Godetia planting and care in the open field growing for seedlings from seeds photo flowers. Bright outfit of a true flower lady - godetia When to plant godetia seedlings in open ground

Godetia (Godetia) belongs to the genus of herbaceous plants and the family of fireweed. The flower is very close to the genus Clarkia. Grown in the open field and at home.

Godetia: botanical features of the plant

The stem part is erect, branched, with a height of 20-60 cm. The above-ground part forms neat attractive bushes of a spreading or pyramidal shape. The foliage is alternate, lanceolate and whole-edged. Flowers are bell-shaped or cupped, rather large, with a diameter of 3-10 cm. Flowers are simple or double type, four-petal, collected in racemose inflorescences.

The color of the flowers is white, red, carmine, peach, pink, purple or combined. Peduncles are short. The fruits are represented by a tetrahedral cylindrical box, in which small seeds ripen, which remain viable for three to four years. Hybrid forms are also popular in culture: azalea, dwarf and terry, bushy and large-flowered.

Types and varieties of godetia

About twenty species are known that grow mainly in the territory of North and South America, in California. Forms and varieties can differ in the height of the aboveground part, as well as the type and color of the flower. To grow the species in the garden, flower beds and flower beds, rabatki and containers are used. Godetia flowers are open in any weather, and also do not lose their decorative effect at all until withering.

Godetia grandiflorum

G.grandiflora lives up to its name. The culture has a large bell-shaped or calyx-shaped flowers. The petals can be simple or double, white, pink, crimson, red or lilac. The aboveground part is erect or creeping, 20-40 cm high. The most popular varieties include:

  • "White swan" with a height of the aerial part up to 30-35 cm, with non-double and white petals;
  • "Orange glory" with a height of the aerial part up to 40-50 cm, with non-double and bright orange petals;
  • Sybil Sherwood with a height of the aerial part up to 40-50 cm, with pink petals with white edging;
  • "York" with a height of the aerial part up to 35-40 cm with simple dark red petals with a white base;
  • "Blitzstral" with a decorative above-ground part and deep red flowers;
  • "Rembrandt" up to 30-35 cm high, with pink double petals with bright red spots;
  • "Meteor" up to 25-30 cm high, with double petals of dark scarlet color.

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This variety is the most persistent and is able to easily endure even relatively hard frosts. The most popular undersized variety is "Monarch"... Flowers are bell-shaped, with stems no more than a quarter of a meter high. Delicate petals in attractive pink tones.

G. adorable

The adorable (G.amoena) is represented by several garden forms and varieties of an annual ornamental plant with a straight-growing branched stem part no more than 30-60 cm high. The petiole foliage is arranged alternately. A significant part of the varieties form double flowers with a diameter of up to 50-80 mm. Flowers of regular shape, collected in racemose inflorescences. The most popular varieties:

  • "Kirshkenigin" with reddish-pink flowers;
  • Rosea with delicate pink flowers and a purple base;
  • "Crystal snowflake" with a high stem and snow-white simple flowers.

G. terry

In natural conditions, such a species does not exist. Presented by hybrid varieties with semi-double, double and double flowers in different shades:

  • "Orange glory" with silky flowers;
  • Maiden Blush with a compact overhead section;
  • Summer's Kiss with red and pink flowers;
  • "Beauty" up to 30-45cm high, with delicate, silky, red double flowers.

Growing godetia from seeds: when and how to plant a flower correctly

Proper cultivation from seeds is the only way to propagate an ornamental flowering crop. In most regions, it is customary to plant a plant with seedlings.

For growing seedlings, you can purchase a ready-made soil substrate., but you can also use a self-prepared mixture based on loam with a small amount of wood ash. The self-prepared soil substrate must be thoroughly decontaminated by heating it for half an hour in an oven at a high temperature. A good result is obtained by disinfection with a solution of potassium permanganate.

To get the earliest flowering, the seeds are sown at the very beginning of spring. Typically, the average seed germination time is a couple of weeks. Domestic amateur flower growers practice both surface sowing of seed and some deepening of seeds. In order to create the most comfortable conditions for the emergence of seedlings, a film coating of crops is used. Irrigation activities are carried out as needed. After the emergence of mass shoots, the film is removed. If the crops are too thick, thinning is performed.

How to plant godetia seeds (video)

Transplantation into separate seedling containers is carried out after a pair of true leaves have formed on the seedlings. The root system of the seedlings is quite fragile and delicate, so care must be taken when transplanting. It is best to use regular small peat pots for growing seedlings. Seedling material must be fed every ten days with mineral fertilizers.

