Modern literature writers of the 21st century. Russian books: from classics to modern day

At the request of "posters", Anton Dolin investigated, from which the book of the author of the novel "11/22/63", the horror king, the most important Belletrist and the most film-free writer in the world.

Photo: Shoshannah White / Photo S.A./corbis

Car accident

In the accidents, many characters Stephen King died, and on June 19, 1999, this almost happened to him: 51-year-old writer fell under the wheels of the car during a walk. In addition to the fracture of the femoral bone and multiple fractures of the right leg, he got the wound of the head and the right lung. Almost a month spent on the apparatus of artificial respiration, the foot was not amputated only by a miracle, but another year the writer could not sit - and, accordingly, work. However, gradually returned to the previous activities, reflecting once since the experience gained in new books, in particular, in the "Lisi history" and "Duuma-Ki", and in the seventh Tome of the "Dark Tower" sacral numbers of 19 and 99 appeared. Some saw in The warning has happened over (too the writer flies in books with the forces of darkness), others - the sign is hardly a member of the writer who managed to revive with a new person. Anyway, King is the one with whom such things happen not just like that. No wonder so much is written about the catastrophes and cars with mysterious strength, from Christina (1983) to "Almost as Bjucker (2002).


Richard Bakhman Stephen King invented in 1977, when he had already thundered with Karry. Why was needed a pseudonym - now it's not very clear. Whether in the beginning of a career to cope with the alleged frustrations from the failures of the books signed by his own name, or to check whether they will be able to shit the second time. One way or another, Bachman successfully existed for the past seven years while King did not kill him, by that time the hoax was already disclosed, and the cause of death in the press release was "cancer pseudonym". If we talk about style, then Bakhman, unlike moderate optimist King, looked at the world gloomily and the punishment of heroes for
karmic sins interested him much more than exquisite
psychologist - and in general he was more about the state of society and less about otherworldly. The first published under this name was the Roman "Rage" about the arrival of his class of an armed schoolchild - however, the criticism of society came out there, and later accused of every such tragedy not society, but the "rage" itself. Bahenan's anti-nightopia appeared signed by signature - Antiutopia "Running Man", later turned into a film with Arnold Schwarzenegger, and a terrible gothic novel "Loseating". In general, the tale of Bakhman was noticeably inferior to the fact that King signed his name. In 1996, Bakhman briefly risen to take part in an unusual experiment: he "created" the novel "Regulators" with King, who wrote about exactly the same fictional events of another weighty volume, "hopeless". "Regulators" were clearly weaker and secondary. The final Fiasco Bakhman secured the next post-mortem opus - "Blaise" (2007), one of both writers in both writers in the quarry.


King in many ways is a typical textbook American. And therefore he is a passionate baseball fan. The team for which he is sick, "Boston Red Sox", and its mention is scattered on most of his novels and stories. The most passionate recognition in love for baseball was the novel "The girl who loved Toma Gordon" (1999), divided not to the chapter, and for innings: his nine-year-old Heroine Trisha got lost in the forest, in which imaginary black baseball player became the only friend and assistant for her . In 2007, the book "Fan", fully dedicated to the same season "Boston Red Sox". Her King - for the first time in his life - created in collaboration, with the writer Stewart O'Nen. And between the two of these texts, King managed to light up in the comedy brothers Farrelli "Baseball Fever" (2005) - in the role of finally not a fan, but a player.

Castle Rock

Founded in 1877, the town in Maine, 79 miles from Bangora's native King, actually, fictional. Today it is hard to believe in it: hundreds of heroes of the writer lived and died and died, and then he called his company Castle Rock Entertainment director Rob Raigner. For the first time, Castle Rock is mentioned in the story "Night shift", to him or its natives, one way or another, refers every second text of King, and detailed geography, toponymy and social portrait of the city can be removed from the "dead zone", "Cujo" and "Dark Halves" " In the epochal "necessary things" in Castle Rock comes Satan with his own person, and the city is destroyed forever. The incomparable singer in the "Little America", King invented from a dozen tiny colorful towns, most of which are located in Mane. The most famous after Castle Roca is a Derry, "it", "insomnia" and "11/22/63", but there are other: heaven ("Tomminoxy"), Chesters-Mill (" Under the dome "), Chamberlain (Karry) or Ladlow (" Pet Cemetery "). The writer himself admits that he was inspired by the fictional cities of Lovecraft - Insmut, Davich, Arkham and Kingsport.

Criticism and theory

King is famous not only prose, poetry and drama, but also the theoretical works in which the heritage of the classics analyzes the cinema and offers recipes for creative success. The debut in this area for him was the "Dance of Death" (1981), a book about the horror genre. Partly autobiography, it offers a curious typology of nightmares and in books, and in cinema, from "Creek of the Black Lagoon" to "Lights". In 2000, a new work was released, "how to write books", which became a bestseller around the world: It was especially popular for the second part of it, "Tips for novice authors". In particular, he strongly recommends reading and write from four to six hours a day and reports that for myself I installed the quota - at least two thousand words per day. In addition, annually King pleases its readers lists - sometimes controversial, but always interesting - the best books and films over the past year. For example, in 2013, he put on the head of his dozen "Son of the Lord of the Orphans" Adam Johnson, adding "Schegla" Donna Tartt to him, both bucker novel Hilary Martel - "Wolfall Hall" and "Make Body", as well as "Random Job »Joan Rolling. She, according to King, one of the most significant writers of the last decades: he even wrote to her a special petition between the publication of the sixth and seventh volumes of the epic about a wizard's boy with a call to leave in the living Harry Potter.


