Basics of survival in various situations. Psychological basis for survival in emergency situations

The human look settled almost in all corners of the Earth. Even in the territories too non-sensitive to provide a standing dwelling, humanity has found ways to use their resources or with the help of hunting, or by obtaining the necessary directly from the Earth and often applies its methods of operation of nature just for the sake of pleasure to apply them.

Almost everywhere in nature there is something necessary for survival. In some places, food is abundant, in other food resources are very scarce and comes common sense, knowledge and ingenuity to take advantage of the available features. But even more important will be the will of life. Men and women proved that they can survive in the most hostile conditions, but they only did it because of their determination to win - without this, all the knowledge will give little if you find yourself in a difficult situation.

Survival - This is the art of stay alive. All items of equipment that you have should be considered only as a rye that may not be. You need to know how to take everything possible from nature and use it for a hundred percent, how to attract attention to you can find rescuers, how to move on an unfamiliar area in the direction of civilization (if there is no hope for salvation from the side) without a map and compass. You need to know how to maintain a good physical form or cure yourself and others in case of illness or injury. You must be able to maintain a steady moral condition of both at home and others who share the situation with you.

But survival methods are relevant not only in the extreme situations of the catastrophe at the top of the mountain, shipwrecks in the tropics or in the midst of the desert. Each time, fastening the seat belt in its car, you increase your chances of survival. Looking around when the street is moving or making sure to sleep in the normal functioning of the fireplace, you instinctively use survival techniques. It is such a warehouse of the mind you must develop along with skills and skills.

The main elements of survival are food, fire, shelter, water, location and medicine definition. An abbreviation is used to determine their priority. Regardless, at what point of the Earth we are, priority does not change - whether in the panlarium, in the desert, in the jungle, in the open ocean or on the shore.

Pprotection (protection)

You must ensure your protection from possible subsequent dangers, i.e. Repeatrates with ribs, forest fire or fuel explosion. Always stay at the scene of the incident so long as safe, and then provide protection against negative environmental factors. This means the organization of shelter and often inciting fire. There are several reasons why it is impossible to leave the scene.

  • You can use wreckage wreckage to create shelter, alarm, etc.
  • The place itself is a big "sign", "signal", which is easier to detect.
  • Perhaps there are wounded, which cannot be moved.
  • Staying in place, you keep strength.
  • If you are registered somewhere (in the hotel, at work in a business trip, etc.) and remained on the installed route, then the minimum rescue time will be required.

L.localization (location definition)

The next step after creating a shelter or shelter will be setting signals localizing your location. You must attract attention to the place of your stay. Do it as soon as possible to help your rescuers.

BUTadaptation (search for food and water)

Waiting for help, look for water and food to replenish your emergency stocks.

N.navigation (route selection)

Good navigation - determination of the desired direction of your path - can bring out of a dangerous situation. But if you are limited in this, stay in place.


You must be your own doctor and constantly control your condition. Immediately process scratches, corns, blisters, without bringing them to infection and inflammation. Watch out for the state of comrades and solve problems as they occur. If they are lame, lagging behind or strangely behave - do the stop and take immediate action.

When conducting PSR, rescuers often have to perform tasks away from settlements, spend several days in "field conditions", face a variety of extreme situations, which makes additional requirements for their ability to work under these conditions.

Strong knowledge in various fields, the ability to use them in any conditions are the basis of survival. Going to the PSR, rescuers should, along with labor tools and security tools, have the following set of necessary items that can be useful in any climatogeographic zone: a signal mirror, with which you can use a distress signal up to 30-40 km; Hunting matches, candle or dry fuel tablets for campfire or refuge heating; whistle for signaling; big knife (machete) in sheaths, which can be used as a knife, ax, shovel, rude; Compass, a piece of dense foil and polyethylene, fishing facilities, alarm cartridges, alarm set of medicines, a stock of water and products.

Signaling. Rescuers should know and be able to apply special signals in practice.

To designate its own location, rescuers can use the smoke of the fire in the afternoon and bright light at night. If you throw rubber, slices of insulation, oil rags, then black smoke will be highlighted, which is clearly visible in cloudy weather. To obtain a white smoke, which is clearly visible in clear weather, green leaves should throw in the fire, fresh grass, raw moss.

You can use a special signal mirror to serve a signal from the ground with an air vehicle (aircraft). It is necessary to keep it at a distance of 25-30 cm on behalf of the face and watch through a carrier hole by a plane; Turning the mirror, combine the light spot with the sighting hole. In the absence of a signaling mirror, you can use items with glittering surfaces to sight. center of the subject hole. The light beam must be sent along the entire horizon line even in cases where the noise of the aircraft motor is not heard.

At night, the light of a manual electric lantern, a torch, a fire can be used for alarm system.

The bonfire, divorced on a raft, is one of the distress signals.

Good alarm means are bright items and a special coloring powder (fluorescin, tanned). which are scattered on snow, land, water, on ice when the aircraft is approached (helicopter).

In some cases, sound signals can be used (Creek, shot, knock), signal rockets, smoke checkers.

The last achievements in the development of "targeting" is a small rubber balloon with a nylon shell, covered with four luminous paints, under which the light flashes at night, the light from it is clearly visible at a distance of 4-5 km before running the ball is filled with a small capsule helium and is held on Height of 90 m nylon cable The mass of the kit is 1.5 kg

In order to facilitate the search, it is advisable to apply the International Code Table of Air Signals "Earth-Air" of its signs can be laid out with the help of improvised means (equipment, clothing, stones, trees) directly by people who must lie on the ground, snow, ice, wipe on snow

1 - "Need a doctor - serious injuries"

2 - "Need medicines

3 - "Unable to move

4 - "Need food and water

5 - "Wanted weapons and ammunition"

6 - Map and Compass

7 - "You need a warning lamp with a battery and a radio station"

8 - "Specify the direction of the following

9 - "I'm moving in this direction

10 - "Let's try to take off"

11 - "The ship is seriously damaged

12 - "You can safely land here"

13 - Fuel and oil are required "

14 - "everything is in order

15- "No or negative

16- "Yes or positive"

17- "Do not understand"

18 - Requires a mechanic "

19 - "Operations are completed"

20- "Nothing detected continue the search

21 - "Data obtained that the aircraft is in this direction

22 - "We found all people

23 - "We found only a few people

24 - "We are not able to continue returning to the database"

25 - "divided into two groups follows by the unknown direction"

Along with the ability to serve signals, rescuers should be able to work and live in field conditions, considering meteorological (weather) Factors Control over the state and weather prediction carry out special weather services. Weather information is transmitted by means of communication in special reports, applied to maps using conventional signs.

