Thematic tests in the chemistry of the exam. EGE

M.: 2017. - 432 p.

The training manual contains material for preparing for the exam in chemistry. Manual for preparation for the USE includes systematized theoretical material on four sections of chemistry, as well as tasks for independent work (with answers). All types of tasks and approaches to their evaluation are presented. Comments on the decision of the tasks will once again repeat the basic concepts necessary to prepare for the exam. The manual provides training options for the exam. Addressed to students of grades of grades 10-11, which is supposed to take the exam in chemistry, as well as chemistry teachers.

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Preface 6.
Basics of chemistry
1.1. Theoretical material 10.
Modern ideas about the structure of atom 11
Periodic law and periodic system of chemical elements D.I. Mendeleeva. Patterns of changing the chemical properties of elements and their compounds in periods and groups 16
Chemical bond and structure of substance 20
Electricity. The degree of oxidation and valence of chemical elements 28
Molecular and non-elastic substances. The dependence of the properties of substances from the characteristics of their crystal lattice 37
Classification of chemical reactions in inorganic and organic chemistry. Reversible and irreversible chemical reactions.
Displacement of equilibrium 40.
Electrolytic dissociation of electrolytes in aqueous solutions. Strong and weak electrolytes.
Ion exchange reactions 43
Hydrolysis of salts. Wednesday aqueous solutions 46
Redox reactions 47
Electrolysis of melts and solutions (salts, alkalis, acids) 52
Chemical reaction rate 53
1.2. Tasks with comments and decisions 55
1.3. Tasks for independent work 70
2. Inorganic chemistry
2.1. Theoretical material 87.
Classification and nomenclature of inorganic compounds 87
Characteristics of items on the position in the periodic system 97
Chemical properties of simple inorganic substances 104
Chemical properties of complex inorganic substances 122
2.2. Tasks with comments and decisions 137
2.3. Tasks for independent work 149
3. Organic Chemistry
3.1. Theoretical material 168.
The theory of the chemical structure of organic compounds: Homology and isomeria 168
Types of ties in organic substance molecules. Hybridization of carbon nuclear orbitals.
Radical. Functional group 169.
Classification and nomenclature of organic substances 170
Characteristic chemical properties of hydrocarbons 175
Aromatic hydrocarbons (Arena) 187
Characteristic chemical properties of limit monatomic and polyhydric alcohols, phenol 192
Characteristic chemical properties of aldehydes, limit carboxylic acids, esters of 198
Biologically important substances (fats, carbohydrates) 204
Characteristic chemical properties of nitrogen-containing organic compounds 210
Biologically important substances 216
Basic methods for producing hydrocarbons 217
Basic methods for producing oxygen-containing substances 222
Basic methods for producing nitrogen-containing substances 226
The relationship of organic compounds 228
3.2. Tasks with comments and decisions 229
3.3. Tasks for independent work 240
4. Methods of knowledge in chemistry. Chemistry and life
4.1. Theoretical material 264.
Experimental Basics of Chemistry 264
General ideas about industrial methods of obtaining essential substances 269
Natural sources of hydrocarbons, their recycling 2 76
High molecular weight connections.
Polymerization and polycondensation reactions.
Polymers. Plastics, Fiber, Rubber 281
Calculations for chemical formulas and reaction equations 286
4.2. Tasks with comments and decisions 297
4.3. Tasks for independent work 309
Exemplary EME options
Option 1 318.
Option 2 330.
Option 3 341.
Option 4 352.
Option 5 363.
Answers to tasks for independent work
Basics of chemistry 374.
Inorganic chemistry 379.
Organic Chemistry 387.
Cognition and use of substances and chemical reactions 394
Answers to the tasks of approximate
Training options EGE 409
Answers to the tasks of part 1 409
Answers to the tasks of part 2 411

The benefit offered to your attention is intended for studying, generalization and systematization of material in the chemistry studied at the older stage of the school. Work with a manual will also successfully prepare for a single state exam (USE) in chemistry, which is carried out using control measuring materials (CIM) - standardized tasks, the content of which fully complies with the current regulatory framework for school chemical education - the Federal State Educational Standard of the average ( Full) general education.
The manual includes:
- training materials on the main sections of the chemistry course (theory and training tasks);
- exemplary EGE options;
- Answers to tasks for independent work and task of exemplary options.
Training materials on the main sections of the chemical exchange rate are a systemic statement of material on substances, their composition, structure and properties; On the chemical reaction, the entity and patterns of the flow of reactions of various types; On the use of substances and chemical transformations, methods of knowledge of chemical objects. The material included in the manual is a mandatory component (invariant kernel) of the content of all valid high school programs for chemistry for classes studying chemistry on the profile level.

