Subclass Sphagnidae (Sphagnum mosses) - Sphagnidae. Irreplaceable sphagnum moss Application of sphagnum moss

When flowering plants did not yet exist in nature, he was already pleasing the eye ... of dinosaurs.

The forest covered reminds us of primitive times. Its layer of just a few centimeters creates the impression of a dense green carpet covering everything around.

Moss superstar: classes and types

The first mosses appeared on our planet more than 400 million years ago, long before flowering plants. As well, these plants reproduce by spores. There are about 18,000 species of mossesgrouped into three classes.

Liver mosses

The oldest of them - liver mosses... The most famous representative of this group is hairy blepharostomy (Blepharostoma trichophyllum) with its characteristic flat, spreading shape. Most liverwort mosses have both stems and true leaves.

Hair-leaved blepharostoma most often grows on soil, as well as on deadwood, stumps and stones along the banks of streams and rivers, forming dense or loose, mixed with other bryophytes, tufts and even whole carpets.

A large class is also bryophytes... They are all divided into orders according to the structure of their stems, leaves and the way they are fixed in the soil. Mosses form "cushions" ranging in height from millimeters to several centimeters, and sometimes cover vast territories with a dense lawn of living plants and their dead parts with a layer up to 1-3 m or more thick.

Anthocerot mosses

The second no less extensive class is anthocerot mossesoutwardly resembling "liverworts". They got their name from the Greek words anthos - flower and keros - horn, since the form of plants is a dark green lamellar rosette (thallus) with a diameter of 1-3 cm, tightly attached to the soil, and numerous horn-like outgrowths (sporogons) up to 2 -3 cm.

It belongs to one of the most common species. In the forest, it can cover very large areas, but in habitable places, on the walls and roofs of houses, it will also find a place. The picture shows long stems with spore pods.

Leaf moss cuckoo flaxoutwardly resembles a sprig of conifers. Its length can reach 15 cm; it is the cuckoo flax that often lines the soil in the forest.

Wall tortula forms small cushions and grows on limestone stones, including on the walls of houses made of such material.

In some mosses, the spore boxes sometimes look like flowers, such as this polytrichum juniper-like.

Cirrifillum hairy (Cirriphyllum piliferum)forms loose light green tufts. He prefers nutrient-rich calcareous soil. Cirrifillum can be found in forests and bushes. However, there is a place for him in the garden too.

Chylocomium brilliant ( Hylocomium splendens)most commonly found in forests, although grasslands, roadsides and quarries often provide shelter. In the process of growth, it forms cascades, as it were, consisting of separate floors.

Sphagnum hairy (Sphagnum capillifolium)grows primarily in swamps and wet forests. Plant height does not exceed 20 cm. This moss can be whitish-green, brown, reddish or yellow in color.

Anthoceros smooth (Anthoceros laevis)- one of the few species from the genus of anthocerotic mosses living in northern latitudes. This moss is often the first to appear on wet soil after weeding in beds, flower beds, and especially in furrows.

Where do mosses live

On the rocks and mosses feel out of competition: there is no place for flowering plants here. High humidity and regular water rises in streams also contribute to the spread of "green and fluffy".

Most often mosses are found in wet areas. However, some species have adapted well to dry and sunny habitats, for example wall cake... Its leaves end in transparent hairs that reflect the sun's rays and protect the plant from excessive light. In the kingdom of mosses there are also other survival strategies:

  • anthoceros often live in symbiosis with blue algaethat fix nitrogen in the air and transfer it to the moss;
  • sphagnums are capable create an acidic environment and so prevent the appearance of fungi, bacteria and competing plants next to you. Read about their properties and use in the article.
Although the moss is almost invisible in appearance, its role in ecosystems is very important... Because it is capable of absorbing and retaining a lot of moisture, it plays an essential role in regulating the water balance of forests and swamps and reduces soil erosion in open areas. And without sphagnum moss, formation would be impossible.These plants prefer

The tenacity with which the moss spreads through the garden is directly related to its ability not only to spore propagation, but also to vegetative, especially in leafy species. So that every patch of moss that falls out from under the mower's knife can grow into a full-fledged new plant... Thanks to this property, you can almost easily populate a part of your plot with "fluffy" inhabitants:

  1. The moss is cut by 5-10 mm and these tiny pieces are scattered over the surface of the previously moistened soil.
  2. At the end of the process, the area should be covered with moss scraps by at least 10%.
  3. After that, everything is well pressed and the first weeks are intensely moisturized. The soil before "sowing" can be replaced with sand or lava pebbles.
will help you make an interesting "mossy" composition.

The most creative ideas for using moss in garden decor you will find in the number 1 of the magazine "Country. Style and way of life "for February-March 2016.

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Who in Yamal does not like the nature of their native land. Beautiful, generous, rich and, as the Yamal scientists assure, also curative. For example, sphagnum brown common moss, which has long been used in the life and treatment of the indigenous peoples of the North. Sphagnum or peat moss - in Yamal it grows literally underfoot and shocks scientists with its unique medicinal properties. Having watched the Arctic Science program once, I became interested in its amazing properties.

Scientists claim that sphagnum moss is as much a resource as oil and gas. It is an invaluable product to be used for your own good.

Objective:Expand and generalize knowledge about sphagnum moss

Object of work: sphagnum moss

Subject of study: properties of sphagnum moss

Hypothesis: Perhaps sphagnum has some unique properties?


Select and get acquainted with the literature on this topic.

Learn about the composition and medicinal properties of sphagnum moss.

Get acquainted with the rules for the collection and procurement of raw materials.

Do your research.

Research methods: observation, search, study of popular science literature, systematization and generalization of data.

Chapter 1. Sphagnum moss-white moss

Composition and medicinal properties of sphagnum.

Sphagnum moss is a perennial herb of the Sphagnaceae family.

Sphagnum is also called white moss, because when it dries it turns white. This creates white moss. Sphagnum is distributed mainly in the Northern Hemisphere (in the forest and tundra zone). In the Southern Hemisphere, it grows high in the mountains, less often on the plains (in the temperate zone). Sphagnum reproduces by spores and vegetatively.

The plant has no root system. The stem is thin, branched, low (up to 20 cm). In the upper part, the growth of the stem is not limited, and the lower part of the stem dies off over time, forming peat.