Rice__ Conditions adopted in meteorology

In the absence of weather information, rescuers should be able to determine it and predict on local features to obtain reliable information it is advisable to make the weather forecast simultaneously for several of them

The reasons for the duration of autonomous existence:

Remoteness of the area of \u200b\u200bsearch and rescue work from settlements;

Violation or complete absence of radio communications and other types of communication;

Adverse geographical, climatic and meteorological conditions of the area of \u200b\u200bsearch and rescue work;

The presence of food reserves (or their absence);

Availability in the area of \u200b\u200bsearch and rescue operations of additional search and rescue forces and means.

Objectives and objectives of rescuers for survival

The purpose of the training of rescuers for survival is the formation of sustainable skills in their actions in various conditions of the situation, raising high moral and business qualities, confidence in their forces, reliability of rescue equipment and equipment, search and rescue efficiency.

The basis of survival is strong knowledge in a wide variety of areas, starting with astronomy and medicine, ending with the receptor of cooking dishes from caterpillars and bark of trees.

Survival techniques in each climatogeographic region are different. What can and should do in the taiga is unacceptable in the desert and vice versa.

A person should know how to navigate without a compass, to file a disaster signal, to go to the village, get to get the help, hunting, fishing (including without a gun and the necessary gear) food, provide yourself with water, will be able to defend natural disasters and much Other.

The practical development of survival skills is extremely important. We must not just know how to behave in a particular situation, but also be able to do it. When the situation becomes threatening, it's late to study late. Beamors associated with an increased risk, it is necessary to conduct several emergency field exercises, as close as possible to the actual situation of future routes. It is necessary to calculate in advance theoretically and, if possible, check out almost all possible EFS.

The main tasks of training rescuers for survival are to give the necessary amount of theoretical knowledge and teach practical action skills by:

Locality orienitation in various physico-geographical conditions;

To provide self-help;

Construction of temporary shelters and the use of undergraduate means of protection against the effects of adverse factors of the external environment;

Mining food and water;

Use of communications and alarm tools to the area of \u200b\u200bsearch and rescue work of additional forces and means;

Organization of crossing through water obstacles and swamps;

Use of emergency rescue floats;

Preparation of helicopter landing sites;

Evacuation of victims from a disaster area.

Survival factors

Training actions for survival is the main factor that determines the favorable outcome of the autonomous existence.

Risk factors

Climate. Adverse weather conditions: cold, heat, strong wind, rain, snow can significantly reduce the limit of human survival.

Thirst. The lack of water entails physical and mental suffering, the overall overheating of the body, rapidly developing thermal and solar strikes, dehydration in the desert - inevitable death.

Hunger. A long lack of food oppresses a person morally, weakens physically, enhances the impact on the body of adverse environmental factors.

Fear. Reduces the body's resistance to the thirst, hunger, climatic factors, leads to the adoption of erroneous decisions, provokes panic, mental disroys.

Overwork. It appears as a result of intense physical actions, insufficient food security, severe climathedogenic conditions, due to the lack of a full rest.

Natural disasters: hurricanes, tornadoes, blizzards, sandy storms, fires, avalanches, villages, floods, thunderstorms.

Diseases. Injuries, diseases associated with the impact of climatic conditions, poisoning are the greatest threat. But we should not forget that in an emergency, any launched corn or microtrauma can lead to a tragic outcome.

Survival factors

Will to live. With a short-term external threat, a person acts on a sensual level, obeying the instinct of self-preservation. Bounces off from the falling tree, cling to falling for fixed items. Another thing is long-term survival. Sooner or later, the critical moment comes when exorbitant physical, mental loads and the apparent senselessness of further resistance suppress the will. Man seizes passivity, indifference. It is no longer frightened by the possible tragic consequences of ill-conceived nights, risky crossing. He does not believe in the possibility of salvation and therefore dies, without having exhausted until the end of the stocks of forces.

Survival, based on the biological laws of self-preservation, briefly. It is characterized by rapidly developing mental disorders and hysterical behavioral reactions. The desire to survive must be conscious and targeted. You can call this will to life. Any skill and knowledge becomes meaningless if a person comes up with fate. Long-term survival is provided by no natural desire "I don't want to die," and the goal - "I have to survive!" The desire to survive is not an instinct, but a conscious need! Survival tool - various standard and homemade emergency sets and inviolated reserves (for example, survival knife). If you are going to a dangerous journey, complete emergency sets must be in advance, based on the specific conditions of the campaign, terrain, season, the number of participants. All items must be tested in practice, repeatedly verified, if necessary, are duplicated. General physical training No comments require. Psychological training is made up of the amount of such concepts as the psychological balance of each group participant, the psychological compatibility of the participants, the group's similarity, the real presentation of the conditions of the future route, training campaigns approximately loading and climatotogeographic conditions to the actual forthcoming (and better than them are better than them). Important importance is the correct organization of rescue work in the group, a clear distribution of responsibilities in the hiking and emergency regimes. Everyone should know what to do in the event of a threat to an emergency.

