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Municipal educational institution Lyceum No. 10 named after. DI. MENDELEEV POLITICAL PARTIES. PARTY SYSTEM IN MODERN RUSSIA AUTHOR: TEACHER OF HISTORY AND SOCIAL STUDIES, Municipal Educational Institution LYCEUM No. 10 Im. DI. MENDELEEVA NIKITINA L.N. Klin 2008-2009

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 A political party is a public association created by citizens on the basis of common political views with the aim of participating in government. Each party presents its own political program, charter and symbols. As a rule, any citizen of the state can join one or another party at will.

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Characteristics of political parties      Organization, i.e. a relatively long-term association of people. The existence of sustainable local organizations that maintain regular links with national leadership. The goals of the party are the conquest and exercise of power. The desire to secure the support of the people through elections or other means. The party is the bearer of a certain

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Functions of political parties Representation of the interests of social groups and sectors of society.  The struggle for possession of state power, for political leadership.  Ideological activity aimed at the production of ideas and political socialization of the individual.  Policy development and implementation.  Organizational activities for the selection and placement of personnel in the party and in state and public organizations).  Ensuring connections between the masses and government agencies, institutionalizing the political participation of citizens.  Integration (smoothing out conflicts, coordinating the interests of the contending forces, 

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MAIN STAGES IN THE FORMATION OF MULTIPARTY PARTY IN RUSSIA Chronology Main parties Contents of the stage Boundary of the 19th-20th centuries. RSDLP, Socialist Revolutionary Party (Socialist Revolutionaries) Act underground, illegally. Goal: end autocracy. 19051907 Party of Constitutional Democrats (Cadets), "Union of October 17", Socialist Revolutionaries, RSDLP, "Union of the Russian People" Formation of a multi-party system on a legal basis. Participation of parties in the election campaign to the State Duma. 19171920 Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks) RCP(b), left Socialist Revolutionaries, Mensheviks Preservation of a multi-party system 1920- RCP(b)-Russian Communist Monopoly on power from the party

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19771988 CPSU One-party system in the USSR. 6 tbsp. Constitution of the USSR 1977 on the leadership and guiding role of the CPSU 1988-1991. CPSU, Movement of Democratic Reforms, Democratic Party of Russia, “Democratic Russia”, LDPR and others. The origins of the main political parties. Cancellation of Art. 6 Constitution of the USSR - the end of the monopoly of the CPSU (1990) Law “On Public Associations”. Reform of the CPSU 1991-1993 “Civil Union”, “Democratic Choice”, Communist Party of the Russian Federation, LDPR, Agrarian Party, “Choice of Russia” Collapse of the CPSU. Adoption of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which enshrined multi-party system as a constitutional principle (Article 13). Turn of the XXXXI centuries. “United Russia”, Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Liberal Democratic Party of Russia, “A Just Russia”, “Yabloko” Adoption of the “Law on Political Parties” (2001) Disengagement of political forces, struggle over the essence, directions and pace of reforms in Russia.

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 Vladimir Vladimirovich Yuri Mikhailovich Luzhkov Sergei Kozhugetovich Putin was born on October 7, 1936 1952 was born on September 21 Shoigu - in Leningrad. Parents of the Year in Moscow. After the future Russian president, the Russian minister graduated from school and was born in the Tver region. Federation on affairs entered the Moscow Vladimir's Grandfather Institute of Petrochemicals Vladimirovich worked as a civil and gas cook, first for Vladimir of Defense, Lenin and then for Joseph of Industry, who was Stalin's emergency. The president's father successfully graduated in 1958 (Vladimir Spiridonovich situations year. Since 1992 and Yuri Putin) was a party Mikhailovich remains a liquidation worker, participated in the permanent mayor of the Great Patriotic War, the consequences of Moscow. During all the elections and then worked at the factory. According to spontaneous events, he accumulates disasters, not less unofficial versions, Vladimir Spiridonovich Army General. ninety percent United Russia is the ruling party that fully supports the policies of the president and the government. Created in 2001 by combining three parties: Unity, Fatherland and All Russia. At the moment it is the largest party in the country, with more than a million members. This is explained not only by the political course of the party, but also by the support that authorities at all levels provide to its members. The chairman of the party is Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. Co-chairs: Boris Vyacheslavovich Gryzlov, Yuri Mikhailovich Luzhkov, Sergei Kuzhugetovich Shoigu, Mintimer Sharipovich Shaimiev. The symbol of the party is a polar bear. Colors are white and blue.

