How to take the cat to the country for the first time. How should a cat live in a summer cottage in order to have a successful vacation? Transportation and adaptation at the cat's dacha - Pets and birds

Summer, sun, vacation, you and the cat in the country. Admit it, is this what you dream about on long winter evenings? This long-awaited time has finally come. Someone is already enjoying the fresh air and the beauty of nature in the company of the tailed beast, while someone is just getting ready to go. In order to bring only positive emotions to your vacation at the summer cottage, we have prepared a few tips.

Cat in the country: welcome or unauthorized entry is prohibited

The first condition for your cat in the country to be protected from diseases is vaccinations. Therefore, if you are planning to take your pet out into nature, make sure that he receives all the necessary vaccines in advance. As a rule, the mandatory list includes vaccinations against panleukopenia, calicivirus, rhinotracheitis and rabies. Vaccines for leukemia and chlamydia are considered recommended.

Veterinarians strongly advise against taking kittens out to the countryside up to three months - that is, until that age, until they are vaccinated. But for adult animals that have not undergone this procedure, summer cottages are also not recommended.

Cat in the country in summer: getting ready for the road

For calm and safe transportation of a pet to a dacha or village, a spacious plastic carrier is best suited - it allows air to pass through well, is securely fixed with a seat belt, allows you to install a drinking bowl, is easy to clean and gives the animal the ability to see and hear the owner. If you can, start car accustoming in advance and your trip will be a pleasant experience for both of you.

Cat in the country: rest without borders or all inclusive for baleen

How to keep a cat in the country? Some cat owners strongly recommend building a special indoor cat enclosure at the dacha - a kind of cat's estate, in which you need to provide everything you need - a cement or tiled floor, a specially equipped place for games, a feeding trough, a toilet and all other benefits of civilization. Such an all inclusive program will allow the cat to be in the fresh air all the time and at the same time will completely protect it from escape and unwanted contacts with local mustachioed "natives".

But not all owners are satisfied with this option - someone cannot afford it, and someone does not want to imprison a little inquisitive predator, who travels around his (and not only) site can bring a lot of joy and pleasure.

Home cat in the country - a walking house for fleas and ticks

A cat in the country: romance without consequences

Every loving owner of kotodama is worried that summer holidays do not leave a memory of themselves in the form of a mustachioed replenishment in the family. There are already too many orphan cats on earth that need an attachment. If you are not ready to distribute kittens in the fall, the only reliable method is sterilization. In modern conditions, this is not barbarism, but an opportunity to extend the life and increase the health of a cat. This is much more humane than drugs that reduce sex drive. Most of these drugs are dangerous - they contain steroid sex hormones that affect not only the reproductive system, but also the entire feline body. Side effects of such a "lapel potion" are often the most deplorable.

Cat in the country: photo among flowers

Did you know that in 2003, British gardeners named the cat one of the most harmful animals. According to the survey results, the mustachioed ones were in second place, losing only to rats and ahead of such serious rivals as moles, squirrels and rabbits. The researchers concluded: "most gardeners are tired of seeing neighbors' cats in their gardens violating the diversity of garden fauna" and advised cat owners to lock their pets at home.

If you are not ready to sacrifice either the freedom of the cat or the safety of the garden, you have to do some serious work. It is believed that dense garden plantings, when the leaves of plants form a carpet, completely covering the bare soil, do not seem to cats to be an attractive place for the administration of natural needs. Fertilizing the soil with garden compost and humus serves the same purpose - this not only enriches the soil and helps to retain moisture, but also protects the plants from cat raids. Cats like to dig dry and light soil more.

If we talk about a natural and harmless "shield" from cats, one should not forget about the persistent dislike of the tailed ones for some strong odors: the aroma of citrus fruits, cayenne pepper, vinegar, Coleus canina, but how to organize such a fragrant barrier? We don't think it will be easy.

And delicate cat paws really do not like fine gravel and sharp stones. Paths covered with these materials can also serve as a border between cats and valuable beds.

Protecting your cat from hazards

Protecting the garden and vegetable garden from cats, we must not forget that the cats themselves may be victims. While most tails are well versed in what they can and cannot chew, sometimes curiosity takes over - especially in young animals. Owners need to remember that some plants are dangerous for felines. Among them are popular flowers - almost all bulbous, such as daffodils, tulips and irises, and gardeners' favorites jasmine, honeysuckle and geranium, and the ubiquitous petunias, and even potato shoots and tomato tops. So that in the summer the cat in the country does not try to taste everything in a row, plant a couple of beds especially for her that will be pleasant and useful for the pet. In addition to the well-known cat "yummy" - young oats and wheat, you can also recommend catnip (Nepeta cataria), which is also called catnip. A cute and fragrant plant will delight both the owner and the mustache. It does not require special care and is easily self-seeding.

