Correctness of speech: norms of stress and grammar. Language norm

Test 1. The statement is true : Correctness of speech means its conformity:

a) generally accepted norms of behavior;

b) widespread use of language units;

c) the norms of the literary language; +

d) communication skills.

Test 2. The statement is not true:

a) Norm is a uniform, generally accepted exemplary use of elements of the literary language.

b) Language norms are invented by writers, therefore fiction is the model for the norm. +

c) Standards help the literary language to maintain its integrity and comprehensibility.

d) Norms protect the language from vernacular, jargon, dialects.

Test 3. Dynamic nature of the norm not developmental

a) language;

b) society;

c) literature; +

d) thinking.

Test 4. Does not apply (are) to the sources of changes in the norms:

a) neologisms; +

b) colloquial speech;

c) dialects;

d) borrowing.

Test 5. We are talking about dispositive norms in the series:

a) cousin [ze];

b) amnesia [ne];

c) antenna [te];

d) d'epo [admissible. de]. +

Test 6. We are talking about peremptory norms in the series:

a) marketing (admissible marketing);

b) lorn'et [admitted. ne];

c) de facto [de]; +

d) lottery [admitted. te].

Test 7. Equal accentological options are presented in the row

a) edr Eleft - ANDold

b) from afar AND - published Yoka +

c) ed Yovka - ed Ewka

d) from the inside ANDANDinside

Test 8. Are not variants of the form

a) pl Esad - mold Ely

b) m ANDgrain - miz Eny

c) oatmeal ABOUTth - oats Iny +

d) simultaneously Echange - at the same time Enny

Test 9. Corresponds to the word quorumvalue:

a) the total number of people present at the meeting;

b) the number of attendance at the meeting required to qualify the meeting; +

d) any meeting.

Test 10. Corresponds to the word briefing value :

a) press conference; +

b) briefing;

c) meeting face to face;

d) sport.

TESTS "Accentological norms of the Russian language"

Test 1.The statement is true : Stress in Russian is called miscellaneous, because

a) it can fall on any syllable in different words;

b) it can fall on any syllable in the same word;

c) in the same word in different forms, the stress may fall on different syllables; +

d) the stress in Russian is musical, not force.

Test 2. The statement contradicts reality:

a) stress in Russian serves to distinguish the semantics of words;

b) stress in Russian serves to distinguish one polysemantic word from another; +

c) stress in Russian can indicate the grammatical form of a word;

d) stress helps to distinguish not only the meaning of words, but also their forms.

Test 3. In words ANDtlas and atl ANDfrom stress serves:

a) to distinguish the semantics of words; +

b) to indicate a different grammatical form of a word;

c) to distinguish between the meaning of words and their form;

d) to indicate variants of a word.

Test 4. The statement is not true: Accentological norms in Russian are caused by the following characteristics of Russian stress:

a) mobility;

b) diversity;

c) dynamic nature;

d) the fixed stress on a certain syllable. +

Test 5. Both options are a literary norm in the following order:

a) f AND luzy - blind AND ;

b) l ABOUT moss - los ABOUT smiling; +

c) to Have honny - kuh ABOUT nny;

d) move AND secrecy - intercessor AND ystvo.

Test 6. Is correct in the analysis of stress in words to ABOUTmpas and comp ANDfromreasoning:

a) both accents correspond to the literary norm;

b) one stress - k ABOUT mpas - is the norm, and comp AND c - vernacular;

c) one stress - comp AND c - inherent in professional speech; +

d) one accent - comp AND c - obsolete.

Test 7. Stress serves to differentiate the meaning of words in the row:

a) tv ABOUT horn - creature ABOUT g;

b) u ANDvel - shchav E eh;

c) m S wandering - mouse E nie;

d) in I zinka - elm AND nka. +

Test 8. Most often, accentological mistakes are made in words:

a) quarter, contract, shoe, funds, petition; +

b) lecturer, scholarship, appendicitis, caterpillar;

c) obvious, incredible, desperate, profitable;

d) play, call, sit, hang.