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 Gennady Andreevich Zyuganov - chairman of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (CPRF), leader of Thrace in the State Duma, well-known Russian political figure. Born on June 26, 1944 in the village of Mymrino. The Communist Party of the Russian Federation is a pronounced opposition party expressing disagreement with the main directions of the policy of the current government. The party's course basically coincides with the course of the CPSU, but takes into account the current situation in the country. Created in 1993 on the basis of the CPSU. Currently there are about 550 thousand members. The head of the party is Gennady Andreevich Zyuganov. Party symbols are sickle, hammer and book. Colors are red. In the presidential elections in 1996, Gennady Zyuganov nominated himself and received 31.96 percent of the votes in the first round. In the second round he managed to score over forty percent.

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LDPR (Liberal Democratic Party of Russia) –  Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky is a Russian politician, leader of the LDPR political party. Born on April 25, 1946 in Alma-Ata. a radical party advocating a strong state, to which the interests of all its citizens should be subordinated. Despite criticism of the situation in the country, he basically supports the course of the president and the government. Formed in 1989. The LDPR is popular mainly thanks to its leader Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky, which is why political scientists often call it a party of one man. He is essentially its symbol. The colors are blue. Zhirinovsky's political career begins in 1991, when the future oppositionist created and registered the Liberal Democratic Party of the USSR. As the leader of the party, Vladimir Zhirinovsky was opposed to the dissolution of the Soviet Union, for which he received the support of the people in the elections. The electorate fell in love with a politician who is not afraid to say out loud what he thinks, to point out to his face the mistakes of his colleagues and the president himself. Zhirinovsky failed to become president, although he took third place in the elections,

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A Just Russia The symbol of the party is a Russian flag with a wide red stripe, on which there is the inscription: “A Just Russia”, and below the inscription: “Motherland. Pensioners. Life". a party that advocates social and legal equality of citizens, the responsibility of the state to citizens and a greater degree of participation of the latter in governing the country. Supports the policies of President V.V. Putin. Formed in 2006 by combining three parties: “Motherland”, “Russian Party of Pensioners” and “Russian Party of Life”.

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FAMOUS RUSSIAN POLITICIANS Grigory Alekseevich Yavlinsky – Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the State Duma faction “Yabloko”, Chairman of the all-Russian public political organization “Union Yabloko”

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Valeria Ilyinichna Novodvorskaya is a Russian public political figure, participant in the dissident movement in the USSR in the late seventies and early eighties. One of the most scandalous female politicians of our time. Founder and Chairman of the right-wing liberal party "Democratic Union"

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In 1995, Khakamada was elected chairman of the Central Council of the All-Russian political public organization “Common Cause”. She remained in this post until 2000, when she moved to the position of deputy chairman of the Union of Right Forces party. In the summer of 2000, Irina Mutsuovna became the head of the St. Petersburg branch of the Union of Right Forces party. Khakamada - In 1995, the American magazine Former co-chairman of Time named Irina Khakamada of the Union of Right Forces, a former politician of the twenty-first century, leader of the Our Choice party, in addition, she was included in the hundred famous Russian most famous women in the world, politician, deputy according to sociological survey conducted by the State Duma. For two consecutive years of the Federal Assembly (1997 and 1998), Irina Khakamada bore the title of the Russian Federation “Woman of the Year”. .