And a few more words about the garden: if your house cat is in the country in summer, do not use poisonous chemical fertilizers in the garden, which can seriously harm him. All garden chemistry, as well as sharp garden tools, should be removed far away - in a place where a curious cat's nose and clawed paw will not get through.

Cat in the country in summer - no rest for mice

Of course, cat paws and teeth in the country are often not aimed at garden tools. Where, no matter how in nature, the hunting instinct is played out? If you are not ready to receive gifts from your pet as killed mice or, even worse, birds, you will have to put on a special bright collar on your cat that will scare off potential victims. A collar with a bell or a special ultrasonic signal will not work.

A cat in the country means the owner is Aibolit

No matter how many security measures we take, no one in the world, let alone restless cats, is immune from accidents and troubles. Therefore, it is better not to go on such a trip without a first aid kit. It must contain dressing materials (plaster, sterile bandage, cotton wool or cotton swabs), antiseptics (hydrogen peroxide, iodine or brilliant green), sedative, anti-inflammatory and analgesic (the one that your veterinarian advises) and disposable syringes.

The most common "dacha" trouble for cats is injuries sustained in fights. There is nothing fatal in most of these wounds - they are treated in the same way as human ones, and, as a rule, heal much faster.

If an inquisitive pet ate something wrong, and vomited, arrange for him to unload on the water, skip one feeding. In the event that the animal becomes worse before our eyes, only a professional will help you.

If the cat suddenly began to wheeze and cough, most likely, he choked. Examine the animal - you may be able to remove a foreign object from the mouth with tweezers. Just proceed carefully, do not damage soft tissues. If a foreign body has already entered the esophagus, you should try to induce vomiting in the cat, in this case, it is recommended to use liquid paraffin. If you cannot cope with the problem on your own, you will have to go to the veterinarian.

You cannot do without the help of a doctor even if the cat has a fracture. Even the pain reliever is not recommended to be given on your own. Your concern is to get to the veterinary clinic as soon as possible.

Owners of dark-colored mustache, as well as pets with "increased shaggy" need to be more attentive to animals in the heat - such cats often become victims of sunstroke. If you notice lethargy, nausea, fever, increased salivation, take the sufferer to a cool place, wrap it with a wet cool cloth, apply ice. If the cat does not feel better in an hour, take it to the clinic.

A cat in the country in summer: an exciting adventure with a good ending

The cat disappeared in the country, how to find it? What to do if the cat is lost in the country? The cat ran away in the country, how to find it? In the summer, forums of cat lovers are flooded with similar questions from desperate owners, and in summer cottages here and there you can find an announcement: "The cat is gone!" But in fact, how to find an escaped cat in the country?

We do not panic, we sort it out together. To begin with, it is not only young animals that are lost in a new place. It happens that adults who are well acquainted with the cat's dacha surroundings get lost. There are many reasons: the usual feline curiosity can lead her far from home, the animal can fall into a trap and not be able to get out on its own, an accidental meeting with an evil creature (whether a person, a dog) threatens the cat with serious injuries that can prevent it from returning home, it happens that cats can become disoriented and just get lost.

Remember, to the question "a cat is lost in the country - how to find it?" the answer, and not one, is still there.

Missing cat: where to look?

The first question, in our opinion, will not be “how” to look, but “where”: maybe the animal has not been lost yet?

Start your search from your own home and carefully check all the closets, as well as the attic and basement: you may have accidentally locked your furry friend and he simply cannot get out.

Knock on all the neighbors and ask permission to inspect their plots, and if possible, at home. The task is not an easy one, but the fact that a cat or a cat could visit a neighboring house and get into a trap there is more than real.

Look in dark, dry places - dense foliage, bushes; perhaps in old pipes, boxes, boxes, abandoned buildings.

Also, do not forget to raise your head and examine the "second tier": trees, roofs of houses, sheds and garages.

Be sure to return to the old place of searches - escaped cats tend to hide and not answer for several days, and only then, hungry or calmed down, give a voice.

What to do, how to find a missing cat?

Start searching as soon as you find the loss - perhaps the cat did not have time to go far.

