Weasel, affectionate attitude, gentle care. "bliss" in books

The fashion industry does not stand still, it sets in motion everything around it, pulling countless fabrics and textures into the vanguard. And the engine of such progress is rightfully the textile industry!

An incredible variety of fibers, weaves and weights all contribute to the appearance of textured fabrics and textured products. But getting lost in this abundance of clothes is quite simple, because many are still afraid of the specificity of caring for delicate things. Remember how many times you have denied yourself your favorite wool cardigan or silk blouse?

It's time to forget about the difficulties, now there is no need to be afraid that your favorite product will lose color! And all this thanks to only one "Laska"!

The Laska product entered the Russian market back in 1997. Fashion, style, technology changed - and "Laska" improved.

A series of product transformations and improvements in the product formulas have led to the fact that today "Laska" remains a bestseller among products for delicate and delicate things!

Before you buy a powder, it is worth considering, and for what purpose are you purchasing it? Perhaps a white or black product requires special care, or maybe this is your favorite woolen jacket or a bright summer dress that does not "suit" to lose color. In any case, the Laska line of detergents will help:

  • "Weasel the Radiance of Black";
  • "Weasel 3D white restoration";
  • "Weasel Magic of Color" (for colored clothes);
  • "Weasel Wool / Silk";
  • "Laska" Active & Fresh (for sportswear);
  • "Laska" Care & Repair (for damaged tissues).

All black clothes have a tendency to fade, which can be extremely catastrophic, because in just a couple of washes, rich black turns into a faded gray. But the gel-means "Laska Shining Black" will help to keep the deep black color of things.

Step 1. Sorting. Nothing preserves the color of your clothes like washing light and dark items separately.

The fact is that the dye is washed out during washing from both white and black clothes.

And joint washing leads to the "exchange" of dyes: white clothes darken, black - brighten.

Step 2. "Weasel". Gel "Laska" is suitable for both hand and machine wash.

Using it is quite simple: you need to replace the main detergent with gel.

Precisely due to the fact that the gel is designed exclusively for black clothes, its use guarantees the durability, intensity and shine of the color.

Means "Laska" differs from similar ones in that it creates a protective "shell" around the fibers of the fabric, thanks to which the pigment from the fibers does not wash out, and the fabric acquires a rich color and smoothness!

How to use? Use as a basic laundry detergent!

Step 3. Drying. Drying in direct sunlight should be discarded, because the sun will act as a "natural bleach" for black clothes.

White clothes are extremely demanding to care for, because they become dirty, gray or yellow more often than others. Ordinary powder will not cope with such situations, or even worsen them altogether, which cannot be said about "Laska"!

Step 1. Mitigation. The water used to wash white linen must be soft. To do this, add a couple of tablespoons of baking soda to it.

Tip: if you wash in a machine, then pour the soda directly into the drum (the maximum amount is 250 grams).

Step 2. "Weasel". Thanks to the innovative formula, Gel "Laska 3D White Restoration" protects the white color and makes it more resistant, protecting it from the appearance of yellowish and gray shades.

And special enveloping components smooth out rough fibers, giving fabrics a smoothness and shine.

How to use? Hand wash: 40-50 ml (for 5 liters of water). Machine wash: 110 ml (for 4-5 kg \u200b\u200bof laundry) in the main wash compartment (keep the temperature in the range of 30-60 ° C).

The amount of gel can be varied depending on the strength of the contamination in +/- 20 ml of the product.

Colored clothes: what to do?

Step 1. Sorting. It is recommended to wash colored items not just separately from white and black clothes, but only with a similar shade of color: for example, a red towel can be washed with a pink jacket, etc. The same principle of "dye exchange" applies here, as when washing white and black linen together.

Step 2. "Weasel". Gel "Laska Magic of Color" allows you to protect colored fabric from washing out the dye. The protective "shell" formed around the fibers smoothes rough fabric, and makes the color of the product more intense!