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Boris Efimovich Nemtsov Member of the Federal Political Council, famous Russian politician. Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. Awarded the medal "For Services to the Fatherland" In 1999, the electoral bloc "Union of Right Forces" nominated Nemtsov as a State Duma deputy. His candidacy was approved in December. A year later, Boris Efimovich becomes deputy chairman of the State Duma. Since 2000, Nemtsov has been chairman of the Federal Political

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Starovoytova's political career dates back to 1989, when she was elected people's deputy of the USSR. In 1990, Galina Vasilievna became a member of the Committee of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation on Human Rights. A year later, she was appointed advisor to the President of Russia on interethnic relations. In the winter of 1992 she was dismissed. In 1995, Galina Starovoitova nominated her candidacy for deputy of the State Duma. Starovoitova - Together with L. Ponomarev and G. Yakunin, the Russian politician and heads the association, statesman, ethnosociologist, specialist in the field of interethnic relations. On November 20, 1998, she was killed in the entrance of her house in St. Petersburg. "Democratic Russia - Free Trade Unions". In 1996, Galina Vasilievna received membership in the State Duma Committee on Affairs of Public Associations and Religious Organizations. In 1998, she chaired the federal party “Democratic Russia”.

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Journalist of the newspaper “Moskovsky Vladislav Nikolaevich Listyev - journalist, first Komsomol member” Dmitry Yuryevich Kholodov was born on June 21, 1967 in the general director of Ivanovich Public Alexander in the Russian city of SergievLebed Posad. D. - Yu. Kholodov was born on April 20, 1950 and grew up in a working-class family in the city of Novocherkassk. Television, in the Moscow region Lieutenant General, governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, deputy of the State Artistic Klimovsk, studied at school No. 5, which is in the Duma, political figure. He has awards: the Order of the “Combat Red Leader” and the presenter today bears his name. He worked for the Banner”, “Red Star” - for Afghanistan, “For Service to the Motherland” of the 2nd and 3rd degree popular programs as a war correspondent in a newspaper, the cross “For the Defense of Transnistria”, numerous medals. “Vzglyad”, “Field of Miracles”, “Moskovsky Komsomolets”, was engaged in the spring, Alexander Ivanovich participates in the elections for the post of “Tema”, “Rush Hour 1998” and many investigative journalists, governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and wins. At the end of April 2002 others. On March 1, 1995, General Swan, the governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, died as a result of violations in the Armed Forces, killed at the entrance of a plane crash. The plane in which the RF governor was flying crashed. own home.

Political party “What is a party? Every party generally infringes upon, damages a person’s individuality, weakens his personality and will, it squeezes him into the party program, the party charter.” “Who actually runs the party? Yes, almost always a “money bag”! You poke your nose into your black soil, and we will decide for you what to do.” A. I. Solzhenitsyn

History of the formation of political parties in the 4th century. BC. - in the time of Aristotle, political groups spontaneously formed, which were called parties of the 16th - 17th centuries. – parties – aristocratic groups (Tories and Whigs) XVIII – XIX centuries. – parties-political clubs (Jacobin club) XIX – XX centuries. – modern political parties with a developed organizational structure and political ideology

Signs of a political party A bearer of a certain ideology 1 Organized, the presence of a certain structure 2 The presence of program documents - the Charter and the Program 3 3 The presence of its own property, financial resources, media 4 4 The presence of its own symbols 5 The desire to gain power 6

Functions of a political party Intermediary - representation of the interests of social groups and sectors of society Struggle for power - participation in election campaigns, participation in the formation of government bodies Ideological - development and implementation of a party program, propaganda of one’s ideas, formation of the electorate Integration - smoothing out conflicts, coordinating the interests of contending forces , political stabilization of society

Functions of a political party Normative - development, application and implementation of rules for the relationship of political institutions (inter-party agreements, party coalitions, unions and blocs) Political socialization of the individual Political recruitment - replenishment of the party with new members and the formation of the political elite Communicative - ensuring communication between the masses and government structures, institutionalization of the political citizen participation

Registration requirements A political party must have at least fifty thousand members. The party must have regional branches of at least five hundred members, which must be located in more than half of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. In other regional branches, the number of each of them cannot be less than two hundred and fifty members. Not the creation of political parties based on professional, racial, national or religious affiliation is allowed