Naturally, the listed list does not exhaust all the factors providing long-term survival. Having come into an emergency, first of all it is necessary to decide which tactics should be adhered to - active (independent way out of people) or passive (waiting for assistance). With passive survival, when there is absolute confidence that the missing or group is looking for that their location is known, and if there is a non-transportable victim among you, it is necessary to immediately begin the construction of the capital camp, the installation around the emergency camp, to ensure food.

Danger for a person during an active recreation in natural conditions can be a meeting with wild animals, especially with predatory (wolf, bear, trot), large hoofs (moose, boar, deer) and reptiles (poisonous snakes). The vast majority of wild animals avoid meetings with a person. The beasts chant a man before he can see them, and almost always try to leave his road. However, the behavior of many animals varies significantly under certain conditions. Most animals are dangerous during the period of the marriage season, during the hunt, when they were injured when they defend their cubs, being caught in prey and with self-defense. In the summer, the attack of wild animals per person happens very rarely. It has been established that the tiger rushes to the man of a penny for no reason in 4% of all cases of meeting with it. According to many specialists, most of the sudden meetings of a man with a brown bear ends rapidly by the flight of the beast. Although cases of the attack of the bear on the person, and the European part of the country are celebrated almost annually. A significant danger to a person is a meeting with a wolf. In recent years, people have been noted that people face wolves in the forest zone more often than before. Ordinary wild hoofs for Russian forests - moose boars, deer, roeble - more careful than predators. However, in the marriage season, these animals are distinguished by increased excitability and aggressiveness and meeting with them during this period is dangerous. The most serious danger to a person can represent a sudden meeting with a wolf or a fox who are sick with rabies. In this case, the attacks cannot be avoided, so it is necessary to bypass the side of the place where, according to information, there are sick animals. In winter, a real danger for a person presents a meeting with a wolf or a bear-connecting rod (Bear Schutun is a bear, which for the winter did not burn in the bench in the hibernation). According to experts, to reduce the possibility of meeting wildly dangerous animals in natural conditions, you need to know the following. Any kind of wild animals prefers certain habitats that are desirable to know. When planning a way out of nature, it is better to try to avoid such places. During the hike, it is necessary to be observational and careful, try in a timely manner to detect the presence of dangerous wild animals in the area. The presence of animals can be determined by their trails on the soil, the encouraged crust of the trees, the presence of litter, facilities of feeding or prey residues. Noticing such traces, it is necessary to increase vigilance. It must be remembered that animals are trying to avoid danger and leave her. Therefore, moving around the forest, sometimes it is worth knowing about your presence, talking loudly, erratic, as if warning animals and giving them the opportunity to leave. In the forest, a unwanted meeting with the flock of boars, which are on the feeder. You can define such a place for noise that is published by boars. In the forest, following the route, it is necessary to avoid the animal trail, difficulty, overgrown with the shrub of the forest area. To ensure safety, it is necessary to strictly observe the rule: never to break asylum asylum, since in the face of the loss of own "house" or the death of the offspring becomes dangerous the most peace-loving animals. Most often in nature, a person can meet with a snake. On the territory of Russia, the most common type of poisonous snake is the Viper Ordinary. This snake is found in Russia from Western borders to Sakhalin. Wavyki dwells, as a rule, in swamps, on the bins, on forest glades and edges. Coloring viper from light gray to, almost, black. A characteristic sign of this snake is a thin zigzag strip along the back. In summer, Vauduki prefer to hide under the roots of rotten stumps, in the crevices of stones, in the nonorah of other animals. After wintering, in April, with the onset of heat, the guy crawl into the surface. In the second half of May they start the marriage season. At this time, Vauduki is made more aggressive. Having met a man, Gaduka is primarily trying to hide. The attack of the snake can occur if a person on inattention came to her or approached her so closely, which entered the zone of her attack. Usually snakes bite in foot (if they come to them). Therefore, where snakes are found, it is impossible to walk barefoot, as well as in light open shoes. Rubber or leather boots are securely protected from snake bite. During the summer holidays in nature, a lot of troubles deliver ubiquitous bloodsowing insects. These are mosquitoes, midges, hoarse and blindness, which appear in early May and disappear only in the fall. Their diseases are painful, and continuous presence in the afternoon and at night tiring a person, negatively affects his mood, reduces a positive impression from communicating with wildlife. These insects can be carriers of infectious diseases. Therefore, being in places where there are a lot of mosquitoes, midges, blinding, it is necessary to close in perhaps all parts of the body of clothing. During the campaign, it is necessary to arrange the terrain, well-ventilated areas, and breed a fire for scaring insects. A certain danger to a person in natural conditions represents other insects: bees, wasps, bumblebees, hornets, if you raise their habitats. The nests of forest bees and OS are located on trees, hornets - in the hollows of trees, and bumblebees - in underground nora. It is better to go around them and do not disturb. In the second half of summer, a lot of trouble can be brought by wasps and hornets. They are sweet tooth and fly on the smell of fruit, jam, sweets. These insects are very aggressive and attack without a special occasion. Bumblebees are considered more peaceful than bees, and they attack extremely rare, as they have less reasons for unrest on their homes. After the bee bite, the wasps, bumblebee or the hornet on the skin of a person forms itchy swelling. For some people, the bite can be very dangerous: after 5 minutes, a painful blister appears, which increases for two days, there may be more serious consequences of the bite of urticaria, swelling, sore throat, vomiting. Remembering this, in the campaign, it is desirable to bypass the side of the habitat of these insects, and even more so do not ruin sockets. If during the movement you accidentally disturbed the swarm of bees, you should measure and do not move for a few minutes while insects do not calm down, and then carefully leave a dangerous place. When attacking Roy Bees, you can only escape by flight, covering your face with my hands. It is necessary to run to water or dense shrub to hide from insects. During the hike, in order not to eat the bees, or the hornets, it is recommended to lubricate open areas of the body by cologne, in which mint-mint butter can be added. In the natural environment of a person, still a formidable enemy - ticks. Ticks are carriers of encephalitis. The period of the greatest activity of the tick comes to the spring and the first half of summer. The location orientation is to define its position regarding the parties to the horizon and local items. Depending on the nature of the area, the availability of technical means and the visibility of the side of the horizon can be determined by the position of the Sun, the polar star, according to the signs of local items, etc. In the northern hemisphere, the direction is not north can be determined, becoming the back to the sun. The shadow will indicate the direction to the north, the left will be the West, right - east. The local afternoon is determined by vertical pole with a length of 0.5 - 1.0 m along the smallest value of the shadow length from it on the ground surface. The moment when the shadow was the shortest on the grounds on the ground, corresponds to the passage of the Sun through this meridian. Determination of the Light Parties With Helping Clock: The clock must be placed horizontally and turn them so that the hour arrow indicates the sun. Through the center of the dial mentally, the bisector of the angle, which formed between this line and the clockwise, shows the direction of North-South, and the south up to 12 o'clock is to the right of the sun, and after 12 hours on the left. At night, in the northern hemisphere, the direction to the north can be determined using a polar star, located about the North Pole. To do this, it is necessary to find the constellation of a large bear with a characteristic arrangement of stars in the form of a bucket with a handle. Through the extreme two stars, the bucket is performed by an imaginary line, and the distance between these stars is postponed on it. At the end of the fifth segment there will be a bright star - polar. The direction to it will correspond to the direction north. You can navigate on some natural features. So, for example, from the northern side of the trees have a coarser bit, covered with a lichen and moss at the foot, bark bark and pine on the north side darker than on the southern, and tree trunks, stones or protrusions of the rocks are thick covered with moss and lichen. During thaws, the snow remains longer on the northern slopes of hills. The anthills are usually protected from the north, their north side is sharper. Mushrooms usually grow on the northern side of the trees. On the surface of the trunk of coniferous trees facing south, there is more resin drops than on the North. Especially clear these signs are visible on the trees standing separately. On the southern slopes, the grass grows in spring faster, and many blooming shrubs have more colors.

