Doctor herbalist what is called. Treatment with medicinal herbs

Culture and interest in herbal medicine. Of course, you can start learning about herbal science without prior knowledge, but a basic knowledge of herbs and other botanical systems will lend a helping hand to your future. If you are still in school, be careful with your biology lessons. In addition, an interest in other fields of science and a love of the environment is a wise path to travel before embarking on such a career.

Take an established training program for herbalists. A career in this area can be started both formal and informal, depending on how you intend to pursue herbal treatments.

Choose your work location wisely. You may be tempted to live in a big city or city where you received an herbal education, but the competition there seems to be too hot.

Try to forge partnerships. You can work alone or in conjunction with other herbalists or healers. The income potential will be higher if you work alone, but the costs are high. Starting a private practice can cost you anywhere from $ 5,000 to $ 10,000, and it can take about three years before you start making a profit; Consider also that in a joint partnership, you get support from your peers, increase referrals (if you work in a clinic), and general overheads, health insurance, professional liability insurance and other costs.

Take precautions. What happens if a patient sues you? Consider professional liability insurance. Also make sure you have general liability insurance that covers situations in which you might slip and fall. If you work from home, consider the regulations and zoning in your area.

  • Research in relevant fields is the knowledge that distinguishes the herbal professional.

    • Foundations of plant theory; first medicinal use of plants, anthropological history... There is 60,000-year-old evidence that Neanderthals used medicinal plants. More recent written records from 5,000 years ago confirm the continued use of plants such as caraway as a natural medicine. Traditional Chinese herbal medicine, practiced since the dynasties, is still relevant today.
    • Specific aids for different conditions; herbal therapy; the use of food and medicinal herbs to maintain health and healing... There are many scientific communities that help understand and master the concept of classes and families. The typical herbalist prescribes specific herbs, tinctures, liquid extracts, capsules, or teas, and may suggest dietary changes, exercise, and other treatments to aid the healing process. The possibility of body therapy with herbs may also be considered separately. For example, the ingredient caffeine, which gives us some energy and is found in cola and other soft drinks, is an herbal alkaloids. On the other hand, various types of alkaloids such as Datura can lead to severe toxicity and ultimately death. Remember - a career in herbal therapy requires an understanding of the brief biological origins of herbs.
    • Providing the basic properties of herbs, including dietary and energy; teaching the basics of disease and diagnosis within the medical system; training in the use of herbal preparation, therapy and formulas... Herbal therapy is the science of how to use herbs for yourself and for the greater good, and this should become a life credo. Herbs are a natural cure for disease, and most people who are taken for treatment will go through a harmless system if the body needs it. We cannot say the same for medications that accumulate in the liver and other organs, and ultimately our body stops responding to some medications that might have been lifesaving if used only for emergency treatment. Using the effective properties of medicinal herbs is an important approach in medicine. Traits that play a major role in defining the characteristics of herbs can be color, root structure, cracked bark of some trees and vines, which are considered to be good for normalizing blood circulation. Sometimes, only one name can indicate a herbal use, for example, core, eyebright, throat root cancer and root. The characteristics of herbs are the main source of their spiritual properties and medical definitions.
  • The use of plants for the treatment of various diseases is called herbal medicine, in the Russian version - herbal medicine, although, strictly speaking, not only herbs, but also trees, and flowers, and fruits, and berries can be medicinal.

    Nowadays, the culture of herbal treatment is largely forgotten, it gave way to pharmacology, but in recent years, an increasing number of patients and doctors are turning to this ancient art, highly appreciating the benefits of medicinal plants compared to traditional chemical preparations.

    The benefits of herbal medicine

    • A wider range of effects of medicinal plants due to the summation and potentiation of the action of various substances.
    • Low allergenicity of medicinal plants.
    • Low toxicity when used correctly.
    • Mild complex effect on the body, the ability to treat several pathologies at once.
    • No side effects in most cases.
    • Easy accessibility and ease of preparation.
    • The possibility of long-term use of medicinal plants.
    • General healing effect.

    Along with the advantages of herbal treatment, there are also disadvantages that limit the range of their application.

