Preparing the workplace for work. Preparation of the workplace and permission to work

To make studying an exciting activity for a child, you need to take care of the design of his workplace. Properly selected furniture, good color design, and original accessories will help set your child up for productive work. We have collected 7 valuable recommendations for parents who want to turn their child’s homework into a real holiday.

The height of the work table should be such that the child does not slouch behind it, and his elbows rest freely on it. Experts recommend paying attention to transformable tables, the size and height of which can be adjusted depending on the age of the child.

It is better to choose wood as a material. It is necessary to ensure that there are no defects, various cracks, untreated parts, or glue residues on the table. If the furniture has an unpleasant odor, then this model should be left in the store.

It is also worth considering gender differences when choosing a table. Boys need more space than girls. Based on this, your daughter can buy a more compact table model, and your son can buy a model with a spacious tabletop.

Since the child spends at least several hours a day studying, the seating area should be very comfortable and ergonomic. The back of such a chair must be rigid with a slight bend so that the back fits snugly against it. It is advisable to choose models without armrests. The most comfortable option in this case is an orthopedic chair.

It is recommended that the student’s workplace be located near a window. First of all, this allows the child to work in good natural light. Secondly, the baby can take a break from lessons and look at the sky, birds and trees. This has a beneficial effect on the student’s mood and allows him to exercise the eye muscles, which are tense while doing homework.

4. Additional lighting

Additional lighting sources should be available in any case, regardless of the location of the table. Often these are table lamps with an adjustable base. For a right-handed person it is placed on the left side of the table, and for a left-handed person on the right.

5. Storage systems

Many factors influence productivity, and a tidy desk is one of them. It is important to properly organize storage systems: put pencils in special glasses, place books on additional shelves, put notebooks in niches and drawers. It is also good to use magnetic, cork, and slate boards, on which it is convenient to leave important notes and attach notes. Children often forget something, so such an item will teach him to self-organize.

6. Creative accessories

Instead of ordinary scissors or paper clips, you can choose accessories of unusual shapes or shades. Your child will be pleased to put pencils in an organizer in the shape of a funny hedgehog. And it is much more interesting to fasten sheets of the next abstract with multi-colored strong ones than with ordinary gray ones. This will teach the baby to have order, and will also instill in him a love for school.

In addition to organizing your workplace, you need to be well prepared for the study itself. For example, sharpen a lot of pencils, check the serviceability of pens, sign a stack of notebooks. They will help with this.

To put it briefly, a workplace is an open or closed area of ​​territory or space, equipped with the necessary production means, within which the employee is engaged in work activities. It can also be assigned to a group of employees. Typically, a certain part of the general production cycle is carried out at the workplace.

It is logical that in order to achieve high labor productivity, it is necessary to provide conditions under which his performance will be the highest.

Important! The employer should adapt workplaces, taking into account not only the specific type of activity and qualifications, but also the individual physical and psychological characteristics of each employee.

General requirements for workplace organization

These requirements are regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and Standards (SanPiN) and other legal documents.

The main goal of organizing a workplace is to ensure high-quality and efficient performance of work in compliance with established deadlines and with full use of the equipment assigned to the employee.

To achieve this, organizational, technical, ergonomic, sanitary, hygienic and economic requirements are imposed on the workplace.

What requirements must an employee’s workplace meet?

Occupational safety is a primary requirement!

The most important requirement when organizing a workplace is to ensure safe, comfortable working conditions and to prevent the occurrence of occupational diseases and accidents. This entire set of measures is called occupational safety and health.

In other words, labor protection, in essence, is a system of legislative acts in conjunction with socio-economic, organizational, technical, hygienic, therapeutic and preventive measures and means that ensure safe working conditions and the preservation of the health of enterprise employees.

To do this, it is necessary to create favorable working conditions in accordance with sanitary standards, safety regulations, ergonomics, and aesthetics.

Indoor microclimate

The legislation of our country strictly regulates the temperature and humidity of indoor air. In particular, when the average daily temperature outside is below 10°C, the amplitude of its fluctuations indoors should be 22-24°C. When the ambient temperature is higher than the specified value - 23-25°C. In case of temporary non-compliance with these conditions in one direction or another, the length of the working day is reduced (SanPiN dated June 21, 2016 No. 81).

