Dark chocolate for liver disease. Cocoa powder benefits and harms for liver health? Useful foods for the liver

Morning awakening for most of us comes with a cup of an invigorating drink at breakfast. Much is said about the benefits and harms of it for the liver. How does coffee affect the liver? Consider two different opinions of doctors "for" and "against".

Is coffee bad for the liver?

There is no definitive answer to the question “is coffee bad for the liver”. Benefits and harms are considered in conjunction with many factors. For example, with problems with the stomach, its diseases with ulcers and gastritis, the answer is “no”. Even an absolutely healthy person on an empty stomach will be harmed. Aromatic doping negatively affects the gastric mucosa, leading to gastritis in the future.

There is a negative effect on the gallbladder. With cholecystitis, the specialist will recommend removing the drink from the diet, since the liver and gallbladder are organs of the same system (gastrointestinal tract). And the influence on other organs of the same chain cannot be avoided.

Under the above conditions, while taking a strong drink, people can get liver pain. This will be indicated by dull pains in the abdomen, on the right side. It is necessary to consult a specialist if you have noted this symptom. He may allow a limited category of people with liver disease to take coffee in a small dosage. In this case, the effect on the human liver is less detrimental.

An interesting fact was discovered during research by Singaporean scientists. It turns out that two cups of natural doping for cirrhosis can reduce the risk of death by 70%. This is due to the fact that coffee, namely natural, cleanses the liver. Whether it is useful for you, only the doctor who will conduct the examination can decide.

Is it possible to coffee with hepatitis

Is it possible to drink coffee with hepatitis in the USSR, the doctor decided. In Soviet times, a classic diet was developed at number 5, for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. She introduced a complete ban on it in the human diet. Soon this diet was also prescribed by doctors for such a type of hepatopathy as hepatitis. However, after extensive research, the drink was taken off the banned list. And with an unhealthy liver, from now on it was allowed to drink a small amount of the drink, but only with milk. This is due to the fact that milk binds caffeine and softens the damage done to the liver.

Nowadays, the headlines of the articles report that caffeine is good for the liver. In laboratories, they find evidence that this substance does not harm those infected with viral hepatitis. Recent studies have even revealed a decrease in serum aminotransferase in patients with hepatitis C, when the component enters the body. Observation showed a decrease in serum levels with each additional serving of coffee. When drinking two cups, the benefits were highest. Only those who did not drink the drink or consumed it without caffeine did not show results. Conclusion: coffee with liver disease should be chosen of natural origin. Evidence that it causes damage in hepatitis C has not been found.

Not so long ago, there was talk about the fact that caffeine is able to restrain the process of scarring of organ tissue. Which makes the situation even more ambiguous.

natural or soluble

What coffee is good for the liver? Of course, the natural option. The concentration of useful properties is collected in caffeine, which is found in premium grain crops. It's all about the organic nature of the product itself. For the preparation of such a drink, real grains are used. And for soluble, robusta is used, that is, grains of a grade of the worst quality.

In addition, preservatives, additives, flavors, dyes are used to prepare the soluble version. Substances of this kind are added to improve inadequate quality, to compensate for the taste deficiencies of the product. From such a bouquet, the combination of usefulness of coffee for the liver is zero. You can even talk about the harm to other body systems. When using a natural product, there are more pluses than minuses.

Another type of coffee on the shelves is concentrated. The concentrate ranks first in terms of caffeine content. In a cup of this custard type, there are more components that are useful for the liver and you need to drink it less.

Give preference only to the best quality product, so as not to be deceived, and most importantly - healthy!

Medical Opinions and Research

Medical opinion is divided. Therefore, over the years, scientists have been researching the benefits of coffee for the liver. Observations are on a large scale.

So, for example, a study on the effect of a drink on cirrhosis of the liver lasted 19 years. It was attended by 45 thousand people. The disease of half of them was of a viral nature, the rest were sick as a result of alcohol consumption. They consumed 4 cups of the natural product daily. It turned out that caffeine prolongs life by 66% only for those who acquired this disease due to alcoholism. In an organism with a disease in the form of a consequence of one of the types of hepatitis, there were no changes.

One group of doctors says that it is necessary to drink a drink in the amount of 2 cups, others - 4. Moreover, the second group is of the opinion that drinking a large amount is fraught with consequences.

In Soviet times, hepatologists unanimously argued that coffee was harmful and excluded it from food intake. Over time, it was proven that thanks to the drink, the risk of developing certain diseases is reduced and it was returned to the diet. The fragrant doping itself was recommended to be mixed with milk. However, it has now been proven that the addition of milk kills the beneficial properties of the drink and turns it into a useless liquid.

These groups are united by the opinion about the effect of coffee on the gallbladder. With cholecystitis - a disease of the gallbladder, a diet is prescribed with the removal of this drink and a large number of products from it.


TOP 8 facts about coffee. Benefit and harm.

Is ginger good or bad for the liver?

Ginger is a herbaceous plant whose roots are used as a spice due to its peculiar spicy taste. The plant is rich in essential oils, vitamins C, B1, B2, as well as "essential amino acids" (substances necessary for life, but they are not produced in the body itself). It also contains antioxidants that can disinfect and remove toxins from the body.
Due to its unique properties, ginger is used in medicine to treat many diseases. However, it cannot be called a universal remedy. To say whether it is good for the liver, you need to thoroughly understand its properties.

Liver Benefits of Ginger

Due to the high content of terpenes that can release atomic oxygen, ginger has a strong anti-inflammatory effect, it can even kill cancer cells. Ginger tea is used as an antidote for food poisoning, which can cause toxic hepatitis.

  1. One of the main functions of the liver is secretory - that is, the production of bile. Ginger is able to enhance this function, stimulate the work of this body. Bile is involved in the dissolution of fats in the duodenum, from where useful substances are absorbed into the blood. Stimulation of bile production improves fat metabolism. Therefore, ginger tea can be used to prevent fatty liver disease;
  2. By stimulating the metabolism, saturating the body with vitamins, it helps to strengthen the immune system, increase the body's ability to resist infections. Therefore, the risk of viral hepatitis and other infectious diseases is reduced;
  3. One of the beneficial properties of ginger is the ability to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and improve blood circulation. This is necessary for the functioning of the liver, supplying it with oxygen. A good condition of the vessels favorably affects the work of the heart and other organs, such as the pancreas, digestive organs, kidneys;
  4. Ginger infusions have a good effect in the treatment of alcoholic hepatitis. This happens due to disinfection and removal of toxins, stimulation of blood circulation and increase in the overall tone of the body.

Healing drinks based on ginger

To cleanse the liver tissue in case of poisoning, as well as alcohol intoxication, treatment is carried out with infusions and decoctions based on ginger root. The root is applied in a peeled form (white ginger) or directly with a peel (black). It is dried and crushed. For the infusion, a mixture of 2 tablespoons of ginger with nutmeg, cloves and chopped lemon peel is used. It is poured with 1 glass of boiling water, infused and drunk in 2 doses. After that, the liver completely returns to normal, the symptoms of poisoning disappear.
To cleanse the liver, a decoction of herbal collection, composed of ginger root of bitter wormwood and chamomile, is useful.