Stem branches are arranged in clusters. The top of the stem ends with a head. Leaves are sessile, small, light green, without veins. The leaves are composed of two types of cells. The green narrow cells are connected by their ends and form a mesh structure in which organic matter moves. Photosynthesis takes place in these cells. Transparent large dead cells, in the form of membranes, are located between narrow green cells.

The outside of the stem is also covered with such dead cells. Dead cells act as reservoirs that store water, store it, and feed living cells with it. Through the available holes, dead cells draw in water vapor from the surrounding air and condense them, transforming them into water.

The plant contains carbolic acid, which is an antiseptic. As a result, the moss does not rot, but peat is formed. It is due to the growth of plants such as sphagnum that waterlogging occurs in water bodies: swamps and lakes.

Sphagnum contains: triterpene compounds, phenol-like substances, sugars, resins, pectin elements, mineral salts, cellulose, coumarins.

1.2. Application of sphagnum in traditional medicine

Sphagnum contains the phenol-like substance sphagnol, fiber, triterpene compounds, sugars, resins, pectin substances, proteins, minerals.

Sphagnum has antiseptic, bactericidal, disinfectant, antifungal, hygroscopic properties. The property of sphagnum to disinfect is due to the content of sphagnol in it, and the structure of this plant is such that it is hygroscopic, that is, it has the ability to absorb and retain a lot of moisture well. The combination of these properties makes it possible to successfully use sphagnum as a dressing material. Sphagnum is not applied directly to the wounds. It is wrapped in sterile gauze and such bandages are applied to gunshot, radiation, purulent wounds. Sphagnum has long been used for medical purposes. It was also used during the war (WWII).

Sphagnum promotes healing of cuts, open and festering wounds.

It is used as an antiseptic dressing that does not need to be sterilized.

It has antibacterial properties, which makes it suitable for fighting skin and nail fungus.

Baths with sphagnum decoction allow you to cope with increased sweating, fungal diseases of the skin and nails.

The peat water that remains after the moss is squeezed out helps to eliminate staphylococcal wounds.

Today sphagnum moss is becoming interesting for oncologists as well. Sphagnum decoction was already given to experimental animals after chemotherapy was used to intoxication the body. Research is carried out by researchers of the State Budgetary Institution of Health of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug "Center for Arctic Studies"

1.3 Other uses of sphagnum

This plant is used not only for medicinal purposes. Currently, sphagnum moss is widely used in plant growing and floriculture. It gives the earth looseness, and because of its hygroscopicity, it contributes to uniform moisture in the earthy coma. The contained sphagnol has a bactericidal effect, which prevents disease and decay of plant roots. It is also used as a mulching layer. Sphagnum, which has a low degree of decomposition, is a valuable raw material for the production of effective sorbents.

The plant has low thermal conductivity, as a result of which it is often used as a heat-insulating material in construction. Deodorant agents are produced from sphagnum, as it has a rather pleasant smell.

White moss is also used as an insulation material, which is placed between logs when building wooden rooms. The hygroscopic properties of sphagnum make it possible to smooth out moisture drops. This will make the house or bathhouse stand for much longer.

Tomsk specialists have developed a technology that makes it possible to produce hygiene products from peat moss - sphagnum. It took three years to create a prototype. Environmentally friendly material is a thin elastic fiber. On its basis, napkins, diapers, feminine hygiene items and other products can be produced.

In Russia, sphagnum is used in the preparation of dietary supplements and other nutritious experimental products. Made from sphagnum insoles, it helps to cope with unpleasant odors and increased sweating of the feet.

And earlier this year, scientists from the Nadym division of the Scientific Center for Arctic Research presented a whole line of natural products from local plants. This, in particular, bread, croutons and instant sphagnum soup. And even chocolate.

The Nadym bakery began production of bread. The recipe was developed by scientists of the Scientific Center for the Study of the Arctic. The innovative rolls are made from local raw materials - they are half sphagnum. For example, they found that sphagnum perfectly removes toxins from the body. Trial copies of bread were released in a research and production laboratory. The results exceeded expectations - such a loaf is not only useful, it can also be stored for a long time. “Such bread can dry out, just be dry, but it will not grow moldy,” said Vera Melnikova, a research assistant at the Nadym branch of the Arctic Research Center. The taste and quality of the innovative product is confirmed by tests and certificates.

The city administration took control of bread production. Especially for this project, in the summer, the harvesting of berries and herbs was organized here for the first time. It will continue next season as well. Would you like to try such delicacies?

1.4 Collection and procurement of raw materials

For medicinal purposes, the entire living part of sphagnum is used and harvested. Harvesting is carried out from May to September in dry, sunny weather. Sphagnum is collected by hand, pulling it out of the water. Before laying out the sphagnum for drying, it is preliminarily squeezed by hand, the browned lower parts that have died out, as well as other debris, are removed. Then it is laid out on the fabric in a thin layer and dried in the sun in a ventilated place.

Sphagnum dries slowly. When dry, its green parts turn white. This is a sign that the raw material is dry enough. The optimum moisture content of the dried raw material is considered to be 25-30%. Dried white moss is stored in plastic or paper bags. The shelf life of raw materials is 1 year.

Chapter 2. Practical work

2.1 Experiments with moss

We examined sphagnum moss through a microscope. It looks like a finely porous sponge. Having examined the moss leaf under a microscope, we saw that in addition to the green ordinary cells that contain chlorophyll and in which photosynthesis takes place, there are special air cells. In dry moss, these cells are filled with air, but when we soaked it, the cells are filled with water.

After studying the literature on moss, I learned that it absorbs a lot of moisture. We ran an experiment with moss and cotton wool. According to the results of the experiment, it turned out. That dry moss absorbed less moisture than cotton wool. Because his cells are filled with air. As it dries, the cotton wool crumpled and settled to the bottom of the glass. Or, on the contrary, he straightened up, became porous like a sponge and filled the entire glass.

Experience number 3

White moss is indispensable for maintaining the desired moisture level of flowers. It protects against rapid evaporation of water. So we decided to plant the orchid in woody soil mixed with dry moss. Now it is always wet with us. We decided to use sphagnum moss as a moisture holder when watering flowers when we go on vacation.

Experience number 4. Cooking baked goods with the addition of sphagnum moss.

We ground dry sphagnum moss on a coffee grinder, added it to the dough. And baked buns. Moss-based bread can compensate for the lack of plant fiber in northerners. And its enrichment with oxedants will make up for the lack of fresh fruits and vegetables. Such bread does not turn stale or moldy.


