The main factors affecting human health. Health Factors

In order to live a happy, long and full-fledged life, you need to have basic knowledge about what factors affecting human health, which is precisely determining in physical and psychological state. This information will help to avoid health complications if measures are taken to adjust the lifestyle, place of residence, behavior based on data from the article further.

Numerous observations, studies have become the basis for the formation of a single and comprehensive list of factors affecting the human health. If one of you believe that everything depends only on us in this matter, then not everything is so simple. Why, let's look and understand together. The first important point is the environment.

State environment

This factor has an impact regardless of how strong you are strong and healthy person (in the range of 20-25%). Poor ecology, harmful emissions, proximity of factories, low level of drinking water quality - anyone else has an impact on a person and reduces its overall health level. Therefore, it is good to think about whether you are ready to sacrifice your physical condition for living in one area or another.

Genetic predisposition

What parents give to their inheritance has 15-20% of the overall impact on health. Of course, this does not apply to the cases when serious diseases are transmitted, substantially shorter life expectancy.

Socio-economic conditions

Lifestyle, living conditions are very strongly affected by state of health, in the range of 50-55%. This is the main factor to pay the attention of each person. By keeping a healthy lifestyle, feeding a healthy food, having a full-fledged balanced relationship with society and the opposite sex, no bad habits - all this in the end gives the result. As for the psychological state, which is often disturbed even seemingly healthy externally people, here we recommend in a timely manner to contact the professionals of your business. Do not break and sign up for reception to psychologists. Get more information, how to do it, in what cases you need to seek help, read here.


Medical care is not the most realistic factor, because timely appeal and high-quality ambulance often saves the lives of even the most healthy people who have become hostages of life situations that are difficult to foresee and prevent. The presence of medical facilities and quality of service is only part, because the human attitude to this system and timely appeal also affects this system. Many healthy people are backed with a trip to the hospital, believing that they will cope on their own. Medicine factor has about 10-15% of influence.

Health Factors

Numerous studies have shown that health factors are:

biological (heredity, type of higher nervous activity, constitution, temperament, etc.);

natural (climate, weather, landscape, flora, fauna, etc.);

environmental state;


health development level.

These factors affect people's lifestyle.

It was also established that the lifestyle is about 50%, the state of the environment by 15 ... 20%, heredity by 20% and health care (the activities of its bodies and institutions) by 10% determine the health (individual and public).

The concept of health is closely connected with the concept of health risk factors.

Risk factors in health

Risk factors in health - These are defining health factors affecting it negatively. They favorabize the emergence and development of diseases cause pathological changes in the body. The immediate cause of the disease (etiological factors) directly affects the body, causing pathological changes in it. Etiological factors can be bacterial, physical, chemical, etc.

For the development of the disease, it is necessary to combine the risk factors and the direct causes of the disease. It is often difficult to distinguish the cause of the disease, since the reasons may be somewhat and they are interrelated.

The number of risk factors is large and grows every year: in the 1960s. They were numbered no more than 1000, now - about 3000. Allocate the main, so-called large risk factors, i.e., which are common to various diseases: smoking, hypodynamine, excess body weight, unbalanced nutrition, arterial hypertension, psycho-emotional stress, etc. d.

The risk factors are also distinguished and secondary risk factors. Primary factors include factors adherent to health: an unhealthy lifestyle, environmental pollution, burdened heredity, unsatisfactory work of health services, etc. The secondary risk factors include diseases that agitate the course of other diseases: diabetes, atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension, etc.

So, we will list the risk factors to health:

unhealthy lifestyle (smoking, alcohol consumption, unbalanced nutrition, stressful situations, constant psycho-emotional stress, hypodynamine, bad material and domestic conditions, drug use, unfavorable moral climate in the family, low cultural and educational level, low medical activity);

unfavorable heredity (hereditary predisposition to various diseases, genetic risk - predisposition to hereditary diseases);

unfavorable environmental condition (air pollution by carcinogens and other harmful substances, water pollution, soil contamination, sharp change of atmospheric parameters, raising radiation, magnetic and other radiation);

unsatisfactory work of health authorities (poor quality of medical care, the incommodation of medical care, the inaccessibility of medical care).

The concept of medical prevention

The concept of "Prevention in Medicine" is closely connected with the concept of risk risk factors.

What factors affect human health

Prevention means "warning", "Preservation". This term is widespread in many areas of science and technology. In medicine, prevention means prevention and development of diseases.

Select prevention primary and secondary. Primary prophylaxis is designed to prevent the occurrence of diseases, secondary - to prevent the progression of the existing disease. Measures of primary and secondary prevention are medical, hygienic, social, socio-economic, etc. allocate the prevention of individual (personal) and public, i.e. The actions of the individual and society for the prevention of the disease.

Some of the main prevention measures are hygienic education and sanitary enlightenment, which occupy one of the leading places in the practice of a social worker.

The ideas of the prevention of diseases along with diagnosis and treatment originated in deep antiquity and were usually in compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, a healthy lifestyle. Gradually there was an idea of \u200b\u200bthe paramount importance of preventive measures. In the period of antiquity in the works of hippocratic and other outstanding doctors, it was said that it was easier to prevent the disease than to cure. Subsequently, this provision was shared by many doctors, including Russian physicians of the XVIII-XIX centuries.

In the XIX century, when the causes of mass infectious and other diseases were disclosed, the need for the development of public health (social medicine) and prevention became the main problem of public health.

Since 1917, the prophylactic direction of the social policy of domestic health care is the leading, it was precisely in this that the main dignity of the system of domestic health care was, which was repeatedly recognized by the doctors of other countries.

Medical prevention tools are the propaganda of a healthy lifestyle, dispensarization, hygienic education, etc. The emphasis should be made on primary prevention, i.e. Forming an installation on a healthy lifestyle, as it is much easier to warn the disease than to cure.

The main direction of development of the preventive policy of domestic health care is to develop and implement numerous programs for prevention, including WHO's health programs for all by 2000. Priority from them should be a program for the formation of a healthy lifestyle. The main prevention are precision (family) doctors, medical sisters, teachers, educators of children's preschool institutions, media staff (media). It is with them that social workers should contact the prevention of diseases.

Check questions and tasks

1. What are the concepts: "illness", "health", "individual health", "health of the population"?

2. What does health mean public?

3. List health learning methods.

4. Name the health indicators.

5. List the indicators of the natural movement (fertility, mortality, the average duration of the upcoming life, etc.).

6. Which of the indicators of the population of the population is most socially significant?

7. What are infant mortality rates to be considered low? average? High?

8. What are the incidence of population (concepts, units of measure)?

9. What diseases are in the first place for death reasons in modern conditions?

10. Name the methods of studying morbidity.

11. What are you knowing the indicators of disability (concepts, ways to study); physical development (concepts, methods of study); accelerations?

12. Name the factors defining health.

13. Which of the factors determining health is most significant?

14. What is the concept of health risk factors?

15. What are the largest risk factors?

16. What is the concept of disease prevention? Primary prevention of diseases? Secondary prevention of diseases?

Chapter 3 Lifestyle - Main Health Factor

The concept of lifestyle

Lifestyle is a certain type of vital activity of people, which includes a combination of various activities, the behavior of people in everyday life.

Allocate basic forms of activity: labor (production), cognitive, activities in everyday life, medical activity. Each type of activity has its own indicators.

Indicators of production and labor activity include: the degree of satisfaction, the level of professional skills, held by the position, the relationship in the team, initiative, etc.

The performance indicators are: housing conditions, the availability of household appliances, time spent on homework, relations between spouses, the number of children, etc.

Medical activity is activity in health care. It depends on the overall level of development, education, psychological installation, the availability of medical care, living conditions, etc.

Indicators of medical activity include: sanitary literacy, hygienic habits, preparation for medical care, attitude to medical examinations, implementation of medical recommendations, nutritional rationality, physical activity, lack of harmful habits, the timeliness of medical appeals.

We list a number of concepts closely related to the concept of lifestyle.

Living conditions - conditions defining lifestyle. They can be material and intangible (labor, life, family relationships, education, food, etc.).

The standard of living (the level of welfare) characterizes the size and structure of needs. These are quantitative indicators of living conditions. The standard of living is determined by the size of the gross product, national income, real income of the population, housing security, medical care, population health indicators.

Lifestyle - the order, labor regulation, life, public life, within which the vital activity of people passes.

Lifestyle - individual behaviors in everyday life.

Quality of life - the quality of the conditions in which the daily life activity of people (the quality of housing conditions, nutrition, education, medical care) is carried out.

The task of a social worker ultimately consists in assisting the client to restore or improve the interaction between it and society to improve the quality of the client's life.


Chapter 4. Factors affecting human health

To strengthen and maintain health healthy, that is, to manage it, information is needed as on the conditions of the formation of health (the nature of the implementation of the gene pool, the state of the environment, the lifestyle, etc.

p.) and the final result of their reflection processes (specific indicators of the health of the individual or population).