Be sure to take a flashlight with you, even if your search operation takes place during the day: as a reminder, you will have to explore the darkest, most secluded places of your site and the surrounding area.

Don't shout while searching! Try to call your cat or cat in a quiet, soothing voice: the animal is most likely in a state of stress at the moment and the sharp cry of even a familiar person will scare it even more.

Be sure to stop and listen for meows coming from somewhere. Cats are known to often voice their voices when they are in trouble: hungry or unable to get out of a trap.

In the process, do not hesitate to ask everyone you meet if they have ever seen your cat: any information can be extremely useful.

Do not neglect searching at night: in the dark, you have a much better chance. It is at this time that the escaped cat, feeling more confident, comes out of the shelter and moves.

Involve as many assistants as possible in the search: it will not be easy to negotiate with adult neighbors, but teenagers and children, it is quite possible to join the search for a symbolic reward, or just to have fun. Just do not forget to instruct them in detail!

Do not take a dog in search and ask your helpers to do the same: these wonderful rescuers of people will simply scare the cat away.

Print flyers with a photo of your missing pet and post them wherever possible. Indicating the amount of remuneration in the ad will serve as a good motivation for those around you.

Don't lose hope, keep looking

Remember that not only the search is important, but also additional measures to return the escaped cat. Try to attract him with a familiar, homely scent. Check your vacuum cleaner's dustbin: if your pet's fur remains there, scatter it next to the door. Hang your unwashed wardrobe, T-shirt or turtleneck outside the door. There is a known case when a cat came to sleep in an old baby carriage, which the hostess, already almost desperate to find her pet, prudently left on the street.

Many recommend putting your favorite cat food out the door or sprinkling the door with catnip, but this, despite its obvious appeal, is controversial. Using it, get ready for the visit of neighbors or street cats.

Most importantly, do not stop searching! Try to spend more time at home and at the summer cottage, delay the departure time if possible - your pet can return at any time! There are cases when the missing cat was announced months after the loss, so don't despair!

Spring has come and those who are lucky enough to have real estate outside the city are opening the summer season! Many leave for the dacha in the spring, and return in late autumn, some go only on weekends, and some on vacation. In any case, if people keep cats at home, the question arises before them - should they take the animal with them on a trip? Wouldn't this trip be a cat's nightmare? Wouldn't it be better to leave her at home? Or, on the contrary, will she be happy with the trip and have fun in nature?

In this article, I will tell you how to properly prepare for a trip to the country, who is better to leave at home and whom to take with you, and also tell you about the basics of safety during the trip and, directly, resting outside the city with a cat.

So what is better for a cat - to stay in a city apartment under the supervision of neighbors or a kitten, or to go with the owners to the dacha? There is no single answer to this question, it all depends on the degree of socialization of the cat, on whether it was taught to travel from childhood, and on what conditions were created for it at their summer cottage.
Recently I was at a consultation and there they told me that the cat is not taken to the country at all, and therefore in the summer on weekends he is very bored at home alone. When asked why they didn’t take him with them, they answered that they had taken him out once, and he hid under the bed there and did not get out for two days. So we decided not to carry it anymore.
In fact, it seemed to me that this is not quite the correct approach. Dacha is the same new territory for a cat, like any other unfamiliar place. It is necessary to give the animal time and provide the conditions for it to get used to this territory, to get used to it, to explore all the nooks and crannies in the house, and get used to everything just as he used to in your city apartment. You need to bring toys, trays, scratching posts, beddings to his dacha that smell like home. This will make it easier for him to adapt. Well, you need to understand that adaptation takes time, often much more than two days.

Another factor that scares all owners is the behavior of the cat in the car. Many cats dislike trips so much that they get tremendous stress from them, some even pee and shit with fear. That is why I strongly advise all kitten owners to teach them to travel and carry from childhood. If you properly train the kitten to the car, then there will be absolutely no problems with him, he will sleep all the way or calmly watch what is happening around. If you are taking a cat out of the house for the first time at a respectable age, then this is not the best idea, immediately go on a long journey with it. Take care of outdoor, carrier and car training in advance, find out how the cat will react to a fast speed of movement in space or to the sound of an engine. If the cat is under a lot of stress, then it may be better to postpone the long trip and leave it at home for the time being, continuing to train it to carry and the car on short trips around the area so as not to overload its psyche.

When traveling to the dacha, the cat must be in a carrier.

