The amazing properties of water - it is alive. Unusual properties of water: benefits, healing effects, experiments and research A message on the topic amazing properties of water

The purpose of the lesson: get acquainted with the amazing properties of water.

Lesson objectives:

1. Based on the structure of water molecules, get acquainted with its properties.

2. Explore the properties of water, prove its uniqueness.

3. Form the concept of water as a priceless gift.

Lesson plan.

  1. Teacher's opening speech. The world is not made by hands.
  2. Watching a fragment of the film “The Great Mystery of Water.”
  3. The structure of water molecules and its properties.
  4. Work in groups.
  5. Presentation of musical impressions of water.
  6. Another mystery is Epiphany water.
  7. Ecology of water.
  8. Conclusions. Why should water be conserved?
  9. Homework.


So, we watched a clip of the film. What properties of water did you find surprising that you wrote down in your notebooks?

Suggested student answers:

  1. The molecule is small.
  2. Three states of aggregation: solid, liquid and gaseous.
  3. The density of ice is less than that of water (it expands at sub-zero temperatures).
  4. High surface tension;
  5. Water is a powerful solvent;
  6. Creates enormous pressure (rises up through the vessels of plants).

Teacher: Well done guys, you are very attentive! Now let's take a closer look at the listed properties. Now you have to work in groups. Each group will receive task cards. Check out their contents. Answer the questions provided or write down the missing words. The time allotted for working with cards is 3 minutes. The guys are divided into 6 groups and based on the questions proposed, they draw up an answer plan. The conclusion in each group is the identification of one of the amazing properties of water. Cards for groups: (see Appendix 2.)

At the end of the lesson in your notebooks there should be a note:

Water is a small molecule that has extremely specific properties:

  1. Water under normal conditions is a liquid, because its molecules are polar and connected by hydrogen bonds, i.e. form large associates.
  2. The density in ice crystals decreases at 4°C, so the ice floats on the surface (life continues under the ice).
  3. Water is a powerful solvent and thermostat.
  4. Water has high surface tension.
  5. Water has mobility (freezing, evaporation and melting); water circulates (water cycle in nature). Water takes the form of a vessel.
  6. Water can rise up through the vessels of plants, creating high atmospheric pressure, transporting minerals.

While completing the tasks on the cards, students must draw conclusions and name one of the amazing properties of water (each group). The teacher corrects the answers and talks about those concepts that will complement the children’s answers, introducing them to concepts that are new to them.

Teacher: What is the composition of a water molecule?

Student: A water molecule consists of one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms.

Teacher: What type of chemical bond between atoms in a water molecule?

Student: Between the O-H atoms the bond is polar covalent.

Teacher: What is the molar mass of water?

Student: The molar mass of water is 18 g/mol.

Teacher: the molar mass of air is 29 g/mol - this is more than 1.5 times the mass of water, so why is water not a gas? Let's figure it out.

Teacher: A water molecule has the form of an isosceles triangle, the vertices of which carry partial charges O δ- and H δ+.

The structure of a water molecule.

It appears like a magnet has two poles - positive and negative. Therefore, a water molecule is depicted as a dipole.

Dipoles can attract each other and form associates (unions), whose mass becomes thousands of times greater than the mass of one water molecule. Therefore, water is not a gas, but a liquid. Water molecules are connected to each other through hydrogen bonds. A hydrogen bond is a chemical bond that connects different molecules. It occurs between the hydrogen atom of one water molecule and the oxygen atom of another water molecule. This bond is much weaker than all other types of chemical bonds.

Water can be in three states of aggregation - liquid, solid and gaseous.

The boiling point of water is 100°C, the melting point is 0°C. These are also abnormally high values. Scientists explain this fact by the fact that water molecules are able to combine into aggregates using hydrogen bonds. The rupture of which requires a large amount of thermal energy when heated.

When heated, the distance between water molecules increases, the hydrogen bonds between them are destroyed and therefore water turns into gas, or water vapor.

1. When cooling, the distance between the molecules decreases; at t = 0 ° C, water turns into solid crystals. One of the amazing properties of water is that at t = 4 ° C the density in ice crystals decreases and thanks to this property, the water in lakes does not freeze to the bottom, preserving life under the ice.

2. Thanks to the same ability (lower ice density than cold water), the resulting icebergs float on the surface.

3. Water is a powerful solvent. Absolutely pure water does not exist in nature. Absolutely pure water is distilled water, it is also called dead water. Various salts are always dissolved in natural water.

Penetrating into all layers of the Earth, water dissolves the minerals contained in it.

Water can dissolve solids, liquids and gases. Water plays a huge role in various life processes of a living organism, because It is in aqueous solutions that interactions between substances occur. Water speeds up many processes in the body and is also a powerful thermostat.

In a planetary sense, water also plays a huge role. Its heat capacity prevents our planet from cooling down or overheating too much, because Water cools very slowly and heats up very slowly. Thanks to this ability of water, the climate on our planet is regulated.

4. Another amazing property of water is its high surface tension. Surface tension is one of the important parameters of water. It determines the strength of adhesion between water molecules, as well as the shape of the surface of the liquid. For example, due to surface tension forces, a drop is formed.

The surface tension of pure water is greater than that of any other liquid. Absolutely pure water has such a surface tension that you could skate on it. Due to the presence of impurities, the surface tension of water decreases sharply.

An amazing property of water is that water is able to rise up through the vessels of plants, carrying with it the mineral (inorganic) substances dissolved in it. Water is capable of creating enormous pressure of several hundred atmospheres; thanks to this property, a delicate sprout can easily break through asphalt.

Water is an unusual substance. There is no substance on Earth more important for us than ordinary water, and at the same time, there is no other substance of the same kind, in the properties of which there would be as many contradictions and anomalies as in its properties.

There is another amazing property of water. S. (anticipatory task) will tell you about this amazing property.

Two more properties of water appear in the notebooks:

  1. Water has memory.
  2. An amazing mystery - Epiphany water.

On the board, the teacher attaches cards with magnets to the conclusions that the students draw. (Appendix 4.)

Teacher: Can we say that water is a priceless gift?

Student: yes, because...

Teacher: A person can be a creator when he builds beautiful buildings and architectural structures. He can turn around river beds, launch a rocket into space, etc. But he cannot create the sky, sea, mountains, water; the human mind has not reached such a level. Water also has a CREATOR. For an Orthodox person, the Creator is God.

“Consciousness precedes the embodiment of ideas. God is a great architect." D.S. Likhachev (1906–1999), historian, culturologist.

Teacher: Guys, M has prepared another message for you about the ecology of water. Let’s watch her presentation. (Presentation 4. Ecology of water.)

Teacher: There is a lot of water on our planet. But in everyday life we ​​use only fresh water. Is there a lot of fresh water on the planet?

Almost 70% of the surface of our planet is occupied by oceans and seas. Of the total amount of water on Earth, equal to 1 billion 386 million cubic kilometers, 1 billion 338 million cubic kilometers are the share of salty waters of the World Ocean, and only 35 million cubic kilometers are the share of fresh waters. For every inhabitant of the Earth there is approximately 0.33 cubic kilometers of sea water and 0.008 cubic kilometers of fresh water. But the difficulty is that the vast majority of fresh water on Earth is in a state that makes it difficult for humans to access. Almost 70% of fresh water is contained in the ice sheets of polar countries and in mountain glaciers, 30% is in aquifers underground, and only 0.006% of fresh water is contained in the beds of all rivers.

Teacher: Is there much or little water on Earth?

Student: Very little! Most of the water is salty, and every day people need more and more fresh water. Humanity is facing a crisis due to water pollution. Some countries are already experiencing a shortage of clean fresh water and are forced to import it from abroad. We must save water!

Let's summarize the lesson. Why is water unique? Why save water?


Prepare a message about how water is purified before it reaches our tap. Draw a diagram of a water treatment plant.

The text of the work is posted without images and formulas.
The full version of the work is available in the "Work Files" tab in PDF format

I. Introduction.

Water, you have no taste, no color, no smell,

you cannot be described, you are enjoyed,

not knowing what you are!

It cannot be said that you are necessary for life!

You are life itself! You fill us with joy

which cannot be explained by our feelings...

You are the greatest wealth in the world..."

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Water is the beauty of nature! We see this beauty everywhere: in a quiet river shrouded in fog, in the depths of a lake where swans sail like white boats, and in the blue sea where a fast ship cuts through the waves. This beauty is also in the thin stream of water with which we wash ourselves. She is also in the clouds running across the vast ocean of air. And in the mushroom rain, which filled every bush with moisture. What if there was no water? It's scary to even think about it. There would be no rain, no snow, rivers, seas, lakes would dry up, grass and trees would burn. This means there would be no fish, birds, animals or humans. There would be no life on Earth.

