Darkhan Mongolia. Darkhan

Description of the city

general information

Description of the city

The foundation stone of the city was laid on October 17, 1961 with solid economic assistance from the Soviet Union. According to the name of the city, it was implied that it was conceived as an industrial center for the northern territories of Mongolia. The city remains mainly an industrial center, as well as a place of residence for about 82% of the aimag population. As in most other Mongolian cities, about 86% of the townspeople live in apartments, the rest of the population lives in yurts on the outskirts of the city. The city is located near the border with Russia and is home to a large number of Russians. There is a general consulate of Russia in Darkhan.


Water bodies

The Kharaa Gol River originates from the confluence of the Mandalyn-Gol and Sugneger-Gol rivers in the north of the Central aimag in Mongolia and ends, flowing into the Orkhon River. It passes through the territory of the Selengin aimag and through the Tuve aimag. On the river there are such settlements as Tunkhel urban-type settlement, Mandal settlement, Zuunekharaa town, Kherkh settlement, Bayangol somon settlement center. In addition, there are two large gold mining enterprises near the river: Gatsurt and Boroo. The name Kharaa-Gol ...

Water bodies

The Eree-Gol River is a right tributary of the Orkhon, located in the northern part of Mongolia. Previously, there were Russian-language versions of its name in use - Eru-Gol and Ero-Gol. The river is 323 kilometers long and its catchment area is 11,860 square kilometers. The source of Yerey-Gol is located in the Khentei mountains at the confluence of the Khangyl-Gol and Sharlan-Gol rivers. In the water system Yerey-Gol - Orkhon - Selenga, during scientific research, 26 species of fish were discovered, the most common of which are omul ...

Darkhan (Mong. Darkhan (blacksmith)) is the third largest city in Mongolia and the administrative center of Darkhan aimag. Its population is 74,300 inhabitants (2007).


Kharagin Monastery is a pretty log cabin in the old city, and recently it has again become a functioning Buddhist monastery.

In addition, the city has a Museum of Darkhan aimag. This museum, also called the Traditional Museum of Folk Art, houses collections of archaeological finds, traditional clothing, religious artifacts and stuffed animals.


The foundation stone of the city was laid on October 17, 1961 with solid economic assistance from the Soviet Union. According to the name of the city, it was implied that it was conceived as an industrial center for the northern territories of Mongolia. The city remains mainly an industrial center, as well as a place of residence for about 82% of the aimag population. As in most other Mongolian cities, about 86% of the townspeople live in apartments, the rest of the population lives in yurts on the outskirts of the city. The city is located near the border with Russia and is home to a large number of Russians. There is a general consulate of Russia in Darkhan.


The city was built as one of the main industrial complexes for the production of building materials and structures. In 1990, a steel plant was built. Currently, a new project is being implemented at the Darkhan Metallurgical Plant in order to fully master its design capacity.

A meat processing plant, a grain and flour processing plant, a confectionery plant, a plant for the production of alcoholic and non-alcoholic products - all these food industry enterprises currently provide their own production for the population of the aimag and the country.

The city is planning to build the country's first oil refinery.

For the supply of heat and electricity in the city, the Darkhan CHPP was built.

Most of the large enterprises, with the exception of the steel plant and the meat processing plant, are now privatized and run privately. In recent years, the private sector has also developed, which has increased the number of small and medium-sized businesses.



Aimak Darkhan Uul located between the Khangai and Khenta mountain ranges in the picturesque area of \u200b\u200bthe Orkhon and Selenga river valleys. Aimak covers an area of \u200b\u200b32,750 sq. kilometers and is located at an altitude of 700 meters above sea level. It was formed on the basis of the city of Darkhan, the aimag also included the village of Sharyn gol, the somons of Hongs and Darkhan. Territory 3275 sq. Km, population 120 thousand people.

The climate of Darkhan Uul aimag is continental, the summer season is favorable with average temperatures of 18-20 degrees. Average winter temperatures range from -18 to -25 degrees below zero. Darkhan has over 260 sunny days a year.

The highest point is Mount Har modot uul -1649m. Average? January temperature is -23.8 *, July 18 *, annual precipitation rate is 306mm. About 200 thousand heads of livestock, mostly sheep. Building materials plant, house-building plant, expanded clay production, thermal power station, meat processing plant, dairy farm, research institute of pasture feed. Metallurgical plant, house-building plant, sheepskin and fur coat factory. Branches of the Agricultural University, Scientific and Technical University, Medical College, Institute "Darkhan". Youth theater.