I know a lot of people who carry a cat just on their lap or on a seat, but this is actually very dangerous. If you make stops on the way, at a gas station, or to have a snack, then the cat, when opening the door, may jump out of the car, rush wherever the eyes are from the stress, get lost, climb into a place inaccessible to you, or even get hit by a passing car. There have already been a great many such cases, do not repeat other people's mistakes.

Also, during a sharp maneuver, the cat can fly through the cabin, trying to stay in place, it will release its claws and can injure the driver or the person sitting in the front seat. It can even lead to a serious accident if the cat grabs the driver's hand or face. There are also known cases when a cat from stress was hammered under the brake pedal and the driver could not stop the car. Protect yourself from these dangers, use a carrier!

I know of such cases when a cat in a carrier behaves inadequately (not accustomed), but it drives well in a car on a seat. In this case, be sure to put a reliable harness on the cat and do not let it out of your hands all the way. This, of course, will not provide as much safety as carrying it, but it will prevent the cat from flying far into the cabin or running through an open door or window.

To reduce the stress of the trip, cats can be given veterinary sedatives, such as stop stress or cat bayun.

And now you have successfully reached the dacha! What dangers lie in wait for the cat there?

There are many dangers and terrible things for a cat in the country! Let's start in order. Firstly, if this is the cat's first trip to the country, then it does not need to be immediately released into free swimming around the house. Give her one room with a window, preferably your bedroom. Place her belongings, trays, bowls, etc. there. Let her get comfortable first in one room. In addition, so it will not interfere with unpacking things that summer residents in large quantities bring with them.

Many of my readers know last year's story with the tail of my cat Tisha. Who has not read,. Do not repeat my mistakes - while the house is bustling and doors are slamming, hide the cat in a room where it will be most quiet and safe.

If you do not want to let your cat out for free range, then you must provide it with the same safety as in a city apartment, and this is, first of all, window screens! And watch the front door, cats often strive to jump out after you into the street. If guests come to you, and especially if you plan to drink alcohol, it is better to remove the cat in a room where no one will enter. This will minimize the risk that one of the relaxed guests will let her out on the street.

Also, make sure your cat has not expired vaccinations. Unfortunately, cases of rabies still happen in our area, and the infections have not gone anywhere, they can be brought to your yard by sick stray cats.

If this is the first time you brought a cat to the dacha, you should not immediately let it out into the street. Let her get used to the house a little. Let the first two or three days she fully examine the house, understand where the windows, entrances and exits, where her things and trays are. Then start taking your cat outside with a harness. Let her go around your yard around the perimeter, understand where its borders are, sniff everything. So you can continue to take her out for a walk for a couple of hours a day for two to three days. Only when you are sure that the cat is not afraid of the street and is ready for independent walks, start releasing it from the leash under your supervision. Otherwise, you run the risk of losing the cat on your own site, when she is afraid to hide in the basement or under some bush and will not go out to your calls.

Make sure there are no dogs in the area that are walking around and hunting cats. Ask your neighbors about this. Show the neighbors your cat so they know she is not homeless and can help her if she gets lost or gets into trouble. Put your cat on a secure self-detaching dog collar with an address tag so that it can be identified and returned to you if it runs far away or if someone thinks it is homeless. Do not put an anti-flea collar on your cat or a collar that will not unfasten itself if the cat gets caught on a branch or fence, this is very dangerous! Make sure that all deep mines and wells are closed in your area and that the cat always has the opportunity to get into the house. The entrances to the house are usually equipped with a special door for cats, or through the vents in the basement or windows.

At the dacha, you always need to have a cat first aid kit for emergency medical care. In it you need to put at least suprastin, analgin, diphenhydramine in ampoules, and medicines for chronic diseases of the cat. There should also be means for washing wounds, dressings, eye and ear drops, and much more. The composition of the kit for cats can be searched on the Internet, many veterinarians have written about this.

Well, you should remember that by letting your cat out for free range, you can never guarantee its safety. Natural selection operates in nature, the fittest survives. And our city cats find it difficult to compete with country dogs, cats, wild animals ... and even more so with cars and bad people. So think a hundred times before letting your cat walk on its own, especially if there are cars and other animals running around.

