Egg courses on computer science. Collection of ideal essays on social science tasks for the preparation of EEE computer science

To effectively prepare for computer science for each task, a short theoretical material for the task is given. More than 10 training tasks with parsing and answers, developed on the basis of the demolism of past years, are selected.

Changes in KIM EGE 2020 in computer science and ICT.

The directions on which knowledge will be conducted:

  • Programming;
  • Algorithmization;
  • ICT tools;
  • Information activity;
  • Information processes.

Necessary actions for preparation:

  • Repetition of the theoretical course;
  • Decision tests By computer science online;
  • Knowledge of programming languages;
  • Tighten mathematics and mathematical logic;
  • Use a wider range of literature - a school program for success on the exam is not enough.

Exam Structure

The duration of the exam is 3 hours 55 minutes (255 minutes), one and a half hours of which is recommended to pay for the tasks of the first part of the kim.

Tasks in tickets are divided into blocks:

  • Part 1- 23 tasks with a brief answer.
  • Part 2 - 4 tasks with a detailed answer.

Of the 23 tasks of the first part of the examination work 12 refer to the basic level of knowledge verification, 10- elevated complexity, 1 is a high level of complexity. Three tasks of the second part of the high level of complexity, one - elevated.

When solving is required to record a detailed response (arbitrary form).
In some tasks, the text condition is served immediately in five programming languages \u200b\u200b- for the convenience of students.

Scores for computer scores

1 point - for 1-23 tasks
2 points - 25.
B point - 24, 26.
4 points - 27.
Total: 35 points.

For admission to the Technical University of the middle level, it is necessary to dial at least 62 points. To enroll in the capital University, the number of points must correspond to 85-95.

For the successful writing of the examination work, it is necessary to clearly hold theory And constant practice in decision Tasks.

Your formula for success

Labor + work on errors + carefully read the question from beginning to end to avoid mistakes \u003d maximum score on the exam in computer science.

Lada Esakova

When a student of grade 11 begins to prepare for the exam in computer science - as a rule, it is preparing from scratch. This is one of the differences between the exam in computer science from exams on other subjects.

In mathematics, the high school student knowledge is definitely not zero. In Russian language - especially.

And with the computer science, the situation is much more complicated. What is being studied at school in lessons is not related to the preparation program for the exam in computer science.

What is an exam on computer science?

The control test of the EGE on computer science contains 27 tasks, which relate to the most different topics. This is a numbering system, it is Boolean algebra, an algorithm, it is programming, modeling, elements of the theory of graphs.

The ege on computer science covers a very large range of information. Of course, there will be only asses on the exam, but these are the foundations of important and modern topics.

Preparation for the exam in computer science from scratch implies that none of these topics passed at school. Usually it is so!

For example, such a topic as the Boulev algebra, or the logic algebra, is included in the exam in computer science. But it is not studied in schools, even in specialized. She is not aware of school informatics, nor in the course of mathematics. The schoolboy has no idea about her!

And therefore, the famous task on the system of logical equations does not solve almost none of the students. This task in the exam in computer science goes under number 23. Let's say more - teachers often recommend high school students at all at all trying to solve this task, and not even look at it so as not to waste time.

Does this mean that the task 23 from the ege on computer science is not solved at all? Of course not! Our disciples regularly solve it every year. On our course preparations for the exam on computer science from many topics we only take what is required on the exam. And we pay these tasks maximum attention.

Why doesn't the school prepare for the exam in computer science?

This is due to the fact that computer science is not mandatory. No standards and programs does not give the Ministry of Education. Therefore, teachers in the lessons of computer science give schoolchildren a completely different material - who can. Moreover, in some schools there are no computer science lessons.

What are the high school students in the lessons on computer science? Is it really playing shooting?

Fortunately, at school in the informatics lessons, all the same, schoolchildren are not engaged in nonsense, but quite useful things. For example, Word and Escel are studying. In life, it will be useful, but unfortunately, to pass the exam - is absolutely useless.