How to use? Hand wash: 40-50 ml (for 5 liters of water). Machine wash: 110 ml (for 4-5 kg \u200b\u200bof laundry) in the main wash compartment (keep the temperature in the range of 30-60 ° C).

If washing is carried out in hard water, then it is necessary to add 30 ml over the indicated volume of gel.

Woolen and silk fabrics have not gone out of fashion for many years. And no wonder, because their fibers have exceptional aesthetics, strength and elasticity.

Important: silk and wool are made up of protein fibers, so these fabrics require special care, which can seem difficult and time-consuming.

Step 1. Avoiding frequent washing. Refusal from frequent washing in the case of silk and woolen fabrics is quite justified: they simply do not survive multiple washes, because ordinary powders destroy their fibers.

Therefore, it is very important to use special detergents and gels for washing silk and woolen fabrics!

Silk and wool are self-cleaning! So, if you put on your favorite woolen cardigan once or twice and there are no significant contaminants on it (such as grease stains, etc.), then you should not wash it, because the natural structure of the fibers allows them to get rid of dust and dirt particles on their own.

Wool and silk do not retain the smell well, therefore, you can eliminate excessive odor by simply airing the product.

Step 2. "Weasel". Ordinary powders containing various dietary supplements and enzymes destroy the protein fibers of silk and woolen fabrics, so these types of material should be washed using special means, for example, "Laska Wool / Silk".

Bamboo extract, which is part of the gel, provides gentle care, making things soft and tender.

How to use? Hand wash: 40-50 ml (for 5 liters of water). Machine wash: 110 ml (for 4-5 kg \u200b\u200bof laundry) in the main wash compartment (keep the temperature in the range of 30-40 ° C).

If washing is carried out in hard water, then it is necessary to add 30 ml over the indicated volume of gel.

Step 3. Drying. Dry wool and silk away from direct sunlight and heat sources. Otherwise, the fabric will fade, and the product will "shrink".

Sportswear: what to do?

Special sportswear requires an equally special approach. In this case, Laska Active & Fresh gel with a fresh effect that neutralizes unpleasant odors will be a good helper.

This product provides delicate care and preservation of membrane functions: protection from wind, breathability and resistance to weather conditions.

How to use? Hand wash: 40-50 ml (for 5 liters of water). Machine wash: 110 ml (for 4-5 kg \u200b\u200bof laundry) in the main wash compartment (keep the temperature in the range of 30-60 ° C).

Damaged clothes: there is a way out

After literally several washes, some types of fabric turn into an abundance of pellets and lint. Care & Repair is designed to protect new tissue and restore damaged tissue.

The use of Laska gel guarantees a reduction in the formation of pellets and lint by up to 80%!

How to use? Hand wash: 40-50 ml (for 5 liters of water). Machine wash: 110 ml (for 4-5 kg \u200b\u200bof laundry) in the main wash compartment (keep the temperature in the range of 30-60 ° C).

It's time to stop avoiding fabrics that require special care, because special products have long been created that make the process of washing delicate fibers as easy as possible.

Means "Laska" will be an excellent solution for those who want to extremely quickly and easily preserve the color and texture of their favorite products!

Mother of two children. I have been running a household for over 7 years - this is my main job. I love to experiment, I constantly try various means, methods, techniques that can make our life easier, more modern, richer. I love my family.

Affectionate attitude. What is a 4 letter word?

    I think this word is NEGA. After all, judging by the interpretation of various dictionaries, one can assume exactly that.

    Ushakov's explanatory dictionary: affection, affectionate attitude, gentle care; bliss, rapture.

    Wiktionary: a state of complete contentment, a life without needs and worries; pleasure, delight, bliss, rapture; tenderness, affection, affection.

    Slovopedia: a state of complete contentment, delight, for all sensual needs.

    I'll try to assume that it is bliss... True, I'm not sure that this is really the word that is needed, but one of the meanings of this word is rapture, which expresses tenderness, which, in fact, is very close to affection.

    Of the four letters, the word is very suitable for this question bliss... Check if the letters converge, then this word is correct! Nega is rather a test of bliss and affection in my understanding, but it can also be interpreted with the phrase affectionate attitude.