Protection from the harmful effects of computer technology

Since today it is impossible to imagine office work without a PC, there are standards for employees who use computer equipment in their work. For example, when working with a computer with a flat-panel monitor, the workplace must have an area of ​​at least 4.5 square meters. m, when using a kinescope monitor - 6 sq.m. After each hour of operation, the room must be ventilated (SanPiN 2.2.2/2.4.1340-03 dated May 30, 2003). The same regulatory act regulates the height, width and depth of the feet under the desk, and stipulates the mandatory presence of a footrest with a corrugated surface.

The level of electrostatic and electromagnetic fields, radiation and ultraviolet radiation, radio frequency ranges and other factors harmful to the health of employees are also regulated.

Attention! The use of copiers, printers and other office equipment is prohibited in basements, and for ordinary offices, appropriate standards for the distance between technical equipment have been established (SanPin 2.2.2. 1332-03).

Lighting requirements

Also, the relevant articles of SanPin establish standards for lighting. For example, the illumination in the room should be between 300 and 500 lux. When using artificial lighting, lighting parameters must ensure good visibility of the information displayed on the personal computer screen. For local lighting, lamps installed on work tables or specially equipped panels for vertical installation are recommended (SanPiN 2.2.1/2.1.1.).

Noise requirements

The maximum threshold for noise level is 80 decibels (SanPin 2.2.4. 3359-16).
Regulatory documents provide for the installation of special foundations or shock-absorbing pads under the main noise-producing equipment and other equipment, as well as the use of noise-absorbing materials.

Providing conditions for eating

The procedure for eating at the workplace is regulated by Article 108 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, SNiP 2.09.04-87:

  • if the number of employees is less than 10 people, a space of at least 6 square meters is required. m, equipped with a dining table;
  • with up to 29 employees, the required area is twice as large;
  • if the enterprise employs up to 200 employees, it is obligatory to have a canteen-serving area;
  • if the number of employees exceeds 200, the canteen must be provided with raw materials or semi-finished products.

Unregulated situations

If situations arise that are not regulated by sanitary and hygienic standards (the roof is leaking, the toilet is faulty, etc.), the employee has the right to refuse work. In this case, the employer is obliged to offer him other employment until the problem is completely eliminated. If such a decision is impossible, according to Article 157 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to declare downtime and pay a penalty in the amount of at least 2/3 of the employee’s average salary.

Of the ergonomic requirements for the workplace, the following should be additionally noted:

  1. Selection of a rational location of the working surface and zone, taking into account the anthropometric data of a particular employee.
  2. Provision of measures to prevent or reduce premature fatigue of an employee, the occurrence of a stressful situation in him, taking into account the physiological, psychophysiological characteristics of a person and his character. By the way, according to psychologists, workers who constantly use electronic computers in their work are much more exposed to stress than their less “advanced” colleagues.
  3. Ensuring speed, safety and ease of maintenance in both normal and emergency operating conditions.

Technical parameters include equipment with innovative technology, devices, laboratory equipment, load-moving mechanisms, etc.

Employer's liability

According to the requirement of Article 209 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the relevant federal executive body establishes the procedure for certification of workplaces in order to determine factors affecting the safety of working conditions in production. The employer is responsible for every violation of established legislation.

For the first violation, officials and individual entrepreneurs are warned or subject to a fine of 2,000 to 5,000 rubles. The same for organizations - a warning or a fine in the amount of 50-80 thousand rubles (Article 5.27.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, part 1).

In case of repeated violation, part 5 of this article already provides for more severe penalties:

  • officials are subject to a fine of 30-40 thousand rubles or disqualification from one to three years;
  • the fine for individual entrepreneurs is similar, or their activities may be administratively suspended for up to 90 days;
  • organizations can be fined 100-200 thousand rubles or also be subject to administrative suspension of their activities.

Instead of a conclusion

Based on the state of workplaces at a particular enterprise or office, one can judge not only the level of work organization and production culture in them, but also their solidity and the degree of trust potential and existing clients have in them.

In order for a child to study well, he must be really comfortable studying. The student's workplace should be comfortable, ergonomic, practical and well lit. Do you agree that it’s difficult to work when books are falling from the shelves onto your head, there is practically no light, your legs are dangling in the air, you have to bend your back, and on the contrary, you have to stretch your neck? Moreover, if we are talking about a child who already has a hard time concentrating in class.

Why is adult furniture not suitable for a child?