Harmful properties of ginger

It is not recommended to use this plant for liver diseases in most cases, since its properties, leading to recovery in some cases, can produce a detrimental effect in others. For example:

  • Stimulation of blood circulation at elevated body temperature can increase fever;
  • Increased blood circulation plays a negative role in hepatitis, hepatosis, cirrhosis, and tumors. In these diseases, the cells and vascular system of the liver and pancreas are damaged. In addition, the use of this plant causes a decrease in blood clotting. Severe internal bleeding can occur, life-threatening;
  • The stimulating effect of ginger can be harmful to the nervous system, which will result in worsening sleep, intensifying painful symptoms, and affecting the work of the heart. Taking ginger increases heart rate, increases blood pressure, and can cause arrhythmias. Therefore, the use of ginger for the treatment of the liver is categorically contraindicated in people with coronary heart disease, atrial fibrillation, and hypertension;
  • This plant, like garlic, has a strong irritant effect on the gastric mucosa. On the one hand, it causes the stomach to produce more gastric juice, stimulates the digestion of food. On the other hand, an excess of hydrochloric acid contained in gastric juice can cause irritation of the mucous membrane, up to the appearance of ulcers. Such a state will immediately affect the work of the organs;
  • Increased bile secretion under the influence of ginger can lead to its accumulation and the formation of stones in the gallbladder and ducts, through which it is discharged from the liver to the pancreas;
  • The plant has a choleretic effect, which is a minus for cholelithiasis. Stones can move, clog the ducts. This will lead to hepatomegaly, jaundice, hepatic colic and other symptoms.

Is ginger compatible with medications?

The substances contained in ginger enhance the effect of certain drugs (for diabetes), and in other cases, it reduces their therapeutic effect. For example, it should not be used for cleansing and treatment while taking blood pressure medication, diuretics, and antiarrhythmic drugs.
Infusions and seasonings from ginger should be used carefully in antibiotic treatment, since this plant itself is a powerful natural antibiotic, which can cause consequences that are characteristic of an overdose of the drug.
Ginger remedies can enhance the allergic effect of drugs, so for people prone to allergies, they are completely contraindicated.

The use of ginger for cleansing the liver, for the prevention and treatment of its diseases is useful in cases where there are no concomitant pathologies of other organs, as well as allergies to drugs and plants. It is indispensable in the treatment of alcoholic hepatitis. In other cases, ginger can cause irreparable harm.

However, recently published research results from the European association for the study of the liver (EASL - is the leading European scientific community involved in the development of research and education in hepatology) give hope for a sweet future. 🙂

On April 15, 2010 in Vienna, Austria, at the "International Liver Congress" a study was presented that found that dark chocolate reduces damage to the blood vessels of cirrhotic patients, and also lowers blood pressure in the liver. Dark chocolate contains powerful antioxidants that reduce postprandial (occurring after eating) blood pressure in the liver (so-called portal hypertension) associated with damage to the liver, blood vessels (endothelial dysfunction). It is worth noting once again - it is said about dark chocolate, while white chocolate did not lead to the same effect.

Professor Mark Thursz, MD FRCP, EASL Assistant Secretary and Professor of Hepatology at Imperial College London said: “…it is important to explore the potential of alternative sources that can contribute to a patient's overall well-being. This study has shown a clear association between dark chocolate consumption and portal hypertension and demonstrates the potential importance of improving the management of cirrhotic patients to minimize the occurrence and impact of end-stage liver disease and associated mortality risks.”

Cirrhosis of the liver is the formation of scars on the liver as a result of long-term continuous damage to the liver (for example, in viral hepatitis). In liver cirrhosis, circulations within the liver are damaged by oxidative stress and reduced antioxidant defenses. After eating, blood pressure in the abdominal vein usually increases due to increased blood flow to the liver. This is especially dangerous and devastating for people with cirrhosis, as they already have high blood pressure in the liver (portal hypertension) and other organs, which can lead to rupture of blood vessels. Thus, eating dark chocolate may ultimately prevent a potential threat to cirrhosis patients.

In this study, 21 cirrhotic patients with end-stage liver disease were randomized to receive a standard liquid meal. Ten patients received a liquid food containing dark chocolate (contains 85% cocoa, 0.55 grams of dark chocolate per 1 kg of body weight), and 11 patients received a liquid food containing white chocolate, which is devoid of cocoa flavonoids (having antioxidant or antioxidant properties) in depending on body weight. Liver blood pressure, blood pressure and portal blood flow were measured before and 30 minutes after eating.

Both meals produced a very significant but similar increase in portal blood flow: a 24% increase from dark chocolate and a 34% increase from white. Interestingly, after a meal, the increase in blood flow to the tissues was accompanied by an increase in liver pressure leading to a statistically significant increase (17.3 ± 19.1 to 3.6mmHg ± 2.6mmHg, p = 0.07) for those patients who ate dark chocolate and those who receives white chocolate (16.0 ± 19.7 to 4.7mmHg ± 4.1mmHg, p = 0.003). The afternoon increase in hepatic pressure was markedly reduced in patients receiving dark chocolate (10.3 ± 16.3% vs. 26.3 ± 12.7%, p = 0.02).

Foods that are bad for the liver

The liver is an organ that cleanses the blood, and, consequently, the body of various unnecessary substances. There are useful and harmful foods for the liver that directly affect its work. The main enemy of the liver is fat, which, in large quantities, is deposited in the body, including in the liver and around it. As a result, the risk of cirrhosis, diabetes and atherosclerosis increases.

What is bad for the liver and pancreas?

There are not so many products that negatively affect the functioning of this body, so you need to know them and try to include them in the menu extremely rarely, or at least in minimal quantities.

What foods are harmful to the human liver:

  1. The work of this body is negatively affected by simple carbohydrates, which are found in refined grains and granulated sugar. From this we can conclude that the list of forbidden foods includes desserts, pasta, rolls, etc.
  2. It is worth finding out if lard is bad for the liver. This product, like fats of other animal origin, is heavy for this organ, so it is better to consume them in small quantities.
  3. Various marinades, which contain alkalis and acids, are considered harmful to the liver. Experts recommend limiting the use of hot sauces, pickles and smoked meats, since the liver considers all these products to be toxins.
  4. The list of foods harmful to the liver includes alcoholic beverages. First of all, this applies to strong drinks, for example, vodka, whiskey, etc.
  5. It is not recommended to eat incompatible foods: protein and carbohydrate foods, for example, meat and bread, fish and potatoes, etc.
  6. You can’t eat everyone’s favorite fast food, because it contains a lot of unhealthy fats, flavors and flavor enhancers.
  7. The list of harmful products includes acidic foods, for example, berries, kiwi, sorrel, etc.