Water is not just an ordinary liquid. This is the most common substance in nature and the main component of all living organisms. How much water is there on Earth? Many or few? Earth is sometimes called the "Blue Planet". It turns out that water covers 70% of the Earth's surface. Scientists have calculated that 97% of all water reserves on planet Earth are salty waters of the seas and oceans, and only 3% of water reserves are fresh water, which is very little.

In nature, the bowls of the oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, and swamps are filled with it. There are also artificial reservoirs - ponds, reservoirs and canals. It also exists deep in the Earth and in its atmosphere. It constantly circulates in nature. When the sun heats the Earth's surface, water turns into vapor and enters the atmosphere. When water in the atmosphere cools, it forms clouds. Some of this water then falls back to Earth as rain. Among all the benefits given to us by nature, water occupies a special place. Water is a unique wealth of living nature. There is no person who does not know what water looks like. Every day we wash our faces, brush our teeth, wash our hands, take a shower, but often we don’t think about how clean water gets into our house and where does it come from? What properties does it have? And could it happen that suddenly there will be no water? What kind of clean, high-quality water is it? One day I asked myself this question. That's why I chose this topic of work.

Relevance of the topic : Water is the main component of life. It is necessary for the life of humans, plants and animals, therefore, it is necessary to study it.

Target - clarify and expand knowledge about water, its properties, significance for humans.


Analyze scientific information on the topic;

Study the role of water in human life;

Analyze the impact of water quality on human health, water ecology;

Find out how water is purified, what properties it has;

Conduct a survey;

Do experiments with water.

Object of study : water.

Subject of study : water quality and its properties.

Hypothesis research, I put forward the statement that people are unreasonable about water and they need it. Every person should save water!

While working I used these research methods:


Collecting information from books, magazines, newspapers;


Experiments, comparison;


II. Theoretical part “Water - you are the greatest wealth in the world”

2.1. Need for water

Fields and forests “drink” water. Without it, neither animals, nor birds, nor people can live. Water not only gives you water, but also feeds you. Electricity is produced using water at power plants. It remains a large and convenient road (steamships sail along it day and night, carrying cargo and passengers). Some scientists believe that water is a keeper of information. “Water is more valuable than gold,” said the Bedouins, who roamed the sands all their lives. They knew that no amount of wealth would save a traveler in the desert if there was no water. The sands of the Sahara swallowed up many people, even entire caravans. A person can survive in the desert for about a day. The supply of fresh water in the world's oceans is very small. 96% of the water on the planet is salty, only about 4% is fresh water (of which 2% is ice, 2% is groundwater, 0.02% is rivers and lakes). The main source of fresh water is glaciers. They are found in the Arctic and Antarctic. By assumption, water existed in the Universe in the form of ice or steam long before the emergence of our planet. It settled on dust particles and pieces of cosmic particles. From the combination of these materials, the Earth was formed, and water formed an underground ocean in the very center of the planet. Volcanoes and geysers shaped our young planet for many millennia. They spewed fountains of hot water, large amounts of steam and gases from the bowels of the Earth. This steam enveloped our planet like a blanket.

The surface of the Earth gradually cooled. The water vapor began to turn into liquid. The rains fell on our planet, filling the future oceans with seething dirty water. It took many years for the oceans to cool, clear, and become what we know them today: salty, blue, expanses of water that cover most of the Earth's surface. That's why the Earth is called the BLUE PLANET. There are many opinions about the origin of life on Earth, but they all agree that the basis for the origin of life was water.

Water itself has no nutritional value, but it is an indispensable component of all living things. None of the living organisms on our planet can exist without water. All living plant and animal beings consist of water: fish - 75%; jellyfish - 99%; potatoes - by 76%; apples - by 85%; tomatoes - 90%; cucumbers - by 95%; watermelons - by 96%. In general, the human body consists of 50-86% water by weight. The water content in various parts of the body is: bones - 20-30%; liver - up to 69%; muscles - up to 70%; brain - up to 75%; kidneys - up to 82%; blood - up to 85%. Water is vital. It is needed everywhere - in everyday life, agriculture and industry. The body needs water more than anything else, with the exception of oxygen. A well-fed person can live without food for 3-4 weeks, but without water only a few days.

A living cell requires water both to maintain its structure and for normal functioning; it makes up approximately 2/3 of body weight. Water helps regulate body temperature and serves as a lubricant, facilitating joint movement. It plays an important role in building and repairing body tissues.

With a sharp reduction in water consumption, a person gets sick or his body begins to function worse, but water is needed, of course, not only for drinking: it also helps a person keep his body, home and living environment in good hygienic condition.

2.2. The importance of water for humans

“It cannot be said that water is necessary for life: it is life,” said Saint-Exupéry about this liquid that we consume without much thought. This is the simplest chemical compound of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom H2O. A person needs to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day. In our daily life, we come across water constantly. At the same time, we can say that we “drink water” and “pour water.” We will now talk about these two options for human use of water.

a) “edible” water - in itself it has no nutritional value, but it has a long list of “responsibilities” in our body:

Humidifies the air;

Delivers nutrients and vitamins to the body's cells;

Helps nutrients be absorbed by organs;

Removes toxins.

b) domestic water is an equally important factor in human life:

Drinking and cooking;

Personal hygiene;

Washing dishes;

Watering flowers and pets;

Industry and production.

So, I'm convinced that water plays a huge role in the life of every person and nature as a whole. A person begins to feel thirsty when the amount of water in his body decreases by 1-2% (0.5-1.0 l). A loss of 10% of moisture from body weight can lead to irreversible changes in the body, and a loss of 20% (7 - 8 liters) is already fatal. An average person loses 2-3 liters of water per day. In hot weather, high humidity, and during sports, water consumption increases. Even through breathing, a person loses almost half a liter of water every day.

Proper drinking regime implies maintaining physiological water balance - this is balancing the intake and formation of water with its release. An adult's daily need for water is 30-40 grams per 1 kg of body weight. Approximately 40% of the body's daily water requirement is met through food, the rest must be taken in the form of various drinks. In summer, you need to drink 2 - 2.5 liters of water daily. In hot areas of the planet - 3.5 - 5.0 liters per day, and at an air temperature of 38 -40C and low humidity, those working outdoors will need 6.0 - 6.5 liters of water per day. If the body receives enough water, the person becomes more energetic and resilient.

2.3. Ecology of water

The fight against environmental pollution is one of the most important problems of our time. Liquid industrial waste discharged into rivers poisons all living things and poses a danger to people if it gets into the water supply. Fertilizers that get into the water can cause rapid growth of blue-green algae, which absorb oxygen from the water, causing other plants and animals to die.

One of the common pollutants in water bodies are substances that are used as detergents. They promote the formation of tumors. Researchers claim that these substances covered many European rivers with a layer of foam. They are even found in drinking water. They cannot be cleaned. Therefore, scientists are trying to replace them. Water pollution causes poor health.

2.4. The quality of our water.

“I read everything I could find about water and realized that it is one of the most mysterious substances,” said Patrick Flanagan, 1994 Nobel Prize winner. To quickly restore the balance of water in our body, not just any water will do. We all understand that the quality of water is as important as its quantity. Water poisoning is much more dangerous than food poisoning, since water is involved in all biochemical processes of the body.

Every 15 days, our body undergoes a complete renewal of blood. Water, the main component of our body (75%), is also periodically completely renewed. Thus, 70% of ourselves are updated from time to time. Truly, everything flows, everything changes!

Such a radical renewal occurs due to the building material that we use as liquids. Do you understand how important water quality is?

Ideally, it should be clean water, without harmful impurities and a total mineralization of no more than 250 mg/l. But simply cleanliness is not enough to maintain the health of the body. Water used by the population for drinking and household purposes must meet certain hygienic requirements set out in the State Sanitary Rules and Standards.

So I found out factors determining water quality:

1) temperature. 2) pH (acidity). 3) mineral composition. 4) suspended particles. 5) floating impurities. 6) smell, tastes. 7) coloring. 8) dissolved oxygen. 9) BOD (biological oxygen demand). 10) pathogens. 11) toxic substances. At home, we purify water using filters.

2.5. The structure of water and structured water.

“The molecular basis is the alphabet of water. If I give you the alphabet, and you don’t know the words, letters, or sentences, then you won’t be able to use them. Chemists use an extremely elementary method when they talk about water. Essentially, they are talking about the letters of the alphabet, but knowing the letters is not enough to talk about Pushkin or Shakespeare. The chemical composition of water was the dominant point of view among chemists. So, the sensational news is that the structure of water is much more important than its composition,” wrote Rome Roy. Doctor of Science, member of the Academy of Sciences of Sweden, India, Japan, Russia, USA.