The founder of modern American horror - and a lifelong role-playing model for King, with all discrepancies in style, character and biographies. The son of the Svained Comm Woman Howard Phillips Lovecraft was a Temperakind, Vizier and Misanthrop. Heir to Edgar Allan By, in his masterpieces and novels - "Call Ktulhu", "Madness", "Dagon" and others - he explored nightmares, hidden behind the facade of the daily life of the carefree inhabitants of the twentieth century. Almost complete absence of a sense of humor, psychological accuracy and fantasy in plotting (all these qualities are inherent in King) - Lovecraft was a master in difficult to create unknown worlds. King, who opened in the novels of Lovekraft by the abyss of Jungian images, read it at twelve years - according to the writer himself, in perfect age for such literature.


Ancient Indian witchcraft in the "Pet Cemetery", alien infection in "Tomminoers", their fancy combination in "It", traditional magic of vampires in the "lots" and Werevolphs in the "Werewolf cycle", the magic of the very time in Langollars. No matter how surprisingly, in many books, magic is still absent - including the most magical ("Kujo", "Miseri", "Dolores Klebitorn", "Rita Hayworth and Escape from Shawshank", "The capable student"). In others, we are talking about phenomena that many are considered natural, although inexplicable: "Carrie", "dead zone", "igniting the look." However, in the broad sense of the word King - and his reader, too, believes that the surrounding universe is permeated with magic, both light and dark. The ability to see him, to recognize and, for example, to use - both the gift, and a curse, from which many heroes of Kings books are pretty, is pretty. According to King, through every Alkash, who decided to hit his unfortunate wife, a cruel school teacher and hooligan in the world manifest itself evil, and through every attentive, restless, delicate man - perhaps a child or a little girl from the library, - on the contrary, good. Their conflict (especially distinctly transmitted in the early apocalyptic epic, which is called - "confrontation") endlessly. A classic example is a journey of a good agent, the Roland Arrow, to the Dark Tower occupied by the Dark Forces.


Talking to the dead - in a dream or in reality - an ordinary case for the heroes of Kings books; Sometimes, however, as in the Noville "Will", they are all dead from the very beginning. But there are also special texts that are fully dedicated to relationships with those who left lives. This is the story "Sometimes they are returning," who deserved a very expressive screenment, the story "body" about four teenagers who found the corpse in the forest (as King himself recalled, such a story happened to him in fact - only it was a corpse of a dog, not a person) . In the end, who knows whether King was taken behind the ballpoint handle, if it were not for the death of a friend who had fallen to the train on Stephen's eyes, when there were only four years. With the same topic, of course, the "pet cemetery" is possible, the most terrible and hopeless romance of the writer. Morality, which is not difficult to make out of the book, is pretty simple: to get rid of longing for the departed loved ones will not be able to do anything - if only do not resort to the help of Indian demons, which may not be the best idea. So let the dead remain in their graves. Confirms this thesis and later novel "Mobile" - King's variation on a zombie apocalypse.


Favorite heroes Stephen King. Sometimes just narrator recalls about childhood ("body"), or even non-professional, leading diary ("Dewma Ki"), more often - people who earn with writing on life. In Miseri (1987), the author of sentimental bestsellers Paul Sheldon falls into the car accident, turning out in the hands of a professional nurse, who, being a nutty fan of his books, discovers in the portfolio of the mother's manuscript of the last novel of her favorite series. In the "Dark Half" (1989), Ted Beaumt is trying to get rid of his pseudonym George Stark - works of unbridled fantasy who has acquired an independent life. In the "Secret Window, the Secret Garden" (1990), Morton Raine receives a charge in plagiarism. In the "Backet Bag" (1998) Mike Nunan loses inspiration and falls into the house with ghosts. And this is only some of the numerous writers, graphomans or geniuses, alter ego of different degrees, confirming the beaten thesis: Every truly talented writer always writes about himself.


Special extrasensor talent, invisible to others, but tangible for those who have a similar gift. About him in the "radiance" novel (1980), one of the fundamental Kings books, the five-year-old Danny tells the black giant Dick Halloran. The characters of most writer's novels are "shining" from moving the objects of Carrie to Charlie's igniting look, from the reading thoughts and foresaw the future of Johnny Smith from the "dead zone" to seven teenagers-rogue from "It", capable of seeing hidden underground Evil and challenging him. As a rule, the "shining" fragile and vulnerable, and therefore the sympathy of the author together with the reader is on his side. However, as "Doctor Son" shows, the gift of "shiny" can be used and otherwise, for example - as food for energy vampires. A peculiar absolute "radiance" - John Coffei from Green Mile.