It will be interesting to know if chocolate is bad for the liver. It is believed that natural dark chocolate contains flavonoids, which have antioxidant and cleansing properties. That is why dark chocolate is considered a healthy product, only you need to eat it in small quantities. Many are interested in whether roasted seeds are harmful to the liver. To understand this topic, many studies have been conducted that have indicated the opposite - sunflower seeds have a positive effect on liver function and reduce the risk of diseases associated with this organ.

Dark chocolate for liver disease

Dark chocolate is useful in some liver diseases. About this in response to a letter from Syktyvkar ...

What else can help my son and other similar sufferers with this disease?

Hello, Victoria Mikhailovna! Of course, it is not good enough that your son, having received a good education, does not use it for its intended purpose. Even less good is that he is sick and this illness does not bode well ...

But now about the benefits of dark chocolate in some liver diseases ....

Dark chocolate heals the liver

It turns out that dark chocolate can reduce damage to blood vessels in patients suffering from liver scarring, which is caused by disease or alcohol abuse.

The discovery of the medicinal properties of chocolate was reported at the International Liver Congress in Vienna by scientists from Imperial College London.

So soon doctors will begin to treat patients with liver damage, prescribing dark chocolate instead of medicines.

These conclusions were made by scientists based on the results of a study of 21 people. During the experiment, participants with end-stage liver disease were given liquid food containing either white or dark chocolate. Before taking "healing food" and half an hour after that, experts conducted various examinations of the subjects.

As a result, it turned out that after eating dark chocolate, blood pressure, although it increased, was not as strong as in the case of white chocolate. The researchers explain it this way: white chocolate does not contain cocoa flavonoids, which have antioxidant properties.

And more important information...

1. Chocolate drinkers are 22% less likely to have a stroke. Those who eat 50 grams of chocolate a week, but did not escape from a stroke, are 46% more likely to survive after a stroke.

2. Dark chocolate has entered the list of foods that nourish the body and at the same time kill cancer cells.

3. It is also known that chocolate helps fight stress: people experiencing severe stress feel relief after two weeks of regular consumption of this sweet product.

Perhaps this information will help you, Viktoria Mikhailovna, in the treatment of your son.

The benefits of chocolate for the treatment of the liver

Spanish scientists have conducted studies on the effects of eating chocolate on liver health. It is possible that in the near future chocolate therapy will be part of the treatment of diseases such as cirrhosis of the liver.

The results of scientific research have confirmed that the benefits of chocolate for the treatment of the liver are not a myth. The work of Spanish scientists has attracted the attention of many members of the scientific community. To the previously known beneficial properties of bitter chocolate for humans, the ability of this product to prevent an increase in blood pressure in the abdominal cavity was added. This is the benefit of chocolate for those who suffer from cirrhosis of the liver, since most often pressure surges are observed after eating, and for people with a diseased liver, this is dangerous, since an increase in pressure can lead to rupture of blood vessels.

Researchers from Spain recruited about 20 patients diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver to participate in the experiment. All of them were divided into groups. Participants in one used dark chocolate to treat their liver. Another group was "treated" with white chocolate.

Before each meal and half an hour after it, all patients measured blood pressure in the liver. It turned out that in the participants of the experiment, who ate bitter chocolate for the treatment of the liver, pressure surges in the liver were less pronounced than in patients who consumed white chocolate without adding cocoa.

According to the findings of scientists, the benefits of chocolate with a high content of cocoa for the treatment of the liver are associated with the antispasmodic effect of the antioxidants flavanols that are part of cocoa on vascular cells.

In the 16th century, the conquistadors who plundered the capital of Mexico, Tenochtitlan, found reserves of dark hard grains in the palace storerooms. Local residents shared with the newcomers the recipe for "chocolatl". They prepared this drink as follows: they ground roasted cocoa beans with corn grains, added agave juice, honey and vanilla.

Renamed "chocolate", the sweet drink made its way to the table of the King of Spain. His recipe was kept secret for a long time. Only a hundred years later, representatives of the royal court of France, and then other wealthy residents of Europe, tasted it.

And solid chocolate began to be prepared only at the end of the 19th century, when the prices of sugar and cocoa fell, and all segments of the population could afford chocolate. It was prepared according to a recipe similar to a drink, but more cocoa butter was added, which solidified well. Depending on how much cocoa was added to the product, the chocolate turned out to be dark, that is, bitter, light or white.

Amazing properties of chocolate

The benefits of chocolate for humans have been proven by science for a long time. There is evidence that this confectionery masterpiece helps the body produce secretory immunoglobulin A, which is an important component of protection against viruses, and serotonin, or the hormone of happiness, without which a person can be prone to depression. Many of us do not need scientific evidence that chocolate is a great mood booster and helps to cope with tiredness after a day's work.

Not so long ago, the results of other studies about previously unknown properties of chocolate became known. So, Gustavo Saposnik, head of the Center for the Study of Strokes at St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto, believes that this sweet product reduces the risk of stroke. After reviewing several independent studies, he urged confidence in the conclusions of an experiment in which scientists were able to prove that eating 50 grams of chocolate per week can reduce the risk of dying due to a stroke by almost 50%.

Gustavo Saposnik explains this property of chocolate by the fact that it contains a lot of flavonoids that increase the concentration of nitric oxide in the blood, which helps regulate the functions of cells in the inner walls of blood vessels and prevent damage to cell membranes by free radicals. At the same time, the researcher clarified that in this case we are talking exclusively about dark chocolate, which should be consumed in small quantities.

Similar data were obtained by specialists from the German Institute of Nutrition. For 10 years, they observed the eating style, lifestyle and quality of health of 20,000 people and came to the conclusion that those who consumed about 7.5 grams of chocolate daily had lower blood pressure than those who ate an average of 1 .7 grams of sweet product. In addition, people from the first group had a 39% lower risk of heart attacks.

Scientists from Germany believe that this quality of chocolate is associated with flavonoids, which regulate cerebral circulation and lower blood pressure, thereby reducing the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

About the quantity and quality of chocolate

So, scientific research data confirms that chocolate can not only improve mood, but also bring benefits to our health.

What kind of chocolate should you prefer? Undoubtedly, dark, since antioxidants useful for the body are part of cocoa.

White chocolate is made from sugar and cocoa butter. It does not include cocoa, so this type of chocolate contains a lot of calories and does not benefit.

People who are overweight or have a predisposition to diabetes should treat chocolate with caution. Doctors advise them to eat only dark chocolate, without sugar, and no more than 50 grams per day.

The harm of chocolate

Many have heard the phrase "if you eat a lot of sweets, then ...". Then the pathogenic flora in the intestine begins to activate and cause inflammation, the ingress of toxic substances into the body, fermentation and decay, because. sugar is excellent food for putrefactive bacteria in the intestines. Food additives that are contained in sweets irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. Two sweets a day is enough for the body for energy and glycogen stores. And an excess amount of glucose, sucrose and even fructose begins to turn into fat, which is deposited in the subcutaneous fat. Then this fat begins to be deposited everywhere. Liver cells are destroyed and replaced with fatty ones. Liver function changes and excess body weight occurs.