    Disadvantages of herbal medicine

    • Slow therapeutic effect.
    • The lack of the possibility of real control of the action of medicinal plants
    • Lack of knowledge of the mechanisms of action of medicinal plants.
    • Difficult to predict the effect.

    Medicinal herbs: cooking methods

    No one substance is released from medicinal herbs. A medicinal substance (powder, tincture, etc.) is a whole complex of various substances that have a beneficial effect on the entire body, and not only on the underlying disease.

    In some cases, a mixture of herbs is used for the manufacture of a medicinal collection - in this case, either the range of therapeutic effects is expanded, or one substance enhances the effect of another.

    The composition of the plant and the content of active substances depend on the taxonomic affiliation of the plant, the place of growth, the composition of the soil and water, the time of collection, the method of preparation and storage. Flowers, leaves, bark, roots, buds and fruits are collected. After harvesting, the plant is dried and, if necessary, crushed.

    The main methods for the preparation of medicinal plants

    Broth. Prepared from solid parts of medicinal plants - bark, roots. The dry collection is poured with water and boiled in a water bath, then insisted and filtered. The broth is usable within 24 hours.

    Dried plant parts for boiling water: for example, linden blossom, currant leaves, rose hips.

    Infusion. Prepared from crushed flowers, leaves. The collection of herbs is poured with boiling water and tightly closed with a lid, then filtered.

    Tincture. Prepared with alcohol. Dry crushed raw materials are poured with alcohol and infused at room temperature, then filtered and stored in a dark place. Tinctures are used dropwise or diluted with water.

    Powder. The dried raw material is ground into a fine powder. Sometimes the raw material is crushed using a meat grinder.

    Juice. The collected medicinal herbs are pressed to form a juice. Store in a cool, dark place.

    Oil extractor. The medicinal collection is poured with oil and infused in a water bath or in a warm place.

    Ointment. It is prepared from dried raw materials by mixing or heating with animal fat or vegetable oils. It is applied externally.

    Essential oils. Highly concentrated herbal extracts with a very strong effect.

    Healing herbs

    The most widespread and frequently used medicinal herbs in Russia are valerian, green tea, mint, lemon balm, chamomile, calendula, aloe, celandine, plantain, etc.

    We are accustomed to using many of the medicinal herbs in everyday life, while others are perceived as eccentricities: for example, nettle and dandelion soup.

    And yet, scientists have proven that medicinal herbs are leaders in the content of vitamins and other nutrients and useful substances for the human body, and now they are ahead of vegetables and fruits, which only lose their nutrients over time. This means that the inclusion of medicinal herbs in the diet and in general in a person's daily life is becoming more and more justified.

    Healing herbs on the table

    Each plant from a certain point of view can be called medicinal. All of them contain a large amount of vitamins and other useful substances: tannins, flavonoids, essential oils, saponins, glycosides, alkaloids. Therefore, it is useful to include medicinal herbs in the diet not even for the purpose of treatment, but for the purpose of saturating the body with nutrients.

    Medicinal plants, which should always have a way to the table, include: dill and parsley, mint and lemon balm, green tea and lime blossom, sea buckthorn and other berries, chamomile, cilantro, viburnum, sage, ginger, cumin, chicory, etc. etc. You can include in the diet nettle and dandelion, eleutherococcus, ginseng, sprouts are very useful.

    Herbal medicine

    In some countries and regions, herbal medicine is the main and only available treatment for the vast majority of patients. This includes many regions of India and China, Tibet, regions of South America.

    In the cold season, medicinal herbs become an integral part of therapy. At the initial stages of the disease and with a mild course of the disease, many patients use only traditional methods of treatment, namely herbal medicine.

    While traditional healers without medical education claim that medicinal herbs can cure everything from colds to cancer, doctors warn patients against too much hope of herbal medicine and recommend that they turn to traditional medicine in serious situations.

    However, this does not negate the fact that at the initial stages of the disease, with a mild course, medicinal herbs can really be an effective means of therapy.

    This includes such common pathologies as gastritis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, hypertension and other cardiovascular pathologies, emotional disorders, bronchopulmonary diseases, diseases of the nervous system and joints, diseases of the skin and mucous membranes, inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx and oral cavity.

