Presentation on "ecological foundations of environmental management" on the topic "environmental monitoring". Presentation on the topic monitoring Presentation on the topic remote methods of environmental monitoring

Quality monitoring
Advantages and

Monitoring should be understood as a system
continuous collection of data on the most
significant quality characteristics
education, their processing, analysis and
interpretation to ensure
society and education system reliable,
quite complete and differentiated according to
levels of use of information about
compliance of processes and results
education regulatory requirements,
ongoing changes and predicted

Monitoring components include:
objects and subjects of educational
set of quality indicators
databases for accumulation
methods of analysis, processing and
interpretation of information,
software tools
data processing.

Leading functions
monitoring in education

Main area
practical application
monitoring -
Information Support
quality management
education carried out
various methods, including
number and direct

Conditions for effective
- use of a systematic approach,
ensuring coordinated work
mechanism for collecting, processing,
analysis and interpretation
- combination of quantitative and
qualitative measurement methods;
- representative population
monitoring indicators, accounting
various, including indirect
influencing learning outcomes,
- correct interpretation of data
monitoring taking into account various
influences and connections between
- representativeness of samples
populations of students;
- involvement in conducting
monitoring of qualified
- use of quality
tools and modern
software for
- methodological and financial assistance
from the governing bodies
education at different levels.

Types of monitoring
The basis for the classification of types of monitoring
Various reasons may be given:
objectives of monitoring; his
main functions; application area
data; tools; model or
monitoring technology, etc.
Classification of types of monitoring by
main functions:

Information monitoring
Collection, accumulation, analysis, structuring and
interpretation of data for a selected population
indicators, provided that the analysis is not
comparative or prognostic, and
ascertaining character.
A distinctive feature of information monitoring
is the lack of analysis of communication effects and
mutual influence of indicators, comparison
monitoring results at various levels
education quality management, identifying
trends in education and forecasting them
influence on the quality of education.

Diagnostic monitoring
Designed to determine how
cope with various topics or
most sections of the curriculum
Teachers identify problems
mastering educational material and
carry out activities on
diagnostic monitoring at the level
Diagnostic systems in the area
monitoring are aimed at determining
individual poorly acquired skills and

Comparative monitoring
Specific data analysis that
aimed at comparison
quantitative estimates for the population
indicators for regions, regions,
districts, schools, individual
teachers and other participants
educational activities.
Comparisons are made either vertically
(territories, regions, educational
institutions), or horizontally
(rating of schoolchildren, rating of territories

Predictive monitoring
Designed to identify and
predictions of positive and negative
trends in the development of educational
It is very important for the solution
management tasks in education,
related to the formation of social
order and corresponding potential
education systems.

Advantages and disadvantages
The set of monitoring indicators is always
consistent with the most general trends in
education developed by the country's leadership
and educational authorities. In this regard
collection of extensive amounts of data and accumulation
descriptive statistics are not only important for
education, but also have political meaning.
Statistics describing the state of the system
education, can be used for
demonstrating the need for educational
reforms, serve as evidence of poor performance
previous management team in
education or show advantages
reforms carried out in the state. Advantages and disadvantages
Some critics of monitoring systems
claim that analysts specifically select
to communicate the necessary information that
depends on political goals in education and
contributes to strengthening centralized
control by governing bodies
Conducting comparative monitoring is associated
with the collection of additional information on a number of
indicators outside the sphere of influence
schools, but requiring consideration when conducting
interschool, interdistrict and other comparisons
(social and economic features of the region
or district, organizational mechanisms
formation of school composition, etc.).

thanks for

Monitoring (from the English monitoring - tracking, tracking) is a system of observation, assessment and forecast of the environment. The term “monitoring” appeared shortly before the Stockholm UN Conference on the Environment (5-16 June 1972). The basic monitoring scheme was proposed by academician Yu.A. Israel.

