Children's drawings autumn golden colored pencils. How to draw autumn phased pencil

Figure "Autumn" At least once in life draws every child - in kindergarten or school, this topic is often present in the lessons of visual art, the surrounding world and literary reading. Few adults can remain indifferent to the brightness and a variety of autumn paints, and many of them want to show this palette to children, conducting a master class with a step-by-step photo or a step-by-step construction of a schematic pattern on the chalkboard.

Before drawing an autumn landscape, you need to choose the materials that will be taken as the basis of the work. We propose to consider the version of the drawing taken using watercolor and color pencils on the usual, but sufficiently dense, white paper (it is best to use sheets for watercolor or sketches).

Simple pencil, as usual, make a drawing sketch - sketch. Our composition will consist of several trees and a small village house. Interest she gives the presence of a hill, in the center of which we land the main thing. Due to the hill, the horizon line, front and back plan looks differently.

Autumn sky fill in color. Using watercolor fill equipment. This technique is used in cases where you need to get an uneven solid background.

By this way, we design the crown of trees in the background. They will turn out blurred and become an addition to the main details of the picture.

Watercolor Pouring - Background

In the same way, flood the grass and the shrub line, which is in the background. Shrub make darker than grass. The tree near the house is highlighting the brightest tone of the paint, thereby make an accent on the house. And he begins to attract attention, although it is located on one of the lines removed from the edge.

Watercolor fill - foreground

We are working on large trunks of trees, giving them volume with the game of light and shadow: one side of the trunk is made darker than the second. We indicate the shadow that trees and house on the grass discarded, fill in the color of the path.

Coloring Watercolor - Step 1

We highlight burgundy and red bushes in the background. We emphasize the dark color descent in the central part of the picture. We emphasize the relief of the tree trunk in the foreground, highlighting its right side with a darker color.

Coloring watercolor - Step 2

We draw bushes around the house, fill in the color of its windows. We emphasize the color of the color in the crowns of trees on the right side of the picture using warm autumn colors. Coloring the same warm colors the foreground of the picture.

Coloring Watercolor - Step 3

We care well, after which you begin to work with colored pencils to work out the details: foliage, shrubs located in the distance. We pay attention to the fact that, the closer to the edge of the picture there is an object, the more bright should be its details. A tree in the center is the key element of the landscape - it should be as expressive as much as possible and worked out to the smallest detail. Draw flying birds.

Look at the video How to draw an autumn landscape with a child of 6-9 years.

Good afternoon, today I want to make an article-assistant for all kindergarten educators. In this article I collected didactic pictures on the subject of autumn. You can use autumn pictures in speech development, "child and nature", "Child and Society". Autumn pictures will be excellent visual material for preschool children. You will be able to show them different aspects of this pore of the year. I also apply ready cards for logical tasks on the topic Autumn in kindergarten. As this article will be replenished with new didactic materials (pictures and cards on the topic of autumn for kindergarten), so do not go far, return here in the new autumn season.

So, I laid out the cards on various topics. Separately visuality for the formation of ideas, separately visuality for making a story on the painting of autumn topics, separate cards Examples for educational games. Let's see which pictures of autumn for kindergarten you can receive here and replenish your methodical piggy bank.

Each picture Increases if you click mouse button.

Didactic pictures of autumn

for classes in kindergarten.

Here is a series of close-up pictures for kindergarten on autumn. You can place them on a comfortable sheet of any size. It may be an ordinary Wordsk file A4, or you can give them to typographic printing and make major posters for classes with a kindergarten group.
These are the most large pictures of good quality, which will give a bright print at any point of printing of your city.

To enlarge the picture, click on it with the mouse.

Pictures Children in autumn for kindergarten

Picture Autumn rain for kindergarten.

Autumn picture in a mushroom forest for kindergarten.

Picture autumn in the forest - a boat walk. Suitable for speech development in the younger group.

Pictures Golden autumn. The didactic task for children is to call as many colors of autumn ... What color are the trees in the fall in the forest.

Be sure to click on this picture (the photo below) - and you will decide from this beauty.

Look guys like beautiful trees are reflected in the water. What a transparent water, it works like a mirror. So the beautiful autumn looks in the mirror and dresses to become even more beautiful.

