What gives peanuts. Why are peanuts useful for the body

Peanuts are one of the most popular and beloved nuts. In many countries of the world, this product is widespread, it is actively used in cooking. Peanuts, the benefits and harms of which are being studied by scientists, is a very famous delicacy. Many desserts are prepared on the basis of peanuts, including the popular one. Nuts are added not only to desserts, but also cooked, make fillings for chocolates, cakes and pastries.

Peanuts are commonly called walnuts, but in reality, this plant belongs to the legume family. Each fruit is divided into two halves, like beans or, and they are enclosed in several pieces in a pod. Each nut is covered with a reddish film, which is most often removed before eating.

The story goes that the peanuts were brought by the Spanish conquistadors from Latin America. Then the fruits got to Africa and Asia, and later to North America. Today, peanuts are very popular in the United States, they are widely used as agricultural feed and oil is produced from it. During the Second World War, peanuts were actively used at the front due to their nutritional properties, availability and ease of transportation. Today, the best peanuts in the world are grown in the United States.

Useful properties of peanuts

Peanuts have a variety of health benefits. It contains a substance that is very similar in its qualities to antioxidants. This substance - polyphenol, protects the cells of our body from the effects of harmful free radicals. Thus, it helps our body to maintain youth for many years. This quality is especially important for the cardiovascular system, because it wears out very quickly under the influence of stress.

An interesting fact is that roasting peanuts only has a beneficial effect on the amount of polyphenol; under the influence of high temperatures, this substance is produced at an even greater rate. Its concentration increases by about a quarter after the roasting procedure. In terms of antioxidant content, peanuts are second only to.

Peanuts, whose beneficial properties are undeniable, have a beneficial effect on blood clotting, which means they can help at least a little with a disease such as hemophilia. It is also very much needed in the cold season, as it has the property.

Not only the nut itself is useful, but also the products derived from it. For example, everyone's favorite peanut butter contains a complex of nutrients, minerals and vitamins. Namely: vitamins C, D, PP and E, proteins, fats, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, selenium, manganese, iron, sodium, magnesium, linoleic acid. At the same time, 100 g of nuts contain 90% of the daily dose of vitamin PP. Peanuts contain 60% fat and 30% protein. It is due to the high content of vegetable protein that can replace animal protein that peanuts are so popular in vegetarian diets. The Vedic cuisine of India actively uses peanuts for cooking. Even the oil obtained from this product retains the maximum amount of nutrients.

Not to be confused with peanut butter and peanut butter, a popular product in America and Europe. It is customary to spread this favorite delicacy on bread and eat it for breakfast or give it to children at school. However, pasta contains a lot of calories and few useful substances, a lot of sugar and chemical components are added to it, so it should be used occasionally and only in the morning, especially for those who are overweight.

Peanut milk is also made on the basis of peanuts. It is made from water and peanut flour. This drink has a beneficial effect on the stomach and duodenum, helps with ulcers and gastritis. Regular consumption of peanuts will relieve a person of stress and improve sleep. Also, this product is good for the skin - just 20 nuts a day will help prevent the appearance of wrinkles and improve the appearance of the skin.

Linoleic acid, contained in peanuts, is an excellent prevention of multiple sclerosis, because it is. Therefore, this product should be included in their diet for people over 50 years old.

Peanuts are widely used in cooking. It can be eaten not only in its pure form, as an appetizer, but also added to various dishes. Most often, nuts are used in desserts: cakes, cookies, cakes and ice cream. But peanuts can be added to salads, chicken and meat dishes, or added to vegetable stews. In the cuisines of some countries, boiled peanuts are actively used. Scientists confirm that it is boiled peanuts that retain the maximum useful properties (even more than roasted peanuts).

Peanuts against excess weight

Surprisingly, despite the fact that peanuts are very high in calories, they are often included in the diet. These nuts help break down fats, which is why the peanut diet is so popular today. The essence of such a diet is that peanuts and butter produced on its basis satisfy hunger for a long time and can replace one full meal. Just a tablespoon of nuts a day will relieve hunger for a long time.

The diet is very simple: you need to reduce the calorie content of your daily diet by exactly 500 kcal - this is exactly how much 1 tablespoon of nuts contains. You will have to reduce portion sizes and skip snacks. When you feel like eating, you need to eat a few nuts - no more than a tablespoon a day. Also, the diet should include more fish, dairy products (kefir), vegetables and fruits. Drinks should give preference to plain water, green or herbal tea. It is necessary to give up sweet, fatty, fast food and baked goods.

You can follow this diet as much as you like! It is absolutely harmless (the only contraindication is an allergy to nuts). Such a nutrition system will help you lose extra pounds and strengthen the body as a whole.

Why can peanuts be harmful?

The benefits and harms of peanuts depend on the quantities in which you consume them. Of course, without contraindications, a person can safely eat this product and get the maximum benefit from its wonderful qualities. But not everyone can eat peanuts. What is the harm of peanuts?

The biggest danger is stale fruit. They accumulate harmful substances that can cause allergies and even poisoning. Children can only be given a small amount (no more than 10 nuts) and only of proven quality.

As already mentioned, peanuts affect blood clotting. In some diseases this is a useful property, in others it is extremely harmful. Since it thickens the blood, it contributes to its stagnation in the veins, which means it can cause varicose veins.

Peanuts are the strongest allergen, this property is associated with the proteins it contains. Peanut allergy symptoms are as follows: burning, itching, redness, heartburn, nausea, throat swelling, and even anaphylactic shock. This is why peanuts are contraindicated in young children and women during pregnancy. The most common cause of allergies is unpeeled and unroasted peanuts, or peanuts of inadequate quality.