Bioecological monitoring Bioecological (biological, sanitary-hygienic, sanitary-toxicological) monitoring includes observations of: the state of the environment; the degree of pollution of natural objects with harmful substances; the impact of these pollutants on humans and biota as a whole (the totality of flora, fauna and microorganisms); for the presence of allergens, pathogenic microorganisms, dust in the environment; the content of nitrogen and sulfur oxides and heavy metals in the atmosphere; over the maintenance of water bodies, the degree of their pollution, etc.

Geoecological monitoring Systemic geoecological (natural and economic) monitoring consists of monitoring: changes in ecological systems (bogeocenoses); for the productivity of biogeocenoses; the dynamics of mineral reserves, water, land and plant resources;

Biosphere monitoring Global biosphere monitoring has the goal of: monitoring the state of the environment on a global scale, monitoring global background changes in nature, forecasting possible changes in the biosphere and the entire geographic envelope as a result of human economic activity.

Biosphere monitoring The objects of biosphere monitoring are: radiation balance, transparency of the atmosphere and its anthropogenic change, world balance and pollution of the World Ocean, large-scale changes in the biochemical cycles of elements and substances (CO 2, O 2, N, P, S, H 2 O, etc. .), energy exchange of the geographical shell with space, global migration of animals (including birds, insects) and plants, climate change on the planet.

Biosphere monitoring In order to conduct background observations, a network of biosphere reserves is being created around the world, on the territory of which production activities that pose a danger to all living things are prohibited. Currently, more than 230 biosphere reserves have been created in 62 countries of the world.

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ECOLOGICAL MONITORING Indeed, many and almost countless observations of changes and phenomena that occur in the air ... were made by nature testers and ... reported to the scientific world, so that one could rely on deliberate authenticity in predicting the weather ... M.V. Lomonosov. A word about air phenomena arising from electrical force

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Literature Main: Degtev M.I., Kudryashova O.S. Environmental monitoring: Educational and methodological manual. Perm, 2007. Degtev M.I., Strelkov V.V., Degtev D.M. Environment and environmental monitoring. Ekaterinburg: Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2004. 330 p. Fundamentals of analytical chemistry. In 2 books: Textbook. Book 1: General questions. Separation methods / Ed. Yu.A. Zolotova. M.: Higher school. 2002. 351 p. Fundamentals of analytical chemistry. In 2 books: Textbook. Book 2: Methods of chemical analysis / Ed. Yu.A. Zolotova. M.: Higher school. 2002. 494 p. Additional: Degtev M.I. and others. Environmental monitoring: Textbook for universities. Perm, 1999. Degtev M.I. Methods of separation and concentration: Textbook. Perm, 1998. GOST Rules for air control in populated areas. GOST Nature conservation. Hydrosphere. Rules for monitoring the quality of water, reservoirs and watercourses. GOST Nature conservation. Soils. Methods of sampling and preparation of samples for chemical, bacteriological, helminthological analysis. Degtev M.I., Toropov L.I. Analytical monitoring of pollutant content in environmental objects. Perm, 2003. Monitoring and methods of environmental control: Textbook: 2 parts / Yu.A. Afanasyev, S.A. Fomin, V.V. Menshikov and others - M.: Publishing house MNEPU, 2001.- 337 p. Recommended: Bespamyatnov G.P., Krotov Yu.A. Maximum permissible concentrations of chemicals in the environment: Handbook. L.: Chemistry, 1985. 528 p. Muravyova S.I., Kaznina N.I., Prokhorova E.K. Handbook for the control of harmful substances in the air. M.: Chemistry, 1988. 320 p. Lurie Yu.Yu. Analytical chemistry of industrial wastewater. M.: Chemistry, 1984. Zolotov Yu.A. Environment - a challenge for analytical chemistry // Vestn. RAS. 1997. T. 67, No. 11. P. 1040-1041.

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Environmental control functions: checking compliance with laws, norms, rules, operating modes of controlled objects. This is environmental management control - EMC measurement of the parameters of controlled objects. These are environmental-analytical control - EAC and technological-analytical control - SO

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The main tasks of EAC and TAK Control of sources of pollution: environmentally significant parameters of technological processes, primarily control of organized emissions and discharges; leaks from process equipment, gas emissions from chemicals, materials, products and other fugitive emissions and discharges. Control of the air environment and human safety: pollutants in the air of working and residential areas; individual chemical dosimetric control.

