The structure of the separation system table. Options

The amount of food that we eat in a lifetime is calculated with tens of tons, the number of consuming beverages is the value of the same order. Until now, no one has burst, although the jokes on this topic will always be. The fact is that everything that falls into the body passes the complex cycle associated with grinding and chemical transformation. And removes waste precipitating system of man. Presentation on this topic will be small. You will need 4 pages: about kidneys, lungs, rectum with liver, skin.

The kidneys are the largest workers of the body in the selection: 70% of all waste are output. They work with the most toxic substances that are in the body in the norm - products of protein metabolism: creatinine, urea and they are also engaged in regulating the amount of liquid, salts and help get rid of alien substances. The kidneys are securely covered on all sides: these organs of the system of human excretory system. If one of the kidneys is sick, the second takes on all the work.

The kidney product is urine - it is done from the blood, although it does not have a noble reputation of the latter. Although in India, even to this fluid treated with respect. There is nothing in the urine that there would be no blood. The kidneys take from the blood all unnecessary, and the body leaves nutrients. Blood in the kidney passes 2 stages of transformation. First, a lot of it is taken out of it, even useful, then the desired absorbed back. For the first process, there is little energy, the second is very expensive, so the small kidney consumes about 10% of the total oxygen, which the body got. So much distinguishing system of man needs oxygen.

The more urine leaves, the thicker it becomes the blood in the vessels, and vice versa. And on the amount of fluid in the vessels directly depends on blood pressure. If the pressure drops - even filtering will not be able to occur, and if the pressure is very large, nephrons (fuchanation units) will begin massively fail. To protect yourself, the kidneys produce renin. This hormone allows you to adjust the pressure. Since the kidneys critically need oxygen, they produce erythropoietin, which causes the bone marrow to create red blood cells - oxygen carriers. So every time you during the run, know that the kidneys give the signal to the production of red blood cells at this time.

Urine descends into the bladder, where accumulates until the moment when an adult decides to empty him. A small child has a spinal cord process with this process, but two years ripen the corresponding cerebral centers and the child takes on the pot. However, even an adult can lose control over the process of urination, if urine in the bubble is more than 500 ml. You can not tolerate for a long time: it is possible to stagnate urine and the formation of stones.

If the kidneys do not cope, many problems can solve the skin. She evaporates to a liter per day. If the kidneys are sick, the sweat can smell like urine. Also identifies the substances outside the lungs - including from 400 ml of water.

The distinguishing system of man also includes the rectum. It is associated with the liver, because most of the toxic substances of the feces are obtained from bile, and the bile liver forms from the "caught" from the blood of substances. However, to remove the feces outside are not easy - the muscles of the abdominal press and intestines are working at the same time. Emptied normally once a day, on average it comes around 150g. The kidneys over a month is derived approximately 45 liters of urine. So the load on these organs is considerable.

The distinguishing system of a person works simply, if there are problems with one organ, others are taken for someone else's work. If the liver or kidneys is sick, the protein exchange products take out lungs and skin, if the liver does not cope with the waste of hemoglobin metabolism, then the kidneys will occur.

Isolation is the removal of toxins from the body formed as a result of metabolism. This process is a prerequisite for maintaining the constancy of its internal environment - homeostasis. The names of the organs of animals are diverse - specialized tubes, metanephrium. A person has a whole mechanism for the implementation of this process.

System of isolation organs

Exchange processes are quite complex and occur at all levels - from molecular to organism. Therefore, for their implementation requires a whole system. Human allocation organs remove various substances.

Excess water removed from the body using lungs, leather, intestines and kidneys. Salts of heavy metals highlight the liver and intestines.

Lightweight - respiratory organs, the essence of which lies in the intake of oxygen and removing carbon dioxide from it. This process has a global value. After all, carbon dioxide plants isolated by animals are used for photosynthesis. In the presence of water and light in the green parts of the plant, which contain the chlorophyll pigment, they form carbohydrate glucose and oxygen. Here is such a cycle of substances in nature it turns out. Through the lungs are also continuously removed excess water.