Typology of political parties 3. By type of organizational structure PERSONNEL PARTIES are few in number few in number free membership free membership rely on professional politicians and the financial elite rely on professional politicians and the financial elite operate only during the election period operate only during the election period exist at the expense of wealthy sponsors exist for account of wealthy sponsors MASS PARTIES numerous numerous fixed membership fixed membership strict discipline strict discipline primary primary party organizations party organizations active in the masses active in the masses collective financing through membership fees collective financing through membership fees

Typology of political parties 5. By place on the party spectrum scale LEFT CENTER PARTIES RIGHT PARTIES Socialist and communist parties: - for reforms - for ousting the private sector - social protection of workers - radical revolutionary methods Liberal parties: - compromise - cooperation Conservative parties: - for strong state - protection of private property - for stability - negative attitude towards revolution

Typology of political parties 6. By methods of action ReformistRevolutionary Party coalition - association P.P. to achieve political goals. A party faction is a part of the P.P. that puts forward its own program that is different from the general party program. The parliamentary faction is a group of parliament members, members of one P.P., which pursues the policy of the P.P.

Socio-political movements Unlike political parties: They do not aim to fight for power They have an unstable composition They are not structured They put forward common goals and do not have a clear program They do not have a clear ideology, they can unite representatives of different ideologies Anti-war movements, women's, youth movements, anti-globalists, movement non-alignment, human rights movements, etc.

Party system Stable connections and relationships of political parties of various types with each other, as well as with the state and other political institutions The totality of all political parties operating in a given country, their relationships with each other

Classification of party systems 2. By the number of parties One-party - one leading party; - merging of party and state - typical for - totalitarian and authoritarian regimes (USSR, Germany and Italy in 1960s, Cuba, Libya, Syria, China, Vietnam) Two-party - two strong parties - “exchange” of power between these parties - other parties do not have power - majoritarian system (USA, Germany, UK, Japan, India, etc.) Multiparty - many parties, none of which has advantages over others - competition between parties - proportional electoral system - there are party blocs and associations (RF , France, etc.)

Multi-party system is one of the main constitutional principles of organizing political life in modern democratic states, which is an expression of the more general principle of political and ideological pluralism (diversity). Positive features of multi-party system Negative features of multi-party system Quasi-multi-party system - real power is concentrated in the hands of one party with formal permission for the activities of other parties (China, RF)

Parties in the State Duma of the fifth convocation (c) “UNITED RUSSIA” Communist Party of the Russian Federation LDPR “A Just Russia: Motherland/Pensioners/Life” 315 deputies 57 deputies 40 deputies 38 deputies There are 4 factions registered in the State Duma: 450 deputies

United Russia is the ruling party that fully supports the policies of the president and the government. Created in 2001 by uniting three parties: Unity, Fatherland and All Russia. At the moment it is the largest party in the country, with more than a million members. This is explained not only by the political course of the party, but also by the support that authorities at all levels provide to its members. The chairman of the party is V.V. Putin. Co-chairs – B.V. Gryzlov, Luzhkov Yu.M., Shoigu S.K., Shaimiev M.Sh. the ruling party that fully supports the policies of the president and the government. Created in 2001 by uniting three parties: Unity, Fatherland and All Russia. At the moment it is the largest party in the country, with more than a million members. This is explained not only by the political course of the party, but also by the support that authorities at all levels provide to its members. The chairman of the party is V.V. Putin. Co-chairs – B.V. Gryzlov, Luzhkov Yu.M., Shoigu S.K., Shaimiev M.Sh. The symbol of the party is a polar bear. Colors are white and blue.