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Basic operations of the EAC and SO sampling algorithm; analysis of selected samples; processing test results; metrological support of measurements.

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Environmental monitoring is an information system for observing, assessing and forecasting changes in the state of the environment, created with the aim of highlighting the anthropogenic component of these changes against the background of natural processes

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The environmental monitoring system accumulates, systematizes and analyzes information about the state of the environment; about the causes of observed and probable changes in condition (i.e., about sources and factors of influence); about the admissibility of changes and loads on the environment as a whole; about existing biosphere reserves.

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State report “On the state of the natural environment in the Russian Federation in 1995” Environmental monitoring in the Russian Federation is a complex of observations, assessments, forecasts carried out according to scientifically based programs and recommendations and options for management decisions developed on their basis, necessary and sufficient to ensure management of the state of the natural environment and environmental safety

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The main areas of activity of monitoring monitoring of impact factors and the state of the environment; assessment of the actual state of the environment; forecast of the state of the natural environment and assessment of the predicted state.

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Environmental control is the activities of government bodies, enterprises and citizens to comply with environmental standards and regulations. There are state, industrial and public environmental control

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Law of the Russian Federation "On the Protection of the Natural Environment" Article 68. Objectives of environmental control. Environmental control sets as its objectives: monitoring the state of the environment and its changes under the influence of economic and other activities; verification of the implementation of plans and measures for nature protection, rational use of natural resources, improvement of the natural environment, compliance with the requirements of environmental legislation and environmental quality standards. The environmental control system consists of a state service for monitoring the state of the natural environment, state, industrial, and public control.

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Monitoring levels: impact (study of strong impacts on a local scale - AND); regional (manifestation of problems of migration and transformation of pollutants, joint impact of various factors characteristic of the regional economy - R); background (on the basis of biosphere reserves, where all economic activity is excluded - F).

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Formation and ensuring the functioning of an additional (regional) network of state environmental monitoring in the territory of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra Reporter: Head of the State Institution "Khanty-Mansiysk Central State Hydrometeorological Service" Nadezhda Viktorovna Tochenova Compiled by: Head of the Monitoring Department - Olga Mikhailovna Volkovskaya

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Khanty - Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra S = 534.8 thousand km2, of which 152.3 thousand km2 (or 28.5%) are occupied by licensed subsoil areas and are actively subject to industrial exploitation. The hydrographic network belongs to the Kara Sea basin. The river network of the Autonomous Okrug is formed by the Ob and Irtysh (the length of which is 1165 and 244 km, respectively) and 12 of their tributaries, as well as many small rivers. The total number of rivers in the Autonomous Okrug is about 30 thousand. Administrative - territorial division: 16 cities, the largest - Surgut and Nizhnevartovsk (more than 200 thousand people), Nefteyugansk (more than 100 thousand people). The administrative center is the city of Khanty-Mansiysk with a population of more than 50 thousand people. *

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State observation network 1 PNZ, 26 GHP, 2 M-2 precipitation, 12 M-2 snow cover, 11 radioactive contamination control points

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Economic indicators 1st place – in oil production; I place – in electricity production; 1st place – in terms of tax receipts into the budget system; 2nd place – in gas production; 2nd place – in terms of investment in fixed capital

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The concept of environmental safety (approved by the order of the Government of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra dated April 10, 2007 no. 110-rp) development of economic activities based on energy-resource-saving and environmentally cleaner technologies; conducting activities that contribute to the conservation or increase of biological diversity in ecosystems; environmental education and education of the population; creation of a regional monitoring network as an operational information and analytical system for observing the dynamics of indicators characterizing the state and development of the natural environment; ensuring rational and safe environmental management, providing for the rational use of non-renewable natural resources and their deep processing, as well as the sustainable use of renewable natural resources and measures for their reproduction; improving the quality and increasing the life expectancy of the population by ensuring a safe environment as an integral condition of life, health and well-being of current and future generations of residents, as well as improving the demographic situation in the Autonomous Okrug; reducing the level of hazardous impacts of natural and man-made factors on the population and territory of the Autonomous Okrug, as well as on neighboring territories; protection and restoration of natural ecological systems on the territory of the Autonomous Okrug in order to maintain their life-supporting functions for the population, ensuring their integrity, ability to self-regulate and preserve biological diversity.