But a beautiful picture for viewing along with children, it's good to learn to describe items in the picture, to learn what is the foreground, medium and rear.

Click on the pictures - so that it becomes more. You can reduce its size capening under the sheet of paper on which you will print it.

Pictures of autumn and her gifts
for kindergarten.

You can also at the classes to reveal the theme of the gifts of the autumn mother. To tell that autumn is a time of harvest. People grow vegetables, collect mushrooms in the forest. Make billets of vitamin vegetables and fruits for the winter.
Think along with the children what else gives us autumn ... And what does she give animals? ... whitework, hedgehog, field mouse?

That's just pictures of autumn in this subject of gifts and the products of the autumn harvest. Rock autumn in the garden, and in the forest.

Pictures for kindergarten
How autumn helps animals.

Filling autumn helps to become invisible. It is easier for her to catch animals (mice and bunnies) - and she accumulates fat to the cold winter, eats good and get fat, so as not to freeze in the cold.

Pets Autumn gives joy ... Cats love to play with rustic leaves. Cats have good scents and rumors. They hear how the mouse rustles in the leaves and can do it instantly.

All forest residents in the fall prepare reserves for the winter. Squirrels, hamsters, chips, hedgehogs, rowing mice. Think some animals in the fall are harvested by feed.

Pictures of autumn
for speech development

in kindergarten.

Very good in the structure of the classes to climb the elements where the tasks of the development of the child's speech are solved. The fall on the subject of autumn in kindergarten can be added to pictures that children will describe themselves or answering questions-tip-ups.

Below I give beautiful bright plot pictures on the subject of autumn. You can make a story description (who does what in the picture). You can spend a blitz poll "Find autumn signs" ... Prove that this is an autumn picture.

You can, in the picture, come up with a fairy tale story. What we see now ... What was before ... What happens later.

We see brother and sister, they went to the forest for mushrooms. What happened before ... Previously, they went through the forest next to Mom dad ... And now they were lost ... What will happen later, they will shout out loudly and they will hear them.

Or a story may be about that. How they shared with a protein mushroom ... Investigatory story that you do not need to be greedy.

History like Pavlik and Masha saw flying birds ... (Autumn for kindergarten).

As in the fall, the first snow suddenly fell ... Tell me how the nature has changed, how the animals were surprised that they began to do ... how the sun looked out and the first snow melted ... he became water ...

Autumn Pictures For children help them clearly memorize signs of autumn, to allocate nature signs, which is preparing for winter, call them, describe and comment on additions and explanations.

The picture for the description is that in the foreground, which is on the middle plan, which is in the background. What colors used an artist. What is the picture of the mood. What day (sunny or cloudy). What time is it in the picture? Was it raining yesterday? And in the morning there was a fog? What do you think the artist drew the morning or evening?

Educational games

with the pictures of autumn

in kindergarten.

You can immediately prepare pictures on the topic of different ages of the year. And to spend interesting game classes for children in the group. These pictures of autumn for children will help you. I propose several ideas at once.

The game is that excess on the block of the pictures (autumn, winter, spring, summer). Task for children younger and middle group.

To increase the fall card, click on them with the mouse. You can print them on a color printer. Stick on cardboard and cut. If not a sorry for money (the salary of the teacher is sad), you can immediately print on a dense photo paper.

Didactic pictures Autumn for kindergarten. For speech development and nature.

You can make your own hands here such a game - pick elements to the picture since the year.

Didactic picture seasonal tree. Task: Compare Autumn with other pores of the year. Seasonal tree We print glue to the cardboard and make a stand from a roll from toilet paper (slot in a roll and insert a tree into it). Changes in nature on the example of one tree are traced. What is it in winter, in the fall, in spring and summer.

Spread pictures in the perspective of the year (separately autumn, spring, summer, winter). A selection for preschool children.

You can print out these pictures of autumn (below) and mix them with other different pictures. The task of children from the total mass to find only those related to the topic of autumn.
Simple and fast manufacturing game for children in kindergarten.

Pictures of autumn

it's time for fun games.

Golden beautiful autumn - warm and cheerful. All children and all parents love autumn for her beautiful leaves and magic leaves. Let's remember the children, as you can have fun in the fall. Didactic pictures of entertainment in the fall will help you spend this part of the lesson.

