Nikolai the saint, an ambulance, I call you. Prayer I ask you, saint of God, Saint Great Nicholas

Our world is a world of symbols and signs. A hard fate awaits those who, like an illiterate, look and do not see, and, like a deaf person, listen and do not hear. Prayer to the saints is an opportunity to see and hear these reflections and echoes of the invisible world...

In a small house on the outskirts of Kozelsk - silence. From the window you can see the golden domes of the Optina churches. Only the Zhizdra River separates us from Optina. Quiet, slowly falling snow. One or two travelers will pass by the house in a day, and sometimes not a single one. But I don't feel alone.

In the corner of the room is a prayer corner. Large icons of the Savior and the Blessed Virgin. Smaller - the image of the saints, our intercessors and intercessors before the Lord God. They look from the icons, and I feel their invisible presence. They are real. And even more alive than many of us, who spend our lives in vanity, in pursuit of the superfluous, often completely unnecessary. But we realize it too late. We sometimes seem to sleep, and in this dream we spend most of our lives.

By praying to the saints, we enter into communion with them. And it's always a dialogue. True, we do not always understand the answers. Because they come not in the form of words, but in the form of changing circumstances of life, and already these circumstances bring healing from illness, and liberation from passion, and comfort in sorrow. Sometimes the answers seem strange: we feel that this is the answer to our prayer, but it is not at all what we expected it to be. And only then do we understand that this particular scenario was the best for us. It happens that the answers are delayed, and for many years, but why they were delayed, we also do not immediately understand.

Two years ago, I prayed that I wouldn't be laid off at my favorite job. It seemed to me that the loss of this job would be a complete collapse for me. And I wondered why there was no answer to my fervent prayer.

And now, when, by the grace of God, I live near Optina Hermitage and even carry out obedience in the monastery, I work for an Orthodox publishing house, for a wonderful Orthodox newspaper, I think with horror that this might not have happened if my ardent desire to stay on work was completed.

This is very similar to how a tired and sick child himself no longer knows what he wants. And cries, and sobs excitedly, and reaches for the outlet, the hot pot on the stove, to the open window. And the mother carefully rocks him and feeds him, warms him in her arms. And what she does for him is the best. That is why we add after the prayer: “Thy will be done, and not mine, Lord!”

Our spiritual life is like climbing mountains. The higher we rise, the more clearly we see everything that surrounds us. We comprehend the past, comprehend the meaning and direction of the present, distinguish the peak of the future in a foggy haze.

The saints have traveled this path. They look at our life from there, from the top, and know more about us than we know about ourselves. They see our path to God, often ornate and complex.

Optina monk S. before the monastery was a frequent pilgrim to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. He had an atheist uncle who flatly refused to believe in God. S. loved his uncle very much and each time, being in the Lavra, he submitted a note for him for a prayer service to St. Sergius of Radonezh. Three years later I received a letter in which my uncle wrote that he had become a believer - he wrote this letter after confession and communion.

S. smiles brightly:

- Father Sergius of Radonezh begged my uncle!

One student I knew was talking to classmates about God. Someone considered himself a believer, someone doubted. And my acquaintance, without knowing why, suddenly said:

- Soon we will graduate from the institute, they will be drafted into the army. I'll believe in God if I serve in Kyiv and in Germany!

- At the same time, right? This is impossible!

“But then I’ll believe if the impossible happens!”

Why did he suddenly start talking about Kyiv, and even added Germany, he himself is still surprised. However, when the student was drafted into the army, they were first sent to study in Kyiv, and then to Germany. Now he is an Optina monk.

Abbot A. recalls the fate of his countryman. Vasily was already an elderly man, he worked at a water pump. Somehow shared his story. He fought, was in captivity. He survived hunger and bullying, became very weak and was already preparing for death. At that time he was an unbeliever. When, on a cold October day, the prisoners were transported in an ice wagon, he, half-dressed, frozen, emaciated, was already preparing for death. My legs were so frozen that they couldn't move. And when the car stopped and the prisoners began to be thrown out of it, Vasya prayed to God.

He prayed, pressing himself against the boards of the wagon, and waited for the end. To his amazement, the escort who was checking the carriage looked directly at him, but did not notice. Vasily became, as it were, invisible. The column of prisoners left, and he got out and managed to cross the front line. He remembered this day for the rest of his life and, returning home, told his wife the wonderful story of his salvation.

To which she replied:

- You will celebrate in the church, Vasya! After all, all morning in the temple I prayed to the Most Holy Theotokos to cover you with Her invisible cover! After all, this is the feast of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos!

Do I need to add that Vasily became a deeply religious person.

Our prayers are quickly heard by the saints - quick helpers. One Optina hierodeacon N. greatly reveres St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, making it a rule to read an akathist to him every day. Once, having learned about the return of acquaintances from Bari, where the relics of the saint rest, he sighed sadly:

“Father Nicholas the Wonderworker, I read you an akathist every day, but I have never been to Bari and I have no opportunity to go there ...

In less than a few days, a monastic benefactor called Father N.:

– Father N., would you like to go to Bari?

And it so happened that in six months Father Hierodeacon visited the coveted Bari three times, which came as a complete surprise to him. A gift from St. Nicholas the Wonderworker…

Father Nicholas the Wonderworker also helped him in other circumstances. Somehow, Father Hierodeacon was lucky enough to visit Mount Athos. He arrived at the pier, from where they go to the island, but he was late - the last boat left. It is getting dark, the sea is stormy... He went down to the pier, and he himself reads a prayer to St. Nicholas. Appealed to fishermen on boats. But they all unanimously refused to take him:

- Stormy, father! No one here will help you! What are you muttering there? No, here you and Nicholas the Wonderworker is not an assistant! Let's go from the pier, enough to freeze already ...

Suddenly, the sound of a boat is heard and, under the surprised exclamations of the fishermen, the returned ship comes to the pier. It turns out that they forgot to grab a couple of bags from the mail. They returned for them.

"Won't you take me with you too?" I will cry!

- Take it, father! And take no money! You will help us carry one bag to the monastery, and we will take you for free!

They got to Athos. Father Hierodeacon brings a small mail bag to St. Panteleimon Monastery and, beside himself with joy, goes to the vigil.

The whole world preaches to you, Blessed Nicholas, a quick intercessor in troubles: as if many times in one hour, traveling on the earth and sailing on the sea, anticipating, helping, saving everyone from the evil, crying out to God: Alleluia.

Sometimes the saints are slow to help us in our requests. There are spiritual reasons for this. But they always pray for us.

One worker from Optina, L., told me about how her son lost his job. The mother was very worried about her son. A widow, she worked in Optina on an obedience and could not help with money. L. began to pray to her beloved saint, Nicholas the Wonderworker, with a request to help her son. Every day she read an akathist, but there was no help. The son could not find a job.

When the mother came for advice to Abbot A. of Optina, he blessed her to ask for the intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos. L. began to pray to the Mother of God. And her son found a job, and a very good one, too. Mother rejoiced and thanked the Most Holy Theotokos with tears in her eyes.

But L. could not understand why her beloved Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker did not help in this situation. When she prayed in bewilderment at the icon of the saint, as if asking him for a reason, she suddenly remembered, and very clearly, how her son refused to put in the car the icon of St. Nicholas that she had presented, saying that he did not believe in the help of the saints and would completely do without it. .

The mother again went to Abbot A. with the question: “Is the saint really offended?” Father A. smiled and explained to her that saints are not offended. But Nicholas the Wonderworker is a strict and just saint. He, of course, heard the mother's prayers, but, perhaps, he asked the Lord for her son not to quickly find a job, but to be humble. However, Nikolai Ugodnik is not only strict, but also very merciful, so the mother can be sure that he would not allow her son to disappear.

When L. went to visit her son, she actually noticed a change in him. The difficult job-seeking situation had shaken off his youthful self-confidence. He became somehow softer, more humble. And when the son met his mother at the station and took him home, in his car, in a place of honor, she saw the very icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Optina monk M. said that when he lived in the world, he had big financial problems. Money was desperately needed to save his company, and M. fervently prayed to his beloved St. John the Baptist. But the situation did not change, money was getting worse, and one evening, after an akathist to St. John, M. said bitterly, looking at the icon:

“So I pray to you, father John, I pray, but you don’t hear me at all!”

That same night, in a thin dream, M. saw St. John the Baptist, who said to him sternly:

- Well, why are you asking me to help you with money ?! I didn't even hold them in my hands! You would ask the fathers of Nicholas the Wonderworker or Spiridon of Trimifuntsky ... Yes, they helped with money ...

- Do you think I can't hear you? I pray for you. I only ask for you another ... Better ...

When M. woke up, the gentle voice of St. John the Baptist sounded in his ears until the evening. And when he remembered his words “I pray for you”, then tears flowed down his cheeks - bright and joyful. Then M. remembered that this saint is considered the patron saint of monastics. And then life circumstances developed in such a way that M. ended up in a monastery, which he not only does not regret, but says with joy:

- Well, how, Lord! What money is there? I forgot about them! What mercy of God to me is to live in Optina Hermitage!

It is worth adding that M. lives in the Optina monastery in honor of St. John the Baptist.

The Monk Barsanuphius of Optina spoke about the saints:

“Saints who imitated God in the highest degree are called so - reverend, but in what way are they similar to God? If you take a few drops of water, although they will be small, but in their properties they resemble the lake or river from which they are taken. So the saints borrow from the Lord His attributes: goodness, love, mercy – and thereby become like the Lord.”

And the holy righteous John of Kronstadt shared his own experience:

“You wonder how the saints listen to us from heaven when we pray to them. And how do the rays of the sun from heaven bow to us and shine everywhere - all over the earth? Saints are the same in the spiritual world as the rays of the sun are in the material world. God is the eternal, life-giving Sun, and the saints are the rays of the intelligent Sun.

For earthly helpers, for the most part, you need to send and sometimes wait for a long time when they come, but you don’t need to send for these spiritual helpers and wait a long time: the faith of the one who prays in an instant can place them at your very heart, as well as accept full help by faith, I mean spiritual. What I say, I speak from experience.

I mean the frequent deliverance from sorrows of the heart through the intercession and intercession of the saints, especially the intercession of our Lady, the Theotokos. Perhaps, some will say to this, that simple faith or firm, resolute confidence in one's deliverance from sorrow, and not the intercession of the saints before God, is at work here. No. From what is it visible? From the fact that if I do not call on the saints known to me in heartfelt prayer, if I do not see them with the eyes of my heart, then I will not receive any help, no matter how much I have confidence to be saved without their help.