    There is a word that can define an affectionate attitude. It describes affection, warmth, understanding and much more. This word - bliss, and given the question and the indicated number of letters, it seems to me that only this will fit here.

    I think the word NEGA is the correct answer. If you look at its meaning in the dictionary, then it indicates: life without any worries, pleasure, pleasure, affection, bliss and rapture. Just fits in the meaning and number of letters.

    Of the four words, an affectionate attitude will be only one: NEGA - and rapture from caress, relaxation from feelings, experience of bliss and complete delight. Poets will tell about this feeling better than me, but I completely agree with the desired person - NEGA.

    In another way, tenderness and affectionate attitude can be called NEGA. Therefore, answer NEGA, if you are looking for the correct answer in the game Guess the words for the android platform. Personally, for a long time I could not remember this word, but then it dawned on me.

    This word has four letters. Therefore, not long picking up, I settled on the word bliss. although I usually solve crosswords myself, or look at the answers in order to know the answer to this or that question in the future.

    I think a four-letter affectionate attitude would be NEGA. You can immediately guess what this word means. Means complete contentment. Live in bliss. Bliss, as well as passionate longing and affection.

    A four-letter word is absolutely NEGA... In Dahl's dictionary, Nega is designated as a state of complete contentment, delight, for all sensory needs. For example: He lives in luxury and bliss, all his whims are fulfilled quot ;;

    The hidden word consists of four letters. So it makes it much easier to find the answer. Well, as everyone has already guessed, the correct answer to the question is the word NEGA... This word means tenderness, gentleness. Well, if you look into the Russian language, then the word consists of a root and an ending, where the ending will be the letter a, but this is so, for self-development.

affectionate attitude

Alternative descriptions


Bliss, pleasant state

Passionate longing, caress

Complete contentment

... "Poetic" buzz

... "Bathing" in contentment

Absolute contentment

Blissful state


The bliss of baby sleep

Bliss and sweet languor

Bliss, as well as passionate yearning, affection

Bliss, passionate yearning, affection

Father's will, ... mother's

Another name for pleasant languor

G. state of complete contentment, delight, for all sensory needs. He lives in luxury and bliss; all his whims are fulfilled, all sensual pleasures are at his service. his cattle are kept in bliss, in the hall, in the care, in contentment. Intoxicating, sweet spiritual tranquility, moral, serene delight; dreamy oblivion. I love to twilight in bliss. Drive away the maiden bliss (the friend lashes a whip at the cross at the gate). Thank you for a nigushka, for a red dress (daughter to father)! Father's will, mother's bliss (speaking the bride). We live in bliss, but we go by cart. He who does not live in bliss also rides on a cart. Neglect someone, undead, pamper; keep in bliss, take care, take care of, cherish. We must run him. -sya, to be cherished; Neglect yourself, be in bliss. Negative Wed action by verb. Him (u) sha, notushka vol. an affectionate nickname that expresses love and tenderness, hello. You are the light. my non-lady! song. Disliking, loving peace, all the comforts and pleasures, disliker m. -Bytsa

Life without need and worries

Exceptional contentment

Istoma after pleasant work

The poet's languor

Istoma with a sense of accomplishment

High (outdated)

Kaif through the eyes of a poet

High relaxation

When cared for and cherished

Bathing in contentment

Lazy bliss



Complete bliss

Complete contentment

Complete pleasure

Pleasant languor

Pleasant relax

Pleasant relaxation

Pleasant tiredness

Pleasant state

Relaxed state


Synonym for bliss, pleasant state

Sweet languor

Sweet languor, bliss

Sweet relaxation

State of bliss

Passionate longing

Passion in the gaze

Languor in the gaze

Delight in contentment

Delightful longing

Feeling pleasantly relaxed

... "Bathing" in contentment

... "Poetic" buzz

Nice relax.

Sweet "relaxation"

Blissful state in one word

Pleasant relaxation, languor

We are talking about the difference between male and female affection, care and tenderness.