Experts of the World Health Organization (WHO) in the 80s. XX century The estimated ratio of various factors to ensure the health of the modern person, allocating four groups of such factors as the main groups. Based on this in 1994, the Interdepartmental Commission of the Security Council of the Russian Federation for the Protection of Public Health in the federal concepts of "Protection of the Public Health" and "To Healthy Russia" determined this ratio in relation to our country as follows:

genetic factors - 15-20%;

environmental state - 20-25%;

medical support - 10-15%;

the conditions and lifestyle of people are 50-55%.

The magnitude of the contribution of individual factors of different nature on health indicators depends on age, gender and individual-typological features of a person. The content of each of the health factors can be defined as follows (Table 1).

Let us dwell on each of these factors.

Genetic factors

Ontogenetic development of subsidiaries is predetermined by the hereditary program that they inherit with parent chromosomes.

However, the chromosome themselves and their structural elements are genes, may be subjected to harmful influences, and, which is especially important, throughout the life of future parents. The girl is born to light with a certain set of eggs, which, as ripening, are consistently prepared for fertilization. That is, ultimately, everything that happens with the girl, a girl, a woman during her life before conception to one degree or another affects the quality of chromosomes and genes. The life expectancy of the spermatozoa is much less than the eggs, but also their period of life is enough to occur in violations in their genetic apparatus. Thus, it becomes clear the responsibility that future parents carry the offspring throughout his life preceding conception.

Often, factors that do not depend on them, which should include unfavorable environmental conditions, complex socio-economic processes, uncontrolled the use of pharmacological preparations, etc. The result is mutations leading to the emergence of hereditary diseases or to the emergence of atheritically caused predisposition to them.

Table 1

Factors affecting human health

Sphere of influence factors Factors




Genetic Healthy heredity. The absence of morphofunctional prerequisites for the occurrence of the disease. Hereditary diseases and violations. Hereditary predisposition to diseases.
State environment Good domestic and production conditions, favorable climatic and natural conditions, an environmentally friendly habitat. Harmful conditions for life and production, unfavorable climatic and natural conditions, violation of the environmental situation.
Medical support Medical screening, high level of preventive measures, timely and full medical care. Lack of continuous medical control over health dynamics, low primary prevention, poor-quality medical care.
Conditions and lifestyle Rational organization of life: a settling lifestyle, adequate motor activity, social lifestyle. Lack of rational activity, migration processes, hypo - or hypendine.

In the inherited health prerequisites, such factors as the type of morphofunctional constitution and the peculiarities of nervous and mental processes, the degree of predisposition to those or other diseases are especially important.

Life dominants and the installation of a person are largely determined by the human constitution. Such genetically predetermined features include the dominant needs of a person, its ability, interests, desires, predisposition to alcoholism and other bad habits, etc. With all the significance of the impact of the environment and education, the role of hereditary factors is determined. This is fully related to various diseases.

This makes it clear the need to take into account the hereditary features of a person in determining the lifestyle optimal for him, choosing a profession, partners in social contacts, treatment, the most suitable type of loads, etc. Often, the Society makes a person who confesses the conditions necessary for implementation programs laid in genes. As a result, many contradictions between heredity and the medium are constantly being overcome in the ontogenesis of a person and overcome, between various systems of the body, due to his adaptation as a holistic system, etc. In particular, it is extremely important in choosing a profession that for our country enough Actually, since, for example, only about 3% of people employed in the national economy of the Russian Federation are satisfied with the chosen profession, - apparently, not the latter importance here has a discrepancy between the inheritable typology and the nature of the professional activities performed.

Heredity and medium act as etiological factors and play a role in the pathogenesis of any human disease, but their share of their participation in each disease, and, and the more the proportion of one factor, the smaller the contribution of the other. All forms of pathology from this point of view can be divided into four groups, between which there are no sharp boundaries.

First groupthe actual hereditary diseases in which the pathological gene plays the etiological role, the role of the medium is to modify only the manifestations of the disease. This group includes monogenically caused diseases (such as phenylketonuria, hemophilia), as well as chromosomal diseases. These diseases are transmitted from generation to generation through sex cells.

Second group- These are also hereditary diseases due to pathological mutation, however, for their manifestation, the specific impact of the medium is necessary. In some cases, the "manifesting" action of the medium is very clearly, and with the disappearance of the media factor, clinical manifestations become less pronounced. These are the manifestations of the insufficiency of the hemoglobin of HBS in its heterozygous carriers at a reduced partial pressure of oxygen. In other cases (for example, for gout), a long-term adverse effect of the medium is necessary for the manifestation of the pathological gene.

Third groupit is the overwhelming number of common diseases, especially the diseases of mature and old age (hypertension, peptic ulcer of the stomach, most malignant formations, etc.). The main etiological factor in their occurrence is the adverse effect of the medium, however, the implementation of the factor is depends on the individual genetically determined body's predisposition, and therefore these diseases are called multifactorial, or diseases with a hereditary predisposition.

It should be noted that different diseases with the hereditary predisposition of unequal on the relative role of heredity and environment. Among them could be distinguished by diseases with a weak, moderate and high degree of hereditary predisposition.

Fourth groupdiseases are a relatively few forms of pathology, the emergence of which the environment is plays an exceptional role. This is usually an extreme media factor, in relation to the action of which the body does not have the means of protection (injury, especially dangerous infections). In this case, genetic factors play a role in the course of the disease, affect its outcome.

Statistics show that in the structure of hereditary pathology, a predominant place belongs to diseases associated with the lifestyle and the health of future parents and mother during pregnancy.

Thus, there is no doubt a noticeable role that hereditary factors play in ensuring human health. At the same time, in the overwhelming number of cases, the accounting of these factors through the rationalization of the lifestyle of a person can make his life healthy and durable. And, on the contrary, the inhibitory of the typological characteristics of a person leads to vulnerability and defenselessness before the action of unfavorable conditions and the circumstances of life.

State environment

The biological features of the body is the basis on which human health is based. In the formation of health, the role of genetic factors is important. However, the genetic program obtained by a person provides its development in the presence of certain environmental conditions.

"The body without an external environment supporting its existence is impossible" - in this thoughts I.M. Sechenov laid an inseparable unity of man and their habitat.

Each organism is in diverse mutual relations with environmental factors, both abiotic (geophysical, geochemical) and biotic (living organisms of the same and other types).

Under the environment, it is customary to understand the holistic system of interrelated natural and anthropogenic objects and phenomena, in which labor, life and leisure of people proceeds. This concept includes social, natural and artificially created physical, chemical and biological factors, that is, all that directly or indirectly affects the life, health and human activity.

A person like a living system is an integral part of the biosphere. The impact of a person on the biosphere is connected not so much with its biological, but with labor activity. It is known that technical systems have a chemical and physical impact on the biosphere on the following channels:

  1. through the atmosphere (the use and separation of various gases violates natural gas exchange);
  2. through the hydrosphere (pollution by chemicals and oil rivers, seas and oceans);
  3. through a lithosphere (use of minerals, soil pollution by industrial waste, etc.).

It is obvious that the results of technical activities affect the parameters of the biosphere, which provide the possibility of living on the planet. The life of a person, like human society as a whole, is impossible without the environment, without nature. A person as a living organism is inherent in the environmental metabolism, which is the main condition for the existence of any living organism.

The human body is largely associated with the other components of the biosphere - plants, insects, microorganisms, etc., that is, its complex organism is included in the overall cycle of substances and obeys its laws.

The continuous influx of atmospheric oxygen, drinking water, food is absolutely necessary for the existence and biological activity of a person. The human body is subordinate to daily and seasonal rhythms, reacts to seasonal changes in ambient temperature, solar radiation intensity, etc.

However, a person is part of a special social environment - society. Man is a creature not only biological, but also social. The obvious social basis for the existence of a person as an element of the public structure is the leading, mediating biological methods for the existence and departure of physiological functions.

The doctrine of the social essence of a person shows that it is necessary to plan the creation of such social conditions for its development, in which all its essential forces could unfold. In the strategic plan in optimizing the living conditions and stabilization of human health, the development and introduction of a scientifically substantiated general program for the development of biogeocenoses in the urbanized environment and the improvement of the democratic form of the public device.

Medical support

It is with this factor that most people bind their hopes for health, but the share of the responsibility of this factor is unexpectedly low. In a large medical encyclopedia, the following definition of medicine is given: "Medicine is a system of scientific knowledge and practical activity, the purpose of which is to strengthen, extend the life of people, prevention and treatment of human diseases."

With the development of civilization and the widespread dissemination of diseases, medicine has become increasingly specializing in treating diseases and pay less attention to health. Actually treatment often reduces the supply of health due to the side effects of medicines, then the Great Medicine does not always strengthen health.

In the medical prevention of morbidity, three levels are distinguished:

  • prevention first leveloriented to the entire contingent of children and adults, its task is to improve their health throughout the life cycle. The primary prevention basis is the experience of forming prevention tools, the development of recommendations on a healthy lifestyle, folk traditions and methods of maintaining health, etc.;
  • medical prevention second leveldeals with the identification of indicators of the constitutional predisposition of people and the risk factors of many diseases, predicting the risk of diseases in the aggregate of hereditary features, anamnesis of life and environmental factors. That is, this type of prevention is not focused on the treatment of specific diseases, but on their secondary prophylaxis;
  • prevention third levelor the prevention of diseases, puts its main task a prevention of recurrence of diseases in patients in a communion scale.