Wife Stephen King, who is devoted to many of his books (and special thanks to her almost every one). They met at the university in 1966 and got married five years later, today they have three children and four grandchildren. It was she who found the Manuscript "Carrie" in the garbage basket, thrown there by King, and insisted that the husband adds the novel and sent to the publisher. Since then, Tabita is the first reader of all King texts. In addition, since the beginning of the 1980s, she writes itself. None of the eight novels became a bestseller, but almost everyone received excellent reviews.


The tradition proposes to consider Stephen King King of horror: the surname has, and the writer himself does not mind. But being an unsurpassed virtuoso of terrible literature, even unlike the most noble representatives of the genre - from on Lovecraft, - King never tries to scare their readers. Moreover, his books often have a psychotherapeutic effect, explaining and analyzing the nature of common phobias and helping them to get rid. As a real American, King cannot live without Qatarsis and the final victory over evil, which is marked by the absolute majority of his novels. From this rule, however, there are significant exceptions (and most signed the name Bakhman).

Dark tower

Magnum Opus Stephen King today consists of eight novels written in the interval from 1982 to 2012 (also in the cycle includes a multi-volume epic in comics and several stories). Sources for inspiration - the poems of Thomas Eliota "Fancy Earth" and Robert Browning "Child-Rolland reached the Dark Tower", as well as the screen image of the clint in Spaghetti Western Sergio Leone and "Wizard Oz" Frank Bauma. The shooter Roland dispel, a wandering knight from the postpocalyptic future, in the company of several satellites - our contemporaries, inhabitants of America of the twentieth century, - goes on the waste to the middleness of the worlds captured by the dark tower. The King cycle mixes in the free proportion of fantasy, science fiction, western, horror and fairy tale. Some consider the "Dark Tower" of his masterpiece, others -
the most monumental failure. One way or another, difficult organized
the cycle mythology directly and indirectly influenced everything that King wrote since the mid-1980s and so far. For example, children from "it" resort to the help of the keeper of the beam - a turtle, in "insomnia" appears on the demonic scarlet king, and in the "hearts in Atlantis" the central hero is trying to hide from his servants. Yes, and retrospectively this rule is working no worse: the father of Callahan from the "Dark Tower" was inscribed on the fifth book "Dark Tower", in the fourth heroes fall into the world described in the "confrontation". Simply put, the Dark Tower is the center of the entire Universe of Stephen King.


For the works of King, more than a hundred films were delivered - he was one of the most fascinated writers in the world, in many respects thanks to the step taken at the very beginning of the career step: any graduate of the film school can take a film according to any one of his stories (but not a story) for a symbolic one dollar. To see the history of its shields, a single trend is impossible. But to allocate from the general range, it is perhaps the expressive "Carrie" Bryan de Palm (debut romance and was filmed first), hated by the author, but the great "radiance" Stanley Kronenberg, a kind of "dead zone" of David Kronenberg and a chilling "capable student" Brian Singer - film, persistently not wanting to lose relevance. At the same time, two other director of King texts are legally recognized by two other director - Rob Railner ("Stay with me", "Miseri") and Frank Darabont ("Escape from Showshank", "Green Mile", "Moble" and a few short films): Neat and Diligent authors, they manage to convey to the audience Drive of primary sources, not splashing. There are in a number of films set by king, and those to which he himself wrote the script immediately, not based on any book. Among those - created jointly with Lars von Trier, the series "Royal Hospital", mystical "Mansion" Red Rose "and the terrible fairy tale of the" Story Storm "- probably the best of three.


David Benioff

Writer "X-Men" and "Troy", married to Actress Amanda Pete, composed a fantastic story about a teenager and a soldier who crawl over the priest to get a dozen eggs to the head of the Leningrad NKVD. Fantasy is not prevented by Benioffa for a second for a second: the pages have crimriole and cannibals, the fountains are poured blood and shied with a hail of the limbs of secondary characters. But we are immensely grateful to the author for how delicately he entered one of the difficult pages of Russian history in Hollywood canon.

Quote: "Only now I realized that the teeth of the captain plug-in - the bridge almost the entire upper jaw. Surely it was tortured. Well yes. Zagrebral into one of the cleansing, called Trotskyist, white whims or a fascist, built the teeth from the mouth, and beat the blood from the eye, shan and struck blood, and then an order from some office in Moscow: we rehabilitate this person, Release, he is ours again. "

2. "White on black"


Ruben David Gonzalez Gallago

The autobiographical book about the life of a disabled child in the Soviet Children's House seems to be a bad, but in fact, the Gallah masterfully turns reading emotions - at the very beginning he thanks for the honesty of the nurse, who said "soon you would die." Sentimentality, the main thing - science survive at any cost.