Gomel Engineering Institute of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus

Safety of vital activity

Survival basics


Anicovich I.I.

Gomel 2009.

Basic concepts of survival

Man's life has always been conjugate with dangers. It is not by chance that our distant ancestors, making the first steps along the path of evolution, learned to use the stone not only as an instrument of labor, but also as a weapon.

The struggle for the existence forced people with all the truths and inconsisions to cling to life, to be found to any adversities, no matter how heavy they were, boldly go towards hazards. The desire to implement, it would seem impossible, permeating the entire history of mankind, helps to understand the incredible efforts undertaken by people in various parts of the world in order to adapt to harsh natural conditions. A person has always had the ability to adapt to a natural and artificial environment - from primitive hunters, who came to the beast with a stone ax in her hands, to the Space Travelers of the second half of our century, for a long time in a state of weightlessness, mobilizing all their physical and mental opportunities. Survival is active, appropriate actions aimed at preserving life, health and health in the face of autonomous existence. It is for people whose life is constantly conjugated with dangers, preliminary training is very important, both physical and psychological. Rescuers, military personnel of many types of troops, tourists leaving long routes, many scientists and researchers must necessarily undergo a complete adaptation process, as a result of which the body gradually acquires no previously resistance to certain environmental factors and, thus, gets the opportunity to "live in Conditions previously incompatible with life ", which means full fitness to the conditions of polar cold, sultry deserts or lack of oxygen at mountain altitudes, fresh water in the salty sea. People who have passed full adaptation have chances not only to keep life itself, but also solve problems, previously intractable.

The process of adaptation is very complex and multistage. At the first stage, the stage of adaptation to any new factor, the body is close to the maximum of its capabilities, but solves the problem that has arisen is far from perfectly. However, after some time, if a person (or animal) does not die, and the factor requiring adaptation continues to operate, the possibilities of the living system increase - to replace the extreme, or urgent, stage of the process of effective and sustainable adaptation. This transformation is a nodal link of the entire process, its consequences are often striking. Extreme conditions - an event (or a sequence of events) in which a person through its own preparedness, the use of equipment and equipment, as well as attracting additional, pre-prepared resources has the ability to prevent PE, and if necessary, assist yourself and others after emergency. The extreme situation is an event outside the personal human experience, when a person is forced to act (either inactive) with the complete absence of equipment, equipment and initial training. (The basic information on the methods of overcoming the ES is not formalizable in principle, based on the determination of the extreme situation). Most people and animals set in extreme situations, of which there is no exit, do not die, but they acquire one or another degree of adaptability to them and retain their lives until better times. Such stress situations - long periods of hunger, cold, natural disasters, interspecific and intraspecific conflicts - are always widely represented in the natural animal habitat. In the social habitat of a person, the same scheme acts. For a relatively short segment of its history, mankind passed through periods of slavery, serfdom, world wars, but not degraded, demonstrating high adaptation efficiency to extreme situations. Of course, the price of such adaptation is unnecessarily high, but these undisputed facts inevitably lead to the conclusion that the body must have sufficiently effective specialized mechanisms that limit the stressful response and preventing stressful damage and, most importantly, to preserve life and health. In general, all this corresponds to well-known everyday observation - people who have passed through harsh vital tests acquire a certain resistance to damaging environmental factors, i.e. vital resistant in any extreme situation. Imagine what a miracle happened, and the man today was unexpectedly found itself in the primitive conditions of the existence of humanity. Starting along the wet walls of the cave, under the ringing of their own teeth, our hero with unexpected joy remembers the fire. That's just what to remove firewood? Well, okay, you can block the branches. He is familiar to his pocket. Oh, horror, no matches! Initially, our time traveler is not aware of the depth of his disaster comprehended. But a minute is covered with cold sweat. It does not represent how to make a fire without matches! Fevering attempts to get the fire by friction of wooden sticks about each other, the carving of the sparks does not lead to anything - the extractor persistently does not want to flare up. Further with an inexorable sequence it turns out that the representative of our time can not hunt, not having a gun, fish without fishing and hooks, can not build even the most primitive asylum, does not represent how to protect his briginal body from hundreds of dangers that lurk from all sides. Walking around, it is moving along the ancient forest, occasionally throwing into berries that are completely saturated at all. Our contemporary is doomed. He will survive in autonomous existence. Autonomous existence - human activity (groups of people) without external assistance. The only chance to extend your existence is to ask for help from local Aboriginal. That's that! And then he meets the real owners of that era: the genius of food production, the genius of the breeding of fire. With a huge tension, starting with the most Azov, the unlucky traveler comprehends the science of "survival", with difficulty pulling up to the level of development of primitive person. There is nothing exaggerated in this fantasy. Even astronauts before take their place in the spacecraft, there are hundreds of kilometers along the survival paths - forest wilds, hot sands of the desert. Modern person, and even more so a lifeguard-professional, regardless of the planned actions and route of movement in the earth and unearthly space, deadlines and geographical position, should be ready for action in an emergency, without communication with the outside world, when you can only count on yourself. For a person who has fallen into an extreme situation due to unforeseen circumstances, for example, the crash of the aircraft, the crashing of the ship, military personnel, as well as the lost tourists survival is mainly a psychological question, and the most important factor in this case is the desire to survive. Regardless of whether a person remained one or as part of the group, he can manifest emotional factors - experiences due to fear, despair, loneliness and boredom. In addition to these mental factors, the influence of injury, pain, fatigue, hunger and thirst are on the desire to survive. How much time will have to be a person who has fallen into trouble, in the face of autonomous existence in extreme conditions? It depends on a number of reasons resulting in the duration of autonomous existence.