Training test A3. IA. - IIia IVA. - VIIA.

1 . The most pronounced metal properties has:

1) Na. 2) K. 3) MG. 4) Al

2 . The least pronounced metal properties has:

1) RB. 2) Sr. 3) CA. 4) K.

3 . W.K. andRB. The same ...

1) Atomic Radius 3) Core Charge

2) the values \u200b\u200bof relative electronegativity 4) higher degrees of oxidation

4 . W.Sr. andRB. The same ...

1) Atomic radii 3) oxidation degree

2) the values \u200b\u200bof relative electronegativity 4) the number of electronic layers

5 . Chromium oxides 3 CR 2 O. 3 CRO. arranged in order to increase

1) degree of chromium oxidation 2) oxidizing properties

3) basic properties 4) solubility in water

6 . Iron oxidesFeo.FE. 2 O. 3

1) basic properties 2) degree of iron oxidation

3) oxidative properties 4) solubility in water

7 . Chromium hydroxides.CR( Oh.) 2 -- CR( Oh.) 3 arranged in order to reduce

1) basic properties 2) chromium oxidation degree

3) oxidative properties 4) solubility in water

8 . For iron is not characterized by the degree of oxidation

1) +6 2) +2 3) +3 4) +5


1) magnesium 2) calcium 3) strontium 4) barium


1) Nitrogen and magnesium chloride 3) hydrogen and sodium hydroxide

2) Carbon and hydrochloric acid 4)

11 . Copper reacts with each set of substances

1) nitrogen and copper chloride 3) hydrogen and sodium hydroxide

2) oxygen and nitric acid 4) argon and diluted sulfuric acid

12 . Whether the following chromium oxide statements are true (VI)?

A. Chromium oxide (VI

B. Chromium oxide (VI) It is the main oxide.

13 . Amphoteric and main oxide are respectively

1) Bao, K 2 O 2) Al 2 O. 3 , CAO 3) So 2 , Na. 2 O 4) CR 2 O. 3 , Zno.

14 . When the chromium interacts with hydrochloric acid is formed

1) S.rCL 2 andH. 2 2) S.rCL 3 andH. 2 O. 3) S.rCL 2 andH. 2 O. 4) S.rCL 3 andH. 2

15 . When iron interacts with hydrochloric acid is formed:

1) FECL 2 andH. 2 2) FECL 3 andH. 2 O. 3) FECL 2 andH. 2 O. 4) FECL 3 andH. 2

16 . Are the statements about zinc hydroxide correct?

A. Zinc hydroxide exhibits only acid properties.

1) is true only and 2) is true only in

3) orders both statements 4) both are incorrect

17 . In the excited state, Bor has an electronic configuration

1) 1 s. 2 2 s. 2 2 p. 3 2) 1 s. 2 2 s. 2 2 p. 1 3) 1 s. 2 2 s. 2 2 p. 3 4) 1 s. 2 2 s. 1 2 p. 2

18 . The degree of oxidation is +3 iron manifests electrons located on

1) 4 s. and 3.d.-proving 2) 4s. and 4.p.-Products

3) 4 s. and 3.p.-proving 4) 4s. and 3.s.-Products

19 . The most resistant degrees of chromium oxidation are

1) +1, +6 2) +2, +6 3) +3, +6 4) +4, +6

20. The most stable degree of copper oxidation is

1) +1 2) +2 3) +3 4) +11

21. II.and groups?

A. Show the degree of oxidation +2

B. With non-metals form ionic compounds

1) is true only and 2) is true only in

3) orders both statements 4) both are incorrect

22. In order to increase the restoration properties of metals are located in a row

1) Li, Zn, Mg 2) Na, Li, Al 3) Al, Mg, Na 4) Cr, Li, Al

23 .