Quote: "I am hero. It is easy to be a hero. If you do not have hands or legs - you are a hero or dead man. If you do not have parents - we hope for your hands and legs. And be a hero. If you do not have any hands, no legs, and you also managed to appear on the light of the orphan - everything. You are doomed to be a hero until the end of your days. Or die. "

3. "Librarian"


Mikhail Elizarov

The whole book balances between two poles of enthusiastic nostalgia: according to the Soviet understandable past and on the sacred role of the book, lost in the past. His nostalgia Elizarov is trying to dilute the irony and even a buffonade.

Quote: "Strong, I loved the Union not for how it was, but for how he could be, if the circumstances would have developed in a different way. And is it so fault of a potentially good person that because of the difficulty of life, his excellent qualities did not reveal? "

4. "Voroshilovgrad"


Sergey Zhadan

An amazing novel, whose hero returns to his hometown to defend the local mafia to the gas station, and finds the meaning of life in just standing on his land, protect his women and their homes from strangers. This is the formula for which Prilepin chashes, but the thoughtless can be organically reminded to the reader, which means being a man. At the same time, he rehabilitates the nineties - in his story the era of wild capitalism was time when people talked so hard for each other, which was merged into a one.

Quote: "The soils are depleted by herbs and trees, lie under flat skies, as a cattle, which forgot. If you choose the right place, sometimes you can feel everything - how, say, the roots are intertwined, how the rivers flow, as the ocean is filled, as the planets fly through the sky, as living on Earth moves alive, as the dead are moving on the ground. "

5. "Parma's heart"


Aleksey Ivanov

In the history of the conquest of Perm Moscow in the 20th century, Ivanov is completely blood, intestine and sash, it follows the coda of violence and cruelty, which, if you believe Sorokin, is key to Russian culture. But the empire is born from the blood.

Quote: "Permians baptized willingly: bathed in the collea, they put on the crosses, bowed to icons. "Russian friend is a strong friend, they said. "We will honor His God."

6. "Do not let me go"


Kadzuo Isyiguro

The only novel Kadzuo Isiguro, close to science fiction, - how in the near future, people grow clones to the role of organ donors, and how society decided to try to be failing and arranged to children-clones to private school and some kind of childhood clones.

Quote: "... none of you will go to America, no one of you become a movie star. And none of you will work in the supermarket - I heard the other day, as some shared with each other plans. How your life will be, known. You will grow up, but before you grow up, even before you reach the middle age, you will start taking internal organs for transplant. "

7. "Limonov"


Emmanuel Carrer

I almost received a gambor and insanely popular in France, the biography of the Russian writer and Buntar has little in common with that-portrait of Limonov, which we learned from his books. Carrera is rather the story of a male failure or even the answer to the question whether a man can in the modern world, from an early age he dreamed of a romantic biography, grow in a real hero.

Quote: "... One of his talents is that he knows how to keep up with fashion and starting from now on will not miss a single case to tell how he was clogged in a strait shirt and like his neighbor on the bed, launching drooling, jerking off round days. "

8. "Millennium"


Stig Larsson

Larsson, and did not live to the big glory of his novels, it foresaw her. It was a socialist and levak, and a journalist chasing for an earnings, and the purpose of the ten-seater conceived by him was a description of the entire European world with all its vicious mechanics.

Quote: "She is not guilty that her father turned out to be a pathological sadist and gentleman. She is not to blame that her brother is a professional killer. She did not kill Dag Svensson and Mia Bergman. And she did not appoint a guardian who had a cattle and rapist. "

9. "Favorle"


Jonathan Littell

American Jonathan Littell wrote a novel telling the history of the Second World War from the point of view of the SS officer Maximilian Away, in French, sitting in Moscow. The Littello fascizes the mechanism, thanks to which, like a tobackerka devil, such an AUE can jump out of each.

Quote: "I'm not regretless about what: I only performed my work, and family matters - I and about them, perhaps I will tell - only me. Yes, in the end I, of course, did things, but I was already not my own, as if I lost my balance, and the whole world was shaken around; I am not the only one who at that moment I climbed the mind, you will agree. "

10. "Road"


Kormak McCarthy

Kormak McCarthy met the XXI century in the status of an absolute American classic, and the "road" came out in 2006 could not add anything to it. Nevertheless, this is his main masterpiece and the most important book of the decade about how even the world's very monstrous future at the end of the road. According to the scorched catastrophe ground, the father and son, hoping only to survive. The phenomena of hellish mandes and scenes of eating babies are frightened, but the romance itself is piercing, to tears, optimistic.

Quote: "All you remember now will remain with you forever. Think about it well. " - "But something is sometimes forgotten?" "Yes, you will forget what you want to remember, and you will remember what I would like to forget."

11. "When I was real"


Tom McCarthy

There is something uncertain on the hero from the sky - and after leaving the hospital, it remains with more than eight million pounds of compensation. The hero's sudden money decides to spend to become "real": reconstructing places and events, living them, as if in slow motion.

Quote: "I have always been unreal. Even before the accident, go along the street, just like De Niro, smoking a cigarette, like him, and even hesitate from the first attempt, I would still think: "Here I am, I go on the street, I smoke a cigarette, like in the movie" . Do you understand? "

12. Sanya


Zakhar Prilepin

The novel about looking for truths - words and fists - the Natball does not shut out from the list of important Russian books of the century, especially after the weighs added to the "Gold Mask" theatrical formulation of Cyril Serebrennikov. It was Prilepin that it was possible to introduce the idea into the mass consciousness about what to do something else.