The protein contained in nuts can be dangerous for patients with gout, arthrosis and arthritis. In addition, peanuts are a very high-calorie product and are contraindicated in large quantities for people who are overweight. Peanuts, which have a caloric content of 550 kcal per 100 g, are best used as an addition to any dishes, for everyone who cares about their figure. It is better to completely exclude oil and paste from this product from your diet, as well as fried salted nuts for beer. Due to their high fat content, peanuts, which are very high in calories, should not be consumed by diabetics.

How to choose peanuts?

There is a chance of getting allergies or poisoning if you buy low-quality nuts. It is better to purchase peanuts in large stores and carefully study the packaging and labels on it. Only fresh peanuts are useful, harmful and toxic substances accumulate in old fruits that cannot be eliminated by any processing. It is the aflatoxins that accumulate during improper storage or transportation that make peanuts a strong allergen and cause various diseases.

Open the packaging and check for a musty or moldy smell. All nuts should be the same color, no darkening. The packaging must be intact and contain the composition of the product in Russian. Pay special attention to the shelf life of the nuts! Many grow peanuts in their summer cottages. In this case, its freshness is undeniable, but it is better to fry the peanuts before eating and peel them.

Any product will not be beneficial if consumed immensely. Peanuts need to be included in your diet wisely. You should not use these nuts in salty form, especially as a snack for beer, or nuts covered with glaze or coconut milk. It is best to eat roasted peanuts without their peels in their pure form as a snack (but not more than 50 g per day) or add them to various dishes. Then you can get the most out of this wonderful product.

There are few people who do not like peanuts. This delicious, nutritious product is one of the favorite treats of people from all over the world. But not many people know that peanuts are not a nut at all, as is commonly believed, but the fruit of plants of the legume family. One glance at a raw peanut in shell is enough to guess which family it belongs to. After all, the peanut shell is a bean pod, which contains the seeds of the plant, which are very useful both raw and fried.

Raw peanut composition

To assess the benefits of raw peanuts, consider its composition. After all, it depends on the presence of useful and harmful substances in the composition of the product whether it will have a positive or negative effect on the human body.

Basically, peanuts are fat - more than 60%. Peanuts, as peanuts are also called, contain more than 30% protein and 10% carbohydrates. Due to the high fat content in the nut, it is high in calories. But this does not detract from its merits at all, including for those who want to lose weight. Snacking on a few bites of raw peanuts is far healthier and more effective than eating a muesli bar for an afternoon snack. Needless to say, the fat content in fried in oil, and also salted nuts, like the calorie content, is much higher than in raw ones?

B vitamins, vitamins A, E, D, PP are also found in peanuts in large quantities. And it also contains a lot of amino acids, including essential ones. Groundnuts are rich in trace elements and macronutrients (calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, selenium, copper, manganese). Polyphenols, substances that are similar in properties to antioxidants, are also found in raw peanuts in fairly large quantities.

What are the benefits of raw peanuts

Raw peanuts have benefits on the body, one might say, in all directions. Due to the high content of antioxidants in the composition of peanuts, its moderate use prevents aging of cells and ensures their regeneration. If you enjoy this product in the right proportions, fat metabolism will improve, mental activity and brain activity will improve, the nervous system will return to normal. Eating raw peanuts promotes the production of the hormone of happiness, which improves mood and provides energy. Eating raw peanuts will improve sleep.

Healthy and beautiful skin, strong hair and strong nails - isn't all girls a dream? Eating peanuts will help these desires come true.

Raw peanuts are high in vitamin E, which has a beneficial effect on almost all systems of our body. Therefore, eating peanuts will reduce the risk of many serious diseases.

Raw peanuts are useful for poor blood clotting, which is useful for injuries, makes life easier for patients with hemophilia. And the rich content of iron in the "nut" helps to increase the level of hemoglobin.

Peanuts are useful as a choleretic product. The high content of fiber in raw peanuts helps to eliminate problems with the gastrointestinal tract, to establish stool.

Peanuts have a very good effect on potency. A few nuts a day can help you avoid many problems in the sexual sphere. What else? Raw peanuts help to produce the correct ratio of male and female hormones, so the benefits of raw peanuts for the health of the female genitourinary system are invaluable.


Can raw peanuts be harmful?

Any product has harm and benefit, including peanuts. Basically, raw peanuts, however, like roasted peanuts, are harmful to people who are allergic to this product. There are a lot of allergens in raw peanuts, so allergic reactions to this product are very common. The consequences can be the most unpleasant, up to Quincke's edema. If raw peanuts are stored improperly, toxic substances can form in it, which can cause severe poisoning. If, after eating peanuts, there are: itching, vomiting and nausea, abdominal pain and a rash, you need to see a specialist.

We emphasized several times for a reason that peanuts should be consumed in moderation. Since the "nut" is very high in calories, regular excess of its consumption will lead to weight gain. And the useful substances necessary for the body must be obtained in the right dosage, because almost any, even very useful substance, can turn into a poison for the body if its dosage is greatly exceeded. But peanuts in any form - both raw and fried - are so tasty that it is sometimes difficult to keep track of your portions!

Roasted or raw peanuts, which is healthier?

Are the benefits and harms of raw peanuts different from roasted peanuts? In fact, it is different. Both have their own distinctive beneficial and harmful properties.

The antioxidant-substituting polyphenols are more abundant in peanuts when fried.

