Horse chestnut extract liquid overdose. Horse chestnut medicinal properties and contraindications

The beneficial effects of the horse chestnut on the body have been discussed since ancient times. Its bark was used to get rid of dysentery and malaria, which were common at that time, and also to treat rheumatism and ulcers.

Today, chestnut is a fairly commonly used plant, which is included in tinctures, ointments and tablets. They are used to treat many diseases. Learn more about the use of horse chestnut tincture and its medicinal properties further.

Tree characteristics

The Horse Chestnut is a long-lived and fairly large tree that is usually around 25 m tall and has an average fruiting time of 45 years. Its flowers are like candles, which is why it is chestnuts that adorn alleys, parks, streets and squares everywhere.

Trees bloom from May to June, they bloom in large flowers that gather in inflorescences that have a conical shape. Unripe fruits that appear in August-October have the maximum healing characteristics. These are small tricuspid boxes that are covered with thorns. Ripe chestnuts are brown, and unripe chestnuts are bright green.

Healing qualities

Chestnut bark contains the following substances:

  1. Organic acids, which are important for maintaining acid-base balance, accelerating cell regeneration and slowing down cell aging.
  2. Glycosides to stimulate metabolism, regulate carbohydrate and salt metabolism. These substances of plant origin help to activate the functioning of various body systems, acting as a catalyst.
  3. Tannins with antiseptic and healing small wounds effect.


Chestnut flowers, provided they are picked on time, are rich in routine, glycosides, useful pectins, and flavonoids. Chestnut fruits contain a lot:

  1. Saponins that lower cholesterol. It has an expectorant, diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect on the body. Glycosides are quite powerful tonic effect that accelerates recovery.
  2. Flavonoids are the most active substance that strengthens the vascular walls, reduces their permeability, makes them more elastic. Plant-based flavonoids are natural antioxidants that neutralize free radicals. They are formed as a result of exposure to external factors, ultraviolet radiation, and radiation, which destroys cell membranes. Also, flavonoids tend to have an anti-inflammatory effect on the body, protecting it from histamine released during allergies and inflammatory reactions.
  3. Tannins.
  4. Lecetin, of which the cell membranes are composed. It makes it possible to normalize the amount of cholesterol, has an antioxidant effect, thereby helping to strengthen the nervous system.

Using the tincture. Features:

So, according to the instructions for horse chestnut tincture, doctors recommend using a properly prepared drug for the treatment of the following conditions:

  1. Joint diseases - the remedy resists various inflammatory processes, allowing to reduce the manifestations of puffiness in rheumatism and arthrosis. The general strengthening effect helps to restore the acid balance, as well as to normalize the metabolism.
  2. Vascular pathologies: horse chestnut effectively helps with sclerotic vascular changes, retinal thrombosis, venostasis and varicose veins. The use of this infusion helps to reduce vascular permeability, tends to thin the blood, helping to reduce the risk of thrombus formation. The healing substances of chestnut can have a general tonic effect on the veins, reducing the viscosity of blood to facilitate its transportation.
  3. Heart disease, helping to strengthen capillaries, reduce cholesterol. In addition, chestnut tincture is useful for angina pectoris, is used to prevent heart attack, as well as to increase blood pressure to normal levels.
  4. Hemorrhoids - you can not only drink the tincture, but also use the baths from this plant at the same time.
  5. Diseases of the stomach - chestnut can replace certain drugs that help cure pathological conditions of the intestines.
  6. Gynecological diseases of a woman.

In addition, according to doctors, chestnut fruits make it possible to effectively eliminate malignant neoplasms, leukemia, tuberculosis, brain tumors, as well as radiation sickness. But it is important to note that the ready-made tincture of these fruits can be used after it has been prescribed by a doctor. And also used as an adjuvant therapy when using certain medications. Reviews of horse chestnut tincture indicate that, in addition to being used to treat many diseases, it is also recommended to be taken orally as a fairly effective tool to help you lose weight quickly.

To ensure maximum results, nutritionists advise supplementing the intake of water or alcohol tincture with a low-carbohydrate diet, optimally reducing the amount of fat consumed, and also increasing your activity.

Since this drug helps to improve metabolism, it makes it possible to increase blood microcirculation, significantly reduce appetite. Regular intake of this remedy makes it possible to get rid of increased puffiness, normalize weight, and also reduce the size and volume of food.


Instructions for use and reviews of horse chestnut tincture indicate that it, prepared on an alcohol basis, has certain contraindications. So, it is forbidden to use it in the following cases:

  • age less than 15 years;
  • carrying a baby, and breastfeeding;
  • hypotension, since chestnut has the ability to reduce blood pressure, leading to a hypotonic crisis and fainting;
  • atonic constipation, since there may be a deterioration in the general condition of the patient;
  • hypoacid gastritis in acute form;
  • profuse menstruation - if taken uncontrollably, the tincture can lead to anemia;
  • reduced blood clotting due to the possible appearance of bleeding;

If you intend to use chestnut tincture for a long time, you should definitely pass an analysis that will determine the amount of prothrombin protein, and also be examined by a doctor.

Prothrombin activates the ability of blood clotting, and if its level exceeds normal levels, chestnut tincture will "thin" the blood, reduce the risk of thrombosis. With excessive and prolonged treatment, a decrease in the amount of prothrombin can, in certain cases, cause bleeding in the internal organs.

How to prepare a tincture?

To prepare a chestnut-based tincture, you need to take 100 g of the fruit, remove the brown peel, chop finely, place the resulting gruel in a non-plastic container (this is important!), And then pour 1 liter of vodka. Further, the infusion must be set aside for 7-8 days in a dark place, constantly stirring, and then well filtered and already started to use.

A tincture for external use is prepared from ripe chestnuts. They are divided into 4 parts, thrown into a suitable bowl and poured over with vodka to cover the chestnuts.

After the infusion should be tightly corked, and insisted according to the following scheme: the composition is kept in a warm place for 3 days, after which it is left in a dark place for 40 days at room temperature. The finished product treats veins well, effectively eliminates painful sensations in the joints.

Terms of use

The studied agent is usually used internally in 10-15 drops diluted with water. According to the properties of horse chestnut tincture, it can be concluded that this is an effective drug that helps to treat various venous pathologies. As an external agent, it is recommended to use it in compresses that are applied to the veins. You can also rub the infusion into your joints. These procedures are recommended to be performed at night.

