Electrophoresis is a contraindication for adults. Medicinal electrophoresis: indications and contraindications, methods, algorithm of carrying out, mechanism of action, advantages

Electrophoresis is a physiotherapy procedure. Its main purpose is the introduction of drugs into the body using direct current.

How does the electrophoresis procedure take place?

The procedure is carried out using a special apparatus. It provides a direct current supply and is connected to oppositely charged electrodes. The electrodes are presented in the form of metal plates with fabric gaskets on them.

During the procedure, the tissue is moistened with a warm medicinal solution, and the electrodes themselves are fixed on the patient's body. After turning on the device, this substance enters the body. This happens due to the supply of direct current, due to which the substance decomposes into ions and easily penetrates the skin.

Indications for use

The range of action of this physiotherapeutic procedure is very wide. With its help, you can cure:

  • gastroenterological diseases (gastritis, ulcers, colitis, cholecystitis);
  • gynecological diseases (erosion of the cervix, colpitis, endometritis, cervititis, endometriosis);
  • otolaryngological diseases (sinusitis, pharyngitis, otitis media);
  • urological diseases (prostatitis, pyelonephritis, cystitis);
  • therapeutic diseases (bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma);
  • neurological diseases (sciatica, neurasthenia, migraine, neuroses, neuromyositis);
  • cardiological diseases (hypertension stage 1 and 2, heart disease without exacerbation);
  • inflammatory diseases of the joints, muscles, ligaments and nerves;

In addition, electrophoresis promotes resorption of scars, adhesions and is very useful for cosmetic procedures.

Benefits of electrophoresis

The introduction of drugs using electrophoresis has a number of advantages over the traditional method. These include.


Used in the framework of physiotherapy, this method of hardware administration of drugs helps to painlessly deliver the desired drug directly to the pathological focus. Find out which medications can be transported into the body using this procedure.

What is electrophoresis

The topic of the beneficial effect of current on human health has been raised by the scientific community for a long time. Medicinal electrophoresis, which in medicine is also called galvanophoresis, galvanization or iontophoresis, involves the transformation under the influence of electrical impulses of various medications into tiny particles - ions with further delivery of the latter to problem areas. When drugs are administered by hardware, most of them remain in the dermis. The remains are transported with blood and lymph throughout the body.

Indications and contraindications

This procedure is effective against a variety of diseases. A misunderstanding as to what electrophoresis is, arises in many patients who are going to undergo this procedure for the first time. Apparatus administration of drugs is recommended for many diagnoses: from disorders of the musculoskeletal system to ophthalmic problems. For this reason, the question of what electrophoresis is needed for cannot be fully disclosed. Meanwhile, there are some limitations for the hardware administration of medications. Contraindications to electrophoresis are as follows:

  • pathology of blood vessels and heart;
  • oncological diseases;
  • high temperature;
  • inflammatory processes in the stage of exacerbation;
  • eczema and dermatitis;
  • allergy to medications administered during the procedure

Electrophoresis with euphyllin

The apparatus administration of ions of this drug helps to achieve bronchodilatory, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Euphyllin for electrophoresis is used in the form of a 2% solution, which, under the influence of current, penetrates into the layers of the patient's dermis. The sedimentation of the drug in the subcutaneous fat promotes its gradual, dosed intake into the body.

It should be said that during the procedure there is an intensive saturation of the patient's cartilaginous tissue with the active components of the drug. This pharmacology of aminophylline is used in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system: osteochondrosis of the collar zone and lumbar spine, intervertebral hernia. In addition, its hardware introduction is used to improve cerebral and renal blood circulation, and treat bronchitis.

With lidaza

The specified enzyme is involved in the breakdown of hyaluronic acid, promotes more active movement of the inter-articular fluid. Lidase for electrophoresis is selected for the prevention and treatment of adhesions, inflammatory phenomena of different localization. The procedure promotes resorption of postoperative scars, skin restoration after burns.

Hardware administration of lidase is effective against the negative consequences of pneumonia, tuberculosis, bronchitis. Treatment of otitis media and other inflammatory lesions of the ears can be carried out through the simultaneous use of endoural cataphoresis and external anaphoresis. In this case, only the cathode is impregnated with the lidase solution. The anode is located on the neck.

With caripazim

Galvanic current helps to transport the active substance of the drug directly to the problem area. Electrophoresis with caripazim is used to treat pathologies of the spine and joints. The procedure is especially effective for herniated discs. The tissues, due to which a painful protrusion in the spinal column is formed, softens under the influence of the current, which reduces the irritability of the nerve roots and, as a result, the severity of the pain syndrome.

With novocaine

The hardware introduction of this anesthetic medication is carried out to obtain an analgesic effect. Electrophoresis with novocaine is indicated for neuropathic syndromes, radiculitis, osteochondrosis and other articular pathologies. In this case, the use of physiotherapy in conjunction with therapeutic massage and other manual procedures is especially effective.