In other cases, raw peanuts are still healthier raw. Even if you feel like eating fried nuts, buy raw peanuts at the store. And fry the peanuts at home yourself. After all, the finished fried product may contain almost a horse dose of salt, sugar, flavor enhancers and flavorings. The food industry has made great strides, and now you can buy peanuts flavored with cheese, red fish or barbecue. However, such a product is very unhealthy.

How much raw peanuts to eat

Do not count the portions of peanuts eaten in hundreds of grams. Just a few peanuts will satisfy your hunger for 3 hours. You can eat a small handful of peanuts per day, about 15-30 pieces.

Peanuts are a favorite nut of many, which is also called peanut. It is eaten fried, used in cosmetology, medicine, dietetics and cooking. The product includes a lot of useful amino acids, enzymes, fiber, vitamins. The benefits of peanuts are obvious, but not everyone can eat it.

What is included in peanuts

The chemical formula of a useful product includes many different ingredients:

  1. Ascorbic acid improves the functioning of brain neurons, improves mood, memory, protects against viral flora, eliminates sleep disorders and normalizes hormones.
  2. Vitamin B5 improves metabolic processes, enhances the work of nerve fibers, removes migraine attacks, headaches, nervous tension and attacks of aggression.
  3. Vitamin B2 enhances visual acuity, protects the retina from overload, does not allow cholesterol plaques to be deposited on the walls of blood vessels.
  4. Magnesium strengthens the skeletal system, helps to get rid of obesity, removes toxins and toxins, improves all metabolic processes.
  5. Vegetable fiber improves the functioning of the digestive system, enhances fat metabolism, helps calcium to be absorbed faster in the digestive tract, protects against senile marasmus.
  6. Vitamin E (the second name is tocopherol) improves blood microcirculation, stimulates the production of healthy erythrocytes, relieves slagging and improves the production of sex hormones. Improves the condition of hair, nails and skin.
  7. Vitamin B1 strengthens healthy cells and regulates their production. Protects tissues from free radicals, and the brain from lack of oxygen and nutrients.
  8. Vitamin B6 helps amino acids to be absorbed faster, protects liver cells, and normalizes protein metabolism. Promotes a set of muscle mass, relieves internal organs from obesity - liver, heart muscle, lungs.
  9. Vitamin PP is directly involved in the removal of salts and excess fluid, removes alkali residues, breaks down complex carbohydrates, improves mood and gives additional energy.
  10. Vitamin B9 protects cells from oxygen starvation, normalizes the cleansing abilities of the liver and kidneys, and protects against the formation of stones. Useful during pregnancy.
  11. Choline slows down the natural aging processes, creates protection for cellular structures, accelerates the growth of healthy tissues, and enhances the supply of active oxygen and other beneficial substances.

When nuts are dried and roasted, almost all useful ingredients are preserved. The finished product can be stored for up to a year and is protected from mold. Fresh peanuts have less calories than dried ones, but the latter tastes better.

Peanuts are a nutritious and healthy snack that relieves physical overload after hard work. Amino acids from this product restore strength, relieve sleep disorders and apathy.

A useful product strengthens the heart, normalizes systolic and diastolic pressure, and also:

  • cleans and regulates the urinary system;
  • maintains a normal concentration of glucose in blood plasma;
  • prevents the formation of atherosclerotic plaques;
  • contain a lot of vegetable protein and protein necessary for a vegetarian diet;
  • normalizes the outflow of bile, breaks stones in the kidneys, gently removes excess intercellular fluid;
  • prevents liver and gallbladder diseases, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • used in home cosmetology, smoothing mimic wrinkles, strengthening hair;
  • enhances expectoration during bronchitis or pneumonia, cleans the respiratory system from tobacco smoke and carcinogens;
  • increases physical and mental performance, relieves chronic fatigue.

Scientists from America have found that peanuts, like high-quality red wine, cleanses and strengthens the cardiovascular system, enhances the supply of oxygen, protects against strokes and heart attacks, atherosclerosis and blood clots.

Peanut therapy is widely used in Britain to treat hemophilia. Toasted or raw nuts quickly stop minor bleeding by increasing blood clotting.

In case of acute intoxication of the body, peanuts improve their condition due to the content of antioxidants and polyphenols. They protect tissues from free radicals and toxins, cleanse the spleen, kidneys and liver from them. For signs of nervous exhaustion and insomnia, peanuts are as effective as many sedatives.

It includes protein and vitamins gr. B, which increase stress resistance, concentration and improve energy exchange. They also regulate the wakefulness and sleep patterns, remove anxiety and tearfulness.

Derived peanut products

Everyone knows a sweet treat - peanut butter. It is made from roasted nuts, shelled. Vegetable oil, sugar and salt are used as additives. A low-quality product includes GMOs and stabilizers so that the nut butter has a long shelf life and does not spread.

Peanut paste is a very high-calorie product (600 kcal per 100 grams). It is added to hot dishes, added to sauces, or simply spread over toast.

An equally popular product is peanut halva. It retains all the beneficial properties of the primary product. Halva is sometimes made only from peanuts or also combines sunflower seeds. This product does not contain vegetable oil and salt.

Roasted ground nuts are combined with molasses, natural honey or sugar syrup. This is a healthy dessert that should not be overused or severely obese.

A healthy oil is obtained from peanuts. It is made by cold pressing. The product is used in cooking, cosmetology and medicine, as it includes useful fatty acids, phosphorus and vitamin E. Peanut oil was first used in cooking in the East.

