Diet and nutrition for atrophic gastritis. Diet for different forms of atrophic gastritis of the stomach How atrophic gastritis is treated

Atrophic gastritis is not just unpleasant, it is a deadly disease of the digestive tract. The stomach loses its ability to produce secretions necessary for digesting food and begins to slowly decompose. Because nutrients from incoming foods are not absorbed, almost all internal organs begin to suffer. The main danger is that atrophic gastritis can develop into cancer. Modern treatment methods, new generation drugs, and surgery make it possible to stop the process. But poor nutrition can dramatically accelerate it.

Special dietary nutrition will help restore tissue and stimulate the functions of the secretory glands

Diet is not a panacea, just like folk remedies using garden vegetables and herbs. But it is necessary to adhere to it in order not to reduce drug treatment to zero and to prevent the pathology from moving into a severe, already irreparable stage.

The disease can be acute or chronic. All this is reflected in dietary nutrition. If atrophic gastritis worsens, you should not eat any food for several days. You should come out of fasting gradually, gradually introducing the most gentle foods into your diet. Next, a diet is prescribed according to the form and stage of the disease. In the first three to four weeks after an exacerbation, you should strictly adhere to the recommended diet. As the condition stabilizes, the diet may be slightly relaxed, but the patient will not be able to completely return to the previous diet even with stable remission.

Note: in therapeutic nutrition, it is necessary to adhere to a clear regimen so that the stomach is not overloaded, but does not remain empty. You should definitely have breakfast, preferably at the same time, and you should avoid late dinner. During the day, meals are split, every 3-3.5 hours.

Principles of a therapeutic diet

It is important not to return to old eating habits and to avoid violations that lead to a sharp progression of the pathology - the list of prohibited foods must be remembered by heart

For atrophic gastritis, a special diet No. 2 has been compiled. For each individual form of the disease it changes, but the basic principles remain unchanged:

  1. Products are subjected to gentle heat treatment: boiling in water, steaming, stewing, baking without oil.
  2. Ready-made dishes are crushed: ground, passed through a meat grinder or punched with a blender.
  3. Soups are prepared with a second weak broth, vegetable broth, and water.
  4. A minimum of spices are used.
  5. It is preferable to cook porridge in water, and milk and butter are added after cooking.
  6. You cannot eat fresh bread; yesterday's unleavened baked goods are allowed.
  7. Be sure to include foods rich in vitamin C in the diet to stimulate gastric secretion.
  8. Tea, compotes, juices should be drunk between meals, not before or after it.
  9. Fresh fruits are included in dietary table No. 2, but they must be fully ripe. You should not overuse citrus fruits, although they contain vitamin C. Citric acid has an aggressive effect on an inflamed stomach.

Features for different forms of the disease

Low-fat dairy products and ripe fruits should appear on the patient’s table every day, regardless of the form of the disease

Depending on the type of atrophic lesion of the stomach, gastroenterologists and nutritionists have compiled the optimal therapeutic diet.

Chronic course

This form is characterized by a sluggish process, gastric secretions are poorly produced, the walls of the organ are thinned and inflamed. The purpose of the diet: to help restore damaged tissue, stimulate juice production, but not aggravate the condition.

Chronic atrophic gastritis is prone to exacerbations. During these periods, you should go on a strict diet; during the remission stage, the menu is allowed to diversify.

Typically, exacerbations occur precisely because of dietary disturbances. The patient himself must understand the importance of following a diet.

Focal lesion

Drinking mineral water half an hour before meals perfectly stimulates gastric secretion, preventing an increase in acidity

With this form, certain areas of the stomach are affected, so the symptoms can appear acutely at times, sometimes go away completely. The purpose of the diet is to help the affected areas recover, prevent the formation of new foci of inflammation, and support the production of gastric secretions.

What to do for this:

  • At least half an hour before meals, drink mineral water, which stimulates gastric secretion;
  • the main component of the diet is light pureed soups with vegetables, boiled lean meat;
  • In between meals, you should drink teas from medicinal herbs that have anti-inflammatory and restorative properties.

If the focal form is accompanied by an increase in acidity, then enveloping foods and dishes are introduced into the menu to prevent irritation of the epithelium by excess gastric juice. These are slimy soups, jelly, it is useful to eat bananas, pears in the form of puree.

Focal gastritis manifests itself as pain. In this case, table No. 1 is assigned, the use of liquid, puree dishes from the lightest, most gentle products is indicated.

Diffuse form

Cereals occupy an important place in the diet, but not all of them. Soups, porridges, and casseroles are prepared from rice, oats, and buckwheat. Millet, pearl barley, barley are too aggressive and rough

With this type of disease, the glands responsible for the production of gastric secretions are primarily affected. It is important to stimulate the process; for this, rosehip decoction, fermented milk products, a variety of viscous porridges in water (served strictly lukewarm), vegetables and fruits are consumed daily. Be sure to drink mineral water regularly.

Antral form

Antral atrophic gastritis is also often accompanied by severe pain. Doctors in the acute stage prescribe table No. 1 or 1a, after 2-3 weeks they are allowed to switch to the Pevzner diet No. 2, but cucumbers, as well as tomatoes, black tea, and meat broths should be excluded. Dishes are served at a comfortable temperature, pureed, meat and fish - pate, soufflé.

Low acidity

Fruit and vegetable juices for atrophic lesions of the stomach stimulate appetite, digestion, and provide vitamins and minerals

A special feature is drinking water and fresh vegetable juices (cabbage, carrot, potato) on an empty stomach. The stomach does not cope well with processing food on its own, so the patient must learn to chew even pureed purees thoroughly. It is useful to drink chicory to increase overall tone and stimulate metabolism. The rest of the diet does not change: porridge, soups, vegetable and fruit purees, lean meat, jelly, compotes.

With high acidity

Atrophic gastritis with increased stomach acidity is much more often diagnosed. With this form of the disease, all foods that stimulate the release of stomach acid are removed from the diet: onions, garlic, citrus fruits, sour berries, grapes, rye bread, kefir and high-fat fermented baked milk. The priority is viscous porridge with water, pureed soups, and jelly.

Each form is different and requires careful study.

What is allowed and what is prohibited to consume

Table of products allowed and prohibited for the chronic form of the disease:

Authorized Products Prohibited Products
Stale white bread, crackers, dried biscuits, biscuits Fresh pastries, muffins, rye bread
Lean poultry, rabbit, veal, tongue, liver Fatty meats, especially pork and lard
Low-fat fish: pollock, hake, cod, tilapia Sausages, especially smoked ones
Chicken eggs (boiled or scrambled) Fatty fish, smoked, salted, dried
Low fat dairy and fermented milk products Any canned food
Cereals: rice, buckwheat, oats, semolina Cereals: barley, pearl barley, millet
Vegetable oil of any kind Pickles, marinades
Freshly squeezed fruit and berry juices Strong broths: fish, meat, mushroom
Any root vegetables, pumpkin, cabbage Sour soups: borscht, solyanka, okroshka, etc.
Cucumbers, tomatoes, parsnips, celery, greens Legumes: beans, peas, lentils, beans
Honey, jam Goose, duck, chicken eggs in the form of fried eggs
Pastila, marshmallow Mustard, horseradish
Weak tea, cocoa with milk Mayonnaise, ketchup, sauces based on them
Compotes, jelly Carbonated drinks
Strong tea, coffee
Confectionery: cakes, pastries, sweets, chocolate
Hot spices
Fats: lard, margarine

Fatty, fried, spicy, salty, semi-finished products are completely excluded - food should be strictly home-cooked.

How to properly balance your menu

A table of allowed and prohibited foods will help you correctly create a diet for a patient suffering from atrophic gastritis

The weekly menu for a patient with a stomach problem is not as monotonous and boring as many people think. This is not only bland porridge and pureed soup with oatmeal jelly for dessert. It looks like this:

Breakfast Lunch Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner
Monday buckwheat on water


weak tea sweetened with honey


cocoa with milk

vegetable soup with water

steam chicken cutlet

baked potato


berry jelly

pilaf with vegetables

Herb tea

Tuesday semolina porridge with added milk

baked apple

steamed cheesecakes

weak tea

noodle soup with carrots on water

steamed veal schnitzel

rosehip decoction

baked pumpkin, pear, banana puree piece of baked fish with spinach

dry biscuit

Wednesday oatmeal with a piece of butter and jam

Herb tea

milk fruit jelly


puree soup of zucchini, cauliflower with wheat croutons

steamed turkey meatball with rice

yogurt with dry biscuit boiled tongue salad with beets and vegetable oil
Thursday rice pudding kefir


apple or pear

Lenten cabbage soup

steamed fish cutlets

Herb tea

soft-boiled egg

toasted wheat bread with a slice of low-fat cheese

cottage cheese casserole with vermicelli
Friday steamed omelette

weak tea

oatmeal jelly


potato soup

baked chicken breast

carrot salad

rosehip decoction

lazy dumplings

fruit juice

baked fish

cucumber and tomato salad

Saturday buckwheat porridge low-fat cottage cheese with berries soup with rice and vegetables

boiled tongue

fruit juice

steam omelette liver soufflé

herbal decoction

Sunday steamed cheesecakes jelly

dried sponge cake

puree pumpkin soup with croutons

fish dumplings with mashed potatoes on water

Herb tea

rosehip decoction

semolina pudding with banana or apple

vinaigrette of beets, potatoes, carrots with vegetable oil

It is better to plan the menu for each day in advance so that the table is varied, nutritious, but at the same time gentle. Remember that portions should be small and food should be at room temperature.

