Natalia or Natalia in the dative case. How is it correct: Natalia or Natalia? Let's figure it out together

Nouns by declension type are divided into three types:

  1. Feminine nouns with the ending -а, -я (earth);
  2. Masculine nouns with zero ending, neuter nouns with the ending -o, -e (house, field);
  3. Zero-ending feminine nouns (mouse).

In the Russian language, a special group is made up of diverse nouns: burden, crown, flame, udder, banner, tribe, stirrup, time, name, path.

A significant group of nouns does not change in gender and number, they are called non-declining; depot, foyer, aloe, coffee, coat, attaché and others.

Adjectives vary in gender, number and case in the singular. In the plural, the case endings of adjectives of all three genders coincide: new tables, books, pens.

There are certain rules for declension and numerals. For example, the number one is declined as an adjective in the singular, and the number two, three, four have special case forms that are similar to the endings of adjectives in the plural.

Numbers from five to ten, and numbers from -deven and -type are declined according to the third declension of nouns.

The numerals forty, ninety have two case forms: forty and ninety.

For numbers two hundred, three hundred, four hundred, and for all numbers on-hundred, both parts are inclined.

  • I. p. Natalia
  • R. p. Natalia
  • D. p. Natalia
  • V. p. Natalia
  • Etc. Natalia
  • P. p. Natalia

Natalia is a female name.
Variant of spelling of the name in transliteration (Latin): Natalya

Meaning of the name

Natalia / Natalia - native. "Native" (lat.)
As a child, Natalya is a cheerful child. She loves to play and play naughty, a great inventor - in famous games she will try to come up with something new and interesting to make it even more fun. During his school years he is very active. She studies well, strives to become an excellent student, manages to participate in all public affairs, loves to hear praise addressed to her. She has a kind and cheerful character, she is determined and active. She is able to protect the weak and the offended. The disadvantage is her intolerance to criticism - she can suddenly flare up because of a few words spoken in passing. Marries early. Choosing a future spouse, she does not experience serious hesitation. All family members will feel loved and needed by her. Natalia herself is hospitable and loves to travel. In rare moments of rest, she can get involved in drawing or playing the guitar. Natalia is a proud person and praise for her is a powerful stimulus in life. The husband needs to take advantage of this weakness of his wife more often, and at the same time try to forever get rid of the habit of making comments and giving valuable instructions on every trifle. This annoys Natalia very much, knocks her out of her working state.

Numerology name

Soul number: 2.
The owners of the number 2 are characterized by lack of confidence in their abilities, constant anxiety, belief in omens and even fatalism. "Twos", as a rule, have a very fine mental organization, it is better not to disturb them and not to disturb them over trifles. They avoid any quarrels and disputes, get away from problems. However, "twos" are excellent team players. Any joint action, in a work collective or in a family, is easy for them and reveals all their greatest strengths. Twos are patient but need a secure environment. Number 2 holders are generally excellent parents and educators.

Hidden Spirit Number: 7
Body number: 4


Planet: Moon.
Element: Water, cold, dampness.
Zodiac: Cancer.
Color: white, silver, light brown, yellowish, greenish (sea).
Day: Monday.
Metal: silver.
Mineral: selenite, marcasite, beryl, white coral.
Plants: lily, water lily, cabbage, cornflower, melon, cucumber, calamus, pansies.
Animals: owl, goose, duck, crab, toad, doe.

Good day. Recently I read to my son a book by Sergei Mikhalkov "Uncle Styopa and Egor". I came across such a quatrain "Strong, courageous and serious, He achieved his dream In the study of a stellar distance, In the conquest of heights. But after all, he correctly" achieved the dream (in what?) In the study "and in" submission "? Why then the author "learning" and "conquest"?

Right: in study, in conquest... However, in poetic speech, a replacement is possible: to study, to conquer... So there is no mistake. Note also that the rules also allow a poetic version in learning, in conquest.