1) Tellur 2) sulfur 3) selenium 4) oxygen

24. .

A. Experience and restoration, and oxidative properties

3) orders both statements 4) both are incorrect

25. Nitrogen is not an oxidizer in reaction with

1) H. 2 2) LI 3) O. 2 4) CA.



1) O. 2 2) LI 3) KCLO. 3 4) H. 2 SO. 4

28 . Sulfur is a reaction reaction with

1) FE, H 2 O. 2 2) Zn, H 2 , C 3) F 2 , CA, H 2 4) H. 2 SO. 4( end ) , Hno 3 O. 2


A. All non-metals, except fluoride, have redox duality.

1) is true only and 2) is true only

3) orders both statements 4) both are incorrect

30 . Does not show

31. With an increase in the degree of oxidation of the element, the power of oxygen-containing acids

1) decreases 2) increases 3) does not change 4) does not manifest


1) acid 2) base

3) amphoteric compound 4)


1) decreases 2) increases 3) does not change 4) does not manifest

34 .

1) B, C, N 2) N, O, P 3) F, O, P 4) Cl, S, F

35. Are the following non-metallic judgments are true?

B. Their hydrogen compounds are acids

1) is true only and 2) is true only

3) orders both statements 4) both are incorrect

36 . Fluorine shows the degrees of oxidation

1) -1, 0, +1, +3, + 5, +7 2) -1, 0, +1 3) -1, 0 4) -1, + 5, +7

37. Hydrogen compound composition 2 E. 2 forms

1) carbon 2) silicon 3) boron 4) nitrogen

38 . In rowSIP.S.Cl.electricity of elements

1) increases 2) decreases

3) does not change 4) first decreases, then increases

39 . Are the following judgments about the properties of oxygen and sulfur?

A. The maximum valence of these elements in connections is equal to the number number.

B. When interacting with hydrogen, oxygen and sulfur exhibit oxidative properties.

1) is true only and 2) is true only

3) orders both statements 4) both are incorrect

40. Formula of higher chlorine oxide

1) Cl. 2 O. 2) Clo 2 3) Cl. 2 O. 5 4) Cl. 2 O. 7

41 . In rowHF.HBR There is a decrease

1) forces of acids 2) polarity of ties

3) restoration properties 4) ties length

42 .

1) nitrogen, fluorine 2) fluorine, chlorine 3) nitrogen, phosphorus 4) chlorine, bromine


1) nitrogen and sodium chloride 2)

3) hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide 4)argon and Vasharyar

44 .

1) is true only 2) true only b

3) orders both statements 4) both are incorrect

45 .

1) aluminum 2) iron3) Copper4) chrome

Control Test A3. General characteristics of metals of the main subgroups IA. - IIia Groups due to their position in the periodic system of chemical elements of D.I. REMEELEEVA and the peculiarities of the structure of their atoms. The characteristic of transition elements - copper, zinc, chromium, iron by their position in the periodic system of chemical elements and the characteristics of the structure of their atoms. General characteristic NemmetalovIVA. - VIIA. Groups due to their position in the periodic system of chemical elements of D.I. REMEELEEVA and the peculiarities of the structure of their atoms.

1. Most easily give electrons atoms

    magnesium 2) strontium 3) calcium 4) barium

2 . When the chromium interacts with hydrochloric acid imageeither

1) SGS1 2 and N. 2 2) CRCL and N. 2 0 3) SGS1 3 and N. 2 0 4) SGS1 3 and N. 2

3 . talla are located in a row

l.) Al, Zn., Ni. 2) A1,Na., K. 3) Ni., Zn., MG. 4) Ni., Zn., Al

4 .
A. Alkaline metals exhibit the degree of oxidation +1.
B.C. Nonometals form nenetscular compounds.