Experience accumulated by medicine in the study of diseases, as well as economic analysis of the costs of diagnosis and treatment of diseases, convincingly demonstrated the relatively small social and economic efficiency of disease prevention (prevention of level III) to increase the level of health as children and adults.

Obviously, the most effective must be primary and secondary prevention, implying work with healthy or only beginners to get sick. However, in medicine, almost all efforts are focused on tertiary prevention. Primary prevention involves close cooperation of the doctor with the population.

However, for this, the health care system itself does not provide him with the necessary time, therefore, with the population on prevention, the doctor does not occur, and the entire contact with the patient takes almost completely inspection, examination and appointment of treatment. As for the hygienists who are closest to realizing the ideas of primary prevention, they are mainly engaged in ensuring a healthy habitat, and not human health.

The ideology of an individual approach to prevention and health promotion is based on a medical concept about universal dispensarization. However, its implementation technology in practice turned out to be insolvent for the following reasons:

  • requires many means to identify possible greater number of diseases and the subsequent association in the group of dispensary observation;
  • the dominant is the orientation not on the forecast (prediction of the future), but for the diagnosis (statement of this);
  • the leading activity belongs not to the population, but physicians;
  • a narrow medical approach to rehabilitation without taking into account the diversity of socio-psychological features of the person.

Valeological analysis of health reasons requires the transfer of the center of attention from medical aspects to physiology, psychology, sociology, cultural studies, to the spiritual sphere and specific regimes and technologies of education, education and physical training.

The dependence of human health from genetic and environmental factors makes it necessary to determine the place of family, schools, state, physical culture organizations and health authorities in implementing one of the main tasks of social policy - the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

Conditions and lifestyle

Thus, it becomes clear that the diseases of the modern person are due, above all, his lifestyle and everyday behavior. Currently, a healthy lifestyle is considered as the basis for the prevention of diseases. This is confirmed, for example, in the fact that in the US, a decline in child mortality rates by 80% and mortality of the entire population by 94%, an increase in the expected average life expectancy is binding to 85% not with the success of medicine, but with the improvement of living and working conditions and the rationalization of the image Lifestyle of the population. At the same time, in our country, 78% of men and 52% of women lead an unhealthy lifestyle.

In determining the concept of a healthy lifestyle, two main factors should be taken into account - the genetic nature of this person and its compliance with specific livelihoods.

Healthy lifestyle- There is a way of vital activity corresponding to the genetically due to the typological features of this person, specific living conditions and aimed at forming, preserving and promoting health and on the full performance of his socio-biological functions.

In the above definition of a healthy lifestyle, the emphasis is on the individualization of the very concept, that is, healthy lifestyles should be as much as people exist. In determining a healthy lifestyle for each person, it is necessary to take into account both the typological features (type of higher nervous activity, morphofunctional type, the prevailing mechanism of vegetative regulation, etc.), and age-sex, and the social situation in which he lives (family position, profession, traditions, working conditions, material support, life, etc.). An important place in the original parcels should be held by the personal and motivational features of this person, his life guidelines that themselves can be a serious incentive to a healthy lifestyle and to form its content and features.

The basis of the formation of a healthy lifestyle lies a number of key provisions:

  1. The active carrier of a healthy lifestyle is a specific person as a subject and object of its livelihoods and social status.
  2. In the implementation of a healthy lifestyle, a person acts in the unity of its biological and social starts.
  3. The basis of the formation of a healthy lifestyle is a personal-motivational installation of a person for the embodiment of its social, physical, intellectual and mental capabilities and abilities.
  4. A healthy lifestyle is the most effective tool and health, primary disease prevention and satisfaction of the vital need for health.

Frequently, unfortunately, it is seen and offered to preserve and strengthen health through the use of some means with miraculous properties (motor activity of a particular type, nutritional supplements, psychotraining, cleaning the body, etc.). It is obvious that the desire to achieve health at the expense of some one tool is fundamentally wrong, since any of those offered by Panacea is not able to cover the entire variety of functional systems that form the human body, and human relations with nature - all that The ultimately determines the harmony of its livelihoods and health.

According to E.N. Weinera The structure of a healthy lifestyle should include the following factors: optimal motor regime, rational nutrition, rational mode of life, psycho-physiological regulation, psychosexual and sexual culture, training for immunity and hardening, lack of harmful habits and valeological education.

The new health paradigm is clearly and constructively defined by Academician N.M. Amosov: "To become healthy, your own efforts are needed, permanent and significant. Replace them can not be replaced. "

A healthy lifestyle as a system is folded from the three main interconnected and interchangeable elements, three crops: food cultures, culture of motion and culture of emotions.

Power culture.In a healthy lifestyle, nutrition is determining, system-forming, as it has a positive effect on motor activity and emotional stability. With proper nutrition, food best matches natural technologies for the assimilation of foodstuffs that have been developed during evolution.

Culture of movement.Aerobic exercise has a wellness effect (walking, jogging, swimming, skiing, work on the gardening and garden plot, etc.) in natural conditions. These include sun and air baths, cleaning and hardening water procedures.

Culture of emotions. Negative emotions (envy, anger, fear, etc.) have a huge devastating force, positive emotions (laughter, joy, feeling of gratitude, etc.) keep health, contribute to success.

The formation of a healthy lifestyle is an exceptionally long-term process and can last all life. Feedback from the occurring changes in the body as a result of a healthy lifestyle of changes does not work immediately, the positive effect of the transition to a rational lifestyle is sometimes delayed for years. Therefore, unfortunately, quite often people only "try" the transition itself, but without having received a quick result, return to the previous lifestyle.

The main factors affecting human health

There is nothing surprising. Since a healthy lifestyle involves the refusal of many of the familiar pleasant conditions of life (overeating, comfort, alcohol, etc.) and, on the contrary, are permanent and regular heavy loads for unacustomed person and strict lifestyle regulation. In the first period of the transition to a healthy lifestyle, it is especially important to support a person in his desire, to provide the necessary consultations, indicate positive changes in the state of its health, in functional indicators, etc.

Currently, a paradox is observed: with absolutely positive attitude towards the factors of a healthy lifestyle, especially in relation to nutrition and motor regime, only 10% -15% of respondents are used in reality. This is not due to the lack of valeological literacy, but due to the low activity of the person, behavioral passivity.

Thus, a healthy lifestyle should be purposefully and constantly formed during the life of a person, and not depend on the circumstances and life situations.

The effectiveness of a healthy lifestyle for this person can be determined on a number of biosocial criteria, including:

  • evaluation of morphofunctional health indicators: the level of physical development, the level of physical fitness, the level of adaptive human capabilities;
  • evaluation of the state of immunity: the number of colds and infectious diseases for a certain period;
  • assessment of adaptation to socio-economic life conditions (taking into account the effectiveness of professional activities, successful activities and its "physiological value" and psychophysiological characteristics); activity of the fulfillment of family-household duties; latitudes and manifestations of social and personal interests;
  • estimate of the level of valeological literacy, including the degree of formation of the installation on a healthy lifestyle (psychological aspect); level of valeological knowledge (pedagogical aspect); the level of assimilation of practical knowledge and skills related to maintaining and health promotion (medical and physiological and psychological and pedagogical aspects); Ability to independently build an individual health and healthy lifestyle program.

Questions for self-control

  1. What are the genetic health backgrounds?
  2. What is heredity and environment? What is their role in the pathogenesis of diseases?
  3. What is the relationship between the organism with the environment? Name the natural and social health factors.
  4. What role does medicine play health?
  5. What is a healthy lifestyle?
  6. How to form a healthy lifestyle? What are the main factors of its structure?
Further:Chapter 5. Man and Up:Physiological bases of health Back:Chapter 3. Social Aspects
Yagpu, Center for Information Technologies

· Impact on the body of a man of solar radiation.

· Weather and well-being of a person; The effect of winds on the body.

· Mechanisms for the effects of temperature and humidity; Ways of adaptation of the human body to the temperature factor.

· Effect of oscillations of oxygen concentrations, ozone, carbon dioxide on the human body.

The environmental aspects of one or another disease depends on its reasons that are divided into several categories:

1. The direct cause of the violation of the normal life of the organism and the occurrence of the pathological process may be abiotic environmental factors. Obviously, the geographical distribution of a number of diseases associated with climate-geographical zones, the height of the area, the intensity of insolation, air movement, atmospheric pressure, etc.

2. Biotic environmental component in the form of plant metabolism products and microorganisms, pathogenic microorganisms, poisonous plants, insects and dangerous animals.

3. This category includes pathological conditions associated with anthropogenic environmental pollution factors: air, soil, water, industrial production products. This also includes pathology, which is associated with biological pollution from animal husbandry, production of microbiological synthesis products (feed yeast, amino acids, enzyme preparations, antibiotics, microbial and antibacterial insecticides, etc.).