    In addition, herbal medicine can be a good help to traditional treatment in many serious cases - both as etiological (affecting the cause of the disease), and as symptomatic (weakening the manifestations of the disease), and as a general strengthening and restorative treatment. This applies to serious infectious, oncological diseases, trauma, mental illness, kidney and urinary tract diseases, hormonal disorders, metabolic pathologies, etc.

    Medicinal plants for weight loss

    With a large supply of nutrients and vitamins, herbs for weight loss can help in the process of normalizing weight, as well as for correcting metabolic disorders accompanied by weight gain (diabetes, for example).

    For weight loss, several groups of medicinal herbs are used.

    • Herbs to reduce appetite: flaxseed, licorice root, green tea.
    • Medicinal herbs that remove excess water from the body, and with it toxic substances: lingonberry leaves, burdock, field horsetail.
    • Medicinal herbs that speed up metabolism: eleutherococcus, lemongrass, ginger, ginseng, rosemary, turmeric.
    • Medicinal herbs that promote the excretion of bile and normalize the liver and gallbladder: sea buckthorn, corn columns, barberry, immortelle.
    • Medicinal herbs that lower cholesterol and blood sugar: alfalfa, birch buds, strawberry root, dandelion.
    • Healing herbs with a laxative effect: dill, anise, cumin, etc.

    Herbs for weight loss not only have a direct effect on certain functions, but also saturate the body with vitamins and other nutrients, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair, strengthens the immune system, and maintains overall tone.

    Therefore, it is useful to include herbs for weight loss in any diet. As a rule, a collection is made from herbs for weight loss, which is taken before meals. The course of taking herbal preparations for weight loss is 1.5-2 months, after which a break is taken.

    However, using medicinal herbs for weight loss alone is not recommended. It is important to understand that medicinal plants contain potent substances, and their treatment should be prescribed by a doctor, taking into account contraindications and the individual condition of the body.

    Phytotherapists - who are they?

    In Russia, a phytotherapist diploma can only be obtained by people with medical education who have taken a refresher course in the specialty "Phytotherapy". Such courses are available at the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Altai State Medical University, etc.

    After completing the course, you can receive a certificate of state registration of a doctor-healer. This certificate gives the right to conduct medical activities using herbal medicine.

    The slow effect and naturalness of the raw materials prompts many to use medicinal herbs on their own, however, doctors strongly recommend not to do this. We know too little about the properties of medicinal plants to use them uncontrollably. Science is just groping for an approach to treatment with natural ingredients.

    Today, a herbalist (or herbalist) is a specialist with a higher medical education and additional knowledge in the field of herbal medicine. This combination can at least guarantee no harm from the use of medicinal plants. In addition, at the right time, such a doctor will still be able to direct the patient to the mainstream of traditional medicine for treatment.

    Unfortunately, there is currently a certain gap between traditional medicine and herbal medicine. A patient rarely (if not never) can get advice on both issues from one specialist. As a result, the patient is deprived of the advantages and possibilities of herbal medicine, which negatively affects the treatment rates. All this leads to the need for further study of the mechanisms of action of medicinal herbs, search for evidence of their effectiveness and the development of therapy regimens taking into account herbal medicine.

    Author Masha asked a question in the section Doctors, Clinics, Insurance

    what are the doctors who treat herbs called? and got the best answer

    Answer from Margarita Filatova [guru]
    Practically all over the world, phytotherapy has long been a part of official medicine, but in the Russian Federation, phytotherapy received the official status of traditional medical activity not so long ago - in 2000. Until that moment, such a method of treatment was ranked among non-traditional methods and there was no official approval from the state, despite the fact that medicinal plants, which are the basis of herbal medicine, were included in many drugs. If we consider the origin of the herbal treatment method, then its origins will be lost in ancient times, because the healing power of nature has long been known to man. Once a person had no choice - he was treated with what he found around him - food and herbs.
    Today, herbal medicine is defined as a method of treating various diseases with varying degrees of severity with herbal medicines. However, in order for herbal medicine to receive the official approval of the state, it was instructed to conduct a whole range of research and information-analytical activities in order to test empirical experience and create official guidelines. The result of the joint work of leading scientists and medical practitioners was the conclusion that phytotherapy does not at all belong to the category of unfounded sciences, but still has a clear scientific platform.