You can collect beautiful leaves and spread them in color.

You can give bouquets with leaves mom, grandmother and dad.

All pictures increase if you click on them.

You can swim, break into the rustling fragile leaves. Let's remember how they smell. Warmly heated autumnal leaves.

And you can still rush to leaves, arrange leaf fall, dancing under the golden rain from the leaves.

In the open lesson in kindergarten, all these pictures can be used as elements of a slideshow on the projector or screen.

These are such didactic tutorials Autumn for children, you were able to find on our website. You can also see a large selection of ideas for autumn crafts along with children in classroom in kindergarten.

Successful classes with children.
Olga Klishevskaya, especially for the site

Reading time: 3 minutes

Almost everyone, without exception, the children love to draw, but many parents because of their own laziness and excuses like "dirty himself and everything around will", "I do not know how to draw to show the sample, as you need to do," "he is too small These colors do not give the kids and paints, and sorry ... We hope our marathon of children's drawings on the autumn theme will inspire the work of all without exception. There is from what to choose, dear creators!

We tried to collect the most and ideas for drawing for you, more interesting to organize the child's leisure when it is time for rains, "sad charm" and sitting at home. The ideas of what you can do at home with a child in bad weather read.

Idea number 1.

You need to attach dried leaves between sheets of paper, and then paint the sheet with solid strokes with soft color pencils or chalk. A sheet with all the streaks will appear on white paper. Using this method, you can compose compositions: a bouquet in a vase, autumn landscape, etc.

Idea number 2.

A similar way, only the leaves need to grasp wax (a candle or white wax shallow), and then covered with a watercolor sheet of paper. Large planes are conveniently painted with a wide squirrel brush or a foam sponge.

Idea number 3.

Paint is applied to the leaf from the resumption. Then the sheet is applied to the paper and the imprint is made. The effect will be different, depending on which paint to use.

You can come up with a lot of composite solutions: a large leaf imprint can become a crown of wood, if you draw a trunk; Several prints are a whole forest!

Speecually looking outprints made of white paint on a colored background. You can combine several techniques, draw the image with pencils or wovers.

Idea number 4.

Blowing out the paint through the straw can be painted bizarre trees. This method gives limitless features for experiments! You can, for example, draw trees on a predetermined background.

Idea number 5.

Baby pour the background yourself or offer color cardboard. The crown of the tree and the fallen leaves let him draw a flip finger in the paint.

Idea number 6.

Croon looks like, if you make it cleaning from color pencils. Take the glue into the right places and sprinkle with small chips. The barrel and branches can be blown through the tube or draw in any other way.

Idea number 7.

Conveniently (and completely neado) draw the crown with a cotton waller. In the same way, you can depict the row of rowan, currant twig or other berries.

Idea number 8.

Very unusual picture can be made using foil. On the cardboard sheet, lay a jumped leaflet (you can somewhat) with streaks up. Cover it with a thin foil and carefully, so as not to break, scream with your fingers to stick out the drawing. Cover the dark paint foil (you can use the gouache, acrylic, Tepe, mascara) and let it dry well. Very carefully, sweat the picture with a rigid washcloth washing. The protruding bodies of the leaflet will be slaughtered, and in the recesses there will remain dark paint. Now you can make work in the frame!

Idea number 9.

Those who love invoices will probably like to fill various silhouettes with patterns. Draw or circle an autumn leaf pattern, divide it into small planes as stained glass. Let the child fill each piece with different pattern. You can do it with a gel handle, markers.

Idea number 10.

A similar task can be performed in the technique of routine (scratching). A sheet of smooth (rosged) cardboard paint and grasp wax (candle). You can use wax chalk background. Cove the surface with black ink and dry. Scratch the drawing with a sharp object.

Idea number 11.

Using a rigid bristle brush or toothbrush, make a spray paint. This method is suitable for drawing the crown of trees, creating compositions based on plant prints.

A large place in the baby's work occupies a children's autumn drawing. After all, this wonderful period of the year, though it is considered time of withering, but he has time to charge all by positive thanks to the bright colors of foliage and blueness of the endless sky. Little children are especially susceptible to changing nature and want their observations to express in creativity.