Standard chairs are 45 centimeters high, standard work tables are 76 centimeters high. It will simply be uncomfortable for the child to sit behind them: the legs do not reach the floor, the table top is at shoulder level... Not only will it not be possible to really study - you will constantly have to be distracted due to discomfort - but also the risk of developing many diseases seriously increases. We are talking about scoliosis (curvature of the spine), osteochondrosis and myopia.

All these pathologies are quite widespread among modern schoolchildren, and they become “younger” from year to year. If two decades ago spinal curvature could only be noticed in children in the 8th-9th grade, today signs of scoliosis are already visible in third-graders. Meanwhile, this is a rather dangerous disease - a few facts about it:

  • In the later stages of development, scoliosis can only be treated surgically, with a very large investment of time and effort;
  • Scoliosis is manifested by pain and the inability to sit comfortably at a desk; in the later stages it disfigures a person;
  • Curvature of the spine in a child negatively affects the development of all internal organs: liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, lungs, etc.

It is very simple to prevent the occurrence of all these problems: just buy comfortable furniture for the student.

Children's desk and chair: what should they be?

In order for your child to be able to concentrate on his studies (and for you to be confident that his body is developing normally), you need to select the ideal pieces of furniture. And here there is a problem: even if you manage to buy a table and chair that completely corresponds to your child’s parameters, after six months or a year they will have to be changed.

The fact is that the child grows, and grows very quickly. A desk installed in September will already be “too small” in March-April - while doing homework, the student will be forced to bend low to the tabletop, this is inconvenient. At the same time, frequently changing the table is also a bad option: firstly, it wastes time and effort, and secondly, it can be expensive for the family budget.

All of the above problems can be solved with the help of growing desks - modern school furniture that is height adjustable. This table can be easily customized specifically for your child, creating optimal conditions for him to study.

At the same time, such desks are guaranteed to meet all other requirements that apply to children's tables. This:

  • Cover dimensions. The table top of a child’s desk should have dimensions of no less than 60x60 centimeters, otherwise there simply won’t be enough space for all the school supplies;
  • Cabinets and drawers.
  • They should be there so that the child does not have to run to the rack for every pen or set of pencils. At the same time, the ideal box does not have too much depth, otherwise it will be very difficult to look for small things in it; Match the height of the table and chair.
  • The chair must ideally match the height of the desk, otherwise all the advantages of a modern table will be negated. The growing chair is adjusted in the same way as a desk, it is convenient to use; Availability of add-ons.

As the child grows, he will need more and more space for lessons. Growing children's furniture is additionally equipped with side and rear attachments - you can increase the usable area of ​​the table by 2.5-3 times!

Important: the light on the children's desk should fall from the left-top (or, if your child is left-handed, from the right-top) - only in this case are optimal conditions for the eyes created that help protect the student from myopia.

The child’s opinion is key

There is another important point, which, unfortunately, not all parents pay attention to: choosing a table and chair for a child needs to be done with the direct participation of the student, because it is he who will work at them. Yes, you should first choose furniture that meets ergonomic standards, but the final choice should be up to the child. Let him sit at the table, ask if he's really comfortable, and get the confidence that you're buying really good furniture.

August, September and October are a time of active preparation for the transition of former kindergarteners to the status of primary school students. This is the time when parents prepare a workplace for the schoolchild at home. Right now you can think through everything to the smallest detail and make the necessary decisions.

Where do we start? If your baby has not yet reached the height of adult tables with a height of 760 mm and standard chairs with a height of 450 mm, there may be problems with slipping and, as a result, problems with posture. Furniture companies offer tables with height adjustment for both desks and chairs. You can also choose “static” headsets, but subject to the following rules:

1. The height of the two main objects that make up the workspace is adjusted according to the student’s height.

No. / Student height / Table height / Chair height:

1. Up to 130 cm - 520 mm - 300 mm.

2. From 130 to 145 cm - 580 mm - 340 mm.

3. From 145 to 165 cm - 640 mm - 480 mm.

4. From 160 to 175 cm - 700 mm - 420 mm.

5. Over 175 cm - 760 mm - 460 mm.

2. The table cover is at least 600x600 mm, since even with such dimensions, during lessons, it will be necessary to find a place for books, pencils and pens, notebooks and an album.

3. Drawers in cabinets for storing student stationery should not be deep. Otherwise, in search of any small items, you will have to shake out the contents of the box.

It is necessary to decide the issue with a personal computer: should I buy it now or later? If later, you can transform the desk. Buy a keyboard shelf and a cart for the system unit (it is mobile and takes up little space under the table). If you have a personal computer for your child and you don’t want him to be distracted from doing his homework, then a new work area is needed.