So, scientists around the world have come to the conclusion that not only the quality and quantity, but also the structure of water is of great importance. However, most often we have at our disposal ordinary tap water, purified by various filters. But filters do not change the structure of water, they only reduce the amount of harmful impurities. For the body to function normally, it requires structured water, which is close to the formula of ice.

Structured water is found in plant and natural foods, vegetables and fruits. Moreover, the most beneficial for a person are those vegetables and fruits, as well as water in the area where a person was born, since the structure of the water of human organs exactly corresponds to the structure of the water where a person was born. Our body spends a large amount of biological energy to process the water that enters it. It gives it the structure that corresponds to the liquid media of the body, since only such water is retained by biomolecules.

Another interesting fact. Studies have shown that all diseased cells of the body are surrounded by unstructured water, and every healthy cell is surrounded by structured water. We can make it easier for the body to structure water, and ultimately save a certain supply of bioenergy, spending it on any other needs.

“In the 60s of the last, 20th century, Tomsk scientists B.N. Rodimov and I.N. Toroptsev published the first works on the amazing properties of water with a lower content of deuterium, a heavy isotope of hydrogen, compared to the natural one. It has been shown that such water, obtained from snow and relic ice, has a beneficial effect on plants, animals and humans.

It has been proven that light water (structured water) not only improves metabolic processes, but also helps to increase the body's defenses. It should be noted that, simultaneously with foreign scientists, the antitumor properties of light water in animal experiments were discovered by a group of scientists led by I.N. Varnavsky, who worked in close contact with scientists from the Institute of Medical and Biological Problems, led by Professor Yu.N. Sinyak.

III. Experimental part “The amazing properties of water.”

Experiment No. 1.

Hypothesis. Water has no taste, odor, color, shape and is fluid.

a) let’s determine the properties of liquid water, pour water into one glass, milk into another, and cherry compote into a third. Let's compare water, compote and milk using the senses, determine the color, taste and smell of water. Place one spoon in a glass of water, another in a glass of milk, and a third in compote). Water is colorless, tasteless and odorless. Water has no form. It takes the form of the vessel it fills. Let's drop water onto any surface. Let's look at its shape. Let's add three or four more drops. A large drop of water spread out. This property of water is called fluidity. All liquids have it.

Conclusion: Water has no smell, taste, shape, it is transparent and fluid.

Hypothesis. Substances dissolve in water.

b) Pour water into a glass, add a spoonful of granulated sugar and stir. The water will become sweet. Pour a spoonful of salt into another glass and stir. The water will become salty. Other substances also dissolve in water. Minerals can be absorbed by plant roots only after dissolving in water.

Conclusion: Water is a good solvent. (Annex 1).

Experiment No. 2.

Hypothesis. Water retains heat.

We have pipes throughout our house for heating, and these pipes contain water. Pipes heat our house and retain heat for a long time.

Conclusion: The ability of water to retain heat for a long time is the property of heat capacity.

Experiment No. 3.

Hypothesis. Water is the only substance on Earth that exists in three different states at once: liquid, gaseous and solid.

1. Pour water into the kettle and bring to a boil. When water boils, it turns into transparent water vapor, which we cannot see. This process of liquid water changing into a gaseous state is called evaporation. As the steam cools in the air, it turns into fog. And fog is tiny droplets of liquid water. This is what we see when it shoots upward in a stream from the spout of the teapot.

2. Place a cold spoon at the spout of the kettle. It is instantly covered with tiny droplets of water. We take the spoon with the drops out into the cold or put it in the freezer - the spoon will become covered with an ice crust. We bring it into a warm room - there will be water in the spoon again. We returned the water to its original state. (Appendix 2).

Conclusion: Water has three states of aggregation - solid, liquid and gaseous.

Experiment No. 4.

Hypothesis. One of the properties of water completely contradicts all the laws of nature and at the same time is one of its most important laws. We know that when heated, all substances expand, when cooled, they contract, and when they freeze, the volume of water increases.

If you fill the bottle with water up to the neck, close it tightly and leave it in the cold. The bottle will burst. This means that when the water froze, there was not less, but more! (Appendix 3).

Conclusion: Water expands when heated and contracts when cooled.

Experiment 5.“The structure of water and how to prepare structured water at home?”

Hypothesis. Today, there are several ways to prepare structured water at home.

There are two ways to get healthy structured water at home.

First way:

1. Take clean filtered water, pour it into an enamel pan and place it in the freezer of the refrigerator. The first ice that appears, such an edge of ice, is the same heavy water with deuterium that freezes at +3.8C. We don’t need it, we get rid of it, leave it in the pan, and pour the rest of the water into another container and put it in the freezer again.

The water begins to freeze again, and when it freezes about 2/3, in the middle there will be water with ultra-light isomers (they freeze last at below -1 ° C) which will contain all the dirty chemical impurities. We also get rid of this water, and the ice that we get in the end is the purest and healthiest water, alive and ideally structured for our body. (Appendix 4).

Second way:

In small containers, for example, in cups, we completely freeze the water in the freezer. We take out the resulting ice and rinse it under running cold water - this way we get rid of the first edge of the ice with heavy water. We leave the ice to thaw until a small core, about the size of a walnut, remains; all the benefits of civilization in the form of impurities and salts will be concentrated in it. We throw it away. The resulting water is ready for use! (Appendix 5). The resulting water retains its properties for a day at a temperature not higher than +12°C; at higher temperatures it loses its biological activity even earlier. So it’s better not to prepare it for future use, but to have a few cups of frozen water in the freezer in reserve. When heated above 37°C, water loses its healing properties.

Third way:

Recently, my teacher and I learned about strange and interesting pillows with microspheres. I became interested in what kind of word structure this is and how this water becomes clean and healthy. It turns out that there are such medical products “Alsaria” with microspheres. After reading on the Internet about the structure of water and doing experiments, I was convinced that such pillows with microspheres exist. Of course, this topic is very related to chemistry, the formula of water, but still I realized that structured water is a miraculous elixir, because... cleanses the human body, and is done simply and easily with the help of Alsaria medical products. Structured water can be obtained by placing a glass or carafe of water on a liner in a skullcap or on a small pillow, as we used to say, and after 5 minutes the water is ready. Drink in sips. A person must maintain a water drinking regime - taking high-quality drinking water up to 1.5-2.0 liters per day in sips. (Appendix 6).

Conclusion: structured water acts comprehensively, promoting healing and rejuvenation of the body, stimulating metabolism, releasing energy for a quality life. This structured water therapy gives quick results. Remember that fresh fruits, vegetables, and herbs contain structured water. Make the most of summer time to nourish your body cells, cleanse and renew your water structure!

But what are microspheres? I will probably study and write about how medical products with Alsaria microspheres are made in my next project, because You also need to know chemistry.

Experiment 6. Sociological survey.

In order to find out the level of knowledge of schoolchildren about the quality of drinking water and its effect on the human body, I conducted a survey among schoolchildren. (Appendix 7).

The survey results showed that more than half of the respondents do not drink raw water. When asked what kind of water you drink most often, 30 out of 50 people said boiled, 10 people said filtered, and 10 people said raw.

When surveyed about water quality, it turned out that more than 60 people out of 100 believe that the purification system needs to be improved, 38 people believe that it is necessary to test the water more often for suitability for use. The reason is that the population is not sufficiently informed about the consequences of exposure to poor-quality water on the body of each of us. Adults and schoolchildren underestimate the harm caused by such drinking water to all living beings and the human body.

Based on the results of the survey, it was concluded that this problem is relevant and important for each of us. Many people have superficial, fragmentary knowledge about the problem of the impact of water on living organisms, including the human body. Not every respondent associates existing diseases or various ailments with the quality of drinking water. Drew conclusions about the importance of water. (Appendix 8,9,10).

ΙV. Conclusion.

Nowadays, water problem has become one of the most important. Thanks to water, life arose and still exists on our planet. We are accustomed to water and often forget that water is the greatest treasure on Earth. But water supplies are not unlimited. If water disappears, life will disappear. Our planet will become a lifeless planet like other planets in the solar system.

Water is part of every cell! Forests and fields drink water. Without it, neither animals, nor birds, nor people can live.

Everyone needs clean water. It is the basis of a healthy life. But clean water is becoming less and less available. And the people themselves are to blame for this. Wastewater from factories and factories, as well as water used in everyday life, is discharged into rivers and lakes. Every living thing suffers from water pollution.

Let's save water, the same simple water that flows from a tap, splashes in rivers and lakes, the one that we drink from a spring, because saving water means saving life!

Saving water is not greed. This is frugality, caring for generations of people who will live after us.

Water is a wonderful inanimate object! Water is unique!