Very popular in gardens and schools Children's drawings on the topic "Autumn Landscape", "Golden Autumn", "Autumn Forest", etc., made by pencil or paints. Very small kids draw not very carefully and beautiful, because they only learn to mix paint and choose the right colors to portray the magnificence of nature.

If the baby still does not know how to draw children's drawings, on the autumn themes, then the parents stands to him a little help and remember how the color leaves they saw on a walk, and then try to draw them. But it is not necessary to do everything for a child, it is necessary to allow fantasies to develop without limiting framework "correctly" - "incorrectly".

In preschool institutions, the exhibitions of children's drawings are traditionally arranged. Such an exposure can be arranged at home. It greatly helps the development of the figurative thinking and the visual memory of the kid. Before proceeding with the creative process, you need to make a sightseeing tour to the forest or the nearest Square and show a clear child all the charms of this time of the year, and after the impressions have received begin to display them on paper.

Children's drawing "Autumn" by paints

Drawing with paints adore all kids. To work, you will need a gouache or watercolor, landscape sheet and brush. An older child can improvise himself, and the baby will be clearer and easier, when mom is a simple pencil draws the contours of the future masterpiece, and the child will paint the color like that.

There are other ways to draw autumn leaves with paints. To do this, you will need directly leaves and paints. The sheet is painted on the one hand, and they make a print on paper. Or, on the contrary, the sheet is applied to the base and the contour is painted with paints. After that, there remains a white imprint, which can be left in this form or paint at its discretion. Instead of habitual brushes, you can use the sponge to use the sponge.

Children's drawing "Autumn Bouquet"

Another option for exposure is a classic vase with multicolored leaves. You can perform the drawing with paints and pencils, and you can combine these techniques or use any extraordinary method. For example, the leaves of different shapes can be decomposed in the shape of a bouquet, pressing a sheet of paper from above. Then, with the help of wax chalks, show the contours and veins of each piece, for this you can use different colors. The most recent step will be a vase, it is not worth drawing too bright and pompous, so as not to distract attention from the bouquet itself.

Children's drawings "Autumn forest"

Older kids who are already familiar with autumn topics, can already draw more complex compositions with a large number of details. In such a pattern, the autumn forest can be transfused by a variety of paints. When a child draws spontaneously, you can spend a kind, because they can tell a lot about observational parents.

The use of dark shades on several pictures in a row, says that a child is worried about something, and he tries to express it with gloomy paints. Psychology of children's drawing is very interesting science. But it is not necessary to do it yourself and make hasty conclusions. If a child has problems, a children's psychologist will help to understand them. And the adjustment of behavior is made with the help of all the same art therapy.

Natalia Denisova

From October 26 to October 30, the competition was held in our kindergarten pictures on the topic"Golden autumn"

Children and parents took an active part. Fall - Very beautiful time of year and work turned out wonderful. The children tried very hard, the works came out beautiful, neat and bright. On October 30, the jury awarded the winners with diplomas 1, 2, 3 place. All participants in the competition received sweet prizes.

In the blue sky bird flocks

Winter to south fly

And trees wear

Shy gold outfit -

Autumn paints does not regret

And on the harvest generous!

Let us warm the sun

This bright time!

I really liked these works. The best I want to show you!

Publications on the topic:

So it came wonderful time - autumn. This year, September was very hot, the trees in gold stand, the sun is capened, insects are buzzing.

Autumn is the most inspiring season. The abundance of paints gives the opportunity to transfer its feelings with a huge number of shades. In bright greenery.

Autumn, probably, the most charming and mysterious, marked by special colors time of the year. Therefore, the exhibition was held in our kindergarten.

Autumn through the eyes of children dear colleagues, good time of day. Suitable by the end of the second autumn month. For this period of work on the site I met.

Autumn Golden! In kindergarten No. 16 in the Great Luki, an exhibition of autumn crafts was held (crafts from natural material! Photo report! Pushkinskaya.

In our kindergarten for several years, a contest for crafts from natural material "Autumn Golden" is held. Children with great pleasure.

On Friday, in our kindergarten, the competition of children's and family works "Golden Autumn" was completed. Since I can not in the methodical office yet.

Most recently won a wonderful spring holiday - March 8! Holiday of all moms, grandmothers, sisters, and just all the girls. On this day, everyone is preparing.

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