Quote: "The city turned out to be weak, toy - and it was as meaningless to break it, how to break the toy: inside there was nothing - only plastic emptiness. But because the children's feeling of a celebration, a tart feeling overcoming ".

13. "White teeth"


Zedi Smith

The debut of the 25-year-old Zedi Smith about the life of three generations of immigrants in London today is considered almost the main British book of the Decade. With the talent and wit, Smith writes about the futile attempts of strangers to assimilate, while maintaining their own culture - but, being on someone else's land, the heroes are forever doomed to hang out somewhere between. It is quite reliably described how an immigrant living on benefits comes to terror and radical organizations.

Quote: "Parandja gives true freedom. Look: "Free from the shackles of a lustful male look and imposed standards of attractiveness, a woman herself chooses which she is."

14. "Okrichnik Day"


Vladimir Sorokin

The picture of an unhappy future Russia described by Sorokin is getting closer - although in 2006 I did not want to think that a terrible mixture of Orthodoxy, Chinese, Lubyanki and Lubka could be something big than artistic fiction.

Quote: "For the raffin of the Kremlin, for the showing eagles, for the flag, for the power of the Russian rulers, in the Cathedral of the Arkhangelsky, behind the sword of Rüric, for the head of Monomakh, for the king of the gun, for the king bell, for the blocking of the Red Square, for the Assumption Cathedral, for Kremlin tower does not feel sorry and put their lives. And for the sovereign for our - and other life is not sorry. "

15. "Stone Bridge"


Alexander Terekhov

The immense romance mokumentari, the main plot of which becomes a love tragedy of two Soviet adolescents, children of party functionaries in 1943, - supposedly the boy killed the girl because of unfortunate love. The "Stone Bridge" prevents a book of decade - from a stupid sexual scene to the heavy contempt of the author to the heroes - but the book is still important, because it proves how it starts to death recent past, it is only to turn him out.

Quote: "... Fathers became iron and lost their tongue, personal life, ascended and went through the air, not leaving ink traces, but the children of the paint, the disciples of the unposted 175th school grew up as it remained to grow: they were not afraid of camps, policemen and hunger , I sent honest letters, not knowing censors, we wondered without a rustle. Diaries, monkey morals from trophy ribbons on ancient Roman history - Heroes win and tower over the mobile ... "

16. "Daniel Stein, Translator"


Lyudmila Ulitskaya

Founded on the real biography of Oswald Rufayzen Roman about the Holocaust Holocaust, which became a Catholic monk in Israel, got exactly in the Russian nerve: wrapped with critics for the direct move, for ordinary readers the book became an important text about what every person should do with his life. It is important that the Party "Daniel Shheina" is felt today in every new open hospice, every trip to the orphanage, each, even the smallest, moving the theory of small affairs.

Quote: "Everyone must look for his own way to God. This path is personal, otherwise we are not a community of volunteers in the Lord, but an army with a general led ".

17. "Opportunity of Island"


Michelle Welbeck

Wuelbek simultaneously describes the present in which the end of civilization has come and there is no hope, and the scorched nuclear future in which the loophole in a new life suddenly opens. As a true European, well, the hedonist, Wuelbek, predicting the end of everything, and cannot fall on society with a final criticism - the apocalyptic anti-nightopia is unexpectedly optimistic.

Modern Russian writers continue to create their excellent works in the present century. They work in various genres, each of them is inherent individual and unique style. Some familiar many devotional readers in their essays. Some surnames at all on hearing, as extremely popular and are promoted. However, there are such modern Russian writers who will learn about for the first time. But it does not mean that their creations are worse. The fact is that in order to highlight true masterpieces, there must be a certain amount of time.

Modern Russian writers of the 21st century. List

Poets, playwrights, prosecuts, sciences, publicists, etc. continue to work fruitfully in the present century and replenish the works of the Great Russian literature. It:

  • Alexander Buschkov.
  • Alexander Zholkovsky.
  • Alexandra Marinina.
  • Alexander Olshansky.
  • Alex Orlov.
  • Alexander Rosenbaum.
  • Alexander Rudazov.
  • Alexey Kalugin.
  • Alina Vitukhnovskaya.
  • Anna and Sergey Litvinov.
  • Anatoly Salutsky.
  • Andrei Dashkov.
  • Andrei Kiwin.
  • Andrei Plekhanov.
  • Boris Akunin.
  • Boris Charles.
  • Boris Strugatsky.
  • Valery Ganichev.
  • Vasilina Orlova.
  • Vera Vorontsova.
  • Vera Ivanova.
  • Victor Pelevin.
  • Vladimir Vishnevsky.
  • Vladimir Winovich.
  • Vladimir Gandelsman.
  • Vladimir Karpov.
  • Vladislav Kapivin.
  • Vyacheslav Fishermen.
  • Vladimir Sorokin.
  • Darya Dontsova.
  • Dina Rubin.
  • Dmitry Emac.
  • Dmitry Suslin.
  • Igor Volgin.
  • Igor Guberman.
  • Igor Lapin.
  • Leonid Kaganov.
  • Leonid Kostomarov.
  • Love Zakharchenko.
  • Maria Arbatova.
  • Maria Semenova.
  • Mikhail Weller.
  • Mikhail Zhvanetsky.
  • Mikhail Zadornov.
  • Mikhail Kukulevich.
  • Mikhail Makovetsky.
  • Nick Perums.
  • Nikolay Romantsky.
  • Nikolay Romanov.
  • Oksana Robski.
  • Oleg Mityaev.
  • Oleg Pavlov.
  • Olga Stepnova.
  • Sergey Magomet.
  • Tatyana Stepanova.
  • Tatyana Ustinova.
  • Eduard Radzinsky.
  • Eduard Asspensky.
  • Yury Minerals.
  • Yunna Moritz.
  • Yulia Shilova.