    true only A.2) true only b

5 . In the excited state, Bor has an electronic configuration

1) ls. 2 2 s. 1 2 p. 3 2) ls. 2 2 s. 2 2 p. 1 3) ls. 1 2 s. 2 2 p. 2 4) ls. 2 2 s. 1 2 p. 2

6. Iron reacts with each of the set of substances

1) nitrogen and magnesium chloride 2)carbon and hydrochloric acid

3) hydrogen and sodium hydroxide4) argon and diluted sulfuric acid

7 . When the interaction of iron with hydrochloric acidstrong

1) FECL 3 andH. 2 2) FECL 3 and N. 2 0 3) FECL 2 andH. 2 0 4) FECL 2 and N. 2

8 . In order to reduce the restoration properties oftalla are located in a row

l) li, zn, mg 2) al, na, li 3) na, al, cr4) cr, li, al

9 . Are the following alkali metal judgments true?
A. Alkaline Metals Show only the reducing agentproperties.

B. Their hydroxides are strong grounds.

    true only A. 2) true only b3) orders both statements 4) both are incorrect

10 . The degree of oxidation is +3 iron manifests due to electricrons located on

    4 s.and Z.d.-Products 2 ) 4 s.izr-Sylopes 3)4 s.and 4p-supro 4) 4 s. and Z.s.-Products

11 . Most easily give electrons atoms

1) rubidia 2) calcium 3) strontium 4) cesium

12 . Are the following statements about zinc hydroxide correct?
A. Zinc hydroxide exhibits only acid properties.
B. Zinc hydroxide exhibits only basic properties.

    true only A. 2) true only b3) orders both statements 4) both are incorrect

13 . In order to reduce the restoration properties oftalla are located in a row

    Zn, cr, al 2) Al, CR, ZN3) NA, ZN, CO 4) cr, zn, al

14 . Are the following alkali metal judgments true?
A. When interacting with oxygen mainlyform peroxides.

B. Their hydroxides are alkalis.

    true only A. 2) true only b3) orders both statements 4) both are incorrect

15 . The most resistant degrees of chromium oxidationfall

1)+1,+2 2)+2,+6 3)+3, +6 4)+4,+6

16 . Copper reacts with each set of substances

1) nitrogen and copper chloride 2)oxygen and nitric acid

    hydrogen and sodium hydroxide 4)argon and diluted sulfuric acid

17 . Aluminum reacts with each of the set of substances

    nitrogen and sodium chloride 2)oxygen and concentrated nitric acid

    sodium hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide 4) argon and ammonia

18 . Copper does not interact with

    diluted sulfuric acid 2)concentrated nitric acid

    concentrated sulfuric acid 4)diluted nitric acid

19 . Zinc reacts with each of the set of substances

1) sodium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid2)oxygen and sodium chloride solution

    argon and potassium hydroxide 4)neon and Water

20 . In the interaction of nickel with hydrochloric acidstrong

    NiCl 3 and N. 2 2) NiCl 2 and N. 2 0 3) NiCl 3 and N. 2 0 4) NiCl 2 and N. 2

21 . Most easily give electrons atoms

1) tin 2) India 3) aluminum 4) antimony

22 . Whether the following chromium oxide statements are true (VI)?
A. Chromium oxide (VI) It is acidic oxide.

B. Chromium oxide (VI) It is the main oxide.

    true only A. 2) true only b3) orders both statements 4) both are incorrect

23 . In order to reduce the restoration properties oftalla are located in a row

l) Mg, Zn, Au 2) A1, Fe, Zn 3) Na, Zn, Mg 4) Ni, Al, Zn

24. Are the following alkali metal judgments true?
A. Show rehabilitation and oxidative.

B. Their salts are not subjected to hydrolysis in the cation.

    true only A. 2) true only b3) orders both statements 4) both are incorrect

25 . The most stable degree of copper oxidation iseither

1)+1 2)+2 3)+3 4)+11

26. Silver reacts with each of the set of substances

    nitrogen and sodium chloride 2)oxygen and concentrated nitric acid

    salonic acid and sodium hydroxide 4)argon and Vasharyar

27 . Are the following statements about zinc oxide are true?
A. Zinc oxide is a non-forming oxide.
B zinc oxide is an amphoteric oxide.

    true only A. 2) true only b3) orders both statements 4) both are incorrect

28 . talla are located in a row

l) al, zn, ni 2) al, na,TO 3) Ni, Mg, Zn 4) Zn, Ni, Al

29 . Amphoteric hydroxide does not forms

1) aluminum2) Iron 3) Copper 4) chrome

30 . Are the following metal judgments are trueIIA Groups?
A. Show the degree of oxidation +2.