What to cook

In fact, a therapeutic diet is not a reason to eat exclusively pureed soups and cereals; there are many safe snacks and desserts

With atrophic gastritis, it is permissible to modify classic recipes for familiar dishes, remove harmful ingredients, add healthy ones, and use gentle cooking methods with a minimum of fats and spices. The patient will surely be pleased with a delicious salad with pasta, vegetables, and tongue. It is served as a main course for dinner or a second course for lunch.

Pasta salad with tongue

A serving of salad contains everything you need: proteins (in the tongue), carbohydrates (in the pasta), vitamins and minerals (in the vegetables). The dish perfectly replaces a full lunch.

Ingredients for cooking:

  • durum pasta (horns, spirals, bows) – 300 g;
  • boiled beef tongue – 100 g;
  • boiled carrots – 1 piece;
  • boiled broccoli – 100 g;
  • tomato – 1 piece;
  • yogurt for dressing - 1 jar;
  • salt;
  • chopped parsley if desired.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Place a pan of water on the fire, add salt, boil, and boil the pasta.
  2. Cut the tongue, peel the carrots, and also chop into cubes.
  3. Break the broccoli into small pieces, wash the tomato, remove the seeds, and cut the pulp into cubes.
  4. Drain the pasta and rinse with cold water.
  5. Mix the ingredients, season with yogurt, sprinkle with herbs.

The tongue can be replaced with boiled liver, stomach, vegetables - any from the list of permitted ones.

Summary: Atrophic gastritis is a disease in which stomach tissue slowly dies. You can fight the disease, but medications alone will not help: it is extremely important to constantly remember about dietary nutrition. The list of products is not so scarce; juices, some sweets, meat, and fish are allowed. It is important to prepare them correctly, not to overeat, and to avoid breakdowns. The result will definitely appear.

Atrophic gastritis is accompanied by inflammation of the gastric mucosa. The disease is chronic and difficult to treat. Tissues lose their ability to regenerate, and the functional state of the organ is significantly impaired.

The glands of the stomach are replaced by epithelial tissue, secretion production decreases, and deviations occur in the processes of food digestion. An integral part of the treatment of atrophic gastritis is diet. A properly formulated diet allows you to restore some functions of the digestive tract and improve the general condition of the body. Prohibited foods should not be consumed even during remission. Violation of the diet can restore inflammatory processes and provoke an exacerbation of the disease.

1. General rules

The diet helps normalize digestive processes. Nutrition programs for different forms of inflammation in the stomach differ, but have some general rules.

General rules:

  • fractional meals (eating up to six times a day);
  • methods of stewing, boiling, and steaming are used to prepare dishes;
  • too hot or cold food is excluded;
  • It is forbidden to consume foods containing coarse fiber;
  • ingredients for cooking should be crushed as much as possible.

Causes and risk factors

The mechanism of occurrence of the pathology is not fully understood. Exogenous causes of the development of gastritis with low acidity include infection with Helicobacter pylori, taking medications that have an adverse effect on the gastric mucosa, poor nutrition, bad habits, ionizing radiation, as well as accidental or intentional ingestion of toxic, irritating substances.

With timely diagnosis, timely and correct treatment, the prognosis is usually favorable; it worsens with the development of B12-deficiency anemia.

Endogenous factors include genetic predisposition, pathologies of the pancreas and liver, gastroduodenal reflux, metabolic and endocrine diseases, sinusitis, renal failure, rheumatic diseases, and helminthic infestations.

Improper treatment of acute gastritis can lead to chronicity of the pathological process. Hyperacid gastritis, in the absence of adequate treatment, over time transforms into gastritis with low acidity.

In children, gastritis with low acidity often occurs in the first years of school, which is associated with a change in diet against the background of increased physical and mental stress.

Popular recipes for dieting dishes

Milk pumpkin soup 400 gr. Pour water over the pumpkins and cook until you get a puree. Take another bowl, boil 3 cups of low-fat milk, add 2 tbsp. l. semolina, cook for 10 minutes, then add pumpkin puree. Add salt, sweeten and cook for another 15 minutes.

Puree rice porridge with milk Prepare a handful of rice, grind with a blender or coffee grinder. Pour 1.5 cups of low-fat milk into a saucepan, boil and gradually lower the resulting rice cereal. 5 minutes before readiness, add salt and sugar. Total cooking time is 15 minutes.

Potato and carrot salad Boil 4 medium potatoes and 2 large carrots. Wait for it to cool, peel and chop finely. Dilute lemon juice in a small amount of warm water, add sour cream and salt - this will be a salad dressing.

Forms of the disease

The main forms of chronic gastritis:

  • superficial (non-atrophic);
  • atrophic;
  • special forms (radiation, reactive, granulomatous, eosinophilic, hypertrophic, etc.).

Depending on the etiology, gastritis can be:

  • autoimmune (type A);
  • bacterial (type B);
  • chemical (type C);
  • mixed;
  • alcoholic;
  • medicinal; etc.

Depending on the location of the pathological process:

  • gastritis of the antrum;
  • gastritis of the fundus;
  • Pangastritis.

Chronic gastritis with low acidity can be in remission or exacerbation. In addition, the disease can be uncomplicated or complicated (bleeding, malignancy).

Prohibited Products

Now here is a list of foods that cannot be eaten with the atrophic form of gastritis:

  • fatty meats - pork, goose, duck;
  • fatty fish - mackerel, trout, etc. You cannot eat salted or smoked fish;
  • sausages and deli meats;

  • canned food;
  • pearl barley and barley are prohibited from cereals;
  • You can’t eat legumes – beans, peas;
  • Some vegetables will not be beneficial; you need to give up radishes, radishes, and garlic. White cabbage is consumed with caution;
  • freshly baked bread, pastry;
  • confectionery products – cakes, chocolate, ice cream;
  • strong coffee, cocoa;
  • You will have to give up drinks containing alcohol.

Gastritis with low acidity can be asymptomatic for a long time. In other cases, its leading manifestation is dyspeptic syndrome, which is caused by a pronounced impairment of the functional activity of the stomach. Pain in this form of the disease is associated with stretching of the stomach, and not with muscle spasm. Typically, patients complain of a dull, aching pain that appears or worsens after eating (the so-called satiety pain, in contrast to the hunger pain characteristic of gastritis with high acidity). The intensity of pain correlates with the quantity and quality of food eaten - the pain intensifies when eating hot, spicy foods. Dyskinetic disorders cause alternation of constipation and diarrhea, the development of dumping syndrome, flatulence, and bloating.

During the period of remission, the disease usually does not manifest itself in any way. During an exacerbation, there is a feeling of bitterness in the mouth, bad breath, increased salivation, belching of rotten or air, a feeling of heaviness in the epigastric region, nausea. Appetite decreases to the point of complete refusal to eat.

Gastritis with low acidity is recorded in all age groups, but is more often found in the elderly; men and women are equally susceptible to it.

Atrophy of the gastric mucosa, which develops with gastritis with low acidity, causes impaired absorption of nutrients and vitamins with the further development of protein-energy deficiency, hypovitaminosis, and anemia. The patient's blood pressure decreases, dizziness appears after eating, dry skin, brittle hair, bleeding, increased fatigue, and depression. Body weight is significantly reduced. Lactose intolerance may develop. With a long course of the disease, inflammation of the tongue and gums develops (glossitis and gingivitis).

Authorized Products

Let's figure out what you can eat if atrophic gastritis is diagnosed. Using the list of permitted products, you can create a menu for the day or week. So, patients can eat:

  • Bakery products. Only day-old white bread, savory pies (occasionally), simple biscuits.