Moscow writers

Modern writers (Russians) do not cease to amaze their interesting works. Separately, the writers of Moscow and the Moscow region should be allocated, which are included in various unions.

Their writings are excellent. It should only go through a certain time in order to allocate real masterpieces. After all, time is the most strict critic, which is impossible to bribe anything.

We highlight the most popular.

Poets: Alelina Abarelie, Peter Akayov, Evgeny Antistushkin, Vladimir BoyaIninov, Evgenia Bryganseva, Anatoly Vetrov, Andrei Voznesensky, Alexander Zhukov, Olga Zhuravleva, Igor Irtenyev, Rimma Kazakova, Elena Kanunova, Konstantin Kolidin, Evgeny Medvedev, Mikhail Mikhalkov, Gregory Osipov and a lot others.

Dramaturgors: Maria Arbatova, Elena Isaev, etc.

Prosaiki: Eduard Alekseev, Igor Bluudine, Evgeny Buzni, Heinrich Gatsura, Andrei Dubova, Egor Ivanov, Edward Klygul, Yuri Konoplyannikov, Vladimir Krupin, Irina Lobko-Lobanovskaya and others.

Satyrices: Zadornov.

Modern Russian writers of Moscow and the Moscow region created: wonderful works for children, a large number of poems, prose, fables, detectives, fiction, humorous stories and much more.

The first among the best

Tatyana Ustinova, Daria Dontsova, Yulia Shilova - this is modern writers (Russians), whose works love and read with great pleasure.

T. Ustinova was born on April 21, 1968. With humor refers to its high growth. She told that in kindergarten her teased "Herculesina". At school and institute there were certain difficulties in this regard. Mom read a lot in childhood, than instilled love Tatiana to literature. At the institute it was very difficult, since physics was very difficult. But it was possible to make it possible, a future husband helped. On television got completely accidental. Settled by the secretary. But seven months later went up the career ladder. Tatyana Ustinova was a translator, he worked in the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation. After changing the authorities returned to television. However, from this work, they also fired. After that, she wrote his first novel "Personal Angel", which was immediately published. I returned to work. Causes went up. Bore two sons.

Outstanding satyrics

Mikhail Zhvanetsky and Mikhail Zadornov are very famous for everyone - modern Russian writers, masters of the humorous genre. Their works are very interesting and funny. Speeches of humorists are always expected, tickets for their concerts are revealed immediately. Each of them has their own image. Witty Mikhail Zhvanetsky always goes on stage with a portfolio. He loves the audience very much. His jokes are often quoted, as they are insanely funny. In the theater of Arkady Raykin, a great success began with Zhvanetsky. Everyone said: "As Raykin said." But their union collapsed over time. The artist and the author, the artist and writer had different paths. Zhvanetsky brought with him a new literary genre in society, which first accepted for the ancient. Some are surprised why "a man without voice and acting comes to the stage"? However, not everyone understands that in this way the writer publishes his works, and not just performs his miniatures. And in this sense of the stage as a genre here, and. Zhvanetsky, despite the misunderstanding from some people, remains a big writer of his era.


Below are Russian writers. Three more interesting historical adventure stories are included in the book Boris Akunin "The history of the Russian state. Fire finger." This is an amazing book that every reader will appeal. An exciting plot, bright heroes, incredible adventures. All this is perceived in one breath. "Love for three tskerbrins" Viktor Pelevin makes it reflective about the world and life of a person. He puts questions to the head of the corner who are worried about many people who can and thirsting to think and think. His interpretation of Genesis meets the spirit of modernity. The myth and tricks of creative crews, reality and virtuality are closely intertwined here. Pavel Sanaev's book "Bury me for the plinth" was nominated for a bucker premium. She produced a real exterior on the book market. The magnificent publication occupies an honorable place in modern Russian literature. This is a true masterpiece of modern prose. Reads easy and interesting. Some chapters are saturated with humor, others touched to tears.