Based on the results of our research, we made the following conclusions: 1. In the course of studying the literature and Internet sources, we learned what sphagnum moss is. Where does it grow, what it looks like. Studied the properties of moss, its application. 2. Collected moss on the territory of our city. 3. Investigated the properties of sphagnum moss. I conducted experiments.

Thus, our hypothesis was confirmed. Indeed, sphagnum moss has amazing antibacterial properties and hygroscopicity.

List of references

Bogoyavlenskaya A.E. Active forms and methods of teaching biology: Plants. Bacteria. Mushrooms. Lishaniki. - M .: Education: JSC "Textbook. lit. ", 2006

Appendix 1

Fig. 1 Collection and procurement of raw materials

Fig. 2 Experiment with cotton wool and moss

Fig. 3 Planting an orchid

Fig. 4 Baking baked goods

Many flower growers know firsthand what sphagnum is. In practice, it is a moss that turns into peat over time. That is why sphagnum is often called peat moss. Like most crops of this species, sphagnum grows in moist soils, where the area is subsequently swamped. In horticulture and floriculture, its popularity is due precisely to this property, because this type of moss very actively absorbs and retains moisture.

Main distribution halo for sphagnum, these are regions of the northern hemisphere with a cold and temperate climate.

Dry peat moss is an excellent component for soil mixtures for many plants. It is especially often used in the cultivation of phalaenopsis and orchids. However, this is not its only economic application. So, due to its low thermal conductivity, sphagnum is actively used for the manufacture of insulating materials.

By the way, the northern peoples today often use peat moss to make baby diapers, which allow them to keep warm even in the most severe frosts. Sphagnum also found its application in the production of medicines and food products. It should be noted, though, that this practice is not widespread.

Types and application

More often growers use dry sphagnum, which can be purchased at any specialty store. However, there are situations where live moss will be more effective. For example, it is used in the resuscitation of painful and fading flowers, rooting cuttings and layering, as well as for germinating seeds that are sensitive to a lack of moisture.

Video. Harvesting sphagnum

Unfortunately, live peat moss can only be found in the wild, but it is worth remembering that bringing sphagnum from the forest, you risk introducing various infections and pest larvae, which can be very dangerous for your home flowers. Therefore, it is better not to use the source material directly, but only for breeding new moss.

Sphagnum grows best in hydroponics, that is, in a container with distilled water. Melt water from snow will also work, but not tap water. So that the water does not evaporate too quickly, the container with moss is covered with a film, creating a greenhouse effect. The temperature regime is average - about 20 degrees Celsius. For home cultivation of sphagnum, the north side with variable shade is suitable.

Sphagnum moss is indispensable for growing flowers

Late autumn is the best time to harvest sphagnum, as the moss at this time is the longest that has grown over the summer. How to use it in home floriculture?

How to collect sphagnum?

To collect sphagnum moss, you need to pry off the turf with a pitchfork and put it in rice bags. Next, we dry the extracted sphagnum in the open air and sort it out. It can be stored dry for many years.

Additive to the substrate

Fresh moss is acidic (pH 4), which favorably affects the growth of acidic soil lovers - azalea, gardenia, zantedesky... Moss significantly increases the moisture content of the substrate, this is due to the presence of hyaline (aquifer) cells. One part of dry moss absorbs up to 20 parts of water - four times more than absorbent cotton wool. When dry, these cells are filled with air, sphagnum brightens, therefore it is often called white moss. I definitely add it to the substrate for aroid, gesneriaceae, ferns, begonias, arrowroots, orchids, bromeliads.

I soak the moss in warm (45 ° C) water, while insects, ants and snails emerge. I drain the water, squeeze the moss, for aroid I cut coarsely with scissors, for violets - I dry and grind. They can partially replace peat. But as an additive to the substrate, sphagnum is not suitable for all plants. For example, citrus fruits do not like light and acidic soil, and cacti and succulents are afraid of a moisture-intensive substrate.


In pots with indoor plants in the upper layers of the soil, when moisture evaporates from its surface, calcium and magnesium salts, toxic to plants, are deposited. Over time, the substrate becomes saline, which inhibits plant growth. To prevent salinity, the surface of the substrate can be mulched with a layer of sphagnum about 0.5-0.7 cm thick. Once a year, the sphagnum with the deposited salts is replaced. In this case, the plant does without transplanting longer. I make sure to mulch non-salt tolerant plants such as anthuriums, orchids, ferns, bromeliads... In addition, it protects against the rapid drying of the root ball.

Epiphytic blocks

This is a fashionable trend in interior phytodesign. We put a frame made of bamboo or a rigid plastic mesh with a hook for hanging on a "pancake" made of sphagnum, pour in the middle an epiphytic substrate made of bark, pieces of peat, old mullein, coal, leaf or coniferous soil. We wrap the block in sphagnum and wrap it with thin fishing line. We make hairpins from thick wire and attach epiphytic plants to the block. You can use nylon thread, a natural twine, which is removed when the plants are firmly attached to the roots of the block.

So you can grow small orchids, bromeliads, epiphytic cacti, small-leaved hoi and peperomias... Water the block by immersion in water. As soon as it is saturated, let the excess water drain and hang it in a permanent place. Of course, this is a laborious process, but this type of landscaping will certainly decorate a window or a large florarium.

Storage of tubers

Sphagnum mosses have long been known as a dressing agent, because they contain a unique phenol-like substance, sphagnol, which has bactericidal properties. This property helps to keep the tubers of plants with a full dormant period in winter - caladium, amorphophallus, sauromatum, zantedeschia etc. We wrap the dried tubers in dry moss, place them in jars, for example, from under coffee, and store in the refrigerator until spring.

A large shoot can be rooted directly on the plant, keeping the number of leaves on it as much as possible. For this on a branch citrus, ficus or on the trunk dracaena, dieffenbachy we make circular cuts in a circle, remove the bark ring 1 cm wide and dust with a root former. We wrap with wet moss and plastic wrap, tightly tying the ends with soft wire. As it dries, we moisten the moss, I use a syringe with water for this - I pierce the film with a needle and inject water into the moss. When the roots become visible through the film, cut off the layers and plant them, removing the film.