A couple of weeks before planting flower seedlings in a permanent place, you need to start hardening activities. Planting in flower beds or flowerpots is made after the threat of late spring frosts has passed, from about the second half of May. The optimal distance between the planted plants is a quarter meter or slightly less.

Sowing in a permanent place in flower beds is done around the end of April or in the first decade of May. Areas with loamy soils are best suited. Should be considered that the seedlings tolerate low-temperature conditions well, and that is why direct sowing in open ground is allowed. However, in order to enjoy abundant and vibrant blooms for a long time, it is recommended to opt for seedlings.

When growing outdoors, special attention should be paid to moderate irrigation measures, to provide the culture with slight shading, as well as to carry out inspections and preventive spraying in a timely manner. To prolong flowering and make it more lush, it is required to regularly carry out top dressing with complex removals, as well as systematically remove all already faded and wilted flower stalks.

Godetia: planting and care at home

Godetia can be grown quite easily in indoor floriculture, but because of the relatively long stem part, the plants do not always feel comfortable on the windowsills. For growing at home, it is best to give preference to undersized varieties and a compact form of the aboveground part. Such varieties form rather large flowers with a diameter of up to 60 mm, growing in an upright position, and the inflorescences consist of wavy or slightly cut along the edges of the petals.

Planting in indoor culture is done in the spring. Immediately before sowing, in order to protect future seedlings from damage by pathogenic microflora, it is necessary to keep the self-collected seed material for half an hour in a weak solution based on potassium permanganate. You can sow seeds without sprinkling with soil., but in order to minimize the risk of drying out, it is best to sprinkle them with a thin layer of soil. In the first days, it is necessary to ensure the greenhouse effect for the crops, and irrigate only with warm and well-settled water, spraying it from a finely dispersed spray bottle.

Caring for a room goddess is not difficult, and consists in the implementation of the following mandatory activities:

  • any types and varieties of ornamental crops are very responsive to regular irrigation activities. For irrigation, settled soft water at room temperature is used. It must be remembered that excessive application of water and accumulation of moisture, as well as strong drying of an earthen coma in a flower pot, is very difficult for the culture to be tolerated and can cause death;
  • when growing tall, straight-growing varieties, tying is necessarily used or a support is used;
  • in order to stimulate long and abundant flowering, it is very important to feed the indoor flower a couple of times a month with complex fertilizers with a low content of nitrogen components;
  • after watering, it is allowed to shallow the soil in a flower pot, which improves the air permeability of the soil.

In order to prevent and treat fungal infections, special chemical preparations are used in a dilution recommended by the manufacturer.

Features of growing godetia (video)

How beautiful to plant and grow godetia outdoors

Godetia is actively used for growing in all types of flower beds and flower beds. A beautifully flowering culture is planted in an ordinary way one by one, and in groups, which allows you to get bright and spectacular spots in the flower garden being decorated. When planted in a mixed flower bed, tall godetia is placed in the central part of the flower garden, and dwarf varieties and forms look best closer to the edges.

The culture is optimal for growing in garden pots, and is used as an unpretentious, but very effective decoration of balconies with hanging baskets. Large-flowered godetia is distinguished by good bushiness, therefore, when planting in a container, the stem part lays down and hangs beautifully under its own weight. It goes well with small-flowered ageratum, lobelia, gatsania and escholzia. Low decorative leafy cineraria and Byzantine stachis can serve as a good frame. They stand in a bouquet cut for a very long time.

Rules for collecting and storing seeds

Godetia of any species and variety is propagated exclusively by seed. Seed material ripens within a month after flowering. As soon as a pronounced darkening of the seed pod is noted, they must be carefully cut, dried, and then carefully opened and shaken out the seeds on a prepared sheet of white paper.

Self-collected seed material can be sown in the southern regions of our country before winter. In areas with insufficiently favorable soil and climatic conditions, it is required to store seeds until next spring. Godetia seed germination rates persist for three to four years.

Godetia: varieties (video)

Due to its high decorative properties and unpretentiousness, godetia has become very popular among domestic gardeners. The graceful plant is planted in flower beds, mixborders, rabatki and is used in groups. Low-growing varieties look great on balconies, in outdoor flowerpots and in pot culture, while tall, upright forms are ideal for bouquet cutting.