Apostles, martyrs and prophets, saints, reverend and righteous, who have accomplished a good deed and kept the faith, having boldness to the Savior, for us, as Good, pray to be saved, we pray, to our souls.

And these stories were told to me by the constant Optina pilgrim Marina. She allowed me to write them down, changing the names of all the heroes. Marina is about fifty; short, lively, she travels to Optina with her husband Ivan for many years. For the last five years they have been coming to the monastery also to see their son Maxim, who has chosen the monastic path for himself.

He chose this path from childhood, when he went to church with deeply believing parents. As he grew older, the boy sang in the kliros and even performed the altar. Once he dreamed of a monastery, and in his dream he experienced such a feeling of peace and grace that, upon waking up, he could not forget his dream and described to his parents the view of this monastery and its temples. Yes, so detailed that they were only surprised. Their surprise increased even more when they arrived for the first time in Optina Pustyn and the teenager said: “Mom, dad, I saw this place in a dream! I recognized him! And I want to stay here!”

After serving in the army, Maxim came to the monastery and really stayed in it. Now he is already a novice (and in Optina for years they have been walking in labor, because there are many who want to stay and choose worthy ones). Maxim also sings on the kliros and studies at the Theological Seminary.

Having got to know this close-knit family, I heard these stories.

Once the head of the family, Ivan, worked for a monastery. They made an openwork beautiful cast-iron staircase for descending to the miraculous source. There was a lot of work. The head of this construction appreciated the hard work with dignity, but the foreman was caught unscrupulous and constantly did not pay extra to the workers. The debt grew, and when the construction was completed, the foreman, having come up with some unintelligible reason, refused to pay Ivan a rather large amount.

Ivan was upset: having worked for several months on construction, he had no other source of income, and he had to feed his family. Yes, what can you do...

It's been about a month.

On November 4, on the feast of the Kazan Mother of God (and this is the family's favorite icon), the three of them went to the same monastery for service. They come and go along the path to the temple. And suddenly Ivan sees: something glitters in the grass next to the path. Leans over - a golden pin! And on the pin is a gold ring and a pair of gold rings. Ivan even gasped.

He shows the gold to his wife and son, who also gasp. Then Marina thoughtfully says this:

– Listen, maybe the Mother of God is sending you for unpaid money? Look how many people passed and no one noticed! And right into your hands! What a miracle! And look - everything is new! Maybe we should leave it to ourselves? Or give away? What do you say, men?

Husband and son thought. And then Maxim says:

- Mom, you always taught me that you can’t take someone else’s! Remember, I was five years old and I found ten rubles? And you and I put them in a box in the temple for donation. Do you remember?

Ivan thought for a moment and said decisively:

- No, this is someone else's gold! Let's take him to the temple!

Marina looked at her men:

- Well, good! I even felt relieved from my heart! This is not our gold - we will not take it! Now, if someone gave us a present - then another matter! And so - no! Let's take it to the temple.

So they did. They asked, if the owner is not found, to spend on the monastery. Maybe the riza needs to be ordered or decorated for the icon of the Kazan Mother of God…

Marina admits that while she had this gold in her hands, she felt anxious - as if some kind of test was passing. And how they gave it away - my heart became so joyful, so easy!

They stand in the service, a holiday in the heart. Suddenly a tall man comes up to Ivan and whispers something. Ivan turns around - and this is the head of construction. And behind him, the foreman looms. Ivan's boss thanks him in a whisper for the excellent work and asks:

- Did you get all the money?

– No, not all.

And Ivan calls the amount of the debt. The chief nods his head and turns to the foreman. Ivan does not see the boss's face, but notices that the foreman backs away in fright, turns around and runs away. Ivan is surprised at such a turn, but is silent. Five minutes later, the foreman comes running, in the presence of the chief, he repays the debt to Ivan, bows several times and, backing away, disappears behind the column.

This is how the family celebrated...

There was another story with debts. In his construction company, Ivan was engaged in installation. Finally, the work is completed, the installers are waiting for the calculation, and the director announces that there will be no money. The company, they say, went bankrupt and is being liquidated. The workers began to be indignant and made a noise. The chief came out to them and said:

- What do you not understand? The company is liquidated! To whom I owe - I forgive everyone! Claims can send to the Lord God! Did you understand everything?

He turned and disappeared behind a metal door.

Ivan only thought:

“He shouldn’t be so talking about claims ... When a person is deprived of what he has earned, this is such a sin that, in fact, according to the Bible, it cries out to God for punishment ... It would be better for him not to joke like that with deceived people ...

He came home, tells his wife that the workers were going to file a lawsuit, they wrote a statement. Whether it's right or not, they don't know. And a lawyer has already been found ...

Marina, when her husband told her about this, was just about to go to the church for the service. I decided instead of the service to run to the same lawyer, to find out if the application was drawn up correctly. If it's correct, then give it away right away.

Went to a lawyer. I put on a raincoat I bought the other day - beautiful, Polish. At that time it was difficult to buy one. Although Marina was never attached to things, even then she admired herself, looking at herself in the mirror: a beautiful new thing, and sewn with high quality.

He enters the court building, and there are two doors: the entrance, iron, and another one through the lobby. And it seemed there was nothing for Marina to catch on to, but she tore her new thing, clinging to some kind of metal squiggle. Yes, so much so that it is not clear how it can all be sewn up. Basically, the item is damaged. (So ​​she then didn’t wear this cloak anymore).

Marina began to cry, turned around and went where she had been going from the very beginning - to the temple. I made it to the end of the service, went up to the priest after the service, and told everything. And he says to her:

- And this is a sign for you! Maybe you shouldn't apply...

And he told her about the Optina elder Leo:

“A potter, one of his spiritual children, came to the elder. They stole from him the wheels of the wagon, on which he took the pots prepared by him to the market. He told the old man that he knew the thief and could find the wheels.

“Leave it, Semyonushka, don’t chase your wheels,” the old man replied. And he explained to the potter that then he would get rid of the big ones with a little sorrow.

The potter listened to the elder and, according to his testimony, then he was threatened with great misfortunes, but the Lord always delivered him from them.”

So Marina and her husband did not apply. A year has passed. And now Ivan meets a worker who worked with him in that company. He asks him how the case ended, whether they paid off their debt.

It turns out that the director, after the liquidation of the company, opened a new one, named it differently and began to work quietly, hiring new employees. The new company existed for several months, fulfilled the order, and the owner began to talk about bankruptcy and liquidation of the already new company. New employees began to demand their money, and out of habit he:

- To whom I owe - I forgive everyone! Claims - to God!

Only on the same day he went in his car somewhere on business. With him was his old accountant, who helped him to create all these machinations. There were also three new workers in the car. There's been an accident. And here's what is surprising: the workers - not a scratch. A director with an accountant - to death. Such a sad story...

Marina, seeing that I have become sad from the last story, tries to cheer me up and tells me another one. It happened with her friend Svetlana.

She bought herself a beautiful mink hat in the shape of earflaps. When it was cold, she fastened her ears, hemming an elastic band imperceptibly - and she wore it. Meanwhile, in their small town, some thief began to rip off women's hats. He will watch for a lonely woman, tear off his hat from his head and run away - try to catch up with him.

And here comes Svetlana in the evening from work, it's already dark. Nobody around. She hears someone following her. She quickened her pace - and the pursuer sped it up. Svetlana could not stand it, she ran - and the man ran after her. There is already a trolleybus stop nearby, only the pursuer almost caught up with her. Svetlana turned around a little and saw that he was holding out his hand to her hat.

And at that moment, when she looked back on the run, she lost her balance, slipped and fell. Yes, she fell so hard that she knocked the cap thief off her feet. And when she threw up her hands, falling, she felt her fist hit him right in the nose. She herself fell not painfully, but the pursuer was knocked down thoroughly. She feels that she has dropped her hat. She fumbled around with her hands, grabbed her hat, got up and rushed to the approaching trolleybus.

I jumped into the trolleybus, and he drove off. Svetlana looks out the window: a man is sitting on the snow and the outgoing transport sees him off with a confused look. She looked down at the hat she was holding in her hands - and this was not her hat at all. And the pursuer. Where is her own hat? She, it turns out, flew off her head, but did not fall - she hangs on an elastic band at the back.

After this incident, they stopped taking off their hats from women. The hat thief disappeared somewhere. Maybe he took note of the loss of his own hat? How's the sign?

I listen to these stories and think: how everything is interconnected in our lives! It's just that sometimes it's easy to see causal relationships, and sometimes it's hard. But they definitely are.

In our time, one often hears complaints about human callousness and indifference to other people's suffering, that there are no people who would be able to approach their neighbors in the difficult moments they are going through, even with one word of consolation and affection.

And in fact, one does not have to be very observant to see for oneself how much callousness, spiritual coldness and selfishness surround us in our lives. We are too mired in our interests, joys and sorrows, we see too little behind these walls what is happening around us and our egoistically isolated lives. And just the opposite acceptance of life is revealed to us on those pages, which, alas, we so rarely have to touch - on the pages of the lives of the saints - God's workers, God's righteous, God's Hierarchs. And now we are commemorating St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Archbishop of the Lycian Worlds, who lived in the 4th century during the First Ecumenical Council.

The Holy Church briefly draws the image of the saint for us: “In Mirech, holy, the clergyman appeared to you: Christ, reverend, having fulfilled the Gospel, you laid down your soul for your people ...”

Saint of a wide and deep, Christian loving heart, St. Nicholas truly laid down his soul for his friends, and this “position of the soul” is full of everything, so loved by the Russian people, his life.

Here he boldly saves from death, here with truly Christian delicacy he saves three maidens from the sinful life, “for a bad marriage of poverty for the sake of those prepared.”

Finally, he is the posthumous protector and friend of all those who grieve and are embittered, revered even by the world, not enlightened by the radiance of the teachings of Christ. And all because he managed, and most importantly, wanted the saint now remembered by us, not only in words, but in real life, to become a executor of the Law of God's Love and God's Truth, revealed to us in the revelation of the Gospel.

Therefore, glorifying his memory, the Church offers us a living example of his spiritually beautiful life.

