Institute of Surgery and Traumatology. Research Institute of Emergency Pediatric Surgery and Traumatology - Institutions - References - Medical portal "MED-info

At the Research Institute of Emergency Pediatric Surgery and Traumatology, the following specialists are admitted:

Physician - neurologist and neurosurgeon

Traumatic brain injury and its consequences;
... Spinal cord injury and its consequences;
... Hydrocephalus;
... Craniostenosis;
... Malformations of the nervous system: spinal hernias, cranial hernias, arachnoid cysts;
... Damage to the peripheral nervous system;
... Suspected neurosurgical pathology.

Doctor - traumatologist

Knee injuries and their consequences;
... Incorrectly fused bone fractures.

Doctor - orthopedist

Preventive examination and ultrasound screening of the hip joints in children from 2 weeks to 3 months

Dysplasia of the hip joints:
... Congenital dislocations of the hip (subluxation of the hip),
... Immaturity of the hip joints;
... Congenital muscle torticollis;
... Valgus / varus feet;
... Valgus / varus curvature of the lower extremities;
... Congenital clubfoot;
... Poor posture;
... Gait disorder.


Purulent-inflammatory diseases (recurrent abscesses and panaritiums, extensive long-term non-healing wounds, recurrent ingrown nail);
... Inguinal, groin-scrotal, umbilical, paraumbilical hernias;
... Epithelial-coccygeal passage (pilonidal cyst);
... Benign neoplasms of soft tissues and subcutaneous fat (atheroma, lipoma, hygroma, cyst, age spots, etc.);
... Organized hematomas;
... Fistulas of any localization;
... Polyps of the small and large intestine, anal fissures;
... Congenital and acquired diseases of the lungs and bronchi (cysts, bronchiectasis, aplasia and hypoplasia of the lungs, pulmonary sequestration, congenital lobar emphysema);
... Congenital and acquired deformities of the chest (funnel-shaped, keeled, other deformities: hypoplasia of costal cartilage, muscle-costal defects, osteochondral exostoses of the ribs, postoperative deformity);
... Anomalies in the development of the biliary tract and pancreas (cysts and stones of the choledochus and pancreas);
... Congenital malformations of the stomach, duodenum, small and large intestine (stomach membrane, annular pancreas, intestinal atresia at any level, anus atresia, Hirschsprung's disease, dolichosigma, megarectum, anorectal defects), hernia of the esophageal diaphragm itself and;
... Cystic formations of the organs of the chest and abdominal cavity;
... Chronic colonic stasis (chronic spastic and atonic constipation).

The Consultative and Diagnostic Department (CDD) of the NII NDKhT uses a wide range of high-tech, highly effective and non-contact laser treatment methods that guarantee an aesthetic result and the absence of relapse, while eliminating any congenital and acquired defects of the skin, subcutaneous tissue and mucous membranes:

  • warts;
  • papillomas;
  • genital warts;
  • moles;
  • age spots;
  • hemangiomas;
  • scars;
  • tattoos;

and many others, as well as laser treatment of ingrown nails and purulent wounds.

Doctor - otolaryngologist

  • Deformities of the nasal septum;
  • Chronic rhinosinusitis;
  • Foreign body of the nasal cavity and nasopharynx;
  • Hypertrophy of the adenoids;
  • Tubotitis, exudative otitis media, recurrent acute otitis media;
  • Congenital stridor (diagnosis);
  • Dysphonia (diagnosis).

Doctor - urologist - andrologist

  • Varicocele
  • Cryptorchidism;
  • Dropsy of the testicular membranes (hydrocele);
  • Cyst of the spermatic cord (funicular);
  • Cyst of the epididymis;
  • Edematous scrotum syndrome;
  • Phimosis: cicatricial, hypertrophic, physiological;
  • Synechiae of the foreskin
  • Balanoposthitis;
  • Hypospadias;
  • Meatostenosis;

Doctor - ophthalmologist

The consequences of a traumatic brain injury of any severity:
- Pathology of the oculomotor apparatus (strabismus friendly, paralytic),
- Pupillary pathology;
... Ametropia (myopia, myopic disease, hyperopia, astigmatism);
... Amblyopia;
... Pathology of the visual pathway:
- partial atrophy of the optic nerve of congenital hereditary, post-traumatic, toxic, inflammatory, compression origin,
- inflammation of the optic nerve (intra- and retrobulbar neuritis),
- stagnant optic disc,
- optochiasmal arachnoiditis;
... Damage to the organ of vision (contusions of the eyeball, orbit, auxiliary organs, thermal and chemical burns).