V. List of used literature.

1. “Volcanoes”: Children's Encyclopedia - 2nd ed., revised. - Moscow edition, 2007

2. “The World of the Sea”: Children's Encyclopedia - 2nd ed., revised. - Moscow edition, 2010

3. Drop, river, oceans. Text by A. Efremov St. Petersburg. Publishing house "Modern Pedagogy", 2004.

4. Reading book on nature conservation: For middle school students. school/Compiled by A.N.Zahlebny. - M.: Education, 1996.

5. What is it? Who is: Children's Encyclopedia./Compiled by V.S. Shergin, A.I. Yuryev.

6. “Secrets of Nature” - M.: Astrel AST, 2009.

7. “I explore the world” - M.: “NICS Publishing House”, 2005.

8. Internet resources.

Appendix 7.

Questionnaire “Do you know that water...?”

Dear survey participants, I ask you to answer a few questions.

Thank you in advance.

1. What is water, do you know its formula?

2. What do you think about water quality?


3. Do you drink raw water?


4. What kind of water do you drink most often?


5. How do you purify water at home?


6. Do you know what structured water is?


Appendix 8.

The importance of water for the human body.

In the human body water:

Humidifies oxygen for breathing;

Regulates body temperature;

Helps the body absorb nutrients;

Protects vital organs;

Lubricates joints;

Helps convert food into energy;

Participates in metabolism;

Removes various wastes from the body.

Why does water need to be boiled? In water supply laboratories, microbiologists conduct daily water monitoring. The number of microbes in water after its special treatment decreases sharply. For example, a study of water in one of these laboratories showed that there were 5639 bacteria in 1 ml cubic river water; after passing water through the sump in the same volume, 138 bacteria were found, and after filtering - only 17 bacteria.

Appendix 9.

Water protection measures.

1. Do not throw household waste, waste from industrial or agricultural enterprises into the river or store it in a village or city, or on the shore;

3. Do not wash vehicles near rivers or lakes;

4. Carry out regular activities to clean the banks of rivers, lakes and streets from household waste;

5. It is necessary to protect water resources and use them rationally and carefully.

Based on statistics, on average, one person uses up to 150 liters of drinking water per day, of which only 3-4% is used for cooking and drinking.

Save water!

Appendix 10.

How to save water.

As a rule, we do not pay attention to the fact that in everyday life we ​​spend many times more water than we actually need. In fact, there are many ways to save water.

Saving water in the bathroom: 1. First of all, pay attention to the tap; we often ignore the fact that an open or faulty tap is dripping. Just imagine, a dripping faucet consumes up to 8,000 liters of water per year!

2. Teach children to tighten the faucet handle tightly after using water.

3. When washing your hands, open the tap halfway, not all the way, as more water flows out of a fully open tap than you expect.

4. It is worth choosing a shower over a bath, since taking one full bath will require three times more water than taking a 5-7 minute shower, and, as a rule, after taking a bath, additional rinsing in the shower is required .

Water in the toilet can and should also be saved - everything that can be thrown into the trash can should not end up in the toilet, saving water in this case will be up to 25 liters per day.

Saving water in the kitchen

1. When washing dishes, it is more advisable to use a sink stopper; this will help reduce water consumption by 3 times compared to washing dishes under running water.

2. When washing dishes by hand, fill one of the sinks (or some other container) with water and detergent, and rinse in another sink under low pressure running water. This way you can save up to 60 liters of water per day per person.

3. Vegetables and fruits should be washed in a container filled with water (for example, adding a small amount of natural vinegar for disinfection) and then only rinsed under running water.

Saving water when washing.

1. When washing in modern washing machines, water is used more sparingly than when washing by hand.

2. Despite the fact that front-loading washing machines are much more expensive than top-loading devices, they consume 3 times less water.

3. It is advisable to use the washing machine with a full load, if possible, setting the required water supply level .

General tips for saving water at home

1. In a family of up to three people, it would be wise to install meters for cold and hot water; this will not only add discipline to you in this matter, but will also help you save significantly.

2. When installing modern mixers, the mixing of hot and cold water in which occurs much faster than in conventional ones, will reduce both the rate of supply of water at the required temperature and its unjustified consumption.

3. Do not ignore public water sources, such as pumps, wells, etc. If there are any in your neighborhood, then be sure to use them, this will also allow you to save a lot, and often the water in many of them is even better than bottled water from stores.

4. If you are used to purifying water for cooking, then among the many filters, give preference to expensive household systems designed to last for a long time rather than jugs with removable cassette filters. Despite the fact that the former are much more expensive, the level of filtration in them is much higher, and the cost is much lower.

We are all accustomed to taking water for granted, forgetting that it is a unique element, without which there would be no life on our planet. Few people think about the amazing properties of water, and this is perhaps understandable - after all, water surrounds us everywhere, it is very common on our planet. Well, the ordinary never seems surprising. However, the ordinary itself is unusual. After all, no other substance is found on Earth in such quantities, and even in three states simultaneously: solid, liquid and gaseous. Every day we use water for everyday needs and do not think about how little we actually know about it. Using water every day for cooking, household, agricultural and technical purposes, we do not think about its role in our lives. How many secrets and mysteries are hidden in such a close and familiar concept - water?

Water has many interesting properties that sharply distinguish it from all other liquids. And if water behaved “as expected,” then the Earth would simply become unrecognizable.For water, it’s as if no laws were written! But, thanks to her whims, life could not be born and develop.

Physical properties of water

    Condition (standard) : liquid

    Density: 0.9982 g/cc

    Dynamic viscosity (st. con.) : 0.00101 Pa s (at 20°C)

    Kinematic viscosity (st. conv.) : 0.01012 (at 20°C)

Thermal properties of water:

    Melting temperature : 0°C

    Boiling temperature : 99.974°C

    Triple point : 0.01 °C, 611.73 Pa

    Critical point : 374°C, 22.064 MPa

    Molar heat capacity (st. conv.) : 75.37 J/(mol K)

    Thermal conductivity (st. con.) : 0.56 W/(m K)

Aggregate states of water:

    Solid - ice .

    Liquid - water .

    Gaseous - water vapor .

At atmospheric pressure, water freezes (turns into ice) at 0°C and boils (turns into water vapor) at 100°C.

As pressure decreases, the melting point of water slowly increases, and the boiling point decreases.

At a pressure of 611.73 Pa (about 0.006 atm), the boiling and melting points coincide and become equal to 0.01°C. This pressure and temperature are calledtriple point of water .

At lower pressures, water cannot be liquid and ice turns directly into steam. The sublimation temperature of ice drops with decreasing pressure.

As pressure increases, the boiling point of water increases, the density of water vapor at the boiling point also increases, and the density of liquid water decreases.

At a temperature of 374°C (647 K) and a pressure of 22.064 MPa (218 atm), water passescritical point . At this point, the density and other properties of liquid and gaseous water are the same.

At higher pressures there is no difference between liquid water and water vapor, hence no boiling or evaporation.

Metastable states are also possible - supersaturated steam, superheated liquid, supercooled liquid. These states can exist for a long time, but they are unstable and upon contact with a more stable phase, a transition occurs. For example, it is not difficult to obtain a supercooled liquid by cooling pure water in a clean vessel below 0°C, but when a crystallization center appears, liquid water quickly turns into ice.

Water has a number of unusual features:

    When ice melts, its density increases (from 0.9 to 1 g/cc). For almost all other substances, the density decreases when melted.

    When heated from 0°C to 4°C (more precisely 3.98°C), water contracts. Thanks to this, fish can live in freezing reservoirs: when the temperature drops below 4°C, colder water, as less dense, remains on the surface and freezes, and a positive temperature remains under the ice.

    High temperature and specific heat of fusion (0°C and 333.55 kJ/kg), boiling point (100°C) and specific heat of vaporization (2250 KJ/kg), compared to hydrogen compounds of similar molecular weight.

    High heat capacity of liquid water.

    High viscosity.

    High surface tension.

    Negative electrical potential of the water surface.

All these features are associated with the presence of hydrogen bonds. Due to the large difference in electronegativity between hydrogen and oxygen atoms, the electron clouds are strongly biased towards oxygen. Due to this, as well as the fact that the hydrogen ion does not have internal electronic layers and is small in size, it can penetrate into the electron shell of a negatively polarized atom of a neighboring molecule. Due to this, each oxygen atom is attracted to the hydrogen atoms of other molecules and vice versa. Each water molecule can participate in a maximum of four hydrogen bonds: 2 hydrogen atoms - each in one, and an oxygen atom - in two; In this state, the molecules are in an ice crystal. When ice melts, some of the bonds break, which allows water molecules to be packed more tightly; When water is heated, bonds continue to break and its density increases, but at temperatures above 4°C this effect becomes weaker than thermal expansion. During evaporation, all remaining bonds are broken. Breaking bonds requires a lot of energy, hence the high temperature and specific heat of melting and boiling and high heat capacity. The viscosity of water is due to the fact that hydrogen bonds prevent water molecules from moving at different speeds.