Although the dacha is full of dangers, it is nevertheless pleasant and interesting for a cat to get in touch with nature! If you can protect your pet from the negative influence of the environment, from the stress of the trip and from difficult adaptation in a new place, if you arrange everything correctly for her pleasant stay, then I see no reason to leave the cat alone in a stuffy city apartment. Thank God, now there are so many different solutions for the safe pastime of a cat in the country! These are various enclosures for cats, the so-called "katio" (from the words cat and patio), these are harnesses for every taste and color, these are various walks on the window, bars on the front doors so that you can keep the door to the country house open, and the cat could not run out. Now there are excellent preparations for fleas and ticks, for worms, vaccinations can be done in any clinic.

And remember. Your cat's safety and well-being is entirely up to you. Socialize her, make the right decisions in terms of her safety, be prudent, and trips to the dacha will bring only joy to both people and cats!

The problem of free walking of domestic cats in summer cottages in the warm season causes almost as many heated and irreconcilable disputes among pet owners as the eternal discussion - what to feed correctly, - special feed, or natural food.

The correct organization of summer holidays for our pets is one of the most important problems, and the health and even the life of a four-legged family member largely depends on it, whose safety entirely depends on your actions.

I will try to summarize in this article my own experience of going to the country with pedigree and noble cats and all the most reasonable advice that I could find on the Internet.

Walking thoroughbred animals

Most experienced and responsible breeders and owners of purebred cats agree that it is too dangerous to let the thoroughbred animals walk freely around the site and outside of it. In most cases, this results in severe injury, illness or death of the cat.

I will list main dacha dangers:

1.Beautiful thoroughbred animal can steal (for yourself, not being able to buy a cat for a lot of money, or for sale in order to earn). I've read enough of such cases - times are hard now.

2. If there is a road near your site, then the cat is likely to die under the car. The distance to the roads must be at least 500 meters. And even with this, accidents are possible, it's not for nothing that the saying says that "curiosity killed the cat." They sometimes wander very far from home.

3. Pedigree animals are much less hardy than simple cats. Their defensive instincts, reaction speed and endurance were dulled during selection. They are initially accustomed to a quiet home city life, and become easy victims of stray or neighbor dogs.
In front of my eyes, two neighboring large mongrels in a few seconds tore apart a handsome red-haired British man who slipped between the legs of his grandmother and ran out into the street under the fence. ALL! AFTER THIS SCENE, ALL MY CATS WALKED ONLY IN THE AVIRE.

4. If there are angry people in your neighborhood who do not like cats, young children or teenagers who tend to have fun by bullying animals - keep defenseless pets in the house, and walk only on a harness under supervision.

Keep in mind that villagers generally have a completely different attitude towards cats - any invasion of "city" cats into their territory is met with undisguised anger and irritation, and they get rid of the animals without even a laugh.

We had a bitch in the neighboring co-op who hated cats for tearing up her precious beds, or just running through her garden. So she placed ingenious barbed (rusty!) Wire traps around the perimeter of the site. One of them got my simple (and very careful) kitty Smalley. She dragged home with difficulty, covered in blood and entangled with a thorn, which in many places deeply tore her skin. From the dirty and rusty wire, the wounds festered (also the heat). The rest of the summer I treated her with great difficulty. Another man acted easier - he laid out baits with poison against cats. Friends' peach died in torment.

5. Even neutered cats and neutered cats often run wild in the sun, free air and nature. Very often they enter into violent fights with neighboring cats, sometimes receiving serious lacerations and bites. Not all of them can be cured on their own in the country (an animal suffering from pain becomes aggressive and it is difficult to carry out serious manipulations with it yourself). Getting to qualified veterinary care quickly is often simply impossible.

A neighbor's cat bit my Monty's tail so deeply that a purulent abscess the size of a cherry was formed - washing it 3 times a day (biting at the same time), antibiotics and locked in the house until the end of summer.
Cat fights are unpleasant not only with injuries, but also with the likelihood of contracting viral leukemia in cats. This disease is latent and can cause immunodeficiency in cats. A cat infected with viral leukemia can die from any, the most common disease.

6.Many cats die in the country from various poisonings - eat poisoned bait for rats and mice or the poisoned rodents themselves; can get drunk any chemistry, which you treat plants against pests and diseases, or fertilizers... And very often they are poisoned not at home, but at neighbors.

By the way, many beautiful flowers and
garden plants are very poisonous to cats
(for example, all bulbous, marigolds, geraniums, nasturtium, marigolds, petunias, jasmine, honeysuckle, potatoes, tomatoes and many others. I will write about this separately in detail), and cats eat them, despite the naive belief that “cats know which there is a useful herb. " I once got five cats seriously upset by eating normal grass, but wet after rain (either toxic mold appeared on it, or some kind of fungus?)