If a perfectly healthy person consumes 150 gr. sweets (chocolate, marmalade, waffles and cakes) per day, i.e. 50 grams after each meal, then

  • Caries will appear on the teeth. Microorganisms that live in the oral cavity feed on food debris and release toxins and organic acids that destroy tooth enamel over time.
  • Exceeding the level of bilirubin. This means that the liver has lost control over the excretion of metabolic products from the body.
  • Low density cholesterol will rise. This is exactly the fraction that forms plaques on the vessels, clogs them and causes cardiovascular diseases.
  • Glycolized hemoglobin will exceed the norm. The pancreas is inflamed and worse removes sugar.

In this article, we will take a closer look at a product such as chocolate. For the classic recipe for making chocolate, 3 components are needed: cocoa mass, cocoa butter and sugar.

Small producers cannot afford expensive cocoa butter, replacing it with coconut and palm oil. Those. use margarine, which is 5 times cheaper. Such confectionery products will contain trans fats.

Trans fats have a distorted molecular structure that is uncharacteristic of natural compounds. These mutant molecules penetrate the cells of the body and close them from the inside. Cells that do not receive nutrients die or become cancerous.

According to the report UCS-INFO 447 dated 07/15/1999, as a result of scientific research, the following negative consequences of eating trans fats were established:

  • Deterioration of milk quality in breastfeeding mothers, with trans fats being passed through the mother's milk when feeding the baby.
  • The birth of children with pathologically low weight.
  • Increased risk of developing diabetes.
  • Violation of the work of prostaglandins, which negatively affects the condition of the joints and connective tissue.
  • Violation of the enzyme cytochrome oxidase, which plays a key role in the neutralization of chemicals and carcinogens.
  • Weakened immunity.
  • Decrease in the level of the male sex hormone testosterone and deterioration in the quality of sperm. Violation of cellular metabolism is fraught with diseases such as atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension, coronary heart disease, cancer, obesity, visual impairment. The use of foods containing trans fats reduces the body's ability to withstand stress, increases the risk of depression.

Note: Foods containing trans fats:

  • margarine;
  • spreads, soft oils, mixes of butter and vegetable oils;
  • refined vegetable oil;
  • mayonnaise;
  • ketchup;
  • fast food products - french fries, etc., for the preparation of which hydrogenated fats were used;
  • confectionery products - cakes, pastries, cookies, crackers, etc., for the manufacture of which cooking oil was used;
  • snacks - chips, popcorn, etc.
  • frozen semi-finished products.

While small producers are replacing cocoa butter with refractory fats, large enterprises can afford to use cocoa butter. But even here they manage to save money. By adding soy lecithin 0.3 - 0.4%, we get a savings of 3 - 5% cocoa butter.

Soy lecithin (E322) is a food additive with the properties of a surfactant - an emulsifier. Due to this, it is widely used in the food industry in the manufacture of chocolate and chocolate glaze, confectionery, bakery and pasta, margarine, mayonnaise, as well as in the manufacture of fat-water emulsions for lubricating baking forms and sheets. Please do not fall for the bait of rigged facts that “Lecithin is a substance necessary for the body. Lecithin consists of 50% of the liver, 1/3 of the brain insulating and protective tissues surrounding the brain and spinal cord. Lecithin is necessary for the body as a building material for the renewal of damaged cells. It plays a key role in ensuring the full functioning of the brain and nervous system. Lecithin is the main vehicle for delivering nutrients, vitamins and drugs to cells, etc.” 3 These are all publicity gimmicks for those who know the truth. We are talking about different lecithins! Lecithin (from the Greek lecithos, egg yolk) was discovered by Maurice Gobley in 1859 in egg yolk. While soy lecithin is obtained exclusively from soybeans. Soy lecithin is of plant origin and is not absorbed by the body. It has a detrimental effect on the pancreatic glands and liver cells. Causes diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Another way to save money is cocoa vella (cocoa husk). It is exfoliated during the production of cocoa butter and cocoa liquor. Vella is ground very finely and mixed with cocoa powder in a 50/50 ratio. 1 kg of cocoa powder costs 30 hryvnia, 1 kg of vella - 50 kopecks. To determine the presence of cocoa vella in cocoa powder, you need to dissolve it in water. Part of the husk will float, and the rest will settle.

Benefits of dark chocolate

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Chocolate is good for the liver

Spanish scientists have added to the list of useful properties of dark chocolate. According to them, this delicacy can help people with various liver diseases.

With cirrhosis and other liver diseases, scars form on it as a result of long-term oxidative stress (by the way, this problem is one of the main problems with alcohol abuse). In addition, after eating, blood pressure increases in the liver, which can lead to rupture of blood vessels penetrating it. According to the results of the study, which were presented at the annual meeting of the European Association for the Study of the Liver, eating dark chocolate reduces damage to liver cells, and also prevents sharp surges in pressure in the hepatic vessels. The study was structured as follows: 20 patients with liver cirrhosis were divided into two groups, one was "treated" with dark chocolate with 85 percent cocoa, the other with white. Before and after the meal, the participants measured the pressure in the liver. It turned out that after dark chocolate, it increased significantly less than after white. Researchers attribute this to the spasmolytic (ie, relaxing and dilating) effect of the antioxidants found in cocoa beans on blood vessels. Colleagues of Spanish researchers - hepatologists from different countries - highly appreciated the fruits of their labor. For example, Imperial College London professor Mark Turtz called this discovery an important event in the scientific world, as it provides new opportunities for the treatment of liver diseases.

Sergey Vyalov, gastroenterologist-hepatologist, candidate of medical sciences, doctor of the European Medical Center (EMC), member of the European Society for the Study of the Liver (EASL):

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The liver is not only involved in metabolism, but also helps to get rid of toxic substances. Human health depends on her work. Today we will find out what foods the liver loves.

To maintain liver health, it is enough to include healthy foods in the menu.

Useful foods for the liver

To maintain her health, it is enough to include in the menu healthy products that are easy to prepare and provide the body with the necessary components. The organ plays the role of a filter, and the food we eat has a direct effect on it. Next, consider what foods the liver loves and their effect on the body.

Lemon and honey

Bee products are a good friend for the liver. The benefits of honey are determined by its components - glucose and fructose stimulate the production of bile and the removal of harmful substances from the body. An excellent means of preventing diseases of the liver and gallbladder is a teaspoon of honey on an empty stomach, washed down with a glass of water. Some doctors advise stirring honey in water and drinking a so-called cocktail. The product of the vital activity of bees provides invaluable benefits together with other products, such as pumpkin or lemon.

In large quantities, lemon for the liver will only harm. But citric acid is an excellent solvent. The easiest option is a morning glass of water with honey and a slice of lemon. The elixir will help the liver work and provide the body with vitamin C. The second option is to cleanse the liver: mix a glass of warm water and lemon juice (1-2 tablespoons) with a spoonful of honey. Take no more than two months.


  1. Inflammation of the stomach or duodenum.
  2. Diseases of the oral cavity.

Fish and vegetable oils

The positive effect of fish oil on the body has been proven by many years of use in various diseases.