Moreover, Word guys are studying at a serious level, and some even give the exams on a computer layout and receive evidence of the vestist. In some schools study 3D modeling. Many schools give a web design. This is a wonderful, useful future topic, but it does not apply to the exam! And coming to our courses, the student is really preparing for the exam in computer science from scratch.

A similar situation is the high school students of profile lyceums. Strong profile lyceums honestly give computer science programming. The guys come out from there with good programmers. But after all, in the information on computer science only 5 tasks at least somehow are associated with programming, and of them, exactly one task in the version of the USE is dedicated to writing a program! The result is a maximum of 6 tasks on the exam in computer science.

How much time needs to prepare for the exam on computer scroll from scratch?

There is good news! To prepare for the exam in computer science from scratch in one year. It is not easy, but you can, and our students argue every year. The course of preparation for the exam in computer science is not very big. You can engage in courses 1 time per week for 2 hours. Of course, it is necessary to actively perform homework.

But there is one amendment. If the student has never been engaged in programming, it is hardly possible to master programming to full. Therefore, the task number 27 of the USE version on computer science will remain unresolved. It is the most difficult.

It is especially difficult to prepare for the exam on computer science from scratch those students who have never been familiar with programming and does not know what it is. This area is sufficiently specific, so the programming preparation needs to be given a lot of time and put the huge amount of tasks.

In our courses we will definitely disassemble all types of programming tasks. And never at the exam, the task of programming was not for our students a surprise - they were disassembled on courses. And only the task 27 remains overboard for those who are generally up to grade 11 did not work.

Coming to our courses on computer science, students and parents are sometimes surprised, without seeing computers in the classroom. They think that since they came to prepare for the exam in computer science, then computers should be on the tables. But they are not! How much is needed when preparing for the exam on computer science, the availability of laptops and computers?

This is a feature of the exam in computer science. There will be no computers on the computer! And yes, it will be necessary to solve the tasks with a handle on a sheet of paper, because it is in such a format that the exam in computer science is now. This is a real problem for those who give it.

Even high school students from specialized lyceums, who know how to program well, can be helpless on the exam in computer science. They, of course, are programmed on computers, that is, in a special environment. But what will happen when there is no computer? And not only schoolchildren - even professional programmers with very large difficulty can write a program on paper. Therefore, we are preparing for such a complex format immediately. We do not consciously use the computers and laptops for the exam in computer science - according to the rule "hard in teaching, easy to fight."

For several years there are rumors that the exam in computer science will be translated into a computer form. It was promised to do in 2017, but did not. Will they make in 2018? Do not know yet. If such an exam format is introduced - it will be much easier to prepare for the exam on computer scroll.

So, the year of active preparation for the exam on computer science from scratch, and your result is 26 tasks out of 27 possible. And if you are at least a little familiar with programming - then all 27 out of 27. We wish you to achieve this result on the exam!

And once again I recommend to prepare theoretical material and your book "Computer science. Author's preparation rate for the exam " where the practice of solving problems is given.

Tell your friends!

In the examination of the USE, several tasks require knowledge of programming language. In tasks 8, 11, 19, 20, 21, 24 it is required to understand and analyze the text of the program, in the task 25 it is required to write a fragment of the program. The following languages \u200b\u200bare provided to the wording of the task of choice: Beysik, Pascal, C, Algorithmic Language, Python, Natural Language.

The only task in which you want to independently write a complete program is task 27. In the wording of the task you need to write a program "in any programming language". So what is the programming language to choose?

I will express my personal opinion on this exam, based on the experience of passing the exam for my students in the last few years. In the 27th task of the EGE, it is necessary to properly draw up an algorithm, which can be implemented practically in any programming language. Those. In the same language, the program will be shorter, on the other is longer, but so far I have never met the task that it would be impossible to decide, for example, on a Basic. In addition, the choice of language does not affect the assessment. Therefore, if you speak well some exotic programming language, you have the full right to write a program on it. However, the fact that the program will be checked and evaluated.