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Regional observation network for the state of the natural environment Basic Additional State Regional Local (State Institution “Khanty-Mansiysk (outside the licensed (on licensed CGMS”) areas) Water – 26 posts Water – 111 points Water – 1929 points Air – 1 posts Air – 7 posts Air – 1027 points Bottom – 111 points Bottom – 1878 points Snow – 18 points Snow – 1027 points Soil – 1654 points

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Filling the State Fund databases Frequency of sampling: surface water 4 times a year (main hydrological phases) bottom sediments 1 time a year (summer-autumn low water) soil 1 time a year (September) snow 1 time a year (March-April) atmospheric air 2 times a year (June, September) The total number of measurements of the quality of natural environments received into the unified database for 2005-2008 is more than 592,000 In the first quarter of 2009, 15,723 measurements of pollutants of surface water and snow cover were received into the unified database

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Local environmental monitoring Due to the presence of a large number of license areas Organized to track the dynamics of the state of natural environment components under the influence of the oil and gas production complex at the local level Provides the bulk of systematic observations of the quality of natural environment components

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Functioning of the regional environmental monitoring system Roshydromet (State Fund) Ob-Irtysh UGMS State Institution “Khanty-Mansiysk Central Hydrometeorological Service” Basic (State) Government of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra Law “on the comprehensive target program of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra “Improving the environmental situation in Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Ugra in 2005-2010" Resolution No. 302-p "On approval of requirements for determining the initial contamination of components of the natural environment, designing and maintaining local environmental monitoring within the boundaries of licensed subsoil areas on the territory of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Ugra Department of Protection environment and environmental safety of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra Licensees of Roshydromet: State Institution "Khanty-Mansiysk Central Hydrometeorological Service" OJSC "NPC Monitoring" Federal State Institution "TsLATI in the Urals Federal District" in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug Companies - subsoil users Additional Regional (outside the licensed areas) Local (in the licensed areas )

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Achievements of the Environmental Monitoring Department of the State Institution “Khanty-Mansiysk Central Hydrometeorological Monitoring Center” - the laboratory for monitoring atmospheric air pollution has been expanded in terms of sampling and analysis of snow cover samples for 16 components; - a laboratory of soils and bottom sediments was opened with analysis of samples for 17 and 14 components, respectively. In November 2007, OMOS laboratories were accredited taking into account the expanded scope of activity.

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Achievements of the Environmental Monitoring Department of the State Institution "Khanty-Mansiysk Central Hydrological Meteorology Center" The additional volume of work performed for the period 1-3 quarters of 2008 increased by 113% compared to the same period last year: water - 347 samples 6540 determinations, bottom sediments - 101 samples 1345 determinations , air – 651 samples 651 determinations, snow – 27 samples 350 determinations, soil – 29 samples 493 determinations.

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Policy of the Government of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra in the field of environmental monitoring Aimed at the interaction of various structures of all levels of government Much credit goes to the curator of our service - Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra on issues of subsoil use and fuel and energy complex Vladimir Ivanovich Karasev

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Participation in major projects of employees of the State Institution “Khanty-Mansiysk Central Geological Survey” - development of the Subpolar Urals, construction of the Altai gas pipeline; - EU TACIS “Monitoring and warning system for radiation control in the Ob and Irtysh river basin; - in carrying out the international environmental campaign “Save and Preserve”; - in holding congresses of ecologists of the oil regions of the Russian Federation. - in the preparation of the draft comprehensive target program of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra “Improving the environmental situation in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra in 2011-2015.”