The positive effect of fish oil on the body has been proven by many years of use in various diseases. No less useful fish oil will be for the health and treatment of the liver. Get it from the meat of fatty fish - tuna, salmon, sardine, cod. But not everyone loves and can afford to eat fish in large quantities, so pharmaceutical fish oil in capsules will come to the rescue.

The main value of fat is the supply of Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids, which the body cannot synthesize on its own. Fatty acids contribute to the breakdown and removal of bad cholesterol, thereby increasing the level of good cholesterol and strengthening blood vessels. Such work normalizes the level of triglycerides, protects the liver from inflammation. You need to take 1-3 capsules a day for 1.5 months, then take a break.

The benefits of olive oil for the body are higher than those of other vegetable oils. Doctors say that it is better absorbed in people with diseases of the intestines, gallbladder, liver, pancreas. Olive oil has a choleretic effect, removes bad cholesterol and other toxic compounds.

The liver cleanses the blood, regulates metabolism, removes poisons and heavy metals. Over time, the "filter" becomes clogged and begins to perform functions worse. If you regularly use olive oil for the liver, the results will not be long in coming:

  1. The metabolism will improve.
  2. Thanks to fatty acids, the health and functioning of the body will improve.
  3. Intestinal peristalsis will accelerate, constipation will disappear.
  4. Stabilizes blood pressure.
  5. The risk of cancer will decrease.

Gentle cleansing is to take a tablespoon of oil with lemon juice before meals. But the method is not the most harmless, and before taking olive oil to cleanse the body, it is better to consult a specialist. In some diseases, an extra load on the liver can result. In addition, oil treatment can provoke the movement of stones in the gallbladder, clogging the ducts. In this case, immediate hospitalization and surgical intervention will be required.

Chocolate and chicory

Chicory is a plant with a bitter taste reminiscent of coffee. It is indicated for various diseases of the kidneys, liver, poor appetite, diabetes, lowers blood pressure. It has choleretic, antimicrobial, tonic, diuretic properties.

Chicory is useful for the liver mainly due to the content of inulin, resin, fructose and glycosides.. Chicory is able to cleanse the liver and gallbladder, remove bile. You can use the root and flowers of the plant for medicinal purposes. Also, for the prevention of liver diseases, you can drink ready-made powder, sold in pharmacies with various additives for an amateur. Brew according to the principle of instant coffee 1-2 teaspoons per cup of water. Add milk or cream if desired.

Moderate consumption of dark chocolate is good for the liver

In addition to the beneficial properties of chicory, it can cause an allergic reaction, drowsiness, weight loss and a decrease in appetite. It should be used carefully, it is advisable to discuss treatment with a doctor. Prolonged use can exacerbate gallbladder disease. Not recommended for people suffering from gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, gout, hemorrhoids. With stones in the gallbladder, the drink should be consumed with caution.

Amazing discoveries about the benefits of everyone's favorite chocolate were made by European scientists. It helps to reduce pressure in the abdominal cavity, which is important for patients with cirrhosis. The pressure rises during meals and is fraught with rupture of blood vessels. Chocolate is good for the liver due to the antispasmodic property of antioxidants contained in cocoa beans.

Nuts and seeds

It is difficult to say which nuts are the most beneficial for the liver. Peanuts, almonds, cashews, hazelnuts are recommended to eat daily in small quantities. Sunflower and pumpkin seeds are rich in fatty acids and trace elements. Moderate consumption is good not only for the liver, but also for hair and nails.

Dairy products

Dairy products improve digestion by facilitating the work of the liver. Kefir is an excellent prevention of hepatosis, which ends in cancer or cirrhosis.

There has long been a debate about whether fresh milk can be drunk. Undoubtedly, it is a source of animal protein, calcium, fats. If you make a choice between cow's and goat's milk, preference should be given to the second option. The benefits of goat milk for the liver and gallbladder are the content of magnesium and cobalt. Along with the liver, cobalt is involved in hematopoiesis, besides, goat's milk protein is more easily digested.

With pain in the liver, cirrhosis, hepatitis, the use of goat's milk removes toxins, breaks down fat and prevents its deposition, normalizes cholesterol levels and stimulates the production of bile. The invaluable benefits of a glass of milk after alcohol libations.

Fruits, vegetables, juices, drinks

Fruits and vegetables are a source of fiber, rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. No wonder doctors recommend including greens, berries, vegetables and fruits in the daily diet. These products have a positive effect on the functioning of the body and contribute to the rapid restoration of its tissues in various diseases.

Gourds help cleanse and restore the liver. To avoid poisoning, it is better to buy strictly in season. With regular use, melon for the liver will be an excellent restorer and purifier.. No less useful is an aqueous infusion of melon seeds. It is useful to arrange melon unloading days lasting 2-3 days.

Watermelon for the liver is a powerful cleanser. Due to the fact that it is 90% water, eating it helps to remove toxins and toxic substances. Doctors recommend watermelon pulp for hepatitis. The diuretic effect helps the weakened liver to get rid of poisons and metabolic products.

Watermelon for the liver is a powerful cleanser

Benefits of watermelon:

  1. Cleaning of the bile ducts.
  2. Help in restoring the function of the body after a long medication.
  3. Prevention of the formation of adipose tissue in the liver.
  4. Body detoxification.

Due to the low calorie content, kg care will be a pleasant bonus.

Bananas are loved by children and adults. Despite warnings from nutritionists about its calorie content, its health benefits are priceless. Bananas are a rich source of potassium, a deficiency of which contributes to an increase in bad cholesterol. The use of these exotic fruits in liver diseases helps to restore its functions and normalizes carbohydrate, protein, fat metabolism.

Apricots - a storehouse of valuable substances. The pectins included in the composition break down and remove fats, heavy metals and radionuclides. Fiber cleanses the intestinal wall of accumulated deposits, thereby reducing the content of toxins and other waste. This has a beneficial effect on health and facilitates the work of the liver. Unfortunately, with liver diseases, especially hepatitis, it is better to limit the use of fruits or refuse altogether. This is due to the poor absorption of carotene contained in apricots in large quantities.

Cherry pulp contains fiber, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, iodine. Berries have a beneficial effect on the digestive tract due to the content of dietary fiber and fatty acids. In case of liver diseases, the fruits assist in the excretion of bile, restore the functions of the organ. Cherry is contraindicated in intestinal disorders.

Redcurrant cleanses the intestines, removes excess salt. Berries have a choleretic effect, which improves digestion and prevents stagnation of bile. It has a preventive effect against the formation of stones in the gallbladder, helps to purify the blood. Doctors do not recommend red currants for acute liver diseases.

For preventive purposes, after heavy feasts and in addition to treatment, drinks are recommended to cleanse the liver. These include vegetable and fruit juices, teas, decoctions. The liver loves carrot, beetroot, squash, pumpkin juices. To cleanse and saturate the body with vitamins, it is enough to consume fruit and vegetable juices daily.

