Rosicious use by man. General Characteristics of the family of rosetic



(Spirile )








apocarpny, rarely monocarpny



Number of fruits

(1) 3 - set



often there



Type of fruit


multi-Sound, Multi-Suspension, Earthworm, Zinarodius


Pollination -insects.

Fruit -flyer, Kostyanka, Apple and very diverse prefabricated fruits (multi-perts, multi-stage, etc.); Seeds apply to animals.

Major childbirth - Rowan ( Sorbus.), cherry ( Padus.), Apple tree ( Malus.), plum ( Prunus.), Pear ( Pyrus.), cherry ( Cerasus.), rosehip ( ROSA.), raspberries ( Rubus.), strawberries ( Fragaria.), Phackle ( Potentilla.), heel ( Sanguisorba.), hawthorn ( Crataegus.).

Economic meaning:

Medicinal- Many of the representatives of the family are valuable medicinal plants (types of rose genus ( ROSA.), ordinary cherry ( Padus. avium.), Pepper is straightforward ( Potentilla. erecta.), strawberry Forest ( Fragaria. vesca.), medicinal heel ( Sanguisorba. officinalis.); from apricot seeds, peach, plum, almonds get fatty oil ( fig. 14. 35 - 38).

Fig. 14. 35.. Cherry ordinary.

Fig. 14. 36.. Medicinal heel.

Fig. 14. 37.. Pepper is straight.

Fig. 14. 38.. Strawberry forest.

Food- Numerous varieties of peach, apricot, cherries, apple trees, pears, quiries, raspberries, strawberries are cultivated as fruit and berry crops.

Decorative -numerous varieties roses (about 5000 varieties).

Order 3. Bean - Fabales S E M E Y C T B Obobov - Fabaceae

(about 650 birth, 17000-18000 species)

Usually divided by three submenses (Caesalpiniye, moth, mimovose).

Spread - all over the globe.

Life forms - Perennial herbs (rare annual), shrubs, trees.

On the roots of a significant part of the legumes there are nodules, which arise due to the introduction of nitrogen-fixing bacteria from the genus risobium ( Rhizobium) capable of absorbing atmospheric nitrogen, which is then used by plants.

Leaves- the next, peristological or palc clutches; Some legumes, the upper leaflets turn into clinging mustaches.

Inflorescences -cheschebotriah brushes or panicles, less commonly, coming brushes, occasionally reduced to one flower.

Flowers - Obroat, Sigomorphic (in Caesalpiniyev and Motillas) or Actinorphic (Mimovova), Double, more often, a five-fold, less than four, a cup of 5, less often than 4 couples who have surpassed, whisen of 5-4 petals (whitewash whiskers consist of the largest petal. Sails, side petals - cheerful and boats consisting of two fragments along the lower edge of the petals); Androza in all legumes consists of 10 stamens, which can be free or growl, more often 9 surrounded and 1 free, monocarpny garnets, ovary top.

CA (5) CO 1 + 2 + (2) A 9+ (1) G 1 - Flower pea sowing.

Pollination -insects.

Fruit -bean; Apply animals, wind, water.

Major childbirth - Clover ( Trifolium.), Astragal ( Astragalus.), alfalfa ( Medicago.), Vika ( Vicia.), Karagan ( Caragana.), Ostrobel ( Oxytropis.), Kopechnik ( Hedysarum), licorice ( Glycyrrhiza.), Beans. (Phaseolus.) , DONNIK ( Melilotus.), lupine (Lupinus.), peas (Pisum.) (fig. 14. 39).

Fig. 14. 39.. Peas sowing.

Economic meaning:

Medicinal -fruits of fatty sofa ( Sophora. pachycarpa.) contain alkaloids used in obstetric practice, fruits and buds of Japanese coast ( S.. japonica.) Contain vitamin P used to prevent avitaminosis, donner drug (Melilotus. officinalis.) Contains kumarins and is used in the composition of smaller fees for the surcharge in the treatment of injections ( fig. 14. 40).

Fig. 14. 40.. Sofa Japanese.

Food -also related to the number of food cultures of world importance (Glycine.), beans. (Phaseolus.), peas (Pisum.), nut. (Cicer.), lentil (Lens.).

