The Chekist must have a cool head, a warm heart and clean hands. “The Chekist must have a cold head The Chekist can be a person with a cold head

The VChK, created by Dzerzhinsky and his colleagues, has grown into one of the most effective special services in the world, which was feared, hated and respected, including by our country's worst enemies. But not only this, he went down in history. In addition to his KGB activities, Dzerzhinsky became, perhaps, the most famous fighter against child homelessness in the history of our country.

Recently, the debate about whether or not to return the monument to Felix Dzerzhinsky at Lubyanka has not subsided. If you want to better understand what kind of person the founder of the Cheka was, I bring to your attention his statements:

- To live - doesn't that mean to have an unbreakable faith in victory?

- The Chekist must have a warm heart, a cold head and clean hands.

- Anyone who becomes cruel and whose heart remains insensitive towards the prisoners must leave here. Here, like in no other place, you need to be kind and noble.

- A person can only sympathize with social misfortune if he sympathizes with any specific misfortune of each individual person.

- A huge task is before you: to educate and shape the souls of your children. Be sharp-sighted! For the fault or merit of the children falls to a great extent on the head and conscience of the parents.

- Only such a means can correct it, which will make the guilty person realize that he acted badly, that he must live and act differently. The rod lasts only for a short time; when children grow up and stop being afraid of her, conscience disappears with her.

- Fear will not teach children to distinguish between good and evil; whoever fears pain will always succumb to evil.

- I do not preach that we should isolate ourselves from abroad. This is completely absurd. But we must create a favorable regime for the development of those industries that are vital and in which we can compete with them.

- To prevent the state from going bankrupt, it is necessary to resolve the problem of the state apparatus. The irrepressible bloat of the states, the monstrous bureaucratization of every business - mountains of papers and hundreds of thousands of hacks; capture of large buildings and premises; car epidemic; millions of frills. This is the legal feeding and devouring of state property by this locust. In addition to this, unheard-of, shameless bribery, embezzlement, negligence, blatant mismanagement that characterizes our so-called "cost accounting", crimes that pump state property into private pockets.

- Where there is love, there is no suffering that could break a person. Real misery is selfishness. If you love only yourself, then with the advent of difficult life trials, a person curses his fate and experiences terrible torments. And where there is love and care for others, there is no despair ...

- He who has an idea and who is alive cannot be useless, unless he himself renounces his idea.

- Faith must be followed by works.

- In whatever difficult conditions you have to live, do not lose heart, because faith in your strength and the desire to live for others is a huge strength.

- Life, concrete practice, every day opens up new opportunities for us, so we need to start more not from paper, but from life.

“The worst enemy could not bring us so much harm as he did with his nightmarish massacres, executions, and granting soldiers the right to plunder cities and villages. He did all this on behalf of our Soviet government, turning the entire population against us. Looting and violence was a deliberate military tactic that, while giving us fleeting success, brought defeat and shame as a result. " Dzerzhinsky about the Socialist-Revolutionary Mikhail Muravyov, April 1918.

In this article we will talk about what a cold head, a warm heart, clean hands mean.

This is the motto of Russian officers, but if you go deeper, then here lies the truth, which has been said more than once on the pages of this site.

A cold head is the mind, a hot heart is the soul, clean hands are related to the body. The great trinity, mind, soul and body, this expression of cold head, warm heart and clean hands rather characterizes the effective state of each trinity, the state of each Trinity.

Let's take a closer look.

Cold head

To have a cool head means to have a sober mind that is free from emotions. This is poise, lack of panic at critical moments in life, cold calculation.

How to come to this? You need to be able to develop for yourself a certain strategy that allows you to act in accordance with it in various stressful situations.

This strategy or system allows you to build on it and not panic as you already know how to deal with various stressful situations.

This strategy is within you and is brought to automaticity.

Warm heart

A warm heart still allows you to remain human, not a robot. If a cold head is needed in order not to succumb to emotions, then we need a heart so that we can show love and kindness to all living things. It doesn't matter if you help grandmother cross the road or take a stray kitten and take care of him. It's all kindness.