Ivan tea has been used in folk medicine for many years.. Its action is favorable for the liver and gastrointestinal tract as a whole. There will be benefit or harm from tea - depends on the conditions of its storage and brewing. Ivan tea can be brewed separately or combined with regular tea. It has a choleretic effect, prevents the formation of stones in the gallbladder.

Likes liver vegetables - beets, cucumbers, zucchini. But mushrooms in liver disease, despite their beneficial properties, are best excluded.

Harmful foods for the liver

The most harmful foods for the liver are fried, fatty, spicy, baked goods. Semi-finished products, sausages, industrial sweets load it, and over time it loses its efficiency. Fast carbohydrates create the illusion of satiety by accumulating fat. Their abuse provokes dangerous complications up to diabetes mellitus.

What foods are most harmful to the liver:

Lard and fatty meats are bad for the liver

  1. Salo and fatty meat.
  2. Smoked meats and pickles.
  3. Canned food.
  4. Fat broth.
  5. Fried meals.
  6. Chili and soy sauce.
  7. Alcohol.

The most harmful foods for the liver

More foods that are very harmful to the liver are chips and french fries. Dishes are cooked in a large amount of hot oil, resulting in the formation of carcinogens. Drinking alcohol can lead to cirrhosis of the liver. Therefore, it is better to refrain from it, with the exception of a glass of red wine occasionally.

Diet sample menu

It has already been written above that it harms or benefits the body. Patients rely on a therapeutic diet aimed at facilitating the work of the liver. When compiling a diet, you need to take into account the method of preparation: food should be boiled, baked or steamed.

What foods are good for the liver:

  1. Vegetables (except turnips and radishes).
  2. Fruits.
  3. Porridges on water or low-fat milk.
  4. Dairy products.
  5. Hen.
  6. Vegetarian soups and borscht.
  7. Eggs.
  8. Lean fish.

Sample menu for a day with liver disease:


Oatmeal on water with raisins, boiled egg, green tea with jam. After 2 hours 150 g of white yogurt for a snack.


Beetroot, rice with boiled breast and cauliflower, dried fruit compote. For an afternoon snack, dry biscuit and fruit jelly.


Cottage cheese casserole with dried fruits, rosehip drink. Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of low-fat kefir or yogurt.


Super food for the liver. Helper Products.

All liver patients know that sweets in the form of chocolate are contraindicated for us. However, this may be misleading.

In all diets for liver diseases it is written that chocolate is strictly prohibited. However, recently published research results from the European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL - is the leading European scientific community involved in the development of research and education in hepatology) give hope for a sweet future. 🙂

On April 15, 2010 in Vienna, Austria, at the "International Liver Congress 2010" a study was presented that found that dark chocolate reduces damage to the blood vessels of cirrhotic patients, and also lowers blood pressure in the liver. Dark chocolate contains powerful antioxidants that reduce postprandial (occurring after eating) blood pressure in the liver (so-called portal hypertension) associated with damage to the liver, blood vessels (endothelial dysfunction). It is worth noting once again - it is said about dark chocolate, while white chocolate did not lead to the same effect.

Professor Mark Thursz, MD FRCP, EASL Assistant Secretary and Professor of Hepatology at Imperial College London said: “…it is important to explore the potential of alternative sources that can contribute to a patient's overall well-being. This study has shown a clear association between dark chocolate consumption and portal hypertension and demonstrates the potential importance of improving the management of cirrhotic patients to minimize the occurrence and impact of end-stage liver disease and associated mortality risks.”

Cirrhosis of the liver is the formation of scars on the liver as a result of long-term continuous damage to the liver (for example, in viral hepatitis). In liver cirrhosis, circulations within the liver are damaged by oxidative stress and reduced antioxidant defenses. After eating, blood pressure in the abdominal vein usually increases due to increased blood flow to the liver. This is especially dangerous and devastating for people with cirrhosis, as they already have high blood pressure in the liver (portal hypertension) and other organs, which can lead to rupture of blood vessels. Thus, eating dark chocolate may ultimately prevent a potential threat to cirrhosis patients.

In this study, 21 cirrhotic patients with end-stage liver disease were randomized to receive a standard liquid meal. Ten patients received a liquid food containing dark chocolate (contains 85% cocoa, 0.55 grams of dark chocolate per 1 kg of body weight), and 11 patients received a liquid food containing white chocolate, which is devoid of cocoa flavonoids (having antioxidant or antioxidant properties) in depending on body weight. Liver blood pressure, blood pressure and portal blood flow were measured before and 30 minutes after eating.

Both meals produced a very significant but similar increase in portal blood flow: a 24% increase from dark chocolate and a 34% increase from white. Interestingly, after a meal, the increase in blood flow to the tissues was accompanied by an increase in liver pressure leading to a statistically significant increase (17.3 ± 19.1 to 3.6mmHg ± 2.6mmHg, p = 0.07) for those patients who ate dark chocolate and those who receives white chocolate (16.0 ± 19.7 to 4.7mmHg ± 4.1mmHg, p = 0.003). The afternoon increase in hepatic pressure was markedly reduced in patients receiving dark chocolate (10.3 ± 16.3% vs. 26.3 ± 12.7%, p = 0.02).

However, recently published research results from the European association for the study of the liver (EASL - is the leading European scientific community involved in the development of research and education in hepatology) give hope for a sweet future. 🙂

On April 15, 2010 in Vienna, Austria, at the "International Liver Congress" a study was presented that found that dark chocolate reduces damage to the blood vessels of cirrhotic patients, and also lowers blood pressure in the liver. Dark chocolate contains powerful antioxidants that reduce postprandial (occurring after eating) blood pressure in the liver (so-called portal hypertension) associated with damage to the liver, blood vessels (endothelial dysfunction). It is worth noting once again - it is said about dark chocolate, while white chocolate did not lead to the same effect.

Professor Mark Thursz, MD FRCP, EASL Assistant Secretary and Professor of Hepatology at Imperial College London said: “…it is important to explore the potential of alternative sources that can contribute to a patient's overall well-being. This study has shown a clear association between dark chocolate consumption and portal hypertension and demonstrates the potential importance of improving the management of cirrhotic patients to minimize the occurrence and impact of end-stage liver disease and associated mortality risks.”

Cirrhosis of the liver is the formation of scars on the liver as a result of long-term continuous damage to the liver (for example, in viral hepatitis). In liver cirrhosis, circulations within the liver are damaged by oxidative stress and reduced antioxidant defenses. After eating, blood pressure in the abdominal vein usually increases due to increased blood flow to the liver. This is especially dangerous and devastating for people with cirrhosis, as they already have high blood pressure in the liver (portal hypertension) and other organs, which can lead to rupture of blood vessels. Thus, eating dark chocolate may ultimately prevent a potential threat to cirrhosis patients.

In this study, 21 cirrhotic patients with end-stage liver disease were randomized to receive a standard liquid meal. Ten patients received a liquid food containing dark chocolate (contains 85% cocoa, 0.55 grams of dark chocolate per 1 kg of body weight), and 11 patients received a liquid food containing white chocolate, which is devoid of cocoa flavonoids (having antioxidant or antioxidant properties) in depending on body weight. Liver blood pressure, blood pressure and portal blood flow were measured before and 30 minutes after eating.