Prolonged abdominal pain of unclear etiology;
... Gastroduodenitis;
... Chronic reactive pancreatitis.

Children are sent for endoscopy by a district doctor - a gastroenterologist or by referral from doctors of KDO specialists.
To carry out an endoscopic examination, the child must have the test answers for HIV, HBS, RW.
In the endoscopy department, the following examinations are carried out:
... Esophagoscopy;
... Esophagogastroscopy;
... Esophagogastroduodenoscopy;
... determination of Helicobacter pylori using helpil test (express diagnostics), morphological method;
... total colonoscopy;
... rectosigmoscopy;
... sigmoidoscopy.

Here you can find out about the rules for visiting children at the Research Institute of NDHiT, find out how to contact us, get answers to your questions and learn about the rules of first aid in case of injuries.

From unpredictable situations, as a result of which health suffers, no one is insured. Emergency assistance helps to avoid serious complications. It is especially important to react in a timely manner when it comes to the health of the child. Emergency medical care is the main activity of the Research Institute of Pediatric Traumatology and Surgery at Polyanka.

Basic information about the medical institution

It was created relatively recently. The first patients began to be admitted here only in 2003. Despite its small history, the hospital quickly gained the trust of patients. Specialized medical care is provided here at a really high level. The work is aimed at solving several problems. First of all, this is emergency care for underage patients, requiring surgical intervention. Most of the work is also occupied by research activities. Specialists are looking for new ways to solve the problems associated with acute surgical diseases.

The medical institution is located at the address: Moscow, Bolshaya Polyanka street, house 22. The consultative diagnostic department works every day, except Saturday and Sunday. Emergency medical assistance can be provided around the clock.

Research Institute of Emergency Pediatric Surgery and Traumatology is a place where first aid will be provided to a child with high quality. The best Russian specialists work here. There are more than 400 employees, including professors, scientists, doctors of the highest category. All specialists are familiar with modern methods of therapy and diagnosis of patients with complex pathologies. You can also hear a lot of good reviews about paramedical personnel. Nurses know how to work with little patients.

It is also possible to achieve good results thanks to modern equipment. The technique used to deliver primary health care can bring an institution to the level of European clinics. This is the merit of numerous sponsors who do not leave little patients in need of emergency care in trouble.

The development of the institute would not have been possible if the management did not put maximum efforts into their work. Roshal Leonid Mikhailovich - President of the Research Institute of Pediatric Traumatology and Surgery. A public figure, a professor also finds time for the therapy of young patients.

Consultative and diagnostic department

The department on the basis of the institute began to function in 2010. There is a district office in which small patients are treated if hospitalization is not required. Services can be provided both urgently and by appointment. Patients who come for a routine examination must first enter a card at the reception, then take a coupon to the desired office.

Emergency care can be provided for acute pain. The district trauma center includes a purulent dressing room (for treating infectious wounds), a plaster cast (dressings for various injuries are performed here), an X-ray room. The department has the necessary equipment to quickly determine the location of the injury, the degree of its severity.

Emergency and urgent medical care is provided to underage patients with neurosurgical pathologies, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, craniocerebral trauma, and complex surgical pathologies.

Department of Traumatology and Disaster Medicine

Research Institute of Pediatric Traumatology and Surgery on Polyanka is a place where the latest methods of treating skeletal injuries are applied. This is where underage patients end up after car and domestic accidents. The Department of Traumatology and Disaster Medicine is equipped with all the necessary equipment to respond urgently to any serious situation. The hospital's arsenal includes electro-optical converters, equipment for emergency anesthesia, ventilation of the lungs, radiopaque operating tables, mobile units for ultrasound and X-ray diagnostics.