In addition to diseases that occur directly under the influence of adverse environmental conditions, there is a large group of diseases that are manifested by poor adaptation of the body, its individual organs and systems through a genetic defect, peculiarities of immunity.

As noted earlier, among the diseases of non-infectious nature, the first rank places occupy diseases of the respiratory organs, blood circulation systems, malignant neoplasms, injuries and poisoning, mental disorders, hereditary diseases. Consider some patterns of incidence of the population of Ukraine depending on environmental factors.

As mentioned earlier, the external (surrounding) environment includes a natural and social environment. The natural environment consists of a biosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and lithosphere, which are under the influence of space. The natural medium exists in both natural and in a changed (anthropogenic) form.

Social environment consists of various subsystems of the social infrastructure of society. The factors of each subsystem have a significant impact on the health of the population.

The main task of this lecture is to consider the influence of physical environmental factors on the human body.

It is known that the natural environment forms defined, most often specific conditions for the conservation and development of health.

Factors negatively affecting human health - take care of yourself and your own body

Now there is no doubt of such a causal chain: solar activity - the perturbation of the magnetosphere and the ionosphere - the increase in the tension of the electromagnetic field of the Earth is the reaction of the body. The main causative agent of life on our planet is solar radiation with all its electronic and ion fluxes and spectra. Solar activity contributes to such physicochemical processes as fluctuations in atmospheric pressure, temperature, degree of humidity, and others, which affect the state of cardiovascular and nervous systems, psyche and human behavioral reactions.

So, for example, it has been established that there is a close relationship between death, fertility and solar activity. With the emergence of spots in the sun, people are spoiled by the mood, the performance is reduced, the rhythm of life is disturbed. During this period, increasing the exacerbations of chronic diseases, primarily the cardiovascular system and CNS, road injury. It is known that short waves of ultraviolet radiation of the Sun adversely affect the living organism, they are absorbed by nucleic acids, which leads to genetic mutations, while at the same time, the amount of malignant formations - cancer, sarcoma, leukemia increase.

With climatic factors, namely: temperature, humidity, winds, weather, etc., closely related functional states and protection of the body's reaction, as well as motivation of behavior, which, in turn, can lead to a number of diseases, including and mental disorders.

It is found that the weather affects people with such diseases in different ways, for example, some of the patients with asthma believe that the air of the desert produces an amazing influence, whereas it does not bring relief, and the reasons for such discrepancies have not been found until that time. It is sometimes very difficult to determine how the weather affects the behavior and psychological state of a person, however, such an impact, undoubtedly, exists: for example, positive sensations with the onset of the first warm sunny days in spring after a long cold winter. At the same time, the highest mortality rate as a result of diseases is registered in winter. Most of the diseases, especially this concerns the lung diseases, falls for the winter. In winter, the number of colds and influenza cases increases; In some years, the flu acquires the character of epidemics. Meteurians who contribute to the disease of the flu are definitely not known. Some experts believe that the development of this disease is most likely subject to relative humidity of less than 50% and weak winds. They suggest that low temperatures are favorable for the survival and spread of the virus.

The method of hygienic evaluation of the weather is based on the definition and sanitary characteristics of the main factors that form and characterize the weather.

The factors that form the weather should include natural (solar radiation level, landscape characteristics, air mass circulation features) and anthropogenic (air pollution, forest destruction, creating artificial water bodies, amelioration, irrigation) factors. To factors that characterize the weather - gelіofіzichni elements (intensity of solar radiation, solar activity), geophysical elements (stress of planetary and abnormal fields, geomagnetic activity), electrical condition of the atmosphere (electric field voltage, atmospheric ionization, potential gradient, air electrical conductivity, electromagnetic oscillations), meteorological elements (temperature and humidity, speed and direction of movement of air masses, atmospheric pressure, etc.).

For systematization and assessment of the diversity of possible combinations of weather-forming elements in medicine, special application classifications are used. According to the classification of I.I. Grigoriev distinguish 4 medical weather types: very favorable, favorable weather, which requires enhanced medical control, and weather, which requires strict medical control.

Scientists suggest that the reaction to the external stimuli, including the weather, depends on the human constitution. Many people suffer from "Fenno Diseases", which usually manifests itself in a day or two before the start of the winds and continues until they pass. The manifestations of symptoms of the disease coincide with an abnormal increase in serotonin biologically active substances in the blood and tissues, which affects the transmission of signals from nerve cells in the CNS. This may be associated with changes in the environmental properties of air, often with a high content of positive ions. It is known that atmospheric ions are molecules or atoms that have very few electrons. In the atmosphere there is always a large number of ions - about 1000 negative ions and more than 1,200 positive ions in 1 cm3 of pure outdoor air. The concentrations of positive and negative ions are very varied depending on the state of the atmosphere and are just caused by diseases.

One of the funds from the physical and psychological ages associated with the weather is an attempt to increase the concentration of negative ions in the environment due to various types of generators of negative ions.

Some of the most important meteo elements are temperature and humidity. For a medium healthy person, the comfort index or discomfort in quiet weather can be expressed actually through the temperature and relative humidity. Under conditions of low relative humidity, most people seem that the temperature is lower than in fact, and vice versa.

It has been established that when the temperature exceeds 38, most people get hot regardless of the level of humidity. When the relative humidity exceeds with such a temperature of 30%, then conditions can be called depressing. Temperature 28 ° C becomes depressing if the humidity exceeds 70%.

Such sensations can be explained as follows. Under conditions of exposure to the elevated temperature and humidity, air returns from the body into the environment complicated and can occur only with the intense mechanisms of physical thermoregulation (that is, the strengthening of the sweating, expansion of peripheral vessels). With an increase in the ambient temperature to 33 OS, which corresponds to the skin temperature, the return of heat by conducting becomes ineffective and is carried out only by evaporation. If there is humidity of air increases complicated and this path of heat transfer - as a result of which the body overheating is possible.

The effect of high temperature on the body is accompanied by a decrease in attention, impaired accuracy and coordination of movements, changes in the immunological reactivity of the organism (special antibodies are formed - thermal agglutini and hemolynsini, which cause gluing and death of their own erythrocytes). Anemia is developing, as well as GіPaavitaminosi in groups of C and B (vitamins are lost from then).

The effect of low ambient temperature also leads to the voltage of the thermoregulation system. With long-term exposure of low temperatures, supercooling (hypothermia) is observed. In the state of hypothermia, the compression of the CNS is observed, reduces the sensitivity of nerve cells to a lack of oxygen and further decrease in temperature; The metabolism is weakened, which reduces the need for oxygen, the body at the same time becomes less susceptible to infection and intoxication, normally does not function the immune system, which can ultimately result in the death of the body.

1. Due to the general physiological adaptive reactions that are associated with the function of the thermoregulation system, that is, with the mechanisms of chemical and physical thermoregulation, providing the body's ability to work in a variety of temperature conditions of the medium.

2. As a result of specialized physiological and anatomical adaptive reactions, which are based on the features of the genotype.

3. Due to cultural and social adaptations that are associated with the provision of human housing, heat, ventilation system, etc.

At the same time, there is no last role in the development of mental diseases and psychosomatic disorders, seasonal temperature fluctuations are played. Especially dangerous for the health of the population unexpected increase in temperature. Before them, patients of cardiovascular diseases and people of old age, whose death rate increases sharply at such conditions.

Another manifestation of the environmental impact on the human body may be the so-called mining disease. It develops under conditions of highlands as a result of the fall in the partial pressure of atmospheric gases, primarily oxygen. At an altitude of about 3 thousand m. N.M. The saturation of hemoglobin oxygen is provided by 85%. At the heart of mountainous disease lies hypoxia - lack of oxygen in the tissues of the body. At the same time, shortness of breath arises, weakness, dizziness, headache, often observed and swelling of the lungs, the latter can lead to death. At an altitude of 5 thousand m. N.M. A comatous state may occur: due to the hypoxia of the brain, the patient loses consciousness, breathing and blood circulation is disturbed, deep shifts occur in the exchange of substances.

A change is also affected by a change in the ozone concentration atmosphere. The depletion of the ozone layer leads to an increase in the level of ultraviolet radiation and, as previously indicated, can lead to such pathologies as skin cancer, inhibition of the immune system and cataracts. The large concentrations of ozone in the air cause human poisoning (fatigue, irritability, suffocating cough, dizziness, etc.).

Thus, the basis of the environmental influence on the human body is gelіofіzichna activity, which manifests itself on Earth, both directly (radio emission, infrared radiation of the Sun and visible light), and indirectly (change of meteochinnikіv). The external environment primarily affects the nervous system of the body.

Biotic component

Questions of human relations with the animal world, including the existence and distribution of a number of dangerous infectious diseases that are transmitted from animals to people, also belong to medical problems of ecology.