The article will tell you about the unique healing properties of horse chestnut and how it can be used.

A plant like chestnut is known to everyone, but not everyone knows that in the original it should be called "horse chestnut". In addition to the fact that this tree is very beautiful, pleases with lush vegetation and beautiful color, it is the basis for the preparation of many health recipes in folk medicine.

About 5 fruits ripen from one panicle of flowers. The fruits are green bolls covered with thorns. Inside the box is a walnut seed. Each fruit has a deep brown color, the seed reaches a size of 4 cm in diameter. Chestnuts ripen in late summer and early autumn.

Flowering horse chestnut

Horse chestnut fruit

Horse chestnut - flowers, fruits, seed peels: medicinal properties, contraindications for women and men

Not only the flowers and fruits of the plant have healing properties, you can also use the bark and seeds of the tree. The effectiveness of medicines made from chestnut depends on how correctly the collection is collected and prepared.

How to collect:

  • Fruit -harvested in August and September. They are thoroughly cleaned of pericarp (peel). In the open air, the fruits should be dried within 3-4 weeks or using special drying (you can also keep them in the oven for several hours at 40-50 degrees).
  • Bark -it is cut off exclusively in spring (April-May), when the maximum amount of nutrients accumulates in it. The bark should be cut from trees that are not "younger" than 3 years of age, but not older than 5. The collected bark should be completely dried.
  • Leaves -can be harvested from May to September, but always until the leaves begin to turn yellow. Collect leaves from young trees that are no more than 3 meters tall.
  • Flowers -harvested in April and May during the period of exuberant flowering.

Horse chestnut has a rich chemical composition that can bring great benefits to humans:

Substance name Benefits for humans


It improves the functioning of blood vessels and capillaries, helps the thyroid gland to release a number of essential hormones, and regulates the body's water-salt and lipid balance.
Fixed oils They have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects.
Tannins Treatment of burns, disorders of the digestive tract, getting rid of toxins, healing wounds and ulcers.
Globulin Regulates hormones
Starch When broken down into glucose, it provides the body with a source of energy.
Lecithin Participates in all metabolic processes of the body.
Vitamin C It has an antiseptic effect on the body, helps to strengthen immunity, fights against viruses and microbes.
Vitamin A Strengthens the immune system, helps to develop cell membranes and all internal organs, improves the protective properties of the skin.
Vitamin K Improves skin clotting and helps kidney function.
Vitamin B Participates in all metabolic processes of the body, helps to work harmoniously all body systems, has a beneficial effect on the skin, hair and nails, helps the thyroid gland to produce all the necessary hormones.
Organic acids They remove toxic substances from the body, improve the work of the cardiovascular system and normalize metabolism.
Thiamine Improves brain function, helps the digestive system, participates in blood-forming function.
Carotene Strengthen the protective properties of the body, have a healing and rejuvenating effect on the body.
Coumarin Provides prevention of tumor neoplasms, helps in wound healing.
Flavonoids Improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system and blood quality.
Pectins They have a "sanitary" effect on the body: they remove toxins and toxins, help cleanse the intestines of putrefactive bacteria, remove salts of heavy metals and radionuclides.
Glycosides They normalize the work of the cardiovascular system, accelerate wound healing and improve metabolism.
Slime Accelerate wound healing and eliminate inflammation.

The benefits of chestnut-based products:

  • Powerful analgesic effect, both for external and internal reception.
  • With the help of such means, you can provide disinfecting (bactericidal) and hemostatic action on wounds obtained by mechanical means.
  • Antiseptic action - eliminate inflammation.
  • Internal medications are able to provide diuretic action on the body. You can also relieve puffiness.
  • Some recipes can provide antioxidant and anti-aging properties.
  • Chestnut is known as effective venotonic agent against blood clots.
  • Medicines will also help provide antipyretic and diaphoretic.

Why "horse chestnut" is useful:

  • Fights puffiness
  • Eliminates inflammation
  • Relieves joint pain
  • Strengthens capillaries and blood vessels
  • "Inhibits" blood clotting
  • Prevents blood clots
  • Relieves spasms
  • Normalizes stomach acidity
  • Improves heart function
  • Improves liver function
  • Improves kidney function
  • Normalizes blood pressure
  • Normalizes cholesterol levels
  • Improves the digestive process
  • Removes toxins

"Horse Chestnut" treats:

  • Malaria
  • Dysbacteriosis
  • Bronchitis
  • tuberculosis
  • Diarrhea
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Leukemia
  • Arthritis and arthrosis
  • Radiculitis
  • Diseases associated with the gallbladder
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Prostatitis
  • Stomach acidity (increased)
  • Gastritis
  • Spleen problems
  • Uterine bleeding
  • Vascular diseases
  • Diseases of the central nervous system
  • Gout
  • Anemia (anemia)
  • Varicose veins
  • Whooping cough
  • Heart diseases
  • Muscle inflammation

How to use horse chestnut for treatment:

  • Flowers -recipes are applied externally as rubbing to relieve inflammation.
  • Leaves -should be used for medicines used externally (as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent).
  • Fruit -used for the preparation of products for external and internal use.
  • Bark -often used as a powerful anti-inflammatory and antipyretic agent.

How to use chestnut and how is it useful for humans?

Tincture on vodka from fruits: a recipe at home

Tincture of harvested fresh chestnut fruit is often used to treat many inflammatory diseases of the joints, varicose veins in the lower extremities, as well as diseases such as hemorrhoids and prostatitis. You can easily buy chestnut tincture at the pharmacy, but you can also prepare it yourself at home using alcohol or pure vodka.

When preparing a tincture, it is important to take into account the proportions so that the remedy is effective. Chestnut fruits (nuts) are considered the most useful part of the plant, since the tree spends most of the nutrients on them. Before preparing the tincture, it is necessary to clean the hearths from their shell and skin (brown dense membrane).

How to prepare a tincture on fruits:

  • Place 10 g of chopped peeled nuts in a small glass container
  • Pour 100-110 ml of crushed chestnut with vodka or alcohol
  • The agent should be insisted in a dark room, where the sun's rays do not penetrate
  • Keep the tincture 7-10 days
  • In addition to being warm, the room should also be cool.
  • Shake the product by hand every day
  • Only after infusion can the product be removed for further storage on the refrigerator shelf.