Decorative - in landscaping used Karagan tree (acacia yellow) ( Caragana. arborescens.) Different varieties of Lupine are grown in flower growing (Lupinus.).

Feed - Many legumes are valuable feed crops (alfalfa, beans, soda, soybeans) and Siderats (their green mass is buried into the soil as a fertilizer) (for example, Lupine, donnik).

MBOU "SOSH№34 with an in-depth study of individual items"

"Family of roses, diversity and economic meaning"

methodical lesson development

biology teacher

Stary Oskol

Topic: "Family of roses, diversity and economic meaning"

Purpose: to characterize an extensive family of rustling and give an estimate
His prosperity of the striking of the adaptability to the conditions of the medium laid in the ability to a wide variety of fruits and seeds.

1. To acquaint with the peculiarities of the family of rose colored, manifold, meaning in nature and in human life;

3. Relieve careful attitude towards nature.

Equipment: Table "Family of Rioloic"; Herbarium fruit - berry, ornamental, wild plant plants; Pictures of plants and rustic fruits; Flower diagram diagram; Card-tasks for groups, for an individual survey.


I. Organizing time.

II. Actualization of knowledge

Frontal survey:

1. Name the main systematic categories of plants;

2. What are the features of the class of class bombing and monocotted plants?

3. What families did we study?

4. From the proposed list of plants, remove extra and explain why they are superfluous.

Dimony Drug Piece Black Cabbage Garden

Clover meadow potatoes radish wild

Tomato tobacco fragrant garlic

Bean Sowing Shepherd Bag

5. What systematic signs are based on the selection of families? What sign is the main one?

Studying a new material.

1. Work with herbaria.

Representatives of the roster family have about 3 thousand species, of which one third in Russia lives - a thousand species. Pink lives in medium latitudes and subtropics, in the south of Rossi, right up to Sochi. Consider Herbar Plant Copies, Plant Pictures. Answer questions: What plants are you well known?

what proposed plants differ from plants of previously studied families?

what unites these plants in one family?

2. Work in groups. Studying the features of the structure of plants of the family of rosetic

Our tasks with you find out what signs are combining such different plants in one family, which of them are the main, identify progressive signs. Also, we have to find out what the significance of the plant of this family is in nature and in human life.

Task for 1 group.

Plan - questionnaire.

1. Determine the vitality forms of the proposed plants. Break them into groups.

2. Take the conclusion: is monotony or a variety of life forms is observed in the family? What this says and what indicates / t. e. Is a systematic sign? /

"Queen of flowers"

Messages are heard / cm. attachment/.

Conclusion: The combine family contains a large number of species and is widely promoted. Plants included in this family are characterized by a variety of life forms, fruits. The characteristic feature of the family is the structure of the flower: 5 cups, 5 whine petals, many stamens, a lot or one pestle

III. Fastening.

1. What kind of riddles you know about the representatives of the rosetic / cm family. attachment/.

2. Execution of the test task "Write the numbers of signs that characterize families of cruciferous, riotrope, parole, legumes."

3. Determine the plant and give it a complete systematic characteristic: clover meadow, Mustard Sarestskaya, Forest apple tree, is black.

4. On separate sheets, the characteristics of the studied families in which errors are made. Find errors, name the family.

5. Biological domino / cm. attachment/

6. Labyrinth / cm. attachment/


1. Queen of colors I call,
I am beautiful, gentle,
But you will touch me any
Feel like me strong.

(Rose flower.)

2. Though hiding Alena
Behind a green branch
But red cheek
Visible from afar.


3. Mom - daughter
On a cord.

(Strawberries with mustache.)

4. Although he burns his sun,
He dressed in Sukonets.

And the cloth is golden, thin and clean.


5. The balls hang on the bitch.
Flushed from the heat.


6. The drone is praised:
Am I not beautiful?

And just - the bone

Yes Red blouse. (Cherry.)

7. Leaves are dense and lacquered, yellow fruits, yes lackless. / Pear fruit /

8. Cross-sabers, scented berries.

/ raspberry / bush /

9. 9. Mundir, White Opening,

in the middle of sweet. /plum/

10. I sit on the Tereme, Mala like a mouse,

red, like blood, tasty, like honey. /cherry/

11. There is a tree Kudryavo,

wolf's claws,

who is suitable

togo and takes / rosehip /

12. did not live in a bug berry

and the worm did not eat, but threw it from the bush,

look: the medium is all empty

Write the numbers of the signs that the representatives of the cross-tech family possess.