"He loves you Russians"

Archimandrite Illiodor (Golovanitsky), a resident of the Glinskaya Hermitage, who in 1850 made a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, testifies to the miracle performed by St. Nicholas.

The ship with pilgrims passed by the city of Lycian Myra, where the tomb of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is located. The captain of the ship, in order not to waste time, decided not to stop in this holy place for Christians, because the weather and wind were favorable, and none of the pilgrims knew about Myrlikia. But as soon as the ship caught up with the city, a strong wind blew from the sea and the ship was carried to the shore. The measures taken to resist were unsuccessful and the ship was driven into the bay. The captain, wanting to insist on his own, turned the ship around and again went to sea. But the wind blew with such force that they barely had time to drop anchor so that the ship would not crash against the rocks. Then the captain, pointing to the shore, excitedly shouted to the pilgrims: “Go to him (meaning St. Nicholas!); he did it! He loves you Russians.” Having said these words, the captain retired to the cabin. The pilgrims did not understand what was the matter until the sailors explained to them that the tomb of St. Nicholas was located here. Having landed on the shore, they hurried to the place of the tomb of the Wonderworker. Archimandrite Ioanniky, filled with pure joy, poured out grateful, cordial feelings to his patron, Saint Nicholas, for having so miraculously given him the opportunity to bow to the place of his burial. Arriving at the church and presenting himself to the tomb of the Saint, Archimandrite Ioanniky laid on himself an epitrachelion and began a prayer service. Singers from among the pilgrims sang: "To the King of Heaven" and so on, and he reverently bowed to the ground. At this time, the lamp, which hung at a great height, poured out on him, and again returned to its usual position, not swaying at all. This event surprised everyone; they all said with one voice: “The Saint pours out mercy on the Archimandrite.” After the molieben, Archimandrite Ioanniky wished to make sure that he had not accidentally touched the lamps. He tried to reach the lamp with his hand, but could not even reach close to it.

Continuing the journey, the pilgrims soon had the opportunity to experience the mercy and patronage of St. Nicholas. According to the story of the elder himself and the monk Gregory accompanying him, “as soon as the ship left the coast of Mirliki and went out to sea, we, being on the deck, saw on the right side across our ship a sailing ship that approached us at a close distance; at this time, the captain of our ship began to fuss and gave the command; put our ship sideways, assuming a pose of resistance. The ship also stopped and very close, but no people were visible on it. The helmsmen and sailors were in lockdown. The pilgrims who were on the ship, unaware of the danger, crowded around the side with curiosity, examining the ship of sea pirates. The captain of the ship, realizing the danger of a raid by sea robbers, was terribly excited and made the proper orders for resistance. At that time, a man on the ship in red clothes appeared from the hold (probably it was the chieftain of pirates), looked at the ship and shouted something; the ship turned and began to move away. When it disappeared, the sailors then told the pilgrims what the death of the ship and all those on it was. In such cases, the robber ship quickly approaches the ship. Pirates, throwing hooks on board, armed quickly move to the ship and cut out everyone on it. Having robbed everything, the ship is drilled and allowed to sink. But here something prevented them from committing a crime. Then all those who were under this circumstance saw the merciful patronage of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, who miraculously shed oil from the lamp on the one who loved him, as a sign of the mercy that he showed here during the impending danger. All those on the ship, together with Archimandrite Ioannikius, gave thanks to their deliverer, St. Nicholas of Christ.

The Glinskaya manuscript supplements this story in the following way. “Several hours of sailing have passed; a black dot appeared in the distance. The captain went on a boat there and returned very sad. Archimandrite Ioanniky asked him what he saw there? The captain replied: “Through someone's prayers, the Lord saved us! We would have what that ship. Everyone in it was cut, everyone was robbed, the ship was drilled, and now it is sinking into the sea.”

“He will raise your children for you! Grow up!”

I want to tell a story about the help of the heavenly intercessor Nikolai Ugodnik to our family!

After the war, my grandfather, Nikolai, became seriously ill with his heart, and he had three children. He got worse and worse. My grandmother, Maria, was a believer and she decided to ask for help from Nikolai Ugodnik. All night long she prayed with tears for the recovery of her husband at the icon of the saint. In the morning she fell asleep and had a dream: Nikolai Ugodnik comes to her and says (I quote his words verbatim): “Why are you killing yourself like that, servant of God Mary ?! He will raise your children for you! Grow up!” As soon as he said this, my grandmother woke up. Since then, grandfather began to gradually get better. He was getting better and he almost recovered! Almost 30 years have passed since that dream, and my grandmother completely forgot about it. And her last daughter was to be married. She applied to the registry office at 3 pm, and at 4 pm ... my grandfather Nikolai died of a heart attack. This is how the words of the Pleaser of God came true - exactly the same !!! He raised children. Raised.

Pray to him, good people, he really helps.

God bless you!


People! Be sure to get help
Great Wonderworker Nicholas!

I beg you, please, if possible, publish my story on your website in the section on miracles. Save you God!

In the summer of 2007, my mother had a non-healing wound on her nose, then such a pink bubble began to inflate. At first we thought it was a mole or a wart, but since no home remedies worked, my mother went to a dermatologist. At first the doctor said that it was some kind of infection and prescribed a treatment that did not work. I was referred to another dermatologist, who said that this is a common wart and it can be removed, only it is necessary to do an analysis for atypical cells before that. The first analysis did not show their presence, a second one was prescribed. Finally they were found and diagnosed with basalioma. This is a type of skin cancer, which, thank God, does not metastasize and, if detected early, is easily cured. Until an accurate diagnosis was made, which lasted about two months, we prayed to the Lord, the Most Holy Theotokos, and, lately, I began to pray to St. Nicholas in order to finally determine the diagnosis and so that the disease is not serious. I
I promised Saint Nicholas that if everything went well, I would write about his great intercession before the Lord about us sinners and weak in faith. When this tumor was removed by a laser, the doctor told her that you would now leave the door without it diagnosis.

God bless!

People! Be sure to resort to the help of the Great Wonderworker Nicholas and believe that he will NEVER leave you, even if everyone has left you, and will grant what you ask for the Glory of God.
Holy Father Nicholas, pray to God for us!

R. B. Natalia.

Thank God for everything

Hello, dear creators of this site. You are doing a good deed, to the glory of God and His Great Saint Nicholas. I read and my soul rejoiced. I made a promise to Father Nicholas that I would write to you about His great intercession towards me, the sinful servant of God Vitaly.

It happened about five years ago. I smoked and smoked a lot, from the age of 14. And then one night, when I was on duty at work, the thought came to me to leave this bad habit. It was here that I soon became ill. The local priest advised to pray to the Saint of God Nicholas, “Read the akathist, the Lord is not without mercy!” Temptation is temptation, I began to look for an akathist, there is nowhere! I prayed. My friend Kolya also presented a small shabby pamphlet with an akathist and life to Father Nikolai. I began to read the akathist, I read it as if I were taking medicine. Forty days I made a vow to subtract and subtracted! Since then, I have not smoked, Glory to our Lord and the Pleasant Nikolai. Many times Father Nikolay helped me. I once happened to accept persecution at work. For my sins, the Lord punished. Serve me! I began to cry, I read the akathist again for 40 days. The enemies retreated, I returned to work.

And the next time the owners let me down with work, they gave me a penny salary for a month, I began to pray, read an akathist to the Father and Intercessor of our Most Holy Theotokos. Soon a work was found, right next to the Temple in honor of the Saint of God Nicholas!

And here again: recently I fell ill, I was afraid of pain, I thought about appendicitis, I prayed to Father Nicholas, Mother Xenia, I asked for their Holy Prayers to Our Lord Jesus Christ. Everything worked out. I promised to write to you. The Lord did many more miracles through the prayers of His Saint, I can’t count everything, maybe I forgot that, forgive me, Lord. Now I'm having trouble at work. I ask you, my dears, pray for me, a sinner, print my letter. Let many know that God is wondrous in His saints!

I end with this. Forgive me and thank God for everything.

Ansimov Vitaly

I quit smoking, although before that I smoked for 20 years without stopping.

Saint Nicholas, God-pleaser, pray to God for us!

I want to write about the miracles that happened to me by the grace of God and through the prayers of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker!

In 2005, a misfortune happened to me - late in the evening I was returning from work. On the way home, she talked on her cell phone. At this time, several people attacked me from behind, threw me on the asphalt and started kicking me in the head. Their goal was to take possession of my mobile and bag. She barely remembered how she crawled home, the result was a brain contusion. The treatment was long.

Naturally, during the treatment, I lost my job. It was very difficult to find her, and I felt very ashamed to sit on my mother's neck. I went to the temple, and at confession I complained to the priest about my problem. Batiushka advised me to read the akathist to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker as a quick helper in troubles and misfortunes. I began to read the akathist every day, and in a short time I found a job. In addition, at that time I was alone and, while reading the akathist, I also asked Father Nikolai about organizing my personal life. And at the new place of work I met my future husband!

When we got married, severe trials began in our new family - at the same time they lost their jobs, money, I lost faith in my abilities, severe despondency took possession of me. This went on for a year. And I remembered my wonderful helper, Father Nikolai, and again I began to read the akathist every day and tearfully pray for help. And again a miracle happened - I found a good job, and, no less important for me, I quit smoking, although before that I had been smoking for 20 years without stopping, and this decision came as a matter of course, although earlier I could not do even an hour without a cigarette! Thank God for everything!!! Now I pray to the merciful Lord and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker to send us a miracle - a baby.

Holy Saint Nicholas, pray to God for us!!

R.B. Natalia

Airplane case.

I heard this story in the 70s from people who did not know each other, from the civil aviation pilot Alexei, from the priest E-ya; from the testimonies a story is made.

We flew on course. And suddenly, right in front of us - a huge cloud. It’s impossible to fly around it, because we have a task, a route, and so on. And then, near the clouds, an old man or a janitor appeared with a beard, in church vestments and with a broom in his hands. In general, he looks like Saint Nicholas - then I looked at the icons: he is the only one who looks like. This elder began to make circular movements with a broom, as if dispersing a cloud or clearing a passage, making a tunnel in it. And indeed, a large hole was formed - and they flew through this hole through the cloud. The sun was shining on the other side of the cloud. It's hard to believe, but Saint Nicholas helped us. And the whole crew saw him. We constantly recalled this incident, we were very surprised.