Test 9. Equal options are presented in the row

a) alc ANDth - ANDlak;

b) order Haveporte - purchase ABOUTrut;

c) to ANDhang out - cough Haveth;

d) m ANDwhip - min Havebe. +

Correctness of speech is considered the main communicative quality, as it underlies other communicative qualities. The correctness of speech is the observance of language norms in speech. Language norm - the rule of using language means in a certain period of language development; uniform use of linguistic means. Academician Vinogradov put the study of linguistic norms in the first place among the most important tasks of Russian linguistics in the field of speech culture. The language norm is mandatory for written and spoken speech. The following types of norms are distinguished: oral speech - lexical, morphological, syntactic (orthoepic, intonation), written (spelling, punctuation).

Signs: prevalence, generally recognized, relative stability and historical variability, universality, compliance with tradition and the capabilities of the language system. Language norms are not invented by scientists; these norms are a historical phenomenon... Changes in norms are due to the constant development of the language. The norms are supported by speech practice. Norms help the literary language to maintain its integrity, they protect it from non-literary variants of the language, which allows the language to fulfill the function of culture.

Sources of language norms... Contemporary usage, works of writers, mass media, data of live and questionnaire surveys, research of linguists.

Variation of norms: doublets. The functioning of language involves the replacement of one norm with another. The new gets into the language contrary to the existing rules. The process of changing the language norm can be represented as follows ...

Types of norms. In the linguistic literature, two types of norms are distinguished: imperative (the only ones that do not allow choice), dispositive (allowing options).

Normalization and codification. Closely related to questions of norms is the concept of normalization and codification. Normalization is a process of formation, description and approval of a language norm, a historical selection of language options. Normalization is reflected in the codification (recognition of the norm). The modern language is called codified spoken language.

Principles of spelling and punctuation. The position of conscious normalization was the most characteristic feature of the head of the first philological school. In the second half of the 19th century, issues of scientific normalization became widespread in the works of J.K. Grotto. He systematized the set of spelling laws of the language. Before the revolution, the alphabet consisted of 35 letters. For the first time, the reform took shape in the spelling subcommittee under the leadership of Academician Shakhmatov. 1919 - The apostrophe began to be used. 1934 - the use of hyphens is canceled, 1935 - periods in abbreviations are canceled. 1938 - the apostrophe removed. 1942 - The use of e. 1956 became optional.

Principles: phonetic, morphological, morphemic, traditional.

Punctuation principles: intonation,

Lecture 4.

Orthoepic norms.

Orthoepy- the science of correct pronunciation. Orthoepic norms determine the choice of pronunciation options, they are called literary pronunciation norms. Modern norms are based on the pronunciation and pronunciation of Moscow residents. To successfully master the norms, you must: master the basic rules of pronunciation, learn to listen to your speech and the speech of others, listen and study exemplary pronunciation, correct your mistakes through constant speech training.

Pronunciation styles. Depending on the rate of speech, there are 2 main styles of pronunciation: full and incomplete. The complete style is characterized by adherence to norms, the coherence of pronunciation of individual sounds, the correct staging of stress, a moderate tempo, and neutral intonation. In case of incomplete style, there is: excessive contraction of words, indistinctness of pronunciation of individual sounds, inconsistent tempo of speech. High and low pronunciation styles. Basic pronunciation rules: in unstressed syllables, the vowels undergo changes as a result of reduction. The consonants have laws of stunning, voicing, assimilation, simplification.

Difficult orthoepy questions.

Pronunciation of borrowed words. In some words of a foreign language, the sound about is pronounced in place of the unstressed o. Also, the sound e is not reduced. Soft and hard pronunciation of consonants before e in loan words.

At present, the pronunciation of chn in combination with shn has been preserved in some words: of course, boring, on purpose, scrambled eggs, trifling, bachelorette party.

Other orthoepic problems.

Accentologicalnorms - stress norms, a kind of orthoepic norms. In some languages, the stress is fixed. In Russian it is not fixed. In addition, the Russian stress can be mobile, change its place in different forms of one word. And motionless. Also, stress performs a meaningful function.