1. Fruits - Kostyanka, nut, apple, seeding, berry, multiorek.

2. Inflorescence brush.

3. A cup of flower consists of four free chases.

4. In the flower of pestles a lot or one.

5. Fruit - Bob.

6. The flower whisk consists of four free petals.

7. Inflorescence - head.

8. The flower has one pestle and six stamens, of which two short and four are long.

9. Fruit - pod or pod.

10. The flower has one pestle and ten stins.

11. The curious flower is agony, consists of five petals.

12. Fruit - berry or box.

13. There are many stamens in the flower.

14. Spacing flower whisk, consists of five petals, less often of four

15. The flower whisk consists of five unequal petals, folded as raised butterfly wings.

16. A cup of flower consists of five people who have grown at the base of the cups.

17. A collapse of the flower is agony, consists of five cups.

18. The flower has one pestle and five stamens.

Conductors - 2,3,6,8,9

Bean - 5,7,10,15

Polenic - 11,12,17,18

Rico colored - 1,4,13,14,16

1. 17 thousand species; annual and perennial herbs, trees, shrubs; Inflorescences - brush, head, umbrella; Fruit - Bob; 5 who have surpassed a chalist; 10 Attached stamens, 1 pestle.

Find a mistake! Nazi family!

2. More than 3 thousand species; The fruit is a berry; The petals of the bunny are growing into the tube; 5 who have surpassed a chalist; 1 pestle and many stamens.

Find a mistake! Nazi family!

3. Fruit - pod or pod; 4 cups; 4 bunny petal; Inflorescence - basket, head4th anniversary, perennial herbs, trees and shrubs; 7 stamens and 1 pestle.

Find a mistake! Nazi family!

4. Simple pericher; A cup consists of 5 free cupboards; The whisk consists of 5 fragile petals; Fruits - Kostyanka, Berry, Multiorek; multiple 4 pestles a lot or one; Mostly grass.

View: Cheat potatoes

Give a complete systematic characteristic

View: Mustard Sarept

Give a complete systematic characteristic

View: peas sowing

The family of roses includes plants of a variety of life forms common in all areas of the Earth. Many rustic representatives are cultural plants. The economic significance of the family is very large.


The number of floors of the flower in plants are rose colored differently. As a rule, their flower has 5 petals and 5 cups. There are views with three, four, six or more petals. Some roses may even have a hundred petals.

The stamens are 2 - 4 times more than the petals, but there are flowers with the same number of stamens and petals.

Fig. 1. The chart and formula of the flower of rose colored.

Typical are the following flowers:

  • C5 L5 T∞ P1 - apple tree;
  • C5 L5 T∞ p∞ - rosehip.

Flowers are both solitary and collected in inflorescence:

Top 4 Articleswho read with this

  • simple umbrella (cherry);
  • meetka (Tollga);
  • brush (cherry);
  • shield (Rowan).

Passed insects.


The type of fetus is one of the signs of the family, although the fruits of rustic are quite varied:

  • kostyanka (apricot, cherry);
  • apple (pear, rowan);
  • multicast (raspberry, bounds);
  • multiorek (strawberries);
  • multist (Spirea).

Other signs

The leaves are regular, with horses.

Wood-colored stem often has spikes.

Mature roster

The family combines a hundred clans and about three thousand species.

The type of fetus allocate 4 submenses:

  • sparies;
  • pink;
  • apple;
  • plum.

Sparies include shrubs of labor spirea and rowannik.

Pink includes many wild and cultural herbs and shrubs:

  • bloodroot;
  • strawberry;
  • avens;
  • spiraea;
  • cuff;
  • rosehip, or rose;
  • rubus.

Fig. 2. Wild rose-colored.

Pink fruits are different. Strawberries, Toll Cavody, Rosehip and Phackles are multi-sided, cuffs - nuts.

Rubus Rubus ) Combines many famous shrubs with a fruit of multicolence:

  • raspberries;
  • blackberry;
  • kumanika;
  • stone berry;
  • cloudberry;
  • prince room.

Queen of flowers

Oncewood roses are bred in Asia and Europe. Today, about 30 thousand varieties and forms of roses are already displayed.