B. With non-metals form ionic compounds.

    true only A. 2) true only b3) orders both statements 4) both are incorrect

31. Most easily give electrons atoms

1) magnesium 2) Calcium 3) sodium 4) Lithium

32 . Are the following statements about magnesium hydroxide correct?
A. Magnesium hydroxide shows acid properties.

B. Magnesium hydroxide manifests basic properties.

    true only A. 2) true only b3) orders both statements 4) both are incorrect

33 . In order to increase the reducing properties oftalla are located in a row

l) li, zn, mg 2) na, li, al 3) al, mg, na4) cr, li, al

34 . Amphoteric hydroxide forms

1) sodium 2) magnes3) Potassium 4) Beryllium

35 . Are the following metal judgments are trueIIA Groups?

A. Exhibit only regenerative properties.

B. The strength of the base increases from the top down the group.

    true only A. 2) true only b3) orders both statements 4) both are incorrect

36 . Are the following statements about Nemmetalla?

A. Show only oxidative properties

B. Their hydrogen compounds are acids.

1) true only A. 2) true only b3) Both statements are correct4) both are incorrect

    Chlorine is both the oxidizing agent and reaction in reaction with

1) N. 2 O 2)FE. 3) C. 2 H. 4 4) C. 4 H. 6

38. Does not show the degree of oxidation equal to the group number

1) oxygen 2) sulfur 3) selenium 4) tellur

39. Oxidative properties of elements increase in row

1) nitrogen, carbon 2) carbon, silicon 3) oxygen, nitrogen4) chlorine, fluorine

40. The ability of non-metals hydrogen compounds to form intermolecular hydrogen bonds on the period from left to right

1) decreases 2) increases 2) does not change 3) does not manifest

41. Are the following statements about Nemmetalla?

A. Show and restorative, and oxidative properties.

B. The power of oxless acids grows on a group from top to bottom

42. Nitrogenis not oxidizer in reaction with

    H. 2 2) LI 3) O. 2 4) CA.

    Does not show The degree of oxidation equal to the group number

1) chlorine 2) fluorine 3) bromine 4) iodine



    nitrogen, fluorine 2) fluorine, chlorine 3) nitrogen, phosphorus 4) chlorine, bromine


1) in, oh,N.2) SE,ABOUT,P. 3) C.,ABOUT,S. 4) Cl., S., SE

46. Are the following non-metallic judgments are true?

A. All non-metals, except fluoride, possess oxidativerecoveful duality.

B. All non-metals interact with oxygen.

1) is true only and 2) is true only b 3) is true of both statements 4) both approval are incorrect

47. Phosphorus is an oxidant in reaction with

1) 0 2 2) LI 3) Ks10 3 4) H. 2 S.0 4

48. Does not show the highest valence equal to the group number
1) Tellur 2) sulfur3) selenium 4) Oxygen

49. The oxidative properties of the elements are increased in


    silicon, carbon 2) Carbon, Germany3) phosphorus, arsenic 4) sulfur, carbon

50. The ability of hydrogen compounds of non-metalscall intermolecular hydrogen bondtop down

    do not manifest 2) increases3) does not change 4) decreases

51. Phosphorus is a reaction in reaction with

1) O. 2 2) LI3) MG. 4) Sa.

