The technique of playing the fool. Secrets of playing the fool

If at the beginning of the game your competitor fights off with trump cards, most likely everyone, he plays cards badly. And if he also walks with trump cards - take them bravely, while being zealous, so that from non-trump cards he throws you big ones. The next move is better to beat off. But in this case, winning the fool is not a snag. But what if the players are experienced?


1. Be diligent to fight back by probability with those cards that you have several. Let's say if you are being attacked with a seven, and you have two tens and an eight, it's better to fight back with a ten. Then the cards will be thrown to you with less probability.

2. Be zealous in the course of the game to get rid of the lower cards and do not hold more than 2 cards of the same suit in your hands (unless, finally, these are trump cards). On the contrary, you may not fight back.

3. Forcing the opponent to get rid of trump cards is one of the most effective skills. If you have multiple cards of the same non-trump suit, go low. It is absolutely acceptable that the opponent will not have cards to fight back, and he will either take or fight off with a trump card. If the opponent has thrown out a huge trump card, do not "clamp" it by throwing more cards. Let the trump card go to the bito.

4. Bluff. Don't forget about him either. It is possible that you are playing with several competitors and you have 3 trump cards - the king of clubs, the nine of clubs and the seven of clubs, provided that you do not have the ace of trumps. They went to you with an ace of diamonds - fight back with a nine. Answer the next card with a king. The players will think that you have no trump cards, and therefore some non-trump ace is thrown, the one that you beat off with a seven. This technique should be used with caution and not too often, as it does not always work.

5. Well, the most basic skill that allows you to win the fool is memorizing cards. By memorizing the cards that are out of play, you can calculate your moves more meticulously. In addition, by the end of the game you will even be able to calculate how many cards the enemy has and what they are. And this is already an undoubted superiority.

Knowing how to memorize cards that have left the game is quite useful knowledge. Sometimes it happens that you have “weak” cards in your hand. Here you have to rely only on your own strength and on memorizing cards, so that you don’t get such a situation when you throw out a card “in suit” with the last move and the competitor leaves the game as a winner.


1. There are two methods for memorizing cards in different variations. One of them is the selection of reference images for the cards, and the second is the direct memorization of cards without the selection of images.

2. When selecting images for the entire card that has left the game, you need to “attach” some image to each of them, be it an object, a phenomenon, or something else. In this case, it will be more excellent to come up with an image that begins with the same letter as the name of the card. Let's say the six of hearts is a ball, the eight of spades is a veranda, the king of clubs is a toddler, and the seven of diamonds is a dog.

3. By linking the names of the released cards with the reference images and building a certain picture from the images, it is possible to easily remember all the cards. Let's say the six of hearts, the eight of spades, the king of clubs and the seven of diamonds have left the game. We build a situation from the images: the little one threw the ball onto the veranda and scared the dog.

4. This method has been canceled a lot, but it also has disadvantages. You have to try hard to come up with images that will be cool to remember. In addition, it is necessary, according to probability, to instantly compose a whole picture from the images. However, if you perfectly remember the picture of actions, it will “settle” in your brain for a long time and you will remember the cards at any moment of the game.

5. The second chain of methods is to simply memorize the cards themselves, just as they are. Painting from images is very comfortable, but applying this method when playing with people is not very comfortable. If you compare cards with images for a long time and make pictures, the other players will constantly get nervous and urge you on. And in this case, you stop memorizing cards and start playing primitively.

6. But direct memorization helps to train your memory, as a result of which you will be able not only to memorize cards, but also all sorts of other data.

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Win at fool, trump, memorize cards, bluff, card game

Fool - this is perhaps the most common type of card games, in order to win in which you need to adhere to certain tactics and change it depending on the actions of the enemy. There are a few tactical tricks that you can use to increase your chances of winning when you play the fool online with one or more opponents.