Darkhan is the second largest city in Mongoliawhere many manufacturing enterprises are concentrated. The area is 103 sq. Km, the population is 66 thousand people, together with satellite cities 120 thousand people, incl. Russians 0.3%, Chinese -0.2%. Located 92 kilometers from Sukhebator and 219 kilometers from Ulan Bator. Officially, Darkhan is a special administrative-territorial unit of Mongolia (along with the cities of Ulan Bator and Erdenet) equated to an aimag.

The Darkhan Uul aimag includes 4 soms (som):

  • Darkhan
  • Sharyn goal
  • Hongor
  • Orkhon.

76 percent of the population of the Darkhan-Uul aimag lives in the city of Darkhan. By the end of 2004, the population of the region was 90,400 people. Most of the inhabitants of the city of Darkhan are young people.

Darkhan-Uulsky aimak was previously part of the Selenga aimag of Mongolia. Therefore, the climate, flora and fauna are the same as in the Selengi aimag. Darkhan-Uul aimak is located between Khangai and the Khentii mountain ranges in Orkhon and the vast river valleys of the Selenga. The territory of the region is located 700 meters above sea level. Darkhan has a continental climate with average temperatures reaching 25-30 degrees Celsius in summer and minus 10-30 degrees Celsius in winter. Darkhan has over 260 sunny days annually.

Darkhan has rich natural and mineral resources, as well as an abundance of vegetation and wildlife. On the territory of the aimag there are animals such as sable, deer, elk, beavers, which are registered in the Red Book and included in the list of endangered species in Mongolia. The Darkhan-Selenga region, a relatively well-studied region of Mongolia, has rich deposits of coal, copper, and iron ore, despite the fact that research work is incomplete. There are also building materials such as limestone, marble, sand, gravel. For further economic expansion of Darkhan, these rich resources await their use based on advanced, environmentally friendly technologies.


Infrastructure Darkhan-Uul aimag includes paved roads, international railways, modern telecommunications systems and reliable energy sources. The city of Darkhan is connected with the main railway lines of Russia and China, thanks to a railway line running from north to south of Mongolia through Ulan Bator and Darkhan. A newly built road connects Darkhan with Russia, Mongolia's capital Ulan Bator, and Mongolia's third largest city, Erdenet. The road from the Russian border to Ulaanbaatar is considered one of the best in Mongolia (although the country's first 4-lane highway Ulan Bator - Lun (towards Kharkhorin) is being built now, but it will not be built soon). In Darkhan, all modern telecommunication services are available: cable, satellite TV, Internet, cellular communications.


Darkhan city was built as one of the main industrial complexes for the production of building materials and structures. Starting in 1962, Mongolian and Soviet workers began building the first industrial facilities in the city. Their further development became possible thanks to technical and financial assistance from the countries of the socialist camp, such as the USSR, Hungary, Poland and Czechoslovakia.

In 1990, based on Japanese technology and equipment, was built steel plant... Currently, a new project is being implemented at the Darkhan Metallurgical Plant in order to fully master its design capacity. The executive director of the plant T. Ganbold informs that by the implementation of the new project it is planned to build a completely new enterprise. The processing facilities will operate in Darkhan, and the mining and processing enterprises - in the neighboring Selengi aimag near the iron ore deposits. The firstborn of the Mongolian ferrous metallurgy today uses only 60% of its capacity. In 2008, this figure sometimes reached 92%, which confirmed its ability to operate at full design capacity. However, this requires a technical update, experts say.

Reconstruction was carried out in 1995-1996 meat processing plant. Most of the large enterprises, with the exception of the steel plant and the meat processing plant, are now privatized and run privately. In recent years, the private sector has also developed, which has increased the number of small and medium-sized businesses.

A meat processing plant, a grain and flour processing plant, a confectionery plant, a plant for the production of alcoholic and non-alcoholic products - all these food industry enterprises currently provide their own production for the population of the aimag and the country.

The city of Darkhan in the near future will turn to a large power supply center. The fact is that the Japanese Bank for International Cooperation and the Toyoo Engineering Corporation from Japan, together with the Mongolian company Mongol Sekyu, are planning to build an oil refinery in Darkhan. This plant will have a production capacity of 2 million tons of fuel per year through the processing of crude oil. A land plot in the vicinity of Darkhan has already been allocated for the construction of the plant. (June 2008).