If every person made at least one person happy for a moment every day, then life would be better.

Start with yourself. Believe me, the more people you make happy, the happier you will become. It's all a boomerang. Do not hurt people, on the contrary, try to support and help them.

If you put even a drop in the human spirit, that's a huge shift.

Do good deeds and you yourself will be blissful. Do it and do not expect anything in return, but everything will definitely return, people like you will appear around you, who are also not averse to helping you when you need this help.

Clean hands

What it means to clean your hands means not doing anything unnatural or anything that can tarnish you. Do not commit any atrocities. May your hands always be clean. Do not get them dirty or have anything to do with the people who do it.

Try to use your body and hands only for good deeds.

By combining all these three aspects - a cool head, a warm heart and clean hands, you will become a harmonious and self-sufficient person.

Check it out.

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Into dirty hands

Original taken from avmalgin in dirty hands

Well, comrade Astakhov, you are an incorrigible KGB nit, to the governors, so you entrust the fate of those dozens of children who have found parents and for whom the courts are scheduled for January and February? But they are already used to mom and dad, they flew to them more than once across the ocean, children count the days before leaving for the family (who knows how to count), in the evenings they kiss their photos, try to remember their smell, smelling the toys that were brought to them mom and dad from this distant America? They never knew parental affection, their mother did not take them to her bed, did not breastfeed them, did not press them to her, did not sing a lullaby, they do not even know what a nipple is. Many were on the street only in the arms of these parents, who appeared, as in a fairy tale. And before that, their whole short miserable life is a barracks. Are you going to come to them to announce that you and Uncle Putin did not allow them to live in a family with people who managed to love and accept them, with all their illnesses and with a difficult fate? Rooms with cheerful curtains have already been prepared and furnished for them, prostheses have already been ordered, boxes with medical food are in the corridor, doctors who have studied their diagnoses are waiting for them, numerous relatives are waiting for them, already on balloons with which they were supposed to arrive at the airport meet, it is written: "Hello, Vanya!" "Hi, Nyusha!"

What would you say to these children if on the appointed day not mom and dad come to them with just bought a stroller or wheelchair, but you, the Chekist Astakhov? Or maybe you will lie to them that, they say, your new dad and mom abandoned you? They changed their minds, they will take another, healthy one. What words will you find? Here is your Motherland, son, I don’t know any other country, where does a person breathe so freely? It would break my heart if I were sent there with this message. And your?

What did your Dzerzhinsky say about you and Putin? "Only a person with a cold head, a warm heart and clean hands can be a security officer." It seems so? So: your hands are dirty, your heart is cold, and in your head you have a stinking porridge instead of brains. As your highest achievement, you present the news that, it turns out, those 14 hostages who were tried in December, you nevertheless, after consulting in your circle, decided to release them. I remember these terrible footage from Dubrovka and from Beslan, when the hostage children, bending down, run out from the terrorists - because at some point the terrorists decided to release some portion for some reason. And so they run, these little figures, through an empty space shot by snipers, and we think, will they run? - Do you remember, the Chekist creature, these shots? So: you and your Putin are exactly the same terrorists. And you captured not three hundred people, and not a thousand. And not even these orphans. You, security officers with dirty hands and a cold heart, have taken over all of Russia, creatures.

Now go and sue me, insulted virtue. There is already such an article in your criminal code: "Slanderers of Russia"? Not entered yet?

The activities of the politician, nicknamed by his contemporaries "Iron Felix", evokes an ambiguous reaction. Some call him a hero, some call him a merciless executioner. Many statements by Dzerzhinsky about politics, economics, and the state apparatus are of interest today.

Childhood and youth

Felix Edmundovich was born in 1877 on the territory of today's Belarus, in the Vilnius province. The parents of the future revolutionary are from an educated environment: a mother, a Polish woman, the daughter of a professor; father, a Jew - a gymnasium teacher. In 1822, Felix's father dies, and the mother is left alone with eight children. Despite the difficult financial situation, children are trying to give a good education. A boy who does not know Russian at all is sent to the Imperial Gymnasium. The study did not work out. Dzerzhinsky, who dreams of becoming a priest (Catholic priest), has only one positive assessment in his education document, on the subject “God's Law”.