    Answer from Baby *[guru]

    Answer from Јinsha[guru]

    Answer from Їrezabornoguzaderischenkoff[guru]
    officially there are no such specialties and directions.

    Answer from Andrey Enyutin[guru]

    Answer from Lyudmila Kuzmina[guru]

    Answer from Yoasha[guru]

    Answer from 3 answers[guru]

    Hey! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: what are the names of doctors who treat herbs?

    Author Masha asked a question in the section Doctors, Clinics, Insurance

    what are the doctors who treat herbs called? and got the best answer

    Answer from Margarita Filatova [guru]
    Practically all over the world, phytotherapy has long been a part of official medicine, but in the Russian Federation, phytotherapy received the official status of traditional medical activity not so long ago - in 2000. Until that moment, such a method of treatment was ranked among non-traditional methods and there was no official approval from the state, despite the fact that medicinal plants, which are the basis of herbal medicine, were included in many drugs. If we consider the origin of the herbal treatment method, then its origins will be lost in ancient times, because the healing power of nature has long been known to man. Once a person had no choice - he was treated with what he found around him - food and herbs.
    Today, herbal medicine is defined as a method of treating various diseases with varying degrees of severity with herbal medicines. However, in order for herbal medicine to receive the official approval of the state, it was instructed to conduct a whole range of research and information-analytical activities in order to test empirical experience and create official guidelines. The result of the joint work of leading scientists and medical practitioners was the conclusion that phytotherapy does not at all belong to the category of unfounded sciences, but still has a clear scientific platform.

    Answer from Baby *[guru]

    Answer from Јinsha[guru]

    Answer from Їrezabornoguzaderischenkoff[guru]
    officially there are no such specialties and directions.

    Answer from Andrey Enyutin[guru]

    Answer from Lyudmila Kuzmina[guru]

    Answer from Yoasha[guru]

    Answer from 3 answers[guru]

    Hey! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: what are the names of doctors who treat herbs?

    Zaitseva Elena Fedorovna is a famous herbalist. He knows more than 1100 types of herbs, their use for the treatment of various ailments. She began to study herbs at the age of 8. At 89, she traveled to many regions of the country, including Altai, the Far East, to collect and harvest herbs. At the invitation of temples and monasteries, he travels with talks about herbal medicine. Delivers public lectures on herbs in Moscow and other cities, including highly qualified medical personnel of scientific and medical institutions. He has a son who serves as a bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate.

    Monastic herbalist: If you want to be Healthy, dig up three roots for yourself - burdock, wheatgrass and dandelion. We save potatoes, and we throw away weeds. And they are more valuable than potatoes. No weeds should be thrown away. The day will come for every person when he will not need potatoes, but treatment.

    All weeds heal!

    All these hard-to-eradicate weeds assert their necessity for all life on earth. I always say: "If you don't want to be ill with anything, dig up three roots for yourself - burdock, wheatgrass and dandelion." From these roots you will collect and drink it. I am collecting 25 roots for myself, but you cannot collect everything, three will be enough.
    Wheatgrass is a malicious weed that the Lord gives us literally under our feet for our treatment. There is not a single vegetable garden that it does not grow. There is not a single disease that he does not treat, starting with the eyes and ending with oncology. All wild animals, cats and dogs are treated with it.

    For a person, it is invaluable in that it restores disturbed metabolism.

    Infusion and decoction of rhizomes are used for dropsy, edema of various origins, cystitis, urinary incontinence, stones in the kidneys and gall bladder, all diseases of the lungs, kidneys, chronic bronchitis, intestinal diseases, diabetes, hypertension.

    Wheat grass roots are used as a pain reliever for gout, rheumatism, lumbago, and various arthritis.

    Juice and a decoction of a fresh plant can be taken during the summer, it helps well with partial loss of vision.

    Wheat grass root treats osteochondrosis, ovarian dysfunction in women, pulmonary tuberculosis, exudative diathesis, furunculosis.