  • Meat. Only low-fat varieties and preferably in chopped form. Veal, beef, turkey, rabbit, chicken (preferably breast) are allowed.
  • Fish. Low-fat varieties of sea and river fish - cod, hake, pollock, pike perch, pike.
  • Porridge. You need to cook porridge in water using approved cereals (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal).
  • Dairy. Low-fat cottage cheese (mainly for cooking, for example, for casseroles) and cheese. If well tolerated, use low-fat milk and fermented milk drinks.
  • Eggs. Chicken and quail eggs, boiled soft-boiled or in the form of an omelet, are allowed.
  • Vegetables and fruits. Vegetables are boiled or baked; if you feel well, you can eat fresh salads. Allowed are potatoes, carrots, beets, broccoli and cauliflower, pumpkin, tomatoes, zucchini. Fruits include bananas, sour apples, watermelon, melon, persimmons, cherries, and strawberries.
  • Pasta. You should choose products from hard varieties and cook them until completely soft. It is better to choose thin products - vermicelli, noodles, spaghetti.

  • Fats. Butter and vegetable oil are used; they are used for seasoning dishes in limited quantities.
  • Beverages. Chamomile tea and mineral medicinal water are very useful. You can drink compotes, fruit drinks, jelly, as well as black or green tea, brewed weakly.

Advice! The choice of medicinal mineral water should be discussed with gastroenterologists, since much depends on individual indications.

  • Dessert. Marshmallows, marmalade, jam, honey, and caramel are allowed in small quantities.

Features of gastritis with low acidity in children

In children, the disease manifests itself as intense abdominal pain, which is diffuse and appears after eating any food. Palpation in the epigastric region is painful. In addition, signs of gastritis with low acidity in children are nausea and vomiting that occurs several hours after eating, and intolerance to certain foods. Children become easily excitable and emotionally unstable.

In this age group, superficial gastritis predominates; damage to the glands is possible, but the atrophic process usually does not develop.

The diet is made depending on the subtype of the disease. Therefore, before choosing a menu, consult your doctor. The specialist will give appropriate recommendations. If such gastritis is not treated, the stomach will stop working. After all, its walls gradually “die off” and become thinner. Erosion and ulcers appear on atrophied tissues. This causes problems with digestion and the production of gastric juice. Food will not go to waste. Intoxication and anemia will begin.

Diet therapy is needed not only to eliminate inflammation. With proper nutrition, the body will receive useful substances, and the digestive system will be restored. You need to eat in small portions, but often. So as not to feel hungry. Eat at least once every 3 hours. But don't overeat or snack on the run. Chop or grind all foods so as not to overload your stomach. Eat slowly, without any distractions. Do not heat or cool food. The food should be warm. This also applies to drinks - no hot tea or ice water.

You need to consume about 2500 – 3000 calories per day. The diet for atrophic gastritis of the stomach should include:

  • up to 400 grams of carbohydrates;
  • about 100 grams of vegetable fats;
  • protein food - 100 grams, 50 of them are proteins of plant origin;
  • up to 15 grams of sea salt.

Do not drink a lot of liquid - maximum 1.5 liters per day. This means not only water, but also soups, broths, and decoctions. This doesn't mean you have to suffer from thirst. Just watch how much you drink.

Boil, stew or steam all dishes. Some can be baked, but eat them without a “brown” crust.

Atrophy with such gastritis leads to the death of stomach tissue. This could end very badly. A gastroenterologist will tell you which diet to choose and how long to stay on it. It depends on the diagnosis and related factors. Treatment is a long process. Most likely, therapy will continue for at least six months. Even if the symptoms no longer bother you, this does not mean that the disease has subsided. And after recovery, you need to eat healthy food.


The diagnosis of gastritis with low acidity is made on the basis of complaints, medical history, as well as the results of instrumental and laboratory tests. An ultrasound of the abdominal organs is performed, as well as an endoscopic examination - esophagogastroduodenoscopy, during which pH measurements and biopsy are also performed. Measuring the acidity of gastric contents, or pH-metry, can reliably determine the decrease in the production of hydrochloric acid and pepsin.

In the general structure of gastrointestinal pathology, the share of chronic gastritis is 90%, of which gastritis with low acidity accounts for about 25%.

If it is impossible to perform gastric intubation, a laboratory determination of the content of uropepsinogen in the urine is performed. To identify the atrophic form of gastritis with low acidity, the levels of pepsinogen I and II and their relationship to each other are determined in the patient’s blood. Atrophic gastritis is determined in approximately 85% of cases of a pronounced decrease in the level of pepsinogens. Markers of autoimmune pathology (anti-parietal antibodies and antibodies to Castle factor) are determined.

Detection of Helicobacter pylori in gastritis with low acidity can be carried out using polymerase chain reaction, enzyme immunoassay, urease breath test for Helicobacter, etc.

Differential diagnosis is carried out with stomach cancer, pellagra (vitamin PP deficiency), sprue (impaired absorption of fats, glucose and vitamins in the gastrointestinal tract), hiatal hernia, dyskinesia of the gallbladder and biliary tract.

List of permitted and prohibited products

Can It is forbidden
Vegetable oil or butterPreservation, pickles, marinades
Fruit juices, preferably homemadeAlcohol, sparkling water, coffee
All vegetables except prohibited onesFish and meat broths
Stale baked goodsBaking from butter and puff pastry
Porridge, better overcookedGrape
Fermented milk productsFatty meat or fish
OmeletteLard, animal fats
Dried breadFresh baked goods
Soups with vegetable or low-fat chicken brothSmoked and spicy dishes
Well-cooked pastaHard-boiled eggs
Low-fat milkWhole raw vegetables – only pureed
Red lean fish, poultry – turkey, chickenRutabaga, radish
Ground berriesbell pepper
Decoctions - rose hips, thyme, St. John's wortLegumes

Treatment of gastritis with low acidity

Treatment of gastritis with low acidity is complex and selected individually depending on the form of the disease, the severity of secretory insufficiency, the presence of concomitant diseases and complications. The objectives of treating gastritis with low acidity are:

  • elimination of inflammation;
  • stopping the progression of atrophic processes in the gastric mucosa;
  • restoration, as far as possible, of the motor and secretory functions of the stomach.

Treatment of the disease is usually carried out on an outpatient basis, but in some cases (severe symptoms, the need for careful diagnosis) hospitalization may be required.

To eradicate Helicobacter pylori, antibacterial drugs are used, as well as proton pump inhibitors (in an anacid state characterized by pH ≥ 6, proton pump inhibitors are not prescribed).

According to indications, gastroprotectors, enveloping and astringent drugs, agents that stimulate acid formation, and vitamin and mineral complexes are used. Replacement therapy for gastritis with low acidity consists of taking natural gastric juice and gastric enzymes.

The main treatment of chronic gastritis with low acidity can be supplemented with physiotherapy (UHF therapy, magnetic therapy, inductometry, electrophoresis with drugs, ozokerite and paraffin applications, etc.).

Menu for atrophic gastritis for a week

Dietary nutrition for inflammation of the stomach is carefully prepared, if not by a gastroenterologist, then by the patient. To do this, they take a ready-made menu option as a basis. Otherwise, no amendments are made to the compiled diet. The menu is planned for a week and used throughout the treatment.

  1. A common option for proper nutrition is to eat a steamed omelet with 1 piece of bran bread for breakfast on Monday. Drinks include berry or fruit compote. In the afternoon they eat vegetable salad. Cucumbers and tomatoes are suitable for this. At noon, eat steamed fish or boiled cereal. In the evening, it is recommended to eat low-fat cottage cheese and drink tea.
  2. The Tuesday morning table consists of salad with fruit. This dish is washed down with carrot juice (depending on the form and acidity of gastritis). Lunch consists of boiled or baked dietary fish. For lunch, prepare mashed potatoes with chicken. For dinner on this day you should eat vegetables.
  3. Wednesday morning starts with a breakfast of steamed eggs with vegetables. Wash down the dish with weak tea. The snack is made from fruit. Lunch consists of pumpkin puree soup. Boiled beef is added to the dish. For dinner, it is recommended to eat low-fat cottage cheese with fruit. They can be eaten together or separately.
  4. On Thursday, oatmeal is served for breakfast. For drinks, drink a glass of berry compote. This can be replaced with jelly. Baked fruits are prepared for lunch. Lunch should consist of vegetable soup or pasta. Meatballs serve as an additional dish. In the evening it is recommended to eat boiled fish with vegetables.
  5. On Friday morning, prepare a salad of tomatoes and cucumbers. Otherwise, replace it with a steamed omelette. Eat mashed potatoes as a snack. On this day you can drink a low-fat fermented milk product, kefir is suitable. For lunch they prepare buckwheat porridge with steamed cutlets. The evening meal consists of homemade yoghurt and bananas.
  6. For breakfast on Saturday they eat boiled fish. Drinks include weak green tea or rose hips. During lunch they make a vegetable salad. At lunchtime, eat soup made from permitted root vegetables. This dish is replaced with vegetable stew. Dinner consists of low-fat cottage cheese.
  7. On Sunday, banana and apple salad is prepared for breakfast. The snack consists of boiled chicken. They have lunch with rice and fish. Wash down food with weak tea. Dinner on Sunday evening is mashed potatoes with meatballs.