In 1835, as a student at the gymnasium, the young man became a member of the Social Democratic movement.

I hated wealth because I fell in love with people, because I see and feel with all the strings of my soul that today people worship the golden calf, which turned human souls into bestial ones and drove love out of people's hearts ...

In 1897 he was arrested for spreading revolutionary ideas. After a year of imprisonment, in 1898, Dzerzhinsky was sent into exile in the Vyatka province. There he continues to agitate among the factory workers. The frantic revolutionary is transferred to a remote area, to the village of Kaigorodskoye. Deprived of the opportunity to campaign, Dzerzhinsky escapes to Lithuania, from where he moves to Poland.

Revolutionary activity

Dzerzhinsky continues to serve the "cause of the revolution" by joining the Social Democratic Party of Poland and Lithuania (SDPPiL) in 1900. Acquaintance with Lenin's Iskra publication strengthens his convictions. In 1903, after he was elected secretary of the foreign committee of the SDPPiL, Dzerzhinsky arranged the transfer of forbidden literature and the publication of the newspaper "Red Banner". As a member of the Main Board of the Party (elected in 1903), he organizes sabotage and workers' uprisings in Poland. After the Petrograd events, in 1905, he headed the May Day demonstration.

Dzerzhinsky's personal meeting with Lenin in Stockholm in 1906 resulted in Dzerzhinsky joining the RSDLP (Russian Social Democratic Party).

In 1909, the revolutionary who continued his party work was arrested, deprived of his estate rights and sent to a life-long settlement in Siberia. From the moment he joined the Bolshevik Party until the February Revolution of 1917, he went to prison eleven times, then to exile or hard labor. Each time he escapes, Dzerzhinsky returns to party activities.

Dzerzhinsky's statements show his frantic position as a professional revolutionary:

Let's rest, comrades, in prison.

Remember that in the soul of people like me there is a holy spark ... which gives happiness even at the stake.

Dzerzhinsky became a member of the Moscow committee of the Bolshevik organization after the February revolution of 1917. Here he is engaged in the propaganda of an armed uprising. Lenin assesses the personal qualities of Dzerzhinsky and includes him in the military revolutionary center. F.E.Dzerzhinsky - one of the organizers of the October armed coup.

To live - doesn't that mean to have an unshakable faith in victory?

"Chief Chekist"

The Bolsheviks, who won a victory as a result of an armed coup, came to power in 1917. Immediately it became necessary to create an organization that would oppose the opponents of the revolution. F.E.Dzerzhinsky was appointed chairman of the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for Combating Counterrevolution and Sabotage (VChK), created in December 1917. The punitive organization received broad powers, including the right to independently impose death sentences. After moving from Petrograd in 1919, the Chekists occupy the building on Lubyanka. There is also a prison here, firing squads work in the basements.

Dzerzhinsky's statements about the Chekists became his slogan in the fight against counterrevolution:

Anyone who becomes cruel and whose heart remains insensitive towards the prisoners must leave here. Here, like in no other place, you need to be kind and noble.

Either saints or scoundrels can serve in the organs.

Only a person with a cold head, a warm heart and clean hands can be a security officer.

The abbreviation VChK is one of the most famous names of the 20th century. The chairman of the department did not tolerate dissent. It is Dzerzhinsky who is considered to be the initiator of the persecution of the intelligentsia and clergy.

The philosopher Nikolai Berdyaev wrote about him:

It was a fanatic. In his eyes, he gave the impression of a man possessed. There was something eerie about him ... In the past, he wanted to become a Catholic monk and transferred his fanatical faith to communism.

An idealist who hated the cruelties of the tsarist secret police, fabricated cases, torture, prisons, hard labor, became an executioner.