Often there are simply food poisoning by food spoiled in the heat.

The disorder is manifested by vomiting and diarrhea (diarrhea). Do not forget that these are symptoms of many infectious diseases.

For digestive upsets, first of all, remove food from the cat. Put her on a starvation diet. For an adult cat, complete fasting should be at least 12, preferably 24 hours. If necessary, fasting can be continued for up to 3 days. Cats tolerate hunger well in the presence of water. It is such a treatment that cats prescribe to themselves and are cured of many diseases. The cat should drink a lot. A sick cat should drink up to 200 ml - a glass of liquid per day. If the cat does not drink itself, it must be given water.

For digestive problems, give your cat sorbents, such as smectite powder mixed with water. Diluted teas of anti-inflammatory herbs such as chamomile work well as a drink instead of plain water. If after 1-2 days of fasting the cat does not have an appetite or symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea persist, it must be shown to a veterinarian.

In addition to food poisoning, poisoning is dangerous rat poisons ... If in the first hours you managed to notice that the cat ate the poisoned bait, then you must certainly induce vomiting in her. Use whatever means you can. For example, a weak solution of sodium chloride or hydrogen peroxide mixed with water. Cats can't stand everything bitter. Mustard diluted in water will do. After cleansing the stomach, give your cat plenty of fresh water. An enema has a good cleansing effect, especially if vomiting has already developed.

If there is weakness, lack of appetite, bleeding appears, the cat should be shown to the veterinarian as soon as possible.

7.In pedigree cats, immunity is always weaker than in noble cats.Despite the mandatory vaccinations (against panleukopenia, calicivirus, rhinotracheitis and rabies. Vaccines against leukemia and chlamydia are considered recommended), animals can catch many dangerous infections that were not included in the vaccine. They must also be vaccinated against lichen.

Unvaccinated kittens up to three months old and cats that have not passed quarantine after vaccinations cannot live in the country (well, or strictly supervised in a warm house without going out at all).

8. Purebred pampered cats catch colds or overheat more easily (especially in animals with dark hair, overheating and sunstroke can occur).

For thermophilic sphinxes, Abyssinians, Burmese, Oriental, Siamese, Bengals, weather changes are generally contraindicated. And given their independence, curiosity and obstinacy, it can be problematic to drive a curious pussy quickly into the house at the first sign of a thunderstorm or strong wind.

Even taking into account the above 8 points, I would never let purebred cats walk freely in nature.

The most correct way out (if the funds and size of the site allow it) is to make closed enclosures for cats for safe walks. Or, as they are also called - "katio" (converted patio 🙂).

Here is a selection of several successful projects of varying degrees of difficulty.

It is very successful in this project that the cat can go out into the aviary whenever she wants to, right through the window. The grass below is bad - it gets wet, it is more difficult to clean, insects and pests are not visible.

There are a few more examples of "cation" under the spoiler.

Cages for walking cats in the country

In this project, a comfortable place for the owner to communicate with animals, but the size is small and there are not enough logs and shelves for the cat itself. The dacha has a waterproof and light roof, but no shade.

Everything is fine in this cation, but it is bad to clean the plank floor - it is better to cover it with linoleum.

Not bad too - size, climbing frames, cozy house inside, shade, excellent roof. Only I would lift the floor.

But here, in general, everything is serious - in addition to the aviary, the cats have a rest house, and the passages covered with a net lead from the “cation” directly to the house.

Moreover, the transition is cleverly docked to the fence.

I personally know a lot of people who are against “imprisoning poor kitties in jail. They should not suffer, but rejoice in the summer free. " Moreover, very often these same people, after these words, with bitterness remember their beloved pets who died in the country because of this very freedom.

In fact, this opinion is wrong. Domestic urban cats, accustomed to the conditions of an apartment, experience severe stress when they find themselves in unfamiliar conditions in nature. They are vulnerable - and this is only your fault.

Walking simple (noble 🙂) cats

Of course, the conditions at each dacha are individual. There are quite calm places. And some cats do not leave their site at all. Maybe angry and greedy people will wear them less than purebred handsome men, but all of the above 8 dangers are relevant for our ordinary Murok. Plus, you need to remember the following:

9.It is advisable to take out only neutered cats to the dacha (otherwise they will walk all summer and disappear) and sterilized cats (otherwise you will mess with kittens!).