The dietary menu must be followed. You can make adjustments to it. It depends on the gastropathy and the type of atrophic gastritis. If treatment is not carried out correctly or recommendations are not followed, complications arise. These include erosive gastritis and stomach ulcers. In this case, the diet will be different. Exacerbation of gastritis occurs in women during pregnancy. This factor must be taken seriously.

Proper nutrition is also used in disease prevention. Recipes and approved products must be adjusted to the daily norm of the chemical composition.

Diet for gastritis with low acidity

One of the main methods of treating gastritis with low acidity is diet therapy. The success of drug therapy largely depends on how well it is followed.

Fractional meals are recommended - meals at least 5-6 times a day at approximately equal intervals, in small portions. Food should be at a comfortable temperature (warm), since cold or hot food has an irritating effect on the gastric mucosa. Dishes are prepared using dietary methods (boiling, steaming, baking or stewing).

The diet should include fermented milk products, cereals, lean fish and meat, vegetable and meat soups, pasta, eggs, vegetables, fruits, fruit juices, tea with lemon. Exclude smoked, fatty, fried foods, confectionery, whole milk, fresh baked goods, cabbage, grapes, carbonated drinks, alcohol.

Gastritis with low acidity develops less frequently than other clinical forms, but more often than others leads to serious complications.

Diet No. 2

For atrophic gastritis of the stomach, gastroenterologists and nutritionists prescribe a special diet No. 2, aimed at replenishing important nutrients for normal human life and normalizing the functioning of the digestive system. The diet is subject to certain nutritional principles.

Diet principles No. 2

Authorized Products

Nutritionist Approved Products:

  • slightly stale wheat bread, biscuits, crackers, dried biscuits;
  • dietary meat options (beef, turkey, rabbit, chicken, tongue, pates);
  • low-fat fish (pink salmon, pollock);
  • boiled eggs, steamed omelet;
  • rice, buckwheat, semolina, rolled oats;
  • cottage cheese, cheese, butter, fermented milk products containing low fat content;
  • vegetable oil;
  • potatoes, cabbage, carrots, beets, pumpkin, cucumbers, tomatoes;
  • fresh juices;
  • honey, marmalade, marshmallows, marshmallows, fruit puree;
  • weak tea, cocoa, compote, jelly;
  • fresh greens.

Prohibited Products

Diet No. 2 provides for a strict ban on foods that take a long time to digest, irritate the gastric mucosa, and lead to a feeling of heaviness, pain, and discomfort. These include:

  • bread made from rye flour, baked goods;
  • sausages, sausages;
  • hot, spicy, fried;
  • barley, millet, pearl barley;
  • fatty meats (especially pork) and fish, lard;
  • smoked meats;
  • pickles;
  • conservation;
  • rich broths, sour soups, okroshka;
  • spicy sauces, mustard, horseradish;
  • peas, beans, beans;
  • scrambled eggs, hard-boiled eggs;
  • carbonated drinks, coffee.

You should not eat foods that contain chemical components - sweeteners, stabilizers.

Of course, the ban applies to bad habits - alcoholic drinks and cigarettes often become the root cause of pathological changes.

Typically, these rules apply to all patients with atrophic gastritis, but the attending doctor has the right to say exactly what is permissible to eat and what needs to be excluded.

Nutrition for focal and diffuse gastritis

Focal or subatrophic gastritis differs in that only a certain area of ​​the stomach is affected. With this progression of the disease, especially in the first days of the disease, it is recommended to follow diet No. 1, and after a while they switch to diet table No. 2. The main difference between this diet is the complete limitation of the consumption of fruits, berries and vegetables, cabbage and sugar, as well as any drinks other than herbal decoctions and infusions.

Diagnosis of a diffuse form of atrophic gastritis of the stomach means damage to several parts of this organ. In fact, only superficial damage to the mucous membrane occurs, but areas of atrophy have already formed. The recommended diet is diet No. 2.

What is atrophic chronic gastritis?

Atrophic chronic gastritis of the stomach is an inflammatory process that results in cell modification.

Atrophic gastritis at the initial stage, with the appearance of disturbances in the functioning of the stomach consists of constant discomfort in the abdominal area.

Afterwards, erosions begin to form on the walls of the stomach, the production of enzymes is disrupted, and this negatively affects the functioning of the organs of the digestive system.

At the last stage, erosions occur, the functioning of the pancreas, intestines and gall bladder is disrupted.

All these manifestations negatively affect the functioning of the body. They prevent him from living a normal life.

It is necessary to undergo a long course of rehabilitation and restorative therapy to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.


A gastroenterologist and endoscopist are involved in the diagnosis and treatment of gastritis with low acidity. The specialist examines the patient and conducts a number of examinations:

  • esophagogastroduodenoscopy;
  • endoscopic biopsy;
  • gastroscopy;
  • morphological studies;
  • X-ray of the stomach;
  • gastric probing with intragastric pH-metry;
  • examination of gastric juice;
  • determination of pepsinogen level;
  • diagnosing Helicobacter pylori using stool ELISA, PCR testing, detection of antibodies in the blood and a breath test for this microorganism.

The purpose of these studies is not to confuse the disease with other pathologies and to make an accurate diagnosis.

Based on the examination results, the gastroenterologist prescribes a treatment regimen. If required, the attending physician refers the patient to a consultation with a nutritionist, who will create an appropriate diet. In some cases, to eliminate concomitant diseases, consultation with other specialists of a narrow focus (cardiologist, therapist) is required.

During remission

Nutrition for atrophic gastritis of the stomach during remission involves the use of soups cooked in meat or fish broth. During their preparation, frying is not provided; instead, a mixture of eggs and milk is used. When the dish is ready, add a small amount of vegetable oil or cream.

The meat used is low-fat varieties, without fascia and tendons. Before cooking chicken, be sure to remove the skin. It is recommended to include offal in the diet - tongue or liver. Seafood and fish contain proteins, phosphorus, iodine, and calcium, so they must be supplemented with them in the diet.

It is advisable not to eat bread or eat it in limited quantities. It must be dried or stale, because... fresh may cause fermentation. You can eat biscuits, dried biscuits, and baked goods made from unleavened dough. It is allowed to eat pasta, but only without using hot seasonings.

Cereals are sources of carbohydrates that are slowly absorbed. After eating them, you will feel full for a long time. Cereals must be crushed after cooking. Milk or water is used to prepare porridge.

During the diet, salads are prepared from various vegetables, seasoned with sunflower oil. You can eat zucchini, pumpkin, cauliflower, peas, and potatoes.

Cottage cheese and milk are beneficial. Cheese consumption is limited; mild varieties are consumed once a week, by grating them. Eggs are used to make steamed omelettes or boil them soft-boiled.

During remission, pathologies are allowed:

  • beef ham;
  • liver pate;
  • boiled sausage.

The diet should contain various berries and fruits: raspberries, strawberries, bananas, apples, pears, apricots, which are eaten ripe.

  • freshly prepared juices;
  • herbal tea;
  • compote;
  • jelly.

Rosehip decoctions bring great benefits to the body.


The exact cause of the loss of the ability of the secretory apparatus of the body of the stomach to produce gastric juice, the main component of which is hydrochloric acid, is unknown. The spread of the disease among close relatives led to the belief in the hereditary inferiority of epithelial cells. As a result, they cannot withstand the effects of food, die and recover very poorly.

Another possibility is a phase of increased acidity and overirritation of the epithelium, subsequent inflammation of the stomach. If left untreated, the process becomes irreversible. And with the death of functioning glandular cells, acidity drops. Some factors have additional negative effects.

These include:

These factors not only reduce acid production in the stomach, but also contribute to the development of the atrophic process.

Alcohol abuse (including beer), nicotine intake through smoking has an aggressive effect on the production of gastric juice

Proper nutrition for antral gastritis

Antral gastritis is characterized by the involvement in the pathogenic process of only the lower part of the stomach, where it borders the duodenum. To reduce the manifestation of unpleasant symptoms, adherence to dietary table No. 1a is indicated; the main goal of such nutrition is to reduce irritation of the mucous membrane of the affected organ. Foods that stimulate the secretion of hydrochloric acid are completely excluded from the diet. The structure of the dishes should be liquid or puree. The basis of the diet should be cream soups, viscous porridges and dishes based on dairy products.

After dietary table No. 1a, they move on to diet No. 1, as with subatrophic gastritis, which is aimed at restoring the mucous membrane. This is an expanded version of the previous table, however, foods containing a large amount of fiber, as well as raw vegetables and fruits, remain prohibited.

The chronic form of gastritis is a pathology that lasts for at least 3–4 months without the lack of proper treatment. It takes quite a long time to wait for the results of the therapy. Provocateurs in the development of the disease are poor diet, alcohol abuse and uncontrolled use of medications.