Academician Pavlovsky created the doctrine of natural foci of a number of infectious diseases. The scientist showed that in nature there are foci of many infectious diseases in which the pathogen remains due to the transition from one animal to another. Many naturally mediated infections are transmitted to insect insects (mites, fleas, mosquitoes, mosquitoes), for example: plague, yellow fever, malaria.

The natural focus of the infectious disease is a portion of the territory with a certain geographic landscape, in which, in the process of the evolution of pathogens of infection, animals and carriers, there are sustainable interspecific relationships that do not depend on the existence of a person.

However, in the process of anthropogenic changes in the environment, unexpected epidemiological situations and processes may occur due to the impact of a person in nature. Scientists allocate the following 3 types of these consequences:

1. Direct, according to the "short circuit" (for example, diseases among persons arriving in the territory located within the limits of not identified diseases of the diseases - brought outbreaks of diseases); have, as a rule, local fitness; Reveal them quickly quickly.

2. indirect (for example, a change in the ranges of zoonoses and their structure as a result of the development of animal husbandry and land reclamation; change in the role of a water factor in the epidemiological process due to urbanization); There are many whole staircase spatial causal consequences and a "spilled" territorial fitness, they detect them slower.

3. Remote (associated with anthropogenic changes in landscapes and ecosystems, ways to circulate pathogens and conditions for the formation of their gene pool); Often have planetary and age.

Healthy lifestyle (sometimes called abbreviated zoom) - One of the important components of the normal human activity.

Many people heard that a healthy lifestyle allows you to look like young and maintain performance throughout life. But few people know what he is specifically?

1. Lifestyle man: Its nutrition, the mode, the nature of labor and recreation, the presence / absence of bad habits (,), sports, material and living conditions of life. From these characteristics, the state of our body depends by about 60%.
2. Environmental External Wednesday, climatic conditions and state of ecology on the territory of living have 20% significance to human health.
3. Genetic predispositionThe hereditary factors occupy about 10% on the scale of importance.
4. The same degree of significance for quality and life expectancy has health care level in the country.
As can be seen from this list, the most significant factor is a healthy lifestyle of a person. Here, in addition to the components listed, you can attribute hygiene and hardening the body.


Sport classes are useful not only for muscles:
Correctly dosed physical activity has a positive effect on human mental state. At the same time, the sport does not matter, it is important only to like it, delivered a feeling of pleasure and vigorous, gave the opportunity to relax from stresses and emotional overloads, so common in the modern world.

The habit of healthy lifestyle is formed in childhood. If parents explained in time and their own example was proved to the child the importance of proper nutrition, compliance with the standard rules of hygiene and so on, then becoming an adult, the person will also comply with these installations.

However, we should not forget that a healthy lifestyle is not just a list of certain rules, but also the style of your life, your thoughts, actions and actions.

It is from this first that will depend not only your health and the duration of your life, but also the mood, the nature of communication with people around you. Thus, a healthy lifestyle will help you and strengthen the body and spirit, and become more

The first chapter noted that public health as an object of studying social medicine is characterized by the complex impact of social, genetic, behavioral, biological, geophysical and other factors. Many of them can be defined as disease risk factors.

Risk factorsthese are potentially dangerous factors of behavioral, biological, genetic, environmental, social nature, surrounding and industrial environments that increase the likelihood of disease development, their progression and unfavorable outcome.

When studying public health, the factors determining it are usually combined into the following groups:

  • - socio-economic - working conditions, housing conditions, material welfare, level and quality of food, rest, etc.;
  • - Socio-biological - age, gender, predisposition to hereditary diseases, etc.;
  • - Environmental and climatic - pollution of habitat, average annual temperature, extreme natural climatic phenomena, etc.;
  • - Organizational or medical - security of medical and social assistance, its quality and accessibility and GD.

Other groupings and classifications are also offered. One of the generally accepted is the allocation of the main or large risk factors.

For example, with respect to cardiovascular diseases, it is smoking, hypokinesia, overweight, unbalanced nutrition, arterial hypertension, psycho-emotional stress, alcohol. Most of these risk factors depends on the people themselves, their behavior and lifestyle.

By nature, risk factors are divided into primary and secondary. According to WHO specialists, the primary large risk factors include: smoking, alcohol abuse, irrational nutrition, hypokinesia, psycho-emotional stress; to secondary - diabetes, arterial hypertension, cholesterol, rheumatism, allergies, immunodeficiency, etc.

The so-called risk groups are distinguished, which include a part of the population, to a greater extent than others, predisposed to various diseases. These are children, old men, pregnant, migrants, bums, faces with deviant behavior, working in harmful production conditions, etc.

Giving the characteristic of the health of the population, the specialists state and the social conditionality of the latter. When it comes to social conditionality, it meant is paramount according to its meaning, and sometimes the crucial influence of social risk factors, the impact of which leads to a violation of compensatory-adaptive mechanisms and, thereby contributes to the development of pathology.

Yu. P. Lisitsyn notes that mediating health (and diseases) occurs through social conditions and social factors, i.e. Specific forms of manifestation, reflection of the method of social production, its productive forces and production relations, the impact of the socio-political and economic structure of society, since these latter are theoretical, in many respects abstract, concepts. It is the specific living conditions of life - labor, life, nutrition, housing, recreation, education, upbringing, cultural needs and much more - and there are social conditions and factors.

It should be noted that in the modern Russian state there is a transformation, which is characterized by the formation of a new social structure, the regional bundle.

Significance, the scale and mobility of differentiation in society requires modern studies, primarily in terms of assessing the impact of such differentiation on the health of the population in various groups.

Questions of the influence of social factors on human health are represented in the fourth chapter of the textbook.

As knowledge accumulates about the patterns of individual development of the human body, it becomes clear that this process, including postnatal (postpartum) period, is a realization under certain conditions of a genetic program inherited by the individual from its parents through sex cells. Consequently, any developmental anomalies must be considered as violations in certain links of the implementation of such a genetic program.

Modern trends in the change in the structure of morbidity indicate an increase in the relative importance of genetically determined diseases in human pathology. According to world statistics, about 5% of all newborn appear on light with genetically determined defects whose role in perinatal pathology is even higher.

Progress in the understanding of etiology and pathogenesis of a number of common diseases (ischemic heart disease, ulcerative illness of the stomach and duodenal intestine, a large group of neuropsychiatric diseases, a number of oncological diseases, etc.) indicates a significant meaning of hereditary predisposition in the emergence of such forms of pathology. These diseases belong to the category of diseases with hereditary predisposition.

Chromosomal and gene hereditary diseases and diseases arising from external factors should also be remembered. These issues are discussed in the fifth chapter of the textbook.

It should be emphasized that understanding social workers of social and genetic health conditionality is important in their professional activities when assisting customers who provided in a difficult life situation, especially when such a situation is directly or indirectly related to health issues.

Thus, the human health is influenced by many factors, the main of which can be divided into four groups: lifestyle, heredity, environmental condition, quality and availability of medical care.

Mathematical calculations, repeatedly reproduced, including in our country, show that the largest influence on health has a lifestyle. The share of the latter factors exceeds 50% of all influences. In about 20%, hereditary factors and the state of the environment are occupied, and about 10% fall on the level of health development (Table 2.1).

Table 2.1

Grouping of risk factors (in Yu. P. Lisitsyn, 2010)

Examples of risk factors


Alcohol consumption

Unbalanced nutrition

Stress situations (distress)

Harmful working conditions


Low physical activity

Drug consumption, drug abuse

Tense family relations

Tense psycho-emotional relations at work

Low cultural and educational level

External environment

Air pollution with carcinogens and other harmful substances

Water pollution by carcinogens and other harmful substances

Soil pollution

Sharp change of the status of the atmosphere

Increased heliocosmic, radiation, magnetic and other radiation

Genetic factors

Predisposition to hereditary diseases

Hereditary predisposition to those or other diseases


Ineffectiveness of preventive measures

Low quality and low-rise medical care

It follows from this that one of the effective areas of improving the health of the population is to form such a lifestyle that would allow each person to maintain and improve the state of his own health.

Participation in this process, which is currently often called "the formation of the health-saving behavior of the population," not only medical workers, but also teachers, psychologists, as well as social workers should take.

Everyone wishes good health, because it provides a well-coordinated personality development, determines the ability to work and is the main human need.

And, unfortunately, not everyone is familiar with the factors that determine health. People often shift responsibility on others, without worrying about themselves. Leading bad to thirty years lead the body into a terrible state and only then think about medicine.

But doctors are not comprehensive. We will create fate, and all in our hands. This is consecrated in this article, consider the main factors that determine the health of the population.

Indicators of human health

For first, let's talk about the components. Distinguish:

  • Somatic. Good well-being and vital activity of the body.
  • Physical. Proper development and human trading.
  • Mental. Healthy spirit and sober mind.
  • Sexual. Level and culture of sexuality and childbearing activities.
  • Moral. Compliance with morality, rules, norms and obstacles in society.

Everything is visible, the term "health" is cumulative. Each individual must have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe human body, the work of organs and systems. Know the features of your psychological state, be able to adjust your own and physical, and mental abilities.