In a matriarchal, female-centered society, tenderness and care are perceived in a female format. It is believed that male tenderness, care and affection are the same as female, only from the male side. The same actions.

That is, it means some kind of woman-man, an androgyne, who for some reason behaves like a woman. When a woman expects from a man the same actions as she shows love herself, she subconsciously confuses a man and a woman.

Meanwhile, this is a big mistake of a woman. I consider, of course, normal men and women. A strong spirit, independent, self-sufficient, purposeful man, leader, leader of his family. And the feminine, led woman, the keeper of the hearth, the faithful companion of her man, the mother of his children, who believes in her man and follows him.

Women's concern is to create a cozy, comfortable, conflict-free psychological climate in a couple, in a family. With your peace, affection and love to extinguish the anger and annoyance of a man. Remember the hardships that a man went through outside the family and not create additional problems for him in the family. This also applies to loyalty - a woman should behave in such a way that a man does not have a single doubt about the loyalty of his woman.

Male concern is to protect the family from external negative influences, whatever they may be. Solve family problems. Manage your family and your budget wisely and diligently. Act as a fair arbiter in family disputes. Stop large intra-family conflicts and understand their causes. Treat your woman and children with care. And the main thing is responsibility to those who follow him.

Female tenderness and affection is primarily a verbal, bodily, emotional expression of love and affection for her man. Including good sex.

A man expresses tenderness and affection in the form of protection and respect for his woman, preserving her peace. Sex - of course, there are no comments here.

You should not expect from a man lisping and sentimental words. Often women accuse men of not “loving” them, keeping in mind that men do not behave like they do, women. This is due to the fact that most modern women do not know how to be with men. Brought up in families without a father or with a henpecked father, a dumb cattle, they do not see and cannot imagine what a normal man is, how he behaves and how she, a woman, should behave with him. They adopt the style of behavior of a capricious or dominant mother. And the image of men and their supposedly normal behavior is formed from a downtrodden grandma-father, in which unmarried behavior is mixed with unmarried behavior.

A man shows his love not in words, not in lisping, but in deed. The main expression of male concern for the family is his dedication, courage, perseverance in achieving the goal. When a man knows that he is loved, they believe in him, they help him, they trust him and follow him, that the woman has entrusted him with her fate, he will move mountains. And it will be fair to say that some of these rolled mountains are rightfully the merit of a faithful, reliable companion and companion. The women of their leader.

Some men are embarrassed to show their tenderness, affection for a woman. They think they won't look masculine enough. Well, if he only does that he lisps with his beloved, and the rest of the time lives like a vegetable, or, even worse, under the heel of a woman, then there is no point in caring about masculinity. Since there is no masculinity itself.

If he is a strong-minded, firm in intentions, purposeful, independent man in thinking and actions, then maybe episodes of bodily tenderness will help to take off his armor and relax with a loved one? On the contrary, his everyday masculinity will look brighter against the background of these moments of tenderness.

P.S. For me personally, the most gentle expression of caring for a woman is to lull her on my knees, watch her fall asleep with a smile and take care of her sweet dream) This is about affection. The main thing is my Work. Which, including for the sake of loved ones.

This material will be included in the book "To be a woman. To be with a man".

NEGA, bliss, pl. no, wives.

1. Caress, affectionate attitude, gentle care. "Father's will, mother's bliss." talk.

|| Contentment, being content, without need and worries. "His mother was a rich woman, and from childhood he was accustomed to bliss." A. Ostrovsky ... Life in bliss and hall.

2. Bliss, rapture (poet.). "Blessed ... who, having calmed down a cold mind, rests in heartfelt bliss." Pushkin . "You were born for languid bliss, for the rapture of passions." Pushkin . “- What a night! What bliss is all over! " Fet .

  • - ...

    Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

  • - On bliss. Sib. In good conditions; in full abundance. SPS, 115; FSS, 121; SBO-D2, 22 ...

    A large dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - serene; marvelous; burning; life-giving; creepy; perky; gold; affectionate; crafty; lush; sweet; sweet; voluptuous; passionate; calm; secret; painful; languid; delightful ...