Tincture on vodka from flowers: a recipe at home

The preparation of a medicinal tincture on flowers is very similar to the one that is prepared with chestnut fruits. To get 100 ml. of the finished product you should have:

  • 100 ml. pure vodka (no flavors or flavors, choose good quality vodka or alcohol).
  • 10 g of flowers (pick when flowers are colored with pimento yellow, not red).


  • Pour the flowers into a glass infusion bowl
  • Fill the flowers with alcohol or vodka
  • Shake the container well
  • Close the container with a lid
  • Place container in a cool, dry and dark place
  • Store the product for 7-10 days
  • Shake well every day.
  • After insisting, strain the tincture and discard the cake
  • The tincture can be stored in the refrigerator for a year

Homemade chestnut liqueur

Tincture on vodka from chestnut peel: a recipe at home

Chestnut bark tincture is a powerful bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and local pain reliever. The tincture should be prepared on the bark of young trees, which are no more than five years old. The bark should be harvested between May and August.

How to prepare:

  • A glass of chestnut bark should be rinsed and dried in a dry place out of direct sunlight.
  • After that, the bark should be crushed as much as possible with a mortar or other convenient tool.
  • Pour the bark into a glass jar and pour 700-800 ml. pure alcohol or vodka without any additives.
  • Shake the container well and remove for infusion (as usual, this should be a slightly cool and dark place where the sun does not penetrate).
  • Insist the remedy for 10-14 days, shaking the container vigorously every day.
  • After insisting, strain the liquid and discard the remnants of the bark. Store in the refrigerator.

Tincture, horse chestnut extract - instructions for use

Chestnut tincture (fruits, bark or flowers) is an effective remedy against many inflammatory diseases. In addition, the tincture is approved for internal and external use to improve the functioning of the circulatory and cardiovascular system.

Chestnut tincture is used for:

  • Joint inflammation (and other joint problems) -used externally. It is necessary to lubricate the inflamed joint with a remedy three times a day.
  • Varicose veins (swelling of veins and their enlargement) -it is necessary to lubricate the limb with tincture every time after loading. The tincture is also used internally, the daily noma is 25 drops. The course of treatment with tincture internally is no more than 20-22 days.
  • Prostatitis (inflammatory disease of the urinary tract in men) -it is necessary to combine the use of the tincture with traditional treatment. The course of treatment is 21-22 days. The daily rate is 20-25 drops (divided into 2-3 doses, drink with water 30-40 minutes before meals).
  • Rheumatism (acute and chronic) -applied externally as a rubbing on the sore back area.
  • Diseases associated with poor bile outflow -accepted internally. The course of treatment is 7-9 days (until the condition improves). The daily rate is 30 drops, divided into 3 doses.
  • Gout -applied exclusively externally, alcohol should be applied to the affected area when an attack occurs.
  • Blood pressure disorders -the tincture is used internally, it is advisable to drink the fruit tincture of chestnuts. The course of treatment is 20-21 days, the daily rate is 25 drops (you can drink it immediately or divide into 2-3 doses).
  • Thrombophlebitis -30 drops of tincture (any part of chestnut) should be divided into 4 doses and drunk in a course of two weeks.
  • Neuralgia -divide the tincture into three or four doses and drink 35-40 drops per day. The course of treatment is 25 days.

Contraindications for the use of chestnut tincture:

  • Stomach and intestinal ulcers
  • Constipation (chronic and acute)
  • Poor blood clotting
  • Kidney disease
  • Liver disease
  • Low pressure
  • Heart disease (serious)
  • Gastritis
  • Strong allergic predisposition to the component
  • Disrupted hormonal background
  • Painful periods
  • Pregnancy
  • Lactation period
  • Individual intolerance

Effective treatment with horse chestnut tincture

Horse chestnut drops: application

A remedy such as drops obtained from horse chestnut is not very common, but nevertheless, they gained their popularity as an effective means for losing weight. This drug is a concentrated agent that has a complex effect on the entire body, providing an internal and external property.

How horse chestnut drops help:

  • When ingested with food, they break down fats.
  • They help cleanse the intestines from accumulated toxins and toxins, putrefactive bacteria, stagnant feces.
  • They regulate the water-salt balance in the body, preventing fluid from stagnating in soft tissues.
  • Regulate lipid metabolism in the body.
  • Improves appetite, but nevertheless prevents excessive hunger from appearing.
  • They normalize all metabolic processes of the body, improving the general well-being of a person.

Drops should be taken 2 or 3 times a day. One-time intake rate - 1 tsp. The drug should not be taken if you have gastrointestinal ulcers, are pregnant or are lactating. Also, give up the drug if you observe poor tolerance after administration and an allergic reaction: itching, skin rash, fever, nausea and vomiting.

Horse chestnut suppositories: application for hemorrhoids, constipation

The powerful anti-inflammatory and healing properties of chestnut have been used to treat conditions such as hemorrhoids. You can buy horse chestnut candles at the pharmacy. The action of the suppositories is aimed at relieving the inflammatory process in the anus, bactericidal property (locally eliminates pathogenic and putrefactive bacteria), heals microcracks.

In addition, the candles are very soft and do not give any unpleasant sensations. They can also be used to loosen stools for long-term or chronic constipation. The same property is very effective for hemorrhoids, when the process of defecation is painful. The daily norm of candles is 2 uses per day: morning and evening.

Horse chestnut ointment: application

Horse chestnut ointment is an effective topical agent against inflammatory processes in joints and soft tissues. The ointment also earned its popularity in the treatment of varicose veins. Chestnut extract allows you to increase the elasticity of blood vessels, promotes the resorption of cholesterol plaques, improves blood flow, relieves swelling and fatigue from the limbs affected by the disease.

Horse chestnut ointment can be rubbed into the skin, or massage can be done using it. Lubricate sore feet with ointment daily, paying particular attention to areas with swollen veins. Apply the ointment in a thin layer, rub until completely absorbed. Massage with ointment must be done correctly: the movements go from bottom to top, without strong pressure.

Horse chestnut ointment for the treatment of varicose veins

Horse chestnut cream: application

Horse chestnut cream works very much like an ointment, but is less concentrated. It can be used for daily lubrication of limbs affected by varicose veins, or massage with it.

In addition, such a cream has a good tonic effect, it relieves fatigue from the legs and relieves them of puffiness. The cream should be used to lubricate the legs, arms or joints after exertion or pain. After applying the cream, it is recommended to roll the sore spot with a woolen scarf for a while.