    There are no contraindications to taking it. We ground flour from the roots of wheatgrass and baked bread. It is healthier and tastier than wheat. You can make porridge, coffee from it. In years of famine, he helps everyone out.

    Dandelion root also a weed.

    In early spring, collect dandelion leaves, soak them in salt water for two hours to remove the bitterness, and make a salad. We cooked soup from its leaves, and fried the roots.

    Dandelion root treats pernicious anemia, stomach and liver cancer, inflammation of the lymph nodes, diathesis, deforming arthrosis, arthritis, osteochondrosis, all joints.

    In the fall, if you see a dandelion that has not bloomed and has not given all its strength to flowering, dig it up.

    Burdock - "academician".

    Once I was giving a lecture and said: “There is an academician who treats all diseases. An academician-burdock sits in the ground and waits for a man to take him and he will be treated with it. "

    Now people are almost all sick. Cancer just mows people down. And burdock cures all cancers. Treats diabetes mellitus, bronchitis, sinusitis, rheumatism, gout, arthritis, osteochondrosis, bone fracture, intervertebral hernia, atherosclerosis, ear diseases, chronic coronary insufficiency.

    Burdock cures hepatitis! In Moscow, many people, especially men, suffer from hepatitis. Even persistent hepatitis C can be cured with burdock without a trace. After two to three months of treatment, there is no hepatitis.

    Burdock Root Treats Liver Tumors and Even Liver Cirrhosis! Cures cholecystitis, kidney disease, crushes kidney stones and gall bladder.

    It treats all skin diseases: burns, bedsores, eczema, trophic ulcers, hair loss, purulent wounds, psoriasis, lupus erythematosus and so on. None of the dermatologists can treat all skin diseases, but he can!

    During a flu epidemic, people run to doctors, they are prescribed antibiotics. And burdock root cures flu, relieves fever. We had no shoes during the war. It's already cold, and we all go barefoot. Sometimes they caught cold, the temperature rose. Mom will give us burdock root and linden flowers, she will wrap us up warmly. We will sweat, and we have no temperature.

    Burdock root cures paralysis! No one has ever cured paralysis. And he heals.

    We used these roots to bake bread, cook porridge, make dressings. Soup and salads were prepared from young burdock leaves. The root itself was fried, baked, and made into coffee. When they treat me to coffee at a party, I drink and think: is this coffee! Coffee should be made from chicory, burdock and wheatgrass roots. Mom made such coffee - it was simply unmatched!

    In my practice, there was a case: I treated one priest in Sergiev Posad, who had large spinal hernias. He was supposed to undergo an operation by medical luminaries in Moscow. I told him: "Let your luminaries wait one month." He drank a tincture of roots, a month later I saw him: he walked freely from the car to me and said: "I have no hernias!"

    Root brewing rule

    The most valuable roots are in early spring, but they can be dug in the fall.

    Burdock is a biennial plant. You should dig out a one-year-old burdock, which has young leaves - this root is very strong. And burdock with dry leaves and burdocks is already useless, he gave all his strength to flowering. You can collect burdocks from him, insist and rinse aching teeth - it will relieve pain. Dig up the roots, wash, dry. Burdock root is thick, so it needs to be cut. Pour one tablespoon of dry crushed roots with two glasses of boiling water. Boil for ten minutes. Insist for two hours. Strain and drink half a glass three times a day 10-15 minutes before meals.

    When you drink a medicinal infusion before meals, the blood immediately absorbs it and carries it throughout the body. You can drink a collection of burdock, wheatgrass and dandelion roots in equal proportions or one root at a time: a week - burdock, a week - dandelion, a week - wheatgrass.

    Healing herbs

    The Lord gives us all the herbs we need. No need to buy foreign herbs, go to China or anywhere else.

    The quinoa is added to the soup. We fried it in childhood and ate it with potatoes.

    Snipe is used in soup instead of cabbage.

    Flour is made from shiritsa seeds, they are added when pickling cucumbers.

    Wormwood keeps closer to people. If the temperature rises, the bladder is inflamed, take it. It is also a powerful sedative. Bitter wormwood removes all bruises, bruises, tumors. Treats alcoholism, thrombophlebitis, paralysis, stroke, pain in the pelvic area. Wormwood (or Chernobyl), treats epilepsy, impotence in men, nervous and female diseases, pulmonary tuberculosis, stomach cancer, intestinal cancer and sarcoma.