Back in the 70s, a teacher told her students that a plucked flower is garbage. To some extent, she is right, but bright and fiery godetia retains its beauty in any form. Described by great romantics in songs and poems, it still captivates the hearts of many people. Some associate the plant with an alluring dream, others with a flower of flaming passion. For others, she is a true flower lady. What is this charming earthly creation? Let's try to lift the painted veil to see all the charms of the magic flower.

Looking at a flower through a magnifying glass

Probably, it never occurred to anyone to look at a flower through a magnifying glass. After all, godetia already looks charming, attracting more and more new fans. But, nevertheless, taking a closer look at the plant, you can notice its invisible at first glance strokes.

The flower was first discovered on the American continent in the state of California. This is his "historical homeland". It turns out that the godetia came to us, having overcome a long way across the ocean. Despite this, the plant got its name in memory of the famous Swiss botanist C. H. Gode.

Godetia is a member of the Cyprus family and is an annual herb. It is characterized by erect stems, which branch magnificently, creating a charming garden bush with a maximum height of about 60 cm. It is pyramidal and spreading in shape. Lanceolate green leaves with solid edges are arranged in regular order along slender shoots.

Considering the many godetia flowers in the photo, think about the splendor of the shades and the delicate fabric of the petals. Try to plunge into their sweet scent and imagine that flowers are already growing in your summer cottage.

Satin petals of godetia buds are simple and double, which are collected in small bouquets or brushes. Their magnificent coloring is especially striking:

I would also like to note the two-tone options for the garden beauty. The harmonious combination of pink and white gives the impression that someone specially painted the petals with a brush. White buds look original, in the center of which there are strokes of red or peach color. A delicate purple shade is diluted with dark red tones. Isn't this charming flower able to decorate the country landscape of a country house? Try it and see.

It should be noted that the plant is valued not only for the lush bright colors of the buds. Its main advantage is that the flowering period begins in July and lasts until early November. A truly expensive gift from nature.

Basic principles of care and planting of godetia

In order for a true lady of the flower kingdom to appear in the country, it is important to fulfill a number of basic principles of planting a plant. One of the options to plant a flower in a flower bed is to sow seeds in the soil in spring or autumn. In the prepared area, shallow holes are made, where the planting material is lowered.
Then it is lightly sprinkled with soil and sprinkled with water.

Growing godetia from seeds is a fairly simple way to breed a magnificent passion flower in the country. If you sow seeds in the fall before frost and the first snow, they will have time to absorb moisture from the soil, but will not germinate. But the plant will bloom 3 weeks earlier than those sown in spring. A simple secret, but what is the use!

There is also the option of growing godetia from seeds, when it is better to plant the plant using seedlings. It is advisable to start work in early spring. So, on the 10th of March, flower seeds are sown in containers or boxes with a fertile substrate. After that, the plant should be provided with moderate watering, not forgetting about balance. The containers are taken to a room where there are no drafts and a lot of light.
When the godetia seeds germinate (after about 17 days) and two leaves appear on the surface, they are dived into separate containers or pots. After 14 days, it is necessary to fertilize the flowers with fertilizers.

After the seedlings get stronger, they are planted in the open ground of godetia and care that corresponds to the basic rules:

  • timely watering as the soil dries up with a spray bottle;
  • regular loosening of the soil in the root area of ​​the flower to nourish the plant with air and evenly distribute moisture;
  • removing weeds from the flower bed;
  • careful inspection of foliage in order to identify flower pests and destroy them;
  • freeing bushes from dried buds and leaves.

The godetia flowers shown in the photo, which were planted and cared for in accordance with the basic principles, look simply gorgeous. Their buds shine brightly in the sun, the greens are juicy, and you want to kiss the petals.

Before planting seedlings in open ground, they are hardened for 14 days. To do this, in the room where the containers with flowers are located, windows and doors are opened every day. As a result, godetia seedlings adapt to the outside temperature and practically do not get sick after transplanting.

Since godetia is a herb for outdoor use, the seeds that are sown germinate quickly enough. The distance between future bushes should not exceed 20 cm. Otherwise, there will be little room for adult plants, which will lead to serious diseases of godetia. Some gardeners prefer to sow flowers in the winter, which is no less effective than in the spring. It can be seen from this that growing godetia does not require much effort. The main thing is to listen to the basic rules and follow them. In any case, a true flower lady, blazing with passion, will appear on the flower bed of the summer cottage.

A short tour of popular varieties

Many of us love to shop looking at colorful products. Let's imagine that we are surrounded by multi-colored godets, inviting to choose them. How to figure it out? Get to know each of them.