With calcium

This nutrient is considered to be a universal substance for instrumental administration. So, iontophoresis with calcium chloride is used to treat inflammation of the oral cavity, myositis, hip dysplasia. Separately, it is worth mentioning that doctors prescribe the introduction of this mineral by the apparatus method for pathologies of blood coagulation. Calcium is especially important for babies. With a lack of this element, the child's bone tissue develops according to the wrong algorithm.

With hydrocortisone

Apparatus administration of drugs of the glucocorticosteroid group is used to relieve allergic and autoimmune conditions. Hydrocortisone electrophoresis is often used in neurological practice. It is worth noting that this procedure helps to get rid of eczema and dermatitis. Depending on the degree of damage to the skin, it is recommended to use a cream or an emulsion based on hydrocortisone for instrumental administration.

With magnesia

Under the action of a galvanic current, magnesium sulfate easily penetrates the cell membrane. A sufficient amount of this nutrient in the body is the key to the health of the nervous, cardiovascular systems. This mineral is involved in many chemical reactions; the energy potential of the cell largely depends on it. Magnesia electrophoresis fights inflammation, helps to normalize heart rate and blood pressure. Meanwhile, magnesium sulfate is prohibited for use in gastric bleeding, kidney and liver pathologies.

With proserin

The instructions for this drug indicate that it has a high anticholinesterase activity. For this reason, electrophoresis with proserin is used to treat many neurological pathologies, which are accompanied by a decrease in muscle tone and impaired conduction of electrical impulses. It is important to note that bromine preparations widely used in physiotherapy have a similar pharmacological effect. The indications for the appointment of hardware administration of proserin are:

  • myasthenia gravis;
  • neuritis of different parts of the body;
  • bladder atony;
  • recovery from a stroke;
  • transferred viral neuroinfections.

With dimexidum

The procedure helps to achieve an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory effect. With its help, the treatment of osteochondrosis, various articular pathologies, purulent infection in remission is carried out. Electrophoresis with Dimexide is especially useful for people who, for whatever reason, cannot perform oral or injectable antibacterial agents. It is important to note that the procedure has virtually no side effects.

With lidocaine

The method involves the local hardware injection of anesthetic for the purpose of pain relief. Comparing the effects obtained after the current transport of novocaine and the specified drug, we can say that electrophoresis with lidocaine has a less intense effect on tissue structures. An indication for such delivery of an anesthetic drug into the body is a pronounced pain syndrome of various etiologies.

With nicotinic acid

The hardware introduction of this water-soluble vitamin, or niacin, ensures the normal course of redox reactions. Nicotinic acid electrophoresis can be performed for various purposes. It has been found that niacin is very beneficial for patients suffering from diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular diseases. In addition, the hardware administration of nicotinic acid ions helps to reduce the concentration of lipoproteins and triglycerides in the blood.

With dibazol

A myotropic antispasmodic is used to treat arterial hypertension, to facilitate the transmission of nerve impulses in the spinal cord. Electrophoresis with dibazole is often used as a method of forming nonspecific body resistance to the effects of exogenous irritating factors. In addition, the creation of a kind of dibazole depot in the patient's dermis ensures the synthesis of his own interferon for a long time.

Electrophoresis during pregnancy

During the period of bearing a child, a woman's immunity falls, which can serve as a trigger for the development of many diseases. Most of the drugs during the embryonic development of the fetus are contraindicated for use, therefore electrophoresis during pregnancy is a kind of way out for expectant mothers. In addition, the undoubted advantages of this procedure are:

  1. safety for the child;
  2. ensuring a high local concentration of drugs against the background of their minimum dosage.

In gynecology

Achieving a therapeutic effect during the treatment of diseases of the female genital area is associated with some difficulties associated with an accurate diagnosis and the characteristics of each individual clinical case. Solutions of iodine, magnesia and lidase are widely used for electrophoresis in gynecology. Good results in the treatment of chronic inflammatory processes with severe pain syndrome can be achieved by the hardware introduction of potassium iodide into the lower abdomen of women.

For children

Little patients in most cases undergo the Ratner method. The scientist proposed the instrumental administration of aminophylline and papaverine to infants with natal cerebrospinal injuries. Electrophoresis for older children is prescribed for the treatment of bronchitis, diathesis. The technique is often used for limb fractures. Runny nose and other problems with the nasal passages are treated with endonasal fluids.

In dentistry

The main indication for the hardware administration of drugs in this area of \u200b\u200bmedicine is the infection of the dental canals with periodontitis, pulpitis. The technique of electrophoresis in dentistry involves the targeted transportation of drugs, due to which there is a more active restoration of damaged dentinal tubules. Through such delivery of antibiotics, the pathogenic bacterial background is eliminated, which prevents the occurrence of secondary caries on the filled tooth.