Because of my "pity" and thoughtlessness (in the early years I was afraid to spay cats, it is harder for them than for cats), my simple kitty Fleur walked me up at the dacha of the kids: Monty, Smalley, Charlie and Tootsie. And the Persian cat Martha also gave birth to Jolly and Michelle from Monty. All the fun settled in my pride - but not everyone is crazy like me 🙂

10. Very carefully, it is necessary to treat cats monthly from fleas and ticks drops on the withers (Front Line, Advantige, I prefer Stronghold - it kills all the worms at the same time). Many do not recommend anti-flea collars - the animal can catch on a branch, panic and suffocate.

Ixodid ticks in endemic areas often attack cats. The hungry female tick is small and flat. She waits for her prey on blades of grass and bush branches. It is more often sucked behind the ears, on the throat, in the tail area. The sucked mite is gray-blue, about the size of a pea. Usually it is found in this state.

You can remove the tick with a special device. If the head of the tick remains in the skin, then inflammation will develop around it - a granuloma. Tick-borne granuloma is removed surgically.

Unfortunately, Cats suffer from dangerous infections carried by ticks - borreliosis and Lyme disease. After a tick bite, it is better to show the cat to the veterinarian, and hand over the tick itself to special centers for examination. To protect against ticks, the same means are used as against fleas, but they have only a partial effect.

11. Before giving and after returning home, be sure to give antihelminthic, a very good remedy "Milbemax"

12. Dangerous insect bites - bees, wasps, bumblebees, hornets, gadflies.

As a rule, bites can be received in the head, especially in the muzzle, less often in the paws and body. At the site of the bite, edema immediately develops, the strength of which depends on the individual sensitivity of the cat and on the type of insect. A bite from several insects in the neck area can cause severe swelling with signs of suffocation. As a rule, the consequences of a bite go away on their own. A frightened cat must be reassured. Rinse the bite site with a weak solution of vinegar and apply cold to it. To relieve edema, antihistamines are used: suprastin, tavegil, zodak, and diazolin (as prescribed by a doctor).

Only after taking the cat to the dacha, you understand how beautiful this beast is. And in a city apartment, she amazes with grace, grace and precision of movements. But in nature ...

As if a dull decal blooms with all the colors of life. The gait changes, the eyes burn with the excitement of hunting, the wool shimmers with luxury, the tail twitches resiliently and joyfully in unison with the unknown energies of freedom. However ... Staying at the dacha is connected not only with joys. In the wild of a small animal, many dangers lie in wait. But he himself is capable of doing a lot of troubles here. In order not to darken the summer season, neither yourself, nor the cat, nor your neighbors, you must observe safety measures.

  • Don't forget to vaccinate your pet. Vaccinations against deadly feline enteritis and rabies are especially important.
  • If you are not breeding kittens, consider neutering or neutering the animal. Do not be afraid, in this way you do not show cruelty, on the contrary, you help him adapt to life among people and avoid many dangers. A castrated cat loses the desire to walk around the neighborhood, get involved in fights with relatives and, of course, mark the territory. And cats that do not know the love and joys of motherhood will give you much less trouble.
  • Arriving at the dacha, keep the cat in the house for at least a couple of days, let it get used to new smells.
  • Let the animal sleep at home. Most often, it is at this time of day that they die under the wheels of cars, blinded by the headlights.
  • Treat wool regularly with flea and tick preparations (powders, aerosols). If your cat doesn't mind or suffer from allergies, buy a special collar.
  • If there are kittens in the house, arrange an aviary for them in the garden, preferably an indoor one: nothing can keep this small company, and even crows pose a danger to them.
  • Do your best to prevent your cat from accessing neighbors' beds. These neat people prefer to relieve themselves outside of their own territory, digging up beds and flower beds. The master's righteous anger is inevitable.
  • If the cat has climbed a tree (and this is its natural reaction in case of danger), do not arrange a rescue operation. If anything will prevent her from getting down after the danger has passed, it is the uproar raised by people below.
  • Dogs are not as scary to cats as people think. She will always run away from one dog, rewarding him with a couple of scratches on the face. But the flock is serious. There is only one salvation: do not allow the cat to leave the site. If stray dogs are walking around your territory, you can resort to firecrackers as an excuse.
  • If a cat has a fight with relatives, most likely nothing terrible will threaten him. If you stay there, it will be as good as new. But if he came into combat contact with representatives of the wild fauna, contact your veterinarian.
  • Equip the front door with a cat door.
  • In no case do not poison mice and moles on the site. A cat has no chance to survive after being poisoned with such a hunting trophy.
  • Do not leave anywhere chemical fertilizers, insecticides, pesticides, etc. Do you remember the saying "the cat died from curiosity"? Your pet will certainly take an interest in what is in this beautiful rustling bag.
  • It's good if the cat's home name is known only to you and your family members. Do not train your cat (especially if you have a purebred) to react to the familiar "kitty-kitty".
  • Many plants are poisonous to cats. Teach kittens not to eat anything from the garden. And if you want to please your cat, plant a catnip or catnip.
  • A cat is an animal, of course, very neat, but digging holes for sanitary and hygienic purposes, it can damage the roots of plants, and the caustic secret that cats emit when marking the territory is completely capable of burning flowers, vegetables, etc. can be done in three ways: chemical, mechanical, electronic.