Multiple nouns husband. and environments, kind on -ii and -ies in the offer. n. and wives. kind of na -ya in dates. and offer. n. units are in an unstressed position, in deviation from the general rule, the ending is -i, not -e, for example: genius - about genius, sodium - about sodium, radium - about radium, Vasily - about Vasily, Yuri - about Yuria, department - at the department, return - upon return, assistance - with assistance; army - to the army, about the army; line - along the line, on the line; station - to the station, at the station; Bulgaria - in Bulgaria, in Bulgaria; Mary - to Mary, about Mary. If there are options for -ee and -ye, -ya and -ya, these case forms have different endings -and and -e: compare, for example, variant pairs like about skill - about skill, in flowering - in bloom, about verbosity - about verbosity, about Natalia - about Natalia, to Maria - to Marya.

Note. In artistic, especially poetic, speech, it is allowed to write sentence forms. nouns of the environment, gender in -ye (usually with the preposition в) with the ending -i, for example: In silence, you walked alone with a great thought (P.); There is a feat in battle, / Feat is also in a struggle. / The highest feat - in patience, / In love and supplication (Hom.); And the snow competed in zeal / With a dying death (B. Past.); "In enchantment" (title of a poem by I. Severyanin); Birds cry in the skies, / Heart beats in the hypochondrium (V. Dolina). The ending of the sentence is under stress. n. -and is noted in only one word in -ye: oblivion - in oblivion.

Question No. 281667
how is the name Natalya

Russian language help desk response

Natalia, Natalia, Natalia, Natalia, Natalia, (o) Natalia.

But Wed: Natalia, (at) Natalia, (on) Natalia, Natalia, Natalia, (on) Natalia.

Question No. 266947
Can you please tell me how to correctly place punctuation marks in this sentence? And also - how to write the phrase "as a whole" correctly - together or separately?

"Despite the generally favorable outcome of the incident, Natalia's words impressed and frightened him."

Thank you.

Russian language help desk response

Adverb generallywritten separately and not separated by commas.

Question number 259402
Interested in how the name Natalya is declined in the dative case.

Russian language help desk response

Right: Natalia Natalia) and Natalia(if in the nominative case - Nataliya).

Please tell me how it is correct "belonging to Natalia Ivanovna" or "belonging to Natalia Ivanovna".

Russian language help desk response

Right: owned by Natalia Ivanovna (if in the nominative case - Natalia) and owned by Natalia Ivanovna (if in the nominative case - Nataliya).

Question No. 254357
How is the name Ksenia spelled in the dative case and why?

Russian language help desk response

Female names on -and I and... Correct: (to whom?) Julia, Natalia, Victoria, Maria, Lydia, Xeniaetc. The letter E in the dative case is written only if the stress in the name falls on the last syllable (as a rule, in names of eastern origin): Alfie i - Alfie e, Ali i - Ali e, Zulfi i - Zulfi e etc.

Question No. 253669
I am filling out a diploma. How to write correctly: Issued by Natalia or Natalia? Issued by Anastasia or Anastasia?
Thanks for the answer.

Russian language help desk response

Right: issued to Anastasia, issued to Natalia(but if in the nominative case Natalia, right: issued to Natalia).

Good afternoon, the question is:
The female name Natalia, how to write the ending in the date case correctly. For example I am writing a letter (to whom?) Natalia or Natalia ???
Thank you.

Russian language help desk response

The correct dative case is: Natalia(from Nataliya) and Natalia(from Natalia).

Question No. 252124
Hello! Tell me how the names Alfiya, Maria are inclined? Specifically, the dative case: was the diploma issued to Alfia? Mary? Mary?

Russian language help desk response

Female names on -and I have the dative ending - and... Right: issued to Julia, Natalia, Victoria, Maria, Lydia etc. The letter E in the dative case is written only if the stress falls on the last syllable (as a rule, in names of eastern origin): Alfie i - Alfie e, Ali i - Ali e, Zulfi i - Zulfi e etc.

Question number 251068
How is it vaccinated?
"Write about Natalia Igorevna ...." or "Write about Natalia Igorevna"?

Russian language help desk response

Right: about Natalia Igorevna(but: about Natalia Igorevna).