Many kings and great commander were engaged in roses. French Emperor Charles Great in the 9th century issued a law on compulsory breeding of roses in castles and palaces.

Fig. 3. Rose Sentifolya.

From roses, valuable essential oil used to produce spirits and for medicinal purposes.

In the subfamily, the apple - bodies are combined:

  • apple tree;
  • pear;
  • rowan;
  • hawthorn and others.

All of them have an apple fruit.

Apple tree, like a rose, has long been divorced by people and the number of its varieties is constantly growing. Today there are about 10 thousand sorts of apple trees.

In the subfamily, plum collected plants with the fruit of Kostyanka:

  • cherry;
  • plum;
  • cherry;
  • almond;
  • apricot;
  • peach.


Many plants of the family of roses are used by man. There are among the riotics:

  • fruit-berry cultures;
  • medical plants;
  • decorative;
  • medicinal;
  • essential oil.

Examples of drug rosters are:

  • pharmacy rebel;
  • pepper is represented (Calgan);
  • drug bloodland;
  • hawthorn, and others.

Rosicular wood

All trees and shrubs of the family are low and therefore their wood can not be widely used in construction or production. But many rose-colored wood has valuable properties, thanks to which is used in artistic fishery and in the manufacture of household items. Has the value of wood:

  • iRGI;
  • hawthorn;
  • apple trees;
  • almonds and others.

The hawthorn wood is very durable and in combustion gives a lot of heat, for which the hawthorn is called "fire-tree".

Apricot tree has peculiar acoustic properties. Only from apricot make musical instrument Armenian Duduk.

In nature, fruits and rose seeds are food for a variety of animal species.

What did we know?

We gave the overall characteristics of the rosetic family. Among other families of the class, dietary roses are allocated by an abundance of cultivated plants, especially gardening. Flower with five petals is the main distinguishing feature of the family. In the family there is no one characteristic of most types of type of fetus. The family is divided into 4 submenses.

Test on the topic

Report assessment

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The class is bombarded. Collector family

Plants of the family roster are very diverse in structure. What unites them in one family? What roses are cultivated plants, how does a person use them?

A variety of plants of the family of rosetic. In the family of rustic, there are about 100 genera and 3 thousand species. These are perennial plants. Some of them trees:apple tree, plum, rowan, cherry . Others - Shrubs:hawthorn, Rosehip, Spiree . Third - Grass: strawberry, gravel, cuff .

A varied and leaves: Simple - cherries, pears; Trophy - W.strawberries, Kolyovnikov and strawberries; Unparsted - W.rosehip, raspberry, rowan . Many species have hopes.

Shoots more often upright, but strawberries and goose foot Shorten shoots, there are also collines - mustache. Many roses have spines on the stems (plum, hawthorn, pear) and even leaves (rosehip), hairs and spines on the fruits (rosehip, almond).

But especially diverse in rose fruits. Dry fruits - nuts and multiwers - lapps, cuffs, gravel (in the latter - with hooks, clinging for animal wool, clothing). Juicy fruits of fire apricot, plums, cherry; Multi-stake U. blackberry, raspberries.

Some have juicy false fruits: an apple from Ryabina, an apple tree, strawberry, strawberries.

The flower in the rustic color is correct, with a wide, convex or cupid blossom. Running, it often forms false fruits. Double dual, out of 5 cups and 5 petals. Sometimes a cup consists of two circles of 5 cups. Many stamens. If you look closely, you can see that they are located in circles and have different lengths. The pestle can be either one or a lot. As a rule, the color grows and becomes juicy in fruits with a large number of pestles. Each pestle forms one small fruit - nuts (at rosehip, strawberries) or busty (in raspberry).

Perform the first part of virtual laboratory work

Make a flower formula on this diagram. (Interactive task)

Cultural plants family rose colored. It can be said that our fruit gardens are made up of roses: apple tree, pear, cherry and cherry, plum, peach and apricot, as well quince, almonds. Among rose-colored andberry culture : Raspberry, strawberry, strawberries.

Of fruit crops We especially spread the apple tree. It has more varieties than all other cultures - at least 20 thousand more than 40 varieties are derived by our scientific-breeder officer I. V. Michurin.