In cosmetology

Rejuvenation and healing of the skin with the help of current can be carried out in different ways. So, electrophoresis in cosmetology, or iontophoresis, is carried out by means of stationary and labile electrodes. The main condition for effective elimination of skin problems is compliance with the polarity of the injected substance. Separately, it should be said about phonophoresis. This procedure involves the introduction of vitamins and drugs into the deep layers of the skin using ultrasonic waves emitted by the apparatus.

Home electrophoresis

The procedure can also be carried out independently using special devices. Home electrophoresis eliminates the need for a patient to visit a medical facility. Devices for this purpose can be purchased in the pharmacy chain at quite affordable prices. It is recommended to carry out hardware administration of drugs at home only after the approval of the attending physician and familiarization with the instructions on how to do electrophoresis. The following devices can be purchased on free sale:

  1. "Stream-1"
  2. "Potok-BR"
  3. "Elfor"
  4. "AGN-32"

Side effects

In the case of full compliance with all the conditions for the correct hardware administration of medications, any negative consequences, as a rule, do not arise. Even babies are treated with medicinal electrophoresis, the side effects of which are due only to the individual intolerance of the drugs used during the session. As a result, there is no need to avoid iontophoresis. Needless to say, in addition to the therapeutic effect, you will also feel the relaxation effect of the procedure.


Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can diagnose and give recommendations for treatment, based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Electrophoresis - what is this method of treatment

Do you or your child have a weakened immune system and do not know how to increase it? Do you often suffer from bronchial asthma? Do your relatives have problems with the cardiovascular system and do they swallow all sorts of pills in packs that have a negative effect on the liver? To cope with such situations, doctors often prescribe electrophoresis sessions to their patients. With the help of such procedures, a person will not only keep his liver healthy, but will quickly get back on his feet, getting rid of the ailment that worried him. Thanks to electrophoresis, the medicine reaches the desired organs faster, while exerting maximum effect. Today we will learn about the methods of conducting such sessions, in which cases they are prescribed, and also when it is forbidden to conduct them.

What is the procedure

Many people ask the question: "Electrophoresis - what is it and why is it better than taking medications orally, intravenously or intramuscularly?" Now let's try to answer this question. Electrophoresis is a medical procedure that has several names: ionotherapy, iontophoresis, ionogalvanization, galvanic ionotherapy. This is physiotherapy based on the effects of drugs delivered by means of an electric current. The introduction of drugs in this way has the following advantages over the delivery of substances intravenously, intramuscularly or through the mouth:

Longer therapeutic effect.

The ability to deliver the drug to the desired area of \u200b\u200bthe body, while bypassing the rest of the organs.

Minimal risk of side effects.

Painlessness of the procedure.

Preservation of the normal tissue structure of the patient with the introduction of the drug

Basic electrophoresis techniques

  1. Electroplating belt.
  2. General electrophoresis according to Vermel.
  3. Ionic reflexes according to Shcherbakov.
  4. Bourguignon electrophoresis of the face.
  5. Physiotherapy treatment endonosally.

Electroplating Belt

Electrophoresis treatment in this case is indicated for diseases of the female genital organs. Also, this technique can be applied to men with prostatitis, sexual dysfunction, and vascular disorders.

The galvanic belt can be either top or bottom. In the first case, one pad is impregnated with a special warm solution and then applied to the thoracic and lumbar spine, in the second - to the sacral and lumbar vertebrae.

The duration of the procedure is approximately 10 minutes. And the course of such treatment can be up to 20 sessions.

General electrophoresis according to Vermel

In this case, 3 medication pads are used. The first (largest) is defined on the back, between the shoulder blades. And the other two are superimposed on the calves. Thus, electrophoresis is performed on almost the entire surface of the body, except for the face, neck and head. Electrophoresis - what is it? In what cases is it prescribed? This is a special technique designed to help adults and children with problems such as vegetative-trophic disorders, neurosis-like states, weakened immunity, metabolic disorders, diseases of the cardiovascular system.

The duration of the procedure according to the Vermel method can be from 20 to 40 minutes. The physiotherapy course can be limited to 20 sessions.

Ionic reflexes according to Shcherbakov

For the treatment of hypertension and neuroses, as well as if the patient has peptic ulcers or disorders in the joints, they use this particular technique for carrying out such a procedure as electrophoresis. What is it - physiotherapy according to Shcherbakov? In this case, the electrodes are applied to the upper and lower extremities of the patient. Moreover, this must be done strictly diagonally. For example, right arm and right leg or vice versa. The specialist determines the pads with solutions of potassium, magnesium, sodium or bromine on the shoulder and thigh. Above these places, the limbs are pulled with a rubber bandage.