  • Offer your cat to use the litter box. If there is a children's sandbox on the site, figure out how to securely cover it.
  • Cats don't like strong smells. You can purchase a special aerosol with the appropriate aroma or build such a spray yourself by diluting lemon juice, crushed garlic and cayenne pepper in water. The spraying procedure must be repeated after every rain. It is also good to plant dog plectrantus, lavender, fragrant rue along the fence.
  • To prevent tree trunks from turning into a scratching post, you will have to wrap them with a net - at least those that the pussy chose for its manicure.
  • Make the plantings in the flower garden as dense as possible and the soil moist, enriching it with compost and humus. For a toilet, cats choose places that are dry, comfortable, with loose soil.
  • When mulching the soil, experiment with materials: some of them will not necessarily suit your cat. After laying the mulch, pour it with water so that it lies in a denser layer.
  • Fence the restricted areas with a net, and sprinkle the paths leading to them with thorny pebbles. If all else fails, buy a state-of-the-art cat repeller at the pet store, such as a motion-detecting sprayer. As soon as the Murka breaks the border, an ice shower awaits her.
  • Cats are born hunters, so it is useless to forbid them to indulge in their favorite pastime in freedom, and to punish for it is cruel. Most likely you will have to come to terms with the fact that your tender kisul will drag the corpses of innocently killed birds and rodents into the house. If you don't want to find dead mice under your pillow, use mousetraps or ultrasonic repellents to scare them away. A collar with a bell or even with an ultrasonic sensor and a light bulb that starts blinking with sudden movements of the hunter will help to save the birds. Do not install bird feeders or drinkers within cat's reach.
  • Regularly inspect the area in search of undermines under the fence and manholes in hedges. There is only one way out: to patiently eliminate the traces of cat hooliganism.

10 best resources on the topic: Cat in the country

  1. ru_cats: - to carry or not to carry? Risk assessment

    26 Mar 2012 Every time in the spring, questions arise - is it not dangerous to export cat on dacha... There are dogs, cars, evil people, a wild forest, etc.

  2. - how to protect it from danger | City of cats

    3 Jul 2013 ... How to accustom a cat to a summer residence and from what it is necessary to protect it in nature. - this is no longer homemade pampering ...

  3. How not to lose a cat in the country? -

    2 Mar 2011 Last summer, our cat drove from the site and did not return. They searched and wandered but did not find it. Have brought a catsoon to cut on dacha, do not know how …

  4. Answers @ Mail.Ru: (well, or a cat). Are not afraid that

    (well, or a cat). Are you not afraid that it will disappear? It just goes away and disappears. Something I do not dare. * FENRIR _____ * Enlightened (49773) ...

  5. Transportation and adaptation to dacha cat - Pets and birds

    Cats - perhaps the most mysterious creatures on the planet. Independent, smart, cunning and fearless, but not all. Agree, home rumbling ...

  6. | City animal shelter

    We have already written an article on how to protect your animal on dacha... This time we would like to dwell in more detail on how to secure ...

  7. - Portal "Home"

    22 May 2012 If your cat not the first time going to dacha, then she will not have the stress of moving: she is used to both transportation and to life on dacha.

  8. Should I take cat to the country? - My world

    Opening the summer cottage season is a tough challenge for pet owners. There is a difficult choice to be made: ...

  9. | Summer cottage | Arguments and Facts

    20 Sep 2012 Paths cats inscrutable. How do they end up on dacha? They arrive ceremoniously from the city, accompanied by the owners, they come without.

  10. We're going to rest, or cat in the country - Vet clinic

    Home / Cat lovers. We're going to rest, or cat in the country... Spring will come very soon, the sun will start to bake, and city dwellers ...

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