The Communist Party of the Russian Federation is a pronounced opposition party, expressing disagreement with the main directions of the policy of the current government. The party's course basically coincides with the course of the CPSU, but takes into account the current situation in the country. Created in 1993 on the basis of the CPSU. Currently there are about 550 thousand members. The head of the party is Gennady Andreevich Zyuganov. a pronounced opposition party expressing disagreement with the main directions of the current government’s policies. The party's course basically coincides with the course of the CPSU, but takes into account the current situation in the country. Created in 1993 on the basis of the CPSU. Currently there are about 550 thousand members. The head of the party is Gennady Andreevich Zyuganov. Party symbols are sickle, hammer and book. Colors are red. At the presidential elections in 1996, Gennady in 1996, Gennady Zyuganov nominated his candidacy and in the first round received 31.96% of the votes. In the second round - over 40%

Liberal Democratic Party of Russia Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky A radical party that advocates a strong state, to which the interests of all its citizens should be subordinated. Despite criticism of the situation in the country, he basically supports the course of the president and the government. Formed in 1989, the LDPR is popular mainly thanks to its leader V.V. Zhirinovsky, therefore, is often called by political scientists a party of one person. He is essentially its symbol. The colors are blue.

A Just Russia A party that advocates social and legal equality of citizens, the responsibility of the state to citizens and a greater degree of participation of the latter in governing the country. Supports the policies of President V.V. Putin. Formed in 2006 by combining three parties: “Motherland”, “Russian Party of Pensioners” and “Russian Party of Life”. Formed in 2006 by combining three parties: “Motherland”, “Russian Party of Pensioners” and “Russian Party of Life”. The symbol of the party is a Russian flag with a wide red stripe, on which there is the inscription: “A Just Russia”, and below the inscription: “Motherland. Pensioners. Life".

Political party – A political party is a public association created by citizens on the basis of common political views with the aim of participating in government. Each party presents its own political program, charter and symbols. Each party presents its own political program, charter and symbols. As a rule, any citizen of the state can join one or another party at will.

Signs of political parties Organization, i.e. a relatively long-term association of people. The existence of sustainable local organizations that maintain regular links with national leadership. The goals of the party are the conquest and exercise of power. The desire to secure the support of the people through elections or other means. The party is the bearer of a certain ideology and worldview.

Functions of political parties Representation of the interests of social groups and sectors of society. The struggle for possession of state power, for political leadership. Ideological activity aimed at the production of ideas and political socialization of the individual. Development and implementation of policy. Organizational activities for the selection and placement of personnel in the party and in state and public organizations). Ensuring connections between the masses and government agencies, institutionalizing the political participation of citizens. Integration (smoothing out conflicts, coordinating the interests of contending forces, political stabilization of society).

United Russia - United Russia is the ruling party that fully supports the policies of the president and the government. Created in 2001 by combining three parties: Unity, Fatherland and All Russia. At the moment it is the largest party in the country, with more than a million members. This is explained not only by the political course of the party, but also by the support that authorities at all levels provide to its members. The chairman of the party is Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. Co-chairs: Boris Vyacheslavovich Gryzlov, Yuri Mikhailovich Luzhkov, Sergei Kuzhugetovich Shoigu, Mintimer Sharipovich Shaimiev. The symbol of the party is a polar bear. the ruling party that fully supports the policies of the president and the government. Created in 2001 by combining three parties: Unity, Fatherland and All Russia. At the moment it is the largest party in the country, with more than a million members. This is explained not only by the political course of the party, but also by the support that authorities at all levels provide to its members. The chairman of the party is Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. Co-chairs: Boris Vyacheslavovich Gryzlov, Yuri Mikhailovich Luzhkov, Sergei Kuzhugetovich Shoigu, Mintimer Sharipovich Shaimiev. The symbol of the party is a polar bear. Colors are white and blue. Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin was born on October 7, 1952 in Leningrad. The parents of the future president of Russia were born in the Tver region. Vladimir Vladimirovich’s grandfather worked as a cook first for Vladimir Lenin and then for Joseph Stalin. The president's father (Vladimir Spiridonovich Putin) was a party worker, participated in the Great Patriotic War, and then worked at a factory. According to unofficial versions, Vladimir Spiridonovich Putin was an employee of the NKVD-KGB. Yuri Mikhailovich Luzhkov was born on September 21, 1936 in Moscow. After graduating from school, he entered the Moscow Institute of Petrochemical and Gas Industry, which he successfully graduated in 1958. Since 1992, Yuri Mikhailovich has remained the permanent mayor of Moscow. In all elections he receives at least ninety percent of the votes. Sergei Kozhugetovich Shoigu – Minister of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief, Army General.