Difficult questions accentology... It is necessary to remember the stress in proper nouns, in nouns of a foreign language origin, the stress of the primary language is often preserved, in verbs ending in -ate, the version with the stress on and is more productive. "lady's whim": the stress shift in past tense verbs, adjectives and participles is always based on, only in the feminine form it is shifted to the ending.

Verbs derived from adjectives are stressed on the last syllable. In verbal nouns, the place of stress of the original verb is preserved. Minimum: agronomy, alphabet, pamper, gross, worship, fancy, exhaust, kitchen.

3.5 Correctness

The correctness of speech is the observance of the current norms of the Russian literary language. Correctness of speech is the quality of speech, consisting in the correspondence of its sound (spelling), lexical and grammatical structure to the literary norms accepted in the language. Correctness is the basic quality of speech that provides other, more complex speech qualities, such as a speaker

ness, wealth, consistency.

The correctness of speech is achieved through knowledge of the norms of the literary language and their careful application in the construction of speech.

3.6 Relevance of speech

Relevance of speech is a strict correspondence of the structure and stylistic features of speech to the conditions and tasks of communication, the content of the expressed information, the chosen genre and style of presentation, the individual characteristics of the author and addressee. The appropriateness of speech involves the ability to use the stylistic resources of the language in accordance with the communication environment. They distinguish stylistic, contextual, situational and personal-psychological relevance.

The relevance of speech is ensured by a correct understanding of the situation and knowledge of the stylistic features of words and stable turns of speech.

3.7 Purity of speech

Purity of speech is the absence of unnecessary words, weed words, non-literary words (slang, dialect, obscene) in it.

Purity of speech is achieved on the basis of a person's knowledge of the stylistic characteristics of the words used, thoughtfulness of speech and the ability to avoid verbosity, repetitions and weed words (which means, so to speak, so, in fact, sort of).

3.8 Consistency of speech

The consistency of speech is the logical correlation of statements with each other.

Consistency is achieved thanks to an attentive attitude to the whole text, coherence of thoughts and a clear compositional concept of the text. Logical errors can be eliminated when reading a ready-made written text, in oral speech it is necessary to remember what has been said well and consistently develop thought.


Thus, in the course of the work, it became clear that the culture of speech is a section of linguistics, which addresses two issues: how to master the norms of the literary language, and how to use expressive linguistic means in different conditions of communication.

The culture of speech is a relatively young science of language. The culture of speech is interested in how a person uses speech, depending on the goals and place of communication, on the addressee of speech. Indeed, within the framework of one and the same style, an infinite number of statements can be created: some of them will be successful, others less successful, and others completely unsuccessful. The question of the qualitative assessment of statements is also concerned with the culture of speech, i.e. it finds out whether a person is speaking right or wrong, good or bad.

To achieve a high level of culture of speech, the speaker must have a rich stock of language tools and be able to choose from them those that are most suitable for each occasion. First of all, you need to take care of expanding your vocabulary.

To do this, you need to read more, learn to notice unfamiliar words, find out their meaning using an explanatory dictionary. It is very important to develop a critical attitude towards your own speech, the desire to always speak to the point, consistently, accurately, expressively and correctly.

If a person has correct and good speech, he reaches the highest level of speech culture. This means not only avoiding speech errors, but also being able to build statements in the best possible way in accordance with the purpose of communication, choosing the most appropriate words and constructions in each case, taking into account who and under what circumstances he is addressing.

The basis of the foundations of the communicative aspect of the culture of speech is the choice of linguistic means necessary for a given purpose of communication - a creative process. Linguists have always well understood the importance for the culture of speech of what is today called the communicative aspect. A high culture of speech is the ability to correctly, accurately and expressively convey your thoughts by means of language. A correct speech is one in which the norms of the modern literary language are observed. But the culture of speech is not only about following the norms of the language. It also consists in the ability to find not only the exact, but also the most intelligible and most appropriate and, therefore, stylistically justified means for expressing one's thoughts.