    Cocklebur grows along river banks. Treats cancers, nephritis, male diseases. In China, everyone drinks it, and there is much less cancer.

    Wild geranium meadow treats angina pectoris, osteochondrosis, rectal cancer, stones.

    Tatarnik treats skin cancer, hemorrhoids.

    Thistle treats breast cancer. I make infusions of 14-15 herbs, and each herb will find where the inflammation, congestion, swelling is, and will heal. But you can drink one grass at a time.

    I always advise everyone to pack a bag of knotweed. This can be done in the fall. In four to five days, the grass will dry out, and it will be half a bag. And as soon as you get a little sick, drink it. Knotweed, or bird knotweed, grows at every house, has filled all the paths. Last year there was a drought, everything around Moscow dried up. And the knotweed is not a staff. He has very nutritious seeds, birds feed on them. If it had not been for him, they would have died. In the people his name is grass-murava or goose grass. The Lord gives it to us. If your back or joints hurt, it will drive out all the salts. This herb is rich in silicon salts. It crushes stones in the gallbladder, bladder, kidneys. Scratches, scratches these stones, they turn into sand, and in two or three months there are no stones. And the doctors are only surprised.

    Highlander bird treats tuberculosis, cystitis, kidney, stomach ulcer, cholecystitis, rheumatism, obesity, nervous exhaustion, prostate adenoma in men, cancer. He has no contraindications. Not only herbs are healed, but every tree.

    Rowan flowers even cure multiple sclerosis. Mountain ash drives bile, prevents the appearance of kidney stones. Reduces cholesterol, treats obesity, thyroid disease. Rowan infusion and decoction help with cancer.

    Kalina vulgaris treats malignant neoplasms of various localization, gallstone and urolithiasis, diathesis. It can be mixed with honey and eaten. Even her bones are useful. It can be used to make a tincture for breast cancer.

    Aspen helps men with prostatitis.

    Hawthorn heals the heart, birch - buds, oak - heart, alder - intestines, pine - lungs.

    All trees heal!

    How to infuse herbs?

    To prepare the medicinal infusion, take two tablespoons with the top of the herbal collection (mix herbs in equal proportions), pour into a porcelain or enamel teapot and pour two glasses of boiling water. Cover with a lid or towel and let sit for 30 minutes. Strain through two or three layers of gauze or a strainer and drink half a glass three times a day 10-15 minutes before meals. It is necessary to brew the infusion in the morning every day, since drinking yesterday's infusion is useless.

    The course of treatment is one and a half months. Drinking the same herbs is necessary for a month. Herbs truly heal, but they heal slowly, imperceptibly, sparingly. If a person were immediately cured, it might not be good for him. The Lord tells us this way: show diligence, patience.

    To avoid addiction, after a month of herbal treatment, rest for five days and then drink more. A neglected disease must be treated for three to five months. It is better not to brew herbs in a thermos - there is dead water. Previously, teapots were used throughout Russia. You can drink the infusion both warm and cold. But it must be brewed daily once in the morning - for the whole day.

    There are poisonous herbs, they also serve a person - hemlock, dope, but they are insisted on vodka and drunk in drops. There are harmless herbs like knotweed. There are herbs that are slightly toxic, such as celandine, tansy, and wormwood. They can only be infused with one teaspoon for two cups of boiling water.

    When to collect herbs?

    Herbs are like people: they sleep at night. In the morning they wake up, wash their face with dew and take God's energy. A person blooms from 18 to 45 years old, gives birth to children, creates. So are the herbs: when they bloom, they are the strongest. Therefore, they are harvested when they bloom. And when they bloomed, they gave all their strength to the seeds. It is better to collect herbs with prayer on a clear sunny day after dew until two or three o'clock in the afternoon. Dry in the shade in a ventilated area, best in the attic. If the grass dries up in the sun, it will give back the God energy that it took.

    Grind dried herbs by hand. You cannot store the grass in plastic bags, it suffocates and loses half of its properties. Can be stored in paper bags, linen bags, glass jars. Herbs are stored for a year, maximum two years.