The specialists of the institute have the skills to treat the most complex injuries of the musculoskeletal system. Minimally invasive techniques are used to increase the child's chances of a full life in the future.

In most cases, fractures in children do not require surgical treatment. It is enough to perform manual stabilization of the bone fragments and apply a plaster cast correctly. The junior medical staff has all the necessary first aid skills.

Due to the anatomical structure of preschool children, knee joint injuries often occur. For the treatment of injuries in the walls of a medical institution, a modern technique is used - arthroscopy. There is no need to make an incision, leaving a scar for life. The specialist performs several punctures in the area of \u200b\u200bthe damaged joint, inserts a video camera (for the purpose of diagnosis), as well as operating instruments.

Serious injuries require complex surgical interventions on the musculoskeletal system. The Research Institute of Emergency Pediatric Surgery and Traumatology is a place where specialists provide assistance to young patients as delicately as possible. This reduces the risk of complications during the rehabilitation period.

Department of Neurosurgery and Neurotrauma

The Research Institute of Pediatric Traumatology and Surgery on Polyanka is currently the leading medical institution in Moscow dealing with the treatment of serious craniocerebral injuries in children. The technique of microsurgical and endoscopic operations is not mastered by specialists in all clinics. The doctors of the institute regularly improve their knowledge, go to international conferences, gain experience in foreign medical institutions. Thanks to this, the research institute manages to carry out complex operations and save the lives of young patients.

The Institute has a good diagnostic potential, allowing it to treat children with complex neurosurgical pathologies. The medical institution's arsenal includes CT and MRI machines, equipment for electroencephalography and neurosonography. A laboratory works around the clock, which allows you to quickly examine the damaged tissues and blood of young patients. Children who are registered in Moscow and the Moscow region receive neurosurgical assistance free of charge.

Operating department

Children with urgent pathologies requiring surgical interventions get here. The unit has six operating rooms. Research Institute of Pediatric Traumatology and Surgery (Bolshaya Polyanka) is a medical facility equipped with advanced technologies. This manifests itself not only in the treatment and diagnosis, but also in the arrangement of departments. For example, in the operating unit, air exchange systems operate, which allow maintaining a normal atmosphere in wards with severe patients. After surgery, children are placed on multifunctional beds. Small patients feel comfortable, the risk of pressure ulcers is reduced.

The operating unit contains equipment for low-trauma surgical interventions. These are laser, electrocoagulators, ultrasound equipment. In many clinical cases, modern techniques can be used to avoid blood loss during operations. In case of force majeure, the Research Institute of Pediatric Traumatology and Surgery at Polyanka has an autonomous power supply system. All operating rooms are equipped with additional energy sources.

Purulent Surgery Department

If, when injured, the child is not provided with timely primary health care, the risk of infection increases. However, minor damage can cause serious complications. Specialists of the Department of Purulent Surgery are engaged in the treatment of purulent-inflammatory diseases of soft tissues in young patients. This also includes patients with osteomyelitis, as well as a complex form of appendicitis. The department uses modern diagnostic methods, including laparoscopy. Thanks to this approach, specialists are able to identify the localization of the infection, select antibacterial drugs, taking into account the sensitivity of the pathogenic microflora.

The department of purulent surgery is located in the modern building of the institute. Up to 50 small patients can be accommodated here at the same time. There are wards in which children can stay with their parents. Additionally, there are rooms for massage, physiotherapy exercises, physiotherapy procedures. Here patients undergo rehabilitation after surgical interventions.

Resuscitation department

Often, patients are admitted to the Research Institute of Pediatric Traumatology and Surgery on Polyanka in a serious condition. Resuscitation measures are required to restore the functionality of the main body systems. The department can simultaneously accommodate 18 patients. The beds here are arranged in such a way that assistance to the patient can be provided without delay. Junior medical personnel are on duty around the children around the clock.