The main point on the path to healthy digestion is following a strict diet. As with the focal form of gastritis, it is necessary to follow simple rules: small frequent meals, grated food that can be heat-treated, avoidance of bad habits, canned food, fatty and fried foods, smoked meats, and pickles.

Prohibition of alcohol is an important condition for the recovery of the body

Treatment with medications for atrophic gastritis

Atrophic chronic gastritis of the stomach can be treated over a long period of time. Treatment is aimed at eliminating acute symptoms:

  1. It is necessary to take medications to reduce the production of hydrochloric acid. This is especially important if there is atrophic gastritis of the stomach at the initial stage.
  2. With a reduced amount of hydrochloric acid production, a disruption in the functioning of the pancreas occurs. It does not produce enough enzymes.
  3. The doctor prescribes medications that are necessary to improve intestinal motility.
  4. It is necessary to take vitamins. In the presence of atrophic gastritis, there is a lack of vitamins and essential microelements in the body. In this case, you need to take vitamin complexes, folic acid and cyanocobalamin.

In many ways, the treatment of atrophic gastritis of the stomach depends on the cause of its appearance.

In most cases, the cause is the presence of an inflammatory process, which is caused by the presence of the Helicobacter pylori bacterium.

It is necessary to take medications to eliminate the bacteria, as well as to improve protection against hydrochloric acid.

Treatment is carried out for a week with antibiotics. After this time it is necessary to undergo tests.

Painful sensations can be eliminated with the help of drugs - antispasmodics and anticholinergics.

Only a doctor can prescribe these medications. Otherwise, the patient's condition may worsen sharply.

Treatment of atrophic gastritis also involves taking medications to normalize acidity. It is also important to improve the regeneration of stomach cells.

Basic diet rules

The same diet may be slightly different for each patient. The diet for atrophic gastritis corresponds to treatment table No. 2. A specialist can adjust nutrition taking into account the individual characteristics of the body.

The diet for atrophic gastritis is based on several general recommendations:

  1. Food consumption should be fractional. You need to take about 5 or 6 doses per day, each of which is limited to small portions.
  2. Avoid hot and very cold foods so as not to damage the mucous walls of the stomach.
  3. You should not eat products made from coarse fiber.
  4. The temperature for cooking should not exceed 50 degrees.
  5. Food can be eaten steamed, it is recommended to boil or stew in a slow cooker. It is allowed to fry dishes, but so as not to form a crust.
  6. Products must be crushed to eliminate mechanical stress on the digestive system and stimulate the enzymatic function of the stomach.

Types of treatment

For atrophic gastritis, only conservative treatment is carried out:

  • it makes no sense to remove anything, since areas of atrophy are located in larger or smaller foci;
  • before the cells degenerate into cancer, they can (and should) be brought back to life;
  • Only with the help of conservative methods is it possible, by carefully inducing the gastric mucosa to recover, to supply the food needed to establish metabolism into the further parts of the digestive tract.

Conservative treatment of chronic atrophic gastritis is based on “three pillars”:

  1. Diet: foods must be specific and also prepared in a special way so that the intestines not only do not suffer from the fact that they were not properly treated with hydrochloric acid, but can also take from them everything that the exhausted body needs.
  2. Drug treatment. In this case, the doctor decides how to treat atrophic gastritis of the stomach based on the results of the studies:
      fibrogastroscopy (possibly with biopsy);
  3. determining the presence of Helicobacter pylori as the cause of gastritis (the test is usually performed simultaneously with FEGDS);
  4. probing the stomach to determine its acidity.
  5. Therapy with folk remedies. They, being selected by a doctor who is familiar with the “picture of the stomach,” help achieve treatment goals without overloading the body with chemical compounds.

Is it possible to cure atrophic gastritis? It is possible if minimal focal changes have occurred in the stomach. If a person seeks help already at the stage of diffuse atrophy, then with the help of a long-term diet he can only restore some areas of the mucous membrane and stop further progression of the disease.

Drug therapy

The spiral-shaped bacterium Helicobacter pylori is fixed in the gastric mucosa and begins to dissolve its cells with the help of its enzymes and its own hydrochloric acid

Treatment of both focal atrophic gastritis and its diffuse variant is carried out as follows:

  1. Medicines are prescribed to improve the movement of food from the stomach to the intestines. They also effectively fight nausea.
  2. If there is a decrease in the production of hydrochloric acid, medications containing natural gastric juice are prescribed.
  3. Since a reduced amount of hydrochloric acid reduces the production of pancreatic enzymes necessary for digestion, such enzymes are prescribed in the form of synthetic preparations.
  4. Impaired processing of food in the stomach leads to vitamin deficiency. The metabolism of B12 and folic acid is especially affected, which is why the hemoglobin level also decreases. To correct this condition, not only vitamin complexes are used, but also cyanocobalamin and folic acid separately.

Specifics of therapy for atrophic-hyperplastic inflammation

Treatment of atrophic hyperplastic gastritis depends on the cause of the disease:

  1. Most often, such an inflammatory process on the gastric mucosa is caused by the Helicobacter bacterium, so specific therapy is immediately prescribed. It consists of two antibacterial agents, as well as agents that protect the stomach from hydrochloric acid. This treatment is carried out for 7 days, after which tests are repeated for the presence of Helicobacter in the stomach.
  2. To eliminate stomach pain, a combination of antispasmodic and anticholinergic drugs is used.
  3. Warning! Drugs of these two groups are prescribed only by a gastroenterologist after examination and other studies.

  4. If there is an increase in the pH of the stomach, drugs that stimulate the production of hydrochloric acid are prescribed. If acidity is high, blockers of its production are prescribed.
  5. It is necessary to take medications that improve the regeneration of the gastric mucosa.

How to eat with atrophic gastritis

The diet for atrophic gastritis of the stomach is called 1A, with a gradual transition to table No. 2. These numbers indicate that the food should be such as to prevent mechanical, thermal and chemical injury to the gastric mucosa. In addition, the stomach should not be overfilled with a large amount of food, so you need to eat little and often, while the total energy value (number of calories) should be at least 2500 kcal/day.

Nutrition for atrophic gastritis of the stomach should be carried out according to the following rules: Basis of the diet:

  1. Nutrition for atrophic gastritis should serve as an acidity regulator, as well as provide the person with the necessary nutrients

    puree soups cooked in a second meat or vegetable broth;

  2. steamed, boiled or baked meat or low-fat fish, chopped;
  3. porridge with water or milk: semolina, rice, oatmeal, corn;
  4. eggs;
  5. vegetables and fruits – boiled or baked;
  6. It is best to salt with sea or iodized salt;
  7. unleavened crackers and white bread;
  8. dairy products: kefir, low-fat sour cream, cottage cheese and low-fat mild cheese;
  9. sweets: jelly and mousse from non-acidic berries and fruits, honey, marmalade, jelly;
  10. vegetable oil: olive or sunflower;
  11. butter;
  12. rose hip.


  • spicy dishes;
  • food prepared by frying;
  • pickled products;
  • alcohol;
  • coffee;
  • chocolate;
  • cakes;
  • candies;
  • breaded fish;
  • legumes;
  • canned food;
  • mushrooms.

A diet for focal atrophic gastritis allows a person to eat:

  • chicken broth with noodles;
  • meatballs;
  • baked pumpkin with honey;
  • cheese casserole;
  • omelette;
  • mashed potatoes;
  • boiled fish;
  • egg and milk sauces;
  • cocoa;
  • weak tea;
  • boiled veal;
  • rabbit cutlets;
  • mousses, jelly, honey;
  • sandwiches from a dried piece of bread (up to 400 g/day) with low-fat cheese and butter (up to 25 g/day).

What does traditional medicine offer?

The doctor prescribes herbal decoctions that stimulate the production of gastric juice

Treatment of atrophic gastritis with folk remedies includes the use of the following recipes:

  1. Drink 100 ml of warmed freshly squeezed white cabbage juice half an hour before meals.
  2. Take 30 ml of potato juice three times a day, before meals. This remedy has been successfully used to treat inflammation of the gastric mucosa by more than one generation of traditional medicine supporters. Read the article about potato juice for gastritis and learn about all its medicinal properties, the nuances of preparation, as well as contraindications.
  3. For breakfast, eat a grated raw green apple (200 g), mixed with grated raw pumpkin (600 g), ¼ cup lemon juice and 1 tsp. honey After this, do not eat anything for 3-4 hours.
  4. Eat 1 teaspoon of fresh blueberries, grated with sugar, before breakfast.
  5. In equal parts, 50 g each, take trifoliate leaves, immortelle, sage leaves, mint, St. John's wort, angelica root, eyebright herb, calamus rhizome, dill seeds, wormwood herb, mix dry. Then take 1 tbsp. mixture and pour a glass of boiling water over it, leave for 3 hours, strain and drink before eating. This should be done three times a day.
  6. Take a decoction of chamomile purchased at a pharmacy, prepared according to the recipe indicated on the box.
  7. Take 50 g of calamus root, dandelion, sage, peppermint, calendula flowers, St. John's wort, chamomile, plantain leaves, chop everything, mix. 4 tbsp pour a liter of boiling water, take 100 ml three times a day.