The best novels

Modern novels of Russian writers are fascinated by a new and amazing plot, forced to empathize the main characters. In the historic novel, "Abode" Zakhar Prilepina is addressed by an important and at the same time a patient the theme of Solovetsky camps of special purpose. The writer's book is deeply felt that complex and heavy atmosphere. Who she did not kill, he did stronger. The author created his novel based on archive documentation. He skillfully inserts the monstrous historical facts to the artics canvas. Many works of modern Russian writers are worthy samples, excellent creations. That is the novel "Misks to the old steps" Alexander Chudakova. He is recognized as the best Russian novel by decision of the jury of the Russian Booker Competition. Many readers decided that this essay is autobiographical. So reliable thoughts and feelings of heroes. However, this is an image of genuine Russia in a difficult period of time. The book combines humor and incredible sadness, lyric episodes smoothly flow into epic.


Modern Russian writers of the 21st century are another page in the history of domestic literature.

Daria Dontsova, Tatyana Ustinova, Yulia Shilova, Boris Akunin, Victor Pelevin, Pavel Sanaev, Alexander Chudakov and many others conquered their works of the heart of readers of the whole country. Their novels and stories have already managed to become real bestsellers.

What is interesting to read people in the 21st century? You can learn about it from the books of the books that we collected for you. It includes the best Russian and foreign works in various genres: interesting fantastic stories, mysterious detectives, sensual novels, applied literature on a variety of subjects.

Books of the 21st century are distinguished by realism, raising problems currently relevant for modern humanity. And this applies to both artistic and applied literature. Fantasy and fantasy deserve separate attention, as it is these two genres today are in the leaders: readers are very familiar to the past and the future, in parallel worlds, become a member of magical wars and cosmic adventures.

Modern literature of the 21st century is a huge amount of bestsellers, whose popularity does not subscribe so far. The authors from all over the world are divided by their talents, views on different things, philosophical reflections. Such literature simply cannot but inspire, it raises the mood and helps a person to reveal all its hidden potentials.

In the top of the 21st century, the works of different styles and directions were included, as well as different topics. Here everyone can find something and interesting, and useful for themselves. Detective stories not only dip in the gloomy world of crimes, but also will be transferred to the atmosphere of different countries. English, American, Russian - the choice is huge!

To the best books of the 21st century, which are worth reading, and novels can be attributed, where the characters face quite realistic problems and find a way out of them. Horrors are amazed by extraordinary plots and terrible moments - ideal books for those who want to give a "holiday" with their nerves.

Books on psychology will help you become better in all life aspects. The authors will tell about how to find inspiration, how to modify themselves to different actions, how to learn how to read people's thoughts literally.

In the list of books of the 21st century you will find exactly what you need at this stage of life. For the road, for recreation, for work and life - do not postpone the reading, which will deliver a lot of pleasure!

Someone complains: a lot of books in stores, but there is nothing to read.

It is not true. And there are many books in stores, and there is something to read. Just the choice has become more difficult. Today you will not find the only book that you need to read everything. But five interesting books can always be found. This also applies to artistic prose, and documentary. The problem lies in the other - books are becoming more and more expensive.

At the end of last year, the new novels of Olga Slavnikova, Dina Ruby, Victor Pelevine, Lyudmila Ulitska, Sergey Lukyanenko, Boris Akunin, were published. New collections of Roman Noman Shenchin came out. Preparing for the release of the new Roman Zakhar Prilepina "Black Monkey". Replenished with novelties Popular series. For example, the biographies of Hemingway, Tychler, Abeli, the figures as interesting as different and different ones appeared in ZhZL.

So in the bookstore it is worth it. If, of course, there is a decent bookstore in your city.

Life for death

Easy head.

Olga Slavnikova. Novel. - M.: AST: Astrel, 2011.

"Little man" in Russian literature has always been a terrible pride. He seriously believed (and convinced that the main Russian writers of the XIX century) that his little sufferings mean much more imperial tasks: the development of Siberia, the conquest of the Caucasus, - not to mention such banging trifles, as the opening of the Mendeleev table, the invention of the radio or the creation of the first In the world of airplanes "Ilya Muromets".

"Little Man" has always suffered separately (together with Russian literature), and the country has developed separately. "Little Man" with a powerful PR support of Russian literature convinced us that he is the main humanitarian value.

In one form or another, this status quo remained in the twentieth century. And - as it turns out - switched to XXI. But the "little man" himself has changed much.

Today it is about middle manager. And if the Gogol Hero exclaimed in despair: "Why am I a titular adviser?" - In the Gordin, it is believed that to him, God's creation, it is impossible to be just a titular adviser, not by rank, then the current MCh (let's call him) terribly suffers from its monthly income into several thousand bucks and the impossibility of buying an apartment on Gogol Boulevard. "Why should I live in Chertanovo?"

Russian literature immediately responded to this existential request from the bottom and our prose today will flog from the plots on the theme "Millionaire from Chertanova". The scheme of these plots is about this: "Little man", due to the incredible accident, suddenly turns out to be a very large person, so big that all state and commercial structures stand on the ears so that this very large MCH will somehow cut it and agree with him. Let me remind you that the Roman Igor Sakhnovsky, who knew everything, was becoming the last loud work on this topic, which was also fascinated.