Pear - a more thermal-loving culture, she lives up to 200 years. Pears have not only delicious fruits, but also a beautiful wood, which makes valuable furniture, make musical instruments.

Pear and apple tree -sefaceous cultures . On the context of their fetus - apple - 5 film nests, formed from the cover of the nepheme, are visible in each of which 2 seeds are located. Plum, apricot, almond, peach, cherry - stone crops .

Species of decorative crops little: spirea With large fluffy inflorescences, which is grown in the parks, in the form of live elevations, but the most important queen of all colors - rose flower. Rose in ancient times brought out of a wild rosehip. Why does the Rosehip (some of its species are also very decorative) there are only 5 petals, and in roses their dozens? Rosehip has a lot, up to 100, stamens, which turned into rose petals. Currently, more than 25 thousand varieties of roses are known, which completely replaces the lack of species diversity of decorative roses.

Pink petals get rose oil, which is used in perfumery. Rosicular bring us not just delicious fruits, they are rich in vitamins (Rosehip fruits are one of the record holders in the content of vitamin C) and minerals. The most valuable content of vitamins and minerals is the domestic grade of Antonovka apples.

Type of lesson - combined

Methods:partially search, pro-bleed presentation, reproductive, explained-illustrative.


Awareness of students' significance of all discussed issues, the ability to build their relations with nature and society based on respect for life, to the whole living as a unique and invaluable part of the biosphere;


Educational: show the multiplicity of factors acting on organisms in nature, the relativity of the concept of "harmful and useful factors", the diversity of life on the planet Earth and options for adaptations of living beings to the entire spectrum of habitat conditions.

Developing: develop communication skills, the ability to independently produce knowledge and stimulate their cognitive activity; The ability to analyze information, allocate the main thing in the material being studied.


Formation of environmental culture based on the recognition of life value in all its manifestations and needs of the responsible, careful attitude towards the environment.

Formation of understanding of the value of a healthy and without a dangerous lifestyle


education of Russian civil identity: patriotism, love and respect for the Fatherland, feelings of pride for their homeland;

Formation of a responsible attitude towards teaching;

3) the formation of a holistic worldview, corresponding to the current level of development of science and general practitioners.

Cognitive: skill to work with various sources of information, pre-form it from one form to another, compare and analyze information, draw conclusions, prepare messages and presentations.

Regulatory: The ability to organize independently performing tasks, evaluate the correct operation of the work, the reflection of its activities.

Communicative: The formation of communicative competence in communication and cooperation with peers, senior and younger in the process of educational, socially useful, educational, creative and other types of activities.

Planned results

Subject:know - the concepts of "habitat", "Ecology", "Environmental factors" their influence on living organisms, "Living and Non-residential relations";. Be able to determine the concept of "biotic factors"; characterize biotic factors, bring examples.

Personal:express judgments, search and select information; analyze communication, compare, find the answer to the problematic question


Mime independently plan ways to achieve goals, including alternative, consciously knock out the most effective ways to solve educational and informative tasks.

2. Formation of the skill of semantic reading.

Form of the organization of educational activities - Individual, group

Teaching methods: Viteless, explanatory, illustrative, partially search, independent work with additional literature and textbook, with the COR.

Receptions:analysis, synthesis, conclusion, translation of information from one species to another, generalization.

Objectives: to acquaint with a typical representative of the PO-color family on the example of a common local species - Shihovya; Teach to determine the signs of the family in the appearance of the plant and the structure of its flowers and fruits; Continue the formation of work skills with natural objects, the biological pattern is performed.

Equipment: Herbaric copies of rosehip shoots with flowers, a wet preparation (in alcohol or salt solution) rosehip flowers, dried and pre-operated rosehip fruits, collection of plant fruits of a family of rosecellular, Petri dishes, and other dishes for fixed flowers, prepare needles, preparation knife, tweezers , magnifier.


Consider the Herber Instance of the Plant. Determine the external signs of the vegetative organs of this plant.

Consider the stem. Determine the view of the stem (herbaceous or rustic). What features of the stalk of Shihovya?

Determine the features of the leaves: the dwelling, the character of the sheet plate (simple or complex, one-piece or irregular), type of registration. Find hoppers and rake them.

Draw a gearbox of a plant, sign its name and specify its main signs.

Consider a riding flower (wet color-ka drug) and determine which type it refers (correct or incorrect).