Both meals produced a very significant but similar increase in portal blood flow: a 24% increase from dark chocolate and a 34% increase from white. Interestingly, after a meal, the increase in blood flow to the tissues was accompanied by an increase in liver pressure leading to a statistically significant increase (17.3 ± 19.1 to 3.6mmHg ± 2.6mmHg, p = 0.07) for those patients who ate dark chocolate and those who receives white chocolate (16.0 ± 19.7 to 4.7mmHg ± 4.1mmHg, p = 0.003). The afternoon increase in hepatic pressure was markedly reduced in patients receiving dark chocolate (10.3 ± 16.3% vs. 26.3 ± 12.7%, p = 0.02).

Foods that are bad for the liver

The liver is an organ that cleanses the blood, and, consequently, the body of various unnecessary substances. There are useful and harmful foods for the liver that directly affect its work. The main enemy of the liver is fat, which, in large quantities, is deposited in the body, including in the liver and around it. As a result, the risk of cirrhosis, diabetes and atherosclerosis increases.

What is bad for the liver and pancreas?

There are not so many products that negatively affect the functioning of this body, so you need to know them and try to include them in the menu extremely rarely, or at least in minimal quantities.

What foods are harmful to the human liver:

  1. The work of this body is negatively affected by simple carbohydrates, which are found in refined grains and granulated sugar. From this we can conclude that the list of forbidden foods includes desserts, pasta, rolls, etc.
  2. It is worth finding out if lard is bad for the liver. This product, like fats of other animal origin, is heavy for this organ, so it is better to consume them in small quantities.
  3. Various marinades, which contain alkalis and acids, are considered harmful to the liver. Experts recommend limiting the use of hot sauces, pickles and smoked meats, since the liver considers all these products to be toxins.
  4. The list of foods harmful to the liver includes alcoholic beverages. First of all, this applies to strong drinks, for example, vodka, whiskey, etc.
  5. It is not recommended to eat incompatible foods: protein and carbohydrate foods, for example, meat and bread, fish and potatoes, etc.
  6. You can’t eat everyone’s favorite fast food, because it contains a lot of unhealthy fats, flavors and flavor enhancers.
  7. The list of harmful products includes acidic foods, for example, berries, kiwi, sorrel, etc.

It will be interesting to know if chocolate is bad for the liver. It is believed that natural dark chocolate contains flavonoids, which have antioxidant and cleansing properties. That is why dark chocolate is considered a healthy product, only you need to eat it in small quantities. Many are interested in whether roasted seeds are harmful to the liver. To understand this topic, many studies have been conducted that have indicated the opposite - sunflower seeds have a positive effect on liver function and reduce the risk of diseases associated with this organ.

Dark chocolate is good for the liver and diets

In addition to the fact that chocolate is a familiar dessert, it also has healing properties. For the first time, scientists began to mention this at Imperial College London in the UK. And later, at the International Congress in Austria, when discussing diseases, it was already said that chocolate is good for the liver, but we will immediately make a reservation that bitter chocolate is the most useful and provided that you eat no more than 30 g per day.

How does chocolate affect the liver?

For the experiment, a group of 20 people with liver diseases in the thermal stage was selected. They were given liquid food, which included white or dark chocolate. Patients were examined before and after each appointment.

These tests showed that after eating a bar of dark chocolate, blood pressure increased, but after eating a bar of white chocolate, it rose even more. The researchers explained it simply. It turned out that the composition of white chocolate does not contain cocoa flavonoids, which have the property of antioxidants. It is in these properties that the cleansing effect of chocolate lies. By the way, dark chocolate is good for the liver and diets, the best nutritionists in the world talk about it.

How do chocolate and liver interact?

In addition, dark (bitter) chocolate can reduce the resulting damage to blood vessels and pressure in people suffering from liver disease due to excessive drinking or malnutrition. Scientists in Spain conducted a scientific study examining the effect of dark chocolate on cirrhosis of the liver. Cirrhosis of the liver is a serious disease caused by all types of hepatitis (except A), alcoholism and hereditary metabolic disorders.

To find out whether chocolate is harmful to the liver, a special study was conducted. The experiment involved 20 volunteers with a history of the diagnosis "Cirrhosis of the liver of the last stage". The nutrition group was divided into two categories. The first half ate black (bitter) chocolate, and the second was offered white. After that, measurements of blood pressure in the liver were made. In the first group, the increase in pressure was less (24%) than in the second (34%).

About the benefits of chocolate

Some other studies have shown that for patients who consumed chocolate, the likelihood of a stroke is reduced several times, and the likelihood of surviving after a stroke is increased by 46%.

Dark chocolate is considered one of the foods that nourish the human body and help kill cancer cells.

It is known that along the way, dark chocolate allows the human body to overcome stress. If you use this sweet dessert for two weeks, relief is sure to come.

Summing up the results of the research, scientists came to the conclusion that only black (bitter) chocolate can be considered a useful product for humans, thanks to the antioxidants it contains. These useful substances are not present in white and milk chocolate, therefore it is just a sweetness. But people with diabetes can sometimes eat only a small amount of the darkest chocolate, white is banned for them. Do not forget that the daily norm of any chocolate is not more than 30 g.

Chocolate is good for the liver

Spanish scientists have added to the list of useful properties of dark chocolate. According to them, this delicacy can help people with various liver diseases.

With cirrhosis and other liver diseases, scars form on it as a result of long-term oxidative stress (by the way, this problem is one of the main problems with alcohol abuse). In addition, after eating, blood pressure increases in the liver, which can lead to rupture of blood vessels penetrating it. According to the results of the study, which were presented at the annual meeting of the European Association for the Study of the Liver, eating dark chocolate reduces damage to liver cells, and also prevents sharp surges in pressure in the hepatic vessels. The study was structured as follows: 20 patients with liver cirrhosis were divided into two groups, one was "treated" with dark chocolate with 85 percent cocoa, the other with white. Before and after the meal, the participants measured the pressure in the liver. It turned out that after dark chocolate, it increased significantly less than after white. Researchers attribute this to the spasmolytic (ie, relaxing and dilating) effect of the antioxidants found in cocoa beans on blood vessels. Colleagues of Spanish researchers - hepatologists from different countries - highly appreciated the fruits of their labor. For example, Imperial College London professor Mark Turtz called this discovery an important event in the scientific world, as it provides new opportunities for the treatment of liver diseases.

Sergey Vyalov, gastroenterologist-hepatologist, candidate of medical sciences, doctor of the European Medical Center (EMC), member of the European Society for the Study of the Liver (EASL):

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Dark chocolate for liver disease

Dark chocolate is useful in some liver diseases. About this in response to a letter from Syktyvkar ...

What else can help my son and other similar sufferers with this disease?

Hello, Victoria Mikhailovna! Of course, it is not good enough that your son, having received a good education, does not use it for its intended purpose. Even less good is that he is sick and this illness does not bode well ...