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Threat of closure of the regional network of air pollution observation points (APOs) With the onset of the global financial crisis, there is a real threat of closure of regional APOs. * district funding for the functioning of the PNZ was stopped; * federal funding is not possible due to a significant reduction in the volume of budgetary allocations allocated to Roshydromet for 2010 and subsequent years. Currently, the State Institution “Khanty-Mansiysk Central Hydrometeorological Center” does not have funds to maintain the PNZ.

- Information system
observations, assessment and forecast
changes in the state of the environment
environment created for the purpose of highlighting
anthropogenic component of these
changes against the background of natural

The environmental monitoring system must accumulate, systematize and analyze information:

about the state of the environment;
about the causes of observed and probable
state changes (i.e.
sources and influence factors);
on the admissibility of changes and loads
on the environment as a whole;
about existing biosphere reserves.

The Federal Law “On Environmental Protection” of January 10, 2002 defines environmental monitoring in the Russian Federation as a comprehensive monitoring system

Federal Law “On the Protection
environment" dated January 10
2002 defines environmental
monitoring in the Russian Federation as
comprehensive monitoring system for
state of the environment, assessment and
forecasting changes in condition
environment under the influence
natural and anthropogenic factors.

Block diagram of the monitoring system

Monitoring includes three main areas of activity:

monitoring impact factors
and the state of the environment;
assessment of the actual state of the environment;
environmental forecast
natural environment and assessment
predicted state.

The purpose of environmental monitoring is information support for the management of environmental activities and environmental safety,

The purpose of environmental monitoring is information
ensuring environmental management
activities and environmental safety, for this
a number of issues need to be addressed:
what is the state of the natural environment in
the period of time in question compared to
state preceding technogenesis (in
relative or absolute form) and what
changes (positive, negative)
expected in the natural environment in the forecast
time interval;
what are the reasons for the changes that have occurred and
possible changes in the future (including
unwanted, harmful, critical) and that
was, is or will be a source
these changes (usually harmful man-made

what are the impacts on this local natural
environment, determined based on the generated for
in this case, the criterion basis for evaluating the function
"benefits - harms", are harmful
(unwanted or unacceptable);
what level of technogenic impacts, including
combined with natural or spontaneous
processes and influences occurring in
the natural environment in question is
acceptable for the natural environment and its individual
components or complexes (cenoses) and which
The natural environment has reserves for
self-regeneration of a state adequate to the original one,
accepted as a state of ecological balance;
what is the level of technogenic impacts on natural
environment, its individual components and complexes
is invalid or critical, after
which restoration of the natural environment to the level
ecological balance is not feasible.

Classification of environmental monitoring

Priority areas for monitoring
Monitoring object
1. Territory
Highest priority
Water pools, drinking facilities
water supply
Fish spawning areas
2. Environment (component
Atmospheric air
Freshwater bodies
3. Ingredients
for air
for water
4. Sources
pollution (in cities)
Dust, sulfur dioxide, heavy metals
(mercury), nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide,
benz(a)pyrene, pesticides
Biogenic products, petroleum products,
Road transport, thermal
power plants, non-ferrous enterprises

Determination of priorities is based on the properties of pollutants and the possibility of organizing observations and is carried out according to the following criteria

Prioritization is based on
properties of pollutants and possibilities
organization of observations and is carried out according to
following criteria:
the size of the actual or potential effect on health and
human well-being, climate or ecosystems;
tendency to degradation in the natural environment and
accumulation in humans and food chains;
the possibility of chemical transformation into physical and
biological systems, resulting in secondary (daughter)
substances may be more toxic or harmful;
mobility, mobility of pollutants;
actual or possible trends in environmental concentrations
environment and (or) in humans;
frequency and/or magnitude of exposure;
possibility of measurements;
implications for environmental assessment;
suitability from the point of view of general distribution for
uniform changes in global or subregional

Global Environmental Monitoring System (GEMS)

The main provisions and goals of the GEMS program were
formulated in 1974 at the First
intergovernmental monitoring meeting.
The first priority was to organize
environmental pollution monitoring
and the influencing factors that cause it.
Implemented at several levels:
impact (studying significant impacts in local
scale - I);
regional (manifestation of migration problems and
transformation of pollutants, joint
influence of various factors characteristic of the economy
region and transboundary transfer - R);
background (on the basis of biosphere reserves, where
any economic activity - F).