Now let's talk about the criteria that correspond to each component:

  • normal physical and genetic development;
  • lack of flaws, diseases and any deviations;
  • healthy mental and mental condition;
  • the possibility of healthy reproduction and normal sexual development;
  • proper behavior in society, compliance with the norms and obstacles, an understanding of themselves with a person and individual.

We looked at the components and criteria, and now let's talk about human health as values, factors that determine it.

Activity is welcomed from the small years.


  1. Physical health.
  2. Mental.
  3. Moral.

Healthy physically and spiritually lives in full harmony. He is happy, he gets moral satisfaction from work, self-improvement, and in the award he gets longevity and youth.

Factors defining human health

To be healthy and happy, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle. It is necessary to desire it and strive for the task.

What ways to achieve this goal:

  1. Maintain a certain level of motor activity.
  2. Have emotional and psychological stability.
  3. Hard.
  4. Eat right.
  5. Follow the regime of the day (work, rest).
  6. Forget about bad habits (alcohol, smoking, drugs).
  7. Observe moral norms in society.

It is very important to lay the foundation for a child from early childhood, so that later, in the process of building their future, the "walls" was strong and durable.

A person has an influence of many phenomena. Consider the main factors defining health:

  1. Heredity.
  2. The attitude of a person to his own health and his lifestyle.
  3. medium.
  4. Health care level.

These were key points.

Let's talk more about every

Heredity plays a huge role. If relatives are healthy and strong, long-livers, the same fate is prepared for you. The main thing is to maintain your health.

Lifestyle - what you are. That is, because the right food, jogging, charging, cold shower, hardening is your health. You need to be able to refuse yourself for good. Suppose friends are called in the nightclub, and tomorrow there is a difficult work day, of course, it is better to stay at home, sleep, rather than with a sick head, hunted nicotine, dipped to work. This applies to smoking, alcohol and drug use. There must be a head on the shoulders.

There are factors that determine human health that do not depend on ourselves. This is the environment. Gas exhausts from transport, consumption of goods and food products from unscrupulous manufacturers who mutant old viruses (flu) and the appearance of new ones - all this negatively affect our health.

We depend on the health care system that exists in the region in which they live. Medicine in many cases paid, and not many have means to get the help of a good, highly qualified specialist.

Thus, we have determined health as value and factors, it is determined, considered.

Health is a diamond requiring cut. Consider two basic rules for building a healthy lifestyle:

  • step by step;
  • regularity.

It is very important in any training process, whether it is the development of muscles, hardening, expanding posture, learning learning material or mastering a specialty, to do everything gradually.

And, of course, do not forget about the systematics, in order not to lose the result, experience and skills.

So, we reviewed the main factors defining health, and now let's talk about the processes that negatively affect the lifestyle of a person.

What worsens health

Consider risk factors:

  • Harmful habits (smoking, alcohol, drugs, toxicomia).
  • Poor food (unbalanced food intake, overeating).
  • Depressive and stressful state.
  • Lack of physical activity.
  • Sexual behavior, which leads to infectious infections and unwanted pregnancy.

These are factors that determine health risk. Let's talk about them in more detail.

We give the definition of the term

Risk factors are confirmed or approximately possible conditions of the inner and outer environment of the human body, which have to any death. There may not be the cause of the disease, but to promote greater likelihood of its occurrence, progression and adverse outcome.

What other risk factors exist

We give examples:

  • Biological. Poor heredity, congenital vices.
  • Socio-economic.
  • Environmental phenomena (bad ecology, features of climatic and geographical conditions).
  • Violation of hygienic standards, their ignorance.
  • Failure to comply with regimes (sleep, nutrition, labor and recreation, educational process).
  • An unfavorable climate in the family and in the team.
  • Bad motor activity and many others.

After studying the examples of risk, a person remains purposefully, stubbornly, in good faith to work on their decrease and strengthen the factors of health protection.

Let us dwell on the physical health. It depends not only to ability to work, but also the life activity as a whole.

Physical health. Factors defining physical health

This state of the human body, whose characteristic features help to adapt to any circumstances, when all organs and systems are functioning normally.

It should be noted that maintaining a healthy lifestyle is not just a sport, compliance with regimes and proper nutrition. This is a certain installation that the person adheres to. He is engaged in self-improvement, spiritual development, increases the cultural level. All in the aggregate makes his life better.

Lifestyle and is the first major factor. The prudent behavior of a person aimed at saving his health should include:

  • compliance with the optimal labor, sleep and rest;
  • the mandatory presence of everyday physical activity, but within the normal range, no less or more;
  • full rejection of bad habits;
  • only proper and balanced nutrition;
  • training positive thinking.

It is necessary to understand that it is the factor of a healthy lifestyle that makes it possible to function normally, to carry out all social tasks, as well as labor, in the family-household sphere. He directly affects how much a separate individual will live.

By 50%, the physical health of a person depends on his lifestyle, according to scientists. We will proceed to discuss the following question.


What factors determine human health if they are talking about the environment? Depending on its impact, three groups are distinguished:

  1. Physical. This is humidity of air, pressure, solar radiation, etc.
  2. Biological. Can be useful and harmful. This includes viruses, fungi, plants and even pets, bacteria.
  3. Chemical. Any chemical elements and connections that are found everywhere: in the soil, in the walls of buildings, in food, in clothing. As well as electronics surrounding man.

In the amount, all these factors make up about 20%, the figure is rather big. Only by 10% of the health status of the population is determined by the level of medical care, 20% - hereditary factors, and 50% is given by lifestyle.

As we see, the factors determining the state of human health, a great set. Therefore, it is imperative not to simply eliminate the symptoms of diseases and deal with infections. It is necessary to influence all the factors defining health.

One is extremely difficult to change the environmental conditions, but by the power to improve the microclimate of its housing, carefully choose food, use clean water, less applying substances that negatively affect the environment.

And finally, let's talk about the factors that determine the level of health of the population.

Circumstances forming people's lifestyle

Consider the most important indicators that affect the level of health:

  1. Living conditions.
  2. Harm habits.
  3. Relationship between family members, microclimate, as well as loss of family values, divorces, abortions.
  4. Performed crimes, missing, murder and suicide.
  5. Change of lifestyle, let's say, moving from the village to the city.
  6. Clashes that occur due to belonging to different religions and traditions.

Now consider the impact on the health of the population of other phenomena.

Negative impact of man-made factors

These include:

  1. Reducing the performance of conditionally healthy people as well
  2. The occurrence of violations in genetics leading to the emergence of hereditary diseases that will fall for future generations.
  3. The growth of chronic and infectious diseases in the working-age population, due to which people do not go to work.
  4. Reducing the level of health of children living in contaminated territories.
  5. Weak immunity in most of the population.
  6. An increase in the number of patients with oncology.
  7. Reducing the life expectancy in people living on a high level environmental pollution.

Thus, it can be seen that risk factors are set. This also includes industrial and transport emissions into the atmosphere, dirty drains into groundwater, landfills, pairs and poisons of which, then again with precipitation come into a human habitat.

It can be noted a negative impact on the health of the media population. News on television, periodicals, radio broadcasts, overcrowded with negative material, exciteed people. Thus, they cause depressive and stressful state, break the conservative consciousness and are a powerful factor that harm the health.

The quality of water used is essential for humanity. It can serve as a source of dissemination of terrible infectious diseases.

A negative impact on the health of people has a soil. Since it accumulates pollution from industrial enterprises coming from the atmosphere, a variety of pesticides, fertilizers. It may also keep pathogens of some helminthiasis and numerous infectious diseases. This is a greater danger to people.

And even the biological components of the landscape are able to cause harm to the population. These are poisonous plants and bites of poisonous animals. It is also extremely dangerous carriers of infectious diseases (insects, animals).

It is impossible not to say about natural natural disasters who carry more than 50 thousand people annually. It is an earthquake, landslides, tsunami, avalanche, hurricanes.

And in conclusion of our article, it can be concluded that many competent people do not adhere to the right lifestyle, relying on top forces (perhaps).

Need to relax. A dream is very important that our nervous system takes place. A person who sleeps little, in the morning gets irritated, broken and evil, often with a headache. For each individual there is its own sleep rate, but on average it should last at least 8 hours.

Two hours before the night rest, stop the eating and mental activity. The room should be ventilated, you need to open the window for the night. In no case can not sleep in outerwear. Do not hide yourself with your head and stuck in the face in the pillow, it interferes with the respiratory process. Try to fall asleep at one time, the body will get used to it and there will be no float problems.

But you should not risk your health, alone, and you need to live qualitatively and happily, so that your healthy descendants could be rejected by this priceless gift.

1. Tobacco smoking - The most common toxication in the modern world. Extensive advertising of tobacco products on television involves smoking and diseases associated with it, all new tens of millions of Russians.

Smoking is not found without reason called "tobacco chuma", and some doctors believe that harm caused by the epidemics of the plague in the middle of the XX century, pale before the modern smoking epidemic. The number of direct tobacco victims in the world is estimated at 2 million lives a year (L. A. Leschinsky).