Thus, you can stop the progression of atrophy of the gastric mucosa and avoid the development of cancer by following a diet and taking the necessary medications. Such therapy will be complemented by taking various decoctions and infusions of herbs.

If gastritis turns into a chronic pathology, it can cause the death of the glands of the stomach walls that are responsible for the production of enzymes and gastric juice and lead to such a serious disease as atrophic gastritis. The disease requires constant attention, a strict diet, and regular treatment procedures. In this article we will tell you in more detail how to restore the gastric mucosa with atrophic gastritis, and about methods for identifying and treating the disease.

What is allowed and what is prohibited to consume

Table of products allowed and prohibited for the chronic form of the disease:

Authorized Products Prohibited Products
Stale white bread, crackers, dried biscuits, biscuitsFresh pastries, muffins, rye bread
Lean poultry, rabbit, veal, tongue, liverFatty meats, especially pork and lard
Low-fat fish: pollock, hake, cod, tilapiaSausages, especially smoked ones
Chicken eggs (boiled or scrambled)Fatty fish, smoked, salted, dried
Low fat dairy and fermented milk productsAny canned food
Cereals: rice, buckwheat, oats, semolinaCereals: barley, pearl barley, millet
Vegetable oil of any kindPickles, marinades
Freshly squeezed fruit and berry juicesStrong broths: fish, meat, mushroom
Any root vegetables, pumpkin, cabbageSour soups: borscht, solyanka, okroshka, etc.
Cucumbers, tomatoes, parsnips, celery, greensLegumes: beans, peas, lentils, beans
Honey, jamGoose, duck, chicken eggs in the form of fried eggs
Pastila, marshmallowMustard, horseradish
Weak tea, cocoa with milkMayonnaise, ketchup, sauces based on them
Compotes, jellyCarbonated drinks
Strong tea, coffee
Confectionery: cakes, pastries, sweets, chocolate
Hot spices
Fats: lard, margarine

Fatty, fried, spicy, salty, semi-finished products are completely excluded - food should be strictly home-cooked.


Nutrition for atrophic gastritis of the stomach is mainly prohibitions and restrictions. But if you make exceptions, you will not be cured. You will have to change your lifestyle and give up many dishes.

You can't eat:

  • fatty, fried, spicy, smoked, salted, lightly salted, pickled, canned, pickled;
  • hard-boiled eggs, scrambled eggs;
  • beans, peas, beans;
  • raw vegetables and fruits;
  • onions, garlic, radishes;
  • fresh baked goods and pastries;
  • some cereals: barley, wheat;
  • hard-to-digest foods: nuts, seeds;
  • almost everything sweet, in particular chocolate and ice cream;
  • spices, sauces, seasonings, dressings, vinegar;
  • fast food and other junk food.

You can't drink:

  • alcohol;
  • soda (including sparkling mineral water);
  • coffee, strong tea;
  • fat milk and products made from it;
  • undiluted juices from sour berries or fruits.

It hurts there and it hurts there

Atrophic gastritis develops slowly and asymptomatically; sometimes patients see a doctor with advanced forms that are not so easy to treat. Changes in the gastrointestinal tract come to the fore. A person complains of pain in the upper abdomen, heartburn, loss of appetite, belching, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, flatulence. As the process progresses, anemic syndrome occurs due to impaired absorption of vitamins and microelements. Unmotivated weakness, fatigue, and irritability appear. A person loses weight, notices pale and dry skin, changes in the sensitivity of the legs and arms, and a burning sensation in the tongue. The tongue becomes as if varnished (“raspberry tongue”). Hair and nails also suffer. The former quickly fall out, and the latter break even with minor injuries. A person may feel a change in heartbeat, shortness of breath, and aching pain in the chest.

Treatment of atrophic gastritis with folk remedies

Many herbs and foods can have a beneficial effect on the inner lining of the stomach, causing it to produce more of the necessary enzyme, reducing inflammation and pain. When treating atrophic gastritis with folk remedies, it is important to strictly follow the diet, monitor the course of the disease and adjust the list of medications together with your doctor. What folk recipes can be used:

  1. Blueberry. Restores bacterial balance, soothes diarrhea and intestinal pain. You need to grind blueberries with sugar and take 1 tsp. every morning on an empty stomach: jam is not suitable for this, only fresh berries.
  2. Bananas against inflammation. You can eat several fruits every day.
  3. Burdock, plantain, thyme, St. John's wort. Grind the herbs, pour boiling water (1 tablespoon of herbs per glass), place in a thermos and leave overnight. Strain in the morning and drink throughout the day.
  4. Rose hip. Pour 2 tbsp. l. fruits with a glass of boiling water, boil for 20 minutes, strain, drink a day, in 3 doses.
  5. Potato juice – This drink can be a daily stomach aid. Take 0.2 juice 30-60 minutes before meals.
  6. Vegetable juices: cabbage + beets, cabbage + potatoes + carrots. Drink before meals.

Traditional recipes that increase acid levels

The doctor, in combination with medications, prescribes treatment with traditional medicine. The following can have a positive effect on recovery:

  1. Decoctions - collections of herbs, mint, lemon balm, chamomile, linden and elderberry. They are drunk three times a day to combat atrophy;
  2. Honey – to increase acidity after honey, it is better to drink a glass of cool water;
  3. Green tea – drinking a cup of tea before a meal will help with the digestion process, but during or after a meal, on the contrary, it will have a negative effect in the long term, do not start such a habit;
  4. Flax seeds - used in case of exacerbation of atrophic gastritis with low acidity;
  5. Potato juice - it is used in cases of acute symptoms of gastritis, replacing painkillers;
  6. Infusion of parsley root - infused in water for 24 hours. A tablespoon before meals stimulates the stomach;
  7. Rosehip decoction - improves immunity undermined during the disease and helps the body produce acid;
  8. Cabbage juice – helps in the regeneration of atrophied cells;
  9. Horseradish - in pure or ground form, small doses help increase the secretion of gastric juice, but this root should be used with extreme caution and should not be used in case of high acid levels!

By combining traditional medicine methods with properly prescribed medications and supporting this with a moderate diet, you can overcome even such a serious illness as atrophic gastritis with low acidity. But on the path to recovery, the first step is the correct diagnosis of the disease.

Atrophic gastritis is a dangerous and insidious type of chronic gastritis. The fact is that with this diagnosis, the glands responsible for the production of gastric juice atrophy. During the course of the disease, they change and die, and new tissues are formed in their place, and this process is rather poorly controlled by the body. And it is these new cells that very often turn into cancer cells.

Atrophic gastritis can occur with either increased, normal or decreased acidity of gastric juice. Today we will look at how to treat atrophic gastritis with low acidity.

How to properly balance your menu

A table of allowed and prohibited foods will help you correctly create a diet for a patient suffering from atrophic gastritis

The weekly menu for a patient with a stomach problem is not as monotonous and boring as many people think. This is not only bland porridge and pureed soup with oatmeal jelly for dessert. It looks like this:

Breakfast Lunch Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner
Mondaybuckwheat on water

weak tea sweetened with honey

cocoa with milk
vegetable soup with water
steam chicken cutlet

baked potato

berry jelly
pilaf with vegetables
Herb tea
Tuesdaysemolina porridge with added milk
baked apple
steamed cheesecakes
weak tea
noodle soup with carrots on water
steamed veal schnitzel

rosehip decoction

baked pumpkin, pear, banana pureepiece of baked fish with spinach
dry biscuit
Wednesdayoatmeal with a piece of butter and jam
Herb tea
milk fruit jelly
puree soup of zucchini, cauliflower with wheat croutons
steamed turkey meatball with rice
yogurt with dry biscuitboiled tongue salad with beets and vegetable oil
Thursdayrice pudding

apple or pear

Lenten cabbage soup
steamed fish cutlets

Herb tea

soft-boiled egg
toasted wheat bread with a slice of low-fat cheese
cottage cheese casserole with vermicelli
Fridaysteamed omelette
weak tea
oatmeal jelly
potato soup
baked chicken breast

carrot salad

rosehip decoction

lazy dumplings
fruit juice
baked fish
cucumber and tomato salad
Saturdaybuckwheat porridge
low-fat cottage cheese with berriessoup with rice and vegetables
boiled tongue

fruit juice

steam omelette
liver soufflé
herbal decoction
Sundaysteamed cheesecakes
dried sponge cake
puree pumpkin soup with croutons
fish dumplings with mashed potatoes on water

Herb tea

rosehip decoction
semolina pudding with banana or apple
vinaigrette of beets, potatoes, carrots with vegetable oil

It is better to plan the menu for each day in advance so that the table is varied, nutritious, but at the same time gentle. Remember that portions should be small and food should be at room temperature.