May be
environment in
to study
within that
to study
or other
discharges or
carried out in
program "Man
and biosphere", has
aiming to fix
background state
what is needed for
further assessments

Classification of pollutants by priority classes,
adopted in the GSMS system
Sulfur dioxide, suspended particles
Organochlorines and dioxins
Nitrates, nitrites
Nitrogen oxides
Carbon dioxide
Carbon monoxide
Petroleum hydrocarbons
Microbiological contamination
Reactive contaminants
Biota, man
Food, water, man
Water, food
Food, water
Air, food
Sea water
Fresh water
Drinking water
Program type
(monitoring level)
I, R, F
I, R
F (stratosphere)
I, R
I, R
R, F
I, R

GEMS is based on national monitoring systems that
operate in various states according to both international
requirements, as well as specific approaches that have developed historically
or conditioned by the nature of the most pressing environmental
International requirements that must be met
national systems participating in GEMS include common principles
program development (taking into account priority impact factors),
obligatory observations of objects that have a global
significance, transfer of information to the GSMS Center.
On the territory of the USSR in the 70s on the basis of Hydrometeorological Service stations
The National Observation and Control Service was organized
state of the environment (OGSNK), built according to the hierarchical

In 1993, it was decided to create the Unified State Environmental Monitoring System (USESM), which, as a center for a unified scientific

In 1993, it was decided to create a Unified State
environmental monitoring system (EGSEM), which, as the center of a unified
scientific and technical policy in the field of environmental monitoring
must provide:
coordination of program development and implementation
monitoring the state of the environment;
regulation and control of collection and processing
reliable and comparable data;
storing information, maintaining special banks
data and their harmonization (harmonization,
telecommunications) with international
environmental information systems;
activities to assess and forecast the condition of objects
environment, natural resources,
responses of ecosystems and public health to
anthropogenic impact;
availability of integrated environmental
information to a wide range of consumers.

Flow of information in the hierarchical system of the Unified State System of Economics

Ministry of Security
environment and natural
resources of the Russian Federation
State Committee for Hydrometeorology of the Russian Federation
National service for monitoring and control of
environmental pollution (EGSEM)
Monitoring and control
state of the natural environment
on top
e water
seas and
station observer observer
and I
nal points
Structure and functions of the USSEM
her about

The impact monitoring system must accumulate and analyze detailed
information about specific sources of pollution and their impact on the environment.
In the system that has developed in the Russian Federation, information about the activities of enterprises and the state of the environment in
their area of ​​influence are mostly averaged or based on statements by the
enterprises. Most of the available materials reflect the nature of the scattering
pollutants in air and water, determined using model calculations, and
results of measurements (quarterly - for water, annual or more rare - for air).
The state of the environment is sufficiently fully described only in large cities and
industrial zones.
In the field of regional monitoring, observations are carried out mainly by Roshydromet,
having an extensive network, as well as some departments (agrochemical service
Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Sewerage Service, etc.)
There is a network of background monitoring carried out under the MAB (Man
and Biosphere).
Small towns and numerous
populated areas, the vast majority of diffuse sources of pollution.
Monitoring of the state of the aquatic environment, organized primarily by Roshydromet and, before
to some extent, sanitary and epidemiological (SES) and utilities (Vodokanal)
services does not cover the vast majority of small rivers. At the same time, it is known that
the pollution of large rivers is largely due to the contribution of their extensive network
tributaries and economic activities in the catchment. In the context of a reduction in the total number
observation posts, it is obvious that the state currently does not have the resources
to organize a somewhat effective system for monitoring the condition of small rivers.
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