The reasons for the duration of autonomous existence:

Remoteness of the area of \u200b\u200bsearch and rescue work from settlements;

Violation or complete absence of radio communications and other types of communication;

Adverse geographical, climatic and meteorological conditions of the area of \u200b\u200bsearch and rescue work;

The presence of food reserves (or their absence);

Availability in the area of \u200b\u200bsearch and rescue operations of additional search and rescue forces and means.

Objectives and objectives of rescuers for survival

The purpose of the training of rescuers for survival is the formation of sustainable skills in their actions in various conditions of the situation, raising high moral and business qualities, confidence in their forces, reliability of rescue equipment and equipment, search and rescue efficiency.

The basis of survival is strong knowledge in a wide variety of areas, starting with astronomy and medicine, ending with the receptor of cooking dishes from caterpillars and bark of trees.

Survival techniques in each climatogeographic region are different. What can and should do in the taiga is unacceptable in the desert and vice versa.

A person should know how to navigate without a compass, to file a disaster signal, to go to the village, get to get the help, hunting, fishing (including without a gun and the necessary gear) food, provide yourself with water, will be able to defend natural disasters and much Other.

The practical development of survival skills is extremely important. We must not just know how to behave in a particular situation, but also be able to do it. When the situation becomes threatening, it's late to study late. Beamors associated with an increased risk, it is necessary to conduct several emergency field exercises, as close as possible to the actual situation of future routes. It is necessary to calculate in advance theoretically and, if possible, check out almost all possible EFS.

The main tasks of training rescuers for survival are to give the necessary amount of theoretical knowledge and teach practical action skills by:

Locality orienitation in various physico-geographical conditions;

To provide self-help;

Construction of temporary shelters and the use of undergraduate means of protection against the effects of adverse factors of the external environment;

Mining food and water;

Use of communications and alarm tools to the area of \u200b\u200bsearch and rescue work of additional forces and means;

Organization of crossing through water obstacles and swamps;

Use of emergency rescue floats;

Preparation of helicopter landing sites;

Evacuation of victims from a disaster area.

Survival factors

Training actions for survival is the main factor that determines the favorable outcome of the autonomous existence.

Risk factors

Climate. Adverse weather conditions: cold, heat, strong wind, rain, snow can significantly reduce the limit of human survival.

Thirst. The lack of water entails physical and mental suffering, the overall overheating of the body, rapidly developing thermal and solar strikes, dehydration in the desert - inevitable death.

Hunger. A long lack of food oppresses a person morally, weakens physically, enhances the impact on the body of adverse environmental factors.

Fear. Reduces the body's resistance to the thirst, hunger, climatic factors, leads to the adoption of erroneous decisions, provokes panic, mental disroys.

Overwork. It appears as a result of intense physical actions, insufficient food security, severe climathedogenic conditions, due to the lack of a full rest.

Natural disasters: hurricanes, tornadoes, blizzards, sandy storms, fires, avalanches, villages, floods, thunderstorms.

Diseases. Injuries, diseases associated with the impact of climatic conditions, poisoning are the greatest threat. But we should not forget that in an emergency, any launched corn or microtrauma can lead to a tragic outcome.

Survival factors

Will to live. With a short-term external threat, a person acts on a sensual level, obeying the instinct of self-preservation. Bounces off from the falling tree, cling to falling for fixed items. Another thing is long-term survival. Sooner or later, the critical moment comes when exorbitant physical, mental loads and the apparent senselessness of further resistance suppress the will. Man seizes passivity, indifference. It is no longer frightened by the possible tragic consequences of ill-conceived nights, risky crossing. He does not believe in the possibility of salvation and therefore dies, without having exhausted until the end of the stocks of forces.