Try not to take too many cards, especially as the game nears its end. You should not pinch the trump cards, otherwise you will remain with them when all the opponents are already out of the game. First of all, you need to get rid of small cards and leave large ones. It is better to walk with paired cards, for example, if you have two 8s and one 10, then it is better to walk with eights. In this case, it will be more difficult for the opponent to fight back, because he probably does not have one suit and he uses a trump card. Throughout the game, try to follow the movement of the trump cards. Keep track of which ones have already gone to the end, and which ones are at the disposal of rivals. This will save you even closer to the end of the game, when, as a rule. only the strongest cards remain. Also use the elimination method: if by the end of the game you have a trump jack, queen and king, then it means an ace - the biggest card that went to the opponent.

When you fight back, try to use paired cards for this. For example, if you were attacked with three jacks, it would be much more profitable to fight back with three aces than with a queen, king and one ace. In the latter case, there will be a higher probability that you will be thrown more cards that you will no longer be able to beat off. Play confidently and a little boldly, even if you have a weak hand, do not show it to your opponent. You should not save a couple of medium trump cards until the final, while raking cards one after another throughout the game.

  • Remember the cards accepted by the opponent and the next time you go, remember how he can fight back;
  • Keep in mind that the longer you do not take cards from the deck, the higher the likelihood that all the trump cards will fall into the hands of the enemy. In this regard, try not to accept cards, sparing the available trump cards and large cards. This is a losing strategy, which is why most players lose. As a result, by the end of the game, almost all the opponent’s cards will go to you, and he will have only trump cards against which you will have nothing to put.

The game "Fool" is the ability to collect more trump cards than the opponent. But one should not mindlessly collect trump cards, this will not lead to anything good. In this case, you also need to know some rules and secrets. There are several ways or strategies to collect trump cards. If you have a lot of cards in your hand, then you will have almost no chance of drawing a trump card or a more or less good card. If you want to win in this game, then learn how to flood your opponent with cards!


The most elementary and effective way to overwhelm an opponent is that you will constantly “supply” him with the suit that he does not have. If you are lucky, then in this way you can fill up the player in increments and your opponent will have a bunch of unnecessary cards in his hands, and you won’t have to draw from the deck.

Let's see how this happens directly in the gameplay. Your opponent does not have any suit, let it be spades. You play with sixes, your opponent covers with a seven, you throw up a seven of spades and he takes the cards. Again, your move, try to adjust the cards in such a way that you throw spades to another player, then your opponent will constantly have to accept cards, and you will not be able to draw a trump card.

If you play this game with three people, then you can choose a different game strategy: two players "knock down" the third. The meaning of this strategy is quite simple: two participants overwhelm the third, but do not throw cards at each other (even if they have something to throw in their hands). If the third participant still manages to fight back, and he gets the right to move, then the player to whom he goes simply accepts the card and the blockage continues. The result of such a strategy would be the following. One of the two players who failed is left without cards and leaves the game, and the other of them easily wins over the third, since he has a lot of bad cards in his hand.

There is another way to collect the necessary cards. This method consists in observing and memorizing the cards in the deck. When the deck is not shuffled thoroughly enough, there is a good chance that the cards will be repeated and, having drawn one good card, the next card is likely to be good too. So if you draw a good card from the deck, try to make sure that the next card is also yours. And vice versa, if a bad card is drawn, then make sure that the next one goes to your opponent.

We have described only some of the strategies for winning this game. In fact, there are many different ways to beat an opponent. In order to play well, you should practice a lot to bring your actions to automatism. Memory also plays an important role in this game. If you learn to memorize the cards that are out of the game and learn how to use this information, then your chances of winning will increase significantly.

Rules of the game: players are dealt 6 cards each, and a trump card is randomly selected - the suit that will be the highest in this round. It is placed face down, and the rest of the deck is placed face down on top. Let it be the queen of spades. The right of the first move is given to the one who has the smallest trump card: for example, you have 10 spades, and your opponent has 7 spades - he makes the move first. You can walk, for example, immediately on 2, 3 or 4 cards of the same value - for example, three sixes. You have to fight back, with older cards. If there is no suitable suit, you can put a trump card, which may be lower. If the opponent is satisfied with the way you fought back, the cards are added separately and are not returned to them. In the flip "Fool", the opponent can flip cards in the process. For example, you put 7 and 8 on two sixes, if the opponent has 7 or 8 in his hand, he can “throw them” and you must cover these cards. After each “hang up”, the players get cards from the horse so that everyone has 6. If you cannot repel the attack, take these cards to yourself and wield them further. And so on until the victorious or not so final. The player with no cards left wins. If no one has them left, a draw is declared. If at the very beginning you got at least 5 cards of the same suit out of 6, you can ask to be dealt to you again.