The intestine brings out unsewable food residues, and with them and harmful metabolic products that can cause organism poisoning.

Digestive gland liver is a real filter for the human body. In it, poisonous substances are selected from the blood. The liver allocates a special enzyme - bile that disfixes toxins and derives them from the body, including the poisons of alcohol, narcotic substances and drugs.

The role of the skin in the processes of selection

All bodies of allocation are indispensable. After all, in violation of their functioning in the body, poisonous substances will be accumulated - toxins. The largest human body is of particular importance in the implementation of this process. One of its most important functions is the implementation of thermoregulation. During intensive work, the body allocates a lot of heat. Accumulating, it can cause overheating.

The skin regulates the intensity of heat recoil, while maintaining its required amount. At the same time, in addition to water, mineral salts, urea and ammonia are removed from the body.

How does heat exchange occur?

Man is a warm-blooded creature. This means that its body temperature does not depend on climatic conditions in which he lives or is temporarily located. Organic substances that come with food: proteins, fats, carbohydrates - in the digestive tract are split up to their components. They are called monomers. During this process, a large number of thermal energy is distinguished. Since the ambient temperature is most often lower than the body temperature (36.6 degrees), according to the laws of physics, the body gives an excess of heat into the environment, i.e. in the direction where it is less. So the temperature equilibrium remains. The process of recoil and the formation of heat by the body and is called thermoregulation.

When does a person sweats most intensively? When it's hot on the street. And in the cold season, the sweat is practically not allocated. This is because the body is not beneficial to lose heat when it is not so much.

The nervous system affects the process of thermoregulation. For example, when palms sweat on the exam, it means that in a state of excitement of the vessels expands and heat transfer increases.

The structure of the urinary system

An important role in the process of excretion of the exchange products is played by the system of urinary organs. It consists of paired kidneys, ureters, bladder, which opens with a urethra. Located below the figure (the circuit "Options") illustrates the location of these organs.

Kidney - the main allocation body

Human allocation bodies begin with pair-shaped paobs. They are located in the abdominal cavity on both sides of the spine, to which they are rotated with a concave side.

Outside, each of them is covered with a shell. Through a special deepening, which is called the renal gate, the body includes blood vessels, nerve fibers and ureters.

The inner layer is formed by two types of substances: cortical (dark) and brain (light). A waterway is formed in the kidney, which is assembled in a special capacity - a loyalty, acting from it in the ureter.

Nephron - elementary kidney unit

In particular, the kidney consist of elementary units of the structure. It is in them that exchange processes occur at the cellular level. Each kidney consists of a million nephrons - structural and functional units.

Each of them is formed by the renal body, which, in turn, surrounds a glass-shaped capsule with a ball of blood vessels. Urine is initially going exactly here. From each capsule, the convolent tubules of the first and second tubules open by collecting tubes are departed.

Urinary formation mechanism

Urine is formed from blood as a result of two processes: filtration and reabsorption. The first of these processes occurs in nephron calves. As a result of filtering from blood plasma, all components are allocated, except proteins. Thus, in the urine there should not be this substance. And its presence indicates a violation of metabolic processes. As a result of filtration, a fluid is formed, which is called primary urine. Its quantity is 150 liters per day.

After the next stage comes - reabsorption. Its essence is that from the primary urine in the blood back all useful substances for the body: mineral salts, amino acids, glucose, a large amount of water. As a result, secondary urine is formed - 1.5 liters per day. In this substance, a healthy person should not have glucose monosaccharide.

Secondary urine by 96% consists of water. It also includes sodium, potassium and chlorine ions, urea and uric acid.

Reflex nature of urination

From each nephron, the secondary urine enters the renal pelvis, from which the ureter flows into the bladder. It is a muscle unpaid organ. The volume of the bladder increases with age and in an adult reaches 0.75 liters. The bubble opens with a urethra. At the exit, it is limited by two sphincters - circular muscles.