For similar reasons, water is a good solvent for polar substances. Each molecule of the solute is surrounded by water molecules, and the positively charged parts of the molecule of the solute attract oxygen atoms, and the negatively charged parts attract hydrogen atoms. Since a water molecule is small in size, many water molecules can surround each solute molecule.

This property of water is used by living beings. In a living cell and in the intercellular space, solutions of various substances in water interact. Water is necessary for the life of all single-celled and multicellular living creatures on Earth without exception.

Pure (free from impurities) water is a good insulator. Under normal conditions, water is weakly dissociated and the concentration of protons (more precisely, hydronium ions H 3 O+) and hydroxyl ions HO - is 0.1 µmol/l. But since water is a good solvent, certain salts are almost always dissolved in it, that is, there are positive and negative ions in water. Thanks to this, water conducts electricity. The electrical conductivity of water can be used to determine its purity.

Water has a refractive index n=1.33 in the optical range. However, it strongly absorbs infrared radiation, and therefore water vapor is the main natural greenhouse gas, responsible for more than 60% of the greenhouse effect. Due to the large dipole moment of the molecules, water also absorbs microwave radiation, which is what the operating principle of a microwave oven is based on.

« Water! You have no taste, no color, no smell, you cannot be described, you are enjoyed without understanding what you are. You are not just necessary for life, you are life... You are the greatest wealth in the world...”

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

The enormous importance of water and the importance of problems associated with its pollution are beyond doubt. Fresh water supplies are limited. Take care of yourself. Save water. Take care of our planet!

Anomalies of water - deviations from the normal properties of bodies - are not fully understood today, but their main reason is known: the structure of water molecules. Hydrogen atoms are attached to the oxygen atom not symmetrically from the sides, but gravitate towards one side. The study of water continues.

    1. Healing properties of water

Water is the most common and most mysterious substance on our planet. It exists in a variety of states, possessing many vital properties. It is able to behave in the body both as an elixir of life and as its enemy.

Thus, the quality of water is extremely important for the life of a living organism; the quality of water determines the quality of human health, and therefore it is impossible to overestimate the role of water in our lives. All physiological processes occurring in the body are related to water to one degree or another. Without it, digestion, the synthesis of necessary substances in the cells of the body, and the release of most harmful metabolic products are impossible.

A person’s daily need for water is determined at the rate of 40 ml per 1 kg of weight, that is, 2.5-2.8 liters. On average, we consume 1.5-2 liters with food and drink (including water in fruits and vegetables). The water released as a result of internal processes is about 400 ml. The total amount of water required for life is 2 -2.5 liters per day.

Water, as a substance without which it is absolutely impossible to imagine living nature, has a number of healing properties. The peoples of all countries have legends about the miraculous properties of water: about “living” and “dead” water, rejuvenating water from mountain springs, the healing powers of sea water.

The famous 19th century healer Sebastian Kneipp from Bavaria wrote the book “My Water Cure,” in which he outlined 35 years of experience in using water to cure many diseases.

Scientific research, which is still being carried out today, explains many of the healing properties of water. A few words about which water has healing properties and what they are.

    1. 1.1.1 Sea water

Since many impurities are dissolved in sea water: potassium and magnesium, manganese and arsenic, a certain amount of precious metals, as well as radium and uranium and many other components, during bathing all these substances have a beneficial effect on the human body, acting on nerve endings through the pores in the skin.

The temperature of sea water, its density, and the force of the impact of the wave, which provides a kind of body massage, also matter. Therefore, any movement in the water: playing ball, swimming or diving trains the muscles, heart and lungs well. In addition, swimming in sea water helps to harden the human body and increase its resistance to colds.

Dragomiretsky Yu.A. in his book “Aquatherapy - the healing properties of water” he describes more than 200 different hydrotherapeutic and cleansing procedures that help maintain and improve health with the help of sea water.

You can take sea baths or wipe yourself with sea water. Such procedures can be done not only in summer, but also in winter. They help treat bronchitis, gout, radiculitis, nervous and cardiovascular systems, obesity, stomach, liver, kidney and bladder diseases.

Swimming in sea water at a temperature of at least 17 degrees can be an excellent opportunity to begin training to harden the body.

After a course of treatment (10-12 baths), sleep is restored, pain in joints and muscles decreases, and headaches stop. If your throat hurts, then bathing in the bathroom can be supplemented by gargling with a glass of “sea water”, adding 3-5 drops of iodine to it.

    1. 1.1.2 Silver water

Modern study of the healing properties of silver (“magic”) water began at the end of the 19th century, when the world famous physician Besnier Crede reported good results in treating septic infections with silver ions. The effect of killing bacteria with silver preparations is extremely great. Silver is a trace element necessary for the normal functioning of the endocrine glands, brain, liver and bone tissue.

A method for disinfecting water with electrolytic silver was developed by the famous scientist, academician of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences L.A. Kulsky back in 1930. He described the healing properties of silver water and methods of its use in medical practice. The scientist proved that silver in a concentration of 0.1 - 0.2 mg/l suppresses and disinfects within an hour microorganisms that cause acute intestinal infections: pathogens of dysentery, salmonellosis and enteropathogenic E. coli. Now this method is used in the USA, France, Czech Republic, Germany and other countries.

Doctors recommend using silver water to prevent influenza, acute respiratory infections, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, stomatitis, infectious diseases of the ear, throat, nose, cystitis, inflammation of the eyes, trophic ulcers, as well as the treatment of wounds and burns. It gives a good effect in the treatment of brucellosis, bronchial asthma and rheumatoid arthritis.

The most interesting thing is that when consuming silver, you don’t have to worry about overdosing it. This metal is absolutely harmless to the liver and kidneys. The only thing that doctors note in patients with elevated concentrations of silver in the body is a certain “darkening” of the skin, which at times acquires a Black Sea tan. It has been established that this phenomenon is completely harmless to humans and does not have a toxic effect on the body.

1.1.3 Melt water

The healing properties of melt water were noticed in ancient times. Scientists are constantly monitoring the properties of melt water. Moscow scientist Dragomiretsky Yu.A. in his book “Aquatherapy - the healing properties of water” he provides the following information: “It has been noticed that melt water is a strong biostimulant. Plant seeds soaked in melted water, rather than in tap water, produce better seedlings. And if melt water is used to water plants, the harvest will be twice as large as when using ordinary water.” In cardiovascular patients, as a result of taking melt water, the amount of cholesterol in the blood is significantly reduced and metabolism improves. In addition, melt water is an effective remedy against morbid obesity. It is also useful for athletes, especially those who have suffered injuries, as it reduces the time to get into shape.

Snow water can sometimes have advantages over melt water made from ice. Such water contains especially finely dispersed impurities - tiny gas bubbles; it is devoid of salts and therefore is absorbed into the body faster.

Melt water has another excellent property: it has significant internal energy. As studies show, vibrations of molecules of equal size in it occur on the same wavelength, and do not self-extinguish, as in the case of molecules of different sizes. It turns out that along with the consumption of melt water, we consume tangible energy support.

      1. Magnetic water

Attempts to use magnets for medicinal purposes are a thing of the past. Ancient healers applied magnetic bars or plates to the patient's body. The first information about the influence of magnetic fields on the biological properties of water was obtained in the 18th century during experiments conducted by the Genevan physicist de Guersu. Then the French physician D'Urville described the healing effect of magnetized water on wounds and ulcers. During the experiments, it turned out that the effect of magnetized water on the body has the same effect as a magnet applied to it.

It turned out that when drinking magnetized water, urination increases, blood pressure decreases, and the pharmacological effect of a number of drugs changes.

Currently, in the clinic of the Perm Medical Institute, a magnetic field is successfully used as an analgesic factor and as a means of accelerating the scarring of wounds and ulcers.

At the same time, without noticing it ourselves, we constantly feel the influence of magnetized water. For example, after swimming in the sea or river, we feel as if we were born again. This is because water in open reservoirs absorbs magnetism.

The influence of the magnetic field on the human condition is no longer in doubt. In Japan, for example, artificial sources of magnetic fields were invented - devices for magnetic therapy and magnetization of water. Modern research has established many common properties between melted (structured) and magnetized water.

From here the conclusion suggests itself: weakly magnetized water is nothing more than living natural water that stores the energy of the Sun and the Earth.

1.1.5 Mineral water

In the most ancient books there is information that four thousand years ago the sick were treated in fonts at temples. Greek priests strictly guarded their secrets from the uninitiated, protecting the healing power of mineral water. Near the springs, under their leadership, with the labor of slaves, temples of Aesculapius were erected, acquiring the glory of sacred places. The Gauls also knew about the healing properties of mineral water.