Question No. 244216
Tell me how to write correctly: the certificate was issued to Natalia or Natalia, if the name is Natalia. Thank you

Russian language help desk response

Right: Natalia.

Question No. 243973
How to write the ending in the feminine name "Alia" in the dative case? AliII - like Natalia, Lydia, Lilia or - AliE?

Russian language help desk response

If the stress in the name falls on the last syllable, it is correct: Ali e. Personal names of eastern and other origins ending in the stressed I have an E ending in the dative case: Zulfi i - to Zulfi e, Ali i - to Ali e .

Question No. 240839
Please tell me in what cases it is written "think about Natalia", and when "think about Natalia". Thank you in advance

Russian language help desk response

Think about Nataliawritten if the name is written in the nominative case Nataliya; think about Natalia -if in the nominative case: Natalia. Nataliyaand Natalia - spelling variants of the name, but in the documents of one person the spelling should be uniform.

  • I. p. Nataliya
  • R. p. Natalia
  • D. p. Natalia
  • V. p. Natalia
  • Etc. Natalia
  • P. p. Natalia

Natalia is a female name, Roman in origin.
Variant of spelling of the name in transliteration (Latin): Nataliya

Meaning of the name

Born, dear. Natural. Notes from the book of P. Florensky "Names".
Natalia Alexandrovna Kiseleva. The woman is smart, strong-willed, strong character. The performance is extraordinary. Its energy is indestructible. Firmness in the performance of what it recognizes as its duty. Believer is strong and very pious, although she is somewhat of the Old Believer temper, outwardly religious more than internal. Not mystical. It is very good where it considers it necessary to be kind; but it can be cruel, harsh, even rude. Power-hungry. Straight. From a merchant family. Her fate is very difficult. She was married to an unloved man, the marriage was arranged in absentia in two weeks. The husband turned out to be almost illiterate, a drunkard, a reveler, a libertine. Roughly mocked his wife, in the end he kicked out of the house with his son and healed with his mistress. The son is said to have been an alcoholic; sick, died young. His wife was frivolous and quarreled with her mother-in-law, in the end they parted; now she got along with some married woman. Nat. A-na was cured by a miracle - B Mother helped. Then she made a vow - to devote herself to charity work, and devoted herself, although she is rich. The husband is still alive. There are infinitely many troubles in the shelter, life is very hard. Proud, but restraining herself in the name of religious duty. Natasha, a merchant's daughter, in Pushkin's ("Three days a merchant's daughter"). The girl, obviously brave, intelligent, with great will. Not from a timid dozen. Maybe pretty cruel (?). Name days:
August 26 (September 8)

Numerology name

Soul number: 2.
The owners of the number 2 are characterized by lack of confidence in their abilities, constant anxiety, belief in omens and even fatalism. "Twos", as a rule, have a very fine mental organization, it is better not to disturb them and not to disturb them over trifles. They avoid any quarrels and disputes, get away from problems. However, "twos" are excellent team players. Any joint action, in a work collective or in a family, is easy for them and reveals all their greatest strengths. Twos are patient but need a secure environment. Number 2 holders are generally excellent parents and educators.