Tumur Tolgoi deposit. The first Mongolian steel company, Darkhany Tumurlagiin Uild-Ver, owns licenses of three deposits, one of which is the Tumur Tolgoi deposit in the Khongor somon of the Darkhan-Uul aimag. It is located 203 km northwest of Ulaanbaatar and 30 km southeast of Darkhan. It is also located 15-17 km from the central highway and 20-25 km from the Trans-Mongolian railway.
For the first time, Russian geologists discovered this deposit with an iron ore content of 57.19 percent and established natural reserves at 21.3 million tons. In 2005 it became the property of the Darkhan Steel Mill. Since August 2009, this field has entered economic circulation. During the year, 1 million tons of iron ore is mined, 650 thousand tons of ore are enriched by dry magnetic separation. The end products are also exported to China.


The Darkhan-Selenga region is one of the few where Mongolian nomads have been engaged in agriculture since ancient times. Aimak Darkhan Uul is Mongolia's main agricultural producer with abundant resources for agricultural development. This region has a warmer climate than the rest of Mongolia. The Kharaa river basin has favorable natural and climatic conditions for the cultivation of grain crops and vegetables, especially potatoes. Over 90 agricultural cooperatives produce grain, fodder, and vegetables. In the Darkhan Uul aimag, over 30,000 hectares of soil are suitable for farming.

Agricultural regions occupy 71.1% of the aimag territory, and forests make up 22.4% of the aimag territory. The majority of aimag residents are engaged in animal husbandry. The number of livestock is 194,500 heads.


The city of Darkhan is the second largest educational center in Mongolia, with a high level of education of the urban population. Hundreds of students from other regions study in Darkhan. Today, in Darkhan Uul aimag there are 12 higher educational institutions, 22 secondary schools, 14 kindergartens, an institute of management and development, a regional center for business development, and a research institute of crop production and agriculture.


Tourists who visit Darkhan on their way to Ulan Bator or on their way to Russia can take a short city tour. Admire the views of Darkhan from the observation deck located between the "old" and "new" Darkhan. There is also a certain Buddhist complex (see our photos). The city is known for its large clothing market. Located on the left side of the road (if driving to Ulan Bator). You can buy fairly cheap Chinese things. The city is green enough, as it was built mainly by Soviet specialists. In general, according to observations, if you see many trees on the road or in the city, then most likely they were planted by Soviet specialists (or there were Soviet soldiers, builders, doctors). Darkhan is also interesting for its architectural forms. The balconies of most of the city's five-story buildings are decorated in Mongolian style and resemble a Mongolian yurt in their shapes.

    Unlike Ulan Bator, where any "free" patch of land is built up (territories of kindergartens, schools, parks, playgrounds), Darkhan strikes with its vastness. A park with playgrounds stretches along the road for several kilometers.

  • In Darkhan there is consulate General of the Russian Federation.
  • Darkhan is called the "City of Friendship" because it maintains friendly relations with various foreign cities and constantly expands ties with international organizations that have their offices in Mongolia and beyond. Possessing free territories for the construction of industrial enterprises and offices, skilled labor and a developed system of higher education aimak Darkhan Uul is an attractive partner for attracting investments of foreign companies into the economy of the city and the country as a whole.
  • Andriyan Grigorievich Nikolaev. Pilot - cosmonaut of the USSR. Hero of the Mongolian People's Republic. Honorary Citizen of the city of Darkhan. On August 11-15, 1962 he flew on the Vostok-3 spacecraft. From August 12, this flight took place simultaneously with the flight of the Vostok-4 spacecraft, piloted by PR Popovich. Two-way communication was established between the cosmonauts, broadcast television broadcasts were conducted from the ships. The flight lasted 3 days 22 hours 22 minutes (joint flight - 70 hours 23 minutes 38 seconds). On June 1-19, 1970, together with V. I. Sevastyanov, he flew on the Soyuz-9 spacecraft (as commander). During the flight, which lasted 17 days 16 hours 59 minutes, he completed the program of scientific, technical and medical and biological research. Since 1974 - First Deputy Head of the Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center. Died on July 3, 2004. Buried in the village of Shorshely, Chuvash Republic.
  • Kharagiin Khiid Monastery. Located in the "old" city. Pilgrimage center.
  • Darkhan Museum. Called the Museum of Folk Art, this museum contains a well-curated collection of archaeological finds, traditional Mongolian clothing, religious artifacts, and several stuffed animals.
  • Buddhist complex in the "new" Darkhan. The place where the newlyweds come after marriage.
  • Interesting metallurgist statue located at the exit from Darkhan, near the turn to Erdenet. Established in June 2008 in honor of the 15th anniversary of the Darkhan Metallurgical Plant. Welded from various metal parts (car parts, fittings, gears, sewing machines, etc.) stands out against the general background of the steppe landscape.
  • Famous Darkhan market. Located next to the highway leading from the border to Ulan Bator.