Today, the garden flower market offers a huge selection of varieties of this flower. Almost each of them has a unique splendor, which is necessary to decorate the backyard area.

Majestic large-flowered beauty

Back in 1867, gardeners grew large-flowered godetia on flower beds and enjoyed its beauty. Despite the fact that it is the 21st century, this compact beauty remains at the peak of fame. Its slightly pubescent shoots can grow from 20 cm to half a meter. There are recumbent or erect character. Closer to winter, they become lignified. Lanceolate leaves are located along the entire length of the stem, which gradually taper towards their base.

The buds are usually large in size - up to 10 cm in diameter. They resemble bells or wide cups in shape. Flowers appear on the tops of erect stems in the form of bouquets or brushes. Satin petals are painted in the following colors:

  • deep pink;
  • bright red;
  • ripe raspberry color;
  • gently lilac;
  • scarlet;
  • Dark red;
  • snow-white.

Flowering begins in July and lasts until mid-autumn. On the basis of this type, breeders have developed hybrid varieties of godetia. Among them I would like to mention the most popular.

Weissen Schwan variety

The flowers are a low-growing bush with a spreading structure. Erect shoots are colored green. They are slightly brownish only at the base. The leaf plates are wide, lanceolate. The buds are white, cupped. They are delicate to the touch, like satin fabric.

This variety of large-flowered godetia belongs to the medium-growing category of bushes. The shoots of the flower are green with a red tint. The foliage is narrow, lanceolate. Buds in the form of wide red or orange bells.

Exquisite beauty with terry petals

Another representative of large-flowered varieties that I would like to mention especially is terry godetia. In the natural environment, such flowers cannot be found, but hybrid forms are pleasing to the eye. They are terry, semi-double or densely double variants of the plant. Such glamorous bushes are widely used to form landscape areas in summer cottages. One of the most famous flower varieties is the azalea terry godetia. Most often, such colorful varieties are used in gardening.

The variety is distinguished by low bushes about 40 cm in height with erect shoots of a pinkish tint. The leaves are lanceolate, the buds are semi-double. Most often they are pinkish or purple in color with a scarlet speck inside the bud. It is noteworthy that the petals in the center are much darker than their delicate edges. This is the zest of this variety.

This variety of terry godetia has small, hemispherical bushes with pink-green stems. The leaf plates are narrow, lanceolate. Rose buds with double petals, on which there is a small red speck. A truly magnificent sight.

His Majesty "Monarch"

Many gardeners fell in love with the incredibly cute dwarf godetia species - the monarch. In height, it reaches only 20 cm. The bush of the flower is compact enough to decorate the space of a summer cottage. Miniature buds - only 5 cm in diameter. The main advantage of godetia monarch is frost resistance. Therefore, it is often used to decorate the suburban landscape in northern latitudes.

Having looked at some varieties of godetia, it is safe to say that this fiery passion flower is a great decoration for the garden. In his environment, you feel a magical surge of strength and inner joy in your heart. Is it worth giving up such a pleasure? The decision is yours.

Sowing godetia seeds for growing seedlings - video

This beautifully and profusely blooming annual has long been liked by gardeners. Bright flowers of godetia will decorate both the summer cottage and the balcony of a city apartment. In order for a plant to delight with its appearance as long as possible, it is necessary to have the most minimal idea of ​​godetia and its cultivation from seeds. When to plant a flower is also very important to know.

Brief description and types

The godetia flower, belonging to the fireweed family, is native to California. In the wild, it is found in South and North America. The plant is named after the Swiss botanist Godet, who devoted a lot of time to its study.

Godetia is a herbaceous annual, forming compact or spreading bushes, the height of which is from 20 to 60 cm. The leaves of the plant are lanceolate, and the flowers are collected in racemose inflorescences. The flower stalks of godetia are short, which makes the plant very impressive. Flowers can be both simple and double, their diameter is 4-10 cm.The color of the petals is very diverse, including all sorts of shades of white, pink and red; after flowering, boxes with the smallest seeds appear on the bush, which remain viable for 4 years.

People have been breeding this plant since the 18th century. In total, there are about 20 types of godetia in the world, but 2 of them are most common... These include:

Basil flower varieties: yellow, simple, water-bearing

Landing features

Growing godetia with seeds is not particularly difficult. There are several planting options: directly into the ground or through seedlings. Each of them has its own characteristics.

Sowing in the ground

This method is less labor-intensive, but in this case, the flowering period of godetia will not begin earlier than July. You can sow seeds both in spring and autumn.