Rooting by air layers

Rooting cuttings of indoor plants

We cut the plastic bottle across, without cutting to the end about 2 cm. At the bottom we put drainage - finely crumbled foam plastic, it has low thermal conductivity and moisture capacity, therefore, more expanded clay is suitable for a greenhouse. Rooting substrate consists of sphagnum and baking powder (2: 1). As the latter - pieces of coal, fine expanded clay, pine bark, individually or in a mixture. Cut the stalk at an angle of 45 degrees, sprinkle the cut with crushed activated carbon. Remove the lower leaves, shorten the middle ones by half. We place the end of the cutting into the substrate and close the bottle, fastening the halves with tape. We put the greenhouse in a bright place without direct sunlight and make sure that the moss is not waterlogged, otherwise the stalk may rot. When the roots appear, we open the greenhouse and plant the plant directly with a sphagnum ball.

Barrel wrapping

Take for example anthurium - over time, the stem of it stretches, and the plant blooms worse. Try wrapping the trunk in moss, securing it with green cotton thread. When watering, sphagnum will be moistened, while the adventitious roots will not dry out in dry room conditions. Receiving additional nutrition, anthurium will show itself in all its glory.

Old asparagus stiffens at the base, so fewer green shoots are formed, the plant looks less dense and beautiful. The bases of the shoots should be covered with sphagnum, and the plant will retain its splendor for a long time.

Sphagnum, or peat moss, is a perennial spore plant that does not have roots and grows in swampy and waterlogged places.

How to grow moss?

Moss is the oldest plant on our planet. Its uniqueness is that it does not have seeds, roots and flowers. It reproduces by spores.

Mosses are also called bryophytes. Currently, there are about 10 thousand species of moss. They perform an essential function of greening our planet. They have some useful properties that make them useful in medicine.

Mosses differ in color, porosity, cover characteristics and height. The group of green mosses has an intense green color. Sphagnum moss, previously used for medicinal purposes (due to its absorbing and antibacterial properties), has a light green color. Peat is formed from sphagnum. Without peat, flower growers and gardeners would not have been able to grow many plants.

Live mosses add variety to your home. These are life-loving and unpretentious plants. When caring for them, no additional feeding is required. The moss feels like a soft carpet. It retains its fresh appearance for a long time and multiplies easily.

You can grow moss at home. It can be propagated in open areas, in the garden or indoors. Growing plants requires a little moisture and sunlight. To grow bryophytes at home, you need to buy moss pads in the store or collect moss pads in the forest.

What mosses can be planted at home:

  • At home, you can grow mosses removed from the ground.
  • Mosses growing on trees belong to other groups and will not take root in the substrate.
  • It is advisable to choose any variety of green cover moss with small petals.

Moss can be grown disputes or vegetatively... The largest and most developed plants are selected to collect spores. The principle of reproduction of moss by spores is the same as when sowing seed plants. He needs acidic soil, for growing a plant, the substrate is sometimes acidified with citric acid. To do this, you will need only 1-2 crystals of organic acid per 2 liters of water.

For planting moss, prepare a wide, low container. Pour a small layer of expanded clay on the bottom, then a layer of finely crushed coal and a layer of substrate. Pour water over the substrate and lightly press the moss pads in the center of the container. Cover the container with polyethylene overnight, then remove the film. In a few days, the plant will take root and begin to grow.

Bryophytes need to be moistened once every 4 days. They are not watered, but sprayed abundantly, since the plant is genetically adapted to absorb moisture from the air. No wonder mosses are found in places with high humidity.

Plant them on the east or north side of the house, as intense sunlight will harm them, and moderate to partial natural light will create a more natural environment for plant growth.

If mosses are moderately humid and moderately illuminated by the sun, their color will be intense green.

If the moss has a dark green, swampy hue, then the growing conditions are not chosen correctly. Perhaps the plant is waterlogged. To confirm your concerns, take a look at the condition of the lower pebbles in the container. If they are damp, excess moisture affects the moss.

Moss can also be grown in the garden. The Japanese came up with the idea of \u200b\u200bdecorating gardens with moss; there it is an indispensable object for living decor. Moss-covered lawns look great and require little maintenance. It is believed that a garden decorated with moss, which is covered with soil, sculptures or stones, gives a person a sense of peace. The delicate green color and soft coating of surfaces soothes the nervous system.
Photo: Depositphotos

To cover the garden stones with moss, choose mature plant pads that have an intense green color. Moss is mixed with a glass of kefir, add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar and grind this mixture in a blender. The amount of kefir and sugar depends on the amount of moss. Visually, kefir should be no more than half of the amount of the plant, and the prepared cocktail should have the consistency of sour cream. Then you need to take a brush and simply apply the resulting mixture to garden stones (or other objects) in 2-3 layers.

Bonsai trees growing in tubs are decorated with mosses, but when planting moss in a tub, you need to make sure that not the entire surface of the substrate is covered with moss, otherwise air will be limited to the tree.

Mosses are used to create terrariums from plants. Often they are planted as an ornamental plant in transparent containers, combined with asparagus or other plants to decorate the interior.
Photo: Depositphotos

The use of moss in floriculture and garden decoration will diversify these processes, revitalize plants and add an original touch. Moss is an amazing plant that you can admire and create various compositions with it.

Sphagnum moss

Often, sphagnum moss is simply necessary for the preparation of earthen mixtures for planting indoor plants. But a huge number of flower growers have no idea what it is, and there are practically no special explanations about this "ingredient" of soil mixtures. However, this moss is simply unique and has many benefits that everyone should definitely know about.

Sphagnum moss - what is it?

The habitat of this type of moss is the Northern Hemisphere. In the Southern Hemisphere, however, it is extremely rare and mostly only high in the mountains. However, there were cases that sphagnum was also found in flat areas, but this is a huge rarity.

In the North, industrial extraction of this most valuable moss is organized. And it is used in a wide variety of areas, for example, for thermal insulation during the construction of buildings, as well as in the production of medicines and perfumes. Due to the fact that sphagnum has a rather light color, it is also called white moss.

Beneficial features

This moss has 3 very useful properties that every grower can appreciate. Namely:

  1. It is breathable... Due to this, the soil remains light and rather loose even in a wet state, which has the best effect on the growth and development of plants.
  2. Moss is hygroscopic. So, he can absorb just a huge amount of water (1 part sphagnum absorbs 20 parts moisture). More than him, no substance or material, even cotton, can do this. This moss is moistened evenly, and as necessary, it gives moisture to the soil in doses. That is why the soil in flower pots, which contains sphagnum moss, is constantly in a moist state, but no waterlogging occurs.
  3. Sphagnum possesses antibacterial and disinfectant properties... That is why it is widely used in the production of medicines. It is also able to protect the root system from various diseases and the appearance of rot, due to the fact that it contains a large amount of triterpine compounds, antibiotics and other useful substances.

