Dangerous game in preference 5 letters. Preference: game rules, card combinations

  1. There are many different methods for learning English, one of which is the game. It is effective for both children and adults. It is good because in an unobtrusive form it stimulates the brain and encourages learning. Interest in the game is always much higher than in structured serious applications.

Over the past year, a rethinking of the approach to education has taken place in Ukraine. The system has been transformed, modified and adapted to the new generation. Now junior schoolchildren will play at studying, and not studying will play on their nerves and the nerves of their parents. As a result, we should see children interested in the educational process, not burdened by cramming, memorizing and immobilized sitting at a desk.

Adults are big kids. They also get tired of routine, obligations and rules. After all, we absolutely do not want to turn into diligent schoolchildren after work and learn a list of new English words or translate boring and incomprehensible texts.

We love to play too. And now we can do it profitably - by studying English. For those who remember and honor the old intellectual games, but are already enjoying the modern benefits of technological progress, this list of retro games is presented. Let's get nostalgic together.


A wonderful game for learning English, which will help to activate vocabulary. The rules are extremely simple: on a field consisting of 25 cells in the middle, one English word of 5 letters is written. 2 players take part in the game, each of them in turn must add one letter to this word, forming a new one. All words must be common nouns and be in the nominative case. The winner is the one who comes up with more words, or the one whose words are longer. The duration of the party can be up to 30 minutes.

The game received a wonderful implementation in the mobile version.


And play for free over the Internet and without registration. In addition, you can:

  • Create your account in the game.
  • Play with a real opponent over the Internet.
  • Get hints.
  • Compete with a friend on the same device.
  • Choose the device itself as a rival.
  • Play on time.
  • Change the field size.
  • Update dictionary.
  • Send messages.


A fun game familiar to many from school. To stir up your vocabulary, learn new English words, practice the correct spelling of words

she will help. Two people take part in the game. One player guesses the word, the other tries to guess by letter. For each wrong letter, the opponent draws a part of the gallows. If you lose, the drawing ends with a hanging man. The prospect is not bright, so it is necessary to get English words from the depths of memory with all your might.


The game interface is as close as possible to the school atmosphere - a blackboard and chalk drawing. What could be better than childhood memories? In the mobile version, all the features of the paper prototype are conveyed as accurately as possible. But there are also modern differences:

  • Play with your device.
  • Connect a friend to the game.
  • Choose the level of difficulty.

Available for free download and further use.

Crossword - a game for learning English

The name of the game is originally English and translates as “word crossing”. The task is to guess the words according to the definitions given to them and write them in empty cells. Guessed words must intersect correctly, matching one or more letters. There are many variations of this game, but the basic idea remains the same.

The game is considered so ancient that the first mention of it dates back to the 1st century AD. The proof of its existence in such a distant time was a puzzle found during excavations in Pompeii, reminiscent of a modern “Crossword”. It is not surprising that now the game has been transferred to a mobile format and continues to be popular.

New York Times Crossword

The game will not only remind you of forgotten words, but also broaden your horizons and test your erudition. , get free access for 7 days or subscribe for:

  • A daily crossword puzzle published by the New York Times.
  • Little crossword puzzles that take a little time, but keep the brain in good shape.
  • Access to an archive of crossword puzzles from 20 years ago.
  • Solving with the help of keys, puzzles, checks and other interesting chips.

Find the word

To win this game, you must arm yourself with increased attentiveness and activate all your erudition. In front of you is a field, 5 by 5 cells in size. Different letters are randomly arranged in them, from which you need to make words. The word must consist of two or more letters. You can play together with a real opponent or with a bot.

Letterpress - Word Game

The game can take place at an individual pace, one that is convenient for you. When playing online, you can chat with your opponents, exchanging emotions. The statistics and leader board will not let you relax. You will want to improve your results and, consequently, your English.

  • Use the dictionary in the game.
  • Find a worthy opponent in Game Center.
  • Play until all letters are used.

Absolutely free and train your brain at any free time for you.

Having turned the education system upside down, turning education into an exciting game, we are marching towards Europe. Those who speak good English will reach faster. And it doesn't matter how he learned the language - with a tutor for the Talmuds of books or on his own and playing. The main thing is the result.

Preference is a classic card game that was born in Russia in the 19th century. In terms of complexity and fascination, it is similar to chess. Because it was valued by aristocrats. Writers, musicians, artists were fascinated by it. Currently, the number of people who are interested in preference is growing every day. For them it is an entertaining hobby. In general, quite an interesting preference. The rules of the game here are peculiar. More on this later.