In order to occur with the urination process, about 0.3 liters of fluid should accumulate in the bubble. When this happens, the wall receptors are annoyed. The muscles are reduced, and the sphincters relax. Urination occurs arbitrarily, i.e. Adult man is able to control this process. Urination is regulated with the help of the nervous system, its center is in the sacratsove of the spinal cord.

Functions of the selection organs

The kidneys perform an important role in the process of eliminating the final exchange of exchange from the body, regulate water-salt exchange and maintain the constancy of the liquid medium of the body.

The separation organs purify the body from toxins, maintaining a stable level of substance content necessary for the normal full functioning of the human body.

The excretory system is extremely important for the human body. Metabling products need to withdraw quickly, otherwise they can lead to the poisoning of the body.

The main organ allocation body is the kidney. Also, the excretory function is carried out lung, leather and liver (Fig. 21.1).

Fig. 21.1. Man organs performing excretory functions

The kidneys are part of the urinary system, which also includes ureterals, bladder and urethra (Fig. 21.2). The main task of the urinary system is the elimination of water-soluble metabolic products from the body.

Fig. 21.2. The structure of the urinary system


The kidneys are paoboboid pair-shaped (Fig. 21.3). They consist of two layers - outdoor cortical and inner cerebral. Arteries, veins, lymphatic vessels, nerves and urethra are included in the kidney from her inner side, and the place of their entry is called the kidney gates. The cavity inside the kidneys is called renal laughter.

Fig. 21.3. Building kidney

The main functional unit of the kidney is nephron. Nephron are responsible for urine formation.


Ureterals are a 30-35 cm long tube connecting the kidneys with a bladder. According to them, watering from the renal loching falls into the bladder.


From nephrons, urine on a collecting tube enters the kidney pelvis, and from there on the ureter - in the bladder. The bladder is a muscular bag that consists of smooth muscles and from the inside is covered with epithelium. In the bladder is going to urine. So that it does not flow out spontaneously, this organ has two sphincters (clock muscles). From the bladder urine is derived from the body through the urethra.


The urethra canal is a tube that displays the urine accumulated in the bladder, from the body. In men, the ureas canal is much longer than that of women. If women, its length is only 3-4 cm, then in men - 18 cm.


Nephron (Fig. 21.4) consists of a capsule, two convoluted tubules and a long loop between them. Inside the capsule is placed vascular tangle formed by capillaries.

Fig. 21.4. The scheme of the nephron structure

From the capsule, it is an incomulted channel forms a long loop, which, in turn, goes into the next convulsion channel. He flows into a collecting tube, according to which the urine formed in Nephron is transported further.


Through the ducts of sweat glands from the body are derived water, urea and some salts. Due to the large surface of the skin surface through it, various toxins and exchange products can be very quickly displayed. The evaporation of water deposited through the sweat glands leads to the loss of heat, which is also very important because heat is one of the products of metabolism and its excess in the body is undesirable.

Heat can be output through the skin not only when evaporating sweat. Skin temperature is usually higher than the ambient temperature, so heat is highlighted with its entire surface. The greater the difference in skin temperatures and the environment, the faster the heat is excreted from the body.


In the liver of hemoglobin destroyed erythrocytes, bile pigments are formed, which in the composition of the bile are displayed in the intestine, from where they are removed along with the feet. In addition, one of the most important functions of the liver is the processing of products of the exchange of proteins and nucleic acids, as a result of which nitrogenous products are formed, which are derived by the kidneys.


With the help of light from the body, gaseous exchange products are derived. First of all, it is carbon dioxide, which is a product of oxidation of organic substances in the process of energy generation. Through the wet surface of the pulmonary alveoli, water is also excreted.

The role of the kidneys in the implementation of water-salt metabolism

For normal metabolism, the concentration of salts in the human body must be relatively constant. As a result, it can fluctuate in fairly narrow limits due to the presence of kidney skills, which are an extremely important regulator of the body's water-salt balance.

If the water in the body is too much and the concentration of salts decreases, the kidneys limit the absorption of water from the primary urine, which is formed in the nephron capsule, and accelerate its removal from the body. If water, on the contrary, is not enough, the intensity of its absorption from the primary urine increases.