How sphagnum is used in floriculture

Moss is used to create mixtures of earth for both indoor plants, which simply need high humidity, and for others. For example, it is recommended to use it in the composition of soil mixtures for such flowers as: begonia, dracaena, sansevieria, streptocarpus, saintpaulia, dieffenbachia, azalea, monstera, as well as fat woman. However, these are not all plants that respond very positively to the content of even a small amount of sphagnum in the soil.

Also, this moss is widely used for rooting cuttings. So, those who are engaged in breeding violets, root the leaves, as a rule, exclusively with the help of the most unique sphagnum moss.

Those flower growers who live in the Northern Hemisphere have the ability to independently harvest sphagnum. It grows in sphagnum bogs, which are also called white shanks. It can be stored for quite a long time, and this moss is perfectly propagated and grown. The same growers. who live in warm regions, you can buy this moss in specialized stores or order on the Internet.

Description and where to find - Video

Sphagnum moss in floriculture: properties and application

Sphagnum moss (Sphagnum) is a perennial that has another name - peat moss. Moss grows in swampy areas, forms vast areas - sphagnum bogs. In Russia and Ukraine there are about 40 species of sphagnum, while more than 300 are known in the world. Habitat - tundra, forest or mountainous area, much less common on the plains. The plant has underdeveloped roots, so over time they die off and are converted into peat. The upper part continues to grow and develop. When dry, sphagnum can absorb a lot of moisture - 20 times its own weight. It was thanks to this opportunity that it got its name ("sphagnos" in translation from Greek means "sponge"). The plant has a light green (light green) hue, when dry it becomes almost white. Hence another name - white moss.

Sphagnum properties

A glade of sphagnum moss in a forest area.

Sphagnum moss is often used by flower growers. It is used as a component for soil, as well as in an independent form for rooting cuttings or planting epiphytic plants, for example, orchids. Three main properties of the plant should be distinguished:

  • perfectly absorbs water;
  • passes oxygen;
  • not susceptible to contamination by bacteria.

The hygroscopicity is due to the structure of the plant. The stems and leaves of sphagnum consist of hollow cells, a kind of reservoirs into which water is absorbed. The hygroscopicity of sphagnum is 6 times higher than that of cotton wool. In addition, moisture is evenly distributed in it. This suggests that the use of moss in the composition of the planting soil will maintain a constant and uniform level of moisture.

A pot of gardenia in sphagnum.

Air permeability is achieved thanks to the same reservoir cells. Soil mixtures, which contain sphagnum, are light and loose, which has a beneficial effect on the health of the plant root system.

Scientists working in the field of bryology (the science that studies mosses) have proven that sphagnum moss is completely immune to disease. It has disinfectant, antibacterial and antifungal properties. Sphagnum contains antibiotics, bactericides and coumarins. All these substances are natural antiseptics and are used in the medical industry. And use in floriculture allows you to forget about rotting cuttings during reproduction.

Another important property of sphagnum for indoor plants is the ability to acidify the soil - this prevents the growth of various kinds of bacteria. For some flowers, such as violets, this feature is irreplaceable. Indeed, it is in acidic soil that they bloom more abundantly and longer.

Application in crop production

As mentioned above, the properties of moss are indispensable in floriculture. It can and should be used for breeding:

  • violets and gloxinia;
  • royal and common begonias;
  • orchids and monsters;
  • dracaena and dieffenbachy;
  • fat women and cordilins.

In general, this list can include all indoor flowers that prefer high humidity. Sphagnum moss is irreplaceable for those who are often on the road, and there is no one to entrust watering the flowers. Moss will do a great job, you just need to wet it and overlay the plant. So the soil will be wet for a long time.

Violet lined with sphagnum to preserve moisture.

Dried sphagnum is used by gardeners in their summer cottages. Plants that do not tolerate frost are covered with it. Since not all garden flowers need acidic soil, moss is harvested in spring, leaving only where it is really useful. For example, in areas with asters, chrysanthemums or tulips. Certain vegetables like potatoes, carrots, and radishes also like acidified soil.

Collection and storage

The harvesting of sphagnum moss falls on the period from April to October. But here, too, there are some nuances. For example, harvesting in early spring can be complicated by the presence of melt water in areas where moss grows, in July - by blood-sucking insects. A rainy October can also thwart all plans. Therefore, the best time, according to experts, is August or September. Especially if the weather is right - dry and warm.

Moss is collected in two ways:

  • completely extracted, even the root - get more, but be prepared to spend time on a thorough cleaning;
  • the upper part is cut with a knife - the mass is less, but the moss is cleaner.

In the hike for sphagnum, rubber boots, gloves and plastic bags are required. Just in case, you can take a bactericidal plaster with you, since when working with a knife, cuts on your hands are not excluded.

Freshly harvested sphagnum without roots.

If you need live moss, it is better to spread it out in the shade, spreading it evenly over the surface. Let the wind dry the sphagnum a little - it should be wet, but not wet! In order to preserve all the useful properties, you need to store the moss in plastic bags in a cold room, even in the cold. When needed, he is brought into a warm room, and he comes to life.

Sphagnum moss also grows at home. To grow it yourself, you need to cut off the green part and place it in a tray with damp peat. Be sure to water every day.

The use of sphagnum in other industries

As mentioned above, the properties of moss make it useful for medicinal purposes. During the Great Patriotic War, it was used instead of cotton wool, applied to wounds and burns. It not only stopped blood and drained pus, but also promoted healing.

Dried moss is also successfully used in the construction of wooden buildings. It is used as a cushion for logs. This makes it possible to keep warm in the room and get rid of pests that often "occupy" the wood.

Dry sphagnum for insulating log buildings.

Beekeepers make insulation for hives out of pressed dry sphagnum. And the bottom is lined with live moss for disinfection. Sphagnum moss has also found application in animal husbandry. It is used as bedding for small rodents or as litter for the toilet.