In the process of communication, we, of course, want our speech to be understandable to the interlocutor, and the information we give him was perceived exactly the way we want it, and not in any other way. In order for the speech to be perceived by the listener exactly as we want it, it must correspond to the conditions of communication and the communicative tasks of the speech partners, that is, it must be communicatively expedient. It is this approach that is carried out when assessing speech from the standpoint of its communicative qualities. The communicative qualities of speech are the real properties of its content or formal side. It is the system of these properties that determines the degree of communicative perfection of speech.

The communicative situation and its components are closely related to the communicative qualities of speech. The communicative qualities of speech are parameters that cover all aspects of the text, and their ratio and the degree of manifestation in the text depend on the genre and style of the statement, on the individual characteristics of the communicants.

Correctness, purity, and richness (variety) of speech refer to the structural communicative qualities of good speech. Accuracy, consistency, expressiveness, relevance, accessibility, efficiency - to functional communicative qualities.

List of used literature

1. Vvedenskaya L. A., Pavlova L. G. Culture and the art of speech. Contemporary rhetoric. Rostov-on-Don. Phoenix Publishing House. 1995 - 576 p.

2. Golovin B.N. Introduction to linguistics. M .: "High school", 1990.

3. Golovin B.N. Fundamentals of speech culture: Textbook. for universities on specials. "Russian language and lit." - 2nd ed., Rev. - M .: Higher. shk., 1988.

4. Linguistic encyclopedic dictionary. M .: "Soviet Encyclopedia", 1990.

5. Ivanova I.N., Shustrova L.V. Fundamentals of linguistics. M., 1995.

6. Ozhegov SI Lexicology. Lexicography. A culture of speech. Textbook. manual for universities. M "High School", 1974.

7. Russian language and culture of speech: Textbook / Ed. prof. V.I. Maksimova. - M .: Gardariki, 2000 .-- 413 p.

8. Russian language and culture of speech: Textbook. for universities / Ed. V.D. Chernyak. - M .: Higher school, 2008 .-- 509 p.

9. Sugar L. B. How our language works. M .: "Education", 1978.

The correctness of speech is the observance of the linguistic norms of the modern Russian literary language. Speakers and writers from the point of view of the norm evaluate speech as correct (but rm a) or incorrect (error).
Norms in the modern Russian literary language are phonetic, lexico-phraseological, derivational, morphological, syntactic, stylistic.
Phonetic norms are the norms of pronunciation of sounds of the modern Russian literary language, staging of stress in words and observance of the correct intonation.
The norms of pronunciation of sounds and staging of stress are studied in phonetics and orthoepy (see p. 12).
Vocabulary o-f geological norms are the norms for the use of words and phraseological units in their characteristic lexical meaning and the norms for combining words and phraseological units with other words in a sentence.
The norms of use and norms of combining words and phraseological units are studied in vocabulary and phraseology (see p. 22) and are reflected in dictionaries (see p. 28).
When using words, phraseological units, the following types of lexical and phraseological errors are observed: the use of 1) words, phraseological units in an unusual meaning, for example: “buy a cannonade”; "Beat the thumbs up
with an ax "; 2) non-literary words (dialectal; new formations unusual for the language, for example, "iron bucket").
In case of ignorance of the norms of communication between words, phraseological units, their abnormal compatibility arises, for example, "an elderly horse", "brown stockings", "ate Demyan's ear".
Morphological norms are the norms of inflection when declining nominal parts of speech, pronouns and participles, and when conjugating verbs. With non-normative inflection, morphological errors arise, for example: "no time", "prettier", "lie down", etc.
The norms of inflection are studied in morphology (see p. 53). They are described in the reference book: Difficulties of word use and variants of the norms of the Russian literary language / Ed. K. S. Gorbachevich. D., 1973.
Syntactic norms are the norms for constructing syntactic structures - phrases and sentences. In case of non-normative construction of phrases and sentences, syntactic errors arise, for example: “approaching the city, a business conversation came between them”.
The rules for constructing phrases * and sentences are studied in the syntax (see p. 152).
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Stylistic norms are the possession of the ability to use the language means inherent in it in a particular functional style. Stylistic norms are studied in stylistics (see p. 256). Failure to master the ability to use language means in accordance with the style requirements leads to stylistic mistakes, for example: “Declare
thanks to the conductor "; "Pretty little rivers flow along the Russian plain."