Find a cup and determine the number of cups. Are they intersecting? What is the name of such a cup?

Consider the whine and determine the number of petals. Are they involved? What is the name of the type of a whisk?

Consider the main organs of the flower using a magnifying glass. Ore-divide the number of stamens and pestles.

Gently cut down the flower along the preparation knife. Pay attention to the character of the color and the location of the flower parts on it.

Draw the appearance and inner structure of the shi-pitch flower, specify its main parts.

Make a flower formula, write it down in a notebook, by means of a flower diagram.

Consider the exterior structure of the rosehip fetus, its inner structure, gently cutting it with a vacuum knife. Please note where the fruits-nuts of the Shi-Picky. What parts of the flower are they formed? Compare the fruit of a rose hips with fruits from the collection and determine the type of fetus.

Draw the appearance and structure of the rosehip fruit, sub-write it and specify the main parts.

Summarize the results obtained and on their basis SDE-LAW conclusion about the affiliation of the plant to the family of rustic.

The family of roses includes a large number of paintings used by man in food and in the economic activity.

Independent work of students with a textbook

Using the text of the textbook (Tutorial, I.N. Ponomareva § 44; Textbook V.V. Pomechnik § 48), as well as using personal experience, write directions to the use of plants of the family of riotruth in the life and economic activity of a person, bring examples of these plants .

(This work can be issued in the form of a table. For the purpose of the task, about 5 minutes are given. Next, students take turns at one point, the teacher complements the answers.)

Directions of the use of plants of the family of rustic in life and human economic activities

The use of plants

Examples of plants

Use in food (fruit trees)

Apple tree, Pear

Use in food (bone)

Plum, Cherry, Cherry, Peach, Apricot, Turn, Alycha

Use in food (other)

Raspberry, blackberry, strawberries, strawberries, cloudberry, Kostyanknik, Prince

Medicinal plants

Raspberry, strawberries, paint-tea (Calgan), Pharmacy heel, Shihov

Decorative plants

Getting colors

Calgan (with iron vitrios gives black paint, and with alum - red), almonds (from the shells and peel of fruits in yellow paint), a saber (from the crown of red paint)

Getting tubyl substances

Calgan, cuff

Obtaining essential oils

Some types of roses, gravel, almond

Education of living from cities

Hawthorn, Turn


Cherry, Rowan.

Artistic pro-thoughts (wood carving)

Hawthorn, almonds

Poisonous plants

Gorky almonds

Oral reports of schoolchildren

(A teacher gives the task in advance to prepare a mini-report for 2-3 minutes to students about one of the most interesting pre-orders of the family of rosetic, about the medicinal plants of this family.)

Teacher's story

In more detail I would like to talk about medicinal The stakes of this family and the directions of their use in Me-Ditin. For example, peppermate (Calgan) is used as a binder, toning, as well as for rinsing with an angina, with diseases and gum weaknesses.

Dried fruits raspberries Used as a forceful medium with colds. From fresh fruits, C-Rope is boiled, often part of many mixtures to improve their taste. The fruits of raspberries contain essential oils, apple and lee monna acid, vitamin C.

Fruits and leaves strawberries Applied for gout, the formation of renal stones and other diseases.

Pharmacy heel Contains a large amount of tannie substances, essential oils, oxalic acid. They use it as astringent, as well as in the bowel disease and as a coating agent.

Some species shipovnika Apply in medicine as anti-cutting agent. Many species of this plant co-hold a large amount of vitamin C, as well as provitamin A (carotene).

Seeds quince When swinging, the mucus is formed, which is changed as an outdoor enveloping agent, as well as as a row with some eye diseases.

Aquatic and alcohol infusions, as well as liquid extracts hawthorn Used with nervous, cardiovascular diseases and hypertension.

Fruit cherryukha They use as astringent, as well as apply the hood from the flowers as an eye grafting.

Summing up lessons

Creative tasks.

Find information about various apple trees. What varieties grow in your area? Create a scheme plan for apple-tree trees of various varieties on the territory of the school area. Choose a variety in such a way that they are fruitful as long as possible (from the earliest varieties to the latest). When developing a plan, the clichetic conditions of your region should be taken into account.

Green pharmacy - Peppermaster Personal (Kalgan) -



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