The duration of the procedure according to the Shcherbakov method can be up to 40 minutes, no more. In this case, it is necessary to take breaks. The course of such manipulations is usually 15-20 sessions.

Bourguignon facial electrophoresis

According to this technique, one electrode with a medication-impregnated pad is placed on the closed eyelids, and the other on the back of the neck. In this case, electrophoresis is prescribed to patients who have diseases of the eyelids and the anterior segment of the eyes.

The duration of such a procedure is short, it can be up to 8 minutes. All the time while the manipulation is being carried out, the specialist must control the process. After all, the eyes are a sensitive organ, and any impact on them can cause discomfort, redness or swelling. Therefore, the nurse must closely monitor the patient so that he does not have complications.

Endonosal electrophoresis: what is it

This is a procedure in which not tissue pads are used, but cotton swabs moistened with medicinal substances. Endonosal electrophoresis is done not through the skin, but through the mucous membrane. Thanks to this effect, ENT diseases are excellently treated. Often endonosal electrophoresis is performed on children from 3 years of age. In this case, the electrodes are placed as follows: one with two plates is placed in both nostrils, and the second on the back of the neck.

Effective treatment of hernia with physiotherapy

Electrophoresis with "Karipazim" - a substance made on the basis of such biological additives as proteinases, papain, lysocin, chymopapain, has the following effect:

Softens cartilage tissue.

Relieves inflammation.

Increases collagen secretion, as a result of which damaged fibers are scarred, and their elasticity is restored.

It is thanks to this effect that electrophoresis with "Karipazim" - an effective drug, has a positive effect on the body of a sick person, reducing hernia in size, freeing the pinched nerve, and also alleviating inflammation and pain. Also, pads are moistened with this substance and are determined on the human body for the treatment of radiculitis, keloid scars, articular lesions, and neuralgic problems. Means "Karipazim" is a white powder, which is diluted with normal saline before the procedure.

Requirements for medicines used for physiotherapy

Any solution for electrophoresis must meet the following requirements:

  1. Be clean, free from impurities.
  2. Prepare immediately before the procedure.
  3. To prepare the solution, use only pure distilled water.
  4. If the medicine does not dissolve in water, then instead of this component it is necessary to use purified alcohol, or the drug "Dimexide".

For electrophoresis, solutions are used from such elements as iodine, bromine, calcium, drugs "Novocain", "Euphyllin" and many others, which should be prescribed by the doctor.

Contraindications to the procedure

Many people ask the question: "Is it possible to do electrophoresis if a person has a high temperature, skin problems, wounds?" No, in no case is it possible. However, these are not all contraindications through which the procedure cannot be carried out. With the following health problems, it is forbidden to prescribe electrophoresis to the patient:

Tumors of any etiology and site of origin.

Acute stage of the inflammatory process.

Bronchial asthma.

Blood clotting problems.

Allergy to the components of the drug to be administered.

The cost of the procedure

Electrophoresis, the price of which depends on many factors, can be performed in a district hospital, in a private clinic, or at home. Naturally, the cost will vary. In the district hospital, the electrophoresis procedure will be the cheapest. The patient will need to buy medicines, and the manipulation itself is often free of charge. If you do electrophoresis in a private clinic, then the cost of the procedure can range from 200 to 1000 rubles per session. It all depends on the status of the medical institution, equipment, area of \u200b\u200bexposure. You can also carry out this procedure at home, but in this case, the cost will also be high. Since the specialist will travel with the equipment, and this is an additional expense. But you can buy a special device and carry out the manipulations yourself, but you will have to fork out for the equipment, since the cheapest device costs about 5 thousand rubles.

Opinions of people about the procedure

Electrophoresis receives only positive reviews from patients. Parents are especially happy when they treat various problems of their children with this procedure. Mothers note that during the session, the child does not experience the stress that he could get if he was given intravenous or intramuscular medication. And in this case, boys and girls are not afraid, some even like to go to such procedures. And the parents are happy that the medicine that enters the child's body in this way does not have a toxic effect. Also, many mothers like that such a procedure allows you to achieve maximum effect even with small doses of medicine. But you don't want to stuff your children with drugs in large quantities. However, you don't have to do this with electrophoresis. After all, even a small dose of the drug will give its positive result. Plus, adult patients write that after electrophoresis sessions, excellent results of therapy are observed, the disease quickly passes. People also note that the medicine that enters the body in this way is there for a longer period due to its accumulation in the layers of the skin. And this, in turn, enhances the therapeutic effect of the drug.

Now you know what electrophoresis is, what its popular techniques are used. We also determined what requirements the drugs that are used to carry out this physiotherapy must meet. And we learned about how patients respond to electrophoresis sessions.