· Area - 327 thousand hectares.

· Center - the city of Darkhan, located 220 km from Ulan Bator.

· The number of Somoni - 4 (Darkhan, Sharyngol, Khongor, Orkhon).

· Darkhan-Uulskyaymak was formed in 1994.

Aimak is located between the Khangai-Khenteiv mountain ranges in the picturesque area of \u200b\u200bthe Orkhon and Selenga river valleys. It is located at 707 meters above sea level. The highest point is Mount Harmodotuul (1649 m).

The climate is continental. Darkhan has over 260 sunny days a year. The highest temperature in July is +42.6 degrees, the coldest month is January (up to -43.7 degrees).


Darkhan is the second largest city in Mongolia, where many manufacturing enterprises are concentrated. The area is 103 sq. Km, the population is 75 thousand people, together with the somons - 95 thousand people.

The Darkhan-Uulskiyaymak includes 4 somonas (Darkhan, Sharyngol, Khongor, Orkhon) and 24baga.


76 percent of the population of Darkhan-Uulskiyaymak lives in the city of Darkhan. Most of the inhabitants of Darkhan (67.5%) are young people under the age of 35.

Darkhan-Uulsky aimak is rich in natural and mineral resources. There are rich deposits of coal, iron ore, gold and building materials. On the territory of the aimag, there are such animals as sable, deer, elk, beavers, which are included in the list of endangered species in Mongolia.


The infrastructure of the Darkhan-Uulskiyaymak includes a network of international and local railways and highways, as well as reliable sources of electricity and modern telecommunication systems. The railway station of the same name is a large junction within the Russian-Mongolian JSC Ulan Bator Railway, which runs from the south from China to the north to Russia. From Darkhan, trains also go to Erdeneti Sharyn Gol. It is planned to build a high-speed Trans-Mongolian highway from the Russian Kyakhta to the Chinese city of Erlian. All modern telecommunication services are available in Darkhan, including cable and satellite TV, Internet, cellular communications. Work is underway to lay a fiber-optic communication cable.


The city of Darkhan was established as the base of the national construction industry. With technical and economic assistance, as well as at the expense of gratuitous assistance from the USSR, Hungary, Poland, Czechoslovakia, the GDR, a house-building plant, a sheepskin-fur factory, a meat processing plant, a silicate brick plant and other facilities were built here. Today, 12 large companies and 250 small and medium enterprises operate in Darkhan.

In 1990, on the basis of Japanese investments, technologies and equipment, the Darkhan Metallurgical Plant was created, which has the status of a state company.

In 2011, an enterprise for the production of vegetable oil was launched - a company with 100% Russian investments "Altantos".

The foundation of the 5th power unit with a capacity of 35 MW was laid at the Darkhan CHPP. The construction is carried out by the Russian OJSC ASEN.

The Japanese Bank for International Cooperation, the corporations Marubeni and Toyoengineering, together with the Mongolian company Mongolsekyu, are planning to build an oil refinery in the suburb of Darkhan with a capacity of 2 million tons of crude oil per year.


Darkhan-Ulskiyaymak is one of the main producers of agricultural products in Mongolia. 70.7% of its territory or 231 thousand hectares is agricultural land. Over 90 agricultural cooperatives produce grain, fodder, vegetables. Livestock - 345 thousand.

Rural workers fully provide the aimag population with potatoes, vegetables, flour, and 90% - with meat and meat products.


Darkhan city is the second largest educational center in Mongolia. There are 10 public and private universities and institutes (student contingent - 7.5 thousand people), a vocational and technical center (2860 people), 29 schools with 20 thousand students, 17 preschool institutions (4200 pupils) ...


The first medical institution in Darkhan was established in 1935. There are now 225 doctors and 520 nursing staff working here in the health sector. There is a united hospital with 365 beds, 10 family hospitals, 25 private clinics, 22 pharmacies.


The center of Darkhan's cultural life is the Youth Theater, opened on December 29, 1973. More than 100 employees work here, 60% of them are creative workers.

On April 22, 1970, the Nairamdal Museum was opened in Darkhan, the main funds of which are more than 1500 exhibits.