But now about the benefits of dark chocolate in some liver diseases ....

Dark chocolate heals the liver

It turns out that dark chocolate can reduce damage to blood vessels in patients suffering from liver scarring, which is caused by disease or alcohol abuse.

The discovery of the medicinal properties of chocolate was reported at the International Liver Congress in Vienna by scientists from Imperial College London.

So soon doctors will begin to treat patients with liver damage, prescribing dark chocolate instead of medicines.

These conclusions were made by scientists based on the results of a study of 21 people. During the experiment, participants with end-stage liver disease were given liquid food containing either white or dark chocolate. Before taking "healing food" and half an hour after that, experts conducted various examinations of the subjects.

As a result, it turned out that after eating dark chocolate, blood pressure, although it increased, was not as strong as in the case of white chocolate. The researchers explain it this way: white chocolate does not contain cocoa flavonoids, which have antioxidant properties.

And more important information...

1. Chocolate drinkers are 22% less likely to have a stroke. Those who eat 50 grams of chocolate a week, but did not escape from a stroke, are 46% more likely to survive after a stroke.

2. Dark chocolate has entered the list of foods that nourish the body and at the same time kill cancer cells.

3. It is also known that chocolate helps fight stress: people experiencing severe stress feel relief after two weeks of regular consumption of this sweet product.

Perhaps this information will help you, Viktoria Mikhailovna, in the treatment of your son.

The benefits of chocolate for the treatment of the liver

Spanish scientists have conducted studies on the effects of eating chocolate on liver health. It is possible that in the near future chocolate therapy will be part of the treatment of diseases such as cirrhosis of the liver.

The results of scientific research have confirmed that the benefits of chocolate for the treatment of the liver are not a myth. The work of Spanish scientists has attracted the attention of many members of the scientific community. To the previously known beneficial properties of bitter chocolate for humans, the ability of this product to prevent an increase in blood pressure in the abdominal cavity was added. This is the benefit of chocolate for those who suffer from cirrhosis of the liver, since most often pressure surges are observed after eating, and for people with a diseased liver, this is dangerous, since an increase in pressure can lead to rupture of blood vessels.

Researchers from Spain recruited about 20 patients diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver to participate in the experiment. All of them were divided into groups. Participants in one used dark chocolate to treat their liver. Another group was "treated" with white chocolate.

Before each meal and half an hour after it, all patients measured blood pressure in the liver. It turned out that in the participants of the experiment, who ate bitter chocolate for the treatment of the liver, pressure surges in the liver were less pronounced than in patients who consumed white chocolate without adding cocoa.

According to the findings of scientists, the benefits of chocolate with a high content of cocoa for the treatment of the liver are associated with the antispasmodic effect of the antioxidants flavanols that are part of cocoa on vascular cells.

In the 16th century, the conquistadors who plundered the capital of Mexico, Tenochtitlan, found reserves of dark hard grains in the palace storerooms. Local residents shared with the newcomers the recipe for "chocolatl". They prepared this drink as follows: they ground roasted cocoa beans with corn grains, added agave juice, honey and vanilla.

Renamed "chocolate", the sweet drink made its way to the table of the King of Spain. His recipe was kept secret for a long time. Only a hundred years later, representatives of the royal court of France, and then other wealthy residents of Europe, tasted it.

And solid chocolate began to be prepared only at the end of the 19th century, when the prices of sugar and cocoa fell, and all segments of the population could afford chocolate. It was prepared according to a recipe similar to a drink, but more cocoa butter was added, which solidified well. Depending on how much cocoa was added to the product, the chocolate turned out to be dark, that is, bitter, light or white.

Amazing properties of chocolate

The benefits of chocolate for humans have been proven by science for a long time. There is evidence that this confectionery masterpiece helps the body produce secretory immunoglobulin A, which is an important component of protection against viruses, and serotonin, or the hormone of happiness, without which a person can be prone to depression. Many of us do not need scientific evidence that chocolate is a great mood booster and helps to cope with tiredness after a day's work.

Not so long ago, the results of other studies about previously unknown properties of chocolate became known. So, Gustavo Saposnik, head of the Center for the Study of Strokes at St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto, believes that this sweet product reduces the risk of stroke. After reviewing several independent studies, he urged confidence in the conclusions of an experiment in which scientists were able to prove that eating 50 grams of chocolate per week can reduce the risk of dying due to a stroke by almost 50%.

Gustavo Saposnik explains this property of chocolate by the fact that it contains a lot of flavonoids that increase the concentration of nitric oxide in the blood, which helps regulate the functions of cells in the inner walls of blood vessels and prevent damage to cell membranes by free radicals. At the same time, the researcher clarified that in this case we are talking exclusively about dark chocolate, which should be consumed in small quantities.

Similar data were obtained by specialists from the German Institute of Nutrition. For 10 years, they observed the eating style, lifestyle and quality of health of 20,000 people and came to the conclusion that those who consumed about 7.5 grams of chocolate daily had lower blood pressure than those who ate an average of 1 .7 grams of sweet product. In addition, people from the first group had a 39% lower risk of heart attacks.

Scientists from Germany believe that this quality of chocolate is associated with flavonoids, which regulate cerebral circulation and lower blood pressure, thereby reducing the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

About the quantity and quality of chocolate

So, scientific research data confirms that chocolate can not only improve mood, but also bring benefits to our health.

What kind of chocolate should you prefer? Undoubtedly, dark, since antioxidants useful for the body are part of cocoa.

White chocolate is made from sugar and cocoa butter. It does not include cocoa, so this type of chocolate contains a lot of calories and does not benefit.

People who are overweight or have a predisposition to diabetes should treat chocolate with caution. Doctors advise them to eat only dark chocolate, without sugar, and no more than 50 grams per day.

chocolate for the liver

chocolate and liver

In the Beauty and Health section, to the question Does chocolate somehow affect the liver? And what kind of chocolate is the least harmful, what should it contain the most? set by the author User deleted the best answer is the most useful chocolate - bitter (75% cocoa beans)

British scientists have found that eating chocolate has a beneficial effect on the body. It was found that this product prevents the appearance of blood clots. The same effect is observed when using aspirin. Previously, experts have declared the benefits of chocolate for the heart.

The study was conducted by scientists from Johns Hopkins University with 139 people who love chocolate. Initially, experts studied the effect of aspirin on platelets, particles that contribute to the formation of blood clots.

The experiment showed that in people who did not consume chocolate, blood clots occurred within 123 seconds, while in those who ate chocolate, this period increased to 130 seconds.

As Professor Becker says, two teaspoons of dark chocolate a day is enough to achieve a beneficial effect.

Meanwhile, experts say that eating milk chocolate that does not contain a lot of cocoa does not bring such benefits, but on the contrary, it does more harm, since they contain fat and sugar, reports Zhelezyaka.com ..

It has a positive effect on the liver. The main thing is in limited quantities. The higher the content of cocoa powder, the healthier and less calorie chocolate.

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