  • Healthy kidneys filter about 1200 ml of blood per minute.
  • Of all the kidney organs, people transplanses most often.
  • In total, there are about 1 million nephrons in the kidney.

Check your knowledge

  1. Why do I need an excretory system?
  2. What organs perform excretory functions?
  3. What is the structure of the kidneys?
  4. What is a functional unity of the kidney?
  5. What products are allocated through the lungs?
  6. Why are the exchange products quickly derived from the body exactly through the skin?
  7. Offer your explanation of the fact that there are several ways to output the metabolic products from the human body.

Allocation bodies play an important role in the preservation of the constancy of the inner environment of the body due to the removal of excess decay products, excess water and salts. Lightweight, digestive system organs (liver, intestine), leather, as well as a specialized urination system take part in the implementation of this function. In addition, the separation organs provide protective (exhalation of fat), lactogenic (milk release) and pheromones (creating odors) function.

The lungs are removed from the body carbon dioxide, pairs of water, volatile substances (acetone, ketones and other volatile substances).

Through the digestion system together with untapped food products, salts of heavy metals are derived, toxic substances, residues of spree products of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. In the intestine, the final suction of simplified nutrients into the blood is occurring. Untraeaded and extra substances form roal masses and come out of the body with intestinal gases. The intestine contains a large number of bacteria that support the processes of digestion, so the violation of microflora (dysbacteriosis) entails the consequences of different gravity.

On the skin, sweat and sebaceous glands are played on the skin, and during feeding of infants, breasts are performed by breasts in women. Sweet glands remove water, salts and organic matter. Camping takes part in the thermoregulation and removal of water from the skin and some products of life, as well as the opposition to the skin of the skin. In order to preserve the natural state of the skin, a protective hydrolynid film is created.

Up to 75% of metabolic products derived from the body are removed through the kidneys. Water, salts and spree products are highlighted with urine. Thanks to the urinary system from the body, ammonia, urea, uric acid, poisonous and toxic substances, residues of drugs used, etc. are also excreted from the body.

With the help of kidneys in the body, acid-alkaline equilibrium (pH) is maintained, permanent, normal water and salts, stable osmotic pressure.

The kidneys protect the human body from poisoning. Each person has two knelts that are located at the loan level on both sides of the spine. Through the kidneys, all the blood contained in the body passes every five minutes. It brings harmful substances from the cell; In the kidneys, blood is cleaned and, entering the veins, heads back to the heart.

The value of the excretory system is reduced to the following: the liberation of the body from finite exchange products that are toxic substances; participation in maintaining the constancy of the inner medium of the body (osmotic pressure, active blood reaction); Synthesis of biologically active substances governing the constancy of blood pressure and the number of blood cells (renin, erythropoietin).

Thus, the kidneys, together with other bodies, ensure the constancy of the composition of the organism (homeostasis). The kidneys are, the main separation authorities.

Selection- Part of the metabolism carried out by removing from the body of finite and intermediate metabolic products, alien and excessive substances to ensure the optimal composition of the inner medium and normal life.

Outline system organs

organ selected substance

excess water

inorganic and organic substances

end exchange products


carbon dioxide

couple of water

some volatile substances (for example, pairs of ether and chloroform with anesthesia, alcoholic couples inxicated)

salivary glands

heavy metals

medicinal substances (for example, morphine and quinine)

alien organic compounds


nitrogen exchange products (urea)

hormones (for example, thyroxine)

spree products hemoglobin



heavy metals

medicinal substances

intestinal glands

heavy metals

medicinal substances


lactic acid


uric acid

Products selection

In the course of vital activity in the body, final metabolm products are formed. Most of them are non-toxic for the body (for example, duct gas and water).

However, when oxidizing proteins and other nitrogen-containing products, ammonia is formed - one of the final products of nitrogen exchange. It is toxic for the body, therefore it is rapidly excreted from the body. Dissolving in water, ammonia turns into a low-toxic connection - urea.