I strive with all my heart to ensure that there is no injustice, crime, drunkenness, debauchery, excesses, excessive luxury, brothels in which people sell their body or soul, or both together; so that there is no oppression, fratricidal wars, national enmity ...

The VChK, created by Dzerzhinsky and his associates, eventually turned into one of the most effective special services in the world.

Administrative activities

In addition to his activities as chairman of the Cheka, Felix Dzerzhinsky takes an active part in the fight against devastation. Dzerzhinsky's statements are a demonstration of his views on the restoration of a destroyed state.

We must go and explain to every worker and peasant that we [Russia] need funds in order to move our factories, in order to have sufficient raw materials of our own, so that we do not be so dependent on foreign countries that we can get into if we do. to build the development of our economy solely at the expense of import from abroad ...

I am not preaching here that we can isolate ourselves from abroad. This is absurd, it is not necessary at all. But in order not to fall into bondage from foreign capitalists who follow our every step, and when it is wrong, they will immediately try to use it, for this we must work with all our might.

The result of Dzerzhinsky's activity as commissar of railways in the 1920s was the restoration of more than 10 thousand km of the railway, more than 200 thousand steam locomotives and more than 2000 bridges. Having personally traveled to Siberia, he was able to ensure in 1919 the supply of about 40 million tons of grain to the starving regions. By organizing the supply of medicines, he contributed to the fight against typhus.

Creation of orphanages

The activities of the Chairman of the Cheka deserves a separate discussion as chairman of the Commission for Combating Homelessness, whose tasks included the organization of labor communes and orphanages. The buildings confiscated from the “former” have become a haven for a whole generation of street children.

An enormous task is before you: to educate and shape the souls of your children. Be vigilant! For the guilt or merit of the children falls heavily on the head and conscience of the parents.

Love for a child, like any great love, becomes creativity and can give the child lasting, true happiness when it enhances the scope of the lover's life, makes him a full-fledged person, and does not turn a beloved creature into an idol.

Economic activity

In 1922, without leaving the post of chairman of the Cheka, Dzerzhinsky headed the Main Political Directorate of the NKVD and took part in the formation of the new economic policy of the state (NEP). In 1924 Dzerzhinsky became the head of the Supreme National Economy of the USSR. He initiated the creation of joint-stock companies and enterprises with the involvement of foreign capital. Dzerzhinsky is a supporter of the development of private capital in Soviet Russia, calls for the creation of favorable conditions for this.

Dzerzhinsky's statements about the economy:

Currency is that sensitive thermometer that takes into account what wrongs exist.

If we are now a wooden, bastard Russia, then we must become a metal Russia.

When we [Russia] build our factories and begin to develop our wealth, foreign investors will come to us on their own. But when we are on our knees before them, they will only despise us and will not give a dime.

Okay, we [Russia] are a peasant state, but our yield is lower than in Holland, Germany and France. Why? Because, firstly, we do not have nitrogen fertilizers. This means that it is necessary to create a chemical industry for agriculture. Secondly, we plow on horseback, but the whole world has long forgotten about it. We need tractors - where can we get them? We need to build tractor and combine factories, which means we need a powerful metallurgical base, which we have is weak. This means that it is necessary to build metallurgical plants, for the operation of which it is necessary to develop deposits of iron ore, non-ferrous metals, and so on.

Exports should prevail over imports, and the balance for specific types of products and goods should be determined strictly on a planned basis. Here [in Russia] each trust and syndicate is on its own. In almost all questions: on wages, on restoration work, on concentration, on taking over the market. And everyone strove to use all his "happiness" for himself, and to pass on the "misfortune" to the state, demanding subsidies, subsidies, loans, high prices.

Fighting bureaucracy

The Chairman of the Cheka advocated the fight against bureaucracy and the reform of the country's administrative system.