Spring sowing is usually done in April or May. It is better to plant the flower immediately in a permanent place, so as not to suffer in the future with a transplant. The soil at the site of the future flower bed is dug up, fertilized with humus and complex mineral fertilizer and moistened. The seeds are sown in rows or by scattering. The depth of their embedding in the ground is not more than 0.5 cm. Then the crops are slightly covered with earth and, if necessary, covered with a film or covering material.

In autumn, sowing is carried out 2 weeks before the onset of stable frosts. The layer of soil with which the seeds are covered should be thicker than during spring planting.

Growing seedlings

If you plant godetia seedlings, you will have to tinker, but it will delight you with the appearance of flowers much earlier. Since this annual does not like transplanting, it is better to sow it immediately in separate cups or special peat tablets. You can grow seedlings as follows:

Clitoria flower trifoliate or butterfly polka dots

Plant care

Even inexperienced gardeners can plant godetia on their site, growing and caring for this beauty will not take much effort. This flower is quite unpretentious and does not require special attention. Here are some helpful guidelines:

Pests and diseases

A number of diseases can harm Godecia. Especially strongly their development should be feared in wet weather. The main diseases of this annual include:

From insects, godetia can damage fleas and aphids. At the initial stage, they can be dealt with by spraying the plantings with a solution of ash and laundry soap. If there are a lot of pests, you cannot do without fungicides.

Godetia in the landscape

This beauty is very decorative and will enliven any corner of the garden. It is better to plant it in whole groups, creating the effect of bright color spots. Such flowers look great on flower beds, they are suitable for borders and ridges, and a variety of flowerpots and pots with godetia look great.

Description of the types of marigolds and varietal features of the flower

Low-growing plant varieties are best planted at the edges, and tall bushes will need a support, which can be used as walls or hedges. In hanging pots, the godetia will hang like ampelous plants, perfectly fitting into the surrounding landscape.

Every flower lover should diversify his garden interior with godetia. Planting and caring for it outdoors is simple enough, and the joy that this flower will give you cannot be described.

Flowering annuals add bright colors to our gardens, complement perennial compositions, and help close temporary "gaps" in flower beds. Many of the annual flowers (which you can learn more about) are quite unpretentious and at the same time very beautiful. For example, godetia. Its delicate satin flowers are very reminiscent of a demanding azalea, but are easy to care for and bloom until the very frost. So that this wonderful flower can take its rightful place on your site, we will consider all the subtleties of growing godetia from seeds: when to plant it in open ground, how to water and feed.

It happens that the flower grows on the site, but the owner does not know what it is called. This often applies to godetia as well. After all, her delicate, like silk, flowers are like an azalea, aescholzia,. Four large petals form a bell or a bowl (there are also double varieties) up to 10 cm in diameter. Flowers are collected in a brush. Their color can have a wide variety of pink-red shades, as well as pure white or variegated. Straight stems with alternately arranged lanceolate leaves form small compact or spreading bushes, the height of which is very diverse (from 20 to 60 cm). The box with the smallest seeds formed after flowering has a slightly elongated tetrahedral shape. The seeds remain viable for 3 years. They give good self-seeding.

A native of America, Godetia is an annual plant of the Fireweed family. It received its name in honor of the Swiss scientist Ts.H. Year, engaged in its study and systematization. Currently, about 20 of its species are known. In floriculture, two of them are common.


Large-flowered (Godetia grandiflora) is distinguished by a compact bush (up to 40 cm), the lightest edging and large flowers (up to 10 cm). In the leaf axils at the top of the shoots, the flowers form a dense and, thanks to this, an especially picturesque brush. This species has been used in decorative floriculture for a very long time (since 1867), therefore it has many different varieties. Large-flowered godezia can be simple, with a wavy edge, double and semi-double, have tall varieties and are completely dwarf. This species includes terry and azalea hybrids.

Godetia grandiflorum "Orange glory"

For example, the summer paradise godetia forms medium-sized bushes (40-50 cm), and its azalea-colored buds with a wavy edge are double and semi-double. Medium-sized godetia "Orange Glory" will give the garden, full of warmth and sun, salmon-orange semi-double flowers.

Godetia "Dragonfly" is one of the earliest varieties, blooms with large bells. And godetia "Moth" stands out with large double and semi-double flowers with a graceful wavy edge. Godetia "Ripple" also has a wavy edge, only its flowers are more elongated, like bells. Terry godetia "Maiden's Blush" is distinguished by a characteristic pale pink color with red strokes.