Children, due to imperfect immune systems, are often susceptible to various diseases. When treating newborns under 1 year old and older children, only the most gentle methods should be used. For babies of this age, pediatricians prescribe various physiotherapeutic procedures, one of which is electrophoresis. Since this method has certain contraindications, it must be used only as directed by a doctor.

Electrophoresis is an effective technique for introducing drugs through the skin using an electric current, which is actively used in the complex treatment of various diseases

Electrophoresis - what is it and why is it needed?

During electrophoresis, drugs are converted into tiny particles using electrical impulses, which then enter the diseased organ. When drugs are administered by hardware, most of them remain in the subcutaneous layers, and the remainders are carried with the blood and lymph throughout the body.

The current discharge used during the procedure is minimal and is not capable of causing pain to a small patient. Also, electrophoresis does not harm children's health if the device is used correctly and the optimal dosages of drugs are observed. Before carrying out it, the existing contraindications must be taken into account.

Electrophoresis for children is a painless method of treating various diseases. With its help, you can avoid injections associated with severe pain in infants, as well as possible complications as a result of oral administration of medications.

Infants under 1 year of age are usually given Ratner electrophoresis. This procedure is used to treat natal cerebrospinal injuries in them, for which a solution of aminophylline and papaverine is administered to babies using the device. For children, such manipulations are also shown to combat bronchitis, diathesis, rhinitis and other pathologies.

Indications for the procedure for infants and children over a year old

Due to the small number of side effects, this physiotherapy procedure is in great demand in pediatrics. It contributes to the rapid cure of many diseases, even in the smallest patients.

Electrophoresis is widely used for problems in the cervical spine in infants and is often prescribed for detecting hip dysplasia in babies (we recommend reading :). In addition, there is a large list of childhood diseases that can be successfully treated with this physiotherapy method.

Electrophoresis for problems in the cervical spine

For pathologies of the cervical spine, young patients are shown electrophoresis. It is prescribed for such manifestations as:

  • increase;
  • muscle hypertonicity or hypotonia of the arms or neck (see also:);
  • birth injury;
  • cerebral palsy.

Sometimes electrophoresis is a necessary physiotherapy procedure for infants, for example, with birth injuries

In addition, electrophoresis is prescribed to improve the supply of blood to the brain and shoulder region, to get rid of muscle spasms in the upper spine. During the procedure, a medicine, most often aminophylline, is injected into the neck area with the help of an electric current. The duration of the session depends on the age of the baby and the doctor's prescriptions; on average, the procedure lasts from 5 to 12 minutes.

Hip dysplasia

Dysplasia of the hip joints is a serious disease, the development of which is most often associated with the infection of the child by the mother during pregnancy or injury during childbirth. When this diagnosis is made, babies are prescribed foot massage and electrophoresis with some kind of drug, such as aminophylline. The procedure is also carried out with the addition of calcium and chlorine to the solution with which the contact pads are impregnated.

After a course of treatment, blood flow in the tissues around the diseased joint is normalized and its supply of trace elements and nutrients improves. The essence of electrophoresis for hip dysplasia is to place electrodes for 5-10 minutes on the buttocks and gluteal folds. The duration of the course of treatment is 10–20 sessions. This physiotherapy procedure is prescribed by the doctor.

Other indications

Parents are often interested in why electrophoresis is needed for babies. Despite the rather simple principle of action, this effective procedure is considered indispensable in identifying the following pathologies in infants:

  • disorders of the musculoskeletal system;
  • various heart diseases or congenital defects;
  • birth trauma;
  • neuralgic deviations;
  • diathesis.

Electrophoresis for babies is also used to relieve pain associated with various diseases.

The indications for the appointment of the procedure in older children practically do not differ from those pathologies that electrophoresis treats in infants. The indications also include diseases such as:

  • disorders of the digestive system;
  • stomatitis;
  • hepatitis;
  • tonsillitis, otitis media, rhinitis;
  • inflammatory diseases of the urinary and respiratory systems;
  • eye pathologies.

It is forbidden to carry out the procedure on your own without the consent of the doctor. Only a specialist can choose the optimal drug and determine the duration of the course of treatment.

Drugs used

During electrophoresis, the child is injected with various medications. Their choice depends on the disease to be treated.

The medications used include:

  1. Magnesia. This drug effectively fights against pathologies of the respiratory system.
  2. Euphyllin. It contains theophylline and ethylenediamine. The action of the drug is aimed at increasing urine output, activating the work of the heart muscle and the respiratory center, vasodilation. Euphyllin is able to increase blood circulation and destroy blood clots.
  3. Papaverine. The drug belongs to the group of antispasmodics and effectively relieves muscle spasms.
  4. A nicotinic acid. This remedy is a synthetic analogue of vitamin PP. It is used to improve carbohydrate metabolism, accelerate tissue healing and vasodilation.
  5. Calcium. It is indicated for paralysis and muscular dystrophy. In combination with vitamins of group C, the drug has a powerful anti-inflammatory and absorbing effect.
  6. Dibazol. The product is used to stimulate the spinal cord and strengthen the defenses of babies. It is widely used in the treatment of neurological pathologies and bowel disorders. In addition, dibazol is effective for increased muscle tone. Proserin and bromine have similar actions.