To save yourself the hassle of collecting, you can purchase it in specialized stores or order it online. The cost will depend on the weight of the product. So, a 70 gram bag of sphagnum will cost you 80 - 100 rubles. Bulk bags of 50 - 100 liters cost from 1000 to 2500 rubles. Suppliers usually offer good discounts to wholesalers.

More and more modern flower growers use sphagnum moss for indoor plants, considering it the best helper. Sphagnum is a spore-bearing perennial that does not have a root system. Each of its copies is a thin, continuously branching stem, the lower part of which dies off as it grows.

Stems and twigs of sphagnum moss are covered with small scaly leaves arranged in a spiral. The leaves are based on cells of two types: small, narrow-tubular, green and hollow, colorless. In the first, photosynthesis takes place, through the second, moss receives moisture and nutrition. Hollow cells are able to absorb moisture, the amount is 20 times their own weight. This ability gave the name to the plant: sphagnum in Greek means "sponge".

In natural conditions, sphagnum moss lives in the temperate climate of the northern hemisphere, but you can also find it in the subtropics. The most favorable conditions for the growth of sphagnum are the surface of bogs, but it is capable of developing on tree trunks, stones, metal, and even on glass.

Useful properties of sphagnum for indoor plants

Sphagnum moss has three qualities that are indispensable for flowers , grown at home:

  • Air permeability. When sphagnum is added, the substrate becomes as loose as possible.
  • Hygroscopicity... Moss absorbs a large amount of moisture and gives it to the soil gradually. As a result, the earthen ball is always moist, but not wet.
  • Antibacterial properties. Moss contains the substance sphagnol, which disinfects the soil. If it is present in the soil mixture, the root system is protected from rotting and the development of fungus.

Sphagnum has excellent antibacterial properties

Reference. Moss can be used green or dried. After drying, all the beneficial properties of the plant are preserved.

Ways to use sphagnum for indoor plants

Not all growers know for certain what sphagnum moss is used for when growing indoor plants. Useful properties of moss make it possible to use it for various purposes in indoor floriculture:

  • Adding to potting mix when growing plants. Moss improves soil structure. Gives it lightness, breathability and moisture capacity. Sphagnum absorbs excess moisture, preventing the roots from being in wet soil. The same property saves the roots from drying out. Moisture is gradually absorbed by the roots as needed. But it is impossible to add more than 10% moss to the soil, as it increases the acidity of the substrate. Although this quality is indispensable for growing azaleas and violets, since these plants require soil with high acidity.
  • Covering the flowerpot to maintain humidity. When growing plants that require high humidity, moss is placed around the surface of the pot. When watering sphagnum, the water begins to evaporate, giving moisture to the crown of the plant.
  • Mulching the soil surface. It is not worth keeping the moss on the surface of the soil in a pot constantly, since in this case high humidity is created under it and the roots can rot. But if the owners need to leave for 7-10 days, the moss will help retain moisture in the soil. After arrival, it must be removed from the pot.

Sphagnum is laid on the surface of an earthen coma to retain moisture

  • Rooting of leaves and cuttings. Due to its bactericidal properties, moss prevents rotting of cuttings and leaves of plants during their reproduction. The use of sphagnum is most effective for plant propagation by air layers. For rooting, a cutting, leaf or air layer is placed in a mixture of moistened moss and soil in a 1: 1 ratio and placed on a pallet. When transplanting plants rooted in this way, moss is added to the soil in a ratio of 1: 3. This method of rooting is recommended for violets when grown from a leaf and for orchids when forcing. Do not use moss when rooting succulents!
  • Germination of small seeds. The seeds of some crops need access to light for germination. Therefore, it is recommended to distribute them over the soil surface and not cover them from above. But with this sowing, the seeds often dry out without sprouting. If small seeds are placed on moistened moss and covered with foil. Germination takes place without problems. Sphagnum slightly envelops the seeds, preventing them from drying out and at the same time providing them with access to light.
  • Covering of plant trunks with aerial roots. It is effective to use sphagnum for wrapping the aerial roots of an orchid. Thus, a truly tropical environment is created for this capricious flower.
  • Storage of bulbs and tubers. The use of sphagnum for wrapping tubers and bulbs of thermophilic flowers dug from open ground avoids their rotting and drying out. Moss not only retains the necessary moisture in the bulbs and tubers, but also has an antiseptic effect. Tubers and bulbs stored in sphagnum are not affected by mold and gray mold and survive safely until the spring planting.

Sphagnum is often used to cover the aerial roots of orchids.

Where does moss grow and how to prepare it

Sphagnum moss grows in swampy lowlands, shady forests, along the banks of streams. In these areas, you can find red, green and brown varieties of the plant. It can be harvested from spring to late autumn.

It will not be difficult to extract moss from its natural habitat: the jacket is lifted and the bottom layer is cut off with scissors. After extraction, the moss is carefully squeezed out to remove water from it.

Important. You should not harvest a large amount of sphagnum at once, since a liter package of the plant is enough to make ten liters of planting substrate.

Immediately after collection, the moss is sorted out, freed from insects and disinfected. To keep sphagnum alive, green, experienced growers recommend holding it in 45-degree water for 15-20 minutes.

Store the harvested moss in plastic bags in the refrigerator. But it is impossible to close the package tightly, since this will suffocate the moss and die.... In winter, moss can be stored on a loggia or balcony, as it does not lose its properties when frozen.

Sphagnum in its natural environment

In order not to visit the forest often to harvest this valuable product, you can grow sphagnum moss from a small piece yourself. Any vessel can be used for cultivation, but the moss looks most impressive in a round aquarium or glass vase with a rounded bottom. Expanded clay or pebbles are poured on the bottom of the vessel, and on this layer - granulated coal and a layer of soil for epiphytes. Moss is laid out on the prepared pillow, pressing it slightly.

The planted moss is generously watered. Abundant hydration is carried out daily until the moss takes root. As soon as the planting begins to grow, watering is reduced to once every five to six days, the amount of moisture is reduced.

Important . During cultivation, care must be taken to prevent mold from forming on the surface of the mat. If this happens, the moss is sprayed with Fitosporin-M.

Collected in nature or grown independently, sphagnum moss is an indispensable assistant for an amateur florist, facilitating the care of house plants.

You can get acquainted with the features of using sphagnum from the proposed video material. Happy viewing!

Photo - this is the white sphagnum moss. Where does it grow? Where can one buy? This can be found in the article below.