Help in the hostel.

This happened this summer in a workers' hostel, next to the Trinity market in Dnepropetrovsk.

Ekaterina, a middle-aged woman, short and thin, working in a state institution, was in great need of funds: the salary was small, there was no one to wait for help, often she had to sit hungry. She was repeatedly evicted from the hostel. The search for another job did not bring success.

One day her friends gave her a small icon of St. Nicholas with a prayer and advised to pray to him as a protector and helper of all those in need.

And I must say that in addition to all the troubles, a well-known drunkard in the hostel, already expelled by his second wife, began to cling to the woman. The harassment was accompanied by unchaste proposals to become another “wife”. No matter how hard the woman tried to avoid contact, it did not help: he did not want to let go.

And on one of the summer nights, he began to break into Catherine's room with a demand to immediately open and submit. There is nowhere to wait for help for a woman: there is no phone, and neighbors in such situations prefer not to interfere. The door is flimsy, barely keeps on its hinges, there is nothing even to support it. One hope is for the castle.

Despair gripped Catherine, and she pleaded: “Lord! Mother of God! Nicholas the Wonderworker! Help me!". Began to baptize the door.

A few minutes passed, and - oh, a miracle! The bully stopped breaking, and his receding steps were heard. For some reason, he began to knock on the neighbors - first to one, then to another. Nobody opened it for him. He could be heard trying to open the window in the corridor, but no longer approached the door. After a few hours everything was quiet.

... In the morning, a night visitor approached Catherine and asked with unexpected peacefulness:

- What kind of grandfather lives with you?

“I don’t have anyone, no grandfather!”

“Tell me, I saw it myself!” Yes, so gray-haired, with a beard! When I broke into you at night, he came out of your room - and let's chase me. I go to the neighbors - he follows me, I go to the window - he follows me. So until the morning and chased, until I finally went to bed ...

Katya goes to work and thinks: what kind of grandfather, how could this be?

And suddenly he remembers: after all, I called on Nikola Ugodnik, that's who it was!

After this incident, the impudent harassment stopped, and indeed the “boyfriend” stopped showing up to Catherine’s eyes. And later, through prayers, additional work was found. And with the hostel, everything was decided well: the persecutors who claimed her room moved out themselves, and peace reigned!

Saint Nicholas, pray to God for us!

R.B. Tatiana, Dnepropetrovsk

R.B. Natalia

Saved me from death

When I was six years old, I went to the river to swim. It was easy and pleasant to swim, but suddenly he began to sink. So much so that my whole short life began to “swim” in color pictures in front of me almost from the very birth. And I must say, I always really liked St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. So I began, apparently, therefore, to shout: “Father Nikolai, help!”. Then some force pushed me up. I see: the old man is already turning his back on me and leaving. I got to the shore and decided to run after it. But he kind of vanished into thin air.

I think it was Saint Nicholas who saved me from death.

Yuri Vladimirovich

Meeting with Nicholas the Wonderworker

In the early spring of 1989, I went to the village of Zlatogorovo. I got off the train at the 57th kilometer, went, but a small stream on the road overflowed so that I couldn’t get through. How to be - I do not know. I thought. Not a soul around. But suddenly I see a man of average height next to me.

“What, do you have to go? - says, - you have cracks on your boots. I will help you". Indeed, he put something hard in the middle of the stream, apparently an ice floe. I followed it to the other side.

I looked around and there was no one there. Around the field for several kilometers, you can not hide. There was a man - and no more.

For a long time I stood, wondering at this, until I remembered where I had seen him: on the icon. On a large wooden antique icon. Now, when I come to the temple, the first thing I do is kiss His icon. It may seem unbelievable to you, but I personally met with the living priest Nicholas the Wonderworker.

She was embarrassed to talk about this until she saw on TV the artist Lyubov Sokolova, talking about a similar incident.

Anna G. Privalova

Through prayers to Nicholas the Wonderworker

I want to write about a miracle that happened through prayers to the Pleasant of God Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Mother's friend Vera is an elderly woman; receiving a minimum pension, she was forced to collect alms in order to feed her paralyzed husband, daughter, four grandchildren and son serving a prison term. Unchurched, knowing almost nothing about God, Vera is the only non-drinking adult in the family. And the husband, and the daughter, and even the older (minor!) granddaughter and grandson drank everything, up to denatured alcohol, and bullied their grandmother, and the daughter happened to beat her own mother. I speak of all this not to condemn, but to show to what extent life has fallen in this family. The younger granddaughters grew up weak and thin, the maiden Agatha had a congenital heart defect, and the youngest Sophia, when she was born, her mother often gave beer instead of breast milk so that she would not scream and ask for food ...

Vera began to come to us to drink tea and talk about life. She complained that she was tired of such a vegetative life, that she was tired of living. My mother and I told her that there are saints of God who, through our prayers, help us, the weak, in difficult situations and sorrows. They offered to read an akathist to Nicholas the Wonderworker, and when the drunk daughter starts screaming and waving, she needs to be baptized. They read the akathist, although the daughter cursed, she stopped beating - she did not let the cross. We read the akathist twice more - and amazing changes came!

Marina (Vera’s daughter, my namesake) was deprived of parental rights, the children, except for the eldest (she was already fifteen years old), were taken to a boarding school, and soon Sonya and Agatha were taken into one good family, in the village. From good nutrition and fresh air, they quickly recovered, and Agatha did not need urgent heart surgery, as the hole in her heart closed! Thank God, she had no congenital heart disease. Now the girls are in elementary school with excellent marks, they write letters - first to their grandmother, and now to their mother. Grandson Seryozha was a big bully, he stole, ran away from the boarding school, but now he has changed a lot. He finished school well, entered the college, lives at home. The boy has golden hands - he draws and makes everything ... The eldest granddaughter Lenochka also successfully graduated from school and works. And most importantly, what happened to Marina. The Lord enlightened her with saving sorrows.

At first, she was even glad that she had drunk everything - even her own children ("It's even better without them!"). Once again, disappearing from home, Marina was hit by a car, and she was brought to the hospital with a broken hip and many bruises. Marina underwent an operation, instead of crushed bones, iron pins were inserted for a while. In a serious condition, she was discharged home to die ... There was no money to take her from the hospital by car, people helped drag her to the bus, and they dragged her from the bus to the house on a blanket! The district doctor, after reading the extract from the hospital, said that Marina would not live for more than a month, as she had cirrhosis of the liver and was in a very bad condition.
But, to the surprise of the doctors, Marina has been living for the third year already - and is not going to die. And it happened only by the grace of God! At first, she drowned out the pain with vodka, denatured alcohol and everything that burns - children who drank with their mother brought her. But one day, when her daughter brought her another glass, Marina refused. She saw many demons around her, and then she heard a voice - clear, loud, inspiring. A voice spoke in her right ear: "Don't drink!" Repeated several times. And then she saw in front of her a wondrous old man and a beautiful Woman - she had never seen them before, and only then did she recognize Nicholas the Wonderworker and the Most Pure Mother of God on the icons. At this very time, Lena tried to forcefully pour vodka into her mouth and cursed that she did not want to drink. And Marina was afraid to talk about the miraculous phenomenon, fearing that she would be considered crazy. It was only later that she spoke about it. She was very ill at the time. We invited a priest from the Church of Cyril and Methodius to give her communion before her death: Marina lay all yellow, thin, with a high fever, she could hardly speak. Priest Sergiy Zhikharev came, and even now he often asks about Marina, remembers her. Having confessed and communed her, consecrated the apartment, gave his blessing and parting words, the priest left. After that, Nikolai Ugodnik appeared to her again with a strict order not to drink. He said that Marina would die if she drank. And Marina, lying in the heat for several days, could not even look at the food - it seemed to her that everything smelled of denatured alcohol and that they wanted to poison her ...

Recovery has begun, but the demons do not just retreat. They tempted her older children - and they were angry with the mother because she had left drunkenness, with abuse and beatings they tried to force her to drink. But with God's help, these temptations also ended. For the third year Marina does not drink. Cirrhosis of the liver departed along with the demons. For a long time she had nightmares, but they also passed. The most important thing is that insight has come: what have I done? how did I live?

Marina began to walk - first with a stick, now without it. The bones have grown together, an operation is needed, it is necessary to remove the pins - but she has no documents, and Marina began to restore them. The pins begin to come out along with the meat, but she endures everything and walks. And then they received compensation for Lena - for the fact that, after depriving her mother of parental rights, she remained to live in the family - and with this money they were able to make repairs in a long-running apartment. Faith no longer collects alms, the Lord helps. And even the older children, Lena and Seryozha, rarely began to drink with their grandfather. They are already ashamed of their behavior, they obey their mother, help to make repairs. Vera's son was released from prison, fell under an amnesty, and he had a few more years to sit. He got a job...

They still have a lot of difficulties, this family itself resembles a seriously ill person, from whom the doctors have already retreated, considering it hopeless, but, in spite of everything, he began to recover, gradually gets back on his feet, fills with strength ... God forbid that spiritual health come to this family.

Servant of God Marina

Almsgiving for salvation

I want to write about a miracle that happened to my parents when they were young. It was in the 30s. My father, Ivan Mikhailovich Kursakov, was a foreman of a tractor brigade at a state farm (now it is called Chistopolsky, Krasnopartizansky district, Saratov region).

Tractors were the very first then - iron wheels with large spikes, there were no cabins. If it was raining or snowing, the candles in the engine were damp and the tractor was stalling.

Four tractors went to the city of Pugachev for goods for a rural store. My father is a foreman, all responsibility is on him. Large sleds for cargo were hooked to each tractor. We loaded four sledges in Pugachev with food, cloth and other goods and drove back. In those years, there were no asphalt roads, not even graders or poles with wires. And it was necessary to go 50 kilometers.

A blizzard has risen, nothing is visible, but they are in the steppe. The candles got wet from the snow, and the tractors stopped. Three tractor drivers went to look for a village to spend the night, but my father, as the one in charge, stayed behind. I sat on the seat of a tractor, in the open air, because there was no roof.

My mother, Alexandra, was at the state farm. Then there were no separate apartments, our parents lived in a state farm apartment in the back room, and the family of a mechanic lived in the front room. And on the second day of the snowstorm, an old man in a sweatshirt comes to us, girded with a sash. Prayed to God and said:

"Give alms for Christ's sake." The mother went to the table and with tears asked Saint Nicholas to give this piece to the father. She gave the old man a piece of bread.