Water taken from any natural source always contains dissolved substances. Traveling in underground labyrinths and encountering various rocks and minerals on its way, water dissolves them, forming its chemical composition. Enriched with various elements or their compounds, it sometimes turns into a real “elixir of health.” For example, the well-known Essentuki springs are rich in soda and mineral salts, the groundwater in Tskaltubo is rich in the radioactive gas radon, and the Pyatigorsk and Matsesta springs are rich in hydrogen sulfide.

Of the mineral waters, the most valuable from a biological point of view are carbonated ones. Under their influence, the capillaries of the skin expand, and the blood is evenly redistributed in the body, without requiring additional efforts from the heart. Thanks to carbon dioxide, blood circulation is normalized, metabolic processes in the heart muscle are improved, and its performance increases. Thus, it becomes clear why doctors recommend carbon dioxide baths for some cardiovascular diseases. The effect of carbon dioxide has a positive effect on all indicators of blood circulation and respiration.

Some experts believed that the healing properties of mineral water are determined by its chemical composition, i.e. those salts that are dissolved in it. This approach assumes the possibility of artificial preparation of healing mineral water. Using modern equipment, scientists established the exact chemical composition of water and prepared artificial mineral water through synthesis. We received water, but without healing properties. Obviously, the matter is not only and not so much in dissolved substances, but in the ability of water to accumulate information, i.e. remember. Rising from great depths (800 meters and deeper), exposed to high temperatures and high pressures, the water underwent a physical, chemical and information processing still unknown to us. So far, scientists have not been able to restore it in their laboratories.

In terms of structural content, perhaps only melt water can compete with mineral water. But mineral water has a much higher energy level than melt water. If melt water quite quickly loses the acquired energy additive, then in mineral water dissolved salts apparently help to preserve it.

Mineral water can be divided into three categories: table water, table water and medicinal water. The degree of mineralization of table water can be from 0.3 to 1.2 g per liter (it is indicated on the bottle).

The healing properties of mineral water are provided by the mineral salts, biologically active substances and gas present in it.

Waters such as Narzan and Borjomi, having an alkaline reaction, normalize the motor and secretory functions of the gastrointestinal tract, reduce dyspeptic disorders, and normalize the functioning of the genitourinary organs. In case of low acidity of gastric juice and stagnation of bile in the gallbladder, mineral water containing chlorine ion is useful; if the water contains silicic acid, it has analgesic, antitoxic and anti-inflammatory effects.

For the treatment of atherosclerosis, iodide mineral waters are most effective. For anemia and blood diseases, it is useful to take ferruginous mineral waters, which stimulate blood formation.

    1. Amazing ability of water to perceive information

Since ancient times, people have tried to penetrate the secret of the unique properties of water. And although water remained inexplicable, unpredictable, mysterious, man always felt an inextricable connection with this element, intuitively feeling that he could come into contact with it, be listened to and understood. However, only recently have some scientists become aware of the reasons why people strive to communicate with water; it, like a living creature, has memory. Water perceives, remembers and seems to understand any physical or mental impact exerted on it.

In several countries, interesting experiments were simultaneously carried out, confirming that water, both found in rivers, lakes, seas, and contained in all living organisms, is indeed capable of perceiving, copying, storing and transmitting information, even as subtle as human thought, word and emotion.

Convincing evidence of the information properties of water was found by the Japaneseresearcher Masaru Emoto,who dedicated to this topicmore than twenty years. Studying water crystals that he obtains in his laboratory, photographing them, and then analyzing the images under a microscope with a magnification of several hundred times, Emoto came to a sensational discovery.

The Japanese scientist revealed the essence of his experiments and the discovery made on their basis at a meeting with Polish researchers and journalists, held on March 16, 2004 in the conference hall of the Institute of Geology in Warsaw.

While studying ordinary distilled water, Masaru Emoto discovered that the shape of the crystals formed from it can be very diverse, and their appearance depends on the nature of the information impact exerted on the water before its crystallization began.

The basis of the structure of water crystals - the well-known snowflakes - is a hexagon, and it is from its formation that crystallization begins. And around this hexagon, ornaments decorating it can appear. The appearance of these decorations, as well as the color of the crystal, is determined by the information previously perceived by the water. The optimal temperature for the formation of water crystals was -5ºС. It is precisely this “light frost” that the Japanese researcher maintains in his laboratory, at least during the period of experiments.

The starting point for Masaru Emoto’s research was the work of the American biochemist Dr. Lee Lorenzen, who in the late 80s of the 20th century was the first in the world to prove that water accumulates and retains the information communicated to it. Emoto began collaborating with Lorenzen, but went even further and decided to try to obtain visual confirmation of the unexpected property of water discovered by the American scientist.

His search was crowned with success, and the results exceeded all expectations. It turned out that the crystals of water, which before the start of crystallization were “addressed” with such words as “kindness”, “love”, “angel”, “gratitude”, had the correct structure, symmetrical shape and were decorated with complex, beautiful patterns.

But if the words were communicated to the water: “evil,” “hatred,” “malice,” then the crystals turned out small, deformed, and ugly in appearance. It did not matter whether the words were spoken out loud or written down on a piece of paper glued to a container of water. If nothing is said to the water, crystals of the correct shape are formed, practically without any decoration. Moreover, this dependence has been confirmed by numerous experiments and thousands of photographs.

It doesn’t matter to water what language is spoken to it; it understands any speech. Moreover, experiments have shown that distance does not play a role. So, Masaru Emoto sent “pure thoughts” to the water located in his laboratory in Tokyo, and he himself was in Melbourne at that time. The water immediately perceived these thoughts and responded with an aria of magnificent crystals.

Thus, the hypothesis that space and time are not barriers to the transfer of information was once again confirmed.

Further experiments revealed that water is capable of perceiving and displaying human emotions such as fear, pain, and suffering. This is convincingly evidenced by photographs of crystals taken after the catastrophic 1995 earthquake in the city of Kobe. When the crystals formed from water taken from the local water supply were photographed immediately after this tragedy, they were distorted and ugly, as if they had been distorted by the fear, panic and suffering experienced by people immediately after the earthquake. And when they received crystals from water taken from the same water supply, but three months later, they already had the correct shape and looked much more attractive. The fact is that during this time, help came to Kobe from many countries of the world, the residents felt the sympathy and sympathy of the majority of the world's population, and their morale improved noticeably.

Water also reacts to music. After “listening” to the works of Beethoven, Schubert’s “Ave Maria” or Mendelssohn’s “Wedding March”, it forms crystals of fantastic beauty. The water crystals used to play the “Dance of the Little Swans” from Tchaikovsky’s ballet “Swan Lake” resembled, according to Emoto, the silhouettes of these graceful and majestic birds.

And when the water was told the names of the five main world religions - Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism, a pentagonal crystal was formed from it and the contours of a human face were visible in it.

Masaru Emoto presented the results of his research in the book “Messages Coming from Water,” published in 2002, which since then has literally conquered the world and has been translated into dozens of languages.

In Russia, research into the influence of human thoughts on the course of processes that change the information properties of water began in the 90s of the last century at the Moscow Research Institute of Traditional Treatment Methods of the Russian Ministry of Health. They were led by Doctor of Biological Sciences Zenin S.V.In the course of numerous experiments by Zenin’s group, it turned out that its structure, the way of organizing molecules that form stable groups of liquid crystals, is of great importance for the properties of water.. They are a kind of water memory cells. That is why its structure is responsible for storing and transmitting biological information.

In 1996, the group he led created and patented a device for recording changes in the electrical conductivity of the aquatic environment depending on the type of influencing mental attitudes. With its help, it was possible to find out that with mental settings for “healing,” the conductivity of water increased, and when changing settings for “suppression,” it decreased.

No less interesting results were obtained in St. Petersburg in the laboratory headed by Doctor of Technical Sciences, President of the International Union of Medical and Applied Bioelectronics, K.S. Korotkov. In recent years, experiments have been conducted there on the effects of human emotions on water.

In one experiment, a group of people were asked to project onto flasks of water, alternately, first the positive emotions of love, tenderness, care, and then the negative feelings of fear, pain, bitterness, and hatred. Then measurements were made using a specially designed device, the action of which is based on the Kirlian effect: everything that is placed in a strong electromagnetic field begins to emit light.

Thus, in various samples, structural changes in water became visible, corresponding to the nature of the impacts, positive or negative. Swearing and curses acted on the water like poisons.

Yuri Isaevich Naberukhin, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor of Novosibirsk State University, a specialist in the field of spectroscopy of water and aqueous solutions, is currently engaged in computer modeling of disordered condensed matter (liquids and amorphous solids, in particular water). The author of more than 100 scientific papers and four monographs, in his book “The Mysteries of Water” Naberukhin Yu.I. suggests that water that is pure in its chemical composition can have enormous biological activity. With repeated dilutions, the memory of the chemical structure of the solute is retained. The transfer of biological information is carried out due to the fact that it is “imprinted” in the structure of water.