The benefits of peanuts for men

For the representatives of the strong half of humanity, peanuts are indispensable because they normalize hormonal levels. Paste, butter, peanut halva contains selenium, which enhances testosterone production. Thanks to potassium, vascular tone improves, the heart muscle is strengthened, and the structure of muscle tissue improves.

For men after 45-50 years old, peanuts are useful, as they relieve stagnation and inflammation in the prostate. You can not abuse the product so as not to get diabetes or obesity. You can eat no more than 20-30 grams of nuts per day.

It improves erection, helps to get rid of infertility and prostate adenoma. Zinc, manganese, vitamins B1 and B9 stabilize the production of sex hormones and relieve infections and many genitourinary pathologies.

Peanuts are rich in iron, which prevents anemia in women of all ages, especially those who suffer from heavy periods. Walnut enhances the production of hemoglobin, relieves fatigue. It is irreplaceable during menopause, as it stabilizes the production of estrogen. With such a product, women can more easily tolerate swelling, discomfort, mood swings.

Natural peanut butter is advised to be introduced into the diet with profuse hair loss and deterioration of their condition, increased brittle nails, and premature aging of the skin. These positive properties are due to the inclusion of manganese and biotin.

Some gynecologists advise including peanuts for their pregnant patients. Peanuts enrich the body with polyphenols, promote fluid excretion, strengthen the nervous system and heart muscle.

With a decrease in immune strength, it is useful to drink peanut milk or a tincture of husk. Pickled peanuts are excellent for treating gastritis, hypertension, peptic ulcer disease. Soothing tea made from peanut leaves stabilizes sleep, blood pressure, relieves nervousness, relieves migraines and dizziness.

A decoction of raw peanuts prevents many ENT pathologies, relieves bronchitis, relieves inflammation from a reddened throat.

Delicious peanut products are fortified with calcium, which is essential for normal bone and cartilage growth in children and adolescents. They also include phosphorus, which together with calcium strengthens the musculoskeletal system, spine, joints, prevents their deformation, and improves posture.

Children under 12 years old should not exceed the daily dosage of 8-10 grams of peanuts. It is important to ensure that nut products do not cause allergies.

Harm from eating peanuts

Although the product has many beneficial properties, it also has negative qualities for human health. It should not be used for severely obese patients. Dried and raw fruits are high in calories and can raise dangerous cholesterol levels.

Sometimes peanuts cause severe allergic rash, swelling of the limbs and face, tickling, tearing, and frequent sneezing. This is evidence that the body cannot tolerate such a product and must be discarded. You need to start taking peanut products gradually, in small portions.

Initially, it is allowed to eat 5 grams of peanuts per day, gradually increasing the volume, if the body does not show negative reactions. The nut should be discarded if there is a tendency to edema. The nut contains sodium, an excess of which enhances the accumulation of excess fluid in the tissues.

Peanuts for weight loss

Not many people know that with the help of a very high-calorie nut, you can lose excess fat. It is used in small portions in dietary nutrition, as it activates metabolic processes and compensates for the lack of mineral salts and vitamins. Nutritionists allow a handful of nuts to be eaten as a snack.

The product satisfies hunger well and for a long time, but you should not exceed the daily norm of 30 grams. The earth nut is quite fat. It is better to combine it with the second low-calorie dishes, add it to vegetable-based salads, eat with unsweetened dried fruits.

How to choose and store a land nut at home

Peanuts can be purchased raw, roasted, peeled, or in shells. For cooking, a refined product is chosen. It is impossible for it to smell unpleasant, have traces of fungus or mold, a dark shade. These are signs that the grains are spoiled.

The shell of the walnut should be heavy, dense and dry, without stains. It is better to choose whole rather than crushed nuts. To the latter, careless sellers pour spoiled product.

Before starting cooking, the product is washed in running water, dried in the oven or in a frying pan. The nuts are placed in an airtight glass container and stored on a refrigerator shelf or in a cool, dark place. Well prepared and peeled peanuts can be stored for up to 9-12 months. They should not be bitter - this is an indicator of product spoilage.

Peanuts are a herbaceous plant with a height of 30-50 cm, belongs to legumes. The similarity to nuts is determined by the seeds: composition, high in fat, relatively low in starch.

Originally from South America, later, due to its high fat content, it spread throughout the tropics and subtropics. He came to Russia at the end of the 18th century from Turkey. Why are peanuts useful and harmful? We'll figure out!

Composition and calorie content of fruits

Component composition

Caloric content - 564 kcal / 100 g.



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Peanut flour is lower in fatthan peanut butter, and its high protein content makes it useful as a flavor enhancer. Flour does not contain gluten, which allows it to be included in the diet of celiac patients.

Roasted peanuts are used as a snack (snack)... Dry fruits can be fried in the oven, for which sprinkle in one layer on a baking sheet and bake at 175-180 ° C for 15-20 minutes (peeled peanuts) or 20-25 minutes (unpeeled). Boiled peanuts are a popular snack in the South of the USA, India, China, West Africa.

Peanut culinary (salad) oil is not inferior to taste, it consists of 46% monounsaturated FA (mainly oleic acid), 32% polyunsaturated FA (linoleic acid), and 17% saturated FA (mainly palmitic acid).

Compared to true nuts, the content of omega-3 fatty acids is low. The oil is extracted from whole peanuts by centrifugation in water, and is used in the food industry to make margarine and chocolate.

Due to the high content of monounsaturated acids oil resistant to rancidity... In the United States, refined oil is excluded from the list of allergenic foods. The beneficial regenerative properties of peanut butter are used to treat purulent inflammation and wounds.