The mechanic's family was also at home. The owner asked the elder: “How far are you going in such a blizzard?” The elder replied: "To the Judgment." My mother went out after the elder to see where he would go. And he went out the threshold, into the street - and disappeared.

When four days had passed, the blizzard stopped and good weather set in. Three tractor drivers from the village came, started the tractors and drove on. They brought the goods to the state farm, handed over everything to the store and came to dine with us.

During dinner, my father says: “Thank God that grandfather woke me up, gave me a piece of bread and said: “Don't sleep, otherwise you will freeze. Take it, refresh yourself." Then all the family looked at each other: they realized what kind of old man came to us.

Nina Pashchenko, Saratov region

Rescue from wolves.

Christ is risen, dear brothers and sisters!

Once on the pages of your site, I can't help but tell about the Great Intercessor before the Lord Jesus Christ - St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. To begin with, I feel and receive the prayerful help and support of this glorious Pleaser of God, I, the sinful servant of God, Nikolai, one might say, from the cradle. Through the prayers of my late mother (R.B. Daria), who had sincere love for St. Nicholas, our entire large family (five children) often received help and protection from this marvelous Saint. Once my mother, in the years of my youth, told an amazing story, which, with God's help, I want to tell you. In the 60s of the last century, the persecution of the Holy Orthodox Church began, monasteries and churches were closed, it became unsafe to keep icons in the house. I remember that in our house (apartment) in front of the holy images my mother always prayed quietly and earnestly, and this warmth from the flickering of the lamps and from quiet prayer to God, the Queen of Heaven, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker poured invisible Grace into my then still small heart. Suddenly, a great misfortune entered our good house. My older brothers, referring to the strict instructions of the school principal, told my mother to throw icons out of the house, because, according to them, at school they said that there is no God, and whoever has icons in the house will be expelled from Komsomol, pioneers, etc., etc. My now deceased father (R.B. Dmitry) was a man at the same time very harsh to our pranks, and at the same time kind to people, he went through the whole war, fought in a company of machine gunners of the NKVD and ended his military career only in 1947 (after the war performed special tasks to capture the "forest brothers"). My father supported my brothers and said: “Mother, see what time it is, because we can ruin the rest of our children’s lives, let’s throw away the icons, we will be extradited anyway, and the guys at school will be in big trouble. My mother, a very fragile person, said quietly: “First, throw me out of the house, and then you can throw away the icons.” No one and nothing could force my mother to betray God, she was ready to destroy the family .... My father and my brothers were very unhappy with this answer, but my mother was adamant. And then an event happened in our family that changed everything ... My father was an avid fisherman, he spent weeks on the river, catching a lot of fish, crayfish, so our large family and neighbors had enough. In our family, living very poorly even in those days, there was never a spirit of profit and money-grubbing, and a rich catch of fish went to the neighbors without any payment. Shortly after the described events in our family, when the dissatisfaction of my father and my brothers with my mother’s decision grew in the house, my father went fishing for a few days (it was summer time), and we went about our children’s business. Father arrived, as always, with a good catch, but, according to his mother, something shocked him, his hands were trembling and he smoked nervously, trying to tell something to his mother. Finally, he calmed down and began his amazing story, which I convey from the words of my mother almost word for word. “The day before leaving home, I decided to spend the night in one of the clearings in the forest, not far from the river, lit a fire, had dinner, and got ready to go to bed by the fire. And before I had time to lie down, I suddenly clearly saw that the place where I had settled down was surrounded by ... wolves! A whole flock. I know that in the summer they are well-fed and do not attack people, I grab a burning firebrand and begin to drive the wolves away from the fire ... The wolves not only did not run away, they silently moved their paws and closed their deadly ring around me, their eyes burned, they were grazing open, wild beasts were preparing to jump. I, mother, went through the whole war, saw a lot and saw death nearby, but it seems that I never experienced such horror and fear as in those moments ... I was already ready for the worst ... And in these terrible moments for my life, in this clearing, lit only by the flame of a fire, an old man suddenly appears, dressed in a peasant way, in a canvas shirt, the same trousers, girded with a sash, in his hands I saw a wand. The old man raised his wand and the wolves ... disappeared, just like the old man disappeared !!! The father, visibly agitated by what he had experienced, suddenly became dumbfounded and ... pointing at one of the icons with the image of St. Nicholas, suddenly shouted loudly - Mother !!! THIS old man saved me!!! After that, the father forbade the brothers to touch the icons, and with God's help these shrines (the Image of the Savior, the Mother of God of Tkhvin, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker) have been with me, the sinful servant of God Nicholas, for many years. Saint Nicholas arranged everything in such a way that the icons remained in our house, and no one forced the brothers to throw them away. Life with God continued in the house. And after this miracle, my late father began to especially revere the Holy Pleasant of God Nicholas, His holidays, in his notebook (after death) I found several Orthodox prayers, and among them - to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Holy Hierarch Nicholas, pray to God for us. Amen.

The Secret Gift of the Saint

For a long time I was going to tell about the miraculous help of Nicholas the Wonderworker to me, but I decided only now, after four years. My conscience reproaches me, I repent before St. Nicholas.

I used to treat Saint Nicholas in the same way as other saints who have the grace to help in various needs, and I always thought: why is he called an ambulance - aren’t other saints “quick helpers”? Why is he so special?

During the life of the late elder Archimandrite Ippolit, recently deceased, rector of the St. Nicholas Monastery in the city of Rylsk, I often visited him, and he gave me various icons as a blessing. And once he presented an icon of St. Nicholas with the words: "Here, pray to him."

After some time, my wife and I went on vacation to my parents in Transbaikalia in the summer. On the way back we stopped by to visit a familiar priest Anatoly and stayed with him for three days. The most beautiful nature - the sacred Lake Baikal, high mountains, taiga - fascinated us. Right there in a place called Krestovaya Pad, there is a temple in honor of St. Nicholas. The history of this temple is as follows: once a merchant was sailing on the lake on a small ship, and a storm began - and the winds on Baikal are very formidable, sinking many ships and boats. The ship began to flood, it is about to turn over. The merchant prayed to Saint Nicholas for salvation - and saw that Nicholas the Wonderworker himself was coming to his aid! In gratitude for the salvation, the merchant erected this wonderful temple to the glory of the Saint. So the glorious Baikal Sea, as it is often called, keeps the memory of the miracles of St. Nicholas.

My wife and I visited many local attractions, visited the museum, bought souvenirs. There was only money left for the return trip, it took another four days to get home, and my wife was fascinated by these Baikal souvenirs! She asked me for another two hundred rubles to buy them, at first I refused her, referring to the long journey and lack of money, then I nevertheless gave in, but because of this we had a quarrel. I climbed a high hill right in front of the temple. It took a very long time to climb to the very top of the mountain, the clouds floated here very close, and there was a feeling that here was the border of heaven and earth. Saddened by the quarrel with my wife, I began to call on St. Nicholas for help. After praying for a long time, I picked flowers growing here for my wife and went down with the thought of reconciliation. Having come to my wife, I gave her flowers, and we went to the shore of the lake, which is so calming with its surf. It was already evening, and my wife went to the house, and I stayed a little longer to sit by the water. And suddenly I saw that a hundred-ruble bill was lying next to the water, as if it had been thrown by a wave, it was slightly wet. Taking it, I showed it to my wife: at that time she did not go to church and was of little faith, - she said that there was nothing surprising in this, someone dropped money ... Perhaps, it is logical for an unbeliever.

The next morning I went to the lake very early, washed myself and, as usual, went to collect interesting stones along the shore. Bending over one very interesting stone (since then I have kept it in memory of this miracle), I saw that an edge of some paper was visible from under it. I pulled it out - it turned out to be another hundred-ruble bill! There was no limit to my surprise, I realized that St. Nicholas, as in the days of his earthly life, secretly threw us just the amount that we quarreled about. And the meaning of the miracle was revealed to me like this: have peace and love among yourselves, and the Heavenly Father is able to give everything you need even from Heaven with His generous hand. “Seek first of all the Kingdom of Heaven, and everything else will be added to you.”

When I brought these hundred rubles and an unusual stone to my wife, she believed in a miracle. Wonderful is God in His saints! I was convinced that St. Nicholas is really a quick helper. Since then, I always resort to his help, and he always helps me.

Complete collection and description: a prayer to saint Nicholas, I ask you, saint of God, for the spiritual life of a believer.

I ask you, saint of God,

Holy great Nicholas,

I'm dying in the sea of ​​life

You lend a helping hand.

I fall to your icon

Please, save me.

I call on you for help

Lift up a prayer to God.

You are a great helper to everyone

For everyone you are native.

I ask you, the Pleasant of God,

Have mercy on me.

After all, you with your generosity

Saved ships at sea

I come to you with love,

I ask: "Help me in sorrow!"

You were hiding at the window

Nobility knot put,

Dashing thoughts rejected.

Miracles the Pleasant did,

Only where grief appeared,

He came to help everyone.

And you are great before the Lord,

You, the Pleasant, I pray,

Ask the Lord for forgiveness

For my sinful soul. Amen.


Prayer to Nikolai Ugodnik for help in business

A heartfelt spiritual prayer to Nikolai Ugodnik for help in business can work wonders. For Nicholas the Pleasant is the Holy Wonderworker, close to the face of Jesus Christ, the patron of travelers, children, all those who suffer in need.

The story of Nicholas is a real miracle

Nicholas was born into a family of wealthy parents who venerate the Christian faith, Orthodoxy. He was brought up in an atmosphere of kindness, love and received a decent education. Nicholas was never indifferent to someone else's grief trouble, providing all kinds of help. Having been brought up in Christ, he was the bishop of the Christian community. He survived the persecution of the reign of Emperor Diocletian, and was subsequently executed for defending the interests of Orthodoxy.

During his lifetime, Nicholas was known as a miracle worker among the people, for he provided secret help, not expecting gratitude and recognition. After his death, he was numbered among the Saints and helps, to this day, all the suffering, the needy.

What to pray for Nikolai Ugodnik

You can read prayers to Nikolai Ugodnik in church, at home in front of the icon, at work in various situations that require calmness, faith in a successful outcome. The prayer word addressed to Nicholas calms, strengthens in faith, gives physical strength and good spirits.