Broth, horse chestnut tea: application

The simplest remedy that each of any part of the plant can prepare is a decoction or infusion in boiling water. The use of this broth is very versatile and it can affect many systems of the body, eliminating inflammatory diseases, providing a bactericidal and even analgesic effect. In addition, the broth is able to give the body the necessary complex of vitamins and normalize blood pressure.

The broth is most often made on the leaves and flowers of chestnut, the bark and fruits are used to prepare alcoholic tinctures. It is quite simple to prepare a decoction or infusion in boiling water:

  • Take 50g fresh or dried flowers (leaves)
  • Fill them with 250-270 ml. steep boiling water (about 80 degrees)
  • Cover the container with a plate or lid
  • Let it brew until it cools completely
  • Strain and consume internally
  • Divide the broth into two or three doses, consume it before meals for 30-40 minutes.

Chestnut-based products

The use of horse chestnut tincture to thin the blood for varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, asterisks on the legs

Varicose veins are observed in cases where a person has a number of chronic diseases, does not lead an active lifestyle, or, conversely, allows himself excessive stress. It is not uncommon for those who experience diseases associated with frequent high blood pressure, improper diet, and obesity to suffer from varicose veins.

Varicose veins are deposits of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels. As a result, blood flow is disrupted and a person may experience a number of unpleasant sensations: poor general health, hypertension, headaches, depression, fatigue. To improve your condition will help the regular intake of drugs based on horse chestnut and lubrication of the limbs with ointment, or horse chestnut cream.

How horse chestnut helps with varicose veins:

  • Increases the elasticity of blood vessels
  • Absorbs cholesterol plaques
  • Improves blood circulation
  • Thins the blood
  • Eliminates leg swelling
  • Removes fatigue and heaviness from feet
  • Eliminates Vein Swelling
  • Makes the veins lighter and less visible on the skin
  • Eliminates venous "stars" on the legs

How to use horse chestnut products:

  • Lubricate your feet once or twice a day with horse chestnut cream.
  • Massage the limbs with horse chestnut ointment once a day or several times a week.
  • In a course of 1 month, 4-5 times a year, drink a chestnut decoction (leaves or flowers), 1 glass every day, dividing it into 3 doses.

Horse chestnut and troxerutin gel-balm cosmetic: recipe for use

This gel-balm, in combination with horse chestnut-based products, allows you to provide not only a healing, but also a cosmetic effect on your limbs. By applying these two ingredients together on your feet, you:

  • Improves blood circulation in the extremities
  • Remove puffiness from feet
  • Eliminate fatigue (for example, when wearing high-heeled shoes).
  • Eliminate the venous mesh and asterisks
  • Doing the prevention of varicose veins
  • Allowing your legs to withstand more severe loads

The use of horse chestnut tincture for the treatment of joints

An inflamed joint can make itself felt with sharp and growing pain. Eliminate discomfort, relieve pain and have an antiseptic effect will allow tincture prepared with alcohol from horse chestnut. For this purpose, you can use any part of the plant, but fruits without a peel are preferable.

The resulting tincture should be used in place, rubbing a small amount of the product into the sore joint. This rubbing should be done 2-3 times a day. After rubbing, it is recommended to wrap the joint in a woolen scarf and not disturb for about 2-3 hours.

Joint treatment

Application of horse chestnut tincture against pressure

Increased pressure occurs due to the fact that a person's blood is too "thick". That is why the blood flow slows down, the brain and internal organs do not receive enough oxygen, headaches, poor health, and general malaise occur.

You can get rid of pressure only by thinning the blood. To do this, it is recommended to drink a course of horse chestnut tincture, or replace it with a decoction of flowers or fruits. The course of treatment is 20-25 days until recovery. If one course was not effective, you should take a break of 20 days and repeat the course.

The use of horse chestnut tincture for prostatitis, prostate adenoma

Inflammatory disease of the prostate gland in men is very painful and unpleasant. Therefore, along with traditional treatment, an auxiliary one should be carried out with the help of horse chestnut tincture.

Drink a tincture of fruits, flowers, bark or leaves (fruits and flowers are preferable), should be in the amount of 25 drops per day. This dose should be divided into three doses. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks until health improves. The tincture is diluted with water and drunk 30 minutes before meals.

Horse chestnut rhinitis treatment: how to carry out?

Horse chestnut extract or horse chestnut drops can be used to treat sinusitis. Tampons dipped in chestnut broth and inserted into the sinuses for 20 minutes will also be effective. The tool will have an anti-inflammatory effect on the mucous membrane, contribute to the liquefaction and waste of mucus, and also kill the pathogenic bacteria that caused the runny nose.

The use of tincture of horse chestnut flowers from mastopathy

Tincture of chestnut flowers can be used as a medicine in the treatment of the inflammatory process of the breast. To do this, every day you should make lotions from alcohol tincture, which should be kept for 20-30 minutes. Alternatively, you can also use the pod tincture.

How to rub swelling of the legs with horse chestnut tincture?

Swelling of the legs often occurs in those who spend a lot of time on the move, wear uncomfortable shoes, shoes with heels, or are overweight, as a result of which an increased load falls on the legs. To get rid of this unpleasant sensation, you should rub your legs with chestnut tincture (any part) every night before going to bed. Then put on woolen socks on your feet and let your feet rest for a few hours.

Horse chestnut treatment

Horse chestnut flowers use in oncology and cancer prevention

Chestnut contains a number of important trace elements aimed at improving the body's health. In particular, decoctions and infusions of flowers (and fruits) can be used for the prevention and treatment of cancer. Chestnut extract prevents and inhibits the development of cancer cells, as well as radionuclides.

IMPORTANT: Treatment should be carried out in a course of 1 month 4 times a year, with intervals of 1-2 months or more. You can drink a decoction and tincture of chestnut.

Valerian, horse chestnut, motherwort, hawthorn, peony: recipe for use

Infusion of valerian, chestnut, motherwort, peony and hawthorn is an effective remedy for hypertension:

  • Valerian dilates blood vessels
  • Chestnut makes blood more viscous
  • Motherwort soothes
  • Hawthorn reduces anxiety
  • Peony normalizes sleep

IMPORTANT: All components must be mixed in equal proportions. The daily rate of the drug is 50 drops, which should be distributed over 3-4 doses.