The urea is formed mainly in the liver. The amount of urea derived from the urine per day is approximately 50 to 60 g. Thus, nitrogenous exchange products are practically removed with urine as urea.

Part of the nitrogen is derived from the body as uric acid, creatine and Creatinina. These substances are the main nitrogen-containing components of urine.

urinary system

Human urinary system - The system of organs forming, accumulating and allocating urine.

The structure of the urinary system:

  • two kidneys
  • two uretera
  • bladder
  • urethra

Fig. Urinary system organs

kidney functions

The role of the kidneys in the body is not limited to the release of finite products of nitrogen exchange and excess water. The kidneys are actively involved in maintaining the organism homeostasis.

  • osmoreculsion - maintaining osmotic pressure in the blood and other body fluids;
  • ionic regulation - regulation of the ionic composition of the inner environment of the body;
  • maintaining the acid alkaline balance of blood plasma (pH \u003d 7.4);
  • regulation of blood pressure;
  • endocrine function: Synthesis and isolation in the blood of biologically active substances:
    - renin.regulating blood pressure;
    - Erythropoietina, regulating the rate of formation of erythrocytes;
  • participation in metabolism;
  • excretory function: Isolation from the body of finite products of nitrogen exchange, alien substances, excess of organic substances (glucose, amino acids, etc.).

Connection structure

Kidney - Parenchimato boboboid organs located on the dorsal side of the sides of the lumbar spine.

Fig. The location of the kidneys

The size of each kidney is about 4 x 6 x 12 cm and the weight of about 150 g.

The kidneys is surrounded by three shells (capsules):

  • fibrous capsule - internal thin and dense shell;
    in the inside of this capsule there are smooth muscle cells, due to a minor reduction in which the pressure necessary for filtering processes is maintained in the kidney.
  • fat capsule - medium shell;
    fat fiber is more developed on the back of the kidneys. Function: Elastic kidney fixation in the lumbar region; thermoregulation; Mechanical protection (depreciation). When weighing and reducing the volume of fatty fiber, mobility or kidney omission may occur.
  • renal fascia - outer sheath covering the kidney with a fat capsule and adrenal glands. Fascia keeps the kidney in a certain position. The fascia to the fibrous capsule through fatty fiber passes connecting fibers.

The kidney parenchyma includes:

  • cortical layer (outer layer) 5 - 7 mm thick;
  • cerebral layer (inner layer);
  • renal Lohanca.

Fig. Anatomy Kidney

The cortical substance is located on the periphery of the kidneys and in the form of columns ( columns Bertini) deeply penetrates the brainstant. Brainstress by kidney pillars is divided by 15 - 20 renal pyramidsfacing vertices inside the kidney, and the grounds - outward. The cerebral pyramid along with the cortical substance adjousing to it form string kidney.

Fig. Building kidney and nephron

Pelvis - Central hollow part of the kidney, which merges the secondary urine of all nephrons. The wall of the locher consists of mucous membranes, smooth muscle and connecting shells.

From the renal lochanka takes the beginning of the ureter, carrying the formed urine to the bladder.


Ureterals - Hollow tubes connecting the kidneys with a bladder.

Their wall consists of an epithelial, smooth muscle and connective tissue layer.

Thanks to the reduction of smooth muscles, the stalk of urine from the kidneys in the bladder occurs.


Bladder - a hollow organ capable of severe stretching.

Fig. Bladder

Urinary bubble function:

  • urine accumulation;
  • monitoring the number of urine in the bubble;
  • departure of urine.

Like all the hollow bladder organs has a three-layer wall:

  • internal layer of transitional epithelium;
  • medium fat smooth muscle layer;
  • outdoor connected layer.


Urethra - Tube, condicting the bladder with an external environment.

The wall of the canal consists of 3-shells: epithelial, muscular and constructed.

The outlet of the urethra can be called Urethroy.

Two sphincters overlap the clearance of the canal in the area of \u200b\u200bthe urinary bubble and in the urethra.

In women, the urethra is short (about 4 cm), and infections easier to penetrate the female urinary system.