Contraindications to use, is it possible during pregnancy

Order 1% of the US population complains of being allergic to peanuts... Symptoms from lacrimation, itching of the skin, difficulty breathing due to laryngeal edema, heartburn and vomiting to anaphylactic shock, which can lead to death if not treated in time.

The reaction is already triggered by a small amount of product. Allergens - peel, proteins and fatty acids of the nut.

The labels sometimes include warnings about the possible harm of use. Allergy is caused by a familial predisposition and consumption of soy products.

Refined Peanut Butter Non-Allergic most people with peanut allergies. But unrefined peanut butter contains proteins that can cause allergies.

If not stored properly, nuts can become infected with aspergillus yellow mold, which produces the carcinogen aflatoxin. Aflatoxin causes allergies and diseases.

It is not recommended to consume peanuts, as this can make the unborn child allergic. you should refuse nuts, since it is impossible to know if the child has an allergy. Should not be given to children under 3 years of age.

You should not eat peanuts with varicose veins and thrombophlebitissince consumption increases blood clotting.

Raw peanuts can inhibit the activity of digestive enzymes and should be avoided on time. Do not use for arthrosis and arthritis. Peanuts accumulate uric acid salts, which destroy cartilage and bones.

Use in cosmetology

Peanut butter can be used in homemade lotions and creams, use as massage oil, use in the manufacture of shampoo or soap. Peanuts can be used in hair masks that will benefit dry, damaged and weakened curls.

Any of the vegetable oils in the mask (olive, castor, peach, almond) can be replaced with peanut oil.

Peanuts have a rich and long history, thanks to the way they are grown in the ground, which caused doubts about their benefits in the very beginning. And, despite everything, this nut still gained great popularity, thanks to its taste and the found health benefits of peanuts. But he is not 100% nut, referring more to the oilseed legume.

Previously, peanuts were used to feed animals and poor people. It was also used to enrich the land, restoring its fertility after growing crops such as grain, spinning and oilseeds. And only in the last century, thanks to the agrochemist Carver, the true harm and benefits of peanuts were discovered. This allowed it to be used in various spheres of human life.

The chemical composition is identical to legumes such as beans and peas, once again confirming its involvement in these types of plants. The health benefits of peanuts are directly related to the substances in their composition:

  1. A good half of the nutrients are given to fats.
  2. Proteins are given a quarter of the weight.
  3. The remaining 10 g belongs to carbohydrates.
  4. Fiber weighs slightly over 8 grams.
  5. Water and ash - 3 g.
  6. Peanuts contain 20 essential and essential amino acids that can provide the body with a daily requirement.

Peanut nuts are good for fat, which is free of cholesterol, which has been proven by numerous studies to make it a safe product for blood vessels.

Health Benefits of Peanuts

The main benefit of this nut is its ability to regenerate. This applies to rehabilitation after suffering diseases of the digestive system, liver, CVS, respiratory and hematopoietic systems, as well as exhaustion. Peanuts are beneficial due to the following ingredients:

  • Vitamin A helps oxidation processes. It is perfectly absorbed by the body, being fat-soluble, taking part in protein synthesis, bone formation, having a positive effect on teeth, hair, nails and slowing down the aging process;
  • One of the most important vitamins is C, which helps to maintain blood hemostasis, hematopoiesis and improve the functioning of the endocrine glands. Ascorbic acid plays a very important role for the whole organism as a whole, which is difficult to list all;
  • Vitamin D protects against diseases such as rickets, which ensures normal bone development, strengthens the immune system, and regulates blood balance. It also significantly reduces the risk of arthritis with multiple sclerosis;
  • Vitamin E, which is responsible for skin condition, protects against ultraviolet radiation.

There are many substances in peanuts that help blood clot better. The presence of polyphenols, flavonoids and antioxidants protects against the harmful effects of external factors. The rich mineral composition, amino acids, vegetable fats and organic substances allow you to feel a boost of energy and performance.

Peanuts, their harm and benefits also depend on their type - dried, roasted or fresh. The best for health is a dried, strengthening organism that improves potency, hearing, memory and attention. The most useless type of peanuts is roasted, lacking all of these beneficial properties.

About the benefits for men

As mentioned above, this product has the ability to enhance potency. Plus, it eliminates prostate adenoma and heals infertility.

In the prevention of CVS diseases, he also has no equal, thanks to magnesium, which normalizes blood pressure and regulates metabolic processes. Thus, reducing the risk of a heart attack, strengthening the immune system, eliminating depressive conditions with irritability. Tryptophan helps to cope with this, improving the production of serotonin in the body.

About the benefits for women

Peanuts are also relevant for the female body, contributing to the renewal and rejuvenation of the skin with the restoration of the skin epithelium.

There is scientific evidence for the ability of just a handful of nuts a day to maintain an excellent figure, strengthen the body and prolong youth. But you need to remember about a sense of proportion - no more than 10 pieces.

What harm can peanuts do to the body?

In case of personal intolerance, peanuts can be harmful to the body due to the proteins of this product, which can cause a strong allergic reaction. This can be expressed:

  1. In irritation, swelling and even anaphylactic shock. This process lasts up to 5 hours and is accompanied by severe pain, swelling and itching that spreads throughout the body.
  2. The second scenario is abdominal cramps with nausea and vomiting, as well as swelling of the oral cavity and larynx. This process can be fatal.

If such symptoms appear, you need to immediately call an ambulance, and before their arrival, lay the person on his back with his head turned on its side.
The harm of peanuts to the body can be obtained due to its consumption in large quantities, which will entail an increase in body weight and exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases. Diabetics can eat a little of it.