With smoking, more than hundreds of harmful substances - nicotine, hydrogen sulfide, acetic, formic and sinyl acid, ethylene, damp and carbon dioxide, various resins, radioactive polonium, heavy metal salts, a group of carcinogenic substances that stimulate the growth of cancer cells and others are the above The substances together are taken are about 13 mg, and 1.5 g of nicotine and other poisonous substances can be distinguished from hundreds of cigarettes. Singing in the lungs and falling into the blood, they have a devastating effect on the body. Nicotine is different in particularly large toxicity.

Nicotine - The strongest poison is harmful to all organs and first of all on the CNS. Nicotine contributes to the narrowing of blood vessels, including those that supply blood, vital organs - brain, heart, kidney.

Smoking causes the origin of blood vessels, has a negative impact on blood pressure, the heart of the heart, the consumption of oxygen. Smokers are much more likely to suffer angina, earlier and harder begin to hurt atherosclerosis, hypertensive disease. The smokers are 5-6 times more often than in non-smoking, there is a sudden death from cardiovascular diseases (L. A. Leschinsky).

Perhaps the highest argument against smoking is a high likelihood of lung cancer, respiratory tract, lips, language, larynx, esophagus, stomach, urinary tract. With great accuracy, it was established that the "avid" smoker introduces about 800 g of tobacco tar in his light for the year, containing so-called carcinogens - chemical stimulants of malignant tumors. 90% of all established cases of lung cancer are accounted for smokers. For people who dig more packs of cigarettes per day, the probability of cancer increases 10-15 times compared with those who do not smoke at all.

A. P. Laptev leads to an instructive testament of the American actor Yula Brinner, published by the US television. Shortly before his death, which comes in October 1985 from the lung cancer, Brinner recorded a short video message to his compatriots: "Now that I died, I warn you: do not smoke. If I did not smoke, I would not have cancer. I'm completely sure of this. "

It should be remembered that almost a third of all diseases in men after 45 are caused by adsae to smoking. Mortality among smokers 40-49 years is 3 times higher than in non-smoking, and in 60-69-year-olds - 19 times. A 50-year-old man who smokes a pack of cigarettes per day, twice the chances to die than the non-smoking peer. The English Union of Doctors scrupulously calculated that each cigarette reduces life for 5-6 minutes. A man who smokes on the day of 9 cigarettes, therefore, reduces life for 5 years; 20-30 cigarettes - for 6.2 years, up to 40 cigarettes - for 8.3 years (A. P. Laptev).

Epidemiological surveys of approximately 1 million Americans conducted by the US Cancer Institute revealed statistics to reduce the lives of smokers (Table 2.3).

Table 2.3.

Reducing the lifestyle of the smoker depending on the number of daily cigarettes smoked and its age

Reducing life during daily smoking

1-9 cigarettes

over 40 cigarettes

Here we also note that a number of other factors (age, the beginning of smoking, a smoking method, lifestyle, attitude towards sports, etc.) has the life expectancy of smokers.

Smoking is not only a reduction in life, lung cancer, atherosclerosis, angina, hypertension is the diverse disorders of the body from the nervous system, increased fatigue, deterioration in the quality of work and study.

Nicotine and other toxic substances gradually suppress the function of the genual glands, reduce the productivity of genital cells and their quality.

A huge danger to reproduction of a healthy population represents the consequences of smoking women. Professor L. A. Leschinsky, referring to the report of the Committee of Experts of the World Health Organization, leads anxious data on the consequences of smoking women. In smoking women stilling, miscarriages and the death of the fetus soon after birth were celebrated more often than non-smoking. The mass of the bodies born in smoking mothers, on average 150-240 g less than in children born from non-smoking women. This is due to not even nicotine, but carbon oxide, which easily passes through the placenta and forms in the blood of the fetus (erythrocytes) a special connection with hemoglobin - carboxygemoglobin. At the same time, carboxygemoglobin is more in the blood of the fetus than the mother. Consequently, the smoking mother as it causes "smoking" the fruit is even more intense than she herself. In the group of smoking women, premature labor was 2-3 times more often. Smoking of pregnant women cause a large number of deformities, various anomalies in newborns. Children in smoking mothers often, up to seven years, lagging behind in mental and physical development from peers. In addition, in children born from women, smoking during pregnancy, the increased risk of developing cancers. This truly needs to think about all girls, women, mothers, before starting smoking!

It should be added that even the appearance, a portrait of a smoking woman is unattractive. The smokers quickly grieves the voice, the color of the face (pale yellow - "branded" color of the skin of smoking women), wrinkles appear, teeth and fingers are yellowing, it smells like a "ashtray". You can even say that because of smoking, it loses femininity, and the body quickly fades.

Smoking, like alcohol, refers to socio-psychological factors. At the same time, the continuation of smoking depends mainly from the generated habits for the effects of nicotine.

Sociologists have determined that the habit of smoking in young people is under the influence of three factors: accommodation surrounded by smoking people, smoking parents, smoking friends. The factors that encourage people to smoke are very primitive. Usually they are reduced to curiosity, imitation and the desire to follow fashion. In a large degree, the beginning of smoking is also explained by the psychological characteristics of a person: an increased suggestibility and non-critical perception of extraneous influences, a tendency to imitation, desire for self-affirmation and independence, to a sharp protest against any "prohibitions".

Currently, everything is clear that smoking is great evil both for the smoker himself and for the people around him and in general for the whole society. But the army of smokers does not decrease. What does the smokers encourage and make them smoke to the years, decades? In this case, it is necessary to take into account that nicotine, regularly administered from the outside to the body, from a certain point begins to be included in the course of metabolic processes. Nicotine deficiency in metabolic processes causes a number of unpleasant sensations. Nicotine is also included in the system of nervous control (nervous regulation) by the organism in two directions - an increase in excitability, which is then replaced by the inhibition of nerve cells, which requires reuse. It should be remembered that when smoked, there is a violation of equilibrium in the vegetative nervous system between the sympathetic and parasympathetic parts towards the prevalence of the sympathetic department. In order to maintain the balance, he has to join again and again. Reducing or termination of nicotine intake to the body causes a temporary painful state. This state got the name "abstineent syndrome". When trying to quit smoking, a person experiences unpleasant sensations of the abstineent syndrome - these are headaches, sleep disorder, decline in appetite, heartbeat, sweating, hand shake, general weakness and increased fatigue, frequent anxiety, feeling of anxiety, violation of attention mobilization.

First of all, the propaganda of a healthy lifestyle and special anti-bacate campaigning in educational institutions, in production, in the family, are of great importance. Of particular importance is explanatory work among students of vocational schools, technical schools and universities. Great role and personal example, especially parents, teachers, teachers, coaches, doctors and medical workers. But the most important thing is the conscious determination to quit smoking and the will in implementing this decision. When I. P. Pavlova asked how he lived to a deep old age, practically not leading diseases, a wise scientist - the physiologist was convinced: "Do not drink wine, do not care about the heart with a tobaching - you live as much as Titian lived." Recall that the Italian artist, which he mentioned, survived to 104 years.

2. Alcohol. A special conversation is the use of alcohol. Anyone, even the smallest dose of it leads to an enhanced emission of norepinephrine, and therefore, to the depletion of the nervous system. It is established that the most definitely before the poisonous impact of alcohol is a brain. There is so-called hematostephalic barrier, Reliably protecting the brain from the receipt from the blood of various harmful substances, but it is not an obstacle for alcohol. Rising the permeability of cell membranes, alcohol facilitates the penetration into the brain of other harmful substances. It should be emphasized that the appetite after the use of alcoholic beverages is excited only at the initial stages of drunkenness by increasing the acidity of the gastric juice. In the future, acidity decreases up to the complete absence of acid in gastric juice. As a result of the functional overload of the liver cells, fatty dystrophy and hepatitis are developing, and then cirrhosis of the liver, in which deathy hepatic cells are replaced by a junction tissue. Ultimately, the liver decreases in size, ceases to perform its functions. Women should pay attention to the detrimental effects of alcohol on the fruit, especially in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. This leads to underdevelopment of the fetus, the birth of weakened or dead children, congenital deformities, high level of child mortality. Alcohol, penetrating the blood of the fetus, causes the vices of its development, called the "Alcohol Fetal Syndrome". The French doctor Deme studied the health of the offspring of 10 families of alcoholics. Of the 57 children 25 died at an early age (up to the year), 5 suffered from epilepsy, 5 - severe water, 12 were helpless mentally retarded and only 10 were normal.

Alcohol forms in the brain connection with neurogormon products, because of what a person has a hallucinatory state, dulling the sharpness of the perception of events. Once in the human body, alcohol paralyzes, first of all, the CNS. Most recently, it was proved that brain cells produce few enzymes that destroy alcohol. If the concentration of alcohol in the blood is taken per unit, then in the liver it will be equal to 1.45, in the spinal fluid - 1.5, in the brain - 1.75. Because of the oxygen starvation arose in the brain, the cortical cells are dying, which is why there is a decrease in memory and a slowdown in mental activity. A man in a state of intoxication seems to have a sedative discharge has come, and in fact, his nervous tension and fatigue increased.