Various international, regional and republican sports days, competitions, tournaments are regularly held in Darkhan. Pupil of Darhan trainers, sambist H. Tsagaanbaatara was awarded the title of Hero of Labor of Mongolia. The construction of a new sports palace with 2,400 seats is underway.


Darkhan maintains sister-city relations with Ulan-Ude, a number of provinces and cities of the PRC, USA, Germany, North Korea, Hungary, Denmark, Canada, and other countries. Currently, 20 companies and organizations with foreign investments operate here. Over 400 citizens from 15 countries work and live in Darkhan on a permanent or temporary basis.


On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Darkhan, in 2011 he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor of Mongolia.

In 2006, the World Health Organization and the Association of Mongolian Cities awarded Darkhan the title of "Healthy City".

The Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry awarded Darkhan-Ulskiyaymak with the diploma "Best aimag - producer of vegetables and agricultural products."

For two years in a row, the Ministry of Roads, Transport, Construction and Urban Development of Mongolia and the Mongolian Union of Builders have awarded Darkhan the title of "City of Creative Creation".

The sculptural composition "Morinhuur", the park "MiniyMongol", the complex of leisure and recreation "Darkhan 50" were recognized as the best architectural structures.


Tourists who visit Darkhan on their way to Ulan Batoril, returning to Russia, can take a short tour of the city, admire its views from the observation deck located between the "old" and "new" Darkhan. There is also a popular Buddhist complex.

Local attractions include the KharagiinKhiid monastery, which is located in the "old" city, and the Buddhist complex in the "new" Darkhan, where newlyweds come after the civil ceremony of marriage.

There are many interesting exhibits in the mentioned local museum "Nairamdal".

Foreigners love to be photographed with the statues of a metallurgist located at the exit from Darkhan before turning to Erdenet (installed in June 2008 in honor of the 15th anniversary of the Darkhan Metallurgical Plant).

The city is known for its large clothing market. The new department store "DID" is very popular with the guests of Darkhan, where you can buy darkhan buns, products made from goat down and camel six.

You can stay in Darkhan in the hotels "Darkhan", "Comfort", "MDM", "Kiwi", "Kharaa", "Ulan-Ude" and many others.

Used materials from sites e-dahrhan.com, legendtour.ruydr

Darkhan - the third largest city in Mongolia and the administrative center of the Darkhan aimag. Its population is 74,300 (2007). It is located 92 kilometers from Sukhbaatar and 219 kilometers from Ulan Bator.

The foundation stone of the city was laid on October 17, 1961 with solid economic assistance from the Soviet Union. According to the name of the city, it was implied that it was conceived as an industrial center for the northern territories of Mongolia. The city remains mainly an industrial center, as well as a place of residence for about 82% of the aimag population. As in most other Mongolian cities, about 86% of the townspeople live in apartments, the rest of the population lives in yurts on the outskirts of the city. The city is located near the border with Russia and is home to a large number of Russians. There is a Russian consulate in Darkhan.

Aimak Darkhan Uul is located between the Khangai and Khenty mountain ranges in the picturesque area of \u200b\u200bthe Orkhon and Selenga river valleys. Aimak covers an area of \u200b\u200b32,750 sq. kilometers and is located at an altitude of 700 meters above sea level.

The climate of Darkhan Uul aimag is continental, the summer season is favorable with average temperatures of 18-20 degrees. Average winter temperatures range from -18 to -25 degrees below zero. Darkhan has over 260 sunny days a year.

The city of Darkhan is one of the leading educational centers in Mongolia with a high level of education of the urban population. Hundreds of students from other regions study in Darkhan. Today, in Darkhan Uul aimag there are 12 higher educational institutions, 22 secondary schools, 14 kindergartens, an institute of management and development, a regional center for business development, and a research institute of crop production and agriculture.

Last changes: 19.10.2009


Tourists who visit Darkhan on their way to Ulan Bator or on their way to Russia can take a short city tour. Admire the views of Darkhan from the observation deck located between the "old" and "new" Darkhan. The city is known for its large clothing market. You can buy fairly cheap Chinese things. Darkhan is interesting for its architectural forms. The balconies of most of the city's five-story buildings are decorated in Mongolian style and resemble a Mongolian yurt in their shapes.

Kharagin monastery (Kharagiin Khiid). Located in the "old" city. Pilgrimage center.

Darkhan Museum... Called the Museum of Folk Art, this museum contains a well-curated collection of archaeological finds, traditional Mongolian clothing, religious artifacts and several stuffed animals.

Buddhist complex in the "new" Darkhan. The place where the newlyweds come after marriage.

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