Badyaga forte and horse chestnut: instructions for use

Badiaga extract, in addition to horse chestnut, is a powerful venotonic and vasoconstrictor agent that has an anti-edema effect. The gel should be applied to clean skin 2 or 3 times a day.

Horse chestnut alcohol tincture - allergic reactions: symptoms

Allergic symptoms of intolerance to horse chestnut extract are similar to any other allergic sensations:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Skin rash
  • Redness and itching of the skin
  • Stomach pain
  • General malaise
  • Drowsiness
  • Intestinal cramps
  • Temperature increase

Video: "Horse chestnut from varicose veins"

The medicinal properties of chestnut are due to the bioflavonoids included in its composition. These substances are present in the bark, leaves and in the nuts themselves. For people who intend to use horse chestnut for medicinal purposes, it is useful to know not only about contraindications, but also about the fact that the plant is effective as a vaso-strengthening, venotonic and angioprotective agent.

What it looks like and where it grows

Horse chestnut (English name Horse Chestnut) belongs to the sapind family. The southern territories of the Balkans are considered his homeland. Horse chestnut also grows in Russia, where, in the form of wild plants, it coexists with ash, linden and other trees. Distributed from predominantly in the temperate climatic zone. Many of its species are widely bred in parks. Red horse chestnut is a favorite.

The biological description of the horse chestnut (also called horse chestnut) is as follows:

  1. A large deciduous tree reaching a height of 35 meters.
  2. It has a powerful root system and a spherical or broadly ovoid spreading crown.
  3. The barrel is of the correct cylindrical shape.
  4. The leaves are large, palmate, up to 30 cm long.
  5. Inflorescences in the form of erect panicles formed by 20-50 white-yellow flowers.
  6. Chestnut fruits are spherical in shape with numerous thorns. Inside them there are 3 flattened seeds up to 2-4 cm in diameter. Ripen in early autumn.

When growing a tree, you need to be patient. This is a very lengthy process. It takes about 20-40 years for a horse chestnut to grow and reach its maximum height.

Why is the chestnut called horse

Since the genus Chestnut includes more than 10 different plants, the equine, according to one version, was named so as to distinguish it as a fodder species grown for the treatment of horses. The people called the tree a chestnut for its striking similarity with the fruits of an edible chestnut, and only experts can find differences. There is another version, according to which the plant is called so because of the presence of horseshoe-like scars on the shoots after leaf fall.

The fruits of this plant are inedible, so the answer to the question of whether it is possible to eat horse chestnut is sharply negative. All parts of it contain the toxic substance esculin. Eating nuts can cause irreparable harm to the body. However, horse chestnut also has beneficial properties, thanks to which it has won its place in the pharmacopoeia.

The benefits of the plant

Horse chestnut, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which are due to its unique composition, is used:

  1. As a hemostatic, diuretic, wound-healing, analgesic, antioxidant agent;
  2. With varicose veins, impaired water-salt balance, for the treatment of edema and inflammation;
  3. To lower blood pressure and blood cholesterol;
  4. To normalize the acidity of gastric juice.

Horse chestnut bark contains a large amount of vitamins C, B1, tannins, due to which it is often used as an antipyretic and astringent.

The peeled fruits of the chestnut, which is also called horse chestnut, contain starch and tannins, are rich in coumarins (esculin, fraxin, escin). Fresh kernels are used for persistent diarrhea, and fried kernels are used in case of bleeding. Dried fruits are good for colds as a diuretic and diaphoretic.

The foliage of the chestnut is rich in pectins, carotenoids and glycosides. As part of folk remedies, it has anesthetic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Wild chestnut flowers contain slimy and pectin compounds, secrete flavonoids. They are used for local rubbing in the treatment of joint pain. Flower-based infusions are used in complex therapy in the fight against hemorrhoids, skin diseases, prostatitis and radiation sickness.

Industrial applications

Wild chestnut wood has properties similar to linden. It did not receive wide commercial distribution in Russia as a raw material. However, it is used for the production of doors and furniture elements, since it well accepts and holds various fasteners in the form of bolts, screws, etc. Specially treated wood has a long service life.

In cosmetology

Antioxidant properties allow the use of chestnut parts in the production of anti-aging cosmetics. These products improve the skin by producing collagen. Horse chestnut fruits are part of anti-cellulite products, thanks to their effect, puffiness is reduced, the skin is smoothed and toned.

In medicine

Horse chestnut has also been used in medicine. Preparations based on it are widely sold in pharmacies in Russia. These include:

  1. Drops of Escuzan. Due to the beneficial properties of the incoming components, the drug actively fights against disorders of venous circulation. Horse chestnut drops are prescribed for hemorrhoids, initial forms of varicose veins, leg ulcers, cramps and edema in the calf muscles. Aescusan should be taken according to the instructions - 15 drops three times a day before meals. There are no specific contraindications. In rare cases, allergic reactions caused by hypersensitivity to the components of the drug are possible.
  2. Esflazid is an analogue of Eskuzan, but in a more convenient tablet form of administration. The main indications are hemorrhoids, thrombophlebitis. The dosage is determined by the doctor individually. According to the instructions, in the first two days, the drug is taken 1 tablet 1-2 times a day, then 3-4 times.
  3. Wild chestnut extract is rich in active compounds that deal well with puffiness, varicose veins and restless legs syndrome. The tool normalizes blood pressure and regulates blood cholesterol levels, making it effective in the treatment of hypertension, atherosclerosis and thrombosis.
  4. Ointments are effective for skin and varicose diseases. For their production at home, horse chestnut flowers are used. 5 tbsp. l. dry raw materials are poured with half a liter of vegetable oil, then boiled for an hour in a water bath. The finished mixture is cooled, filtered and used for its intended purpose. Horse chestnut has a strong anti-edema and venotonic effect. In combination with troxerutin, it gives quick results.
  5. Horse chestnut-based tinctures are aimed at combating prostatitis, thrombosis, varicose veins and hemorrhoids. The finished product can be bought at a pharmacy, or you can make yourself. To do this, grind 10 grams. horse nuts and pour 100 ml of vodka. Insist the mixture for a week in complete darkness, occasionally shaking the solution. According to the instructions, the finished tincture is taken 30 drops three times a day. The drug can be used for rubbing and as phytoapplications for rheumatism and radiculitis.
  6. Common chestnut oil improves blood circulation, reduces capillary permeability, relieves leg fatigue and muscle tension. It is applied with massaging movements on the lower extremities in the direction from the feet to the knees. The oil also improves complexion, soothes and tones. To achieve this effect, the skin must be wiped twice a day.