Finally, more or less figured out the rules.

Now for some tactical tricks:

1. Try not to take a lot of cards, especially closer to the final.

2. Do not spare trump cards. You should not sit with a single king, taking the whole game to the point of losing momentum.

3. Try to get rid of small cards and keep large ones.

4. Start your turn with paired cards. For example, you have two 8s and a six. Better to go with paired eights. After all, there is a high probability that the opponent will beat off with a trump six and you can safely throw your own.

5. In some cases, it is beneficial to cover small cards with high ones. For example, you have a weak alignment of 7-rock, 10-ok and one king. In order not to take another bunch of 7-rocks and 10-oks that the opponent will probably put in, cover with the king. If he throws the king - take it, if not, then get rid of small cards already on your turn.

6. During the whole game, remember the movement of at least the trump suit. Note that, for example, the trump Jack went to the retreat, you fought back with the 10th, and the opponent took the lady from the horse, who was lying face down all the time. This will especially help in the final part. Do not forget about the elimination method: if at the end of the game you have both a jack and a queen and a king, and the ace was not visible the whole game, then the opponent has it.

7. Try to fight back with paired cards. For example, three 10s came to you. It is much more profitable to fight back with three kings (if any) in the throw-in "Fool" than, say, with a jack, a queen and an ace. When you fight in pairs, with cards you don't give your opponent much choice in what to do. Most likely, he will not have a fourth king, and the move will pass to you. And the risk that he has a jack, queen or ace is much higher.

8. Play confidently and even brazenly. You should not save a couple of medium trump cards for the whole game, it is better to fight them off at a difficult moment.

9. Remember the cards that the player accepts. And when you walk again, think about how your opponent can fight back and whether you can throw it up.

10. Remember, the more time you do not touch the deck, the more likely it is that the opponent will gradually draw all the trump cards. Therefore, try not to accept cards, and if you have to, then act according to paragraph 5. Another thing is if you are lucky with the alignment - then you can sometimes portray the absence of trump cards and accept that the opponent tries to “wool” the deck more often in search of the cherished suit. And by doing so, you will save trump cards. But do it within reason and depending on the situation.

I hope these little tips will help you win more often. Good luck!

In the process of playing the fool, everyone wants to win. But this is difficult to do if you play mindlessly, do not count cards and do not use strategies. In this article, we will reveal for you the secrets of playing the fool of a throw-in or transfer, using which you can easily beat your opponents.

What are the secrets of the game of throwing fool?

The very first thing to do when playing this game is to figure out which scheme your opponent is playing. There are several game options. There are players who collect trump cards. Such people at the beginning of the game will not fight back and throw away a trump card.

And they will give small cards to take large ones from the deck.

Another type of player collects paired cards. This gives an advantage, both on the rebound and on the moves. The third players collect only a large trump card, aces, kings. And the last type of players are those who will shower the enemy with small cards.

Secrets of playing the fool of the transfer:

    If you have decided how your opponent behaves, then you should use the following secrets of playing the fool:
  • If your opponent collects a trump card, then you need to calculate his weak suit, that is, one that is not enough and does not exist at all. The next step is to go to him with this suit and thus force him to throw out trump cards.
  • If you have an opponent who collects paired cards, then you should play against him in the same way. To do this, try to fight back, do not take extra cards and at this time collect paired cards of different denominations.
  • If you come across a third type of players who collect big trump cards, then they will only collect aces or kings if the aces have already been knocked out. Therefore, they will not fight back. 2 horses before the end of the game, you should force the enemy to fight back with these cards. This is when no more than 7 cards remain in the deck. Keep score while playing.
  • When playing against an opponent who throws small cards, collect cards of high value and start using them in the middle of the game.
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