The most important part of a healthy lifestyle regime is abstaining from alcohol use. A healthy lifestyle is, first of all, a sober way of life. According to the psychologist B. S. Brother, one of the socio-psychological factors that cause potential drunkenness is the negative impact of the environment, the so-called alcoholic traditions, i.e. The habit is accompanied by drinking big and small events, an idea of \u200b\u200bthe "real man" as a drinking person. Alcohol in a systematically drinking person from a certain point is firmly included in the exchange processes, it becomes like their necessary part. This leads to the fact that the abstinence from drinking in such a person causes a number of painful manifestations that the volitional effort (and sometimes a number of special medical measures) may eventually be overcome. The cunning of alcohol is also in the fact that drunkenness from the "spiritual arms" of drunkenness often not as simple, and for this requires mobilization of all mental and volitional resources of a person, family assistance, a team, and often serious medical care.

We will give the well-known scheme of Elinteka, in which the development of the disease of alcoholism is shown.

  • 1. Primary phase. Inxication with a memory loss, "Eclipse". Secret drinking. Searches for the opportunity to drink secret from others. Permanent thoughts about drinking. More and more often it seems that it is not sufficient enough. The desire to drink "future". Alcohol greed. Consciousness of their guilt, the desire to avoid talking around others about the thrust to alcohol.
  • 2. Critical phase. Loss of control over themselves after the first throat. The desire to find an excuse for your thrust to alcohol. Resistance to all attempts to suspend drunkenness. Highly, aggressive behavior, the desire to blame those surrounding in their troubles. Long sense of guilt. Casual drinking. Periods of complete abstinence, interrupted by recurrences of drunkenness. Meful drunkenness. Loss of friends. Care with permanent work, random earnings. Loss of interest in everything that is not related to drinking. Bad mood. Bad appetite. Detox, hospital. The stay there causes irritation and the desire to explain it by chance, injustice, the mistress of enemies. Loss of sex potency. Increasing passion for alcohol. Permanent drinks.
  • 3. Chronic phase. Long, constant, daily hangover. Disintegration of personality. Permanent turbidity of memory. Reliability of thoughts. Consumption of alcohol products intended for technical purposes. Loss by the body of adaptation abilities in relation to alcohol. Darnimous obsession. Heart attacks, alcoholic nonsense, "white hot". Alcohol psychosis. "It is difficult to imagine that a beneficial change that would have happened in the whole life of Human, if people stopped wrinkling vodka, wine, tobacco, opium," the great writer L. N. Tolstoy was expressed.

Each person, excessively prone to alcohol consumption, must ask himself with full responsibility and self-criticality whether he himself, without an outside interference, to get rid of detrimental affection. If the answer is negative or attempts to independently overcome the disease will be in vain, you should resort to the help of medicine. Here, it will be appropriate to bring the fair words of academician I. P. Pavlov: "Alcohol causes much more than grief than joy, although it is used for the sake of joy." It is quite obvious, it is worth thinking about it, and not only to students-athletes.

Drugs. Each sensible person should consider drugs as the most dangerous enemy for his health. Drugs include opium and its derivatives, drugs of Indian cannabis, as well as some sleeping pills. Addiction to them, even an episodic, has a destructive effect on the body and can lead to severe disease - addiction. With the introduction of drugs in the body, they cause a special state euphoria. Along with the lifting of the mood, there is an easy degree of permanent of consciousness (stunning), distortion of perception of complex and simple phenomena, worsens attention, the thinking is frustrated, the coordination of movements is disturbed.

The cunning effect of drugs is also in the fact that it is imperceptible to the irresistible thrust for them, which is characterized by a number of signs. First, the usual doses no longer give the desired effect. Secondly, there is an insurmountable desire for this drug and the desire to get it, no matter what. Thirdly, during the deprivation of the drug, a difficult state is developing, which is characterized by physical weakness, longing, insomnia (A. P. Laptev).

The habit of drugs often occurs in some people in treating these drugs. After recovery, they continue to experience the need for drugs, although the need for their use for medical indicators has already passed.

Another danger is frequent and uncontrolled sleeping equipment. The habit of this, not harmless drugs does not promise anything good. In large doses, they have a toxic effect on the body. Therefore, it is necessary to use sleeping pills only on medical testimony and with constant medical control.

However, it is most often a fatal step towards addiction to the addiction of the drug due to curiosity, the desire to experience his action or to imitate.

With long-term drug use, chronic poisoning of the body with deep disorders in various organs. Gradually comes mental and physical exhaustion. The intensive drug addicts are inherent in an increased irritability, an unstable mood, impaired coordination of movements, trembling of hands, sweating. Their mental abilities are noticeably reduced, the memory deteriorates, disability drops sharply, the will of the will is fussy, a sense of duty is lost. Drug addicts rapidly degrade as individuals and sometimes reach heavy crimes (A. P. Laptev).

In Russia and all over the world, severe measures are taken to prevent the possibility of making and use drugs. The legislation provides for strict punishment for illegal production, storage and sale of any kind of narcotic substances. Nevertheless, drug addiction exists, and therefore every cultural person, every physical consultancy and an athlete must clearly know about the disastrous drug action and always remember that the careless treatment of them leads to extremely difficult consequences.

In addition, no less dangerous to health athletes and athletes stimulants related to the group of so-called doping which for the first time began to apply "Profi". Even in Rome at the Olympics-60, Doping led to the death of the Danish cyclist Knude Jensen.

Like a cancer tumor, the doping began to eat sports and penetrated almost into all its views. The use of anabolic steroids in order to increase the level of human performance leads to a violation of the functions of the heart, liver, genital organs and other detrimental consequences. The use of steroids athletes is particularly dangerous, the more young, in which the process of growth and development has not yet ended. The side effects of drugs are manifested by musculinization, violation of the normal process of growth, a change in the voice, the masculine type. When receiving steroids, there is a violation of the menstrual cycle.

With doping, it is necessary to lead an irreconcilable struggle. There are lists of officially prohibited drugs. At large international and national competitions in fixing the world, European and Olympic records, doping control has become obligatory. But, unfortunately, dozens of cases of application of prohibited doping drugs, stimulants can be brought. As an example, the scandal at the 1994 World Championships in football with D. Maradona.

In the world of sports, the noble Olympic ideals must be triumphant, and the sport itself should not serve a clear coin for Deltsov, which, in essence, is completely alien to his interests, and in order not to come the day when the sport stop calling synonymous health. Millions are equal to outstanding athletes, and we should not forget about it.

As you can see, health has to fight, abandon some of their views and habits. We must always remember responsibility for your health in front of you, children, relatives, close to society.

"Break down to be healthy! "," Said People's Artist of the USSR F. Ranevskaya, famous for its creative longevity.

There are a lot of opportunities and reserves for long and healthy life, but the reserves without load are not saved by themselves, they must be constantly maintained - to train. This man must take care of himself, and at the same time make significant efforts. The authors could not get around the recommendation of the famous cardiac surgeon η. M. Amosova.

  • 1. In most diseases, Nature is not to blame, not society, but only the person himself. Most often he is sick of laziness and greed, But sometimes from unreasonableness.
  • 2. Do not hope for medicine. She treats many diseases well, but can not make a person healthy. While she cannot teach a person how to become healthy. Moreover: fear to get in captivity to the doctors! Sometimes they tend to exaggerate human weakness and the power of their science, create imaginary diseases in humans and give bills that can not pay.
  • 3. To become healthy, our own efforts are needed, constant and significant. It is impossible to replace them. A person, fortunately, is so perfect that he can almost always return health. Only the necessary efforts are increasing With old age and deepening diseases.
  • 4. The magnitude of any effort is determined by incentives, incentives - the significance of the goal, the time and the likelihood of its achievement. And very sorry, but also in character!. Unfortunately, health, as an important goal, stands in front of a person when death becomes close reality. but a weak person, even death can not scare for a long time.
  • 5. Health is equally necessary four conditions: physical exertion, nutrition restrictions, hardening, time and ability to rest. And Fifthhappy life!

Unfortunately, without the first conditions, it does not provide health. But if there is no happiness in life, then where to find incentives for efforts to strain and starve? Alas!

  • 6. Nature of Milostiv: 20-30 mines of physical education per day, but such to suffocate, stand and that the pulse turns half. If this time is to double, it will be great at all.
  • 7. You need to limit yourself in food. Normal human weight (body length (in centimeters) minus 100).
  • 8. Be able to relax - Science, but it is also needed. If he were!
  • 9. About happy life. It is said that health - happiness is already in itself. It is incorrect: to get used to health so easily and stop noting him. However, it helps to achieve happiness in the family and in work. Helps, but does not define. True, the disease - she is certain - misfortune.

So is it worth fighting for health? Think! Here, we note that if a person dreams, puts the target achievable in the future, he will always be young in his soul, despite his age (I. A. Written, Yu. N. Allyanov).

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