first letters of the name and patronymic or the first and last name, less often the name, patronymic and surname. Carve smb. and. A spoon with the initials "S.K."
2. Specialist.
Enlarged and decorated capital letters at the beginning of a book, chapter, or paragraph.< Инициа льный, -ая, -ое (2 зн.). The second letters are drawn with red ink.

Question No. 272274
Tell me if the surname Tsogla declines, and if it does, how?

Russian language help desk response

Surname declines (both male and female): Tsogla, Tsogly, Tsogle, Tsoglu, Tsogla, about Tsogle.

Question No. 266641
Hello, dear Diplomas! Please tell me how the Azerbaijani names and patronymics are inclined, for example, Huseynov Vahid Yusuf oglu (masculine) and Huseynova Zarema Yusuf kizi (feminine)? Thank you:)

Russian language help desk response

Components oglu, kyzywhen declining, they remain unchanged, the rest of the name is declined according to the general rules (it is important to remember that male names and surnames ending in a consonant are inclined, female ones are not). Right: Huseynova Vahida Yusuf oglu, Huseynova Vahid Yusuf ogluetc.; Huseynova Zarema Yusuf kyzy, Huseynova Zarema Yusuf kyzyetc. For similar examples, see the Dictionary of Proper Names of the Russian Language by F. L. Ageenko.

Question No. 265792
Abd el Kerim, Ker-oglu, Ismail-bey - what are the rules for transferring Arabic names (capital letters and hyphens) and which normative document can be referred to?
Thank you in advance!

Russian language help desk response

The general rule is as follows: hyphenated Arabic, Turkic, Persian personal names with constituent parts indicating social status, family relations, etc., as well as official words - such as aha, hell, al, al, ar, as, ash, bey, bey, zade, zul, kyzy, oglu, ol, pasha, ul, khan, shah, ed, el, er(see: Rules of Russian spelling and punctuation. Complete academic reference book / Under the editorship of V. V. Lopatin. M., 2007). As a general rule: Abd al-Kerim, Ker-oglu, Ishmael-bey.

It should be borne in mind that: 1) part ibnwritten separately in such names ( Ibn Sina); 2) initial part Ben-can be written in such names both with a hyphen, and separately; 3) it is better to specify the spelling of specific personal names according to the encyclopedic dictionary.

Question No. 254829
Help out. We have a main avenue in Karaganda named after a prominent Kazakh figure named Bukhar. To his name in Kaz. language is supposed to add the word "zhyrau" (this is a common noun - performer, storyteller). SO HOW TO WRITE the name of the prospectus? "Bukhar-Zhyrau", "Bukhar-Zhyrau", "Bukhar-Zhyrau", "Bukhar Zhyrau"? We all write as God will put it on his soul ... Another historical figure is called Tole bi (bi - like a judge), and the district is named after him. So, "Bukhar Zhyrau"? Advise, because, it seems to me, no one in the city knows PROBABLY how to write. Help out the city! Thanks in advance!

Russian language help desk response

The complete academic reference book "Rules of Russian Spelling and Punctuation" (Moscow, 2006) indicates that the constituent parts of Arabic, Turkic, Persian, etc. names denoting social status, kinship, etc., as well as service words - such as aha, hell, al, ash, bey, bey, zade, zul, kyzy, oglu, pasha and others, are written, as a rule, with a lowercase letter and attached to the name with a hyphen. In accordance with this rule, you should write: Bukhar-zhyrau, Bukhar-zhyrau avenue.

Question No. 242220
What letter is used to write the word "oglu" in the patronymic "Aladdin oglu"?
How is the patronymic "Aladdin oglu" inclined?
Olga O.

Russian language help desk response

Ogly is attached to the name with a hyphen and is not inflected.

Question No. 239403
Hello! Please tell me the spelling of the name Rashid ad-Din.
And what is "hell" in this case - a service word?

Russian language help desk response

If we mean an Iranian scientist who lived in the XIII-XIV centuries, then the following spelling is accepted: Rashidaddin(as recorded in encyclopedic dictionaries), although there is also a variant Rashid ad-Din.

As a rule, the service components of oriental names ( hell, al, ash, bey, zade, dhu'l, ibn, oglu, pasha and etc.) written with a lowercase letter. However, in some names, according to tradition, a different spelling is possible, determined in dictionary order (according to encyclopedic dictionaries).

Question No. 234628
Hello! Please tell me if I correctly wrote the name and surname of the Ambassador of Azerbaijan to Russia, a famous singer and composer: Polad Bul-Bul oglu? In the media, there is discord. Thank you in advance!

Russian language help desk response

Yes, you wrote it correctly.
Question number 226405
We find it difficult to choose initials. Abdullaev Afiz Zahid Oglu - Zahid Oglu is a patronymic, and Ogly does not need to be distinguished separately. How true? 1.Abdullaev A.Z. 2.Abdullaev A.Z.O. Thanks for the help?

Russian language help desk response

The first option is correct.
Question number 225018
Hello! A very urgent question: how is the prefix to the surnames "oglu" spelled correctly? (Vagif oglu). Thank you.

Russian language help desk response

On a hyphen, with a small letter.
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