The correctness and richness of speech undoubtedly speaks about the level of a person's culture. The great Russian language, as the writer I.S.Turgenev notes, was given to a great people. However, the processes taking place in modern Russian society are of concern to philologists. It is about loosening established norms, simplifying the style of speech and everyday interpersonal communication. Let's try to understand and analyze these changes.

Beautiful speech and position in society

The correctness of speech and the ability to speak beautifully during the time of tsarist Russia distinguished representatives of the upper classes. Now, of course, official titles are not awarded in our country, but it should be noted that people who are able to freely express their thoughts and speak correctly, behave in a special way. They usually have good posture, a slightly raised head, and a rhythmic and light gait. If we talk about material wealth, then it is, most often, average or above average. Consequently, a certain "caste" is still traced.

There are cases when a person who has achieved a high position in society, but does not have the proper education, sought to catch up by pulling up his cultural level. Such people were well aware that in order to communicate in the highest circles they simply need grammatical correctness of speech. Only the ability to hold on properly allows you to consolidate what has been achieved and go further.

There is also a category of people who, in an effort to occupy a certain position in society, master the skills of literate speech.

These two processes are interdependent: the achievement of a certain status dictates the need to "pull up" your level of literacy, and a literate and cultured person attracts the attention of people of a higher circle, if, of course, he makes attempts to get closer to them.

Characteristics of the literary language

The Russian literary language is distinguished by:

1) well-developed writing;
2) the presence of well-established norms and rules for the use of elements of speech;
3) the existence of typical expressions, which are determined by the situation and content (everyday communication, public speaking, business speech);
4) the relationship between the book and spoken literary language in writing and orally.

The most significant distinguishing feature of the literary language is its generally accepted and, therefore, intelligible.

Grammatical correctness of speech and its essence

The basis of the grammatical correctness of speech lies in the observance of the norms of the morphology and syntax of the Russian language, as well as in the correct construction of sentences and phrases.

New processes in society led to the fact that changes in the meanings of individual words led to a different functioning of grammatical categories. Words that did not have a plural form before received it in modern speech: risks, strategies, budgets, economics.

The modern press clearly demonstrates the processes of change in modern language. Written speech is replete with lexical units newly formed with the help of prefixes and suffixes. Individual neoplasms do not at all make our statements more beautiful. So, for example, using the suffix - isolation, gives us words such as humanization, informatization. In some cases, we can even get a showcase (the author of this expression probably meant the design of a showcase in a store).

The main problem in the process of modern word formation is the confusion of words that have different stylistic connotations. So, people can simultaneously use specialized terms (for example, bill of exchange), without disdaining at the same time such jargon as non-cash, chernukha, scam.

Things to remember when designing a written speech

The correctness of Russian speech, in particular written, requires constant monitoring and verification of one's own writing.

It should be remembered that the use of one suffix with different words can give stylistically different forms. Consequently, when writing down a particular text, a person who seeks to find the correctness of speech must use lexical units in the most strict accordance with the genre.

So, for an analytical article, it is appropriate to use special terminology, but curses and jargon are strictly prohibited. When compiling a pamphlet, colloquial words that are not related to scientific concepts are permissible.

Common mistakes in speaking and writing

The most common mistakes in modern journalism include:

  • Applying prepositional case control unnecessarily (for example, "work experience" instead of "work experience").
  • Constructions with the "how" particle instead of an indirect case (people are used to war as something normal).
  • Incorrect case application (one of the first to come was the general).

Of course, the correctness of speech in the presence of such errors is completely excluded.

Frequently used prepositions that make speech illiterate

Perhaps the first place in terms of the number of inappropriate uses is occupied by the preposition "by", which is used to connect words together, for example:

  • water question;
  • agreement on Volgograd;
  • battery statement;
  • initiative for Ukraine.

Also, the preposition "o" is often used unnecessarily:

  • emphasized about the need;
  • he was going to describe it separately;
  • she meant their general condition;
  • everyone understands that the collapse cannot be prevented.

As you can see, the correctness and accuracy of speech largely depends on the correctly chosen preposition.