Dzerzhinsky about Russia:

I came to the irrefutable conclusion that the main work is not in Moscow, but in the localities, that 2/3 of responsible comrades and specialists from all party (including the Central Committee), Soviet and trade union institutions must be transferred from Moscow to the localities. And there is no need to be afraid that the central institutions will fall apart. It is necessary to throw all the forces into factories, plants and the countryside in order to really raise labor productivity, and not the work of pens and offices. Otherwise we won't get out. The best ideas and instructions do not even reach here and hang in the air.

To prevent the state [Russia] from going bankrupt, it is necessary to resolve the problem of the state apparatus. The irrepressible inflation of the staff, the monstrous bureaucratization of every business - mountains of papers and hundreds of thousands of hacks; capture of large buildings and premises; car epidemic; millions of frills. This is a legal and devouring of state property by this locust. In addition to this, unheard of, shameless bribery, embezzlement, negligence, blatant mismanagement that characterizes our so-called "self-financing", crimes that pump state property into private pockets.

If you look at our entire apparatus of power in Russia, at our entire system of government, if you look at our unheard-of bureaucracy, at our unheard-of fuss with all sorts of agreements, then I am horrified by all this.

Looking through the eyes of your apparatus is death for a leader.

Iron Felix "fought mercilessly against the opposition, fearing that a person who could destroy all the transformations and reforms of the revolution would come to the post of the country's leader.

The ascetically modest Felix Dzerzhinsky is a "knight of the revolution", an eternal worker who has put political and state activity in the first place in his life.

Selected quotes from Dzerzhinsky can serve as a characteristic of the head of the state security department. He died on July 20, 1926, during a report on the state of the USSR economy. The official cause of death is a heart attack, but there is still talk of poisoning.

If I had to live over again, I would start the way I started.

F.E.Dzerzhinsky was buried at the Kremlin wall. Soviet propaganda idealized the image of the head of the Cheka, but at the end of the 1980s, articles appeared that opened some pages of his life and debunked the myth. In August 1991, symbolically, as a sign of the end of the era of socialism, the monument to Dzerzhinsky on Lubyanskaya Square was demolished.

The Chekist must have a cold head, a warm heart and clean hands
As researchers suggest, this phrase first appeared in the book by N. I. Zubov (Chapter 6) "Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky: A Brief Biography" (1941). In the book, this is the direct speech of FE Dzerzhinsky (1877-1926): "Only a person with a cold head, a warm heart and clean hands can be a Chekist."

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  • - From a letter from Alexander Pushkin to his friend the poet Pyotr Vyazemsky: “Your poems to the Imaginary Beauty are too clever. “And poetry, God forgive me, must be silly” ...
  • - Calming down in doubt about the degree of readiness ...

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  • - any manifestation of initiative is inevitably fraught with troubles and troubles for the one who put forward it ...

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  • - Wed Kalte Hända, warme Liebe. Wed Froides mains, chaude amour ...

    Michelson's Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

  • - Cold hands, warm heart. Wed Kalte Hända, warme Liebe. Wed Froides mains, chaude amour ...

    Michelson's Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original orph.)

  • - In ancient Rome, every year in the house of one of the highest dignitaries, a night feast was performed in honor of Bona dea, to which only women were allowed ...

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  • - Cm....

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  • - Legs with an approach, hands with a tray, a heart with submission, a head with a bow ...

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  • - Cm....

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"The Chekist must have a cold head, warm heart and clean hands" in the books

author Nikonov Alexander Petrovich

Chapter 3 Hot Heart, Cold Head, Clean Hands

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Chapter 8 Cold Head of the Chekist

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Chapter 8 The Cold Head of the Chekist Felix Dzerzhinsky, the founder of the KGB, said that the Chekist should have a warm heart, clean hands and a cool head. We will not go into the meaning of this very controversial statement now. Let's just touch the head. Alas, very many in intelligence

Clean hands

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The Chekist must have a cold head, a warm heart and clean hands As the researchers suggest, this phrase first appeared in the book by N. I. Zubov (Chapter 6) "Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky: A Brief Biography" (1941). In the book, this is the direct speech of F. E. Dzerzhinsky (1877-1926): “The Chekist

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