Survival, based on the biological laws of self-preservation, briefly. It is characterized by rapidly developing mental disorders and hysterical behavioral reactions. The desire to survive must be conscious and targeted. You can call this will to life. Any skill and knowledge becomes meaningless if a person comes up with fate. Long-term survival is provided by no natural desire "I don't want to die," and the goal - "I have to survive!" The desire to survive is not an instinct, but a conscious need! Survival tool - various standard and homemade emergency sets and inviolated reserves (for example, survival knife). If you are going to a dangerous journey, complete emergency sets must be in advance, based on the specific conditions of the campaign, terrain, season, the number of participants. All items must be tested in practice, repeatedly verified, if necessary, are duplicated. General physical training No comments require. Psychological training is made up of the amount of such concepts as the psychological balance of each group participant, the psychological compatibility of the participants, the group's similarity, the real presentation of the conditions of the future route, training campaigns approximately loading and climatotogeographic conditions to the actual forthcoming (and better than them are better than them). Important importance is the correct organization of rescue work in the group, a clear distribution of responsibilities in the hiking and emergency regimes. Everyone should know what to do in the event of a threat to an emergency.

Naturally, the listed list does not exhaust all the factors providing long-term survival. Having come into an emergency, first of all it is necessary to decide which tactics should be adhered to - active (independent way out of people) or passive (waiting for assistance). With passive survival, when there is absolute confidence that the missing or group is looking for that their location is known, and if there is a non-transportable victim among you, it is necessary to immediately begin the construction of the capital camp, the installation around the emergency camp, to ensure food.

Providing vital activity. Estimation of the situation and adopting a reasonable decision

How to behave in extreme cases? Let's start with the Azov and remember the key word "Survival" for this situation:

S - Follow the situation, recognize the dangers, look for a way from a hopeless position.

U - Excessive hasty harms, but decisions take quickly.

R - Remember, where you are, have determined your location.

V is the winning fear and panic, constantly control yourself, be persistent, but if necessary - subjugate.

I - improvise, be inventive.

V - Valid the means of existence, admit the limits of your capabilities.

A - behave as a local resident, able to evaluate people.

L - learn to do everything yourself, be independent and independent.

A group of people. First of all, it is necessary to choose a senior, a person who knows and can take all necessary measures aimed at survival. If your group is taking into account the following tips, then the chances of salvation and return home will increase significantly. Should:

Decisions to take only the senior group regardless of the situation;

Execute orders only the senior group;

Develop a sense of mutual man in the group.

All this will help organize the actions of the group so that it is best to provide survival.

First of all, it is necessary to evaluate the established situation, which in turn consists of an assessment of factors affecting survival.

Health condition of group members, physical and mental state;

The impact of the outer environment (air temperature and the state of atmospheric conditions are generally terrain, vegetation, the presence and proximity of the water sources, etc.).

The presence of emergency stocks of food, water and emergency equipment items.

To provide self- and mutual assistance (if necessary) and compile an action plan, based on the specific conditions, which should include:

Conducting the locality orientation and the definition of its location;

Organization of temporary camp. Choosing a suitable place to build shelter taking into account the relief, vegetation, water sources, etc. Determination of the preparation of food, storage of products, placement of the exhaust location, the location of the signal bonfire;

Ensuring communication and alarm systems, radio training, operation and care;

Distribution of responsibilities between members of the Group;

Establishing duty, tasks of duty and definition of duty officers;

Preparation of visual alarm means;

As a result, the optimal behavior mode in the established situation should be developed.

The help of local residents.

In most areas where a person or group of people may be in a catastrophe, there are always local residents. If you ended up in a civilized country, local residents will always come to your aid and make everything you need so that you will be at home.

To enlist the support of local residents, follow:

Better if the locals are the first to come into contact;

Have a case on all issues with a recognized leader or leader; - Show friendliness, politeness and patience. Do not show what you are afraid;

Treat them humanly;

Respect their local customs and habits;

Respect the personal property of local residents; Especially with respect, treat women;

Learn from locals in the ways of hunting and mining food and water. Listen to their advice on dangers;

Avoid physical contact with them, but so that it is unnoticed for them;

Leave yourself a good impression. Other people after you may need the same help.

When conducting PSR, rescuers often have to perform tasks away from settlements, to carry out several days in "field conditions", face a variety of extreme situations, which makes additional requirements for their ability to work under these conditions. Strong knowledge in various fields, the ability to use them in any conditions are the basis of survival. Going to the PSR, rescuers should, along with labor tools and security tools, have the following set of necessary items that can be useful in any climatogeographic zone: a signal mirror, with which you can use a distress signal up to 30-40 km; Hunting matches, candle or dry fuel tablets for campfire or refuge heating; whistle for signaling; big knife (machete) in sheaths, which can be used as a knife, ax, shovel, rude; Compass, a piece of dense foil and polyethylene, fishing facilities, alarm cartridges, alarm set of medicines, a stock of water and products.


Rescuers should know and be able to apply special signals in practice. To designate its own location, rescuers can use the smoke of the fire in the afternoon and bright light at night. If you throw rubber, slices of insulation, oil rags, then black smoke will be highlighted, which is clearly visible in cloudy weather. To obtain a white smoke, which is clearly visible in clear weather, green leaves should throw in the fire, fresh grass, raw moss.

To supply the signal from the ground to the air vehicle (aircraft), you can apply a special signaling mirror (Fig. 1). It is necessary to keep it at a distance of 25-30 cm on behalf of the face and watch through a carrier hole by a plane; Turning the mirror, combine the light spot with the sighting hole. In the absence of a signal mirror, it is possible to use objects with glittering surfaces. To sight you need to do in the center of the subject hole. The light beam must be sent along the entire horizon line even in cases where the noise of the aircraft motor is not heard.

Fig. 1 Special alarm mirror.

At night, the light of a manual electric lantern, a torch, a fire can be used for alarm system.

The bonfire, divorced on a raft, is one of the distress signals.

Good alarm means - brightly colored items and special coloring powder (fluorescin, tank), which are scattered on snow, ground, water, on ice when the aircraft approach (helicopter).

In some cases, sound signals can be used (Creek, shot, knock), signal rockets, smoke checkers.