Preventive actions

To prevent pathology with low acidity, it is recommended to follow a proper diet and not abuse junk food. People who frequently drink alcohol and smoke are advised to reduce their dose of harmful substances or stop using them.

If other gastrointestinal diseases occur, they must be treated immediately. To be completely sure about your health status, you should undergo a preventive medical examination once a year. This will reduce the risk of developing serious pathologies.

How to treat hypoacid gastritis using folk methods

The use of recipes from folk remedies is recommended for the hypoacid form of gastritis by gastroenterologists. But only on one condition, that they have previously been agreed upon with the attending physician. Below we will present the most effective remedies that have a beneficial effect on the stomach and its ability to produce hydrochloric acid.

Calamus root infusion

The plant is endowed with incredible healing power for the stomach - it effectively relieves pain, has astringent and enveloping properties, is a good natural antibiotic, regenerates damaged tissue, but most importantly, stimulates the gastric glands that produce hydrochloric acid.

The healing potion is prepared as follows: you need to chop the dry root part of the plant, then pour 1 tbsp into a thermos. spoon of raw materials and steam 250 ml of boiling water. It is necessary to tighten the container tightly and let the product brew for at least 1 hour. After an hour of exposure, the medicinal liquid should be expressed. Reception is carried out before meals throughout the day in 4-5 doses. The volume of one serving is 1/4 cup.

St. John's wort decoction

This remedy is taken as a third course - tea. St. John's wort is considered one of the best medicinal plants that can normalize biological processes in the gastric region and influence the increase in acid levels in the enzymatic fluid.

To make St. John's wort tea, which is beneficial for digestion, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over the crushed dry herb of the plant and place it all in a water bath. It is necessary to simmer the broth for about half an hour. And then, pass the healing herbal solution through a strainer. You can drink this tea up to 4 times a day. The volume of one serving is 150 ml.

Aloe leaf juice

An indoor flower, which is inconspicuous in appearance, contains a powerful medicinal composition inside itself, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the gastrointestinal tract: it corrects the acidity level to a normal value, regenerates the epithelial tissues of the organ affected by gastritis, disinfects the stomach cavity from infections, and improves digestion.
The medicinal flower is used to make juice. To squeeze the beneficial part from the plant, you will first need to finely chop an aloe leaf. After this, the pulp is placed in a piece of gauze and the medicinal liquid is thoroughly squeezed out. It should be consumed only 15 minutes before the start of any meal. The norm for one serving of juice for internal use is 1 teaspoon. The frequency of daily treatment is 3 times. The duration of the therapy cycle is 21 days.

Pomegranate solution

This recipe involves using purely fresh juice from pomegranate seeds, which is dissolved in purified water. The use of this remedy well stimulates the secretion glands responsible for the entry of hydrogen chloride into the gastric juice.

So, first, in any convenient way, you need to squeeze pomegranate juice from a ripe fruit. After this, the concentrated liquid in the amount of 1 dessert spoon is diluted in 0.5 liters of water. Its temperature should be slightly warmer than room temperature. The resulting solution is used for drinking before main meals. The dose of one serving is 120 ml. The number of doses of the solution per day is 3 times, can be increased up to 4 times.


Doctors discovered the fact that in the first stages of atrophic gastritis of the stomach, the appearance of discomfort and painful sensations is not observed.

After a certain time, when the walls of the stomach are increasingly damaged and atrophied, symptoms appear that cannot be confused with another disease.

Symptoms of atrophic gastritis of the stomach

  1. A feeling of overeating that occurs even if a person has not eaten very much.
  2. Nausea. In some cases, vomiting occurs, but there is no relief after it.
  3. Unpleasant taste in the mouth.
  4. Constipation or diarrhea. Sometimes “irritable bowel syndrome” occurs.
  5. Appetite drops sharply, the person begins to lose weight sharply.
  6. Bloating.

The very first cause of gastritis of the stomach is an increase in acidity levels. But these symptoms may be present at the initial stage of gastritis.

For example, in old people, on the contrary, a decrease in acidity levels is observed.

Doctors have found that these symptoms can appear in the presence of the following disorders:

  1. Diseases of the digestive system. For example, problems in the functioning of the gallbladder, pancreas and duodenum.
  2. Poor nutrition.
  3. Overdose when consuming alcoholic beverages or medications. In this case, intense toxicity of the body occurs.
  4. Long-term use of medications. Especially when taking blood thinners.
  5. In the presence of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori.

Normal stomach functions and symptoms of hypoacid gastritis

Main functions of the stomach:

  1. Deposition and partial digestion of food. Depending on the nature of the food, it can remain in the stomach for up to 10 hours. During this time, it is well saturated with acid, pepsin and begins to be digested (partial breakdown of proteins). If the acidity is low, then pepsin remains inactive and cannot break down proteins. In addition, absorption of alcohol, water, and some medications can occur directly in the stomach.
  2. Neutralization of food bolus. Hydrochloric acid has a detrimental effect on various pathogens. When the acidity of gastric juice decreases, dysbacteriosis will develop accordingly.
  3. Delivery of food to the duodenum.
  4. Participation in hematopoiesis (production of internal factor Castle, without which vitamin B12, necessary for normal hematopoiesis, cannot be absorbed in the small intestine).

The more acidity is reduced in hypoacid gastritis, the more clearly the following symptoms will appear:

  • Dyspepsia - loss of appetite, feeling of heaviness or fullness in the stomach, belching of rotten food, bad breath (cocosmia), unpleasant taste, nausea.
  • Signs of excessive bacterial growth include rumbling, loose stools, milk intolerance, and bloating. If gastritis is accompanied by frequent diarrhea, weight loss may occur and signs of mineral or vitamin deficiency may develop.
  • Development of anemia due to decreased absorption of iron and vitamin B12 (due to Castle factor).
  • Dull, aggravated after eating, without clear localization, aching pain that occurs due to stretching of the stomach.
  • Dystrophy - signs of deficiency of B vitamins, as well as C, E, D, protein deficiency (weight loss, “polished” or coated tongue with a thick white coating).

Since inflammation of the stomach also affects other parts of the digestive system, hypoacid gastritis is often accompanied by diseases such as enterocolitis, cholecystitis, and pancreatitis.

You can eat

The menu for atrophic gastritis consists of products that are easily digested and do not burden the stomach. At the same time, you receive vitamins and microelements in sufficient quantities. You can eat:

  1. Light soups or low-fat broths.
  2. Lean varieties of meat, fish, poultry.
  3. Carrots, potatoes, zucchini. Not raw: stewed or boiled.
  4. Soft-boiled eggs, steamed omelettes.
  5. Semolina, buckwheat, rice, oatmeal. Prepare viscous porridges or soups from them.
  6. Non-acidic or baked fruits without skin.
  7. Non-acidic berries.
  8. Low-fat cottage cheese, cheese, sour cream.
  9. Well-cooked pasta.
  10. Dried bread, crackers, biscuits - in small quantities. Everything is made from durum flour.
  11. Honey, natural “homemade” marmalade, puddings, soufflé.

To make the meat soup diluted, pour out the “first broth” and cook in the second.

You can drink:

  • Water;
  • green tea;
  • jelly and compotes;
  • still mineral water, but do not drink it too often;
  • low-fat milk, kefir, fermented baked milk;
  • herbal decoctions and settings.

These products are the basis of dietary nutrition and an important part of treatment. They will help relieve inflammation and restore damaged tissue. If you eat only what your doctor has approved, severe abdominal pain is unlikely to bother you. Over time, the diet will be expanded and new dishes will be added to it.

The inflammatory process occupies a leading position among the pathological conditions of the digestive tract. In adults and children, gastric damage with impaired secretory function is most often observed. A disease of a chronic nature, in which there is a change in the mucous membrane, its thinning with gradual death - this is. At the initial stages, this type of inflammation is accompanied by increased acidity. As the disease progresses, atrophy of the glands gradually develops, accompanied by low acidity.

Qualified patient care includes medication and proper nutrition. An important area of ​​therapy is diet for atrophic gastritis. In case of stomach disease, the menu should correspond to the needs of the body, taking into account the characteristics of the pathology.

The role of diet for the stomach in atrophic gastritis

Organizing proper nutrition is one of the priority tasks of a gastroenterologist. The menu is prescribed individually depending on the type of inflammation of the stomach, its secretory function, and the severity of the patient’s condition. Taking into account the criteria of the disease, the diet for atrophic gastritis may differ in each specific case. Therefore, nutritionists have developed different diet options, which are reflected in the form of tables.