White sphagnum moss is a perennial, marsh plant that grows in swampy areas and forms sphagnum, watery islands. In Russia, at least forty species and varieties of this moss grow, which prefers to grow in the tundra, or forest zones of the Far North. In the southern regions, white moss grows in temperate plains or in highlands.

Sphagnum does not have a root system, the lower part dies off, turning into peat, the upper part remains green and continues to grow. The natural properties of sphagnum are amazing. Moss absorbs water in huge quantities compared to its own weight, while giving off excess moisture in moderation. That is why sphagnum is widely used in gardening. Soils with white moss always receive the necessary moisture in a balanced way. Such properties of white moss are achieved due to the structure of the moss itself, because its leaves and stem contain hollow air-permeable cells in the form of reservoirs, due to which white moss absorbs water like a sponge and retains it in a large volume for a long time.

The antifungal, disinfectant and antibacterial properties of sphagnum have long been known. Sphagnum has these properties due to a special substance that is part of sphagnum, called sphagnol, which in its composition resembles natural antibiotics, enhanced by the action of coumarin and triterpenic acids. It is no accident that in Russia white moss has always been used to heal purulent wounds and burns.

Gardeners, very often with the help of sphagnum, acidify the depleted soil, which gives a brighter color and a green, saturated color to all plants.

White moss itself is not very whimsical. Once having received the required amount of water, sphagnum retains water in the substrate and prevents oxygen from reaching organic deposits in its tissues, therefore, no decomposition or decay processes occur in its structure. The low content of any nutrients prevents the processes of oppression of living tissues, due to which the moss is always renewed independently and does not require special attention.

Nowadays, sphagnum is used, starting with construction, (laying in mezhventsovy connections), up to use in horticulture (transportation of root crops over long distances). Sphagnum is used in design, floristry, and landscape architecture. In medicine, sphagnum is used for the manufacture of detergents and disinfectants. Sphagnum is of great importance for preserving, feeding and increasing productivity in floriculture.

Photo - and this is not white sphagnum moss! Although very similar! This moss moss or Norwegian moss. We have such a unique moss, just like sphagnum, you can buy in bulk.

In the store, sphagnum can be purchased in plastic bags. Do not be afraid if the moss is yellowish. In order for it to become alive and green, it is enough to feed the purchased moss with slightly fed water, it is only necessary to determine which moss is needed for use: live or not. According to the recommendations of many gardeners, to fertilize the soil, only live moss is needed, in construction, of course, dried moss is used to the state of tow.

To purchase sphagnum, just call by phone, indicate the delivery address, the required quantity and determine the payment methods. The rest of the work will be done by our specialists. Successful shopping! For wholesale buyers, spring discounts and great deals!

Sphagnum moss is a natural component, thanks to which growers forget about the problem of soil moisture. The material is used for storing tubers, for rooting cuttings, as an element for creating phytocompositions.

It is useful to find out more information about such an unusual tool as sphagnum moss. What is it used for in floriculture? How to choose a quality natural ingredient? Where to buy white moss? How to properly add a layer to flowerpots? How does peat moss affect the acidity of the substrate? These and other questions on the topic are reflected in the article.

What is sphagnum moss

Interesting Facts:

  • perennial spore plant;
  • the Mossy family;
  • growing environment - areas with waterlogged soil, wetlands;
  • the main natural habitat for peat moss is the Northern Hemisphere, less often the species is found in the mountainous regions of the southern part of the planet. On the plains, white moss practically never grows;
  • sphagnum is actively used in medicine, pharmaceuticals, perfumery, floriculture and horticulture; ecological thermal insulation is made from dry plates;
  • the maximum length of elements is formed by autumn;
  • during this period, the plates are collected, placed in rice bags.

Sphagnum properties

The unique look combines several characteristics:

  • excellent breathability;
  • disinfecting, antifungal and antibacterial properties;
  • high hygroscopicity: moisture absorption is 20 times the weight of the natural base;
  • protection of the soil from drying out, a gradual transition of moisture from white moss to parts of plants (when propagating cuttings or cuttings) or soil;
  • uniform return of moisture, taking into account the rate of drying of the substrate;
  • protection of soil from the formation of salt deposits;
  • increasing soil looseness;
  • an increase in soil acidity indicators;
  • in combination with bark, peat, pine needles, humus, charcoal, sphagnum is a suitable medium for growing epiphytic plants;
  • an effective tool for retaining moisture in a flowerpot for a period when the owners do not have the opportunity to water indoor flowers.


Ten reasons to use sphagnum moss:

  • A wide range of applications: from rooting cuttings to maintaining optimal soil moisture.
  • The natural component disinfects the substrate, prevents the development of fungus. It is no coincidence that the spore plant is actively used in medicine.
  • Corrects the acidity of the soil: the pH level of the natural substance is 4.
  • A natural sponge, as a plant with moisture-absorbing properties is often called, actively accumulates water, absorbs more liquid than absorbent cotton: 1 part of moss absorbs 20 times more water.
  • The natural component has a positive effect on the quality of the substrate, reduces the risk of soil salinization.
  • Peat moss is the basis for the creation of epiphytic blocks in which hoyu, epiphytic cacti, peperomia, and guzmania are grown.
  • Suitable for mulching capricious plants suffering from excess salts in the soil.
  • It normalizes the air permeability of the substrate, reduces the risk of root rot.
  • Moss contains useful components for plant nutrition, is safe, does not produce substances that negatively affect plants and humans.
  • Suitable for indoor floriculture, greenhouses and gardens, for phytodesign.


There are no negative reviews about sphagnum moss from florists. The natural component is non-toxic, suitable for indoor flowers and garden plants, and has many beneficial properties. If the recommendations for use are followed, the valuable moss does not show a negative effect on ornamental deciduous species and crops with luxurious flowers.

You should always remember: the creation of a layer of spore plant plates increases the acidity of the soil. When buying, it is useful to check with the consultants whether the valuable moss can be used for the selected type of flowers or shrubs.

Some plants do not need to add sphagnum to the soil. For example, succulents and most cacti (except for epiphytes) do not need moisture-absorbing soil, and growing citrus fruits from the seed at home is not carried out with an acidic substrate.

Methods and rules of application for indoor plants

White moss is actively used in floriculture. The natural ingredient has a positive effect on the condition of soil and roots, activates rooting, and is suitable for creating a multi-component base in which epiphytes grow well. It is important to know which species cannot tolerate acidic soils. It is useful to use white moss, taking into account the recommendations of experienced florists. Popular methods of using the natural remedy are described below.