Nikolay Ugodnik hears sincere prayers, appeals with pure thoughts. Pray to this Saint for:

b) unjustly convicted, punished, slandered;

c) experiencing pain physical, mental;

Saint Nicholas will surely hear a good request and perform a miracle aimed at resolving your need.

Prayer to the Pleasant for travelers

“Nicholas, the Pleasant of God, the Miracle Worker for all who turn to you. Sanctify the path-road for the wandering servants of God (names), let their road be smooth, like a smooth surface of a river, calm, like a native side. Protect them on the way from various misfortunes, from dirty passions, from fierce people, stupid fellow travelers. Help, Nikolai, to return to them, to turn back home with kindness. In health and peace, to your joy with me. Let it be so. Amen"

Such words can be read every morning for your relatives, friends, friends while they are away. Along the way, you can order a prayer service in the church to Nikolai Ugodnik for the wanderers. The flow of positive energy and the power of miraculous prayer will help your loved ones return home healthy and happy.

Prayer to Saint Nicholas against slander in vain

“Pleaser of God, Saint Nicholas, I beg you, stand behind me. Protect and cover, do not let me say a dashing word, bring me in vain, take me away from human truth. You help everyone with your faith, serve as a worthy example for me. Cover, save, take me away from trouble. I ask you, I trust in you, in life, Nikolai, I glorify you. Amen"

Prayer to the Pleasant for the health of the sick

“Nicholas the Pleasant of God, an ambulance helper. Saint Nicholas, turned to help, I ask you, help, take away the pain of the servant of God (name). Cleanse your body and soul from unnecessary burden, forgive sins and thoughts - let them be clean. Give you spiritual and physical health, the servant of God will pray to you honestly. Please, Nikolai, listen, do not leave, but send the disease into the open field. Amen"

Read this appeal for loved ones who suffer physical and mental pain. Back up your word with grace-filled fire, a church candle. Prayer will be heard and the person will get better.

Prayer for problems at work

In a conflict situation, anxiety, a quarrelsome team, excessively harsh leadership, seek help from St. Nicholas the Wonderworker:

“Nikolai Ugodnik, protector and patron, cover my working abode with protection. Soften the hearts of my work colleagues, let them sit in their working swamp. And give me reason, strength and patience, to multiply and maintain my production achievements. I trust in you, Saint Nicholas, and always answer you with a good deed. Let it be so. Amen"

Prayer to Nicholas for children

A short daily appeal to St. Nicholas for the well-being of children:

“Pleasure of God, Saint Nicholas, protect my children with protection. May there be no sorrows, sorrows, problems for them. Drive away all my worries, sanctify their paths with Your light. Grant them health, prudence. Drive away the demonic madness. Do not lead them into sin, crime, control every moment. Thank you Nikolai for your help. I will praise your strength and power. Amen"

Now you know the daily appeals to St. Nicholas, and the Orthodox prayer to Nicholas the Pleasant for help in business will always rush to help in any longing, sadness.

The arrival of the temple in the name of the Descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles

Prayer to Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker

so that I do not enter into bliss.

Only where grief appeared,

Graduation comes once in a lifetime. Moreover, it is often called "prom". And therefore, both parents and graduates themselves take it too seriously, on which they get into a mess. The Orthodox are still lucky: they don’t have this temptation of non-church youth, they say, graduation is the moment when, legally, in front of all honest people, you can show that now we are adults, we have been drinking and smoking for a long time, and now even more so, because we will have mini skirts and fishnet tights with butterflies. And in twenty years (what is there in twenty - already in three years) they will look at graduation photos and be horrified.

As part of the work of the Public Council, a member of which is the rector of the Holy Spirit Church, Archpriest Igor Kornatovsky, a raid was carried out together with traffic police officers.

We glorify your Christmas, St. Nicholas



There are only four Christmas holidays in church services: the Nativity of the Lord, the Mother of God, John the Baptist and St. Nicholas.

On the same day, August 11, the holy parents of Nicholas the Wonderworker, who were childless for a long time - Theophan and Nonna are also commemorated.

This great saint did many great and glorious miracles on earth and on the sea.

He helped those in trouble, saved them from drowning and brought them out to dry land from the depths of the sea, freed them from captivity and brought the liberated home, delivered them from bonds and prison, protected them from being cut with a sword, freed them from death and gave various healings to many, the blind - insight, the lame - walking, deaf - hearing, dumb - the gift of words.

He enriched many who were in squalor and extreme poverty, gave food to the hungry, and was a ready helper in every need, a warm intercessor and a quick intercessor and protector.

It is impossible to enumerate his miracles, just as it is impossible to describe all of them in detail. East and West know this great miracle worker, and his miracle works are known in all ends of the earth. May the Triune God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit be glorified in him, and may his holy name be praised by the lips forever.

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker continues to help people with prayer and miracles.

Holy great Nicholas!

I drown in the sea of ​​life

Give me a helping hand.

I fall to your icon

Save me my Pleasant.

I ask you, the Pleasant of God,

Bring a prayer to God.

Enemies are all around

All my paths are blocked.

They want my death

And so as not to enter bliss.

But you are my great intercessor

For all the desired and dear

Please God please

Have mercy on me.

You are with your generosity

Rescuing ships at sea

I ask you, God's servant

Please help me in my grief.

You hid for everyone until the end

And put a knot of gold

Parent - the elder prayed

You turned them away from false thoughts.

Sea of ​​inexhaustible wonders

The saint of God has done

And, only where grief appeared

You came to everyone's aid.

And before the Lord the Great

I pray you, my saint

Ask the Lord for forgiveness

For my sinful soul.

Prayer to Nicholas the Pleasant

How to read prayers to St. Nicholas?

Prayer to Nicholas the Pleasant continues to work miracles, just as the Saint himself was a real miracle worker during his lifetime. Nikolai Ugodnik is considered the patron saint of travelers - being on a ship caught in a storm, he tamed the elements and helped to avoid the death of hundreds of people. More than once Saint Nicholas saved the lands from natural disasters, catastrophes, famine, and it is for this that he is revered to this day. The relics of Saint Nicholas are in Italy. For many centuries, people have been going on pilgrimage to his relics.

The prayer to St. Nicholas the Pleasant should be read, looking at his icon and mentally directing the energy of prayer to the Universe. If you are asking for something specific, you need to read a prayer to Nikolai Ugodnik that changes fate for 40 days, every day.

If you miss a day, start over.

“Oh, all-holy Nicholas, the most beautiful servant of the Lord, our warm intercessor, and everywhere in sorrow a quick helper! Help me, a sinner and a dull one, in this present life, beg the Lord God to grant me the remission of all my sins, having sinned from my youth, in all my life, deed, word, thought and all my feelings; and at the end of my soul, help me, the damned one, implore the Lord God, all creatures of the Sodetel, to deliver me from air ordeals and eternal torment, may I always glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and your merciful intercession, now and ever and forever and ever.

Prayer for love and marriage

People remember well how the feast of St. Nicholas began. The first time that Nikolai Ugodnik threw a gift to a poor family was a family with marriageable daughters. The father had no money for a dowry, and he cannot marry his daughters. On the night before Christmas, Nikolai placed a bag of gold on his windowsill.

That is why girls who really want to marry a worthy person should read a prayer to Nikolai Ugodnik for love and marriage:

“Oh Saint Nicholas, the Pleasant of the Lord! During your life, you did not refuse people their requests, but do not refuse now the servant of the Lord (your name). Send down your mercy and ask the Lord for my soon marriage. I surrender to the will of the Lord and trust in His mercy. Amen".

There is a golden rule - before you ask for anything, say thank you for what you have. Prayers with gratitude should be read all the time when you need support, confidence in yourself and your abilities, when you need to realize that everything is not so bad, or just when you want to talk to higher powers. Thanksgiving prayer to Nikolai Ugodnik is read by millions of people around the world,

and not only Christians, but also people of various faiths. It's just that everyone knows that sincere appeals to St. Nicholas will always be heard.

“Blessed Father Nicholas! Shepherd and teacher of all who by faith flow to your intercession, and call you with warm prayer! Seek soon and save the flock of Christ from the wolves that are destroying it, and protect every Christian country and save with your saints prayers from worldly rebellion, coward, invasion of foreigners and internecine strife, from famine, flood, fire, sword and vain death. And as if you had mercy on three men sitting in prison, and you delivered them from the king’s wrath and the cutting of the sword, so have mercy on me, mind, word and deed in the darkness of sins, dry, and deliver me the wrath of God and eternal punishment; as if by your intercession and help, by His own mercy and grace, Christ God will give me a quiet and sinless life to live in this world, and deliver me as worthy of the right hand with all the saints. Amen".

Nikolai Ugodnik lived to a ripe old age and died a gray-haired old man at the age of 94. He was buried in a church in Mira (Turkey) on December 6 (19), 352.

The current state of the Church of St. Nicholas in Demre

Interior view of the Church of St. Nicholas in Demre

Sarcophagus in which Saint Nicholas was buried

After his death, Nikolai Ugodnik was canonized as a saint. His cult spread widely throughout the Christian world, and the relics became one of the most revered Christian shrines.

Strong Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker "For Help" when a black streak comes

When a black streak comes in life, believers ask for help from St. Nicholas the Pleasant. The miracle worker will never leave a person in trouble. Orthodox Christians know that the prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker “For Help” is not easy to perform, but subject to all the recommendations of the clergy, the result is always positive. The saint of God will help solve any problems that darken life.

It’s not worth disturbing the saint over trifles; prayers to Nicholas the Wonderworker “For Help” are read in the most difficult moments of life.

Visit the temple, put three candles to his image. Ask for forgiveness, pardon, repent, take communion.

Then say in a whisper the words of a strong prayer to the Pleasant "For help"

“Oh, all-holy Nicholas, the servant of the most beautiful Lord, our warm intercessor, and everywhere in sorrow a quick helper.

Help me, a sinner and a dull one, in this present life, beg the Lord God to grant me the remission of all my sins, having sinned from my youth, in all my life, deed, word, thought and all my feelings; and at the end of my soul, help me, the damned one, implore the Lord God, all creatures of the Creator, to deliver me from air ordeals and eternal torment, may I always glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and your merciful intercession, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen"

When the candles go out, put 3 more, say a prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker "For help" and, without turning around, go home in silence. “I ask you, Nikolai Ugodnik, to help me in diligent deeds and save me from failure in work. Let it be so. Amen"

At midnight, close yourself in the room, except for you, there should be no one in the room, even pets. Place on the table an icon with the image of St. Nicholas and the Prayer Book.