Practical significance of research,carried out in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk and Japan, it is difficult to overestimate if we remember that more than half of a person consists of water. And, therefore, the water in the body remembers all our everyday thoughts, feelings, and emotions. And if they are positive, we are not sick, we feel excellent, while negative thoughts and emotions, which are, in essence, vibrations with certain parameters, are transmitted to “our” water and negatively affect all processes occurring in the body. It follows from this how much of our destiny depends on ourselves, on our thoughts.

2. Experimental studies of the physical properties of water

2.1. Transformations of water

2.1.1. Expansion and contraction of water

Figure No. 1

Experience has shown that when water is heated it expands and when it cools it contracts.

2.1.2. The water disappears

Figure No. 2

Experience has shown that water turns into water vapor.

2.1.3. Water returns to liquid


Figure No. 3

Experience has shown that when water vapor comes into contact with a cold lid, it turns back into liquid - it condenses.


.1.4.Anomalous water phenomena

Figure No. 4

Experience has shown that when water freezes, it expands.


.1.5. Can only heat melt ice?

Figure No. 5

Experience has shown that not only heat can melt ice, but also when a thread on ice is sprinkled with table salt, a cooling mixture is formed and the thread freezes to the piece of ice.

2.1.6. Paper pan


Figure No. 6

Experience has shown that the specific heat capacity and specific heat of vaporization of water are high, so paper does not ignite.

2.1.7. Fireproof scarf


Figure No. 7

Experience has shown that the specific heat of vaporization of water is high. And the amount of heat released during the combustion of alcohol is not enough to completely convert water into steam. The scarf is preserved.

2.2.Water pressure.

2.2.1. How does water move?

Figure No. 8

Experience has shown that water creates pressure; the greater the height of the liquid column, the greater the water pressure.

2.2.2. The simplest fountain


Figure No. 9

Under the influence of water pressure, a stream of water rushed upward. The higher the level of the funnel, the stronger the fountain hits.

2.3. Surface tension of water, capillarity, wetting.

2.3.1. floating needle


Figure No. 10

This experiment is an example of the manifestation of surface tension of water. Molecules on the surface of water, having no other molecules above them, are connected to each other much more tightly and form a film that can withstand the weight of a light body.


.3.2. Water lily

Figure No. 11

Experience has shown that water wets paper and, due to capillarity, penetrates into the smallest empty spaces between the fibers of the paper and fills them. The paper swells, the folds straighten out, and the flower blooms


.3.3. Retaining water

Figure No. 12

The scarf is well moistened with water. Water fills the spaces between the fibers of the fabric and, due to surface tension, creates an impenetrable barrier to water.

2.3.4. Water and soap

Figure No. 13

Experiments have shown that surface tension can be reduced with soap.

Figure No. 14

2.4. Floating bodies


.4.1. Eruption

Figure No. 15

Experience has shown that hot water is less dense than cold water, it is lighter and rises in the surrounding cold water. Once the water cools, it will mix with the rest of the water.

2.4.2. To sink or not to sink

Figure No. 16

Experience has shown that the buoyancy of a body depends not only on density, but also on the shape of the body. A plasticine boat displaces water not only with its body, but also with its voids. This leads to the fact that the average density of the body is less than the density of water.


.4.3. Three floors

Figure No. 17

Experience has shown that substances less dense than water float on its surface


.4.4. Egg in salt water

Figure No. 18

The egg is denser than water, so it sinks. But salt water is denser than fresh water, so the egg floats. In the latter case, the egg is located under fresh water, but on the surface is salty.


.4.5. diving raisin

Figure No. 19

When vinegar reacts with baking soda, carbon dioxide is formed. Gas bubbles stick to the raisins and, according to Archimedes' law, float up.

Many modern scientists and thinkers have long come to the idea that the space around us is a single living organism, with its own properties and laws, which are still far from completely open to humanity. The huge number of scientific discoveries made over the last century alone convinces us of this more and more.

Today, environmentalists around the world are sounding the alarm: our civilization is in danger. Natural resources are being mercilessly depleted, the natural habitats of all living things are changing before our eyes, and the number of threats to the existence of life on Earth is steadily increasing. After all, even such a simple thing as ordinary drinking water may well become more expensive than oil in the foreseeable future; the terms “water purification” and “water treatment” are already heard not only by specialists.

We have been thoughtlessly wasting our water resources for so many years, pouring industrial and agricultural waste into water bodies, poisoning everything around us with household wastewater, that ordinary clean water is now sold in bottles, and that which flows through city water pipes needs filtration.

Preliminary water treatment today is an integral stage of all industries whose products are manufactured using ordinary water. Entire scientific organizations are working to create new, more advanced water and wastewater treatment systems.

Meanwhile, in nature there is no more mysterious substance than water. And while some experts are improving water purification methods, others are discovering more and more new features of this liquid, so widespread on the planet, which exists contrary to many laws of physics.

Even schoolchildren know that when cooled below +4 °C, water does not compress, but expands. All bodies in the solid state are heavier than in the liquid state, and water is lighter. Gases, when mixed with each other, do not form liquids, but oxygen and hydrogen give us water.

Regardless of its passage through water treatment systems, any volume of water is one giant molecule. Water remembers everything that happened and carries information not only throughout the cell, but throughout the entire body. Water even has its own energy and “genetic memory”. Just imagine, like any other impact, water remembers both water purification and water treatment.

The experiments with water carried out by the Japanese researcher Masaru Emoto are very interesting. The scientist was not looking for new methods of water treatment; he experimentally proved that if you freeze two samples of water, the crystals will always be different from each other, and their shape reflects information about the influences that were exerted on it.

During his research, Emoto studied water samples from sources around the world. In laboratory conditions, water was exposed to electromagnetic radiation from a TV and mobile phone, the sounds of music and various images. Groups of people directed their thoughts and prayers to the water, and the water was exposed to oral speech in different languages. All changes occurring in the structure of water were recorded on film.

When processing the results of the experiments, it was found that water reacts to the thoughts and emotions of others. Crystals of the usual hexagonal shape were obtained from distilled water. Then it was noticeable how they change their structure in the process of accumulating positive information and are destroyed under the influence of negative information.

It turns out that water, like a highly qualified cipherer, encodes the information received. But we still can’t decipher it. What is known for certain is that information is perceived and reflected by water in the form of a geometric structure of crystals, which are its images.

Wolfgang Ludwig proved that even after complete purification of water from heavy metals, nitrates, and bacteria by double distillation, information about these substances is stored in the form of electromagnetic vibrations. That is, water purification frees water from harmful impurities, and information about their past existence can still be read.





(MBOU school No. 19 named after 212 regiment)

Scientific research project

"The Amazing Properties of Water"

I've done the work:

student of 4th grade

Semenov Stepan



Svetlana Vladimirovna

primary school teacher

Kineshma 2017


1. Introduction.

2.Goals and objectives.





7. Practical part.

8 .Conclusion and conclusions.

9 .References.

1. Introduction.

Water! You have no taste, no color, no smell.

You are impossible to describe, you are enjoyed,

not knowing what you are! You can't say that you

necessary for life: you are life itself. You

you fill us with joy that you can’t explain

with our feelings... You are the greatest wealth

in the world…

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Water is a liquid compound that is odorless, tasteless and colorless. This is a secret of secrets. A person should take a deeper look into its essence. Water is the main miracle of the planet, it is the source from which life is nourished!

Water occupies a special position among the natural resources of the Earth, it is irreplaceable, it has been necessary in all centuries and everywhere where terrestrial life forms exist.

2. Topic of research work:

"The amazing properties of water."

I decided to start my research work by puttingtarget : find out what properties water has in different states and when interacting with various substances.

Then I formulatedtasks :

Find information about what properties water may have;

Find out from your classmates whether they know about the properties of water;

Get answers from your chemistry teacher to questions that interest me;

Conduct experiments.

Object of study : water.

Subject of study : what properties does water have?

Research methods:

Experiments, photo and video recording;

Working with information sources;

Social survey, conversation;

Analysis and synthesis of information.

3.Relevance : Watercovers about 2/3 of the surface of our planet. Man consists of approximately 65% ​​water. Man needs living water, just like most animals. Plants also need water in the soil. Life, as we understand it, is impossible without water. At least for this reason it can be considered magical.

Hypothesis : water in various states and when interacting with other substances has amazing properties.


Water is everywhere; she is in touch with the past

and prepares the future; it flows under the poles and

present at high altitudes. If there

something truly mysterious on this planet,

so this is water.

Lauren Eisley

The origin of the word "water" is unknown. It arose in ancient times, and since then, this has been said about any “living” liquid, without which our existence, as well as all of nature, is impossible. The origin of the word “water” has another explanation. Water is very similar to the word "Veda" - Yes, which means - good truth. Thus, the name of the water is encrypted. And this property is given to her precisely in the Russian language.