Near each bed there is equipment that allows you to constantly monitor the vital systems of a sick child. Heart rate, blood pressure, pulse are measured regularly. Modern methods of bedside diagnostics allow you to urgently respond to a rapid deterioration in the patient's well-being.

The department has a special ventilation system that allows you to maintain a normal atmosphere in the room where the patient is for a long time.

Rehabilitation department

Timely assistance for a child is only half the success. The period of rehabilitation is decisive. If the specialists do everything correctly, even after a serious injury, the little patient will be able to lead a full life. The department employs doctors who help eliminate physiological, somatic, and psychological disorders that have arisen as a result of traumatic brain injury. The work uses an integrated approach. This includes physiotherapeutic procedures (therapeutic baths, massage, exercise therapy), consultations with a speech therapist, psychologist, cardiologist, ophthalmologist and other related specialists.

Rehabilitation hospital and are closely related. The specialist decides whether the patient will be hospitalized or whether rehabilitation measures can be carried out on an outpatient basis. The work is carried out taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient's body. The family members of the sick child must be included in the rehabilitation process.

Department of psychological and pedagogical assistance

One has to deal with mental dysfunctions after serious craniocerebral trauma. The department employs qualified specialists who allow patients to restore speech and communication skills. After the traumas suffered, children have to go through a long path of rehabilitation, the help of a psychologist is required. Often, support is required not only for the child, but also for adult family members.

When working with small patients, play therapy shows good results. The arsenal of a medical institution has everything you need to work with children: pencils, colored paper, plasticine, etc.

Research activities

The activities of the Research Institute of Pediatric Traumatology and Surgery are aimed not only at providing, but also at finding new ways of treating difficult patients. It is mandatory to maintain a unified information system that allows you to record all clinical cases encountered by specialists of a medical institution. It starts up for each patient In this way, it is possible not only to archive information about patients at the lowest cost, but also to find the necessary data as quickly as possible when a patient re-admits.

Information support of the scientific and practical activities of the institute is carried out with the help of the scientific medical library. It stores not only time-tested, but also modern literature on surgery, traumatology and other related branches of medicine. A significant contribution to the development of the library was made by the president of the research institute - Leonid Mikhailovich Roshal.

The department was established in 1981 on the basis of one of the oldest children's hospitals in Moscow - DGKB No. 20 named after K.A. Timiryazev, which occupies a central place in the provision of emergency care to children with surgical pathology and injuries in the structure of Moscow healthcare. (Photo 1)

Taking into account the vast practical experience and the rapid development of innovative technologies, in 2003. by order of the Moscow government on the basis of the children's city hospital № 20 named. K.A. Timiryazeva was established by the Research Institute of Emergency Pediatric Surgery and Traumatology (director - Prof. L.M. Roshal). (Photo 2)

At present, the Research Institute of NDKhT is a scientific-practical and educational-methodical center with wide therapeutic and diagnostic capabilities, excellent conditions for the provision of medical care and the stay of patients.
Since 1981, the permanent head of the department is a world-renowned pediatric surgeon prof. L.M. Roshal

The main task of the institute is to provide effective medical care to children with urgent surgical, neurosurgical and traumatological pathology in Moscow in order to reduce mortality, disability, improve health and quality of life based on optimizing prehospital, specialized hospital and rehabilitation care.

The main focus of the department is to optimize emergency care for children with acute surgical diseases and trauma at all stages of its provision. (Photo 3)

The priority development in the department was the use of minimally invasive technologies: diagnostic and operative laparoscopy; (photo4) methods of extrafocal functionally stable osteosynthesis, arthroscopy, neuroendoscopy. Methods of osteosynthesis with bioresorbable implants are actively being introduced into practical work. Throughout the entire existence of the department, considerable attention has been paid to the problems of purulent surgery and the treatment of purulent-septic diseases in children. The department has developed a comprehensive program for the differentiated treatment of appendicular peritonitis in children using minimally invasive technologies (laparoscopy, percutaneous puncture and drainage under ultrasound control); a program for the treatment of purulent and primary infected wounds using methods of active drainage, laser radiation, low-frequency ultrasound and specialized dressings with early reconstructive and restorative surgical treatment.