Bend your knees, bow low, leave all gloomy thoughts and with hope, inexhaustible faith, looking at the candle flame, say “Our Father” seven times. Then the same amount of prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker "For help"

“I appeal to you, Saint Nicholas the Pleasant. You are famous for miracles and grace-filled help in difficult cases. Do not refuse me mercy and help me cope with difficult tasks, an unbearable burden that has fallen on my tired shoulders. I want the business to be argued, not to collapse, but to be built, so that enemies and spiteful critics do not meet on the way. You ask the Lord for faithful intercession, reject from me all the mistakes and difficulties of the problem. Let it be so. Amen"

If the requests are sincere, good-natured and sincere, the Miracle Worker will hear you and will definitely help.

Prayers to Nicholas the Wonderworker

Here are the most necessary prayers for turning to Nicholas the Wonderworker (he is also called Nikolai the Pleasant, Nicholas of Myra and Saint Nicholas) on various topics.

  • Strong prayers
    • Prayer for a change of fate in 40 days
    • thanksgiving
  • About help
    • in good work
    • In the money
    • About getting out of debt
    • in business
    • On the road (travel)
    • Learning
    • For the exam
    • In trade and business
    • For sale apartments / houses
    • On sale cars
  • For relatives
    • For children (for son, daughter)
    • For my husband
  • About family happiness
    • About love and marriage
    • On giving children
    • About happiness and health
  • About health and healing
    • About health (their own and relatives)
  • good luck
    • For good luck and luck

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for a change in fate in 40 days

but you, as if having boldness to the Lord, free me from all troubles, but I call you:

An angel in the image, an earthly being by nature, reveal all the creatures of the Creator;

having seen the fruitful kindness of your soul, most blessed Nicholas, teach everyone to cry out to you:

Rejoice, born in the robes of angels, as if pure in the flesh;

Rejoice, and baptized with water and fire, as if holy in the flesh.

Rejoice, surprising you with the birth of your parents;

Rejoice, revealing the strength of the soul Abie at Christmas.

Rejoice, garden of the land of promise;

Rejoice, flower of the Divine planting.

Rejoice, virtuous vine of Christ's grapes;

Rejoice, miraculous tree of the paradise of Jesus.

Rejoice, krine of heavenly probation;

Rejoice, peace of Christ's fragrance.

Rejoice, for you will drive away sobbing;

Rejoice, for you bring joy.

Rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker, rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker, rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker!

Rejoice, in the form of lambs and shepherds;

Rejoice, holy purifier of morals.

Rejoice, receptacle of great virtues;

Rejoice, holy and pure dwelling!

Rejoice, all-bright and all-loving lamp;

Rejoice, golden and immaculate light!

Rejoice, worthy interlocutor of Angels;

Rejoice, good teacher of men!

Rejoice, rule of pious faith;

Rejoice, the image of spiritual meekness!

Rejoice, for by you we are getting rid of bodily passions;

Rejoice, for we are filled with spiritual sweetness by you!

Rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker, rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker, rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker!

Rejoice, deliverance from sorrow;

rejoice, almsgiving of grace.

Rejoice, banisher of unforeseen evils;

Rejoice, desired planter of the good.

Rejoice, speedy comforter of those in distress;

Rejoice, terrible punisher of offenders.

Rejoice, abyss of miracles poured out by God;

Rejoice, tablet of the law of Christ written by God.

Rejoice, strong giving erection;

Rejoice, right standing affirmation.

Rejoice, for by you all flattery is exposed;

rejoice, for through you all truth comes true.

Rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker, rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker, rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker!

Rejoice, source of all healings;

Rejoice, fierce helper of the suffering!

Rejoice, dawn, shining in the night of sinful wanderers;

Rejoice, dew that is not flowing in the heat of labor!

Rejoice, hearth to those who require well-being;

Rejoice, prepare abundance for those who ask!

Rejoice, anticipate petition many times;

Rejoice, renew the strength of old gray hairs!

Rejoice, detractor of many delusions from the path of the true;

Rejoice, faithful servant of the mysteries of God.

Rejoice, for by you we trample envy;

rejoice, for we are correcting a good life with you.

Rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker, rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker, rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker!

Rejoice, you were taken away from eternal squalor;

Rejoice, granting imperishable wealth!

Rejoice, indestructible to those who hunger for truth;

Rejoice, inexhaustible drink for those who thirst for life!

Rejoice, observe from rebellion and strife;

Rejoice, release from bonds and captivity!

Rejoice, more glorious intercessor in troubles;

Rejoice, great protector in adversity!

Rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker, rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker, rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker!

Rejoice, illumination of the Three-sunlight;

Rejoice, morning day of the never-setting sun!

Rejoice, candle, kindled by the Divine flame;

Rejoice, for thou hast quenched the demonic flame of wickedness!

Rejoice, lightning, burning heresy;

Rejoice, thunder, frightening seducer!

Rejoice, true teacher of the mind;

Rejoice, mysterious revealer of the mind!

Rejoice, for you trampled on the worship of the creature;

Rejoice, for through you we will learn to worship the Creator in the Trinity!

Rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker, rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker, rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker!

Rejoice, mirror of all virtues;

Rejoice, strong visor of all those flowing to you!

Rejoice, according to God and the Mother of God, all our hope;

Rejoice, health of our bodies and salvation of our souls!

Rejoice, for by you we are freed from eternal death;

Rejoice, for through you we are worthy of endless life!

Rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker, rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker, rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker!

Oh, bright and wonderful Father Nicholas, the consolation of all those who grieve, accept our present offering, and beseech the Lord to get rid of Gehenna,

by your God-pleasing intercession, let us sing with you: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!

Chosen Miracle Worker and a fair servant of Christ, Father Nicholas!

Exuding to the world everything the precious mercy of the world and the inexhaustible wonders of the sea, you set up spiritual fortresses, and I praise you with love, blessed St. Nicholas:

but you, as if having boldness to the Lord, free me from all troubles, but I call you:

Rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker, rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker, rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker!

Thanksgiving prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker

I address you as a teacher and shepherd with faith and respect, with love and reverence.

I send you words of gratitude, I pray for a prosperous life.

I thank you very much, I hope for mercy and forgiveness.

For sins, for thoughts, yes for thoughts.

As you have mercy on all sinners, so have mercy on me.

From trials of terrible fences and from death in vain.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for help in finding a good job

I turn to you, Saint Nicholas, and ask for miraculous help.

May the search for a new job be successful, and all difficulties suddenly dissolve.

Let the boss not get angry, but the case is molded.

Let the salary be paid, and work is pleasant.

If an envious person appears, let his anger fall apart.

Forgive me all my sins and do not leave as before in difficult days.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for help in money

O our good shepherd and God-wise mentor, St. Nicholas of Christ!

Hear us sinners (names), praying to you and calling for your help, your speedy intercession:

see us weak, caught from everywhere, deprived of every good and darkened by the mind from cowardice.

Strive, servant of God, do not leave us in the sinful captivity of being, let us not be our enemy in joy and die in our evil deeds.

Pray for us, our unworthy Sodetel and Lord, You stand before Him with incorporeal faces:

merciful to us, create our God in this life and in the future, let it not reward us according to our deeds and according to the impurity of our hearts, but according to His goodness, reward us.

We hope for your intercession, we boast of your intercession, we call on your intercession for help, and we ask for help to your most holy image:

deliver us, saint of Christ, from the evils that are upon us, so that for the sake of your holy prayers you will not be able to attack us and we will not be mired in the abyss of sin and in the mud of our passions.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for getting rid of debts

Help me in the turmoil of the poor, and save me from hellish death.

I work, but debts remain, nerves give up from lack of money.

I beg you, reject all misfortunes, our souls are in Divine power.

May your will be done.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for help in business

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, protector and benefactor.

Cleanse my soul from the annoying envy and malice of bad people.

If the work does not go well because of a cursed intent, do not punish your enemies, but help them cope with the turmoil in their souls.

If soot is sinful on me, I sincerely repent and ask for miraculous help in righteous work.

Send me a job according to my conscience, and a salary according to my work.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for help on the road (travel)

O Saint Nicholas of Christ!

Hear us, sinful servants of God (names), praying to you, and pray for us, unworthy, our Creator and Lord,

merciful to us, create our God in this life and in the future, let him not repay us according to our deeds, but repay us according to His goodness.

Deliver us, saint of Christ, from the evils that are upon us, and tame the waves of passions and troubles that rise upon us,

Yes, for the sake of your holy prayers, we will not be attacked and we will not be mired in the abyss of sin and in the mud of our passions.

Moth, to Saint Nicholas, Christ our God, give us a peaceful life and the remission of sins, but salvation and great mercy to our souls, now and forever, and forever and ever.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for help in studies

Help me a sinner and despondent in this present life, beg the Lord God to grant me the remission of all my sins, having sinned from my youth, in all my life, deed, word, thought and all my feelings;

and at the end of my soul, help me the accursed, implore the Lord God, Sodetel of all creatures, deliver me from air ordeals and eternal torment:

May I always glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and your merciful intercession, now and forever and forever and ever.

Prayer to Saint Nicholas before the exam

Oh Saint Nicholas, the People's Pleasure!

We remember and honor Your holy kindness, Do not leave God's (God's) servant (slave) sinful (sinful) even now!

Clear the mind of unnecessary thoughts, deign to calm my soul, Grant, be indulgent, my wits for the exam to come!

I believe that You are blessed and just, I hope holy for Your salvation, Hear my prayer for the sake of our Lord.

Prayer to Nikolai Ugodnik for help in trade and business

Bright and merciful mentor of God, heavenly intercessor St. Nicholas - during your earthly life you did great deeds, heartfelt and generous deeds for the glory of the Lord, well known to every believer.

Look, great Nicholas the Wonderworker, at my deeds and earthly efforts, performed by me in glorification of Christ the Son and the Holy Spirit, the King of Heaven - mark my sincere faith in the service of the Orthodox faith.

For my yes humility and readiness to take on your shoulders any test sent down to me from above by our Lord - take away any bad luck with your strength and protect great evil from me,

give me good luck in my business and undertakings of trade, grant me holy saint Nikolai true wisdom.