In the recommendations of the FIPI, the verifier says: "If this programming language is not familiar to an expert, then he should take advantage of the available reference books or seek assistance to a consultant or chairman (Vice-Chairman) of the Subject Commission, following the regulations of the verification. Those. In the case when the tagging tagged with an unknown language, he must "observe the regulations of the verification", i.e. In the designated deadlines (and when checking the exam, they are very compressed), to find the one who knows this programming language, and figure out the text of your program. Obviously, the probability of underestimation is very large. In addition, it should be understood that schools use only licensed software (officially acquired) software. If the compiler of your language you are not purchased is not purchased, check the performance of your program on the computer will not be possible.

The practice of last two years has shown that many of the tests do not know the language of Python (it appears in the list of permitted languages \u200b\u200bin the tasks of the USE all the second year). Difficulties in the verifier calls the text of the program written on C #, Java. Not to mention rare specific languages. I do not recommend writing a program on a natural or algorithmic language, due to the lack of official rules describing the language. Yes, and to understand the text written in the language not used in practice is not very pleasant. I always strongly advise students to describe the algorithm of the program in the natural language in order to facilitate the task verifier, but the program itself must be written on an understandable convenient programming language.

At the moment I recommend choosing Pascal, SI or Baysik. These are well-known, common languages. The development environment for them is almost in any school. So, the inspection will not have any questions when analyzing your program. The Pascal language has another plus: Initially, a complex 27th task was solved on it, which means examples, sample solutions and dissemination of all types of tasks you can easily find in the literature and on the Internet, which cannot be said about other languages.

What programming language to choose which tasks should be concentrated and how to distribute time on the exam

Teaches informatics in Foxford

Different universities require different entrance exams on IT directions. Somewhere you need to take physics, somewhere - computer science. What exam is being prepared - to solve you, but it should be borne in mind that the competition is in the specialty, where physics should be given, usually lower than in the specialties where the exam is required by computer science, i.e. The likelihood of "through physics" is more.

Why then take the exam on computer science?

  • It is faster and easier to prepare him than to physics.
  • You can choose from more specialties.
  • It will be easier for you to learn from the selected specialty.

What you need to know about the ege on computer science

The ege on computer science consists of two parts. In the first part 23, the tasks with a brief answer, in the second - 4 tasks with an expanded answer. In the first part of the exam 12 of the baseline tasks, 10 high-level tasks and 1 high-level task. In the second part - 1 task of elevated level and 3 - high.

Solving tasks from the first part allows you to dial 23 primary points - one score for the task performed. The solution of the tasks of the second part adds 12 primary points (3, 2, 3 and 4 points for each task, respectively). Thus, the maximum of primary points that can be obtained for solving all tasks - 35.

Primary scores are translated into tests, which are the result of the USE. 35 primary points \u003d 100 test points for the exam. At the same time, more test scores are charged for solving problems from the second part of the exam than the responses to the tasks of the first part. Each primary score obtained for the second part of the USE will give you 3 or 4 test points, which in the amount is about 40 outcomes for the exam.

This means that when performing an EGE on computer science, it is necessary to pay special attention to solving problems with an expanded answer: No. 24, 25, 26 and 27. Their successful implementation will allow score more of the final points. But the price of an error during their implementation is higher - the loss of each primary score is fraught with the fact that you will not pass through the competition, because 3-4 final scores for the exam during high competition on IT specialty can be decisive.

How to prepare for solving tasks from the first part

  • Pay special attention to tasks No. 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 18, 20, 23. It is these tasks that, in accordance with the analysis of the results of previous years, are especially complex. Difficulties with the solution of these tasks are not only experiencing those who have a common score for the exam in computer science turned out low, but also "good", and "excellent students".
  • Learn by heart the degrees of the number 2.
  • Remember that the Kribes in tasks mean cybibaths, and not kilobytes. 1 cybibath \u003d 1024 byte. This will help avoid errors when calculating.
  • Carefully examine the options of the previous years. The computer science exam is one of the most stable, this means that the preparation can be safely use the EEM options for the last 3-4 years.
  • Get acquainted with different options for the wording of tasks. Remember that a slight change in the wording always lead to a deterioration in the exam results.
  • Carefully read the condition of the task. Most errors when performing tasks are associated with an incorrect understanding of the condition.
  • Learn to independently check the tasks and find errors in the answers.