Solutions of nicotinic acid and aminophylline for electrophoresis

In the Ratner procedure, children undergo electrophoresis with the simultaneous use of aminophylline and papaverine. This technique is intended for the treatment of birth injuries, cerebral palsy and blood flow disorders in the cervical spine.

Often, when conducting electrophoresis in babies, nicotinic acid and aminophylline are used together. The procedure helps with disturbed muscle tone, hydrocephalus and birth injuries.

Technique of the procedure

Electrophoresis in babies is not difficult. The manipulation consists of several stages:

  1. A napkin or piece of gauze is moistened with a solution of the drug, which is selected depending on the disease.
  2. The electrodes (plates) of the device intended for the procedure are wrapped with a tissue soaked in a therapeutic solution and applied to the desired organ (collar zone, chest, lower back).
  3. The required impulse strength is set. Only after that the device is connected.
  4. Upon completion of these manipulations, the areas of the child's skin to which the electrodes were applied are wiped with a dry napkin.

During the procedure, light tingling of the skin is felt in the places of contact with the plates wrapped in a damp cloth, which can frighten a small patient. It is imperative that a parent is with you throughout the procedure. All metal objects (chain, cross, pendants, etc.) must be removed before the procedure to avoid burns.


As with any other medical procedures, this physiotherapy procedure has contraindications. These include:

  • high temperature;
  • tumors;
  • heart and kidney failure;
  • inflammation in the acute stage;
  • predisposition to bleeding;
  • violation of blood clotting;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • purulent skin diseases;
  • dermatitis.

The procedure has its own contraindications, therefore, a thorough examination of the child is necessary.

The procedure is prohibited in case of individual intolerance to the effects of current and detection of allergy to the drugs used. In the presence of damage to the skin at the points of attachment of the electrodes, electrophoresis is postponed until complete healing.

Can electrophoresis be done at home?

At home, this procedure can be carried out only by agreement with a doctor. In this case, it is necessary to strictly observe the duration of the session. Before the first independent manipulation, it is worth inviting a nurse who will teach you how to work with a device designed for home use. It must be remembered that an incorrectly performed procedure can significantly aggravate the condition of the baby.

Currently, various methods are used in the treatment of various diseases. If earlier medicine was more based on drug therapy, now physiotherapy procedures are often prescribed. They help to cope with the disease faster. You need to know that physiotherapy includes many methods, with one of which we will get acquainted in more detail. Consider what drug electrophoresis is, under what pathologies it is indicated and whether it has contraindications.

The essence of the method of treatment

Electrophoresis belongs to physiotherapy procedures. During the session, the patient's body is exposed to electrical impulses in order to obtain a lasting therapeutic effect.

Medicinal electrophoresis is also used to administer medicines through the skin and mucous membranes. We can say that this method is complex, since there is a simultaneous effect of the current and the drug. Which drug to choose for the procedure, what are the percentage and polarity of administration, is determined only by the attending physician, taking into account the patient's condition and the severity of the disease.

The essence of electrophoresis is that drugs enter the tissues in the form of charged particles through the intercellular spaces, the ducts of the sweat and sebaceous glands. As a result of exposure to electric current, the effectiveness of drugs increases significantly, as there is an increase in tissue sensitivity.

All drugs are introduced taking into account their polarity, if they are cations, then they are introduced from the anode, and anions - from the cathode. Distilled water is considered the best solvent, but alcohol or "Dimexide" is used for poorly soluble compounds.

Medicinal electrophoresis

The mechanism of action of this procedure is that the drug in the form of ions enters the patient's body through the pores and ducts of the sebaceous and sweat glands. Cations and anions are retained on the skin under the electrode, and then gradually penetrate into the blood and lymph. Due to such a gradual intake, the effect of the drug on the body is long-lasting, which is one of the advantages of this method of therapy.

Medicinal electrophoresis is carried out using different devices, one of which is "Potok". This device has been used in medicine for a long time, it is time-tested and reliable. It is possible to regulate during the procedure and also to set the time. Currently, modern analogs of the device are being produced, which have digital indicators.

To obtain a therapeutic effect, it is not at all necessary to place electrodes on a diseased organ or to inject large doses of drugs. Through physiotherapy, ions of calcium, magnesium, iodine are administered to increase the reflex effect on the affected tissue.