One of the latest achievements in the development of target designation is a small rubber balloon with a nylon sheath, coated with four luminous paints, under which the light flashes at night; The light from it is well visible at a distance of 4-5 km. Before running, the ball is filled with a helium from a small capsule and is held at an altitude of 90 m nylon cable. The mass of the kit is 1.5 kg.

In order to facilitate the search, it is advisable to apply the International Code Table of Air Signals "Earth - Air" (Fig.2). Her signs can be laid out with the help of girlfriend (equipment, clothing, stones, trees), directly by people who need to lie on the ground, snow, ice, wrapped out on the snow.

Fig.2. International Skin Signal Table

"Earth - Air"

1 - Need a doctor - serious injuries;

2 - Need medicines;

3 - unable to move;

4 - Need food and water;

5 - Wanted weapons and ammunition,

6 - Map and compass are required:

7 - you need a warning lamp with a battery and a radio station;

8 - specify the direction of the following;

9 - I move in this direction;

10 - Let's try to take off;

11 - the ship is seriously damaged;

12 - here you can safely land;

13 - fuel and oil are required;

14 - everything is in order;

15 - no or negative;

16 - yes or positively;

17 - I did not understand;

18 - Requires a mechanic;

19 - operations are completed;

20 - nothing detected, continue the search;

21 - information was obtained that the aircraft is in this direction;

22 - We found all people;

23 - We found only a few people:

24 - We are not able to continue, return to the base;

25 - divided into two groups, each follows in the specified direction.

Along with the ability to serve signals, rescuers should be able to work and live in field conditions, taking into account meteorological (weather) factors. Control over the state and weather prediction is carried out by special meteorological services. Weather information is transmitted by means of communication, in special reports, applied to the cards using conventional signs.

In the absence of information about the weather, rescuers should be able to determine it and predict on local features. To obtain reliable information, it is advisable to make the weather forecast simultaneously for several of them.

Signs of sustainable good weather

At night, quietly, the day the wind is strengthened, and by the evening it subsides. Direction

the wind in the earth coincides with the direction of movement of the clouds.

With the sunset, yellow, golden or pink with a greenish sampling on a remote space.

At night, the fog accumulates in lowlands.

After sunset on the grass, dew appears, she disappears with sunrise.

In the mountains, the haze covers vertices.

At night, cloudless, clouds appear in the morning, increase to noon and disappear in the evening.

Ants do not close the moves in the anthill.

In the afternoon it is hot, cool in the evening.

Signs of approximation of bad weather

The wind increases, becomes more even, with the same force blowing both in the afternoon and at night, dramatically changes the direction.

Cloudy is enhanced. Kuch clouds in the evening do not disappear, but are added.

Evening and morning dawns are red.

In the evening it seems warmer than the day. In the morning the temperature drops in the morning.

At night there is no dew or she is very weak.

In the Earth, the fog appears after sunset, to the sunrise - dissipates.

The sky is cloudy afternoon, becomes whitish.

The crowns around the moon decrease.

Star flicker strongly.

Chickens and sparrows bathe in dust.

Smoke begins to step on the ground.

Signs of sustainable bad weather

Small continuous rain.

Earth fog, dew.

And at night, and the day is moderately warm.

In the air, dampness in the day and night, even in the absence of rain.

Small, closely adjacent to the wintles.

The stars are cast in red or bluish light.

Ant closes moves.

Bees do not leave the hive.

Ravens are crying.

Small birds are clogged into the middle of the crown of trees.

Signs of weather change for the better

The rain stops or goes with breaks, in the evening the flutter fog appears, dew drops.

The difference between day and night temperatures increases.

Sharply cold.

Air becomes land.

Sky in the lumen is clear.

The crowns around the moon are increasing.

Flickering stars decreases.

Evening dawn yellow.

Smoke from the pipes and from the fire rises vertically.

Bees in the hives are noisy. Striges and swallows rise above.

Mosquitoes pushed Roy

Coals in the fire quickly covered ash.

Signs of sustainable increasing weather

The predominance of the Northern or Northeast Wind.

Wind speed is small.

At night, the flutter fog.

Abundant frost on herbal suice or trees branches.

Rainbow pillars on the sides of the sun or a reddish pillar through a sunny disk. Sunset with a yellowish tide.

Signs of change on cloudy, snowy weather

Changing the direction of wind to the southeast, then to the southwest. Changing wind from the south to north and its strengthening - to blizzards. Increase cloudiness. Begins weak snow. Frost weakens.

Blue stains appear above the forest.

Dark forests are reflected in low dense clouds.

Signs of sustainable cloudy, snowy weather without big frosts

Weak frost or, with southwest wind, thaw.

To thaw blue stains over the forest are amplified.

Sustainable southeast or northeast wind.

The direction of movement of the clouds does not coincide with the direction of the wind at the Earth.

Weak continuous snow.

Signs of change for frost weather without precipitation

The wind from the south-west moves to the western or northwestern, frost is enhanced.

Cloudy decreases.

In herbal suica and trees appear frost.

Blue stains over the forest weaken and soon completely disappear.

The weather makes certain requirements for the organization of Bivuak, temporary housing, everyday life and rest with multi-day PSR. With this in mind, rescuers organize bivouake. It should be on avalanche-safe and stone-safer plots, close to the source of drinking water, have a foster or firewood. It is impossible to arrange Bivouake in the dried rivers of the mountain rivers, in shames, in thick shrub, coniferous thickets, near dry, dumpy, rotten trees, in thickets of blooming Rhododendron. After removing the stones, branches, garbage and her alignment, rescuers can start installing a tent. (Fig. 3)

Tents are distinguished by constructive features, with a capacity, material. Despite this, they are all intended to protect a person from cold, rain, wind, dampness, insects.