Variants of atrophic gastritis

Atrophic changes in the mucous membrane in most cases are preceded by other damaging factors. The main reason is infection. The bacterium causes damage to the epithelium and increased acidity in the stomach, especially affecting the antral mucosa. As the pathology progresses, various forms of the disease may occur, which are reflected in the table.

Table 1.

Type of gastritis Characteristics
Focal Single areas of inflammation with atrophy appear on the surface of the mucosa, the production of gastric juice and pepsin is moderately reduced
Diffuse The damage spreads to all parts with gradual degeneration of cells and a decrease in acidity. Epithelial transformation increases the risk of malignant neoplasia and the formation of a zero-acidity state
It is characterized by damage to the mucosa mainly in the antrum with hyperproduction of hydrochloric acid. Over time, damaging factors lead to severe atrophy and decreased secretory function
Single, or less often multiple, erosive defects with perifocal inflammation appear on the surface of the epithelium; at the initial stage, an asymptomatic course is characteristic
Hyperplastic It is a variant of a precancerous condition, which is characterized by a polyposis process. Modified cells produce hydrochloric acid in insufficient quantities, which leads to a large accumulation of mucus in the lumen of the stomach and stagnation of the food bolus

Treatment with medications

Therapeutic measures for inflammation of the stomach are aimed at eliminating the etiological factor and regulating pathogenetic processes. If atrophic gastritis occurs, diet and medication treatment should be carried out simultaneously. This is a necessary condition for the patient’s recovery, since both directions of therapy complement each other.

In order to eradicate the pathogen, antibacterial therapy is used, which is included in the protocol along with bismuth preparations and proton pump inhibitors. In cases of high acidity, antacids, gastroprotectors, and gastrointestinal motility regulators are additionally prescribed. Against the background of gastritis with low acidity, replacement therapy drugs and enzymes are used. Pain syndrome is relieved with antispasmodics.

Principles of nutrition for atrophic gastritis

Nutrition for inflammation of the stomach and other parts of the digestive system is different. They are determined by the period of the disease, the level of secretion, and the presence of concomitant pathology. The diet for atrophic gastritis is prescribed according to tables 1 and 2 according to Pevzner. and hyperacid conditions are carried out on the background of diet 1. In case of inflammatory processes of the stomach with a decrease in the production of hydrochloric acid and chronic colitis, diet 2 is prescribed. Features of the diet during different periods of the disease are additionally noted with letters that are indicated after the main table number (1 a, 1 b, etc.). d.).

During the period of exacerbation

The acute period is characterized by the severity of unpleasant symptoms. This should be taken into account when drawing up a menu for atrophic gastritis of the stomach. Food should be mechanically and thermally gentle. It is necessary to exclude foods that irritate the mucous membrane of the digestive tract. You should not allow the food bolus to stagnate in the stomach, so it is better to divide the daily diet into small portions. The weekly menu is designed taking into account the high need for essential nutritional components in order to prevent their deficiency during active inflammation.

During remission

As the inflammatory process subsides, the menu is expanded. A proper diet for chronic atrophic gastritis can increase the period of remission. The diet is selected taking into account the secretory function of the stomach.

In the first weeks after relief of clinical manifestations, they switch to diet 1a if hyperproduction of hydrochloric acid is noted. If inflammation is accompanied by a hypoacid or anacid state, you should eat for atrophic gastritis according to table 2. With reduced secretion, you need to prepare dishes with a juice-like effect, which promote active digestion of food and improve motility. Positive dynamics of the disease is a reason to change the diet to table 15 after a strict weekly course.

Proper nutrition and cooking

The basis of a proper diet is preparing food taking into account the needs of the body. Nutrition for atrophic gastritis of the stomach should be high in calories with a sufficient content of vitamins and minerals.

  1. The total number of calories allowed is no higher than 2500 per day.
  2. The frequency of meals is increased to 5-6 times a day.

Attention! It is necessary to maintain an interval between meals of no more than 3 hours to restore normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

  1. Preference is given to animal proteins with the obligatory inclusion of carbohydrates and fats.
  2. Avoid fried, smoked and fatty foods. The food is steamed, baked and boiled.
  3. Eat food when it has cooled to 30-40 degrees, chewing thoroughly.
  4. The menu is expanded gradually, adding 1-2 components per day.

Diet for atrophic gastritis

The treatment menu is developed taking into account the morphological and secretory characteristics of the disease. Therefore, for various types of stomach inflammation with signs of atrophy, there are dietary nuances.

Low acidity

Thinning of the gastric mucosa leads to a hypoacid state. Therefore, nutrition is enriched with juice and easily digestible foods. A diet for atrophic gastritis with low acidity is carried out taking into account the following criteria:

  • add foods high in vitamin C, such as currants, kiwi, citrus fruits, green vegetables;
  • salads are seasoned with lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, and include sour berries and fruits;
  • remove fatty foods and foods that are difficult to digest - beans, dried fruits, whole milk, poultry meat except chicken, hard-boiled eggs.

With high acidity

Nutrition for atrophic gastritis with high acidity is aimed at reducing the aggressive effect of hydrochloric acid on the gastric mucosa and restoring the motor function of the digestive tract. The following recommendations are followed:

  • exclude sour fruits and vegetables, juices and drinks;
  • milk porridges are prepared on the basis of low-fat milk with crushed buckwheat, rice and oatmeal;
  • preference is given to pureed, semi-liquid food and in the form of purees;
  • mucous decoctions, jelly, mousses are useful;
  • avoid foods that cause flatulence - corn, peas, turnips, pearl barley.

A diet for atrophic gastritis with high acidity prevents the destruction of the gastric epithelium and normalizes the pH.

With intestinal metaplasia

The pathological process, which is accompanied by duodenogastric reflux, leads to the degeneration of stomach cells. The epithelium characteristic of the intestines is formed in the stomach. Such patients have a high risk of developing cancer.

The diet for atrophic gastritis with intestinal metaplasia is aimed at preventing the reflux of food and restoring its normal evacuation through the digestive tract. Table 1a is recommended. The diet for chronic inflammation with atrophy should take into account the increased need for protein. In the future, the menu is expanded to include complex carbohydrates (porridge and thermally processed fruits). To regenerate the mucous membrane, foods containing vitamins A, C, E, for example leafy vegetables, are introduced. It is better to have dinner 3-4 hours before bedtime.

Atrophic gastritis with anemia

As a result of pathological changes in the mucous membrane, the absorption of iron and vitamins is impaired. This leads to the development of anemia. When hemoglobin is reduced, there are two ways to increase it. Once a diagnosis of chronic atrophic gastritis has been established, nutrition and treatment are aimed at restoring indicators.

  • lean red meat;
  • beef tongue;
  • buckwheat porridge;
  • seafood such as sardines, mussels;
  • tofu cheese;
  • broccoli;
  • cauliflower.

Important! It is necessary to add vegetables and fruits that contain vitamin C. It improves the absorption of iron.

Prohibited Products

When creating a menu, you should limit or exclude some dishes.

The following foods should not be eaten if you have atrophic gastritis:

  • fresh yeast bread and baked goods;
  • liquid soups in strong broth with wheat, pearl barley, legumes;
  • canned fish or meat;
  • fatty meats, including duck and goose;
  • scrambled eggs;
  • vegetables in marinade;
  • fruits and berries with thick skin, consisting of coarse fiber, for example, apricots, plums;
  • kvass, grape juices, but you can drink berry and fruit jelly.

Menu for atrophic gastritis for a week

The diet is developed for every day, taking into account the body's need for nutrients. In this case, the level of acidity and the period of the disease are taken into account. An approximate menu for atrophic gastritis for a week is presented in the tables.

Monday Tuesday
Eating Dishes Dishes
1 breakfast Boiled potatoes, steamed fish, tea Semolina porridge, soft-boiled egg, tea
2 breakfast Fruit jelly Rosehip infusion, biscuits
Dinner Broccoli soup, chicken parfait, compote Meatball soup, baked pumpkin,
Afternoon snack Applesauce, fresh baked goods Baked pears with honey
Dinner Vegetable stew, sweet tea (at low pH - with lemon) Low-fat cottage cheese,Saturday
Reception write Dishes Dishes
1 breakfast Steamed omelette, lean ham, uzvar Semolina pudding, tea
2 breakfast Rose hip decoction
Dinner Buckwheat soup, meatballs, pear juice with pulp Rassolnik, casserole of thin potato slices with minced meat and zucchini, compote
Afternoon snack Baked apples with pumpkin Marmalade
Dinner Mashed potatoes, boiled liver, tea Oatmeal, steamed cutlets, tea

For patients with chronic inflammatory pathology of the digestive tract, nutrition is of great importance. If atrophic gastritis is determined, diet and drug treatment help achieve remission, subject to the recommendations of the gastroenterologist. The doctor should tell the patient how to eat properly so that recovery occurs as quickly as possible. Diet and preventive treatment are necessary conditions for lengthening the intervals of stable remission.

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