Before using medications, you need to consult a doctor.

Folk recipes

For the preparation of medicinal infusions, flowers, fruits and their peels are used. These parts contain the greatest amount of substances useful for the circulatory system. For the preparation of medicines using chestnut, it is recommended to use the following recipes:

  1. Infusion of chestnut flowers. 1 tbsp. l. dry raw materials and 200 ml of water bring to a boil. Insist for 7 hours. Take by sips throughout the day. You can drink 1-1.5 liters per day. Useful for brain tumors, mastopathy, endarteritis, hemorrhoids, lesions of the venous vessels caused by various injuries.
  2. Tincture on flowers. Pour the vegetable raw materials with vodka in a ratio of 1 to 10. Remove the container in a dark place. Insist 2-3 weeks, periodically shaking the contents. Strain the finished medicine. Take 30 drops 3-4 times a day.
  3. Decoction of the peel. Pour 250 ml of hot water over the green shell of two chestnuts. Put on low heat and cook for 10 minutes. Cool to a comfortable temperature and drink to improve potency, 100 ml twice a day (in the morning and evening).
  4. Horse chestnut tincture. The main indications are gout, arthritis, rheumatism and osteochondrosis. For cooking, you should take 1 kg of nuts (more is possible). Grind in any convenient way (blender, meat grinder). Pour into a jar and pour 1 liter of vodka. Remove to a dark place and leave for 2 weeks, shaking occasionally. Strain the finished tincture and store in a cool place. Take orally after meals, 40 drops, diluted in water. The same medicine can rub problem joints.

Collection and procurement

For medicinal purposes, all parts of the trees are used, including the flowers of the horse chestnut. The following are recommendations for when it is best to collect raw materials for the manufacture of medicines:

  1. Bark. The harvesting is done in March. The bark is carefully cut from the young branches. After it is crushed and dried. Decoctions and infusions are prepared from the bark, which relieve pain and inflammation. Medicines from it are effective in the treatment of gout, hemorrhoids, rheumatism and respiratory diseases.
  2. Horse chestnut flowers are harvested during active flowering (in May). After they are laid out in the sun for 1 day, so that they wilted a little. Then they are removed to a well-ventilated room, or dried in the fresh air in the shade. Flowers usually insist on alcohol, are taken to restore the vascular system and as a pain reliever for joints.
  3. Leaves are harvested in spring or early summer. They should be juicy and rich in green. During the harvesting process, they are washed and dried. Alcohol tinctures and decoctions are prepared from the leaves. Such medicines are used for inflammation and suppuration.
  4. Horse chestnut fruits fall in October, at which time they begin to be harvested. In the manufacture of medicines, whole and crushed fruits are used. Healing tinctures and decoctions are prepared on their basis. Chestnut fruits have found application in restoring the functions of the digestive system, relieving joint pain, and normalizing the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

It is better to collect medicinal raw materials in places remote from the city and highways. This is where the most useful trees grow.

Indications for use

Given the beneficial properties of horse chestnut, medicines based on it are used for the following diseases and conditions:

  1. Varicose veins. The disease provokes abnormal changes in the veins, which leads to the appearance of nodes. Pathology most often affects the lower extremities, but the digestive tract and testicles are also susceptible to it. The composition of horse chestnut helps to thin the blood, prevents the formation of blood clots, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and veins.
  2. Diseases of the ENT organs and the respiratory system. With sinusitis, the procedure for washing the nose is effective. The broth has a pronounced antiseptic property, which is why it is also recommended for rinsing the throat and mouth. Horse chestnut eliminates cough, makes breathing easier with flu and SARS.
  3. Diseases of the digestive tract. Due to its unique composition, horse chestnut restores the work of the digestive system, relieves inflammation. Decoctions are effective for problems with the spleen, liver, pancreas, as well as gastritis with a high level of acidity.
  4. Dysfunction of the cardiovascular system. Horse chestnut is a part of drugs designed to combat atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, cholesterol, thrombophlebitis, and cardiac disorders.
  5. Sore muscles and joints. In this case, dosage forms for external use are used. Infusions and tinctures are rubbed into problem areas for arthritis and rheumatism.
  6. Women's problems. The plant improves blood clotting and stops bleeding. For inflammations in the intimate area, chestnut baths are recommended.
  7. Male diseases. Horse chestnut decoctions and medicines help with inflammation in the prostate gland, as well as varicocele.

Contraindications and possible harm

It will be useful for everyone to know not only about the benefits of the plant, but also about the contraindications of horse chestnut. Medicines and folk remedies have certain restrictions on admission. They are not recommended for:

  • low blood viscosity;
  • severe disorders in the liver and kidneys;
  • arterial hypotension;
  • inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract in the acute phase;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • children.

External use of chestnut-based drugs is contraindicated in the presence of hypersensitivity to this product, as well as if there are open, infected and festering wounds that are not amenable to drug treatment.

Before using horse chestnut as a remedy, you should consult your doctor. Wearing compression hosiery and doing medical gymnastics will help to enhance the therapeutic effect. During treatment, it is advisable to refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages, smoking, eating fatty and spicy foods.

Horse chestnut can cause heartburn or nausea. If side effects occur, treatment should be discontinued and blood prothrombin monitored.

The benefits of such a plant are great, but it can be harmful to health if you approach treatment rashly. Indeed, despite the fact that its nuts look like the fruits of a sowing chestnut, they are not eaten in their pure form. To prevent the development of negative consequences, you must consult an experienced doctor. Treatment should be comprehensive and balanced, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient.

Summing up

Horse chestnut is effective in diseases of the heart and blood vessels. It is used for varicose veins, hemorrhoids, gout and rheumatism. This raw material is in demand not only in traditional medicine, but also in pharmaceuticals. It is used to produce medicines in the form of drops, ointments, hemorrhoidal suppositories, liquid extract and tablets.

Horse chestnut (stomach, aesculus) is a deciduous tree up to 36 meters in height, belonging to the genus of plants of the Konskokashtanov family, which has long been used in folk medicine for the treatment of various diseases.