Tent installation order Next:

Deploy a tent;

Stretch and fasten the bottom;

Install racks and pull out the delay;

Fasten the output and pull the roof delay;

Eliminate the roof folds by tensioning (loosening) delay;

Distribute a ditch around the tent width and a depth of 8-10 cm for removal of water in case of rain.

Under the bottom of the tent you can lay dry leaves, grass, fern, reed, moss. When installing a tent on the snow (ice) on the floor, empty backpacks, ropes, storms, blankets, foam rubber should be put on the floor.

The pegs are clogged at an angle of 45 ° to the ground to a depth of 20-25 cm. Trees, stones, ledges can be used to secure the tent. The rear wall of the tent must be positioned towards the prevailing winds.

In the absence of a tent, you can spend the night under a piece of tarpaulin, polyethylene or equip a girlfriend with girlfriend (branches, logs, huskits, leaves, reed). It is installed on a smooth and dry place, in the meadow or edge of the forest.

In winter, the playground for the night must be cleaned from snow and ice.

Fig.3 Options for installing tents.

In the conditions of a lot of winter, rescuers must be able to make shelter in the snow. The simplest of them is a pit, dumped around the tree, the sizes of which depend on the number of people. From above, a hole must be closed with branches, a dense cloth, flood with snow for better thermal insulation. You can build a snow cave, a snowmade, a snowy trench. At the entrance to the snow, it is necessary to clean the clothes from snow and dirt, take a shovel or knife with you, which can be used to do the ventilation holes and passage in case of snow collapse.

For cooking, heating, drying clothes, Alarms Rescuers use bonfires of the following types: "Shalash", "Well" ("log house"), "Taiga", "Noda", "Fireplace", "Polynesian", "Star", " pyramid". "Chalash" is convenient for fast tea and camp lighting. This bonfire is very "voracious", burning hot. "Well" ("log house") ignite, if you need to cook food in a large dish, dried wet clothes. In the "Well" fuel burns slower than in the "slag"; Many coals are formed, which create a high temperature. On the "taiga" you can cook food at the same time in several bowlers. One thick is calculated (approximately 20 cm thick) lay a slightly thinner dry lanes, which are brought together by the ends at an angle of 30 °. Mandatory with a leeward side. Fuel is on long. Near such a fire can be staying for the night. "Noda" is good for cooking writing, heating during the night, drying clothes and shoes. Close to each other there are two dry logs up to 3m long, in the gap between them flammable fuel (thin dry twigs, bark), after which there are third dry logs of the same length and a thickness of 20-25 cm. In order for the logs not to roll, with Two sides are driven by flyer's ground. They will simultaneously serve as stands for a stick on which the bowlers hang. The "Noda" flares slowly, but burns a flat flame, a few hours. Any fire must be breed only after careful training of the site: collection of dry grass and trees, deepening devices in the ground, fencing stones of the place where it will be divorced. Fuel for the fire serve dry ancient, grass, reed, shrub. It is noted that a lot of sparks give burning spruce, pine, cedar, chestnut, larch. Oak, Maple, Elm, beech. For the rapid burning of the fire, you need a cross (berson, small dry branches and firewood, a piece of rubber, paper, dry fuel) it is tightly stacked by the "slag" or "well." In order for the extroduction better to light up, they put a piece of candles or put dry alcohol. Around the extracts are stacked thicker dry branches, then thick firewood. In crude weather or during the rain, the bonfire must be covered with a tarpaullet, a backpack, a dense tissue. You can breathe a fire with matches, lighters, sunlight and magnifying glass, friction, silicon, shot. In the latter case, it is necessary:

Open the cartridge and leave only powder in it;

Top powder to put dry cotton wool;

Shot to the ground, while observing the security measures;

Glowing wool will ensure the burning of the fire.

For a fire device in winter, it is necessary to clear the snow to the earth or to build on the snow flooring out of thick logs, otherwise the snow wrapped the snow. So that the fire does not cause a fire, it cannot be breeding under the lowest branches of trees, near the flammable items, with leeward, relative to the bivouac, side, on peatlands, near reed and cane thickets, dry grass, moss, in Elov and Pine Mescalese. In these places, the fire applies at high speed and is difficult to carry. In order to prevent the dissemination of fire a fire, you need to surround the ditch or stones. Safe distance from the fire to the tent 10m. To dry out the campfire of clothing, shoes, their equipment should be hidden on jersoes or ropes located with a leeward side at a sufficient distance from fire. The obligatory rules are the extinguishing of a fire (water, land, snow) when leaving Bivuaka. The successful performance of the rescuers of the tasks set in front of them is possible only under the condition of restoring and maintaining the high mental and physical performance of the body throughout the entire period of work. The basis of this is balanced nutrition. It is important not only the correct ratio in the food of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, but also the mandatory presence of vitamins and other biologically active substances the daily lifeguard should include at least 1.5 g of protein per kilogram of body weight, almost as much fat and 4 times more carbohydrates, as well as about 30-35 g of cook salt, vitamins, water, etc.


1. Search and rescue work - m., EMERCOM of Russia, 2000.

2. Catastrophe and man - M., "AST-LTD Publishing House", 1997.

3. Accidents and disasters - M., Publisher of the Association of Construction Universities, 1998.

4. Survival - MN., "Lazurak", 1996.

5. Self-space without gear - M., "Russian Journal", 2000.

6. Military Topography - M., Milivdat, 1980.

7. Admission to the aviation search and rescue service of the USSR.-M., Milivdat, 1990.

8. Instructions for the crew of the helicopter Mi-8MT.- Milivdat, 1984.

9. Instructions for the crew of the MI-26 helicopter.- militarization, 1984.

10. Instructions for the aircraft crew An-2.-Menizdat, 1985.

11. Tutorial "Basics of Military Topography" Light Grove, STI of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus, 2001.

12. First aid for injuries and other life-degraded situations - SPb., LLC "DNA Publishing", 2001.

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