Low (20 cm) and compact Godetia "Monarch" will decorate any border with large bells. Godetia "Yesenia" has the same habit with various double flowers.

Tall (60 cm) terry varieties of godetia "Cinderella" and godetia "Lyubimaya" are distinguished by the brightness of colors and an abundance of flowering. The owner of beautiful simple flowers, godetia "Klumbovaya" is also tall.

Unusually beautiful azalea godetia, its terry mixture "Exhibition of Azaleas" is admirable.


Lovely Godetia "Crystal Snowflake"
Lovely Godetia "Kirshkenigin"

The adorable (Godetia amoena) is distinguished by its taller growth (up to 60 cm) and smaller flowers (up to 5 cm). The colors are most often reddish-pink shades. In decorative floriculture since 1814. Now it is used much less often than large-flowered. The most common varieties of godetia are charming - "Crystal Snowfield" with simple pearl-white flowers, crimson "Kirshkenigin", pale pink "Rosea".

Reproduction methods

Like all annual plants, godetia propagates by seeds. They can be sown directly into open ground or grown as seedlings. Let's consider in detail how to grow a godetia from seeds correctly so that it delights you with magnificent flowers all summer.

If you already have this plant on the site, then you can collect the seeds at the end of flowering and use them for reproduction. They collect already dried, darkened boxes. This must be done very carefully, since the seeds of godetia are very small. It should be taken into account that in this case there is a high probability of getting plants with lost varietal characteristics. This also applies to self-seeding.

If you want to get flowers that exactly match a certain variety, then it is better to purchase seeds from a specialized store. Just do not forget to pay attention to the expiration date, for the godet, as we have already indicated, it is 3 years.

Growing seedlings

To ensure an earlier flowering (in June), growing a godetia from seed at home begins with sowing it on seedlings.

Sowing seeds for seedlings should be around the beginning of April, since with earlier sowing, the sprouts will be strongly stretched. To do this, it is better to take a special purchased soil for seedlings, and if you prepare the soil mixture yourself, then it must be disinfected. Small godetia seeds can be mixed with sand for a more even distribution over the soil surface. You do not need to deepen them, just slightly sprinkle them with earth. Watering is carried out by spraying from a spray bottle. From above, the container with seeds must be covered with glass or transparent film, periodically wiping off the accumulated condensation. Seedlings will appear in a week and a half.

With the formation of the first pairs of true leaves, the seedlings must be dived either directly into the open ground (if weather conditions permit), or into peat pots. The flower does not tolerate transplantation very well; trauma to the roots should be avoided as much as possible.

With the onset of warm days (in May), godetia seedlings are planted in a permanent place in flower beds. This should be done together with a peat pot or use the transshipment method so as not to damage the delicate roots.

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Landing in open ground

Since the godetia is resistant to cold weather and temperature extremes, and also does not tolerate transplanting well, basically its seeds are immediately sown in open ground. This can be done both in spring and autumn.

Most often, planting of godetia with seeds in open ground is carried out in early May (in the southern regions in April).

For planting godetia, you should choose an open sunny place with light humus loams with a slightly acidic (close to neutral) reaction. When preparing the soil, it is advisable to add humus or compost, a little wood ash and mineral fertilizers (for example, nitrophoska) for digging. For better distribution over the soil, the seeds can be mixed with sand. Sow randomly or in rows. Then sprinkle it with earth a little, about 0.5 cm. Water it as needed, at first with slightly warm water. Some growers cover crops for the first time with agrofibre in order to obtain more friendly shoots, as well as to protect them from pecking by birds. Slightly grown young plants should be thinned out.

When planting seedlings and thinning seedlings, you need to take into account the optimal planting density of these flowers. The interval between the bushes of godetia should be on average 20-25 cm. With a denser planting, air circulation is disturbed and the plants can hurt.

Sowing godetia seeds in autumn has some peculiarities. It should be carried out after the onset of persistent cold weather so that the seeds do not germinate immediately. The soil layer above the seeds should be increased by about 3 times compared to the spring planting. From above, the crops can be mulched with peat. In the spring, slightly grown seedlings will need to be thinned out.

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Godetia care

Godetia belongs to unpretentious plants, planting and caring for it is quite simple. But for her, proper watering is very important. With excessive watering and dampness or severe aridity of the soil, it will be stunted and may even disappear. Water it as needed so that the soil is always slightly moist.

It is necessary to apply fertilizers once every 2 weeks or once a month, this will depend on the fertility of the soil in your area. For this, special complex fertilizers are used for flowering annuals or nitrophoska.