Chemical composition

For medicinal purposes, leaves, flowers, tree bark and seeds (in fact, the chestnuts themselves) are used. The following beneficial substances were found in them:

  • Saponin escin;
  • Tannins;
  • Mucus;
  • Starch;
  • Fixed oils;
  • Vitamins A, C, K, group B;
  • Organic acids;
  • Thiamine;
  • Glycosides;
  • Coumarins;
  • Carotene;
  • Pectins;
  • Flavonoid rutin;
  • Globulin;
  • Lecithin;
  • Micro- and macroelements, incl. boron, zinc, chromium, nickel, iodine, barium, iron, selenium, calcium and silver.

Beneficial features

The most beneficial properties of horse chestnut are:

  • Bactericidal;
  • Antithrombotic;
  • Wound healing;
  • Hemostatic;
  • Pain reliever;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Antioxidant;
  • Diaphoretic;
  • Diuretic;
  • Antipyretic;
  • Decongestant;
  • Astringent;
  • Anti-sclerotic;
  • Venotonic;
  • Antineoplastic.

In addition, horse chestnut is useful in that:

  • Reduces capillary permeability;
  • Slows down blood clotting;
  • Lowers blood viscosity;
  • Prevents thrombus formation;
  • Eliminates vascular spasms;
  • Accelerates blood flow in veins;
  • Increases the tone of the venous vessels;
  • Prevents the formation of stasis in the capillaries;
  • Normalizes the acidity of gastric juice;
  • Improves digestion;
  • Relieves joint pain;
  • Normalizes the secretory function of the gallbladder;
  • Stabilizes the work of the heart and liver;
  • Reduces blood pressure;
  • Enhances the production of antithrombin in the vascular system;
  • Expands blood vessels;
  • It removes salts, cholesterol and other harmful substances (including radionuclides and toxins) from the body.

Indications for use

Given the beneficial properties of horse chestnut, preparations based on it are used for the following diseases and conditions:

  • Gallbladder disease;
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • Malaria;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, etc. diarrhea, hyperacidity of gastric juice, peptic ulcer, enterocolitis, gastritis;
  • Spleen disease;
  • Vascular spasms;
  • Uterine bleeding;
  • Bronchopulmonary diseases, incl. shortness of breath, bronchitis, pulmonary tuberculosis, whooping cough;
  • Radiculitis;
  • Rheumatoid arthritis;
  • Neuralgia;
  • Sciatica;
  • Leukemia;
  • Gout;
  • Hemorrhoids;
  • Beli;
  • Anemia;
  • BPH;
  • Prostatitis;
  • Bleeding of various origins;
  • Hypertension;
  • Asthma;
  • Heart diseases;
  • Increased blood clotting;
  • Radiation sickness;
  • Trophic ulcers of the leg;
  • Joint pain;
  • Muscle inflammation;
  • Vein damage caused by trauma;
  • Phlebeurysm;
  • Venous congestion;
  • Thromboembolism;
  • Thrombophlebitis;
  • Arteritis;
  • Atherosclerosis of the vessels of the extremities;
  • Salt deposits.


The use of horse chestnut is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • Hypotension (because the plant helps to lower blood pressure);
  • Atonic constipation;
  • Menstrual irregularities;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Lactation period;
  • Childhood.

When taking chestnut preparations, nausea and heartburn are possible. If they appear, it is necessary to stop treatment and check the level of prothrombin in the blood.

Horse chestnut home remedies

  • Alcoholic tincture used for thrombosis, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, prostatitis, radiculitis and rheumatism: chop 10 g of peeled fruits (seeds) or chestnut flowers and pour in 100 ml of vodka, insist in a dark place for 1 week, shaking the container periodically, and strain. For thrombosis, hemorrhoids, varicose veins and prostate, take 30 drops orally 3 times a day, for rheumatism and radiculitis - apply externally for compresses and rubbing;
  • A decoction that helps with hemorrhoids and inflammation of the veins of the extremities: chop 5 g of flowers or 5 g of bark and place in an enamel bowl, pour 200 ml of boiling water, then boil over low heat for 30 minutes and strain thoroughly (through 3 layers of gauze). Bring the volume of the resulting broth to the original with boiled water. In the first 2 days, take 1 tbsp. 1 time per day, then (subject to good tolerance) - 1 tbsp. 3 times a day. The course of treatment for hemorrhoids - 1-4 weeks, inflammation of the veins of the extremities - 1-8 weeks. A remedy prepared according to the same recipe is used for shortness of breath, leukemia and rheumatism;
  • Infusion for the treatment of diseases of the kidneys, intestines, gallbladder and inflammation of the upper respiratory tract: 1 tsp. chopped bark pour 2 tbsp. chilled boiled water, insist and strain for 8 hours. Take 2 tbsp. 4 times a day;
  • Remedy for radiation sickness: 6 tbsp. pour dry flowers with 1.5 liters of water, boil for 2-3 minutes, then insist and strain for 8 hours. Take the resulting infusion throughout the day;
  • Horse chestnut ointment, relieves inflammation and puffiness, eliminates venous diseases, soothes the skin: grind 5 tbsp. flowers or fruits, pour 0.5 liters of vegetable oil, boil in a water bath for 1 hour, cool and strain. Apply externally, applying to painful areas 2-3 times a day.

The horse chestnut flaunts with its leaves on long petioles. The large leaves of this tree attract attention with an unusual look: they are finger-shaped, they really do somewhat resemble open palms. This tree can even reach a height of 30 meters.

In May, chestnuts bloom with magnificent "candles" of bell-shaped white-pink flowers. Each cone-shaped candle up to 30 cm in height, in turn, consists of 20-50 flowers.

Fruit-boxes of green horse chestnut have many thorns. In these boxes hides a nut, which in common people is called chestnut. The seed-nut is shiny, brown, 2-4 cm in diameter. Fruits ripen in late August-September.

Horse chestnut is a fodder plant - according to legends, horse chestnuts were brought to Central Europe by the Turks as food for horses. The pulp of this nut is white and tender.

The homeland of the horse chestnut is the southern part of the Balkan Peninsula: Albania, Greece, Macedonia, Serbia, Bulgaria. There this tree grows in the forests.

In Russia, the horse chestnut is widely cultivated in the European part of the country for decorating parks, landscaping urban areas.

Flowers, fruits, leaves, bark, nutshells and even horse chestnut roots have healing properties.