We must not forget about the correct storage of this product, as this can also lead to the occurrence of the above situations. This will be indicated by the musty smell, the presence of mold, stains or streaks. In no case should you buy such peanuts.

How to store peanuts

The main factor that can greatly affect the quality of this product is moisture. Its high content makes it unsuitable for use with a loss of basic flavor characteristics. This can be detected by mold on the nut shell.

Temperature is also important during storage. A room that is too warm also makes the peanuts unsuitable for consumption.

The storage process depends on the maturity of the product. If improperly collected and handled, it deteriorates even before it reaches storage.

To summarize, it can be concluded that the storage room for peanuts should be dry, well-ventilated and cool.

As for the home content of this product, it should be in a container with a tight lid placed in the refrigerator. If you need long storage, you can put it in the freezer.

The toasted walnut is placed in a cloth or paper bag in a cool and dry place. In no case should it be poured into plastic bags. With proper storage, peanuts can be used for up to a year.

Source http://cosmetic-oil.com/%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%85%D0%B8%D1%81-%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%BB%D1 % 8C% D0% B7% D0% B0-% D0% B8-% D0% B2% D1% 80% D0% B5% D0% B4-% D0% B4% D0% BB% D1% 8F-% D0% BE % D1% 80% D0% B3% D0% B0% D0% BD% D0% B8% D0% B7% D0% BC% D0% B0 /

A delicious and popular nut, peanuts are loved by many because of their useful features. This legume is capable of providing the body with an energy boost for the whole day, making it ideal for vegetarians and raw foodists as a snack. The high content of nutrients in the product allows you to fight many ailments and prevent the development of dangerous diseases.

The seeds of this peanut are hidden in pods with a dense, rough shell. They resemble beans in appearance. Each such pod contains several nuts, which are covered with a reddish shell. The main color of peanuts under the skin is yellow.

Unique composition

The ingredient contains an impressive amount of vitamins (groups B, E, D, A, PP) that can improve the general condition of the body. Most of the necessary substances are found in raw peanuts, since the benefits of the product are slightly reduced during heat treatment. The high content of protein, vegetable fats, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, potassium, copper and other minerals helps prevent sclerosis and normalize blood cholesterol levels.

The carbohydrates and sugar in its composition are capable of giving the body the necessary charge of vivacity and energy. The antioxidants found in peanuts help fight cardiovascular disease, and they also increase the protective functions of the immune system. However, due to the high calorie content of the product (550 kcal per 100 g), it should be consumed in moderation, especially for people who are overweight.

General beneficial properties

The rich chemical composition of the ingredient allows you to comprehensively improve the general condition of the body. Among the main unique features of the product are the following:

  • it copes well with the problems of skin aging, and also allows you to keep it in good shape (due to the constituent vitamins E and B);
  • this representative of legumes does not contain cholesterol, so people with diabetes can safely include it in their diet;
  • the product contains a large amount of protein (which is well absorbed in the stomach), so it is an excellent meat substitute for vegetarians and raw foodists;
  • the ingredient helps prevent the development of cancer, as it contains a fibrous structure;
  • it is very nutritious, so eating a handful of nuts a day is easy to overcome the feeling of hunger that has arisen;
  • the product effectively breaks down fats, which is why it should be used as a means for losing weight;
  • peanuts improve the functioning of the nervous system, making a person feel cheerful and sleep well;
  • it normalizes the liver.

Benefits for the fair sex

A fair sex, looking after its figure, will be able to maintain its normal weight thanks to the manganese included in the product. It improves metabolism and helps to reduce extra pounds. The essential minerals in this ingredient will help strengthen nails and help accelerate hair growth. Women will be able to notice that hair has stopped falling out thanks to the biotin contained in the product. The benefits of this water-soluble substance will positively affect the strength and health of the strands.

Women can improve their emotional state by eating a handful of legumes a day. The unique properties of peanuts will make up for the lack of an acid such as tryptophan, which helps fight depression, improves mood and sleep. The irreplaceable benefits of the product will have a positive effect on the reproductive function of women. By including raw nuts in your diet, the fair sex will be able to establish hormones and stabilize the menstrual cycle.

The benefits of peanuts for men

The useful chemical composition of the ingredient will make it possible to heal the body of not only women, but also men. Methionine, which is in the base of the product, promotes the formation of muscle mass, which is especially important for those who monitor their body shapes. This element allows you to restore the expended physical strength after sports.

The benefits of peanuts are indispensable for male reproductive function. The properties of the product allow you to overcome erectile dysfunction, as well as protect the stronger sex from infertility and prostate adenoma. Preventing urinary tract disorder is simple enough by consuming this product raw (or slightly toasted).

The irreplaceable properties of this legume can prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases, which is especially useful for men. Both women and men, using the product daily, will be able to protect themselves from a heart attack. Improving the work of the digestive tract is also very simple, thanks to the benefits of the component.


In addition to the positive properties of this product and its irreplaceable health benefits, there are still cases when the use of the bean should be abandoned. Ingredient harm can be seen in the following cases:

  • the presence of problems with the gastrointestinal tract, since the component, like all legumes, is difficult to digest in the stomach;
  • with liver disease, it can also be harmful to health;
  • having an allergic reaction to this legume;
  • when a person has a weakened pancreas, it is also worth reducing the amount of product consumption so that it does not harm health;
  • in case of joint disease, the component should also be excluded from the diet (it can be harmful if there is one of such diseases as arthritis, arthrosis, gout).