Hidden Spirit Number: 8
Body number: 3

Personal names of people are nouns. Particular difficulty is caused by the change in cases, that is, the declension of some names. Traditional Russian names are fully included in the grammatical system of the Russian language, borrowed names are included in the system to varying degrees, therefore, special attention should be paid to changing them. Personal names of people are nouns. In the system of Russian grammar, nouns have grammatical gender, number and case; these characteristics should be taken into account when using. Particular difficulty is caused by the change in cases, that is, the declension of some names. Traditional Russian names are fully included in the grammatical system of the Russian language, borrowed names are included in the system to varying degrees, therefore, special attention should be paid to changing them. Genus People's proper names are either masculine or feminine according to the gender of the named... This applies to both full and abbreviated and petting forms of names: Anna, Anya, Alexandra, Kira, Elena, Sania, Asel, Shushanik, Irene, Rosemary - wives. kind; Mikhail, Misha, Alexander, Peter, Igor, Yuri, Antonio, Hans, Harry, Michele - husband. kind; genus of type names Sasha, Valya, Zhenya, Tony, Michelle, Jackie, which can belong to both a man and a woman, is also determined by the gender of the carrier: our student Sasha Petrov - husband. genus, our student Sasha Petrova - wives. genus; known to all Jackie Chan - husband. genus, known to all Jackie (from Jacqueline) Kennedy - wives. genus. Number For declined names, if it is necessary to name several persons with the same name, the plural form is used: Five Nikolaev and six Helen are studying on the course... Unwanted names do not have a special plural form: five Enrique and six Mary... Particular attention should be paid to the genitive plural form of some abbreviated declined names (recommendation of D.E. Rosenthal): Genus. pad. pl. h. ( not many whom?) male: Petya, Vasya, Vanya but: Rod. pad. pl. h. ( not many whom?) female: Ol, Gal, Val. Declination Names are declined (change in cases) and non-declined (for all cases have the same form). The declination depends on the final element of the name. !!! note to name form: Daniel or Danila, Nikolay or Nikola, Emilor Emil, Maria or Marya, Karina or Karine, Alice or Alice, Pelageya or Pelagia - see the section "Name variations". Male names