Communist Party of the Russian Federation - The Communist Party of the Russian Federation is a pronounced opposition party that expresses disagreement with the main directions of the policies of the current government. The party's course basically coincides with the course of the CPSU, but takes into account the current situation in the country. Created in 1993 on the basis of the CPSU. Currently there are about 550 thousand members. The head of the party is Gennady Andreevich Zyuganov. Party symbols are sickle, hammer and book. Colors are red. a pronounced opposition party expressing disagreement with the main directions of the current government’s policies. The party's course basically coincides with the course of the CPSU, but takes into account the current situation in the country. Created in 1993 on the basis of the CPSU. Currently there are about 550 thousand members. The head of the party is Gennady Andreevich Zyuganov. Party symbols are sickle, hammer and book. Colors are red. In the presidential elections in 1996, Gennady Zyuganov nominated himself and received 31.96 percent of the votes in the first round. In the second round he managed to score over forty percent. Gennady Andreevich Zyuganov is the chairman of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (CPRF), the leader of Thrace in the State Duma, and a famous Russian political figure. Born on June 26, 1944 in the village of Mymrino, Oryol region.

LDPR (Liberal Democratic Party of Russia) - LDPR (Liberal Democratic Party of Russia) is a radical party that advocates a strong state, to which the interests of all its citizens should be subordinated. a radical party advocating a strong state, to which the interests of all its citizens should be subordinated. Despite criticism of the situation in the country, he basically supports the course of the president and the government. Formed in 1989. The LDPR is popular mainly thanks to its leader Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky, which is why political scientists often call it a party of one man. He is essentially its symbol. The colors are blue. Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky is a Russian politician, leader of the LDPR political party. Born on April 25, 1946 in Almaty. Zhirinovsky's political career begins in 1991, when the future oppositionist created and registered the Liberal Democratic Party of the USSR. As the leader of the party, Vladimir Zhirinovsky was opposed to the dissolution of the Soviet Union, for which he received the support of the people in the elections. The electorate fell in love with a politician who is not afraid to say out loud what he thinks, to point out to his face the mistakes of his colleagues and the president himself. Zhirinovsky failed to become president, although he took third place in the elections, gaining eight percent of the vote.

A Just Russia A Just Russia is a party that advocates social and legal equality of citizens, the responsibility of the state to citizens and a greater degree of participation of the latter in governing the country. Supports the policies of President V.V. Putin. Formed in 2006 by combining three parties: “Motherland”, “Russian Party of Pensioners” and “Russian Party of Life”. a party that advocates social and legal equality of citizens, the responsibility of the state to citizens and a greater degree of participation of the latter in governing the country. Supports the policies of President V.V. Putin. Formed in 2006 by combining three parties: “Motherland”, “Russian Party of Pensioners” and “Russian Party of Life”. The symbol of the party is a Russian flag with a wide red stripe, on which there is the inscription: “A Just Russia”, and below the inscription: “Motherland. Pensioners. Life".

Valeria Ilyinichna Novodvorskaya is a Russian social and political figure, participant in the dissident movement in the USSR in the late seventies and early eighties. One of the most scandalous female politicians of our time. Founder and Chairman of the right-liberal party "Democratic Union"

In 1995, Khakamada was elected chairman of the Central Council of the All-Russian political public organization “Common Cause”. She remained in this post until 2000, when she moved to the position of deputy chairman of the Union of Right Forces party. In the summer of 2000, she became the head of the St. Petersburg branch of the Union of Right Forces party. In 1995, the American Time magazine named Irina Khakamada a politician of the twenty-first century; in addition, she was included in the hundred most famous women in the world, according to a sociological survey. For two years in a row (1997 and 1998), Irina Khakamada held the title “Woman of the Year”. Irina Mutsuovna Khakamada – Former co-chairman of the Union of Right Forces, former leader of the “Our Choice” party, famous Russian politician, deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