    Dictionary of epithets

  • - wives. a state of complete contentment, delight, for all sensual needs. He lives in luxury and bliss; all his whims are fulfilled, all sensual pleasures are at his service ...

    Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - NEGA, -and, wives. ... 1. Complete contentment. Live in bliss. 2. Bliss, as well as passionate longing, affection. Indulge in bliss. N. in gaze ...

    Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - NEGA, bliss, pl. no, wives. 1. Caress, affectionate attitude, gentle care. "Father's will, mother's bliss." talk. || Contentment, being content, without need and worries ...

    Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - bliss. 1. A state of complete contentment; life without need and worries. 2. Bliss, rapture. 3. Tenderness, gentleness ...

    Efremova's explanatory dictionary

  • - n "...

    Russian spelling dictionary

  • - bliss gentle, ukr. níga, blr. , Old Russian own. Nѣzhata, Russian-tslav. nѣga εὑφροσύνη, Serbo-Croatian. ȅga "care, care", Czech. něha. Related to ltsh. naigât, -ãju "to feel the need, to thirst" ...

    Vasmer's Etymological Dictionary

  • - Father's will, mother's bliss ...

    IN AND. Dahl. Russian proverbs

  • - ...

    Word forms

"NEGA" in books

Snowdrop ("Only spring blessed bliss ...")

From the book Tender than the sky. Collection of poems author Minaev Nikolay Nikolaevich

Snowdrop ("Only spring is a blessed bliss ...") Only spring is a blessed bliss Will spread its greetings over the earth, From under the layer of the last snow The first snowdrop will look into the light. Somewhere on a secluded hillock, As if timidly hiding from sight, He will appear as a messenger

author Dmitry Shestakov

32. "The West - all the bliss of the tired sun on it! .."

From the book The Stubborn Classic. Collected Poems (1889-1934) author Dmitry Shestakov

32. "The West - all the bliss of the tired sun on it! .." The West - all the bliss of the tired sun on it! .. So hotly the sun caresses it with a ray, So it burns with its passionate kiss, - As if forever with a loved one says goodbye to him. The west is gloomy and, despising the late caresses, He looks there, where,

From the book Ossetian pies. 1000 and 1 recipe author Kashin Sergey Pavlovich

Soft cheese with dried ham and figs "Nega"

From the book Cheese Dishes author Treer Gera Marksovna

Roast beef with raisins, dried apricots, walnuts, sour cream, cumin, turmeric, ginger and mint "Eastern bliss"

From the book Dishes with raisins, dried apricots and prunes author Treer Gera Marksovna

Nut nougat with honey, proteins and "Nega" waffles

From the book Oriental sweets author Treer Gera Marksovna

Inside thighs: silk and bliss

From the book The Art of Being a Woman author Frolova Evgeniya Valentinovna

Inside the thighs: silk and bliss The more skillful the stimulation of the erogenous zones, the sweeter the sex. Remember that the most sensitive areas are those that are rich in nerve receptors, and the closer they are to the genitals, the stronger the arousal.

Sensual bliss of stone therapy

From the book Geisha School in 10 Easy Lessons author Tanaka Eliza

Sensual Bliss of Stone Therapy Alternatively, to relax your body, try one of the geisha's favorite treatments - hot stone massage (stone therapy). Stone therapy is no less ancient than, say, hydrotherapy or thalassotherapy. IN


author Tanaka Eliza

CHAPTER 3 SENSE AND BATHROOM BACKGROUND Almost all Japanese traditions were borrowed from the Chinese, but the concept of cleanliness belongs to the Japanese, is their own idea. For them, taking a bath meant being cleansed both physically and spiritually.


From the book Sexual Practices of the East. Geisha love art author Tanaka Eliza

SENSUAL SLICE OF STONE THERAPY Alternatively, try one of the geisha's favorite treatments - hot stone massage (stone therapy) to relax the body. Stone therapy is no less ancient than, say, hydrotherapy or thalassotherapy. IN

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