  1. Traditional Russian full male names end
  • a hard consonant (Ivan, Artyom);
  • to a soft consonant (Igor), including the -y (Andrey, Arkady);
  • sometimes on -a, -ya (Thomas, Savva, Ilya).
Declined in 1st and 2nd declension:
Case on acc. (tv. and soft.) to the vowel -а, -я
2 declension 1 declension
Them. pad. Alexey, Daniel George Ilya, Nikita, Danila
Rod. pad. Alexei, Daniel George Ilya, Nikita, Danila
Dat. pad. Alexey, Daniil George Ilya, Nikita, Danila
Vin. pad. Alexei, Daniel George Ilya, Nikita, Danila
TV. pad. Alexei, Daniil George Ilya, Nikita, Danila
Etc. pad. (v / v) Alex e, Daniel e (o) Georgi and (o / o) Il e, Nikita, Danila
!!! note... For nouns of the 2nd declension on Thin the prepositional case, the letter is written at the end AND: Valera ui - (about whom?) About Valerie and; Yur ui - (about whom?) About Yuri and; Arkad ui - (about whom?) About Arkadi and; Full ui - (about whom?) About Poloni and; and also change Anatol ui, Apollinar ui, Vikent ui, Gel ui, Gennad ui, Dmitr ui, Evgen ui, Leonte ui, Serg ui (not Sergei!), Yul ui, P ui and etc. !!! note -and Iin the dative and prepositional cases, the letter is written at the end AND: Il and I - (to whom?) Il ui, (about whom?) about Or and; Wed Ilya. Jerem and I - (about whom?) Jeremi and. An exception: Gia, Ziya and other two-syllable names in accordance with modern recommendations (see A. Superanskaya V. "Dictionary of Russian personal names", M., 2004) are declined in the indicated cases with e: G and I (Caucasian) - (who?) Guy and, (to whom?) Guy e, (whom?) Guy yu, (by whom?) Guy to her, (about whom?) about Guy e... However, in some textbooks of earlier years of publication, in accordance with the "Code of Spelling Rules" 1956, § 40, you can find a recommendation to decline with and: (to whom?) Guy and, (about whom?) about Guy and.
  1. If the final elements of new or borrowed names correspond to the specified characteristics (consonant, one vowel -а / -я, a combination of -ea, -ia), then the names easily enter the Russian noun row and lean:
Vilya (abbreviation Vladimir Ilyich Lenin) - Vilya, Vilya, Vilya, Vilya, about Vilya; Radium (from the name of a chemical element) - Radium, Radium, Radium, Radium, about Radium; Abdullah (Turkic) - Abdullah, Abdullah, Abdullah, Abdullah, about Abdullah; Richard (European) - Richard, Richard, Richard, Richard, about Richard; Ferenc (European) - Ferenc, Ferenc, Ferenc, Ferenc eat, about Ferenc; Emil - Emil, Emil, Emil, Emil, about Emil; cf .: Emil - Emila, Emil, Emila, Emil, about Emil, also change Charles, Pierre, Peter, Claude, Jean, John, Edward, Theodore, Tigran, Tukay, Fazil, Ravil, Mirza, Musa, Meneaand etc. An exception: Nichol i (French name) - not inclined!
  1. If a male name ends with another element (vowel -o, -e, -y, -yu, -y, -i, -e, -e and in combinations of two vowels, except -ea, -ia), then it not inclined: Earley, Anri, Nizami, Oli, Lee, Revo, Romeo, Otto, Pedro, Carlo, Leo, Antonio, Michele, Andre, Hugh, Roux, Keanu, Gregory, Givi, France ya and etc.
An exception:slavic names in -o type Levko, Marko, Pavlo, Petro incline according to the pattern of the 2nd declension: levk is ahead a , Mark has a , Pavel a (stressed vowel is underlined). But! Name Danko M. Gorky is not inclined ("... she talked about Danko's burning heart"). Names that have parallel forms on -o / -a (Gavrilo - Gavrila, Mikhailo - Mikhaila), declined like feminine nouns: at Gavril s, to Gavril e, with Gavril oh ... Other endings ( at Gavril a, to Gavril at, with Gavril ohm) are formed from another original form - Gavril. Female names
  1. Traditional Russian full female names end
  • na -a, -ya (Valeria, Antonina, Olga, Natalia),
  • to a soft consonant (Love).
Inclined in 1st and 3rd declension:
Case to the vowel -а, -я on acc. (tv. and soft.)
1 declension 3 declension
Them. pad. Olga, Anela, Maya Yulia Any aboutyou
Rod. pad. Olga, Aneli, Mayi Julia Any aboutin and
Dat. pad. Olga e, Anel e, May e Yuli and Any aboutin and
Vin. pad. Olga, Anel, Mayu Julia Any aboutyou
TV. pad. Olga, Aneli, Maya Julia Any aboutview
Etc. pad. (v / v) Olga e, Anel e, May e (o) Julia and (o) Any aboutin and
When declining the name Love vowel ABOUT saved!
!!! note... For nouns of the 1st declension on -and Iin the dative and prepositional cases, the letter is written at the end AND: Mar and I - (to whom?) Marie and, (about whom?) Marie and; Yul and I - (to whom?) Julia and, (about whom?) Julia and; L and I - (to whom?) Lee and, (about whom?) Lee and; And I - (to whom?) and and, (about whom?) and and; Gal and I - (to whom?) Gali and, (about whom?) Gali and; also Agn and I, Amal and I, Valera and I, Evgen and I, Kahler and I, Kostanz and I, Lil and I, Cecil and I, Emil and I and the like. !!! note... Variants of names with different type endings Maria - Marya, Natalia - Natalia, Anisia - Anisya, Taisia \u200b\u200b- Taisya, Sofia - Sophiaand similar ones have different endings in dates. and offer. cases: Pay attention!!! Discrepancies in the recommendations relate to oriental and other origins of names ending in a shock i in combination - and I: Al and I, Alf and I, Zulf and I, Gur and I, San and I, Frame and I, Jean and I, Ac and I and others. Superanskaya A. V. in the "Dictionary of Russian personal names" (M., 2004) recommends declining them in the indicated cases with e: Al and I - (whom?) Ali e, (to whom?) Ali e, (whom?) Aliya, (by whom?) Aliya, (about whom?) About Ali e... The site gives the same recommendation. www. gramota. ru.