What you need to know about solving tasks with an expanded answer

24 task - to search for errors

25 The task requires the preparation of a simple program.

26 Task - on game theory

27 Task - you need to program a complex program

The basic difficulty on the exam represents the 27 task. It decides only60-70% of writing information on computer science. Its feature is that it is impossible to prepare for it in advance. Every year a fundamentally new task is made on the exam. When solving the problem number 27, it is impossible to allow a single meaning error.

How to count time on the exam

Focus on the data that is given in the specifications of the control measuring materials for the exam in computer science. It specifies an approximate time to perform the tasks of the first and second part of the exam.

EGE on computer science lasts 235 minutes

Of these, 90 minutes are allocated to solve problems from the first part. On average, each task from the first part leaves 3 to 5 minutes. The solution of the problem number 22 takes 10 minutes.

It remains 145 minutes to solve the tasks of the second part of the exam, while it will take at least 55 minutes to solve the last task number 27. These calculations were carried out by specialists of the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements and are based on the results of the exams of the past years, therefore they should be taken seriously and use as a guide to the exam.

Programming languages \u200b\u200b- what to choose

  1. Basic. It is an outdated language, and although it is still studying in schools, it makes no sense to spend time on his development.
  2. School algorithmic programming language. It is designed specifically for early learning programming, it is convenient for the development of initial algorithms, but practically does not contain depths, it has nowhere to develop.
  3. Pascal. It is still one of the most common programming languages \u200b\u200bfor learning in schools and universities, but its capabilities are very limited. Pascal is quite suitable as a language writing.
  4. C ++. Universal language, one of the fastest programming languages. It is difficult to learn from it, but in the practical application of its possibility is very wide.
  5. Python. It is easy to study at the initial level, the only thing that is required is knowledge of English. At the same time, with an in-depth study, Python provides a programmer no less possibilities than C ++. Starting the study of "Python" is still at school, you will use it in the future, you will not have to retire to another language to achieve new horizons in programming. To give the exam, it is enough to know "Python" at the base level.

Good to know

  • Two experts are evaluated by computer science. If the results of the evaluation of experts diverge on 1 point, a larger of two points is set. If the discrepancy between 2 points and more - the work is rechecked by the third expert.
  • Useful site to prepare for the exam in computer science -

With the modern world of technology and programming, development Ege on computer science It has little in common. There are some basic moments, but even if you disassemble a little in tasks, it does not mean that in the end you will become a good developer. But areas where IT experts are needed, a great set. You do not pay anything if you want to have stable earnings above average. In IT you will get it. Provided, of course, the presence of appropriate abilities. You can develop and grow here as much as you like, because the market is so huge that you can't even imagine! Moreover, it is not limited to our state. Work on what kind of company from anywhere in the world! This is all very inspiring, so let the preparation for the exam in computer science will be the first minor step, after which the years of self-development and improvement will follow in this area.


Part 1 contains 23 tasks with a brief answer. This part collected tasks with a brief response, implying independent formulation of the sequence of characters. Tasks check the material of all thematic blocks. 12 tasks refer to the basic level, 10 tasks to an increased level of complexity, 1 task - to a high level of complexity.

Part 2 contains 4 tasks, the first of which is elevated level of complexity, the remaining 3 tasks of the high level of complexity. The tasks of this part implies the recording of a detailed response in arbitrary form.

The execution of the examination work is given 3 hours 55 minutes (235 minutes). On the execution of the tasks of part 1, it is recommended to remove 1.5 hours (90 minutes). The rest of the time is recommended to be removed to perform the tasks of part 2.

Explanation of assuming tasks

Performing each task of part 1 is estimated at 1 point. The setting of part 1 is considered to be executed if the examiner gave an answer corresponding to the code of a faithful response. Performing tasks of part 2 is rated from 0 to 4 points. Answers to the tasks of part 2 are checked and evaluated by experts. The maximum number of points that can be obtained for performing the tasks of part 2 - 12.

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