It is worth remembering that the benefits of consuming this bean will be noticeable if stored correctly. Raw peanuts can be harmful if the following conditions are neglected. Grains should always be kept at a low temperature and minimum humidity. In this case, it is easy to exclude the formation of a fungus that can cause harm, and to enrich your body with only useful substances.

Peanuts are a versatile product that can bring benefits and health to the body. An ingredient will never harm health if you follow the precautions (do not use if you have a disease) and store it correctly. Also, the bean will not harm the figure if you eat grains in moderation. By adding peanuts to various dishes, it is very easy to diversify your diet and make any delicacy especially tasty.

Source http://legkopolezno.ru/zozh/pitanie/chem-polezen-arahis/

Peanuts, otherwise called peanuts, are one of the most popular representatives of legumes. The extraordinary health benefits of peanuts are that they are packed with a wide variety of nutrients. Groundnuts are enjoyed by both meat eaters and vegetarians.

Calorie content of peanuts

Although the list of useful qualities of peanuts is quite extensive, one should take into account the high calorie content of this product (The calorie content of peanuts is 548 kcal per 100g). In this light, peanuts should not be abused even by a healthy person with a normal body weight, what can we say about those who have problems with being overweight?

Chemical composition

The peanut contains a whole set of vitamins - A, group B, D, E, PP. In addition, the extraordinary benefits of peanuts are evidenced by the presence in it of unique amino acids and vegetable fats, in particular, polyunsaturated lyonolic and folic acids, biotin and other organic substances. Peanuts consist of more than a third of protein and more than half of vegetable fats, but, surprisingly, there is no cholesterol in peanuts.

The benefits and harms of peanuts

Beneficial features

Eating peanuts helps maintain optimal blood sugar levels. For this reason, in small amounts, peanuts are useful for patients with various forms of diabetes mellitus. Peanuts are also useful for the content of magnesium compounds, which normalize blood pressure and metabolic processes in the body as a whole. Eating sensible amounts of peanuts has been shown to reduce the risk of heart attacks and other cardiovascular diseases, according to numerous studies. Natural monounsaturated fats are responsible for this beneficial quality of peanuts.

Along with other things, the use of peanuts helps to strengthen the human immune system. Eating peanuts helps the body fight infections and weakening caused by daily stress. Peanuts are extremely useful in the fight against depressive conditions, since they contain the natural amino acid tryptophan, from which serotonin is synthesized in the body, a special hormone that improves mood and eliminates depression and phobias.

Often, an increase in the amount of serotonin alone can bring a person out of the most severe depression and get rid of the most persistent phobia. And all this without long-term drug treatment, just one intake of peanuts. In addition, the objective benefit of peanuts lies in the content of niacin in it - vitamin B3, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the brain, improving memory and the ability to concentrate. By regularly consuming peanuts, a person is more effective in solving everyday tasks that arise in front of him.

Peanuts contain one of the most effective antioxidants - phytosterols. In their presence, the growth of malignant tumors slows down and gradually stops. This is another fact that speaks in favor of peanuts and products based on it. Regular consumption of peanuts in small amounts prevents, for example, bowel cancer. However, this is due not only to phytosterols, but also to natural fiber, of which, in fact, the kernel of a peanut consists.

For the same reason, the use of peanuts prevents the occurrence of gallstone disease, improves digestion in general, and activates the elimination of toxins and other harmful substances from the body. Peanuts are fortified with iron, which directly improves blood quality, in particular by increasing the number of red blood cells.

Experts quite reasonably believe that when eating peanuts, people get rid of infertility, and both men and women equally, since peanuts are useful for their ability to improve the hormonal balance of the human body. And, for example, folic acid - the main wealth of a peanut - reduces the likelihood of developing congenital pathologies in the fetus.

Peanut harm

With all the beneficial properties of peanuts, you should always remember that raw peanuts are capable of provoking digestive disorders. It should also be borne in mind that the benefits of peanuts are weakened by the allergenic properties of the kernel skin. To reduce this effect, the peanuts must be thermally processed - roasted, for example. After frying, the skins are easily separated from the kernels. However, even under these conditions, people who suffer from arthrosis, arthritis, gout and other joint diseases can feel the harm of peanuts.

And, of course, you need to remember that peanuts are useful exactly as long as they are stored correctly. Proper storage involves keeping the nuts in conditions of as low as possible zero humidity. In this case, poisonous mold will never appear on the surface of the nuts.

And the last thing. If you decide to try on yourself the medicinal properties of peanuts, be sure to consult with your doctor.

Source http://www.yourlifestyle.ru/polza/530-polza-arahisa.html

Almost every product contains valuable and nutritious substances, or those that are contraindicated for a particular disease. Peanuts, the harm and benefits of which are not an exception in everyday life, is called a nut, but in fact it belongs to legumes. It is often called "peanut". And today it belongs to one of the most popular because of its taste and nutritional qualities and relatively budgetary cost. Used in cooking, industry, medicine, cosmetology.

"Groundnuts or peas" it is called because of its ripening characteristics. A flower blooming on an annual plant gradually tilts towards the ground and as a result buries itself completely in it. It is there that the further ripening of the nut takes place. In the United States, it is the most popular and is often given to children, because the ratio of health benefits and harms of peanuts makes it possible to make dozens of different food products from it.

The chemical composition and calorie content of peanuts

Nuts are distinguished by a high nutritional value, since they are half composed of fats, they also contain a lot of protein and a small amount of carbohydrates and dietary fiber, ash. Peanuts, the calorie content of which per 100 grams is more than 500 kcal, is considered a rather heavy dish. It contains a lot of fiber, which improves bowel function, and trace elements calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and many others. The nut contains vitamins C, PP, E and group B.