  1. If new or borrowed names have leaf elements - a or -I, then such names easily enter the Russian noun row and are declined:
Vladlena (abbreviation Vladimir Lenin) - Vladlena, Vladlena, Vladlena, Vladlena, about Vladlena; Ophelia (European) - Ophelia, Ophelia, Ophelia, Ophelia, about Ophelia; Jamila (Turkic) - Jamily, Jamila, Jamil, Jamil, about Jamila; Camilla - Camilla, Camilla, Camilla, Camilla, about Camille; and Noyabrina, Era, Revmira, Anita, Delia, Deniza, Juliet, Magda, Elzhbeta, Yadviga, Leila, Zhanima, Karina, Sabina, Madina, Aisha, Gulmira and etc.
  1. If a female name ends in a different vowel (not -a / -я), then it is not declined: Betsy, Ellie, Angie, Mary, Sue, Maro, Rosemary, Alsouand etc.
  1. Female names on solid consonants are only non-declining (on the same principle as surnames of this kind): Suok, Solveig, Gretchen, Irene, Helen, Alice, Annette, Jane, Katrin, Esther, Ainush, Bibigush, Akmaral, Rusudan, Shushanik, Altyn, Gulnazand etc.
  1. The most difficult question is the declension of female names ending in a soft consonant: Rakhil, Sulamith, Ninel, Assol, Aigul, Zhanargul, Syumbel, Michelle, Nicole, Elle, Isabel,etc.
Reference book recommendations for such names vary. 3rd declension steadily lean: Love, Adele, Rachelleand names of biblical origin Hagar, Rachel, Ruth, Shulamith, Esther, Judith.According to tradition, the name of the heroine of the ballet Adana "Giselle" also declines in the 3rd declension: part Giselle... Other names of this type - Lucille, Cecile, Nicole, Michelle, Mirel, Asel, Aygul, Ainagul, Bibigul, Gazelle, Guzel, Zhanargul(borrowings from different languages), Ninel(the neoformation of the Soviet era, read the other way round by Lenin), Assol, Luchiel(invented names) - hesitate between 3rd declension and non-declination (Cecilyand at Cecile, with Nineland with Ninel). Decline paradigm: Apparently, the final decision on declension / non-declination of such names should be left to the bearer of the name. However, the practice of office work shows that in official business speech these names are usually not inclined. This trend is supported by the declension rule for foreign surnames ending in a consonant: male surnames are declined, female surnames are not. Therefore, in cases of coincidence of male and female names, they are correlated in terms of declension as male and female surnames: Michelle, Michelle(male name) - bows down, Michelle(female name) will not bow down. More details can be seen:
  1. Russian language reference service (Recommendation: the choice is yours)
  2. Kalakutskaya L. P. Declination of surnames and personal names in the Russian literary language. - M .: Nauka, 1984. (Recommendation: do not incline).
  3. Superanskaya A.V. Dictionary of Russian personal names. - M., 2004. (Recommendation: to decline)
Male and female compound names Each part (name) is declined or not declined in accordance with the recommendations for these names separately. Fairy tales Hans Christian Andersen, a book by Pierre-Henri Simon. Partial deviations are observed with double French names: philosophical views of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, evening in memory of Jean-Richard Blok. Features of the declension of some combinations of first and last names In the Russian language, a tradition has developed to use the surnames of a number of foreign figures (mainly writers) in combination with the names: Walter Scott, Jules Verne, Mine Reed, Conan Doyle, Brad Garth, Oscar Wilde, Romain Rolland; as well as the names and surnames of literary characters: Robin Hood, Sherlock Holmes, Nat Pinkerton. The consequence of such a close unity of the name and surname is the declension in indirect cases of only the surname: Walter Scott, Jules Verne, with Mine Reed, about Robin Hood etc. This phenomenon, which is characteristic of casual spoken language, is reflected in writing as well. But! Right: booksWalter Scott, Jules Verne, Maine Reed, Conan Doyle, Brad Garth, Oscar Wilde, Romain Rolland; as well as literary characters: about Robin Hood, about Sherlock Holmes, about Nat Pinkerton. Based on the materials of the book “On the declension of names and surnames: dictionary-reference book. Ser. "For a word in your pocket." Issue 3 / Ed. E.A. Glotova, N.N. Shcherbakova. - Omsk, 2011
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