The rights and obligations of the dealer

In this regard, there are many nuances. It does not depend on the one who deals the cards what gets into the draw. But the value of playing cards affects his reward or punishment. If the participant is not satisfied with the buy-in and he returns it to the dealer, then he is punished with penalty points uphill. The number of them depends on which game was ordered. This is important to know. Award points or whists also depend on the ordered game. The dealer is entitled to:

  • For an ace in the draw, whists equal to one trick. It corresponds to the ordered game.
  • For a queen and a king of the same suit, whists, in the amount of one bribe. This combination of playing cards is called a "marriage".
  • For an ace with a king of the same suit, whists equal to two tricks.
  • Two aces are also worth certain points. They are like three bribes.
  • For an unplayed order, a penalty “for planting” follows.

The dealer can participate in an order called "minus". This is when you can not take bribes at all. If he is invited by a partner playing this game. This happens when the cards for the “minus” are not very successful, but there is hope that they are suitable in the draw. Although perhaps this is not the case. Everything depends on the case. The loss is then signed for two. However, victory points are also divided in half. This is very attractive for the dealer in an invitation to a minuscule. If he agrees to play, then he is allowed to familiarize himself with the layout of the customer's cards.

The dealer is obliged to ensure that the buyback does not light up until the end of the auction. Nor should he himself watch it. Of particular importance is when the dealer is invited to play "in half". This is important to remember.


The minimum game in preference is “six”. This is when a participant must take a certain number of tricks. Namely, six. The remaining four are shared by his partners. At the same time, the distribution of bribes between the whistlers does not matter: each has two; one has three and the other one; or all in one hand. In any case, the game will be considered played. It will also be certified when the participant took more bribes than he committed to. Only in this case there is a certain condition. Namely, the fact that the whistler, who will have less than two tricks, writes himself points uphill. This should be remembered. The game is not played if the participant had tricks less than ordered. In this case, he is penalized and points uphill are written to him. And the whistlers get points for additional tricks and for hoisting.

Then follow the games, named according to the number of tricks ordered. Namely: “ten”, “nine”, “seven”, “eight”, or “totus”. This is also important to know. "Totus" is a game that is absolutely opposite to "minuscule". It was mentioned earlier. There is also the highest game. But combinations of cards for her are extremely rare. It is she who is called "preference". It is announced when the participant, after receiving the buyback, has three cards of the highest denomination of the same suit in his hands. Or four of the youngest. This is also in the same suit.

The conditions for the "six" and "nine" variations in preference are quite strict. The rules of the game here should also be strictly followed. That is, whistlers must take the declared bribes. Namely: four with a six-handed game and one with a nine-handed one. Variations such as "seven" and "eight" have more flexible rules. That is, the whistlers may have a certain number of tricks. Two in the seventh game and one in the eighth.

Dealing cards

In this case, everything is quite simple. The deck of cards is shuffled by the dealer. This has been stated above. The cards are dealt in pairs. That is, three players for 10 pieces and 2 in the buy-in. In this case, the last pair of cards should be medium. Namely, not the first and not the last.


After familiarizing themselves with the cards, players begin to bargain for the type of game. The first application is made by the participant sitting behind the dealer in a clockwise direction. The beginning of the auction is carried out with a minimum game. Namely, "6 spades" and beyond. Each player declares a game higher in suit than the previous one. Or he folds and exits the trade. Games increase from 6 to 10. The seniority of suits goes in a certain order. Namely: spades, clubs, diamonds, hearts. Older than any suit is a game without a trump card. Although the number of bribes remains the same as stated. It is impossible to declare "miser" if the player has already bargained for another game or passed. But this can be interrupted by an application for a nine-game game. Then the bargaining stops in preference. The rules of the game also provide for other options. Namely, when a minuscule without a buy-in is voiced, then it can be interrupted by an application for nine. With the "pass" of all participants, "passes" are played. This should also be known. If there are no “miser” and “splits”, then the participants are traded to the last player. Let's look at this in more detail next.

Varieties of the game

There are three variations:

  • For bribes.
  • Miser.
  • Raspasy.

Their detailed description will be given below.