Of course, godetia care includes removing weeds with loosening the soil. You can reduce this work by mulching the soil around the plants.

Tall varieties need to be tied to a support.

This flower does not need special pruning. You can trim some of the shoots a little for better bush formation. For abundant and long-lasting flowering, constant removal of dried flowers is necessary, since new buds will appear in their place.

Subject to the simple rules of growing godetia from seeds, she rarely gets sick. But when the planting is thickened, excessive moisture can be affected by fungal diseases. In this case, fungicides will come to the rescue. But if root rot is damaged, the diseased plant must be immediately removed from the flower bed, treatment is useless here.

Sometimes, in the presence of weeds, godetia can also suffer from leaf-eating insects. Timely weeding and mulching will help to avoid this.

Godetia in landscape design

Garden flowers of godetia have valuable qualities that make them popular in landscape design, they are cold resistance, unpretentiousness, high decorative effect and duration of flowering.

Godetia is a flower perfect for any type of flower garden. Most often it is planted in small groups, creating picturesque spots. Dwarf varieties are placed at the front edge of the flower bed, sometimes in the form of a border. Tall varieties need support, so it is convenient to place them near fences, bushes, walls.

Looks great in various decorative flowerpots. Undesirable lodging of long twigs, which creates problems in the flower bed, is successful in landscaping balconies and gazebos. Planted in hanging pots, flowering shoots bent under their weight, godetia look like chic ampelous plants.

Tall varieties are also widely used for cutting. They are beautiful and keep fresh for a long time.

Useful Tips

  1. So that young plants do not stretch out and bush better, they should sometimes be pinched. In most cases, seedlings can stretch out, shoots grown immediately in the open field are stronger.
  2. Before sowing, it is advisable to treat the seeds with a solution of potassium permanganate. This will protect them from disease and promote successful germination.
  3. The sun-loving beauty can grow in partial shade, but under such conditions, godetia should be planted even less often. By increasing the distance between plants, we will ensure good air circulation and prevent dampness.
  4. The main disadvantage of some godetia is the lodging stem (especially after rains). What to do? To cope with this problem, you need to take care of the formation of a lush bush in advance, branchy specimens disintegrate less often. In this situation, "neighbors" will also come to the rescue. For example, undersized chrysanthemum bushes planted nearby will support the godetia twigs and prevent them from bending down to the ground.
  5. It is better to choose containers, flowerpots and other decorative containers for planting godetia in light colors. In the heat, they will heat up less, and this will have a beneficial effect on the quality and duration of flowering.

We have seen how undemanding godetia is, growing it will not cause significant trouble. And in the summer, she, like a flock of the most delicate magic moths, will descend on the flower bed and remain there until the very frost. These gorgeous flowers godetia will give for your care.

Godetia is an annual herb native to Southern California. The qualification of a flower was first studied by the Swiss botanist C. H. Gode, in whose honor the name of the plant originated. Azalea-like, beautiful silky flowers have taken their place in many gardens in Europe since the 60s of the 19th century.

They also have similarities with the plant of the Cyprian family - clarke. Godetia reproduces by seeds and has some cultivation features, which will be discussed in our article.

Godetia - description, variety and photo of the flower

Plant bushes are distinguished by an elongated or spreading shape and compact size. In length, they exceed no more than 20-60 cm. On the erect stems of the godetia bush, lanceolate leaves are alternately located, which, due to the lush flowering of the plant, may not be visible.

Cup-shaped or bell-shaped flowers with a diameter of 3 to 10 cm can have four petals and be simple, or they can be gathered in a brush and be double. Depending on the variety, short stalks are distinguished by white, purple, pink, peach, carmine, red or a combination of colors.

Types and varieties

Dear godetia is a plant with smooth, erect, fragile stems 60 cm high. Its leaves are pointed, narrow-lanceolate. The shovel-shaped petals are collected in cupped or bell-shaped flowers with a diameter of 5 cm. They are usually painted in various colors of red and bloom from July to September. There are varieties:

  1. Crystal snowflake is a plant with white flowers and stems up to 75 cm high.
  2. Kirshkenigin is a bush with pink-red flowers.