Filler of soil mixture

The first rule when using sphagnum is to clarify whether the acidity-increasing component is suitable for a particular plant. Citruses, many cacti and succulents do not need an acidic, very loose and light substrate.

It is useful to add moss to the soil mixture or flowerpot if the grower grows:

  • Begonias.

The addition of white moss improves the growth and development of species from the family:

  • Bromeliads.
  • Aroid.
  • Arrowroot.
  • Gesnerievye.
  • Orchid.

How to proceed:

  • heat the water up to + 45 ° С;
  • put the sphagnum plate in a container with warm liquid;
  • after a while, inhabitants will appear on the surface that are absolutely not needed in the soil mixture: snails, small bugs, ants;
  • when the white moss swells, they take out the layer, squeeze it, cut it with scissors. If a florist adds a natural remedy to a flowerpot with violets, then you need to dry the platinum and rub thoroughly. For Aroids, large parts of a moist base are needed;
  • in most cases, small pieces of sphagnum are mixed with other components of the substrate, placed in a pot when planting a plant.

On a note! It is necessary to strictly observe the proportions when independently preparing a substrate for growing various crops. Peat moss actively absorbs liquid, an excess of the natural component can lead to waterlogging of the soil, which is not suitable for all plants.

Germinating seeds

For medium germination planting material, it is helpful to use white moss to create an optimal environment. It is not always possible to maintain good humidity: it is easy to overmoisten the substrate when growing seedlings.

The use of hygroscopic natural material reduces the likelihood of liquid stagnation in the soil if seeds are planted in a sphagnum base. Even moderate watering maintains the best moisture values, the seeds are always in the right environment, but the risk of rotting is practically excluded.

Rooting layers

During vegetative propagation on the shoots of dieffenbachia, ficus, dracaena, citrus, circular cuts are made, a layer of bark about 1 cm thick is removed, and Kornevin powder is applied. For the germination of roots, the treated area is wrapped with sphagnum moistened with moss and cellophane to maintain optimal conditions. Moisten the substrate periodically with a syringe. When the roots germinate, the layers are carefully removed, after removing the film.

Storage of tubers

Some plant species in winter endure a dormant period in a specific state: without leaves and stems, in the form of tubers. White moss contains a phenol-like component that exhibits active disinfecting properties.

High efficiency in storing tubers in dry sphagnum can be achieved if in autumn the base of Sauromatum, Amorphophallus, Caladium is placed in a dried layer of moss, then in cans and stored in a refrigerator. Sphagnum is not moisturized, it is imperative to use a spore type in a dry state. In spring, plants that reproduce tubers are prepared according to the rules and planted on the site.

Sphagnum when rooting cuttings

How to proceed:

  • you will need a plastic bottle, tape, foam (for drainage). You also need a base: baking powder (1 part) and white moss (2 parts);
  • the bottle is cut across so that about 3 cm remains to the end;
  • first, they equip the drainage part of foam (you can take expanded clay), then pour the main layer: a mixture of moss with a baking powder;
  • placed on top of expanded clay, pieces of charcoal and crumbled pine bark;
  • after cutting (at an angle of 45 degrees), sprinkle the bottom of the cutting with Kornevin or crushed coal;
  • before planting, the lower leaves must be removed from the shoot, and the upper green elements are shortened: this way less juice is spent on the growth of elements on the branch;
  • the lower end of the cutting is placed in the prepared substrate, the container is closed, and a "whole" container is created using adhesive tape;
  • a mini-greenhouse with a handle should be in a warm place (about +22 degrees), but direct sun is not suitable. It is important that the white moss is not very wet, otherwise mold may form;
  • after rooting, the mini-greenhouse is disconnected, the shoot is transplanted to a permanent place along with parts of the moss in order to maintain an optimal moisture level during the adaptation period.

Preservation of soil moisture

White moss is used as mulch:

  • With the active evaporation of liquid from the surface of the substrate, magnesium salts and calcifications gradually accumulate in the soil, which leads to the formation of a whitish bloom and a dense crust. Soil salinity harms plants.
  • Mulching with sphagnum moss is a simple, effective way to retain moisture in a flowerpot.
  • The thickness of the layer of white moss is about 0.7 cm.
  • When watering, the liquid remains in the soil, reducing the risk of salt accumulation.
  • Once or twice a year, the sphagnum layer is replaced.
  • Mulching with sphagnum moss allows you to transplant indoor flowers less often: the soil is depleted later.

Sphagnum is a natural ingredient with high hygroscopicity, the ability to gradually release water into the environment where the lush green plates are placed. In agricultural stores, a synthetic product with similar properties is sold - a hydrogel. Granules swell, actively absorb liquid, after being placed in a flowerpot, they gradually release moisture into the soil. Sphagnum moss and hydrogel are effective means for saving plants from drying out and death in the absence of owners for a long time. If there is neither sphagnum nor granular agent in the house, then to prevent the drying out of the soil, do-it-yourself automatic watering for plants.

Use for garden flowers

White moss is part of the seedling soil. During dry periods, it is useful to create a layer of mulch from a natural moisture-absorbing component to avoid problems with the growth of garden flowers. A not very thick layer of sphagnum is used to cover the substrate in baskets, hanging pots, decorative vases when growing species that require good soil moisture. Before placing sphagnum under a bush or in a base, weeds must be removed, the soil is loosened and watered, then moistened moss is placed.

Collection and storage

Important nuances:

  • Ripe moss from the Mossy family is gently pried with a pitchfork and carefully dug up.
  • Too large layers should not be removed from the site.
  • For storage, you need to dry the natural material in the sun.
  • Sphagnum does not lose its properties when exposed to ultraviolet rays, and it is important to wait until the plates are thoroughly dry.
  • For use in floriculture, the shoots are left long enough, and the moss itself should be slightly damp.
  • "Natural sponge" is stored in the refrigerator or tightly wrapped in paper, placed in rice bags, put away in a cool place.

Natural sponge or white sphagnum moss solves many problems faced by flower growers. The use of a natural component allows you to maintain optimal soil moisture. Sphagnum is often used for germinating seeds, mulching the soil, and storing tubers. White moss not only maintains an optimal level of moisture, but also exhibits complex effects, including antibacterial and antifungal.

Video - instructions for using sphagnum moss for home orchids:

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