    When to collect leaves?

    In early spring. First, buds are collected: birch, aspen, poplar. As soon as the leaves have blossomed, it is necessary to collect the leaves of birch, aspen, hazel before Trinity. When the ground has thawed and nettles, dandelions, celandine, runny - they have to be collected. Leaves are harvested before flowering. Seeds are also collected from many herbs.

    Fees for various diseases

    Stomach (gastritis, catarrh, ulcer, poor digestion) with high acidity.

    Those who are nervous release adrenaline and burn the stomach. Soothing herbs are needed: motherwort, chernobyl, zyuznik, beetle, mint, lemon balm, calendula, coltsfoot, yarrow, dried cress, sage, white ashberry, birch leaf, St. John's wort, chamomile, plantain lanceolate, hops. Valerian roots and cyanosis blue. With low acidity - the same herbs, but add large plantain.


    First, you need to undergo an ultrasound scan to make sure that there are no stones in the liver, otherwise they can move from the herbs and go into the ducts.

    Collecting when there are no stones: tansy, immortelle, calendula, goldenrod, agrimony, oregano, smokeberry, St. John's wort, nettle, corn hair, cinquefoil goose leaf, mother-and-stepmother leaf, knotweed, field horsetail, hops, string, celandine.

    Collect, if there are stones: St. John's wort, buckthorn bark, peppermint, flax seeds, dill seeds, nettle, tansy, hops, celandine, knotweed. Take all the herbs in one part, and knotweed - five parts - it amazingly crushes stones. Drink the roots of burdock, chicory, wheatgrass.

    Cardiovascular collection (hypertension, cardiosclerosis, tachycardia, etc.): astragalus, immortelle, field horsetail, caddie. Hawthorn flowers, motherwort, chernobyl, peppermint or any, lemon balm, oregano, sweet clover, linden flowers, arnica flowers, yarrow, adonis, birch leaf, valerian roots, white mistletoe.

    Pulmonary collection (pneumonia, bronchitis, catarrh of the lungs, asthma, tuberculosis, cancer): sage, thyme, wild rosemary, marshmallow, coltsfoot, lungwort, pickle, plantain, black elderberry flowers, tricolor violet, nettle, birch leaf, knotweed, pine buds. Roots: soapwort, elecampane, licorice, lovage, iris meadow.

    Kidneys (nephritis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, renal failure): field horsetail, knotweed, birch leaf, lingonberry leaf, ivan tea, St. John's wort, goldenrod, lungwort, blueberry leaf, plantain, coltsfoot, flaxseed, round-leaved pear dill seeds, yarrow, mint, immortelle, wheatgrass and burdock roots. The kidneys cleanse the blood from salts. When they become ill and cease to perform this function, salts are deposited in the spine, in the knees. Therefore, it is often necessary to treat the kidneys first.

    Collecting for diabetes mellitus: green beans (rich in insulin), clover, blueberry leaf, black currant leaf, strawberry leaf, birch leaf, lingonberry leaf, medicinal galega, mint, nettle, sweet clover, knotweed, calendula, horsetail, St. John's wort, plantain. Roots: burdock, chicory, dandelion, peony, elecampane, licorice naked.

    In case of hypertension: birch leaf, sweet clover, licorice, oregano, coltsfoot, plantain, horsetail, dill, anise fruits, lemon balm, motherwort, hawthorn, immortelle, dried fruit.

    Women's diseases: chamomile, plantain, yarrow, calendula, mint, celandine, beetle, St. John's wort, nettle, shepherd's purse, field yarrow, knotweed, cuff, clover, cinquefoil, ivan tea, birch leaf.

    Collection for the treatment of different types of cancer: nettle, calendula, tansy, St. leaves), cuff, peppermint, plantain, mallow, dried cress, tartar, sage. Roots: wheatgrass, burdock and dandelion.

    Collecting for breast cancer: celandine, calendula, field jar, white lamb, chestnut color, field budra, tansy, nettle, St. John's wort, oregano, clover, plantain, wheatgrass. Eat beets, carrots, horseradish.

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