Electrophoresis techniques

To increase the effectiveness of this procedure, the methods of drug electrophoresis are constantly being developed and improved. Currently, the following are used:

  1. Prolonged galvanization. An electric current of low strength is used, but the exposure time is long. The Krona battery is a power source. The course of medical procedures is usually 20-30 sessions. Electrophoresis soothes well, has an analgesic effect.
  2. Labile galvanization. During the procedure, one electrode is fixed motionless, and the second is in motion and moves at a speed of 3-5 cm per second along the skin surface. To eliminate current fluctuations, a stabilizing device is introduced into the apparatus. The procedure improves metabolism well, improves blood supply to organs and tissues and neuromuscular conduction.
  3. Intra-tissue electrophoresis. Carrying out the procedure of drug electrophoresis according to this technique is reduced to the introduction of a drug or a mixture of substances through a cannula subcutaneously or intramuscularly. The medicine can be injected in a stream or drip. Electrodes are applied across the lesion to increase the concentration of the drug. If the drug is injected in a stream, then the current is turned on simultaneously with this, and with a drip - after the injection.

In neurological practice, electrophoresis is used for many diseases of the nervous system. The following techniques are used:

1. Vacuum electrophoresis. A special apparatus EVAK-1 is used, which has a vacuum pump, cuvettes. During the procedure, cuvettes are applied to the skin or mucous membrane, and the pad is impregnated with the drug. After the discharged pressure is created, the skin is lifted and is in close contact with the drug. The duration of the procedure is only 5-10 minutes, for the course it is necessary to make such 5-10 minutes, depending on the patient's condition and the severity of his disease. This electrophoresis method allows you to inject a larger amount of drug and much deeper.

2. Microelectrophoresis. For the procedure, a cotton insert is used, into which a wick soaked in a drug is inserted. An electrode is located on top to create contact between the metal tip and cotton wool. The use of medicinal electrophoresis according to this technique is often used for hypertension, sleep disorders, and pathologies of the nervous system.

3. Electrophonophoresis is a combination of ultrasound and electrophoresis. There is a special device, which consists of an alternating current source that has a therapeutic effect, a sensor that converts ultrasound, a stabilized current source, an electric nozzle and an electrode. During the procedure, the electrode is fixed on the skin, the electric nozzle is filled with the preparation, fixed on the ultrasonic sensor and connected to the other pole of the current source. The strength of the current builds up gradually, and then the ultrasound is turned on. The procedures are done daily, every other day, for 10-15 minutes.

The methods of drug electrophoresis are different, but which one to use is decided by the attending physician.

Electrophoresis methods

In addition to various techniques, there are ways to use this procedure:

  1. Tray. The essence lies in the fact that a medicinal solution is placed in a special container with built-in electrodes and a part of the patient's body is immersed.
  2. Interstitial. The drug is administered intravenously or orally, and electrodes are applied to the affected area.
  3. The cavity method is used for diseases of the rectum or vagina. The medicine is injected inside and an electrode is applied, and the second electrode is attached to the outside of the body.

If drug electrophoresis is prescribed, it is important to know the algorithm for conducting, but it must also be borne in mind that various factors can affect the absorption of the drug:

  • Place of exposure of the procedure.
  • The patient's age.
  • Duration of electrophoresis.
  • Dosage and concentration of the drug.
  • The strength of the electric current.
  • Ion charge and size.
  • Individual characteristics of the patient.

All this must be taken into account and the parameters must be adjusted in each case individually.

What are the advantages of electrophoresis

There are many physiotherapy treatments, and each has its own pros and cons. The advantages of drug electrophoresis are as follows:

  • During the procedure, a small amount of the drug is injected.
  • Substances accumulate, which means that the procedure has a prolonged effect.
  • Medicines are administered in the most accessible form, in the form of ions.
  • A high local concentration is created without saturation of blood and lymph.
  • It is possible to inject medicinal substances into places of pathology, which is especially important when microcirculation is disturbed.
  • The procedure is absolutely painless.
  • Side effects are very rare.
  • Medicines do not enter the digestive tract, which means they are not destroyed.
  • The drug is injected through the intact skin, so no special sterilization is required.

Thus, we can say that this method of physiotherapy is not only effective, but also safe. But before doing medicinal electrophoresis, indications and contraindications should be studied.

In what cases is electrophoresis prescribed?