Large-flowered godetia is distinguished by light pubescence and stem height from 20 to 40 cm. Brittle erect or recumbent stems by the end of the vegetative period they become lignified. Lanceolate leaves of the plant taper towards the base. At the ends of the shoots, leafy brushes with large bell-shaped or cupped flowers are formed. The diameter of each flower can reach 10 cm, and their silky petals have white, crimson, red, pink, dark red, scarlet or lilac shades. Bloom lasts from July to October. Hybrid varieties of large-flowered godetia can be dwarf and tall. The most popular of these are:

  1. Variety Orange Rum is a branched semi-sprawling shrub 40-50 cm high. Narrow-lanceolate leaves grow on its reddish-green shoots. The red-orange flowers consist of whole-edged petals and have a broad-ringed shape.
  2. The Weiser Schwann variety is a spreading shrub no more than 30–35 cm high. It is distinguished by green shoots in the upper part and brown at the base, whole-edged petals and satin-white cup-shaped flowers.

Terry godetia is hybrid variety of large-flowered godetia... In nature, this type of plant does not exist. Azalea terry godetia is represented by the following varieties:

Godetia: growing from seed

When to plant godetia depends on how the plant is planted. In open ground, seeds are sown in April, May, or before winter two weeks before frost. Sowing for seedlings should take place in March.

Outdoor cultivation

Before planting seeds for half an hour kept in a weak solution of potassium permanganate... This procedure will protect seedlings from various diseases. It is necessary to take care of the preparation of the beds in advance, which must be dug up, cleared of debris and weeds, fertilized and watered.

Since the godetia seeds are very small, they are spread on the surface of the bed and lightly sprinkled with earth. For sowing convenience, the seeds can be mixed with a little sand or earth.

Each the bush must have enough space and be located at a distance of at least 20 cm from each other. Otherwise, the godetia will bloom poorly. But it is not possible to place small seeds at the right distance at the right distance, therefore, densely sprouted seedlings are thinned out.

Seed care consists in constant moistening of the bed, which is regularly carefully watered with a watering can with a strainer. The first seedlings from seeds planted in open ground will appear in 2–2.5 weeks.

Growing seedlings at home

To get a beautifully blooming flower bed from godetia in late May - early June, you can use the seedling method of planting. The plant does not really like transplants, so planting and caring for seedlings in this case will be difficult.

So that as possible less disturbing to the root system of godetia, for sowing seeds, you can purchase special seedling cassettes or use disposable plastic cups that are easy to cut. Several seeds are placed in each cell or glass, the soil is moistened and covered with glass or polyethylene. In such a mini greenhouse, the seeds will sprout together and caring for them is much easier.

Seedling containers are placed in a warm place and until the seedlings sprout, the soil must be ventilated every day and sprayed with water from a spray bottle.

As soon as the shoots appear, the glass is removed, and the seedling containers are placed in a bright place. Caring for them consists in careful watering and feeding.

If the seeds are sown in boxes, then when the seedlings have two or three true leaves, they will need to be separated into separate containers. Three seedlings are planted in each pot. At the same time, they should be dug out very carefully, and too long roots should be shortened.


Seedlings that have reached 5–7 cm in late May - early June planted in open ground... About two weeks before planting, home-grown seedlings must be gradually hardened by exposing them to the balcony or garden for this.

The godetia area must be sunny. Plant loves neutral or slightly acidic loamy soil... The flower garden is dug up and fertilized with humus at the rate of 5 kg per sq. m, wood ash and mineral fertilizers.

The planting of godetia must take place in cloudy weather or in the evening after sunset... The distance between seedlings depends on the height of the future bushes and can be 20 cm or more. Each sprout from the container is very carefully taken out along with a lump of earth, placed in prepared holes, sprinkled with soil and watered well.

Features of godetia care

Special conditions for growing godetia are not required, however, in order to get lush and long flowering, you must follow some care rules:

  1. Planting the plant should take place in well-lit places, since in partial shade and shade, the flowers will be small, and the flowering itself will be moderate.
  2. The soil around the bushes is regularly weeded and loosened. Such procedures will eliminate unwanted neighbors and provide the roots with air and room for growth.
  3. Godetia likes regular watering, but it is not recommended to fill it.
  4. Supports are tied to high stems.
  5. Every month, the plant requires fertilizing with mineral fertilizers, in which there is little nitrogen. This will ensure timely and abundant flowering.
  6. Each bud blooms for only three days. Therefore, in order to form new flowers as quickly as possible, wilted ones should be removed in a timely manner.

After flowering on a bush seed bolls are formed, in which seeds ripen within 30 days. As soon as the capsules darken, seeds can be collected from them, which are dried and planted the next year.

Unpretentious garden plant godetia when properly seated and cared for will decorate with its beautiful flowers not only a flower garden, but also borders, lawns and flower beds. The plant is widely used for landscape design.

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