Roman Olga Slavnikova "Light Head" raises the same topic from an unexpected side. Brand Manager Maxim T. Ermakov turns out to be a weak link in the chain of causal relations of world development, followed by the relevant Russian special services. And the question of being or not to be becoming not becoming his personal matter, but a decisive factor in the fate of the planet. He is a "weak link", because of which, actually, different cataclysms occur: from the explosions in the subway to the death of a sick son of an inconspicuous employee of the company. Therefore, he is offered to end the head with them. Ten million dollars. Funny? But only not him ...

The fact that Olga Slavnikova wrote a very exciting novel - not Divo. Today, such novels are written a lot, they are put on the flow, and Slavicov only for some reason decided to turn on this thread. It is surprising that she was able to fill the genre prose alive, warm and shrill emotions, turning the thriller into a valid deep human drama. Forgetting about the absurdity of the plot, you begin to empathize with the heroes just like that. Because these are Heroes Olga Slavnikova, an excellent writer, who knows everything, "sees people through, but for some reason it does not cease to love them and regret.

God from doll

Parsley syndrome.

Dina Rubin. Novel. - M.: Eksmo, 2010.

How much do you read rubbing, so much do not cease to amazed the incredible vitality of its prose. She has some kind of magic wand. For whatever the topic, it all comes to life under her hand, is saturated with some new paints, shades, acquires its individuality and becomes the rubinsk thing that does not confuse with anything.

It would seem that the theme "People-dolls" is exhausted to the bottom. Worse, only the "whole world is the theater." But Rubina writes about this novel, and the old topic begins to shine like the Earth on the first day of the universe. Rubina - a wizard, no doubt. Each time, opening her new book, tremble, because it is impossible to write so often and maintain a strong, even breathing. She succeeds.

This novel is not about dolls (albeit dolls, too, with the most unexpected side), and above all about love. Love is so passionate that it becomes truly mortal. We have already looked off from such strong experiences of love in the literature, it is now almost impossible. But Rubina, with some kind of breath inherent to her, returns us to the belief that a man and a woman can love each other exactly: or - together, or - death. Dolls remain attentive, but silent observers of this love-passion. Their eye buttons reflect it and thereby emphasize.

However, the puppet theme itself in the novel captures. Like the corporate Rubinsky "Ethnographism" - delightful pictures of Lviv, Prague and Jerusalem.


Pineapple water for an excellent lady.

Victor Pelevin. - M.: Eksmo, 2011.

Pelevin begins to tire. He does not confuse him with anyone, it's true, but every new thing you start confused with his previous things. The evolution of Pelevin Buddhism begins to annoy: I, as a reader, is not enough before that he has changed interest in Tibetan rites for the passion for "noble Vipassana". It is unlikely that it means something more than similar esoteric whims of famous Hollywood actors.

In one Pelevin remains an unsurpassed master - with its ability to create something from nothing. Conduct a whole artistic world from a hole from a bagel.

The new book of Pelevin is not a novel, but a collection of unequal ages and stories, artificially combined with a pretty, but meaningless name. The largest and most interesting thing in the book is a story "Burning Bush". It can be read and as a kind of anti-durable, and as a political pamphlet, and how (this is the most interesting) paper guide on modern esoterica. The rest of the things are attached as "bonus ".

Path and procession.

Astrel, 2010.

Vladimir Berezin. M.: AST:

Vladimir Berezin always writes one continuous text, from time to time adapting it to those or another genre installations, not too, however, taking care of them. In his literary "iconography", one of the most honorable places occupies Viktor Shklovsky, oddly enough, almost forgotten as a writer, unlike his fellow on "formalism" Yuri Tynyanov, forever entered into a literary golden foundation due to quite genre things - historical -Biographic novels "Kuhl" and "Death of Vazir-Mukhtar". Shklovsky with his "Zoo" and "sentimental journey" did not get there.

Nowhere does the Berezin and Berezin, and this is a shame. "The path and procession" - the prose is bright, juicy, places ridiculous, sophisticated, places "burlesque", but consistently - alive. Read it is like traveling with a pleasant interlocutor. Would you like to take a book on the road, take Berezina.

Two-housing Russia.

Daniel Fibih. - M.: "The first of September", 2010.

Writer and Publicist Daniel Vladimirovich Fibih (Lucianov) (1899-1975) Childhood and youth spent in Nizhny Lomov, collaborated in the first Penza Soviet newspapers. Then he became the news correspondent, often published in other central publications. The author of the "shrines", "in the snow in the suburbs", novels "Ugra", "Native Earth", the historical novel "The fate of General John Turchica", plays "turn", "ring key", "Star of Finland".

Working correspondent to the army newspaper, often turned out to be at the forefront of the North-Western Front in 1941-1942. In 1943, for critical statements in his personal diary, he was arrested on denunciation and convicted for 10 years "for anti-Soviet agitation and propaganda." Diaries and memories of eyewitnesses of the twentieth century read is always interesting, but here we are dealing with an excellent literary text. The book is honest, tough, piercing.

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