In men, the ureas canal serves to highlight not only urine, but also sperm.

The structure of nephron

The structural functional unit of the kidneys is nefron.

In each kidney, there are about 1 million nephrons.

In nephron, the main processes that determine the variety of kidney functions occur.

Structural parts of the nephron:

  • renal (Malpigayevo) Taurus:
    - Capillary (renal) tangle (+ bringing and removing arteries)
    - Bowman-Sumyansky capsule (\u003d nephron capsule): formed by two layers of epithelial cells; the lumen of the capsule goes into an convinced channel;
  • the first order (proximal) canal holder: its walls have a brush cut - a large number of microvones facing the lumen of the Channel.
  • loop Galen: Sleeps into the brainstant, and then turns 180 degrees and returns to the cortical layer;
  • the second order (distal) canal holder: the walls of the loop of the Genla and the distal convolve canal without a villion, but have a strong folding;
  • collective tube.

In different areas of nephron, different processes that determine the functions of the kidneys flow are proceeding. This is connected with the location of the parts of the nephron:

  • tangle, capsule and convinced tubules are located in the cortical layer;
  • loop gene and collecting tubes are placed in the brain layer.

Fig. Nephron vessels

Starting in the cortex of the kidney, the collecting tubes pass through the brainstatus and open into the cavity of the renal loin.

Blood kidney system

Blood to the kidneys is suitable for renal arteries (branches of the abdominal aorta). The arteries are very branched and form a vascular network. At each renal capsule comes from the armoriol, there it forms a capillary network - the renal tangle - and comes out of the capsule in the form of a thinner of the thinning arteriole. Thus, high blood pressure in the capillaries of the glider to filter the liquid part of the blood and the formation of primary urine is created. The pressure in the capillary of the Gulf is fairly stable, its value remains constant even with increasing the overall level of pressure. Consequently, the filtration rate is also practically not changed.

After removal from the glider, the endowing arteriol again decays to the capillaries, forming a thick network around the convinced tubules. Thus, most of the blood in the kidney passes twice through the capillaries - at the beginning in the glomerular, then from the tubules.

Blood is taken out of kidneys along the renal veins falling into the lower hollow vein.

The processes occurring in the kidneys

  • ultrafiltration of fluid in kidney glomers;
  • reabsorption (reverse absorption);
  • the excretion of urine.

Ultrafiltration of fluid in kidney gloms

In the glomeruli, the initial stage of the urica is occurred - ultrafiltration from blood plasma in the kidney capsule of all low molecular weight components of blood plasma.

In addition, in the process canalian secretion Netherone epithelium cells capture some substances from the blood and intercellular fluid and transfer them to the lumen of the Channel.

For this way, approximately 170 liters are formed per day. primary urine.

The composition of the primary urine is similar to the composition of the blood plasma, devoid of protein:

  • mineral salts
  • low molecular weight compounds (including toxins, amino acids, glucose, vitamins)
  • No proteins (trace number)
  • No blood shaped elements

Reabsorption (reverse absorption)

The second stage is associated with reabsorption in the blood capillaries of all valuable substances for the body: water, ions ( N. a.+ Na +., C. l.Cl-, H C. O.3 HCO3-), amino acids, glucose, vitamins, proteins, trace elements. The reabsorption of sodium and chlorine is the most significant process in terms of volume and energy consumption.

Inverse suction occurs during the passage of primary urine through the system of convinced tubules. For this purpose, the endowing arteriol disintegrates secondly to the network of capillaries, entangling the tube: through their thin walls and the reverse absorption of the necessary organisms of substances is as follows.

A small amount of protein profilt by the glomers is reabsorbed by cells of the proximal tubules. The selection of proteins with urine is normal at no more than 20 - 75 mg per day, and with kidney diseases it may increase to 50 g per day. An increase in the separation of proteins with urine (proteinuria) can be due to the impaired of their reabsorption or an increase in filtration.

As a result of filtration, reabsorption and secretion from 180 liters of primary urine, only 1.5 liters of the concentrated solution of "unnecessary" substances remain. Secondary urine.