In 1999, the Union of Right Forces electoral bloc nominated Nemtsov as a State Duma deputy. His candidacy was approved in December. A year later, Boris Efimovich becomes deputy chairman of the State Duma. Since 2000, Nemtsov has been chairman of the Federal Political Council of the Union of Right Forces party. Boris Efimovich Nemtsov - Member of the Federal Political Council, a famous Russian politician. Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. Awarded the medal "For Services to the Fatherland"

Starovoytova's political career dates back to 1989, when she was elected people's deputy of the USSR. In 1990, Galina Vasilievna became a member of the Committee of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation on Human Rights. A year later, she was appointed advisor to the President of Russia on interethnic relations. In the winter of 1992 she was dismissed. In 1995, Galina Starovoitova nominated herself as a candidate for the State Duma. Together with L. Ponomarev and G. Yakunin, he heads the association “Democratic Russia - Free Trade Unions”. In 1996, Galina Vasilievna received membership in the State Duma Committee on Affairs of Public Associations and Religious Organizations. In 1998, she chaired the federal party “Democratic Russia”. Galina Vasilievna Starovoitova is a Russian political and statesman, ethnosociologist, specialist in the field of interethnic relations. On November 20, 1998, she was killed in the entrance of her house in St. Petersburg.

Vladislav Nikolaevich Listyev is a journalist, the first general director of Public Russian Television, artistic director and presenter of the popular programs “Vzglyad”, “Field of Miracles”, “Theme”, “Rush Hour” and many others. On March 1, 1995, he was killed in the entrance of his own house. Journalist of the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper Dmitry Yuryevich Kholodov was born on June 21, 1967 in the city of Sergiev Posad. D. Yu. Kholodov grew up in the town of Klimovsk near Moscow, studied at school 5, which today bears his name. He worked as a war correspondent for the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper, engaged in investigative journalism, and wrote about violations in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Alexander Ivanovich Lebed - born on April 20, 1950 into a working-class family in the city of Novocherkassk. Lieutenant General, Governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, State Duma deputy, politician. He has awards: the Order of the “Combat Red Banner”, the “Red Star” - for Afghanistan, “For Service to the Motherland” 2nd and 3rd degree, the cross “For the Defense of Transnistria”, numerous medals. In the spring of 1998, Alexander Ivanovich participated in the elections for the post of governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and won. At the end of April 2002, General Lebed, the governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, died as a result of a plane crash. The plane in which the governor was flying crashed.



The structure of the Right Cause party is mainly built on the basis of the Union of Right Forces. Georgy Bovt. Boris Titov. Party leaders. Composition of the Federal Political Council. Elections. The goal of the party. Political party "Right Cause". Completed by: Natalya Tsyrenzhapova, 11a grade student. Headquarters: Russia, Moscow Number of members: 61 919. Leonid Gozman. Story.

"Social structure" - Why? 3. Stratification of modern Russian society: In order to live your life wisely, you need to know a lot. Modern understanding of the essence of classes. Questions for discussion. Social structure. Social structure of society: social stratification and social mobility. 1. Social structure. Social mobility. Introduction to the concept of “social structure”. Nouveau riche (from French) - a new rich man, a get-rich-quick rich man, an upstart. 2. Social stratification. Social structure of society and social relations. Anyone who tries to leave the common herd becomes a public enemy.

“Web design” - 5. Hosting a site on the Internet The site files are placed on the provider’s server and the necessary settings are made. Search engine optimization (SEO) is a set of measures to increase the site’s position in search engine results for certain user requests. Web designers design the logical structure of web pages, think through the most convenient solutions for presenting information, and also deal with the artistic design of the web project. Sometimes the texts are compiled by a studio specialist, sometimes the content is handled by a responsible person on the customer’s side. Design stages. 2. HTML-layout The approved design is transferred to the html-layout designer, who “cuts” the graphic image into separate drawings, from which he subsequently puts together an html-page.