Examples of misused case

The correctness of speech is also determined by how correctly one or another word is inflected. Incorrect case selection is observed in the following examples:

1. The use of the nominative case instead of the indirect one:

You need to learn about the balance of power.

2. The use of genitive, not prepositional:

The tax issue has been postponed for now.

The grammatical correctness of Russian speech is undoubtedly lost with an incorrect choice of case, which leads to a change in the syntactic structure of the utterance, for example:

A definite agreement was reached on measures that would open (instead of “opening”) the possibility of a truce.

Ways to eliminate common speech errors

The most common mistakes that most of us make in speaking and writing are lexico-stylistic mistakes. Let's consider some of them.

1. Repetition of words. Example: We have a dog at home. The dog's name is Bug. The bug does not guard the house. The bug is kind, barks very rarely.

This example is taken from a schoolchild's essay, but adults also sin with an abundance of repetitions in conversation and in writing. The main reason for this error is the poverty of vocabulary, poor mastery of synonymy. We can easily get rid of the tautology if we broaden our horizons and carefully reread the text we have compiled.

2. Misunderstanding of the meaning of the word and, as a result, its inaccurate use. Examples:

I do not want to stand upside down.

We were lucky, there was a thaw, only 8 degrees below zero.

Such mistakes are the result of insufficient general development of speech, a narrow outlook, and the rare use of certain words.

3. Lack of knowledge of the generally accepted collocation of words. Example:

The red fellow defeated the Snake.Common phrase: the girl is red.

4. Lack of understanding of the emotional coloring of the statement. Example:

The sun is shining outside the windows. Today I have such a glorious event as a walk along the river bank. The word "event" is appropriate to use in business speech. Such mistakes are associated with a low sense of language.

5. The use of colloquial words. Example:

Put in place (instead of "put").

The concept of correctness of speech develops in a person under the influence of the linguistic environment. The errors considered, as you can see, are different in nature, but the main way to eliminate them lies through increasing your own vocabulary and analyzing your oral and written statements.

The qualities of good speech

Even ancient philosophers, such as Theophrastus, Hermogenes, Cicero, Dionysius, spoke about the merits of speech and distinguished among them accuracy, truthfulness, clarity, beauty, and appropriateness. Many of these characteristics certainly deserve our attention.

Among contemporary works, the doctrine developed by Boris Nikolaevich Golovin should be noted. In his definition, he correlates the qualities of speech with the following processes:

1) correctness, wealth, purity of the language;

2) consistency, clarity, simplicity of thinking;

3) objectivity of the picture of the world;

4) the relevance of statements;

5) aesthetic design of speech.

Let's take a closer look at the individual speech qualities.

  • The correctness of speech is compliance with its generally accepted norms:

1) stress;

2) pronunciation;

3) lexical norms governing the rules for the use of words and their combination;

4) stylistic norms regulating the choice of speech means in certain areas of communication;

5) the norms of word formation;

6) syntactic norms requiring compliance with the rules of agreement and arrangement of words in a sentence.

  • Speech is considered rich if it is diverse in linguistic structure, which is provided by vocabulary.
  • Purity means the absence of non-literary, slang, colloquial words that impart a rude character to speech.
  • Consistency is the consistency of the nature of the narrative, the correspondence of statements to the laws of logic.
  • Clarity of speech is the use of language tools that make the narrative more intelligible. It depends largely on the correct use of various terms. When using a new word, you must well understand its meaning.
  • Simplicity. It lies in the absence of pretentious, unnatural words.
  • Brevity of speech is the absence of unnecessary words and repetitions that make it difficult to understand.
  • Accuracy of speech is the correspondence of the words used to the phenomena that they denote.
  • Expressiveness is the ability to use expressive means capable of influencing the consciousness of listeners.
  • The relevance of speech is the correspondence of its content to the purposes of the message being transmitted. It regulates all human speech behavior.
  • The aesthetic design of speech is the optimality of the language utterance, its harmony.

Summing up, it must be said that working on speech literacy is a laborious process that requires constant self-improvement, broadening one's horizons, and analyzing one's own statements.

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