Preference card game for bribes

There are certain conditions here. That is, whoever won the auction must play with the declared trump card (or without it). He must also collect as many bribes as ordered. The participant, having taken a buy-in and discarding two cards he does not need, says which trump card he will play with (or without it). He also reports how many bribes he undertakes to take. In this case, there is a certain limitation. It lies in the fact that it is impossible to order bribes less than what was declared at the auction. For example, a 7 of tambourine that has traded up to 7 tambourines can play from 7 of tambourines and above, 8 of spades, etc. However, 7 of spades or 6 of any other suit cannot. The rest all play together against him. However, each of them decides whether to whistle or pass. It all depends on the desires and capabilities of the participants. The whistler also undertakes to take the number of tricks determined by the game. If both partners do this, then the game is closed. If the whistler is alone, then you can play openly. Then both reveal their cards. The whistler walks for two. That is, for himself and for the one who saved. The goal of the game is always and for everyone to fulfill their obligations. That is, you need to collect the agreed number of bribes. And also try to force the enemy to score less than he ordered. Or give as many bribes as possible if the minuscule is played. This is the specific tactic.


It is also a kind of look. The game without bribes is called "miser". The whole essence of it is visible in the name. Many people use such a view as "minuscule". Preference in this regard has a certain criterion. That is, opponents play openly and without obligation. Their goal is to give the enemy as many tricks as possible.


In this case, everyone plays for himself. At the same time, it is necessary to try to take as few bribes as possible. Or at least no more than a partner. This is the "Rostov" option. The draw cards can determine the suit of the first two tricks. They may also belong to the dealer. This is in a four player game. Or they may not open at all (“rostov”, “hussarik”).


This should also be known. It is very important to play a bribe in preference! Players put one card each in a certain order. This is clear. The first card determines the suit. Next put the rest. That is, a card of the same suit. Or they put a trump card. This is if the required suit is not available. Or any other card. This is if there is no trump card. The player who put the highest card takes the bribe. This is a definite fact. Bribes are counted by their number. This is regardless of the value of the cards.


For the game played, the player records a certain number of points in the bullet for himself, and the whistler - on it. Exceeding the obligation is recorded only last. For each violation of the application, players are recorded uphill a certain number of points. The bribes received at the “raspas” are also entered there. Or the player who took them the fewest records whists on other participants (“growths”).

Games for seven to ten

Consider these variations in preference. The rules of the game in this case are quite simple. Whistlers on the "seven" are required to take one trick. This is a certain condition. On the "eight" both whistle rarely. One usually says: "Pass." However, he still whistles. Even though he doesn't get paid for it. If both whistlers have passed, then they do not throw cards. They play for free. That is, for the sake of testing the opponent. This is called forced whist.

This test combination is required for "nine" and "ten" games! In this case, the winner is charged as much as he ordered. And the whistlers get points for tricks, which depend on what game was played. "Nine" and "ten" are rare.

A "seven" or "eight" becomes moot when two contestants wish to play it at the same time. In this case, the highest suit has the advantage.

Trumpless game

Here the name itself speaks for itself. In this, the preference, the photo of which is provided in this text, is in the face value of the cards. In this case, trump cards are not allowed. A peakless cap interrupts any game. For it write off 60 "poin".

You can order a game without trump cards if the player has the following set of cards:

Preference with giveaways

Preference has many tricks. Numerous varieties with new rules developed later. For example, initially, with three passes, the change was not counted. For a new game, a deck of cards passed to the next participant. It wasn't fair. Since the first dealer "lost" his hand. And the mixed cards were instantly hidden. Game revision was not allowed. This is if one of the players with good cards did not play, but passed in the hope of “burdening” partners. There are some.

To prevent this, they came up with a certain condition. Namely: with general passes, do not throw cards, but play the game as a giveaway. In this case, the winner is the one who did not take a single bribe. This is also important to know. In this case, you need to try not to take more than three bribes. They are subject to amnesty.

For each trick in excess of three, 10 remises are given. For 4 bribes - 10. For 5, respectively, 20, etc. For renounce - the absence of any suit on hand - they also put 10 remises. The test game instills some caution in the players. Not everyone likes it. That's why she's not popular.

PC version

This is also an interesting variation. Currently, the computer version of the preference is such that beginners can quickly learn certain rules and play online. A detailed training manual has been developed for them. It is also possible to play with hints. Professionals in this field will be able to choose an option of any complexity and strong computer opponents. Also, in the "problem solver" mode, you can draw up the layout of the cards yourself and play games. The artificial intelligence in the game is such that in the bidding for the buyback, your opponents will behave in accordance with the one you have chosen. These are either cautious or risky opponents. The pluses of the game is a set of sayings, loved by preference players. During the game, its subtleties and at the same time card "wisdom" are comprehended. There are details of the bullet schedule, which reflects the entire gameplay, as well as the value of Automatic calculation of winnings will appeal to beginners. After everything comes the section "completing the game." The achievements of the participants are also highlighted there.