“Profession astronaut” - Cosmonauts have three main specializations. Probably, only one thing will darken your mood - the lack of fashion. Cosmonaut-researcher. The amounts of contracts for the duration of flights are kept secret. After a preliminary assessment of applicants, the best are called to face-to-face tests. Food on the plate? Ideally, a defended, or prepared for defense, candidate's dissertation. Character qualities. Completed by Ksenia Kiseleva, 11th grade student. Cosmonaut-engineer. Why spoons and forks? Plus four: You will become a gourmet.

“Political parties of Russia” - Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR). The representative of the party is Gennady Andreevich Zyuganov. At the congress, the party program and charter were adopted and the governing bodies were elected. The main base was the former structure of the Russian Party of Life. Completed by: Alexey Razdobreev, 11th grade. Agrarian Party of Russia. Russian center-right political party. Classification of parties. United Russia. The chairman of the party is Vladimir Zhirinovsky. Created on December 13, 1989.

“Political elite and leadership” - According to Z. Freud). 1. “Trait theory.” Political elite. Leading signs and essential characteristics of a political leader. Popularity, oratory skills. Type of lesson – learning new material. Instrumental: determining ways and methods of implementing the tasks assigned to society.

Political parties and party systems

Political Party -

it is a voluntary public organization of citizens, created on the basis of a single ideology and focused on the conquest and exercise of political power.

1. the presence of a certain political ideology as a unique reflection of the world and its transformation; set of political ideals and values

3. Organizational structure: clear internal division, management apparatus, etc.; fixed, as a rule, in the Party Charter

5. social base (support of the people, class, social group, etc., who vote for the party in elections, finance its activities, carry out propaganda work

2. Availability of a program and strategy of action

4. putting forward and implementing such a political goal as the struggle for power

Signs of a political party

The origin of parties as a political institution (classification by M. Weber)

Using the example of England

Mass Party

Aristocratic faction

Political club

  • Carlton Club and Reform Club
  • Carlton Club and Reform Club
  • Tory and Whig factions in 17th century England
  • Conservative and Liberal parties in Great Britain

Classification of political parties

By participation in the exercise of political power and role in the political system



Ruling party (the winner of the parliamentary elections) forms the government and determines the political course of the country's development.

Opposition party (losing or not receiving a majority of seats in parliament) focuses its activities on putting forward programs alternative to the ruling party.

According to the organizational structure and conditions of party membership



Personnel parties They are small in number and rely on professional politicians and the financial elite, who are able to provide them with material support. They intensify their activities during the election campaign.

Mass parties They are numerous in composition, have permanent membership and a clearly expressed ideological orientation, and financially rely on membership fees.

In relation to the existing order , content of goals and objectives





revolutionary parties (strive for a radical qualitative transformation of society)

reformist (strive to improve social life without structural fundamental changes)

conservative (defend the preservation of stable, established forms of social life)

reactionary parties (strive to restore previous social orders and structures).

Functions of political parties in public life

- representation of social interests;

- development of program guidelines, political line of the party;

- formation of public opinion, political education and political socialization of citizens;

- participation in the struggle for power and its implementation, in the formation of the political system of society;

- training and promotion of personnel.

Party system this is the totality of political parties existing in society and the principles of interaction (rivalry) between them.

A party system is considered established if normal competitive relationships and a certain hierarchy are established between parties. The structure of the party system has a number of features related to historical traditions, the type of political system, the specifics of the political moment, etc.

Party system




The main features of a one-party system: -

Monopoly of one party on state power; - lack of political competition; - the party is a single ideologist, strategist, single representative of the people; - merging of the party apparatus and the state apparatus; - lack of turnover of political leaders.

Examples: North Korea, Cuba, Zaire

Main features of a two-party system :

The presence in society of the two most influential parties, which are real contenders for power and alternately govern the state as a result of winning elections.

The existence and activities of other political parties is not excluded, but their chances of gaining state power are not great.

Examples: USA, UK

Party system "2 and a half"

Along with the two main parties, a third appears, less strong, but capable of influencing the results of the struggle for power by supporting one of the main parties.

Examples: Canada, Australia, Austria

Multi-party system

No monopoly on power;

The presence of real political competition;

Approximately equal chances of gaining power;

  • creating blocs and coalitions to win elections

Examples: France, Italy, Germany

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