Flowers and leaves are harvested in May. Seeds (nuts) are harvested from the beginning of September. The bark is harvested from the beginning of October.

What is horse chestnut useful for?

The medicinal properties of horse chestnut are due to its chemical composition. The seeds contain triterpene saponins (escin), tannins, vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin B1, coumarin glycosides, esculin, and fraxin. The bark contains tannins, escin, esculin, fraxin, vitamin B1. Horse chestnut leaves are rich in carotenoids (provitamin A), pectins, glycosides esculin, and fraxin. The flowers contain a large amount of flavonoids (rutin), mucus, tannins and pectin substances.

Due to the content in horse chestnut of a combination of powerful glycosides - esculin, fraxin, as well as escin - with vitamins and other substances, horse chestnut exhibits many beneficial properties. The main properties for which horse chestnut is valued in official medicine and pharmacological preparations are prepared from its extract are venoprotective, venotonic, anti-inflammatory and improves microcirculation in the veins. And also, of course, antithrombotic, which reduces blood viscosity.

In folk medicine, the following properties of horse chestnut are also noted:

  • venotonic, accelerates blood flow in the veins,
  • antithrombotic, helps to reduce blood viscosity, prevents blood clots,
  • pain reliever,
  • wound healing, bactericidal,
  • decongestant, diuretic,
  • antipyretic and diaphoretic,
  • astringent,
  • anti-sclerotic, removes low-density cholesterol from blood vessels, dissolves plaques,
  • antitumor (antioxidant), removes harmful toxins, heavy metal salts and radionuclides, is used after radiation therapy,
  • pain reliever,
  • hemostatic, reduces capillary permeability,
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • antipyretic,
  • astringent, normalizes gastric acidity, improves digestion,
  • eliminates vascular spasms, lowers blood pressure,
  • when used in ointments, it externally promotes the conduction of active substances deep into the focus of inflammation, heals old and purulent wounds, extensive burns, frostbite, deep abscesses.

Talking about the chestnut, I always remember an incident from my life. Every year I prepare herbal ointment for wounds, burns, frostbite, bedsores according to my grandmother's recipe, which also includes horse chestnut.

This is our family recipe with my grandmother, in the power of which we with our relatives and friends have been convinced more than once.

An acquaintance of mine got into surgery with a deep abscess after injections. The wound was deep, festering, drainage was installed. The treatment was difficult, the temperature rose and all signs of intoxication began. I decided to try to offer my own ointment for treatment, brought the jar to the hospital. The patient begged the doctor to bandage this ointment, convincing him that the drug was prepared by a pharmacist under aseptic conditions. The doctor gave the go-ahead. Imagine his surprise when he saw a quick result from the application of horse chestnut ointment. But the story continued.

What diseases is horse chestnut used for?

Preparations that include horse chestnut are used for:

  • vascular atherosclerosis, Raynaud's disease, venous stasis, thrombophlebitis, trophic ulcers of the leg, endarteritis,
  • varicose veins, venous stasis,
  • neuralgia,
  • hemorrhoids,
  • diseases of the gallbladder,
  • increased acidity of gastric juice,
  • diseases of the spleen (malaria, lymphogranulomatosis), leukemia,
  • edema, both renal and cardiac,
  • vascular spasms, heart disease, hypertension,
  • joint pain, arthritis (including shoulder-scapular arthritis), rheumatoid arthritis, arthrosis, spinal hernias, gout,
  • osteochondrosis, radiculitis, lumbago, muscle inflammation, sciatica,
  • diseases of the genitourinary system,
  • bronchitis, shortness of breath, bronchial asthma, pulmonary tuberculosis, pleurisy, whooping cough,
  • prostatitis, prostate adenoma,
  • anemia,
  • oncology, radiation sickness,
  • uterine bleeding, menopause.

Horse chestnut flowers are used externally in the form of rubbing in diseases of the joints, spine, veins, in the treatment of thrombophlebitis, endarteritis, hemorrhoids and other diseases. Tincture of chestnut flowers is widely used for many diseases inside.

Horse chestnut leaves in the form of complex preparations are used as an anti-inflammatory, analgesic agent, as well as for vascular diseases, gynecological diseases, uterine bleeding. Horse chestnut bark is part of complex preparations for diseases of the joints, is part of gastric preparations, has an astringent and antipyretic effect.

Contraindications to the use of horse chestnut:

  • pregnancy,
  • breastfeeding (lactation),
  • low blood pressure (hypotension),
  • severe liver and kidney disease, renal failure,
  • intestinal atony with constipation,
  • children under 12 years old,
  • violation of the menstrual cycle.

In case of an overdose when taken orally, there may be heartburn, nausea, pain in the heart.

Horse Chestnut Recipes

Horse chestnut tincture

We take the fruits of the horse chestnut, clean them from the prickly pericarp, clean the nut from the brown shell, like a potato.

Grind the peeled fruits of horse chestnut with a blender (or through a meat grinder), weigh 100 grams of this minced meat and pour 1 liter of vodka.

Let it brew with daily shaking for 7 days in a dark, cool place.

Take 15 drops in water, pre-strained, three times a day.

It is used for conditions that develop against the background of venous pathology:

  • edematous syndrome,
  • thrombophlebitis,
  • heaviness in the legs, pain, calf cramps,
  • phlebeurysm,
  • atherosclerosis, vascular spasms, hypertension,
  • hemorrhoids,
  • externally for the treatment of blood flow disorders, bruises, bruises, etc.

Horse chestnut pharmaceutical preparations:

Aescusan (in the form of tablets, drops, pills, gel and cream); Esculus (ointment), Herbion esculus (gel), Esculus compositum (drops), Venitan (gel, cream), Reparil (dragee, gel).

Horse chestnut ointment

Peeled and chopped horse chestnut, pour 50 grams of melted inner lard in a thick-walled saucepan

and 250 grams of badger fat from the pharmacy Barsukor. Bring to a boil and let it brew on a small flame for 30 minutes. Turn off, strain through cheesecloth into a sterile jar.

It is used externally for diseases of the veins, hemorrhoids, diseases of the joints, spine.

Currently, horse chestnut is widely used in the collection of dietary supplements and "dietary supplements" creams in combination with other herbs and substances.

As always, you should consult your doctor before use.

Good health!

Pharmacist-herbalist Vera Vladimirovna Sorokina

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