This physiotherapeutic procedure is often prescribed in the complex treatment of many neurological, gynecological, and surgical diseases. Pediatrics and dentistry cannot do without electrophoresis. Here is a list of some of the pathologies that are successfully treated with this procedure:

  1. Diseases of the respiratory system, ranging from common bronchitis to bronchial asthma and pneumonia.
  2. Diseases of the ear, nose and throat.
  3. Gastrointestinal diseases such as gastritis, pancreatitis, peptic ulcer disease respond well to therapy.
  4. Electrophoresis is used in the complex therapy of pathologies of the cardiovascular system. These include hypertension, hypotension, angina pectoris, atrial fibrillation, etc.
  5. Diseases of the genitourinary system.
  6. Pathologies of the nervous system practically cannot do without this method of treatment. Migraines, neuroses, radiculitis, intervertebral hernias, etc. are perfectly treated.
  7. The musculoskeletal system also responds well to electrophoresis. This procedure is often prescribed after fractures, with osteochondrosis, arthrosis, arthritis.
  8. Endocrine system diseases.
  9. Skin diseases.
  10. In the field of dentistry, electrophoresis is also not uncommon, for example, for stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis.

As can be seen from the above list, indications for medicinal electrophoresis are quite extensive.

Contraindications to the procedure

There is no such treatment or procedure that would be allowed for absolutely everyone. We have already examined what indications are for medicinal electrophoresis. And there are contraindications for this method of therapy. These include:

  • Benign and malignant neoplasms anywhere in the body.
  • The presence of heart failure.
  • The presence of a pacemaker.
  • Any inflammatory process in the body in an exacerbation stage.
  • High body temperature.
  • Severe bronchial asthma.
  • Blood clotting disorders.
  • Skin conditions such as eczema or dermatitis.
  • Violation of the sensitivity of the skin.
  • The presence of mechanical damage at the site of application of medicinal pads.
  • Intolerance to electric current.
  • Allergy to a drug.
  • If electrodes are supposed to be applied to the area of \u200b\u200bthe uterus and ovaries, then menstruation is a contraindication.

In any case, even if you think that you have no contraindications to the procedure, drug electrophoresis is possible only after consulting a doctor. All the nuances must be taken into account.

Therapeutic effects of electrophoresis

If medicinal electrophoresis is prescribed, any technique, in principle, will be of great benefit, since the procedure produces the following therapeutic effect:

  • Reduces the intensity of inflammatory processes.
  • Has a decongestant effect.
  • Relieves pain.
  • Eliminates muscle fiber spasm.
  • Has a calming effect on the nervous system.
  • Accelerates tissue regeneration.
  • Activates the human immune system.

At the time of the procedure, the effect also depends on the dominant electrode. If it is a cathode, then:

  • There is an expansion of blood and lymphatic vessels.
  • Relaxation.
  • The metabolism is normalized.
  • The work of the endocrine glands is stabilized.
  • The production of biologically active substances is stimulated.

The positive electrode - the anode - has the following effects:

  • Promotes the removal of excess fluid from the body.
  • Pain relieves.
  • Removes inflammation.

There is no doubt about the benefits of such a procedure, but the main thing is that all contraindications are taken into account, otherwise it can lead to undesirable consequences.

Side effects of electrophoresis

If the procedure is prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the patient's condition and his disease, then drug electrophoresis rarely gives undesirable effects. Most often, it is a drug that can cause burning, redness, rash, and swelling. After the end of the procedure, all symptoms quickly disappear.

Some patients, after several sessions, notice an increase in pain, a slight increase in body temperature. Usually, by the end of the course of therapy, all sensations disappear without medical intervention.

Stages of the procedure

If a drug electrophoresis procedure is prescribed, the algorithm should be as follows:

  1. It is imperative that a nurse or doctor check that the device is working properly before the procedure.
  2. Look in the patient's card for doctor's appointments.
  3. Explain in detail, especially if a person does electrophoresis for the first time, what sensations can be.
  4. Help the patient get into a comfortable position.
  5. Make sure the integrity of the skin at the site of the padding.
  6. Prepare pads corresponding to the place of application, soak them in warm water.
  7. Apply them to the patient's body.
  8. A lead plate is superimposed on top, which will be connected with a wire to the apparatus.
  9. Calculate the current for the procedure.
  10. Check that the current intensity regulator is in the extreme left position.
  11. Connect the device to the network.
  12. Set the shunt switch to "5" if the patient is a child or the procedure is done on the head, and "50" for adult patients and other parts of the body.
  13. Gradually increase the amperage to the required value.
  14. If the patient tolerates the procedure well, then he can be covered, but warned that in case of any unpleasant sensations, he must inform the nurse.
  15. Time the electrophoresis.
  16. After the end, put the current regulator in the "0" position.
  17. Disconnect the device from the network.
  18. Remove the electrodes from the patient's body and examine the skin for redness and irritation.
  19. Remind the patient when he should come for the next procedure.

Any nurse should know this algorithm of execution.

Any physiotherapeutic procedures will provide significant assistance in complex therapy, but only when they are prescribed taking into account the pathology and individual characteristics of the patient, and are also performed with high quality, by a competent specialist. Do not neglect electrophoresis, this procedure will help you cope with the disease faster.

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