Peanuts, the harm and benefits of which distinguish them from other nuts, contain more protein and less fat and calories than other types. It is especially useful for vegetarians or people for whom meat is contraindicated for one reason or another. It contains coenzyme Q10 and protein involved in energy metabolism, so the benefits of peanuts are obvious. The nut contains amino acids, antioxidants, unsaturated acids.

Useful properties of peanuts

Due to the content of amino acids in the composition, it is able to regulate blood cholesterol levels, increase muscle mass, and control fat deposits in the liver . The benefits of peanuts for the body are the production of enzymes and hormones that help calcium to be absorbed better. 100 g of peanuts can satisfy a person's daily need for vitamin PP or nicotinic acid.

Due to the content of antioxidants, peanuts are indicated for problems with blood vessels, heart, various tumors, atherosclerosis. It slows down the aging process in the body. Which peanuts are healthier than roasted or raw? Any nutritionist will answer this question, because the content of antioxidants in fried nuts increases. Nuts have a choleretic effect, therefore they are indicated for diseases of the duodenum, liver, stomach and gastritis, but not in the acute stage.

Some scientists argue that the benefits of peanuts are also manifested in the treatment of infertility. It definitely has a beneficial effect on the state of the genitourinary system, improves hearing and vision, and, due to the content of folic acid, renews skin cells. For men, the nut is useful in helping to restore potency and cure baldness. Useful properties of peanuts will help with mental exhaustion, loss of strength, nervousness, increased fatigue. Just a handful of nuts every day will cheer you up and tone your body.

If we talk about the benefits of peanuts for the body, then an important fact is that it raises the immune system, activates the body's defenses. Thus, it helps with colds and viral diseases to get back on their feet faster, and is also an excellent prevention. It releases phlegm, and is used for inflammation of the respiratory tract with dry cough. If it is lingering, then use boiled rice with fried nuts.

The amount of carbohydrates in peanuts indicates that it is allowed to use it in diabetes mellitus. A small amount of raw food even lowers blood sugar levels. The substances contained in it affect blood clotting, increase it and are indicated for hemophilia.

Harm and contraindications

In addition to the benefits, unlimited use of peanuts manifests itself in the harm of peanuts. Remember its high calorie content, eating too much will add a few extra pounds to you. You are not insured against individual intolerance or possibly allergies, therefore it is recommended that children be given the culture, starting with small amounts.

The contraindications of peanuts apply to those with thick blood, because it helps clotting. Walnut is prohibited for varicose veins. Raw or fried, it puts a lot of stress on the digestive system. It disrupts its processes, reduces the activity of enzymes and the absorption of nutrients in the intestine. Do not eat a nut for pancreatitis, it will certainly exacerbate the disease.

Peanuts accumulate uric acid salts, and this is where the harm of peanuts is manifested. They destroy cartilage and joints, therefore the product is not approved for gout, arthritis or arthrosis. The beneficial properties of peanuts also depend on the quality of storage. Place it in a glass jar in a dark and cool place. The humidity level should be minimal, otherwise mold will start in it. when buying, pay attention to the aroma and appearance, musty smell is not allowed.

If peanuts have been improperly transported, treated with chemicals, or stored improperly, they produce a poisonous substance called aflatoxin. It leads to various disorders or allergic reactions, then the harm of peanuts, and not the benefits, will manifest themselves more strongly.

The use and consumption of walnut

Peanuts are eaten raw, boiled, fried or salted. Better to eat it as a snack between meals. It perfectly satisfies hunger, gives energy and strength, stimulates brain activity. Carry it with you and have a snack at the first attacks of hunger. Roasted peanuts, salty benefits and harms speak more towards the second. After all, salt retains fluid in the body, and this will lead to the appearance of edema and diseases of the kidneys and heart.

Salted nuts for beer are very popular, but the usefulness of such use is rather doubtful. Peanuts are known in cooking, they are used in baking, the production of confectionery and bakery products: cakes, pastries, sweets, nougat, marshmallows. The walnut is used to make milk, it is added to nut mixtures or mixtures of dried fruits.

Not only the nut itself is useful, but also the products made on its basis. Peanut oil is not inferior in taste and quality to olive oil and is used in the manufacture of dishes: confectionery, bakery, canned food. It is used in the pharmaceutical industry. The inferior grades are sent to soap production. You already know whether roasted peanuts are healthy, and scientists have established an amazing fact that boiled peanuts contain even more antioxidants than raw or toasted peanuts.

Delicious peanut butter is made from peanuts. It is very high in calories, and it is recommended to use it only in the first half of the day in order to charge the body with energy for the whole day.

The benefits of peanuts are manifested not only in food, glue, dynamite, wool, and plastic are made from it.

Despite the fact that peanuts are high in calories, a peanut diet was invented on its basis. Its essence lies in the fact that peanut butter and the nuts themselves suppress appetite and dull hunger. Scientists have found that with a daily consumption of seven nuts a day, it is possible to get rid of obesity. In small quantities, the product, on the contrary, increases the appetite. With a diet, it is recommended, along with nuts and pasta, to consume fruits during the day (with the exception of bananas or grapes), any vegetables, boiled lean meat. Drink more water and sugar-free green tea these days.

Watch a video on how to choose healthy peanuts:

Source http://coolhealth.ru/nutrition/arahis-polza-i-vred-dlya-organizma.html/amp

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