In general, there are various popular card games. Preference is one of them. One has only to carefully read the certain criteria of the game. You will learn about this by reading the contents of this text.

This is necessary for beginners and "first-rate" and "novice masters".

Here, many with an average memory cannot remember how many whists to write when. Especially if you learned to play the Gambler. And even shamefully ask partners to keep them a record. Showing off your inexperience.

She, this whist arithmetic, is incomprehensible to them for some reason. If a player has a long practice, he remembers these numbers of ANSWERS by heart. And he also knows the method of counting firmly. You won't beat him. So I will now tell you here how to correctly calculate these wins, losses and whists.

Then you will proudly be able to immediately INSTANTLY answer questions like “7 without 5 - how much did the player lose?”

1. General provisions on examples of calculations

First, we memorize a series of numbers 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50. Isn't it difficult? Now the association:
10 - six;
20 - semerik;
30 - octagon;
40 - nine;
50 - totus and minuscule.

This is exactly how many whists win or lose (for each trick) playing EVERY partner from the mountain (in the pool). Example. An octagon was played without two. Each partner from the mountain for 60 whists.

That's not all! There are also consoles. These are partners' bonuses for hoisting the player or, what is the same, fines for the player. In preference, the loss of the player is IN THREE parts. From the record uphill once, two consolations, and three whistles to the whistler.

Remember the SECOND series of numbers. The cost of a bribe in whists:
Six - 4;
Semerik - 8;
Eight - 12;
Nine - 16;
Totus - 20;
Mizer - 00.

I'll start with the deliverer. He writes whists only on the second row. Console writes. For bribes. Example. He gave the player an ace, an octagon was played, the result - “without 2”. Total whists 3×12=36. So much for the player and write.

Now playing. Ordered 7, took 6, did not buy aces. Look! I played 7 - this is 20 whists in the first row. And on the second row - 8 per bribe. Together - 28 each. Yes, three partners 28 × 3 = 84. Yes to the whistler for 4 tricks 8 × 4 = 32. Together 116. This is the TOTAL loss.

Remember? Let's do it again. 8 without 3 - let's go - (30 + 12) × 3 = 136 whists for a trick. For the shortfall of 3 tricks 3×136=408. Yes, to the whistler for 5 tricks of 12 - another 60. A total of 468 loss whists. And the same, but three of us - (30 + 12) × 2 partners = 84 × 3 tricks = 252 + the same 60 whists for 5 tricks of the whistler = 312.

Do not be afraid! You will learn! It just seems that difficult :).

Now whistling with zhlobsky whist. For example, whistled seven, took 5 tricks. Here we use what everyone knows. 5+without two=7. Yes × by 8 = 56.

Now for the gentleman's whist. The same. 5+without two=7+played with a partner=9. Yes x 8 = 72. But I'm a gentleman! /2 = 36.

Now all together WITH VERIFICATION. Six without 3, there was a margin in the buy-in. Whist gentleman. (Well, a conditional example).

playing. 3 tricks missed 10×3=30. Yes, consolation to each 12. 42. For 3 partners 126 whists. And marriage. 130. And to the whistler 7 × 4 = 28. Total loss 158.

Deliverer. Marriage + without 3 \u003d 4. For 4 \u003d 16. This is a record. And the win is still for the planting. Six \u003d 10 × "without 3" \u003d 30. Total 46.

Whistling. He took 7+"without 3"+ partner = 13. × by 4 = 52. /2 = 26. And he won 30 more. In total won 56.

The passer overwrites the whistler with 26 whists :). And he also won 56.

Examination. Loss 158. Wins 56×2=112. Yes + 46 = 158. Balance.

2. Differences of Sochinka

Which are RARE in a composition, and more often in St. Petersburg - count for St. Petersburg and divide in HALF.

And which are often in a composition - so divide those 2 rows at the top each in half. And count - count exactly the same! Make no mistake :).

3. Differences of Rostov

For Rostov, the account is EASIER. All consoles are 10 whists each. You will figure it out yourself :).

4. It's too lazy for me to write for unpacking :)

There and so many remember the answers :).

Note for the LAZY. Did you run? Forget!

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