If your student has already grown up and you are looking for a replacement desk to accommodate a computer, in this case, a suitable option would be a table model with a lid measuring 1200x700 mm, with a light add-on (a pair of open shelves) and an office-style pencil case. The pencil case has drawers from below to table level, and shelves on top, open or closed.

The light is located on the left (or on the right if the baby is left-handed). The student's workspace should be well lit. It is necessary to purchase a table lamp or sconce as an independent light source.

And lastly: the color scheme of the workspace should be pleasant for the child. This can be a one-color or two-color option, a harmonious combination of two colors of chipboard (MDF or wood) or different colors of chipboard and PVC edges. If you want to maintain the color scheme of the furniture already present in the room, add some bright decorative elements, pleasant colors and content.

The main thing is convenience and functionality. After all, a student spends 20 to 30% of his time at his desk to consolidate school material and do homework. When purchasing new pieces of furniture, it is advisable to sit your baby at the table in the store in order to make sure that the choice is correct. There, make sure that all drawers and doors of the desk are opened so that they do not touch the child sitting behind it. Check whether the future student can reach the shelves and drawers.

In order for a child to study well, he must be really comfortable studying. The student's workplace should be comfortable, ergonomic, practical and well lit. Do you agree that it’s difficult to work when books are falling from the shelves onto your head, there is practically no light, your legs are dangling in the air, you have to bend your back, and on the contrary, you have to stretch your neck? Moreover, if we are talking about a child who already has a hard time concentrating in class.

Why is adult furniture not suitable for a child?

Standard chairs are 45 centimeters high, standard work tables are 76 centimeters high. It will simply be uncomfortable for the child to sit behind them: the legs do not reach the floor, the table top is at shoulder level... Not only will it not be possible to really study - you will constantly have to be distracted due to discomfort - but also the risk of developing many diseases seriously increases. We are talking about scoliosis (curvature of the spine), osteochondrosis and myopia.

All these pathologies are quite widespread among modern schoolchildren, and they become “younger” from year to year. If two decades ago spinal curvature could only be noticed in children in the 8th-9th grade, today signs of scoliosis are already visible in third-graders. Meanwhile, this is a rather dangerous disease - a few facts about it:

  • In the later stages of development, scoliosis can only be treated surgically, with a very large investment of time and effort;
  • Scoliosis is manifested by pain and the inability to sit comfortably at a desk; in the later stages it disfigures a person;
  • Curvature of the spine in a child negatively affects the development of all internal organs: liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, lungs, etc.

It is very simple to prevent the occurrence of all these problems: just buy comfortable furniture for the student.

Children's desk and chair: what should they be?

In order for your child to be able to concentrate on his studies (and for you to be confident that his body is developing normally), you need to select the ideal pieces of furniture. And here there is a problem: even if you manage to buy a table and chair that completely corresponds to your child’s parameters, after six months or a year they will have to be changed.

The fact is that the child grows, and grows very quickly. A desk installed in September will already be “too small” in March-April - while doing homework, the student will be forced to bend low to the tabletop, this is inconvenient. At the same time, frequently changing the table is also a bad option: firstly, it wastes time and effort, and secondly, it can be expensive for the family budget.

All of the above problems can be solved with the help of growing desks - modern school furniture that is height adjustable. This table can be easily customized specifically for your child, creating optimal conditions for him to study.

At the same time, such desks are guaranteed to meet all other requirements that apply to children's tables. This:

  • Cover dimensions. The table top of a child’s desk should have dimensions of no less than 60x60 centimeters, otherwise there simply won’t be enough space for all the school supplies;
  • Cabinets and drawers.
  • They should be there so that the child does not have to run to the rack for every pen or set of pencils. At the same time, the ideal box does not have too much depth, otherwise it will be very difficult to look for small things in it; Match the height of the table and chair.
  • The chair must ideally match the height of the desk, otherwise all the advantages of a modern table will be negated. The growing chair is adjusted in the same way as a desk, it is convenient to use; Availability of add-ons.

As the child grows, he will need more and more space for lessons. Growing children's furniture is additionally equipped with side and rear attachments - you can increase the usable area of ​​the table by 2.5-3 times!

Important: the light on the children's desk should fall from the left-top (or, if your child is left-handed, from the right-top) - only in this case are optimal conditions for the eyes created that help protect the student from myopia.

The child’s opinion is key

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