The composition of the secondary urine:

  • toxins
  • metabolism products (including remnants of drugs)

Excretion of substances

Secondary urine through the collecting tubes enters the renal pelvis.

On average, the person produces approximately 1.5 liters of urine per day.

From the kidneys, urine on ureters enters the bladder.

The capacity of the bladder is on average 600 ml.

Usually the contents of the bladder sterile.

The wall of the bladder has a muscular layer, which, shrinking, determines urination.

Urination - arbitrary (controlled by consciousness) The reflex actor, launched by the tension receptors in the bladder wall, sending a signal to filling the bladder in the brain.

The stream of urine when it is washed out of the bladder is regulated by the circular muscles-sphincters. At the beginning of the emptying of the bladder, its sphincter relaxes, and the walls of the wall cut down, creating a stream of urine.

In the process of metabolism of proteins and nucleic acids, various nitrogen exchange products are formed: urea, uric acid, creatinine, etc.

In case of violation of the removal of uric acid, a gap is developing.

Endocrine kidney function

In the kidneys formed:

  • ammonia: stand out in the urine;
  • renin, prostaglandins, glucose, synthesized in the kidney: enroll in blood.

Ammonia comes mainly in the urine. Some of its amount penetrates blood, and in the renal Vienna ammonia, it turns out more than in the renal artery.

Regulation of the work of the kidneys

  • Vasopressin (\u003d antidiuretic hormone (ADG) - hypothalamus hormone, which accumulates in neurohypophysis):
    increases the reabsorption of water by the kidney, thus increasing the concentration of urine and reducing it volume
  • Aldosterone (adrenal cortical hormone):
    rehabilitation reabsorption N. a.+ Na +.

    w.fromandl.e.n.ande.frome.tore.c.andandpeniolesectionK ^ + $

  • Sodium ethical hormone (atrium hormone):
    strengthening secretion N. a.+ Na +.
  • Insulin:
    reducing potassium allocation.
  • Thematic tasks

    A1. Dreaming disintegration products are removed through

    1) skin and lungs

    2) Lightweight and kidneys

    3) kidneys and skin

    4) digestive tract and kidneys

    A2. Section system organs are located

    1) in the chest cavity

    3) outside the cavities of the body

    2) in the abdominal cavity

    4) in the cavity of a small pelvis

    A3. The holistic structural unit of the kidney is

    1) Neuron

    2) Nephron

    3) Capsule

    4) convulse canal

    A4. With violations of the process of separation of decay products in the body accumulates:

    1) Solo Acid Salts

    3) Glycogen

    2) excess proteins

    4) urea or ammonia

    A5. The function of the capillary (Malpigiyevoy) Glug:

    1) blood filtering

    3) water suction

    2) urine filtering

    4) Filtering Lymph

    A6. Conscious urination delay is associated with activities:

    1) oblong brain

    3) spinal cord

    2) mid brain

    4) brain cortex

    A7. The secondary urine differs from the primary the fact that in the secondary urine there is no:

    1) glucose

    2) urea

    3) salts

    4) ions to + and Ca 2. +

    A8. Primary urine is formed from:

    1) Lymphy.

    2) blood

    3) blood plasma

    4) fabric fluid

    A9. The symptom of the kidney disease can be the presence in the urine

    1) Sahara

    2) Potassium salts

    3) sodium salts

    4) urea

    A10. Humoral regulation of kidney activities is carried out using

    1) Enzymes

    2) Vitamins

    3) amino acids

    4) Gormons

    IN 1. Choose symptoms for which kidney disease can be suspected

    1) presence in the urine of proteins

    2) presence in urine uric acid

    3) Increased glucose content in secondary urine

    4) reduced leukocyte content

    5) Increased leukocyte content

    6) elevated daily amount of selected urine

    AT 2. What does the listed refer to nephron?

    1) Renal Lohanka

    2) ureter

    3) Capillary Tangle

    4) Capsule

    5) bladder

    6) convoluted channel

    Have questions?

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