I ask you Nicholas the Wonderworker, pray for me, a servant of God (name) before the throne of our Lord, the Almighty and Almighty.

I ask you to grant me protection from every foe and enemy, secret and obvious ill-wisher, may it be rewarded to me according to my labors and diligent efforts.

I ask you Nicholas the Wonderworker, but strengthen me and protect me, protect me with your bright catch and infinite wisdom.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for the sale of an apartment / house

Saint Nicholas, bless me for the successful sale of an apartment (house) and send generous, honest and not poor buyers.

May your will be done.

Wonderworker Nikolai, I appeal to you with a prayer.

Send me an appropriate bargain, honest and generous buyers.

Let the client like the apartment (house), and the sale will be successful.

May your will be done.

Prayer to St. Nicholas for the sale of a car

Miracle Worker Nicholas, God's Pleasure.

In need not righteous, I fall in prayer, I ask you for a favor.

I'm trying to sell the car, I'll meet the client soon.

Let him buy my car, nothing will stop us.

May your will be done.

Nikolay Ugodnik, Defender and Savior.

Let go of my sins and misfortunes, make sure that everyone rejects passions.

I'm not trading for big money

To sell the car, mournfully worried.

By your miracle, protect from the one who buys without giving anything away.

May your will be done.

Auxiliary prayer before the sale.

Nicholas the Wonderworker, God's Pleasure.

Take dashing people away from me, because the sale can be a trap.

Let the client like the car, she will pay as much as necessary by the time.

Prayers to Nicholas the Wonderworker for children (for a son / daughter) Read →

Prayers to Nikolai Ugodnik for her husband Continue reading →

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for love and marriage

O all-holy Nicholas, the most beautiful servant of the Lord!

During your lifetime, you never refused anyone's requests, but do not refuse the servant of God (the name of the girl who wants to get married).

Send down your mercy and ask the Lord for my soon marriage.

I surrender to the will of the Lord and trust in His mercy.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for the gift of children

Oh, all-holy Nicholas, the most beautiful servant of the Lord, our warm intercessor, and everywhere in sorrow a quick helper!

Help me, a sinner and despondent, in this present life, beg the Lord God to grant me the remission of all my sins, having sinned from my youth, in all my life, deed, word, thought and all my feelings.

And at the end of my soul, help me the accursed one, implore the Lord God, the Creator of all creatures, to deliver me from air ordeals and eternal torment.

May I always glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and your merciful intercession, now and forever, and forever and ever.

Prayer to Saint Nicholas for happiness and health

Oh, our good shepherd, and God-wise mentor, St. Nicholas of Christ!

Hear us, Honored by believers all over the world, St. Nicholas, he is also Nicholas the Wonderworker, Mirliki miracle worker, sinners who pray to you and call for your speedy intercession;

see us weak, caught from everywhere, deprived of every good and darkened by the mind from cowardice;

rush, servant of God, do not leave us in the sinful captivity of being, let us not be our enemy in joy and die in our evil deeds.

Pray for us, our unworthy Sodetel and Lord, and you stand before him with incorporeal faces:

merciful to us, create our God in this life and in the future, let it not reward us according to our deeds and according to the impurity of our hearts, but according to your goodness, reward us.

We rely on your intercession, we boast of your intercession, we call on your intercession for help, and we fall to your holy image, we ask for help:

deliver us, saint of Christ, from the evils that are upon us, and tame the waves of passions and misfortunes that rise upon us, so that for the sake of your holy prayers we will not be attacked and we will not be mired in the abyss of sin and in the mud of our passions.

Moth, to St. Nicholas of Christ, Christ our God, give us a peaceful life and the remission of sins, but salvation and great mercy to our souls, now and ever and forever and ever.

Prayers to Nicholas the Wonderworker for health (his own and family) Read →

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for good luck and luck

O all-praised, great wonderworker, Saint of Christ, Father Nicholas!

We pray to you, wake up the hope of all Christians, faithful protectors, hungry feeders, crying joy, sick doctors, stewards floating on the sea, poor and orphan feeders and all an ambulance and patron,

let us live a peaceful life here and let us be able to see the glory of God's chosen ones in heaven, and with them to unceasingly sing the worship of God alone in the Trinity forever and ever.

On December 19, Orthodox and Catholics around the world celebrate the day of the greatest Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker.

But not only the followers of Jesus Christ turn to this saint. Many adherents of other religions and ancient traditions in different parts of the world ask for the patronage of St. Nicholas the Pleasant.

A person who is not indifferent to his spiritual development, sooner or later begins to understand the need for the protection of the Higher powers.

Even in ordinary material affairs, people who devote part of their efforts to gaining the Highest patronage achieve much greater success and keep their achievements for a much longer time. As an example, one can cite many famous businessmen of our time, as well as rich people of the past.

The protective power of the Patrons is even more important for those who seek success on the path of spiritual development and the acquisition of unusual abilities!

We can say that it is from the day of St. Nicholas that a series of Christmas and New Year holidays begins, which ends exactly one month later with the feast of Epiphany.

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker is addressed as the Patron of success in business, healing from illnesses, protecting the family hearth, in sadness and despondency, for children, widows and orphans, compassion for the defenseless, help in poverty and need, protection in travel time by sea and by land.

Even pagans, Muslims and Buddhists turn to him. Through the prayers of this saint, everyone receives very quick help from God.

It is difficult to list all the good deeds done by Saint Nicholas the Pleasant. He still performs miracles to those people who resort to his help.

If on the night of December 19 or 20 perform the ceremony correctly and pray to Nikolai Ugodnik and make a cherished wish, then the Saint will surely fulfill it!

Nicholas the Pleasant, God's helper,
You are in the field, You are in the house, In heaven and on earth,
Intercede and save from all evil
Servant(s) of God(s)…
(instead of dots, insert the baptized name of the doctor)
from the black eye
from the eye of gray
from hazel eyes
from the green eye
from the eye of blue
from the eye of a child
from a joyful eye
from the eyes of the hated.

Read three times

Prayer protects against damage that can go from the sick


O all-holy Nicholas, pleasing to the Lord,

Our warm intercessor, and everywhere in sorrows a quick helper !!!

Help me, the sinful and despondent in this present life,

Beg the Lord God to grant me the remission of all my sins,

I have sinned since my youth, in all my life,

By deed, word, thought and all my feelings;

And at the end of my soul, help me, the accursed one, implore the Lord God,

All creatures of the Sodetel, deliver me from air ordeals and eternal torment,

May I always glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and yours,

Merciful intercession, now and ever and forever and ever.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

An effective and uncomplicated rite of getting rid of any negative influence. Pour into a jar or glass of ordinary tap water and say over it:

Nicholas the saint of God, helper of God,
You are in the field, you are in the house, on the way and on the road,
In heaven and on earth.
Intercede and save from all evil.
It is not out of place to address such a request to Saint Nicholas before conducting other ceremonies, but in this case it is especially important.
Throw a pinch of salt into the water, light a match and, crossing the water three times, say three times:
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Try to hold the match so that it burns completely. Break it into three pieces and throw the cinders into the water. Then read the plot over it nine times.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Pure blood and heavenly!
Save and save the servant of God (name)
From every evil eye, from a bad hour,
From the female, from the male
From childish, from joyful,
From the hateful, from the colloquial,
From the negotiation

Immediately after reading the plot, spray yourself or the person you are helping with the words “Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen". The remaining water should be drunk in the morning for three days.

Hear, God-wise Nicholas,
the near and far greatness of your miracles,
as if through the air with light blessed krills
skillful ecu of those who are in trouble anticipate.

From the Akathist to Saint Nicholas

On December 19, the Orthodox Church celebrates the memory of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, one of the most revered Christian saints, and on May 22, commemorates the transfer of his holy relics to the Italian city of Bari, where they remain to this day.

The rule is the image and image of meekness, abstinence of the teacher, reveal thee to your flock even more things Truth .

This is how the Holy Church of Christ glorifies the great saint of God, a quick helper and prayer book - St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

There were many great and glorious saints in the Church of Christ, but one of the most revered was Saint Nicholas. Saint Nicholas is honored by the entire Christian world, because he is near and dear to every grieving soul by his quick responsiveness to prayer for help.

Saint Nicholas was born in the 3rd century in the city of Patras, Asia Minor, into a pious family.

From a young age, Saint Nicholas was filled with grace-filled spiritual strength: zeal for God, love for Him and for people, a thirst for spiritual achievement.

The life of Saint Nicholas is very modest and, in fact, we know very little about his earthly life. We know that he was the most pious presbyter, and later the bishop of the Lycian city of Myra, we know that he fearlessly stood up for those innocently condemned to death, we know that by secret, but generous, almsgiving he saved three poor girls from dishonor and disgrace.Every time we commemorate St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, we hear during divine services the gospel parable of the good shepherd (John 10:14), about how he enters the sheepfold, how the doorkeeper opens the door for him, and the shepherd calls his sheep, calling each by name, and they, knowing his voice, trustingly go to him, and he, when he sees the wolf to come, lays down his life for them.

Saint Nicholas of Christ is a gracious doctor, a merciful feeder, a miraculous deliverer from the troubles and misfortunes of many, becoming a good shepherd not only for his flock, but for all Christians.

Who among us would not want this shepherd of Christ to lead him, and defend him, and call him by name, and intercede for him, and pray for him? But for this you need to hear his voice, follow his teachings and imitate his holy life.

We call St. Nicholas the image of meekness, that is, the model of love, mercy and forgiveness. This means that we ourselves must embody in our lives the covenants of love, meekness, forgiveness and mercy. His prayer helps us to stand in this world, helps us overcome unbelief and doubt, helps us not to fall into despair. We ask that Saint Nicholas strengthen us in faith, in hope, in love, which we need so much, without which our life becomes gloomy, meaningless, aimless; without which we, closing in on ourselves, turn, like Lot's wife, into a pillar of salt.

Let us pray earnestly, beloved brothers and sisters, to the good shepherd, Saint and Wonderworker Nicholas, may he instruct us to be imitators of his holy life, and protect us from all evil with his prayers!

Oh, Saint Father Nicholas, pray for us, like a good shepherd, for your verbal flock! Amen.

Rector of the Archangel Michael Church Archpriest Roman Utochkin

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