Since ancient times, the highest minds of humanity have asked themselves the question: what is the essence of water, what is its significance in human life? The first scientific discovery in this area that has reached us is called the “Doctrine of the Four Elements.” It was written inIVcentury BC e. ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle. The four elements include earth, fire, water and air. Moreover, water serves as a source of cold and moisture. Subsequently, water still attracted the attention of the best scientific minds of its time. BeforeXVIIIcentury AD e. this substance was considered a separate chemical element.

Evidence that water is a chemical compound became known only in the 19th century. Only through experiments was it proven that water is a chemical compound and not a chemical element. Thus, through long-term research, the classic formula of water was obtained.


Water is a special liquid. A water molecule consists of 2 hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. Thus, its chemical formula isH2O .

In everyday life, we can encounter water in any of its three states, and its form is constantly changing. Liquid waterevaporates that is, it changes from liquid to gaseous state. The gaseous form of water iswater vapor water vaporcondenses or changes from vapor to liquid. If you heat water to 100 degrees, it boils and turns into hot water vapor. At 0 degrees, water freezes and turns into solid ice.


I administered a short questionnaire to my class.

Target: Ask your classmates if they know that water has amazing properties and if they want to learn about them.


1. Have you ever conducted experiments with water at home?

2. Do you think that if you put a paper clip in a glass of water, it will sink?

3. What do you think is heavier: water or oil?

a) oil;

b) water;

c) the same.

4. Would you like to check this using the example of my experiments with water and see clearly?

As a result of the survey:

1. Experiments with water were carried out at home by 10 people, which is 44%;

2. 9 people, 39%, thought that a paper clip would drown in a glass of water;

3. To the question: what is the heaviest thing, 10 people, 44%, answered that oil;

9-39% of people thought that water and 4 people, 17%, wrote that they were the same.

4. 22 people out of 23 respondents, 96%, would like to see all the experiments visually.

Conclusion : my classmates were interested and would like to see these experiments clearly.

7. Practical part.

Experiments 1, 2,3,4.

Target : prove that water has high surface tension.

Experience 1.






1). I took the coin and placed it on a flat surface.

2). He carefully began to drip water from a pipette onto the coin.

3). For a two-ruble coin, 45 drops of water were removed. In this case, the water did not drain from the coin and took on a convex shape.

Conclusion: water has high surface tension. And it is precisely because of this that drops of water do not flow off the coin, but firmly maintain their convex shape.

Video attached.

Experience 2.




Metal paper clip.


1). I poured water into a glass.

2). Then I tried to place a paper clip on the water. First the paperclip sank.

3). Then I tried to do everything carefully. The experience was a success! A paper clip floated on the surface of the water

Conclusion: water has high surface tension. It prevents the small metal clip from sinking.

Video attached .

Experience 3.




Ground pepper;

Liquid soap.


1). I poured water onto the plate.

2). Added ground pepper. It was distributed over the surface of the water.

3). I dribbled liquid soap onto my finger and lowered my finger into the center of the plate. All the pepper was drawn to the edges of the plate.

Conclusion: water has high surface tension. The soap weakened the surface tension of the water in the center of the plate, and therefore the pepper was drawn to the edges of the plate, where the surface tension remained high.

Video attached .

Experience 4.


Soap solution;



1).We prepared a soap solution in advance.

2).I went to blow soap bubbles on the street. The air temperature was below -15 degrees. I wanted to see what would happen to soap bubbles in the cold.

3). I carefully blew bubbles onto the snow surface. They did not burst, but froze, and over time they tore apart, like a film. It was very beautiful.

Conclusion: water has high surface tension. The soap reduced surface tension and allowed the surface of the water to stretch and create soap bubbles .

Video attached .

Conclusion: After conducting several experiments, I came to the conclusion thatthat water has high surface tension.

Experiments 5,6.

Target: prove that water pressure is less than air pressure.

Experience 5.



Empty bottle;

Plastic ball.


1).I poured a full bottle of water.

2).Put a plastic ball on the neck and turn the bottle over. He didn't fall.

Conclusion: on one side water presses on the ball, and on the other side (from the very bottom) - air! The water pressure in the bottle is less than the air pressure, so the ball does not fall.

Video attached .

Experience 6.




Plate, glass;


Chewing gum;



1).I poured water tinted with dye onto a plate.

2).I stuck chewing gum on a coin and attached three matches to it.

3).I placed this design in a plate of water and lit matches.

4).Quickly covered the burning matches with a glass. When the matches went out, the water was drawn into the glass.

Conclusion: the fire heated the air inside the glass. As a result, the air expanded, which means its pressure also increased. As a result, some of the air began to escape from the glass. When the fire went out, the air cooled and decreased in volume again, which means its pressure also decreased and became less than the pressure of the outside air. It was this external pressure that pressed the water inside the glass.

Video attached .

Conclusion: water pressure is less than air pressure.

Experience 7.8.

Target: prove that passing through water, light can change its direction.

Experience 7.



Empty jar;

A few coins.


1). I poured water into the jar. I put two coins under the jar. Then he looked through the water on the side of the jar and did not see the coin.

3). To make the experience more interesting, I dropped a coin into the jar. She was visible through the glass. Looking from above, I saw all three coins.

Conclusion: When light passes from a less dense medium - air, into more dense water, at the border of these two substances there is a change in the direction of the light rays. Moving from water to air. When light passes from the denser medium of water to the less dense medium of air, the light is bent in the opposite direction. That's why we don't see the coin.

Video attached .

Experience 8.



A sheet of paper with arrows drawn on it;

Empty jar.


1). I placed a sheet with drawn arrows behind an empty jar.

2).Then I began to pour water into the jar. As the water reached the arrows, they changed their direction.

Conclusion: a jar of water works like a lens. When a ray of light passes through a lens, it bends towards the center. The point where the rays come together is called the focus, but beyond that the image is reversed because the rays change direction.

Video attached.

Conclusion: A ray of light passing through water can change its direction.

Experience 9.

Target: prove that the density of cold water is greater than the density of hot water.


Two glasses of cold water;

Two glasses of hot water;


Plastic card.


1). I added yellow dye to glasses with cold water, and red dye to glasses with hot water.

2). I put a plastic card on a glass of cold water. Turning the glass over, I placed it on a glass of hot water and carefully removed the card. Cold and hot water mixed.

3). Then, in the same way, we placed a glass of hot water on a glass of cold water. Cold and hot water did not mix.

Conclusion: The density of cold water is greater than the density of hot water.

Video attached.

Experiment 10 “Lava Lamp”:

Target: prove that water is heavier than sunflower oil.



Sunflower oil;


Effervescent aspirin tablet;



1). I filled 1/3 of the jar with water and the rest with oil.

3).Dropped an effervescent aspirin tablet into the jar.

4).Water is heavier than oil. In addition, they have the property of not mixing. When I added effervescent tablets inside the jar, they dissolved in water and began to release carbon dioxide and set the liquid in motion.

Conclusion: water is heavier than oil.

Video attached .

8 .Conclusions and conclusions:

Conclusions: To conduct each individual experiment, you need to createthe following conditions:

1). The water temperature for each experiment should be different.

2). To perform experiments, various substances or objects may be required.

3). Some experiments require care and precision in execution.

4). A certain group of experiments requires the help of an adult assistant.

5). If all conditions are met, all of the above experiments can be performed at home.

Conclusion: Water is an interesting substance for conducting experiments, having many different properties.

Important to remember!

The role of water in the life of our planet is amazing and has not yet been fully revealed. It’s even scary to think about what there would be seas and oceans, lakes and rivers on earth. How would all living things develop in this case? In this case, life on our planet could not even appear. It is to water that the Earth owes the emergence and development of life, therefore, without it, we would not exist. If there were no water, we would not know its structure, its properties, its value, its features.

Water is one of the most important natural resources of any territory. The rapid increase in water consumption and river pollution caused by the discharge of wastewater into them reduce the quality of water in water bodies. Lakes are polluted and overgrown. The demand for drinking water in the world is constantly growing.Today we often do not appreciate this treasure, which many feel lacking.

Although, ultimately, it is the person himself and his activities who suffer from the pollution of natural waters. Due to these circumstances, people's health is at serious risk. Therefore, it is necessary to create all conditions for the conservation of water resources. It is necessary to use water resources rationally and prevent their pollution. Only with clean water will our civilization develop. You can also purify water at home. I will talk about ways to purify water in the next video.

Video attached

9 .Materials used :

    Experiments with water // Lessons in magic (Electronic resource).

    Experiments with water for schoolchildren (Electronic resource)

    Physical properties of water // All about water (Electronic resource).

    Y. Perelman “Entertaining physics.”

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