52. Does not show the highest valence equal to the group number

1) silicon 2) phosphorus 3) sulfur 4) fluorine

53. Oxidative properties of elements increase in row

1) phosphorus, silicon 2) sulfur, selenium 3) nitrogen, fluorine 4) nitrogen, arsenic

54. Recovery properties of elements increase in a row

1) F, CL, I2) P. ; C1, I.3) SE, S, 0 4) p, s, cl

55. Acid properties of oxygen-containing acids at the period from left to right

1) do not appear2) increase3) do not change 4) decrease

56. Phosphorus is an oxidant in reaction with

1) O. 2 2) LI3) KSJ. 3 4) H. 2 SO. 4

57. Does not show the highest valence equal to the group number

1) phosphorus 2) arsenic 3) antimony 4) nitrogen

58. Oxidizing agentproperties of elements increase in

    brom, Tellur. 2) Broma, chlorine3) chlorine, iodine 4) oxygen, nitrogen

59. Recovery properties of elements increase in a row

1) TE, SE, S 2) Cl, Br, I 3) SE,INr, I.4) Cl, S, O

60. Acid properties of oxygen-containing acids in group from top to bottom|

    2 decrease) increase 3) do not change 4) do not manifest

    Sulfur is an oxidizing agent in reaction with

1) FE,N. 2 , 0 2 2) Zn, H 2 , C 3) F 2 , SA, N. 2 4) H. 2 S0. 4 (Koh. C. ) , Hn0. 3 , Ni.

    C, 0, N 2) F, 0, N 3) 0,R, CI4) Ci, P, F

    Chlorine shows the degree of oxidation

1) -1, 0 2)-1,0,+73)-1,0, + 1,+3,+5, +7 4)-1,+5,+7

    Iodine hydrogen connection shows properties

    acid 2)base 3)amphoteric compound 4)does not show acid-base properties

    With an increase in the oxidation of the element of the power of oxygenchildren containing

    decreases 2) increases 3) does not change 4) not manifest

66. . Sulfur is a reaction reaction with

    FE., N. 2 , 0 2 2) Zn., N. 2 , FROM3) F. 2 , Sa, n 2 4) H. 2 S.0 4( Koh. C) w. Hn.0 3 , 0 2

67. Oxidative properties of elements decrease in a row

    I, 0, N 2) F, C1, I3) i,Those, S 4) br, cl, n

    Fluorine shows the degrees of oxidation

1)-1,0,+1,+3,+5,+7 2)-1,0,+73) - 1, 0 4)-1,+5,+7

69. Recovery properties of elements increasein row

1) IN,C, N. 2) N.0, p 3)F.0, r4) C1,S., F.

70 . Selena hydrogen connection shows properties

    acid 2) base 3)amphoteric compound4)does not show acid-base properties

Thematic tests on organic chemistry. Hydrocarbons. Grade 10. Borovski TA

M.: 20. 1 3. - 1 60 s.

The book is designed to verify students' knowledge at the rate of 10 class chemistry. The publication is focused on working with any chemistry textbook from the federal list of textbooks and contains 64 options for current and final tests of 8 themes of organic chemistry under the conditional name "hydrocarbons". Each test is presented in four versions. Test tasks are distinguished by different levels of complexity and shape: with a choice of response, with a brief answer. There are also calculated tasks. The manual can be used for the frontal, individual survey, for homework, to prepare for the exam. At the end of the book, answers are answered. The book is addressed to students and teachers.

Format: PDF.

The size: 4.4 MB


How to use a manual 4
The theory of the structure of organic substances. Nature of chemical communication 6
Classification and nomenclature of organic compounds 14
Homology and isomerism of organic substances 22
Alkana. Composition, structure. Getting 30.
Alkana. Chemical properties 37.
Cycloalkanes. Composition, nomenclature, isomeria. Getting 44.
Cycloalkanes. Physical and chemical properties 52
Alkenes. Structure. Homology. Isomeria. Methods for obtaining 59.
Alkenes. Chemical and physical properties 66
Alkadian. Structure. Building, nomenclature. Isomeria 74.
Alkadian. Physical and chemical properties 82
Alkina. Composition, building, isomerism, nomenclature, receipt of 90
Alkina. Chemical and physical properties 98
Arena. Composition, building, isomerism, nomenclature. Getting 105.
Arena. Chemical and physical properties 113
Natural sources of hydrocarbons and their recycling 121
Summarizing knowledge of hydrocarbons: 130
Answers 153.

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