The priority development in the department was the use of minimally invasive technologies: diagnostic and operative laparoscopy; (photo4) methods of extrafocal functionally stable osteosynthesis, arthroscopy, neuroendoscopy. Methods of osteosynthesis with bioresorbable implants are actively being introduced into practical work. Throughout the entire existence of the department, considerable attention has been paid to the problems of purulent surgery and the treatment of purulent-septic diseases in children. The department has developed a comprehensive program for the differentiated treatment of appendicular peritonitis in children using minimally invasive technologies (laparoscopy, percutaneous puncture and drainage under ultrasound control); a program for the treatment of purulent and primary infected wounds using methods of active drainage, laser radiation, low-frequency ultrasound and specialized dressings with early reconstructive and restorative surgical treatment.

The department of anesthesiology and resuscitation is located in a modern building that meets all sanitary-epidemiological, medical and social standards and is equipped with the latest hardware complex, which allows to carry out all modern methods of intensive therapy and resuscitation, as well as all modern types of anesthesia, including regional and conduction methods of anesthesia for emergency and planned operations in children:
- multi-module monitoring system Philips MP60, united into a network of monitors connected to the central station;
- Servo-i breathing apparatus, with a respiratory function monitor in intensive care and Siesta anesthesia breathing apparatus in operating rooms; (photo 7)

The Research Institute of Emergency Pediatric Surgery and Traumatology is focused on the treatment of young patients and is located in the Russian capital. Within the walls of the institution, children with injuries of varying severity or in need of urgent operations are treated around the clock. We will tell you what else is remarkable about the Institute, what services it provides, and who treats babies.

Brief information about the institute

The modern history of the research institute begins in 2003, when the construction of a new surgical and intensive care building began on the territory of the children's city hospital. The purpose of the construction was to create a children's clinic that has no analogues in the country. And it succeeded:

  1. About 8,500 children are treated in the hospital annually.
  2. The trauma center accepts up to 50,000 young patients.
  3. On the roof of the hull there is a helipad for transporting especially seriously ill patients.
  4. Water supply and electricity supply can be autonomous.
  5. Operating rooms and wards are equipped with the most modern equipment.

All work of the Research Institute of Pediatric Surgery and Traumatology is adjusted in such a way as to save every second. In combination with the professionalism of doctors, this helps to increase the percentage of recovered children, and improves other indicators.

In the ward of the Research Institute of Pediatric Surgery

Basic services of the Institute

The research institute specializes in providing emergency care to children with serious health problems. For this, there are six departments on the territory of the complex, not counting the diagnostic buildings:

  1. Advisory. Reception is carried out by specialists of all directions, from the therapist to the pediatrician. There is an opportunity to do an ultrasound scan, take tests for laboratory research.
  2. Emergency station. Accepts children who have been attacked by animals, or who have fractures.
  3. Clean surgery. Surgeries are performed for hernias, muscle and joint injuries, compression fractures of the spine.
  4. Purulent surgery. Doctors treat children with appendicitis, osteomyelitis, and extensive purulent-inflammatory processes.
  5. Neurosurgery. Complex operations are performed for brain and spine injuries, as well as neurosurgical diseases.
  6. Disaster medicine. Children with serious injuries of the musculoskeletal system are treated here, and then undergo rehabilitation.

Almost any disease of bones and joints can be cured within the walls of the research institute, including congenital pathologies, arthrosis and arthritis, dislocations and fractures. In general, about 4000 operations are performed annually.

Children's Institute doctors

The best doctors in Russia practice in this institution. The number of staff is more than 400 people, including candidates of medical sciences, doctors and professors. The Institute is headed by Professor L. M. Roshal. In the treatment of children, he is assisted by a team of grabbers, let's get to know three of them.

Semenova Zhanna Borisovna. Neurosurgeon, Doctor of Medical Sciences. He has been treating children for over 20 years, worked in the clinic. Burdenko. Her works in the field of medicine are regularly published in Russian and foreign publications. Head of the Department of Pediatric Neurosurgery.

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